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DAY 36

Date and time April 10, 2023 | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Activity On-the-Job Training

Narration of HOLIDAY – Day of Valor (Araw ng Kagitingan)

the whole day

gained from
the whole day


Short caption of the photo

DAY 37

Date and time April 11, 2023 | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Activity On-the-Job Training

Narration of It was the morning of Tuesday this week that I cleaned the
the whole day area of the Office of the Regional District Support Unit or ORDSU
activity/duty where I am assigned. Then, I, together with my co-intern, watered
the plants surrounding the said office.
After which, we went to the paint shop with SPO4 Tappa
using the Toyota Hilux police patrol car to buy some paint brushes
for the office. SPO1 Tumanguil asked me to help him to put the
plywood and pieces of woods to be loaded in the L300 vehicle
belonging to the Police Regional Office 02.

Knowledge Laziness is something that police officers need to fight and

gained from battle against each day as they are always expected to be giving
the whole day quality service and immediate response to the needs of the Police
duty Regional Office 02 in general extending to the demands from other
offices and employees in the said office. Hence, as they teach
themselves not to procrastinate, they help in the effective and
efficient means to serve their purpose as law enforcers.

Helping our superiors do their job and being engaged in real police duties n the support
unit of the PRO 02 is already a small achievement for me.
DAY 38

Date and time April 12, 2023 | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Activity On-the-Job Training

Narration of One Regional Supply Accountable Office (RSAO) personnel

the whole day commanded us to carry the boxes of walkie talkie radios to be used
activity/duty by the different police stations in the Province of Cagayan. All
these walkie talkie radios were brought to the Electronic Unit Office
in the Regional Police Region 02.
Later that day, non-uniformed personnel (NUP) Concepcion
asked me to assist in the carrying of the scaffolding parts which
shall be used for the installation of air conditioning units in various
buildings. The last activity that we did for the day was to canvass
for black soil within the City of Tuguegarao to be used for the
office’s gardening tomorrow.

Knowledge Being in the police force, it considers a collective series of

gained from factors which shall not be limited to only being disciplined in actions
the whole day and in words because I have learned that police officers do not
duty forget on how to also make activities to help beautify the

The acceptance and fixing of walkie talkie radios to be divided among some of the
police stations in the Province of Cagayan.

Date and time 2023 | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Activity On-the-Job Training

Narration of The first thing that we did in the morning was to water the
the whole day plants surrounding the Office of the Regional District Support Unit,
activity/duty the office that I was assigned to, and sweep a little bit the area of
such office because of the leaves that fall from the trees. I have
observed that only few of our superiors where present this day
because the others were outside doing officials errands.
Later that day, no officer were left in the office with me and
my co-intern that is why we just decided to fix the additional black
soil that I got this morning before going to the Police Regional
Office which were additions to what we got yesterday.

Knowledge Today taught me the virtue of voluntarism because as we

gained from did chores not asked for us to do, we still are generally expected to
the whole day do our job. When we shall become professionals, we can always
duty remember to do our job well and with quality even if there is
nobody watching over us such as our superiors and the like.

Volunteerism is one thing that must be valued by each and every laborer regardless of
the kind of work.

Date and time 2023 | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Activity On-the-Job Training

Narration of We started our day by cleaning the Man Truck parked in

the whole day front of the Office of the Regional District Support Unit (ORDSU) as
activity/duty commanded by SPO4 Tappa. This truck shall be used by our
superior to gather some woods for future purposes in the office as
well as in the whole Police Regional Office. As it was about time to
have lunch, we were asked by one of the Research and Logistics
Development personnel to buy some lunch and snacks of the
visitors in the Police Regional Office 02.

Before going home, we fixed some documents and cleaned

the surroundings of the ORDSU for it was not a very busy
afternoon that day since most of our superiors were dispatched to
other places for important matters.

Knowledge I saw how important it is that personnel and/or officers in the

gained from Office of the Regional District Support Unit must always be alert
the whole day and snappy because they play a vital role in supporting the
duty immediate demands of the other offices which harmonizes the
transactions both inside and outside the Camp.

The preparedness of ORDSU personnel of minor to major calls and demands greatly
impact the coordination between and among various office in the PRO 02.

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