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Principal Accountant General (Audit), Chhattisgarh, Raipur

पधान महालेखाकार (लेखापरीका), छतीसगढ, रायपुर

Letter No. Dated: 29/05/2024

Gram Panchayat, Aranpur

Sub: Intimation of audit as part of Supplementary Audit of PRI regarding.
I am to inform you that the following officials will be auditing the accounts of
your office from 31/05/2024 to 03/06/2024. In this connection, it is requested that
suitable instructions may be issued to your staff to ensure that all the documents
required for the inspection and for verification of pending audit observations are kept
ready and produced to audit.
Name of the team member Designation
Mukesh Choudhary Assistant Audit Officer
Subhas Kumar Senior Audit Officer
The supervisory officer of the audit team is Subhas Kumar, Senior Audit
Officer. You are also requested to make it convenient to be present at the Head
Quarters during the period of audit as per regulation No. 132 & 135 of Chapter 11 of
Audit Regulations, 2020. The supervisory officer shall hold a meeting with you as
soon as the work of audit commences to discuss the audit objectives, audit criteria
and general state of internal controls. Another meeting will be held at the close of
audit to discuss the audit observations, to confirm the facts and figures and record
any additional responses.
Incidentally, in tune with international auditing standards, Department has
adopted Code of Ethics and in compliance of the same, an undertaking should be
furnished in the audited unit, by all the audit team members prior to the
commencement of audit. A copy of the same duly signed by each member may be
obtained for them.
Kindly acknowledge the receipt of this intimation.
Yours faithfully,

Senior Audit Officer

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