ANSC3170 W24 Task 5 Template DPB 20march2024

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Task 5.1.1 Compile data and calculate the mass of nutrients/elements


Live weight, g/fish 13.39

Expected Values Raw Data from Literature Expressed in Concentrations (5 or kJ/g)
Between 55 and 90% Moisture, % 70.92
Between 8 and 20% Crude protein, % 15.62
between 2 and 35% Lipid, % 6.33
between 1 to 4% Ash, % 5.01
Ballpark: Ash%*0.15 Phosphorus, % 0.7515
Between 4 and 15 kJ/g Gross energy, kJ/g 6.2
Raw Data from Literature Expressed in Absolute Amounts (g/fish or kJ/fish)
Live weight, g/fish 13.39
Moisture, g/fish 9.5
Crude protein, g/fish 2.1
N = CP/6.25 Nitrogen, g/fish 0.3
Lipid, g/fish 0.8
Ash, g/fish 0.7
Phosphorus, g/fish 0.1
Gross energy, kJ/fish 82

Task 5.1.3 Estimate growth over a period of time and estimate the N,

Choose a reasonable TGC value for your species

TGC Day #
0.100 0
Temperature (oC)
Live Weight (g/fish) 50
Initial (observed or
Predicted (g/fish)
Component @ Day 0

N (g/fish) 1.417
P (g/fish) 0.403
GE (kJ/fish) 383.003

If you get a negative value, the fish weight

Use a larger initial fish weight
he mass of nutrients/elements or amount of gross energy

Task 5.1.2 Plot the results and develop models for N, P an

19.69 27.99 29.23 30.91

ncentrations (5 or kJ/g) 0.9
Nitrogen, g/fish
68.94 67.67 66.86 66.72 f(x) = 0.0297233293738931 x − 0.0683631266819159
0.8 Linear (Nitrogen, g/fish)
16.2 16.75 17.43 17.2 R² = 0.997630849610769
Phosphorus, g/fish
7.03 7.69 8.0 8.71 0.7 Linear (Phosphorus, g/fish)
5.29 5.36 5.24 5.28 Gross energy, kJ/fish

N or P Content (g/fish)
0.6 Linear (Gross energy,
0.7935 0.804 0.786 0.792 kJ/fish)
6.6 7.0 7.2 7.5 0.5
solute Amounts (g/fish or kJ/fish)
19.69 27.99 29.23 30.91
13.6 18.9 19.5 20.6 0.3
3.2 4.7 5.1 5.3 0.2 f(x) = 0.00819648828843869 x − 0.007407149088330
0.5 0.8 0.8 0.9 R² = 0.998365122984373
1.4 2.2 2.3 2.7 0.1
1.0 1.5 1.5 1.6 0.0 f(x) = 8.2836065563939 x − 31.177080300101
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 12 R² = 0.994581500202644
14 16 18 20 22 24
129 195 211 230 Body Weight (g/fish)

Equation form: Y= ax + b
Equation for N (g N /fish vs. Live weight (g/fish)) : ?
Equation for P (g P /fish vs. Live weight (g/fish)) : ?
Equation for GE (kJ GE / fish vs. Live weight of fish (g/fish)
od of time and estimate the N, P and GE contents and gains over that period of time

Day # DOC
50 use whatever number of days you want (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.)

131 You need to forecast the growth using TGC model or other model

Retained of
Predicted Retained
the time
(g/fish) @ Day (g/fish or
50 interval
(g/fish or
per day

3.834 2.418 0.048 Retained N (RN)

1.070 0.668 0.013 Retained P (RP) You use these equations to calculate the mass of N, P and
1057.362 674.359 13.487 Recovered Energy (RE)

et a negative value, the fish weight you chose is too small for the scope/resolution of the model
rger initial fish weight
develop models for N, P and GE

738931 x − 0.0683631266819159
en, g/fish)
0769 3500
horus, g/fish)

Gross Energy (kJ/fish)




8843869 x − 0.0074071490883306 1000


939 x − 31.177080300101 0
2644 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 GE (kJ/fish) = 6.9975* BW (g/fish) - 11.2812
Body Weight (g/fish) R² = 0.9946

a b R²
weight (g/fish)) : ? 0.0297*BW (g/fish) - 0.0684 0.0297 -0.0684 0.997631
weight (g/fish)) : ? 0.0082* BW (g/fish) - 0.0074 0.0082 -0.0074 0.998365
Live weight of fish (g/fish): 8.2836* BW (g/fish) - 31.177 8.2836 -31.177 0.994582
ulate the mass of N, P and gross energy content and the gains of those achieved by the animals over the period of growth you are simulati
g/fish) - 11.2812
d of growth you are simulating
=Headings or defined values DE content of feed
= user input Expected TGC
= calculated

=no input allowed

Week Days Temperature
Don't start with very small fish 0
1 7 28
2 14 27
3 21 28
4 28 29
5 35 29
6 42 31
7 49 30
8 56 29
9 63 27
10 70 28
11 77 30
12 84 28
13 91 25
14 98 26

You input these values

according to a
reasonable scenario
15 kJ/g Just use a reasonable value for your species between 12 to 22
0.1 Just use a reasonable value

Expected Expected
Predicted Feed Feeding Feed Feed Conversion
Weight Requirement Rate Efficiency Ratio (FCR)
g/fish g/fish per wk %/d gain:feed feed:gain
113.210539343284 15.7 2.1 0.84 1.19
127.004785809455 16.6 2.0 0.83 1.20
142.448377693045 18.5 2.0 0.84 1.19
159.713135491889 20.5 1.9 0.84 1.19
178.319391832199 22.2 1.9 0.84 1.19
199.749082983831 25.3 1.9 0.85 1.18
222.059387937862 26.6 1.8 0.84 1.19
245.148512723757 27.8 1.7 0.83 1.20
268.035305832655 28.1 1.6 0.82 1.23
293.22989132574 30.7 1.6 0.82 1.22
321.924580860193 34.5 1.6 0.83 1.20
350.341320583419 34.8 1.5 0.82 1.23
377.085129862081 33.8 1.3 0.79 1.26
406.307377634515 36.6 1.3 0.80 1.25

These values must = DE requirement These values should These values

increase (kJ DE/fish per be comprised should be
progressively! You week /DE feed (kJ/g) between 0.25 and comprised
are applying what = therefore the 8%? Depends a lot of between 0.2
you learned in Task answer will be in the growth rate and 1.6?
3 "g/fish/week"
Models from 5.1 a b
ur species between 12 to 22 MJ/kg N 0.0297 -0.0684
P 0.0082 -0.0074
GE 8.2836 -31.177

Recovered Basal Heat

Interval Cumulative Energy Metabolism Increment
Degree-Days Degree-Days RE HeE HiE
C*d o
C*d kJ/fish per week

196 196 109.4 49.0 65.7

189 385 114.3 53.7 68.6
196 581 127.9 58.9 76.8
203 784 143.0 64.5 85.8
203 987 154.1 70.5 92.5
217 1204 177.5 77.2 106.5
210 1414 184.8 84.0 110.9
203 1617 191.3 90.9 114.8
189 1806 189.6 97.7 113.8
196 2002 208.7 104.9 125.2
210 2212 237.7 113.1 142.6
196 2408 235.4 121.0 141.2
175 2583 221.5 128.3 132.9
182 2765 242.1 136.2 145.2

40 kJ per kg^0.8 per

day RE*0.6
Urinary+Branchial Digestible Energy
Energy Losses Requirement
sh per week

11.2 235.3
11.8 248.4
13.2 276.8
14.7 308.0
15.9 332.9
18.1 379.3
19.0 398.7
19.8 416.8
20.0 421.0
21.9 460.8
24.7 518.1
24.9 522.5
24.1 506.9
26.2 549.7

(RE+HeE+HiE)*0.05 (RE+HeE+HiE+UE+ZE)

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