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In the movie, "Shutter Island," the character Teddy Daniels, who later reveals himself to be
Andrew Laeddis, suffers from delusional disorder. Throughout the film, Teddy/Andrew
experiences various symptoms that suggest this disorder, such as creating an alternate
reality in response to a traumatic event.

His actions, like having migraines, obsessively asking about Rachel as a lost prisoner,
experiencing dreams of war, his daughter, and flashbacks of his wife, contribute to his
belief in a conspiracy. The detail about him vomiting near water due to the association with
his wife drowning their children adds to the complexity of his delusions.

The ending of the movie reveals that Teddy is actually Andrew Laeddis, a patient at the
facility, not an investigator. The final scene with Dr. Sheehan can be interpreted in different
ways. It could suggest that Teddy/Andrew hasn't fully recovered from his illness, leading to
the recommendation of lobotomy. On the other hand, it could also imply that
Teddy/Andrew had moments of clarity during his episodes but chose to live in denial of his
true self, fearing he might be a "monster," and therefore, preferred to die as a "good man."
The interpretation of this scene leaves room for different perspectives on Teddy/Andrew's
mental state and choices.

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