Examen Final English For Bussines - Group 19-OK

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It is a Peruvian company, dedicated to the distribution of agrochemicals and fertilizers.
Products for Organic agriculture, of the highest quality nationwide, at highly competitive
prices, we market different types of agrochemicals and fertilizers, focused on
developing a new high-yield agriculture in the crops of all the farmers and those we
Our Mission: contribute to socially responsible economic development, providing
innovative technologically advanced solutions and a wide range of quality products
made with technology.
Our Vision: We want, together with our partners, to develop healthier, safer, more
productive agriculture and contribute to the health of people and the planet, in
collaboration with nature. To be the main option for farmers to seek technical
assistance and environmental solutions for fertilization and biological control of crops in
our region of commercial influence.

Goals or objectives:
Short term: Increase sales by 40% (from $200,000 to $280,000) in the next 12
months, offering new products to our customers.

Long term: Open 5 branches nationwide over the next 5 years with the aim of serving
customers in Peru from there and thus generating more recognition and better business
opportunities in the country.

Changes of government:
According to, Salas, (2021). A political crisis causes anxiety to grow among
citizens due to the problem of not knowing what is going to happen and reduces
their consumption, thus affecting the economy by reducing the sales and profits
of companies. These changes have had a profound negative impact in the
company Agroquímicos Cajamarca, dedicated to the production and sale of
agrochemicals y fertilizers. This negative impact has caused our main clients to
stop producing and buying basic products in the production of their crops.
Trade agreements:
García.J,(2023). specifies that trade agreements benefit us in the long term in
such a way that it seeks to consolidate markets for Peruvian products in order
to develop a competitive exportable offer and that in turn generates more and
better jobs in the activities of Peruvian companies. These agreements have
benefited the company by providing better income through the local and
international national commercial agreements that it has been making.
Environmental policy:
Sanches, (2019) indicates that service organizations promote internal
programs to improve sustainability in terms of comprehensive initiatives in
which they automate, for example, the correspondence of ventilated
environments where air conditioning is not necessary, waste programs and

volunteer programs, today the company Agroquimicos Cajamarca, makes

various efforts to be sustainable, for example it implements cutting-edge
technology to minimize its impact to almost zero to protect in the life and health
of its production operators and the environment.
Government stability:
Ortiz, (2021), affirms that political stability favors long-term economic growth
and with it the quality of life of the population, therefore it is essential to improve
governance in the country accompanied by synergies and mechanisms for
dialogue and cooperation between the public and private sector, however, due
to the sudden changes of president, there was no balance within the market.
The instability in decision making and also in leadership made it more difficult to
access everything necessary to continue developing the main activities of the
Monetary politics:
Its main objective is to maintain the price stability. However, in recent years
Peru faces a very marked gap in terms of both internal and external inflationary
shocks from the rest of the world. This complicates the economy of local
enterprises. For this reason Agroquimicos Cajamarca is being affected by this
national situation with a tendency to recession and now it is very difficult for it to
continue to row against the current.
Economic growth:
The improvement of economic growth is the favorable development of a
country, in terms of the productive distribution capacity of its economy, wealth
and internal income. However, for the (OECD, 2023), indicates that the year
2022 was 2.68% economic growth and by the end of 2023, it is estimated to
reach 1.1%. This is due to the economic uncertainty that makes investors and
businessmen desist from investing. Likewise, Agroquímicos Cajamarca, in the
advance of the 2024 annual budget, plans to sell $ 280,000. This amount will
allow it to meet its financial, operational and administrative obligations, but it will
not be able to generate profitability at least in the first two years after entering
the local market.
Interest rates:
According to Horna Zegarra, I. E. (2020), the interest rate is the price of use of
borrowed funds during a specific period. Therefore, financial institutions are
disbursing loans with high interest percentages or desisting from making loans
for working capital due to the uncertainty and high risk with which the economic
sector in Peru presents. Being a clear example that the company has decided
to stop paying and / or paying loans to financial institutions outside the
deadlines, generating interest and over interest, this being a latent problem,
compared to credit evaluation with national and international suppliers.

according to Perez, S., & Sisa, F.G.P. (2016), says that corporate taxes have a
great impact on the development of the tax system of any country, and
therefore it is progress. Although it is of vital importance for the sustainability of
the company, they are a key success factor because their inclusion in financial
planning guarantees a remarkable set of benefits. However, the company pays
its monthly taxes, which, not having the necessary cash flow to cover them, is
forced to split them so as not to fall into the seizure of their current accounts
and leave the company inoperative. In addition to being notified to their clients
generating distrust and lack of credibility against their main source of income.
Due to the growing urbanization of the population in certain aspects harms the
activities that are commonly carried out within the company, there is a reduction
in the farm areas in order to expand the growth of farmers and the products
they offer.
Habits and trends:
At this point sustainable production is taken into account in order to contribute
to the environment and reduce global warming, which is clearly favorable for the
company. The use of fertilizers, genetically improved seeds, and better control
of pests that threaten production are all prioritized.
Educations level:
At agroquimicos Cajamarca it is important that professionals remain trained to
carry out each function. Likewise, a new approach must be sought in problem
solving, so that each collaborator in the management area can provide an
alternative solution to overcome the current crisis caused by political and
economic problems that the country is going through.
Labor market trend within:
The organization requires adaptability to changes, as has been shown, the
company has thecapacity to be able to overcome a crisis in general but what is
sought is to improve decision-making in unusual situations and to be efficient
when carrying them out.
Artificial intelligence
Agroquímicos Cajamarca is a new company that seeks to enter the local
market, with the philosophy and spirit of research and investment in technology
with the philosophical phrase "The most important thing is to never stop

listening to our customers and their needs, because they are our partners in the
development of the company and that of a Peru oriented to be better". Since
our opening we are investing in being at the forefront and offering a unique
experience to our customers.
The goal of the technology is to increase crop yields through better crop
planning and utilization. The use of all these technologies and others that are
about to be implemented is a clear example that this sector is adapting to the
technological modernity in which we live today.
This has allowed a closer communication with its customers, since all the
information can be had in real time through technology, just a click away..
Cloud software
With PLM technology, Agroquímicos cajamarca has software that can create a
summary with valuable information on each product, which can be shared with
all the areas involved as well as the entire network of partners and customers in
less time. This process aims to provide the right products at the right time.
In general, software nowadays accelerates the work time that was previously
used to reach the same goal, reducing man hours, and having less margin for
error. This generates an added value for the products that are provided and the
profits that can be generated.
The company currently has an ERP system that facilitates the filtering of
customers on some very important criteria that is needed, for example:
Time on the market
Credit history
Information on SPLAFT - System for the Prevention of Money Laundering and
Financing of Terrorism
Account statements
This system helps automate and manage processes for our clients, providing an
impeccable image to them.
The world is more digitally connected than ever before. Criminals are taking
advantage of this online transformation to attack networks, infrastructures, and
IT systems through their weak points. This has a huge economic and social
impact worldwide, whether for governments, businesses, or individuals.
Phishing, ransomware, and data security breaches are just a few examples of
today's cyber threats. Cybercriminals are becoming more agile and better
organized, as evidenced by the speed with which they exploit new technologies,

and the way they adapt their attacks and cooperate with each other in new
This is a phenomenon that occurs from time to time in our territory, many
farmers are terrified by the coming phenomenon, we know that the child can
cause a variety of impacts, such as increased risk of heavy rains and droughts
in some regions of the country, which can complicate crops and product rotation
in the sector.


The environmental policy is the concern to help improve and care for the
environment, preserve the natural principles of human beings and promote
sustainable development by establishing clear short and long term objectives
related to all of them together, therefore the packaging that our product will
carry is within the parameters of sustainability and environmental care.
The objectives of the National Environmental Policy establish the need to
reduce biodiversity loss and deforestation levels, reduce air, water and soil
pollution and improve solid waste management. "The new National
Environmental Policy is aligned with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
and the need to build the sustainable country we deserve".

The last amendment was made by Law 31246 published in the official gazette
El Peruano on June 25, 2021, which allows us to have knowledge and to avoid
occupational accidents.

Change in the wording of operating licenses by automatic approval of Law
28976. The legal framework applicable to the procedure for the granting of
operating licenses issued by the municipalities is established.


It is for the exclusive use of the owner, so it is worth mentioning that in case any
person wants to reproduce or sell the product, the owner has the right to take
legal action.


Strategic competencies
In resource-based theory (Marino, 1996), reference is made to assets,
knowledge, capabilities and organizational processes, such as the resources
that enable The Agroquimicos Cajamarca SA organization conceive and
implement strategic decisions. Most of the assets they fall into one of three
categories: physical, human, or organizational. The physical resources are the
plant and equipment, production technology, raw materials, etc. Human
resources they include the training, skills, and experiences they have. The
resources organizational aspects refer to the image or reputation of the firm,
internal systems for the research, planning, motivation, and the processes or
routines that support these systems. The capabilities is a broad concept that
encompasses all the resources of the organization and in particularly to human

Agroquimicos Cajamarca apply marketing principles to attract more customers
and expand your target population. Among them we have the following:

Product: After a marketing study, it was decided

to launch products that meet farmers needs, such
as fertilizers, insecticides and organic products
oriented to agriculture.
Price: They are in line with the market and
competitive in their field.
Location: They are located in strategic locations
for the distribution of their products
Promotion: Employ strategies that include: social
media marketing, public relations, sales
promotion. People (or Positioning): Seek a warm
experience with customers through personalized
Process: The process or fluid of a purchase is
straightforward, avoiding bureaucratic processes
in order to
Physical Evidence: Include images and videos in
your social media posts.


Strategies have been adopted to get workers to drive the company's goals.

• Job adaptation processes

• Training of plant managers
• Training and learning opportunities
• Professional development plan

The company's plan is to reach as many customers as possible through
strategies such as:

• Online sales: Through its social networks and website, it offers its products
supported by its marketing strategies.

• B2B Sales: Agroquimicos Cajamarca has made strategic alliances with other

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