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Behavioural Finance

M.M. Sulphey

the BOOK
This comprehensive, lucidly writen text is an ideal introducion
to behavioural inance. The book caters to the needs of both
undergraduate and postgraduate management courses. It covers
almost all important topics of behavioural inance prescribed in the
syllabi of various universiies across India, including Neuroinance
and Forensic Accouning, which have rare occurrence in other books
but are important from future perspecive. There is a dearth of
literature in behavioural inance, and if available, then the books
are of large volumes, writen by foreign authors ciing examples and
case studies from the countries other than India. Hence, the present
book aims at providing informaion in global scenario, paricularly
Indian cases.
A number of case studies and box items make this text interesing
and informaive. Review quesions given at the end of each chapter
help students in assessing their knowledge ater having learned the
concepts. Overall, the book will help readers in gaining adequate
knowledge of the subject.
the authOr
M.M. Sulphey, LLB, MCom, MBA, PhD, Professor and Head, HR Domain,
TKM Insitute of Management, Kollam (Kerala) has more than 10 years of
teaching experience and 20 years of professional experience. His areas of
interest include Business Law, Human Resource Management, Environment
Management, etc. He is associated with a number of professional and
academic bodies and is a member of Naional Execuive, Indian Society of
Training and Development, New Delhi. In addiion to publishing a number
of research papers in reputed journals, he has also authored books itled
Introducion to Environment Management, 2nd ed. and Laws for Business,
3rd ed., published by PHI Learning.


Chapter 1 StaNdard FINaNCe

Chapter 2 BehavIOur aNd deCISION MaKINg

Chapter 3 evOlutION OF BehavIOural FINaNCe

Chapter 4 FINaNCIal MarKet aNOMalIeS

Chapter 5 theOrIeS OF BehavIOural FINaNCe

Chapter 6 MarKet BuBBleS

Chapter 7 NeurOFINaNCe

Chapter 8 FOreNSIC aCCOuNtINg

Chapter 9 BehavIOural COrpOrate FINaNCe

Chapter 10 the Way FOrWard


2014 / 208 pp. / 17.8 × 23.5 cm / ISBN-978-81-203-5028-1 / ` 195.00

Rimjhim House, 111, Patparganj Industrial Estate, Delhi-110092

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