Texto Evaluacion Diagnostica Isabella Vasquez 11C

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Text type: Speech

450-600 words
Why? What? Awareness and interest/ achievements and purpose / exited for occasion.

Good morning to everyone on you, today I am going to tell you about an important visit
that we are going to have here the next month for some days. I´m talking about a famous
former student, he is going to be visiting us to see how our school function now a days, to
see if the teachers are still the same or we have changes and see the quality of education
that we are having.

This student was one of the best students in his prom, he had always the highest grades,
he was always helping others with their needs and promoting some values such as respect,
responsibility, and autonomy. He is one of the best students we have had in school, so we
appreciate him very much. He have been in several talks with important people to teach
them the correct way to manage a school, the correct way to teach to different types of
students, he have also build some schools in some areas where they didn’t had access to
education and he made that in those schools they had good teachers, persons that have
passion of their work and they will enjoy doing it. Now a days he is an important person in
the ministry of education so his visit is super important for our school so we can continue
with our prestige and high-quality education.

Maybe for some of you he will be another adult but have in mind that he was a student in
here some time ago, if you want to ask him something don’t be afraid of doing it go and
ask him whatever you want. You must be excited for his visit because maybe it will help
you see the goals that you can achieve in your future, that everything that you are thinking
on like becoming a doctor, a lawyer, or an engineer in a future. Having this type of high-
quality education will open a lot of doors for your future and if you don’t trust me ask him
when he comes and share with us all his stories in here and outside in college or in his

For closing, as a reminder he will be coming the next month to visit us. As I told you before
don’t be scared of asking him whatever comes to your mind, trust me when I tell you that
he could help you solve any doubt that you have even if it’s not from our school he will be
happy to help you find an answer. If you want to talk with him in a more private way, he
will be in the meeting room 2 days during all day long answering your questions. To the
seniors I will recommend you go and talk to him so that if you are insecure of your election
of career, he could help you find something of your like and something that will make you

Have a good rest of your day, thank you.

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