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Stress is a natural response of the body to situations that we perceive as threatening or

challenging. Although in small doses it can be beneficial by helping us face challenges and
stay alert, excessive stress can have serious consequences for physical and mental health.


The causes can change because of the person, and they can be external or internal
1. External factors
➢ At work: High workload, deadlines, lack of control over tasks and interpersonal
➢ Economic: Salary problems, unemployment, not being able to pay the rent.
➢ Personal: Family conflicts, health problems, traumatic events such as the loss of a
family member
2. Internal factors
➢ Thoughts: thoughts that anticipate the problem, low self-esteem.
➢ Personal Demands: perfectionism, we need to love us a little bit more and help
ourselves, because as Nietzsche said, we are our worst enemy.


Stress in high levels can have a lot of negative effects in our mental and physical health.
1. Physical consequences
➢ Immune System: the immune system becomes weak, the probability of contracting
diseases increases.
➢ Cardiovascular Diseases: Increased risk of hypertension, heart attacks. The repeated
increase in heart rate alters the homeostatic balance
➢ Digestive Problems: Irritable bowel syndrome and other gastrointestinal problems
are the main characteristics of anxiety
➢ In men, testosterone decreases, their androgen levels are the same as those of a
small child and it causes erectile dysfunction.
2. Mental consequences
➢ Anxiety disorders: anxiety, panic attacks, phobias.
➢ Depression: Persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest in activities
➢ Cognitive problems: Concentration difficulties, memory problems and decision


There is a wide variety of strategies to manage stress, which can help reduce its negative
effects and improve quality of life.
1. Relaxation Techniques:
➢ Meditation and Mindfulness: Practices that help focus on the present and reduce
mental tension.
➢ Breathing Exercises: Techniques such as deep, controlled breathing can reduce
2. Physical Exercise:
Regular Activity: Exercise releases endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that act as
natural pain relievers and improve mood.
3. Social Support
Talking to friends or family about problems can help
- Therapy: Therapy with a professional, such as psychologists, will help you a lot, to learn to
cope, giving you advice and listening to you.
4. Time Management and Organization:
Prioritize Tasks: Making task lists and prioritizing the most important ones can reduce the
feeling of being overwhelmed. Having a planner and being organized is very important


Stress is an inevitable part of our lives, but we can make it not a bad thing if we learn to deal
with it. Understanding the causes and consequences of stress is the first step to managing
it. By practicing relaxation techniques, maintaining regular physical activity, looking for
social support and becoming better organized, you can reduce the negative effects of stress
and improve quality of life.

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