Lesson #3 - Scrutiny

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10/24/23, 7:18 PM Lesson #3 - Scrutiny

Follow the instructions in your Study Guide for Lesson #3 as you go through this lesson.
Lesson #3: Scrutinize each word
So, did you write your goal?
Pull it up on your notepad, or bring it out from wherever you placed it. Now take a look at the words you chose.
Before you should trust your thoughts about how to accomplish it, you must be certain that you've scrutinized each
word. Why? Because when a goal is set improperly, your subconscious mind helps lead you to the people, resources,
and circumstances you need to accomplish the goal THE WAY IT IS written, which is sometimes different than what
we actually meant.
In short, your subconscious mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy depending on how you have
instructed it.
Writing your goal properly is essential to programming your subconscious mind. Remember, the voice of inspiration
speaks to your SUBconscious mind and is barely perceptible to the conscious part. With practice, it becomes more
and more obvious on a conscious level all the time.

So, suppose I wrote: '(date): I will lose weight.'

How would this statement register in the subconscious mind?
Believe it or not, it's actually translated as a direct command to 'find heaviness!' Why? Because the word 'lose' is
usually only associated with things you want to find. Your subconscious mind has been preconditioned to try and
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help you FIND whatever you LOSE.

Furthermore, the term 'weight' is naturally associated with other words like 'heaviness' or 'weights and measures'. So
if I don't intend to 'find heaviness', I may want to rephrase my goal as follows:
'(date): I am so happy and grateful now that my size X clothing fits comfortably and I have plenty of energy to do all I
need to do. I prefer healthy food in conservative quantities and now and I feel GREAT!'
(Notice also that I changed 'I will' to 'I am so happy and grateful now that'. This is important because if you use terms
connoting future tense, then the achievement of the goal will ALWAYS remain in your future, never in the 'now'.)
A statement like our finished composition can really make a difference.
Do you see how important it is to understand how your subconscious mind works?
So now, your assignment is to review your goal statement, and check each word for possible unintended
connotations. Rewrite the goal again using only a positive, empowering angle. Make sure you avoid descriptions of
what you don't want.
For example, "I feel vibrant and energetic" is a whole lot more effective than, "I don't want to be so tired all of the

In this course, I will encourage you to choose goals that are more than just monetary, but I also understand that
sometimes that is the first focus because that is the most immediate need that is screaming the loudest.
Our future lessons will discuss goals related to getting out of debt!
To your success,
Leslie Householder
Click here to go to your next lesson
PS. This ecourse is designed to help you set effective goals. Get help achieving your goals by joining me in the
Mastery Program. Learn more at ProsperTheFamily.com

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Lena Boring Mattice

I did this lesson a few weeks ago and started telling myself I'm viberant and energetic. I'm a
school teacher and it is very easy to fall into the mode of being tired and worn out. So ,when
I read the words viberant and energetic, I decided to test it out. It was harder to tell myself
that at the end of the day but I tried. When walking through the halls at school, teachers ask
me how are you doing, I would say with enthusiasum "I'm viberant and energetic". We would
have a good laugh and both of us felt better than we did before. That is my response now,
even if I don't feel so viberant and energetic, I try to tell myself that in hopes that I will be
more viberant and energetic in my own heart!
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Libby Losee Glancy

The sparkly mountain metaphor floored me. I'm constantly distracted by the sparkles. In
attempting to build a business for 6 years: I just move from one stuck place to the next. It
feels as if the only thing that gets me out of the stuck places is the next sparkly thing (ie
someone else's "tried and true method" for business). As I read the article, I begin to
question that I'm going in the right direction or even on the right highway at all! Most of the
time, I feel like I have received confirmation that my choice of business is what God wants
me to be doing but because I am stuck and stuck and stuck again, over and over, I wonder if
that is telling me that I am on the wrong road.
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Leslie Robertson Householder

This discussion feature is new! Post your comments at the bottom of each lesson to let me
know what you're thinking!
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Wayne Hafner
I loved the "Rare Faith for Weight Loss" article. When reading I felt inspired to incorporate
the technique used in pursuit of my own goals. Thank you.
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Thomas Chock
This may just be for me, but I share in case it might help someone else.

Upon examining my latest written goal, I realized I had a tendency to insert the words "to be
able to" or some form thereof. Seemingly innocuous, but looking deeper I realized that it is
still non-commital and is really too "safe" to be the kind of goal to push and pull me towards
what Heavenly Father wants for me.

For example: "I am happy and grateful that I am able to provide for my family (insert more
specifics etc. etc.)..."

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Well, just being "able to" provide for my family doesn't mean I actually AM providing for them.
And the truth is, I ALREADY "am able to" provide for them.

I find it better to write: "I am happy and grateful that I provide for my family..."… See more
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Robin Reilley Howard

Reworded my goal to to more specific. Excited to see them come forward!
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Madeleine Blomberg
I have just finished listened to The Jackrabbit Factor: Why you can - and I did know that story
very well since I have both listened and read it several times before. But this time I cried.
:Now once, not twice - e g: When Felicity said she was sorry... and when Matthew was
working with his goals - knowing he must add to that goal something about friends. Oh,
Leslie. I never could imagine theese feelings!! Thank you! I am certainly on my way.
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Leslie Robertson Householder

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Heather Woodman
Ok...so question...Do I get specific with the goal? As in a number for my family's needs to be
met or do I trust source and write a gratitude statement that encompasses the specifics
without the exact number. Hope that question makes sense.
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Ruthie Renae Wilson

The wording is really so important! A few months ago when I started this, I made the goal of
an extra $5000, with the intention to visit the Redwoods. I wrote myself a check and put it on
my vision board and then wrote out what I thought was a great goal.
2 weeks later, we received a surprise check for $5000 from grandma! The only downside
was that we also had some unexpected expenses and I still haven't taken my Redwood trip!
I'm being more careful this time.
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Andrea Barss High

I love both the related articles you've cited. I have used your scale manipulation, as
described in the article, and it truly worked! And now I am beginning to understand why it
works! As for the particularness of writing our goals- I wrote a brief goal, money related,
wanting an extra $500. In my head, I knew what I wanted that money for, but I had not added
that purpose to my written description....I might end up like the many examples I've heard of
not-specific-enough goals coming to be if I don't get to fixing it right away!
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