Afrikaans Past Paper

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Past paper

Vraag 1


1.2) Suid Afrika, die lig is groen en natuurlik

1.3) London, hy het n trui aan en die beligting is grys

1.4) Daar was leeu met letsels

1.5)Themba het die letsels en sy van beteken leeu

1.6)Mama Unathi





Vraag 2










2.10) modderpoel

Vraag 3


3.2)Vroee Twintig





3.8)Van jy gebore is


3.10)die bewarder van leeu

Vraag 4

4.1)his mom says goodbye to Buyi in heathrow airport.the reason why buyi was going to Africa is
because of the fight he had with Jonathan and his Mom couldn’t financially support the two of them
anymore.Buyi was Mad at his mom when he was leaving but he knew he was going to miss him and he
was scared to meet his dad because Hes never met his dad

sy ma sê totsiens vir Buyi in die Heathrow-lughawe. Die rede hoekom Buyi Afrika toe was,sy Ma kon
hulle twee nie meer finansieel ondersteun nie. Buyi was bang dat hy gaan toe Afrika.hy was bang om
sy pa te ontmoet want hy het nooit sy pa ontmoet nie

4.2)buyi things lwazi is his dad because lwazi picked him up at the airport.Andre is Yohans kid and Yohan
is the owner of the game reserve and simishile is lwazis daughter. Buyi was picked up in a Gamereserve
vehicle.he was glad that simoshele and andre spoke English because He only speaks English

buyi dinge lwazi is sy pa want lwazi het hom by die lughawe gaan haal.Andre is die eienaar van die
wildreservaat en simishile is lwazi se dogter. Buyi is in 'n Gamereserve voertuig opgelaai.Buyi is onstel
dat mense in die plakkerskampe het nie gled nieHy was bly dat Simoshele en Andre Engels gepraat
het, want Hy praat net Engels

4.3the reason why Buyis dad didn’t show up is because He had guests.when he met buyi He was very
cold and not involved in meeting him. Buyi was very disappointed at his dad because His dad showed no
interest. Buyi stayed in his dads sle.the rules of the sle was Don’t leave the camp that they is because of
the wild animals

die rede hoekom Buyis pa nie opgedaag het nie, is omdat Hy gaste gehad het.toe hy buyi ontmoet het
Hy was baie koud,afgetrouke en nie betrokke om hom te ontmoet nie. Buyi was baie teleurgesteld in
sy pa omdat sy pa geen belangstelling getoon het nie. Buyi het in sy pa se sle gebly.die reëls van die sle
was Moenie die kamp verlaat wat hulle is as gevolg van die wilde diere

Vraag 5

The day I lost my temper was in 2019.I had an athletics event to go to and my brother and sister ruined
my running shoes.
I am a very calm person who never gets mad that easily but when I found out that my brother and sister
ruined them I was so mad, I shouted at them which made them cry and I started crying because I
thought that I would get into trouble .My mom contacted my teacher to tell her the situation and she
said she had a plan for me and when she told me that my teacher had a plan for me, I was happy and

After that day I decided to not get angry over these things and I should instead solve out the problem. I
apologised to my brother and sister for my behaviour and everything and we all forgave each other.

Die dag toe ek my humeur verloor het, was in 2019. Ek het 'n atletiekbyeenkoms gehad om na te gaan
en my broer en suster het my drafskoene verwoes.

Ek is 'n baie rustige mens wat nooit so maklik kwaad word nie, maar toe ek uitvind dat my broer en
suster hulle verniel het, was ek so kwaad, ek het vir hulle geskree wat hulle laat huil en ek het begin
huil omdat ek gedink het dat ek in die moeilikheid sou kom. .My ma het my onderwyser gekontak om
haar die situasie te vertel en sy het gesê sy het 'n plan vir my en toe sy vir my sê dat my onderwyser 'n
plan vir my het, was ek bly en verlig.

Na daardie dag het ek besluit om nie kwaad te word oor hierdie dinge nie en ek moet eerder die
probleem oplos. Ek het my broer en suster om verskoning gevra vir my gedrag en alles en ons het
almal mekaar vergewe.

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