Gravity Force Simulation

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Gravity Force Simulation


(a) Prove Newton's law of gravity.

(b) Determine the universal gravitational constant.


Sir Isaac Newton's work in the late 17th century on the Universal Gravitational Law provides a
foundational understanding of the force that controls the attraction between two objects in terms
of their masses. The motion of the planets, stars, and galaxies may all be described using this
rule. Let's go into the numeric details of this legislation. Objects exert a gravitational force (FG)
on one another that is equal to the product of their masses (m1 and m2) and inversely
proportionate to the square of the distance (r), according to the Universal Gravitational Law.
Here is a mathematical statement that neatly sums up this crucial relationship::

F = force

G = gravitational constant

m_1 = mass of object 1

m_2 = mass of object 2

r = distance between centers of the masses

More massive objects will have a stronger gravitational pull since the force is proportional to the
mass of both things. The gravitational attraction between two things increases as their mass
increases. Increases in mutual attraction occur when the mass of one item is doubled. As the
mass of one item increases, so does the force of gravity between them. If you double the mass of
both objects, the gravitational pull between them will increase by a factor of four, etc. Inversely
related to the square of the distance separating two interacting objects, gravity decreases as
distance increases. Once you put some distance between them, their mutual attraction weakens.
To lessen the effects of gravity by a factor of 4, increase the separation between them by double
their distance (2 raised to the second power). When the distance between two bodies is tripled,
the gravitational pull between them decreases by a factor of 9.



m1 m2 d d2 m1*m2 / d2 F12 F21

(Unit) (Unit) (Unit) (Unit) (Unit) (Unit) (Unit)
50 75 3 9 416.67 2.75E-08 2.75E-08
110 130 6 36 397.23 2.65E-08 2.65E-08
200 230 5 25 1840 1.23E-07 1.23E-07
225 260 2 4 14625 9.68E-07 9.68E-07

m1*m2 / d2
m1*m2 / d2

0 0.0000002 0.0000004 0.0000006 0.0000008 0.000001 0.0000012
Table 1

m1= …4x109kg. m2=…6x109kg …

r (km) r2 (km)2 1/r2 (1/km)2 FG (N)
9 81 0.0123 19.8
8 64 0.0156 25
7 49 0.0204 32.7
6 36 0.0277 44.5
5 25 0.04 64.1
4 16 0.0625 100.1
3 9 O.111 178.0
5 25 0.04 32.0

Part two

Table 2
m1= 2x109 kg ……. r = …5…….
m2 (kg) FG (N)
10x109 53.4
9x109 48.1
8x109 42.7
7x109 37.4
6x109 32.0
5x109 26.7
4x109 21.4
3x109 16.0

Data Analysis

The magnitude of the gravitational force exerted by the mass of the two objects decreases as the
distance between the objects is increased.
percentage error in G (Gknown=6.67 × 1011 Nm2/Kg2)

The experimental constant of G is 7.0 x 1011 Nm2 / kg

Therefore, the error = 7.0 - 6.6

= 0.33

The percentage error = 0.33/100

Part two:

Use the graph to find the universal gravitational constant G.

The experimental universal gravitational G = 6.93 x 1011 Nm2/Kg2

percentage error in k (kknown=6.67 × 1011 Nm2/Kg2)

Percentage error = (experimental value- known value) /100

= (6.93 x 1011 Nm2/Kg2 - 6.67 × 1011 Nm2/Kg2) / 100
= (6.93-6.67) / 100
= 0.26/100
The percentage error = 0.0026%
The data acquired from the experiment offers vital insights into the gravitational interaction
between two objects, confirming the concepts of Newton's Law of Gravity. Let us thoroughly
examine and analyze the facts.

Table 1 demonstrates a direct correlation between the mass of two objects (m1 and m2) and the
amount of the gravitational force (F12 and F21) acting between them. To be more precise, the
gravitational force rises in proportion to the mass of the objects. Since the force of gravity is
directly proportional to the product of the masses of the two objects, this statement is in
agreement with the fundamental premise of the law. Moreover, with an increase in the distance
(d) between the objects, there was a substantial drop in the gravitational force. The inverse
connection mentioned relates to the second section of the law, which states that the force of
gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance (r^2).

The data illustrates that a significant augmentation in distance leads to a dramatic decline in the
gravitational force. when an example, when the distance between two objects rose from 3 units
to 5 units, the force of gravitational attraction fell from 9.68 x 10^-7 N to 1.23 x 10^-7 N,
demonstrating the significant decline in gravitational pull with distance.

We conducted further research to examine the influence of mass on gravitational force, while
maintaining a constant distance. Consistent with expectations, the evidence demonstrates that
an augmentation in mass results in a more substantial gravitational force. The experimental
findings align with the Universal Gravitational Law, suggesting that the force is directly
proportional to the product of the masses.

The universally accepted value of the gravitational constant, denoted as G, is 6.67 x 10^11
Nm^2/Kg^2. The data analysis yielded an experimental value of 7.0 x 10^11 Nm^2/Kg^2. The
computed percentage error was 0.0033%, indicating an exceptionally low deviation from the
expected value. The little margin of error suggests that the measured value for G is in close
proximity to the established value, highlighting the accuracy and dependability of the
experimental methodology. The graph I used yielded the experimental value for the
universal gravitational constant, which was found to be 6.93 x 10^11 Nm^2/Kg^2. The
calculated percentage error, in comparison to the established value, was determined to be
0.0026%. The minute magnitude of this percentage error indicates the precision of the
experimental results.

Newton's Law of Gravity, which says that the force of attraction between two objects is
equal to the product of their masses and inversely proportionate to the square of the
distance between them, was verified by the experiment. It was determined that the
experimental results for G, the universal gravitational constant, were very near to the
known value, demonstrating the accuracy and precision of the measurements. Overall, this
experiment proved the validity of the universal gravitational constant by providing a
concrete illustration of a key tenet of physics.

Mousavi Tilehboni, S. E. (2013, July). Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Deformation and

Breakup of a Droplet under Gravity Force Using Interparticle Potential Model. International
Journal of Engineering, 26(7 (A)).

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