The Washington Post - June 4, 2024

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Russian Biden to
cash sways
far right set cap
in Europe limiting
Kremlin-backed outlet
funneled thousands to
politicians, officials say ACCESS TIED TO
System shuts down if
threshold is exceeded
PRAGUE — When an associate of
one of Russian President Vladi-
mir Putin’s closest allies launched BY N ICK M IROFF
a pro-Kremlin media outlet here AND T OLUSE O LORUNNIPA
in May 2023, Czech counterintel-
ligence officers began keeping President Biden plans to issue
careful watch. an order Tuesday that would shut
For nearly a year, European off access to the U.s. asylum sys-
intelligence officials said, the tem when illegal border crossings
Czech authorities secretly record- exceed a daily threshold, accord-
ed hours of meetings between ing to four administration offi-
several far-right politicians from cials and people with knowledge
across Europe and the associate, of the plans.
Artem Marchevsky, who was run- Migrants would be returned to
ning the propaganda website, their home countries or Mexico
Voice of Europe, including at its CARL DE sOUzA/AFP/gEtty iMAgEs and be ineligible for asylum con-
offices on a quiet side street in the claudia sheinbaum, protégée of President andrés Manuel lópez Obrador, celebrates her successful bid sunday to succeed him. their sideration once the limit is sur-
center of Prague. E.U. and Czech Morena party also appeared close to assembling two-thirds majorities in congress. likely next on the party’s agenda: the judiciary. passed, according to the officials,
authorities, which have shut who spoke on the condition of
down the site, have labeled Voice anonymity because they were not
of Europe a Russian propaganda
The Czech probe rapidly ex-
panded into Belgium, Germany,
For Mexican democracy, ‘warning signs’ authorized to discuss the pending
White House order.
The administration has been
considering the move since the
the netherlands, Poland and failure of bipartisan border legis-
France, European security and
intelligence officials said, as in-
BY M ARY B ETH S HERIDAN Vote’s concentration of power programs and the kind of bash-the-elites
rhetoric that’s fueled the popularity of Don-
lation this year that would have
enacted a similar trigger to shut
vestigators concluded that Voice MEXICO CITY — Claudia sheinbaum’s re- in López Obrador’s leftist ald Trump. off asylum access at times when
of Europe represented far more
than its official veneer as a pro-
sounding victory in Mexico’s presidential
election has injected fresh energy into a
movement raises specter of opposition parties say López obrador has
interpreted his mandate as a license to cen-
U.s. authorities become over-
whelmed. People with knowledge
Russian website interviewing fa- leftist movement that has rapidly reshaped a return to one-party rule tralize power and weaken any institutions — of the plans said they expected the
vored European politicians about the United states’ most populous neighbor the courts, the federal election board, the cap to be set at a daily average of
ending aid to Ukraine. and is poised to assume far-reaching control media — that stand in his way. They fear that 2,500 illegal crossings. standard
The organization was being over government. sheinbaum, his protégée, will do the same. asylum processing would resume
used to funnel hundreds of thou- It took Mexico decades of painstaking assembling two-thirds majorities in Con- Morena supporters counter that a strong, when the number drops below
sands of euros — up to 1 million a effort to transition from a one-party state to a gress, which could allow it to change the centralized government can avoid the grid- 1,500 crossings, an official said.
month — to dozens of far-right 21st-century democracy. now, some warn, it’s constitution. lock that has kept Mexico from solving some Illegal crossings along the
sEE russia on a14 at risk of returning to the authoritarian With such clout, it could now take control of its most intractable problems, such as the U.s.-Mexico border have averaged
system of the 20th century, under a different of the third branch of government, the judici- spectacular growth of organized-crime more than 3,500 in recent weeks,
Interference: Report says Russia name. ary — a prospect that alarms some democra- groups. Yet even some of those supporters according to the latest government
is trying to disrupt Olympics. A14 “There are many warning signs on the cy activists. López obrador has proposed concede that Morena, which also controls sEE bOrder on a7
horizon that should worry those concerned modifying the constitution to change how two-thirds of the nation’s governorships,
about the future of democracy in Mexico,” judges are named. could be tempted to run roughshod over
said political scientist Denise Dresser, a What sets Morena apart is that it sees itself opponents.

Religious prominent critic of the ruling Morena party.

Morena, founded by President Andrés
Manuel López obrador, emerged from sun-
as more than a political party. It’s proclaimed
the “Fourth Transformation” of Mexico, a
campaign to break the grip of a corrupt
“The big question,” political scientist Car-
los Pérez Ricart said, “is how do you ensure
sEE MexicO on a13
schools get day’s election the undisputed heavyweight of
Mexican politics. It secured the presidency
for six more years and appeared close to
political class linked to economic and media
leaders. López obrador, or AMLo, has main-
tained high ratings with expansive welfare
Female president: With official push for parity,
Mexico paved way for a woman to lead. A12
to pay D.C.
billions in $40M in
public cash Biden faces son’s trial as president and patriarch settlement
State rules on vouchers Lawsuit accused Bitcoin
expand taxpayer funds Opening pushes a new investor of dodging his
for private tuition use high-profile legal case income taxes for years
into heart of campaign
Billionaire bitcoin investor Mi-
Billions in taxpayer dollars are As jury selection launched chael saylor and the software
being used to pay tuition at reli- Monday for United States v. Rob- company he founded have agreed
gious schools throughout the ert Hunter Biden, it marked an- to pay $40 million to settle a
country, as state voucher pro- other novel moment in a period lawsuit by D.C.’s attorney general
grams expand dramatically and that has seen no shortage of alleging he defrauded the city of
the line separating public educa- them: the first time the child of a millions in taxes by falsely claim-
tion and religion fades. president faces a felony trial. ing he lived in Virginia or Flori-
school vouchers can be used at Coming just four days after da, according to a copy of the
almost any private school, but the jurors in new York convicted agreement.
vast majority of the money is be- former president Donald Trump Attorney General Brian L.
ing directed to religious schools, for falsifying records to hide a schwalb (D) said the resolution
according to a Washington Post hush money payment, Hunter marked the largest income tax
examination of the nation’s larg- Biden’s trial for allegedly lying on recovery in city history and
est voucher programs. a gun-purchase form further en- should serve as a message for
Vouchers, government money trenches the courtroom as a cen- District residents trying to dodge
that covers education costs for tral player in an unorthodox and tax bills by pretending to live
families outside the public chaotic presidential election. elsewhere.
schools, vary by state but offer up President Biden has lost two “no one in the District of
to $16,000 per student per year, other children, and the legal or- Columbia, no matter how
and in many cases fully cover the deal facing his surviving son will KEvin LAMARqUE/REUtERs wealthy or powerful they may be,
cost of tuition at private schools. be an emotional experience as hunter biden arrives at federal court Monday with his wife, Melissa cohen biden, in Wilmington, del. is above the law,” schwalb said in
In some schools, a large share of well, longtime associates say, test- he is charged with lying on an official form when he bought a gun in 2018. a statement.
the student body is benefiting ing his ability to maintain a Under the agreement, saylor
from a voucher, meaning a signifi- professional and political dis- president, candidate and father. election as Republicans seek to “We live in a time when Ameri- and Microstrategy, the business
cant portion of the school’s fund- tance. The cases against Trump and tie Biden to his son’s legal trou- cans largely consider the court- software firm he founded in
ing is coming directly from the Facing a situation unlike any Hunter Biden are markedly dif- bles, and the president’s handling room to be politics by other 1989, deny they violated District
government. president before him, Biden — ferent, not least because one de- of them will be scrutinized closely sEE biden on a4 law and admitted no wrong-
In just five states with expan- who at 81 is the patriarch of a fendant is seeking the presidency by voters considering his per- doing.
sive programs, more than 700,000 large and growing family — will and the other is a private citizen. formance as president and as Jury selection: First day of trial In a statement Monday, saylor
sEE schOOls on a6 have to navigate the trial as But both could affect the 2024 patriarch. highlights U.s. drug epidemic. A4 sEE settleMent on a20

in the news ThE ECoNomy

President biden’s sci-
ThE rEgIoN
d.c. voters are set to
new editor Matt Mur-
BusINEss NEws.........................A15
ence adviser is oversee- select Democratic nomi- ray met with Washing- opINIoN pAgEs..........................A17
‘Simply preposterous’ Anthony S. Fauci, a ThE NATIoN ThE world ing a harder line in the nees in a hard-fought ton Post staffers as Pub- TElEvIsIoN .................................. C3

former health adviser to Donald Trump and “appeal to heaven” ukrainian command- country’s approach to Ward 7 council race and lisher William Lewis world NEws.............................A10

flags have been appro- ers said many of their technology policy other contests. B1 fielded questions about
President Biden, dismissed allegations at a priated in recent years by new troops arrive with- toward China. A15 noncitizen residents newsroom reshuffling. C1 CONTENT © 2024
House hearing that he led a covid coverup. A5 extremist groups. A3 out basic training. A10 congress is weighing of D.C., newly eligible to The Washington Post

at the bribery trial of benjamin netanyahu delaying action on the vote in the city’s local hEAlTh & sCIENCE Year 147, No. 53872
Schools’ budget crunch Rising costs, strained Sen. Bob Menendez, his and Hamas both said a farm bill over disputes races, shared what the a long-term study of
dolphins sheds light on
tax revenue and the expiration of pandemic wife’s texts and voice cease-fire agreement has about SNAP benefits right to cast a ballot
the marine mammals’
mails figure heavily. A8 not been reached. A11 and climate policy. A16 means for them. B1
aid are affecting districts in the D.C. region. B1 complex society. E1
A2 eZ Re the washington post . tuesday, june 4 , 2024

c o r r e c ti o n

the Washington post is committed to

Rubio spreads debunked 2020 election claims Republican attorney general at
the time, in 2022 issued a report
saying the signature verification
system in the county was
correcting errors that appear in the “You have places single one of their fairy-tale “insufficient to guard against
newspaper. those interested in like Wisconsin allegations,” Mike Hassinger, a abuse.” When a Democrat, Kris
contacting the paper for that purpose with over 500 spokesman for the Georgia Mayes, became attorney general
email: illegal drop box secretary of state, a Republican, last year, she released internal
call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be locations … you said in an email. “Like all the lies documents from the Brnovich
connected to the desk involved — have places like about Georgia’s 2020 election, probe showing that his
National, Foreign, Metro, style, sports,
The Fact Georgia where True the Vote’s fabricated claims investigators did not find
Business or any of the weekly sections. Checker liberal groups of ballot harvesting have been evidence of fraud or improper
Comments can be directed to the Glenn were paying repeatedly debunked, and anyone procedures. At one point,
post’s reader advocate, who can be Kessler people $10 per who repeats them is either a Brnovich even left out edits from
reached at 202-334-7582 or vote. … Look at willful dunce or a co-conspirator.” his own investigators refuting his what happened in Arizona, True the Vote did not respond assertions. His staff advised him
200,000 ballots that the to a request for comment. In that the county had rigorous
signatures didn’t match.” brief, the organization in training and processes, as well as
KLMNO — Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.),
in remarks on NBC’s “Meet the
November 2021 filed a complaint
claiming that a source identified
additional staff, to ensure
signature verification.
Press,” May 19 only as “John Doe” said he had As we noted, Rubio’s
neWsPAPer DeLiVerY
For home delivery comments
been one of many people who had spokesperson did not explain
or concerns contact us at In the contest to join former been paid to collect and deliver where he obtained the 200,000 or president Donald Trump on the absentee ballots — for a fee of figure. Our colleagues at
send us an email at 2024 ticket as his running mate, Joe skippeR/ReuteRs about $10 per ballot — during the believe it came or call aspirants have had to follow his Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who is reportedly interested in being 2020 election. The complaint said from a February 2022 “pilot
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679 path on questioning election Donald Trump’s running mate, has questioned the 2020 results. this “ballot trafficking scheme” study” funded by the Republican-
to sUBscriBe integrity in the United States. had been organized by “a controlled Arizona Senate. That
202-334-6100 Many refuse to say they will forwarded the office’s news emphasized in a concurring network of non-governmental study extrapolated from a sample
accept the election results if release on his appearance, which opinion: “This case is not about organizations” and that the of 499 early ballot envelopes;
to ADVertise Trump doesn’t win. Some in cast his comments as addressing the risk of fraudulent votes being source had been paid directly more than 1.9 million early
Classified: 202-334-6200
contention have echoed Trump’s the “legacy media’s one-sided cast or inspiring confidence in from one of these groups. ballots were cast. The study
Display: 202-334-7642 falsehoods, as Vivek Ramaswamy questioning on election denying.” elections.” But the story fell apart when claimed that “200,000 mail
did when he declared in one of In other words, Rubio is Georgia authorities tried to ballots with mismatched
MAin PHone nUMBer the GOP primary debates that 500 ‘illegal’ drop box relying on an after-the-fact court investigate. Truth the Vote first signatures were counted without
“the 2020 election was indeed locations in Wisconsin ruling, one narrowly focused on tried to refuse a subpoena, being reviewed (‘cured’) in
to reAcH tHe neWsrooM stolen by Big Tech.” (The theory, Rubio is referring to a July whether state statutes allowed claiming confidentiality Maricopa.”
Metro: 202-334-7300; without evidence, is that more 2022 ruling by the Wisconsin the use of drop boxes, even in a agreements, and then tried to That’s not the same as 200,000 coverage of the Hunter Biden Supreme Court that 528 drop once-in- a-century health withdraw the complaint. When signatures being fraudulent.
National: 202-334-7410; laptop would have changed the boxes that were in place in 2020, emergency. The ruling was close. Georgia refused to allow that, Indeed, the study estimated that election results.) during the pandemic, and 570 in In fact, the balance of power on True the Vote admitted in a court only 5,277 ballots should have
Business: 202-334-7320; In a recent television a 2021 election were “illegal the court has since changed, and filing that it had no been disallowed. But again, all of appearance, Rubio managed to under Wisconsin statutes.” In the the now-liberal-leaning court is confidentiality agreement or these numbers are an
sports: 202-334-7350; achieve a trifecta. 4-3 ruling, the court concluded considering whether it should “identity and contact extrapolation from a tiny sample He refused to say he would that state law did not explicitly overturn the ruling. information” regarding its — and we now know Brnovich’s
investigative: 202-334-6179; accept the results: “If it’s an permit drop boxes, even though alleged source. investigators found no evidence unfair election, I think it’s going they had been used in some People in Georgia were paid of problems.
style: 202-334-7535; to be contested.” jurisdictions for years. “An $10 per vote 200,000 signatures didn’t He suggested that more absentee ballot must be returned This is a discredited falsehood, match on ballots in Arizona The Pinocchio Test
coverage of the laptop would by mail or the voter must peddled by an organization, True As with the Georgia example, Trump is setting a high bar for
to reAcH tHe oPinion PAges
have affected the 2020 results: personally deliver it to the the Vote, notorious for spreading Rubio is fanning a theory that has vice-presidential contenders.
Letters to the editor: or call “What undermines elections is municipal clerk at the clerk’s election misinformation. True the little basis in fact. They appear to need to echo his
202-334-6215 when NBC News and every major office or a designated alternate Vote first made this claim in 2021, Joe Biden won Arizona by only debunked claims of election
opinion: news outlet in America in 2020 site,” the court said. but after the state of Georgia 10,457 votes, or 0.3 percent of the fraud in 2020. Rubio’s censored the Biden laptop story, Officials “may have been trying launched an investigation and nearly 3.4 million ballots cast. statements, especially regarding
published daily (issN 0190-8286). which turned out to be true, not to make voting as easy as possible demanded evidence, it tried to Afterward, Republicans claimed Georgia and Arizona — one from
postMAsteR: send address changes to
the Washington post, 1301 k st. NW, Washington,
Russian misinformation, during the pandemic, but withdraw the allegation. that Maricopa County, the state’s a notorious election conspiracy
D.C. 20071. unprecedented.” whatever their motivations, WEC The investigation “uncovered biggest, allowed tens of group; the other extrapolated
periodicals postage paid in Washington, D.C., and And he made three specific [the Wisconsin Elections zero evidence of the allegations thousands of ballots with from a small sample — likely pass
additional mailing office.
claims about 2020 — one Commission] must follow made by True the Vote but did signature mismatches to be the Trump test. But they fail the
misleading, two debunked. Let’s Wisconsin statutes,” the court expose True the Vote as a counted. Biden won the county Pinocchio test. Rubio earns four.
examine them in the order he said. “Good intentions never mendacious and deceptive by 45,109 votes, so his margin
made them. A Rubio override the law.” enterprise that … is there was critical to his narrow
spokesperson declined to address Brian Hagedorn, one of the untrustworthy and unable to victory.
his statements in detail. She judges in the majority, provide a shred of evidence for a Mark Brnovich, the

D iges t

ArKAnsAs of the 2nd District in central Congress. About 15 percent of over, but he got off the scooter saw police zip-tie the hands of
Arkansas. Those voters were Arkansas’s population is Black. and ran away. The officers about 50 people. Officers then
High court sends back split between the state’s 1st and — Associated Press chased him on foot for several put them in police vans and
redistricting case 4th congressional districts. blocks, Caban said. drove them away.
Residents of the district who neW YorK He fired multiple rounds at A group of pro-Palestinian
The Supreme Court on sued over the map had appealed officers, who returned fire, demonstrators entered the
Monday sent a lawsuit the panel’s decision to the 2 officers, gunman Caban said. One officer was shot building and occupied it for
challenging Arkansas’s 2021 U.S. Supreme Court. hurt in shooting in the front of his vest, and the several hours Monday. They
House map back to a three-judge The Supreme Court’s other officer was shot in the leg. posted signs on the front doors
panel, ordering it to review the Arkansas decision comes after Two New York City police The man was shot in the ankle of the building calling for an end
Download the suit in light of the high court’s the court last month preserved a officers and a 19-year-old man and was taken to a hospital. to the Israel-Hamas war.
Washington Post app decision against similar claims Republican-held South Carolina were shot and wounded early Both officers were treated at a Police officers made multiple
stay informed with award-winning of bias in a redistricting case congressional district, rejecting Monday during a confrontation hospital and released. warnings ordering the
from South Carolina. a lower-court ruling that said the and were hospitalized, officials — Associated Press demonstrators to leave before
national and international news,
The ruling is a setback for the district discriminated against said. they moved in and started
pLus complete local news coverage lawsuit challenging the way Black voters. Mayor Eric Adams said one of cALiForniA detaining people, police said.
of the D.C. metro area. Create Arkansas’s majority-Republican Tim Griffin, Arkansas’s the officers was saved by his Marco Sermoneta, consul
customized news alerts, save Legislature redrew the lines for a Republican attorney general, bullet-resistant vest. Protesters arrested in general of Israel to the Pacific
articles for offline reading in My
post, browse the daily print edition
Little Rock-area congressional called Monday’s decision a The officers pursued the man Israel mission building Northwest, said the protesters
district. A three-judge panel last procedural move that will while he was driving a arrived around 9 a.m. at the
and scroll through the For You tab to year dismissed the suit, which require the lower court to apply motorized scooter the wrong Police on Monday arrested Financial District’s high-rise but
find stories that interest you. Free to claimed the redrawn map the South Carolina decision. way on a street in Queens pro-Palestinian demonstrators didn’t enter the consulate’s
download on the App store and play violated the U.S. Constitution None of the state’s four around 1:40 a.m., Police who occupied the lobby of a San offices. Police officers guarding
store, subscribers enjoy unlimited and the Voting Rights Act by congressional districts are Commissioner Edward Caban Francisco building that houses the building said it was not open
access. moving thousands of majority Black, and the state has said. the Israeli Consulate. to the public.
predominantly Black voters out never elected a Black person to The officers tried to pull him Associated Press journalists — Associated Press


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tuesday, june 4 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A3

Politics & the Nation

Flag at the center of Alito controversy tied to extremism
BY H ANNAH A LLAM Max McCoy, a Kansas-based au-
thor who has documented ex-
From the earliest days of the tremist groups in the Midwest,
republic, American radicals have argued in an essay in March that
drawn inspiration from a simple the flag is part of a larger concern:
white flag emblazoned with a the creeping idea that being Chris-
green pine tree and the words “An tian is “a prerequisite for being an
Appeal to Heaven.” American.”
Among 18th-century revolu- He cited the Trump campaign’s
tionaries, the flag emerged as a $59.99 “God Bless the USA Bible,”
call to arms in the buildup to war which comes with a Constitution,
against British rule, a plea for and viral artwork depicting Jesus
divine help when all else had holding the Constitution against a
failed and it was time to fight. backdrop showing the U.S. Capitol
More than two centuries later, and Supreme Court.
extremism monitors say the self- “The Trump Bible, the Jesus
styled revolutionaries of today’s paintings and the ‘Appeal to Heav-
Christian far right are reviving the en’ flags are all symptoms of a
idea that drastic action is again disease, which left untreated, will
required to save the republic, and prove deadly to democracy,”
they have adopted the flag as their McCoy wrote in The Kansas Re-
own. Appeal to Heaven banners flector. “That disease is a fatalism
have appeared at rallies against that we are living in the end
pandemic-era lockdowns and at times.”
protests against LGBTQ+ events, In his letter to lawmakers, Alito
such as Pride parades. Photos distanced himself from the flags
show dozens of them in the mob and their political meaning. He
that attacked the U.S. Capitol on said he asked his wife to remove
Jan. 6, 2021. the upside-down flag at their
One also flew at the New Jersey home, according to the letter, “but
vacation home of Supreme Court for several days, she refused.” Alito
Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr. and his added that the episode was con-
wife, Martha-Ann Alito. Together nected to Martha-Ann’s distress
with the upside-down U.S. flag over “a very nasty neighborhood
flown at their Virginia home, an- dispute.”
other emblem appropriated in re- Regarding the Appeal to Heav-
cent years by extremist groups, sPencer Platt/getty Images en flag, Alito wrote that he had no
researchers say the two symbols “Appeal to Heaven” flags dot the crowd at the “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021. involvement in the decision to dis-
represent problem and solution: a play it, and noted that the vacation
nation in grave distress, and ism — didn’t grasp the flag’s politi- course, you can make this appeal awakening.” ter which fringe group might seek property had been purchased by
Christian patriots willing to rally cal message. to heaven and pick up your gun One early supporter was Sarah to co-opt it,” Janae Shamp, a Re- his wife with an inheritance from
to its rescue. The flags displayed at the Alito and start shooting,” Cotlar said. Palin, the former Alaska governor publican state lawmaker in Ari- her parents, “a place, away from
The Appeal to Heaven banner properties have long been con- The flag had faded into obscuri- and 2008 Republican vice-pre- zona, told a local news outlet Washington, where she should be
in particular, they say, has taken nected to the anti-government mi- ty by the 1990s, when it was dusted sidential nominee, who defended when asked last year about the able to relax.”
on apocalyptic overtones that a litia world as a protest of the “tyr- off and adopted as a symbol of a the Appeal to Heaven flag in 2015 Appeal to Heaven flag on her desk. With the high court’s credibility
decade ago were limited to the far anny” of federal power, or to ex- then-nascent far-right movement during a controversy over its dis- That argument, however, is already under scrutiny in other
edges of the right, but are increas- tremists preparing for what they to infuse Christianity into all as- play at a courthouse in Arkansas. now being revisited in the wake of matters, Schubiner said, that re-
ingly present in the centers of see as a looming showdown over pects of society, with a focus on Writing in the right-wing outlet the Alito episode and a widening sponse is not sufficient explana-
American power. race or religion. governance. The flag’s legacy, his- Breitbart, Palin acknowledged awareness of the flag’s roots and tion for how flags so potent ended
“The original meaning of that In the past decade, the Appeal torians say, helps conceal the zeal- that her “special friends,” Sheets symbolism. up at the homes of a figure so
flag is: ‘I think armed, violent op- to Heaven flag has gained a follow- otry of the new forces claiming it. and his wife, Ceci, had given her The Appeal to Heaven banner powerful.
position to the existing govern- ing among Christian nationalists “If you’re in the inside, you one as a gift. was among 18 historic flags that “Flying both of the flags sends a
ment is the only recourse that true seeking to impose their religious know that the Appeal to Heaven Republicans have often dis- had been displayed since 1964 at a clear political message of align-
patriots have right now,’” said Seth views in schools, libraries and oth- flag is this symbol for this very missed criticism of the flag as arti- plaza across from City Hall in San ment with anti-democracy move-
Cotlar, a Willamette University er public institutions, a campaign prophecy-, spiritual warfare-driv- ficial outrage manufactured by Francisco. It was removed in re- ments and undermines, yet again,
history professor who has written that extremism analysts describe en form of Christian nationalism. liberals who are out to smear con- cent days, according to the San the legitimacy of the Supreme
extensively about early American as a challenge to the separation But on the outside, it just seems servative Christians as violent ex- Francisco Chronicle, which quot- Court,” Schubiner said. “Rather
radicalism. between church and state. like it’s another patriotic symbol,” tremists. They’ve insisted that the ed parks officials as saying that the than seeking to avoid the appear-
Today, Cotlar said, it is em- Most concerning, the analysts Matthew Taylor of the Baltimore- flag is a part of U.S. history — and flag’s original significance in the ance of bias, many people would
braced by “a movement that has say, is the implicit militancy the based Institute for Islamic, Chris- that there’s no shame in flying it. quest for American independence view this as embracing it.”
become ever more comfortable flag represents as it moves from a tian and Jewish Studies explained “Something that has had a par- has “since been adopted by a dif-
with the idea that political vio- Revolutionary-era relic to a weap- in the center’s documentary “Spir- ticular meaning for 250 years re- ferent group — one that doesn’t Justin Jouvenal contributed to this
lence might be necessary to save on in the culture wars. itual Warriors,” on the role of tains its original meaning, no mat- represent the city’s values.” report.
America from this largely imag- “This flag was never neutral,” Christian nationalists in the Capi-
ined phantom of the radical left.” said Phoebe Jones, who research- tol attack.
Conspiracy theorists and religious es Christian nationalism at the In 2013, one of the movement’s
extremists cast themselves as Middlebury Institute’s Center on most visible proponents, Texas-
fighting “communism,” “satan- Terrorism, Extremism, And Coun- based Dutch Sheets, launched WASHINGTON MAIN
ism,” and other forces they blame terterrorism. “No matter what what scholars have called a “spirit-
for societal ills. decade you point to and what us- ual warfare campaign” built
The flying of both flags was first age of this flag, it always carried around the Appeal to Heaven flag.

reported last month by the New weight.” He passed out the flags to con-
York Times. In a letter Wednesday
rejecting Democratic calls for his
Before the Alito controversy, a
handful of U.S. and state lawmak-
servative politicians, cultivating
supporters who share right-wing

recusal from cases involving the ers already had faced criticism for anxieties over race, sexuality and
Capitol attack, Alito said his wife their display of the Appeal to leftist influence, said Lindsay
was solely responsible for the flags Heaven flag, most notably Speak- Schubiner of the Western States
and that neither he nor Martha- er Mike Johnson (R-La.). When Center, a civil rights group that
Ann was familiar with the Appeal questioned about the flag last monitors anti-democracy move-

to Heaven flag’s use by Stop the week, Johnson told the AP he had ments nationwide.

Steal advocates who promote the “used that flag for as long as I can “That flag is a symbol of Chris-
falsehood that Trump won the remember” out of reverence for its tian nationalism, of opposition to
2020 election. “critical, important part of Ameri- inclusive, representative democ-

“She may have mentioned that can history.” racy, and a symbol of bigotry,” she
it dates back to the American Rev- To Cotlar, the Appeal to Heaven said.
olution, and I assumed she was flag at the Alitos’ vacation home In response to questions, INCLUDING INSTALLATION
flying it to express a patriotic and was especially jarring. His re- Sheets wrote via text message that
religious message,” Alito wrote. search has explored the Appeal to he doesn’t know the Alitos and did NO MONEY DOWN
While interpretations vary in Heaven’s origins in the philoso- not give them a flag. He described
detail, extremism monitors say pher John Locke’s Second Trea- the Appeal to Heaven flag as a NO INTEREST AND
the Appeal to Heaven flag broadly tise. Cotlar said the text justifies “wonderful” symbol of history and
denotes a religious and political violence against the established faith. NO PAYMENTS FOR 1-YEAR
identity that mythologizes revolu- government as a last resort; he has “The Founders knew there was
tionary history as precedent for a described it as a colonial-era ver- no hope to defeat the British Em-
modern-day uprising. Some ex- sion of “Praise God and pass the pire unless God helped them. So
pressed skepticism or concern ammunition.” they appealed to heaven,” Sheets
that a Supreme Court justice — “If it’s clear that there’s abso- wrote. “Today, it means we must
especially a self-described “origi- lutely no redress and your rights have God’s help in restoring Amer-
nalist” celebrated by conserva- have just been completely obliter- ica. Not through violence or war,
tives as a bulwark against liberal- ated, and you have no other re- but through a great spiritual


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A4 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, june 4 , 2024

First day of Hunter Biden trial highlights drug epidemic

heard about Hunter Biden. A fe-
male prospective juror said she
Jury selection delves into laughed when she realized what
some of the most divisive case it was, because she remem-
bered coverage of the Biden fam-
and pervasive U.S. issues ily when Joe Biden ran for presi-
dent in 2020. Asked her opinion
of Hunter, she said, “not a good
D EVLIN B ARRETT Hunter Biden was also charged
AND M ATT V ISER in Los Angeles last year with
failing to file and pay at least
WIlMINGTON, Del. — Jury selec- $1.4 million in federal taxes from
tion for the trial of President 2016 through 2019, tax evasion
Biden’s son Hunter on monday and filing false tax returns. Three
turned into an impromptu but of the charges are felonies; six are
painful indictment of the nation’s misdemeanors. That case is set
drug epidemic, with person after for trial in September.
person telling the court of their While the two indictments are
loved ones’ battles with addiction. separate, they stem from the
Judge maryellen Noreika same troubled period in his life,
swore in a dozen jurors — plus share some of the same evidence
four alternates — to determine and were once more closely
the legal fate of Hunter Biden, linked together. Delaware U.S. At-
who is on trial for three felony torney David Weiss began investi-
gun charges just months before gating Hunter Biden’s business
his father seeks a second term in dealings during the Trump ad-
the White House in November. ministration, but has not brought
A substitute teacher, a former any charges related to those activ-
Secret Service employee and mul- ities.
tiple gun owners were among Last summer, Hunter Biden
those chosen to report back to reached a tentative agreement
court Tuesday morning, when with prosecutors to plead guilty
opening arguments are expected in Delaware to two misdemeanor
to begin. Six jurors chosen were tax-related charges and admit to
men. Six were women. most were the facts of a gun charge. That
people of color, and their ages deal fell apart after Noreika ques-
appeared to range from mid-20s tioned some of its terms.
to 70s. Soon after, Attorney General
During the hours of screening merrick Garland named Weiss as
and selection, Hunter Biden sat special counsel — a move that
with his lawyer at the defense MATT SlocuM/AP gave the prosecutor clear authori-
table, while his wife melissa Co- First lady Jill Biden departs federal court in Wilmington after the first day of her son Hunter Biden’s trial on federal gun charges. ty to file charges outside of Dela-
hen Biden, first lady Jill Biden ware and paved the way for the
and several other relatives and knew that many families of ad- affirmed his statement was true, present as evidence, she did so tional Committee said he worked tax indictment in California.
family friends sat nearby in the dicts could relate to Hunter and illegally owned the gun for because she feared for his safety. at the same school as Jill Biden The trial in Delaware is expect-
gallery. Biden’s journey. 11 days as a drug user. many of the jurors said they and has bumped into Joe Biden at ed to last up two weeks, with
The responses of dozens of pro- “my daughter’s been given a He has pleaded not guilty to the have read or seen headlines about events over the years. A bartender prosecutors saying they may call a
spective jurors to questions in second chance,” said one prospec- charges. If convicted, the maxi- Hunter Biden’s gun case over the had served drinks to Hunter dozen witnesses. The testimony
open court reflected some of the tive juror who was not chosen for mum sentence for the most seri- years in local and national news Biden’s uncle — who was in the could get deeply personal and
most pervasive and divisive is- the panel, but like many others ous crime in the indictment is outlets, but few said they delved courtroom monday — a few times reopen some of the most painful
sues in American society, with said his experience watching a 10 years in prison, though as a deeply into the details. one wom- at a Delaware bar. Another pro- moments in the Biden family’s
jurors discussing their views on family member struggle with first-time offender he would an, who was selected as an alter- spective juror had coached the past.
gun ownership and mistrust of drugs would not prevent him probably face far less. nate juror, said she first learned children of Hunter Biden’s broth- In his statement monday, Pres-
the judicial process. from judging Hunter Biden fairly. The gun trial has brought Hunter Biden was going to trial er in youth sports. And one wom- ident Biden said: “I don’t and
And in a trial where the crimi- “Everyone deserves a second Hunter Biden back to his home- on monday when her dad in- an said she was social acquain- won’t comment on pending feder-
nal defendant has been public chance.” town of Wilmington — the city formed her on her drive over to tances with Hunter and Hallie al cases, but as a Dad, I have
about his struggles with drug ad- Hunter Biden faces three felo- where he grew up, where his older the courthouse. Biden. boundless love for my son, confi-
dition, the jurors told the court ny charges related to a gun he brother died in 2015 of brain She told the court that many of All four of the people who said dence in him, and respect for his
about similar battles fought by purchased in 2018. A four-page cancer and where prosecutors al- her relatives are gun owners and they had personal relationships strength.”
their parents, children and indictment accuses him of mak- lege he was addicted to drugs that she has lost multiple friends with the family were struck from At each trial break, Hunter
friends. ing two false statements in filling when he purchased a Colt revolv- to drug addiction. “I feel it’s an the jury. Biden would kiss both his wife
many offered their own ver- out the required paperwork to er. At the time, he was in a roman- everyday part of the world nowa- “Delaware’s a small place,” one and mother on the cheek.
sions of a written statement from purchase the weapon. He alleged- tic relationship with his brother’s days,” she said. prospective juror said. As he waited for jury selection
President Biden, who was in ly claimed to not be addicted to or widow, Hallie Biden, who found A few prospective jurors said A number of people questioned to begin in the morning, he greet-
Wilmington on monday but did using illegal drugs, the indict- the gun in his truck and dumped they personally knew the Biden said their political views colored ed the first lady with a wry joke.
not come to the courthouse. He ment says, “when in fact, as he it in an upscale grocery store’s family from living in Delaware. their opinion of the case, and “Happy birthday,” he told her.
said he found his son’s recovery knew, that statement was false trash can. According to text mes- one retired police officer who has were excused after acknowledg- “I got you a special event.”
from addiction inspiring and and fictitious.” He then allegedly sages that prosecutors plan to donated to the republican Na- ing they disliked what they had The two laughed.

Biden’s son’s trial tests his ability to maintain professional, political distance
BiDen from A1 takes presidential trips to france son’s ordeal.
and Italy. The president has kept his son
means,” said russell riley, a There will not be a White particularly close in recent days,
presidential historian at the Uni- House war room operation to bringing him to a state dinner at
versity of Virginia’s miller Center. address the case, for example, or the White House and to Dela-
“This is the main argument Don- to respond to attacks from re- ware, where the Biden family
ald Trump is making, evidently publicans. gathered to mark the ninth anni-
with success, to diminish the After the House GoP spent versary of the death of Beau
impact of his multiple felony months on an impeachment in- Biden. father and son were spot-
convictions. So ironically, this quiry focusing on Hunter Biden ted cycling together on Saturday
same argument helps inoculate and the family finances, White in rehoboth Beach.
President Biden from damage if House officials said they do not “The president and the first
his son’s trial goes badly.” expect the trial to reveal anything lady, they love their son,” Jean-
In one sign of how the two new. Pierre told reporters last week.
cases could affect each other, Lawyers for Hunter Biden did “They are proud of how their son
Biden on friday chided Trump not respond to requests for com- has been able to get back on his
for complaining repeatedly that ment. feet and continue his progress,
his case was rigged, saying, “It’s Yet the trial could exact an and they will continue to support
reckless, it’s dangerous, and it’s emotional toll on a president who him.”
irresponsible to say this was speaks to his children and grand- few analysts are willing to
rigged just because they don’t like children almost daily, his associ- predict the political impact of
the verdict.” Such a comment ates say. Before running for presi- Hunter Biden’s legal problems —
could make it harder for Biden to dent, he agonized over the deci- or Trump’s — on the 2024 elec-
criticize his son’s trial if he is sion in part due to the effect a tion.
unhappy with the outcome. campaign could have on his fam- Polling suggests that Trump’s
Just as the defendants in the ily, who had endured years of guilty verdict could have a mar-
two cases are very different, so turbulence marked by Hunter ginal impact on voters who are
are the charges. Biden’s struggles with addiction wary of electing a felon. With
In Trump’s case, prosecutors in the wake of Beau’s 2015 death, Hunter Biden’s legal troubles a
said he used illegal means to DeMeTriuS FreeMAn/The WAShingTon PoST according to those close to the step removed from his father, it’s
prevent public exposure of an President Biden has kept his son Hunter Biden close in the days leading up to the trial. Hunter Biden Bidens. not clear that his trial, or a
affair that could have damaged attended a recent White House state dinner, and the two were together in Delaware over the weekend. And Biden is clearly in a potential conviction, would sway
his political prospects. Hunter, in unique position as the head of an many voters, according to strat-
turn, is charged with falsely de- resurfaces a troubled chapter in Hunter Biden, focusing mostly on allow anyone to tear it down,” he administration prosecuting his egists.
claring that he was not using the family’s history. Prosecutors his foreign business dealings and said. own son. While the president has While it is unprecedented for a
illegal drugs when he filled out a have said they are prepared to trying to tie them to his father, Biden’s remarks come as his pledged to allow the legal process child of a president to face a
form to buy a gun in 2018 — even call Hunter’s former wife Kath- efforts that have largely stalled. son’s lawyers have argued that to play out, he theoretically could federal trial, there is a long his-
though he was in the throes of a leen Buhle, as well as Hallie GoP leaders continue to charge the prosecutors charging Hunter bring it to a sudden end through a tory of presidential family mem-
deep drug addiction, as recount- Biden, the widow of Hunter’s that the Biden family is ethically were influenced by political pres- pardon, although White House bers who have found themselves
ed in his memoir. brother Beau with whom Hunter troubled, however, and the spec- sure from republicans. If Biden officials say Biden is not consider- in legal trouble, including presi-
The quick succession of two became romantically involved. ter of the president’s son facing were not president, they have ing such a move. dential brothers Billy Carter, rog-
historic cases just five months Any tales of drugs and ro- two criminal trials could play into said, prosecutors would not be Asked twice last year if there er Clinton and Neil Bush.
before the election promises to mance that emerge could distract those efforts. pursuing the charges so aggres- was any possibility that the presi- And after decades when high-
shape the contours of what is the public from the tawdry facts Trump and his allies complain sively, noting that the two sides dent would pardon his son, White profile prosecutors have targeted
expected to be a close presiden- that came out in Trump’s trial, of a “two-tiered” justice system, were near a plea deal last year but House press secretary Karine everything from President Bill
tial race in unpredictable ways. blurring the contrast the presi- saying without evidence that the it collapsed after republicans Jean-Pierre gave an emphatic Clinton’s Whitewater scandal to
Hunter Biden faces another crim- dent is seeking, said Julian Zeliz- president has used his power to attacked it. (The deal fell apart “No.” the Trump campaign’s interac-
inal trial in September, on tax er, who teaches political history go after his enemies and shield under questioning from the The president spent monday in tions with russia, the public has
evasion charges, while Trump at Princeton University. his son, who they say should be judge, when prosecutors and de- Wilmington, Del., where he has a become accustomed to sensitive
faces three more trials, though “In terms of the broader im- facing tougher charges. fense lawyers could not agree on home and where the trial is investigations affecting the presi-
they could come after the elec- pact, it’s relevant less for the son “Just so you understand, this is whether it blocked the Justice unfolding, but did not come to dency, riley, the presidential his-
tion. being in legal trouble — given all done by Biden and his people,” Department from filing more the courthouse. on Tuesday eve- torian, said.
Biden has largely taken a that there has been no evidence Trump said friday. “This is done charges against Hunter Biden in ning, Biden travels to france for a “In the post-Watergate era, in-
hands-off approach to the court- of wrongdoing by his father — but by Washington.” Trump’s guilty the future.) five-day trip that will include a dependent counsel investigations
house machinations, seeking to for how much it distracts from verdict came in a case brought by Against that backdrop, White speech marking the 80th anni- or their like became a staple of
show that he is not interfering Trump’s legal problems and tar- state prosecutors in New York, House officials have said they do versary of D-Day. Next week, American politics, and in every
with the administration of jus- nishes Biden’s image,” Zelizer not Biden’s Justice Department. not plan to respond in real time Biden will head to Italy for a case the go-to defense for those
tice. And his campaign has tried said. “Should the trial have the Biden blasted such comments to developments in Hunter summit of the Group of Seven being investigated was ‘This is
to present a clear distinction effect of dampening the contrast on friday, saying the jury system Biden’s case, seeing the matter as nations. just partisan politics,’” riley said.
between Trump’s struggles with between integrity and wrongdo- is a foundation of American de- a personal one that does not Hunter Biden’s case is expect- “Having heard this over time
the law and Biden’s work to ing, then the impact of the case mocracy and should not be de- directly involve the president. ed to take about two weeks, so it from both republican and Demo-
deliver for the American people. will be extremely significant.” picted as fundamentally corrupt. rather, the White House will seek could overlap with both presi- cratic presidents, Americans evi-
But those efforts could be com- republicans in Congress for “The justice system should be to showcase Biden’s statesman- dential trips, putting Biden sev- dently find it not just plausible,
plicated if Hunter Biden’s trial months aggressively pursued respected, and we should never ship on the global stage as he eral time zones away from his but familiar.”
tuesday, june 4 , 2024 . the washington post eZ Re A5


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Anthony S. Fauci, who served as a senior leader at the National Institutes of Health for four decades,
testified before a House panel investigating the federal government’s coronavirus response.

Fauci dismisses allegations that he

led covid coverup as ‘preposterous’

Anthony S. Fauci defended

himself Monday against claims
that he orchestrated a coverup of

interest for
the coronavirus pandemic’s ori-
gins, with the former government
official rejecting some allegations

60 months
as “simply preposterous.”
The prominent infectious-dis-
ease expert, who served as a sen-
ior leader at the National Insti-
tutes of Health for four decades
before leaving government at the
end of 2022, said Republicans

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have distorted emails between
himself and other scientists as
they discussed whether a labora-
tory leak of the coronavirus was
“We spend our whole life trying Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) was rebuked by the panel’s
to determine the causes of infec- chairman after she accused Fauci of wrongdoing on various issues.
tious diseases and stop them to
protect the American people,” Republicans have “wasted sig- ventilation.
Fauci said, adding that he did not nificant time and taxpayer mon- “This six-foot rule crippled
pressure colleagues to reach a ey” pursuing dubious claims businesses, it allowed students to

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conclusion about the origins of about the pandemic, said Rep. stay at home and not learn,” Rep.
the virus, while disputing other Kathy Castor (Fla.), the top Dem- John Joyce (R-Pa.) said. Other
Republican charges. ocrat on the Energy Committee’s countries and the World Health
The former health adviser in oversight panel. She called on Organization recommended a
the Trump and Biden administra- lawmakers to pivot to other ef- distance of about three feet of
tions testified Monday before the forts, such as stalled legislation to social distance, and experts said a

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House panel investigating the na- reauthorize funding for public similar measure in the United
tion’s coronavirus response. The health preparedness programs. States would have allowed
contentious hearing unfolded for “It’s not too late for Republicans schools to reopen more quickly.
31/2 hours. It came amid a battle to join us,” Castor said. Leading up to the hearing,
between the panel’s Republican In an interview after the hear- public health groups warned that
and Democratic leaders over ing, Rep. Raul Ruiz (Calif.), the health officials such as Fauci were
whether its focus on Fauci is covid panel’s top Democrat, told being harassed for their pandem-
necessary to understand the vi- The Washington Post that he did ic work and urged the panel to
rus’s possible origins, or a waste not learn “a single thing” from the focus more on shoring up confi-
of time that is propagating un- session, urging the GOP-led panel dence in the field. Some promi-
proven theories about the pan- to drop its “narrative” that Fauci nent scientists have accused the
demic and damaging confidence and his colleagues covered up the panel of feeding conspiracy theo-
in public health. virus’s possible creation in a labo- ries and intimidating virologists,
It is the first time Fauci has ratory. saying that Republicans are dam-
faced a GOP-led panel publicly to The hearing with Fauci, widely aging a workforce that will be
answer questions about the viewed as the face of the United needed when the next pandemic
covid-19 pandemic, which is States’ coronavirus response, inevitably arrives.
linked to the deaths of more than drew a circus-style environment Other outside experts said they
1 million Americans. Leaders of to a covid panel that has often understand the panel’s questions
the House Energy and Commerce struggled for attention as the — even if they don’t think a covid
Committee, which oversees U.S. public has moved on from the coverup exists at the highest lev-

Before After
health agencies, also joined the pandemic. A line of would-be els of government.
hearing. Fauci privately testified spectators snaked around the “I don’t agree with the tone and
before the lawmakers for 14 hours Rayburn House Office Building, sort of breathlessness” behind
in January. seeking a seat in the standing- Wenstrup and other Republicans’
The panel has not found evi- room-only hearing; a person sit- questions, said Holden Thorp,
dence that Fauci led a coverup or ting in the front row wore a editor of the journal Science. “At
that the virus leaked from a labo- T-shirt emblazoned with “JAIL the same time, I think that the
ratory. Most U.S. intelligence enti- FAUCI.” scientific community has made a
ties probing the pandemic favor Lawmakers also packed the number of mistakes that don’t


the theory that the virus emerged roster, including Rep. Marjorie look super good for us all … [and]
naturally, via animal-to-human Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), a member that have made it easier for them
transmission. of the covid panel who skipped to make this case.”
Republicans on Monday seven of its last 10 hearings. Thorp testified before the pan-

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pushed on the relationship be- Greene briefly brought the hear- el in April about how academic
tween Fauci and EcoHealth Alli- ing to a halt by accusing Fauci of journals had approached their
ance, a nonprofit organization wrongdoing with lab experi- coronavirus coverage and wheth-
that received funding from Fau- ments on beagles and other mat- er officials such as Fauci had
ci’s agency to conduct risky virus ters, saying he should be in prison pressured them to downplay the
research in Wuhan, China. Feder- and refusing to address him as a lab-leak theory, a charge Thorp
al officials halted funding to Eco- doctor. Democrats protested denied. Like many of the corona- Been waiting for a BIG DEAL on replacement windows? If yours
Health last month, saying the Greene’s accusations, and Wen- virus panel’s recent hearings be-
organization failed to monitor strup rebuked her for violating fore Monday, it drew scant atten- are cracked, leaking, moldy, won’t close (or open), or wasting
and report on that work. Republi- decorum. Fauci expressed puzzle- tion, including from Republicans your money by letting out all your heat or air conditioning, you
cans also focused on David Mo- ment over why Greene was invok- who had called the hearing; just
rens, a former Fauci deputy who ing beagles at a hearing dedicated three of the panel’s nine GOP deserve new windows. With proven quality windows backed
deleted emails and took other to the covid response. members attended.
steps to evade federal records law Republicans also pressed Fauci Reached after the hearing, by a lifetime warranty – plus the BEST OFFER OF THE YEAR –
as he emailed with EcoHealth on broader pandemic issues, such public health experts generally
officials and other colleagues. as when he privately told the said they thought Fauci per- now is the time to call Window Nation.
“We have senior officials from panel in January that the federal formed well amid a barrage of
your office, in their own writing, government’s recommendation confrontational questions.
discussing breaking federal law, for six-foot social distancing “sort Kenneth W. Bernard, who
deleting official records and shar- of just appeared” in early 2020 served as a special assistant to the
ing private government informa-
tion with grant recipients,” Rep.
and that the choice of distance
“wasn’t based on data.”
president for security and health
during the Clinton and George W. Schedule your FREE consultation
Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), chair-
man of the panel, said in prepared
Fauci said Monday that he
meant there was no clinical trial
Bush administrations, said that it
was a “good hearing for Dr. Fauci” today!
remarks. Fauci distanced himself to settle on the distance of six feet, and that Wenstrup’s questions
from Morens, saying he “knew and that officials from the Cen- were fair — though he dismissed
nothing” about his former col- ters for Disease Control and Pre- other Republicans’ inquiries as
league’s actions regarding Eco- vention who crafted the recom- “predictably closed-minded” and
Health or his emails, and rebuked
him for violating NIH policies.
mendation were basing the dis-
tance on early expectations of
Greene particularly as “an idiot.”
Chris Meekins, a former Trump
Democrats rallied around Fau-
ci, defending the 83-year-old sci-
how the virus spread. The answer
did not satisfy Republicans, who
administration official who
worked on biopreparedness,
entist’s government service and asked why Fauci did not push credited Fauci with navigating
saying that his work to combat CDC officials to change the rec- “highly telegraphed and well- Offer Valid on certain models, and excludes the cost of labor. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Financing offers a no interest feature (during the “promotional
HIV and other viruses saved ommendation as it became clear worn lines of attack” from Repub-
countless lives in the United that virus particles could float in licans. But Meekins warned that
States and around the world. Fau- the air for hours, particularly in the GOP-led panel would prob- only. Normal late charges apply once the promotional period has ended. MD MHIC # 124358, VA # 2705178069, DC # 420212000037, Delaware # 2013601804, PA # 104611,

ci testified that he and his family enclosed environments, and that ably dig through Fauci’s lengthy MA HIC # 197968, NJ # 13VH07997100, RI RIGL #44067, KS # 9641242, CT HIC # 0661044, WA # WINDONL771PW, RI RIGL #44067.

have faced persistent death six feet of social distancing alone testimony to search for new con-
threats over allegations that he would not be sufficient to protect tradictions or errors, as they have
played a role in sparking the against infection without other with Fauci’s different definitions
covid-19 pandemic. measures such as masking and of “gain-of-function” research.
A6 eZ Re the washington post . tuesday, june 4 , 2024

States with school voucher programs

Eleven states have voucher programs where all or almost all
students are eligible for subsidies. An additional 18 states plus
D.C. have smaller programs.
Universal/near-universal Smaller program(s) No program



Note: Includes traditional vouchers, education savings accounts and tax credit
scholarship programs. Illinois and Minnesota have tax breaks that subsidize
educational expenses; Maine and Vermont have tuition subsidies for towns without
public schools.

school districts, and billed as a tive courses focused on the Bible,

means of giving more choices to which are supposed to be secular
children with particular needs. but critics say open the door to
anDRew Demillo/ap for years, in response to political proselytizing.
Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders signs into law an education overhaul bill March 8, 2023, at the state Capitol in Little Rock. The and constitutional objections, In oklahoma, the state Su-
legislation created a school voucher program that allows use of public money to help pay for private and home schooling. lawmakers also created a round- preme Court in April considered
about voucher system that re- what would be an unprecedented
quired applications to go through step toward the mingling of

Taxpayer taxpayer-supported nonprofit

corporations. Those programs,
too, were targeted to students
church and state in education,
weighing whether the state could
directly fund what would be the

funds flow who proponents argued were be-

ing poorly served by the public
nation’s first religious charter
Like the growth in vouchers,

to religious Now those limits are being

Eleven states, including ohio,
those developments stem in large
part from a shift in how the con-
servative-dominated U.S. Su-

Arizona, Indiana and florida, preme Court, operating along
have programs where all or al- largely ideological lines, has rede-
most all children are eligible for fined religion’s role in education
either vouchers, which subsidize and public life.
SCHOOLS from A1 or cover tuition, or educational for much of the 20th century, a
savings accounts, which can be bipartisan consensus protected a
students benefited from vouchers spent on any school-related ex- separation of church and state.
this school year. (Those same pense, according to tracking by But in recent decades, advocates
states had a total of about 935,000 EdChoice. who thought separation had gone
private school students in 2021, The fact that so much of the too far advanced the opposite ar-
the most recent year for which money is going to religious gument: Limiting the rights of
data are available.) An additional schools reflects at least in part the religious groups in schools and
200,000 were subsidized in the dominance of religious institu- other government settings consti-
rest of the country, according to tions among the nation’s constel- tutes discrimination.
tracking by EdChoice, a voucher lation of private schools. Nation- That movement got a signifi-
advocacy group. That suggests a ally, about 77 percent of students cant boost in 2020, when the Su-
substantial share of about 4.7 mil- attending private school go to reli- preme Court ruled that a
lion students attending private gious schools, according to feder- montana scholarship program
school nationwide are benefiting al data. But in the states with big that funded secular private
from vouchers — a number that is voucher programs, the share of schools had to finance religious
expected to grow. Ross D. FRanklin/ap money going to religious schools schools as well — even though the
The programs, popular with Members of Save Our Schools Arizona protest at the Arizona School for the Arts in 2017 in Phoenix. is higher — in some cases, much montana state Constitution
conservatives, are rapidly grow- The group sought to delay expansion of the state’s school choice program. higher. barred it.
ing in GoP-run states, with a total Catholic schools have been Two years later, the Supreme
of 29 states plus D.C. operating among the biggest winners. Na- Court reinforced the point in a
some sort of voucher system. tionally, more than 1.6 million case from maine, ruling that a
Eight states created or expanded K-12 students were enrolled in program providing tuition aid to
voucher programs last year, and Catholic schools in 2021, the latest students in rural areas without
this year, Alabama, Georgia and federal data show. public schools could not exclude
missouri have approved or ex- In ohio, 75,000 Catholic school religious education.
panded voucher-type programs. students participate in the newly robert C. Enlow, president of
Some recently enacted plans are expanded voucher program, said EdChoice, the advocacy group,
just starting to take effect or will Lincoln Snyder, president of the said he used to hear state lawmak-
be phased in over the next few National Catholic Educational As- ers regularly argue against vouch-
years. sociation. That’s about 63 percent ers by citing legal concerns, but no
The growth follows a string of of all ohio students enrolled in more.
recent victories in the Supreme Catholic schools. In florida, about “The majority of times now we
Court and state legislatures by 60 percent of Catholic school stu- do not hear any of ‘this is not
religious conservatives who have dents tap into educational savings constitutional,’ ” he said. “That’s
campaigned to tear down what accounts, he said. not an argument they’re using.
once were constitutional prohibi- That has benefited families Not anymore.”
tions against spending tax money that would otherwise be paying The oklahoma case could mark
directly on religious education. It tuition themselves and also bol- the first time a state directly funds
also marks a win for the school stered the schools, which receive a religious public school. While
choice movement, which has money instead of having to spend vouchers give public money to
spent decades campaigning to let funds on financial aid. students for private schools, al-
parents use tax money for any At some ohio schools, as many lowing the oklahoma charter
school they see fit. as eight in 10 students attend with school to go ahead would mean
Voucher programs, which vary the help of vouchers. for instance, the government was paying di-
in their details, have grown par- the boys-only St. Xavier High rectly for education infused with
ticularly large in a half-dozen School in Cincinnati enrolls 1,346 religion.
states. In each of these, participat- students. of them, about 1,100 Last year, the state online char-
ing families have overwhelmingly receive taxpayer-funded vouch- ter school board approved the
chosen religious schools, some- RuTHie Hauge/THe CapiTal Times/pool/ap ers, said Gerry Bollman, the proposal for a new school called
times using the subsidy for The Wisconsin Supreme Court in session Nov. 21, 2023. The court later declined to hear a lawsuit school’s chief financial officer. St. Isidore of Seville Catholic
schools their children were al- brought by Democrats seeking to end the state’s taxpayer-funded private school voucher program. The state’s expanded voucher Virtual School. It is to be operated
ready attending before the pro- program “has opened the door to by the roman Catholic Archdio-
grams began. many families that otherwise cese of oklahoma City and the
In ohio, the GoP legislature — more than $3 billion this year. feated in legislative runoffs by public school students,” the suit wouldn’t have been able to send Diocese of Tulsa, and leaders say
last year significantly expanded And in Arizona, more than pro-voucher candidates. alleges. their sons here,” he said. religion will be infused through-
its voucher program to make al- 75,000 students are benefiting Supporters say these programs Vouchers have not led to a gut- This year’s freshman class is out the curriculum.
most every student eligible for from the Empowerment Scholar- give parents more choices and ting of spending on public almost 15 percent larger than last The school is being challenged
thousands of dollars to attend ship Program, which pays for any that religious schools are receiv- schools, partly because state year’s — growing from about 325 by oklahoma’s republican attor-
private school. As a result, more educational expense. In 2022- ing this money because parents budgets have been relatively to 370 students, he said. Vouchers ney general, who argued before
than 150,000 students are paying 2023, three-fourths of the money see these schools as the right place healthy. But critics fear that cuts in ohio — the amount depends on the state Supreme Court that its
tuition with vouchers this year — — about $229 million — went to for their children. are coming as voucher spending family income — can cover almost creation violated the separation
up from about 61,000 in 2020. 184 vendors. most of that money “It’s the parents’ money to use rises. half of the school’s $17,350 tuition. of church and state.
About 91 percent of this year’s went for tuition, 87 percent of it to as they see is best,” said Brian In Arizona, for instance, the The recent expansion of vouch- Some justices expressed skepti-
voucher recipients attend reli- religious schools. Hickey, executive director of the cost of universal vouchers has er programs has turned “distant cism that a fully religious school
gious schools, The Post analysis Arizona also has an older Catholic Conference of ohio. “We exceeded the $624 million bud- dreams into realities for hundreds could pass constitutional muster;
found. When vouchers for stu- voucher program, funded by tax don’t necessarily see it as taxpayer geted for this year, contributing to of families” who attend Calvary others suggested there may be
dents with autism and other dis- credits, which last year subsidized money.” a budget hole that lawmakers Christian Academy’s three South little difference between a reli-
abilities — who typically seek spe- tuition for at least 30,000 stu- To critics, the burgeoning num- have not yet said how they will fill. florida campuses, Calvary’s presi- gious charter school and other
cific services — are removed from dents. (The state tracks only the ber of taxpayer-financed religious That budget crunch could affect dent, Jason rachels, wrote in an instances of tax dollars support-
the list, the portion going toward number of scholarships given, students adds up to an unwel- public school spending and cer- email. of the school’s 3,156 stu- ing religious entities, including
religious education rises to 98 and one student can receive mul- come mingling of government tainly makes any increases unlike- dents, about 2,700 use vouchers, a private school vouchers, that have
percent. (Unless otherwise noted, tiple scholarships.) Since this pro- and religion, and a drain on dol- ly at a time when public schools Calvary spokesman wrote. been blessed by the U.S. Supreme
The Post calculations exclude gram was created in 1998, 19 of the lars that could support public are struggling, said Beth Lewis, In an email, rachels credited Court.
schools for students with disabili- 20 schools that received the most schools, which unlike private director of Save our Schools Ari- the program with ensuring “that People on both sides of the case
ties.) money were religious, according schools are required to serve all zona, which opposes vouchers. an academically rich, Christ-cen- say it could ultimately provide the
In Wisconsin, 96 percent of to a state report. Those 19 schools students. That occurs both when “Arizona schools are not able to tered education remains within U.S. Supreme Court an opportu-
about 55,000 vouchers given this received about 96 percent of the public school students use vouch- pay for teacher pay raises or des- reach for a diverse range of fami- nity to expand on its recent rul-
school year went toward religious $767 million spent between 1998 ers to attend private schools — perately needed resources. You lies.” ings that widened the use of tax
schools, The Post found. In Indi- and 2023 at the top 20 schools. meaning their public schools lose just have teachers begging for dollars in support of religious
ana, 98 percent of vouchers go to Pennsylvania also has a large per-pupil funding — and when the copy paper and markers. It’s so A fading church-state line education.
religious schools. (Indiana state program, but state data does not state spends large amounts of bad,” she said. “This is robbing our The expansion in voucher pro- richard Katskee, a professor
data only specifies the number of show which schools families money on students whose fami- local public schools and our most grams is part of a broader move in who directs the Appellate Litiga-
vouchers for schools with at least choose. Studies of states with lies would otherwise pay private vulnerable students.” some states toward more govern- tion Clinic at Duke University
10 recipients.) smaller programs such as one in school tuition themselves. ment-sponsored religion inside School of Law, said recent court
In florida, several programs North Carolina and another in A coalition of ohio public The growth of vouchers public schools. actions represent a sweeping
combine to make every student in Illinois show that their payments, school districts is suing the state The modern voucher move- New laws allow schools to hire change in the relationship be-
the state eligible for vouchers, like those of larger programs, are to halt its program, charging ment began in the early 1990s chaplains for counseling or other tween government and religion.
with more than 400,000 partici- concentrated toward religious among other things that it de- with a program in milwaukee and roles, let teachers pray aloud with “We are, as a society, underwrit-
pating this year. At least 82 per- schools. pletes resources meant for public spread to other states over the students and mandate hanging of ing religion,” he said. “That’s not
cent of students attend religious The largest conservative state schools. “Because public funds are decades. Early programs were “In God We Trust” signs. In West what the public schools are sup-
schools, The Post found. florida is without a program — Texas — finite, funding EdChoice Program limited to students with disabili- Virginia, a new law allows teach- posed to be about.”
first in the nation in both the moved closer to one Tuesday Vouchers … inevitably depletes ties, students living in big cities or ers to discuss alternative theories
number of enrolled students and when several republicans who the resources designated by the families with lower incomes, to evolution. Seven states have emmanuel martinez and Clara ence
total cost of the voucher program had opposed vouchers were de- legislature for educating ohio’s sometimes in struggling public passed measures mandating elec- morse contributed to this report.
tuesday, june 4 , 2024 . the washington post eZ Re A7

Biden’s order could have immediate e≠ects at border

Border from A1 to find a message that can satisfy
the diverse coalition of voters he is
data, so Biden’s order could have courting.
immediate effects. Several liberal lawmakers have
During the peak of the corona- criticized Biden for his increasing-
virus pandemic, U.S. authorities ly tough stance on the border, and
used a public health emergency to pro-immigration activists have
rapidly “expel” migrants and turn accused him of betraying core
away asylum seekers who arrived American ideals and not adopting
illegally. officials said Biden’s ex- more humane immigration pol-
pected order will operate similar- icies after Trump’s turbulent term.
ly, while agents at the border will “The decision by this adminis-
continue to face limitations, in- tration to criminalize migrants —
cluding a lack of detention space, many of whom are fleeing harm —
transportation capacity and asy- is deeply disturbing and misguid-
lum officers. ed,” Sarah m. rich, senior super-
The failed border legislation vising attorney at the Southern
would have provided billions in Poverty Law Center, said in a state-
additional funds for deportation ment.
capacity and asylum processing, “Prosecuting people seeking
but republican lawmakers safety in the U.S. for these immi-
spurned the bill after former pres- gration violations will lead to
ident Donald Trump, the pre- more Black and Brown people be-
sumptive republican presidential ing incarcerated at the expense of
nominee, came out against it. immigrant families and commu-
Biden has already implement- nities,” rich said.
ed measures to restrict the asylum White House officials said
claims of migrants who cross into Biden will continue to explore var-
the United States illegally, but ious policy options to address the
many continue to be released into migration challenge.
the United States because border “While Congressional republi-
authorities lack the capacity to cans chose to stand in the way of
detain, screen or deport them. In additional border enforcement,
other cases, migrants’ home coun- President Biden will not stop
tries won’t take them back or co- fighting to deliver the resources
operate with U.S. authorities on that border and immigration per-
deportations. sonnel need to secure our border,”
“The big question for me is Angelo fernández Hernández, a
whether this will come with addi- AdRees LAtif/ReUteRs White House spokesman, said in a
tional resources,” said Kathleen Asylum-seeking migrants from Jordan and Colombia line up to enter the United States from Tecate, Mexico, in May. President Biden on statement.
Bush-Joseph, an attorney and Tuesday is expected to issue an order that would restrict asylum for immigrants when illegal border crossings exceed a daily threshold. The expected executive order is
analyst at the nonpartisan migra- a signal that the plan of some
tion Policy Institute in Washing- one of his largest political liabili- administration tried to end asy- United States to send up to 30,000 Democrats to hammer republi-
ton. “Without additional dollars ties, according to strategists. lum,” Lee Gelernt, the ACLU attor- non-mexicans back across the cans over the failure of the biparti-
to implement this, the same chal- Trump has continuously at- “Any policy that ney who was lead counsel on border each month, but mexico san border deal opposed by Trump
lenges will remain that each of the tacked him for what he has de- many challenges to Trump’s pol- has generally limited returns to is unlikely to shield them from a
past asylum restrictions have scribed as “open border” policies effectively shuts off icies, said in an interview monday. Central Americans, Cubans and barrage of attacks over the issue.
faced.” and “Biden migrant crime,” pledg- U.S. authorities have tallied some Haitians. When the bill failed the first
migrants who state a fear of ing to enact a sweeping crack- asylum would raise about 2 million illegal crossings mexican voters elected Claudia time in the Senate, Biden pledged
persecution if returned to mexico down if he wins the presidency. per year along the southern bor- Sheinbaum, the country’s first fe- to take the message across the
will remain eligible under the “our borders will be closed very obvious legal problems, der since 2021, the highest levels male leader, by a landslide margin country and blame Trump for en-
Convention Against Torture and soon,” Trump said friday, in re- ever, and migrants have been ar- Sunday in a vote that was widely couraging lawmakers to kill the
other protections afforded by U.S. marks during which he railed just as it did when the riving in record numbers from viewed as a referendum on cur- agreement.
law, according to officials with against immigration as well as his China, India, Venezuela and doz- rent President Andrés manuel Ló- While Biden initially pushed
knowledge of Biden’s order. 34 felony convictions for falsifying Trump administration ens of other countries. often guid- pez obrador. Sheinbaum, who will that message in campaign speech-
mexico also places limits on the business documents in the New ed to the U.S. border by criminal be inaugurated oct. 1, has vowed es, his focus in recent months has
number of non-mexican migrants York hush money trial against tried to end asylum.” organizations in mexico, the mi- to continue López obrador’s coop- shifted toward figuring out how
it will accept from the United him. Lee Gelernt, ACLU attorney grants typically surrender to U.S. eration with the United States on much he can accomplish without
States. Trump made a similar attempt border agents and express a fear of migration. Congress.
The president has been in a to cut off migrants’ access to U.S. persecution if returned — the first While Biden has increasingly White House officials have long
political bind over the border, as asylum protections, but the mea- step in seeking U.S. asylum. adopted the kind of language em- said Biden cannot unilaterally
the issue has become increasingly sures were blocked in federal executive order before making lit- Biden’s order would render braced by Trump on immigration provide the resources necessary to
important for voters. The surge of court in 2019. Biden’s order is igation decisions, but any policy them ineligible for asylum protec- — including pledging this year to secure the border, calling on Con-
migration during his term, which expected to be challenged on simi- that effectively shuts off asylum tions if crossings exceed the daily “shut down” the border if it be- gress to pass funding and statu-
has ebbed and flowed but often lar grounds. would raise obvious legal prob- threshold. comes overwhelmed by unauthor- tory changes that would create a
surpassed record levels, remains “We will need to review the lems, just as it did when the Trump Current agreements allow the ized crossings — he has struggled more orderly migration system.

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A8 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, june 4 , 2024

Wife’s texts take center stage at senator’s corruption trial

others, Menendez sends her in-
formation to pass on to Hana or
Numerous messages offers open dates on his calendar
detail Menendezes’ for meetings.
“Tell Will I am going to sign off
scheme, prosecutors say this sale to Egypt today,” Menen-
dez texted Arslanian in one 2018
message, referencing a sale of
BY S ALVADOR R IZZO $99 million in tank ammunition
that had been approved by the
Nadine Arslanian was getting State Department. “NOTE: These
desperate. For more than a year, tank rounds are for tanks they
she’d been arranging meetings have had for many years. They
and dinners between Egyptian are using these in the Sinai for
officials and her powerful boy- the counter terrorism cam-
friend, Sen. Bob Menendez of paign.”
New Jersey. But by mid-2019 she Early in their courtship, Arsla-
had nothing to show for it, she nian asked Menendez to “fix” a
fumed, and now her home was letter that Hana had sent her,
going into foreclosure. with talking points that the Egyp-
She told the New Jersey busi- tian government would use in
nessman seeking the senator’s response to a $300 million hold
help with deals, Wael “Will” on U.S. military aid to Egypt and
Hana, that he had to pay up, another senator’s concerns about
according to a trove of text mes- that country’s human rights rec-
sages, emails, photos and bank ord.
records that prosecutors dis- “Love of my life , PLEASE,
played last week during Menen- could you fix this letter and send
dez’s corruption trial in Manhat- it back to me. I want to prove a
tan federal court. point to the General. He and Will
Hana needed Menendez to just got me clearance for a proj-
keep the Egyptians happy, as she ect. Thank you my love very very
put it, and Arslanian needed very very much,” she texted.
more than $18,000 to save her The same night, Menendez
home. emailed back with a letter that
“This is a lot of money. He is began: “I write to respond to
going to cry like a baby,” texted an SPencer PlaTT/geTTy imageS some of the issues that have been
associate of Hana’s, Jose Uribe. Nadine Menendez leaves a Manhattan court in September after she and her husband, Sen. Bob Menendez (N.J.), were arraigned on federal raised by [Sen. Patrick J. Leahy]
“I NEVER forget when some- bribery charges. The Democrat and his wife pleaded not guilty. Nadine Menendez is scheduled to go on trial later this year. and others, which have lead to a
one is there for me in bad times,” hold on $300 million dollars in
she texted back. “and I end up that he would give me a check the All three deny exchanging bribes jury do not elaborate on the story give her,” attorney Avi Weitzman appropriated aid to Egypt.” Pros-
paying them back 100 fold.” first of every month,” she texted for political favors. Uribe pleaded Arslanian said Hana had threat- said in his opening statement. ecutors say Menendez ghost-
Arslanian, who became Na- New Jersey real estate developer guilty and is expected to testify ened to make public. “She was outgoing; she was fun- wrote that letter, addressed to his
dine Menendez after marrying Fred Daibes two months later. for the government. The Democratic senator’s loving. But she wasn’t going to let Senate colleagues, on Egypt’s be-
the senator in 2020, is undergo- Arslanian asked for a Nadine Menendez, who faces meetings with Hana and Egyp- Bob know that she had financial half.
ing treatment for advanced $36,431.46 check. Daibes re- her own trial later this year, also tian intelligence officials began problems. So what did Nadine The communications also
breast cancer and has not attend- sponded: “Nadine I personally has pleaded not guilty. Her attor- almost at the start of his court- do? She tried to get cash and show Menendez, then the top
ed her husband’s trial. Yet she has gave Bob a check for September ney, Barry Coburn, declined to ship of Arslanian in early 2018, assets any which way she could.” Democrat on the Senate Foreign
loomed large in the courtroom: … Please send me a rundown of comment last week. according to the trial evidence. A In one text exchange from 2019 Relations Committee, chafing at
Her voice mails are played for what you believe you are owed.” The text and voice messages mother of two with a master’s that was shared with the jury, a some of Arslanian’s requests.
jurors, her photos appear on their Hana’s company ultimately is- reveal a woman ready to play degree in French literature from male acquaintance asked Arsla- “In your speech , could you
screens, and her prolific text mes- sued three checks to Arslanian hardball. New York University, Arslanian nian to go out with him. She please say: Egypt now in the right
sages serve as the backbone of the from August to November 2019, “I’ve been at the lobby every would often text Menendez com- responded the next day that she direction with the new govern-
prosecution’s story, portraying each for $10,000, according to day to pick up the ch — paycheck pliments on his looks and called had been “in DC at the Egyptian ment now. With the International
the 57-year-old socialite as the the trial evidence. Federal pros- that I, especially this past two him “my very handsome senator.” embassy.” Monetary Fund. And all the new
conduit to the trio accused of ecutors in the Southern District weeks, earned very correctly and Menendez kept a watchful eye “I thought you broke up with developments, new Capital and
bribing the 70-year-old lawmaker of New York say that they were now [Hana] doesn’t want to pay on his new girlfriend, messaging Grandpa,” the acquaintance text- the new Suez Canal. Egypt is
over a four-year period. bribes disguised as consulting it,” she said in a 2019 voice mail to her at times when her location ed back. important to the United States,”
A lawyer for Hana testified fees from a low- or no-show job Daibes. “So if he wants to make did not appear on a cellphone “You’d agree with me that Na- Arslanian texted in 2018.
that he paid Arslanian’s mortgage and that the Menendezes also public the story that I’m sure he app that allows consenting users dine doesn’t respond in a way “Really???” he responded.
company more than $23,000 to illegally accepted a Mercedes- told you, I don’t have a problem to track each other in real time. that defends ‘grandpa’?” Weitz- “Will said please just speak
stave off foreclosure in July 2019. Benz convertible, more than a making it public and it’s gonna be “I lost you!!” Menendez texted man asked the FBI agent reading about the IMF that’s important.
And that was just the beginning. dozen gold bars, hundreds of very, very ugly.” Arslanian in January 2019. Arslanian’s texts from the witness Thank you mon amour de la vie,”
“I have not received any checks thousands of dollars in cash and Hana’s company, IS EG Halal “You could never lose me be- stand. Arslanian texted back, using the
from Wael . since the check that other items. Certified Inc., issued her one of cause I will never let go,” she Hana’s attorney said his client French phrase for “love of my
was sent to the mortgage compa- Bob Menendez has pleaded not those $10,000 checks the next texted back. “I just have a super fired Arslanian because she life.”
ny directly . The understanding is guilty, as have Hana and Daibes. day. The messages shown to the 40 minute meeting with Will.” didn’t show up for work and told The next year, Menendez text-
Arslanian would also keep tabs the jury that she used profanities ed Arslanian that he would
on Menendez, tuning into video to refer to Hana when she was grudgingly meet with Hana and
feeds of the Senate floor. “Make frustrated with him. Daibes’s at- an Egyptian general at a Wash-
sure your zipper is UP. Is that torney noted that his client did ington steakhouse: “7:30 Mor-
woman at the caucus as well? By not respond to a 2019 text from ton’s. This is last time I will do
the way who is she? The one that Hana — “Hey Fred can you please this meeting.”
was all over you , so inappropri- help naden with car . Thanks” — But the meetings continued.
ate on the Senate floor?” she and that Daibes did not appear in After their wedding in October
texted in 2019. any photos of Menendez meeting 2020, the Menendezes traveled to
Menendez’s legal team has not with Egyptian officials. Egypt and dined with Maj. Gen.
tried to defend Arslanian’s tor- Menendez does not appear as Abbas Kamel, head of the Egyp-
rent of texts and voice messages. often as his wife in the various tian General Intelligence Direc-
Instead, his attorneys have char- chains of texts and emails shared torate.
acterized her as a duplicitous with jurors. In some messages, It was after returning home
schemer and him as unwitting the senator helps Arslanian pol- from that trip that the senator
husband. ish her résumé or register the started Googling “how much is
“She kept him in the dark on company through which she col- one kilo of gold worth,” according
what she was asking others to lected payments from Hana. In to the trial evidence.

Menendez files to run for reelection

as independent as trial continues

Embattled Sen. Bob Menendez

(D-N.J.) on Monday filed to run
for reelection as an independent
amid his trial on federal corrup-
tion charges.
Menendez’s campaign submit-
ted 2,465 signatures to the New
Jersey Division of Elections. He
was required to submit at least
Menendez’s corruption trial is
underway in New York. He and
his wife were charged last year
with taking bribes, including gold
bars, from three business execu-
tives in exchange for legislative
favors. He has pleaded not guilty. JaBin BoTSford/The WaShingTon PoST

Shortly after 5 p.m., Menendez One day ahead of the deadline, Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) filed
told reporters outside the court- signatures to run for reelection as an independent this year.
room that he had filed for reelec-
tion as an independent candi- reelection as a Democrat in New Menendez filed as an inde-
date, noting that he had turned in Jersey’s primary, which is Tues- pendent a day before the 4 p.m.
“three times the number of signa- day. He made that announcement Tuesday deadline to do so.
tures necessary.” days before the primary filing His petitions could face chal-
The senator told reporters that deadline in March — and hinted lenges that add uncertainty to his
he was “looking forward to con- he could still pursue reelection as independent campaign in the
tinuing to prove our innocence” an independent. short term. June 10 is the dead-
and touted some of his accom- “I am hopeful that my exonera- line for such objections.
plishments in office. tion will take place this summer While well-known, Menendez
“The people of this great state and allow me to pursue my candi- faces an uphill battle as an inde-
deserve a leader in Washington dacy as an independent Demo- pendent candidate in a solidly
with a proven track record of crat in a general election,” Menen- blue state. The largest percentage
fighting tooth and nail to deliver dez said at the time. an independent candidate has
results, and I intend to keep doing Since then, Rep. Andy Kim ever received in New Jersey is less
so as an independent Democrat,” (D-N.J.) has emerged as the favor- than 6 percent of the vote, accord-
Menendez said in a statement ite in the primary. He previously ing to the New Jersey Globe.
later Monday. “It displeases me to faced New Jersey first lady Tam- Menendez’s independent bid
have to go this route, thanks to my Murphy, though she dropped also could make the race more
overzealous prosecutors, but I out of the race in late March. competitive between the Demo-
will do what must be done.” “Everyone knows Bob Menen- cratic and Republican nominees.
Asked Monday outside the dez isn’t running for NJ families,” While Kim is favored in Tuesday’s
courtroom whether he would Kim said Monday on social me- Democratic primary, four Repub-
caucus with Democrats if he won, dia. “He’s running for himself. licans are vying in their party’s
Menendez waved a hand in the People are fed up with politicians nominating contest.
air and gave no verbal response. putting their own personal ben-
Menendez previously an- efit ahead of what’s right for the Salvador rizzo contributed to this
nounced he would not run for country.” report.
tuesday, june 4 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A9

Family sues butcher who slaughtered pet pigs after going to wrong house
BY K YLE M ELNICK The Grays list their street num- cried.
ber on their house, mailbox and Nathan, who owns a construc-
Natalie Gray recalled arriving gate, according to their lawsuit, tion company, said he used his
home to a shocking sight last which was filed in Washington excavator that afternoon to bury
month. A large truck and a Superior Court in Kitsap County. Betty and Patty in their backyard.
stranger were in her backyard. Hines said that if the Grays had The reality of Betty and Patty’s
Nearby, her family’s pet pigs, Bet- closed their gate, he wouldn’t deaths set in the next morning,
ty and Patty, were lying dead. have mistaken the house. when Natalie fed her other ani-
When Gray confronted the Nathan asked Hines to clean mals but skipped the pigs’ food.
stranger, they both realized a fatal up the scene. Hines said he and Since May 1, Nathan said, their
mistake had occurred. Baker dragged both pigs, which 9-year-old has been scared to
A nearby butcher shop had each weighed about 400 pounds, leave the family’s animals outside
received a request from a man on a tarp to the woods behind the in fear that someone will kill
hoping to turn his two pigs into Grays’ house and shoveled the them. Their daughters designed a
meat. The customer was away, so dirt covered in blood into a ga- makeshift gravestone they placed
he asked butcher Jonathan Hines rage bin. Hines said they then left above where Betty and Patty were
to enter his gate and slaughter the to slaughter the two pigs he was buried.
pigs behind his barn, Hines told meant to kill across the street. Natalie said she distracts her-
The Washington Post. Before he left, Hines said, he self from the pain of losing Betty
So Hines and a friend drove to a offered to butcher the pigs for and Patty with work. But she said
house in Port Orchard, Wash., on free, which the Grays declined. her friend recently bought her a
May 1, located two pigs on a farm When Natalie and Nathan told necklace designed with a flying
and shot them with a rifle, he their daughters after school that pig — a memento that brought
said. Only when Gray and Hines Betty and Patty were dead, the her grief rushing back.
spoke a few minutes later, he said, kids stood in shock for a few “It gets easier to manage,” Nat-
did he realize he had taken a seconds, Natalie said, before the alie said about her pain. “But it’s
wrong turn during the short drive Natalie Gray group hugged. Then, their 12- always going to be there when
— a right instead of a left. He was Kunekune pigs Betty and Patty were adopted by a family in Washington state in March 2022. year-old ran to her room and you lose someone you love.”
at someone else’s house.
The pigs he killed weren’t
meant for slaughter; Gray and her Birmingham, Ala., told WBRC
husband, Nathan, were raising that a delivery truck driver who
them as pets. had “no reason” to be on her
The Grays alleged in a lawsuit property shot her dog.
filed Thursday that Hines, 29, and Natalie and Nathan have run a
his friend “recklessly inflicted se- seven-acre farm for nearly a dec-
rious and severe emotional dis- ade but use it only to raise pets.
tress” on their family, and they’re They have dogs, cats, ducks and
requesting damages “represent- chickens, and when Natalie saw a
ing the intrinsic value of Betty picture of two Kunekune piglets a
and Patty.” The complaint also local breeder posted on social
lists the butcher shop Hines media in 2022, she wanted them,
works for, Farmer George Meats, too.
and his friend, Dillon Baker, as Natalie said she and her daugh-
defendants. ters liked tickling Betty and Pat-
An incident report by the Kit- ty’s bellies until they rolled onto
sap County Sheriff ’s Office said their sides. Natalie sang them
that there was no “maliciousness” “You Are My Sunshine” and fed
in Hines’s actions and that he the piglet sisters sweets for their
didn’t intend to shoot the Grays’ birthdays on Jan. 3 — Betty and
pigs. Patty loved when Natalie sprayed
Nonetheless, the incident left whipped cream into their
the Grays — and Hines — devas- mouths, she said.
tated. Every morning before taking
“Coming around the corner her 12- and 9-year-old daughters
and seeing these animals that are to school, Natalie said she visited
supposed to live out their lives Betty and Patty, rubbing them
with you … it was very emotional,” and feeding them. After she re-
Natalie, 38, told The Post last turned home in the afternoon,
month. Betty and Patty would squeal in
When Hines realized his mis- excitement when they heard Nat-
take around that same time, he alie’s voice.
said, his “heart dropped.” He re- Nathan said he left the house’s
called apologizing to Gray. gate open on May 1 while he ran
“I didn’t know what to do,” an errand. About 30 minutes lat-
Hines said. “I was just kind of er, he said, his home’s security
sitting there in shock.” system sent him a phone alert
Joseph Keehn, who runs Farm- that showed a white box truck on
er George Meats with his wife, his property. Natalie said she saw
said he also apologized to the in the footage someone near the
Grays, calling the incident “a per- pigs’ pen, which they shared with
fect storm of a mistake” but say- eight ducks.
ing there was “no maliciousness.” Natalie said she rushed home
Baker, 30, said he didn’t shoot from the nearby elementary
the pigs, a report Hines also school where she works.
made. The sheriff ’s office report “Who are you?” she recalled
didn’t list Baker as a suspect and asking Hines, who said he initial-
said he was there only to “assist” ly thought her question was a
Hines. joke.
Hines, Keehn and Baker spoke After Natalie saw that Betty
with The Post in mid-May. and Patty had been killed, she
Reached after the lawsuit was called 911 around 1:30 p.m. “I was
filed, Hines said in a text message sick to my stomach,” Natalie said.
that he’s still employed by Farmer Kunekune pigs usually live be-
George Meats but didn’t com- tween 15 and 20 years, according
ment further. Keehn and Baker to the Smithsonian’s National Zoo
didn’t respond to requests for and Conservation Biology Insti-
further comment Sunday. tute. Betty and Patty were both 2
This isn’t the first time an years old when they died.
animal has been killed after When a sheriff ’s deputy arrived
someone visited the wrong place. later that afternoon, Hines told
In Waco, Tex., last year, and in him that he didn’t put the correct
Faulkner County, Ark., in 2020, a address into his GPS system and
law enforcement officer shot a didn’t verify the address when he
dog after reporting to the wrong arrived, according to the office’s
address. In February, a woman in incident report.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee

reveals cancer diagnosis
BY K ELLY K ASULIS C HO She won the Democratic pri-
mary on Super Tuesday earlier
Longtime Rep. Sheila Jackson this year. The CaseStudy®
Lee (D-Tex.) has been diagnosed “As a member of Congress, I’ve
with pancreatic cancer, she an- been honored to be one of the Since our first renovation over 60 years ago,
nounced on social media Sunday, leaders in the fight for justice we’ve been a team of visionaries. Our unique
adding that she expects to be and equality for all,” Jackson Lee

“occasionally absent from Con- wrote on Sunday. “Today, my approach to the remodeling process begins
gress” as she undergoes treat- fight is more personal, but I will
ment. approach it with the same faith
with The CaseStudy®. We guide you through
“My doctors have confirmed and courage.” every step, using 3D renderings to bring new
my diagnosis of pancreatic can- Pancreatic cancer accounts for
cer,” Jackson Lee wrote in a letter about 3 percent of all cancers in possibilities to light. At every phase, we’ll

shared on X. “I am currently the United States. About 66,440 maintain strict attention to time and to budget.
undergoing treatment to battle people are estimated to be diag-
this disease that impacts tens of nosed with it this year, according All backed by our 5-year workmanship warranty.
thousands of Americans every to the American Cancer Society. Because you are our highest priority.
year.” Generally considered an aggres-
Jackson Lee, 74, has served
Texas’s 18th Congressional Dis-
sive form of cancer, the disease
does not often present symptoms Are our ultimate pursuits whether
trict since 1995. Throughout her
career she has sponsored legisla-
during its early stages.
People with pancreatic cancer
you are considering an outdoor
tion on issues such as police
reform, sentencing laws, safe
may experience jaundice, weight
loss, nausea, vomiting, poor ap-
oasis, a food lover’s kitchen,
gun storage and white-suprema- petite and pain in the back or or an owner’s suite.
cy-motivated hate crimes. abdomen. The disease can also
Jackson Lee also sponsored cause blood clots and diabetes as 844.831.5966
legislation that led to Juneteenth well as gallbladder or liver en-
being recognized as a federal largement.
holiday in 2021; that same year, Jackson Lee did not specify
she was arrested during nonvio- the type or severity of her pan-
lent protests that called for the creatic cancer, but said she is
protection of voting rights. confident her medical team has
Last year, Jackson Lee an- developed “the best possible” ® Our commitment to providing a safe, healthy,
nounced she would seek a 16th treatment plan. and respectful worksite and experience. MD MHIC #1176 | VA # 2701039723 | DC # 2242
term in the House after losing a “The road ahead will not be
bid to become Houston’s first easy, but I stand in faith that God
Black female mayor. will strengthen me,” she said.
A10 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, june 4 , 2024

The World
Basic training in Ukraine barely covers basics, o∞cers say
in kraMaTOrSk, Ukraine

a s Ukraine prepares to mo-

bilize tens of thousands of
men to address a critical
shortage of soldiers amid intensi-
fied russian attacks, Ukrainian
commanders in the field say they
are bracing for most of the new
troops to arrive with poor train-
Ukrainian commanders have
long griped about lackluster
preparation for recruits at train-
ing centers. But with russia on
the offensive, the persistent com-
plaints are a reminder that a
newly adopted mobilization law
intended to widen the pool of
draft-eligible men is just one step
in solving the military’s personnel
an influx of conscripts under
the new law is still months away.
in the meantime, commanders
are redeploying soldiers from
rear positions to fighting units
near the front. President Volod-
ymyr Zelensky last month also
signed a law to allow some prison
inmates to join the military in
exchange for a chance of parole —
copying a russian tactic that pro-
vided thousands more fighters
but is also releasing violent crimi-
nals back into society.
Wherever the new soldiers
come from, Ukrainian field com-
manders said that because train-
ing is so deficient, they must often
devote weeks to teaching them
basic skills, such as how to shoot.
“We had guys that didn’t even
know how to disassemble and
assemble a gun,” said a 28-year-
old deputy battalion commander PhoTos by ed ram For The WashingTon PosT

from the 93d Mechanized Bri- ABOVE: Civilians are shown how to operate an antitank weapon
gade, whom The Washington Post during a military training course in the Kyiv region last month.
agreed to identify by his call sign, LEFT: Oleksii, 34, talks to a recruitment agent at a military
Schmidt, according to Ukrainian recruiting center in Dnipro at the end of May.
military protocol.
Schmidt said that he spent the
first week with soldiers trans- the training center received just tive matter publicly.
ferred from rear posts just mak- 20 bullets per person. Some assault brigades might
ing sure each one fired at least one “There are no grenades for devote personnel to live practical-
box of bullets — some 1,500 shots throwing in training centers, and ly full time near training centers,
— daily before moving on to more there are no grenade launcher the sergeant said, to quickly
complex tasks. Within weeks, rounds in the training center,” snatch up the youngest, fittest,
these soldiers could be fighting said the officer, who spoke on the most motivated men. The officer
near the embattled town of condition of anonymity because who was an instructor at a train-
Chasiv Yar, where russian forces they were not authorized to do so ing center confirmed that some
have been making advances. publicly. “This is the problem.” brigades indeed plot for first dibs.
“We are just wasting a lot of “We don’t have a proper train- “if they send us to recruit some-
time here on basic training,” ing system in place,” the officer one, all the good ones have al-
Schmidt said, adding: “if, God continued, adding that Ukraine ready been taken by other bri-
forbid, there will be a break- needs its instructors to be taught gades, and you have to choose
through near Chasiv Yar, and we by naTO trainers to condense the from the crooked, lame, sick
get new infantry that doesn’t standard two-month basic train- ones,” the sergeant said. “and so
know basic things, they will be ing into one month. you choose from them, dammit.”
sent there to just die.” a current priority for Ukraine’s The sergeant said that he aims
With Ukraine’s forces critically General Staff is securing more to communicate with soldiers to
understaffed and losing ground, training for recruits abroad — at get a sense for who is more willing
the failure to provide adequate facilities that can’t be targeted by to fight versus those who were
basic training for soldiers under- russian bombardment, unlike conscripted forcibly and might
scores the dire situation kyiv is those in Ukraine. Britain so far refuse orders on the battlefield.
facing more than two years after has provided the most basic train- This is expected to become an
Moscow’s invasion. en that some units have endured rear roles and were given just two the spot.” ing for Ukrainians. in a potential issue of heightened importance,
russia has made gains this year months without reinforcements. weeks’ preparation before being an officer who has spent more boost, France is considering send- as most Ukrainians eager to serve
in large part because Ukraine’s But many of these redeployed sent into combat, to carry out than a year instructing new sol- ing instructors to Ukraine to help have already volunteered to do so.
military doesn’t have enough arrivals appear ill-prepared, com- tasks that at times require sneak- diers at one of Ukraine’s facilities prepare draftees, Syrsky said in a Those who have not yet volun-
troops to defend against relent- manders said, despite many hav- ing behind enemy lines. said the training centers are low post on social media. teered tend to be resistant to
less assaults, soldiers say, while ing served in the military since What is taught in Ukrainian on Soviet-caliber ammunition be- The prospect of being sent to fighting.
the government has been slow to the start of russia’s invasion training centers “is complete non- cause it is being saved for troops dangerous front-line positions Some recruits, the sergeant
ramp up its mobilization efforts. more than two years ago, albeit sense,” said a 32-year-old soldier on the battlefield. That means without adequate training is a said, are deemed physically fit
To get more troops to the bat- far from the battlefield. in the unit with the call sign recruits get little experience fir- main reason many Ukrainian despite being over age 50 with
tlefield immediately, Zelensky’s Until about a month ago, a Chirva. “everything is learned on ing live rounds. The officer said men fear conscription. as part of knee and back issues, meaning
recently appointed military chief, Ukrainian soldier, whose call sign a recruitment effort, the national they will struggle to walk miles
Col. Gen. Oleksandr Syrsky, has is Val, had been standing guard on Guard’s khartia Brigade has bill- with a pack of gear and weapons,
redeployed people who were pre- a bridge in the southern Odessa boards across the country prom- as is often required. Some bri-
viously serving in jobs such as region — the same job he’d been ising “60 days of preparation.” gades are ordered to take those
guarding bridges and other infra- doing every day since he enlisted But despite individual brigades men anyway.
structure far from the combat at the start of the invasion. investing in ads to attract recruits “There are guys whom you just
zone to brigades engaged in some On april 30, Val was told that — an internal competition of look in the eye and understand
of the fiercest fighting. he was being transferred to com- sorts within the military — those he’s hesitating,” the sergeant said.
The move was designed in part bat duty. Within 24 hours, he was who enlist might not end up with “He needs a push. He needs confi-
to reduce the number of men who assigned to the 93rd Brigade and their preferred brigade. dence in his weapon, confidence
would have to be drafted — an instructed to deploy to the east- The chief sergeant for a battal- that we won’t abandon him, and
issue that is politically fraught for ern Donetsk region. He didn’t ion fighting in the eastern Do- he will fight.”
Zelensky. Syrsky’s predecessor, even have time to pack his things netsk region described a process “and there are those who im-
Gen. Valery Zaluzhny, had pro- — some had to be shipped later. in which certain brigades, partic- mediately say, ‘i won’t fight,’” he
posed drafting close to 500,000 “it’s scary,” the 31-year-old said. ularly assault brigades, often get added. “Of course, you try not to
people — a figure Zelensky pub- “nobody was really prepared.” first pick of new soldiers brought take them. But again, in our army,
licly rejected by saying that he For a reconnaissance unit in to training centers. it’s set up so that the personnel
had not been shown evidence that the 42nd Mechanized Brigade, The sergeant, who is typically department tells you, ‘no way,
it was necessary and that Ukraine which was recently redirected to sent to training centers to select you have to take him, he’s
would struggle financially to pay the northeast kharkiv region to troops for his battalion, spoke on healthy.’”
so many new soldiers’ salaries. defend against a renewed rus- the condition of anonymity to be
For front-line commanders, sian offensive, many of the scouts Soldiers from Ukraine’s 93rd Brigade train to fight in trenches and candid and because he was not anastacia galouchka in Kyiv
any new troops are welcome, giv- had just been reassigned from fire rifles in the Donetsk region in late May. authorized to discuss the sensi- contributed to this report.

Di gest

seRBiA according to official results. speaker registered Monday for recently reelected as speaker. the southwestern Pakistani city Portugal announced a new plan
The report by an office of the the country’s June 28 Many know Ghalibaf for his of Quetta on Monday, a Monday that will toughen some
International observer Organization for Security and presidential election, the last day support, as a revolutionary government official said. rules for migrants, following in
cites election issues Cooperation in europe said its for aspirants to enter the race. Guard general, for a violent The miners died in the Sanjdi the footsteps of other european
observers noted “numerous The entry of Mohammad crackdown on iranian university coalfield, about 40 miles from Union countries. The rule will
Serbia’s rerun of a troubled problems with the secrecy of the Bagher Ghalibaf brings a students in 1999. Quetta, according to abdul require migrants to have an
municipal election was marked vote as well as several instances prominent candidate with close He also reportedly ordered Ghani kakar, the chief inspector employment contract before
by misuse of public resources of serious irregularities ties to the country’s paramilitary live gunfire to be used against of mines for the provincial moving to Portugal. The
and ruling party dominance but including vote buying, and revolutionary Guard into the iranian students in 2003 while Baluchistan government. government will outlaw a widely
overall was well-run, an isolated cases of violence.” vote to replace President serving as the country’s police The miners were working used mechanism called
international observer said The report added, however, ebrahim raisi, who died in a chief. about 1,500 feet underground, “manifestation of interest,”
Monday. that fundamental freedoms were helicopter crash with seven — Associated Press and rescue teams retrieved their which for years allowed non-e.U.
The coalition led by the respected. others on May 19. bodies after hours of work, he migrants without an
nationalist Serbian Progressive — Associated Press Ghalibaf, 62, initially became PAKistAN added. employment contract to move to
Party of President aleksandar speaker following a string of The chief inspector said an Portugal and request residency
Vucic won convincingly over the iRAN failed presidential bids and 12 Methane gas kills 11 inquiry has been ordered to after paying social security for a
weekend against splintered
Hard-liner signs up for years as the leader of iran’s in coal mine investigate the cause of the year.
opposition groups in the rerun capital city, during which he incident and to see whether — From wire reports
election in the capital, Belgrade, presidential election built onto Tehran’s subway and at least 11 coal miners there was any negligence.
and in the regularly scheduled supported the construction of suffocated to death in a build-up — Reuters
vote in other municipalities, iran’s hard-line parliament modern high-rises. He was of methane gas in a mine outside
tuesday, june 4 , 2024 . the washington post EZ rE A11

israel-gaza war

Netanyahu, Hamas say no agreement has been reached yet on cease-fire

Gallant, a Netanyahu rival within
A Biden-led proposal his own party, spoke with U.S.
Secretary of State Antony Blink-
has divided public en on Sunday night and said
opinion in Israel Israel envisions creating an alter-
native to Hamas to run Gaza.
“Putting a governmental alterna-
tive to Hamas will help to bring
BY S ARAH D ADOUCH them home,” Gallant said in a
AND A DELA S ULIMAN statement issued by the Defense
Prime Minister Benjamin Ne- He told Blinken the security
tanyahu told a parliamentary establishment is promoting mea-
committee Monday that any sures to dismantle Hamas’s role
“claims that we have agreed to a as the governing and military
cease-fire without our conditions authority in Gaza and enable the
being met are incorrect.” The establishment of an alternative
remark came as a Hamas official, power that would overthrow
Suhail Hindi, told The Washing- Hamas rule and exert pressure to
ton Post that the plan presented return hostages.
publicly by President Biden last The U.N. Relief and Works
week was “still under discussion” Agency (UNRWA), which aids
by the group. Palestinian refugees, said Mon-
The stalemate continues as day that more than 1 million
international pressure grows on Palestinians have fled from
both parties. Egypt’s foreign Rafah since Israeli ground opera-
minister urged Israel and Hamas tions started last month and that
on Monday to accept the cease- most are sheltering in the ruins
fire plan, telling reporters: of the city of Khan Younis. “Con-
“Hamas’s initial statements indi- ditions are unspeakable,” the
cate that it received the deal agency said on X. The United
proposal positively, and we are Nations also said Monday that
waiting for the Israeli response,” more than half of the total build-
Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry ings in Gaza — about 137,297
said. structures — had been destroyed
The proposal, which the White or damaged by the war so far.
House has called an Israeli pro-
posal, has divided public opinion Here’s what to know
in Israel, where more than A group of U.N. experts are
100,000 people filled the streets calling on more nations to for-
of Tel Aviv this past weekend in mohAmmEd sAbEr/EPA-EFE/shuttErstock mally recognize the state of
support of the deal, demanding An Israeli air strike destroys a building in the al-Bureij refugee camp in Gaza on Monday. More than 36,000 Palestinians and over 1,400 Palestine. “This recognition is an
that the Israeli government ac- Israelis have been killed since Oct. 7, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry and the Israel Defense Forces. important acknowledgment of
cept it to hasten the release of the rights of the Palestinian peo-
hostages held in Gaza. a Monday briefing. The IDF noti- of the coalition threatened to today to finalize the details,” he ing which hostages taken from ple and their struggles and suf-
Netanyahu said in a separate fied the families Monday. quit and bring down the govern- said. “I am repeating my offer to Israel during Hamas’s blitz on fering toward freedom and inde-
statement Monday that he was The news increases the pres- ment if the deal is accepted. give Netanyahu a political safety Oct. 7 would be released in pendence,” the experts said in a
“working in countless ways to sure on Netanyahu to seek a deal Ultranationalist minister net to carry out the deal.” phases in exchange for hundreds joint statement Monday.
return our hostages,” adding, “I that will bring the remaining Bezalel Smotrich called the pro- Netanyahu has also accused of Palestinian prisoners. There The Maldives will impose a
think about them constantly, hostages back home. posal “dangerous” on Monday the United States of presenting would also be a significant in- ban on Israeli passport holders
about their families and about “Chaim [Peri, 80], Yoram and said it would “humiliate the only a “partial” view of the cease- crease in aid shipments allowed entering the country, the presi-
their suffering.” But he under- [Metzger, 80], Amiram [Cooper, State of Israel.” He reiterated that fire plan. into the Gaza Strip, where aid dent’s office announced follow-
scored that the “elimination of 84], and Nadav [Popplewell, 51] he and others would stand down National Security Council organizations have warned that a ing a recommendation from the
Hamas,” remained a primary fo- were kidnapped alive, some of and “work to replace the failed spokesman John Kirby told re- humanitarian crisis is underway. cabinet. The president will ap-
cus. them were with other hostages leadership with a new one,” porters on Monday there were no The main point of contention point a special envoy “to assess
The Israeli military on Mon- who returned in the previous should it be accepted. “gaps,” in the proposal. “We’re for this and past proposals, how- Palestinian needs” and set up a
day confirmed that four more deal — and they should have Opposition leader Yair Lapid, confident that [Biden’s speech] ever, remains how and when the fundraising campaign to “assist
hostages were killed several returned alive to their country however, has said that he would accurately reflects that proposal war will officially end. Israel our brothers and sisters in Pales-
months ago in Hamas custody. and their families!” the Hostages provide backing to Netanyahu’s — a proposal that we worked insists on the complete destruc- tine” with the help of UNRWA.
The four were “killed while to- and Missing Families Forum said government to keep it from col- with the Israelis on, so I know of tion of Hamas. Hamas says it
gether in the area of Khan Younis in a statement. lapsing if it accepts the deal. no gaps to speak of,” he added. wants a permanent cease-fire heba Farouk mahfouz, hazem
during our operation there The cease-fire proposal has “The Israeli government must The White House has de- and the complete withdrawal of balousha, shira rubin, Lior soroka
against Hamas,” Israeli military already divided his fragile war agree to the Netanyahu proposal scribed the proposal as including Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip. and Alon rom contributed to this
spokesman Daniel Hagari said in cabinet after far-right members and send a delegation to Cairo a six-week halt in fighting, dur- Israeli Defense Minister Yoav report.

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A12 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, june 4 , 2024

With legislated parity push, Mexico cleared the way for a female president
BY M ARY B ETH S HERIDAN apparatus for elections, which are monuments. She did, however,
AND L ORENA R IOS overseen mostly by local authori- pledge to make reducing femi-
ties. cides more of a priority.
MEXICO CITY — Mexico is famous In 2021, a group of women took
for its macho culture. Women Sheinbaum seen first as over a major Mexico City traffic
here didn’t win the right to vote López Obrador’s protégée circle, erecting a statue of a girl
for president until 1953 — three Sheinbaum’s gender hasn’t at- with her fist raised. They rebap-
decades after their U.S. counter- tracted much fanfare in part be- tized the site “the Plaza of the
parts. As recently as nine years cause her political career has de- Women Who Fight,” in honor of
ago, there wasn’t a single female veloped in López Obrador’s shad- the activists battling femicides
state governor. ow. During the campaign, the and searching for the tens of thou-
Yet Mexico has just elected its low-key Sheinbaum emphasized sands of victims of forced disap-
first female president, Claudia that she would continue the pol- pearance.
Sheinbaum, in what was essen- icies of the popular leader. Sheinbaum opposed their ef-
tially a race between two women “What weighs more here is her fort and tried unsuccessfully to
engineers. With 88 percent of the loyalty, her closeness to him, the install a less politically charged
ballots counted Monday, Shein- fact that he has absolute trust in statue honoring Indigenous
baum had 59 percent of the vote; her, rather than that she’s a wom- women.
Xóchitl Gálvez, her closest rival, an,” said Carlos Heredia, an econ- “She handled that incident
had 28 percent. omist and political analyst. with clumsiness, with absolute
As the United States gears up Neither Sheinbaum nor Gálvez rejection, with a direct attack on
for another two-man contest for focused their platforms on wom- us,” said Marcela Guerrero, one of
the presidency — Joe Biden vs. en’s issues. the activists who placed the stat-
Donald Trump — Mexico is eclips- Consuelo Bañuelos, a human ue. “We don’t see a hopeful fu-
ing its northern neighbor on gen- rights activist in the state of ture.”
der parity in government. Nuevo Leon, said the candidates Although López Obrador
Today, women hold half the didn’t want to provoke unease in a emerged from the left, he had a
seats in Mexico’s legislature — society still permeated with ma- tense relationship with feminists,
roughly double the percentage in chismo. charging that their protests had
the U.S. Congress. Women lead “The word ‘inclusion’ is scary. been infiltrated by his conserva-
Mexico’s Supreme Court and cen- The phrase ‘gender perspective’ is tive opponents. He outraged fem-
tral bank. While the United States gerardo VIeyra/NUrPHoto/getty Images scary. The word ‘gender’ is scary,” inists by defending an ally run-
has a record 12 female governors, Claudia Sheinbaum, seen at an event in January, won Mexico’s vote Sunday for president and is set to she said. “So why ruffle feathers if ning for governor of Guerrero
Mexico will soon have 13, includ- take the oath of office in October. She is an environmental engineer and former mayor of Mexico City. it’s not necessary?” state, Félix Salgado Macedonio,
ing four who won election Sun- Becerra, the pollster, said vot- after it was alleged that he’d sexu-
day. the idea that the next president Not a single member of Con- po, a professor of gender and ers still judge female candidates ally assaulted women. (Salgado
How did Mexico do it? would be a woman.” gress voted against it. Female pol- politics at Royal Holloway Uni- differently than they do men. Macedonio denied the allega-
Female politicians and activ- iticians had painted men who versity of London. About 25 percent of voters sur- tions; he was eventually disquali-
ists lobbied for years to force How Mexican women led a opposed affirmative-action mea- But passing laws wasn’t veyed during the presidential fied because of campaign finance
parties to set quotas for female political revolution sures as dinosaurs. It became too enough. During the democratic campaign, for example, said it violations.)
candidates. As in other parts of Mexico’s current president, costly, politically, to oppose such transition, Mexico established would be harder for a woman to Sabina Berman, a writer and
Latin America, when a wave Andrés Manuel López Obrador, initiatives. strong institutions to interpret address problems of security or feminist who supports López Ob-
of authoritarian governments set a precedent in 2000 when he organized crime. There was al- rador’s Morena party, said he was
crumbled in the 1980s and 1990s, became mayor of Mexico City: most no difference on issues like slow at first to understand the
activists sold the idea that real The cabinet he appointed was health or the economy. importance of the women’s move-
democracy meant equal partici- half-male, half-female. He invited Mexico’s “gender quotas and parity amendment But it was difficult to gauge ment. But in backing Sheinbaum
pation for women. Sheinbaum, an environmental whether Sheinbaum’s gender as his party’s presidential candi-
So many senior positions in engineer, to be his environment form a really important context where women’s helped or hurt her in the election date, she said, he showed how he
government here are held by secretary. because her top competitor was had changed.
women that gender wasn’t a big It was the start of an era of big political participation is normalized.” also female. The lone man in the “As a consequence, the opposi-
topic in the presidential race. gains for women in politics. Jennifer Piscopo, a professor of gender and politics race, Jorge Álvarez Máynez, the tion realized that gender mat-
There was, of course, recognition Mexico was rewriting its elec- at royal Holloway University of London candidate of a small center-left tered in this election, that it was a
of the historic nature of the cam- tion laws as it transitioned from a party, had 11 percent of the vote. decisive element,” she said. “And
paign. Sheinbaum’s slogans in- one-party state to a democracy. A so they looked for a female candi-
cluded “It’s time for women”; coalition of female politicians, ac- By the time the amendment and enforce electoral laws. The Feminists criticize date as well.”
Gálvez proclaimed she had the tivists, lawyers and academics passed, López Obrador was presi- National Electoral Institute bird- Sheinbaum on women’s issues Berman hopes Sheinbaum’s
“ovaries” to take on organized pressed the Congress to adopt dent, and Sheinbaum, his proté- dogged parties to ensure they ran While feminists were thrilled election will be a turning point.
crime. Yet there was nothing like quotas for female congressional gée, had become mayor of Mexico an equal number of female candi- by the prospect that Mexico “In every household, in every
the sense of anticipation that ac- candidates. They were first set at City herself. dates. Politicians who made sexist would elect a female president, classroom across the country, the
companied Hillary Clinton’s 30 percent, then 40, then 50. “The gender quotas and parity comments about female rivals some say Sheinbaum has done idea that a woman exists to serve
presidential run in 2016. In 2019, Mexico passed a amendment form a really impor- could be stripped of the right to little to advance women’s issues. and please a man is going to
“For most of the population, sweeping constitutional amend- tant context where women’s polit- run themselves. As mayor, she criticized big crumble,” she said.
the gender theme isn’t all that ment establishing “parity in ev- ical participation is normalized, “The story of implementation demonstrations in 2019 to protest
important in and of itself,” said erything” — candidacies for all and where parties are forced to is really important,” said Piscopo. violence against women, after ríos reported from monterrey,
Lorena Becerra, a prominent poll- elected offices, and top jobs in the think about and value women as The United States, in contrast, some participants shattered win- mexico. Paulina Villegas in mexico
ster. “We had already internalized executive and judicial branches. candidates,” said Jennifer Pisco- doesn’t have a comparable federal dows and scrawled graffiti on City contributed to this report.

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tuesday, june 4 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A13

Mexico, after breaking free of one-party rule, could be headed for a relapse
MexiCO from A1 she will really embrace” all of
López obrador’s agenda, said fer-
that this concentration of power nando Dworak, a political ana-
doesn’t turn into authoritarian- lyst. “And we have ignored the fact
ism?” that she faces a very tough first
two years.”
A radical overhaul of the
courts Mexico’s political system in
The state of mexico’s democra- uncharted waters
cy matters beyond the country’s Can Sheinbaum deviate from
borders. mexico is the top U.S. her mentor’s path and become
trade partner and the second- a less divisive, more centrist
biggest economy in Latin Ameri- leader? Her commanding win
ca. But it has struggled for dec- gives her considerable political
ades to generate enough growth strength, and the president says
to lift tens of millions of people he plans to retire to his ranch and
out of poverty. mexico remains leave politics.
the No. 1 source of irregular mi- But Carlos Heredia, an econo-
gration to the United States, with mist who advised López obrador
more than 700,000 detentions at during his days as mayor, said it
the border last year, including was in his nature to dominate the
asylum seekers. political scene.
If morena undermines the in- “At the baptism, AmLo wants
dependence of the judiciary, ana- to be the priest, the baby, the
lysts say, it could be harder to father and the godfather,” Here-
attract foreign investors and spur dia said. “He wants to be an
economic growth. ex-president who continues issu-
López obrador has called for ing orders.”
an overhaul of the courts, includ- mexico is entering uncharted
ing the direct election of Supreme waters. The old PrI system gave
Court judges. He says only a presidents enormous power, but
scorched-earth policy can fix a each was forced to relinquish it
judicial system rife with corrup- when his single six-year term end-
tion, and the Supreme Court has ed. morena is different: It’s built
blocked some of his signature largely around López obrador.
initiatives, such as a plan to in- Without his unifying force, it
crease the role of the state in the could splinter into feuding fac-
electrical power sector. Shein- tions, making it difficult for
baum, who takes office in octo- Sheinbaum to govern.
ber, has promised to pursue his “The big question is, what will
plans to revamp the judiciary. MArco UgArte/AP be Sheinbaum’s source of political
Until now, López obrador has Claudia Sheinbaum holds up her ballot before voting Sunday in Mexico City. The presidential winner has vowed to further expand popular support?” Heredia said. “Now it’s
had a “concentration of power, welfare programs launched by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, but just how closely she will follow his agenda is a question mark. López obrador and morena. But
but with limits,” said Ana Laura once López obrador is an ex-pres-
magaloni, a legal scholar who changes. household in mexico City; her University. She earned a PhD cal skills, “will have to legitimize ident, morena loses the purpose it
worked on justice reform with The Supreme Court was al- mother, a biology professor, was there in environmental engineer- herself with results,” he said. He was founded for.”
Sheinbaum in her early days as ready approaching a critical junc- fired for marching in the huge ing and served as López obrador’s predicted a new phase of the Another challenge: morena of-
mayor of mexico City. ture, with one of the 11 justices pro-democracy protests of 1968. environment secretary when he fourth Transformation, “with ten behaves like the opposition
If the president’s power were scheduled to retire in November. The student-led demonstrations became mayor of mexico City in less microphones, more Excel.” movement it grew out of. With all
no longer circumscribed by the In mexico’s system, the court ended in a massacre by security 2000. She won the mayor’s job López obrador’s government his years battling the PrI system
courts or Congress, “what we’d needs eight votes to declare a law forces in the capital’s Tlatelolco herself in 2018. has maintained economic stabili- and its heirs, López obrador be-
have is constant political negotia- unconstitutional. Three current district. She is regarded as being on the ty and a strong peso. But the fiscal came an astute critic of the ills of
tions, similar to what happened judges, nominated by López ob- “Democracy has always been left of morena, which has ab- deficit has widened from 2 per- mexico’s government. His admin-
under the PrI,” she said. The rador, already vote consistently on the side of our movement. It’s sorbed a wide range of politicians, cent to nearly 6 percent of gross istration was good at getting rid of
Institutional revolutionary Party with his wishes. been our flag, our way of behav- including ex-Communists and domestic product. And economic old institutions, but less so at
controlled the mexican govern- If Sheinbaum names a loyalist, ing,” Sheinbaum said last week in longtime PrIistas who switched growth is expected to slow from building new ones.
ment for 71 years until 2000. “clearly the court will no longer be her closing campaign rally. She sides when their party collapsed. the current 2.4 percent to 1.5 per- “They knew what they wanted
Until now, morena and its al- a credible check” on presidential recalled that heavy-handed gov- Yet Jorge Zepeda Patterson, a left- cent next year, the central bank to destroy,” said Eugenio fernán-
lies didn’t have the supermajori- power, magaloni said. ernments once censored journal- leaning writer, said it wasn’t accu- says. dez, an environmental analyst
ties in the House and Senate they ists, jailed social leaders and stole rate to describe her as radical. Sheinbaum has promised to and activist. Creating effective
would need for a constitutional Sheinbaum reiterates her elections. “The people of mexico “In reality, she’s a nerd rooted further expand popular welfare substitutes is another matter.
amendment establishing the di- support for democracy don’t want to return to the past.” in her academic formation,” he programs launched by López ob- “They haven’t thought about
rect election of federal judges. Sheinbaum, 61, has vehement- Sheinbaum has been a political said, describing her as a data- rador, but she won’t have the what kind of state they want.”
After Sunday’s vote, it appears the ly rejected the idea that her gov- activist since her college days, driven technocrat known for de- luxury of implementing policies
ruling party is within striking ernment might mark a democrat- when she helped organize a strike livering projects on time. that scare off investors and slow Lorena ríos in Monterrey, Mexico,
distance of being able to imple- ic regression. against a fee increase at mexico’s Sheinbaum, who lacks López growth, analysts say. Paulina Villegas and Isabel Maney
ment that and other far-reaching She grew up in a left-wing flagship National Autonomous obrador’s folksy charm or politi- “It is a question mark whether contributed to this report.


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A14 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, june 4 , 2024

Microsoft report alleges Russia is trying to disrupt the Paris Olympic Games
BY A NNABELLE T IMSIT an accompanying blog post. The said, and are likely to multiply, pics Has fallen,” featuring an AI- russia was banned from partic- symbol that some associate with
AND A ARON G REGG company warned that disinfor- with french authorities going “on generated voice impersonating ipating in the 2018 Winter olym- the killing of two Israeli soldiers
mation could intensify in the lead- the offensive” as the Games ap- actor Tom Cruise, and following a pics following a wide-ranging IoC by a crowd in the West Bank in
PARIS — russia is trying to under- up to the opening Ceremonies. proach to crack down on groups “strange, meandering script” dis- investigation into state-spon- 2000 — were tagged onto a wall
mine the 2024 Paris olympics The russian Embassy in Wash- planning attacks. paraging the olympic commit- sored doping campaigns. After built in honor of individuals who
through disinformation cam- ington did not immediately re- In a report about the Paris tee’s leadership. The film began russia invaded Ukraine in febru- helped save Jews during the Holo-
paigns that blend old propaganda spond to an emailed request for Games published last month, circulating on social media last ary 2022, the IoC suspended the caust, prompting macron to de-
tactics with artificial intelligence, comment. Global Guardian said that while summer, microsoft reported, and russian olympic Committee and nounce “odious antisemitism.”
according to microsoft. The report appears to confirm some attacks on the olympics has more recently been accompa- banned russian and Belarusian But french media have reported
microsoft’s threat analysis cen- allegations made by french Presi- have been tied directly to russian nied by other propaganda. athletes from competing under that authorities now believe rus-
ter said in a report that the Krem- dent Emmanuel macron, who intelligence services, “most of russia has also spread false their national flags. Last year, the sia may have been responsible.
lin’s goals are to denigrate the said in April that russia had been them were attributable to private news clips claiming that a quarter IoC confirmed that russian ath- Buckner said russia is poised
reputation of the International targeting the games by pushing criminal organizations” that have of olympics tickets purchased letes would be allowed to compete to exploit tensions within french
olympic Committee and create an the narrative that france ties to russian intelligence but had been returned due to fear of in the Paris Games — but only society, including over the wars in
expectation that violence will wouldn’t be ready to host. At the “are motivated principally by terrorism. Another clip included a under the status of “individual Gaza and Ukraine, to generate
break out at the Paris olympic time, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry profit.” false security warning from the neutral athletes” and only if they negative discourse ahead of the
Games, which will take place from Peskov called the allegations russia “wants to make the CIA. Among the most worrying do not actively support the war. Games. The difference between
July 26 to Aug. 11 in the french “completely unfounded.” Games look bad, make the french methods of disinformation, france is grappling with the the Paris olympics and the previ-
capital and in locations across Cyberattacks and information system look bad, make the coun- microsoft said, are social media long arm of russian influence in ous Games in China in 2022, Ja-
france and its overseas territo- operations are the largest threats try of france look bad and its accounts that appear to imper- other arenas. When Stars of David pan in 2021 and South Korea in
ries. facing the Paris olympics, accord- politicians look bad,” Buckner sonate militant organizations and were tagged onto buildings in 2018 is that “we didn’t have two
russia “seeks to spread public ing to Dale Buckner, chief execu- said. “It almost doesn’t matter fabricate threats to the Games. northern Paris last year, prompt- hot wars then,” he said. “Any kind
fear to deter spectators from at- tive of the private security firm what the tactics are.” microsoft said the propaganda ing fear among france’s Jewish of conflict [russia] can stir …
tending the Games,” wrote Clint Global Guardian and a retired Among the disinformation campaigns fit into a long-held community, france condemned they’re going to do.”
Watts, general manager of micro- U.S. Army colonel. Those attacks campaigns documented by pattern of trying to undermine russian interference. more re-
soft’s Threat Analysis Center, in have probably already begun, he microsoft is a film called “olym- the olympics. cently, red hands — a fraught gregg reported from Washington.

Kremlin-backed outlet in Prague bolstered European far right, o∞cials say

RUssia from a1 vated by russia’s political allies in
Ukraine since the Kremlin illegal-
politicians in more than five ly annexed Crimea in 2014. Those
countries to plant Kremlin propa- relations were often first man-
ganda in Western media that aged by oleg Voloshyn, a political
would sow division in Europe and operative in charge of foreign
bolster the position of pro- relations for medvedchuk’s for
russian candidates in this week’s Life political party before russia’s
European Parliament elections, invasion.
according to interviews with a In an interview, Voloshyn said
dozen European intelligence offi- he introduced medvedchuk and
cials from five countries. most of Bystron in Berlin in 2020. Vo-
the officials spoke on the condi- loshyn said he brought Bystron
tion of anonymity to discuss an and Krah to Kyiv to celebrate his
ongoing and sensitive investiga- 40th birthday in April 2021, intro-
tion. ducing them to marchevsky, who
officials described the russian at the time headed one of
operation as among the most am- medvedchuk’s three television
bitious undertaken by the Krem- stations in Ukraine.
lin in Europe in its efforts to After medvedchuk was placed
undermine support for Ukraine under house arrest by Zelensky’s
and create divisions in the trans- government and accused of trea-
atlantic alliance. Previous son, Bystron and Krah traveled
Kremlin-backed covert actions again to Kyiv to visit medvedchuk
include the attempted union of in his home, a trip that raised
the far right and far left in Ger- concerns among European secu-
many, stoking domestic divisions rity officials.
in france, and sabotage in Poland, Voloshyn’s ability to travel in
The Washington Post has report- Europe was hampered in January
ed. 2022, shortly before russia’s inva-
Internal Kremlin documents sion, when the U.S. Treasury De-
obtained by one of the European partment placed him on its sanc-
intelligence services and re- tions list, calling him an “fSB
viewed by The Post show for the pawn” in efforts by the russian
first time that Voice of Europe security agency to destabilize and
was part of an influence cam- take over Ukraine. Voloshyn said
paign established by the Kremlin the sanctions — and allegations
in close coordination with Viktor that he was connected to russian
medvedchuk, the Putin ally who intelligence — were based on in-
until russia’s invasion of Ukraine accurate information.
led a pro-moscow opposition par- When Bystron made a secret
ty in Kyiv. It was later managed by MaxyM MaruseNko/NurPhoto/getty IMages trip to Belarus in November 2022
a key medvedchuk lieutenant Viktor Medvedchuk, then the leader of a pro-Kremlin opposition party in Ukraine, during a session of the Ukrainian parliament in Kyiv in — acknowledging the visit only
who, other documents show, 2019. He was arrested on treason charges after the Russian invasion and later turned over to Moscow during a prisoner exchange. after it was exposed by Lithua-
worked closely with a unit of nian and German media — he met
russia’s federal Security Service, European Parliament. Bystron, further and did not respond to Security services in Europe are russian invasion succeeded and with Voloshyn, who had relocated
or fSB, responsible for Ukraine the AfD’s spokesman for foreign detailed written questions. still investigating the role of doz- the Kremlin was able to install its there following russia’s invasion,
and some former Soviet states, affairs, has been among the most AfD is still expected to come in ens of other far-right politicians allies in power in Kyiv, intelli- Voloshyn told The Post.
otherwise known as the fSB’s vocal in Germany against sending second or third in the June 6 poll, in the Voice of Europe network, gence officials said. Voloshyn said he connected
fifth Service. Western weapons to Ukraine and behind the center-right Christian including from france, Belgium The Kremlin documents show Bystron with medvedchuk by
After the expulsion from Eu- for lifting sanctions on russia. Democratic Union, despite the and the Netherlands, as well up to Voice of Europe was initially con- phone during the visit but insist-
rope of dozens of russian intelli- German authorities said in controversy, which has touched six more AfD figures, including nected to a russian propaganda ed that the German and the
gence officers following the inva- may they have placed Bystron other AfD leaders. Prosecutors in politicians and parliamentary as- operation launched in January Ukrainian spoke for no more than
sion of Ukraine, fronts such as the under investigation for alleged Germany said in a statement that sistants, people familiar with the 2023 by the Kremlin’s first deputy a few minutes.
Voice of Europe became instru- corruption and money launder- they initiated a preliminary in- investigation said. Belgian au- chief of staff, Sergei Kiriyenko. It In a 2023 interview with The
ments for the Kremlin to regain ing as part of the probe, and vestigation into maximilian Krah thorities have also played a lead- was designed to boost support for Post, Bystron said he met only
lost ground, one of the senior police raided his office in the on allegations of accepting pay- ing investigative role, with key medvedchuk in Ukraine and posi- with Belarusian officials during
European intelligence officials German parliament as well as ments from russia and China for Voice of Europe meetings with tion him among European opin- the trip. Soon after the visit,
said. “The russian intelligence properties in Germany and Spain. his work as an AfD member of the politicians taking place in other ion makers as a viable replace- Bystron presented a peace plan
services had to change their work. In one recording, three of the European Parliament. Police locations in Europe, including ment for Ukrainian President Vo- favorable to the Kremlin to the
The result is, for example, influ- senior European intelligence offi- searched his office as part of an Brussels, senior officials said. lodymyr Zelensky, promoting German parliament.
ence networks such as Voice of cials told The Post, Bystron can be peace talks “as an alternative to With Voloshyn unable to travel
Europe,” the official said. heard complaining to a Voice of possible nuclear war,” the docu- to the European Union,
The website’s status as a news Europe official about the difficul- ments state. The campaign, marchevsky became the face of
organization was designed to pro- ty of transporting tens of thou- “It was an operation that dubbed “The other Ukraine,” Voice of Europe in Prague.
vide cover, another of the intelli- sands in cash to his vacation would present medvedchuk as marchevsky did not respond to
gence officials said, making it home in mallorca. aimed to shape Europe.” the head of a government in exile, a detailed request for comment.
“easier to approach politicians” “We knew he was pro-russian,” Michal Koudelka, head of the Czech domestic security service, the documents show. In earlier comments to the finan-
under the guise of interviewing said one of the senior intelligence on the Prague-based Voice of europe media outlet The aim was to create “an or- cial Times, he denied working as a
them about Ukraine, anti- officials, noting Bystron’s long- ganization that could be brought proxy for medvedchuk and said
globalism and other issues. standing ties with russia and in after russia demonstrated the he was not involved in Voice of
michal Koudelka, head of the pro-russian politicians in illegitimacy of the Zelensky re- Europe’s management, claiming
Czech domestic security service, Ukraine. The official believes au- gime and negotiate an end to the his company was only a third-
said that the Voice of Europe thorities have now gathered evi- war from a position of strength,” party contractor. He declined to
operation was also an attempt to dence supporting the accusation investigation into allegations that a series of scandals said one intelligence official fa- reveal his whereabouts after flee-
get more pro-russian members that Bystron received money one of his aides was working as a European security officials and miliar with the plans. ing the Czech republic.
into the European Parliament from russia and placed propa- spy for China. on Wednesday, Kremlin documents link the crea- medvedchuk declined to com- A series of scandals dogging
and that after the vote that starts ganda in far-right publications in police raided the residence and tion of Voice of Europe in early ment. the AfD — including a statement
Thursday, “there was a plan for return. offices of the Dutch parliamenta- 2023 to russia’s presidential ad- Kremlin political strategists, by Krah that not all members of
the people in the European Par- The Czech-born Bystron wasn’t ry assistant who had previously ministration and medvedchuk, including Ilya Gambashidze and the Nazi SS in World War II were
liament to conduct classic espio- only “a passive person who re- worked for Krah. who is so close to Putin that the Nikolai Tupikin, whom the Unit- guilty of crimes — has dented but
nage” on behalf of russia. ceived money,” the official said. Krah said in a statement to The russian president is godfather to ed States has sanctioned for their not destroyed the party’s stand-
“It was an operation that aimed “He organized things,” accord- Post that the allegations were part his daughter. medvedchuk was roles in disinformation cam- ing ahead of the European Parlia-
to shape Europe,” Koudelka said ing to the official, who said that of a “disinformation campaign turned over to russia in Septem- paigns, were brought in to assist ment elections. Krah has with-
in an interview. Bystron, who speaks russian, against my party orchestrated by ber 2022 as part of a prisoner with the launch of the project, drawn from the race, and AfD is
far-right parties could end up brought other political figures intelligence agencies” and called exchange between moscow and which envisioned promoting in- still expected to get at least 15 per-
with 25 percent of the seats in the into Voice of Europe’s orbit and the accusations “not only wrong” Kyiv. He was seen in moscow as a terviews with medvedchuk and cent of the vote, which could
720-member European Parlia- was “the main leading person.” but “slandering.” possible leader of Ukraine if the his other Ukraine organization allow it a second-place finish in
ment, according to some opinion “Bystron knew about the plans through a web of social media and Germany.
polls. And for russia, increasing for the espionage operations” in YouTube accounts, and appear- Krah’s statement about the SS
influence among those parties the European Parliament, this ances in Western media, the did prompt the far-right National
could provide a mechanism for person said, adding that there Kremlin documents show. rally party in france, led by ma-
threatening aid to Ukraine, as was recorded evidence of this. Voice of Europe was described rine Le Pen, to say it would not sit
well as fertile ground for espio- Bystron remains a candidate as a “news resource,” with with the AfD in the European
nage, according to Vera Jourova, for the European Parliament and marchevsky, a longtime medved- Parliament. But the AfD’s mem-
the European Commission’s vice has denounced the investigation chuk associate, at its helm, one of bership in such official groupings
president. as a plot by European security the documents shows. In July, its may not mean much when it
Pro-russian politicians “could services to damage AfD’s stand- overall management was taken comes to voting on issues related
really make the financing [of ing ahead of the elections. “Before over by renat Kuzmin, another to russia or Ukraine, one of the
Ukraine] difficult,” Jourova told every election it is the same: defa- key medvedchuk associate, who, European intelligence officials
The Post. mation with the help of the secret documents show, worked closely said, with parties able to vote in
services,” he told Deutschland Ku- with the fSB’s fifth Service. ad hoc blocs.
Tens of thousands in cash rier, an AfD-linked website. Neither the Kremlin nor The Czech intelligence ser-
The Czech investigation has led In a brief text exchange with Kuzmin responded to detailed re- vices, at least, are still vigilant.
to raids on the home and offices of The Post, Bystron said: “We al- quests for comment. “We stopped [the Voice of Europe
an aide to a far-right Dutch mem- ready had a house search during The Prague news outlet, intelli- operation], and I am very proud
ber of the European Parliament an election campaign in 2017, gence officials said, gave of my service,” Koudelka said. But
and of Petr Bystron, a leading which was subsequently declared marchevsky a way to engage a there are concerns that other net-
member of the far-right Alterna- to be illegal by the courts. Nobody odd aNderseN/aFP/getty IMages network of extremist European works may be working in other
tive for Germany, or AfD, and the was interested after the election.” Petr Bystron, a member of the far-right alternative for Germany politicians, some of whom, in- European countries. “This fight is
party’s No. 2 candidate for the He declined to be interviewed party and its foreign affairs spokesman, in parliament in 2023. cluding Bystron, had been culti- never-ending.”
tuesday, june 4 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A15

Economy & Business

sHuran Huang For tHe WasHington Post

Arati Prabhakar, the director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy since 2022, has been charged with enforcing Washington’s newly tough consensus on China.


Early in her career, Arati Prab-

hakar led the development of a
Biden’s science adviser explains House Committee on Science,
Space and Technology ques-
tioned Prabhakar in February
over the delays in producing a

the new hard line on China

self-piloting ship for a secretive final version of the rules. She told
U.S. military research agency. the committee that drafting the
Now she’s the White House’s top regulations had turned out to be
technology official — the first to more complex than expected.
hail from a defense background “Doing this in a way that re-
since the Cold War and a repre- to the United States. ed States from India with her assumed that would continue in ects in quantum computing and spects every individual, their
sentative of Washington’s new The hard-line shift is reflected parents as a child, Prabhakar perpetuity.” cancer treatment, and trying to rights as an individual and re-
hard-line consensus on China. in the appointment of Prabhakar, earned a PhD in applied physics China’s unexpected emergence wrangle multiple agencies to co- specting their dignity, I think, is
For three decades, the United 65, as the president’s science and from the California Institute of as a serious technological rival operate to squeeze out more radio critically important,” she said.
States threw itself headlong into technology adviser in 2022. Her Technology, then strayed from has prompted a return to a Cold spectrum for emerging technol- “Not exacerbating anti-Asian bias
globalization, backed by the con- recent predecessors were all the academic career path. She War-like chill. President Donald ogies in an effort to get a jump on in the environment that we are in
fidence that while a rising tide scholars from civilian fields like was working at DARPA in 1986 at Trump began the pivot, launch- 6G in competition against China. — absolutely key.”
lifts all boats, America’s vessel biology and meteorology. the tail end of the Cold War. ing a trade war against China. The Biden administration also The draft guidelines issued by
would rise the highest. China’s In contrast, Prabhakar previ- “The Soviet Union ended while Since arriving in the Oval Office, has leaned hard into industrial her office for comment call for
technological ascent has shaken ously oversaw the Pentagon’s fu- I was at DARPA, and so I saw what President Biden — who criticized policy in key technological sec- research institutes’ training pro-
that self-assurance and prompted turistic technologies research an enormous shift started in how those policies at first — has sur- tors such as chips and telecom- grams to include instruction on
a broad policy reversal. agency, the Defense Advanced we thought about national secu- prised many by doubling down on munications gear, with the help “the importance of nondiscrimi-
“We had an oversimplified Research Projects Agency rity,” she said. Trump’s tariffs and export con- of $52 billion in funding from the nation as a guiding principle,”
model for a long time, for a (DARPA). Her team at the White Following the Soviet Union’s trols, though with more mea- bipartisan Chips and Science Act. though it isn’t entirely clear what
number of decades,” Prabhakar House’s Office of Science and dissolution in 1991, one of her sured rhetoric and a focus on Ken Zita, a telecom expert who this would look like in practice.
said in an interview with The Technology Policy now is as- colleagues went to brief Gen. multilateral cooperation. advised the Biden administration More broadly, the Biden ad-
Washington Post. “That oversim- signed to answer thorny ques- Colin Powell, chairman of the National security adviser Jake on industrial policies, said Wash- ministration’s approach to China
plified model was that markets tions of how to accelerate U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, about sub- Sullivan announced in Septem- ington was making the leap from has its share of skeptics. Some
and globalization would solve all innovation in technologies with marines, only for Powell to re- ber 2022 that the United States “no industrial policy” to “having foreign governments suspect the
the problems.” military applications — semicon- mark that they didn’t care about could no longer just maintain a one” after many years in which export controls are more about
Prabhakar’s early specialty was ductors, telecommunications and submarines anymore. Washing- “relative” technological lead over industrial planning by the federal trade protectionism than nation-
semiconductor research, a rare quantum computing — while ton downsized its military and rivals and “must maintain as government was deeply out of al security necessity.
background among senior policy- curbing U.S. research connec- embraced globalization, secure in large of a lead as possible.” Soon fashion. “When I do travel — and by
makers. That technical knowl- tions to China without veering its position as the unquestioned after, the Commerce Department, “They’ve had to take it from overseas I mean Taiwan, Japan,
edge has come into use, as she has into racial profiling. world leader. led by Gina Raimondo, fired a whole cloth, and say, ‘What can Korea, Switzerland, Germany, the
helped the Biden administration Many of these projects will take “We were riding high,” said Rob fusillade of technology export we do? Where can we act?’ ” Zita Netherlands, U.K., you know, al-
craft the largest industrial policy far longer than a four-year presi- Atkinson, founder of the Informa- controls at China. said. lied countries — almost to a per-
push in decades, in an effort to dential term to accomplish, a tion Technology and Innovation Prabhakar’s team has been A major challenge for the son, they don’t really understand
help the United States retain its recognition that the technologi- Foundation. “We were the center working on a longer-term re- Biden administration has been what the national security objec-
technological lead over China. cal rivalry with China may last of the internet and the IT econo- search and development strategy, how to pursue this policy shift tive is that the U.S. government is
Semiconductors — the brains of decades, as the Cold War did. my. China was nothing. … We including directing research proj- without fanning anti-Chinese trying to accomplish with all
computers — are the program’s Her team is already maneuver- sentiment. these new controls,” said Wolf, the
centerpiece. ing to wrangle commitments Prabhakar’s team is drafting former assistant commerce secre-
“It’s the biggest industrial pol- from allied nations to support research security guidelines for tary.
icy initiative in the U.S. since the U.S. wireless technologies over universities across the nation on Some, such as Atkinson, say the
Second World War,” said Gary China’s for the 6G generation, how they should limit and moni- grants for building new U.S. tech-
Hufbauer, a former Treasury dep- which won’t deploy until around tor research relationships with nological hubs have been distrib-
uty assistant secretary and now a 2030. U.S. officials had been China and other countries uted too diffusely.
senior fellow at the Peterson In- caught flat-footed with 5G, with deemed adversaries. This task “The whole point of this was
stitute for International Eco- China getting a jump-start on 5G was inherited from the Trump you can’t have 50 places,” he said.
nomics. “The only thing that the research and development and administration. “There’s not enough money.
U.S. did which was comparable rolling out its networks faster. Prabhakar said her team is now There’s not enough technology to
was the interstate highway sys- “It is the right time to start “pretty close” to a final version of go around.”
tem back in the 1950s.” lining everyone up,” Prabhakar the rules, though she stopped Prabhakar defended these
Kevin Wolf, a former assistant said about building a 6G coalition short of saying when they may be measures as part of a carefully
commerce secretary for export around the U.S. position. released. She said that after they considered long-term plan to en-
administration, says the Biden Her office sits in the Eisenhow- released a draft version of the sure U.S. competitiveness.
administration has enacted the er Executive Office Building on rules for comment last year, feed- “It’s important to say that this
strictest technology export con- the White House grounds, down a back from the research communi- is a really carefully calibrated
trols against China in recent hallway checkered black-and- ty gave her pause, including input strategy. It’s not saying, ‘We’re
memory, adopting the policy po- white like a chess board. The that the requirements for univer- going to roll up the sidewalks and
sition that China having the capa- Bruce Springsteen lyric “Meet me sities were too onerous. never trade with anyone else
bility to produce advanced com- in a land of hope and dreams” is Demetrius Freeman/tHe WasHington Post “It’s possible to put in so much around the world.’ It’s very global-
puting systems indigenously is a emblazoned across the wall. President Biden signs into law the Chips and Science Act, a key process that you actually exacer- ly engaged, working with our
“per se national security threat” After immigrating to the Unit- part of U.S. industrial policy in major technological sectors. bate the problem,” she said. The allies and partners.”

Di gest

inVesting technical issue and that the country ground to a halt restore power were blocked. crimes Monday after a two-year Montreal-area Safran workers
affected stocks had resumed Monday, with electricity cut and Elsewhere, government Justice Department probe into who make components for
NYSE glitch sparks big trading. major airports closed, as workers either did not show up its mistreatment of thousands landing gear used in Airbus and
swings in some stocks At least 60 stocks listed on the Nigeria’s largest labor unions or shut down entrances to of beagles, a department official Boeing jets will begin an
NYSE were halted because of began striking to demand a offices, including at airports in said. Envigo agreed in federal unlimited general strike Tuesday
A glitch at the New York Stock volatility, and some stocks salary increase amid the worst the capital, Abuja, and the court in the Western District of over pay, a union official told
Exchange triggered massive showed unusual outsize cost-of-living crisis in decades. economic hub of Lagos. Virginia to pay $22 million in Reuters on Monday. It comes as
swings in the shares of Berkshire movements. In this strike, the fourth since Hundreds of passengers were fines, plus $13.5 million in plane-makers are wrestling with
Hathaway and Barrick Gold, and — Reuters President Bola Ahmed Tinubu stranded after local airlines expenses and to cover animal supply chain snags due to parts
trading halts in dozens of other came to power a year ago, suspended flight operations. welfare projects. That includes shortages, and as unions are
companies Monday, before the nigeRiA workers shut down the national — Associated Press the largest-ever fine in an capitalizing on tight labor
problem was fixed. electricity grid and drove away animal welfare case imposed by markets and high inflation to
The NYSE, owned by Strikes close airports, operators at a key transmission Also in Business the Justice Department, $11 win hefty contracts at
Intercontinental Exchange, by spur power outages station, the Transmission Research animal breeder million, the U.S. attorney for the bargaining tables across North
late morning said on its website Company of Nigeria said, adding Envigo pleaded guilty to animal Western District of Virginia America.
that it had resolved a reported Africa’s most populous that other workers sent to welfare and environmental said. — From news services
A16 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, june 4 , 2024

Congress weighs delaying agriculture law over SNAP and climate disputes
White House’s authority to in-
Last renewed in 2018, crease SNAP benefits, which
would cost recipients nearly
the farm bill typically $30 billion in enhanced food as-
gets bipartisan support sistance over the next 10 years,
according to the Congressional
Budget Office. Nearly 42 million
people a month use the program,
BY J ACOB B OGAGE which is designed to cover about
two-thirds of a household’s
A battle that ties food aid for monthly food expenses. A house-
needy families with crop subsi- hold of four people can receive
dies for American farmers may maximum monthly benefits of
stall efforts to renew a sweeping $973 in most states.
agricultural policy law, forcing Limiting benefit increases is a
Congress to consider delaying ac- nonstarter for Democrats, who
tion on the $1.5 trillion proposal have united against Thompson’s
until after this fall’s elections. bill on both sides of the Capitol.
The law, known as the farm bill, “I want a farm bill; it’s just that
is set to expire Sept. 30. It typical- I’m not going to have my legacy
ly draws bipartisan support be- going backward,” said Stabenow,
cause it combines resources for who is retiring in 2025 after near-
such programs as the Supplemen- ly three decades in Congress.
tal Nutrition Assistance Program Other issues that divide the
(SNAP) for low-income families parties are negotiable, lawmakers
with updates to farm supports, said.
including commodity price guar- Biden’s 2022 Inflation Reduc-
antees and crop insurance. tion Act set aside almost $20 bil-
This year, however, the Repub- lion to pay agricultural producers
lican-controlled House is writing or landowners to enact “climate
a version of the bill that would smart” conservation practices.
spend less on future low-income The program has been wildly
food assistance and more on popular and oversubscribed, and
large-scale commodity farmers, Thompson’s bill would remove
while the Democratic-controlled the climate guardrails from that
Senate is mulling a proposal to do funding to allow producers easier
the opposite. access to conservation funds.
Lawmakers say the probable Democrats have balked at that
outcome is a stalemate that idea but said there is room to
would force a temporary exten- compromise; the vast majority of
sion of existing policies. That Carolyn Van houTen/The WashingTon PosT the most popular conservation
would benefit Democrats and Lawmakers say the probable outcome this year is a temporary extension of the farm bill, which is set to expire Sept. 30. They are already practices that farmers employed
their allies by preserving the discussing a brief extension on the bill that would push a vote on a longer-term measure into the “lame duck” session of Congress. even before the Biden adminis-
higher nutrition benefits in cur- tration’s incentives kicked in are
rent law. But it would mostly of agriculture and nutrition legis- term measure into the “lame The 2018 farm bill authorized ing the price floors for agricultur- already considered “climate
leave commodity assistance un- lation before the current law ex- duck” session after the November the administration to reevaluate al commodities by as much as smart,” said Michael Happ, who
changed, frustrating Republicans pires or face massive upheaval in election and before the new Con- the formula used to calculate food 20 percent. studies climate and rural commu-
and their allies in the agricultural agricultural commodities and gress takes office in January. Law- assistance, which Biden lever- Soybeans, which in April trad- nities at the Institute for Agricul-
community. dairy markets. Leaders in both makers also have discussed an- aged in 2021 to approve the ed at $11.80 a bushel, according to ture and Trade Policy.
“The world today is drastically parties said a temporary exten- other year-long farm bill exten- largest-ever increase in SNAP the Agriculture Department, While GOP proposals on price
different than it was when the sion of current law is looking sion; Congress passed similar leg- benefits. The 2018 bill also guar- would have a guaranteed price of floors have caused an uproar
current law was put into place,” increasingly likely. islation in November, which is anteed minimum prices for cer- $10 under the legislation, up from among Democrats, Thompson’s
said Sam Kieffer, vice president of Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D- why the 2018 law is still on the tain agriculture products — $8.40. Wheat in April traded at bill otherwise aims for bipartisan
public policy at the American Mich.), chair of the Senate Agri- books now. promising that the government $5.91 a bushel and would have a agreement: The legislation is
Farm Bureau Federation. culture Committee, told The “A lot of people forget why we would pay the difference between $6.35 price floor, up from $5.50. loaded with Democratic propos-
The farm bill is supposed to be Washington Post that continuing need a five-year farm bill, why it’s the market price and what are “Over the past few decades, the als to try to preserve the political
renewed every five years. But the the 2018 version of the law tempo- so necessary to balance fiscal re- known as “reference prices.” But farm safety net has lost its ability alliance that has traditionally
last one was written in 2018, rarily might prove the easiest sponsibility reform with anticipa- those levels haven’t changed de- to protect those who are the back- propelled farm bills. One provi-
before the coronavirus pandemic option to steer through Congress, tory policy and why the legisla- spite the subsequent upheaval in bone of our great nation,” Thomp- sion would require new adminis-
caused historic inflation and saying, “I’m not going to support tion we pass today ought to reflect global markets and rising infla- son said at the May 23 committee trative procedures to help young
snarled supply chains; before a bad bill.” the needs of agriculture pro- tion. meeting. “American farmers face farmers acquire land. Average
Russia launched a full-scale inva- The committee’s top Republi- ducers and consumers. It’s be- That means producers have natural disasters, take huge per- farm real estate values have in-
sion of Ukraine, one of the world’s can, Sen. John Boozman (Ark.), cause farm bills are felt in every struggled without as much help sonal risk and are at the whims of creased more than 30 percent
largest agricultural producers; agreed: “If we don’t make mean- corner of America, in every field as Congress may have envisioned, regulatory overreach. It is a privi- since 2018, according to the Agri-
before the cost per acre of U.S. ingful improvements, if we don’t and pasture, in every grocery sto- Kieffer said. lege to deliver a farm bill that culture Department.
farmland skyrocketed; and be- put more farm in the farm bill, ry and agribusiness. The legisla- Republicans are trying to push strengthens the risk-mitigation Thompson’s bill also would al-
fore President Biden and Demo- we’re better off not having a new tion we pass today will have rip- those levels up. House Agricul- measures available to producers, low individuals with felony drug
crats passed first-of-its-kind cli- farm bill.” ple effects for years to come,” Rep. ture Committee Chairman Glenn providing certainty in a time of convictions to receive SNAP ben-
mate policy that weighs heavily Lawmakers are already dis- Tracey Mann (R-Kan.) said at a Thompson (R-Pa.) advanced leg- volatility.” efits after completing their sen-
on agriculture. cussing a brief extension that House Agriculture Committee islation in late May that would The GOP bill would pay for tences, a longtime Democratic
Congress must pass some sort would push a vote on a longer- meeting in late May. pour billions of dollars into rais- those increases by limiting the priority.

GameStop shares spike

after meme-stock user
signals $116M stake
BY A ARON G REGG meme-stock forum after some
AND T AYLOR T ELFORD GameStop enthusiasts broke with
the popular “WallStreetBets”
GameStop went on a roller- channel. Gill’s account did not
coaster ride Monday — with post in that channel, although the
shares popping more than 70 per- same user account was used. On
cent before pulling back — after a Monday morning, the channel
weekend post linked to the meme- abounded with memes and users
stock trader who helped propel its posting their own positions, with
explosive rise in 2021 and renewed some promising to call off work.
interest in the video game retailer. GameStop has sought various
A Reddit account linked to ways to capitalize on the online
Keith Gill shared a screenshot fame, but it remains primarily a
showing a $115.7 million position brick-and-mortar seller of video
in GameStop, with millions in ad- games in a world where cloud-

ditional call options. The account based offerings such as Steam are

later posted a screenshot indicat- dominant. In 2022, it launched a
ing Gill had held onto his shares, marketplace for non-fungible to-
with his position gaining $78.6 kens, or NFTs, but as of Monday
million in value on Monday. the marketplace was still marked
Around the same time, his “Roar- as a beta version and carried a
APY* ing Kitty” account on X posted a
picture of an “Uno” card that re-
disclaimer that its iOS and
Chrome extension wallets were
verses the order of the game. being removed “due to regulatory
For balances of $500,000 or less and Similar buzz pushed GameStop uncertainty in the crypto space.”
must be funds that are new to EagleBank to nearly $50 a share in May.
Roaring Kitty had posted several
It reported a preliminary loss of
between $27 million and $37 mil-
memes on X, starting with a pic- lion for the 13-week quarter end-
ture of a man leaning forward in ing May 4. Net sales were estimat-
his chair to post on a smartphone, ed between $872 million and $892
over several days. By month’s end, million, down from $1.3 billion in
though, enthusiasm cooled, and last year’s first quarter.
the stock closed Friday at $23.14. In its latest maneuver,
After the Sunday posts — which GameStop took advantage of the
have not been independently veri- May rally by raising more than
fied by The Washington Post — $900 million in a stock sale.
shares popped, opening Monday Gamestop’s gains defied an oth-
at $40.19. But the stock gave up erwise tepid start to June trading
most of those gains, closing at for U.S. markets, with the Dow
$28.00, up 21 percent. Jones Industrial Average shed-
Gill is a former life insurance ding more than 115 points, or 0.3
marketer who rose to meme-stock percent, to close at 38,571.03. The
fame by rallying other Redditors S&P 500 edged 0.1 percent up, to
behind what is known as a short- 5,283.40, while the tech-heavy
squeeze strategy. He was at the Nasdaq climbed 0.6 percent to
center of an online movement in 16,828.67. Wall Street had a strong
which retail traders, industry par- May, powered largely by corporate
lance for individuals who invest in earnings.
companies, took on hedge fund Berkshire Hathaway’s shares
behemoths that had betted on the were briefly halted during trading
* Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is accurate as of 05/21/2024. This is a variable rate account. The minimum balance to open is $1,000 and must be company’s failure. The stock rose Monday after a technical issue
funds that are new to EagleBank. Rates may change a er the account is opened. The APY will be based on the tier that corresponds to the account so precipitously at one point that caused the stock of Warren Buf-
balance. As of 05/21/2024, these tiers are: $500,000.00 or less: 5.38% APY; and $500,000.01 or more: 0.01% APY. Fees may reduce earnings. The ledger shares were halted on popular fett’s conglomerate to appear as
balance must be within a specific tier to receive the interest rate and annual percentage yield for that tier.
smartphone trading apps. though it had plunged nearly 100
Gill did not immediately re- percent for much of the morning
spond to an emailed request for session, according to the New
comment. York Stock Exchange. The issue
Both posts were celebrated in was resolved by early afternoon, at
Reddit’s “Superstonk” channel, which point its shares were down
which has become a leading 0.4 percent.
tuesday, june 4 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re a17

How good do we want America to be?
karen tumulty

The Texas
Republican Party BY W ILLIAM M C R AVEN many other examples of the American character.
Growing up in the segregated South, my mother
integrity and pride, or we can prolong the onslaught
of crassness, vulgarity, pettiness and righteous in-

y mother was a member of the Greatest was not naive about our nation’s faults, but she dignation and descend into national mediocrity,

has gone o≠ Generation. Born in 1921, she was raised

on a small farm in East Texas. She went to
church every Sunday. Her family strug-
always believed in our better angels. She believed
that America was exceptional because there was
goodness in our hearts, goodness that transcended
where there is nothing of value worth emulating.
I have been a vocal critic of the former president,
but I took no joy in seeing him found guilty. He was

the deep end gled through the Great Depression. Her brother
went off to fight World War II in the Pacific, and she
found lasting love with a fighter pilot from that war.
our hatreds, goodness that brought us together in the president of the United States. My president.
Whether I liked him or not, he had been elected by
the people, the American people — your neighbors,
She believed in American Exceptionalism — not your colleagues, your friends and your family. If we
My mother believed that America

ooking for something really hair-raising to in the power of our military or the strength of our are going to continue to be viewed as exceptional,
read? Check out the 50-page platform that economy, but in the values that shaped the nation. then it is time for both sides to lay down their
was just adopted by the Texas Republican She often told me stories of great acts of courage, was exceptional because there was rhetorical arms and find a way to rise above.
Party. sacrifice and integrity, stories rooted in American On the left, stop the gloating, the ugly memes, the
The document, approved at the party’s biennial history. Stories that would frame my understanding goodness in our hearts, goodness public rants, the late-night roastings and the politi-
convention in late May, is not a serious policy road of our national character. cal vitriol. On the right, respect the legal verdict,
map. But it does reveal the id of a political party that She loved the story of John Adams, who despite that transcended our hatreds, support the jurors, fly your flag with honor and find
has gone off the deep end. withering criticism defended the British soldiers a way to bridge the political divide. There are
Just a few of the platform’s planks: that the Bible who shot and killed several rioting civilians during goodness that brought us together thoughtful, reasonable, genuinely good men and
should be taught in public schools, with chaplains the Boston Massacre in 1770. She praised the jurors women on both sides. Let them speak for America.
on hand “to counsel and give guidance from a who found the soldiers — who had been harassed in the worst of times. Abraham Lincoln once said, “My dream is of a
traditional biblical perspective based on Judeo- and assaulted by the crowd — not guilty of murder place and a time where America will once again be
Christian principles.” That noncitizens who are legal charges. She extolled their fairness as essential to the seen as the last best hope of Earth.” It is up to us — all
residents of this country should be deported if they American character. the worst of times, goodness that showed the world of us — to decide whether this is that place and time.
are arrested for participating in a protest that turns Then there was Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, who treated that despite our internal strife and political divisions Whether this is where we stand together and show
violent. That name changes to military bases should a defeated Robert E. Lee with grace and compassion we could rise above it all and be the best version of the world that we can rise above, that we are
be reversed to “publicly honor the southern heroes.” at Appomattox; Gen. Douglas MacArthur, who ourselves. This was what made America exceptional. exceptional, that my mother was right — that our
That doctors who perform abortions should be worked to rebuild Japanese society during the Now, a former president has been convicted by a goodness can transcend our hatreds and bring us
charged with homicide. That the United States post-World War II occupation of Japan; Secretary of jury in New York, and we have a choice to make. We together even in the most challenging of times.
should withdraw from the United Nations and that State George C. Marshall and his plan to reconstruct can show the world that we are still exceptional and
the international organization should be removed a devastated postwar Europe; the Berlin Airlift; and continue to lead the international community with The writer is a retired Navy admiral.
from U.S. soil.
Then there is this audaciously undemocratic
provision: To be elected to state office, a candidate
must win not only a majority of votes, but also more Bina Venkataraman
than half of Texas’s 254 counties. Let me translate
what that means. Democrats in Texas are concen-
trated in a few urban areas, while Republicans are
spread across the map. This system would effective-
ly mean Democrats — who, as it is, haven’t won a
South Florida influencers are already
statewide office since 1994 — would be shut out
Traditionally, the core mission of state parties is
to do the basic work of winning elections: recruiting
fighting viral disinformation
candidates, organizing, fundraising, registering vot-

ers. Texas Republicans, however, are on an ideologi- n the early hours of a Saturday morning in
cal crusade to push the state further to the right and April, a man in a bar fight in the Miami suburb
purify their own ranks, even as the state party’s of Doral shot and killed a security guard who
coffers dry up and its donor base shrinks. tried to intervene. Soon, residents started
Those endeavors are likely to alienate more sharing a rumor over WhatsApp and Telegram. The
moderate Texans — that is, if they are actually killer, conspiracists asserted, must have belonged to
paying attention. Voter turnout in the state is a criminal gang from Venezuela infiltrating the
notoriously low, which is one reason the wing nuts United States. Known as Tren de Aragua, the
hold so much sway. criminal organization has become a recurring
The latest round of primaries and runoff elections bogeyman in anti-immigrant conspiracy theories
saw 15 Republican state House members lose to circulating in Spanish-speaking diaspora commu-
far-right challengers. House Speaker Dade Phelan nities over the past year.
managed to squeak by in Tuesday’s runoff by less By the time the Miami-Dade Police Department
than 400 votes against a challenger who had Donald released the name of the actual shooter — who was
Trump’s endorsement, as well as those of not an immigrant from Venezuela or anywhere else,
Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, Attorney General Ken Paxton and whom police also shot and killed — the lie had
and the most recent party chairman, Matt Rinaldi. already penetrated community gossip circles. Lost
Rep. Tony Gonzales, the Republican congressman in the early rumor mill was that an immigrant
who represents Uvalde, where the mass shooting of family was the victim of the crime: The 23-year-old
19 children and two adults took place in 2022, barely fallen security guard was George Castellanos, an
won his runoff against a gun zealot who refers to aspiring police officer and the father of an adorable
himself as “The AK Guy,” a reference to his fondness little girl.
for Kalashnikov assault rifles. A national survey conducted late last year showed
Both Phelan and Gonzales were censured last that Hispanics around the country see open borders
year by their state party. The speaker’s punishment and immigration as the nation’s No. 1 security threat
was for a “lack of fidelity to Republican principles — over terrorism, access to guns, cyberattacks, war,
and priorities” after the House impeached Attorney China or Russia. Eduardo Gamarra, a political
General Paxton for corruption. (The state Senate scientist at Florida International University who
refused to convict him.) The congressman’s repri- conducted that public polling, says rampant disin-
mand was for a handful of heresies including his formation contributes to the perception in immi-
vote for the modest gun law changes in the wake of grant communities that the next wave of migrants
the massacre at Robb Elementary School. poses dangers that their own wave did not. Mean-
Lest rank-and-file GOP voters ever again be while, online accounts tied to the Kremlin and
allowed to override the activists who run the party Russian state media have been actively spreading
machinery, the convention approved a new rule lies about immigrants in the United States this year
preventing any candidate who is censured from in an apparent attempt to undermine public support
appearing on the ballot for two years. for aid to Ukraine.
More sensible Republicans — yes, there are still Messaging apps such as WhatsApp and Telegram,
some in Texas — worry that their party is bent on its used to communicate within the United States but
own destruction. also with family and friends from countries of origin,
Travis County Republican Chairman Matt Mack- have an outsize impact in shaping views in Latino
owiak is one of them. Citing “five years of neglect, communities, and it’s harder to track false informa-
dishonesty, self-dealing, and blatant anti-Semitism” tion spreading on them than on more open social
within his party, Mackowiak joined a crowded field media platforms. Big Tech companies have also done
vying to replace outgoing state chairman Rinaldi at far too little in recent election cycles to address
the convention. He lost to the far-right favorite, who disinformation in non-English languages posted by
was Rinaldi’s handpicked successor. the likes of propagandists and political campaigns
“The party has been taken over by people who on their platforms, providing fodder by way of links
have no interest in running a healthy, growing used for conspiratorial private-messaging threads.
party,” Mackowiak told me. “It feels to me that we’re But what is happening today in Spanish-speaking
going to keep going down this road until Democrats communities also paints a picture of where the mIchelle KoNdrIch/The WashINGToN PosT

start winning statewide elections in Texas, and then entire nation might find itself in the near future.
Republicans are going to wake up.” Artificial intelligence is increasing the ease and body double, from how to get a mammogram if and their families safe. They look to people and
How might that happen? In recent years, the state slashing the cost of creating and circulating online underinsured to whether the 2024 presidential cultural contexts that they trust for this information,
has gained more new residents than any other. rumors in multiple languages and formats — from election had been canceled — a notion now circulat- whether it’s a beauty salon or a WhatsApp group,
Many of the people who are coming from other outlandish memes to deepfake videos. Shuttering ing among Latinos in swing states thanks to a social and they construct stories, often in collaboration
places are attracted to Texas’s conservative eco- local newspapers leave information gaps in English- media post translated into Spanish featuring the with others. Researchers from the University of
nomic policies, which have helped to produce a speaking communities around the country that Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. Pérez- Washington have found, for instance, that many
robust business climate. But they may not feel the fearmongers with political or profit agendas can Verdía and her collaborators gave the trusted mes- online conspiracy groups have a participatory quali-
same about political leaders who are trying to readily seize. Traditional arbiters and communica- sengers templates to answer the questions in both ty, engaging their audiences in creating a narrative
impose social policies that would turn the clock back tors of truth — journalists, the courts, scientists — English and Spanish using WhatsApp and social — a characteristic lacking in most credible informa-
a century or two. have been losing trust across vast swaths of the media vernacular and formats, but also in person. tion sources.
I don’t believe Texas is on the brink of turning population, and in some corners never earned it in The formula: Empathize with a concern instead of That’s why it’s underwhelming to see technology
blue in the immediate future, especially in an the first place. shaming people or telling them they are wrong. And companies today espousing “watermarking” — la-
election year with Trump at the top of the ballot. But Who shot and killed someone in a nightclub is not acknowledge — rather than ignore — the kernels of beling digital images and text so that more people
these days, its persistent red tinge may partly be one a matter of subjective opinion — nor is the deadli- truth that make false claims seem convincing. might distinguish what comes from verifiable
of embarrassment. ness of a new virus or the date that an election is The South Florida influencers, for instance, heard sources and what has been concocted by AI — as the
being held. What will become of the public’s ability a rumor circulating that the government had put solution to the proliferation of online disinforma-
to know such truths? This is what most keeps me microchips in the coronavirus vaccine so it could tion. Many of the same companies’ social media and
awake at night when contemplating the future. Are track people. Pérez-Verdía and the co-directors of search platforms have long eased the way for
we on the cusp of an era of unprecedented witch the Information Futures Lab, Stefanie Friedhoff and propagandists all over the world to spread lies and
trials and xenophobia — targeting people and Claire Wardle, recommended that the influencers conspiracies, resisting calls to tame their gardens in
groups who we feel pose a danger, instead of acknowledge to community members who raised the name of free speech. AI is an amplifier of that
demanding that political and business leaders enact the rumor that it was a scary thought and of existing trend, not the cause of it. There’s not much
real reforms to keep us safe? How will we convict understandable concern. The influencers also ex- hope, moreover, that good information can now
criminals, exonerate the innocent, prevent pandem- plained that YouTube videos showed magnets and drown out the surfeit of bad.
ics or hold elections in this new world? coins sticking to people’s skin because of natural It would be a better idea if the tech companies that
I recently spoke with the leader of a community body oils. And they noted that private companies have profited from the spread of misinformation, as
organization in South Florida called We Are Más and government agencies can track people using well as governments and philanthropies, invested in
who also dreads this future — and spends her days credit card and cellphone data, while also explaining community-level efforts to combat conspiracies like
fighting to prevent it. Evelyn Pérez-Verdía works to what was actually in the vaccine. the one in South Florida — or attempted otherwise
quell rumors in Spanish-speaking diaspora commu- The impact of this kind of work on community to get to the root causes for why people find them so
nities, using the same group chats where they awareness is still being documented, but it offers a compelling.
already are and drawing on trusted community useful counterpoint to the latest trend in investment Rumors will likely remain rampant online as long
voices to influence them. As part of a collaboration to fight online rumors, which is far too focused on as there is something to gain from manipulating the
with the Information Futures Lab at Brown Univer- technological fixes for what is fundamentally a masses; people who seek to impart the truth might
sity, Pérez-Verdía recently recruited 25 local messen- human problem. What resonates most are the never be able to keep up with their pace. But that is
gers — including the head of a YWCA chapter and a stories that speak to people emotionally and that all the more reason not simply to play whack-a-mole
Colombian American hairdresser — to swat rumors they feel engaged in — whether or not they are true. with pieces of online disinformation if we hope to
as they start flying in South Florida. Bad information meets people where they are when see the truth win even some of the time. Better that
The local influencers began by listening for they are afraid and in the dark. more focus is placed on people, for a start. The most
questions and narratives taking hold in the commu- When there’s a shooting or an outbreak in a urgent targets should be communities in swing
BraNdoN Bell/GeTTy ImaGes nity. They ranged from how safe it was to get the neighborhood or town, people seek answers im- states, where lies are fast spreading as interlopers
The Texas State Capitol in Austin last year. shingles vaccine to whether President Biden had a mediately — and clues for how to keep themselves try to influence this year’s election.
a18 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, june 4 , 2024



How the ANC’s fall can help South Africa to rise

HE VOTES have been counted in South will no doubt be tempted to ally with one of two ANC blaming his accuser for wearing a knee-length skirt could bring much-needed new balance to the
Africa, and the African National Congress splinter parties. The Economic Freedom Fighters, or and claiming he took a shower after sex to reduce his country’s foreign policy generally and its relation-
has lost its governing majority in Parlia- EFF, a quasi-socialist party, got roughly a tenth of chances of catching HIV. ship with the United States in particular.
ment. It’s a dramatic post-apartheid first: the vote. Led by a red beret-wearing firebrand The most logical move for the ANC would be to As a potential partner for the ANC, the DA suffers
The ANC — the party of the late Nelson Mandela — named Julius Malema, whom the ANC expelled for join forces with the second-place vote-getter, the from being seen as the party of South Africa’s
has been in power since 1994. Despite this historic insubordination more than a decade ago, the EFF Democratic Alliance, which is headed for a vote privileged White minority (about 8 percent of the
rebuke, the ANC remains the largest faction with advocates a sweeping confiscation of White-owned share of around 21 percent. To be sure, this would population), a category that includes Mr. Steenhuis-
around 40 percent of the seats in farmland potentially similar to the one that ended en, and many of its parliamentary representatives.
EdiTOriaL the 400-member National Assem- ruinously in Zimbabwe under the socialist President Still, the DA’s roots lie partly in the liberal White
bly, which will pick the next presi- Robert Mugabe. Mr. Malema has been twice convict- party that opposed apartheid before the transition
dent. Hence the incumbent, Cyril Ramaphosa, has ed of hate speech, including a call to “shoot the The ANC has always been a to democracy. It might also be difficult for the ANC
to find a coalition partner to reach the necessary Boer” (a reference to Afrikaans-speaking White to team up with a party that campaigned against it
201 votes. South Africans). Many political analysts in South collection of factions rather than a by publishing a database of ruling party loyalists
Mr. Ramaphosa, who lost support partly because Africa refer to a potential ANC-EFF coalition, appointed to key government jobs without qualifi-
he was seen as indecisive, has never faced a more correctly, as “the doomsday scenario.” strictly ideological party, and it cations, a corrupt process known as “cadre deploy-
important choice. In making it, he needs to Equally troubling, albeit for different reasons, ment.”
remember that much more is at stake than another would be an ANC coalition with uMkhonto weSizwe, should be able to make room for the Yet the ANC has always been a collection of
presidential term for himself. South Africans were or MK, which is on track to get around 14 percent of factions rather than a strictly ideological party.
clearly fed up with the ANC’s record of widespread the vote, drawn disproportionately from its base in middle-ground Democratic Alliance. Mr. Ramaphosa, who held several top ANC posts
corruption, incompetent delivery of basic public KwaZulu-Natal province. It’s a left-wing Zulu ethno- under Mr. Mandela, and who later became a
services such as water and electricity, rampant nationalist party formed by the 82-year-old former millionaire in the private sector, hails from the more
unemployment among the country’s Black majority, ANC president Jacob Zuma, whose terrible tenure, require the ruling party to pivot to the ideological moderate wing of the party. He should be able to
and worsening inequality. The country’s future, and from 2009 to 2018, precipitated the county’s eco- middle. The DA, as it is known, is a pro-free market make room for the DA under the ANC’s big tent.
that of the entire continent, depends on stabilizing nomic slide. He resigned facing corruption charges party of the center-right, ideologically closest to Such a coalition could give South Africa a strong,
South African democracy and restoring it as a and was briefly jailed, prompting deadly riots by his Britain’s Conservative Party, according to DA leader multiethnic governing majority, based on three-
strong engine of economic growth. supporters that left 300 people dead. Mr. Zuma John Steenhuisen. The party is more pro-Western fifths of the votes, and capable of bringing needed
Given the voters’ angry mood and the strength of courted controversy earlier in his career when he than the ANC; for example, the DA more firmly and economic reforms. That would be good for South
the ANC’s own left-wing traditions, Mr. Ramaphosa was tried and eventually acquitted for rape, after vocally opposes Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This Africa, the continent and the world.

LETTErs TO ThE EdiTOr draWing bOard thousand-dollar honoraria for making speeches.
Why was I — an unimportant Army colonel —
What were the Alitos thinking? required to abide by ethical laws far more stringent
than any such rules covering Supreme Court
Regarding the May 30 news article “Alito says he justices?
will not recuse in Jan. 6 cases”: Joseph A. Schlatter, Heathsville, Va.
Reading Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr.’s reasoning for
refusing to recuse himself from Jan. 6, 2021, cases
leaves me sad that this is the present state of the
What’s love got to do with it?
Supreme Court, a bench formerly occupied by I’m pretty sure that if I asked my spouse to
legends such as John Marshall and William J. “please take that flag down because it might cause
Brennan Jr. I am willing to concede that Justice Alito difficulties for me, and it might call into question
believes he can be impartial. The context he refuses the impartiality of the Supreme Court and thereby
to acknowledge is how his decisions will be harm one of our country’s most important
perceived. institutions,” my spouse would take it down.
Regardless of how he decides any Jan. 6 cases, his Sue J. Henry, McLean
judgment will be greeted with doubt. After all, how
can one separate oneself from the convictions one I generally agree with Ruth Marcus’s opinions, but
has expressed in public, or that one’s family I found myself nodding even more than usual upon
members appear to have expressed? Justice Alito’s reading her May 30 op-ed, “For the Alitos, logic flies
rejection of basic concern for the court’s reputation upside down.” Upon graduation from law school
will forever be a stain on both the institution and some decades ago, I served as a law clerk to a federal
his own legacy. I am hopeful that a future Congress judge who was married. The judge’s wife was a quite
will establish some oversight of justices who refuse independent and intelligent woman. Indeed, years
to recuse in obvious conflict-of-interest situations. after my clerkship, I discovered that they voted in
John Hilton, Lemoyne, Pa. different parties. That fact notwithstanding, never in
a million years would the judge’s wife have done
The flying of these particular flags on Justice Dana summers anything similar to what Martha-Ann Alito did.
Samuel A. Alito Jr.’s properties, together with his Why? For precisely the reasons Ms. Marcus cites:
response to the many inquiries about his judgment, “[Justice Samuel A.] Alito recognized instantly that
unfortunately demonstrate that he possesses a the upside-down flag presented a problem.”
personal characteristic that all too often induces Marc Chafetz, Washington
public officials to abuse the authority they’ve been
given, to the detriment of the public they are to Do those critical of Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr.’s
serve. flags have wives? If so, do they get to tell them what
The characteristic is arrogance. And Justice Alito’s they can and cannot do?
arrogance has been consistently on display over the Tom Hafer, Arlington
past few weeks in his claim that he and his wife have
the right to express their opinions outside of the God: “Have you eaten from the tree whose fruit I
court whenever and wherever they wish; in his commanded you not to eat?”
rejection of the obligation incumbent on all public Adam: “It was the woman . . .”
officials to avoid activities that the public might Congratulations to Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr.,
reasonably perceive as presenting a conflict between whose dedication to originalism has led him to
the official’s personal interests and the interests of employ the oldest defense known to mankind.
the public whom the official is sworn to protect; and Philip Billings, Concord, N.H.
in his all-too-apparent lack of concern for the
reputational impact these flags have upon the
institution of which he is a member. Justice Alito’s
Civics lessons
basic response to the inquiries he has received Of all the newspapers in the country, The
regarding these flag-flying incidents has, in essence, Washington Post, the District of Columbia’s
been “nothing more to discuss.” I, and many other newspaper, should have written a serious article
Americans, disagree. about Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr.’s unpatriotic
Philip Sunderland, Alexandria disrespect of the flag. In doing so, The Post could
have explained to readers the history, meaning and
The path forward significance of the flag, and thus how dishonorable
was the Alitos’ act. As a child living on various
Jennifer Rubin’s May 26 online column, “What Lisa Benson military bases where my father was stationed, I
more need Alito do before Durbin gets off the stick?,” watched as the flag was taken down at sundown
was dead right about how destructive the court led every day and carefully — even religiously — folded.
by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justice If we were driving, we were to stop the car so that
Samuel A. Alito Jr. is, and why Justice Alito should confirm more than 200 well-qualified federal shows a complete disdain for the ethical standards my father could stand at salute. And when driving
recuse himself from Jan. 6 cases. But her criticism of judges with balanced views and a shared dedication to which all U.S. judges beneath the level of the without him, we still stopped and were silent.
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) missed the mark. to the Constitution. As Ms. Rubin suggests, the Supreme Court must hold themselves. His actions Of course, those not in the military are not always
I share Mr. Durbin’s doubts that a hearing will direction of the Supreme Court must be an issue for show contempt not simply for his neighbors but for schooled in the importance and meaning of the flag
address the heart of the issue: the Supreme Court’s voters. Judiciary Committee Democrats will the traditions of the American judicial system — and or how it must be honored at all times. That’s why
embrace of a right-wing activist agenda. continue to do our part to try to hold the court thus for the American people’s expectation that the most Americans need a tutorial to understand just
Justice Alito’s conduct is, in my view, shocking. accountable. We hope the same is true of our system itself treat them fairly. how deeply unpatriotic Justice Alito’s act was.
His “blame my wife” defense of the controversial Republican colleagues. Steven Lestition, Lawrenceville, N.J. (America certainly punished Colin Kaepernick for a
flags outside his homes, and his Alaska fishing trip As we work, one person has the responsibility far less disrespectful act — and he had no obligation
with Leonard Leo, both flout the requirement that and authority to act immediately to effect the In the early 1990s, I was on a Pentagon to the rest of us, as does Justice Alito.) Most schools
all judges must maintain the appearance of change we need: the regrettably timid chief justice. assignment that required me to make public no longer teach civics and government, and when
impartiality. He could enforce a stronger code of conduct today. appearances around the country, speaking to they do, it’s as an elective. I am very disappointed
Since Justice Roberts’s 2005 appointment and Peter Welch, Burlington, Vt. veterans’ groups and various civic organizations. that the nation’s newspaper missed this opportunity
Justice Alito’s confirmation in 2006, and with the The writer, a Democrat, represents Vermont in the Frequently, these groups presented me with a small to teach all Americans to show their loyalty to
help of Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and former U.S. Senate, is a member of the Judiciary Committee. memento such as an embroidered baseball cap, a American ideals by honoring the flag.
president Donald Trump, the Supreme Court has logo T-shirt or a pen-and-pencil set. Nancy Luque, Washington
taken aim at our democracy. The disastrous Citizens
United decision flooded our campaigns with dark
Different strokes When I returned to the Pentagon, I was required
to turn in these gifts to the Defense Department’s
money. In a shameful reversal, Dobbs stripped While attending a local community meeting the Office of the General Counsel and fill out a form
citizens of a constitutional right. Yet all Republicans other night, I was struck by the fact that our county describing who gave me the gift and what I did for Letter submissions
on the Senate Judiciary Committee adamantly surrogate, whose job is to handle probate cases, them. A few weeks later, I would receive a package Letters can be sent to
opposed the ethics bill introduced by Mr. Durbin and adoptions and the like, displays more concern for through Pentagon interoffice mail with a letter submissions must be exclusive to The Post and should
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), claiming it would public perception of her fairness and impartiality from the general counsel telling me that, in their include the writer’s address and day and evening
be “judicial interference.” It’s very doubtful they will than does Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. judgment, no laws had been violated by my telephone numbers. Letters are subject to editing and
cooperate to address the flags displayed outside Permitting a flag claimed by the “Stop the Steal” accepting the gift, and I could keep it. Now, we find abridgment. Please do not send letters as attachments.
Justice Alito’s homes. fringe movement to fly over his home and a banner that Supreme Court justices accept with impunity Because of the volume of material we receive, we are
The good news: What Mr. Durbin has been able that has become associated with that cause and that all-expenses-paid fishing trips, sweetheart loans to unable to acknowledge submissions; writers whose letters
to accomplish, despite a one-vote majority, is to of increasing religious influence on government buy luxury recreational vehicles and multi- are under consideration for publication will be contacted.

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tuesday, june 4 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re a19


The U.S. Dana Milbank

is escalating Fauci, again,

Ukraine’s war idles the GOP
without a plan conspiracy

ld conspiracy theories never die. They

he Biden administration’s just fade into the congressional rec-
decision to approve Ukraine’s ord.
use of U.S. weapons to attack Last fall, Rep. Brad Wenstrup
targets inside Russia is, as (R-Ohio), chairman of the Select Subcommit-
President Biden might say, a big deal. tee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, made an
Ukrainians argue that this change will incendiary public accusation that, “according
derail the Kremlin’s offensive in the to information gathered by the select subcom-
Kharkiv region and perhaps even turn mittee,” Anthony Fauci “was escorted into
the tide of the war. Russian officials and Central Intelligence Agency Headquarters —
propagandists claim it is a major esca- without a record of entry — and participated
lation and have threatened to strike Jane rosenberg/reuters in the analysis to ‘influence’ the agency’s re-
back directly at the United States or its In a courtroom sketch, Justice Juan Merchan addresses former president Donald Trump during his trial last month. view” to say that covid-19 did not originate
allies. from a lab leak. “Wenstrup reveals new allega-
Both claims are likely to prove hollow. ruth Marcus tions,” his news release boasted.
But this decision is nevertheless conse- Another Republican on the panel,

Will Trump do time in jail?

quential, if for a different reason: It Rep. Richard McCormick (Ga.) declared defin-
marks another turn of a tit-for-tat spiral itively: “We now know that Fauci had a secret
that has continuously raised the risks of meeting with the CIA.”
a broader war without offering a path to Fox News, the New York Post and the rest of

Here’s how Merchan should rule.

ending this one. the right-wing conspiracy machine ran with it.
This isn’t the first time the United And then — nothing. The subcommittee came
States, under pressure from Ukraine up with no evidence to support the claim,
and Western allies, has crossed a thresh- supposedly made by a whistleblower, and
old previously deemed too escalatory. nothing to challenge Fauci’s testimony that he

Past decisions on HIMARS launchers, he defendant will rise. held the highest office in the land. the political system more broadly. The hadn’t been to the CIA in 20 years. Appearing
cluster bombs, long-range munitions Mr. Trump, I have thought But the fact that you occupied that jury found that you conspired to keep before the panel in a public hearing on Mon-
and F-16s were also driven by perceived long and hard about the ap- office also means that you are, or potentially relevant and politically day, Fauci, now retired after decades leading
Russian gains on the battlefield. propriate sentence in this should be, a role model for other damaging information from coming the National Institute of Allergy and Infec-
Strikes inside Russia using U.S. weap- case. I am going to sentence you to 60 citizens. There is an argument that to light during the 2016 election. tious Diseases, ridiculed the idea that “I was
ons might slow military operations days in jail and six months of commu- those entrusted with such positions of This is not a victimless crime, or a parachuted into the CIA like Jason Bourne
around Kharkiv, but they will not be a nity service. I am going to suspend prominence and responsibility harmless one. As you well under- and told the CIA that they should really not be
game changer. Russia’s Kharkiv push imposition of the sentence until the should be held even more strictly to stood, your conduct might have influ- talking about a lab leak.”
has already gotten bogged down around conclusion of any appeals that you account when they abuse the public enced the outcome of that campaign. So what did committee Republicans do
the city of Vovchansk, which is less than may bring. trust and violate the law. The subsequent falsification of busi- after their Fauci-to-CIA conspiracy theory col-
five miles from the Russian border. With In addition, if you are elected presi- In my view, just as no person is ness records, which the jury found lapsed? They pretended it never happened.
strikes on supply lines in Russia proper, dent, any sentence that you serve will above the law, no person should be that you intended, was in furtherance The Republican staff director, Mitch Benzine,
the offensive could slow further, but the take place at the conclusion of your treated better — or worse — because of that conspiracy. during his time to question Fauci at the hear-
Russians are likely to adapt, as they have term in office. As a former president, of the position they once held. In Third, I must take into account ing, announced: “That was not an allegation
to previous U.S. moves. After all, your safety is paramount, and I in- addition, I do not take into account your egregious conduct during the made by the committee.”
U.S. weapons are routinely used to hit struct state authorities to work with any political implications of the sen- course of the trial and in the after- Why would anyone have thought
Russian supply lines and command the Secret Service to find an appropri- tence I impose. My job is to dispense math of your conviction. It is your otherwise?
posts in occupied eastern Ukraine, with ate venue for housing you and your justice to the best of my ability, not to right — as a citizen, a criminal defen- This follows a pattern. The Select Subcom-
Russia nevertheless steadily realizing security detail. I am confident that a anticipate public reaction or political dant and a presidential candidate — mittee on the Weaponization of the Federal
gains there. And so the grinding, attri- suitable solution can be found; if one fallout. Some will vehemently dis- to assert your innocence, to criticize Government, after holding several hearings
tional war will continue. cannot, the relevant parties should agree with, and protest, the sentence I the prosecution and to disagree with that failed to produce anything other than
Past evidence also suggests Russia is report back to me, and we will take impose today. That is their right un- the verdict. It is your right to pursue warmed-over allegations about the so-called
not going to dramatically escalate just things from there. der the protections of our Constitu- every avenue of appeal. deep state, was panned even by right-wing
because the United States provides a Let me begin with the arguments in tion. It is not your right to disobey court media. The Oversight Committee investiga-
new weapons system or eases con- favor of a lighter, noncustodial sen- So, as I said, I am sentencing you to orders, as you did in repeatedly and tion of Joe Biden’s “corruption” failed so thor-
straints on an existing one. Russia is, tence. You are a 77-year-old man with 60 days in jail. I base this decision on flagrantly violating my carefully craft- oughly to find even a trace of wrongdoing by
relatively speaking, winning the war at no prior criminal record. The 34 felo- several factors. First, it is in line with ed instructions on the permissible the president that Republicans have had to
the moment, so it is unlikely President ny counts on which you have been — indeed, it is less severe than — contours of your grievances. You criti- quietly shelve their impeachment ambitions.
Vladimir Putin will take the risk of convicted are nonviolent offenses. sentences imposed on others involved cized witnesses. You disparaged the On the covid panel, Republican House
provoking direct conflict with the Under New York law, they constitute in the same activities for which you jury. You committed 10 separate in- members had promised many a bombshell
United States and its allies. Moscow Class E felonies, the least serious have been convicted. stances of contempt of court, and you over the last year and a half.
might well respond, but it is likely to do category. As a general matter, most of Michael Cohen, who testified came close then to being jailed for “Evidence is mounting that American tax
so in an indirect or asymmetric way, those convicted of felony violations against you, was sentenced to three that conduct. dollars helped develop COVID & Dr. Fauci
rather than firing a missile into a involving falsification of business rec- years in federal prison after pleading Immediately after the verdict was purposely suppressed the lab leak theory to
European capital next week. ords, as you have been, are not sen- guilty to crimes that included the very issued, you described the trial as cover it up,” alleged Nicole Malliotakis (N.Y.).
The real problem with Biden’s deci- tenced to time in jail. same payments central to this case. I “disgraceful” and “rigged.” In your “While many lost their loved ones, their
sion is that Washington has yet again These are all factors that weigh myself sentenced Allen Weisselberg, fundraising emails, you have de- businesses, and livelihoods, Dr. Fauci made
made a major policy change reactively — against incarcerating you. One factor the Trump Organization’s chief finan- scribed yourself as a “political prison- millions,” Michael Cloud (Tex.) accused.
in response to Russia’s military moves that I do not believe is relevant, and cial officer, to five months for his role er.” You darkly warned that the public Covid “was manufactured in a lab funded
and not as part of a broader strategy to that I therefore have not considered, in a tax fraud scheme at your compa- might not “stand for it” were you to be by Fauci,” asserted Marjorie Taylor Greene
end the war. The Russians will continue is your status as a former president ny. jailed. It is your right, as you appeal, to (Ga.).
to push, and in three or six months the and a current presidential candidate. It cannot be that the principal of protest your innocence. But your re- Yeah, no.
United States could find itself back here As I said earlier, your presidential the organization should be somehow peated and unwarranted denigration Documents and testimony the panel gath-
again, under a similar Ukrainian and service is relevant to the conditions of immune from incarceration while his of the criminal justice system can ered over 18 months, while finding misbehav-
allied pressure campaign, tempted to your confinement, not to the baseline deputies must serve time. And sen- fairly be held against you. ior by a grant recipient and by an adviser to
breach its next threshold to try to question of whether you should be tencing you to some kind of home I hereby sentence you to 60 days in Fauci, produced nothing to substantiate these
reverse the negative trajectory. As Secre- incarcerated. detention hardly seems like much of jail, followed by six months of com- wild allegations. The United States did not
tary of State Antony Blinken put it, The fact of your having served as an imposition given the quality of munity service. I do not take this step fund research that created the pathogen. Fauci
“we’ll continue to do what we’ve been president, and the possibility that you your homes. lightly, but I have concluded, after didn’t lie about the U.S. role in “gain of func-
doing, which is, as necessary, adapt and will be elected to a second term, cuts Second, although nonviolent, the much reflection, that it is just and tion” research at the laboratory in Wuhan,
adjust.” in both directions. You are entitled to conduct of which you have been con- necessary that you be held account- China. He didn’t try to suppress the lab leak
But adaptation and adjustment do the respect and accompanying pro- victed involves a serious offense able for your conduct. theory, or bribe people to reject it. He didn’t get
not constitute strategy, and reactive tections accorded someone who has against voters of this state and against It is so ordered. rich off the pandemic, either — although he
escalation absent a strategy is not sound testified that he earned about $120 a year from
policy. Escalating U.S. involvement in an antibody he developed years ago.
this conflict — or any conflict — should And, so, when Fauci appeared before Con-
be guided by an idea about how to bring gress on Monday, Republicans on the panel hit
the war to an end. In this case, that eugene robinson him with whatever else they could come up
would have required demonstrating with.
that Ukrainian strikes inside Russia
using U.S. systems are part of an
integrated strategy to end the war on
He won’t do it, but Trump should drop out Malliotakis scolded him for “cruel, horrific
animal research” at NIH on beagles, piglets
and rabbits.
terms favorable to Ukraine and the “I’m puzzled as to what that has to do with

United States. or the good of his country and business records in the first degree.” It conviction. the origins of covid,” Fauci replied.
That end will come, as the adminis- his party, Donald Trump must is true that adult-film actress Stormy There is one thing that I have not Greene didn’t care what it had to do with
tration itself has repeatedly stated, at withdraw from the presidential Daniels was allowed to testify about her heard Trump’s overcaffeinated defend- covid. “As a dog lover, I want to tell you this is
the negotiating table. In a bargaining race. sexual encounter with Trump, at which ers claim: He didn’t do it. disgusting and evil,” she said, recommending
process, coercive measures can be used No, I haven’t lost my mind; of course, no bookkeeping took place, but only I haven’t heard one Republican offi- “prison” for Fauci. She further informed the
as leverage. You impose military costs on he won’t. But imagine what would have because Trump’s lawyers opened the cial argue that Trump did not sleep with scientist that she would address him as
your opponent with the goal of making happened if this were any other mo- door to that line of questioning. a porn star four months after his wife “Mr. Fauci, because you’re not Doctor.” Demo-
them do what you want, not merely to ment in American history. A candidate What happened in Merchan’s court- Melania gave birth to their son Barron; crats objected, and the committee spent sev-
counter their latest maneuver. But for any public office, including deputy room was hardly “a quintessential show that he did not have Daniels paid to eral minutes bickering over proper decorum.
Ukraine and the West have shown no assistant dogcatcher, would have be- trial,” as Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) keep quiet about the tryst; that he did The dispute about Fauci’s honorific (he’s an
signs of being ready to start bargaining come an ex-candidate before the jury claimed. In fact, it was the polar oppo- not cause his company’s books to be M.D.) was all the more absurd because the
with Russia. And imposing costs absent foreman got halfway through the read- site. Trump enjoyed the presumption of falsified to hide the payment; or that he chairman, Wenstrup, made a point in his
a bargaining process makes further ing of those 34 guilty verdicts. Remem- innocence throughout. The jurors had did not buy Daniels’s silence because he opening statement of stating that “I am a
escalation inevitable. As Thomas Schell- ber that distant era? The one that began to agree unanimously on his guilt worried her story would hurt his physician” who during covid was “researching
ing, the guru of military coercion, noted, at the founding of the republic, and that “beyond a reasonable doubt,” the high- chances of winning the election. with another physician in Ohio to try and
“If [our enemy’s] pain were our greatest ended in 2015 at the foot of a gilded est bar for prosecutors to surmount. Rather, the GOP argument is that understand the pathology.”
delight and our satisfaction his greatest escalator? And Trump surely will exercise his right Trump shouldn’t have been prosecuted Wenstrup did not mention that he is a
woe, we would just proceed to hurt and It seemed to me that somebody to appeal the verdict to a higher court. or convicted for these actions. So much podiatrist. Was he researching covid’s impact
to frustrate each other.” should tell Trump to walk away. After Everyone should recall that when for the erstwhile party of law and order. on the metatarsals?
This spiral dynamic — of unrelenting all, chin-stroking pundits and hand- Bragg took office in 2022, he paused the Republicans must need throat loz- But the constant repetition of the conspira-
Russian aggression and ever-increasing wringing Democrats have been advis- ongoing investigation into the enges after a weekend yelling “election cy theories is anything but amusing for, as
Western military support for Ukraine to ing President Biden to step aside — for $130,000 hush money payment to Dan- interference” at the top of their lungs. I Fauci testified, it has caused endless harass-
counter Moscow’s momentum — has the apparently unforgivable crime of iels, which kept the story of her sexual wouldn’t put a lot of faith in the handful ment of him and his family, including the
been ratcheting up nearly 21/2 years. living to 81. encounter with Trump from hitting the of instant polls that have attempted to arrests of two people “on their way to kill me.”
Without a bargaining process, it might Amid all the caterwauling from Re- headlines in the days before the 2016 gauge the political impact of Trump’s He said he needs full-time security.
continue for years to come. And some- publicans about “lawfare” and their election. Two prosecutors resigned in new status as a felon. The point of the Yet Republicans on the panel, rather than
day, one side or the other might finally unhinged threats to somehow seek protest of Bragg’s caution. He decided trial was accountability, not electability. focusing on lessons about masks, vaccines,
stumble over an actual red line, which revenge, the reality is this: A jury found to seek an indictment only when he was But I do hope that Democrats, inde- and school and business closures that could
could lead to exactly the major escala- Trump guilty of 34 felony offenses after convinced he had a provable case. It pendents and non-MAGA conservatives save lives in the future, kept returning to the
tion the Biden administration has been a lengthy trial. Despite what Trump and turned out that he did. will finally snap out of their funk and same conspiracy theories that are endanger-
trying to avoid. his histrionic acolytes may say, that Much has been made of how what realize that the aura of inevitability that ing Fauci’s life in the present. And Fauci kept
In the meantime, Ukraine will contin- decision was not made by Manhattan might have been misdemeanors were Trump has been trying to project is batting them down.
ue to suffer, and the costs of the war to District Attorney Alvin Bragg, or by made into felonies. But Bragg did not nothing but a smoke-and-mirrors He informed Debbie Lesko (Ariz.) that “you
the West will continue to mount. There Justice Juan Merchan, or by George invent that process; it is spelled out in illusion. said about four or five things . . . that were just
has to be a better way to manage the Soros, or by Joe Biden. New York state law. If there is some- He lost in 2020 to Biden, although not true.”
most consequential military conflict in a The verdict was not some kind of thing wrong with using legally mandat- he’s too insecure to admit it. He lost in He advised Jim Jordan (Ohio) to “look at
generation. “lifetime achievement award” for ed aggravating factors to convict defen- court, although the system is designed the facts.”
Trump’s decades of lying, cheating and dants of serious crimes, there are an to give every advantage to the defen- And to Benzine, the staff director, Fauci
samuel Charap is distinguished chair for stealing. The jury, made up of citizens awful lot of prison inmates who should dant. And it is we, the voters — not any offered a chuckle and a simple critique: “I
russia and eurasia policy at rand. Jeremy from Trump’s hometown, heard only be out on the streets. And if Merchan judge or any jurors — who have the know where you’re going, and you’re not going
shapiro is director of research at the evidence that pertained to the alleged erred in any way, the New York State power to make sure he loses again in to get there.”
european Council on Foreign relations. crimes — instances of “falsification of Court of Appeals can void Trump’s November. They never do.
A20 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, june 4 , 2024

Ecstasy’s path to approval as PTSD treatment faces doubts from FDA sta≠
longer-term results, fDA wrote.
Agency analysis raises Lykos, in a separate briefing
document, said there is “substan-
questions about safety tial evidence of effectiveness” of
and clinical trials its treatment and described
mDmA as having “low potential
for nonmedical use” as it propos-
es, citing “extensive risk mitiga-
BY D ANIEL G ILBERT tion measures.”
AND D AVID O VALLE The fDA said that if the drug is
approved, restrictions would be
The U.S. food and Drug Ad- required to minimize risk of seri-
ministration released an analysis ous harm to patients impaired by
friday that raised extensive ques- the medication.
tions about the benefits of treat- Among the proposed restric-
ing post-traumatic stress disor- tions: mDmA could be dispensed
der with mDmA-assisted therapy, only in certain health-care set-
which aims to be the first psyche- tings with a doctor available
delic treatment to win the agen- while the drug is administered; at
cy’s approval. least two health-care providers to
The agency’s review outlines monitor a patient’s physical and
the challenges for sponsor Lykos psychological state for at least
Therapeutics, which conducted eight hours and until the patient
two late-stage clinical trials is discharged; emergency care
showing that patients treated plans; and discharge to an ac-
with mDmA — better known by companying adult after each ses-
its street name, ecstasy — experi- sion.
enced a significant improvement Such restrictions would also
in their PTSD symptoms relative include a patient registry to track
to those who got a placebo. But negative physical and mental ef-
the nature of the psychedelic fects. The agency said it is consid-
compound itself is muddying the ering the requirement of a post-
results: Its mind-bending effects approval study to gauge the safe-
meant that most participants ty risk of mDmA.
knew whether they got the real Lykos, in its submission ahead
thing. of the meeting, acknowledged it
Participants in Lykos’s trials was working with the fDA on
were supposed to be blind to Andrew Kelly/reuters restrictions, which could also in-
whether they received mDmA or The FDA urged Lykos Therapeutics to survey participants in two clinical trials of MDMA, or ecstasy; patients were supposed to be blind to clude packaging of single doses
a placebo, but a survey — con- whether they had received the psychedelic or a placebo. But the survey found that most guessed correctly which they had received. only and oversight of distribution
ducted at the fDA’s urging — by the DEA.
showed that most correctly couldn’t measure how much ben- The successful clinical trials ceived.” ceptible to participants knowing The proposed restrictions are
guessed their group. Knowing efit might have come from the for mDmA have kindled excite- The fDA’s concerns about the whether they got the drug or complicated and strict, illustrat-
they got the drug may have biased therapy, which all participants ment about the prospect that potential for bias in the mDmA placebo. ing the unprecedented decision
participants to expect that it received. psychedelics could emerge as results echo those raised by the Lykos also conducted a follow- facing the fDA in approving a
would help them, and “it is rea- The review comes ahead of an game-changers for a variety of nonprofit Institute for Clinical up study to determine how long potentially dangerous drug, said
sonable to assume” that this had fDA advisory committee meet- mental health and substance-use and Economic review, which the benefits of its treatment last- Aaron S. Kesselheim, a professor
an effect on the results, fDA staff ing, scheduled for Tuesday, that disorders. many doctors and vet- concluded in a draft report that ed, and the data showed a durable of medicine at Harvard medical
wrote in the review. will consider whether Lykos’s erans groups have praised the the evidence was too murky to effect: Participants who got the School.
The agency also flagged poten- data shows mDmA-assisted ther- benefits of mDmA for treating determine a net benefit. mDmA fared better than those He cautioned that even such
tial safety concerns surrounding apy is effective in treating PTSD. PSTD, a debilitating condition The difficulty of blinding a trial who got the placebo more than restrictions don’t always ensure
mDmA, including the cardiovas- Lykos CEO Amy Emerson said that afflicts about 5 percent of of a psychedelic drug was well six months later. the risk of drugs will be flagged.
cular, liver and abuse risks of a the company — formerly known U.S. adults. known to the fDA. Early on, the That could mean there’s a “true He pointed to a study that
substance that the Drug Enforce- as mAPS Public Benefit Corp. — “Our patients report that this agency and Lykos considered de- treatment effect” for the mDmA- showed the fDA could not deter-
ment Administration lists in the stands by the quality and integri- treatment has been life-chang- signing a trial to give some partic- assisted therapy, the fDA wrote, mine whether restrictions on
most restrictive category of ty of its research and develop- ing, leading to disease remission ipants a low dose of mDmA — but it also flagged “major limita- long-acting opioids, which have
drugs. The fDA noted that it ment. “Given there has not been a and drastically improved quality instead of a placebo — as a tions”: many participants contributed to the nation’s addic-
asked the company to collect new PTSD medication approved of life,” doctors and researchers at control group to compare with dropped out of the study, others tion crisis, reduced improper pre-
reports associated with abuse, in the United States in over two New York’s Icahn School of medi- those getting a full dose. But were evaluated at widely ranging scribing or improved patient out-
but researchers failed to capture decades for the 13 million people cine at mount Sinai wrote in a Lykos “noted occurrences of in- intervals, and some used other comes.
effects such as “euphoria” or living with PTSD, we are deeply comment to the fDA last month. creased anxiety and difficulty tol- therapies over that time. These The agency’s risk protocols can
“elated mood,” information that committed to making a differ- “many have tried all the gold- erating the medication” in mid- factors, combined with the poten- be a helpful first step, Kesselheim
could gauge the risk of abuse. ence by bringing a potential new standard treatments, and tell us stage trials, and the company and tial bias from participants know- said. “Then it needs to be imple-
further complicating the eval- treatment to patients,” she said in that this is the best, most effective regulator ultimately settled on a ing they received the mDmA, mented and integrated well into
uation, the fDA wrote, was that it a statement. treatment they have ever re- design they knew would be sus- make it hard to interpret the the regulatory system.”

Court blocks Fearless Fund from awarding grants reserved for Black women
BY J ULIAN M ARK Atlanta reversed a lower-court de- senting judge, the district court had standing to proceed with Act of 1866, a reconstruction-era field for underrepresented
AND T AYLOR T ELFORD cision that the fund could proceed and other courts have agreed with their case. law that prohibits discrimination groups, our freedoms were sti-
with its grant contest amid the us that these types of claims The judges in the majority, Kev- in contracts. Newsom and Luck fled.”
A panel on the U.S. Court of litigation. should not prevail.” in Newsom and robert Luck, were also rejected the fund’s argument In her dissent, rosenbaum fo-
Appeals for the 11th Circuit ruled The case is being closely Schwartz added that fearless appointed by President Donald that it was a valid program meant cused on the issue of standing,
monday that an Atlanta-based watched because of its possible fund and its legal team are “evalu- Trump. The dissenting judge, to remedy racial imbalances in the comparing the plaintiffs to “flop-
venture capital firm should be implications for race-conscious ating” their options and that “this robin rosenbaum, was appoint- venture funding world. moreover, pers” in a soccer game — players
temporarily blocked from issuing programs in the private sector, is not the final outcome in this ed by President Barack Obama. they rejected the fund’s claim that who fake an injury to draw a
grants reserved for businesses particularly in the world of grant- case.” “The American Alliance for the three plaintiffs lacked stand- penalty against the other team.
owned by Black women, saying giving and foundations. Observ- The fund can appeal the deci- Equal rights is grateful that the ing because they are not identified She suggested that the plaintiffs
that doing so would probably dis- ers have identified the case as a sion to the full 11th Circuit or court has ruled that the fearless by name in the lawsuit. do not have a genuine stake in the
criminate against business own- central legal battle over civil petition the U.S. Supreme Court fund’s racially exclusive grant The plaintiffs, all female entre- issues in the case and that “as
ers of other races. rights and affirmative action, for review. If the fund doesn’t competition is illegal,” Blum said preneurs who are not Black, are American Alliance has portrayed
The ruling comes after fearless with support pouring in from appeal, the case would move back in an emailed statement. “Our identified as “Owner A,” “Owner its members’ alleged injuries, it
fund, a VC firm dedicated to fund- groups on both sides of the issue. down to trial court. nation’s civil rights laws do not B” and “Owner C.” has shown nothing more than
ing businesses founded by women “This is the first court decision The appeals panel ruled 2-1 that permit racial distinctions because Arian Simone, chief executive flopping on the field.”
of color, was sued last August by a in the 150+ year history of the allowing the $20,000 awards to be some groups are overrepresented of fearless fund, called the deci- But Newsom, who wrote the
group led by affirmative-action post-Civil War civil rights law that issued under the fund’s fearless in various endeavors, while others sion “devastating” in a statement majority opinion, shot back.
opponent Edward Blum. Blum’s has halted private charitable sup- Strivers Grant Contest would be are underrepresented.” emailed to The Post. “We’re talking about real-live,
cases against Harvard and the port for any racial or ethnic “substantially likely” to violate a The majority brushed aside the “America is supposed to be a flesh-and-blood individuals who
University of North Carolina cul- group,” Jason Schwartz, a lawyer federal statute that prohibits ra- fund’s arguments that a contest nation where one has the freedom were excluded from the opportu-
minated with the Supreme Court with Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, cial discrimination in contracts. solely for Black women was a form to achieve, the freedom to earn, nity to compete in fearless’s con-
overturning race-conscious col- which is representing fearless The panel also ruled that the of protected expression under the and the freedom to prosper,” Si- test solely on account of the color
lege admissions last summer. fund, said in a statement emailed plaintiffs, who were not identified first Amendment and therefore mone said. “Yet, when we have of their skin,” he wrote in the
The federal appeals court in to The Washington Post. “The dis- by name in their legal complaint, exempted from the Civil rights attempted to level the playing majority opinion.

Settlement marks largest income tax recovery in D.C. history, Schwalb says
SeTTLeMenT frOm A1 The District said Excel logs of after whistleblowers sued Saylor
Saylor’s location kept by his com- under the city’s false Claims Act.
said he moved to florida in 2012 pany showed that he met the That law allows people to file suit
and made miami Beach his threshold for needing to pay in cases of alleged tax fraud —
home. “I continue to dispute the income taxes to the city. for and then receive a major payout
allegation that I was ever a example, he was present for 313 from whatever the city eventually
resident of the District of Colum- days in 2015, the District said. collects.
bia. I have agreed to settle this The threshold is 183 days. Saylor’s lawyers alleged the
matter to avoid the continued Saylor’s lawyers, led by Eugene law made the city’s approach
burdens of the litigation on Scalia — a labor secretary in the problematic. The change in law
friends, family, and myself,” Say- Trump administration and son of allowing “vindictive” private in-
lor said. former Supreme Court justice dividuals “to prosecute tax-relat-
microStrategy said that this Antonin Scalia — argued in legal ed actions . . . fundamentally
was a personal tax matter involv- filings last year that the city’s changed District government”
ing Saylor and that the company case was a “speculative tale of and thus violates the Home rule
“was not responsible for his day- connivance” filled with fatal legal Act that governs its affairs, they
to-day affairs and did not oversee flaws. argued in legal filings.
his individual tax responsibili- In one 2023 filing with D.C.’s But rather than fight over the
ties.” The company said under a Superior Court, Saylor’s attor- propriety of provisions in the
separate agreement between mi- neys argued that he “has suffered false Claims Act, the sides
croStrategy and Saylor, he will reputational harm” from the reached a deal.
pay the District the full amount. fraud allegations lodged by the How much money the whistle-
In legal filings, attorneys with attorney general’s office. They blowers will receive is subject to
the attorney general’s office ar- said the claims have been “ban- negotiation with the city. If they
gued that Saylor lived in a 7,000- died about with remarkable non- can’t reach an agreement, a judge
square-foot penthouse on the chalance given their seriousness” will decide. The money will come
Georgetown waterfront or on and Saylor’s prominent role with out of the $40 million total Saylor
yachts anchored in the Potomac microStrategy, a public company has agreed to pay within 14 days.
Joe rAedle/getty ImAges
river. But they said that from headquartered in the Tysons area He also agreed to comply with
2005 through 2021, he paid no MicroStrategy founder Michael Saylor, left, and filmmaker Max Keiser at a 2021 cryptocurrency of fairfax County. the District’s tax laws.
income tax to the city. conference in Miami. According to Forbes, Saylor has a net worth of $4.6 billion. His lawyers argued that the The settlement bars any future
According to forbes, Saylor District’s claims against Saylor action against Saylor or mi-
has a net worth of $4.6 billion, microStrategy knowingly sub- anyone who paid taxes to the shot of his building in George- should have been thrown out for croStrategy on this matter.
driven by major bitcoin invest- mitted false records as part of the District was stupid,” Schwalb town, where he was combining procedural and legal reasons. The agreement said Saylor,
ments. effort. In all, Saylor avoided pay- said in monday’s statement. three penthouse apartments into “The District’s tax claims are microStrategy’s executive chair-
Saylor first misrepresented ing more than $25 million in The city’s suit included a face- one. It said he was “gazing wist- subject to dismissal because man, would file a return and pay
himself as a resident of Virginia, District taxes, the city argued. book post from Saylor in 2012 fully at my future home” while there has been no tax assess- income taxes in the city “in any
where taxes are lower, then of “Saylor openly bragged about evoking another billionaire in- waiting for his architect “to crack ment, which is a necessary pre- current or future tax year” in
florida, where there is no per- his tax-evasion scheme, encour- ventor — albeit a fictional one the whip on the contractors and requisite,” they wrote in one which he owns or rents a resi-
sonal income tax, the District aging his friends to follow his from the “Iron man” movies. herd the cats. I wonder if Tony filing. dence and is physically present in
alleged in court filings. D.C. said example and contending that Saylor’s post came with a snap- Stark would be so patient . . .” The District joined the case the city for at least 183 days.

METRO tuesday, june 4 , 2024 eZ Re b

high today at the District the District Obituaries
approx. 1 p.m.
d.c. election workers have A woman was killed when Adele Faber, 96, was a
8 a.m. Noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
87° been fielding angry calls another woman stole the gentle coach to millions of
Precip: 25% and emails over voting by vehicle she was in and parents in a series of best-
75 84 84 79
° ° ° ° Wind: ese
6-12 mph noncitizen residents. b4 crashed it, police say. b4 selling how-to books. b4

D.C. set
to cast
oPen WarD 7 seat
is hotly contesteD
Elsewhere, incumbents
seek to fend off rivals



District voters on Tuesday will

cast ballots in the Democratic
primary, which could determine
a new member of the D.C. Coun-
cil in a generational change
while several incumbents aim to
hang on to their seats in local
This year’s election cycle has
lacked some of the fanfare of two
years ago, when citywide races
for mayor, attorney general and
council chair were the main
buzz. still, more than 46,000
voters as of sunday had cast
ballots by mail or during the
early voting period, according to
PhoTos by AsTRid Riecken FoR The WAshingTon PosT the D.C. Board of elections, and
in wards with competitive coun-
cil races, candidates have blitzed

Seven years later, singer hasn’t

voters with mailers, ads and
endorsement announcements as
they work to get a last-minute

changed his tune on opera

Ward 7 has the most interest-
ing race Tuesday, in which 10
candidates are vying to succeed
outgoing D.C. Council member
Vincent C. Gray (D), who is not
seeking another term as he re-
covers from health challenges.
On his return to front of the Lincoln Memorial 85 The other ward-level races gen-
Washington, years ago after she was banned erally pit incumbents against
Anthony D. from a concert hall because of her lesser-known competitors.
Anderson faced race. But they share talent and In Ward 2, council member
the Lincoln grit and a barrier-breaking place Brooke Pinto (D) is running
Memorial, in our nation’s fraught history. unopposed. Council member
Petula scanning the At the saturday concert on the see PRIMARy ON B3
Dvorak sprawling crowd National Mall, Anderson’s velvet
and the orchestra baritone unfurled at dusk, and
behind him. opera aficionados, Italian
It’s been seven years since he
was a teenager fired for making
burritos too slowly at a Chipotle
diplomats, tourists, picnickers,
his former public school teachers
and his mom watched, gasped
in D.C., a kid with an astonishing
talent in something that
perplexed his family and friends
and even cried.
“That’s my baby! That’s my
baby!” Charlene Anderson
— opera.
“standing here, near the steps
where Marian Anderson sang,” he
shouted, as her son — the
youngest of seven children she
raised alone after his father was
reflect on
said on saturday as he got ready
to sing Puccini. “This is so
TOP: Anthony D. Anderson rehearses at the Lincoln Memorial
Reflecting Pool on Saturday. ABOVE: From left, Anderson, tenor
killed in a drive-by shooting —
sang Italian opera alongside
international stars in front of his
their votes
He has no relation to the Antonio Poli, Italian conductor Alvise Casellati and soprano Ewa hometown crowd.
contralto who famously sang in Plonka thank the audience after their performance. see DVORAK ON B3

For the first time in D.C.,

they are eligible to cast
a ballot in local races


A slick move in a greasy line of work Across region, schools AND J ENNY G ATHRIGHT

They came to the United

BY S YDNEY P AGE are facing fiscal issues states from el salvador, ethiopia
and Iran to study, earn money
and escape violence. And they all
sam Delauter was worried found a home in the nation’s
about the mounting cost of ingre- BY N ICOLE A SBURY, grams at a time when children capital. They are not U.s. citi-
dients at his diner in Ocean City, L AUREN L UMPKIN still need extra support. zens, but they care about issues
Md. AND K ARINA E LWOOD In Northern Virginia, mean- in their communities, including
“I was getting very nervous while, many school districts saw education, health care and af-
when I saw bacon up 50 percent, school systems across the D.C. increases in their budgets. How- fordable housing.
eggs up 50 percent,” said Delauter, region are bracing for tighter ever, rising costs mean the budg- And for the first time, these
29, who opened sunrise Diner in budgets — including some cuts — ets are really only maintaining noncitizen residents — some of
2021 as a seasonal restaurant, op- as costs rise, local tax revenue is existing initiatives. whom have lived here for dec-
erating from March to October. strained and one-time pandemic Here are some of the factors ades and have children who were
Food prices surged in 2022 be- relief money goes away. affecting school system budgets: born here — will have a say in
cause of labor shortages, war, heat Many local governments in the how their communities are run:
waves and higher gas prices. De- region have approved budgets, or Pandemic relief funding is They are among the more than
lauter feared he would have to will do so in coming weeks, running out 500 noncitizen District residents
shut down his small business. leaving districts to reconcile since 2020, school districts who have registered to vote and
Then, as he was doing his daily what programs or needs they can across the country received a have cast their ballots or are
disposal of bacon grease, he fund within their allocated budg- windfall of one-time cash — an heading to the polls Tuesday to
thought about his great-grand- soPhiA seuFeRT ets. ultimate $190 billion that was pick their representatives on the
mother. each year, sunrise Diner Sam Delauter, owner of Sunrise Diner in Ocean City, Md., turns In Montgomery County, Mary- used to reopen schools, offer D.C. Council.
produces about 1,000 pounds of leftover bacon grease into soap to help keep his business afloat. land’s largest school system, a bonuses to teachers and help The voters include 310 who
bacon grease — all of which ended group of teachers disrupted a children recover from the aca- registered as Democrat, 169 in-
up in the trash. “This was something that a lot ically processed, though some are recent school board meeting to demic setbacks they experienced dependent, 28 Republican and 16
“I could make soap out of this,” of people did back then, but she still made with animal fat — which decry the possible loss of 100 to during virtual learning. statehood Green, said sarah
Delauter thought. kept doing it up until she died in was the traditional method. 150 staff positions. In D.C., budg- But what remains of the pan- Graham, a spokesperson for the
The old-fashioned concept 2006,” said Delauter, whose great- Delauter consulted with his et pressures also will mean fewer demic relief will expire in sep- D.C. Board of elections.
seemed obvious to him, as he had grandmother’s name was Hazel grandfather, Russ Delauter, to get staff members in schools — the tember. As the money runs out, In this city, which has no
watched his great-grandmother Delauter. the family’s bacon soap recipe. traditional public school district education advocates have voting representative in Con-
turn bacon grease into soap for All soaps are made from a Russ Delauter was delighted by could eliminate as many as 200 warned of a fiscal cliff that could gress, leaders have expanded vot-
years. she started doing it during chemical reaction between fat and his grandson’s interest in the soap positions, and the charter sector drop districts into a financial ing rights to noncitizen resi-
the Great Depression when her an alkaline substance. Most mod- he was raised on. is also bracing for cuts — and the mess, especially at schools that dents. Noncitizens are eligible to
family couldn’t afford to buy soap. ern commercial soaps are synthet- see SOAP ON B2 scaling back of tutoring pro- see SChOOLS ON B3 see VOTERS ON B2
B2 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, june 4 , 2024

A meaningful election for

D.C.’s noncitizen residents
voterS FrOM B1

vote if they are at least 18 years

old as of Election Day, have been
a D.C. resident for at least 30
days before the election, have not
been deemed by a court legally
incompetent to vote and are not
claiming the right to vote in any
state, territory or country.
There has been opposition,
with critics arguing that the
right to vote should be reserved
faMily PhoTo for American citizens. The U.S.
Hazel and Willie Delauter, great-grandmother and great-grandfather of Sam Delauter. House advanced a bill last month
to block noncitizen voting in
D.C., though it’s unlikely this bill

Revisiting a family recipe — for soap would move forward in the Dem- Jenny gaThrighT/The WashingTon PosT Jenny gaThrighT/The WashingTon PosT

ocratic-controlled Senate. Work- Ana Lemus Genesis Lemus

ers for the D.C. Board of Elec-
tions have also been fielding
SoAp FrOM B1 Delauter’s soap online, she decid- angry messages from callers op-
ed to order some. Although she posed to noncitizen voting, said
“I was born in 1930, and that’s lives in Southern California and Monica Evans, the office’s execu-
the only soap we had,” said russ has never been to Sunrise Diner, tive director.
Delauter, 94. “She washed me and Brown was drawn to the bacon The noise lawmakers are mak-
washed the dishes and everything grease soap concept. ing in Congress simply spreads
else with that soap.” “I was really attracted to this more awareness that this new
Hazel Delauter’s soap-making idea that they were reusing the right for noncitizens exists, said
process was relatively simple: She lard,” said Brown, 39, who has Abel Amene, an Ethiopian immi-
would first strain the grease to purchased several bars of the grant who last year became the
remove any bacon bits, then puri- soap. “We live in this day of con- first noncitizen to hold public
fy it by mixing it in a pot with sumer culture and buying more office in D.C. and who fought for
boiling water, creating a clear, and there’s just a lot of waste, so I the noncitizen vote. Abel, an
odorless lard. She then combined love that it’s reused.” advisory neighborhood commis-
the lard with lye — a chemical Plus, she added, “I love that sioner in Ward 4 — who prefers
compound found in soaps. When they’re using the owner’s great- that people call him by his first
she first started making bacon grandmother’s recipe.” name because of cultural nam- gerMán TriniDaD Jenny gaThrighT/The WashingTon PosT

grease soap, Hazel Delauter used soPhia seuferT If Hazel Delauter were around ing practices — is excited to see Germán trinidad Abel Amene
fireplace ashes to make lye. She Sam Delauter opened his diner to see her great-grandson making how voting will empower non-
then left the mixture to harden in 2021 as a seasonal business. and selling bacon grease soap, citizens to participate in local
overnight before cutting it into “she’d be tickled pink,” russ De- democracy and make their voic-
bars. “It’s something that was just a lauter said. “I’m proud of him, and es heard.
Direct exposure to lye can cause pure waste product I had, and really proud of my mother and my “It’s only one, [or a] few but-
damage to the skin, but once soaps upcycled it into a bar of soap,” said family.” tons to press,” Abel said, “but it
containing lye have been properly Delauter, explaining that his five- Sam Delauter currently sells will have huge impacts moving
cured, they are safe to use. ingredient soaps are made with five scents of soap, including lav- forward.”
Sam Delauter decided to try his only natural ingredients. ender, patchouli and cedar mixed Noncitizen voters shared with
hand at making his great-grand- Bacon grease soap offsets with cardamom. He experiments The Washington Post what the
mother’s recipe. The only tweak 80 percent of Delauter’s annual with different scents for Hallow- right to cast a ballot means for
he made was adding essential oils bacon cost, he said. een and Christmas. them.
for scent. “It saves about 1,000 pounds of “I have fun with it,” he said,
“I experimented for two food waste each year,” he said. “I explaining that he never expected Ana and Genesis Lemus
months,” he said, adding that think people are also interested in his bacon grease soap to be a Ana Lemus, 42, came to the
when he finally landed on the the fact that it’s homemade; you success. District about 15 years ago to
right formula, he decided to start don’t find a lot of stuff like that While his creative side business escape from a bad relationship
selling the soap at his diner and anymore.” has helped him keep his diner and pervasive gang violence in El
online for about $6 a bar. He called “This is something that, start to afloat, it has also given him a Salvador. CourTesy of Douglas ZePPenfelD CourTesy of soleDaD MiranDa

it “Bumble Soap,” as the diner was finish, I made with my bare hands deeper connection to his great- Before leaving her home coun- Shaghayegh “Chris” Soledad Miranda
originally bee-themed. Since he with something that is natural grandmother. try, she made a point of exercis- rostampour
started selling bacon grease soap and would have gone into the “Her memory is living on,” said ing her right to vote. opportunity to cast my vote —
in 2022, he has made about trash anyway,” Delauter said. Sam Delauter. “It’s a beautiful “It’s my duty,” she said in lieve that voting was a civic duty not just me, but other people
$10,000 a year on the product. When Sara Brown read about thing.” Spanish while her 19-year-old and has been troubled by House who came here as immigrants
daughter, Genesis, interpreted. lawmakers’ efforts to block the and don’t need U.S. citizenship to
In El Salvador, even when her noncitizen vote and language vote.”
husband interrogated her about suggesting noncitizens are try-

Your Bathroom,
where she was going and dis- ing to “interfere” with local elec- Germán trinidad
couraged her from voting, Ana tions. And rostampour is con- Germán Trinidad, 39, has long
still got ready and marched out cerned on behalf of immigrants been active in local politics. Trin-
of the house to the polls. “My who worry that voting could idad, who came to D.C. from El
vote is my vote.” jeopardize their status in this Salvador in 2002, has supported

just the way you like it.

Now, Ana will cast her vote country. efforts to decriminalize street
again in D.C. elections, along “There’s a lot of fear to partici- vending and create a pathway for
with Genesis, who was 4 years pate, just because people are street vendors to get licensed. He
old when she arrived in the worried about the consequenc- and his wife sell hot food and
United States. Both registered to es,” they said. “All of this is legal, beverages on the street in Mount
vote earlier this year. all of this is allowed, but we are Pleasant.
Genesis said her top priorities still worried about how it might On Tuesday, he will vote in
in this election are “the cost of impact us.” D.C. elections.
living skyrocketing, gender in- “I’m very happy that they’re
equality, wealth inequality, and Soledad Miranda taking me into account,” he said
police brutality.” And Genesis, a Soledad Miranda has lived in through a translator. He wants
leader in local advocacy for the United States for decades better infrastructure in the Dis-
street vendors, isn’t satisfied and is used to working hard to trict, and he’s concerned about
with just being a voter. Her support her family and advocat- crime. “[It’s] a big issue, especial-
dream, she said, “is to one day ing for her rights. ly because we are vendors and we
maybe run, later on in my 20s, Miranda, a 49-year-old Ward 1 are outside, so obviously that’s a
for [advisory neighborhood com- resident from El Salvador, priority.”
missioner] first, maybe council spends weekdays as a cleaner in He’s proud of the progress
member after.” the Wilson Building, which street vendors have made in
houses the offices of the city’s recent years in “being able to sell
Shaghayegh ‘Chris’ mayor and council members. In products peacefully in the city.”
rostampour the evenings and on weekends, For future elections, he hopes for
A few months ago, she is a street vendor selling a stronger slate of candidates —
Shaghayegh “Chris” rostampour traditional clothing from her “better choices, people who will
was researching immigrant vot- home country. make our future better.”
ing rights and came across the As a shop steward for her
District’s legislation allowing union — Local 32BJ of the Serv-
noncitizens to vote. rostampour ice Employees International Abel Amene
looked at the eligibility criteria Union, which represents workers Advisory Neighborhood Com-
and realized they qualified. who help maintain about 1,500 missioner Abel Amene, who is
“I was like, ‘Wow, this is what office buildings in the region — pursuing a double degree in
democracy is like, this is what Miranda was chosen by her col- physics and economics at the
participatory democracy and di- leagues to interview D.C. Council University of Maryland, said he
rect participation is like, and this candidates to help the union is always on the brink of home-
is what an inclusive society make its endorsements. lessness and sees other immi-
should be like,’” said rostam- What she wanted to know grants struggling, too. But he
pour, a 34-year-old resident of most was how candidates would had never voted in D.C. and was
D.C.’s Ward 2. “So I was very improve access to housing and unable to have a say about how
thrilled about it. And it made me health care. Miranda said she elected leaders address housing
even happier to live where I live.” often runs into council members or any other issue — until now in
Last weekend at the West End and candidates in the lobby or this primary.
library, rostampour voted for hallways of the Wilson Building “Almost every political deci-
the first time since the 2017 and takes note of how they treat sion I make, the fear I face of
presidential election in Iran, her and others. possibly becoming homeless,
their home country. rostampour Although she did not want to again, is always front of mind,”
declined to share whom they share whom she planned to vote said Abel, 38, who came to the
voted for but said they were most for, her union endorsed Ward 4 United States from Ethiopia as a
concerned about issues related council member Janeese Lewis teenager in 1999. “There’s a real
to the lack of affordable housing, George and Wendell Felder, the impact that these politicians and
the high cost of living, pollution former chair of the Ward 7 these elected officials have on my
Free advice. A detailed scope of work with a fixed price. Passionate and and environmental concerns. Democrats who is running for safety and how secure I feel at
“The very act of voting and the council seat in that ward. home.”
background checked team members. All backed by a 5-year workmanship feeling like I can have a small When Miranda casts her ballot, In late May, he went to the
warranty. Offering peace of mind since 1961. impact and I can make a deci- she said, she will look to candi- West End library and voted for
sion, it made me feel very em- dates who support immigrants the first time in any government
powered,” they said. “It made me and policies such as “temporary election. And although his views
feel like I had a voice.” protected status,” which she said as a socialist don’t perfectly align
rostampour came to the Unit- is the reason she can stay in the with those of council members
ed States on a student visa in country, obtain a driver’s license robert C. White Jr. (D-At Large)
SCHEDULE TODAY! 2018 to study conflict resolution and get her cosmetology license. and Janeese Lewis George (D-
VA 703.691.5500 at Brandeis University before And she will be thinking of her Ward 4), he voted for them
MD 301.388.5959 moving to the District in 2022 to 14-year-old daughter and her because of their positions on
work at an arms-control non- future. housing.
DC 202.770.3131 profit. They have become in- “I’ve lived in this country for “I’m now 38 years old, and this volved in political activism with 30 years. I have my daughter who is the first time I ever cast a
peace organizations and submit- is a U.S. citizen, I pay my taxes, I ballot in a government election.
ted their green card application a feel like I have the right to vote,” It was amazing,” he said. “It felt
A DIVISION OF VA #2701039723 | MD MHIC #1176 | DC #2242 few months ago. Miranda said through a transla- very impactful, like I had a say in
rostampour was raised to be- tor. “I feel excited. I’ll have an something bigger than me.”
tuesday, june 4 , 2024 . the washington post eZ Re B3

Petula Devorak

The next generation of opera

DVoRAK from B1 bouncy, bawdy Gershwin tune. opera in the ozarks. Yes, singing
“That? What you heard up opera in Arkansas, stepping out-
He was the perfect man for the there tonight? It’s hard to believe side the box again.
night, for so many reasons. that’s coming from an 18-year-old. “It’s just so beautiful there,” he
The concert was a free, open-air You have to understand, this is told me. “And the people are so
event to bring opera to the mass- really, really rare,” michael Cra- nice.”
es. No tickets, ties, cute little opera bill, a man who has taught in He flew back to D.C. for the
glasses or understanding of the Austria and accompanied Ander- weekend, to finally sing in his
themes of Turandot needed. son on piano during the concert hometown. The concert series
“for over 400 years, opera was that night, told me. started off with a show in the
considered ‘pop’ music and only atrium of Children’s National
very recently wrongly perceived Hospital because Casellati also
as music for the elites,” said Alvise likes to promote the therapeutic
Casellati, the founder of opera Anderson’s velvet properties of music, and opera in
Italiana is in the Air, which gives particular.
free, open concerts in Italy and in baritone unfurled, and When Anderson and tenor An-
Central Park, miami and D.C. “In tonio Poli sang a piece from
its purest form, it is sheer enter- opera aficionados, “madama Butterfly,” a child wait-
tainment for everyone.” ing for a blood draw stopped, lis-
And who better to showcase Italian diplomats, tened and ran toward the music.
this idea than Anderson, who Then soprano Ewa Plonka hit
found opera while he was a stu- tourists, his former soaring notes in an aria from AStRid RieCken FoR the WAShington PoSt

dent at Duke Ellington School of “Tosca.”

the Arts in D.C. public school teachers “oh. I like that,” said madison
Italian conductor Alvise casellati, right, embraces Anthony D. Anderson after his performance during
the opera Italiana is in the Air 2024 concert at the lincoln Memorial in Washington on saturday.
I wrote about Anderson after White, who is 7 and happened to
someone told me a college student and his mom watched, be at the hospital to have her eyes hand or get a selfie. This was all new to Anderson, That is exactly what Anderson
who had to drop out because he examined. We started talking “We’ve heard about him,” said a 25. And thrilling. wants to hear.
couldn’t afford tuition was put- gasped and even cried. about the music. She likes “Hamil- couple of women who took photos “one person actually came up Because he doesn’t see himself
ting on a free concert in a D.C. ton,” and it reminded her a little of with him and admitted they’re to me and was, like, ‘oh my gosh, blending into a rarefied world of
church on a June night seven it. Turns out she was there with now fangirls. I’ve never heard this, this style of old music and elite audiences. He
years ago. I should check him out, We wrote about him and the her dad, D.C. Council member His mom stepped back after music before,’ ” Anderson said. wants to be part of the vanguard
he’s pretty good, the guy said. music world noticed. He showed robert C. White Jr. (D-At Large). being a little jostled by the crowd. And sure enough, I heard some- of opera’s next iteration, the mod-
I popped in and saw a small off his talent and hard work in madison said the music calmed Though she raised seven kids in thing similar from a young boy ern, more inclusive works that go
audience watching a string-bean auditions and received offers her. D.C., this was her first time at the after he took a photograph with beyond old stories from Europe.
kid in a tuxedo. from Julliard, oberlin, Hopkins. “It made me feel better about Lincoln memorial. Anderson. “They’re coming from stories of
But even my untrained ear told He chose oberlin, and then maybe getting glasses,” she said, “He got me here. And he got me “I’ve never heard anything like different cultures, like Hispanic
me I had walked into something went on to the University of mary- riveted, watching, listening. on a plane for the first time,” she it,” said Israel roberts, 8, whose culture and Black culture,” he
phenomenal, a two-hour tour-de- land, where he just graduated At the National mall the next said, reminding me of the trip she mom brought him to the show said. “I’m standing on that preci-
force solo ranging from “Come with a master’s degree in voice day, after the show, Anderson had took to see him sing at a gala in because her son loves to sing. “It pice, and I’m hoping that even
raggio di sol” in Italian to “Nacht studies. a hard time leaving because so fort Worth. “I’m so proud. So made me think I can do this when though I’m the future, that the
und Träume” in German to a This summer, he’s got a gig with many people wanted to shake his proud.” I grow up.” future doesn’t end with me.”

D.C. voters set to select activities or recreation for the

Concerns over youth violence
White maintains a strong base
of supporters. Still, Adofo and
Branch have leaned on their

Democratic nominees drew Ward 7 resident Lauren

fraser to candidate Kelvin
Brown, an advisory neighbor-
experiences as a community ad-
vocate and a principal, respec-
tively, to animate voters seeking
hood commissioner, who she be- change. But with few major
pRIMARy from B1 sory Neighborhood Commission- lieves has the right background policy differences among the
er Ebony Payne, gained ground as a former teacher to work candidates, Trayon White’s op-
Janeese Lewis George (D), seek- on some of the more established toward realistic solutions: “once ponents could risk splitting the
ing a second term in Ward 4, has candidates. In the waning days of you’ve been a teacher, you know vote.
drawn challenges from Advisory the race, several council mem- about the concerning issues we And in Ward 4, Gore, a retired
Neighborhood Commissioner bers issued endorsements in have with our youth and parent special agent with the U.S. De-
Lisa Gore and municipal invest- Ward 7. Last week, a trio of involvement,” she said. partment of Housing and Urban
ment banker Paul Johnson. Two- lawmakers — Trayon White, Pin- other candidates include Nate Development, and Johnson, who
term council member Trayon to and Zachary Parker (D-Ward fleming, D.C.’s former shadow has worked as a mediator, have
White Sr. (D-Ward 8) is running 5) — backed Wendell felder, who representative in Congress; De- sought to portray Lewis George
against Advisory Neighborhood is the mayfair-based chair of his nise reed, who previously as too soft on public safety —
Commissioner Salim Adofo and Advisory Neighborhood Com- worked on the staffs of various although it remains to be seen
former Ballou High School prin- mission and had already re- JuliA nikhinSon FoR the WAShington PoSt council members, including whether either candidate can
cipal rahman Branch. And one ceived a critical endorsement A voter casts a ballot at the Turkey Thicket Recreation center in three chairs; Villareal “VJ” John- unseat Lewis George, a self-de-
at-large seat is on the Democratic from Gray. Council member Northeast Washington during primary elections in June 2022. son, a former five-term neighbor- scribed Democratic socialist who
primary ballot, where incum- Christina Henderson (I-At hood commissioner; Ebbon Al- beat an incumbent backed by the
bent robert C. White Jr. (D) is in Large) endorsed Eboni-rose Bowser (D) and as former chair staunchly opposes a football sta- len, an educator; and roscoe mayor in 2020.
a race against comedian rodney Thompson, the president and of the Ward 7 Democrats. dium at the nearby rfK site — a Grant, a small-business advo- All registered D.C. voters
“red” Grant. Ward 7 representative on the Thompson has an edge as the divisive issue in the ward and cate. should have received a mailed
At the congressional level, vot- State Board of Education. only candidate to have won a across the city. Across all other council races, ballot in recent weeks; ballots
ers will be asked to select the felder, Thompson and Payne, ward-wide race, on the state rasheed has leveraged name incumbents are generally fa- that are mailed back to the Board
city’s various nonvoting repre- along with lawyer Veda rasheed, board. Endorsed by the teachers recognition and a base that she vored to win even as their oppo- of Elections must be postmarked
sentatives in Congress, including have been largely neck-and-neck and firefighters unions, she also built in her previous run against nents make the case for change. by Tuesday. Alternatively, voters
the House delegate seat long in fundraising from District resi- has broad backing from the pro- Gray in 2020, combined with her Grant has stressed that he is not can drop off a ballot at any vote
held by Eleanor Holmes Norton dents, one measurement of who gressive wing. reputation for community advo- simply a comedian or entertain- center or ballot drop box until
(D), who is running for reelec- leads the pack — but felder and Payne, a Kingman Park advi- cacy against gun violence. er, pointing to his work on D.C. 8 p.m. Tuesday.
tion for the 17th time this year. Thompson had the most in the sory neighborhood commission- Ward 7 voters who spoke to youth programming that he said The city also offers same-day
While the general election is in bank heading into the final er who runs the herbal medicine The Washington Post over- has prepared him to do the work voter registration at any of its
November, in the District, the stretch. felder, who was also business District Herbs, made a whelmingly pointed to public of a council member. robert vote centers, requiring proof of
June Democratic primary typi- endorsed monday by former D.C. splash with vigorous fundraising safety, particularly for youths, as White, meanwhile, has run on residency. And for the first time,
cally determines the winners. mayor Anthony Williams, has efforts while touting support a top issue that affected how they his leadership of the council’s noncitizens are permitted to vote
The Ward 7 campaign became emerged as the closest to an from some House lawmakers, an chose their candidate. “The vio- housing committee while prom- in local races, though they can-
the most acrimonious this cam- establishment darling in the con- unusual national approach to a lence has become out of control,” ising to continue working on not vote for federal offices. Polls
paign cycle, roiled by attack ads test — and is among the most local race. She’s also distin- said rasheed supporter michele legislative proposals to reduce close at 8 p.m. on Election Day,
and beefs between candidates — politically connected, with his guished herself as the only Ward Pinkard, pointing to rasheed’s crime. though anyone who gets in line
particularly as a relative political background working in the ad- 7 candidate who lives west of the advocacy on that issue. “I think In Ward 8, the city’s most before the deadline will be able
newcomer, Kingman Park Advi- ministration of mayor muriel E. Anacostia river and who she would be supportive of more disadvantaged ward, Trayon to vote.

D.C. region’s schools reckon with tight budgets to help pay for the county’s share
of the Blueprint. The school
board opposed the change, say-
Schools] is close to what we
anticipated, it is sadly represen-
tative of their persistent under-
ing it could lead to a reduction in funding of public education —
schools from B1 cials say. a $3.7 billion budget, an increase to more 3-year-olds and all eligi- money, but lawmakers approved the cornerstone of successful
The D.C. Council seems poised of $233.2 million from last year ble 4-year-olds and to boost Alsobrooks’s proposal. communities,” Schools Superin-
serve the poorest students and to approve a 12.4 percent in- but less than its initial proposal. teacher pay. It requires that edu- tendent michelle reid said in a
received the most funds. crease to the per-pupil funding That means staff members will cators earn at least $60,000 be- lingering fights over funding news release.
D.C. has reported spending formula that largely determines see a 4 percent pay increase, less ginning in 2026. formulas meanwhile, D.C. leaders re-
about $364.2 million of its how much money schools get. than what the superintendent overall, public schools in the Some school systems also are main at odds over a law passed in
$540.5 million allotment and But leaders say that increase is initially proposed to help keep state are receiving more state dealing with lingering fights over 2022 that says individual schools
Virginia schools have used mostly covering rising costs. salaries competitive salaries with and county funds to fulfill the how they should be funded. in the traditional public system
$2.4 billion of their nearly $3 bil- “At the end of the day, even those in surrounding districts. Blueprint law. But a lot of the In Virginia, a report released must, with some exceptions, re-
lion, data shows. maryland dis- with the 12.4 percent increase, funding comes with specific last summer by a watchdog for ceive the same amount of fund-
tricts have spent about $1.7 bil- our revenue is basically flat from ‘Blueprint’ adds mandates in guidance on what it can be spent state lawmakers found that ing year over year. The initial
lion of the state’s $2.7 billion last year to this year,” Will Sto- Maryland on. And some of the Blueprint’s schools were drastically under- budget presented by the mayor
grant, according to budget docu- etzer, chief executive of Ingenuity Teacher pay also is going up in initiatives have costs that aren’t funded compared with nearby and schools chief used a different
ments. All of the money must be Prep, a charter school in South- maryland as school systems con- covered by the additional fund- states. model they say is more equitable.
spent or committed by Septem- east Washington, said in early The report said the state’s But the D.C. Council recently
ber. may. He said the school may have complex funding formula lacked gave initial approval to a plan
Schools were encouraged to to cut seven positions in the a “clear rationale” in its model, that would shift more than
use the money for one-time costs, 2024-2025 academic year, includ- “I cannot say that there won’t be which has led to about 14 percent $25 million from the district’s
such as HVAC upgrades. But ing teachers and student support less funding for Virginia school central office into schools, which
leaders also hired counselors to staff members. reductions in staff hires.” districts than the national aver- it said would bring the budget in
address mental health needs or Budget pressures at the Patricia Brantley, age — or about $1,900 less per compliance with the law. The
extra staff members to assist with friendship Public Charter School chief executive of the Friendship Public Charter School network student. It also found the fund- revision would also allow schools
tutoring. Schools are using local network mean delaying some ing formula did not account for to save two dozen teaching posi-
funding to try to hold on to as curriculum purchases, slowing students with higher needs, re- tions from budget cuts, said
many positions as possible, but it investments in literacy training tinue to implement initiatives ing, such as a need to add gional labor costs and school Council Chairman Phil mendel-
is likely that many roles will for teachers, and buying fewer outlined in the Blueprint for physical space to expand pre-K. division size, leading to regular son (D).
disappear. uniforms and classroom tools for maryland’s future, a landmark Some county executives have underestimates of the needs of School officials, however, said
students, said Patricia Brantley, education law that funnels bil- voiced concerns that the Blue- schools. that is not the right way to fund
costs are rising chief executive of the network. “I lions into public schools with the print is straining local budgets. fairfax school officials said schools and argue the move will
Not only are schools losing cannot say that there won’t be goal of making the state’s educa- Prince George’s County Executive that if the state had adopted all of defund centrally funded pro-
pandemic-era relief, but it is also reductions in staff hires,” she tion system one of the best in the Angela Alsobrooks (D) earlier the report’s recommendations, grams, such as security and swim
getting more expensive to run a said. nation. this year asked lawmakers to give the district would receive an lessons for third-graders.
school. Costs, from facilities In fairfax County, home to The ambitious reform plan the county more flexibility in additional $568.7 million each
maintenance to health care to Virginia’s largest district, the contains several components, in- how to spend the money from year. “While the state’s allotment lateshia Beachum contributed to
teacher salaries, are rising, offi- School Board recently approved cluding targets to expand pre-K two local taxes on schools in part to [fairfax County Public this report.

Save on tickets to Jason Moran & Alicia Hall Moran: Family Ball on June 7 at The Kennedy Center
Before celebrated mezzo-soprano Alicia hall Moran married, her mother gave her sage advice: “don’t get with anybody unless you like their
problems.” this sentiment is at the center of new production, Family Ball. With husband Jason Moran, Alicia says she couldn’t have done
better. “he’s the greatest man with the best problems i’ve ever met.” Family Ball reaffirms why the two fell in love. encompassing the couple’s
The Guide to Offers iconic blend of music and theater, this new work — set in their harlem apartment — is intensely entertaining and visually stimulating.
Created during the pandemic, Family Ball is a creative feat. But more importantly, it’s a love note.
See details at
b4 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, june 4 , 2024

thE District
Election o∞ce is beset by angry calls
aDElE FabEr, 96
“ensuring safety for voters.” Graham, the spokeswoman for
Spike is driven by
opponents of noncitizen
voting, workers say
These precautions come amid
heightened concerns across the
country that bitter partisanship
could lead to disruptions at the
the D.C. Board of Elections, esti-
mates the office has received
more than 60 calls and voice
mails opposing the right of non-
Co-author of best-selling
polls, voter intimidation and po-
tentially violent challenges to the
November presidential election
results. The D.C. Board of Elec-
citizens to vote. As recently as
Sunday, the anger made its way to
an early-voting center at the
Georgetown Library in the form
how-to guides for parents
tions added armed security to its of a chalk message that read:
D.C. election workers have office headquarters and mail bal- “VOTING NOT A RIGHT. IS A BY E MILY L ANGER
been fielding angry calls and lot processing center this year, PRIVILEGE OF CITIZEN,” ac-
emails for more than a month Evans said. cording to a photo shared by Adele Faber, who gently guid-
from people who oppose allowing For the first time in this year’s Evans. ed millions of readers through
noncitizen residents to vote in D.C. primary election, noncitizen Evans said election workers the vicissitudes of parenthood as
local elections, leaving the head of residents — some of whom have noticed a spike in angry calls after the co-author of best-selling
the D.C. Board of Elections con- lived in the District for decades — Rep. Bryan Steil (R-Wis.), shared books including “How to Talk So
cerned about safety at the polls in will be allowed to cast a ballot. a message on X criticizing noncit- Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids
Tuesday’s primary election. The new D.C. law stipulates izen voting. He wrote that “Wash- Will Talk,” died April 24 at an
“I am definitely nervous,” said that noncitizens are eligible to ington, D.C. is actively encourag- assisted-living center in White
Monica Evans, the executive di- vote if they are at least 18 years old ing noncitizens to vote” and Plains, N.Y. She was 96.
rector of the D.C. Board of Elec- as of Election Day, have been a called it “absurd” above a photo of Her daughter, Joanna Faber,
tions. “The environment around D.C. resident for at least 30 days a pamphlet from the Board of confirmed her death but did not
elections has felt more unsafe.” before the election, have not been Elections. cite a cause.
In one voice mail, which Evans deemed by a court legally incom- In a response to a request for Children, as the aphorism
played for The Washington Post petent to vote and are not claim- comment, Steil said in a state- goes, do not come with instruc-
and was first reported by WUSA9, ing the right to vote in any state, ment, “There is absolutely no tion manuals. But practically
a caller yells: “Where the hell do territory or country. As of May 29, place for violence or intimidation since the advent of the printing
you get off letting illegals vote? 523 noncitizen D.C. residents aimed at election workers.” press, self-anointed sages have
This is the nation’s capital. You were registered to vote, said Sar- Steil’s message also misrepre- tried their hand at writing them,
are traitors, traitors to our coun- ah Graham, a spokeswoman for sented the D.C. Board of Elec- as generation after generation of
try.” the D.C. Board of Elections. tions’ role in the process, Evans parents encountered the univer-
Evans said that employees The law has faced opposition said; her office was simply provid- sal challenges and joys that are
have been encouraged to cover up from those who argue that non- ing nonpartisan information to theirs to know.
any D.C. Board of Elections para- citizens, regardless of how long voters. Modern parents have turned
phernalia they may be wearing or they have lived and worked in this “I just wish people would ap- to books by experts such as
holding while outside the office in country, should not be able to preciate the fact that we are mere- Benjamin Spock and T. Berry
case someone who opposes non- vote. The U.S. House advanced a ly doing our jobs. We are merely Brazelton, both pediatricians,
citizen voting directs their opin- bill last month to block nonciti- adhering to the law,” Evans said. and Penelope Leach, a child psy-
ion toward a staffer. D.C. police zen voting in D.C., though it’s “I think I would be in more trou- chologist, for guidance in child-
spokesman Tom Lynch said in a unlikely the bill will move for- ble if I decided to pick and choose rearing.
statement Monday that officers ward in the Democratic-con- what laws we were going to en- Ms. Faber, a former high
would be near polling locations trolled Senate. force.” school English teacher, lacked
their advanced degrees. But she
had another, perhaps more im-
portant qualification when she
thE District in the front seat when the other began writing in the mid-1970s.
woman got into the vehicle and She was the mother of three

Woman stole a car and started speeding into downtown

before ultimately losing control.
The incident began shortly after
children and sought, as most
parents do, to bring them up as
best as she could.

crashed it, killing its 1 p.m. at the entrance to the Ms. Faber credited much of her FamiLy PHoTo

emergency department, a Wash- philosophy to child psychologist Adele Faber, above, was a
ington Hospital Center spokes- Haim Ginott, the author of widely former English teacher and

occupant, police say woman said in an email.

Motor vehicle thefts and car-
jackings in the city have started
read books such as “Between
Parent and Child” (1965) and a
popular speaker whose lectures
mother of three who co-wrote
bestsellers such as “How to Talk
So Kids Will Listen & Listen So
to fall after significant surges in she attended while raising her Kids Will Talk,” left.
BY K EITH L . A LEXANDER, office in D.C., police said. 2023, which saw an 82 percent children on Long Island.
E MILY D AVIES D.C. Assistant Police Chief spike in motor vehicle thefts and Ginott rejected traditional dis- mother and child needed no
AND J ENNY G ATHRIGHT Darnel Robinson said at a news nearly twice as many carjackings ciplinary practices, encouraging translation.
conference that officers arrested compared with 2022. parents to treat their children as Adele Meyrowitz, the youngest
A woman died Monday after a woman who was trying to flee Motor vehicle theft in the individuals worthy of respect and of three children, was born in the
another woman allegedly stole the scene of the crash at the District is down 30 percent so far to avoid resorting to criticism Bronx on Jan. 12, 1928. Her
the vehicle she was in at Wash- corner of Sixth and D streets NW. this year compared with 2023, and punishment. He spoke of father, a furrier, and her mother,
ington Hospital Center and sped He did not identify the victim or according to D.C. police data, “expressing anger without in- a seamstress, were both Jewish
through downtown Washington, the woman accused of stealing and carjackings citywide are sult,” Ms. Faber recalled, “accept- immigrants from Eastern Eu-
crashing into a concrete barrier the vehicle. down 33 percent compared with ing rather than denying feelings” rope. Ms. Faber grew up speaking
outside of the U.S. attorney’s Robinson said the victim was this time last year. and “offering a choice instead of a Yiddish at home and learned
threat.” English in New York City public
Ms. Faber was so taken by his schools.
approach, and saw such notice- She was raised by loving, hard-
able change when she began working parents, her daughter
applying it in her household, that Scribner said, whose success in putting
she implored a friend, Elaine food on the table for their chil-
Mazlish, to attend Ginott’s lec- small boo-boo can hurt, and even dren and sending them to school
tures with her. passing tears over a broken toy was already a monumental
Mazlish, also a mother of may represent genuine sadness. achievement. She had few if any
three, was by her own account The book encouraged parents books at home and was en-
content to get by on “common to let their children struggle, tranced by them when she en-
sense and natural instinct” in her within reason, with new skills countered them at school.
parenting. She reluctantly agreed such as tying shoelaces, because She ultimately enrolled at
to go and, like Ms. Faber, was the confidence the children feel Queens College, where she stud-
deeply influenced by Ginott’s after achieving the new skill is far ied theater, and where she gradu-
teachings. more valuable than any minutes ated in 1949. She continued her
Together, the two women saved in sparing them difficulty. studies at New York University,
agreed to write a book — not from In situations of conflict, Ms. where she received a master’s
the perspective of an expert psy- Faber and Mazlish taught par- degree from the school of educa-
chologist but from the stand- ents to see their children as tion in 1950.
point of two mothers attempting individuals with dignity the same Ms. Faber taught English and
to use Ginott’s work in their lives. as their own. speech in New York City schools
The result was “Liberated Par- “The hardest part is the shift before her children were born.
ents, Liberated Children” (1974). we have to make in attitude. We Even as a teacher, she told the
The book was widely read, and have to stop thinking of the child Times, “I felt there was more to
the authors found it revealed a know about relating to children
need among parents to know effectively, more than I had
more. They recalled receiving a learned in my education courses.”
letter from a mother in New “We have to stop In addition to leading parent-
Delhi who had read their work ing workshops, Ms. Faber taught
and wrote to them, “The old ways thinking of the child as at institutions including the New

do not suit me, and I do not have School for Social Research in
the new tools. Please help me get a ‘problem’ that needs New York.
over this.” Survivors include her husband
“It was the letter from India correction.” of 73 years, Leslie Faber of White
that did it,” Ms. Faber told the Ms. Faber and Elaine Mazlish, Plains; three children, Carl Faber

New York Times in 1982, inspir- in their parenting book “How to Talk of New Hyde Park on Long Is-
ing her and Mazlish to turn their So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids land, Joanna Faber of Putnam
debut book into a cottage indus- Will Talk” Valley, N.Y., and Abram Faber of
try. In 1980, they published “How Brookline, Mass.; and seven
to Talk So Kids Will Listen & grandchildren. Mazlish died in
Listen So Kids Will Talk.” as a ‘problem’ that needs correc- 2017.
Their later volumes included tion. We have to give up the idea Joanna Faber continued her
a six-part podcast | no-knock warrants can destroy lives. “Siblings Without Rivalry” that because we’re adults we mother’s line of writing, co-au-
(1987), “Between Brothers and always have the right answer,” thoring with Julie King the vol-
Why are they so easy to obtain and carry out? Sisters” (1989), “How to Be the they wrote. umes “How to Talk So Little Kids
Parent You Always Wanted to Be” “It requires a great act of faith Will Listen: A Survival Guide to
listen wherever you get your podcasts (1992), “How to Talk So Kids Can to believe that if we take the time Life with Children Ages 2-7”
Learn at Home and in School” to sit down and share our real (2017) and “How to Talk When
(1995) and “How to Talk So Teens feelings with a young person, and Kids Won’t Listen: Whining,
Will Listen & Listen So Teens Will listen to his feelings, together Fighting, Meltdowns, Defiance,
Talk” (2005). we’ll come up with solutions that and Other Challenges of Child-
N0229 3 x 7
Their first How to Talk book will be right for both of us.” hood” (2021).
became their most enduring clas- Ms. Faber and Mazlish’s books Just as Ms. Faber and Mazlish
sic. It was full of practical advice sold millions of copies around encouraged empathy for chil-
about difficulties almost any par- the world. Some translations dren, they encouraged under-
ent can relate to, such as the tweaked the text to suit the standing for parents, who Ms.
seemingly insurmountable chal- cultural context. Faber said “are on the firing line
lenge of getting out the door in In a Polish translation, Ms. seven days a week.”

the morning with a small child or Faber recounted to the Times in “The process of living or work-
the Sisyphean task of keeping a 1995, a passage on choices vs. ing with children is demanding
house even moderately picked threats describes a mother and and exhausting,” they wrote in
up. Humor and concision, they child waiting in line for rations. the final pages of “How to Talk So
advised, work better than shouts Instead of telling the child, Kids Will Listen.” “It requires
Stories of the past, rediscovered.
and long, angry rants. “Masha, if you keep running away heart, intelligence, and stamina. For many parents, the greater from me you’re going to get a When we don’t live up to our own
value of the book was its insight beating tonight,” the mother says, expectations — and we won’t
into how to form deeper, more “Masha, you can stand with me always — let’s be as kind to
positive relationships with their and we can sing together or we ourselves as we are to our young-
children. The book coached them can have a nice conversation. sters. If our children deserve a
in validating the children’s feel- Masha, choose!” thousand chances, and then one
ings rather than minimizing or “And Masha chose,” Ms. Faber more, let’s give ourselves a thou-
trying to make them go away said. sand chances — and then two
with fast fixes. To a child, even a The love exchanged between more.”
How do I fin
tuesday, june 4 , 2024 . B5
feet burn
the washington post EZ RE

Is spin stilla doctor I lik


w do I
I run?
a thing?


find a doctor
Best time
of day to
In Loving Memory
of my mother who passed away
On Monday, June 3, 2024,
Sunrise: November 15, 1949
Sunset: May 14, 2024

I like? Why am
30 years ago today. ton, DC. Beloved wife of the
work out? If flowers grow in heaven,
late Ray Weiss. Devoted moth-
er of Benjamin (Debra), David
Homegoing: June 5, 2024
Viewing 2 p.m., Services 3 p.m.

up at 3A
Lord, then pick a bunch for me (Rocio) and Melinda (Norman R N Horton Funeral Services
Then place them in my mother’s arms Pozez) Bieber. Loving grandmother of 600 Kennedy St NW
and tell her they’re from me Adam, Jamie, Alanna and Derek Bieber and Washington, DC
Tell her that I love her and miss her Alex, Sam and Eli Pozez and great-grand-

Why is it so How much

And when she turns to smile,
place a kiss upon her cheek
mother of Lyle Pozez. Dear sister of the
late Gerald Allen. Graveside funeral ser-
Interment at a later date.

hard to make
and hold her for awhile. vices will be held on Wednesday, June 5,
Love, Kenneth W Harley

exercise is
2024, 11 a.m. at Garden of Remembrance
Memorial Park, Clarksburg, MD. After the

friends as service, the family will be receiving friends USHER

too much?
at the home of Melinda Bieber and Norman

an adult? Where Pozez at 7 p.m. Memorial contributions

may be made to Temple Sinai DC, 3100
Military Road NW, Washington, DC 20015.
Dr Michael Usher passed away
Arrangements entrusted to TORCHINSKY peacefully on June 1, 2024. He
HEBREW FUNERAL HOME, 202-541-1001. is survived by his wife of 61
years Dr. Marion L Usherl his

y do I
daughter Joanna Usher Silver
DEATH NOTICE DEATH NOTICE (David Silver), his son Doug-
las Usher (Libbie Rifkin); and his beloved
grandchildren, Caroline, Joseph, Hillary,

re? W DOLAN Abigail, and Tess.

He grew up in Montreal, Quebec and at-
tended McGill University as an undergrad-

Professionalism Course for new Virginia
lawyers, and the Virginia mandatory Con- uate and for medical school, following in
tinuing Legal Education system. Bill was the steps of many of his family members.

Subtract the noise. also a member of the Advisory Committee
on the Rules of the Court of the Virginia Su-
preme Court.
Michael went on to have a distinguished
career in nuclear radiology.
Michael was an all around mensch. His

Add the experts.

As one fellow Burning Tree Club member
calmness, sense of humor, and intelligence

observed upon Bill’s passing: “Best trial law-
was admired by all. He loved photogra-

yer in the world; judges revered him; juries
believed him. A one of a kind.” phy, biking, tennis, golf and spending time

t? Judge Barbara Keenan, Senior Judge of the with friends and family. He was a devot-

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ed husband, father, grandfather, brother
said in summary: “Because of what he did and brother-in-law. Michael will be deeply
for women and minorities, as far as I’m con- missed.

w cerned, he was the most impactful lawyer in

Virginia in my lifetime.”
Most proudly, Bill was a Fellow of the Ameri-
Funeral services will be held on Tuesday,
June 4, 2024, 12 p.m. at Adas Israel Con-
can College of Trial Lawyers—his long mem- gregation, 2850 Quebec St NW, Washing-
bership in that esteemed group speaks to ton, DC 20008 with interment to follow at
the respect he earned for both his legal Judean Memorial Gardens. Please join in
skills and his numerous selfless contribu- person or livestream will be available.
WILLIAM D. DOLAN III tions to the profession.
On Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Virginia trial at- Bill Dolan’s devotion to public service was Shiva will be at the home of Doug Usher
torney William David Dolan, III passed away legendary. He proudly served as a member and Libbie Rifkin at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday,
in Arlington, VA after a brief illness. and Chairman of the Virginia State Board of Wednesday, and Thursday. Shiva will re-
Bill was born on November 20, 1943 in Community Colleges, the Arlington Com- sume at the home of Marion Usher at 7:30
Washington, DC, the son of Dr. William D. munity Foundation, the Arlington County p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. In lieu of
Dolan, Jr. and Christine Shea Dolan. He grad- Consumer Protection Commission, and the flowers, donations may be sent to Vermont
uated from Marquette University and The Governor’s Commission on the University Adaptive Ski and Sports (vermontadaptive.
Catholic University School of Law in 1972, of the 21st Century. He was a member of org). Services entrusted to Sagel Bloom-
and began the private practice of law, which the the Arlington County Emergency Medi- field Danzansky Goldberg Funeral Care.
he continued until the time of his passing. cal Services Council, a Director of Arlington
He is survived by two children with his for- Hospital (now Virginia Hospital Center), and
mer wife, Josephine E. Dolan—his daughter, an Adjunct Associate Professor at George-
Kathleen and his son, Tom (Maryellen); and town University School of Medicine.

at do
four grandchildren—Hannah, Nora, Fitzger- Bill was twice the Democratic nominee for
ald, and Connor. In addition, his sister, Mary Virginia Attorney General and served in both

Anne and brother, John (Carol), and nephew the U.S. Army and the U.S. Navy.
Jack. Until his death, he lived happily in Falls Perhaps the most immediate and long-last- Jung Ja Wehmanen of Alexandria, VA
Church with his loving partner Jean Statler, ing impact of Bill Dolan’s many endeavors, passed away peacefully on May 21, 2024.

who was his golf mate and constant travel was through the example he set every day. Cherished wife of John Wehmanen; loving
companion for many years. He conducted himself with total profession- mother of Jae Kwon Song and Jae Hyo Song;
Bill was devoted to his faith, his community, alism, unwavering civility, and tenacious preceded in death by her parents Kim Sang
and his work. But his deepest daily commit- representation of his clients. Along his jour- Cheol and Kang Kum Shin. She will truly be
ment was to his family. For his children, he ney, he functioned with humility, grace, and missed by many. Jung Ja studied nursing in
was a mentor and best friend. For his grand- a commitment to treating all persons with South Korea and earned her degree as a

Why do I children, the ever-present “Pop.” For all, he
was a constant source of laughter.
respect. Always with kindness and a twin-
kle in his eye.
Registered Nurse. She served as an Offi-
cer and a Nurse in the South Korean Army
crave Bill was a giant in the legal community and
his impact on the legal profession was both
Family and friends of the family are invited
for visitation on Sunday, June 9 from 1 to 3
and later worked in Germany for nearly 30
years where she met and married her hus-
midnight immediate and long-lasting. He was often p.m. at the Fairfax Memorial Funeral Home band, John. Upon retirement she came to

the United States, and proudly earned her
referred to as “the lawyer’s lawyer.” He de- in Fairfax, VA. A funeral Mass will be held at
fended law firms and lawyers, while leading 10 a.m. on Monday, June 10 at St. Ann Cath- citizenship. Inurnment will take place on a
Can stress the way to higher standards and promoting
continuing education. Bill’s trailblazing con-
olic Church in Arlington, Virginia.
In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made
later date in South Korea. Please view and
sign the family guestbook at

damage tributions to the legal profession, and his to the Bill Dolan Community Fund at the

I ha
complete commitment to public service, Arlington Community Foundation (https://

my brain?
included serving as President of the Virginia or Marymount University’s
State Bar, establishing the “Lawyers Helping Malek School of Nursing Professions.
Lawyers Program,” the standing Commit- Share a memory with the family at
tee on Women and Minorities in the legal
system, the Virginia State Bar’s mandatory


Coffee or tea?


Is one extra
MONDAY- FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.

go to sleep
To place a notice, call:

hour of
Gerry was born and raised in Hyattsville, 202-334-4122

when I Why do I
Is walking the
new yoga?
Maryland, and attended Saint Jerome Cath- 800-627-1150 ext 4-4122
N0549 3x10.5

olic School. After graduating from Elizabeth

sleep that
Seton High School in Bladensburg, Gerry

get night
earned a B.S. degree in hearing and speech
sciences from the University of Maryland,

Email and faxes MUST include
Why are some College Park. She settled in Bowie and re- name, home address & home phone #

people dog people terrors?

tired from the Anne Arundel County public of the responsible billing party.
school system in 2023 due to a long and Email deadline - 3 p.m. daily
heroic battle with cancer. Phone-In deadline
4 p.m. M-F
Gerry loved cats, the beach, shopping, and 3 p.m. Sa-Su
spending time with friends and family mem-
bers. She was the person who could be (PER DAY)
counted on to bake birthday cakes for her
co-workers, and she took pride in selecting
the perfect gift for her favorite people. Gerry MONDAY-SATURDAY
Black & White
especially looked forward to making memo- 1" - $160 (text only)
ries with her seven sisters each year when 2" - $370 (text only)
they took a special trip together. She was 3" - $525
GERALYN LAWRENCE ROBERSON deeply loved and will be dearly missed by all

No story is
4" - $575
“Gerry” (Age 64) those who knew her. 5" - $725
On Friday, May 10, 2024; beloved wife of 40 ------
years of Paul, devoted mother of Karen, sis- A Celebration of Life will be held Saturday, SUNDAY
ter of Rita McLaughlin (James Willging); Janet June 8 from 1 to 5 p.m., Londontowne Club- Black & White
Thornton (the late Robert); Deborah Navarro house, 170 Mayo Road, Edgewater, Mary- 1"- $191 (text only)
land. Sharing of remembrances of Gerry will 2" - $405 (text only)
(John); Alicia Jarboe (Floyd); Marian Cascio

more global.
begin at 2:30 p.m. 3" - $580
(Wayne); Ellen Longo (Joseph); Frederic Law- 4" - $610
rence (Louise); and Teresa (Caree) Vander 5" - $790
Linden (Richard). Predeceased by parents In lieu of flowers, contributions may be
Sydney and Margaret (Mimi) Lawrence and made in Gerry’s name to the American Soci- 6"+ for ALL Black & White notices
brother Sydney Lawrence, Jr. Also survived ety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals $160 each additional inch Mon - Sat
by mother-in-law Doris Roberson, brothers- ( or $191 each additional inch Sunday

More profound.
in-law Carl and Thomas (Kathleen), and 18 Casey House (https://montgomeryhospice. --------------------
nieces and nephews. org/donate-now/). MONDAY-SATURDAY
3" - $670
4" - $725
5" - $885
More extreme.
3" - $710
University. After serving in the Army from 4" - $810
5" - $985
1967 to 1969, Phil began his lifelong career
in law enforcement. He was an expert ana- 6"+ for ALL color notices
lyst and policy advisor to law enforcement $268 each additional inch Mon - Sat
agencies across the United States and glob- $299 each additional inch Sunday
ally, spending several years at the National
Sheriff’s Association and retiring from the Notices with photos begin at 3"
International Association of Chiefs of Police (All photos add 2" to your notice.)
in 2016 after 30 years of dedicated service.

This is Climate.
A history buff who lived in Virginia his entire ALL NOTICES MUST BE PREPAID
life, it is fitting that Phil lived within walking
distance of George Washington’s ancestral MEMORIAL PLAQUES:
home. Phil’s circle was small but he was All notices over 2" include
fiercely loyal and devoted to those he loved. complimentary memorial plaque
He was quiet in large groups, preferring to Additional plaques start at $26 each
listen rather than talk, but when Phil was and may be ordered.
in his comfort zone, he laughed loudly and
easily, conversed effortlessly on any topic, All Paid Death Notices
and shared his funny and astute observa- appear on our website through
tions of life’s absurdities. Phil was a man
of honor, integrity, and dignity and will be

from Philip Lee Lynn, “Phil,” passed away in his He is survived by his wife and best friend of Included in all death notices
Alexandria, VA, home on May 14, 2024, at 30-plus years, Carolyn Coffey Lynn; his son Optional for In Memoriams
the age of 79. His brief illness and passing Matthew Lynn, daughter-in-law Desarae;
were sudden and unexpected – less than a and granddaughters Ava and Madison; and
brother Kyle Lynn, sister-in-law Judy; neph- PLEASE NOTE:
month before his death, Phil was finishing
the construction of a screened-in porch and ew Hunter Lynn, and niece Stuart Spicer. Notices must be placed via phone or
was looking forward to spending the sum- There will be a private memorial for Phil this email. Photos must be emailed. You can
mer there, enjoying a beer, the birds, and summer. For those interested in making a no longer place notices, drop off photos
the breeze with a book in his hand and his charitable gift in remembrance, the family and make payment in person.
beloved dog by his side. suggests George Washington’s Mount Ver- Payment must be made via phone with
He received his bachelor and master’s de- non or the Animal Welfare League of Arling- debit/credit card.
grees in Criminal Justice from American ton.

Now death notices on allow you need arises,
to express your sympathy with greater ease.
Visit today.
let families
find you in the
Funeral Services
When the need arises, To be seen in the
let families find you in the Funeral Services
Funeral Services Directory. Directory, please call
paid Death Notices
To be seen in the Funeral Services Directory, at 202-334-4122.
N0642 3x10.5 please call paid Death Notices at 202-334-4122.

B6 EZ RE the washington post . tuesday, june 4 , 2024

The Weather . X: @capitalweather .

Warm and mainly sunny Today Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday OFFICIAL REC ORD
Partly sunny T-storm Partly sunny Showers Partly sunny Mostly cloudy
Skies should be mainly sunny early Temperatures AVERAGE RECORD ACTUAL FORECAST

in the day. There might be additional

cloud buildup with time, but it will
only be partial cover at most. High
temperatures will be mostly in the
mid-80s. An isolated afternoon shower or storm
could pop up. Winds will blow from the south
around 5 to 10 mph. 87° 68 ° 78° 70 ° 87° 67 ° 79° 62 ° 78° 65 ° 84° 64 °

FEELS*: 95° FEELS: 82° FEELS: 87° FEELS: 82° FEELS: 81° FEELS: 83°
CHNCE PRECIP: 25% P: 90% P: 40% P: 80% P: 25% P: 25%
WIND: ESE 6–12 mph W: SE 6–12 mph W: W 7–14 mph W: W 7–14 mph W: WNW 8–16 mph W: WNW 8–16 mph
HUMIDITY: Very High H: Very High H: High H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate
Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th
Statistics through 5 p.m. Monday

REGIO N NATION Weather map features for noon today.

National Dulles BWI
High 86° 2:37 p.m. 85° 2:57 p.m. 86° 3:27 p.m.
Low 69° 4:43 a.m. 66° 5:12 a.m. 70° 5:00 a.m.
Harrisburg Philadelphia
86/66 Normal 81°/64° 80°/58° 80°/59°
88/67 Record high 99° 1925 95° 2020 98° 1925
Hagerstown Record low 45° 1910 39° 1986 47° 1996
86/67 Dover Difference from 30–yr. avg. (National): this month: +1.3° yr. to date: +3.0°
Davis Cape May Precipitation PREVIOUS YEAR NORMAL LATEST
Washington Annapolis
74/59 87/68 76/63
83/68 OCEAN: 66°

Charlottesville Ocean City

85/68 74/65
OCEAN: 68°
86/67 Virginia Beach
79/69 National Dulles BWI
Norfolk OCEAN: 70°
82/70 Past 24 hours 0.01" Trace 0.00"
Total this month 0.01" Trace 0.00"
Kitty Hawk
Normal 0.38" 0.44" 0.39"
OCEAN: 71° Total this year 18.55" 17.30" 20.29"
Normal 16.61" 17.78" 17.73"
Pollen: High Air Quality: Moderate
Grass High Dominant cause: Ozone
Trees High
Weeds Low UV: Extreme Moon Phases Solar system
Mold High 11 out of 11+
Rise Set
Sun 5:43 a.m. 8:30 p.m.
Blue Ridge: Today, partly sunny. A couple of showers, Moon 4:00 a.m. 6:52 p.m.
T-storms Rain Showers Snow Flurries Ice Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front June 6 June 14 June 21 June 28
a thunderstorm in central parts; a morning shower in Yesterday's National World
New First Full Last
Venus 5:45 a.m. 8:28 p.m.
spots, then a couple of thunderstorms in northern parts. A High: Cotulla, TX 104° High: Bilma, Niger 118° Mars 3:21 a.m. 4:27 p.m.
Quarter Quarter
<–10 –0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+ Low: Angel Fire, NM 24° Low: Hall Beach, Canada 10° Jupiter 5:04 a.m. 7:26 p.m.
thunderstorm in the area in southern parts. High 68 to 76. for the 48 contiguous states excludes Antarctica Saturn 1:53 a.m. 1:19 p.m.
Winds southeast 4–8 mph.
NATIONAL Today Tomorrow Des Moines 85/57/t 84/58/sh Oklahoma City 87/67/pc 88/69/c WORLD Today Tomorrow Islamabad 107/80/c 102/73/pc Rio de Janeiro 78/69/r 76/69/r
Atlantic beaches: Today, humid. A couple of afternoon Detroit 88/66/pc 80/61/t Omaha 81/56/t 87/60/pc Addis Ababa 82/57/pc 80/56/pc Istanbul 90/69/pc 85/69/pc Riyadh 111/83/pc 111/84/s
showers in the south; partly sunny in central parts. Low Albany, NY 87/62/s 84/67/pc El Paso 99/74/s 107/78/s Orlando 92/71/s 95/73/t Amsterdam 68/53/sh 61/47/s Jerusalem 92/68/s 91/67/s Rome 76/56/pc 78/58/s
clouds then partly sunny in the north. High 74 to 82. Albuquerque 93/65/pc 94/67/s Fairbanks, AK 73/54/c 69/48/sh Philadelphia 86/66/s 80/69/t Athens 94/71/s 92/72/s Johannesburg 57/37/s 65/45/s San Salvador 86/71/t 84/71/t
Winds east 6–12 mph. Tonight, patchy clouds; a couple of Anchorage 58/47/pc 54/47/r Fargo, ND 74/56/t 72/56/sh Phoenix 104/79/pc 110/83/s Auckland 60/50/c 61/48/pc Kabul 85/58/pc 83/59/s Santiago 67/47/c 63/45/c
thundershowers in the south. Atlanta 84/69/t 87/72/t Hartford, CT 81/57/s 82/66/pc Pittsburgh 87/65/pc 81/63/t Baghdad 113/83/s 114/84/s Kingston, Jam. 88/81/t 90/82/t Sarajevo 78/50/pc 79/53/pc
Austin 97/77/pc 96/74/pc Honolulu 86/74/sh 86/71/pc Portland, ME 69/53/s 73/58/pc Bangkok 93/80/t 92/81/t Kolkata 97/84/pc 98/84/pc Seoul 83/61/pc 84/64/s
Waterways: Upper Potomac River: Today, partly sunny, a shower in Baltimore 86/67/s 76/70/t Houston 93/79/pc 93/76/pc Portland, OR 67/53/sh 73/52/pc Beijing 90/66/pc 79/63/pc Kyiv 82/62/t 80/61/t Shanghai 85/68/s 74/65/pc
the afternoon. Wind east–southeast 4–8 knots. Waves under a foot. Billings, MT 73/54/s 78/50/s Indianapolis 85/67/t 78/64/t Providence, RI 73/56/s 76/61/pc Berlin 70/54/pc 71/52/sh Lagos 90/77/t 89/77/t Singapore 88/80/c 89/80/t
• Lower Potomac and Chesapeake Bay: Today, partly sunny. Wind Birmingham 83/72/t 89/69/t Jackson, MS 89/73/t 89/70/t Raleigh, NC 88/69/t 84/70/t Bogota 65/51/r 67/49/r Lima 67/60/s 68/62/pc Stockholm 73/55/s 68/45/pc
southeast 4–8 knots. Waves 0–1 foot on the Lower Potomac; 1–2 Bismarck, ND 74/54/pc 74/53/s Jacksonville, FL 89/70/pc 89/71/t Reno, NV 89/63/s 97/67/s Brussels 70/56/pc 62/45/r Lisbon 84/61/pc 80/58/pc Sydney 64/51/pc 65/54/r
Boise 80/56/s 84/57/s Kansas City, MO 84/59/t 86/65/pc Richmond 86/67/t 81/71/t Buenos Aires 55/52/pc 60/55/pc London 68/48/c 63/45/pc Taipei City 80/71/r 77/71/c
feet on the Chesapeake Bay.• River Stages: The stage at Little Falls
Boston 67/58/s 80/63/pc Las Vegas 102/81/pc 108/82/s Sacramento 103/69/s 104/63/s Cairo 101/75/s 102/76/s Madrid 87/64/pc 92/66/pc Tehran 92/72/s 91/73/s
will be around 3.40 feet today, with no change of 3.40 Wednesday. Buffalo 85/68/pc 81/65/t Little Rock 84/73/t 87/67/t St. Louis 83/72/t 88/69/t Manila 93/80/t 90/78/t Tokyo 79/63/sh 79/66/sh
Caracas 77/68/t 77/69/t
Flood stage at Little Falls is 10 feet. Burlington, VT 87/65/s 84/64/t Los Angeles 78/61/pc 77/61/pc St. Thomas, VI 88/81/c 88/81/c Copenhagen 66/59/c 65/49/c Mexico City 87/61/s 87/59/c Toronto 78/61/pc 80/63/t
Charleston, SC 88/71/pc 86/75/t Louisville 85/69/t 80/65/t Salt Lake City 78/59/pc 90/67/s Dakar 81/73/pc 82/73/pc Montreal 87/65/s 85/67/sh Vienna 73/56/sh 79/57/s
Charleston, WV 87/63/pc 79/64/t Memphis 85/72/t 83/70/t San Diego 69/61/pc 68/61/pc Dublin 61/40/pc 57/43/pc Moscow 74/60/sh 79/63/pc Warsaw 70/57/pc 77/58/pc
Today’s tides (High tides in Bold)
Charlotte 82/68/t 83/69/t Miami 89/78/t 92/78/s San Francisco 79/59/s 77/54/s Edinburgh 59/43/r 56/43/pc Mumbai 95/84/t 93/84/t
Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, r-rain,
Washington 1:05 a.m. 6:40 a.m. 2:07 p.m. 7:16 p.m. Cheyenne, WY 77/56/pc 85/51/s Milwaukee 82/66/t 81/61/sh San Juan, PR 90/81/t 92/79/t Frankfurt 72/56/pc 72/50/pc Nairobi 78/58/t 79/58/s sh- showers, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow flurries,
Chicago 87/68/t 81/63/t Minneapolis 81/58/t 78/60/sh Seattle 62/47/r 65/49/pc New Delhi 107/87/pc 107/87/pc sn-snow, i-ice
Annapolis 4:18 a.m. 10:55 a.m. 3:58 p.m. 10:00 p.m. Geneva 72/53/pc 78/55/s
Cincinnati 85/67/t 75/63/t Nashville 82/70/t 79/65/t Spokane, WA 66/44/pc 69/47/s Oslo 66/54/c 64/44/r Sources:; US Army Centralized
Ocean City 12:23 a.m. 6:10 a.m. 12:16 p.m. 6:42 p.m. Ham., Bermuda 78/71/s 77/70/pc Allergen Extract Lab (pollen data); (air
Cleveland 89/67/pc 83/62/t New Orleans 90/77/t 91/77/pc Syracuse 89/65/pc 83/65/t Helsinki 77/52/s 75/53/s Ottawa 85/62/c 83/64/sh quality data); National Weather Service
Norfolk 2:26 a.m. 8:18 a.m. 2:14 p.m. 8:46 p.m. Dallas 93/75/pc 90/77/t New York City 76/64/s 76/66/pc Tampa 94/77/t 94/77/t Ho Chi Minh City 97/79/t 93/79/t Paris 74/56/pc 68/51/c * AccuWeather's RealFeel Temperature®
combines over a dozen factors for an accurate
Point Lookout 7:08 a.m. 12:04 p.m. 5:54 p.m. none Denver 83/58/pc 90/56/s Norfolk 82/70/sh 81/72/c Wichita 82/65/t 91/68/s Hong Kong 82/76/r 84/77/r Prague 69/51/pc 73/54/pc measure of how the conditions really “feel.”

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tuesday, june 4, 2024

Style eZ re k C

New Post editor takes helm as publisher accelerates plans

Departed executive editor wanted restructuring her own department heads on The Post and taking it to the
postponed until after the presidential election learned about late sunday in a
companywide email from Lewis
next generation and enhancing
the legacy of the place.”
— left the newsroom reeling. Lewis, who previously worked
BYS ARAH E LLISON, campaign, she urged Lewis to A Monday morning newsroom with Murray at the Journal, called
E LAHE I ZADI wait until after election Day. meeting to introduce Matt Mur- him “a proper journalist who
AND J EREMY B ARR Lewis didn’t want to wait. ray, who will take on a new role as loves causing trouble and work-
Hired by Post owner Jeff Bezos a top Post editor, turned conten- ing with fellow editors and re-
Barely five months after join- with a mandate to reverse a sharp tious as staff members pressed porters, and an old-fashioned edi-
ing The Washington Post as pub- decline in subscriptions and a Lewis about Buzbee’s departure tor who will edit each day.”
lisher and Ceo, William Lewis $77 million deficit over the past and his plans to spin off portions Though Lewis took staff ques-
recently began discussing a plan year, he wanted to execute the of The Post’s journalism into a tions, he refused to give specifics
with his top executives for dra- new plan immediately. she also new division. about the decision-making be-
matically restructuring the news- balked at the role he saw for her in Murray, a former editor in chief hind Buzbee’s departure.
room. the new structure — and the two of the Wall street Journal, vowed “I really enjoyed working with
His timing, though, drew resis- agreed she should depart, accord- to uphold journalism standards sally,” Lewis said. “I wish it could
tance from executive editor sally ing to two people familiar with and The Post’s legacy. see PosT oN C4
Buzbee. With her team of journal- the conversation. roBerT mIller/THe wASHInGTon PoST “This is change about growth,”
ists absorbed by the demands of Buzbee’s abrupt exit after three Matt Murray, the new top editor of The washington Post, told he said. “It’s change about the news veterans: murray, winnett
covering a historic presidential years at The Post — which even staffers that the change is “about building on The Post.” future. It’s change about building praised for tough journalism. C4


stars don’t
take Jedi
roles lightly

The new star Wars show “The

Acolyte” does something that the
skywalker-centric saga hasn’t
been done in a while — it puts the
focus on the Jedi in their prime.
The Disney Plus series, which
premieres on Tuesday, features
dozens of Jedi at the peak of the
order’s powers. Two of those Jedi
include Yord Fandar (Charlie
Barnett) and his Padawan ap-
prentice, Jecki Lon (Dafne Keen),
who seek to learn the truth
behind a mysterious Jedi assas-
These Jedi look different from
the ones who’ve starred in star
Wars films up until now. Instead
of muted tunics and monk-like
vibes, these are Jedi of their time,
decades before the events of the
1999 prequel “The Phantom
Menace.” They wear bright yellow
tunics and large thick leather
belts while sporting green, yel-
low, blue and orange lightsabers.
At the same time, they’re of the
same visual and narrative lineage
as past Jedis portrayed by Mark
Hamill, Liam Neeson, Daisy Rid-
ley and sir Alec Guinness.
Add Keen and Barnett to that
see Q&a oN C8

Star Wars, expanded: “Acolyte”

offers earlier entree into saga. C8

Book WorLD

A memoir’s
During friday’s white house visit, Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce paired an oversize double-breasted blazer with pants that were too small.
Andrew HArnIk/GeTTy ImAGeS

look at the
elusive May
fAShion When the Kansas City Chiefs went to the White House on Friday BY D ONALD L IEBENSON

Kelce and
to celebrate their super Bowl win, the team’s burgeoning fashion
sense was on full display. There was Patrick Mahomes, smiling in elaine May tends to shy away
cornflower pinstripes for photos with the president, Charles from accepting awards, but
omenihu in shrunken Chanel-inspired tweeds, and Nick Bolton in when she does, she gives great
a subtly checked gray-blue. acceptance speeches. It is a testa-
And then there was the team’s most famous player (and ment to her prolific creativity

the travesty
America’s most famous boyfriend), Travis Kelce. He chose a beige and tireless work ethic that when
suit by Fear of God, the California label by Jerry Lorenzo. During she received the Governors
the past four years, Lorenzo, a Black designer, has renegotiated the Award for life-
stringent confines of the men’s suit for several generations of time achieve-
fashion-fanatic men. ment at the

of too-tight
Kelce wore the double-breasted blazer perfectly: boxy and big, 2022 oscars,
and with the confidence to pull off something that still looks the then-90-
unusual, even new. But his pants — my God, what happened? They year-old said,
were as clingy as stretch chinos, pulling at his legs instead of “I do believe
draping them. That’s fine if the rest of the suit were fitted that way, that for this
but the oversize jacket with the too-small, and perhaps too-short, award, you

pants looked like an oddball style statement when it could have should add the
been a proposal of a new kind of soft and subtle masculinity. We words ‘for now’
shouldn’t be able to see his iPhone in his suit pants pocket. at the end of it. MiSS MAy
since Hedi slimane introduced ultra-skinny suits at Dior Because it’s re- DoES noT
Homme in the early 2000s, men’s clothes, especially pants, have ally scary if you ExiST
shrunk and shrunk. It may sound crazy that a then-obscure don’t.” The Life and
european designer, creating clothes for an outlandishly niche Just three Work of Elaine
During the Kansas City Chiefs’ visit to the audience, could change the fit of the everyday American man’s years earlier, May,
pants, and, to be sure, slimane’s interpretation was channeling she became the hollywood’s
White House, the usually fashion-forward femme-curious 1960s rock stars. But with the debut of “Mad Men” second-oldest hidden Genius
star dropped the ball with his clingy pants in 2007, we came to understand that a closely tailored suit was not
borrowing from the ladies, but a kind of machismo. And when, the
recipient of a By Carrie
Tony Award for Courogen
following year, J. Crew debuted its Ludlow suit — a $600ish ticket acting for her St. martin’s.
BY R ACHEL T ASHJIAN see fashion oN C2 performance 400 pp. $30
in Kenneth
play “The Waverly Gallery.” How
May was lured back to Broadway
as an actor, decades after her
triumphant 1960-1961 run of “An
evening With Mike Nichols and
see booK worlD oN C3
C2 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, june 4 , 2024

How do I pick an engagement ring when I earn so much less than girlfriend?
Adapted from an — Proposing afford. It’s perfect, and I love it. l Girlfriend who outearns her
online discussion. It matters that it’s from him, partner here. What would make
Proposing: Having a ring custom and what matters even more is an engagement ring meaningful
Dear Carolyn: I made can be so much more that we’ve been married over 13 and significant to me is that it is
am planning to precious than generic-expensive. years and have survived two the ring that my partner picked
propose to my The materials can be as humble cross-country moves, pandemic out for me and proposed to me
Carolyn girlfriend in a few or fine as your budget allows. A lockdown with two small kids with. money comes easily to me,
Hax weeks. She knows girlfriend who loves jewelry has and irreconcilable agreements so something being expensive
it’s coming, we’ve favorite things you can over which “Pride and doesn’t add to its emotional
discussed it, no real surprises. photograph, right? Share them Prejudice” adaptation is better, weight.
I think a ring would be sweet with an artisan to get design and we still make each other l I know there are women who
and meaningful, and she loves ideas. You can include or not laugh every day. care more about the price tag
jewelry. The problem is she include your girlfriend in the — Laughing than the ring, but who wants to
outearns me significantly, and design process — there are marry one of them? Pretty sure,
there is nothing within my price advantages to both. Laughing: BBC. Duh. from the tone of your post, your
range that’s anywhere near as or: Go vintage (again, bring illuSTrATioN bY Nick gAliFiANAkiS For THe WASHiNgToN PoST other readers’ suggestions: intended doesn’t fall into that
good as what she could buy for photos to show the salesperson) l Use a silly toy ring, and you category. Choose from your heart,
herself. I know that’s not the or resale. Traditional engagement — Anonymous — Anothernonymous can look for your wedding and the ring will speak to hers.
point, and she would NoT care, rings sell for way less used than bands together, and maybe
but the gesture loses something if new; it’s just one extra little kick anonymous: oh, let them do anothernonymous: I want one work with an artisan on them Write to carolyn Hax at
the ring is subpar. in the chops for people going their thing. as big as a ring Pop. together. I so rarely wear my get her column
Is there a simple ring that’s through a divorce, but good news engagement ring — even though delivered to your inbox each morning
worth buying even if it’s not for ring shoppers like you. Re: Ring: Another option for a Re: Ring: for our entire it’s small, it kind of gets in the at
impressive to the recipient? ring is a lab-grown diamond relationship, I’ve always way and requires cleaning —
Having creative block is making Re: Ring: If you have already ring. Less expensive and outearned my husband, often by but I keep my band on while  Join the discussion live at noon
the anticipation a little less discussed marriage, what’s to ethically sourced and also very a 2:1 ratio. He bought me an doing everything, including Fridays at
buzzy. propose? You ArE engaged. beautiful! engagement ring he could cooking, pottery, etc. chats.

Guys, it’s time to ditch those tight pants

fashion from C1 to a second skin, almost like a
to looking cool and at home in the rather than skim the body to
complicated and pricey world of lengthen the leg or simply pro-
men’s tailoring — the skinny fit vide comfort through looseness,
officially, and quickly, became the men’s pants cling to the thighs
standard millennial pant. (If and hips, focusing an ungainly
you’ve attended a wedding in the amount of attention on the mid-
past 15 years, a Ludlow Suit was dle part of one’s body. (Combined
probably also in attendance.) with ever-shortening shirting,
Lorenzo’s suiting was not the this has been a disaster for men’s
first pivot away from the skinny lower backs. You are not imagin-
fit, but it has been the most ing things: Clothing is indeed
potent. fear of God’s tailoring, shrinking.)
especially since Lorenzo collabo- The chino, which remains the
rated with Italian giant Zegna in menswear office and wedding
2020, recalls the humble but ex- staple, is almost uniformly made
pressive ease of Armani, and the with some kind of stretch materi-
oversize suiting (often in beige) al — which is to say that brands
favored by athletes in the 1990s. aren’t just allowing this to hap-
He is the foremost Black de- pen, but encouraging men to
signer in the world making wear their pants this way. That
clothes that could be described as stretch — 2 percent Lycra at the
quiet luxury — an irrepressible Gap, 3 percent Spandex at Brooks
term embraced by designers and Brothers, and one pair of Bono-
customers alike that is loaded bos has a whopping 8 percent
with classist and even racist no- Lycra — makes the fabric softer.
tions about taste and refinement, But at what cost? Don Draper
and that, in a certain light, ex-
ploded as a conservative reaction
to the dominance of the There is nothing
streetwear movement, which put
the direction of fashion firmly in
the hands of Black designers and
normal about
consumers for the first time.
Lorenzo’s suiting is a righteous
American men’s
challenge to that narrative: It is a
Black designer’s concept of un- JeAN-Pierre muller/AFP/geTTY imAgeS pants. In their quest to
derstated tailoring, a world domi-
nated by White men. In other become fitted and hip,
words, to wear a Lorenzo silhou-
ette isn’t just to wear a fashion- they have devolved
forward look — it’s a badge of
The odd thing is that Kelce
from tailored and
knows better. He has worn better
pants before, including many
crisp to a second skin,
wide ones. He has even worn a
fear of God suit in the correct almost like a fungus.
proportions. And Kelce is a great
example of the modern men’s wanted to look modern. You don’t
dresser: He has fun with his look cool sipping whiskey in
clothes. He’s not afraid to look pants that look like they came
outrageous. He loves prints and from the Lululemon yoga section.
matching sets. His sartorial joy is I see men on the subway and feel
infectious. Unlike many top ath- for them, the way men have prob-
letes, he does not work with a ably felt about women wearing
stylist — this is all him. All the high heels. Even worse, these
more reason for him to go (literal- synthetic fabric blends, which do
ly) big on the pants: He can show not biodegrade, are bad for the
guys that relaxed trousers look environment.
very, very good. most designers have moved on
over the past few years, foot- from the fit they wrought: mike
ball players, maybe the last hold- Amiri, who made the skinny jeans
outs in the merger between beloved by rappers and Los Ange-
sports and designer clothes, have les creatives, is making wide-
embraced some of the clothes- legged silhouettes. J. Crew mens-
horse habits that basketball play- wear guru Brendon Babenzien
ers have made into a second introduced a wide-cut khaki, the
competition. “Giant fit chino,” as well as a
Perhaps Kelce felt that, in ap- wider-leg alternative to the Lud-
pearing at the White House — low. (The Ludlow, when tailored
certainly one of the most high- correctly, which is to say not so
profile events for which he is not tight that you look like a molting
in uniform — he needed to home insect, still looks fantastic. As for
in on American norms about jeans, there are no rules.)
pants. (You also wonder whether Until men finally relent and
Kelce, who has a mischievous wear pants that fit, we may have
sense of humor, was trolling Ba- to look to the ladies. Late last
rack obama’s infamously panned week, Chicago Sky player Kysre
beige suit.) And yet there is noth- mAddie meYer/geTTY imAgeS JASoN HANNA/geTTY imAgeS Gondrezick arrived for her game
ing normal about American in a black suit over an open white
men’s pants. In their quest to Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce, above left in December before a game in foxborough, Mass., and above right on the red carpet at the Kansas shirt and a bra. Her pants were
become fitted and hip, they have City Chiefs’ ring ceremony in Kansas City, Mo., in June, is a great example of the modern men’s dresser. at top, an army of skinny suits on cropped but blousy, even bouncy.
devolved from tailored and crisp hedi slimane’s runway for Dior homme in 2004. The designer introduced narrow tailoring into the zeitgeist. She looked like a winner.

Reader who has endured orthopedic surgeries bristles at ‘Bionic Woman’ quips
Dear Miss fictional character. I am never Perhaps the “bionic” reference oh, I’m not supposed to say that, conversation gets old. So how do “separate checks?” Even the
Miss Manners: How do sure what to say, so I clam up. I is intended to make your am I?” I politely say, “I’m finished host’s parents have to pay for
Manners I respond when would especially like to know situation seem empowering. It is talking now?” their own meals!
JudIth people call me what to say on physically painful still inexcusable and not funny. Dear Miss Manners: When you
MartIN, “the Bionic days, when I am feeling bad As it is being repeated, you are involved in a friendly, Time was when you had to bring only if the birthday celebrant
JacobINa Woman”? I have already. I am sure others with would be justified in saying, random conversation with a a book in order to say, “Nice has already reimbursed the
MartIN aNd had my hips, much worse conditions “Please retire that joke. I’m stranger while traveling, what is talking to you, but I’m going to parents for all those childhood
NIcholas knees and ankles probably hear comments that actually in pain.” a polite way to end it? I am a catch up on my reading” or a birthday parties they gave.
Ivor MartIN replaced, and sting, too. However, you would not be friendly person, and I have no briefcase for “ … but I’d better get
have had four Also, one family member justified in censoring others’ talk problem with the stranger sitting back to work.” Now, miss New miss manners columns are
back surgeries, all due to an makes it a point to share all their about their own activities. Trust next to me striking up a manners notes, you have a device posted monday through Saturday on
orthopedic disease. I sometimes fun activities that require miss manners, it would hurt you conversation — though I rarely enabling you to say either one. You
have braces on my hands to help physical strength, like hiking more in the end to have everyone initiate it. I’ve had some very can send questions to miss manners
me tolerate the pain. and gardening. I feel like it is tiptoeing around you, afraid to interesting conversations in Dear Miss Manners: Is it right at her website,
I know they believe they are saying to someone in a refer to anything physical. Given these circumstances, and on a to be invited to a restaurant to You can also follow her
being humorous, but I feel like a wheelchair, “Too bad you are that they do not sound like subtle couple of occasions, I’ve made a celebrate someone’s birthday or @realmissmanners.
freak of nature when I am missing out on all the people, they would forever be valuable contact. special occasion, and the first
introduced to someone as a enjoyment.” saying “on my morning run — But after several hours, any thing out of the host’s mouth is © 2024 Judith martin
tuesday, june 4 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re C3

Lack of input from Elaine May doesn’t detract from biography

book world from C1 search, archival material and mous fiasco. Had she been a male
scores of interviews with those in director, she would have been
Elaine may” is one of the exceed- the privileged orbit of the may- given an opportunity to bounce
ingly entertaining stories that verse (the book contains 44 pages back.
Carrie Courogen chronicles in of footnotes). But she was not a male direc-
her splendid book, “miss may Very little in may’s life, career tor. When she made “A New Leaf”
Does Not Exist.” and comedy is conventional. She for Paramount in 1971, it was,
The first thing readers may had, Courogen writes, an erratic Courogen notes, the first major
want to know is whether the upbringing and eccentric family. studio film to be directed by a
author had access to the legend- She was born in 1932, the daugh- woman since Ida Lupino’s 1966
arily elusive multi-hyphenate ter of an itinerant player in Hayley mills comedy, “The Trou-
whose name still commands Yiddish theater. It was at the ble with Angels” (that’s major
hushed and reverent tones in University of Chicago where she studio; save your emails, Stepha-
comedy circles. There have been found the best expression of her nie rothman cultists), and the
rare sightings. In 2012, may voice with improv pioneers the first made at Paramount since
agreed to be interviewed by Vani- Compass Players, the forerunner Dorothy Arzner’s “merrily We Go
ty fair alongside Nichols. A dec- to Second City. She also found to Hell” in 1932.
ade later, she Nichols, with whom she would So, there would be no “second
made her one collaborate on and off the stage chances” for may as a director
and (thus far) until his death in 2014. But were following the ill-received buddy
only podcast they lovers or not? may’s re- comedy that has enjoyed some-
appearance on sponse to that question: “We were thing of a critical reassessment in
Phil rosenthal lovers or not.” recent years.
and David Courogen does an excellent job The stories behind “Ishtar’s”
Wild’s “Naked of contextualizing may’s work runaway production alone could
Lunch.” This with Compass and Nichols to fill a book, and Courogen sepa-
Carrie year, she co- convey just how game-changing rates truth from legend, such as
Courogen hosted an eve- it was. At a time when mostly the story about may supposedly
ning of her male stand-up comedians were ordering underlings to flatten
films on Turner Classic movies. boffo with the wife and mother- desert dunes. When a friend
But as Courogen writes, “No in-law one-liners, may and her asked her to confirm that piece of
one, and nothing, can convince generation found comedy in “Ishtar” folklore, may asked him:
her to do anything she doesn’t fraught mother-son relation- “Do you believe that?” To which
want to do,” and she did not want ships, sex, adultery, sexual ha- he responded: “Well, no, but it’s
to cooperate on a biography of rassment in the workplace, cor- such a great story.”
her life. Not that Courogen didn’t porate bureaucracy and other This book has a lot of them!
try: In an amusing prologue, she thoroughly modern foibles. one of the most famous of may at
writes that she “mailed her post- A refrain throughout the book work concerns “mikey and
cards, messengered her cookies, is may being told, “You can’t do Nicky,” when the cameraman
established regular contact with that.” refuse to cut an overlong yelled cut after stars John Cas-
her de facto consigliere, talked to third act that would keep Broad- savetes and Peter falk walked out
some of her best friends. I spent way theatergoers in their seats till of frame to end a scene. “Don’t
$200 printing and mailing her 1 a.m.? Write an ultimately cen- ever cut,” may told him. “They
341 pages of museum scans of old sored sketch about network cen- may come back.”
family documents she hadn’t sors that contained the word may enjoyed greater success as
known existed, sent emails that “breast” for “The Smothers an oscar-nominated screenwrit-
bounced, cold-called numbers Brothers Comedy Hour”? Quit er (“Heaven Can Wait,” “Primary
that rang endlessly, walked by her the act when she and Nichols Colors”) and script doctor, who,
building hoping I’d happen to see were the toast of Broadway? uncredited, came to the rescue of
her coming out of it, attended Well, in some cases, “they” such films as “reds” and
events she rSVP’d to, then ghost- might have been right, but her “Tootsie.”
ed at the last possible moment.” refusal to back down to protect “miss may Does Not Exist,” like
An eventual offer from may to the integrity of her work is part its subject, contains multitudes,
answer four questions in writing and parcel of what makes Elaine and it captures the complexities
— with characteristic stipulations Elaine, and her creative battles and contradictions of the fiend-
— was made and withdrawn. comprise the most compelling ishly funny and fiercely inde-
But “miss may Does Not Exist” portions of the book. “With every pendent artist who once said,
is revelatory scholarship that movie I have done,” she said, “I “The only safe thing is to take a
gives full measure to this artist may just be a pain the ass.” chance.”
who despite obstacles and set- may directed a mere four: “A
backs (some self-inflicted) is an New Leaf” and “The Heartbreak Donald Liebenson is an
exalted figure in the comedy Kid” were commercial and criti- entertainment writer. His work has
pantheon, a distinct voice whose cal hits; the gritty “mikey and nBCUnIversal/getty Images been published in the Chicago
outlier creative life Courogen Nicky” is an underseen critic’s Elaine May found success in the early 1960s with Mike Nichols, but she is coy about whether they were tribune, the los angeles times and
captures through original re- darling; and “Ishtar” was an infa- romantically involved. vulture, among other publications.

t eL ev i si o n LA tiMes CRossWoRD By taylor Johnson

6/4/24 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 ACRoss
4.1 WRC (NBC) + NBCNe.. + Hollywo.. + America's Got Talent + Password + News
1 Pool or polo
4.2 WRC (IND) Roseanne Roseanne Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Nanny 5 Groups of
5.1 WTTG (Fox) + Fox 5 + TMZ + Beat Shazam + The Quiz With Balls + Fox 5 at 10 + Fox 5 troops
7.1 WJLA (ABC) + Wheel + Jeopardy! + Celebrity Wheel + Celebrity Jeopardy! + Pyramid + News 11 Understood,
9.1 WUSA (CBS) + InsideEd. + ET + FBI + FBI: International + FBI: Most Wanted + 9 News as a joke
14.1 WFDC (UNI) + Rosa + Golpe de suerte + El amor no tien + Noticias 14 Persian Gulf
20.1 WDCA (MNTV) + FamFeud + FamFeud + Fox 5 News + FamFeud + FamFeud + FamFeud + Puzzler + Chi. Fire country that
22.1 WMPT (PBS) + Farm + Outdoors + GOSPEL Live! + Simon & Garfunkel + EltonJo.. borders
26.1 WETA (PBS) + PBS NewsHour + Ken Burns: The Civil War + Elton John Armenia
32.1 WHUT (PBS) + At Howard + Johnny Mathis + Nature + BBCNe..
15 Noggin
50.1 WDCW (CW) + Neighbor + Neighbor + Police 24/7 + Hostage Rescue + DC News Now + Seinfeld
16 NPR host
66.1 WPXW (ION) + Chicago Fire + Chicago Fire + Chicago Fire + Chicago Fire + Chi. Fire
A&E Neighbor. Neighbor. Neighbor. Neighbor. Neighbor. Neighbor. Customer Neighbor. Neighbor.
(4:00) Movie: The Movie: Tombstone +++ (1993) Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday battle Movie:
17 Vegetable
AMC Green Mile (1999) the Clanton gang. Book of ... patch pest
Animal Planet Lone Star Law Yellowstone Wardens Yellowstone Wardens Yellowstone Wardens Wardens 19 “Mm-hmm”
BET Celebrity Family Feud Celebrity Family Feud Celebrity Fam Election Roun. Movie 20 Lawyer’s org.
The Valley The Valley The Valley (:15) The Real (:15) The 21 Unwilling (to)
Housewives of Dubai Valley
22 Band bookings
Cartoon Network King/Hill King/Hill Burgers Burgers Burgers American American American American
CNN E. B. OutFront (Live) Cooper 360 (Live) The Source (Live) CNN (Live) Laura
23 Native
Comedy Central The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office Office Office Office DailyShow
Costa Ricans,
Discovery Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch (:05) Deadliest Catch (:05) Homestead Rescue
Disney (6:10) Movie: Zootopi... Big City Big City Big City Big City Big City Big City Raven 25 Feline who
E! (5:30) Movie: Fast Five (2011) Movie: The Fast and the Furious ++ (2001) E! News lives indoors
SportsCe Movie: I'm Just Here for the Riot E60 The Ultimate Fighter SportsC. 28 Anthem heard
ESPN nter (Live) (2022) (Live) in Nova Scotia
Around Pardon/In NFL Live The Ultimate Fighter Movie: I'm Just Here for the Riot 31 Olympic
ESPN2 the Horn terruption (2022)
Food Network Chopped Chopped Supermark. Stakeout Supermark. Stakeout Chopped
gymnast Biles
Fox News Ingraham (Live) Jesse Watters (Live) Hannity (Live) Gutfeld! Fox News 32 Vanity Fair pub-
(6:30) Movie: Toy Story 3 +++ (2010) Movie: Toy Story 4 +++ (2019) The 700 lisher Condé __
Freeform Club 33 Tooth’s outer © 2024 tribune Content Agency, LLC. 6/4/24
Movie: Black Widow +++ (2021) A conspiracy forces Black Widow The Bear (:35) The (:15) layer 66 Zoo section 38 Seoul-based 51 “SportsCenter”
FX to confront her past. Bear Movie: ... 18 Anna’s sister in
36 Neither’s with birds “Frozen” athleisure brand network
Movie: Field Day (2023) Three moms work Movie: Two Tickets to Paradise (2022) Golden
Hallmark partner 67 Actress Russo 39 Billy __ 53 Earth Day time
together to plan their kids' field day. Girls 22 Precious stone
Crossword Mysteries Crossword Mysteries Murder ... 37 Workplace 68 __/her 40 Brings down 54 Add up to
Hallmark M&M
companion 24 Not fooled by
pronouns 26 Applied to 41 “The Great __ 58 Harp-shaped
Real Time With Bill Movie: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon +++ (:05) Ren Faire (:05) 40 Cable network 69 Prime-time Baking Show” constellation
Maher (2000) (P) Movie: A...
with many 27 Storage tower
HGTV No Demo Reno Farmhouse Fixer Farmhouse Fixer Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Zillow soap opera set 29 More adroit 42 Quite large 59 Celebratory
reruns in Texas shouts
History Skinwalker Ranch Skinwalker Ranch Skinwalker Ranch (:05) Beyond Skinwalker 30 Deep blue 45 Read quickly
Castle Castle Castle (:05) Castle
43 “Good enough” 70 Commotions 62 Cushion
(:05) dye 46 Spanish brother
Castle 44 Job inspection 63 Filmmaker
MASN (6:30) Baseball New York Mets at Washington Nationals Nats Xtra Bensinger Sports Orioles org. 34 Oft-torn 47 Revenue source
DoWn knee pt. for magazines DuVernay
Monumental WNBA Basketball Mystics WNBA Basketball 48 Baltimore 64 Nest egg letters
MSNBC The ReidOut (Live) All In With (Live) Wagner (Live) Last Word (Live) 11th Hour ballplayer 1 Unit of 35 Rx items 49 Parts of lbs.
Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Help! I'm In explosive force
MTV Help! I'm In Help! 50 Walked
Nat’l Geographic Life Below Zero Life Below Zero Life Below Zero Fiennes: Return Life Below stealthily 2 Coffee bean
Nickelodeon LoudHouse LoudHouse SpongeB.. SpongeB.. Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends variety MONDAY’S LA TIMES SOLUTION
52 New York City
NWSN On Balance (Live) Cuomo (Live) Dan Abrams (Live) Banfield (Live) Cuomo
rodent that 3 Seed-filled
Two and a Two and a Movie: The Dark Knight Rises +++ (2012) Batman (Christian Bale) faces a
went viral in percussion pair
Half Men Half Men masked villain named Bane. 4 Stop
(5:50) Movie: Mission: Fellow Travelers (:05) Movie: The Inspection +++ (:40) The Chi 2015
Paramount+Sho Impossible II (2000) (2022) 55 Mixes 5 __ Domini
Syfy (3:55) Movie: Escape Room: Tournament of Movie: The Core ++ (2003) Scientists 56 School support 6 Civil rights
Movie: 2... Champions ++ (2021) (P) travel to the center of the Earth.
orgs. activist Parks
TBS MLB Baseball Minnesota Twins at New York Yankees (Live) MLBClose Mod Fam Mod Fam
57 Coral producer 7 Calendar
(6:00) Movie: The Movie: Bright Eyes ++ (1934) (:45) Movie: Moon Over Miami +++ (1941) viewing option
TCM Velvet Touch (1948) 60 Combat sport,
TLC Doubling Down Doubling Down OutDaughtered 7 Little Johnstons Unexpect.. briefly 8 Washington
(5:00) Pregame Women's International Soccer Friendlies Postga- The Lazarus Project 61 Ad-__: neighbor
TNT Movie: Pi... (Live) Korea Republic at United States (Live) me (Live) 9 Former quarter-
Travel Par. Nightmare Par. Nightmare Par. Nightmare Par. Nightmare Nightmare
62 Really fun back Manning
TruTV TNT Sports Pregame Friendlies Korea Republic at United States Postgame Movie: Without a Pa...
person, or an 10 Salt, in French
TV Land Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond (:20) Raymond Raymond Raymond (:05) King 11 Judy Garland or
TV One CosbySh.. CosbySh.. Lv Single Lv Single Lv Single Lv Single Lv Single Lv Single Lv Single
apt descriptor
of 17-, 25-, 37-, Cher
USA Network Law & Order: SVU WWE NXT (Live) (:10) Movie: Tag ++ (2018) (P)
and 52-Across? 12 Herb in Italian
VH1 Martin Martin Movie: Juice ++ (1992) Election Roun. Movie
65 Subj. for some seasoning
WNC8 Paid Prog. 2 Ovens Fed Gov 7News at.. SportsTalk WorldNe.. WJLANe.. 1 Day Re.. National
LEGEND: Bold indicates new or live programs + High Definition new immigrants 13 Bettor’s adviser
Movie Ratings (from TMS) ++++ Excellent +++ Good ++ Fair + Poor No stars: not rated
C4 eZ Re the washington post . tuesday, june 4 , 2024

New Post editors bring decades of editorial decision-making

can’t ask for more in an editor.” be told beyond AI speculation and tion, based on analysis of millions
Matt Murray, Robert Winnett have played pivotal Under murray, the Journal also novelty,” he wrote. of data entries, was a blockbuster
role in ambitious, award-winning investigations attracted attention for its report- Winnett has worked for nearly that prompted the resignation of
ing on the origins of the coronavi- 17 years at the Daily Telegraph — several officials.
BYJ EREMY B ARR, cable ethics and standards.” rus, including questions about the last decade as deputy editor — more recently, Winnett has
K ARLA A DAM A native of Bethesda, md., mur- whether it leaked out of a Chinese where he was initially hired from overseen a leak to the Telegraph of
AND L AURA W AGNER ray edited his high school news- laboratory. “our goal was and al- the Sunday Times by Lewis, who more than 100,000 private
paper before studying journalism ways is to simply ask questions was then the newspaper’s editor. WhatsApp messages between
The two new editors tapped by at Northwestern University. He and see what we can find out and In interviews with several col- government ministers at the
Washington Post publisher and was a copy editor in Virginia and follow the facts,” murray told The leagues at the Telegraph, Winnett height of the covid-19 pandemic.
CEo William Lewis to oversee a covered crime in Chicago before Post in 2021. “We were always — known as “rob” — was de- Tom rowley, a former journal-
restructuring of the news organi- joining the Journal’s Pittsburgh open-minded in trying to follow scribed as a casual dresser with a ist who worked for Winnett at the
zation have decades of experience bureau in 1994. After reporting on the thread on the origins of the cheeky smile, a sometimes shy Telegraph, called him a “Zen-like
overseeing ambitious, aggressive the banking industry, he rose virus.” character who nonetheless could figure” who was “quiet, quite shy
journalism. through the managerial ranks. He added that journalists can be a “terrier” on a story. and unflappable — there were
matt murray, 58, is the better “He will circulate through the sometimes be too reliant on ex- Post employees “have nothing definitely louder voices in the
known in U.S. media circles, hav- room and want to know what perts. “You always as a journalist to be frightened of,” said one jour- newsroom. I never in my years
ing spent 29 years at the Wall you’re working on,” said one Jour- teleGRaPh Media GRouP have to be open to new evidence, nalist who has worked with Win- there heard rob raise his voice or
Street Journal, the last five as nal staffer, who spoke on the con- Robert Winnett, 47, deputy open to new voices, and open to nett. “Everyone will enjoy having anything. He always seemed calm
editor in chief before leaving in dition of anonymity because they editor of telegraph Media things you think might contradict him as a boss and see his qualities and collected.” But that calmness,
2023. were not authorized to comment. Group, will become editor of what you think is the truth,” mur- very quickly.” rowley said, coexisted with “a
robert Winnett, 47, deputy edi- “He wants to get to the point.” the Washington post following ray said. At the Sunday Times, Winnett great impatience and drive.”
tor of Telegraph media Group, has Gerald f. Seib, who worked the November election. Though he comes from a tradi- earned kudos for his role in an “I don’t think it matters what
spent his career in Britain and closely with murray as the Jour- tional reporting background, he investigation into the “cash for the area of coverage is,” rowley
remains relatively unknown in nal’s Washington bureau chief, ways,” he said in a 2020 interview. has embraced new mediums and honors” scandal — a story about said. “He will want it to be splashy,
the United States. described him as “a calming influ- But “writing the book helped me new technologies since leaving the connections between political have impact, be the best it can be.”
murray, in particular, was ence” during tumultuous periods think more deeply about the his- the Journal — experiences that donations and “life peerages” that While other senior editors
hailed by former Journal col- in the newsroom. tory and patterns of my family.” could serve him well as he over- give individuals the right to sit in came and went with high fre-
leagues for his deep involvement “He’s a genuinely nice person. After the Journal published a sees The Post’s efforts to find new the House of Lords. He also played quency, “rob was the constant,
in stories. He asks about your family, he asks successful 2021 investigation that ways of reaching readers and sub- a pivotal role in the Telegraph’s marshaling troops, turning out
“He always had our back in about your kids,” Seib added. found widespread conflicts of in- scribers. He served as a senior investigation into the misuse of daily news.”
investigations, and he was one of “He’s not a yeller, he’s not a throw- terest among federal judges, mur- consultant to the publication’s expense accounts by members of rowley said his abiding memo-
our biggest champions,” said er, he’s a surprisingly normal per- ray urged the staff to survey the parent company, focusing mostly Parliament, a series that rocked ry of Winnett was him sitting in
James V. Grimaldi, an investiga- son.” financial disclosures of all federal on AI technologies. In a recent Britain’s political establishment. the center of the newsroom,
tive reporter for the Journal (and In 1999, murray published a employees. The resulting series, post for a Substack newsletter, The latter scoop drew some “leaning way back in his chair,
former Post reporter). “He’s a memoir about his father’s deci- “Capital Assets,” won a Pulitzer murray wrote that all corporate criticism as “checkbook journal- circling the 10th paragraph of a
smart, thoughtful, brilliant editor sion to retire from his govern- Prize in 2023. reporters should be asking com- ism” — the paper reportedly paid story in the financial Times to
with superb judgment when it ment career to enter a Benedic- “He’s willing to propose, initi- panies how they plan to invest in more than $100,000 for a comput- follow up on. He’s very detailed,
comes to making tough calls on tine monastery. “I really felt like ate, back and fund very ambitious and incorporate AI. er disk taken from a parliamenta- the power behind the throne,
important stories, and has impec- my family imploded in many journalism,” Grimaldi said. “You “A million stories are waiting to ry fees office. But the investiga- rather than the frontman.”

Leadership changes at Post come in tandem with newsroom restructuring

pOSt from C1

have gone on for longer, but it

couldn’t. And I don’t think it’s
appropriate to take that bit of the
conversation any further.”
He apologized for the manner
of the announcement. The news
“began to leak out, which is why
we had to scramble.”
Buzbee, the first woman to
head the news operations of The
Post, has not responded to re-
quests for comment.
She had been hired in 2021 by
The Post’s previous publisher,
fred ryan, after the retirement of
former executive editor martin
Baron. Buzbee spent most of her
career at the Associated Press,
most recently as its top editor.
ryan stepped down as publisher
in 2023, and since Lewis has
stepped into the role, he has made
several executive-level hires.
As recently as this weekend,
Buzbee had given no indication
that she would be leaving. on
Saturday night, she attended the
White House News Photogra-
phers Association award dinner,
where she chatted with Post jour-
nalists and sat next to White
House press secretary Karine
And less than two weeks ago,
Buzbee participated in a compa-
nywide presentation to discuss a
plan by Lewis to revamp core
elements of the business, includ-
ing new subscription offerings.
She told Post department
heads late Sunday in a brief call
that she had been presented with
a reorganization plan that she
didn’t want to be a part of, accord-
ing to three people familiar with
her remarks who spoke on the
condition of anonymity because
they are not authorized to speak. Photos by RobeRt MilleR/the WashinGton Post

The publisher and his top edi-

tor had discussed Lewis’s restruc- ABOVE: Matt Murray, the new top editor of the Washington post,
turing plans over several weeks, talks with the staff of the newspaper on Monday. He was previously
and Buzbee had hoped to per- the top editor at the Wall Street Journal for nearly five years until
suade him not to execute his plan 2023. LEFt: William Lewis, publisher of the post, fielded some
until after the election, according critical questions at the meeting.
to a person familiar with their
conversations. During monday’s meeting, one subscribers and revenue.
But Lewis — who has acknowl- staff member highlighted these “We are going to turn this thing
edged that The Post has lost connections, as well as Lewis’s around, but let’s not sugarcoat it.
$77 million over the past year — past remarks about his commit- It needs turning around,” he said.
was eager to accelerate the timing ment to diversity. “We are losing large amounts of
of his plan. He offered Buzbee “The most cynical interpreta- money. Your audience has halved
oversight of a new division of the tion sort of feels like you chose in recent years. People are not
company, which he described two of your buddies to come in reading your stuff. right. I can’t
Sunday evening as being focused and help run The Post,” she said. sugarcoat it anymore.”
on “service and social media jour- “And we now have four White In his brief remarks, murray
nalism.” men running three newsrooms.” did not share his specific editorial
But Buzbee was uncomfortable Lewis reaffirmed his commit- priorities, though he mentioned a
with the structure and did not ment to diversity while acknowl- few specific stories that will be
believe she could be effective in edging that “I’ve got to do better, top priorities for The Post, includ-
the role, the person familiar with and you’ll see that going forward.” ing the presidential election,
their conversations said. That left Lewis has referred to the new Donald Trump and the trial fac-
her with no real place in the division that murray will oversee ing Hunter Biden.
organization and the two agreed as a “third newsroom” — distinct “The Post has such a great
that she needed to step aside. from the news operations that legacy, a history and tradition of
for weeks before the an- will eventually be helmed by Win- great journalism in the past and
nouncement of her departure, nett, and distinct from The Post’s right until this morning,” he said.
though, Lewis had made inqui- opinions section, which has al- “There’s so much outstanding
ries to potential candidates to ways operated separately from work that comes out of this news-
succeed Buzbee, according to news and which will still be over- room. I’m humbled and proud to
people familiar with his discus- seen by David Shipley, its leader be a part of it.”
sions, who spoke on the condition job opportunity, but as those de- him want to work in journalism. core reporting areas — including since 2022. The decision to change editori-
of anonymity to protect confiden- liberations wore on, he decided to “I’ve been in the business long politics, investigations, business, Yet a lack of detail about what al leadership and create a new
tial communications. accept Lewis’s invitation to join enough, and I’ve done enough technology, sports and features — the new division will entail — and division was part of Lewis’s new
Buzbee was not present for the The Post, one of those people said. things that I’m not interested at to robert Winnett, a British jour- how it will intersect with the rest strategy for The Post, which fo-
staff meeting monday but re- In his own remarks, murray, this point in managing decline,” nalist who is currently the deputy of the news organization — cuses on reaching new audiences
ceived a healthy round of ap- who spent 29 years at the Journal, murray said. “I’m interested in editor of Telegraph media Group. prompted questions in the staff and rejecting a “one-size-fits-all”
plause from Post colleagues, who focused on the future, which he the future and growth. … This is At that point, murray will shift meeting. strategy for serving readers and
questioned her treatment by said will meld the legacy of The going to be an exciting time. We’re over to serve as the leader of the In one heated exchange with a attracting new customers.
company leaders. Post with a forward-looking ap- going to have a lot of new oppor- new company division. Post staffer, Lewis warned that But, murray said there are no
murray was replaced as the top proach to news. tunities and new things.” Lewis previously worked the newsroom cannot afford to be plans to blow things up for the
editor of the Journal in early 2023 A native of the Washington, murray will serve only tempo- alongside both murray and Win- resistant to change, saying that sake of doing so. Going forward,
after nearly five years but re- D.C., area, murray said he doesn’t rarily as Buzbee’s replacement, nett — the former when he was “decisive, urgent” actions are murray said the mission at The
mained at parent company News plan to remake The Post in the Lewis has said. After Election publisher of the Journal, the lat- needed for the company to sur- Post “will be to take what we do
Corp in an advisory role. He had Journal’s image — and that The Day, he will hand over the reins of ter when he was the editor of the vive upheaval within the media and really translate it the right
been in discussions for another Post is the newspaper that made leadership for the newsroom’s Daily Telegraph. industry and a recent loss of way.”
tuesday, june 4 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE C5

Widowed mom is depressed, but she’s unwilling to seek help from a therapist
Dear Amy: My — Worried witnessing. You stroke her hand. Now, 30 years after my and his daughter to make an waited for her at the halfway
Ask Amy 83-year-old You say, “Mom, I’m so sorry. I’m divorce from his father, I effort to get to know you a little point. There they joined hands
Amy widowed mother Worried: People sometimes so very sorry.” You sit quietly, received an invitation to his bit. and continued together to the
Dickinson is depressed, and start to reveal long-repressed or and if you’re able, you stay daughter’s high school Some people might accuse front.
I don’t know how suppressed trauma very late in quietly in the moment with her, graduation party. I am this girl of “trolling for gifts,” but I thought about the
to help. life, when — for a variety of letting her speak. flummoxed and am unsure my theory is that the high school symbolism of their entry: two
She refuses to see a therapist reasons (medical, emotional and I wonder whether you might about how to respond to this graduation celebration is often people alone, meeting halfway,
and sees drugs as a crutch. She cognitive) — their defenses are be able to urge your mother gesture. I do not know this the first party young people have and traveling the rest of the way
has always been a very private down. Therapy helps. toward treatment by asking her young woman and have never inviting privileges to that together. Sounds like the
person, is generally distrustful of Medication helps. And yet many if she would consider doing this been included in their lives. includes a wider circle than their definition of a marriage, doesn’t
doctors, and would never let elders are resistant to the idea of “for” or with you. A good and Should I just send a nice card? immediate friends — and they it?
down her shields to a stranger. I treatment in the ways your competent therapist helps their — On the Fence tend to cast a wide and — Wedding Witness
have told her that I am not a mother is. client transition from being a sometimes awkward net.
therapist, but she has lately My first suggestion is that you stranger to a trusted and helpful On the Fence: Yes, just send a Witness: This is great. I hope it
begun to confide in me about should resume in-person (or ally. nice card. There is never a Dear Amy: “Sad Future Bride” catches on.
things that, even as an adult, I telehealth) therapy right away, to downside to sending a nice card. had no men in her life to walk
shouldn’t be hearing. process this burden, which is a Dear Amy: I got married (at 30) In the far corners of your her down the aisle and her Amy's column appears seven days a
Depression runs in the family. trigger for you. I urge you to seek to a man who had two children. personal universe, someone, mother didn’t want to do it, week at
I have seen a therapist in the healthy ways to be open and The girl was 7, the boy was 2. We somewhere, suggested that this either. My niece was recently Write to
past and am on medication, so I present for your mother, while were together for 16 years before young woman should reach out wed. She was an older bride or Amy Dickinson, P.O. Box 194,
understand and empathize, but resisting the temptation to try to divorcing, and although I have a to you to invite you to her marrying for the second time, Freeville, N.Y. 13068.  You can also
it’s getting to the point where I provide answers or your own close bond to the now 53-year- graduation party. The graduate’s and I was pleased to see their follow her @askingamy.
dread seeing her, and yet I know brand of therapy for her. Being old former stepdaughter, I have aunt (the former stepdaughter processional. She entered alone,
that I’m her only lifeline. How do in the moment with her is a never been successful in having you’ve stayed close to) might moving slowly down the aisle © 2024 by Amy Dickinson. Distributed by
I help her? special and challenging kind of a bond with the son. have encouraged her brother with her eyes on her groom who Tribune Content Agency.

MOVIE DIRECTORY (!) No Pass/No Discount Ticket

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

DISTRICT Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R)

Summer Camp (PG-13) CC:
The Garfield Movie (PG) XD:
11:30-2:15-4:55; 10:00-10:10-
Kingdom of the Planet of the
Apes (PG-13) 12:45-1:35-
The Garfield Movie (PG) 12:30-
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga:
The IMAX Experience (R) CC:
Kingdom of the Planet of the
Apes (PG-13) CC: 4:30-6:15-
The Garfield Movie (PG) 1:15-
The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R)
AMC Georgetown 14 8:30-9:00 10:30-1:15-1:55-4:00-6:45-9:30 4:55-8:20 Kingdom of the Planet of the 2:50-6:15-9:40 10:15 Young Woman and the Sea Ezra (R) 1:50-4:30
AMC DINE-IN Rio Cinemas 18
3111 K Street N.W. Kingdom of the Planet of the Kingdom of the Planet of the Sight (PG-13) 9:25 Apes (PG-13) 12:40-1:10-4:10- HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle Sight (PG-13) CC: 3:45-7:45- (PG) 12:45-3:50-6:55-10:00 In A Violent Nature 2:20-5:20-
9811 Washingtonian Center
HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle Apes (PG-13) 3:10 Apes (PG-13) XD: 7:35-11:00 The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) 6:20-7:50-9:45 (PG-13) 4:15 9:30 Sight (PG-13) 12:55-3:45- 8:10
HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle
(PG-13) 5:15-7:30-9:45 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle (PG-13) 12:45-5:15-7:30-9:45 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle 1:45-4:20 Sight (PG-13) 3:20 In A Violent Nature CC: 4:00 The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) 6:40-9:35 Sight (PG-13) 11:40AM
In A Violent Nature OC: 7:20 (PG-13) 12:00-2:20-5:00-7:20- (PG-13) 10:00-2:00-2:50-7:40- Ezra (R) 1:20-3:55-6:35-9:35 The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) The Dead Don't Hurt (R) CC: CC: 4:30-8:00-10:15 The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) Back to Black (R) 7:30
In A Violent Nature OC: 4:30 12:10-2:40-5:10-7:40-10:10
The Fall Guy (PG-13) CC: 1:45- 9:40 The Fall Guy (PG-13) CC: 12:15-
8:00 Babes (R) 12:50-3:30-6:20-9:05 1:40-4:05-7:40 7:30 Ezra (R) CC: 5:00-7:30-10:00 Summer Camp (PG-13) 1:30-
4:15-7:10-10:10 The Fall Guy (PG-13) 10:20- Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga: Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga: The Summer Camp (PG-13) CC: HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle 4:10-6:50
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) MARYLAND 3:30-6:30-9:40
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R)
1:45-4:50-7:55-11:00 The IMAX Experience (R) 1:40- IMAX Experience (R) 12:20- 1:30 (PG-13) 5:00; 7:15-9:30 (PG-13) 12:00-5:00 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R)
CC: 1:45-5:10-8:30 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga 5:10-8:40 3:50-7:10 AMC Potomac Mills 18 Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - In A Violent Nature 12:15-2:45- 1:40-2:30-5:10-6:00-8:30
AFI Silver Theatre CC: 6:30-10:00
Spider-Man: No Way Home Cultural Center (R) 9:45 Back to Black (R) 9:20 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle 2700 Potomac Mills Circle One Loudoun 5:15-7:45-10:35 Gangs of Godavari 1:00-4:40-
Spider-Man: No Way Home Challengers (R) 10:45-1:05- In A Violent Nature 4:25-7:05- (PG-13) 5:00 Summer Camp (PG-13) 12:05- 8:20
(PG-13) CC: 7:00 8633 Colesville Road (PG-13) CC: 6:00 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle 20575 East Hampton Plaza
Civil War (R) CC: 4:30 4:25-7:35-10:55 9:45 Blue Angels (G) 1:30 2:40-5:15-7:50-10:25 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R)
Clean Slate (Coup de torchon) Civil War (R) CC: 1:15 (PG-13) 2:20-7:00-9:15 8 Mile (R) 7:00 Gangs of Godavari 9:45
Challengers (R) CC: 2:00-4:00- 2:00-6:45 Mr. & Mrs. Mahi 12:50-7:25 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle The Garfield Movie 3D (PG) The Fall Guy (PG-13) CC: 2:30- It's Such a Beautiful Day 12:50-7:50; 4:20
Challengers (R) CC: 3:45-7:00- If (PG) 10:40-10:50-1:20-1:40- (PG-13) 12:30-1:30-4:15-5:30- 3:00 Kingdom of the Planet of the
7:05-10:00 Destry Rides Again (1939) (NR) 10:15 4:20-7:20-10:15 (NR) 9:30 Regal Manassas & IMAX
If (PG) CC: 2:10-4:45-7:15-9:50 12:00-6:30 4:00-4:25-6:40-7:10-9:20-9:50 6:40 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle Apes (PG-13) XD: 7:05-10:30 11380 Bulloch Drive
If (PG) CC: 12:30-1:00-3:45- Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) The Fall Guy (PG-13) 11:40- HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle
The Garfield Movie (PG) CC: Hit Man (R) OC: 1:40 The Garfield Movie (PG) 10:50- The Dead Don't Hurt (R) 8:05 (PG-13) 12:10-2:40-7:30-10:00 CC: 3:30-7:00-10:30 12:20-3:35-6:45-10:30 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R)
6:30-9:30 1:35-4:20-7:05 Summer Camp (PG-13) 1:00- (PG-13) 2:35-7:25-9:50
1:45-6:50-9:30 The Bird With the Crystal The Garfield Movie (PG) CC: Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of Challengers (R) CC: 9:50 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) 3:50-4:40-7:20-8:00
Kingdom of the Planet of the Plumage (L'uccello dalle Kingdom of the Planet of the 3:50-6:30-9:10 the Eucharist 4:00-7:00 If (PG) CC: 2:40-5:10-7:45-10:20 11:35-3:20-10:10 Regal Ballston Quarter Mr. & Mrs. Mahi 4:10-7:30
1:30-4:15 Apes (PG-13) 10:35-12:45-4:10- Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of
Apes (PG-13) CC: 2:05-4:40- piume di cristallo) (NR) 9:20 Regal Westview & IMAX The Garfield Movie (PG) CC: If (PG) 12:00-3:00-3:45-6:00- 671 North Glebe Road If (PG) 2:10-4:50-7:45
Kung Fu Panda 4 (PG) CC: 2:00 4:30-7:35-10:25-11:00 the Eucharist 4:00-7:00
6:40-9:50 Hit Man (R) 4:00-8:45 Kingdom of the Planet of the 5243 Buckeystown Pike 3:20-6:10-9:00 9:00 The Fall Guy (PG-13) 1:30- The Garfield Movie (PG) 1:40-
Young Woman and the Sea Not a Pretty Picture 11:45AM Sight (PG-13) 11:20-2:10-5:00- Gangs of Godavari 5:25-9:40 The Garfield Movie (PG) 11:35- 4:35-7:30 4:30-7:10
Apes (PG-13) CC: 7:00-10:15 7:50-10:40 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) Kung Fu Panda 4 (PG) CC: 2:30
(PG) CC: 2:05-4:10-7:10-9:45 A Quiet Place in the Country Young Woman and the Sea Regal Germantown 12:40-1:10-4:10-4:45-7:50- Kingdom of the Planet of the 2:25-5:15-6:30 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) Kingdom of the Planet of the
The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) (Un tranquillo posto in cam- Godzilla x Kong: The New Em- 20000 Century Boulevard Kingdom of the Planet of the 3:00-4:30-6:00-7:05-8:00 Apes (PG-13) 1:05-3:10-6:30
(PG) CC: 12:15-3:30-6:45-10:00 pire (PG-13) 10:10-1:05-9:55 8:20; 6:45 Apes (PG-13) CC: 2:20-3:45-
CC: 1:50-4:15-7:50-10:10 pagna) (R) 4:35 The Fall Guy (PG-13) 12:25- The Fall Guy (PG-13) 12:30- 7:15-10:30 Apes (PG-13) 10:45-2:15-5:45- If (PG) 12:45-3:40-6:40 Sight (PG-13) 1:10
Sight (PG-13) CC: 1:15-4:00- Tarot (PG-13) 10:00-12:45-3:15-
Babes (R) CC: 1:55-5:00-7:30- The Guns of Navarone (PG) 6:30-9:00 3:40-6:50 3:30-6:40-9:45 Sight (PG-13) CC: 2:10-4:40- 7:00-10:05 The Garfield Movie (PG) 1:20- Godzilla x Kong: The New
10:05 1:45 5:45-8:15-10:45 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) Babes (R) 12:25-3:20-6:15-9:20 2:20-4:15-5:10-7:10-8:05 Empire (PG-13) 2:30
The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) 7:10-9:45
Ezra (R) CC: 1:55-4:20-6:45- The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) 12:30-2:10-5:50-7:40-9:10 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle Kingdom of the Planet of the The Strangers: Chapter 1
AMC Academy 8 CC: 12:45-3:15-8:45-9:45 10:00-12:30-3:00-5:30-8:00- 12:20-3:45-7:20 Godzilla x Kong: The New
9:20 Mr. & Mrs. Mahi 12:40-4:30- If (PG) 1:15-3:55-6:35-9:25 Empire (PG-13) CC: 4:30-7:00 (PG-13) 11:20-4:40 Apes (PG-13) 12:40-4:05-7:20 (R) 1:15
6198 Greenbelt Road Babes (R) CC: 1:15-4:00-6:45- 10:35 Sight (PG-13) 2:40
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga: 9:30 8:10 The Garfield Movie (PG) 11:00- Tarot (PG-13) CC: 2:50-5:15- In A Violent Nature 12:45-9:20 Babes (R) 3:00
The IMAX Experience (R) CC: Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) Babes (R) 10:20-2:10-4:50-7:30 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle Ezra (R) 1:30-4:15-6:50
CC: 1:00-4:00-7:00 Ezra (R) CC: 12:30-4:45-7:15- If (PG) 12:10-3:10-6:10-9:00 1:00-1:40-4:30-7:30 7:40-10:00 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R)
3:10-6:30-9:50 Ezra (R) 10:05-1:35-4:15-6:55- The Garfield Movie (PG) 12:20- Kingdom of the Planet of the 2:55-8:00 (PG-13) 5:20 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga:
10:00 The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R)
HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle If (PG) CC: 2:00-4:50-7:40 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga:
9:35 2:00-3:00-4:40-5:40-8:20 Apes (PG-13) 11:35-12:55-2:55- CC: 2:10-5:40-8:00-10:20 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle In A Violent Nature 12:55-3:20- The IMAX Experience (R)
(PG-13) 2:00 The Garfield Movie (PG) CC: In A Violent Nature 11:35-2:05- 5:45-8:10
The IMAX Experience (R) CC: Kingdom of the Planet of the 4:15-6:15-7:45-9:40 Babes (R) CC: 2:20-4:50-7:30- (PG-13) 2:00-7:15-9:40-9:55 1:00-4:20-7:40
In A Violent Nature CC: 5:00- 1:20-4:20 12:45-4:15-7:45
4:35-7:05-9:35 Apes (PG-13) 12:35-4:20-7:50 Sight (PG-13) 1:30-4:20 10:00 Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of In A Violent Nature 5:40-8:10
10:05 Kingdom of the Planet of the HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle Angelika Film Center Mosaic the Eucharist 4:00-7:00
Apes (PG-13) CC: 1:40-4:30- Back to Black (R) CC: 12:45 Sight (PG-13) 1:00-3:50-6:30- The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) Ezra (R) CC: 2:40-5:10-7:40- 2911 District Ave The Dead Don't Hurt (R) 5:30
The Garfield Movie 3D (PG) (PG-13) 12:25-5:15-10:05 9:15 Gangs of Godavari 12:30- Summer Camp (PG-13) 1:20-
7:30 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle 12:45-3:10-5:35-8:10 10:10 But I'm a Cheerleader (R) 7:00 4:10-7:40
CC: 4:20 The Garfield Movie 3D (PG) The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga: The 3:40-6:00
The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) (PG-13) 3:00 11:10-4:40-7:25 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga: Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga
Sight (PG-13) OC: 1:50 CC: 2:30-4:20-7:30 In A Violent Nature CC: 12:50-3:30-6:00-8:40 IMAX Experience (R) 11:30- The IMAX Experience (R) CC: Gangs of Godavari 3:20-7:00
Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of Babes (R) 7:20 11:15-1:00-4:15-7:30-9:15 (R) 1:00
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - Babes (R) CC: 1:30-4:10-6:50 7:00-9:30 3:00-6:25-9:50 2:30-6:00-9:30 If (PG) 11:10-1:30-4:00-5:00- Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of
the Eucharist 4:00-7:00 In A Violent Nature 12:45 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle the Eucharist 4:00-7:05
DC Bryant Street In A Violent Nature CC: 1:50- Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle Back to Black (R) CC: 9:45 7:20 (PG-13) 2:50-7:50
The Dead Don't Hurt (R) 10:05- Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of (PG-13) 12:10-4:50-9:30
630 Rhode Island Ave NE 5:00-7:10 the Eucharist 4:00-7:00 1:10-4:15-7:20 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle The Garfield Movie (PG) 11:20- Regal Springfield Town Center
8 Mile (R) 8:00 The Garfield Movie 3D (PG) The Dead Don't Hurt (R) CC: the Eucharist 4:00-7:00 In A Violent Nature 12:00-2:40- (PG-13) 4:40 Regal Dulles Town Center 6859 Springfield Mall
Summer Camp (PG-13) 11:00- 2:20-4:45-7:00-9:00 21100 Dulles Town Circle
It's Such a Beautiful Day (NR) CC: 7:15 3:10-9:15 Summer Camp (PG-13) 12:15- 5:20-8:00 In A Violent Nature CC: 2:00- The Fall Guy (PG-13) 11:40-
1:35-4:10-6:50-9:25 2:50-5:30-8:00 Young Woman and the Sea The Fall Guy (PG-13) 1:30-
3:30-9:30 The Dead Don't Hurt (R) CC: Summer Camp (PG-13) CC: Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of 5:30-8:00-10:25 (PG) 11:30-12:35-2:25-3:30- 3:20-6:30-9:40
Gangs of Godavari 3:55-10:30 Gangs of Godavari 1:30-5:10- the Eucharist 4:00-7:00 4:30-6:30
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) 1:10-4:10-6:40 7:00-9:30 The Garfield Movie 3D (PG) CC: 5:20-6:15-8:15 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R)
Bhaje Vaayu Vegam 10:10 8:50 2:00-4:45 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) 11:10-12:10-2:00-3:00-4:10-
12:00-3:30-7:00-10:45 AMC Annapolis Mall 11 Bhaje Vaayu Vegam 1:45-5:15 Gam Gam Ganesha 10:15 The Dead Don't Hurt (R) 7:40 Babes (R) 9:00
Challengers (R) 12:00-6:30- Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) Bhaje Vaayu Vegam 1:10- Summer Camp (PG-13) 10:50- Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of 12:40-4:40-7:30 5:40-6:40-7:40-9:10-10:10
1020 Annapolis Mall Road Garudan 10:30 4:50-8:30 Ezra (R) 11:15-1:30-3:50-6:15- If (PG) 12:30-3:40-6:40
10:00 OC: 3:00 1:20-3:50-6:30-9:00 the Eucharist 4:00-7:00 8:30 If (PG) 11:30-1:30-2:20-4:20-
The Fall Guy (PG-13) CC: 1:10- Cinépolis Gaithersburg Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) The Dead Don't Hurt (R) CC: The Garfield Movie (PG) 12:50- 7:10-10:20
If (PG) 1:15-7:15-10:15 4:10-7:10-10:05 The Garfield Movie (PG) CC: HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle 1:40-2:30-3:30-4:20-5:10-6:10-
The Garfield Movie (PG) 12:15- Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) 12:45-3:30-6:15-9:00 629 Center Point Way (R) 4:10 11:50-3:15 7:20-10:20 The Garfield Movie (PG)
(PG-13) 11:00-1:45-3:45-5:45- 7:10-7:50
2:00-5:00-7:45-11:00 Kingdom of the Planet of the The Fall Guy (PG-13) 3:45- Regal Hyattsville Royale HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle Summer Camp (PG-13) CC: 7:45 11:20-11:50-12:20-1:20-2:10-
CC: 12:25-3:40-7:00-10:15 7:00-10:15 2:10-4:45-7:15-9:40 Kingdom of the Planet of the 3:10-5:00-6:00-7:00-8:00-
Kingdom of the Planet of the If (PG) CC: 12:05-2:30-5:00- Apes (PG-13) CC: 12:15-3:45- 6505 America Blvd. (PG-13) 2:30-7:10 The Fall Guy (PG-13) 11:25-2:15 Apes (PG-13) 1:10-3:20-7:20
Apes (PG-13) 6:15-10:00 6:10 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) The Fall Guy (PG-13) 1:50- Xscape Theatres
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) 9:00-10:00
7:30-9:40 2:00-3:15-7:15-8:45-11:00 CC: 5:00-8:30 CMX Village 14 Godzilla x Kong: The New
Babes (R) 2:00-4:45-7:30-10:15 The Garfield Movie (PG) CC: Ezra (R) OC: 2:15 4:50-7:50 Brandywine 14 Kingdom of the Planet of the
If (PG) 2:15-5:15-8:15 1600 Village Market Boulevard Empire (PG-13) 1:50-5:00-7:40 Apes (PG-13) 12:00-3:30-5:20-
I Saw the TV Glow (PG-13) 12:00-3:50-9:05 AMC Magic Johnson Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) 7710 Matapeake Business Drive AMC Shirlington 7 In A Violent Nature 1:00-4:50- 7:20-8:50
1:45-10:45 The Garfield Movie (PG) 2:15- 1:00-2:40-4:30-7:10-8:00 2772 South Randolph St. The Fall Guy (PG-13) 1:20-
Kingdom of the Planet of the Capital Center 12 Scott Pilgrim vs. the World 4:20-7:55 8:00
In A Violent Nature 6:45 4:45-5:45-7:45-10:45 Challengers (R) 3:40-7:20 (PG-13) 1:00-4:00-7:00 The Fall Guy (PG-13) CC: 1:30- The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R)
Apes (PG-13) CC: 12:45-4:00- 800 Shoppers Way Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of 11:15-1:50-4:50-7:50-10:30
Kingdom of the Planet of the
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) 7:15-10:00 The Fall Guy (PG-13) CC: 2:00- Apes (PG-13) 2:45-6:30-10:00 If (PG) 1:15-3:50-6:30 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) 4:30-7:40 12:05-12:50-3:25-4:10-6:45-7:30 the Eucharist 4:00-7:00 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle
2:15-6:00-9:45 Sight (PG-13) CC: 2:15-4:50- 5:00-8:00-9:45 The Garfield Movie (PG) 1:30- 3:05-6:25-9:35 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga
Sight (PG-13) 4:00-7:00-10:00 2:30-4:10-5:10-6:50-8:10 Civil War (R) 1:35-4:30-7:10 (PG-13) 5:10-9:50
Challengers (R) 3:00 7:05-9:35 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) Godzilla x Kong: The New CC: 12:00-3:20-6:40
If (PG) 12:40-1:50-3:40-4:40- (R) 1:20
If (PG) 4:15 Kingdom of the Planet of the Empire (PG-13) 1:05-3:45- If (PG) CC: 12:15-2:50-5:25-8:00 Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of
The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) CC: 3:35-7:00 2:00-4:45-7:30-10:15 6:10-7:20 Regal Fairfax Towne Center the Eucharist 4:00
Kingdom of the Planet of the CC: 12:10-2:30-4:45-7:20-9:45 If (PG) CC: 2:30-5:10-7:45 Apes (PG-13) 12:50-2:00-4:15- 6:35-9:25 The Garfield Movie (PG) CC:
Summer Camp (PG-13) 2:00- 6:00-7:40 The Garfield Movie (PG) 12:00- 4110 West Ox Road HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle
Apes (PG-13) 3:00 Babes (R) CC: 1:30 The Garfield Movie (PG) CC: The Garfield Movie (PG) 1:40- 11:40-2:20-7:30 1:00-2:30-3:30-5:00-6:00-7:35 The Fall Guy (PG-13) 12:45-
I Saw the TV Glow (PG-13) 4:45 Ezra (R) CC: 12:20-2:45-5:10- 4:45-7:30-10:30 Sight (PG-13) 12:45 2:20-4:05-4:40-7:10-7:50-9:30 Kingdom of the Planet of the (PG-13) 2:40-7:30
2:15-5:00-7:40 Kingdom of the Planet of the 3:50-6:50
7:40-10:10 Greenbelt Cinema The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) If (PG) 1:20-3:10-3:50-5:40- Apes (PG-13) CC: 12:40-4:00- Regal Virginia Gateway & RPX
Angelika Kung Fu Panda 4 (PG) CC: 3:15 2:10-5:00-7:30 Apes (PG-13) 12:10-3:20-6:30 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R)
HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle 129 Centerway 6:20-8:10-8:50 7:20 8001 Gateway Promenade Place
Pop-Up at Union Market Kingdom of the Planet of the Ezra (R) 1:40-4:20-7:00 Sight (PG-13) 1:10-4:00-6:50 12:50-2:50-4:10-6:20-7:30
550 Penn Street NE - Unit E (PG-13) 5:40 Apes (PG-13) CC: 2:00-5:15- If (PG) 6:30 Sight (PG-13) 2:45-5:15-7:45 Young Woman and the Sea The Fall Guy (PG-13) 12:25-
HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle The Garfield Movie (PG) (PG) CC: 1:00-4:00-7:00 The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) If (PG) 1:20-3:40-6:40 3:25-6:25-9:25
But I'm a Cheerleader (R) 7:00 In A Violent Nature CC: 1:00- 8:30 Ezra (R) 7:00 12:30-3:00-5:30-8:00 The Garfield Movie (PG) 1:00- Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga
(PG-13) 3:30-8:30 1:00-3:20 Ezra (R) CC: 11:35-2:10-4:40-
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) 10:30 Sight (PG-13) CC: 5:00-7:30 Landmark In A Violent Nature 2:20-5:20- Kingdom of the Planet of the 7:10 Ezra (R) 12:20-2:50-5:20-7:50 2:00-4:40-7:20 (R) 12:30-1:30-3:50-4:50-
12:45-2:30-3:50-6:45 The Garfield Movie 3D (PG) Godzilla x Kong: The New Bethesda Row Cinema The Dead Don't Hurt (R) 12:45- Kingdom of the Planet of the 7:10-8:10
8:20 Apes (PG-13) 3:00-6:10-9:20 The Garfield Movie 3D (PG)
Challengers (R) 1:15-4:00-7:15 1:15-6:30 Empire (PG-13) CC: 2:10 7235 Woodmont Avenue
Summer Camp (PG-13) 1:20- Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) CC: 4:55 3:50-7:00 Apes (PG-13) 1:10-4:30-7:50 If (PG) 11:20-2:00-4:45-7:30
Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) The Fall Guy (PG-13) 4:25-7:20 4:00-6:40 Summer Camp (PG-13) 12:15- Sight (PG-13) 1:30-4:20
Avalon Theatre the Eucharist 4:00-7:00 The Garfield Movie (PG)
5612 Connecticut Avenue
CC: 3:45-6:10-8:30 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle 5:45-8:55 AMC Tysons Corner 16 2:45-5:10-7:40 In A Violent Nature 7:10 11:40-2:20-5:00-6:00-7:40-
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) Ezra (R) CC: 3:00-5:30-8:00 4:00-7:00 The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) 7850e Tysons Corner Center HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle 8:40
Farewell, Mr. Haffmann (Adieu CC: 2:40-6:00-9:15 (PG-13) 1:10-5:45 2:35-4:45-6:55-9:15 Cinema Arts Theatre
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga: Challengers (R) 4:15-7:10 Babes (R) OC: 1:10 9650 Unit 14 Main St. (PG-13) 12:40-7:40
Monsieur Haffmann) 1:00-7:30 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle The IMAX Experience (R) CC: If (PG) 6:30 Regal Laurel Towne Centre In A Violent Nature 2:00-4:20- Kingdom of the Planet of the
HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle The Roundup: Punishment Apes (PG-13) 11:00-2:45-
Ennio 4:00 (PG-13) 12:00-3:20-8:00-10:15 2:00-5:20-8:40 14716 Baltimore Avenue 6:40-9:00 (PG-13) 12:50-5:20-7:35-9:50 The Fall Guy (PG-13) 9:40-
The Garfield Movie (PG) 12:05-2:35-5:05-7:40 2:30-5:10-8:00 6:20-9:40
Young Woman and the Sea AMC Center Park 8 In A Violent Nature CC: 3:25- 4:30-7:15 The Fall Guy (PG-13) 1:45- Summer Camp (PG-13) 1:50- Summer Camp (PG-13) OC: Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of
(PG) 10:30-1:15-4:15-7:15 4:10-6:30-9:10 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) the Eucharist 4:00-7:00 Young Woman and the Sea
4001 Powder Mill Rd. 5:50-8:15 Kingdom of the Planet of the 4:50-8:10 6:20
10:00-1:00-7:10 (PG) 12:00-3:15-6:15-9:20
Landmark The Fall Guy (PG-13) CC: 2:15- The Dead Don't Hurt (R) CC: Apes (PG-13) 3:50-6:50 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) Kingdom of the Planet of the The Fall Guy (PG-13) CC: 12:05- HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle Sight (PG-13) 11:50-2:30
Atlantic Plumbing Cinema 5:45-8:45 1:00-3:40-4:30-7:10-7:50 Apes (PG-13) 1:10-4:20-7:30 3:15-6:35-9:40 Young Woman and the Sea (PG-13) 3:00-5:20
5:00-7:45 Young Woman and the Sea (PG) 9:45-12:10-2:27-4:45-7:15 The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R)
807 V Street Northwest Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) Summer Camp (PG-13) CC: (PG) 3:40-6:40 If (PG) 12:50-3:30-6:30 iPic Pike & Rose Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R)
The Garfield Movie (PG) 1:20- Wicked Little Letters (R) 2:40- Regal Fox & IMAX 11:10-1:40
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) CC: 1:00-4:00-7:30 2:00-4:30-7:00 Ezra (R) 7:30 11830 Grand Park Avenue CC: 2:50-6:30-9:55 22875 Brambleton Plaza Ezra (R) 12:20-3:00-6:05-9:15
2:20-5:00-8:00 4:00-7:20
3:50-4:50-6:50-7:50 If (PG) CC: 3:00-5:45-8:15 AMC Montgomery 16 If (PG) 3:30 The Fall Guy (PG-13) 2:40- Spider-Man: No Way Home
Challengers (R) 5:00-6:40-7:40 Kingdom of the Planet of the 7:00-10:45 (PG-13) CC: 7:15 Evil Does Not Exist 10:05-12:15 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) In A Violent Nature 12:40-3:20
The Garfield Movie (PG) CC: 7101 Democracy Boulevard Ezra (R) 4:10 Babes (R) 4:55 12:30-4:00-7:30 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle
Kingdom of the Planet of the 1:30-7:00 Apes (PG-13) 12:40-4:10-7:30
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) Dune: Part Two (PG-13) CC:
Apes (PG-13) 4:15-7:20
The Fall Guy (PG-13) CC: 2:15- Landmark at Godzilla x Kong: The New 12:20 Ezra (R) 9:50-12:00-2:30-5:00- Kingdom of the Planet of the (PG-13) 12:50-5:30
Kingdom of the Planet of the 4:30-7:35-10:30 Annapolis Harbour Center 2:15-6:15-10:30 7:30 Apes (PG-13) 12:40-4:05-7:20 Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of
The Fall Guy (PG-13) 4:10 Apes (PG-13) CC: 2:30-5:15- Empire (PG-13) 12:45-2:40- Civil War (R) CC: 12:55
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) 2474 Solomons Island Road Unit H-1 5:40-8:30 If (PG) 3:45-6:00-9:15 The Dead Don't Hurt (R) 9:55- HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle the Eucharist 4:05-7:00
Challengers (R) 4:00 8:00 Challengers (R) CC: 9:45
Sight (PG-13) CC: 2:00-4:45-
CC: 2:30-6:00-9:30 Brokeback Mountain (R) The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) The Garfield Movie (PG) 4:00- If (PG) CC: 1:20-4:15-6:50-9:25 1:15-4:10-7:00 (PG-13) 11:40-2:10-7:10 Gangs of Godavari 5:10-8:50
Landmark E Street Cinema If (PG) CC: 2:00-5:30-7:30-10:00 1:00-7:15 2:10-4:40-7:20 6:30-9:30 The Fall Guy (PG-13) 12:35- Summer Camp (PG-13) 12:10-
7:30 Kingdom of the Planet of the The Garfield Movie (PG) CC: Cinemark Centreville 3:50-6:50-9:55
555 11th Street Northwest The Garfield Movie (PG) CC: The Fall Guy (PG-13) 1:15- Babes (R) 1:30-4:20-6:50 6201 Multiplex Drive
The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) 2:00-4:45-7:30-9:15 12:45-6:05
Brokeback Mountain (R)
CC: 2:45-5:30-8:30
4:00-6:45 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle Apes (PG-13) 2:45-7:30-9:45 Kung Fu Panda 4 (PG) CC: The Fall Guy (PG-13) 11:10-
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R)
4:00-7:15 Kingdom of the Planet of the Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) (PG-13) 3:20-8:20 The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) 3:10-7:00-10:30 11:30-2:50-6:10-9:30
Back to Black (R) CC: 1:15-4:15 Apes (PG-13) CC: 2:45-6:00- 5:00-8:00-11:00 11:55AM 2:55-4:00-7:20-10:30 If (PG) 11:20-12:50-3:40-6:30-9:20 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga 12:00-3:10-6:35 In A Violent Nature 12:20-2:50- Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) The Garfield Movie (PG) 11:30- (PG-13) 3:10-7:50
(R) 7:00 In A Violent Nature CC: 7:15 10:15 The Garfield Movie (PG) 12:15- 5:20-7:40 Ezra (R) (!) 4:15-7:15-10:15 Kingdom of the Planet of the
The Garfield Movie 3D (PG) Apes (PG-13) CC: 12:00-1:45- 12:00-3:25-6:50-10:15
Challengers (R) 3:25
CC: 4:30
Young Woman and the Sea 2:30-4:45-7:00 Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of Summer Camp (PG-13) (!) 3:15- 3:20-6:40-10:00 Mr. & Mrs. Mahi 8:00-10:25
12:20-2:20-3:20-5:00-6:10-7:50 Reston, VA -
Kidnapped: The Abduction of (PG) CC: 2:15-4:15-10:15 If (PG) 1:50-4:20-6:50 the Eucharist 4:00-7:00 6:45-10:00 Kingdom of the Planet of the LOOK Dine-in Cinema
AMC Columbia 14 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle Kingdom of the Planet of the HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle Young Woman and the Sea Challengers (R) 11:20-7:40 Apes (PG-13) 11:25AM
Edgardo Mortara 3:30-6:30 11940 Market Street
Babes (R) 7:45 10300 Little Patuxent Parkway (PG-13) 5:15-10:30 Apes (PG-13) 12:30-3:30-6:40 (PG-13) 12:55-6:00 VIRGINIA (PG) CC: 12:35-3:55-7:15-10:20
Sight (PG-13) CC: 2:20-4:50-
If (PG) 11:15-1:55 Sight (PG-13) 11:45AM
Kingdom of the Planet of the Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga: The The Fall Guy (PG-13) 5:00-8:00
Ezra (R) 4:25-6:45 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle Young Woman and the Sea Young Woman and the Sea Regal Rockville Center AMC Courthouse Plaza 8 7:20-10:05 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga
(PG-13) 1:45-6:00-8:15 (PG) OC: 7:15 (PG) 1:20-4:10-7:10 Apes (PG-13) 4:35 IMAX Experience (R) 11:00-
I Saw the TV Glow (PG-13) 7:20 199 East Montgomery Avenue 2150 Clarendon Blvd. The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) 2:30-6:00-9:30 (R) 8:30
The Fall Guy (PG-13) CC: 1:00- HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle Ezra (R) 2:10-4:40-7:05
The Dead Don't Hurt (R)
4:10-7:05 (PG-13) 2:05-8:15 Back to Black (R) 4:05
The Fall Guy (PG-13) 1:20- The Fall Guy (PG-13) CC: 1:20- CC: 2:45-5:20-7:50-10:20 11:00 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle Civil War (R) 8:55
3:00-7:30 4:30-7:30 4:10-7:10 Ezra (R) CC: 1:35-4:20-6:55- Gangs of Godavari 6:30 (PG-13) 4:40-10:00 Challengers (R) 5:30-8:30
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) AMC St. Charles Town Ctr 9 Summer Camp (PG-13) 12:05- Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) If (PG) 3:15-4:05-6:00
CC: 1:00-4:15-7:30 9:30 Gam Gam Ganesha 10:05 In A Violent Nature 10:35
(R) 3:15 2:20-4:35-6:55
11115 Mall Circle
Challengers (R) CC: 4:45-7:45 The Fall Guy (PG-13) CC: 1:30- 12:25-2:00-3:45-5:20-6:40- CC: 12:20-3:40-7:00 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga: If (PG) 11:40-2:30-4:40-5:10- Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of The Garfield Movie (PG) 3:45-
Babes (R) 4:15 Phoenix Theatres Marlow 6 7:40-8:40 Challengers (R) CC: 12:50- The IMAX Experience (R) CC: 7:10-9:50 the Eucharist 7:00 5:15-6:15-8:45
If (PG) CC: 1:45-4:20-7:00
I Saw the TV Glow (PG-13) 3:45
The Garfield Movie (PG) CC:
4:30-7:30 3899 Branch Avenue Challengers (R) 7:00 4:15-7:20 1:35-5:05-8:30 The Garfield Movie (PG) Summer Camp (PG-13) 11:10- Kingdom of the Planet of the
Regal Gallery Place Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) If (PG) 1:10-1:40-3:50-4:40-7:20 If (PG) CC: 2:10-4:50-7:30 Back to Black (R) CC: 9:10 11:00-12:10-1:05-1:40-2:20- 1:40-4:10-6:45-9:15 Apes (PG-13) 5:10-8:25
701 Seventh Street Northwest CC: 12:45-4:00-7:15
Kingdom of the Planet of the If (PG) CC: 2:00-4:45-7:30
4:00-7:30-8:35 The Garfield Movie (PG) 12:45- The Garfield Movie (PG) CC: HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle 2:50-3:45-4:20-5:00-5:30-7:00- Gangs of Godavari 2:15-5:50-9:25 Sight (PG-13) 4:30-7:30
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga Apes (PG-13) CC: 12:45-4:00- The Garfield Movie (PG) CC: If (PG) 4:30-7:00 1:30-3:20-4:20-6:50 1:10-3:50-6:30 (PG-13) 3:05 8:10-9:40-10:55 Guruvayoor Ambalanadayil 12:25 Ezra (R) 4:45-7:15
(R) 4:00 The Garfield Movie (PG) 3:30- Kingdom of the Planet of the Kingdom of the Planet of the I Saw the TV Glow (PG-13) Kingdom of the Planet of the Bhaje Vaayu Vegam 6:05 Re: Uniting 7:45
The Fall Guy (PG-13) 12:10- Young Woman and the Sea
4:15-7:00 4:00-7:00 Apes (PG-13) 1:30-4:50-8:10 Apes (PG-13) CC: 1:05-4:20- CC: 12:15 Apes (PG-13) 11:25-11:50- Gam Gam Ganesha 3:35-9:35 Summer Camp (PG-13) 6:35
3:45-6:50-10:10 (PG) CC: 1:45-4:45-7:45 Kingdom of the Planet of the Kingdom of the Planet of the Sight (PG-13) 1:00-3:40 7:40 In A Violent Nature CC: 5:10- 12:35-3:15-6:40-8:30-10:20 Garudan 11:35-2:55-6:20-9:50 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R)
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) Sight (PG-13) CC: 1:10-3:40-
Apes (PG-13) CC: 12:30-3:45- Apes (PG-13) 3:00-7:45 The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) 7:40-10:10 The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) 3:30-7:00
11:30-2:50-6:30-10:00 7:00 Godzilla x Kong: The New 1:05-3:30-5:50-8:20 CC: 12:50-3:10-5:30-7:50 The Garfield Movie 3D (PG) CC: 11:05-2:15-6:00-7:50 1:00-4:30-8:00 Smithsonian -
6:10-8:40 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle
Challengers (R) 11:45-3:00- Tarot (PG-13) CC: 12:15-2:45- Empire (PG-13) 6:00 Babes (R) 2:20-5:00-8:00 3:25-9:00 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) Mr. & Mrs. Mahi 2:25-9:45 Airbus IMAX Theater
The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) 5:15-7:45
6:00-9:20 CC: 1:20 The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle (PG-13) 1:00; 3:20-5:40-8:00 Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of 1:30-4:55-8:20-10:50 The Garfield Movie (PG) 9:40 14390 Air and Space Museum Parkway
If (PG) 11:50-2:30-5:10-7:50 The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) 5:00-7:45 (PG-13) 6:30 AMC Hoffman Center 22 the Eucharist 4:00-7:00 Kingdom of the Planet of the Journey to Space (NR) 1:05-
Babes (R) CC: 8:45 CC: 1:45-3:15-5:45-8:15
The Garfield Movie (PG) Ezra (R) CC: 2:10-5:10-7:40 Regal Cinemas Majestic In A Violent Nature 6:00-8:25- 206 Swamp Fox Rd. The Dead Don't Hurt (R) CC: Fairfax Corner and XD Apes (PG-13) 9:00 3:15-4:45
11:20-12:40-2:10-3:30-4:50- Babes (R) CC: 12:15-3:00-5:30 Stadium 20 & IMAX 8:45 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle 4:05-7:10-10:15 11900 Palace Way The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) Aircraft Carrier: Guardian of
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga:
6:10-7:40 The IMAX Experience (R) CC: HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle 900 Ellsworth Drive Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of (PG-13) 1:30-7:00-9:45 Summer Camp (PG-13) CC: Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) 11:15-1:50-4:25-7:05-10:40 the Seas 2:35
Kingdom of the Planet of the 2:00-5:15-8:30 (PG-13) 7:30 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) the Eucharist 4:00 The Fall Guy (PG-13) CC: 3:35 1:00-3:40 XD: 12:10-3:35-7:00-10:25 Regal Kingstowne & RPX To Fly! (1976) (NR) 11:30AM
Apes (PG-13) 11:40-6:40- Back to Black (R) CC: 1:50 In A Violent Nature CC: 8:00 12:40-1:10-2:10-4:10-4:50-7:40- Gangs of Godavari 12:30-6:20 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) The Garfield Movie (PG) XD: 5910 Kingstowne Towne Center Deep Sky: The IMAX Experi-
10:05 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle The Garfield Movie 3D (PG) 8:30-9:30; 5:50 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle CC: 1:20-4:40-8:00 CC: 3:50 1:45-4:25 The Fall Guy (PG-13) 12:10- ence 10:40-1:45-3:55
Sight (PG-13) 9:10 (PG-13) 3:45 CC: 12:30 HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle (PG-13) 1:50-4:10 If (PG) CC: 1:00-6:30 AMC Worldgate 9 The Fall Guy (PG-13) 1:00-4:05- 3:20-7:10 Blue Planet (Il pianeta azzur-
The Strangers: Chapter 1 (R) In A Violent Nature CC: HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle (PG-13) 3:00-8:00 Regal Waugh Chapel & IMAX The Garfield Movie (PG) CC: 13025 Worldgate Drive 7:10-10:15 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) ro) (NR) 12:10
12:20-3:20-6:20-8:50 2:45-7:40 (PG-13) 12:45-3:00-5:15 The Fall Guy (PG-13) 12:35- 1419 South Main Chapel Way 1:45-4:15-7:00-9:30 The Fall Guy (PG-13) CC: 3:00- Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) 12:00-3:30-7:00 University Mall Theatres
Ezra (R) 12:05-4:40-7:10-9:55 The Garfield Movie 3D (PG) Cinemark Egyptian 24 and XD 3:40-6:50-9:55 The Fall Guy (PG-13) 12:25- Kingdom of the Planet of the 6:00-9:00 1:40-5:05-8:30 If (PG) 2:00-4:50-7:40 10659-A Braddock Road
HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle CC: 4:50 7000 Arundel Mills Circle Mr. & Mrs. Mahi 1:50-9:00 4:40-6:35-9:55 Apes (PG-13) CC: 1:00-3:45- Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) Mr. & Mrs. Mahi 6:30 The Garfield Movie (PG) 11:50- If (PG) 12:30-2:40-5:00-7:30
(PG-13) 2:40 Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga If (PG) 12:55-3:35-6:55-9:50 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) 6:30-9:15 CC: 4:45-7:00-10:30 Kingdom of the Planet of the 1:20-4:00-6:40 The Garfield Movie (PG)
In A Violent Nature 1:30-9:50 the Eucharist 4:00-7:00 (R) XD: 12:10-3:35-7:00-10:25; Challengers (R) 1:15-4:40 12:50-2:20-4:20-6:00-8:00-9:40 Young Woman and the Sea If (PG) CC: 4:00-6:30-9:00 Apes (PG-13) 1:05-4:30 Mr. & Mrs. Mahi 12:20-3:40 12:20-2:30-4:45-7:15
Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of The Dead Don't Hurt (R) CC: 10:10-11:50-12:30-3:15-3:55- The Garfield Movie (PG) 12:25- Challengers (R) 9:50 (PG) CC: 1:30-4:30-6:30-9:30 The Garfield Movie (PG) CC: If (PG) 12:30-1:10-3:20-3:50- Kingdom of the Planet of the Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R)
the Eucharist 4:10-7:00 4:40 6:40-7:20-10:05-10:45 1:25-3:10-4:05-5:45-6:45-8:45 If (PG) 1:00-3:40-6:40-9:30 Ezra (R) CC: 9:00 4:15-6:45-9:15 6:00-8:40 Apes (PG-13) 12:30-3:50-7:20 1:00-4:00-7:00

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C6 EZ RE the washington post . tuesday, june 4 , 2024




♠ A5
♥ A32
♦ K J 10 9 4
♣ 832
♠ Q 10 6 2 ♠ K874
♥ Q 10 4 ♥ 76
♦ 865 ♦ 732
♣ AQ7 ♣ J 10 9 4
♠ J93
♥ KJ985
♦ AQ
♣ K65

The bidding:
1♥ Pass 2♦ Pass
2♥ Pass 4♥ All Pass
Opening lead — ♠ 2

Cynic thinks he deserves
a perfect partner.
“Some days,” Cy told me,
“I’m convinced that my part-
ners don’t have a clue. On
other days, I’m convinced
that it’s not just some days.”
Cy was today’s North.
When South opened and
rebid in hearts, Cy raised
to game — and then had to
it. West led a spade, and
declarer took dummy’s ace,
cashed the ace of trumps
and led a trump to his jack.
West took the queen and led
another spade, and when
East won and led the jack of
clubs, the result was down
“Thank you, partner,” the
Cynic growled.
in the wrong place,” South
growled back.
There are no perfect part-
ners, but South’s play wasn’t
best. After South wins the
first trick, he should take the
A-K of trumps.
No queen falls, but South
is still alive. He runs the
diamonds and pitches two
clubs as West ruffs. Then the
defense can take one spade
the rest.
You hold:
♦ 7 3 2 ♣ J 10 9 4
The dealer, at your left,
opens one diamond. Your
partner doubles, you bid one
spade and he raises to three
spades. What do you say?
ANSWER: You must remem-
have been worse, yet your
partner is willing to under-
take a nine-trick contract.
Since you have a king and
good intermediates in clubs
that may produce tricks, bid
four spades. Partner’s hand
may be A Q 10 3, A Q 8 2, 4,
A Q 7 6.
— Frank Stewart




tuesday, june 4 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE C7



You’re constantly
curious. You want
to learn and perfect
yourself. You want to
improve the lives of others.
This year is the final year of
a nine-year cycle for you. It’s
time to take inventory and let
go of people, places and things
that have held you back.
Moon Alert: There are no
important decisions today.
The Moon is in Taurus.
(MARCH 21-APRIL 19).
Today you’re upbeat and
enthusiastic! It’s a wonderful
day to schmooze with
relatives, siblings and
neighbors. You will also enjoy
short trips, plus appointments
and errands, because you’re in
such a positive frame of mind.
(APRIL 20-MAY 20).
This is an excellent day for
financial negotiations. You’re
thinking like a winner! You can
expect a positive outcome
because your ideas will be
ambitious and expansive.
(MAY 21-JUNE 20).
Today your ruler Mercury is
lined up with lucky Jupiter
in your sign, which is an
extremely useful influence.
This will broaden your
comprehension of issues and
make you more tolerant. In
addition, it will favor business
(JUNE 21-JULY 22).
Your ability to do research is
excellent today because you’re
happy to dig for facts and
look for information. However,
some of you might be involved
in a secret love affair or some
kind of secret diversion.
(JULY 23-AUG. 22).
It’s a popular day for you! This
is the perfect day to hang
out with groups, clubs and
have something to say. You’re
enthusiastic about achieving
future goals. You also might
help a creative organization or
an artistic individual.
(AUG. 23-SEPT. 22).
It’s easy to think big today,
which is why your discussions
with parents, bosses, teachers
and VIPs will be ambitious.
You’re enthusiastic about your
ideas, and your enthusiasm
will be contagious.
(SEPT. 23-OCT. 22).
This is the perfect day to study
anything that will broaden
your comprehension of issues,
especially politics, religion or
controversial matters. You’ll
find it easy today to take a
larger view of things.
(OCT. 23-NOV. 21).
Discussions about how to
divide or share something
will go well today, because
it’s a good day to discuss
inheritances and shared
property, plus issues related to
(NOV. 22-DEC. 21).
You’ll enjoy warm relations
with partners, spouses and
close friends today. Your
conversations will be upbeat
and friendly. However, avoid
going overboard and being
(DEC. 22-JAN. 19).
You will be productive today.
This is an excellent day to
work and get better organized.
It’s also a great day to finish
is likely. Discussions with co-
workers will be positive, and
joint efforts will be successful.
(JAN. 20-FEB. 18).
This is a playful, lighthearted
day! People are in a good
mood. This can also be a
productive day, especially
for business related to the
hospitality industry or anything
to do with the entertainment
world or show business. Your
creative vibes are hot.
(FEB. 19-MARCH 20).
Family discussions will go
well today. In fact, this is
an excellent day to explore
real estate opportunities or
to discuss how to improve
or expand your home.
Discussions also might include
expanding the family. It’s the
perfect day to redecorate and
entertain, so invite the gang
over for good food and drink!
— Georgia Nicols



More online: Feedback: 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20071;; 202-334-4775.
C8 EZ rE the washington post . tuesday, june 4 , 2024

‘The Acolyte’ goes back in time to expand Star Wars saga

BY H ERB S CRIBNER from the official canon. But it has
since filled in the High republic
This article contains brief era in novels, comics, manga,
spoilers for “The Acolyte.” audiobooks and animated proj-
ects. “The Acolyte” is the first time
The proper viewing order for that a live-action show will ex-
the Star Wars franchise has been plore the characters and concepts
a source of contention among from that time period. In fact, a
fans (and new parents) for dec- Jedi named Vernestra rwoh (re-
ades. Do you watch everything becca Henderson), who first ap-
in release order, starting with pears in the 2021 High republic
the originals, then the prequels novel “Light of the Jedi,” shows up
and then the sequels? or do you in “The Acolyte’s” opening four
watch chronologically, starting episodes. And Kelnacca, a Wook-
with Anakin Skywalker’s down- iee Jedi, is reportedly getting his
fall through Luke Skywalker’s own marvel comic this fall.
hopeful defeat of the Empire and Some general familiarity with
on to the most recent trilogy? or that time frame certainly will
perhaps a more exotic agenda, offer die-hards some additional
such as the “flashback order” context. It’s a mostly peaceful
that crams parts one, two and time in the galaxy, save for ten-
three in between parts five and sions between the republic and a
six? group of villainous space pirates
However you do it, it’s about called the Nihil and the nightmar-
to get a bit more complicated ish Drengir, an amorphous alien
thanks to “The Acolyte,” a new species. You can get all this from
Star Wars television series that the early High republic novels
premieres on Disney Plus on like “The High republic,” “The
Tuesday. The hook? It takes rising Storm” and “The fallen
place before anything we’ve seen Star,” as well as comic book series
in Star Wars live-action history. like “Eye of the Storm” and “The
1999’s “Star Wars: The Phantom High republic Adventures.” Au-
menace” is no longer the begin- diobooks like “Tempest runner”
ning of the story. “The Acolyte” and “The Battle of Jedha” provide
is. even more context.
The eight-episode series cen- photos by christian bLack / LucasfiLm But for the most part, you’re
ters on the hunt for an assassin good and won’t need extended
who is creeping her way across a knowledge of the High republic
galaxy far, far away with the era going into “The Acolyte.”
intention of murdering a specif- “I would say this is a fresh entry
ic set of Jedi. To make matters point,” Headland told the Holo
worse, this assassin might have files, a Star Wars-centric news
ties to the Sith, the dark-side outlet. “It can definitely elevate
enthusiasts who have supposed- the show if you have had the
ly been dead for a millennium. experience of immersing yourself
The show is packed with the in that beautiful world, but you
usual Star Wars tropes — lightsa- certainly don’t need to have read
ber battles, bar fights, philo- anything or know any references
sophical questions about the to it.”
force and even some force-
sensitive twins. But it also shuf- Okay, so what’s the new Star
fles the deck of what we know Wars viewing order?
Star Wars to be. Since “The To paraphrase a certain force
Acolyte” takes place decades be- guru: order matters not. feel
fore “The Phantom menace,” it free to watch Episodes IV, V, VI,
pulls the Star Wars franchise and then I, II, III, followed by the
even further away from being CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: The cast of “The Acolyte” includes Dafne Keen as Jedi Padawan Jecki Lon; Rebecca Henderson as Vernestra sequels and whatever Disney
largely a family story about the Rwoh and Lee Jung-jae as Master Sol; and Jodie Turner-Smith as Mother Aniseya. The eight-episode series on Disney Plus is set about 100 Plus marathon binge you want.
Skywalkers and their fated role years before the events covered in “The Phantom Menace,” previously the earliest chapter on the Star Wars timeline. You do you. (Although that
in saving the galaxy. Along with would ruin “machete order.”)
the other newish installments in It gets confusing faster than dies belong. The assassin serves Weekly in July 2023. “It was very some of the show, according to But if you’re going to embrace
the Star Wars mythos (“rogue you can say “midi-chlorians.” So an unidentified and (in true Star challenging and interesting to Headland. In that movie, when “The Acolyte” as a full-on Star
one,” “Andor,” “The mandalori- here’s what to expect from “The Wars fashion) masked “master” make a Star Wars with no war in Qui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson) told Wars show and project, then you’d
an” and much more), “The Aco- Acolyte,” and a rundown of its who seems to embrace the dark it.” the Jedi council about a Sith watch this show before “The
lyte” deepens a saga containing a changes to a story that keeps side and carries a red lightsaber. attack, the wise master Ki-Adi- Phantom menace.” That means
galaxy’s worth of heroes and expanding in every direction. That’s about all we know. How does ‘The Acolyte’ mundi replied, “The Sith have the story of Jar-Jar Binks, Qui-Gon
villains. In general, the show attempts connect to the Star Wars been extinct for a millennium.” Jinn, obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme,
on the other hand, Star Wars What is ‘The Acolyte’ about? to show what the Jedi were like in movies? mace Windu agreed, adding, “I Anakin, Watto — all of that — is no
has always been in the process of “Before the Empire. Before the their prime and how they tackled We don’t really know. Yet. do not believe the Sith could have longer the kickoff point for Star
rewriting itself. menace. There was an acolyte.” threats before the likes of Anakin Headland told Den of Geek that returned without our knowing.” Wars. Instead, your first step into
Since George Lucas put pen to That’s the tagline for the new Skywalker came along. the greater Star Wars lore plays a Headland told Den of Geek the larger world begins with high-
paper, the timeline has always Disney Plus show, which depicts role in the show. She mentioned that specific moment implied level Jedi being attacked by a
been a little confusing. The orig- the Jedi at the peak of their powers. When does ‘The Acolyte’ that some Sith who have appeared that there was some recent force-sensitive assassin.
inal films, released in the ’70s The series focuses on a former take place? in video games and books influ- knowledge and history with the Chronologically, you’d move
and ’80s, are episodes four, five Jedi named osha, who has been “The Acolyte” happens rough- enced the show’s villains. Sith, an idea that’s being ex- from this to the prequel trilogy,
and six of a nine-episode saga. framed for killing a slew of Jedi. ly 100 years before the prequel “I really toyed with utilizing plored in “The Acolyte.” then some animated shows, fol-
The late-’90s/early-2000s pre- (It’ll turn out she has something trilogy begins. This is the “High Darth Bane or mentioning Bane. lowed by “Andor,” “rogue one”
quels were parts one, two and in common with the murderer.) republic” era, when the Star We do not do it in the first season,” Are there any comics or and “Solo,” before you hit the
three. Disney acquired the fran- The show centers on the order’s Wars galaxy was relatively chill. she said, referring to a legacy Star books to read first? originals. After a brief break in
chise in 2012, and its newer investigation into the deaths. No Death Stars here! Wars character known by fans as Yes, if you’re trying to be a the mando-verse (“The man-
animated shows, spinoff proj- You can bet it has something to “We’re looking at a time period the creator of the master-appren- superfan. When Disney bought dalorian,” “Ahsoka” and “The
ects, comics, novels and movies do with the Sith, the evil cohort to where there is peace throughout tice “rule of two.” the franchise, it wiped away the Book of Boba fett”), it’s time for
have all worked to reshuffle the which Darth Vader, Emperor Pal- the galaxy,” showrunner Leslye There is one scene in “The Star Wars “expanded universe” the sequel trilogy. However you
timeline. patine and other Star Wars bad- Headland told Entertainment Phantom menace” that inspired stories (novels, comic books) felt about it.

Lightsabers I'm saying?

Keen: But if we’re in a fight
together, if we both had green, it

and robes would be weird.

Barnett: But we would never
fight each other. We love each

are tricky, other.

Keen: I said together, not each

actors say Barnett: Just fighting alongside

each other.
Keen: Why are you making it
Q&A from C1
Well, all of that stems from my
cosmic club. The 19-year-old original question: Did you have
Keen isn’t new to big-budget any say in your lightsaber
genre productions, having co- colors? But it sounds like it was
starred in the highly acclaimed just, “you’re yellow, you’re
X-men spinoff film “Logan” and green.”
starred in the world-hopping fan- Barnett: After doing the
tasy show “His Dark materials.” research of whether it’s canon, I
The 36-year-old Barnett is well- was really happy to have yellow
known for his role as Alan Zaveri because, learning what people
in “russian Doll,” the Netflix do think of that [color], it is the
series co-created by “The Acolyte” balance of you have a little bit of
creator Leslye Headland. Theirs the force wielding, you’re a really
are confident Jedi — not outcasts good saber wielder. I love that
searching for their place in the idea for him.
universe, but dutiful warriors Keen: I was very happy with
who assume their order will sur- green. It's pretty cool.
vive forever.
How do you become a space How do you convince yourself
knight? What’s it like to put on as an actor that you’re in the
christian bLack/LucasfiLm
the robe and don the lightsaber? Star Wars galaxy?
What’s on a Jedi’s playlist? Keen From left, Charlie Barnett, Dafne Keen and Lee Jung-jae as Jedi in the Disney Plus series “The Acolyte.” Barnett and Keen say there is no Keen: It’s very personal for
and Barnett recently chatted deep reason why his character got a yellow lightsaber and hers got a green one. “It’s purely aesthetic,” Keen says. every actor. for me, I come from
about the making of “The Aco- a creative family of theater
lyte.” What does it feel like to wear claustrophobic too. I don’t know bag like it's Armani Privé. I will soundstage, but it was a freezing people. I’m someone who likes to
This interview has been edited the robes and become a if everybody knows, but it’s like work it. cold forest. build on character arcs and
for clarity and length. Padawan or a Master? four layers of wool we’re wearing development and background
Barnett: I wanted the braid on top of cinch belt. With the robes being 14 pounds Okay, so Dafne, you have a and where they’ve come from.
How does it feel playing a Jedi? more than the robes. I was like, Keen: It’s like hard leather. of wool, they must keep the sets green lightsaber? I’m someone who likes to build a
How does it feel to take on that man, I’m not a Padawan and I Barnett: And then throw a robe pretty cold? Keen: Yeah, it’s green. backstory. I had a little notebook
role? lose my braid. on top of that. And my robe was, Barnett: When you’re in the And Charlie, yours is yellow? where I wrote down all of my
Charlie Barnett: It’s an honor. Keen: I was pretty happy with I think, 14 pounds or something middle of Wales in a snowstorm, Barnett: Yes, and they give it to notes on the Jedi, the force and
Just a blanket of honor. my braid. I loved my robes. like that. It was like ridiculously it’s like, “I like this costume. us. I was given green first and her life, and when she went into
Dafne Keen: It felt immense, Barnett: I’m sure any fan that's heavy wool. I would freak out. I Brilliant!” then they were like, “No, no, no, the Jedi order and who her
like just such a huge thing. out there who’s put on a robe was like, “I don’t know if I can Keen: Without saying too much, no, no. You’re yellow, sorry.” parents were. I also had a little
Barnett: Almost all our fathers and tried to swing any kind of breathe.” It’s just weird little I take my robe off at one point Keen: They gave it to me. It’s Jecki playlist.
brought us or showed it to us. lightsaber around knows it’s details you don’t really think because I’m fighting. And then I purely aesthetic. Barnett: What was on it?
That’s what makes it an honor — difficult. about, but, you know, I’m going wanted to shoot myself because Barnett: Totally aesthetic. It Keen: It was “Alice” from
to be living up to my father’s Keen: The saber gets caught to wear anything that they want it was freezing. It wasn’t that kind of broke my heart. Because “Bodies Bodies Bodies.” It was a
dreams of me being a Jedi. It’s in there. You might trip on the me to wear as a Jedi. they kept it cold. It’s all I fight specific people, they were lot of David Bowie. It was “Space
few and far between to get an robe. It’s not graceful. Keen: You want me to wear a practical. We were in like this like, “We don't want the same oddity,” “Starman.” She’s cool.
opportunity like this. Barnett: I’m incredibly trash bag? I will work that trash freezing forest, which was a colors hitting.” You know what She has some cool music.

SPORTS tuesday, june 4 , 2024 su D

Fifty years ago, a 10-Cent Beer Night promotion in Cleveland caused a forfeit. It also caused a riot. After Gore
Nats’ rally
falls short

Sometimes your ace has an off

night. Sometimes you strand run-
ners in pivotal situations. Some-
times you trail by three runs in the
ninth inning. In those circum-
stances, you don’t escape. Or you
aren’t supposed to, at least.
On Monday night, the Washing-
ton Nationals almost did in an 8-7
loss to the New York Mets. The
dugout stirred as the Nationals
put two runners on with no outs in
the ninth. The Nationals Park
crowd chanted Jesse Winker’s
name, and he delivered a one-out
single to cut the deficit to 8-6
before Ildemaro Vargas loaded the
bases with a single of his own.
A game that stretched beyond
three hours waited patiently as the
Mets replaced reliever Adam Ot-
tavino with Jake Diekman and the
Nationals had Joey Meneses
pinch-hit for Joey Gallo. And then
it waited for Drew Millas, who was
called up from Class AAA the day
before, after Meneses made it a
one-run game with a sacrifice fly
that pushed the tying run to third
But Millas struck out looking,
PhOtOs FROm Paul tEPlEy cOllEctIOn/dIamOnd ImaGEs/GEtty ImaGEs See nATiOnALs ON D3

Mets at Nationals
RetROpOlis 6:45 p.m., masn

The game turned on a dime Orioles trying

to stay course
BY F REDERIC J . F ROMMER clearing brawl. “It was kind of a master-
ful attempt to get back at the pitcher,” as injuries hit
pitching sta≠
A half-century ago Tuesday, the Tom Grieve, who was the Rangers’ des-
Cleveland Indians offered fans beer for ignated hitter that game, said in an
a dime, with a generous limit of six at a interview last month.
time, for a home game against the Texas In the box
Rangers. What could go wrong? score, the play is listed as “Bunt BY C HELSEA J ANES
Not much, except for streaking, Groundout: P unassisted,” proving the
drunk and stoned fans; beer cups, golf adage that some of the game’s little BALTIMORE — Mike elias, like so
balls, rocks and batteries raining down things just don’t show up in the box many general managers around
on the field; and firecrackers popping score. Major League Baseball, has a
throughout the stands, filling the ball- The brew was flowing freely at Tex- reluctant routine for afternoons
park with smoke. Oh, and players from as’s own beer promotional night — such as this, when he will share
both teams on the field, fending off including on the heads of Cleveland the news that pitchers John
some of the more adventurous fans. players, courtesy of Rangers fans. A Means and Tyler Wells both
The infamous 10-Cent Beer Night end- video of the incident shows an irate needed surgery to repair the
ed with the umpires declaring a Cleve- Dave Duncan — the Cleveland catcher ulnar collateral ligaments in
land forfeit, but that was the least of it. who would go on to become one of the their throwing elbows.
To fully understand the chaos of game’s best pitching coaches — scaling He knows the reporters hud-
June 4, 1974, you have to go back a few the dugout roof to go after a fan who dled around him anticipate what
days, when the teams met in the Rang- had hit him with a full can of beer is coming, so he doesn’t waste
ers’ home ballpark in Arlington, Tex., before teammates drag him back down. time with pleasantries. He
on May 29. In the eighth inning, Texas After the game, Texas Manager Billy knows the players involved are
second baseman Lenny Randle, an- Martin was already dreading his team’s devastated, which means being
gered that the previous pitch had near- upcoming visit to Cleveland for 10-Cent careful not to forget the personal
ly hit him, laid down a drag bunt, and as Beer Night. impact while worrying about the
pitcher Milt Wilcox charged to field it, “Oh, Lord, that’s just what we need,” baseball side.
Randle ran out of the baseline and Martin said, adding that he expected “This is tough news for both of
clotheslined him. Cleveland fans would be angry at him these guys,” he said Friday.
Cleveland first baseman John ellis Rangers players took matters into their own hands, for the brawl, the Associated Press “They’ve got a lot of time and
tackled Randle, sparking a benches- while umpire Larry McCoy was nearly hit by a bottle. See beeR ON D5 work ahead of them now. Rehab
is very lonely. It’s a lot different
than playing up here every day.
It’s not something you want to
see anybody who plays this game
go through. But unfortunately,
See ORiOLes ON D3

When Lee’s vault went awry, On chalky day in Paris, chatter shifts to clay courts
Biles could relate — and help BY A VA W ALLACE

BY E MILY G IAMBALVO and then “I just put it to my butt,” Alex de Minaur has a problem.
she said. He used to have an out with his
FORT WORTH — Just as Sunisa Simone Biles saw what hap- team, this sprightly 25-year-old
Lee lunged toward the vault, her pened during Lee’s first perform- from Sydney, an excuse to shrug it
coach could tell something was ance of the evening and immedi- off and vow to get ’em next time if
off. He noticed a slight stumble ately could relate. Lee headed to a clay-court match went poorly.
that led to Lee’s feet landing a bit an arena tunnel to compose her- He just wasn’t made for the red
too far back on the springboard. self and figure out her next steps. stuff, he figured, and his record at
And in a sport defined by tiny Biles joined her. the French Open showed it. He’s
margins and split-second deci- “I’ve been in her shoes,” Biles ranked 11th in the world — and
sions, Jess Graba hoped his star said. “I’ve done that exact thing. was inside the top 10 earlier this
pupil would follow her instincts And I know how traumatizing it year — even though he had never
forged by years of training and is, especially on a big stage like been past the second round at
find a way to land safely. this.” Roland Garros.
Lee was supposed to push off Biles, of course, is referencing But now he has gone and raised
the vault with her hands and her own vault that went wrong expectations by upsetting fifth-
complete two twists as she during the team final at the seeded Daniil Medvedev, 4-6, 6-2,
flipped through the air. But with Tokyo Olympics. Biles blamed a 6-1, 6-3, on Monday to advance to
the early mishap, the double mental block known as “the the quarterfinals in Paris.
twist didn’t go as planned. Lee twisties,” a disorienting “I always thought that, to me,
performed just 11/2 twists instead See u.s. gyMnAsTiCs ON D5 to play well on the clay I needed
hot, lively conditions,” said de
Minaur, whose best Grand Slam
results have come on bouncy,
sOcceR baseball
quick hard courts. “But, you
the long-awaited move is san diego Padres infielder know, this whole tournament has
See FRenCh Open ON D5
official: Kylian mbappé will tucupita marcano could
leave Paris saint-Germain face a lifetime ban for JEan-FRancOIs BadIas/assOcIatEd PREss French Open quarterfinals
and join Real madrid. D2 betting on mlB games. D4 Taylor Fritz, the last American man left in the French Open singles draw, lost Monday to Casper Ruud. 5 a.m. and 2 p.m., tennis channel
d2 eZ sU the washington post . tuesday, june 4 , 2024


HOrSE rACiNG of three consecutive trips when
Tanner was the baseball coach.
Seize the Grey draws South Carolina won the national
No. 1 post for Belmont title in 2010 and 2011. . . .
Nick Saban and Urban
Preakness Stakes winner Seize Meyer, both winners of multiple
the Grey drew post position national championships as
No. 1 and Kentucky Derby coaches, are up for election to
champion Mystik Dan will start the College Football Hall of Fame
in post No. 3 for the for the first time.
156th Belmont Stakes that takes The ballot for the Hall of Fame
place Saturday at Saratoga Race class to be announced in January
Course in New York. was released by the National
Kenny McPeek-trained Football Foundation. It includes
Mystik Dan, who finished second 77 players and nine coaches from
in the Preakness, is the only the Football Bowl Subdivision
horse in the field for all three and 101 players and 34 coaches
Triple Crown races. At 5-1 and from the divisional ranks, which
being ridden again by Brian include the Championship
Hernandez Jr., he is the third Subdivision and Divisions II and
choice behind favorite Sierra III.
Leone, who opened at 9-5, and Among the players who are
Mindframe at 7-2. holdovers on this year’s ballot
McPeek favored his inside post are former Virginia Tech
position, and Mystik Dan co- quarterback Michael Vick,
owner Lance Gasaway had his former Syracuse wide receiver
eye on the No. 3 post. Marvin Harrison and the late
“Lance Gasaway sent me a Sean Taylor, who played
message this morning, ‘Go there defensive back for Miami before
and get post No. 3,’ ” McPeek starring for Washington’s NFL
said. “He said it’s his lucky team.
number, I guess.”
Hall of Fame trainer D. SOCCEr
Wayne Lukas’s Seize the Grey
comes in right behind Mystik Chelsea hires Maresca
Dan with 8-1 odds after a wire-to- to replace Pochettino
wire win in the second leg of the
Triple Crown. Enzo Maresca, a former
Sierra Leone, who drew the assistant to Manchester City
No. 9 post position in the Coach Pep Guardiola, was hired
10-horse field, was second in the as Chelsea’s coach just weeks
Derby, losing to Mystik Dan by a after leading Leicester back to
nose. Trainer Chad Brown hopes the English Premier League.
to get a similar run out of the The 44-year-old Italian signed
horse this time, with a jockey a five-year deal as the
change to Flavien Prat. replacement for Mauricio
Trainer Todd Pletcher is PAUL eLLIs/AGeNCe FrANCe-Presse/GeTTY IMAGes Pochettino, who left by mutual
saddling the most horses in the consent at the end of the season,
11/4-mile race at Saratoga. His trio Dolled up and is Chelsea’s fourth
of colts are led by undefeated permanent manager since the
An England fan holds dolls of Kieran Trippier and Jude Bellingham ahead of a soccer friendly vs. Bosnia. England won, 3-0.
Mindframe, who will start from club came under American
the outside No. 10 post. Pletcher ownership midway through
also has No. 5 Antiquarian (12-1) 2022. . . .
and No. 7 Protective (20-1). Bochum hired Peter Zeidler
as its coach after surviving
PrO FOOTBALL relegation from the Bundesliga
only in a penalty shootout.
Ex-Cowboy Allen dies SPO T L i GH T: SOCC Er Zeidler is a 61-year-old
on vacation in Mexico German who hasn’t worked as a
head coach in his home country
Larry Allen, one of the most
dominant offensive linemen in
the NFL during a 12-year career
It’s o∞cial: Mbappé is joining Real Madrid since the 2007-08 season and
never in the Bundesliga. . . .
Italy’s crisis in defense
spent mostly with the Dallas deepened when Giorgio
Cowboys, died. He was 52. BY M ATT B ONESTEEL During his time in Paris, Mbappé blos- Scalvini was ruled out of the
Allen died Sunday while on somed into perhaps the most dangerous European Championship after
vacation with his family in As long expected, star striker Kylian
Move to the team he rooted for goal scorer in the world and, on the he tore an ACL on Sunday in
Mexico, the Cowboys said. Mbappé will join Spanish titan Real Ma- as a boy is a ‘dream come true’ international stage, helped lead France to Atalanta’s last match of the
A six-time all-pro who was drid next season after his star-making the World Cup title in 2018 and the final in Serie A season.
inducted into the Pro Football of turn with French club Paris Saint-Ger-
for the longtime PSG star 2022, when he became only the second Inter Milan defender — and
Hall of Fame in 2013, Allen said main, the La Liga team announced Mon- player to record a hat trick in the World Euro 2020 champion —
few words but let his blocking do day. Cup championship game. But as the goals Francesco Acerbi had to pull out
the talking. Mbappé, 25, helped PSG win the Ligue before the team’s Ligue 1 finale last and accolades piled up, there came a with a groin injury last week.
“Larry, known for his great 1 title in six of his seven seasons with the month. growing sense that Mbappé had accom- Italy begins its title defense in
athleticism and incredible club and was PSG’s leading goal scorer in On social media, Mbappé called the plished all that he could in a French less than two weeks. . . .
strength, was one of the most each of the past six seasons, including the move a “dream come true” and said he league that is considered second-tier, Atlanta United fired coach
respected, accomplished one that recently concluded. (His 256 ca- was “so happy and proud to join the club even after PSG began giving him a say in Gonzalo Pineda less than
offensive linemen to ever play in reer goals set a club record.) But ultimate of my dream.” the club’s personnel decisions and al- 24 hours after another loss
the NFL,” the Cowboys said in success in the Champions League proved “Nobody can understand how excited I lowed him nearly free rein on the pitch. dropped the team further from
statement. “His versatility and elusive, with PSG never winning the Eu- am right now,” he continued. “Can’t wait Mbappé nearly left PSG for Real Madrid playoff contention in MLS.
dependability were also ropean club championship even though to see you, Madridistas, and thanks for after the 2021-22 season but ended up The team is 1-6-4 over its past
signature parts of his career. Mbappé played alongside fellow icons your unbelievable support.” signing a two-year contract extension, 11 games, dropping to 13th in the
Through that, he continued to Edinson Cavani, Lionel Messi and Ney- The post was illustrated by photos of a with a player option for a third year that Eastern Conference and 24th
serve as inspiration for many mar. PSG came closest in 2020, falling to young Mbappé wearing a Real Madrid he declined. overall. Assistant coach Rob
other players, defining what it Germany’s Bayern Munich in the final, jacket. Mbappé has long desired to play for Valentino will take over as
meant to be a great teammate, but otherwise bowed out in the round of Mbappé will sign a five-year deal with Real Madrid, going back to his childhood, interim coach.
competitor and winner.” . . . 16 in four of Mbappé’s seven seasons. Real Madrid that reportedly comes with a and his presence will merely fortify an
San Francisco agreed to a PSG advanced to the Champions $160 million signing bonus, paid out over already potent attack that features Jude MiSC.
contract with free agent tight League semifinals this season but fell to the length of the contract, and will earn Bellingham and Vinícius Júnior. On Sat-
end Logan Thomas, giving the Borussia Dortmund in the semifinals, more than $16 million per year in salary. urday, Real Madrid won the Champions Scott’s major streak
49ers a proven backup to all-pro failing to score in the two-leg tie. Mbappé He will keep a percentage of his image League for a record 15th time with a 2-0 in doubt for U.S. Open
George Kittle, according to a had announced his intention to leave PSG rights as well. win over Borussia Dortmund.
person who spoke on the Adam Scott, who has played
condition of anonymity because in ever golf major starting with
the contract hasn’t been the 2001 British Open, ended his
announced by the team. TE L Evi Si ON A Nd r Ad iO longest day in golf with a playoff
Thomas, who turns 33 in July, loss against Cam Davis in a U.S.
had 55 catches for 496 yards and Open qualifier in Springfield,
four touchdowns last season for MLB Ohio, and now Scott has to wait a
3 p.m. Women’s Euro 2025 qualifying, Group A: England at France »
the Commanders, his fourth 6:45 p.m. New York Mets at Washington » MAsN, WJFK (106.7 FM),
CBs sports Network week to see whether his alternate
productive season with WDCN (87.7 FM) status will allow him to extend
7:30 p.m. Women’s friendly: Mexico at Canada » Fox sports 2
Washington. 7 p.m. Baltimore at Toronto » MAsN2, WIYY (97.9 FM), WsBN (630 AM) the longest active streak of
8 p.m. Copa Libertadores, Group C: Grêmio at Huachipato » BeIN sports
7 p.m. Minnesota at New York Yankees » TBs
9:30 p.m. San Francisco at Arizona » MLB Network
8 p.m. Women’s friendly: South Korea at united States » TNT, Universo playing the majors.
Davis gave his fellow
WNBA Australian a second chance by
Mourning was treated 7 p.m. Washington at Connecticut » Monumental sports Network
5 a.m. French Open, quarterfinals » Tennis Channel
making a bogey on the final hole,
for prostate cancer
2:30 p.m. French Open, quarterfinals » Tennis Channel
8 p.m. New York at Chicago » NBA TV sending them to a playoff for the
10 p.m. Phoenix at Seattle » CBs sports Network COLLEGE SOFTBALL — WOrLd SEriES fourth and final spot. The U.S.
Basketball Hall of Famer SOCCEr 2 p.m. Oklahoma vs. Florida » esPN Open will be played June 13-16 at
Alonzo Mourning told ESPN he Pinehurst No. 2.
Noon Men’s friendly: Armenia at Slovenia » Fox sports 2 AMEriCAN HOCKEY LEAGuE — CALdEr CuP PLAYOFFS
was diagnosed with prostate 2:45 p.m. Men’s friendly: Finland at Portugal » Fox sports 2 LIV Golf players had a rough
7 p.m. Eastern Conference finals, Game 3: Hershey at Cleveland »
cancer and had his prostate time at five of the qualifying
Monumental sports Network 2
removed earlier this year. sites.
Mourning, now an executive Only two of the 17 players from
with the Miami Heat, said his the Saudi-funded league reached
prostate was removed in March the U.S. Open — Dean
and that he is now cancer-free. Burmester in Florida and David
Mourning had a kidney Puig in San Francisco. . . .
transplant in 2003, then COLLEGES beginning Wednesday. single in the second inning and Mark Shallenberger hit a go- Track and field announced a
returned to the NBA and helped Freshman Teagan Kavan reliever Fisher Jameson retired ahead three-run home run, Max new biennial global
the Heat win a championship in Gators upset Sooners, threw a one-hitter against No. 8 all 10 Oklahoma State batters he Hansmann pitched four innings championships and promised
2006. . . . stay alive in softball Stanford for the second time in faced to close out the game, of scoreless relief and Evansville $150,000 prizes — three times its
The Boston Celtics are favored the World Series, and the leading the Gators to a 4-2 beat No. 16 national seed East recent cash pledge to champions
to defeat the Dallas Mavericks in Skylar Wallace hit two home Longhorns beat the Cardinal, 1-0. victory over the 11th-seeded and Carolina, 6-5, winning the at the Paris Olympics — for gold
the NBA Finals and hoist their runs to lead Florida’s softball Texas has won three games in host Cowboys in the Greenville (N.C.) regional and medalists.
record 18th championship team past Oklahoma, 9-3, in the Oklahoma City, all of them one- championship game of the punching a ticket to the Purple World Athletics said the first
banner, according to BetMGM College World Series semifinals, hit shutouts. . . . Stillwater regional. Aces’ first super regional. Ultimate Championships will be
Sportsbook. but the Sooners still can win a Alex Madera drove in the go- Florida (32-28), runner-up to Evansville (38-24) will travel hosted in Budapest from Sept. 11
Boston is a -225 favorite to win record fourth straight national ahead run in the 10th inning LSU last season and unseeded to play No. 1 overall national to 13, 2026, showcasing Olympic,
it all, meaning someone would title. with a two-out single after LSU this year, advances to the best-of- seed Tennessee (53-11) in the world and Diamond League
need to wager $225 to win $100. Because Oklahoma entered tied the game in the bottom of three Clemson super regional to Knoxville super regional. . . . champions over three evening
Game 1 of the series is the game undefeated in bracket the ninth, and No. 4 take on the sixth-seeded Tigers South Carolina fired baseball sessions.
Thursday night in Boston. . . . play and the Gators (54-14) had a national seed North Carolina (44-14). . . . coach Mark Kingston after Eight or 16 athletes in each
The Cleveland Cavaliers will loss in the double-elimination beat LSU, 4-3, winning the Elijah Hainline hit a three- seven seasons and just two trips event will compete for a total
interview Minnesota format, the Sooners (56-7) Chapel Hill (N.C.) regional and run home run to spark a five-run to the NCAA tournament’s super prize fund of $10 million that is
Timberwolves assistant Micah remain alive. Monday’s game knocking the defending national second inning, and No. 15 regionals. the sport’s richest ever. . . .
Nori for their coaching vacancy started three hours late because champion Tigers out of the national seed Oregon State Gamecocks Athletic Director Esteban Ocon is leaving
in the next few days, a person of rain and lightning in NCAA baseball tournament. pulled away to beat UC Irvine, Ray Tanner announced the Alpine at the end of the season
familiar with the meeting told Oklahoma City, and the delay led North Carolina (45-14) will 11-6, winning the rain-delayed move a day after the team’s after a troubled start to the
the Associated Press. the NCAA to move the winner- host West Virginia (36-22) in a Corvallis (Ore.) regional. season ended with a 2-0 loss to season in Formula One for him
J.B. Bickerstaff was fired one take-all rematch to Tuesday. . . . best-of-three super regional The Beavers (45-14) will take James Madison in the Raleigh and the French-owned team.
week after Cleveland’s The winner will face top- beginning Friday or Saturday. . . . on No. 2 national seed and host (N.C.) regional. The Gamecocks His contract is expiring at the
postseason ended with a second- seeded Texas (55-8) in the best- Ashton Wilson gave Florida Kentucky (42-14) in the haven’t reached the College end of the season.
round loss to Boston. of-three championship series the lead for good with a two-run Lexington super regional. . . . World Series since 2012, the last — From news services
tuesday, june 4 , 2024 . the washington post EZ SU d3

Noisy winter put Nats’ García on track for a loud summer

BY A NDREW G OLDEN into monday night’s game against N AT i o N A l s o N d e c k of an emergency swing,” hitting
the New York mets. He has im- coach Darnell Coles said.
There’s a level of pressure that proved his range at second base vs. New York Mets “. . . We’re well beyond that. He’s
comes with being a big leaguer. after losing weight. He’s slowly made an adjustment, that consis-
Washington Nationals second becoming the player the Nation- Tuesday 6:45 maSN tency of him being able to allow
baseman Luis García Jr. is famil- als believe he can be. wednesday 4:05 maSN the ball to travel and make good
iar with that feeling. But it The noise he heard wasn’t ex- decisions.”
doesn’t compare with the pres- clusive to the Dominican Winter vs. Atlanta Braves García entered monday with a
sure he felt this past offseason, League. During spring training, .579 slugging percentage on
when he played winter ball in the Nationals manager Dave marti- Thursday 6:45 maSN breaking balls, the highest of his
Dominican republic, his home nez made it clear García’s job friday 6:45 maSN
career. He credits that improve-
country. wasn’t secure. That noise only ment to his newfound focus and
His family and friends were in heightened as García made famil- Saturday 4:05 maSN his dad, who helped him adjust.
the stands, watching his every iar mental mistakes during the García explained that he always
move. Instruments clanged early stages of camp. But García Sunday 1:35 maSN has had a flat swing. That’s why,
throughout the ballpark. Jeers was with the Nationals on open- especially against breaking balls,
at detroit Tigers
rained down from the opposing ing Day and has only gotten bet- he would hit the top of the base-
fans — and those who supported ter. June 11 6:40 maSN2 ball and frequently ground out.
him, too. “I really believe his overall fo- But this offseason, García
“It’s one of those places where cus throughout the whole game June 12 6:40 maSN2 made a slight swing adjustment
it’s just interesting how the fans, has been better,” martinez said. June 13 1:10 maSN2 with his elbow so he can stay
you can be 15 for 15, but if you “These are conversations we had JOhN mCdONNEll/aSSOCIaTEd PRESS below the baseball and elevate
miss that 16th at-bat and now throughout spring training with After playing winter ball in the Dominican Republic, Luis García Radio: WJFK (106.7 FM), more pitches. for his career,
you’re 15 for 16, they start saying him about what he needs to do Jr. has developed into one of the nationals’ best hitters this season. WDCN (87.7 FM) García has a groundball rate of
that you’re no good,” García said and how I perceived things with 53.7 percent. This season, it’s
through an interpreter. “You him. He’s been on top of every- grow. García admitted that, in your family’s from,” ruiz paused, “I didn’t see any fastballs in the down to 45.7 percent, closer to the
learn to let it come in on one side thing. I credit him for making those previous brief stints, the then smiled. “You just got to do Dominican,” García said before mLB average.
and come out the other because, changes.” insults from fans would get in his the job good. . . . After that year laughing. García was a defensive liability
obviously, if you do listen to it, it’s In previous offseasons, García head. This time, he learned to that I played winter ball was my García is still chasing more at times a season ago but has
not a good thing. So you learn to would return to his hometown — concentrate through it. best year in baseball. So I think than a season ago — his weakness shown improvement there, too.
just focus, concentrate on what San francisco de macorís — to Catcher Keibert ruiz under- [García] has a little bit more always has been breaking pitches He previously struggled to make
you’re doing and not listen to the train on a field his dad built not stands the feeling. He remembers confidence.” below the strike zone. But he said routine plays. García’s outs above
noise.” too far from García’s childhood playing in the Venezuelan winter García said Dominican Winter he has learned how to work lon- average, which measure a player’s
It was through that noise that home. He would play in the Do- leagues earlier in his career and League pitching was different ger at-bats until he gets his pitch defensive range, in his first four
García forged a new level of focus minican Winter League for a experiencing a cold spell at the from that in the majors. He instead of panicking, altering his mLB seasons: minus-7, minus-12,
that has served him well this week or two. plate. He was benched. When he wasn’t facing young pitchers who mechanics and swinging at pitch- minus-13, minus-4. This sea-
season. García has been one of But this past offseason, García came home, he joked that his were prone to make mistakes. es he couldn’t drive. son: 1.
Washington’s best hitters, tied for played for Gigantes del Cibao for friends told him he was no good. Instead, he faced veterans who “I think, at times last year, we “This game is all about focus,”
second on the team in rBI (26) a month and a half, believing the “That’s how it is. If you don’t do knew how to attack hitters’ weak- had situations where he’d get to García said. “If you’re lacking
and second in oPS (.727) going environment would help him the job good, especially where nesses. two strikes but then it’d be more focus, it’s hard to be successful.”

Orioles are Gore has a rare rough night,

arm injury then Nats’ rally is not enough
epidemic’s nATIOnALs from D1

ending Washington’s chance to

one-run games.
In the second, Nick Senzel hit a
ball to the warning track in center

latest victim avoid a loss that had seemed inevi-

“Trying to get a pitch that I
field that popped out of Bader’s
glove for a two-base error. Winker
singled him home to tie it at 1.
could do something with, and un- In the fourth, trailing by two,
ORIOLes from D1 fortunately it didn’t work out to- the Nationals challenged what
night,” millas said. “No excuses — would have been an inning-end-
it’s a big part of being a pitcher got to get it done next time.” ing double play when Vargas slid
right now.” Before all of that, the macKen- into first base to try to beat Lin-
reporters, too, know this rou- zie Gore that the Nationals got dor’s throw. The call was over-
tine well. Ten years ago, ulnar monday night wasn’t the one they turned, which not only sent Senzel
collateral ligament injuries have grown accustomed to. Gore home from third but extended the
meant Tommy John surgery, and entered as one of just 10 major inning for Gallo to hit the ball he
no one really pried for more leaguers with at least 10 starts, an was signed to hit (a 96-mph fast-
specifics. But now, when these ErA below 3.00 and a lights-out ball down the middle) where he
surgeries are so frequent — so strikeout rate above 25 percent. was signed to hit it (398 feet into
frequent, in fact, that both He exited in the fifth inning with the right field stands). A 3-1 deficit
means and Wells have had UCL his lips pursed and the bases load- was suddenly a 4-3 lead.
repair surgeries before — the ed, tepidly clutching a streak — 11 “A lot of fight with our team in
questions are more specific. Is it starts to begin the season without our clubhouse,” Winker said. “We
an internal brace procedure? Is it dIlIP VIShwaNaT/gETTy ImagES allowing more than three earned always feel like we’re in it. We
a full tear? Did either of them try The Orioles announced last week that John Means, above, and Tyler Wells both needed elbow surgery. runs — that marked his next step almost got the job done.”
the platelet-rich plasma injec- toward ace status. Another close call benefited
tions that saved their teammate, trying to decide whether Cade Before monday, the three big- Washington in the fifth: first base
Kyle Bradish, from elbow sur- Povich, Baltimore’s top pitching gest strides he had made were the umpire ryan Wills said Senzel
gery when he sprained his UCL prospect, is ready to make the three areas that pitching coach didn’t go around on a check swing,
earlier this year? jump to the majors. The 24-year- Jim Hickey said in spring training setting up Winker’s bases-loaded
In this case, Elias said, doctors old lefty is pitching to a 3.18 ErA would help make him the top-10 walk that cut the Nationals’ deficit
wouldn’t know exactly what re- in 11 Class AAA starts, and Elias pitcher he could be: He had mini- to 7-5.
pairs are required until they said that places him “on the tip of mized the wreckage of bad in- After that, the mets’ belea-
perform surgeries. (means un- our tongues” for a big league nings, he had limited blowup out- guered pitching staff cleaned up
derwent his surgery monday.) call-up. ings, and he had cut back on non- its mistakes for a while, stranding
But, no, neither player received But holes in the big league competitive pitches. three in the fifth, two in the sixth
PrP injections. And neither play- rotation might force more urgen- on monday, for the first time, and two in the eighth before final-
er will be back this year, though cy on the cautious orioles than he struggled in all three facets. ly closing the door in the ninth.
everyone knew that, too. they would like. And more holes Within minutes of his exit, his “one little thing, one block, one
The 12- to 18-month recovery might emerge with means and streak was over: Dylan floro al- ball falls, for us it’s a different
time is the part of this that Wells down than they would lowed all three inherited runners game,” manager Dave martinez
everyone dreads, the part that have otherwise. to score and had one more run said. “Today just wasn’t our day.”
siphons off months and years of Consider this: The orioles charged to his own tally, leaving notes: Shortstop CJ Abrams
pitchers’ brief primes — the part planned to navigate June — a Gore with a line of 41/3 innings, (left shoulder) and outfielder Ja-
that kills a year of World Series month in which they play such seven hits and six earned runs. His cob Young (right hand soreness)
hopes just as they are forming. juggernauts as the Guardians, ErA rose to 3.57. Washington’s 4-3 were out of the lineup and remain
At a time when elbows are NICk waSS/aSSOCIaTEd PRESS Yankees, Atlanta Braves and lead became a 7-4 deficit from day-to-day.
blowing out at an alarming rate, For Wells, above, and Means, this will be the second time they have Philadelphia Phillies with just which it could not claw all the way Young tried to hit before the
the orioles provide an example had surgery on their ulnar collateral ligaments, a trend in MLB. one day off — with a six-man back. game but was still sore after exit-
of just how the frequency of rotation. They cannot do that “I just didn’t execute. It just was ing Saturday’s loss at Cleveland.
those injuries affects the futures shoulder inflammation this year, announce his untouchable clos- now, which is not necessarily not good,” Gore said. “. . . I wasn’t Abrams, who last played friday,
of even the most successful fran- he missed only a few starts. Dean er, félix Bautista, would miss the catastrophic. able to make pitches when I need- also felt better, but martinez said
chises. Kremer, who now has a similar end of an otherwise magical But it could be significant: ed to get out of that traffic. So it’s his shoulder still bothers him
Some teams show the effects issue, is expected to return this 2023 season because of Tommy Instead of giving a little extra frustrating.” when he swings. . . .
of the epidemic more clearly: month. When Bradish, a 2023 John surgery. rest to young, recently injured As Washington (27-32) faced right-hander Josiah Gray will
The defending World Series Cy Young candidate, sprained That injury meant that instead arms such as Bradish and rodri- New York (25-35) for the first time, throw around 50 pitches in a live
champion Texas rangers have his UCL this winter, he was able of pairing the most dominant guez, they will need them more command issues got the left-hand- bullpen session Tuesday. If all goes
yet to see max Scherzer or Jacob to avoid surgery and work his closer in baseball with an elite than ever. Instead of shaving a er in trouble. A season-high 18.5 well, martinez said, the Nationals
deGrom throw an inning, were way back to what appears to young lineup in its prime, the few innings off their summer percent of his pitches were in non- would like him to begin a rehab
without Nathan Eovaldi for a be full strength. Bradish has a orioles needed to find a new one. totals with an eye toward octo- competitive locations, per the assignment. The opening Day
substantial period and have been 3.18 ErA in six starts since To do that, they committed more ber, they will have to test them. website Trumedia, and he finished starter has not pitched since April
toiling below .500 as a result. returning. to a single player than they have “It’s sort of a common sense with a season-low two strikeouts. 4 after straining the right flexor
Elbow injuries to key rotation Because of that and because of in years when they spent $13 mil- thing to manage innings and The mets tagged him for a run on muscle near his forearm. . . .
pieces have the Houston Astros the deal they made to add steady lion on Craig Kimbrel this offsea- manage pitch counts and man- Harrison Bader’s sacrifice fly in right-hander Cade Cavalli was
and Tampa Bay rays staring Corbin Burnes to solidify the top son. for a team with the age rest to go to a six-man for an the second and added two more in at Nationals Park, where he will
down disappointing years after of their rotation, the orioles 27th-largest payroll in the sport, extra day of rest, but there’s not the fourth on a leadoff homer by remain for a few days so martinez
recent runs of regular season entered monday 17 games over that amounts to a seventh of its really science behind this. You mark Vientos and francisco Lin- and Hickey can “put eyes on him,”
dominance. .500, three behind the New York entire financial commitment to see pitchers get hurt that are dor’s rBI single. A pair of fifth-in- the manager said.
other teams, such as the surg- Yankees for the American the roster. handled very, very, very carefully ning walks ended Gore’s night be- In his rehab from Tommy John
ing Cleveland Guardians, have League East lead, firmly in con- And the injuries to means and by organizations,” Elias said. fore floro struggled, and New surgery in march 2023, Washing-
absorbed blows more gracefully: trol of a wild-card spot if things Wells probably mean the orioles “. . . I think what I’m saying is, at York pushed across an eighth run ton’s top pitching prospect last
When Shane Bieber went down ended here. Their chances of will need to pursue starting this point, it’s more art than in the sixth. pitched Thursday, conceding two
with a UCL injury this year, it did reaching the World Series are pitching depth at the trade dead- science, and we aren’t really sure The Nationals did capitalize on earned runs with five strikeouts
not seem to slow Cleveland not, on paper, devastated by the line, though Elias said they were about the impact that it has.” a few early opportunities — prog- and three walks in 22/3 innings with
much. The Los Angeles Dodgers loss of means or Wells. doing that already. The orioles few general managers are as ress for a team that fell to 4-10 in high Class A Wilmington.
seem to lose one or two starters a means is a treasured holdover are well positioned to handle candid about those unknowns as
year to UCL trouble but always from the bleakest orioles days, a injuries that way, too: If any- Elias, who has not been particu-
seem to build the depth to absorb fan favorite coming back from thing, they have too many elite larly aggressive at trade dead-
it. another elbow surgery that position-playing prospects for lines when it comes to adding
“It’s something you always meant the lefty missed the good too few major league spots, so pitching. Then again, he has not
plan for. I think, usually, baseball days for which he toiled so long. trades are as palatable as they seen injuries potentially ruin a
teams try to go into the season Now, with an expiring contract are helpful. But if another starter season in his promising young
with eight or nine starting pitch- and a twice-repaired elbow, he goes down, they probably will team’s prime.
ing options,” Elias said. “Now might not pitch for the orioles have to reach more, which could “As we just saw, you’ve always
we’re down a couple.” again. He would have helped mean spending more in prospect got to be paranoid about injuries
fortunately for Baltimore, their rotation but not made or or financial capital than they when we talk about pitching.
Elias and his staff have a knack broken it. The same is true for might like. What I just described, unfortu-
for finding promising arms on Wells, a right-hander who “We’re in contact with other nately, can change very quickly
the scrap heap and shining them bounced between the bullpen teams, clearly, and monitoring because of bad luck,” Elias said.
up. This year’s prize is Albert and the rotation in recent years. what’s going on in the standings “So we’ll keep scouring [the
Suárez, who pitched in the Korea His presence would have helped in the rest of the league,” Elias major leagues]. We’ll keep trying
Baseball organization last year the big league roster, but his said. “. . . So we have to see how to develop guys we have in-
and has a 1.57 ErA in 12 outings. absence will not devastate it. the whole market evolves. And house. But this group, if they stay
The orioles also have benefited But the off-field effects can be then we’re also monitoring our healthy, is a group that is capable JESS RaPfOgEl/gETTy ImagES

from some injury luck: When costly. About nine months ago, own developments internally.” of doing what we need them to MacKenzie Gore didn’t make it out of the fifth inning Monday vs.
Grayson rodriguez dealt with Elias sat here, in this dugout, to Those developments include do.” the Mets. “I just didn’t execute. It just was not good,” Gore said.
d4 ez sU the washington post . tuesday, june 4 , 2024

national league american league
EaSt W l pct GB l10 Str cEntral W l pct GB l10 Str WESt W l pct GB l10 Str EaSt W l pct GB l10 Str cEntral W l pct GB l10 Str WESt W l pct GB l10 Str
philadelphia 42 19 .689 — 5-5 W-1 Milwaukee 36 24 .600 — 7-3 l-1 los angeles 38 23 .623 — 5-5 W-2 New York 42 19 .689 — 8-2 W-5 cleveland 39 20 .661 — 7-3 l-1 seattle 34 27 .557 — 7-3 W-3
atlanta 33 24 .579 7 4-6 W-1 chicago 29 31 .483 7 2-8 l-1 x-san diego 32 30 .516 61/2 6-4 l-1 Baltimore 38 20 .655 21/2 8-2 W-1 Kansas city 36 25 .590 4 4-6 W-1 texas 29 31 .483 41/2 5-5 l-1
Washington 27 32 .458 14 5-5 l-1 st. louis 28 30 .483 7 6-4 l-1 x-san Francisco 29 31 .483 81/2 5-5 l-4 Boston 30 30 .500 111/2 4-6 l-1 Minnesota 33 26 .559 6 7-3 W-1 houston 27 34 .443 7 4-6 W-1
New York 25 35 .417 16 4-6 W-1 1/
2 pittsburgh 27 32 .458 8 4-6 l-1 1/
2 x-arizona 27 32 .458 10 4-6 W-2 tampa Bay 29 31 .483 121/2 4-6 W-1 detroit 30 30 .500 91/2 7-3 W-2 oakland 24 37 .393 10 4-6 l-1
Miami 21 39 .350201/2 5-5 l-2 cincinnati 27 33 .450 9 7-3 W-2 colorado 21 38 .356 16 5-5 l-3 toronto 28 31 .475 13 5-5 l-1 chicago 15 45 .250241/20-10 l-11 x-los angeles 21 38 .356 12 2-8 l-5
x-Late game x-Late game

Mets 8, nationals 7 n OtE S

mETS Ab r H bI bb SO AVG
Lindor ss .............3 0 1 1 1 0 .228
Alonso 1b............5 0 0 0 0 2 .234
Nimmo lf.............5 0 2 0 0 0 .216 pErSOnnEl dEpt.
Martinez dh ........4 2 1 0 1 1 .278
Marte rf ..............5 2 3 0 0 0 .275 astros: the team said it
Vientos 3b ..........3 2 2 1 2 0 .339 isn’t ready to say whether
Bader cf ..............3 0 0 2 0 0 .265
Iglesias 2b ..........5 2 3 1 0 0 .455 rhp José Urquidy is done
Torrens c.............4 0 1 2 0 3 .167
TOTALS 37 8 13 7 4 6 — for the season amid
media reports that a
Thomas cf ...........5 0 2 0 0 0 .218 second tommy John
Rosario rf............4 1 2 0 1 1 .184 surgery is possible.
García 2b.............4 1 0 0 1 1 .267
Ruiz dh................4 1 1 0 0 2 .204 Giants: placed lhp Blake
Senzel 3b ............4 2 1 0 1 0 .244
Winker lf.............4 0 3 3 1 0 .241 snell on the 15-day
Vargas ss............5 1 1 1 0 0 .284
Gallo 1b...............3 1 1 2 1 1 .156 injured list, one day after
Meneses ph ........0 0 0 1 0 0 .240
Millas c ...............4 0 0 0 1 1 .100
the two-time cy Young
TOTALS 37 7 11 7 6 6 — award winner left the
nEw YOrK...... 010 241 000 — 8 13 2 game vs. the Yankees
wASHInGTOn 010 310 002 — 7 11 1
with a left groin strain,
E: Iglesias (2), Bader (2), Barnes (1).
LOb: New York 9, Washington 11. 2b: and activated oF Michael
Nimmo (10), Torrens (1). Hr: Vientos conforto (hamstring), who
(5), off Gore; Gallo (5), off Megill. rbI:
Bader 2 (18), Vientos (10), Lindor (30), was out since May 11.
Iglesias (2), Torrens 2 (2), Winker 3 (28),
Vargas (9), Gallo 2 (9), Meneses (30). Orioles: placed iF Jorge
Sb: Marte (10), Iglesias (1), Lindor (9).
CS: Winker (3). SF: Bader 2, Meneses. Mateo on the seven-day
nEw YOrK IP H r ErbbSO nPErA concussion list. he left
Megill ...............5 7 5 4 3 4 873.00
Houser............21/3 2 0 0 2 0 496.65 sunday’s loss to tampa
Smith ............... 2/3 0 0 0 0 1 102.53
Ottavino........... 1/3 2 2 2 1 0 135.96
Bay in the fourth inning
Diekman .......... 2/3 0 0 0 0 1 94.12 after being struck by
nATIOnALS IP H rErbb SO nPErA teammate cedric
Gore ...............41/3 7 6 6 4 2 923.57
Floro ................. 2/3 2 1 1 0 0 141.23 Mullins’s bat while Mullins
Barnes...............1 2 1 0 0 1 255.09 was loosening up around
Weems..............2 1 0 0 0 3 245.24
Rainey ...............1 1 0 0 0 0 219.00 the on-deck circle.
wP: Megill (1-2); LP: Gore (4-5); S: Diek-
man (2). Inherited runners-scored: Smith phillies: placed oF
2-0, Diekman 3-1, Floro 3-3. HbP: Gore Brandon Marsh
(Lindor), Ottavino (Ruiz). wP: Smith,
Gore(2). T: 3:18. A: 20,575 (41,376). (hamstring) and iF Kody
HOw THEY SCOrEd clemons (back) on the
mETS SECOnd 10-day il and promoted
Starling Marte singles. Mark Vientos chris szagola/associated press
walks. Starling Marte to third. Harrison oF david dahl and iF-oF
bader out on a sacrifice fly, Starling
marte scores. Jose Iglesias singles.
Mark Vientos to second. Luis Torrens
Look who’s back Weston Wilson from class
aaa lehigh Valley.
strikes out swinging. Francisco Lindor
hit by pitch. Jose Iglesias to second. Rhys Hoskins, a Phillies fan favorite, returned to Citizens Bank Park on Monday night and homered for the Brewers. Philadelphia won the game, 3-1.
Mark Vientos to third. Pete Alonso flies
mets 1, nationals 0 tO d ay

Padres player could face lifetime ban Baltimore roughs up

Nick Senzel reaches on error, advances
to 2nd. Fielding error by Harrison Bader.
Jesse winker singles, nick Senzel nl games
scores. Ildemaro Vargas lines out. Joey
Gallo strikes out swinging.
mets 1, nationals 1
mark Vientos homers. Harrison Bader BY C HELSEA J ANES les Dodgers superstar to pay off
ex-Oriole Gausman mETS AT nATIOnALS, 6:45

Peterson (L)
3.60 0-1
flies out. Jose Iglesias singles. Luis Tor- gambling debts. Mizuhara has
rens strikes out swinging. Jose Iglesias
steals second. Francisco Lindor singles, Mere months after a sports
MLB is investigating since agreed to plead guilty to
Williams (R) 5-0 2.22 9-2

Jose Iglesias scores. Pete Alonso

grounds out. betting scandal enveloped Sho- whether Marcano bet on one count of bank fraud and one orioles 7, blue jays 2 dOdGErS AT PIrATES, 6:40
Glasnow (R) 6-3 3.04 8-4
hei Ohtani and his now-former count of subscribing to a false tax
mets 3, nationals 1
Keibert Ruiz strikes out swinging. Nick interpreter, Major League Base-
games while with Pirates return. BY M ATT W EYRICH
Jones (R) 3-5 3.55 4-7

Senzel singles. Jesse Winker singles. brEwErS AT PHILLIES, 6:40

Nick Senzel to third. Ildemaro Vargas
ball has another on its hands. An investigation of the alleged Rea (R) 4-2 3.77 7-3
hits into a force out, Jesse winker out This one involves Tucupita bookie, Mathew Bowyer, who TORONTO — The Baltimore Orioles’ outfield has Sánchez (L) 3-3 2.83 5-6
at second, nick Senzel scores. Joey Gal-
lo homers, Ildemaro Vargas scores. Marcano, an infielder with the investigation by Major League purportedly took Mizuhara’s bets been a carousel of who’s hot and who’s not this
rEdS AT rOCKIES, 8:40
Drew Millas grounds out.
nationals 4, mets 3
San Diego Padres whom MLB is Baseball regarding a matter that led to MLB opening an investiga- season, with playing time shifting frequently de-
Montas (R) 2-4 4.60 3-7
mETS FIFTH investigating for betting on base- occurred when the player in tion of former Los Angeles An- pending on which players are swinging the bat well.
Brandon Nimmo flies out. J.D. Martinez Blach (L) 2-2 4.15 3-2
walks. Starling Marte singles. J.D. Mar-
ball, a person familiar with the question was a member of an- gels infielder David Fletcher, cur- On Monday night, each of their starting outfield-
GIAnTS AT dIAmOndbACKS, 9:40
tinez to second. Mark Vientos walks. situation said Monday, confirm- other organization and not affili- rently a minor leaguer in the ers was locked in as Anthony Santander, Colton
Harrison bader out on a sacrifice fly, Harrison (L) 4-2 4.15 9-3
mark Vientos to second, Starling marte ing a Wall Street Journal report. ated with the San Diego Padres,” Atlanta Braves organization. Cowser and Austin Hays combined to drive in five of
Walston (L) 0-0 2.16 0-1
to third, J.d. martinez scores. Jose Igle-
sias singles, mark Vientos to third,
MLB rules explicitly prohibit bet- the Padres said in a statement. MLB allows players to bet on the Orioles’ runs in their 7-2 win over the Toronto
Starling marte scores. Luis Torrens dou- ting on baseball, which means “We will not have any further other sports, but betting with an Blue Jays.
bles, Jose Iglesias scores, mark Vientos
scores. Francisco Lindor lines out. Marcano, a 24-year-old from Ven- comment until the investigative illegal bookie is punishable by a Hays, who has five hits in his past three games, hit nl scores
mets 7, nationals 4 ezuela, could face a lifetime ban process has been completed.” suspension. his first two home runs of the season off Blue Jays SUndAY’S rESULTS
Lane Thomas lines out. Eddie Rosario and become the first since Pete MLB declined to comment, Rose, MLB’s all-time hits lead- starter and former Oriole Kevin Gausman. Santand- Arizona 5, at N.Y. Mets 4
singles. Luis Garcia lines out. Keibert Cincinnati 5, at Chicago Cubs 2
Ruiz singles. Eddie Rosario to third.
Rose to face such consequences and Marcano’s agency did not er, was blacklisted in 1989 when er took the right-hander deep as well for his 11th of at L.A. Dodgers 4, Colorado 0
Nick Senzel walks. Keibert Ruiz to sec- for betting on his sport. immediately respond to a request he was managing the Cincinnati the season, while Cowser finished 1 for 4 with an RBI St. Louis 5, at Philadelphia 4 (10)
ond. Jesse winker walks, nick Senzel to mOndAY’S rESULTS
second, Keibert ruiz to third, Eddie ro- Marcano allegedly bet on Pitts- for comment. Reds. He remains the most high- double off the wall in left-center.
N.Y. Mets 8, at Washington 7
sario scores. Ildemaro Vargas lines out. burgh Pirates games while a Marcano began his MLB ca- profile example of a person with- The Orioles (38-20) are 9-2 in their past 11 games, at Philadelphia 3, Milwaukee 1
mets 7, nationals 5
mETS SIXTH member of that organization last reer with San Diego in 2021. After in the game handed that fate in having scored five or more runs seven times. Cincinnati 13, at Colorado 3
Pete Alonso strikes out swinging. Bran- San Francisco at Arizona, late
don Nimmo flies out. J.D. Martinez sin-
year, according to the Wall Street two seasons with Pittsburgh, he recent decades, and he has been Grayson Rodriguez had one of his best starts of the
gles. Starling marte singles, advances Journal, which alleged the bet- rejoined the Padres this past kept out of the Hall of Fame season, holding Toronto to two runs (one earned) on
to 2nd, J.d. martinez scores. Throwing
error by Jacob Barnes. Mark Vientos ting occurred while he was side- offseason but has yet to appear in because of it. seven hits and no walks with four strikeouts. He
grounds out. lined with a torn ACL. There are a game while on the injured list. Though MLB plasters club- stranded three and held the Blue Jays to one hit with al games
mets 8, nationals 5
nATIOnALS nInTH no concerns that Marcano influ- In his MLB career, he has played house doors with warnings runners on second or third base, lowering his ERA OrIOLES AT bLUE JAYS, 7:07
Luis Garcia walks. Keibert Ruiz hit by
pitch. Luis Garcia to second. Nick Senzel
enced Pirates games to help in 149 games with a .217 batting against betting on baseball and on the season to 3.28 through 10 starts. With the w-L ErA TEAm
flies out. Luis Garcia to third. Jesse make good on his bets, according average and five home runs. ensures teams spend spring Orioles’ bullpen taxed from a heavy workload over Burnes (R) 5-2 2.35 8-4
winker singles, Keibert ruiz to second,
Luis Garcia scores. Ildemaro Vargas sin- to a person familiar with the The Marcano investigation is training mornings drilling that the weekend, Rodriguez kept his pitch count low TBD ---- ---- ----
gles. Jesse Winker to second. Keibert
Ruiz to third. Joey Meneses pinch-hit-
investigation. just baseball’s latest concern rule into the players’ heads, it has enough to stay in the game until two outs in the rOYALS AT GUArdIAnS, 6:40
ting for Joey Gallo. Joey meneses out “We are aware of the matter amid the widespread legalization never been easier to bet on a seventh. Lugo (R) 9-1 1.72 9-3
on a sacrifice fly, nasim nunez to third,
Keibert ruiz scores. Drew Millas called that’s under investigation and of sports gambling in the United game. And MLB has never put The game marked the major league debut for McKenzie (R) 2-3 3.77 8-3
out on strikes. are fully cooperating,” the Pirates States. The issue exploded into betting on its games more front infield prospect Connor Norby, who went 0 for 3 with TwInS AT YAnKEES, 7:05
mets 8, nationals 7
said in a statement Monday. “We public view in March when news and center than it is now, when two strikeouts. He did turn a slick double play in the Ober (R) 5-3 4.90 5-6
will refrain from further com- broke that Ohtani’s interpreter, odds, prop bets and ads for sixth, fielding a deflected line drive off Rodriguez’s Gil (R) 7-1 1.99 9-2
ment at this time.” Ippei Mizuhara, had siphoned sportsbooks saturate every glove and flipping it to Gunnar Henderson. TIGErS AT rAnGErS, 8:05
nl leaders “We are aware of an active millions away from the Los Ange- broadcast. — Baltimore Sun Flaherty (R) 2-4 3.46 5-6
Entering Monday’s games.
Dunning (R) 4-3 3.94 6-3
bATTInG phillies 3, Brewers 1 tigers 2, rangers 1 astros 7, cardinals 4 reds 13, rockies 3 Orioles 7, Blue Jays 2 mArInErS AT ATHLETICS, 9:40
Arraez, SD ....................................... .340
Profar, SD ........................................ .325
rhys hoskins homered Jake rogers homered alex Bregman and Will Benson drove in OrIOLES Ab r H bI bb SO AVG Kirby (R) 4-5 4.08 5-7
Ohtani, LA ....................................... .322 for Milwaukee in his return twice, including a tiebreak- Yainer diaz homered in three runs, Jeimer can- Henderson ss........5 0 1 0 0 0 .267
Spence (R) 4-2 3.52 1-2
Betts, LA ......................................... .318 Rutschman c.........5 0 1 0 0 0 .301
Contreras, Mil .................................. .316 to citizens Bank park, but ing drive in the eighth in- the eighth inning, helping delario and tyler stephen- Mountcastle 1b ....5 0 0 0 0 1 .284
veteran outfielder david ning, and detroit edged houston top st. louis. son each hit a two-run O'Hearn dh ...........3 1 1 0 1 0 .270
Santander rf .........4 2 2 2 0 1 .223
Ozuna, Atl ........................................... 17
dahl went deep in his phil- texas to get back to .500. Yordan alvarez hit a two- home run, and cincinnati Westburg 3b-2b ...4 0 1 0 0 1 .292 al scores
Harper, Phi .......................................... 14 adelphia debut to back the 29-year-old rogers, run blast for the astros. crushed colorado. Cowser cf..............4 1 1 1 0 0 .236
Hays lf ..................4 2 2 3 0 1 .205
Ohtani, LA .......................................... 14
Alonso, NY .......................................... 13
zack Wheeler, and the phil- a west texas native, also Kyle tucker departed in the 13 runs were a sea- Norby 2b ...............3 0 0 0 0 2 .000 Tampa Bay 4, at Baltimore 3
lies won the opening game Urías 3b ................1 1 1 1 0 0 .239 Minnesota 4, at Houston 3
Walker, Ari ......................................... 12 went deep in the third in- the third inning after foul- son high for the reds, who Detroit 8, at Boston 4 (10)
Hernández, LA .................................... 12 TOTALS 38 7 10 7 1 6 —
Marte, Ari ........................................... 12 of a three-game series be- ning in the third two-homer ing a ball off his right shin. have won seven of their at Seattle 5, L.A. Angels 1

tween Nl division leaders. game of his big league ca- CArdInALS Ab r H bI bb SO AVG past 10 after starting the bLUE JAYS Ab r H bI bb SO AVG mOndAY’S rESULTS
Schneider 2b.......4 0 1 0 0 0 .245
Ozuna, Atl ........................................... 53 edmundo sosa and Jo- reer. he doubled his sea- Winn ss ................5 0 1 0 0 2 .297 season 20-30. Jonathan Jansen c..............4 0 0 0 0 1 .284 Baltimore 7, at Toronto 2
Burleson rf ...........5 1 1 1 0 0 .271 Detroit 2, at Texas 1
Bohm, Phi ........................................... 49 han rojas hit consecutive son home run total. Goldschmidt 1b ....4 1 1 0 0 1 .222
india and spencer steer Guerrero 1b.........4 1 2 1 0 0 .295
Harper, Phi .......................................... 44 Vogelbach dh ......4 0 0 0 0 1 .213
Contreras, Mil ..................................... 44 rBi singles in the second the tigers have won two Gorman 2b............3 2 2 2 1 1 .230 had three hits apiece. Bichette ss .........4 0 1 0 0 0 .236
Arenado 3b...........4 0 1 1 0 1 .257
Adames, Mil ....................................... 42 inning for the phillies. straight games to improve Donovan lf............3 0 0 0 1 1 .242 rEdS Ab r H bI bb SO AVG Springer rf ..........4 1 2 0 0 1 .211
Varsho lf .............3 0 1 1 0 0 .215
ErA brEwErS Ab r H bI bb SO AVG to 30-30. Herrera c ..............3 0 2 0 1 1 .269 Friedl cf...............4 1 2 1 0 0 .200 Clement ph .........1 0 0 0 0 0 .235 Interleague games
Carpenter dh ........4 0 0 0 0 1 .188 Hurtubise lf ........1 0 1 0 0 0 .243 Kiner-Falefa 3b...4 0 1 0 0 0 .267
Suárez, Phi ....................................... 1.70 Turang 2b ...........4 0 1 0 0 0 .298 TIGErS Ab r H bI bb SO AVG Siani cf .................3 0 0 0 0 1 .205 De La Cruz ss.......4 1 1 1 0 0 .233 Kiermaier cf........3 0 0 0 0 2 .206
López, Atl ........................................ 1.73 Contreras c .........4 0 0 0 0 1 .311 rAYS AT mArLInS, 6:40
Pérez rf ...............4 0 0 0 0 1 .261 Fermín ph .............1 0 0 0 0 0 .143 Candelario 3b......5 2 2 2 0 0 .233
Assad, Chi ........................................ 2.27 Yelich lf...............4 0 0 0 0 2 .313 TOTALS 35 2 8 2 0 5 —
Wheeler, Phi .................................... 2.32 Greene cf ............4 0 1 0 0 2 .249 TOTALS 35 4 8 4 3 9 — Steer 1b ..............5 1 3 2 0 1 .243 w-L ErA TEAm
Adames ss ..........4 0 0 0 0 2 .255
Hicks, SF .......................................... 2.70 Canha 1b .............4 0 0 0 0 1 .242 Fraley rf ..............5 1 1 1 0 0 .291 bALTImOrE... 020 300 101 — 7 10 1
Frelick rf .............3 0 0 0 0 1 .253 Stephenson c ......5 2 2 2 0 0 .253 Pepiot (R) 3-2 3.88 5-4
Sánchez, Phi .................................... 2.83 G.Sánchez ph ......1 0 0 0 0 0 .226 Urshela 3b ..........4 0 1 0 0 1 .274 ASTrOS Ab r H bI bb SO AVG TOrOnTO ...... 010 100 000 — 2 8 1
Keith 2b ..............3 0 0 0 0 0 .223 Altuve 2b.............. 5 0 1 1 0 1 .289 Martini dh ...........5 1 1 0 0 1 .200 Luzardo (L) 2-4 4.18 3-6
Hoskins dh..........2 1 1 1 1 0 .243 E: Henderson (7), Bichette (6). LOb:
Malloy dh............3 0 0 0 0 2 .000 Tucker rf ............... 1 0 1 0 0 0 .266 India 2b ...............4 2 3 0 0 1 .239
Bauers 1b............2 0 1 0 1 1 .213 Benson lf-cf ........3 2 2 3 0 0 .205 Baltimore 5, Toronto 6. 2b: Cowser (12),
Ortiz 3b...............2 0 0 0 1 0 .289 Baddoo lf ............3 0 0 0 0 1 .176 Dubón ph-lf .......... 3 1 0 0 1 0 .298 brAVES AT rEd SOX, 7:10
Báez ss ...............3 0 0 0 0 2 .188 TOTALS 41 13 18 12 0 3 — Henderson (7), Bichette (10). 3b: Var-
Perkins cf............3 0 2 0 0 1 .247 Alvarez dh ............ 3 2 2 2 1 1 .287 sho (3). Hr: Santander (11), off Gaus- Fried (L) 5-2 2.97 8-3
al leaders TOTALS 29 1 5 1 3 8 —
Rogers c ..............3 2 2 2 0 0 .230 Bregman 3b .......... 4 1 1 1 0 2 .229 man; Hays 2 (2), off Gausman; Urías Crawford (R) 2-4 3.29 3-9
Entering Monday’s games. PHILLIES Ab r H bI bb SO AVG

rAnGErS Ab
31 2

4 2 0 10 —

H bI bb SO AVG
Meyers cf.............. 4
Peña ss ................. 3
Singleton 1b ......... 2
2 1 0 1 .281
1 0 0 0 .296
0 0 1 2 .217

Rodgers 2b..........4
Tovar ss ..............5
H bI bb SO AVG
1 0 0 1 .295
2 1 0 0 .270
(3), off Burr; Guerrero (6), off Rodri-
guez. rbI: Santander 2 (33), Cowser What’s for wHITE SOX AT CUbS, 8:05
Soto, NY ........................................... .322
Schwarber dh .....4
Realmuto c .........4
Harper 1b............3
0 0 0 0 .234
0 0 0 1 .267
1 0 1 0 .271
Semien 2b...........3
Seager ss ............4
2 1 1 1 .263
2 0 0 1 .272
J.Abreu ph-1b....... 1
Diaz c .................... 4
0 0 0 1 .115
1 2 0 2 .249
E.Díaz c ...............4
Montero 1b .........3
0 0 0 1 .294
1 1 1 0 .218
(26), Hays 3 (9), Urías (6), Varsho (31),
Guerrero (27). Sb: Westburg (6),
O’Hearn (1).
dinner? Flexen (R)
Imanaga (L)
Perez, KC ......................................... .315 McCormick lf-rf .... 4 1 0 0 0 1 .200 Doyle cf ...............4 0 3 0 0 1 .270
Witt, KC ........................................... .313 Bohm 3b..............4 0 0 0 0 0 .298 Grossman dh ......3 0 0 0 0 1 .167
Stallings dh.........4 0 1 1 0 2 .316 OrIOLES IP H r Er bb SO ErA Search our database of tested
Stott 2b ..............3 0 1 0 0 0 .240 Lowe ph-dh.........1 0 0 0 0 0 .256 TOTALS 34 7 9 7 3 11 — recipes by ingredient or name. CArdInALS AT ASTrOS, 8:10
Rutschman, Bal ............................... .304 García rf..............4 0 1 0 0 1 .231 Bouchard lf .........4 0 1 0 0 2 .208 Rodriguez ......... 62/3 7 2 1 0 4 3.28
Peña, Hou ........................................ .296 Castellanos rf .....3 1 0 0 0 0 .212 ST. LOUIS....... 201 010 000 — 4 8 2 Cano.................. 11/3 0 0 0 0 0 2.67
Heim c.................3 0 0 0 1 1 .241 Goodman rf.........3 0 0 0 0 1 .179 Pallante (R) 1-1 3.94 1-0
Vierling, Det .................................... .294 Dahl lf .................3 2 2 1 0 0 .667 HOUSTOn ...... 002 001 04X — 7 9 1 Akin ..................... 1 1 0 0 0 1 4.28
Langford lf..........4 0 2 0 0 1 .230 Trejo 3b...............4 0 0 0 0 0 .098
Pache lf...............0 0 0 0 0 0 .216 Arrighetti (R) 3-5 5.98 4-5
HOmE rUnS Sosa ss ...............3 0 1 1 0 0 .305 Smith 3b .............4 0 0 0 0 2 .281 E: Gorman (5), Winn (10), Bregman (5). TOTALS 35 3 9 3 1 8 — bLUE JAYS IP H r Er bb SO ErA
Rojas cf...............3 0 2 1 0 0 .233 Duran 1b .............4 0 1 0 0 0 .270 LOb: St. Louis 7, Houston 7. 2b: Gold- PAdrES AT LOS AnGELES, 9:38
Judge, NY ............................................ 21 CInCInnATI ... 013 313 002 — 13 18 1 Gausman .......... 61/3 6 6 6 1 3 4.60
Taveras cf ...........4 0 0 0 0 2 .241 schmidt (9), Alvarez (12), Altuve (12).
Tucker, Hou ........................................ 19 TOTALS 30 3 7 3 1 1 — COLOrAdO .... 102 000 000 — 3 9 0 Little.................... 1 2 0 0 0 1 10.1 TBD ---- ---- ----
TOTALS 34 1 8 1 2 10 — Hr: Burleson (7), off Verlander; Gorman Burr .................. 12/3 2 1 1 0 2 2.70
Henderson, Bal ................................... 19 mILwAUKEE . 000 000 100 — 1 5 0 2 (13), off Verlander; Alvarez (12), off E: De La Cruz (11). LOb: Cincinnati 3, Col- Sandoval (L) 2-8 5.34 3-9
Soto, NY .............................................. 17 PHILA............. 020 100 00X — 3 7 0 dETrOIT ........ 001 000 010 — 2 4 0 Gibson; Bregman (9), off Romero; Diaz orado 7. 2b: De La Cruz (11), Candelario wP: Rodriguez (6-2); LP: Gausman
Ramírez, Cle ....................................... 16 TEXAS............ 100 000 000 — 1 8 0 (4), off Romero. (14), Martini (3), Rodgers (12), Doyle (4-4). Inherited runners-scored: Cano
Naylor, Cle .......................................... 15 LOb: Milwaukee 4, Philadelphia 4. Hr: 2-0, Burr 1-0. T: 2:30. A: 23,842 (39,150).
LOb: Detroit 2, Texas 8. 2b: Greene CArdInALS IP H r Er bb SO ErA (11), Tovar (19). 3b: Benson (2). Hr:
Hoskins (10), off Wheeler; Dahl (1), off
rbI (12), Duran (4). 3b: Langford (2). Hr: Gibson .............. 52/3 5 3 3 3 8 3.69 Candelario (7), off Feltner; Stephenson Interleague scores
B.Wilson. (6), off Chivilli; Rodgers (3), off Abbott.
Rogers (3), off Eovaldi; Rogers (4), off Kittredge ............. 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.88
Ramírez, Cle ....................................... 57 brEwErS IP H r Er bb SO ErA rEdS IP H r Er bb SO ErA OrIOLES’ LEAdErS SUndAY’S rESULTS
Leclerc; Semien (10), off Skubal. Romero................ 1 3 4 3 0 2 2.10
Soto, NY .............................................. 53 Koenig ................. 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.05 Entering Tuesday’s game.
Judge, NY ............................................ 47 TIGErS IP H r Er bb SO ErA Loutos ................ 1/3 1 0 0 0 0 0.00 Abbott ................. 6 7 3 3 1 6 3.39 Washington 5, at Cleveland 2
B.Wilson........... 52/3 6 3 3 1 1 3.35 bATTErS AVG Ab r H Hr rbI at Atlanta 3, Oakland 1
Naylor, Cle .......................................... 42 Skubal ................. 6 7 1 1 2 6 1.97 Suter.................... 2 2 0 0 0 2 4.09
Milner............... 11/3 1 0 0 0 0 2.97 ASTrOS IP H r Er bb SO ErA Wilson ................. 1 0 0 0 0 0 5.40 Texas 6, at Miami 0
Henderson, Bal ................................... 42 Brieske ................ 3 1 0 0 0 4 1.59 McKenna .375 8 3 3 2 2
PHILLIES IP H r Er bb SO ErA Verlander............. 5 7 4 4 2 4 3.63 Stowers .364 22 2 8 0 6 at Toronto 5, Pittsburgh 4
Witt, KC .............................................. 42 rOCKIES IP H r Er bb SO ErA
rAnGErS IP H r Er bb SO ErA Mushinski............ 1 0 0 0 0 1 5.23 Rutschman .301 229 30 69 10 38 at Milwaukee 6, Chicago White Sox 3
Wheeler............... 7 5 1 1 3 6 2.23 Martinez.............. 1 0 0 0 0 1 1.95
ErA Hoffman .............. 1 0 0 0 0 1 1.01 Eovaldi.............. 52/3 3 1 1 0 7 2.70 Feltner.............. 41/3 10 8 8 0 3 6.22 Westburg .292 202 30 59 9 36 at Kansas City 4, San Diego 3
Leclerc .............. 21/3 1 1 1 0 3 4.88 Montero .............. 1 1 0 0 1 2 2.81 Rogers .............. 22/3 4 3 3 0 0 5.40 Mountcastle .284 208 31 59 8 24 N.Y. Yankees 7, at San Francisco 5
Lugo, KC ........................................... 1.72 Alvarado.............. 1 0 0 0 0 1 3.08 Hader................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 3.54
Hernández ........... 1 0 0 0 0 0 3.50 Chivilli.................. 2 4 2 2 0 0 9.00 O'Hearn .270 152 21 41 7 18
Houck, Bos ....................................... 1.85 wP: Wheeler (7-3); LP: B.Wilson (3-2); mOndAY’S rESULTS
Gil, NY .............................................. 1.99 wP: Brieske (1-0); LP: Leclerc (3-4). In- wP: Montero (1-1); LP: Romero (2-1); S: wP: Abbott (4-5); LP: Feltner (1-5). In- Henderson .267 225 44 60 19 42
S0315 1x7

S: Alvarado (10). Inherited runners- Hader (9). Inherited runners-scored: Mateo .246 114 19 28 3 13 at Houston 7, St. Louis 4
Skubal, Det ...................................... 2.02 herited runners-scored: Leclerc 1-0. T: herited runners-scored: Rogers 1-1.
scored: Milner 1-0. T: 2:10. A: 43,553 Kittredge 3-0, Romero 1-0, Loutos 1-1. Urías .239 71 12 17 3 6 San Diego at L.A. Angels, late
Burnes, Bal ...................................... 2.35 2:13. A: 28,620 (40,000). HbP: Rogers (De La Cruz), Wilson
(42,901). T: 2:56. A: 33,638 (41,000). (Goodman). T: 2:30. A: 25,140 (50,144). Cowser .236 165 23 39 7 26
tuesday, june 4 , 2024 . the washington post eZ su D5

When Lee’s vault went awry, Biles stepped in with support

u.S. gyMNaSTICS from D1 Lee recalled Biles “checking to because of kidney-related health In the next rotation, Lee sailed
see if I was okay mentally before I issues. This meet was her first through her beam routine like a
sensation that leaves gymnasts went out there, and she said if I competing on all four apparatus- veteran. Her precision elevates
feeling lost in the air. Biles had was getting lost on my dismount, es at the elite level since the her performance, and the 14.900
attempted to perform 21/2 twists then to just be done and let it be.” Tokyo Games three years ago. So she earned Sunday was the best
before stalling midair and com- Lee then asked Biles to stand when her vault went awry in the beam score of the competition.
pleting just 11/2. Lee’s trouble Sun- nearby while she performed on first rotation — a one-point de- (Biles had the higher two-day
day night at the national champi- bars, her next event. duction for the fall in addition to combined score to win the appa-
onships wasn’t quite the same. The timing worked out well. the mental setback — she ben- ratus title, while Lee took home
Because of the funky approach to Lee was up second on bars in the efited from some reassurance. the silver medal.) Each successful
the springboard, Lee described it second rotation, while Biles was “Normally I can just watch and bars and beam routine brings Lee
as a “fluke, weird incident.” Still, last on floor. So Biles headed to make sure that the music’s work- a bit closer to a spot on the team
the outcome was eerily familiar. the other side of the arena to ing and stuff like that, which is heading to Paris.
“I just knew that she needed cheer on Lee as she worked the most stressful part of the After that excellent beam rou-
some encouragement and some- through her routine on her signa- day,” Graba said. “But days like tine, Graba told Lee, “That’s who
body to trust her gymnastics for ture event. Lee was fantastic. She today, you have to actually coach. you are.”
her and to believe in her,” Biles floated through the air on four You have to know your athlete. Graba said he was never overly
said. consecutive release elements, They have to trust you. And you nervous. He knew Lee just need-
The two olympians had a each one with the superb execu- better be right. Then they trust ed to calm down after vault. Lee
short conversation. Biles asked tion for which she’s known, and you the next time.” still doubts herself sometimes.
whether Lee had become lost in she capped the routine with a Lee knows bars and beam are But despite her recent health
the air and encouraged her not to full-twisting double tuck dis- elsa/geTTy iMages the most critical events in her trouble, limited preparation and
overthink her skills. (When Lee mount. Simone Biles, right, offered words of encouragement Sunday after quest to make it to a second the mishap on vault, she finished
later explained what happened, “I don’t think I could have Sunisa Lee struggled on vault. “I’ve been in her shoes,” Biles said. olympics. That’s where she can fourth in the all-around, with the
she noted the mishap during her done it without her,” Lee said. help the U.S. team the most. So early mistake making her re-
run and said, “I didn’t know Lee earned a 14.500 and still needed a confidence boost, citing Lee is the reigning olympic after Lee rallied on bars with an bound even more impressive.
where I was [in the air], but I has room to improve her difficul- Biles, her coaches and the medi- all-around champion, but that assist from Biles, she needed “Everything can be stacked
knew exactly where I was, if that ty score ahead of the olympic cal staff as the people who lifted doesn’t make her invincible. She another strong showing on against you,” Graba said. “And I
makes sense.”) trials. After the vault, she just her out of the rut. has had a difficult past year beam. always put my money on her.”

On chalky day at French Open,

Fritz falls and Djokovic rallies
fReNCh opeN from D1 medicine to kick in, after which
Djokovic looked like his old self —
proven otherwise, right? It’s been or, rather, his young self — and
a complete shock to the system, to pulled some stupendous stuff out
everything I ever believed in. Now of his suffering. With Cerundolo
the toughest thing is dealing with serving in the fifth set, the Argen-
my team because obviously tine hit a passing shot so far to
they’ve got bragging rights and Djokovic’s left that he had to
they give me a lot of slack for me extend into near splits while slid-
complaining all these years of my ing to reach it, then ended up
level on the clay.” splayed on his belly, legs and arms
De minaur grinned at that, and flung wide. Djokovic had just one
he earned his giddiness monday. thing to do then, naturally: He
He was the lone gate crasher on a smiled and mimicked a swim-
chalky day that saw the last Amer- ming motion with his arms on the
ican man standing, 12th-seeded clay as Cerundolo clapped.
Taylor fritz, fall to No. 7 seed for the moment, it was all fun
Casper ruud, 7-6 (8-6), 3-6, 6-4, and games. But Djokovic dedicat-
6-2. The quarterfinals will bring ed a good amount of time after
ruud a rematch of last year’s final the match to talking about court
against defending champion and conditions — the same discussion
top seed Novak Djokovic. de minaur was having — follow-
fritz was the first American ing a week of rain in Paris and
man to reach the fourth round at how that may have contributed to
roland Garros since 2020 and his injury. He said he has request-
was seeking his first quarterfinal ed that groundskeepers sweep
appearance at the french open. the courts more often than at
But ruud, a two-time finalist at every set break but has been
roland Garros with an ATP Tour- denied. paul Tepley collecTion/diaMond iMages/geTTy iMages

leading 21 wins on clay this sea- “Because of the drier condi- Billy Martin, then the manager of the Texas Rangers, blew a kiss to a Cleveland fan during a game his team ended up winning by forfeit.
son, rallied from 1-5 down in the tions and sun and warmer condi-
first-set tiebreaker to show he tions, it affects the clay in such a
wouldn’t fold easily. way that, you know, it becomes retropolis
Even after fritz took the sec- very slippery,” Djokovic said. “So
ond set, ruud was moving so well
and pinning fritz in the corners
so often that he battled back and
the injury that I had today with
the knee happened exactly be-
cause of that, because I slipped,
The beer was cheap, and Cleveland paid the price
won a messy third set after fritz and I slide a lot. I mean, everyone
broke his serve early. slides on clay, but I slipped way BeeR from D1 the final out. draw families to the ballpark, a Tait recalled. “All of a sudden, I felt
“I just told myself, ‘Time to step too many times.” Such misbehavior continued father-and-son duo engaged in some pressure behind the left heel
up.’ [I was] going to do my best to The women’s quarterfinals will reported. “I’m not exactly looking into the 1974 season. When Hous- some 1970s-style familial bond- of my shoe. I turned around,
just get into the zone and stay feature familiar faces as well. forward to it. . . . I’ll get the blame ton Astros outfielder Bob Watson ing, jumping onto the field and looked down and there was a
there,” ruud said. Second-seeded Aryna Sabalen- on 10-Cent Beer Night — you can crashed into the left field wall at mooning the players in the fifth hunting knife sticking in the
Djokovic might have been tell- ka beat No. 22 seed Emma Navar- bet on that.” Cincinnati’s riverfront Stadium in inning. ground right behind my shoe.
ing himself the same thing when ro, 6-2, 6-3, and fourth-seeded But he also poked Cleveland’s may, the broken glass from his “They mooned the stadium That’s when I said: ‘Game. Set.
he won his second five-set match Elena rybakina defeated No. 15 fan base when a reporter asked shattered sunglasses led to gashes from second base and then raced match. We’re out of here!’ ”
in a row, this one a 6-1, 5-7, 3-6, 7-5, seed Elina Svitolina, 6-4, 6-3, to him about the possibility of pay- in his face. As he lay stunned through the outfield, jumped over He declared a forfeit against
6-3 victory over Argentina’s fran- join top-seeded Iga Swiatek and back. against the fence, a group of fans the center field fence and disap- Cleveland, meaning a 9-0 win for
cisco Cerundolo that left him with No. 3 seed Coco Gauff in the final “They don’t have enough fans pelted him with beer, ice cubes and peared,” Grieve said. He added Texas. It was the first mLB forfeit
an injured right knee and a sliver eight. there to worry about,” martin said, paper cups, according to a June that the players thought some of since 1971, when the Senators gave
of doubt as to whether he will be That means the top four wom- and there was some truth to the 1974 Sports Illustrated story, which these high jinks were funny until up a victory to the Yankees in their
able to keep playing. en’s seeds will compete in the taunt. Cleveland’s team, which is reported that the fans challenged they started to add up. final game in Washington as fans
“Good thing about the Slam is french open quarterfinals for the now known as the Guardians, av- Watson’s teammates to come into As night fell, the drunken antics stormed rfK Stadium in another
that you have a day between that first time since 2013. eraged fewer than 14,000 fans at the stands and fight them. turned darker. In the seventh in- scene of mayhem.
will allow hopefully the healing Sabalenka plays unseeded mir- Cleveland Stadium that season. “It seems like everybody in the ning, rangers relievers relocated “It’s just disgraceful,” Cleveland
process to happen more efficient- ra Andreeva next for a shot at her But it would draw 25,000 for the outfield stands is either young from the bullpen to the dugout manager Ken Aspromonte said af-
ly for me,” Djokovic said. “That’s seventh consecutive Grand Slam beer-soaked rematch. kids or drunk old men. It’s unbe- after being assaulted by fireworks, ter the 1974 game. “
it. I don’t know what will happen semifinal appearance. Andreeva, “There was a little bit of bad lievable what we put up with,” smoke bombs and empty beer “It’s not just baseball. It’s the
tomorrow or after tomorrow if I’ll a russian who turned 17 in April, blood brewing between the Indi- Astros outfielder Bob Gallagher cups. society we live in. Nobody seems to
be able to step out on the court defeated the last french player ans and the rangers,” Grieve said. told the magazine. few fans appeared to be paying care about anything.”
and play. You know, I hope so. standing, Varvara Gracheva, 7-5, “And then you have 10-Cent Beer It was in this cauldron that attention to the game, which Chylak was even angrier.
Let’s see what happens.” 6-2. Night? It couldn’t get any worse young fans flocked to the Cleve- Cleveland had rallied to tie at 5 “They were just uncontrollable
If he is able to face ruud, the Andreeva joined Gauff (in than that.” land ballpark June 4 to take ad- with two runs in the ninth inning. beasts,” he said.
37-year-old Serb will do so as the 2021) and Amanda Anisimova (in vantage of the cheap beer, many Then a fan ran onto the field and James T. Carney, Cleveland’s
record holder for match wins at 2019) as the only women’s players a toxic environment putting a down payment on the yanked the cap off Texas’s star safety director, said the cheap beer
Grand Slams: He reached 370 on since 2006 to reach the quarterfi- Cleveland wasn’t breaking new fun before the game. In his book right fielder, Jeff Burroughs. That turned young guys into “wild
monday. roger federer retired nals of a Grand Slam before turn- ground with its promotion. minor about the 1973-75 rangers, “Sea- fan, 19-year-old Terry Yerkic, told men” who didn’t know what they
with 369. ing 18. She goes, as a young prodi- and major league ballparks had sons in Hell,” beat reporter mike ESPN in 2014 that Burroughs were doing. “They just went ber-
Djokovic said his knee has been gy might, by feel — perhaps to the staged similar ones throughout Shropshire recounted what he turned around and kicked him in serk. It’s just an act of God that
irking him for some time, but he chagrin of her coach, 1994 Wim- the early 1970s. saw on the train to the game: the thigh, then stumbled. fans nobody was killed.”
tweaked it significantly enough bledon champion Conchita mar- But several factors made Cleve- “It was my educated guess that started pouring onto the field, and Still, Cleveland blamed the um-
early in the second set monday tínez. land’s promotion backfire spec- most of these fans were already in the rangers’ dugout, the pugna- piring crew for the debacle and
that he needed anti-inflammato- “I’m just playing, kind of. Even tacularly in addition to the, well, loaded on Wild Turkey and what- cious martin rallied his men, grab- protested the forfeit, which the
ry medication to finish the match. when, for example, we talk about 10-cent beer. The previous week’s ever medicine it is that truck driv- bing a bat and reportedly exhort- American League didn’t overturn.
“I was not able to change direc- the match, about the plan, about brawl and martin’s mockery ers take to stay awake on long ing, “Let’s go get ’em, boys.” “While we deplore the incidents
tions the way I wanted. I was not tactics, I listen, but honestly I helped raise the temperature hauls. Their condition suggested “To me, the most embarrassing which led to the forfeiture, we also
able to run on many of the drop don’t remember anything after,” ahead of the series — as did the that they might be on their way picture is people coming out of the feel that there was no warning
shots he played. And he saw it,” he Andreeva said. “I don’t have any- provocative broadcasts of Cleve- home from, and not on their way dugout,” Grieve said. “It looks like given to the fans during the course
said. “francisco saw it, and so he thing in my head when we start land radio host Pete franklin. to, a 10-cent Beer Night game.” the charge of the Light Brigade.” of the game by the umpires that
played a lot of drop shots where playing the match. So I just go “All week before that game, Pete The rangers soon found them- any continuation of interruption
most of them, I just looked at and there and I’m like: ‘Well, we’ll see. franklin kept up a steady drum- ‘uncontrolled beasts’ selves encircled and outnum- of play would lead to a declaration
that’s it. Didn’t move.” I’ll figure it out.’ That’s how I beat with listeners about how we Cleveland pitcher Dick Bosman bered. of a forfeiture of the game,” Cleve-
It took about 45 minutes for the always play.” needed to get even with the rang- had the unique perspective of hav- “What had been a largely conge- land General manager Phil Seghi
ers for the brawl the previous ing been traded the previous year nial gathering turned combative,” wrote in a telegraph to AL Presi-
week,” Dan Coughlin, who covered from the rangers. He pitched Shropshire wrote in his book. dent Lee macPhail. The team also
the game for the Cleveland Plain 22/3 innings out of the bullpen on “Woodstock had become Kent argued martin had provoked the
Dealer, said in a 2012 interview 10-Cent Beer Night. State.” fans by marching his players on
with the paper. “He was priming “You knew something was go- fans on the field threw beer the field. martin, meanwhile, said
the pump for an incident like the ing to happen,” Bosman recalled bottles, firecrackers and chairs, the umps should have called the
one that took place.” in an interview last month. “Ev- and some sported knives, accord- game a forfeit earlier.
It also was a chaotic era in erything leading up to the game, ing to a wire service story. Now “They blamed martin. They
American sports, with athletes of- you just knew that something re- Cleveland players came out of blamed the umpires. They even
ten subjected to abuse from fans, ally bizarre was going to happen. their dugout. blamed the full moon,” William
sometimes in the face of under- The home bullpen in those days “We had to go out there and Barry furlong wrote in a June 7
manned security powerless to do was down the left field line and it help the rangers,” Cleveland column in The Washington Post.
anything about it. At the National was right up against the stands, pitcher Steve Kline said after the “They blamed everybody but
League Championship Series the and all you have to do is breathe game, UPI reported. “We couldn’t themselves. And the beer they
previous october, angry New York deep and you're going to get high leave them hanging.” sold.”
mets fans at Shea Stadium threw because everybody was stoned.” Cleveland pitcher Tom Hilgen-
everything they could get their In the second inning, a woman dorf got hit in the head with a steel Frederic J. Frommer, a writer and a
hands on at Cincinnati reds left came onto the field, exposed her chair, and Chylak, the umpire, also sports and politics historian, is the
fielder Pete rose, including beer breasts as fans hollered their ap- got smacked on the head. author of several books, including
cans, hot dogs, hamburgers and proval and tried to kiss umpire “I figured as long as they’re not “you gotta Have Heart: Washington
clive Mason/geTTy iMages even a whiskey bottle. The series Nestor Chylak, who rebuffed her shooting or anything like that, Baseball from Walter Johnson to the
Top-seeded Novak Djokovic won his second straight five-set match ended in near-riot two days later advances. Although the promo- we’ll get it done,” Chylak later told 2019 World series champion
but cast doubt on his status going forward because of a knee injury. when fans stormed the field after tion was clearly not designed to Cleveland announcer Joe Tait, as nationals.”
d6 EZ SU the washington post . tuesday, june 4 , 2024

Vikings’ S COReBOARd

Je≠erson P RO B ASkeT B A L L HO C key S OCC eR Ten n iS COLL eG e S OF TBAL L

gets record nBA playoffs

first round
Best of seven
Stanley Cup playoffs
first round
Best of seven
Inter Miami CF ................10
w L
French Open
At Stade Roland Garros; in Paris
purse: €19,280,000
World Series
Double elimination; x-If necessary
At OGE Energy Field at USA Softball Hall of Fame

Cincinnati ........................10 3 3 33 23 16 surface: Red clay Complex; in Oklahoma City
eAstern conference eAstern conference New York City FC ..............9 5 2 29 24 17
ceLtics eLiMinAted heAt, 4-1 rAnGers eLiMinAted cApitALs, 4-0 Men’s sinGLes — fourth round thursdAy’s resuLts
New York...........................8 3 5 29 29 22
Game 1: at Boston 114, Miami 94 Game 1: at New York 4, Washington 1 Charlotte FC ......................7 6 4 25 18 18 Alex de Minaur (11), Australia, def. Daniil Medvedev (5), Game 1: UCLA 6, Alabama 1
Game 2: Miami 111, at Boston 101 Game 2: at New York 4, Washington 3 Toronto FC ........................7 7 3 24 26 26 Russia, 4-6, 6-2, 6-1, 6-3; Novak Djokovic (1), Serbia, def. Game 2: Oklahoma 9, Duke 1 (6)
Game 3: Boston 104, at Miami 84 Game 3: New York 3, at Washington 1 Columbus ..........................6 2 6 24 21 13 Francisco Cerundolo (23), Argentina, 6-1, 5-7, 3-6, 7-5, Game 3: Texas 4, Stanford 0
Game 4: Boston 102, at Miami 88 Game 4: New York 4, Washington 2 Philadelphia ......................4 4 8 20 27 23 6-3; Casper Ruud (7), Norway, def. Taylor Fritz (12), Game 4: Florida 1, Oklahoma State 0
Game 5: at Boston 118, Miami 84 Nashville ...........................4 5 7 19 20 22 United States, 7-6 (8-6), 3-6, 6-4, 6-2; Alexander Zverev fridAy’s resuLts
hurricAnes eLiMinAted isLAnders, 4-1
knicks eLiMinAted 76ers, 4-2 Game 1: at Carolina 3, New York 1 D.C. United ........................4 6 7 19 25 31 (4), Germany, def. Holger Rune (13), Denmark, 4-6, 6-1, Game 5: Alabama 2, Duke 1, Duke eliminated
Four-year contract worth Game 1: at New York 111, Philadelphia 104
Game 2: at New York 104, Philadelphia 101
Game 2: at Carolina 5, New York 3
Game 3: Carolina 3, at New York 2
Orlando City ......................4
CF Montreal ......................4
5-7, 7-6 (7-2), 6-2.
woMen’s sinGLes — fourth round
Game 6: Stanford 8, Oklahoma State 0, Oklahoma State
Atlanta..............................4 8 4 16 22 21
$140 million is new mark Game 3: at Philadelphia 125, New York 114
Game 4: New York 97, at Philadelphia 92
Game 5: Philadelphia 112, at New York 106 (OT)
Game 4: at New York 3, Carolina 2 (2OT)
Game 5: at Carolina 6, New York 3 Chicago..............................3
New England .....................3
Elena Rybakina (4), Kazakhstan, def. Elina Svitolina (15),
Ukraine, 6-4, 6-3; Jasmine Paolini (12), Italy, def. Elina
sAturdAy’s resuLts
Game 7: Oklahoma 1, UCLA 0

for non-quarterbacks Game 6: New York 118, at Philadelphia 115

pAcers eLiMinAted bucks, 4-2
pAnthers eLiMinAted LiGhtninG, 4-1
Game 1: at Florida 3, Tampa Bay 2 west w L t pts Gf GA
Avanesyan, Russia, 4-6, 6-0, 6-1; Aryna Sabalenka (2), Bela-
rus, def. Emma Navarro (22), United States, 6-2, 6-3; Mirra
Game 8: Texas 10, Florida 0
sundAy’s resuLts
Game 2: at Florida 3, Tampa Bay 2 Real Salt Lake ...................9 2 6 33 36 19 Andreeva, Russia, def. Varvara Gracheva, Russia, 7-5, 6-2. Game 9: Florida 6, Alabama 4, Alabama eliminated
Game 1: at Milwaukee 109, Indiana 94 Game 3: Florida 5, at Tampa Bay 3 Game 10: Stanford 3, UCLA 1, UCLA eliminated
Los Angeles FC..................9 4 3 30 28 19
Game 2: Indiana 125, at Milwaukee 108 Game 4: at Tampa Bay 6, Florida 3 Minnesota United .............8 3 4 28 27 20
Men’s doubLes — second round
Game 3: at Indiana 121, Milwaukee 119 (OT) Game 5: at Florida 6, Tampa Bay 1 MondAy’s resuLts
LA Galaxy ..........................7 3 7 28 31 25 Zhang Zhizhen, China, and Tomas Machac, Czechia, def. Game 11: Florida 9, Oklahoma 3
Game 4: at Indiana 126, Milwaukee 113
BY M ARK M ASKE Game 5: at Milwaukee 115, Indiana 92
bruins eLiMinAted MApLe LeAfs, 4-3 Vancouver .........................7 5 4 25 24 19 Robin Haase and Botic Van de Zandschulp, Netherlands, Game 13: Texas 1, Stanford 0, Stanford eliminated
Game 1: at Boston 5, Toronto 1 Austin FC ..........................6 6 5 23 21 25 7-5, 6-2; Maximo Gonzalez and Andres Molteni (8),
Game 6: at Indiana 120, Milwaukee 98 tuesdAy’s GAMes
Game 2: Toronto 3, at Boston 2 Houston ............................6 6 4 22 18 18 Argentina, def. Alexander Bublik, Kazakhstan, and
The Minnesota Vikings are cAVALiers eLiMinAted MAGic, 4-3 Game 3: Boston 4 at Toronto 2 Colorado ............................6 7 4 22 29 31 Alexander Shevchenko, Russia, walkover; Stefanos Tsit- Game 12: Oklahoma vs. Florida, 2
Game 1: at Cleveland 97, Orlando 83 Game 4: Boston 3, at Toronto 1 Portland ............................5 7 5 20 32 32 sipas and Petros Tsitsipas, Greece, def. Ivan Dodig,
keeping standout wide receiver Game 2: at Cleveland 96, Orlando 86 Game 5: Toronto 2, at Boston 1 (OT) Seattle ..............................4 6 6 18 19 19 Croatia, and Austin Krajicek (4), United States, 4-6, 7-5, chAMpionship series
Game 3: at Orlando 121, Cleveland 83 St. Louis City SC ...............3 4 8 17 23 25 6-3; Gregoire Jacq and Manuel Guinard, France, def. Best of three; x-If necessary
Justin Jefferson with a record- Game 4: at Orlando 112, Cleveland 89
Game 6: at Toronto 2, Boston 1
Game 7: at Boston 2, Toronto 1 (OT) FC Dallas ...........................3 8 4 13 17 24 Guido Andreozzi, Argentina, and Rinky Hijikata, Aus- Wednesday’s game: Texas vs. TBD
setting contract extension that Game 5: at Cleveland 104, Orlando 103 San Jose............................3 11 2 11 24 39 tralia, 6-2, 7-6 (11-9). Thursday’s game: Texas vs. TBD
Game 6: at Orlando 103, Cleveland 96 western conference Sporting KC .......................2 9 5 11 24 31 x- Friday’s game: Texas vs. TBD
makes him the NFL’s highest- Game 7: at Cleveland 106, Orlando 94 AVALAnche eLiMinAted Jets, 4-1 Men’s doubLes — third round
wednesdAy’s resuLts
paid non-quarterback. western conference
Game 1: at Winnipeg 7, Colorado 6
at CF Montreal 4, D.C. United 2
Rajeev Ram, United States, and Joe Salisbury (3),
Game 2: Colorado 5 at Winnipeg 2 Britain, def. Lucas Pouille and Gregoire Barrere, France,
Jefferson, a three-time Pro thunder eLiMinAted peLicAns, 4-0 Game 3: at Colorado 6, Winnipeg 2 Nashville 2, at Cincinnati 0 6-3, 6-3; Sander Gille and Joran Vliegen (10), Belgium, AuTO RACin G
Game 1: at Oklahoma City 94, New Orleans 92 Game 4: at Colorado 5, Winnipeg 1
Bowl selection who has estab- Game 2: at Oklahoma City 124, New Orleans 92 Game 5: Colorado 6, at Winnipeg 3
Atlanta 3, at Miami 1 def. Harri Heliovaara, Finland, and Henry Patten, Britain,
walkover; Simone Bolelli and Andrea Vavassori (11),
at New York 3, Charlotte FC 1
lished himself as one of the NFL’s Game 3: Oklahoma City 106, at New Orleans 85
oiLers eLiMinAted kinGs, 4-1 Toronto FC 0, at Philadelphia 0 Italy, def. Jordan Thompson and Max Purcell, Australia,
nASCAR Cup Series
Game 4: Oklahoma City 97, at New Orleans 89 6-3, 6-4; Marcel Granollers, Spain, and Horacio Zeballos
most spectacular players, agreed nuGGets eLiMinAted LAkers, 4-1
Game 1: at Edmonton 7, Los Angeles 4 Portland 2, at Austin FC 0
(1), Argentina, def. Hugo Nys, Monaco, and Jan Zielinski enJoy iLLinois 300
Game 2: Los Angeles 5, at Edmonton 4 (OT) Orlando City 1, at Chicago 1
to a four-year, $140 million deal Game 1: at Denver 114, Los Angeles 103 Game 3: Edmonton 6, at Los Angeles 1 at Houston 3, Colorado 1
(15), Poland, 6-2, 6-1; Mate Pavic, Croatia, and Marcelo
Sunday’s resukts
Game 2: at Denver 101, Los Angeles 99 Arevalo-Gonzalez (19), El Salvador, def. Kevin Krawietz
with the Vikings that runs Game 3: Denver 112, at Los Angeles 105
Game 4: Edmonton 1, at Los Angeles 0
Game 5: at Edmonton 4, Los Angeles 3
Vancouver 2, at Sporting KC 1 and Tim Puetz (6), Germany, 7-6 (7-3), 7-6 (7-5); Rohan At World Wide Technology Raceway at Gateway;
at LA Galaxy 3, FC Dallas 1 Bopanna, India, and Matthew Ebden (2), Australia, def. in Madison, Ill.
through the 2028 season. Game 4: at Los Angeles 119, Denver 108
cAnucks eLiMinAted predAtors, 4-2 Real Salt Lake 1, at Seattle 1 Miguel Angel Reyes-Varela, Mexico, and N. Sriram Lap length: 1.25 miles
Game 5: at Denver 108, Los Angeles 106
“The time has finally come, tiMberwoLVes eLiMinAted suns, 4-0
Game 1: at Vancouver 4, Nashville 2 at Los Angeles FC 2, Minnesota 0 Balaji, India, 6-7 (2-7), 6-3, 7-6 (8-6). (Start position in parentheses)
Game 2: Nashville 4 at Vancouver 1
the deal I’ve been waiting for Game 1: at Minnesota 120, Phoenix 95 Game 3: Vancouver 2, at Nashville 1
New England at Columbus, ppd. woMen’s doubLes — second round 1. (2) Austin Cindric, Ford, 240 laps, 56 points.
Game 2: at Minnesota 105, Phoenix 93 2. (6) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 240, 42.
since I was a little kid,” Jefferson Game 3: Minnesota 126, at Phoenix 109
Game 4: Vancouver 4, at Nashville 3 (OT)
Game 5: Nashville 2, at Vancouver 1
fridAy’s resuLt Nicole Melichar-Martinez, United States, and Ellen Perez
3. (7) Brad Keselowski, Ford, 240, 40.
at New York City FC 5, San Jose 1 (2), Australia, def. Yuan Yue and Wang Xiyu, China,
said in a video posted Monday to Game 4: Minnesota 122, at Phoenix 116 Game 6: Vancouver 1, at Nashville 0 walkover; Desirae Krawczyk and Caroline Dolehide (8),
4. (5) Tyler Reddick, Toyota, 240, 36.
sAturdAy’s resuLts 5. (12) Joey Logano, Ford, 240, 39.
social media. “Being doubted my MAVericks eLiMinAted cLippers, 4-2 stArs eLiMinAted GoLden kniGhts, 4-3 United States, def. Yana Sizikova and Anastasia Potapo-
6. (18) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, 240, 33.
Game 1: at Los Angeles 109, Dallas 97 Game 1: Vegas 4, at Dallas 3 Toronto FC 2, at D.C. United 2 va, Russia, 7-6 (7-3), 6-1; Elena-Gabriela Ruse, Romania,
whole career, not being highly 7. (4) Christopher Bell, Toyota, 240, 50.
Game 2: Dallas 96 at Los Angeles 93 Game 2: Vegas 3, at Dallas 1 St. Louis City SC 3, at Miami 3 and Marta Kostyuk, Ukraine, def. Sara Sorribes Tormo,
8. (20) Carson Hocevar, Chevrolet, 240, 32.
Spain, and Marie Bouzkova (7), Czechia, 6-3, 6-4; Katerina
recruited, not being the first Game 3: at Dallas 101, Los Angeles 90
Game 4: Los Angeles 116 at Dallas 111
Game 3: Dallas 3, at Vegas 2 at New York 1, Orlando City 0
Siniakova, Czechia, and Coco Gauff (5), United States, def.
9. (21) Justin Haley, Ford, 240, 28.
Game 4: Dallas 4, at Vegas 2 CF Montreal 2, at Philadelphia 2 10. (13) Kyle Larson, Chevrolet, 240, 27.
receiver off the draft board — Game 5: Dallas 123, at Los Angeles 93 Game 5: at Dallas 3, Vegas 2 at Chicago 2, LA Galaxy 1
Miriam Kolodziejova and Anna Siskova, Czechia, 6-1, 6-2;
11. (9) Ty Gibbs, Toyota, 240, 30.
Game 6: at Dallas 114, Los Angeles 101 Game 6: at Vegas 2, Dallas 0 Erin Routliffe, New Zealand, and Leylah Annie Fernandez
this whole journey wasn’t easy Game 7: at Dallas 2, Vegas 1
at Minnesota 3, Sporting KC 1 (9), Canada, def. Makoto Ninomiya and Eri Hozumi, Japan,
12. (16) Ross Chastain, Chevrolet, 240, 25.
13. (17) Chase Elliott, Chevrolet, 240, 32.
for me.” second round New England 2, at Nashville 1 6-0, 6-1; Amina Anshba, Russia, and Anastasia Detiuc,
14. (26) Chris Buescher, Ford, 240, 23.
Best of seven second round at Real Salt Lake 5, Austin FC 1 Czechia, def. Lyudmyla Kichenok, Ukraine, and Jelena
15. (11) William Byron, Chevrolet, 240, 27.
The Vikings and Jefferson con- eAstern conference
Best of seven at Vancouver 2, Colorado 1 Ostapenko (6), Latvia, 3-6, 7-6 (7-5), 6-2.
16. (35) Todd Gilliland, Ford, 240, 21.
firmed the agreement Monday ceLtics eLiMinAted cAVALiers, 4-1 eAstern conference
at Los Angeles FC 1, FC Dallas 0 woMen’s doubLes — third round 17. (23) Chase Briscoe, Ford, 240, 24.
rAnGers eLiMinAted hurricAnes, 4-2 Houston 2, at Portland 2 18. (28) Daniel Hemric, Chevrolet, 240, 19.
without announcing the finan- Game 1: at Boston 120, Cleveland 95
Game 2: Cleveland 118, at Boston 94 Seattle at Columbus, ppd. Alexandra Panova, Russia, and Giuliana Olmos, Mexico, 19. (36) Zane Smith, Chevrolet, 240, 18.
Game 1: at New York 4, Carolina 3 def. Laura Siegemund, Germany, and Barbora Krejcikova
cial terms. The Vikings acknowl- Game 3: Boston 106, at Cleveland 93 Game 2: at New York 4, Carolina 3 (2OT) sundAy’s resuLt (4), Czechia, 6-3, 7-6 (7-5).
20. (24) Ricky Stenhouse Jr, Chevrolet, 240, 17.
21. (8) Bubba Wallace, Toyota, 240, 16.
Game 4: Boston 109, at Cleveland 102
edged that Jefferson, who turns Game 5: at Boston 113, Cleveland 98
Game 3: New York 3, at Carolina 2 (OT)
Game 4: at Carolina 4, New York 3
Charlotte FC 3, at Atlanta 2 Mixed doubLes — second round 22. (27) Noah Gragson, Ford, 240, 15.
23. (31) Daniel Suárez, Chevrolet, 240, 14.
25 this month, will now be under pAcers eLiMinAted knicks, 4-3 Game 5: Carolina 4, at New York 1 sAturdAy’s MAtches Ena Shibahara, Japan, and Nathaniel Lammons, United 24. (3) Ryan Blaney, Ford, 240, 29.
Game 6: New York 5, at Carolina 3
contract for the next five seasons Game 1: at New York 121, Indiana 117 New York at New England, 7:30 States, def. Stefanos Tsitsipas, Greece, and Paula 25. (1) Michael McDowell, Ford, 239, 21.
Game 2: at New York 130, Indiana 121 pAnthers eLiMinAted bruins, 4-2 Seattle at Sporting KC, 8:30 Badosa, Spain, walkover. 26. (22) Erik Jones, Toyota, 239, 11.
and that the deal makes him the Game 3: at Indiana 111, New York 106 Game 1: Boston 5, at Florida 1 FC Dallas at Minnesota, 8:30 27. (33) John H. Nemechek, Toyota, 239, 10.
Game 4: at Indiana 121, New York 89 Mixed doubLes — third round
highest-paid non-quarterback in Game 5: at New York 121, Indiana 91
Game 2: at Florida 6, Boston 1
Game 3: Florida 6, at Boston 2
Portland at St. Louis City SC, 8:30
Maximo Gonzalez, Argentina, and Ulrikke Eikeri, Norway,
28. (14) Alex Bowman, Chevrolet, 239, 9.
29. (32) Ryan Preece, Ford, 239, 8.
NFL history. Game 6: at Indiana 116, New York 103 Game 4: Florida 3 at Boston 2 fridAy, June 14 def. Barbora Krejcikova, Czechia, and Joran Vliegen, 30. (25) Derek Kraus, Chevrolet, 239, 7.
Game 7: Indiana 130, at New York 109 Game 5: Boston 2, at Florida 1 Belgium, walkover; Matthew Ebden and Ellen Perez (1), 31. (30) Harrison Burton, Ford, 239, 6.
The financial terms were con- Game 6: Florida 2, at Boston 1
Columbus at New York City FC, 7:30
Australia, def. Lyudmyla Kichenok, Ukraine, and Mate 32. (15) Corey LaJoie, Chevrolet, 239, 5.
western conference
firmed by a person familiar with tiMberwoLVes eLiMinAted nuGGets, 4-3 western conference
Pavic, Croatia, walkover; Zhang Shuai, China, and Marce- 33. (34) Cody Ware, Ford, 238, 4.
lo Arevalo-Gonzalez, El Salvador, def. Asia Muhammad, 34. (19) Martin Truex Jr, Toyota, 237, 3.
the deal. According to that per- Game 1: Minnesota 106, at Denver 99 stArs eLiMinAted AVALAnche, 4-2 nWSL United States, and Ariel Behar, Uruguay, 4-6, 7-5, 10-8; 35. (10) Kyle Busch, Chevrolet, accident, 139, 2.
Game 2: Minnesota 106 at Denver 80 Game 1: Colorado 4, at Dallas 3 (OT) Neal Skupski, Britain, and Desirae Krawczyk (4), United 36. (29) Josh Berry, Ford, accident, 109, 1.
son, the amount of guaranteed Game 3: Denver 117, at Minnesota 90 Game 2: at Dallas 5, Colorado 4 w L t pts Gf GA States, def. Heather Watson and Joe Salisbury, Britain,
money in the deal was not yet set Game 4: Denver 115, at Minnesota 107 Game 3: Dallas 4, at Colorado 1 Orlando .............................8
Kansas City .......................7
6-1, 5-7, 10-7; Michael Venus and Erin Routliffe (6), New
Game 5: at Denver 112, Minnesota 97 Game 4: Dallas 5, at Colorado 1 Zealand, def. Hugo Gaston and Clara Burel, France, 6-4,
because Jefferson’s representa- Game 6: at Minnesota 115, Denver 70 Game 5: Colorado 5, at Dallas 3 Washington ......................8 3 0 24 25 16 6-2; Tim Puetz, Germany, and Miyu Kato, Japan, def.
tives and the Vikings still were Game 7: Minnesota 98, at Denver 90 Game 6: Dallas 2, at Colorado 1 (2OT) Portland ............................6 4 1 19 24 16 Nicole Melichar-Martinez, United States, and John Peers, nASCAR Cup Series
Gotham FC ........................5 2 3 18 10 7 Australia, 7-6 (7-3), 7-6 (7-3); Hsieh Su-wei, Taiwan, and
MAVericks eLiMinAted thunder, 4-2 oiLers eLiMinAted cAnucks, 4-3 points LeAders
working through some issues. Game 1: at Oklahoma City 117, Dallas 95 Game 1: at Vancouver 5, Edmonton 4
Chicago..............................5 5 1 16 15 15 Jan Zielinski (7), Poland, def. Andrea Vavassori, Italy, and
Through Sunday.
North Carolina...................5 6 0 15 13 14 Liudmila Samsonova, Russia, 6-0, 6-3.
But that figure is expected to be Game 2: Dallas 119, at Oklahoma City 110 Game 2: Edmonton 4, at Vancouver 3 (OT) Louisville...........................2 2 6 12 15 12 1. Denny Hamlin, 534.
Game 3: at Dallas 105, Oklahoma City 101 Game 3: Vancouver 4, at Edmonton 3 San Diego ..........................3 4 3 12 9 9
around $110 million. Game 4: Oklahoma City 100, at Dallas 96 Game 4: at Edmonton 3, Vancouver 2 Houston ............................3 5 3 12 11 18
2. Kyle Larson, 513.
3. Chase Elliott, 507.
“Over the first four seasons of Game 5: Dallas 104, at Oklahoma City 92
Game 6: at Dallas 117, Oklahoma City 116
Game 5: at Vancouver 3, Edmonton 2 Angel City .........................3 5 2 11 11 16 ATP 4. Martin Truex Jr, 490.
Game 6: at Edmonton 5, Vancouver 1 Bay FC ...............................3 8 0 9 15 23 5. William Byron, 488.
his career, Justin entrenched conference finALs
Game 7: Edmonton 3, at Vancouver 2 Seattle ..............................2 8 1 7 11 20 sinGLes rAnkinGs 6. Tyler Reddick, 473.
himself as the best wide receiver Best of seven conference finALs
Utah ..................................1 9 1 4 6 20 Through Sunday. 7. Ty Gibbs, 465.
1. Novak Djokovic, Serbia, 9960 8. Christopher Bell, 437.
and one of the most electric eAstern conference
Best of seven fridAy’s MAtches
2. Jannik Sinner, Italy, 8770 9. Brad Keselowski, 437.
Houston at Louisville, 8
players in the NFL,” Vikings ceLtics eLiMinAted pAcers, 4-0 eAstern conference
Orlando at San Diego, 10
3. Carlos Alcaraz, Spain, 7300
4. Alexander Zverev, Germany, 6305
10. Alex Bowman, 417.
11. Ross Chastain, 417.
Game 1: at Boston 133, Indiana 128 (OT) pAnthers eLiMinAted rAnGers, 4-2
owners Mark and Zygi Wilf said Game 2: at Boston 126, Indiana 110 Game 1: Florida 3, at N.Y. Rangers 0 sAturdAy’s MAtches 5. Daniil Medvedev, Russia, 6295 12. Ryan Blaney, 405.
6. Andrey Rublev, Russia, 4700 13. Bubba Wallace, 371.
in a statement released by the Game 3: Boston 114, at Indiana 111
Game 4: Boston 105, at Indiana 102
Game 2: at N.Y. Rangers 2, Florida 1 (OT) Washington at Utah, 7:30 7. Casper Ruud, Norway, 4425 14. Chris Buescher, 368.
Game 3: N.Y. Rangers 5, at Florida 4 (OT)
team. “He is a special talent, a Game 4: at Florida 3, N.Y. Rangers 2 (OT)
Angel City at Gotham FC, 12:30 8. Hubert Hurkacz, Poland, 3885 15. Chase Briscoe, 358.
western conference Bay FC at Chicago, 7:30 9. Stefanos Tsitsipas, Greece, 3700 16. Joey Logano, 354.
committed teammate and an ex- MAVericks eLiMinAted tiMberwoLVes, 4-1
Game 5: Florida 3, at N.Y. Rangers 2
Game 6: at Florida 2, N.Y. Rangers 1 North Carolina at Portland, 10 10. Grigor Dimitrov, Bulgaria, 3555 17. Kyle Busch, 348.
cellent representative of the Vi- Game 1: Dallas 108, at Minnesota 105
western conference sundAy’s MAtch
11. Alex de Minaur, Australia, 3490
12. Taylor Fritz, USA, 2980
18. Austin Cindric, 305.
19. Daniel Suárez, 290.
Game 2: Dallas 109, at Minnesota 108
kings. Justin has earned this Game 3: at Dallas 116, Minnesota 107 oiLers eLiMinAted stArs, 4-2 Seattle at Kansas City, 6 13. Holger Rune, Denmark, 2700 20. Josh Berry, 264.
Game 4: Minnesota 105, at Dallas 100 14. Tommy Paul, USA, 2655 21. Carson Hocevar, 259.
contract, and we are thrilled he Game 5: Dallas 124, at Minnesota 103
Game 1: Edmonton 3, at Dallas 2 (2OT)
Game 2: at Dallas 3, Edmonton 1
fridAy, June 14 15. Ben Shelton, USA, 2500 22. Todd Gilliland, 258.
will remain a Minnesota Viking nbA finALs
Game 3: Dallas 5, at Edmonton 3 Chicago at Kansas City, 8 16. Ugo Humbert, France, 2285 23. Noah Gragson, 255.
Game 4: at Edmonton 5, Dallas 2 17. Alexander Bublik, Kazakhstan, 2110 24. Michael McDowell, 255.
for a very long time.” Best of seven; x-If necessary; All games on ABC Game 5: Edmonton 3, at Dallas 1 18. Karen Khachanov, Russia, 2090 25. John H. Nemechek, 228.
The extension averages ceLtics Vs. MAVericks Game 6: at Edmonton 2, Dallas 1 GOL F 19. Nicolas Jarry, Chile, 2075
20. Sebastian Baez, Argentina, 1990
26. Erik Jones, 228.
27. Ricky Stenhouse Jr, 223.
Thursday’s game: Dallas at Boston, 8:30
$35 million per season. Jeffer- Sunday’s game: Dallas at Boston, 8
stAnLey cup finALs 21. Felix Auger-Aliassime, Canada, 1885 28. Daniel Hemric, 217.
Best of seven; x-If necessary; All games on ABC 22. Adrian Mannarino, France, 1865 29. Ryan Preece, 211.
son’s original rookie contract Wednesday, June 12: Boston at Dallas, 8:30 PGA Tour 23. Jiri Lehecka, Czechia, 1685 30. Austin Dillon, 210.
Friday, June 14: Boston at Dallas, 8:30 pAnthers Vs. oiLers
was to have expired following the x-Monday, June 17: Dallas at Boston, TBA Saturday’s game: Oilers at Panthers, 8
fedex cup LeAders 24. Alejandro Tabilo, Chile, 1645 31. Justin Haley, 205.
25. Tallon Griekspoor, Netherlands, 1635 32. Corey LaJoie, 194.
2024 season after the Vikings x-Thursday, June 20: Boston at Dallas, TBA
x-Sunday, June 23: Dallas at Boston, TBA
Monday’s game: Oilers at Panthers, 8 Through Sunday.
Points Money 26. Frances Tiafoe, USA, 1630 33. Harrison Burton, 155.
Thursday, June 13: Panthers at Oilers, 8 27. Francisco Cerundolo, Argentina, 1590 34. Zane Smith, 131.
previously exercised the fifth- Saturday, June 15: Panthers at Oilers, 8 1. .................... Scottie Scheffler 4,351 $20,024,553
28. Sebastian Korda, USA, 1565 35. Kaz Grala, 122.
2. .................. Xander Schauffele 2,689 $11,018,071
year option in the deal for x-Tuesday, June 18: Oilers at Panthers, 8
x-Friday, June 21: Panthers at Oilers, 8 3. ........................... Rory McIlroy 1,930 $7,383,665 29. Tomas Martin Etcheverry, Argentina, 1550 36. Jimmie Johnson, 35.
30. Lorenzo Musetti, Italy, 1370 37. Derek Kraus, 32.
$19.743 million. pLAyoff LeAders x-Monday, June 24: Oilers at Panthers, 8 4. ...................... Wyndham Clark
5. ......................Sahith Theegala
1,906 $9,164,429
1,661 $6,972,172 31. Mariano Navone, Argentina, 1339 38. David Ragan, 17.
“From the moment I arrived in Through Sunday. 6. ......................Collin Morikawa 1,571 $4,557,882 32. Alejandro Davidovich Fokina, Spain, 1280
33. Cameron Norrie, Great Britain, 1230
39. Cody Ware, 17.
40. Kamui Kobayashi, 8.
7. ....................... Byeong Hun An 1,540 $4,975,236
Minnesota, Justin has consis- scorinG G fG ft pts AVG PRO FO O TB AL L 8. ...........................Ludvig Aberg 1,510 $6,511,053 34. Tomas Machac, Czechia, 1185
Embiid, PHI ......................... 6 59 67 198 33.0 35. Matteo Arnaldi, Italy, 1165
tently proven to be one of the Brunson, NY...................... 13 151 93 421 32.4 9. ................. Hideki Matsuyama 1,349 $6,086,677
36. Jordan Thompson, Australia, 1156
10. ......................... Shane Lowry 1,302 $4,263,761
best players in the NFL on and Gilgeous-Alexander, OKC . 10
Maxey, PHI.......................... 6
united Football League 11. .............................. Chris Kirk 1,215 $5,082,371 37. Gael Monfils, France, 1155 TRA n S ACTiOn S
12. .................... Matthieu Pavon 1,145 $3,879,043 38. Arthur Fils, France, 1145
off the field, and we are excited Mitchell, CLE..................... 10 107 53 296 29.6 xfL w L t pct pf pA 13. ............................. Jason Day 1,130 $3,320,585 39. Jack Draper, Great Britain, 1131
Doncic, DAL....................... 17 166 100 489 28.8
about having him as a corner- Jokic, DEN ......................... 12 133 64 344 28.7
y-St. Louis.........................7
y-San Antonio...................7
14. ...................... Justin Thomas 1,123 $3,321,661 40. Luciano Darderi, Italy, 1092
41. Jan-Lennard Struff, Germany, 1090
15. ..................... Patrick Cantlay 1,117 $3,474,686
stone of our team for a long time James, LAL ......................... 5 56 17 139 27.8 D.C.....................................4 6 0 .400 209 251 16. .............................Max Homa 1,087 $3,307,716 42. Roman Safiullin, Russia, 1087 baltimore orioles: Placed SS Jorge Mateo on the 7-day
Davis, LAL........................... 5 59 21 139 27.8 Arlington...........................3 7 0 .300 247 249 43. Fabian Marozsan, Hungary, 1083 IL. Designated RHP Thyago Vieira for assignment.
to come,” Vikings General Man- Edwards, MIN ................... 16 156 83 441 27.6 17. .....................Stephan Jaeger
18. ....................... Brian Harman
1,087 $3,347,827
1,077 $3,901,266 44. Zhang Zhizhen, China, 1056 Selected the contract of 2B Connor Norby from Norfolk.
ager Kwesi Adofo-Mensah said in Booker, PHO........................ 4 32 39 110 27.5 45. Sebastian Ofner, Austria, 1038 recalled LHP Nick Vespi from Norfolk.
Banchero, ORL .................... 7 68 37 189 27.0 usfL w L t pct pf pA 19. ......................Russell Henley 1,068 $3,184,894
y-Birmingham ...................9 1 0 .900 265 180 20. ..............................Tom Hoge 1,053 $2,968,093 46. Christopher Eubanks, USA, 1028 detroit tigers: Designated 3B Buddy Kennedy for
a statement. Durant, PHO........................ 4 37 28 107 26.8
y-Michigan ........................7 3 0 .700 228 189 21. ............................ J.T. Poston 1,049 $3,056,826 47. Nuno Borges, Portugal, 1006 assignment. optioned 3B Spencer Torkelson to Toledo
Tatum, BOS ...................... 14 121 93 364 26.0 48. Pedro Martinez, Spain, 995 (IL). selected the contract of 3B Justyn-Henry Malloy
There had been trade specula- Brown, BOS....................... 14 138 46 350 25.0 Memphis ...........................2 8 0 .200 188 290 22. .......................... Sepp Straka 1,049 $3,050,988
49. Lorenzo Sonego, Italy, 991 from Toledo (IL).
Houston ............................1 9 0 .100 158 233 23. ....................... Thomas Detry 1,015 $2,865,999
tion about Jefferson, although Middleton, MIL ................... 6
Irving, DAL ........................ 17
22.8 24. ........................Will Zalatoris 982 $3,635,799 50. Marcos Giron, USA, 990 Minnesota twins: Optioned 2B Edouard Julien to St.
y-Clinched playoff berth Paul (IL).
the Vikings had said they were Adebayo, MIA ..................... 5 48 15 113 22.6 25. ............................Sungjae Im
26. .....................Keegan Bradley
971 $2,833,372
965 $2,865,636 oakland Athletics: Optioned LHP Brady Basso to Las
Siakam, IND ...................... 17 157 39 367 21.6 week 7
intent upon retaining him and Harden, LAC ........................ 6 40 29 127 21.2 sAturdAy, MAy 11 27. ...................... Akshay Bhatia 965 $3,024,172 WTA Vegas (PCL).
seattle Mariners: Signed OF Victor Robles. Optioned OF
28. ........................... Si Woo Kim 946 $2,796,639
signing him to an extension. at Arlington 47, Memphis 23 29. ......Christiaan Bezuidenhout 940 $3,357,144 sinGLes rAnkinGs Jonatan Clase to Tacoma (PCL).
Assists G Ast AVG tampa bay rays: Activated 3B Josh Lowe from the
Jefferson was named the NFL’s James, LAL ................................. 5 44 8.8
at Birmingham 30, St. Louis 26 30. .....................Taylor Pendrith 930 $2,964,907 Through Sunday.
10-day IL. Optioned 2B Jonathan Aranda to Durham (IL).
31. ....................... Harris English 914 $2,566,355 1. Iga Swiatek, Poland, 11695
offensive player of the year in Doncic, DAL .............................. 17
Jokic, DEN................................. 12
sundAy, MAy 12 32. ................. Robert Macintyre 911 $2,825,146 2. Aryna Sabalenka, Belarus, 8138
Atlanta braves: Optioned C Chadwick Tromp to Gwin-
Michigan 22, at D.C. 9 nett (IL).
2022. He must play the 2024 Haliburton, IND ........................ 15 123 8.2
San Antonio 15, at Houston 12
33. ............................Jake Knapp
34. ............................Nick Taylor
911 $2,895,420
893 $2,849,435
3. Coco Gauff, USA, 7638
4. Elena Rybakina, Kazakhstan, 5673
chicago cubs: Optioned RHP Daniel Palencia to Iowa
Harden, LAC................................ 6 48 8.0
season without quarterback Kirk Brunson, NY ............................. 13 97 7.5 week 8
35. .................... Cameron Young 880 $2,845,627 5. Jessica Pegula, USA, 4550
colorado rockies: Recalled RHP Angel Chivilli from
36. ......................Austin Eckroat 880 $2,654,485 6. Marketa Vondrousova, Czechia, 4143
Cousins, who left the Vikings in Maxey, PHI ................................. 6 41 6.8
sAturdAy, MAy 18 37. ............................ Sam Burns 876 $2,804,839 7. Maria Sakkari, Greece, 3980
Hartford (EL). Optioned RHP Peter Lambert to Albu-
Edwards, MIN........................... 16 104 6.5 querque (PCL).
free agency in March to sign a Gilgeous-Alexander, OKC......... 10 64 6.4 at Michigan 24, Memphis 18 38. ................Tommy Fleetwood 865 $2,729,400 8. Zheng Qinwen, China, 3945
Milwaukee brewers: Sent RHP Mitch White outright to
Booker, PHO ............................... 4 24 6.0 at Birmingham 35, Houston 28 39. ................... Denny McCarthy 861 $2,587,230 9. Ons Jabeur, Tunisia, 3748
four-year, $180 million contract 40. ............... Mackenzie Hughes 809 $2,428,672 10. Danielle Collins, USA, 3472
Nashville (IL).
philadelphia phillies: Placed 2B Kody Clemens on the
with the Atlanta Falcons. The sundAy, MAy 19 41. ....................Grayson Murray 802 $2,471,532 11. Jelena Ostapenko, Latvia, 3318
42. ........................Billy Horschel 796 $2,149,478 10-day IL retroactive to May 31, 2024. Placed OF
at St. Louis 26, D.C. 21 12. Madison Keys, USA, 3283
Brandon Marsh on the 10-day IL. Transferred RHP
Vikings signed veteran quarter- WnBA at San Antonio 20, Arlington 15
43. ............................ Tony Finau 788 $2,370,509 13. Daria Kasatkina, Russia, 3258
Michael Rucker from the 15-day IL to the 60-day IL.
44. ............................ Alex Noren 786 $2,307,013 14. Beatriz Haddad Maia, Brazil, 2983
back Sam Darnold in free agency eAst w L pct Gb week 9 45. .......................Corey Conners 786 $2,395,351 15. Jasmine Paolini, Italy, 2898
Selected the contract of LF David Dahl from Lehigh
Valley (IL). Recalled 3B Weston Wilson from Lehigh
and used the No. 10 pick in the Connecticut .................................. 8
New York ...................................... 7

sAturdAy, MAy 25 46. ........................Peter Malnati
47. ................... Matt Fitzpatrick
756 $2,303,876
744 $2,278,620
16. Karolina Muchova, Czechia, 2810
Valley (IL).
17. Liudmila Samsonova, Russia, 2580
NFL draft in April on J.J. McCar- Atlanta ......................................... 4 3 .571 31/2 at Arlington 36, St. Louis 22 48. ....................... Adam Hadwin 725 $2,235,658 18. Ekaterina Alexandrova, Russia, 2480
pittsburgh pirates: Transferred LHP Marco Gonzales
from the 15-day IL to the 60-day IL. Activated C Jason
Chicago ......................................... 3 4 .429 41/2 at San Antonio 18, Birmingham 9 49. ................... Erik Van Rooyen 710 $2,060,349
thy. Indiana.......................................... 2 9 .182 71/2 50. .................... Patrick Rodgers 703 $1,980,699
19. Elina Svitolina, Ukraine, 2290
20. Marta Kostyuk, Ukraine, 2180
Delay from the 10-day IL and optioned him to Indianapo-
sundAy, MAy 26 lis (IL).
“Justin is an exceptionally tal- Washington.................................. 0 8 .000 8
D.C. 36, at Memphis 21
51. ........................ Taylor Moore 673 $2,070,568 21. Victoria Azarenka, Belarus, 2174
san francisco Giants: Placed LHP Blake Snell on the
52. .......................Mark Hubbard 665 $1,908,115 22. Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova, Russia, 2116
ented player and an incredible west w L pct Gb Michigan 26, at Houston 22 53. ....................... Jordan Spieth 664 $2,389,369 23. Caroline Garcia, France, 2068
15-day IL. Activated LF Michael Conforto from the
10-day IL.
person that I am honored to Minnesota .................................... 6 2 .750 — week 10
54. ............................ Ben Griffin
55. ......................Viktor Hovland
643 $2,000,749
636 $2,077,525
24. Emma Navarro, USA, 2068
Las Vegas ..................................... 4 2 .667 1 25. Anna Kalinskaya, Russia, 1916 nfL
coach and have as a team cap- Seattle.......................................... 5 3 .625 1 sAturdAy’s resuLts 56. ................................ Eric Cole 635 $1,832,128 26. Barbora Krejcikova, Czechia, 1768
at Birmingham 20, Michigan 19 57. ................ Maverick McNealy 626 $1,986,857 27. Elise Mertens, Belgium, 1739 Green bay packers: Signed DB Javon Bullard to a rookie
tain,” Coach Kevin O’Connell Phoenix......................................... 4
Dallas............................................ 3
21/2 at St. Louis 13, San Antonio 12 58. ............................ Davis Riley 604 $1,990,863 28. Katie Boulter, Great Britain, 1730 contract.
said in a statement. 59. ............................... Luke List 598 $2,424,893 29. Linda Noskova, Czechia, 1714 Minnesota Vikings: Signed WR Justin Jefferson to a
Los Angeles .................................. 2 6 .250 4
sundAy’s resuLts 60. ........................Adam Schenk 568 $1,744,497 30. Sorana Cirstea, Romania, 1704 four-year contract extension.
Jefferson has totaled sundAy’s resuLts Arlington 32, at D.C. 31 61. ...................... Emiliano Grillo 554 $1,691,914 31. Veronika Kudermetova, Russia, 1623 new england patriots: Waived OL Andrew Stueber.
62. ........................Brendon Todd 544 $1,659,229 Signed WR David Rallis to the roster.
392 catches for 5,899 yards and Connecticut 69, at Atlanta 50 at Memphis 19, Houston 12
63. ......................... Lucas Glover 543 $1,619,231
32. Dayana Yastremska, Ukraine, 1622
33. Katerina Siniakova, Czechia, 1585 philadelphia eagles: Signed OL Max Scharping to a
at Phoenix 87, Los Angeles 68
30 touchdowns in his four NFL at New York 104, Indiana 68 end of reGuLAr seAson 64. ........................... Lee Hodges 535 $1,574,998 34. Leylah Annie Fernandez, Canada, 1565 contract. Placed OL Jason Kelce and DL Fletcher Cox on
the reserve/retired list.
65. ...........................Adam Scott 529 $1,480,912 35. Sloane Stephens, USA, 1447
seasons. His 128 catches in 2022 at Minnesota 87, Dallas 76
pLAyoffs 66. ................................Tom Kim 526 $1,561,637 36. Yuan Yue, China, 1442 pittsburgh steelers: Waived DB Luq Barcoo. Signed WR
Jaray Jenkins to the roster. Signed OL Troy Fautanu to a
were the eighth most in an NFL tuesdAy’s GAMes usfL chAMpionship 67. ....................Andrew Putnam
68. .........................Min Woo Lee
525 $1,605,844
512 $1,505,679
37. Wang Xinyu, China, 1411
rookie contract.
sAturdAy’s GAMe 38. Mirra Andreeva, Russia, 1407
season. His 1,809 receiving yards Washington at Connecticut, 7 69. ........................... Justin Rose 500 $1,400,433 39. Yulia Putintseva, Kazakhstan, 1393 nhL
New York at Chicago, 8 Michigan at Birmingham, 3, ABC 70. ................... Nicolai Hojgaard 495 $1,585,237
that season were the sixth most Phoenix at Seattle, 10 71. ....................... Keith Mitchell 490 $1,460,067
40. Donna Vekic, Croatia, 1358
41. Anastasia Potapova, Russia, 1317 Anaheim ducks: Signed G Damian Clara to a three-year,
xfL chAMpionship
in a season in league history. wednesdAy’s GAMes sundAy, June 9
72. ........................ Brice Garnett 464 $1,207,638 42. Marie Bouzkova, Czechia, 1305 entry-level contract.
73. ......................Seamus Power 456 $1,353,846 43. Sara Sorribes Tormo, Spain, 1299
“You all set the tone,” Jefferson Las Vegas at Dallas, 8 San Antonio at St. Louis, 7, Fox 74. ......................Cameron Davis 454 $1,305,098 44. Clara Burel, France, 1288
said while thanking Vikings fans Minnesota at Los Angeles, 10
ufL chAMpionship
75. ........................ Beau Hossler
76. .................. Charley Hoffman
446 $1,264,066
442 $1,347,616
45. Lesia Tsurenko, Ukraine, 1278 Atlanta united: Fired coach Gonzalo Pineda.
46. Magda Linette, Poland, 1236 Austin fc: Reached an agreement to sign D Mikkel
in the video. “You all set the thursdAy’s GAMes sundAy, June 16 77. ...................... Kurt Kitayama 437 $1,386,933 47. Diana Shnaider, Russia, 1236 Desler.
Chicago at Washington, 7 in st. Louis 78. ............................Ben Kohles 436 $1,409,477 48. Anhelina Kalinina, Ukraine, 1221 d.c. united: Exercised their one in-season buyout on D
mood. You all set the energy. And New York at Atlanta, 7:30 79. .............................. Aaron Rai 409 $1,293,906 49. Magdalena Frech, Poland, 1166 Mohanad Jeahze.
TBD vs. TBD, 5, Fox
I’m definitely excited to set that 80. .......................... Victor Perez 406 $1,225,468 50. Arantxa Rus, Netherlands, 1159
energy for five more years. . . .
This is the start of it, but we ain’t
done yet. Just wait.”

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the local expert homes for sale, merchandise, garage Trustee Sales
on local jobs commercial real estate rentals sales, auctions, tickets dogs, cats, birds, fish 202-334-5782
recruit realestate rentals merchandise pets

For Recruitment advertisements, go to To place an ad, go to Legal Notices: 202-334-7007 or call or call 202-334-6200 Auctions, Estate Sales, Furniture: 202-334-7029
202-334-4100 (toll free 1-800-765-3675) Non-commercial advertisers can now place ads 24/7 by calling 202-334-6200 Biz Ops/Services: 202-334-5787
Cars 820
Official Notices 820
Official Notices 840
Trustees Sale - DC 840
Trustees Sale - DC 840
Trustees Sale - DC 850
Montgomery County 850
Montgomery County 850
Montgomery County 850
Montgomery County
SUITE 1200
5431 Oleander Drive
Wilmington NC, 28403
5431 Oleander Drive
Wilmington NC, 28403
Dark gray, 5k miles, like new,
vinyl upholstry. $27,500. 202-371-6351 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE OF
June 11, 2024
Call 717-253-3733
7:00 p.m.
NEWLY CONSTRUCTED 20-UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING 13770 Palmetto Circle 3832 Bel Pre Road, # 10
DONATE YOUR CAR/TRUCK/RV 1. Rezoning #REZ2023-00026, Stoneview Rezoning: This is a WITH A FIRST FLOOR COMMERCIAL UNIT Germantown, MD 20874 Silver Spring, MD 20906
request to rezone ±12.37 acres from A-1, Agricultural, to M-2, Light
Lutheran Mission Society of MD
Industrial to allow for the development of light industrial uses, allow KNOWN AS
Compassion Place ministries
help local families with food, the existing residential use to remain until future redevelopment, and “THE V AT GEORGIA AVENUE” Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a
clothing, counseling. Tax deductible. includes associated development waivers and modifications. The
properties are located on the north side of Wellington Road, approx- 3557 – 3559 GEORGIA AVENUE, NW certain Deed of Trust to ANTONIO F. MARQUEZ, Trustee(s), certain Deed of Trust to ALEXANDER RUYGROK, Trustee(s),
MVA licensed #W1044.
410-228-8437 imately 400 feet northwest from the intersection of Freedom Center WASHINGTON, DC 20010 dated November 28, 2017, and recorded among the Land dated February 19, 2004, and recorded among the Land
Blvd. and Wellington Rd. The properties are addressed as 8625, 8671,
8685, 8693, and 8699 Wellington Rd. and are identified on County Records of MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND in Liber Records of MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND in Liber
maps as 7696-23-8025, 7696-32-2189, 7696-33-2501, 7696-32-3084, By virtue of a certain Construction Deed of Trust, Security Agreement, Assignment of Rents 55500 , folio 8 , the holder of the indebtedness secured 26974 , folio 745 , the holder of the indebtedness secured
Legal Notices and 7696-23-6714. The site is designated I-3, Industrial with a Transect
3, that recommends a range of 0.23 to 0.57 FAR, and within the Inno- and Fixture Filing (the “Deed of Trust”), duly recorded February 28, 2020 as Instrument No. by this Deed of Trust having appointed the undersigned by this Deed of Trust having appointed the undersigned
Michael J. Damiano, M.D. an-
vation Park Small Area Plan of the Comprehensive Plan; and is located 2020028612 among the Land Records of the District of Columbia (the “Land Records”), Substitute Trustees, by instrument duly recorded among Substitute Trustees, by instrument duly recorded among
nounces the closing of his office
within the Technology Overlay District, Data Center Overlay District,
Environmental Protection Overlay District, Airport Safety Overlay Dis-
which Deed of Trust also constitutes a security agreement and creates a security interest in the aforesaid Land Records, default having occurred the aforesaid Land Records, default having occurred
effective August 31, 2024. If ei-
ther you or your new physician
trict – Brentsville Magisterial District all fixtures and personal property described in the Deed of Trust, a default having occurred under the terms thereof, and at the request of the party under the terms thereof, and at the request of the party
desires a copy of your medical 2. Proffer Amendment #REZ2024-00008, 8765 and 8819 Welling-
in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby and the covenants contained therein, secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will
chart, it will be furnished upon
request, and providing a written
ton Road PRA: This is a request to amend the proffers associated and at the request of the party secured thereby (the “Noteholder”), and following mailing offer for sale at public auction at THE MONTGOMERY offer for sale at public auction at THE MONTGOMERY
authorization and payment of
with #REZ2020-00018 to better align the approved proffers with the
proposed data center uses, specifically to increase the permitted
of a Notice of Foreclosure Sale recorded with the Recorder on May 21, 2024 as Instrument COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 50 MARYLAND AVENUE, COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 50 MARYLAND AVENUE,
any applicable and permitted
copying/administrative fees.
FAR and height, and includes associated development waivers and No. 2024047234 and Affidavit of Non-Residential Mortgage Foreclosure recorded with ROCKVILLE, MD 20850 ON, ROCKVILLE, MD 20850 ON,
Your chart can be retrieved by
modifications. The subject property is ±8.5104-acre, zoned M-2 Light
Industrial, and is located northeast of the intersection of Wellington
the Recorder on November 15, 2022 as Instrument No. 2022112985, and the recordation
sending your request to Michael
J. Damiano, M.D., P.O. Box 4681,
Road and Freedom Center Boulevard and addressed as 8765 and 8819 of a Deed of Removal of Substitute Trustee and Appointment of New Substitute Trustee JUNE 12, 2024 at 11:00 AM JUNE 12, 2024 at 11:00 AM
Silver Spring, MD 20914.
Wellington Road, identified as GPINs 7696-32-8070 and 7696-42-2354,
respectively. The site is designated I-3, Industrial with a Transect 3,
recorded with the Recorder on March 22, 2024 as Instrument No. 2024026421 and at the
that recommends a range of 0.23 to 0.57 FAR, and within the Innova- request of the party secured thereby (the “Noteholder”), the undersigned Substitute Trustee, ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements
Montgomery County tion Park Small Area Plan of the Comprehensive Plan; and is located
within the Airport Safety Overlay District, Data Center Opportunity
will sell, at public auction, within the office of ALEX COOPER AUCTIONEERS, INC., 4910 thereon situated in MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD and thereon situated in MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD and
Zone Overlay District, Technology Overlay District – Brentsville Mag- MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, N.W., SUITE 100, WASHINGTON, D.C. on described as follows: described as follows:
MARYLAND For additional information regarding the Board meeting, please con- THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 2024 AT 11:30 AM CONDOMINIUM UNIT NUMBERED 13770, PHASE 1, BUILDING MANOR CONDOMINIUM”, AS PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED
CARRIE M. WARD, et al.
tact the Clerk to the Board at (703) 792-6600. All meeting materials
are posted online when the agenda is published, and at that time,
6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101 a copy of all staff reports, proposed resolutions and ordinances, and All that certain lot or parcel of land located and being in the City of Washington in the CONDOMINIUM” AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN CONDOMINIUM AND INCLUDING PLAT 1640, AMONG THE LAND RECORDS
Rockville, MD 20852
Substitute Trustees/Plaintiffs,
other documentation will be available for review by the public in the
office of the Clerk of the Board at One County Complex Court, Prince
District of Columbia and being more particularly described as follows: PLAT BOOK 74 AT PLATS 7423 THROUGH AND INCLUDING OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND, BEING PART OF
Members of the public may appear at the Board of County Supervi-
Lot numbered Eighty-nine (0089) in Square numbered Three Thousand Thirty-Three (3033) COUNTY, MARYLAND AS FROM TIME TO TIME AMENDED CONDOMINIUM REGIME BY A CERTAIN DECLARATION DATED
LEWIS AARON CHABOT sors’ Chamber in the McCoart Building, One County Complex Court, in the subdivision made by Miriam E. Ochoa and Rafael Rodriquez, Jr. as per plat recorded in OR SUPPLEMENTED; SAID UNIT BEING PART OF THE LAND THE 24TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1979 AND RECORDED THE
(DECEASED) Prince William, Virginia, at the designated time to express their views. the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Book 196 at page 107. AND PREMISES SUBJECTED TO A CONDOMINIUM REGIME 30TH DAY OF DECEMBER 1975 IN LIBER 4733 AT FOLIO 82
404 Girard Street
Gaithersburg, MD 20877 ing held at a public facility believed to be accessible to persons with
disabilities. Anyone with questions on the accessibility of the facility
Property description: The property is improved by a newly constructed 6-story corner building JANUARY 9, 1998 IN LIBER 15489, FOLIO 376, AMONG RECORDED IN LIBER 4741 AT FOLIO 694, AMONG THE
should contact the Clerk to the Board at One County Complex Court, containing 10 one-bedroom and 10 two-bedroom units. The first floor has a commercial THE AFORESAID LAND RECORDS AS FROM TIME TO TIME AFORESAID LAND RECORDS.
Case No.C-15-CV-23-003825 Prince William, Virginia, or by telephone at (703) 792-6600 or TDD (703)
792-6295. Persons needing translation or interpreter services must
unit. There is storage in the lower level. AMENDED, TOGETHER WITH AN UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN The property will be sold in an “AS IS WHERE IS”
NOTICE notify the Clerk to the Board no later than 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June THE COMMON ELEMENTS. FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES condition without either express or implied warranty or
4, 2024. TOGETHER WITH any and all buildings, structures, improvements or appurtenances ONLY THE PROPERTY ADDRESS IS 13770 PALMETTO CIRCLE representation, including but not limited to the description,
Notice is hereby given this 22
day of May, 2024, by the Circuit now erected on the above-described land, including, without limitation, all equipment, GERMANTOWN, MD 20874. fitness for a particular purpose or use, structural integrity,
Court for Montgomery County,
Maryland, that the sale of the
Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County apparatus, machinery and fixtures of any kind or character forming a part of said buildings, physical condition, construction, extent of construction,
prdperty mentioned in these IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR structures, improvements or appurtenances, and any furniture, furnishings, equipment, The property will be sold in an “AS IS WHERE IS” workmanship, materials, liability, zoning, subdivision,
proceedings and described as THE COUNTY OF
machinery and other personal property owned and located in, upon or about the above- condition without either express or implied warranty or environmental condition, merchantability, compliance
404 Girard Street, Unit 201,
Gaithersburg, MD 20877, made MARYLAND described land and any buildings thereon all as more particularly described in the aforesaid representation, including but not limited to the description, with building or housing codes or other laws, ordinances
and reported by the Substitute
Substitute Trustee,
Deed of Trust (collectively, the “Property”). fitness for a particular purpose or use, structural integrity, or regulations, or other similar matters, and subject to
Trustee, will be RATIFIED AND
CONFIRMED, unless cause to Trustee(s) Plaintiff, physical condition, construction, extent of construction, easements, agreements and restrictions of record which
the contrary thereof be shown Plaintiff(s)
TANGIBLE AND INTANGIBLE PROPERTY workmanship, materials, liability, zoning, subdivision, affect the same, if any. The property will be sold subject to
on or before the 24 day of June,
2024, provided a copy of this VS. PERSONAL PROPERTY environmental condition, merchantability, compliance all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of record
NOTICE be inserted in some daily
JANET YVONNE ADAMSON- with building or housing codes or other laws, ordinances affecting same including any condominium and of HOA
newspaper printed in said Coun- BELCHER, et al,
ty, once in each of three succes- A/K/A Defendants. Pursuant to the Construction Deed of Trust, Security Agreement, Assignment of Rents and or regulations, or other similar matters, and subject to assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110.
sive weeks before the 24 day of THOMAS B STEPHENSON
Fixture Filing as evidenced by UCC Financing Statement duly recorded February 27, 2020 easements, agreements and restrictions of record which
June, 2024. The report states Case No. C-16-CV-23-003243
the purchase price at the Fore- Mortgagor(s) as U.C.C. Initial Filing No: 2020 1421132. Service Request No: 20201609227 among the affect the same, if any. The property will be sold subject to TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $8,000.00 payable in
closure sale to be $147,000.00.
CIVIL NO: C-16-CV-24-000174
NOTICE Delaware Department of State and upon occurrence of a default thereunder, the Noteholder, all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of record certified check or by a cashier’s check will be required from
KAREN A. BUSHELL Notice is hereby issued this Parkview Financial REIT, LP, as the holder of a security interest and lien on all of the tangible affecting same including any condominium and of HOA purchaser at time of sale, balance in immediately available
Clerk, Circuit Court for NOTICE 16th day of May, 2024, that the and intangible assets of the Debtor, will sell at public auction on the same date and at the assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110. funds upon final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court of
sale of the property in this case,
Montgomery County, Maryland
BWW#MD-355891 16 day of May, 2024 by the BELTSVILLE, MD 20705, report- of the Debtor located on or about the Real Estate (that is subject to the security interest and TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $17,500.00 payable in the rate of 8% on unpaid purchase money from date of
Circuit Court for the County of ed by Jennifer Deardorff, Attor-
May 28,Jun 4,11 2024 0012461710 Prince George’s, Maryland and ney for the Substitute Trustee, lien of Parkview Financial REIT, LP and not owned by any third party.) certified check or by a cashier’s check will be required from sale to date of settlement. The secured party herein, if a
by the authority thereof, that the be ratified and confirmed, unless purchaser at time of sale, balance in immediately available bidder, shall not be required to post a deposit. Third party
sale made by William M. Savage, cause to the contrary be shown
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Gregory N. Britto, Trustees, of on or before 17th day of June, TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. The Property will be offered as an entirety only. The bid which funds upon final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court of purchaser (excluding the secured party) will be required to
the Real Property designated 2024, provided a copy of this yields the highest price for the Property will be accepted by the Substitute Trustee (unless MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND interest to be paid at complete full settlement of the purchase of the property
as 11607 Olympic Drive, Fort Notice be inserted in Washington
Washington, MD 20744, and Post, a newspaper published in the sale is postponed or cancelled) and all bids will be provisional until acceptance. the rate of 4% on unpaid purchase money from date of within TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS of the ratification of the
John Ansell, et al.
Substitute Trustees
reported in the above entitled PRINCE GEORGE’S County, Mary- Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Substitute Trustee absolutely reserves the right to sale to date of settlement. The secured party herein, if a sale by the Circuit Court otherwise the purchaser’s deposit
cause, will be finally ratified and land, once in each of three (3)
Plaintiffs, confirmed, unless cause to the successive weeks on or before postpone the sale and/or cancel the sale at any time until the auctioneer announces that bidder, shall not be required to post a deposit. Third party shall be forfeited and the property will be resold at the risk
contrary thereof be shown on the 17th day of June, 2024. The the Property is “sold” and the deposit in the required amount and form is received by the purchaser (excluding the secured party) will be required to and expense, of the defaulting purchaser. All other public
or before the 17 day of June,
2024 next; provided a copy of
report states the amount of sale
to be $152,000.00. Substitute Trustee. A deposit in the amount of $100,000 in the form of a cashier’s check or complete full settlement of the purchase of the property charges and private charges or assessments, including
Kathryn E Seldon, et al.
this order be inserted in THE certified check will be required as a condition to bidding. The deposit must be increased to within TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS of the ratification of the water/sewer charges, ground rent, taxes if any, to be
Street, Washington DC, MD pub-
Mahasin El Amin
Clerk 10% of the purchase price within two (2) business days after the sale, which increased sale by the Circuit Court otherwise the purchaser’s deposit adjusted to date of sale. Cost of all documentary stamps and
Case No. C-15-CV-23-003308 lished in said County of Prince May 21,28,Jun 4 2024 0012461228
deposit must be in the form of a cashier’s check or certified check and delivered to the shall be forfeited and the property will be resold at the risk transfer taxes and all other costs incident to the settlement
George’s once a week for three
NOTICE successive weeks before the 17 office of the Substitute Trustee. The Noteholder secured by the Deed of Trust (or any related and expense, of the defaulting purchaser. All other public shall be borne by the purchaser. If applicable, condominium
Notice is hereby issued this 22
day of June 2024. The report 855
Charles County party) shall be exempted by the Substitute Trustee from submitting any bidding deposit. charges and private charges or assessments, including and/or homeowner association dues and assessments will
states the amount of the sale to
day of May 2024, that the sale be $327,893.95. The Substitute Trustee will, as a condition of the sale, require all potential bidders except water/sewer charges, ground rent, taxes if any, to be be adjusted to date of sale. If the sale is rescinded or not
of the property in this case,
1647-C Carriage House Ter- the Noteholder to show their deposit before any bidding begins. The retained deposit of adjusted to date of sale. Cost of all documentary stamps and ratified for any reason, including post sale lender audit, or
race, Silver Spring, Maryland
Mahasin El Amin
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT the successful purchaser shall be applied, without interest, to the successful purchaser’s transfer taxes and all other costs incident to the settlement the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey insurable title
20904, reported by John Ansell,
John C. Hanrahan, Brennan Fer-
COURT FOR COUNTY OF credit at settlement; provided, however, that in the event the successful purchaser fails to shall be borne by the purchaser. If applicable, condominium or a resale is to take place for any reason, the purchaser(s)
guson, Jeremy B. Wilkins, Aman-
PRINCE GEORGE’S consummate the purchase in accordance with the terms of sale as herein provided, such and/or homeowner association dues and assessments will sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to the refund of
da Driscole, Robert Oliveri, and
Paul Heinmuller, Substitute Trust-
Trustees File#: 23-293065 deposit, at the option of the Substitute Trustee, will be forfeited. The terms of sale must be be adjusted to date of sale. If the sale is rescinded or not the aforementioned deposit. The purchaser waives all rights
ees, be ratified and confirmed, May 21,28,Jun 4 2024 0012461276 complied with and settlement consummated thereon within 45 days from day of sale unless ratified for any reason, including post sale lender audit, or and claims against the Substitute Trustees whether known
unless cause to the contrary be
shown on or before the 24 day
extended at the sole discretion of the Substitute Trustee. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. The the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey insurable title or unknown. These provisions shall survive settlement Upon
of June, 2024, provided a copy IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR balance of the purchase price over and above the retained deposit, with interest thereon at or a resale is to take place for any reason, the purchaser(s) refund of the deposit, this sale shall be void and of no effect,
of this Notice be inserted in The
Washington Post, a newspaper
MARYLAND the note rate then being charged from the date of sale through the date of receipt of the sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to the refund of and the purchaser shall have no further claim against the
published in Montgomery Coun- balance of the purchase price, will be due at settlement in certified funds; and if not so paid, the aforementioned deposit. The purchaser waives all rights Substitute Trustees. The sale is subject to post-sale review
ty, Maryland, once in each of
three (3) successive weeks on or IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR
Substitute Trustee,
the Substitute Trustee reserves the right to retain the deposit and resell the Property at the and claims against the Substitute Trustees whether known of the status of the loan and that if any agreement to cancel
before the 24 day of June, 2024. PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, Plaintiff, risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after such advertisement and on such terms as or unknown. These provisions shall survive settlement Upon the sale was entered into by the lender and borrower prior
The report states the amount of
sale to be $174,686.58.
the Substitute Trustee may deem proper, and to avail themselves and the Noteholder of any refund of the deposit, this sale shall be void and of no effect, to the sale then the sale is void and the purchaser’s deposit
CARRIE M. WARD, et al. legal or equitable rights against the defaulting purchaser. and the purchaser shall have no further claim against the shall be refunded without interest. Additional terms and
6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101
Rockville, MD 20852
Substitute Trustees. The sale is subject to post-sale review conditions, if applicable, maybe announced at the time
May 28,Jun 4,11 2024 0012461712
Substitute Trustees/Plaintiffs, The Property is sold subject to the rights, if any, of parties in possession, if such rights of the status of the loan and that if any agreement to cancel and date of sale. Sale is subject to the attestation by the
Case No. C-08-CV-22-000824 have priority over the Deed of Trust, and to any and all covenants, conditions, restrictions, the sale was entered into by the lender and borrower prior Borrower in accordance with Section 5.A of the Governor’s
Prince Georges County NOTICE easements, rights of way, and limitations of record. The Property will be sold “WHERE IS” to the sale then the sale is void and the purchaser’s deposit order of 10.16.2020 . File No. (23-18212 )
12800 Asbury Drive Notice is hereby issued this
and in “AS IS” condition without any warranty as to condition, express or implied, and shall be refunded without interest. Additional terms and
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Fort Washington, MD 20744 15 day of May, 2024, that the without any representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the information furnished conditions, if applicable, maybe announced at the time BRENNAN FERGUSON, JOHN C. HANRAHAN,
PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, Defendant(s). sale of the property in this case,
to prospective bidders by the Substitute Trustee or any other party and without any other and date of sale. Sale is subject to the attestation by the JEREMY B. WILKINS, AMANDA DRISCOLE,
Case No.C-16-CV-23-004971 WALDORF, MD 20602, reported representations or warranty of any nature. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Borrower in accordance with Section 5.A of the Governor’s ROBERT OLIVERI, PAUL HEINMULLER,
by Jennifer Deaedorff, Attorney
for the Substitute Trustee, be
the Property will be sold without representation or warranty as to (i) title to the Property, (ii) order of 10.16.2020 . File No. (22-12479 ) Substitute Trustees
4400 Jenifer Street, NW, Suite 2
Washington, DC 20015 ratifed and confirmed, unless the nature, condition, structural integrity, or fitness for a particular use of any improvements,
Plaintiff, Notice is hereby given this 16
day of May, 2024, by the Circuit
cause to the contrary be shown
on or before the 18th day of
fixtures or personal property included within the Property, (iii) the environmental condition JOHN ANSELL, JEREMY B. WILKINS, ROBERT A. OLIVERI,
v. Court for Prince George’s Coun- June, 2024, provided a copy of the Property or the compliance of the Property with federal, state and local laws and AMANDA DRISCOLE, PAUL HEINMULLER,
ty, Maryland, that the sale of the
property mentioned in these
of this Notice be inserted in
Washington Post, a newspaper
regulations concerning the presence or disposal of hazardous substances, (iv) compliance JOHN C. HANRAHAN, KRISTOPHER HAWKINS,
a Maryland limited liability proceedings and described as published in CHARLES County, of the Property with the Americans with Disabilities Act or any similar law, or (v) compliance Substitute Trustees
company 12800 Asbury Drive, Fort
Washington, MD 20744, made
Maryland, once in each of three
(3) successive weeks on or be-
of the Property with any zoning laws or ordinances and any and all applicable safety codes,
c/o 9501 Badger Ave LLC,
and reported by the Substitute fore the 17th day of June, 2024. and acceptance of the Deed to the Property by the successful purchaser shall constitute a
Resident Agent
12138 Central Avenue, Unit 573 Trustee, will be RATIFIED AND The report states the amount waiver of any claims against the Substitute Trustee or the Noteholder concerning any of the May 28,Jun 4,11 2024 0012460729
CONFIRMED, unless cause to of sale to be $321,000.00.
Mitchellville, MD 20721
Defendant. the contrary thereof be shown foregoing matters. The successful purchaser recognizes that any investigation, examination
on or before the 17 day of June,
2024, provided a copy of this
Lisa E. Yates
or inspection of the Property is within the control of the owner or other parties in possession
Case No. C-16-CV-24-001134
NOTICE be inserted in some daily May 21,28,Jun 4 2024 0012461227
of the Property and not within the control of the Substitute Trustee or the Noteholder.
Action Involving Real Property newspaper printed in said Coun-
ty, once in each of three succes-
Conveyance shall be by Substitute Trustee’s Deed, without covenant or warranty, express or May 28,Jun 4,11 2024 0012460787
6109 Addison Road sive weeks before the 17 day of
June, 2024. The report states
Frederick County implied. The risk of loss or damage by fire or other casualty to the Property from and after
Capitol Heights, MD 20743
the purchase price at the Fore-
Account ID 18-2011674 closure sale to be $359,000.00. the date of sale will be upon the successful purchaser. Sold subject to all taxes, ground
rents, public charges, assessments, sewer, water, drainage and other public improvements
Mahasin El Amin
Clerk, Circuit Court for whether assessments have been levied or not. The Noteholder and Substitute Trustee
Notice is hereby issued by the Prince George’s County, assume no liability for fuel, gas, electricity, utilities and other operating charges accrued
Circuit Court for Prince George’s
County, Maryland, this 17 day of
before or after the sale and all such charges shall be the sole responsibility of the purchaser
BWW#MD-46977 from the date of sale. All costs incident to the settlement and conveyancing including,

Recipe finder
May, 2024, that the sale of the
property mentioned in these pro-
ceedings and commonly known
May 21,28,Jun 4 2024 0012461272 without limitation, examination of title, conveyancing, all recordation taxes and charges, all
as 6109 Addison Road, Capitol transfer taxes and charges, title insurance premiums, notary fees, settlement fees and all
Heights, MD 20743, made and
reported by Russell S. Drazin, FOR other costs incident to settlement shall be at the cost of the successful purchaser. If the
Substitute Trustee, be ratified FREDERICK COUNTY, Substitute Trustee cannot convey title, the purchaser’s sole remedy is a return of deposit.
and confirmed unless cause to
100 West Patrick Street Further particulars may be announced at the time of sale. For further information, please
the contrary thereof be shown
on or before the 17 day of June, Frederick, Maryland 21701 contact James E. Van Horn 202-371-6351.
2024, provided, a copy of this IN THE CIRCUIT COURT
Clerk of the Court: 301-600-1976
Assignment Office:
Search our database of tested
Notice be inserted in Washing-
ton Post, once in each for three PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY
301-600-2015 James E. Van Horn recipes by ingredient or name.
successive weeks, before the 17
KEITH YACKO Substitute Trustee
day of June, 2024. The Report
of Sale states the amount of sale RAS Crane LLC, et al,
to be $160,000.00. Substitute Trustee, VS.
Mahasin El Amin AMBER HOLMES
Clerk, Circuit Court for v.
Prince George’s County, Case Number:
Maryland RENEE VON JENKINS, et al, C-10-CV-23-000818
Defendants. Other Reference Numbers:
May 21,28,Jun 4 2024 0012461299
Case No. CAEF19-23670 Date: 5/14/2024
May 30,Jun 4,6,11,13,19 2024 0012461694 picnic or movie?
Notice is hereby issued this 13th Notice is hereby issued by the
day of May, 2024, that the sale of Circuit Court for Frederick Coun-
the property in this case, 8330 ty this 14th day of May 2024, that
WASHINGTON, MD 20744, re-
the sale made and recorded by
Jennifer Deardorff for the sale of
Stay one step ahead
ported by Jennifer Deardorff, At- the property described in these
of the weather with the
Give the
torney for the Substitute Trustee, proceedings
be ratified and confirmed, unless
cause to the contrary be shown 6 East G St,
Manage Capital Weather Gang
gift of
on or before the 13th day of June, Brunswick, MD 21716
2024, provided a copy of this No-
tice be inserted in WASHINGTON
POST, a newspaper published in
be ratified and confirmed thir-
ty (30) days from the date of your print
INSURANCE PRINCE GEORGE’S County, Mary- this Notice, unless cause to the
land, once in each of three (3)
successive weeks on or before
contrary be shown, provided a
copy of this Notice be inserted
the 13th day of June, 2024. in some Newspaper published in
DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians
Mutual Insurance Company. Cover- The report states the amount of
this County, once in each of three
(3) successive weeks. The report Gift subscriptions @capitalweather
age for 350 plus procedures. Real
dental insurance – NOT just a dis-
sale to be $280,000.00. states the amount of the sale to
be $216,392.00. my-post
S0141 2x4

count plan. Do not wait! Call now! Mahasin El Amin#723

Get your FREE Dental Information Kit Clerk of the Circuit Court Sandra K. Dalton
with all the details! 1-855-337-5228 Prince George’s County, MD Clerk of the Circuit Court S0435_1x1.5
May 21,28,Jun 4 2024 0012460779 May 21,28,Jun 4 2024 0012461149 S0390-1x1.5 S0115-2x4

D 7 | EZ
EZ CLASSIFIED zone EZ | 2024-6-4 | D 8 | BLACK

Trustees Sale - DC 840
Trustees Sale - DC 840
Trustees Sale - DC 850
Montgomery County 850
Montgomery County 850
Montgomery County 850
Montgomery County 850
Montgomery County 850
Montgomery County
COURT APPOINTED TRUSTEE BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC
FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302
3900 14th Street, NW Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Hunt Valley, MD 21031
Washington, DC 20011 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 470-321-7112
Various Units to be sold at this Property
In execution of the Superior Court for District of Columbia’s (“Court”) Order/Decree in Case OF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY OF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY VALUABLE FEE SIMPLE PROPERTY
#2018-CA-007937-B (“Case”), the below identified Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at IMPROVEMENTS THEREON IMPROVEMENTS THEREON KNOWN AS
public auction the specific units of real property described in a Deed of Trust dated September 8208 FLOWER AVE
26, 2007, recorded as Instrument No. 2007126177 among the D.C. Land Records, located 14806 SADDLE CREEK DRIVE 709 BRANDON GREEN DRIVE TAKOMA PARK, MD 20912
at 3900 14th Street, NW, Washington, D.C., 20011, including the various specific units as BURTONSVILLE, MD 20866 SILVER SPRING, MD 20904
further identified herein (the “Property”), at the office of HARVEY WEST AUCTIONEERS INC., Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust dated
5335 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Suite 440, Washington, DC, 20015, 410-769-9797 on Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of May 17, 2013, and recorded in Liber 47165, folio 411, of the
dated October 31, 2019, recorded in Liber 58602, Folio Trust dated July 15, 1998, recorded in Liber 16071, Folio land records of MONTGOMERY COUNTY , with an original
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 2024, AT 11:00 A.M. 254 among the Land Records of Montgomery County, 563 among the Land Records of Montgomery County, principal balance of $113,473.00, default having occurred
MD, with an original principal balance of $625,969.00, MD, with an original principal balance of $243,750.00, under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute Trustees
The Property legal description and the specific units being sold are more particularly default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. will offer for sale at public auction at THE MONTGOMERY
described as follows: Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 50 MARYLAND AVENUE,
Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland ROCKVILLE, MD 20850 ON,
Parcel 83/74, being part of the tract of land called “Padsworth” and known as part of Lot Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on
5-B as shown on plat recorded in Liber L.C. Carberry at folio 24 of the Records of the Office JUNE 12, 2024 at 1:00 PM
of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia as described as follows: JUNE 21, 2024 AT 11:50 AM JUNE 7, 2024 AT 3:55 PM
BEGINNING on the North line of said lot, 85.25 feet West line of Fourteenth Street, said point ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any any buildings or improvements thereon situated in
being at the Northwest corner of Lot 32 in Square 2693, and running thence South 157.44 buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD, located at the above address
feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 39 in Square 2693; thence East, 85 feet to Fourteenth County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed and more fully described in the aforementioned Deed of
Street; thence South with West line of said Street, 79.69 feet to the South line of said Lot of Trust. of Trust. Trust.
5-B; thence North 84 degrees 07’ 30: West, 430.24 feet to the Southeast corner of the land The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in TAX-ID# - 13-01061856
conveyed to United States of America by deed recorded in Liber 7456 at folio 13 among the an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
Land Records of the District of Columbia; thence North with the East line of said conveyance and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and The property and improvements will be sold in an “AS
219.46 feet to the North line of said Lot 5-B; and thence with said North line South 96 with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. IS” physical condition without warranty of any kind and
degrees 36’ 30” East 343.99 feet to the point of beginning. subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $62,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $21,000 in the form of certified record affecting the same, including any condominium or
Said specific units of the Property being sold being now known for assessment and taxation check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real
purposes by the following Square and Lot numbers. the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the Property Article §11-110 and §11B-117.
purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid
Square: 2693 Lot: 2001 purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder’s deposit of
Square: 2693 Lot: 2002 of Trust Note, or any modifications thereto, from the date of Trust Note, or any modifications thereto, from the date $6,500.00 by cashier’s/certified check or such other form as
Square: 2693 Lot: 2005 of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole discretion,
Square: 2693 Lot: 2007 payable in cash within ten days of final ratification of the payable in cash within ten days of final ratification of the required at time of sale except for the party secured by the
Square: 2693 Lot: 2008 sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser from date and time
Square: 2693 Lot: 2014 interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds of auction. The balance of the purchase price together with
Square: 2693 Lot: 2016 are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE interest thereon at 4.000% per annum from date of sale
Square: 2693 Lot: 2026 FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property to receipt of purchase price by Substitute Trustees must be
Square: 2693 Lot: 2031 taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any paid by cashier’s check within 10 days after final ratification
Square: 2693 Lot: 2034 and all public and/or private charges or assessments, to and all public and/or private charges or assessments, to of sale. The noteholder shall not be obligated to pay interest Manage
Square: 2693 Lot: 2041 the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including if it is the purchaser. There will be no abatement of interest
Square: 2693 Lot: 2053
Square: 2693 Lot: 2054
water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted
to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser.
water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted
to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser.
due from the purchaser in the event that additional funds
are tendered before settlement or if settlement is delayed for
Square: 2693 Lot: 2064 Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead any reason. All real estate taxes and other public charges
Square: 2693 Lot: 2081 tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be and/or assessments to be adjusted as of the date of sale print
Square: 2693 Lot: 2085 paid by Purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners paid by Purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners and thereafter assumed by purchaser. If applicable, any
Square: 2693 Lot: 2097
Square: 2693 Lot: 2113
association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the
purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible
association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the
purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible
condominium and/or homeowners association dues and
assessments that may become due after the date of sale
Square: 2693 Lot: 2130 for obtaining physical possession of the property, and for obtaining physical possession of the property, and shall be purchaser’s responsibility. Purchaser shall pay
Square: 2693 Lot: 2139
Square: 2693 Lot: 2140
assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the
date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the
assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the
date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the
all transfer, documentary and recording taxes/fees and
all other settlement costs. Purchaser is responsible for
Square: 2693 Lot: 2141
Square: 2693 Lot: 2143
status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not
limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered
status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not
limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered
obtaining possession of the property. Time is of the essence
for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults, deposit will be
Square: 2693 Lot: 2147 into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the forfeited and property resold at the risk and cost of the
Square: 2693 Lot: 2149 loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any deficiency
Square: 2693 Lot: 2153 null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and attorney’s
Square: 2693 Lot: 2156 equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not convey title
Square: 2693 Lot: 2159 If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, for any reason, purchaser’s sole remedy is return of deposit
Square: 2693 Lot: 2160 subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale audit of
Square: 2693 Lot: 2167 will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust including
Square: 2693 Lot: 2174 as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the but not limited to determining whether prior to sale a
Square: 2693 Lot: 2177 purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further bankruptcy was filed; forbearance, repayment or other
Square: 2693 Lot: 2178 liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated or paid
Square: 2693 Lot: 2180 papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten off. In any such even this sale shall be null and void and
Square: 2693 Lot: 2182 days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service purchaser’s sole remedy shall be return of deposit without S0435_1x4
Square: 2693 Lot: 2183 by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser interest. File No. (23-151787)
Square: 2693 Lot: 2187 as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
Square: 2693 Lot: 2192 purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds Keith Yacko, David Williamson, Bryson Stephen,
Square: 2693 Lot: 2201 resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from Substitute Trustees
Square: 2693 Lot: 2205 improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
Square: 2693 Lot: 2207 Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
Square: 2693 Lot: 2208 title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification
Square: 2693 Lot: 2210 of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
Square: 2693 Lot: 2212 Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
Square: 2693 Lot: 2221 deposit without interest. (Matter No. 366209-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 333423-3)

Square: 2693 Lot: 2226
Square: 2693 Lot: 2232 Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., May 28,Jun 4,11 2024 0012459294
Square: 2693 Lot: 2233 Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees
Square: 2693 Lot: 2234

a gift
Square: 2693 Lot: 2240
Square: 2693 Lot: 2241
Square: 2693 Lot: 2244
Square: 2693 Lot: 2246

Square: 2693 Lot: 2254
Square: 2693 Lot: 2255 Jun 4,11,18 2024 0012462112 May 21,28,Jun 4 2024 0012460739

The Property also includes the parking spaces identified as parking spaces 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 11,
15, 18, 21, and 22. McCabe, Weisberg & Conway, LLC
312 Marshall Avenue, Suite 800
The specific units of the Property will be sold by Trustee’s Deed “as is” without any covenant,

Laurel, MD 20707
expressed or implied, in fee simple, subject to conditions, restrictions, easements, and all Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC
other recorded instruments superior to the Deed of Trust referenced above, and subject to 11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302
ratification by the Court. BWW Law Group, LLC SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE Hunt Valley, MD 21031

6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY 470-321-7112
TERMS OF SALE: In addition to, and without limiting the foregoing, the Property will be Rockville, MD 20852
sold subject to a senior deed of trust, the amount to be announced at the time of sale if (301) 961-6555 3201 GOLD MINE ROAD TRUSTEES’ SALE OF
available to the Trustee. The Property will also be sold subject to the Court’s determination BROOKEVILLE, MD 20833 VALUABLE FEE SIMPLE PROPERTY
of those certain movants’ rights to be determined in the motion seeking rescission of certain SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE KNOWN AS
agreements to restore movants to the status of tenants, said movants having filed the OF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust 15101 INTERLACHEN DRIVE UNIT 1-920
motion in the Case and their units being identified in the motion as: IMPROVEMENTS THEREON from William Jonathan Bugg and Johanna Elizabeth Bugg, SILVER SPRING, MD 20906
dated July 24, 2000 and recorded in Liber 18272, folio 365 Gift subscriptions
Occupants of unit 714 (Square: 2693 Lot: 2130); 5804 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE among the Land Records of Montgomery County, MD, default Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust
Occupants of unit 109 (Square: 2693 Lot: 2008); and BETHESDA, MD 20816 having occurred under the terms thereof and at the request dated September 7, 2007, and recorded in Liber 34877,
Occupants of unit 118 (Square: 2693 Lot: 2014). of the parties secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute folio 453, of the land records of MONTGOMERY COUNTY ,
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at the Circuit with an original principal balance of $200,000.00, default
All of the identified units in the Property will be sold in the aggregate. A deposit of ten Trust dated March 23, 2010, recorded in Liber 39100, Court for Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 having occurred under the terms thereof, the appointed
percent (10%) of the winning bid amount will be required at time of sale, such deposit to Folio 271 among the Land Records of Montgomery County, Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on Substitute Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at
be in the form of a certified check, or in such other form as the Trustee may determine, in MD, with an original principal balance of $400,000.00, THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 50
his sole discretion. The deposit required to bid at the auction is waived for the Noteholder default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. JUNE 7, 2024 AT 4:00 PM MARYLAND AVENUE, ROCKVILLE, MD 20850 ON,
and any of its successors or assigns. The Noteholder may bid up to the amount owed on S0390-1x4
Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for
the Note plus all costs and expenses of sale on credit and may submit a written bid to the Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND AND THE JUNE 12, 2024 at 1:00 PM
Trustee which shall be announced at sale. The Balance of the purchase price to be paid Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on IMPROVEMENTS THEREON situated in Montgomery County,
in certified funds within sixty (60) days of final ratification of the sale by the Court. TIME Maryland and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with
IS OF THE ESSENCE. If Purchaser fails to settle within the aforesaid sixty (60) days of the JUNE 21, 2024 AT 11:52 AM Trust. The property is improved by a dwelling. any buildings or improvements thereon situated in
ratification, the Purchaser agrees to pay the Trustee’s reasonable attorney fees as ordered The property, will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD, located at the above address
by the Court, plus all costs incurred, if the Trustee has filed the appropriate motion with the ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any to conditions, restrictions, easements, encumbrances and and more fully described in the aforementioned Deed of
Court to resell the Property. Purchaser waives personal service of any paper filed with the buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery agreements of record affecting the subject property, if any, Trust.
Court in connection with such motion and any Show Cause Order issued by the Court and County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed and with no warranty of any kind. TAX-ID# - 13-02408326
expressly agrees to accept service of any such paper or Order by certified mail and regular of Trust. Terms of Sale: A deposit in the form of cashier’s or certified
mail sent to the address provided by the Purchaser and as recorded on the documents The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in check, or in such other form as the Substitute Trustees may The property and improvements will be sold in an “AS
executed by the Purchaser at the time of the sale. Service shall be deemed effective upon the an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions determine, at their sole discretion, for $32,000 at the time IS” physical condition without warranty of any kind and
Purchaser 3 days after postmarked by the United States Post Office. It is expressly agreed and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and of sale. If the noteholder and/or servicer is the successful subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of
by the Purchaser that actual receipt of the certified mail is not required for service to be with no warranty of any kind. bidder, the deposit requirement is waived. Balance of the record affecting the same, including any condominium or
effective. If the Purchaser fails to go to settlement the deposit shall be forfeited to the purchase price is to be paid within ten (10) days of the final homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real
Trustee and all expenses of this sale (including attorney fees and full commission on the Terms of Sale: A deposit of $7,000 in the form of certified ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court for Montgomery Property Article §11-110 and §11B-117.
gross sales price of the sale) shall be charged against and paid from the forfeited deposit. check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of County, Maryland. Interest is to be paid on the unpaid
In the event of resale the defaulting Purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase price at the rate of 5% per annum from date TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder’s deposit of
or profits resulting from any resale of the Property regardless of any improvements made to purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid of sale to the date the funds are received in the office of $14,500.00 by cashier’s/certified check or such other form
the Property. Interest is to be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the rate of 9.5% per purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed the Substitute Trustees, if the property is purchased by as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole
annum from the date of sale to the date the funds are received in the office of the Trustee. of Trust Note, or any modifications thereto, from the date an entity other than the noteholder and/or servicer. If discretion, required at time of sale except for the party
In the event that the settlement is delayed for ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, there shall be no of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payment of the balance does not occur within ten (10) days secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser
abatement of interest. Taxes, water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner association payable in cash within ten days of final ratification of the of ratification, the deposit will be forfeited as liquidated from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase
dues, all public charges/assessments payable on an annual basis, including sanitary and/ sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of damages. The purchaser agrees that the property may price together with interest thereon at 7.500% per annum
or metropolitan district charges, if applicable, to be adjusted for the current year to date interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds be resold pursuant to an order of court, waives personal from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute
of sale and assumed thereafter by the Purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for the are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE service upon themselves and/or any principal or corporate Trustees must be paid by cashier’s check within 10 days
costs of all transfer taxes, documentary stamps and all other costs incident to settlement. FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property designee of any documents filed regarding the failure to pay after final ratification of sale. The noteholder shall not be
Purchaser shall be responsible for physical possession of the Property. Purchaser assumes taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any the purchase price within ten (10) days of ratification and obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be
the risk of loss from the date of sale forward. If the Trustee is unable to convey good and and all public and/or private charges or assessments, to expressly agrees to accept service by first class mail of said no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event
marketable title, the Purchaser’s sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to the refund the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including documents at the address provided by the purchaser in the that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if
of the deposit to the Purchaser. The sale is subject to post sale audit by the Noteholder to water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted Memorandum of Sale. The purchaser will not be entitled to settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes
determine whether the borrower filed bankruptcy, entered into any repayment/forbearance to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. any surplus or profits arising from the resale even if they are and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted
agreement, reinstated or paid off prior to the sale. In any such event the Purchaser agrees Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead the result of improvements made by the purchaser. There as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser.
that upon notification by the Trustee of such event the sale is null and void and of no legal tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be will be no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in If applicable, any condominium and/or homeowners
effect and the deposit returned without interest. paid by Purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners the event settlement is delayed for any reason. Taxes, water association dues and assessments that may become due
association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the rent, and all other public charges and assessments payable after the date of sale shall be purchaser’s responsibility.
Benjamin P. Smith, Trustee purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible on an annual basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan Purchaser shall pay all transfer, documentary and recording
for obtaining physical possession of the property, and district charges to be adjusted for the current year to the taxes/fees and all other settlement costs. Purchaser is
assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale, and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time
date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults,
status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and
limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered sale. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any
into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the the ground rent escrow, if required. Cost of all documentary deficiency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and
loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be stamps, transfer taxes (including agricultural transfer attorney’s fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not
May 14,21,28,Jun 4 2024 0012457719 convey title for any reason, purchaser’s sole remedy is return
null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or taxes, if applicable), and all settlement charges shall be
equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. borne by the purchaser. The sale is subject to a post sale of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale
If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, audit of the loan, including but not limited to an analysis audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust
subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property of whether the borrower entered into a loan modification including but not limited to determining whether prior to
will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees agreement, filed bankruptcy, reinstated or paid off the loan sale a bankruptcy was filed; forbearance, repayment or

as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the prior to the sale. The Substitute Trustees will convey either other agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated
purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further insurable or marketable title. If the Substitute Trustees are or paid off. In any such even this sale shall be null and
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any unable to convey insurable or marketable title or, the post void and purchaser’s sole remedy shall be return of deposit
Manage without interest. File No. (23-146497) Manage
a gift
papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten sale audit concludes that the sale should not have occurred,
days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service or the sale is not ratified by the court for any reason, the
your by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
purchaser’s sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited
to the refund of the deposit without interest even if the
Keith Yacko, David Williamson, Bryson Stephen,
Substitute Trustees your

purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser has made improvements to the property. Upon
print resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from refund of the deposit, the sale shall be void and of no effect, print
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. and the purchaser shall have no further claim against
subscription! Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable the Substitute Trustees. Purchaser shall be responsible subscription!
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification for obtaining physical possession of the property. The
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the purchaser at the foreclosure sale shall assume the risk of Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the loss for the property immediately after the sale. (Matter May 28,Jun 4,11 2024 0012459320
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 367672-1) #2012-27938).
my-post Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
The property will be sold subject to a 120 day right of
redemption by the Internal Revenue Service.
Substitute Trustees

Laura H. G. O’Sullivan, et al., Substitute Trustees snow day
school day?
Gift subscriptions Jun 4,11,18 2024 0012462113 May 21,28,Jun 4 2024 0012460155
Stay one step ahead of the weather with the
S0435_1x4 Capital Weather Gang S0435_1x4
S0390-1x4 S0141 2x2

D 8 | EZ
EZ CLASSIFIED zone EZ | 2024-6-4 | D 9 | BLACK

Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County 855
Charles County 855
Charles County 856
Frederick County 856
Frederick County 857
Howard County 857
Howard County
Samuel I. White, P.C. Samuel I. White, P.C. ORLANS PC BWW Law Group, LLC Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
448 VIKING DRIVE, SUITE 350 448 VIKING DRIVE, SUITE 350 1602 VILLAGE MARKET BLVD. SE, SUITE 310 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
VIRIGINA BEACH, VA 23452 VIRIGINA BEACH, VA 23452 LEESBURG, VA 20175 Rockville, MD 20852 Bethesda, MD 20814
703-777-7101 (301) 961-6555 (301) 907-8000
6500 Grafton Street 1406 Pacific Avenue 5561 Wordsworth Place IMPROVEMENTS THEREON OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY
District Heights, MD 20747 Capitol Heights, MD 20743 White Plains, MD 20695
Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a Under a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust from FREDERICK, MD 21704 COLUMBIA, MD 21045
certain Deed of Trust to ECHOLS PURSER AND GLENN, PLLC. certain Deed of Trust to CAROL LEET, Trustee(s), dated April TYRELL EMMANUEL MCRAE, dated November 27, 2019
, Trustee(s), dated July 15, 2009, and recorded among the 11, 2006, and recorded among the Land Records of PRINCE and recorded in Liber 10914, folio 509 MODIFIED ON Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
Land Records of PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, MARYLAND GEORGE’S COUNTY, MARYLAND in Liber 25649, folio 600, MARCH 24, 2022 IN LIBER 12468 FOLIO 58; among the dated January 19, 2007, recorded in Liber 6436, Folio 519 from Jesse Ardon and Sandra J. Ardon dated October 12,
in Liber 30869, folio 554, the holder of the indebtedness the holder of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust Land Records of CHARLES COUNTY, MD, default having among the Land Records of Frederick County, MD, with an 2006 and recorded in Liber 10336, folio 8 among the Land
secured by this Deed of Trust having appointed the having appointed the undersigned Substitute Trustees, by occurred thereunder (Foreclosure Case docketed as Case original principal balance of $358,200.00, default having Records of Howard County, MD, default having occurred
undersigned Substitute Trustees, by instrument duly instrument duly recorded among the aforesaid Land Records, No.C-08-CV-23-000291; Tax ID No.08-357494 ) the Sub. occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell under the terms thereof, the Trustees will sell at public
recorded among the aforesaid Land Records, default having default having occurred under the terms thereof, and at Trustees will sell at public auction at the CHARLES COUNTY at public auction at the Circuit Court for Frederick County, auction at the Circuit Court for Howard County, at the Court
occurred under the terms thereof, and at the request of the the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned COURTHOUSE, located at 200 CHARLES STREET ( IN THE at the Court House Door, 100 W. Patrick St., Frederick, MD House Door, 9250 Judicial Way, Ellicott City, MD 21043, on
party secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustee Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction at BREEZEWAY BETWEEN CIRCUIT AND DISTRICT COURTS ), LA 21701, on
will offer for sale at public auction at THE PRINCE GEORGE’S THE PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT PLATA, MD 20646, on JUNE 7, 2024 AT 12:20 PM
UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20772 ON, ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any buildings and improvements thereon situated in Howard
JUNE 6, 2024 at 2:30 PM ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements buildings or improvements thereon located in Frederick County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed
JUNE 6, 2024 at 2:30 PM thereon situated in CHARLES COUNTY, MD and more fully County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #16-102563.
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements described in above referenced Deed of Trust. of Trust. The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements thereon situated in PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, MD and The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
thereon situated in PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, MD and described as follows: The property will be sold in an “as is” condition and an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
described as follows: subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind.
LOTS NUMBERED SIXTEEN (16), SEVENTEEN (17), ONE affecting the same, if any and with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. Terms of Sale: A deposit of $34,000 in the form of certified
BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS LOT NUMBERED HUNDRED TEN (110) AND ONE HUNDRED ELEVEN (111), IN check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the
FOURTEEN (14) IN BLOCK LETTERED TWO (2), SECTION ONE, BLOCK TWO (2) IN A SUBDIVISION KNOWN AS “SPAULDING Terms of Sale: A deposit $30,000.00 will be required at the Terms of Sale: A deposit of $33,000 in the form of certified purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
IN THE SUBDIVISION KNOWN AS “BERKSHIRE SUBDIVISION”, HEIGHTS”, AS PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED AMONG THE time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK OR BY check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the price to be paid in cash within ten days of final ratification
AS PER PLAT BOOK BB 15, PLAT NUMBER 12, AS RECORDED LAND RECORDS OF PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, MARYLAND CASHIER’S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Balance purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase of sale by the Circuit Court for Howard County. Interest to
AMONG THE LAND RECORDS OF PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, IN PLAT BOOK A AT FOLIO 81 SAVING AND EXCEPTING of the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the rate pursuant
MARYLAND. THEREFROM, ALL THOSE PORTIONS THEREOF CONTAINING final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for CHARLES at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or to the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date
5,075 SQUARE FEET ACQUIRED BY THE STATE OF MARYLAND COUNTY. Time is of the essence as to the purchaser. If the any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds are received in the office of the Trustees. There will
The property will be sold in an “AS IS WHERE IS” TO THE USE OF THE STATE ROADS COMMISSION OF purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be forfeited and the funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash be no abatement of interest in the event additional funds
condition without either express or implied warranty or MARYLAND BY INSTRUMENTS DATED FEBRUARY 24, 1951 property shall be resold at the purchaser’s risk and expense. within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit are tendered before settlement or if settlement is delayed
representation, including but not limited to the description, AND RECORDED IN LIBER 1332 AT FOLIO 428 AND LIBER The purchaser waives personal service and accepts service Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the for any reason. The noteholder shall not be obligated to pay
fitness for a particular purpose or use, structural integrity, 1332 AT FOLIO 429 OF THE AFORESAID LAND RECORDS AND by first class mail and certified mail addressed to the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before interest if it is the purchaser. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR
physical condition, construction, extent of construction, SHOWN ON STATE ROADS COMMISSION PLATS NO. 9001 AND address provided by said Purchaser as identified on the settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. THE PURCHASER. There will be no reduction of interest due
workmanship, materials, liability, zoning, subdivision, 9002. Memorandum of Sale for any Motion or Show Cause Order Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural to overpayment of deposit. Adjustment of all real property
environmental condition, merchantability, compliance incident to this sale including a Motion to Default Purchaser taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes (excluding recapture of previously reduced or exempt
with building or housing codes or other laws, ordinances The property will be sold in an “AS IS WHERE IS” and for Resale of the Property. In the event of a resale, charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive taxes) and any other public charges or assessments, to
or regulations, or other similar matters, and subject to condition without either express or implied warranty or the defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to receive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and the extent such amount survive foreclosure sale, including
easements, agreements and restrictions of record which representation, including but not limited to the description, any benefit from the resale, including, but not limited to, front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and water/sewer charges, and ground rent to be adjusted
affect the same, if any. The property will be sold subject to fitness for a particular purpose or use, structural integrity, additional proceeds or surplus which may arise therefrom. thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible to date of sale and paid at execution of the deed, except
all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of record physical condition, construction, extent of construction, Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the rate for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer where the secured party is the purchaser, and thereafter
affecting same including any condominium and of HOA workmanship, materials, liability, zoning, subdivision, pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. assumed by the purchaser. All due and/or unpaid private
assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110. environmental condition, merchantability, compliance the date funds are received by the Substitute Trustees. There The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the utility, water and sewer facilities charges, condo/HOA
with building or housing codes or other laws, ordinances will be no abatement of interest in the event additional ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ assessments and Columbia Assoc. assessments, to the
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $20,000.00 PAYABLE ONLY BY or regulations, or other similar matters, and subject to funds are tendered at the time of sale or any time prior to or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed extent such amount survive foreclosure sale, are payable by
certified funds, shall be required at the time of sale. CASH easements, agreements and restrictions of record which settlement or if the settlement is delayed for any reason. by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is the purchaser without adjustment. Cost of all documentary
WILL NOT BE AN ACCEPTABLE FORM OF DEPOSIT. The balance affect the same, if any. The property will be sold subject to In the event that the Secured Party executes a forbearance responsible for obtaining physical possession of the stamps, transfer taxes, recaptured taxes (including but not
of the purchase price with interest at 2.875% per annum from all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of record agreement with the borrower(s) described in the above- property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property limited to agricultural taxes), and settlement expenses shall
the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within affecting same including any condominium and of HOA mentioned Deed of Trust, or allows the borrower(s) to from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit be borne by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible
TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. There will be assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110. execute their right to reinstate or payoff the subject loan, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, for obtaining physical possession of the property. Purchaser
no abatement of interest for any reason. Adjustments on all prior to the sale, with or without the Substitute Trustee’s but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property from the
taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $20,000.00 PAYABLE ONLY BY prior knowledge, this Contract shall be null and void and entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid date of sale forward. Additional terms to be announced at
will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed certified funds, shall be required at the time of sale. CASH of no effect, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy shall be the off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale the time of sale.
by purchaser. There will be no abatement of taxes, public WILL NOT BE AN ACCEPTABLE FORM OF DEPOSIT. The balance return of the deposit without interest. Purchaser shall pay shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, If the Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable
charges and special or regular assessments for any reason. of the purchase price with interest at 7.24% per annum from for documentary stamps, transfer taxes and settlement in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without title, the purchaser’s sole remedy in law and equity shall
If applicable, condominium and/or homeowner association the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within expenses. Taxes, ground rent, water rent, condominium fees interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If
dues and assessments that may become due after the TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. There will be and/or homeowner association dues, all public charges/ ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall
time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. no abatement of interest for any reason. Adjustments on all assessments payable on an annual basis, including property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all
Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, if applicable, Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by expenses, attorney’s fees and the full commission on the sale
transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed shall be adjusted to the date of sale and assumed the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event
to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of by purchaser. There will be no abatement of taxes, public thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney’s
the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be charges and special or regular assessments for any reason. for obtaining physical possession of the property. Purchaser papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this
forfeited, and the property may be resold at risk and costs If applicable, condominium and/or homeowner association assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property from the days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited
of the defaulting purchaser and the purchaser agrees to dues and assessments that may become due after the date of sale forward. If the Substitute Trustee(s) are unable by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the
pay reasonable attorneys’ fees for the Substitute trustees, time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. to convey insurable title for any reason, the purchaser(s) as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser
plus all cost incurred, if the Substitute Trustee’s have filed Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to a refund purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds or may avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies
the appropriate motion with the Court to resell the property. transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident of the aforementioned deposit without interest. In the event resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from against the defaulting purchaser without reselling the
The purchasers waives personal service of any papers filed to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the sale is not ratified for any reason, the Purchaser’s sole improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser
in connection with such a motion and expressly agrees to the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be remedy, at law or equity, is the return of the deposit without Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such
The purchaser agrees to accept service by first class mail forfeited, and the property may be resold at risk and costs interest. (File # 23-001907) title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification surplus results from improvements to the property by said
at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified on of the defaulting purchaser and the purchaser agrees to of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall
the Memorandum of Sale. If the sale is not ratified or if the pay reasonable attorneys’ fees for the Substitute trustees, JAMES E. CLARKE, Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the be liable to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable
Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in plus all cost incurred, if the Substitute Trustee’s have filed SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE deposit without interest. (Matter No. 356315-1) attorney’s fees and expenses incurred in connection with
accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser’s only remedy the appropriate motion with the Court to resell the property. all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the
is return of the deposit. The purchasers waives personal service of any papers filed Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., resale. Defaulting purchaser waives personal service of any
in connection with such a motion and expressly agrees to Substitute Trustees document filed in connection with such a motion on him/
The sale is subject to post-sale confirmation and audit The purchaser agrees to accept service by first class mail herself and/or any principal or corporate designee, and
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified on expressly agrees to accept service of any such document
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower the Memorandum of Sale. If the sale is not ratified or if the by regular mail directed to the address provided by said
entered into a repayment agreement, reinstated, or paid Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in purchaser at the time of the foreclosure auction. Trustees’
off the loan prior to sale. In any such event, this sale shall accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser’s only remedy May 21,28,Jun 4 2024 0012458305 file number 22-001274-MD-F-1.
be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sol remedy, in law or is return of the deposit.
equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. Jun 4,11,18 2024 0012462111 Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Trustees
Trustee’s File No. (86485) The sale is subject to post-sale confirmation and audit
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
Robert A. Jones, et al SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
entered into a repayment agreement, reinstated, or paid

off the loan prior to sale. In any such event, this sale shall
be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sol remedy, in law or
equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. May 21,28,Jun 4 2024 0012460741
Trustee’s File No. (80556)
Robert A. Jones, et al SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES
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D 9 | EZ
D10 EZ RE the washington post . tuesday, june 4 , 2024

HEalth&Science tuESday, junE 4 , 2024 . SEction E ez ee

h in re se a rc h st udy paints a full
ning wild dolp
The longest-run e n o t ‘h u m ans in wet suits’
; th e y ’r
ic tu re o f th e m arine mammals


Smart, occas ion ally v icio us

an d hig hly se xed dolphins

he research vessel Martha Jane glided slowly across the teal waters
of sarasota Bay on Florida’s Gulf Coast under a cloudless sky
tailor-made for tourists on a recent day. “There’s 2094!” one of the
scientists on the boat called out. “she’s still with us!”
The bottlenose dolphin known to researchers as 2094 had poked her
dorsal fin out of the water for only a few seconds, but that was enough to
identify her as a young female that had been the focus of a dramatic rescue
from a fishing line a year ago.
no. 2094 is one of thousands of dolphins registered in the sarasota
Dolphin Research Program’s database, each individual identified by the
nicks and notches on their dorsal — or back — fins.
The world’s longest-running study of a wild dolphin population, the
sarasota effort has sighted and recorded more than 5,750 dolphins and
made the shallow waters of sarasota Bay a living laboratory for 53 years.
Among the program’s key findings: The individual dolphins here live in
specific “neighborhoods” generation after generation, forming a mosaic of
adjacent communities along Florida’s west coast. Many males forge buddy SAul MARTINez FoR The WAShINgToN PoST

pairs for protection and stay together for life. And hetero- and same-sex TOP: Two long-term resident dolphins in Florida’s Sarasota Bay.
sEE DOlPhinS On e2 ABOVe: Sarasota Dolphin Research Program Director Randy Wells.

A writer says it’s time to reinvent midlife wEll+bEing

Don’t let one BY L ISA J . W ISE ing midlife as a promising time of posi-
We should see the transition
tiny tick ruin Midlife desperately needs a makeover.
Too few of us dream of glory and glamour
to our second half ‘not as a
tive transformation. Conley shared his
thoughts on how to achieve this with The
Washington Post.
friends are
crisis, but as a chrysalis’
your summer in our second half. But best-selling au-
thor Chip Conley, a hospitality entrepre-
neur who co-founded the Modern Elder
The following conversation with Con-
ley — which was conducted via email —
has been edited for brevity and clarity.
good for you
Academy, thinks differently.
BY M ARLENE C IMONS In his book “Learning to Love Midlife: Who was your role model for midlife BY M ARTA Z ARASKA
12 Reasons Why Life Gets Better With transformation?
When neal nemhauser, 76, a retired Age,” Conley, 63, asks: “What if we could My father. He is a bit of a rebel but took María Branyas, who, at 117, is the oldest
accountant from Portland, Ore., visited a reframe our thinking about the natural the safe path in corporate America. Both known living person on Earth, believes
friend in Pennsylvania a few years ago, his transition of midlife not as a crisis, but as his father and my mom’s dad only that one of the secrets to a long and
friend’s part-time outdoor cat curled in a chrysalis — a time when something worked for one company in their 40- healthy life lies in having “a good connec-
his lap. He didn’t notice that a tiny tick profound awakens in us, as we shed our year careers. tion with friends and family.”
had made its way onto his body through skin, spread our wings, and pollinate our At a time when my parents had two A growing body of research shows the
an opening in his shirt. wisdom to the world?” kids at stanford and another one about “supercentenarian” might be onto some-
several days later, an inflamed With the American population rapidly to go to [the University of California at thing. It’s long been known that people
bulls’-eye rash appeared on his stomach aging, there’s a new urgency for refram- ISTock sEE miDliFe On e4 who enjoy high-quality friendships have
where the arachnid had landed. Two better health — the effect is so strong it’s
weeks later, he was ill with Lyme disease. comparable to the longevity benefit of
(He fully recovered after taking antibiot- eating a Mediterranean diet.
aRchaEology REpRoductivE hEalth
ics.) “I was sicker than I have ever been,” But simply having good friends and
he said, with chills, fever, night sweats, Skull reveals ancient egyptian New research suggests girls are feeling connected isn’t enough. Research
coughing, appetite loss, headache, ex- effort to treat brain cancer. E2 getting their periods earlier. E3 suggests that for our health to truly
treme fatigue and bloody urine. “I was thrive, we need to physically meet with
sleeping for most of the first week and our friends on a regular basis.
aging RElationships
unable to eat. The coughing was painful A recent study analyzed data from
and scary when I couldn’t take a breath. Strategies for improving your Science-based tips for managing nearly 13,000 volunteers, examining not
Even the energy to get to the bathroom stability as you get older. E3 couRTeSy oF ToNDINI, ISIDRo, cAMARóS, 2024 conflicts effectively. E5 only their number of friends but also
sEE TickS On e4 sEE FRienDShiP On e5
e2 ez ee the washington post . tuesday, june 4 , 2024


Ancient skull reveals ‘milestone in

the history of medicine’ and cancer
BY B EN B RASCH moves everything forward just a
bit, he said.
Edgard Camarós and his team “It’s like witnessing the starting
were looking at a screen connect- point of something,” he said.
ed to a powerful camera aimed at The team was studying the skull
an Egyptian skull from about to get a better sense of cancer in
4,500 years ago. What they saw antiquity when they came across a
changed the previously under- cut mark from a metallic object
stood timeline of when humans near where a tumor had been. It
may have tried to treat cancer. meant that scientists about 4,500
The image on the screen was years ago were either trying to
BrookFIeld zoo chIcAgo’s sArAsotA dolphIn reseArch progrAm definitive, he said — “It was clear treat cancer or were conducting a
sAul mArtInez For the WAshIngton post under nmFs/mmpA scIentIFIc reseArch permIts that we were looking at a mile- medical autopsy, both of which are
stone in the history of medicine” — news to historians.
but nobody spoke for a few sec- The skull, No. 236, had been in
onds. the Duckworth Collection at Cam-
“That was one of those eureka bridge University for years after
moments,” he told The Washing- being found in 20th-century Giza,
ton Post. Egypt. The skull was last studied
Camarós, a professor of archae- in the 1960s, when a professor
CloCKWisE FRoM Top: ology at the University of Santiago confirmed that the skull had con-
A researcher shows photos de Compostela in Spain, and his tained cancer, which Camarós
of fins from bottlenose team say they found proof that said was an advanced discovery at
dolphins in sarasota Bay. moves forward our understand- the time.
The dolphins in the ing of when humans tried to treat But technology has changed a
Florida bay live a life of cancer by 1,000 years. He and his lot in six decades.
constant motion. A fishing team published a report Wednes- Camarós, who said he has a
hook taken from inside a day in the frontiers in medicine passion for oncology and archae-
dolphin. Thousands of journal, detailing how they found ology, instantly wanted to look at
dolphins are registered in markings indicating that ancient the skull in 2021 when he came
the sarasota dolphin scientists were trying to remove upon the box that was marked
Research program’s cancer from a skull. with “cancer” on the outside.
database. A team rescues Cancer was the second-leading “It was like a magnet for me,” he
dolphins that were tangled cause of death in 2022 in the Unit- said.
up in fishing line. ed States, according to the Centers He and his fellow scientists
for Disease Control and Preven- placed the skull in front of the
tion, with 608,000. camera in october 2021.
Any multicellular life form is at Camarós said the microscopic
risk of cancer, Camarós said. Even technology available in the 1960s
the dinosaurs were prone to can- didn’t compare with modern digi-
cer. tal cameras.
BrookFIeld zoo chIcAgo’s sArAsotA dolphIn reseArch progrAm under nmFs/mmpA scIentIFIc reseArch permIts “If we understand how cancer It would “have been absolutely
evolves, we may understand about impossible for us not to see the cut
ourselves,” he said. And if re- marks,” he said.
searches can find out how certain Camarós now wants to study
cancers changed or vanished, the genetics of ancient cancers at
maybe they can better tackle mod- the molecular level to answer
ern-day forms of the disease. questions about how the disease
To Camarós, oncology isn’t just may have changed. A big part of
about the past 20 years of success- that is finding other samples that
ful innovation but also about contain DNA and identifying
thousands of years of scientific whether there was cancer present.
curiosity and trying to understand “If there is any other case in the
the disease to improve human future, it will come out because of
lives. And this skull discovery the technology,” he said.

BrookFIeld zoo chIcAgo’s sArAsotA dolphIn reseArch progrAm BrookFIeld zoo chIcAgo’s sArAsotA dolphIn reseArch progrAm
under nmFs/mmpA scIentIFIc reseArch permIts under nmFs/mmpA scIentIFIc reseArch permIts

Fla. team makes leaps in dolphin research

dolphins from E1 their 60s in the wild. dolphins’ life story, studying the serve as canaries in a global ocean
animals’ skeletons to determine coal mine.
interactions are used to establish A dolphin’s day cause of death — and how they “Understanding dolphin courtesy oF tondInI, IsIdro, cAmArós, 2024

and maintain social bonds over A day in the life of a Sarasota Bay lived. health, behavior and biology helps skull and mandible 236, dating from between 2687 and
dolphin life spans that can stretch dolphin is one of constant motion The bones sometimes reflect a us conserve dolphins in the wild 2345 B.C., belonged to a male age 30 to 35.
well past the age of 60. in which they feed on a variety of darker side of dolphin behavior, and better protect their popula-
fish, travel, socialize with others one that belies the smiling carica- tions,” said michael Adkesson,
not ‘humans in wet suits’ and, finally, rest. Program scien- ture perpetuated by sympathetic president and CEo of the Brook-
In 1970, when the Sarasota Dol- tists have observed the dolphins images. The animals have power- field Zoo Chicago, which oversees S cien ce S can
phin research Program launched, moving fluidly in and out of ful tails and beaks and use them animal conservation projects
dolphins were the subject of nu- groups, depending on whom they against each other during con- around the world, including the
merous romantic myths, includ- encounter. flicts. With males reaching more Sarasota program. “It also pro- climate change
ing that they were intelligent and Nurseries made up of mothers than nine feet in length and weigh- vides valuable information on the
kind — animals that could be and their youngest calves will ing as much as 660 pounds, such overall health of the oceans and Thinking about purchasing flood insurance?
friends and even movie stars.
People viewed them as “hu-
swim together for a while, and
independent juveniles join up
conflicts can be lethal.
Some of the bones of calves that
marine landscapes that impact
countless other species, including
Your social network might be influencing you.
mans in wet suits,” said randy with each other to practice skills Lovewell has examined show signs humans.” BY E RIN B LAKEMORE Social learning about climate
Wells, the director of the program, needed later in life. During these of being bashed by adult dolphins Techniques developed by the risks
which is administered by the activities, the dolphins are seeking — deep teeth marks, broken bones team in Sarasota Bay have been Social connections can influ-
economic Inquiry
Brookfield Zoo Chicago. prey while also keeping an eye out and bruising around the babies’ used to help other scientists un- ence people’s perceptions about
But research has shown that, for predatory sharks and boat traf- jaws where adults apparently ravel the structure of dolphin pop- climate change and even drive
while they are highly intelligent, fic as well as other disruptive hu- rammed them. ulations and conserve them across them to spend more protecting
they have sensory systems very man activities. the country and around the world, themselves from the risks of natu- behavior in the entire social net-
different from those of humans Sarasota Bay dolphins dine on a including endangered bottlenose ral disaster, a new analysis sug- work up to 3 years after the
and a complex and unique means wide variety of fish, the data dolphins in Greece and mekong gests. disaster,” they write. As a result,
of communication. Listening sta- shows. They use their superb hear- The skeletons of river dolphins in Cambodia. The research, published in the they suggest, disaster awareness
tions the program installed ing to target prey fish such as Small franciscana dolphins that journal Economic Inquiry, looked and climate mitigation efforts
around Sarasota Bay have record- toadfish and sea trout, which pro- dolphins sometimes were dying in local fishermen’s at flood insurance sign-ups after should take social learning into
ed thousands of hours of dolphin duce sounds. nets in two Argentina bays were Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, account, leveraging people’s ten-
vocalizations, and the team’s work Wells said that over the years, reflect a darker side of tracked in collaboration with Ar- which triggered catastrophic dency to learn about climate
with collaborators has shown that the team consistently documented gentine scientists using the pro- flooding in Texas and florida in change risks from their friends’
each dolphin has its own whistle, pairs of the same males surfacing their behavior. gram’s satellite-linked transmit- 2017. experiences.
used for life like a name. together, in a sort of buddy system ters, determining that the animals’ researchers compared new Social learning could be partic-
that begins around the age of 10 range closely matched the fishing and renewed flood insurance pol- ularly important when it comes
and can last a lifetime. The pairs — “Dolphins can be big, mean zone. The findings have been used icies in the wake of the storms, to climate change, Yilan Xu, a
which are unusual among mam- jerks,” Lovewell says. by the fishermen and the Argen- both in areas that experienced professor of agricultural and con-
The team has shown mals — protect the animals from Besides tangling with recre- tine government to help protect active flooding and those unaf- sumer economics at the Univer-
predators when they’re resting. ational fishing, the dolphins in- the dolphins. fected by the hurricanes. They sity of Illinois at Urbana-Cham-
that each dolphin has And during mating, one dolphin creasingly grapple with other Data gathered by the program relied on the facebook Social paign and a co-author of the
often stands guard while the other threats. After recent severe out- over the years has contributed to Connectedness Index, which study, said in a news release.
its own whistle, used for spends time with a female. When breaks of a harmful algal bloom National oceanic and Atmos- measures the probability that two “It’s a very politically fraught
temporarily separated, the dol- known as red tide, the dolphins pheric Administration manage- individuals across two locations issue for some people,” Xu said.
life like a name. phins sometimes call to each oth- altered their ranging and social ment plans for the species and has are connected on facebook, to “Even though it can be really
er, apparently to maintain contact. patterns, interacting with anglers guided officials’ handling of envi- estimate “social learning” about difficult for you to convince some-
Bottlenose dolphins are very ac- and boaters more often, with ronmental disasters such as the the floods. one else that climate change is
People also once believed that tive sexually, Wells says. Both hete- sometimes fatal results. 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. People in areas with stronger real, if they see their friends and
dolphins liked being near humans ro- and homosexual interactions Dolphin encounters with The Sarasota-based method of social ties to flooded areas pur- family experiencing its negative
and benefited from food hand- are used to create social bonds, he sharks also rose, probably because temporarily restraining wild dol- chased more new flood insurance consequences, that’s a prime op-
outs. But the researchers have says, not just for procreation. red tide’s lethal effects on the fish phins for health assessments was policies in the three years after portunity for the skeptics to up-
found that interactions with peo- that sharks normally consume central to understanding the im- Harvey and Irma, they found. The date their thinking about climate
ple can have dire consequences — The greatest threats caused them to prey on dolphins pact of the spill in Louisiana’s Ba- researchers estimated an addi- change.”
including raising risks of the ma- The Sarasota Bay study animals instead. However, researchers rataria Bay, which was heavily tional 250,000 policies in areas flooding is likely to increase
rine mammals ingesting inappro- are urban dolphins, living among a have documented more healed oiled by the spill. The dolphins where flood emergencies were along with climate change, cli-
priate food, being exposed to spin- burgeoning human population shark bite marks on paired males were found to have significant lev- declared after the hurricanes and mate researchers project. Accord-
ning boat propellers and becom- and nearly constant exposure to than single males, leading scien- els of adrenal toxicity and lung 81,000 more in unflooded areas ing to the U.N. Development Pro-
ing entangled in fishing gear. boat traffic. tists to believe wounded paired disease, among other disorders re- in the wake of the disasters, with gram, coastal flooding will in-
When the program started, no fifty thousand boats are regis- dolphins survive attacks more of- lated to petroleum hydrocarbon six times as many new policies as crease fivefold this century, while
one knew whether dolphins gen- tered in the dolphins’ home range ten. exposure and toxicity. renewals. National oceanic and Atmos-
erally ranged widely or stayed lo- within the bay, and boats pass “The techniques and long-term “our evidence of social learn- pheric Administration scientists
cal — key information for wildlife within 100 yards of a dolphin an Climate change and blubber data coming from Sarasota served ing suggests that a short episode predict “rapid intensification” in
managers. Using radio tracking average of every six minutes dur- Climate change has scientists as the baseline for the data ob- of a regional climate disaster can tropical cyclones in the coming
devices and other tools, the re- ing the day. Program staff were concerned for the dolphins’ future. tained in Barataria Bay,” said mi- stimulate persistent adaptation years.
searchers found that the roughly among the first to document the The animals’ blubber thickness chael moore, senior scientist at the
170 dolphins that live in Sarasota threats of death and serious injury and lipid content go up and down Woods Hole oceanographic Insti-
Bay are organized in a definable to the dolphins caused by interac- in response to seasonal tempera- tution in massachusetts.
range that is their home for life. tions with recreational fishing. ture changes, the program team “Teams and tools developed by h ealt h & S cien ce
Generation after generation “Interaction with fisheries is the has found. “With climate change, the Sarasota Dolphin research
also stay in the same area and raise most common cause of death,” rising water temperatures in areas Program were deployed in the spill
families. one 67-year-old female said Gretchen Lovewell, program where they live come close to the area and led to a whole new under- editors: margaret shapiro, mary-ellen deily •
has given birth in a particular manager of mote marine Labora- dolphins’ body temperature, and standing of how these disasters art Director: elizabeth von oehsen • Photo editor: maya Valentine •
neighborhood at least 12 times, the tory’s Stranding Investigations there’s a limit to how much blub- impact marine mammals,” moore copy editor: mike cirelli • advertising information: ron ulrich,
program says. Before the study Program, based in Sarasota. ber they can shed to adapt,” Wells added. “None of this would have 202-334-5289, • to contact us:
began, scientists had no idea bot- Lovewell works closely with said. happened without the tools randy email: mail: the Washington post, health,
tlenose dolphins could live into Wells’s team to help fill in the In some ways, dolphins can Wells and his team developed.” 1301 k st. nW, Washington, d.c. 20071
tuesday, june 4 , 2024 . the washington post EZ EE e3

b i g n u m b eR fRom ConSumeR RePoRtS

Improve your stability as you get older

Some 23 percent of parents of teenagers said
caffeine is a regular part of their child’s life,
according to a nationally representative poll on
children’s health. Nearly 1,100 parents with
children ages 13 through 18 took part in the BY H ALLIE L EVINE
C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on
Children’s Health. They said their children’s Although you can slip and fall
percent most common caffeine sources were soda, tea,
coffee and energy drinks. The parents reported
at any point in life, it’s more
common with age. More than 1
that their teens most frequently consumed caffeine at home (81 out of 4 older adults take a
percent) followed by dining out (43 percent). Consumption differed tumble each year, and about 20
by age group. More parents of 16-to-18-year-olds than 13-to-15-year- percent of these falls lead to
olds reported daily caffeine consumption — 14 percent vs. 6 percent. injuries such as broken bones,
And the parents who said their children drank caffeinated beverages according to the Centers for
zero to three days a week (74 percent) attributed that to not usually Disease Control and Prevention.
having caffeinated drinks at home or their teen trying to be healthy or A host of aging-related chang-
not wanting their sleep disrupted. Two-thirds of parents said they es may be at fault. “We lose
believe they know whether their child is consuming too much muscle strength and flexibility,
caffeine. Experts suggest a limit of 100 milligrams per day, or less, for and our senses become less
teens, which is about the amount of caffeine in one eight-ounce cup of sharp,” says Anne Vanderbilt, a
coffee or a little over two 12-ounce soft drinks. One in 3 parents in the nurse practitioner at the Cleve-
poll thought the limit was higher than that. Caffeine is a stimulant land Clinic’s Center for Geriatric
that can help with alertness, focus and energy. However, long-term Medicine. Vision and hearing
use, especially among teenagers, can cause problems. “Excessive can become less sharp, reducing
caffeine consumption in teens can affect their mood, sleep and school awareness of fall hazards. Chron-
performance, along with side effects like headache, upset stomach or ic conditions such as arthritis
heart palpitations,” according to a C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital news can affect balance, as can certain
release. It is also possible for teens to become dependent on caffeine. meds, says Audrey Chun, vice
“Parents may enlist the teen’s healthcare provider in explaining the chair of geriatrics and palliative
risks of caffeine and suggesting strategies to cut back,” the authors medicine outpatient services
write. “In addition, parents can involve their teen in selecting non- with the Mount Sinai Health
caffeinated options to have at home.” System in New York City.
— Hannah Docter-Loeb Age also affects your vestibu-
lar system, the area of your inner
ear that helps you maintain bal- istOCk

ance, says Greg Hartley, an asso-

h ea l t h n ew S ciate professor of physical thera- hydramine (Benadryl). day, Hartley says. consider doing exercises that
py at the University of Miami Your best bet is to follow the Strength training that in- carry little risk of falling, like
Miller School of Medicine in CDC’s advice and go over every- cludes squats, lunges or standing swimming, pool aerobics and
Nicotine-alternative chemicals in U.S. vapes Coral Gables, Fla. thing you take regularly — pre- exercises can help by challenging stationary cycling. These can in-
But there’s plenty that you can scription and over-the-counter muscles in your legs, back and crease lower-body strength,
may be more potent than nicotine, FDA says do to reduce the risk of falls. products, including supplements abdomen that are important for which aids balance. If you still
BY E MMA R UMNEY about 6-methyl nicotine and other Four quick tests at home can — with your doctor or pharma- stability. Research shows that feel apprehensive after a month,
nicotine alternatives, the FDA said help you gauge your balance, cist each year. In addition, “if you simply getting out and walking is a physical therapist can screen
Nicotine alternatives in vapes in a statement: “Although more says Richard Marottoli, medical feel foggy/groggy or off-balance helpful. Yoga is also a good you for problems that may be
being launched in the United research is needed, some emerg- director of the Dorothy Adler after starting a new medicine [or option. A 2023 review published affecting your balance (and con-
States and abroad, such as 6- ing data show these nicotine ana- Geriatric Assessment Center at increasing a dose] or dizzy or in the Annals of Internal Medi- fidence) and work with you on a
methyl nicotine, may be more po- logs may be more potent than the Yale-New Haven Hospital. unsteady on standing up, make cine found that older adults who plan to get you moving with
tent and addictive than nicotine, nicotine — which is already highly Have a sturdy chair or person sure to let your clinician know,” did yoga were stronger and had more ease.
though the scientific data remains addictive, can alter adolescent nearby to hold on to if you need Marottoli says. better balance — as well as more Fall-proof your home. Nearly
incomplete, according to the Food brain development and have long- some support. Get your eyes and ears endurance and a faster walking 80 percent of emergency room
and Drug Administration and in- term effects on youth’s attention, 1. Stand in place with your feet checked. Research suggests that pace — than those who didn’t. visits for falls by older adults are
dependent researchers. learning and memory.” together. poor vision doubles the risk of Another 2023 review found that the result of accidents that hap-
The synthetic substances — Traditional nicotine found in 2. Move one foot forward so falls for older adults. And a 2020 the mind-body practice of tai chi pen at home, according to a 2021
which have a chemical structure many vapes and pouches is ex- that the instep is next to the study published in JAMA Otolar- improved balance and reduced study published in the American
similar to that of nicotine — are tracted from tobacco leaves. In other foot’s toes. yngology-Head & Neck Surgery fall risks in older adults, too. Journal of Lifestyle Medicine.
not subject to U.S. tobacco and contrast, 6-methyl nicotine is 3. Return to the original posi- found that hearing problems, Get the right footwear. It’s To ensure that your home is as
vaping regulations that are de- made entirely in the lab using tion, then place the toes of one especially among older people, important because it provides a safe as possible, the CDC recom-
signed to control traditional nico- chemicals. foot behind the heel of the other impair balance. stable base for your feet, legs and mends the following steps.
tine, an addictive drug. The FDA said it was considering foot. “When you have vision or body. To help your toes grip the l Keep your floors clutter-free.
That means manufacturers can the use of such synthetic com- 4. When back in the original hearing loss, your brain has to ground more firmly, Marottoli l Get rid of throw rugs.
sell vapes containing synthetic pounds from an “agency-wide per- position, stand in place on one work harder to compensate, recommends shoes with a wide l Add grab bars in the bath-
nicotine analogs such as 6-methyl spective” and would use resources leg, then the other. which means you have less cog- toe box. He suggests footwear room.
nicotine in the United States with- to protect youths from products Ideally, you should be able to nitive reserve to focus on bal- with soft but supportive insoles, l Install handrails on all stair-
out seeking authorization from that may harm their health. hold each move for 10 seconds. If ance,” says Debra Rose, director a closed back, and laces or a cases.
the FDA. Three academic researchers not, or if you have any concerns, emerita of the Center for Suc- fabric-fastener closure like Vel- l Make sure that your home is
Big tobacco firms like Altria told the news agency that current tell your doctor. They may refer cessful Aging at California State cro, for added stability. Avoid well lit.
Group and British American To- studies of 6-methyl nicotine are you to physical therapy or screen University at Fullerton. The heels higher than an inch or two, This includes adding lights at
bacco have already lost substan- too limited to draw definite con- you for conditions such as dia- American Academy of Ophthal- sandals and flip-flops. the top and bottom of all your
tial U.S. sales to an influx of dispos- clusions on the health impact or to betes, stroke or Parkinson’s dis- mology recommends that all Build your confidence. Up to staircases and night lights in
able vapes containing traditional what degree it is addictive. ease. And note that your doctor adults over age 65 see an eye 60 percent of older adults are hallways, especially those that
nicotine that are being illegally Imad Damaj, a professor in the should inquire about balance at doctor every year or two. And the concerned about falls even if lead to bathrooms.
sold without FDA authorization. Department of Pharmacology and annual wellness visits. American Speech-Language- they’ve never had one. But this
Altria, the maker of Marlboro Toxicology at Virginia Common- Doctors suggest the following Hearing Association says that can limit your activities signifi-
cigarettes in the United States, wealth University, said his re- to improve your stability. people should be screened by an cantly, according to a study pub-
highlighted the emerging use of search showed 6-methyl nicotine Review your meds annually. audiologist every three years af- lished in BMC Geriatrics in 2021.
6-methyl nicotine in vapes and may be more potent than nicotine, “The most common offenders are ter age 50. “Unfortunately, this creates a Consumer reports is an
other smoking alternatives in a but more tests were needed. those that affect your level of Improve your strength. Our vicious cycle: People are afraid to independent, nonprofit organization
May 9 letter to the FDA, according The limitations of existing re- alertness or your blood pressure muscles typically shrink about 3 move, so they lose even more that works side by side with
to a copy of the correspondence search included that some papers when standing up,” Marottoli to 8 percent per decade after age muscle strength and their bal- consumers to create a fairer, safer,
posted on its website. were industry funded, while oth- says. These include some medi- 30, and weakening accelerates ance worsens, which makes them and healthier world. Cr does not
It urged the agency to evaluate ers were insufficient to under- cations for high blood pressure; after age 60. Strength, endurance even more fearful,” Hartley says. endorse products or services, and
the compounds and establish stand 6-methyl nicotine’s effects anxiety, such as diazepam (Vali- and flexibility are key for good If you’re experiencing some- does not accept advertising. Cr has
what authority it had over them, on human bodies, researchers um); an overactive bladder, such balance, Chun says. So older thing similar, take walks only no financial relationship with
warning they posed a “new threat” said. as oxybutynin (Ditropan); and adults should do exercises that where you’re familiar with the advertisers in this publication. read
to regulation of the sector. It cited Charlie’s Holdings co-founder antihistamines such as diphen- target one or more of those every terrain for the time being. And more at
Spree Bar, a vape launched in Oc- Ryan Stump told Reuters that the
tober by Charlie’s Holdings that company only targets adults, add-
uses 6-methyl nicotine. ing that flavors played an impor-
The FDA does not comment on tant role in its mission to help well+being
its correspondence with individu- smokers quit cigarettes.
al firms. In response to questions — Reuters
Girls seem to be starting
h eal t h S Ca n their periods earlier
infeCtiouS diSeaSe than past generations
Body lice may have helped spread bubonic
plague in 14th-century Europe, scientists say BY T ARA P ARKER- P OPE women and those with higher
socioeconomic status.
BY E RIN B LAKEMORE Yersinia pestis can infect the But the findings, published in
Pawlowsky glands of human The question: JAMA Network Open, mirror oth-
The bubonic plague pandemic body lice and be transmitted by Is it true that girls in the United er research, including a 50-year
of the 14th century gained infamy louse bite States, particularly girls of color, look at menstruation age among
as much for its death toll — are getting their periods earlier White and Black women based on
PlOs Biology
25 million in Europe alone — as than past generations? data from the National Health
for the horror of the disease itself. and Nutrition Examination Sur- WashingtOn POst illustratiOn; istOCk

Scientists have long blamed rat- The science: vey, a government report on
transmitted fleas for the plague’s man. In another, lice were fed A new study of 71,341 women health trends. intervention on irregular cycles planations for the trend toward
swift spread. But recent research infected blood, then isolated for supports the growing concern The new JAMA study showed among children and adolescents.” earlier periods. Childhood obesi-
points the finger at an additional 18 hours before being allowed to that the age at which girls start that the average age of first men- The data also showed that the ty is a risk factor for early puberty
culprit: body lice. feed again, similar to a scenario menstruating is getting younger, struation in the Apple cohort proportion of girls in the cohort and appears to be a contributing
A study in the journal PLOS in which infected lice might jump and the trends are even more dropped to 11.9 years among who begin having periods before factor in the trends. But the de-
Biology suggests that body lice from clothing or bedding onto a pronounced for some racial and those born between 2000 and the age of 11, or very early periods, crease in age of first period began
are capable of transmitting Yers- human. ethnic groups. The findings also 2005, compared with 12.5 years before the age of 9, was higher in before the obesity epidemic, sug-
inia pestis, the bacterium that Up to 60 percent of lice in both suggest that many girls and for those born between 1950 and the latest birth year group com- gesting other factors are at play.
causes plague, more effectively groups remained infected for a young women are experiencing 1969. Participants who self-iden- pared with the earliest group. One major concern is “forever
than previously thought. Past re- week, and all could transmit dis- irregular cycles for years, a risk tified as Asian, non-Hispanic Girls who start periods at very chemicals,” a class of nearly
search has focused on rodent- ease. Direct-transfer lice became factor for a variety of health Black or multiracial consistently young ages face more challenging 15,000 man-made chemicals used
borne fleas as a plague vector. infectious within just 24 hours of concerns, including cardiovascu- reported earlier average ages of health issues later in life, said in a variety of consumer products
However, body lice’s role in feeding on plague-infected blood. lar disease, metabolic diseases first periods than participants Shruthi Mahalingaiah, the and found in many food and
plague transmission has re- Unexpectedly, even lice whose such as diabetes, and certain who were White. study’s senior author and assis- water sources. These endocrine-
mained murky, despite a growing feces showed no evidence of types of cancers. Researchers said the data are tant professor of environmental, disrupting chemicals, as well as
body of evidence that rodents plague proved infectious, too. The data were collected as part important because Hispanic and reproductive and women’s health heavy metals and air pollutants,
were only partly responsible for This finding led to other experi- of the Apple Women’s Health Asian groups have been under- at the Harvard School of Public all may play a role in early puber-
past pandemics. ments that showed that lice with Study, which was developed by studied in previous research Health. Mahalingaiah said that ty.
Unlike head lice, which live infected Pawlowsky glands — the Harvard T.H. Chan School of looking at age of first period. The early periods can be a marker for And importantly, poor diet in-
and breed on human scalps, body glands in their heads thought to Public Health with the National study also focused on what it future health conditions and help cluding high intake of sugary
lice live and multiply in the seams play a role in saliva secretion — Institute of Environmental called a new “vital sign” — the physicians make decisions about foods, stress and adverse child-
of human clothing and bedding, “routinely” transmit plague at Health Sciences (NIEHS) and Ap- time between first period and care. She noted that a healthy hood experience can also affect
hopping onto their human hosts levels sufficient to infect human ple. The study used cycle tracking regular menstrual cycles. diet, exercise and adequate sleep onset of puberty. Some studies
to feed on their blood several beings. data from iPhones and Apple “We found that children are are important for girls of all ages. have shown that very early puber-
times a day. Body lice consume more blood Watches as well as surveys to experiencing longer time to regu- “I’m going to point back to ty rose during the pandemic, pos-
Using an artificial, skinlike than fleas, the researchers note, learn more about menstrual cy- larity,” said Zifan Wang, the awareness and education so par- sibly because of the stress and
membrane, the researchers simu- and humans tend to scratch when cles, health risks and gynecologic study’s lead author and a post- ents and providers are aware of disruption it caused in the lives of
lated how likely it was that infested. Given these factors and conditions. doctoral research fellow at the these trends,” she said. “We need young children.
plague-infected lice were able to the tendency of body lice with The findings aren’t generaliz- Harvard T.H. Chan School of Pub- to consider the health-promoting
transmit the disease to humans. infected Pawlowsky glands to able to the overall U.S. population lic Health. “This is also very factors that we can implement to The bottom line:
In one scenario, lice were fed transmit enough bacteria to in- because the data were collected concerning because irregular cy- impact not only age of menarche Research suggests that in gen-
infected human blood, then put fect humans, the researchers con- from app users recruited on so- cles are an important indicator of but time to cycle regularity.” eral, girls are getting their peri-
on the “skin” to feed, simulating clude, the tiny creatures are likely cial media rather than a random later-in-life adverse health ods earlier than previous genera-
an outbreak in which infected “better vectors of plague bacilli sample. And the study noted the events. It alarms us. We need to What else you should know: tions, and cycle irregularity also
lice hopped from human to hu- than previously appreciated.” data overrepresented White do more early counseling and Researchers offered several ex- appears to be on the rise.
E4 eZ ee the washington post . tuesday, june 4 , 2024

Midlife is both a time of transition and a time to transform

MidLifE from E1

Berkeley], Dad decided to start

his own business in his late 40s.
His perspective on both society
and politics started to soften and
he sprouted a newfound
curiosity about purpose and
meaning. … He’s a great example
of someone [whose] life — as he
now knows it at 86 — began at

You wrote, “When we resist a

transition, we are actually
resisting one or more of its
three phases.”
There are typically three stages
to a transition: the ending, the
messy middle and the beginning.
If I were to summarize what
people with high TQ
(transitional intelligence) do in
each phase, they tend to ritualize
the ending of something, they
seek social support and look for
the through-line or thread when
going through the messy middle, CooKie KinKead
and they apply a growth mind- chip conley, author of “Learning to Love Midlife.”
set to becoming a beginner, no
matter how silly they look. psychiatrist and the director of Incontinence. fatigue. Body to hearing unhelpful war What is your message to anyone
the Harvard Study of Adult aches. Weight gain. Brain fog. No stories from well-meaning who might be feeling stuck, lost
to blossom after retirement, do Development] has shown that libido. This experience has been folks. What question should or alone?
we need to be part of a the most common variable of more inconvenient than people ask themselves before [As Conley wrote in “Learning to
community? healthy, happy 80- and 90-year- impossible. I’ve come to realize speaking when trying to offer Love midlife”] Albert Schweitzer
We need to retire “to” olds is being invested in their my body is a rental vehicle I was wisdom? “We are so well wrote, “In everyone’s life, at
something, not just “from” social relationships in their 50s. issued at birth and, as I’ve put on Before trying to show how smart some time, our inner fire goes
something. more and more miles, I need to and empathetic you are with prepared to plan and out. It is then burst into flame by
We are so well prepared to Would you share a bit about maintain this vehicle even more, your advice, try to understand an encounter with another
plan and curate our career early your personal experiences with not for short-term vanity, but for the state of mind and heart of curate our career early human being. We should all be
in adulthood that it’s rather cancer? [conley, 63, has had long-term health. the person who you’re trying to thankful for those people who
surprising that most retirees prostate cancer for six years c. relational: What a gift to be help. Context and timing are in adulthood that it’s rekindle the inner spirit.”
don’t develop an engagement and has faced multiple able to spend quality time with everything. UC-Berkeley professor Dacher
plan that will distract them from recurrences.] my parents late in their lives. I’ve rather surprising Keltner (on our mEA faculty)
the 47 hours per week that the I’ve learned four lessons: also had to ask for extra love does the need to be adored fade wrote in his book “Awe” that the
typical American retiree watches a. Emotional: I’ve realized that from my partner, oren, which away naturally in midlife or that most retirees two most common ways we feel
TV. Dr. Phil Pizzo, who used to willpower alone — which has has tested my non-neediness must it be chiseled out of us awe are through experiencing
run Stanford medical [school], served me so well in my career — ethos. with hard work and don’t develop an collective effervescence and
has shown that the three can’t beat this. I’ve read rumi’s d. Spiritual: In this time that intentionality? witnessing moral beauty —
foundational parts of a healthy “The Guest House” poem once a has felt somewhat existential for This depends upon the person. … engagement plan.” courage, kindness, equanimity —
retirement are finding week for the past year to remind me, rather than fearing the By the second half of our lives, the best that humans have to
Chip Conley
community, cultivating purpose myself that all these emotions mystery, I’ve been trying to we’ve learned not to personalize offer. So, at the time when you
and investing in one’s wellness. that are coming through me are embrace it with faith that I’m everything and to care less about most want to hide under the
And, I believe that wellness just visitors who will “check out” going to become a better human what other people think of us covers, that’s when you’re
isn’t just personal wellness, but as long as I don’t dwell on them as a result of this experience. (because they’re not thinking supposed to seek out people to
it’s also “social wellness,” as (an apt metaphor for a hotelier). about us nearly as much as we become your “emotional
Harvard’s robert Waldinger [a b. Physical: Nausea. As a cancer patient, i can relate think they are). insurance.”

Lyme disease is but one of the many maladies ticks can transmit to humans
ticks from E1 allergy symptoms can be treated
as needed.
was a major effort.”
As temperatures rise and peo- What should you do if you
ple begin spending more time find a tick on your body?
outdoors, the risk of tick exposure Use a tick removal device or a
also increases. “This is the time of fine-tipped pair of tweezers. The
year,” said Kiersten Kugeler, an CDC has instructions. Ticks usu-
epidemiologist who specializes in ally don’t transmit bacteria for 36
vector-borne diseases with the to 48 hours, so the sooner you
Centers for Disease Control and remove it, the better. Take a pic-
Prevention. “It’s important to ture of the tick with your phone in
raise awareness and remind peo- case you develop symptoms and
ple of the steps they can take to need to discuss the bite with your
protect themselves.” doctor in the future.
We asked experts how people
can keep themselves and their How can you stop ticks from
pets safe from ticks. Here’s what biting you?
they had to say. Wear repellent, walk in the
middle of trails, and avoid brushy
What diseases do ticks carry? areas if you can. When you get
The answer depends on where home, do tick checks on yourself
you live. Ticks can be found in and your dog and take a shower.
every state. However, in the Unit- Comb your dog. You can learn
ed States, some places have more more about stopping mosquitoes
disease than others. and ticks here.
Lyme disease: Transmitted by Treat clothing and gear with
the bite of an infected blacklegged products that contain 0.5 percent
tick, early symptoms (three to 30 permethrin, which can last
days after a bite) may include through several washings, or buy
fever, chills, headache, fatigue, already treated clothing. You also
muscle aches and, in 70 to 80 can use EPA-registered products
percent of cases, a characteristic containing DEET, picaridin,
bull’s-eye skin rash. most cases Ir3535, para-menthane-diol
can be treated successfully with a (PmD) or 2-undecanone. You also
few weeks of antibiotics. Symp- can use oil of lemon eucalyptus, a
toms of untreated Lyme may in- natural tick repellent, but not on
clude severe headaches and neck young children.
stiffness, joint swelling and pain,
irregular heartbeat, dizziness, Washington Post illustration; istoCK What should you do to protect
and numbness or tingling in the your pets?
hands and feet. The CDC esti- ache, chills, nausea, vomiting, di- blood cells, it can result in hemo- tick bite, known as an eschar. ach. It’s treated with antibiotics If you find a tick on your dog,
mates that 476,000 Americans arrhea and muscle aches. Left lytic anemia, a potentially life- Eschars usually develop a few and can become more serious if you should remove it promptly.
probably develop the disease an- untreated, the disease can cause threatening illness for those who days to a week after the bite of an treatment is delayed. Cases are The best areas to look on your dog
nually. It is most common in the respiratory failure, organ failure are over 50 or immunocompro- infected tick. Several days later, most frequently found in the for ticks are in and around the
Northeast, mid-Atlantic and Up- and bleeding problems, even mised. It’s treated with anti-para- symptoms include fever, head- southeastern and south-central ears, around the tail, between the
per midwest. Almost all Lyme death. Those at higher risk for sitic drugs and antibiotics. It oc- ache, rash and muscle aches. All United States, from the East Coast back legs, under the front legs,
disease cases occur in 14 states: severe illness include people older curs primarily in the Northeast are treated with the antibiotic to Texas. between the toes, under the collar
Connecticut, Delaware, maine, than 65 and those with weakened and midwest, with the highest doxycycline. one form, Rickettsia and around the eyelids.
maryland, massachusetts, min- immune systems. The antibiotic risk in New England (Connecti- parkeri rickettsiosis, is spread by “Ticks can be difficult to find on
nesota, New Hampshire, New Jer- doxycycline is the usual treat- cut, maine, massachusetts, New the Gulf Coast tick, found in the dogs; they may be small and diffi-
sey, New York, Pennsylvania, ment. The disease is most com- Hampshire, rhode Island and southeastern United States. Pa- Treat clothing with cult to find in a dog’s coat, particu-
rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia mon in the Upper midwest and Vermont), New York, New Jersey, cific Coast tick fever is spread by larly on dogs with darker coat
and Wisconsin. Northeast, although it also can be Wisconsin and minnesota. infected ticks along the western products that contain colors,” said Ann Carpenter, a vet-
southern tick-associated rash carried by the western black- Rocky Mountain spotted fe- coastline in California, oregon erinary epidemiologist and offi-
illness (stARi): The rash caused legged tick on the West Coast. ver: It’s spread by several species and Washington. 0.5 percent permethrin, cer with the CDC’s Epidemic In-
by STArI develops after a lone of ticks, including the American Powassan virus: This rare ill- telligence Service.
star tick bite and is similar to the dog tick, the brown dog tick and ness is spread by three types of which can last through Use a tick preventive on your
Lyme disease rash. Symptoms the rocky mountain wood tick. deer ticks that become infected dog once a month and vaccinate
may include fatigue, fever, head- Ticks usually don’t Symptoms include fever, rash and when they feed on squirrels, mice several washings. your dog against Lyme disease if
ache, and muscle and joint pains. headache and can progress rapid- or other rodents that have the you live in a vulnerable state.
Although it’s similar to Lyme dis- transmit bacteria for ly to a life-threatening illness if virus in their blood. Symptoms
ease, the cause isn’t known. Be- not treated quickly with the anti- include fever, headache, vomiting Alpha-gal syndrome: Unlike What tick-borne diseases can
cause it resembles Lyme disease, 36 to 48 hours, so the biotic doxycycline. Some infected and weakness, but if the diseases tick-related bacterial illnesses, al- pets get?
some doctors prescribe oral anti- people who recover can be left progresses, it can cause confu- pha-gal is an allergic reaction to In dogs, Lyme disease symp-
biotics. It occurs most often in the sooner you remove it, with permanent disability, in- sion, loss of coordination, trouble red meat that may be triggered by toms include fever, lethargy, lack
southern United States, where cluding hearing loss, damage to speaking and seizures. There is no the bite of lone star ticks and of appetite, difficulty walking,
Lyme disease is rare. Lone star the better. blood vessels that may require vaccine to prevent Powassan or possibly other tick species. The and, in rare cases, kidney prob-
ticks can be found from Central amputation of limbs, fingers or medicines to treat it. Treatment symptoms can include cough, lems, Carpenter said. Treatment
Texas and oklahoma eastward toes, and mental problems. most usually involves supportive care, hives or itchy rash, nausea or for dogs usually involves antibiot-
across the South and along the Babesiosis: This is caused by a cases occur in the southeastern that is, rest, fluids and pain medi- vomiting, difficulty breathing, ics.
Atlantic coast as far north as parasite that infects red blood and south central United States. cations. most cases occur in the and other allergic reactions. most In addition to Lyme disease,
maine. The adult female is distin- cells and is transmitted by black- It’s most common in North Caro- northeast and Great Lakes re- reported cases occur in the south- they can contract tularemia, eh-
guished by a white dot or “lone legged ticks. Some people are as- lina, Tennessee, missouri, Arkan- gions from late spring through ern, eastern and central states. rlichiosis, anaplasmosis, babesio-
star” on her back. ymptomatic, while others have sas and oklahoma. mid-fall. States with the highest incidence sis, rocky mountain spotted fe-
Anaplasmosis: Symptoms of flu-like symptoms, including fe- Other spotted fevers: Spotted Ehrlichiosis: This bacterial in- of people testing positive for anti- ver, hepatozoonosis and others. In
this bacterial disease, spread by ver, chills, sweating, headache, fever rickettsioses are a group of fection is spread by the lone star bodies are Arkansas, Virginia, addition to these, cats can also
the blacklegged tick, typically be- body aches, fatigue, nausea, loss diseases caused by closely related and blacklegged ticks. It causes Kentucky, oklahoma and mis- develop hemobartonellosis and
gin one to two weeks after being of appetite and muscle aches. Be- bacteria. The first symptom is fever, chills, headache, muscle souri. There is no treatment for cytauxzoonosis following tick
bitten. They include fever, head- cause the parasite affects red usually a dark scab at the site of aches and sometimes upset stom- the syndrome, although specific bites, Carpenter said.
tuesday, june 4 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee E5

The secret’s in our senses: In-person friends boost health
friEndship from E1 representing each person’s neu-
ral activity fluctuate up and down
whether they saw each other. together. Such neural synchrony
Having face-to-face contact with has been linked with more kind-
friends at least once per week was ness toward others, better com-
a strong predictor of better physi- munication and cooperation.
cal and mental health. Calling or However, if we text or chat over
texting didn’t bring similar ben- “Pretty much any video, neural synchrony between
efits, says Eric Kim, professor of our brains almost disappears.
psychology at the University of way you cut it, any A 2024 review found that hold-
British Columbia and the study’s ing hands, hugs and other friend-
lead author. way you measure it, ly skin-to-skin contact can also
Data collected from a geronto- help us sleep better, as well as
logical study in Japan showed being more socially reduce stress. A daily dose of hugs
that men who spent little time improves the functioning of the
with their friends — less than a connected is hypothalamic pituitary adrenal
few times per year — had a 30 axis, the stress pathway. It also
percent higher mortality risk associated with better lowers the levels of pro-inflam-
than those who enjoyed more matory cytokines, molecules in-
frequent contact. health.” volved in the development of
While these studies show only diabetes and heart disease.
Julianne Holt-Lunstad,
an association — it could be that friendly touch can be a powerful
neuroscientist at brigham Young
healthy people have more energy painkiller, too. C-tactile fibers, a
to spend time with friends — type of nerve fibers in human
researchers believe the relation- skin, respond to slow, stroking
ship between in-person friend- touches by sending signals to the
ships and better health is worth brain that reduce the feelings of
thinking about. The findings pain. Such effects have been
come as more people increasingly found for both painful medical
opt out of traditional, in-person procedures and chronic diseases,
socializing. According to data such as Parkinson’s disease. The
from the American Time Use Sur- iSTock relief, research shows, is immedi-
vey, the average time spent with ate.
friends decreased from 60 min- couraging people to exercise or fear to happiness. emotions of others, he says, may worn by their romantic partners face-to-face interactions may
utes per day in 2003 to a mere 34 eat healthy.” They can also, he In one experiment, researchers help explain why people with stayed calmer — this was reflect- also influence immune health.
minutes in 2019. says, provide important informa- applied electrodes to the faces of more sensitive noses tend to have ed by their skin’s electrical con- one study conducted during the
“In the U.S., there’s a friendship tion, such as “where can I get a flu volunteers and asked them to larger circles of friends and suffer ductivity, an indicator of stress. coronavirus pandemic, and
recession,” Kim says. shot?” sniff samples of sweat of people less loneliness — both important We also sleep better when we can based on an analysis of blood
Studies have found that people who had previously watched ei- predictors of health and longevi- take a whiff of a friendly body samples from 142 adults, re-
Why in-person friendships who are socially isolated produce ther happy videos (“The Jungle ty. for one study, researchers test- odor: Simply putting a partner’s vealed that meeting friends in
are good for you more cortisol throughout the day, Book”) or neutral videos (the ed volunteers’ sense of smell with used shirt under the pillow causes person improves the functioning
Humans are social animals, which has been associated with weather forecast). After inhaling the “Sniffin’ Sticks” test. Using a people to have more restful sleep, of genes linked to the immune
and being surrounded by friendly cardiovascular disease and a the body odor of cheerful people, set of penlike tubes containing an effect comparable to popping a system. Such benefits, however,
others lowers our risk of coronary higher overall mortality risk. “We the volunteers’ facial muscles various aromas and typically used melatonin pill, de Groot says. didn’t materialize for those who
heart disease, stroke, Type 2 dia- are social species, we’re just twitched in a way that suggested for olfactory testing, they found only interacted with their friends
betes, Alzheimer’s disease, even primed to connect to others,” says they felt happier, too. that those who had the most seeing and touching friends online.
cancer. “Pretty much any way you oliver Huxhold, developmental Communication via body odor sensitive noses also had larger makes a difference And while texting our friends
cut it, any way you measure it, psychologist at the German Cen- happens mostly on a subcon- social networks. Brain scans of When we spend time with or sending them Snapchat photos
being more socially connected is ter of Gerontology. scious level, and as such it may the volunteers also suggested a friends and relatives face-to-face, is certainly one way to keep the
associated with better health,” sometimes be more honest than link between olfactory sensitivity we may get on the same brain relationship going, for a deep
says Julianne Holt-Lunstad, a Your nose knows friendship words, says Jasper de Groot, be- and social network size. wave — literally. According to a connection we need more than
neuroscientist at Brigham Young The benefits of face-to-face in- havioral scientist at radboud Smelling the body odor of a 2023 study, as soon as we look seeing a friend’s two-dimensional
University. teractions may be related to University in the Netherlands loved one can help reduce stress. each other in the eyes, the neural image on a screen. You also need
one reason friendship is so smell. When our noses pick up the and the study’s author. “It may When European researchers sub- activity in our brains may become other senses, like smell, de Groot
vital for health is rather straight- body odor of other people, for help you empathize with the oth- mitted a group of volunteers to synchronized: on an electroen- says, even if you don’t realize it.
forward. friends, Kim says, are example, we tend to pick up their er person,” he says. weak electric shocks, those who cephalography reading of two “It makes all the difference,” de
“checking up on people and en- emotions, too: from anxiety and This role of scents in feeling the could sniff T-shirts previously synchronized brains, the lines Groot says.

When properly managed, conflict can lead to positive change in relationships

Conflicts are the Gottmans recommend an
inevitable even in intervention they call the
the most loving of “Dreams Within Conflict,” which
relationships. postpones solving the problem
Goals, needs and instead has each partner ask
and interests will the other questions about their
Brain differ on matters values about the issue, why it is
Matters great and small — important, their feelings about
richard parenting styles, the issue and what their ideal
Sima delegation of dream is for it.
chores, whether “The goal is mutual
the toilet seat understanding,” John Gottman
should be up. said. In their couples workshops,
Contrary to popular belief, the Gottmans have found that
though, conflicts in and of this strategy helps 87 percent of
themselves are not a sign that couples “move from gridlock on
there’s something wrong with an issue to dialogue,” he said.
the relationship, experts say. How we initiate these difficult
If managed well, conflicts conversations also matters
provide “the opportunity to because it can predict not only
enhance and grow in our how the conversation will go, but
relationships,” said Nickola also indicate how the
overall, a professor of relationship will go, Julie
psychology at the University of Gottman said.
Auckland specializing in the The Gottmans recommend
science of relationships. what they call a softened start-
“It’s not about conflict up: first, describe yourself and
resolution,” since many problems the situation, not your partner,
that couples fight about may and then a positive need “that
never fully go away, but about gives your partner a chance to
“conflict management,” said shine for you,” Julie Gottman
Julie Gottman, who researches said. for example: “I’m really
relationships along with her worried. There’s the feeling that
husband, John Gottman. the bills haven’t been paid on
But if conflicts are not time. Would you please pay the
properly managed or are bills tonight?”
avoided, they can result in remaining flexible in how we
negative consequences for the respond to our partner’s specific
health of both partners and their needs is important since
relationship. research shows illUSTraTion bY george WYleSol for The WaShingTon PoST becoming overly strategic in
that while partners in satisfying solving problems can have some
relationships live longer and she said. about everything, “then the costs, overall said. “When the
have fewer health problems than
direct communication is key
Contrary to popular belief, conflicts in and of information signal gets lost and emotions are completely taken
their single or dissatisfied instead you’re just informing the out and you’re just trying to be
counterparts, strain and conflict to conflict management themselves are not a sign that there’s something partner that you’re negative all very rational and reasoning,
are common. Conflict is relationship researchers and the time,” overall said. Then “the you’re actually taking away the
especially potent in romantic clinicians study how conflicts wrong with the relationship, experts say. potential benefits of expressing emotional connection and what
relationships and associated affect relationships by bringing negativity and anger and makes us human,” she said.
with worse mental health couples into a laboratory, hostility lose its power because it The emotion — be it anger,
symptoms, unhealthier patterns videotaping their interactions long run. Emotions such as anger and becomes nondiagnostic of the warmth or sadness — also
of the stress hormone, cortisol, while they discuss an intractable These counterintuitive hostility can be useful to a problem,” she said conveys important information
and diminished immune and problem and analyzing those findings suggest that whether conflict and to the relationship, about how much we care about
cardiovascular health. interactions. They consistently interactions are more positive or overall said. They can help Cooperative, constructive our partner and the relationship,
Avoiding or withdrawing from find that unhappy couples are negative is just one factor in how convey “that a problem is serious problem-solving she said.
conflict deprives partners of the more likely to express greater conflicts turn out. How direct we and that the problem needs to be Constructive problem-solving Expressing gratitude or
opportunity to improve the disagreement, hostility and are in our communication of the changed, and that the partner — through reasoning, laughing about yourself or
situation and potentially signals criticism while happy couples issues also matters. needs to do something about negotiations and solution- together can also be very
a lack of engagement in the are more likely to express greater In one study of recorded helping to resolve this problem,” oriented discussions — can powerful in a relationship and in
relationship, leading to reduced validation, affection and humor. interactions of 61 romantic she said. It also indicates an convey the salient pieces of a conflict, John Gottman said.
satisfaction. “You can really use But surprisingly, relationship couples, overall and her investment in the relationship. information needed to manage These strategies for more
conflict to understand your research has also shown that colleagues found that more But these emotions need to an ongoing conflict: that the effective conflict management
partner at a much deeper level couples expressing anger and direct communication strategies match the context of the issue is important, that the may help to clearly communicate
than you may already know your hostility toward one another — both negative and positive — situation. partners are committed to what matters — our partner, our
partner,” Julie Gottman said. during arguments could were associated with greater In a 2020 longitudinal study resolving it and that they care relationship and our facing
But both partners need the sometimes be predictive of success in addressing the of 268 couples, overall found about the relationship. challenges together.
motivation to address the positive relationship outcomes problem 12 months later and that while an increase in average Direct communication is “It’s about how can I express,
problem and the ability to take over time. predicted increased relationship levels of hostility and criticism is “good for minor problems. It’s how can I be brave enough to
their partner’s perspective, Conversely, more positive satisfaction even if they were associated with worsening good for serious problems,” engage in constructive ways
overall said. interactions during conflicts — initially perceived as relatively problems and decreasing overall said. And it doesn’t carry when it matters,” overall said.
And perhaps the most difficult such as agreement and use of unsuccessful. satisfaction, it was associated the negative side effects of the
thing: “I think we have to be humor — could help the By contrast, indirect strategies with better outcomes if this negative emotions. Do you have a question about human
brave enough to really relationship in the short term — positive or negative — did not expression of hostility was more In their recent book, “fight behavior or neuroscience? email
communicate how we feel and but fail to produce change for predict later change in the variable. right: How Successful Couples and we
what the underlying issues are,” the underlying problem in the underlying problem. But if someone gets upset Turn Conflict Into Connection,” may answer it in a future column.

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