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In my life, I admire a lot of people I know, but the person I like best is
my great father. This year, he is 56 years old. He is a factory worker but
he is hard working. He graduated from the university 10 years ago in an
Electrical engineering. He is sympathetic and honest person. Besides
working hard to earn money, he pays much attention to my family, in
every aspect, such as my mother. He never forgets to give a warm
present to my mother on her birthday so that my mother always feels
pleased in everyday life. He never drinks too much wine when throwing
a party with friends. He rarely smokes because it is harmful for himself
and people around him. He is neat when living in the family. He always
asks me about my study and encourages me to study effectively. He
always gives me some money to pay school fees. He says that what he
expects is that I must be good at education in the future. He cares much
about my daily schedule in order to help me how to spend a lot of time
In respond, I always listen to him and learn much at the university,
besides learning academic subjects, I am trying to learn English in my
free time. I hope I will be better in English communication after
graduating from a university. I will find a good job to earn money to
support myself and my family as well.
In my life, I will never forget the day I had a high school degree in my
high school. On that day, I got up earlier than usual to attend the
ceremony of my school. After making speeches of the principle of a high
school, everyone was excited to wait for turns to receive its degree. At
last, it is my turn to get the degree, at first, I felt lonely because there
was no relative except me at the meeting, but for a moment, my mother
appeared at the gate of a school. She rushed in and hold my hands and
he hugged and kissed me. She was smiling happily when seeing me. She
said “ Congratulation on me” . I was very excited and happy. I held my
mother’s hand tightly and said “ Thank you very much”
Then my mother took me on her bicycle to the nearest restaurant and she
treated me a very warm and delicious meal. We had meal together
happily. We talked to each other a lot. Then we went back home to
continue my work. After this occasion, I feel pleased and I promise
myself that I will work harder and go further in the future. I try to study
better to get good knowledge to improve myself. I know it is what both
my parents and I expect. I am trying my best to study and work
diligently to satisfy my parents’ desire. To do it well, now I must have a
suitable schedules of working. I know how to get my achievement the
best. Now I spend a lot of time improving both my general and specific
knowledge. I expect to be successful in my career in the future.

I was born and have grown up in a small remote village in the middle
part of Viet Nam. Although it is not excited, it impresses me so much in
everything. I think there are many interesting places in the country
which attract a lot of visitors, especially HCM city, it is a good place for
young people to develop their ability and get a promotion, but in my
mind, there is no place more peaceful and beautiful than my hometown.
Because everything good impresses on me so much that I will never
forget, such as a small river, a small pond, a poor road, a buffalo and a
green rice field. It always reminds me of good or bad things in my
memories. It makes my life alive and think it again and enjoy it. In my
village, everything seems to be familiar to me and close to me. I will
never forget the worst things in my life such as the poverty, big storms,
… but it is a thing that gives me a good motivation to live later. I am
trying overcome all the difficulties to make my life and family better.
One of the best way is that we have to study well to get successful in
life. I want to change the face of life in my poor country. I think that that
dream will become true in the near future. I can say again “ I love my
country so much”.


There are many kinds of TV programs shown on TV every day such as

sports, news, dramas, films and concerts. But the one I like best is film
programs. I am very fond of watching feature films because it always
reflects what is happening in everyday life. Its contend is meaningful
and has a good result at the end. Watching this kind of films, I can
understand more about the facts, about people’s behaviors, ways of
living so as to improve my life. Now being a student, I am very mature,
so I have to learn and listen too much in order to deal with different
situations in life. To fulfil my gap of knowledge is necessary. Looking at
them, imitating from them, I can open my mind in the way of getting
achievement and how to get good relationships with people around me.
One of the most important thing in life is that how we can make others
pleased and agree with you. If he is satisfied with you, and pleased with
what you have done, you ‘ll easily be successful because you are always
supported right way. Besides this, I also like watching Chinese films
very much because its contend is always deep and meaningful. People
can learn so much after watching this kind of films. Every day, I can
relax by watching feature films after learning. I feel very pleasant.


The weather changes considerably in a year, but it always has its own
feature in each season. In the North of VN, there are 4 seasons changing
instantly all year round. People seems to be scared of the cold season but
most people enjoy this kind of weather very much because it is the best
time for them to think about the past events, enjoying themselves. Every
thing seems to be nice and romantic. Their love is closer and closer
because they are always lacking of good emotion. They do not want to
separate each other. Besides they can have good meals with a closest
relationships in the winter. Everything is more delicious and they have a
warm atmosphere in a day life. They can have a long and deep night
together with a thick blanket.
In summer, the day is much brighter. Most people do many activities
such as playing sports, going camping, especially travelling. Travelling a
lot they can widen their knowledge about the world. In the South of VN,
there are only two seasons, such as sunny and rainy season. Generally
speaking, the climate here is so moderate. It is not too hot nor too cold,
just sunny all day. People feel more pleasant in the evening. They can
relax themselves with all kinds of activities, such as going out for a
walk, going to a coffee. They will enjoy a good atmosphere in the
evening and relax.


A good job is always considered to be important for most people in
every society. A good job is a job that we can get a well- paid, have a
reasonable time of working and have no pressure{ both working
pressure and man’ pressure}. When being born, each person is always
good at something only, so they must find which one is the most suitable
with them. So in life they sometimes change their job instantly to find a
good thing. They always have a dream of finding a suitable job for
themselves. I think no one can perform all kinds of jobs perfectly. For
me, when I was a baby, I dreamed of becoming a tourist guide. It is my
wish, because I enjoy travelling everywhere in my country, even
overseas. I like contacting with different people so as to learn from them
and share joys and sorrows with them. I like seeing many beauty sports
of my country as well as foreign countries to enrich my knowledge. So I
have been learning foreign languages, especially English. Because I
think English is a good foundation for me to communicate with people. I
think each person has its own dream, please try to reach it with all your
efforts. You must be patient when thinking and touching it. To prepare
for yourself the amount of knowledge is a good way of getting succeed
in life. I think each person should try his best to fulfil their desire in his


VN is a small country but it has many tourist attractions attracting many

tourists, even foreign tourists coming to VN to explore.
For me the place I enjoy traveling so much is HA NOI capital located in
the heart of Viet Nam. Now HN is always in my heart and my soul. The
weather in HN is very specific. It always impresses people ‘s hearts,
especially in winter. In winter, the atmosphere is more romantic so that
it makes people come with each other closer and closer. Their feeling is
so deep that they love more each other. There are many ancient
buildings survived until nowadays. It makes the city more ancient.
People in HN are very warm and reserved when behaving with each
other. The foods in HN are very delicious because of the changing
constantly the weather all year round. In the streets all old tress are
available to make the city more attractive, especially in winter. There are
many lakes located in the heart of HN. People can walk around the lakes
in the morning and the evening. They can relax and breathe the fresh air.
There are many bid universities and big hospitals located in HN. People
in HN are eager to study so that most of them want to enter the
university that they choose. Their life is always stable. They are well
educated so that they have a good and permanent job in the society.
Their life is so good. I wish I will travel to HN one day to satisfy my



Most people enjoy shopping nowadays after hard working days.

Shopping now is becoming popular for people. It is a “ must ” of a city
dwellers. Shops are available in a big city so it is very convenient for
them to get something they need.
For me, I like shopping in the supermarket so much because, firstly
goods in good quality are available. You can choose what you like.
Secondly, you can buy what you like without bargaining anything.
Because we sometimes do not know much about the price of each
product. So the price fixed on the list is the best way to purchase. Do not
be afraid of making a mistake and makes the shop assistant pleased.
Buying in the supermarket, the services are always good. The shop
assistants always smile and help you much in your packaging the items.
The customers feel pleased when dealing with the sellers. In a
supermarket, it is divided into many small section, each space is
responsible for a specific thing. So we do not waste a lot of time finding
where to buy. Nowadays, supermarkets are becoming available for city
dwellers. For my family, we often go there twice a week to buy things
for the whole week. It is very convenient for everybody, in fact.


Crime is becoming one of the most serious problems in the society,

especially in big cities like HCM city.
Where do all crimes arise from? I think there are a lot of reasons: Firstly
they come from a broken family. Parents get divorce and ignore them in
life. They have to live alone without home, parents, even foods and
drinks. No one can teach them what the goods things and the bad things
are. Of course they are not allowed to go to school so they do not know
the value of things. It leads them to act in a wrong way. It is pitiful for
them. Secondly, it comes from people who was happy from a baby.
They just want to relax, do not want to work. Or from people who are
much ambitious and greedy. They are lazy working. The do not think of
other people. They just think of themselves only. They want to live
comfortably. Materials are the things that make them blind. They, of
course, lose the way of growing themselves.
What should we do to help them? The government should pay much
good attention to them. They will create a lot of work with a suitable
salary. To encourage them and help them and protect them if necessary.
When they have a stable life, they are not worried about many things.
They will become good citizens in life. They can contribute their efforts
and ability to the country. I hope more and more crimes will be reduced
one day so that people’s lives are much peaceful.


In the modern world nowadays, it is very convenient for people,

especially young ones, to get good knowledge to improve their lives
because of high and advanced technology. Thanks to an internet using,
we can access to get useful and latest information for one’s work and
study. We can widen the understanding about the new world to enrich
our knowledge about many fields such as: education, arts, health
care….One of the useful gadget I have is that I can use my smart phone
every day. It is very ideal when I call my parents on Zalo. It is
interesting to see my parents’ faces to hear my parents’ voices even
living very and very far from me. Seeing them, I feel pleased when I
know all of them are healthy so that I have heart and mind to focus on
learning. Thanks to it, it reduces a lot of my home missing.
Besides making a phone call in an urgent case, I can give messages to
my friends. We can get the feedback immediately so we know what the
others are dong at the moment.
In addition, we can play all kinds of exciting games. I can down load a
lot of favorite songs I like to reduce stress. One of the most important
thing is that I can listen about 25 minutes in English. It will help me so
much. I hope 2 years later, my English will be much improved, I am
confident when communicating English.


In the modern world nowadays, it is easy to get updated with a lot of

advanced knowledge to help them in their work and studies. For me,
being a student at HCMC University of Transport, I am always
interested in searching for recent information on the Internet to assist my
studies and to improve my point of view. Smartphones are also
considered necessary for everyone, and they are being used properly by
most people. Thanks to it, it is better for me to contact different people,
especially my parents, who live very far from me. Using a smartphone, I
can directly see my parents’ faces and hear their closest voices. Thanks
to the Internet, I know much about the people and places in my country,
even abroad. I understand much about the culture and traditions of every
nation so as to be adaptable to them. I can search for and study English
every day by listening to its conversations and stories. I can correct and
improve my pronunciation by imitating many times. In my free time, I
can download hundreds of songs to relax. So I believe that technology
can help people live better and more comfortable lives.
I think that most people nowadays enjoy travelling so much after hard-
working days. A good journey always makes good impression on every
one’s mind. Travelling, they can have a good opportunity of meeting
different people of every nation so as to learn and share the joys and
sorrows. They can see by their own eyes with many beautiful
landscapes. They can change the working environment and change the
usual habits of eating and drinking every day. The can breathe the fresh
air in the open air. They can get delicious foods, local foods in the
meals. Contacting with a lot of people, they can understand much about
them, they even learn their own languages. Travelling, they always feel
safe and relieved because they do not have to worry much about work
and finance relating to them. Just relaxing and enjoying themselves in a
beautiful world. Travelling, people can choose different kinds of
transport, such as by a train, by a ship or by air plane. Traveling by air
makes people feel safe and it is the fastest way of travelling in far
distances. I like travelling by air most.

In a busy life nowadays, most people are very and very busy learning
and working from morning until night. To save time and to get the
quickest information, each person also has a private mobile phone to
help themselves. It is very convenient for them to explore it in a day life
in an emergency, they can make a call to exchange its information. They
can get instant news at once when talking to the others. But in a normal
situation, giving messages is the best way for people. It is good because
it costs less and the other on the other line can calmly read the messages
carefully and give its instant feedback. For me, I can receive and read
hundreds of messages every day. It is funny and exciting when reading
the messages and giving a feedback. Besides it, we can send the photos
and pictures for the others. Reading messages, you will be able to know
much more about your partner’s feeling and know how to settle in every
situation. Reading and answering messages is one of my most enjoyable
hobbies in a day life. I am always expecting to receive messages from
my friends and my relatives every day..

Some people are very artistic when they were born and have grown up.
They store a good talent and a good image in their heads. It is wonderful
of them when they see something. Everything around them looks nice
and impressed, with their own imagination, they can decorate a nice
picture which attracts a lot of attentions. Some people are very skillful,
they can make a lot of art- works which still survive in life nowadays,
such as a high building, a stone – statue and even long bridges
connecting between the two river banks. Some people are very good at
speaking, they learn more and have good knowledge so when speaking,
every one accepts and admires what he says. Some of them are excellent
lawyers. Some people are good at cooking, they can make many
delicious items for the customers enjoying after a hard working days. A
few people are more intelligent, they can improve their knowledge and
invent new things for human being in many fields such as health care,
engineering ….
I think we need arts to make or lives more meaningful and make other
people always feel pleased when contacting. One of the most important
thing is that we should have a good preparation before doing something.

When I was born, I have had a lot of high ambition in different stages.
When I was 5 years old, I wish I could ride a bicycle. It was very and
very exciting to ride a bike without falling on the roads. Of course, I had
been fallen many times when playing. It hurt me a lot but it did not make
me stop my wish. When going to school, I try to study better to get good
knowledge such as Math, history, literature as well. Finally, I could be
good enough to perform each subject.
Entering the university, my clear purpose is that I have to study hard to
get a scholarship but I could not gain it. But I have been trying to work
harder, I just want to become a good speaker of English one day. So I
pay much attention to learning English, both in class and at home, I do it
because I think English is very necessary for my future job. I see that to
be good at English is not easy because language is always complicated.
It needs much more time practicing every day.
Moreover, I like travelling so much especially travelling abroad, if I
know English, I can travel without any difficulties in communication. I
can contact with people so as to learn from them and improve my view
of points about the new world. In the future, my ambition is to get
successful in my career and to find a good position to develop my ability
, and of course, I hope I will get much money for myself and my family.

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