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Let's have fun

Created by Miss Paint

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It is a phrase that doesn't make much

sense unless you heard it before.
Select the answer which is closest
meaning to the expression underlined in
the conversation.
1. Divide into 10 groups.
2. Draw lucky number.
3. Work in groups.
4. Tell your friends that what’s the meaning
of that idioms.
1. It’s raining very heavily.

2. She has promised us.

3. We need to discuss.
4. watch over

5. run out of …= หมด

6. I’ll be back in a few minutes.

7. I couldn’t understand.

8. to study until late at night

9. seize the day = นํ &าขึ &นให้ รีบตัก

10. I am nervous.

11. an inteligent student

12. I can’t relax.

13. improve

14. understand

15. stop
16. tired

17. stop work for the day

18. get something to eat

19. find

20. send her a note

21. joking with me

22. fainted

23. in good healthy

24. perform
25. disappoint you

26. decided

27. make the greatest effort

28. boast

29. say anything

30. trust
grab a bite come across

There’re butterflies in my stomach. going strong

Let’s call it a day It’s raining cats and dogs.

I’ll be back in a jiffy. You’re pulling my leg.

I’m all ears

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