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Information Technology Project Management


Ngành : Information Technology

Chuyên ngành : Information Technology

Giảng viên hướng dẫn : Mr. Lê Viết Linh

Sinh viên thực hiện: MSSV: Lớp:
1 Nguyễn Anh Tuấn..........................2011061247............................20DTHQA1
2 Đỗ Lương Huấn.............................2011064383............................20DTHQA1
3 Hồ Tấn Quý....................................2011063755............................20DTHQA1
4 Nguyễn Trịnh Minh Quang............2011063755............................20DTHQA1

TP. Hồ Chí Minh, 2023




"In the midst of an era defined by technological leaps, Ho Chi Minh City University of
Technology (Hutech) places a premium on the practical application of comprehensive
knowledge within education. Within this academic environment, our team has had the
privilege of delving into Information Technology Project Management, notably
through our involvement in the 'RentVideos' project. More than a mere real-world
challenge, 'RentVideos' has served as a dynamic platform for us to employ our
acquired knowledge in crafting and overseeing a sophisticated information system.
This experience has been an enlightening journey, showcasing the fusion of theoretical
understanding with practical prowess in achieving project goals.

We express our heartfelt appreciation to Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology

(Hutech) for affording our team opportunities to engage with real-world projects and
for providing robust training in Information Technology Project Management. The
milestones and insights gleaned from the 'RentVideos' project represent personal
triumphs, greatly owing to the unwavering mentorship and support from dedicated
educators. In particular, our deepest gratitude goes to Mr. Lê Viết Linh, who has been
a constant companion and guide throughout this venture. His profound knowledge and
fervent dedication haven't just helped us surmount challenges but have also acted as a
catalyst, compelling us to continuously pursue learning and growth.

With gratitude and dedication, we are confident that the knowledge and experiences
accrued from this project, supported by Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
(Hutech) and Mr. Lê Viết Linh, will lay a sturdy groundwork for our team's future
careers and academic endeavors."

Job Requirement:
Job Requirement:
+ Members come up with ideas
+ Choose 2 opinions from the 6 opinions given
+ Draw usecase for Member
+ Draw usecase for Return
+ Define user interface requirements
+ Select and set up project management tool
+ Implement Rent Video function(Tuấn)
+ Implement Register Customer function(Quang)
+ generate birthday letters(Quý)
+ Do stock take(Huấn)
+ Unit test individual components
+ Integration test complete system
+ Deploy system to testing environment
+ Deploy system to testing environment
+ Conduct user acceptance testing
+ Fix any bugs identified during testing
+ Deploy system to production environment

Time late

Use case desciption: User

Name: Add User
Primary actor: User
Description: - Add customers to the database

Preconditions: Enter customer information

Post-conditions: - New customer information added to the database

Normal Flow: 1, Import customer information

2, Click add customer
Alternative/Exception Information entered is incomplete

Name: Edit User

Primary actor: User
Description: - Edit customer information
Preconditions: - Select the customer whose information needs to be corrected
- Edit customer information
Post-conditions: - Customer information is edited in the database

Normal Flow: 1, Enter the information to be edited

2, Click edit
Alternative/Exception Information entered is incomplete

Name: Delete User

Primary actor: User
Description: - Delete customer information from the database
Preconditions: - Choose the customer information to delete
Post-conditions: - Customer information is deleted in the database

Normal Flow: 1, Select the customer to delete

2, Click delete

Name: Search

Primary actor: User

Description: - Search for customer information
Preconditions: - Import client information to search
Post-conditions: - Show the information that users are looking for

Normal Flow: 1, Import search information

2, Press search
Alternative/Exception Information entered is incomplete

Use case desciption: product

Name: Add product
Primary actor: User
Description: - Add new products to the database
Preconditions: - Enter new product information to add
Post-conditions: - Product information is added to the database

Normal Flow: 1, Enter product information

2, Press more
Alternative/Exception Information entered is incomplete

Name: Edit product

Primary actor: User
Description: - Edit product information
Preconditions: - Choose the product that needs to edit information
- Edit product information
Post-conditions: - Product information is edited in the database

Normal Flow: 1, Enter product information to be edited

2, Click edit
Alternative/Exception Information entered is incomplete

Name: Delete product

Primary actor: User
Description: - Delete product information
Preconditions: - Choose the product whose information needs to be deleted
- Delete product information
Post-conditions: - Product information is deleted in the database

Normal Flow: Press delete

Name: Search
Primary actor: User
Description: - Search for product information
Preconditions: - Import information of the product you are looking for
Post-conditions: - Display product information that users search for

Normal Flow: 1, Enter product search information

2, Press search
Alternative/Exception Information entered is incomplete

Use case description: Bill

Name: Add bill
Primary actor: User
Description: - added information encryption to the database
Preconditions: - Import unit information
Post-conditions: - Single information is added to the database

Normal Flow: 1, Enter application information

2, Press more
Alternative/Exception Information entered is incomplete

Name: Edit bill

Primary actor: User
Description: - Edit information in the database
Preconditions: - Select the unit to edit information
- Edit information encoding
Post-conditions: - Invoice information is edited in the database

Normal Flow: 1, Enter application information to edit

2, Edit
Alternative/Exception Information entered is incomplete

Name: Delete bill

Primary actor: User
Description: - Delete invoice information
Preconditions: - Select the invoice whose information needs to be deleted
- Delete invoice information
Post-conditions: - Invoice information is deleted in the database

Normal Flow: Click delete

Activity Members :

Activity Search Title:


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