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NAME ___________________________________________School: ______________




Subject Number: J052/I

THURSDAY, 26th May, 2022 Time Allowed: 1 hour 30 mins

(50 marks)


1. This paper contains 8 printed pages. Please

Q u e s t i o n N u m b e r Tick Q uestio nsif ans w ered D o n o t w r i t e i n t h es e c o l u m n s
2. Answer all questions in section A and B and 1 - 2 0
one question in section C.
3. Use the spaces provided to answer questions 21- 25
in this paper
4. Follow the instructions for each section
2 6
5. Write your Examination number at the top of 2 7
each page of the question paper.
6. In the table provided, tick against the
question number you have answered


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NAME ___________________________________________School:
Question 1 to 6

Answer all questions in this section by encircling the letter that represents the correct

1. Zinenani ______ dancing for two A. agenda

hours now. B. points
A. had been C. minutes
B. has been D. agreements
C. have been 6. The ________advised him to use
D. was teeth brush instead of sand.
2. By June next year we ______ new A. dentist
leaders. B. pharmacist
A. shall have elected C. surgeon
B. shall be electing D. chemist
C. shall elect Question 7 to 10
D. would elect In each of the following questions, choose
3. If I _________ money, I would have the part of speech (A,B,C or D) that best
bought a bicycle. describes each of the underlined word(s)in
A. will have the sentences
B. had had 7. Mrs. Namate has bought a washing
C. has machine.
D. had A. verb
4. The pastor talked to the ________ B. noun
before preaching the word of God. C. preposition
A. mob D. adjective
B. public 8. A loud cry was heard from the
C. congregation building.
D. audience A. adjective
5. It is the duty of the secretary to take B. noun
down ________ when the meeting is C. verb
in progress. D. adverb

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NAME ___________________________________________School:
9. Josephina went home after the match A. was in the upstairs
had been finished. B. was shocked
A. preposition C. went to the moon
B. pronoun D. was very happy
C. conjunction 14. The Head teacher left no stone
D. adverb unturned in his efforts to get funding
10. She cannot man all the gates at once. for the trip.
A. preposition A. turned every stone
B. verb B. took away a stone
C. noun C. tried every possible course of
D. pronoun action
Questions 11 to 14 D. did not turn any stone
Choose the letter (A,B,C, or D) that best Questions 15 to 17
gives the meaning of the underlined Choose the option (A,B,C or D) that have
expression in each of the sentences. the same meaning as the underlined words
11. Government troops are moving in on 15. The house was demolished.
the rebel stronghold. A. constructed
A. coming closer B. resuscitated
B. coming inside C. pulled down
C. entering D. destroyed
D. exiting 16. The head of our school was popular.
12. Don’t mind me, I am just sorting out A. not known
some files here. B. well known
A. don’t pay attention C. famous
B. don’t call me D. liked
C. don’t count on me 17. The vacant house was neglected.
D. don’t see me A. empty
13. Having heard that he has been B. abandoned
selected to study at Mzuzu C. occupied
University, James was over the D. filled
moon. Questions 18 to 20

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NAME ___________________________________________School:
Choose the letter (A,B,C or D)that is A. allowed
opposite in meaning to the underlined word B. refused
18. Mr. Banda is reluctant to tell us the C. consented
whole story. D. agreed
A. unwilling 20. I love my younger sister.
B. refusing A. small
C. ready B. little
D. unprepared C. big
19. Tadala has accepted to teach me the D. elder
topic that I missed last Wednesday.

Section B (10 marks)

Change the following sentences from direct to indirect speech (Reported Speech).
Make sure you do not change the meaning of the main idea in the direct speech, and that
the Indirect speech (Reported Speech) is grammatically correct.

21. “Jesus is my savior,” the pastor said.

________________________________________________________________(2 marks
22. “Will you help me carrying the load please?” The old woman requested.
_______________________________________________________________(2 marks)
23. “Have you seen Takondwa?” Asked the teacher.
_______________________________________________________________(2 marks)
24. “I started writing this essay yesterday,” Martha said.
_______________________________________________________________(2 marks)
25. “I will meet you here,” Joel told Masauko.
_______________________________________________________________(2 marks)

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NAME ___________________________________________School:
SECTION C: (20 marks)

Answer one question only. You are expected to write between 150 and 200 words for the
question you have chosen in the spaces provided.

26. Imagine that you have been selected to a new Boarding Secondary School to continue
your secondary education. Write a letter to your friend who is living in another district
informing him/her about the new school. In your letter, you may include the following

a. the name and location of the new school

b. what did you do for you to be selected to such a new school
c. how you felt when you got the news that you are now going to a new Boarding
Secondary School
d. what advice will you give your friend
(20 marks)
27. Imagine that in your area some of the youths are involved in drug and substance abuse.
As a concerned youth, write a composition on dangers of involving oneself in drug and
substance abuse.
In the composition, you may include the following information:
a. any three reasons why some of the youths are involved in such behaviours
b. any two ways how this behaviour can affect them.
c. Any three things which should be done to discourage this behavior.
(20 marks)

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NAME ___________________________________________School:

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NAME ___________________________________________School:

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NAME ___________________________________________School:


NB: This paper contains 8 printed pages

@2022matapwata cluster

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