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Duration: 1 hr 30 minutes.


There are 10 questions in this section answer all questions.

This section contains. [10 marks]

1.which of the following is not a laboratory safety rule? [1 mark]

(a.) do not eat in the laboratory.

(b.) do not run in the laboratory.

(c.) do not pour out any chemicals in the sink without permission.

(d.) do not experiment with permission.

2. which of the following is not an importance of chemistry. [ 1 mark]

(a.) chemistry is used in manufacturing industries.

(b.) chemistry is used in the extraction of metals

(c.) chemistry is used in the manufacturing of fertilizer

(d.) chemistry is used in the measuring of cloths

3. Which branch of chemistry of chemistry is described as one that investigates matter qualitatively and
quantitatively. [1 mark]

(a.) analytical chemistry

(b.) physical chemistry

(c.) inorganic chemistry

(d.) organic chemistry

4. which of the following substances is a solid? [1 mark]

(a.) water (b.) cooking oil (c.) wood (d.) paraffin

5. which of the following is the definition of physical chemistry? [1 mark]

(a.) the study of compounds that contain the element carbon

(b.) the study of compounds that do not contain the element carbon

(c.) the study of chemistry chemical compounds and energy changes in biological system.

(d.) the study of the physical characteristics of material

6. convert 100 cm^3 to ml. [1 mark]

(a.) 1000 ml

(b.) 0.1 ml

(c.) 10,000 ml

(d.) 100 ml

7. the following elements are found in inorganic chemistry except one. [1 mark]

(a.) helium

(b.) oxygen

(c.) copper

(d.) carbon

8. convert 1 dm^3 to cm^3. [1 mark]

(a.) 100 cm^3

(b.) 0.5 ml

(c.) 1000 cm^3

(d.) 1 cm^3

9. which of the following is not an example of matter? [1 mark]

(a.) water vapor

(b.) smoke

(c.) heat

(d.) air

10. convert 1dm^3 to litre (L). [1 mark]

(a.) 10 L

(b.) 1 L

(c.) 0.1 L

(d.) 100 L

This section contains. [10 marks]

There are five (5) questions in this section answer any two from 1 to 4 and question 5 is compulsory.

1.State the kinetic theory of matter in detail. [3 marks]

2.Draw the arrangement of particles in the following states of matter: [3 marks]

(i)Solid (ii)liquid (iii) gas

3.Define chemistry and outline 3 branches of chemistry. [3 marks]

4.Describe biochemistry and site a not less than two examples of its use. [3 marks]

5.Describe any four importance of chemistry in industries. [ 4 marks]

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