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Assumption College Thonburi

Worksheet: English 5(E23101) Semester I / 2023

Mattayom 3 Teacher : M.3 English Teachers
Name …………………………………………………… M. 3 / ________ No. ____________ ID No. ________

F1.2 Grade9/4. Speak and write appropriately to ask for and give data, explain, compare and express opinions about
what has been heard or read.

John’s Decision

I am John. I am the owner of a very famous language teaching school in London. I think my biggest
decision was to move back to the UK from Russia. I worked there for ten years as an English teacher and saved a
lot of money. The Russian school offered me work for two more years, but I decided to return to England. I think it
was a really good decision. I enjoyed working in Russia very much and had a really great time. I made loads of
friends and loved the culture. But I also missed home, and I think ten years was a long time to be away.

If I hadn’t moved back to the UK, I would have stayed in Russia for a few more years, but then I wouldn’t
have started my own business, I wouldn’t have begun a new successful career, I also wouldn’t have met my lovely
wife, we wouldn’t have got married and we wouldn’t have had our beautiful baby!

Read the text then answer the questions below.

1. Who is John?
2. What decision did John make?
3. Why was it a good decision?
4. What would have happened if he hadn’t made that decision?

“What did you want to do yesterday?”
Create If Clause type 3 sentences about what did you want to do yesterday but you didn’t do it.

Write the affirmative sentence of If Clause type 3:

1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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