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Verbos con "turn"

13. Turn on - Encender.

o Ejemplo: "Can you turn on the lights?"
14. Turn off - Apagar.
o Ejemplo: "Please turn off the TV."
15. Turn up - Aparecer, llegar.
o Ejemplo: "He turned up late to the meeting."
16. Turn down - Rechazar.
o Ejemplo: "She turned down the job offer."
17. Turn over - Dar la vuelta.
o Ejemplo: "Turn over the page."

Verbos con "take"

18. Take off - Despegar (un avión), quitarse (ropa).

o Ejemplo: "The plane takes off at 6 PM."
19. Take up - Empezar una actividad.
o Ejemplo: "She took up tennis last year."
20. Take after - Parecerse a.
o Ejemplo: "He takes after his father."
21. Take care of - Cuidar de.
o Ejemplo: "Please take care of my plants while I'm away."
22. Take on - Asumir, hacerse cargo de.
o Ejemplo: "She decided to take on more responsibilities."
23. Take back - Devolver.
o Ejemplo: "I need to take back these books to the library."

Verbos con "put"

24. Put off - Posponer.

o Ejemplo: "They decided to put off the meeting until next week."
25. Put on - Ponerse (ropa).
o Ejemplo: "Put on your coat, it's cold outside."
26. Put up with - Tolerar.
o Ejemplo: "I can't put up with his behavior any longer."
27. Put out - Apagar (fuego, luz).
o Ejemplo: "Firefighters put out the fire quickly."
28. Put aside - Apartar, ahorrar.
o Ejemplo: "She puts aside some money every month."

Verbos con "come"

29. Come across - Encontrar por casualidad.

o Ejemplo: "I came across an old friend in the park."
30. Come up with - Inventar, proponer.
o Ejemplo: "She came up with a brilliant idea."
31. Come out - Salir (publicarse).
o Ejemplo: "His new book comes out next month."
32. Come down with - Enfermarse.
o Ejemplo: "He came down with a cold."
33. Come up - Surgir.
o Ejemplo: "Something urgent came up at work."

Verbos con "break"

34. Break down - Averiarse.

o Ejemplo: "My car broke down on the way to work."
35. Break up - Romper (una relación).
o Ejemplo: "They decided to break up after five years."
36. Break out - Estallar (guerra, conflicto).
o Ejemplo: "A fire broke out in the building."
37. Break in - Entrar a robar.
o Ejemplo: "Someone broke in last night."
38. Break through - Abrirse paso.
o Ejemplo: "They broke through the barriers."

Otros verbos comunes

39. Pick up - Recoger.

o Ejemplo: "I'll pick you up at 7."
40. Give up - Rendirse, dejar de hacer algo.
o Ejemplo: "She gave up smoking last year."
41. Carry on - Continuar.
o Ejemplo: "Despite the interruption, she carried on with her speech."
42. Run out of - Quedarse sin.
o Ejemplo: "We've run out of milk."
43. Set up - Establecer, montar.
o Ejemplo: "They set up a new company last year."
44. Hold on - Esperar.
o Ejemplo: "Hold on a minute, I'll be right back."
45. Call off - Cancelar.
o Ejemplo: "They called off the meeting due to the bad weather."
46. Pass out - Desmayarse.
o Ejemplo: "He passed out from the heat."
47. Show up - Aparecer.
o Ejemplo: "He showed up late to the party."
48. Fill in - Rellenar (un formulario).
o Ejemplo: "Please fill in this form."
49. Check out - Pagar y marcharse (de un hotel).
o Ejemplo: "We need to check out by 11 AM."
50. Cut down on - Reducir el consumo de algo.
o Ejemplo: "I'm trying to cut down on sugar."

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