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Pitch Presentation Structure

• Express Purpose and Establish Context
o Clearly state the purpose of the pitch.
o Provide background information or context relevant to the pitch.
o Engage the audience with a hook or compelling statement.

• Problem Identification and Analysis
o Problem Identification
§ Clearly articulate the problem being addressed.
o Analysis and Research
§ Present data, research findings, or evidence supporting the
need for action.
• Solutions or Ideas
o Propose viable solutions or ideas to address the identified problem.
o Outline the specific steps and strategies for implementing the proposed

• Summarize Key Points and Highlight Next Steps
o Recap the main points discussed in the body of the pitch.
o Discuss the next steps to be taken or the expected outcomes.

Language Functions


• Expressing Purpose:
o Our primary aim is to shed light on...
o The central goal of this presentation is to provide insights into...
o In presenting this, our objective is to offer a comprehensive
understanding of...
o Our overarching purpose today is to discuss...
o The core intention behind this presentation is to explore...

• Establishing Context:
o Given the current landscape of our industry...
o In the context of the challenges we currently face...
o Considering the backdrop of recent developments...
o Against the backdrop of industry trends...
o Given the current scenario in our market...

• Engaging the Audience:

o Let's begin with a scenario that vividly captures...
o To illustrate the urgency, imagine a situation where...
o Picture this: a scenario that perfectly reflects...
o Imagine a situation where our decisions today impact...
o To engage your imagination, consider a scenario where...


• Problem Identification:
o One of the critical issues demanding our attention is...
o We can't overlook the significant challenge posed by...
o A key problem that we urgently need to address is...
o We're confronted with a critical issue:...
o An immediate challenge that requires our focused attention is...

• Analysis and Research:

o Data analysis reveals a compelling narrative regarding...
o Our research findings unequivocally demonstrate that...
o Evidence collected strongly supports the notion that...
o Our thorough analysis indicates a clear correlation between...
o Data scrutiny provides a comprehensive understanding of...

• Solutions or Ideas:
o A practical solution to address this challenge is...
o In response to this, we propose the following ideas...
o Let's delve into actionable strategies, beginning with...
o Our proposed solution involves implementing...
o To tackle this, we recommend the following strategies...


• Summarising Key Points:

o In summary, our discussion highlighted...
o To recap the essential points, we focused on...
o Essentially, our presentation revolved around...
o To summarise the main takeaways from our discussion...
o Our key points, in a nutshell, centred on...

• Highlighting Next Steps:

o Looking ahead, our next steps involve...
o Moving forward, the logical course of action is...
o Our expected outcomes include...
o Taking these insights into account, our future steps encompass...
o Considering our discussion today, our proposed next steps are..

Q&A Session

• Inviting Questions:
o Now, I'd like to open the floor for any questions or thoughts you might
o Feel free to ask any questions or share your insights at this point.
o I welcome any questions or comments you may have about our
o If there are any aspects you'd like clarification on, please don't hesitate
to ask.
o I invite you to engage in a dialogue by posing any questions you might

• Responding to Questions:
o Thank you for that insightful question. Let me address it directly.
o That's an excellent point. Let me provide some context and address
your question.
o I appreciate your question. Allow me to offer a concise and effective
o Certainly, let me clarify that point for you.
o Great question. Here's a succinct response to provide more clarity.
o I appreciate your question, and here's my response,
o That's an excellent point; let me elaborate on that,
o Thank you for bringing that up; I'd like to address,
o It's a nuanced issue, and I'm glad you asked; here's how I see it,
o I welcome your question; let's delve into that a bit further,

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