1-S2.0-S0308814620301242-Main - NFC - Prata - Sobre NFC - Bom

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Food Chemistry 315 (2020) 126276

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Food Chemistry
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Cellulose nanofibers coated with silver nanoparticles as a flexible T

nanocomposite for measurement of flusilazole residues in Oolong tea by
surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
⁎ ⁎
Xi Chena,b, Hetong Lina,b, , Taotao Xuc, Keqiang Laic, Xue Hand, Mengshi Line,
College of Food Science, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou, Fujian 350002, China
Key Laboratory of Postharvest Biology of Subtropical Special Agricultural Products (Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University), Fujian Province University, Fuzhou,
Fujian 350002, China
College of Food Science and Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, No. 999 Hucheng Huan Road, Lingang New City, Shanghai 201306, China
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150090, China
Food Science Program, Division of Food System & Bioengineering, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211-5160, United States


Keywords: Cellulose nanofibers (CNF) coated with inorganic nanoparticles are novel hybrid nanocomposites that have great
Hybrid nanocomposites potential in various areas including agriculture and food science. The objectives of this study were to synthesize
Cellulose nanofiber nanocomposites consisted of CNF coated with silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), which can be used as a surface-
Silver nanoparticles enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) platform for measuring pesticides in Oolong tea. CNF were coated with
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)
AgNPs to form uniform CNF-AgNP nanocomposites that were investigated by transmission electron microscopy.
Three-dimensional and porous CNF structures were loaded with AgNPs with an average size of 41 nm. CNF-
Oolong tea
AgNP substrates were applied in characterization and measurement of flusilazole in Oolong tea samples by SERS.
A detection limit of 0.5 mg/kg for flusilazole was obtained based on partial least squares (PLS) regression
analysis. These results indicate that CNF-AgNP nanocomposites combined with SERS is an accurate, sensitive,
and efficient technique for identification and quantification of pesticide residues in Oolong tea.

1. Introduction et al., 2014). Oolong tea, a semi-oxidized tea, is widely consumed in

East Asia because of its unique sensory qualities and health benefits
Nanocellulose is a nascent and promising material that has great (Chen et al., 2020; da Silva Pinto, 2013; Ding et al., 2019; Liu, Bruins,
potential in various areas. It possesses large surface area, a high length- Ni, & Vincken, 2018; Zhao et al., 2014). However, pesticide residues in
to-width ratio, excellent optical properties, and high rigidity tea have raised serious concerns due to growing use of pesticides in tea
(Kargarzadeh et al., 2017). Cellulose nanofibers (CNF) are nanoscale cultivation and potential risks to consumers’ health (Abd El-Aty et al.,
cellulose structures composed of crystalline regions that are inter- 2014; Chen et al., 2019, 2020; Ding et al., 2019; Sood, Jaggi, Kumar,
connected by non-crystalline regions. CNF can form structures with a Ravindranath, & Shanker, 2004). In China, the maximum residue limit
micron-level length and a width ranging from several nanometers to (MRL) of flusilazole in cereals, fruits, and vegetables was set to be
several hundred nanometers, which is connected through the hydrogen 0.2 mg/kg (GB, 2016). Currently, there are many testing methods to
bond (Li, Mascheroni, & Piergiovanni, 2015). In recent years, CNF have detect flusilazole, including high-performance liquid chromatography
attracted much attention in material science, agriculture, food packa- (HPLC) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). How-
ging, and biomedical engineering. However, the application of CNF in ever, the aforementioned methods have many drawbacks, such as being
food analytical chemistry is still limited. laborious and time-consuming, and requiring complex sample pre-
Flusilazole is an organosilicon fungicide that can control fungal treatment. Therefore, it is of critical importance to develop accurate,
infections in fruit and vegetable crops (Eckert, Rossall, Selley, & Fitt, and sensitive methods with easy sample pretreatment procedures for
2010). Flusilazole has also been used in the planting and cultivation detecting flusilazole in tea products.
process of tea to prevent plant diseases (Zhang et al., 2010). Tea is the Raman spectroscopy acquires the information on molecular vibra-
most widely consumed beverage in the world (Ding et al., 2019; Zhao tions of detected analyte molecules based on inelastic scattering of the

Corresponding authors at: College of Food Science, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou, Fujian 350002, China (H. Lin).
E-mail addresses: hetonglin@163.com (H. Lin), linme@missouri.edu (M. Lin).

Received 24 September 2019; Received in revised form 18 January 2020; Accepted 20 January 2020
Available online 23 January 2020
0308-8146/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X. Chen, et al. Food Chemistry 315 (2020) 126276

incident light. However, Raman scattering is an inefficient process and 2.3. Synthesis of CNF-AgNP nanocomposite
signals of conventional Raman spectroscopy are very weak. This pro-
blem can be solved by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). Two grams of NFC were added in 50 mL of Milli-Q water and stirred
SERS utilizes the excitation of the localized surface plasmon resonance for 1 h, then the NFC solution was vibrated for 30 min by sonication
(LSPR) on a nanoparticle or nanostructured surface. When electro- (sonicator model No. KQ-500DB, Shumei Ultrasonic Instrument Inc.
magnetic waves interact with a rough metal surface, the waves can Kunshan, Shanghai, China) to disperse the NFC homogeneously in the
excite localized surface plasmon, leading to amplification of the elec- solution. A volume (1 mL) of the prepared CNF was concentrated twice,
tromagnetic fields near the surface (Stiles, Dieringer, Shah, & Duyne, and then washed four times to eliminate other chemicals by cen-
2008). Currently, two mechanisms about the SERS enhancement are trifugation (Eppendorf 5810R, Hamburg Germany) at 3824 G-force for
commonly accepted: electromagnetic enhancement and chemical en- 5 min. AgNP solution (1 mL) was centrifuged four times at 2655 G-force
hancement. Both mechanisms have different mode of action but can for 5 min to collect AgNPs. AgNPs and CNF were mixed thoroughly in a
occur simultaneously. Particularly, electromagnetic enhancement plays 2-mL centrifuge tube with vortexing by a vortex oscillator (UVS-1,
a major role in SERS in which LSPR occurs at “hot-spots” on a SERS- YOUSHENG, China). The as-prepared CNF-AgNP nanocomposites were
active substrate (Sharma, Frontiera, Henry, Ringe, & Van Duyne, 2012). placed on a gold slide and dried by a hot plate at 45 °C, which was then
Nanoscale surface features of a substrate affect the magnitude of the ready for SERS measurement.
SERS enhancement. SERS has been applied in various areas including
chemistry, medicine, environmental science, agriculture, and food 2.4. Sample preparation
analysis (Alsammarraie et al., 2018; Chen et al., 2019, 2020; Ding et al.,
2019; Xiong, Lin, Lin, & Huang, 2018; Yaseen, Pu, & Sun, 2018). Two grams of treated Oolong tea samples (N = 35) were mixed with
The close interaction of nanomaterials with analyte molecules is a 10 mL of acetonitrile in a 50-mL centrifuge tube, vortexed for 10 s, and
key factor in SERS measurement, which requires a good platform for vibrated by the sonicator for 5 min. Next, the mixture solution was
loading nanomaterials. However, the loading nanoparticles on CNF can centrifuged at 2600 G-force for 5 min, followed by extracting the su-
be affected by various factors, which can lead to inhomogeneous dis- pernatants of the centrifuged samples. Then, the precipitates were
tribution of nanoparticles on CNF and affect the sensitivity and stability mixed with acetonitrile solution (10 mL). The supernatant was ex-
of SERS enhancement. To solve this problem, this study aimed to de- tracted after repeating the aforementioned extraction procedure. The
velop a facile method to synthesize a nanocomposite with homo- combined supernatants were dried by the nitrogen blowing method and
geneous distribution of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) on CNF. Three 5 mL of acetonitrile was used to dissolve the residues. An aliquot of the
different sizes of AgNPs were synthesized and an optimal size of AgNPs mixture (1 mL) was used for purification. Then, the GCBC containing
was selected to ensure uniform distribution of AgNPs on the surface of Na2SO4 (anhydrous) and 5 mL of acetonitrile/toluene solution (3:1, v/
the CNF. This novel CNF-AgNP nanocomposite possesses highly porous v) was activated, followed by the addition of 1 mL of the mixture. A
three-dimensional (3D) structures that can serve as a platform in SERS volume of 25 mL of acetonitrile/toluene solution (3:1, v/v) was used for
analysis. In addition, SERS was combined with CNF-AgNP substrates to elution. The filtrates of the samples were collected and dried by rotary
measure flusilazole in Oolong tea and the SERS spectral signals were evaporation. A volume of 1 mL of acetonitrile/water (1:1, v/v) was used
analyzed by multivariate statistical analysis. to dissolve the residues, and the mixture was filtered through a 0.22 μm
PVDF filter before the SERS or GC–MS/MS measurement.
2. Materials and methods
2.5. Characterization of CNF-AgNP nanocomposites
2.1. Materials and chemicals
An ultraviolet–visible (UV–vis) absorption spectroscopy
(UV3000PC, Mapada Instruments Co. Ltd., Shanghai, China) was used
Methanol, silver nitrate, acetonitrile, toluene, NaCl, Na2SO4 (an-
to measure the optical properties of CNF-AgNP nanocomposite. The
hydrous) were obtained from Macklin Biochemical Technology Inc.
size, shape, and other physical properties of AgNPs were characterized
(Shanghai, China). Flusilazole (99%) was purchased from Shanghai
by a transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (JEM-1200, JEOL Inc.,
Aladdin Biochemical Technology Inc. (Shanghai, China). Trisodium
Tokyo, Japan). The morphology and size distribution of AgNPs were
citrate dihydrate (Na3C6H5O7·2H2O) was obtained from Innochem
measured based on the TEM images of AgNPs.
Technology Inc. (Beijing, China) and used without any purification.
Silicon slides were obtained from Fisher Scientific Co Ltd. (Pittsburgh,
2.6. Acquisition of SERS spectra
PA, USA) and CNF were purchased from the University of Maine
(Orono, ME, USA). Graphite carbon black column (GCBC, 250 mg,
The collection of SERS spectral data was based on using a Raman
3 mL, CNWBOND Carbon-GCB SPE Cartridge) as well as polyvinylidene
DXR system (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) that con-
fluoride filter (PVDF, SYAA-114, 0.22 μm, 13 mm) were purchased
sisted of a microscope and a He-Ne 632.8-nm laser source. During
from ANPEL Scientific Instrument Inc. (Shanghai, China). Organic
measurement, a sample was placed on a microscope stage and mea-
Oolong tea samples (Tieguanyin) were provided by Fujian Guan He Tea
sured by the light from the laser (~5 mW) through a 20× objective.
Industry Inc. (Anxi county, Fujian, China).
The Raman spectra were acquired with three scans for each measure-
ment and 5-second exposure time for each scan. The range of Raman
2.2. Preparation of AgNPs shift was from 200 to 2000 cm−1 in the extended mode. Raman scat-
tering spectra acquired from a serial concentration of flusilazole
AgNPs were synthesized according to a previously reported study (0–10 mg/L) were collected from ten random spots of the substrate. A
(Tashdjian, Sánchez Loredo, & González, 2013). First, different volumes volume (5 µL) of the as-prepared CNF-AgNP nanocomposite was placed
(0.7, 1.0, and 1.3 mL) of 1% w/w trisodium citrate solutions were added onto a slide and then air-dried, forming a rough film in round shape,
into boiling silver nitrate solutions (50 mL, 0.018% w/w), followed by which had a diameter of 4 mm. A volume (5 µL) of the extract solution
stirring for 30 min at 1200 rpm. The color of solutions during the was deposited onto the film, then dried by a hot plate prior to the SERS
preparation process was changed from transparent to light brown, and analysis. The uniformity of CNF-AgNP nanocomposite was measured
finally stayed in gray green. Three different diameters of AgNPs were from 10 random spots using 10 mg/L of flusilazole in the methanol–-
then obtained and cooled in an ice bath method. The as-prepared water solution. Flusilazole was added in the methanol/H2O organic
AgNPs were kept at 4 °C for further uses. solvent solution (methanol: H2O = 1: 1, v/v) to prepare a stock

X. Chen, et al. Food Chemistry 315 (2020) 126276

flusilazole solution (100 mg/L). A series of flusilazole solution samples resonance (SPR) peaks at 430, 420, and 410 nm, which corresponded to
(0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, and 10 mg/L) were obtained by serial dilutions from the added volume of 0.7, 1.0, and 1.3 mL of trisodium citrate, respec-
the 100 mg/L of stock solution. The solvent solution without spiked tively. Fig. 1e shows an optical image of CNF-AgNP nanocomposites
pesticide was used as a control. and the black part of the optical image indicates the AgNPs on the
substrate. Fig. 1f shows the corresponding SERS intensity map of 1 mg/
2.7. Analysis by GC–MS/MS L of flusilazole. In general, the darker the color in Fig. 1e, the high
(redder) the SERS intensity in the map (Fig. 1f). These figures indicate
The tea samples were measured by GC–MS/MS method using gas that AgNPs are uniform and highly monodisperse, making the CNF-
chromatograph (Shimadzu, GC-2010 plus, Japan) equipped with an AgNP nanocomposite a potential SERS substrate.
auto-sampler and a mass spectrometer (Shimadzu, TQ8040, Japan) TEM image in Fig. 2a shows that most synthesized AgNPs were in
equipped with EI ion source. Chromatographic columns spherical shape with an average size of 41 nm. The width of the CNF
(30.0 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm, SH-Rxi-5Sil MS capillary column) were was from a few nanometers to several hundred nanometers (Fig. 2b).
obtained from Shimadzu Co., Ltd. (Shimadzu, Japan) and a Rotary TEM images (Fig. 2c and d) show that CNF were coated with AgNPs.
evaporator (N-1000/NVC-2100, Tokyo Rikakikai, Tokyo, Japan) was Fig. 3a shows the particle size distribution and most AgNPs were in the
used for the study. size range of 30–40 nm, which was based on the measurement of 150
AgNPs. The effects of AgNP size of CNF-AgNP nanocomposite on the
2.8. Data analysis detection of flusilazole is shown in Fig. 3b, indicating that the particle
size is crucial to the SERS measurement. AgNPs were able to achieve
The spectral data were analyzed by the software Delight version satisfactory results in SERS measurement due to their excellent optical
3.2.1 (D-Squared Development Inc., LaGrande, OR, USA). Multivariate and electrical properties, which could be used for chemical and biolo-
statistical tools were used to analyze the acquired SERS spectral data gical sensing applications (Stamplecoskie, Scaiano, Tiwari, & Anis,
(Alsammarraie & Lin, 2017). Briefly, the background interferences from 2011; Tashdjian et al., 2013). The LSPR can occur in the vicinity of
the Raman spectrometer were reduced by Gaussian smoothing at nanoparticles, creating strong electromagnetic field enhancement (Luo,
6 cm−1. Moreover, the second-derivative analytical tool at 12 cm−1 Huang, Lai, Rasco, & Fan, 2016).
intervals was applied prior to the PLS regression analysis to reduce the
overlapping problem of spectra. PLS was used to predict pesticide 3.2. SERS activities of CNF-AgNP nanocomposite
concentrations in tested samples. Leave-one-out cross-validation
(LOOCV) was utilized to build the PLS models based on the information After the synthesis of CNF-AgNP nanocomposite, AgNPs were uni-
from the entire spectral samples in a calibration model. In LOOCV, all formly distributed on the CNF via mechanical mixing (Fig. 2c and d) in
but one sample was used to build a calibration model. This calibration which AgNPs were tightly coated on the CNF. Most AgNPs were ad-
model was then utilized to predict the remaining sample. Next, a second sorbed on the surface of CNF. Numerous SERS hot-spots were generated
sample was set aside from the group, all other samples were used to at the gaps between adjacent nanoparticles and their attached surface.
build a new calibration model that was used to predict the second CNF are composed of nanoscale cellulose fibers loaded with AgNPs,
sample. The LOOCV procedure was repeated until every sample was left providing a platform for the LSPR that occurs when the collective os-
out and predicted by a calibration model. To avoid over-fitting of cillation of valence electrons in AgNPs in resonance with the frequency
spectral data, the lowest root-mean-square error of prediction (RMSEP) of incident light, which contributed to enhanced Raman scattering
values were calculated (Eq. (1)) to optimize the number of PLS latent signals from analyte molecules (Stiles et al., 2008).
3.3. Detection of flusilazole in the methanol–water solution
∑ ( ci ̂ − ci ) 2
RMSEP = i The as-prepared CNF-AgNP substrates were utilized to detect flusi-
n (1) lazole in the methanol–water solution. The average (N = 10) SERS
In this formula, n is the number of samples, ĉi is the predicted spectra of various concentrations of flusilazole solutions are shown in
analyte concentration (mg/L), and ci is the actual analyte concentration Fig. 4a. “Fingerprint-like” Raman peaks are located at 632, 807, 828,
(mg/L). To validate the PLS models, RMSEP and the correlation coef- 1102, 1167, 1356, and 1588 cm−1. The Raman signal intensity of those
ficient (r) were calculated and evaluated. Principally, a higher r value peaks grew as the flusilazole concentration grew from 0 to 10 mg/L. A
or a lower RMSEP value indicates a better prediction model. In addi- characteristic peak at 632 cm−1 arises from the out-of-plane bending
tion, calibration curves were established and the Eq. (2) was used to vibration of CeH, a Raman peak at 807 cm−1 is attributed to stretching
calculate the detection limit (DL) with 99.86% of confidence interval vibration of C]C and two Raman peaks at 828 and 1356 cm−1 arise
(Strickland & Batt, 2009): from the stretching vibration of CeN. A peak at 1102 cm−1 is due to
stretching vibration of C-F, and a Raman peak at 1167 cm−1 is attrib-
DL = 3σ / m (2)
uted to the scissor bending vibration of CeH. A peak at 1588 cm−1
In which σ is the standard error of predicted concentration and m is arises from the in-plane bending vibration of C]C group (Pan et al.,
the slope of the calibration curve. In a PLS model, σ equals to RMSEP. 2012; Sun et al., 2009; Tang et al., 2011). The band assignments of
Furthermore, the quality of the PLS model was evaluated based on the flusilazole are summarized in Supplementary Table S1.
ratio of performance to deviation (RPD) of the PLS models. Fig. 4b displays the 2nd derivative transformation of SERS spectra
of flusilazole in the methanol–water solution within the Raman shift of
3. Results and discussion 1070–1140 cm−1. Poor reproducibility of the measurement has been a
major issue for SERS methods using various substrates. Adopting var-
3.1. Synthesis and analysis of CNF-AgNP nanocomposites ious types of substrates to get a good reproducibility is the major point
of SERS measurement. The CNF/AgNP nanocomposite can overcome
Fig. 1a–c shows the TEM micrographs of AgNPs, demonstrating that this issue. Fig. 3c shows the uniformity of the CNF-AgNP substrate
the size of AgNPs were 85 ± 30 nm, 41 ± 18 nm, and 37 ± 10 nm which was measured from 10 random spots using 10 mg/L of flusilazole
(n = 50), which were corresponding to the added volume of 0.7, 1.0, in the methanol–water solution, the relative standard deviation (RSD)
and 1.3 mL of trisodium citrate solution, respectively. Fig. 1d shows the of the peak intensity at 828 cm−1 was calculated to be 3.5% from spot
UV–vis absorption spectra of AgNPs, revealing surface plasmon to spot on substrates and Fig. 3d confirms that CNF-AgNP substrates are

X. Chen, et al. Food Chemistry 315 (2020) 126276

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Fig. 1. TEM micrographs of silver nanoparticles prepared with 50 mL of silver nitrate and different volumes of trisodium citrate added: 0.7 mL (a); 1.0 mL (b); 1.3 mL
(c); and their UV–vis absorption spectra (d) showing surface plasmon resonance peaks at 430, 420, and 410 nm corresponding to AgNPs (a, b, and c); the optical
image of NFC-AgNP nanocomposite (e); the corresponding SERS intensity maps of 1 mg/L of flusilazole measured by NFC-AgNP substrate in methanol–water solution

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 2. TEM images of silver nanoparticle prepared with 1.0 mL trisodium citrate (a); unmodified CNF (b); modified CNF coated with AgNPs (c & d).

reliable substrates for measurement of flusilazole in the methanol–- 1102, and 1167 cm−1. The peak intensity at those Raman shift wave-
water solution. numbers grew as the concentration of flusilazole in the tea samples
grew from 0 to 10 mg/kg. Fig. 4d displays that the 2nd derivative
transformation of SERS spectra of the samples within the Raman shift of
3.4. Detection and quantification of flusilazole in Oolong tea samples 615–645 cm−1. The results demonstrate that flusilazole in Oolong tea
samples can be accurately detected and quantified using SERS in
Measurement by SERS was conducted to directly measure the liquid combination with CNF-AgNP substrates.
samples extracted from the tea samples containing flusilazole. Fig. 4c
displays the averaged SERS spectra of the extract samples from the tea
samples containing flusilazole. Three strong peaks are located at 828,

X. Chen, et al. Food Chemistry 315 (2020) 126276

(a) (b)

Raman shift (cm -1 )

Particle size (nm)

(c) (d)

Fig. 3. The nanoparticle size distribution with 1.0 mL trisodium citrate added (a); the SERS measurement effect of NFC-AgNP substrate with different particle size on
the detection of 5 mg/L flusilazole in methanol–water solution (b); the SERS spectra of flusilazole (10 mg/L) measured from 10 random sites on NFC-AgNP substrate
(c); the corresponding bar chart for the peak intensity at 828 cm−1 of flusilazole (10 mg/L) from 10 random sites on NFC-AgNP substrate (d).

(a) (b)


10 mg/L
Second derivative of intensity

5 mg/L
intensity (counts)

2 mg/L
1 mg/L
0.5 mg/L
0.1 mg/L
Raman intensity


0 mg/L 0 mg/L

0.1 mg/L
0.5 mg/L

1 mg/L


2 mg/L
5 mg/L
10 mg/L

Raman shift (cm -1 ) Raman shift (cm-1)

(c) (d)
10 mg/kg
5 mg/kg
2 mg/kg
Second derivative of intensity
Raman intensity (counts)


1 mg/kg

0.5 mg/kg
0 mg/kg

0 mg/kg


0.5 mg/kg

1 mg/kg
2 mg/kg

5 mg/kg
10 mg/kg

-1 ) Raman shift (cm -1 )

Raman shift (cm

Fig. 4. Averaged SERS spectra of 0–10 mg/L of flusilazole in methanol–water solution (a); second derivative transformation of Raman spectra within the range of
1070–1140 cm−1 of flusilazole in methanol–water solution (b); averaged SERS spectra of 0–10 mg/kg of flusilazole in tea samples (c); second derivative trans-
formation of Raman spectra within the range of 615–645 cm−1 of flusilazole extracted from tea samples (d).

X. Chen, et al. Food Chemistry 315 (2020) 126276

Fig. 5. Partial least squares (PLS) analysis results of 0–10 mg/L flusilazole in the methanol–water solution: prediction results of the PLS model (a); latent variables of
the PLS model (b); partial least squares (PLS) analysis results of 0–10 mg/kg flusilazole extracted from tea samples: prediction results of the PLS model (c); the
loading plot of the PLS model (d).

Table 1 Our pretreatment method can efficiently exclude the interferences of

Partial least squares analysis results of the flusilazole samples measured by food matrices and concentrate analyte molecules maximally. As shown
SERS. in Fig. 4c, the extraction process significantly removed complex food
Flusilazole samples R RMSEP RPD Recovery components and the Raman characteristic peaks of flusilazole are ob-
vious with no discernible interfering peaks. The enhancement factor of
Methanol-water solution 0.957 0.962 2.70 93% the CNF-AgNP substrates was calculated to be 106. GC–MS/MS tech-
Oolong tea 0.970 0.859 2.45 87%
nique was used to verify the accuracy and reliability of the SERS
method. Supplementary Fig. S1 shows the GC–MS/MS analysis of or-
ganic Oolong tea samples that indicated the absence of flusilazole and
3.5. Spectral analysis by PLS
other pesticides. Supplementary Fig. S2 demonstrates a chromatogram
of GC–MS/MS analysis using flusilazole standard solution. The reten-
SERS spectra were acquired from the methanol–water solution or
tion time of flusilazole was 15.66 min. The chromatogram was used for
Oolong tea samples containing flusilazole, which were analyzed by PLS
qualitative analysis of flusilazole in Oolong tea samples. Supplementary
(Fig. 5). Based on the PLS regression model (Fig. 5a), a clear linear
Fig. S3 is the standard curve of flusilazole standard solution, showing a
relationship between the predicted and spiked flusilazole content in the
linear equation (y = 14407.29x + 15399.80, R2 = 0.9925). Accep-
methanol–water solution was established (r = 0.957; slope = 0.921;
table recovery values were acquired for both GC–MS/MS analysis
RMSEP = 0.962 mg/L). Fig. 5b shows that the optimum number of the
(Supplementary Table S2) and SERS method (Table 1). Furthermore, a
latent variables of the PLS model is five, which was indicated by the
comparison was conducted between GC–MS/MS and SERS methods
lowest value of RMSEP. These results demonstrate that SERS method
about the measurement of flusilazole in Oolong tea, which is shown in
coupled with CNF-AgNP substrates is a sensitive and efficient approach
Supplementary Table S3. The results show that the relative errors were
to characterize and quantify flusilazole in a model system in the me-
within a range of ± 10%, indicating that the SERS method can be used
thanol–water solution. Fig. 5c shows the PLS analysis results based on
in detection of flusilazole in Oolong tea. In addition, compared with
the Raman spectral data of the Oolong tea contaminated with flusila-
traditional analytical methods such as LC-MS or HPLC, a major ad-
zole. In general, the optimal number of the latent variables is selected
vantage of SERS is its rapid acquisition of Raman scattering signals,
based upon the lowest RMSEP value. The loading plot of the PLS model
which takes only a few minutes to measure a sample that was prepared
was shown in Fig. 5d. An excellent relationship between the predicted
and deposited on a substrate. These results demonstrate that the CNF-
and spiked flusilazole content in Oolong tea samples was established as
AgNP nanocomposites coupled with the sample extraction process is a
shown in Fig. 5c (r = 0.970; slope = 0.939; RMSEP = 0.859 mg/kg).
practical and efficient method for detecting pesticides in Oolong tea.
Table 1 shows that the RPD value was 2.70 and 2.45 for the flusilazole
in the methanol–water solution and in Oolong tea, respectively, in-
dicting robust PLS models established in the data analysis.
4. Conclusion
Food ingredients can interfere with the acquisition of Raman scat-
tering signals. In this study, tea is a complex matrix because it contains
In conclusion, this study established a facile method to synthesize
various components, such as pigments, chlorophyll, polyphenols, etc.
SERS substrates using NFC coated with AgNPs. NFC have porous 3D
(Cabrera, Giménez, & López, 2003). Thus, adopting appropriate pre-
structures that possess large surface areas, which are suitable for
treatment method is crucial to exclude those interfering components.
loading large amount of AgNPs. Flusilazole in Oolong tea samples was

X. Chen, et al. Food Chemistry 315 (2020) 126276

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