Class X (Holiday Homework)

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Class X
Dear Parent

Warm Greetings!

The Summer vacation is round the corner. It is the time of the year when you get an
opportunity to spend the maximum time with your child. For students, it is the best time to
relax and pursue their hobbies.

The holiday engagement has been planned as per CBSE’s guidelines to pair states and union
territories for Art integrated learning and project work. The theme for the same is in sync
with the State - NAGALAND. Students can explore this state by surfing the relevant internet
sources or by moving into the world of virtual tours. The purpose of the given assignments is
to enhance the learning skills of our young Krishnites in a connected and lively way.


1. The work should be aesthetically done.

2. Make a bibliography showing the references used in the homework (wherever required),
which should not be more than 25%.

3. Use the items which are easily available at home (wherever required).
4. All the work should be done in the Project File (Spiral). All to maintain a A4 size project file
common for all subject’s holiday homework.


ENGLISH Prepare an Infographic on A3 size sheet 1. Revise all the topics covered till
on Nagaland highlighting SDG 15 Life on May.
Land. 2. Practice Comprehension

HINDI नागालड के आस पास पाई जाने वाली ाकृ ितक 1. मई तक कवर कए गए सभी िवषय का
सुंदरता को िनहारने के िलए पयटक को आमंि त रवीजन कर।
करते रा य के पयटन िवभाग क ओर से आकषक 2. बोधग य अंश का अ यास कर।
िव ापन तैयार क िजए । 3. बढ़ते शहरीकरण के कारण होने वाले जल
दूषण के जल जीव पर पड़ने वाले दु भाव पर
चंता करते ए कै सी दैिनक समाचार प के
संपादक को प िलिखए ।
MATHEMATICS Compare the AQI (Air Quality Index) of 1. Practice the Exercises in the
Nagaland and Delhi for the month of April chapters completed till May.
2024 and represent the Grouped data 2. Write 5 Activities in the lab Manual.
Graphically. ( ex:- 1-3 , 3-6 etc.)
From the above data find the given measures
of central tendency.
‘Mean , Mode and Median’
SCIENCE CHEMISTRY Learn all the Chapters for Periodic 1.
Write chemistry practical activity in a file done Complete your copy work neatly and cover
in the lab. the same.
Write Physics practical done in the lab in
Practical file as per the instructions
Given in class.
Write Biology practical done in the lab in
Practical file as per the instructions
Given in class.

:Prepare a Power point presentation on
“Energy- Resources
and Conservation” based on green
building/environment building which
Harvest energy, water and materials Green
roof technologies/roof mounted Solar
technologies such as solar water heater, solar
lighting system. Innovative Designs of
domestic hydroelectric generators.
Project must include the following:
1. Acknowledgement 2. Certificate 3.Index
4.Aim 5.Introduction 6. Working
Principle 7.Conclusion with future aspects 8.
SOCIAL SCIENCE Prepare a project on the topic given below as Learn all the Chapters for Periodic 1.
per your roll no: Complete your copy work neatly and cover
Roll No. 1 to 10 - Consumer Awareness the same.
Roll No. 11 to 20 - Social Issues (Choose any
one – Gender Equality or Child
Labour or Quality Education)
Roll No. 21 to 30 - Sustainable Development
(Life below Water)
Roll No.30 onwards- Sustainable Development
(Life on Land)

Guidelines for the Project:

● The project should be hand written and
● It should be well presented, researched and
● Various forms of art may be integrated in
the project work.
● It should be done on A-4 size sheets.
● The project must be 15-20 pages.
● It should include the following:-
o Cover Page
o Acknowledgement
o List of Contents
o Introduction
o Sub- topics
o Case Study on Nagaland with reference to
the topic given with art integration every child
has to do.
o Conclusion
o Bibliography
INFORMATION PROJECT WORK (Printed) Learn all the Chapters for Periodic 1.
TECHNOLOGY Any Interdisciplinary Real World Case study to Complete your practical file neatly and
be taken. Summarized data reports of same cover the same.
can be presented in base. Input should be
taken using forms and output should be done
using reports using base. Documentation of
the case study should be presented using
(Use Microsoft Word, PowerPoint And Excel)


❖ Make reading a daily habit.

❖ Create a reading space.

❖ Read newspaper daily.

❖ Re-read favourite books.

❖ Read the books of your level and interest.

❖ Keep a dictionary (suggested OXFORD Mini or Pocket Dictionary) and search the difficult

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