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TAHUN AJARAN 2023 / 2024

Nama : ......................... Hari / Tanggal : Rabu, 27 Maret 2024

Kelas : IV (Empat) No. Absen : ………………
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Waktu : 07.30 – 09.00 WIB

Chapter. 8

Use the text information below to answer numbers 1-3!

Go home after school Pray Dzuhur Take a nap

Put a cross (x) in the letters A, B, C or D in front of the most correct anwer!
1. A : What time do you go home after school?
B : It is ...........
A. eleven o’clock C. nine o’clock
B. twelve o’clock D. ten o’clock
2. What are you doing at “a quarter to one”?
A. brush my teeth C. take a nap
B. have breakfast D. go home after school
3. Luli pray Dzuhur at a half past twelve.
“ A half past twelve ” means…
A. Jam satu lebih tiga puluh menit
B. Jam dua belas lebih tiga puluh menit
C. Jam dua belas lebih enam menit
D. Jam satu lebih enam menit

Use the text information below to answer numbers 4-7!

Hazel’s Activity on Sunday
Today is Sunday. Hazel and her family get up at 04.30 in the morning. They pray
Subuh together at 05.00 o’clock. Hazel’s father cleans his car. Her mother cooks in the
kitchen. Her brother sweeps the yard. At eight o’clock,they have breakfast. At nine
o’clock they visit grandma in Surabaya. They arrive home at half past nine in the
evening. Then, they prepare go to bed.
Put a cross (x) in the letters A, B, C or D in front of the most correct anwer!
4. Hazel and her family get up at … in the morning.
A. six o’clock C. a half past four
B. four o’clock D. a half to four
5. A : Who washes the car?
Asesmen Tengah Semester GENAP Bahasa Inggris Kelas IV T.A. 2023/2024
B : …………..
A. Hazel’s father C. Hazel’s brother
B. Hazel’s mother D. Hazel
Choose the correct answer by ticking (√). More than one answer.
6. Which of the following statements matches the picture…
A. Hazel and her family going to Surabaya
B. They pray Subuh together at 5 o’clock
C. Hazel’s brother cleans the car
D. They arrive home at 09.30
7. What activities does Hazel and her family do on Sunday…
A. go to grandma house
B. go to Bali for holiday
C. pray Subuh with family
D. breakfast together

Use the text information below to answer numbers 8-11!

Fill in the following blanks with short and correct answers!

8. Ridho gets up at…
9. Jam menunjukkan pukul 13.30. If written in English is ….
10. “A quarter past five”, if written in Indonesian is….
11. Ridho is a student. He … at school.

Use the text information below to answer numbers 8-11!

Salman have breakfast in the


Answer the question with the correct answer!

12. What time does Salman have a breakfast?
13. Translate in English! Salman selalu sarapan Sebelum berangkat sekolah.
14. Arrange this sentences! He – a half – go – school – at – to – six – past.
15. Mention 5 (five) your daily activities!

Asesmen Tengah Semester GENAP Bahasa Inggris Kelas IV T.A. 2023/2024

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