Quize1. 8th Grade

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TEST 1 THE USA 8th Grade

1. In 1620 these people came to the United States from England and later celebrated the first
The Explorers

The Pilgrims

The Ocean people

The Hurricanes

2. Who is credited with discovering America?

Christopher Columbus

Rudolph Frances

John McHenry

John F. Kennedy

3. Who was the first president of the United States?

Abraham Lincoln

George Washington

Benjamin Franklin

Thomas Jefferson

4. America won its independence from this country.




Great Britain

5. This president issued an order in 1863 which freed the slaves.

Thomas Jefferson

George Washington

Abraham Lincoln
George Bush

6. Before America was apparently discovered by Columbus who lived there?

French people

Native Americans

no one - only animals

German people

7. What was the Boston Tea Party?

When colonists threw boxes of tea into Boston harbor to protest a tax against tea.

When George Washington had a party at the White House.

When the Queen invited colonists to a party.

When Davy Crockett served tea to his wife.

8. What is the Constitution of the United States?

A letter that George Washington sent to Abraham Lincoln.

A written document that spells out the rights of citizens.

An email that John Adams received from Mrs. Washington.

A newspaper that people read in 1880.

9. How did Abraham Lincoln die?

He died when his horse fell on him.

He was shot by John Wilkes Booth in a theater.

He had a heart attack.

He died when the White House caught on fire.

10. The Civil War was a very bad time in America's history. Who fought against whom?
The French against the Americans

The West against the East

The Mexicans against the English

The North against the South

11. Who was the first man to walk on the moon?

James Crockett

Joseph A. Flye

Thomas Stringfellow

Neil Armstrong

12. Which American President bought the Louisiana Territory from France?
Thomas Jefferson

George Washington

John F. Kennedy

Theodore Roosevelt

13. In which year was gold discovered in California?





14. During what war did the United States drop atomic bombs on Japan?
Declaration of Independence

World War I

World War II

Civil War

15. At the time of the American Civil War, ________ was president.
a) Robert E Lee

b) George Washington
c) Abraham Lincoln

d) Nelson Rockefeller

16.Most of the population of the mainland USA lives ________.

a) on the east coast

b) on the west coast

c) in the centre

d) on the east and west coasts

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