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Transport oxygen and carbon dioxide

Destroying bacteria and impurities within ur body

To prevent haemorrhage or excessive loss of blood

Cell membrane
Cell wall
Limit the amount of particles or molecules from entering
the cell
To support the organelles within the cell
This task is achieved by Diana contracting her flexors or
biceps in her arm and relaxing her extensors or triceps to
bring the bicep curls up wards. In order for Diana to bring
the bicep curls down she would have to relax her flexors or
biceps and contract her triceps or extensors to bring the
bicep curls downwards. With that one curl down, diana will
have to repeat the process until the goal is met.
Pulmonary artery
Right ventricle

To pump blood around the body

To get blood or tunnel oxygenated blood out of the heart

It prevents the backflow of blood in the heart so you don’t

get a heart attack
6CO2 + 6H20 -–Light energy-------- C6H12O + 6O2

X = Photosythesis
Y = Respiration
Z = Combustion

This practice is a very foolish act as trees are the ones

responsible for the absorption of co2 from the air, them
being destroyed would obviously result in more co2 being
present. And burning also contributes to global warming as
combustion is taking place, combustion releases co2 and
decay plant material may also contribute to co2.

Inaccessability of water because global warming arise

Heat waves
Floods, more storms
Increase risk of Asthma

1. Stop burning garbage, higher more garbage

collectors or discard garbage from overpopulation
by recycling as garbage burning contributes to
2. Stop smoking, it contributes to emission.
3. Stop cutting down trees
4. Stop using cars unnecessarily, the smoke causes
Squat down so that the process of lifting it can be
Maintain a proper and comfortable posture so you don’t
get any injuries such as sprains in the neck, shoulders and

Lift the object, using your feets etc.

Improper posture may lead to Neck sprain or other sprains

Starch, Glucose


Mango contains starch

Oral cavity

Absorption of water

Small intestine

Will convert it to Maltose

Will convert it to Peptides


To facilitate gaseous exchange

Sweat glands Arrector
Sweat pores

Tempreture regulation
1. It is made up of epithelial cells that makes it more
thin for diffusion.
2. The alveoli has a large surface area for diffusion to
occur efficiently

Nicotine, it is addicting

1. COPD – Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

2. Cancer

Addition Lung disease
Renal cortex
Renal pelvis





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