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Fate is a fickle mistress

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System
- Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
Relationships: Luò Bīnghé/Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Original Shěn Qīngqiū &
Everyone, Original Shěn Qīngqiū & Yuè Qīngyuán, Luò Bīnghé & Shěn
Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Original Luò Bīnghé & Original Shěn Qīngqiū, Liǔ
Qīnggē & Original Shěn Qīngqiū
Characters: Cang Qiong Mountain Sect Peak Lords, Original Luo Binghe, Original
Shěn Qīngqiū, Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu, Shang Qinghua, Yue
Qingyuan, Mobei-jun, The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System Ensemble,
Liu Qingge, Liu Mingyan, Original Characters, Luo Binghe, Cang Qiong
Mountain Sect
Additional Tags: watching the future, watching the series, Crack Treated Seriously,
Alternate Universe - Pre-Canon, Fluff and Angst, Crack and Angst,
Misunderstandings, a lot of misunderstandings, Self-Indulgent, Character
Development, Characters Watching Their Series, Watching the Show,
characters watching the future, Shen Jiu is very confused, PIDW
characters watching SVSS, No system reveal, No beta we die like SQQ,
Crack Treated Somewhat Seriously
Language: English
Collections: Characters Watch/Read Canon/Fanon, Ashes' Library, Characters Read
or Watch Their Stories or Fanfiction, Foreknowledge, Reading and
Watching, Fandoms React to Canon/Fanfictions, Watch/Read The Series,
watching the series-fic, • Scum Villian's Self-Saving System •,
Characters Watch/Read Canon (cause reading this is my new hobby),
Watching/Reading the Series, Watch and read, Characters Explores
Fandom, Disfrutemos de la perfección, Bonkas Read & Watch-It Fics,
The best fics, Bonkas Absolute Must Reads, My FAV Reaction Fanfic!!
٩(◕‿◕。)۶, Reacting to Canon, China Fandom, House of Amazing
Fanfics, Rctn, DctrWh, Bae reads Reaction Fics, ChnsNvl
Stats: Published: 2021-04-28 Updated: 2023-01-04 Words: 99,130 Chapters:
Fate is a fickle mistress
by Liu Su Mian Hua (Applesmylife123)


The Cultivational world was in an uproar.

Because of the appearance of a mysterious woman-
Who claimed to be able to show the future

Or basically a "Watching the future" fic for Scum Villain

Spanish translations are here and here


I love watching the series or watching the future fics, so here is one for scum villain!

I actually wanted to write a watching the series fic for MDZS, but there are already so many,
so I thought why not do something fun and make it for SVSS?

I will follow the novel and donghua canon as much as possible, but there will be some fanon

I'm not going to go for a system reveal, because I don't think I have the writing capacity for
that, so expect there to be a lot of misunderstandings when people try to figure out wtf SQQ
is doing lol.

This is set pre-canon, before SY transmigrated because it seemed more fun and exciting to

Anyway, I really hope you enjoy!

What lies in the future?
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

The Cultivational world was in an uproar. Arguments and accusations were being thrown left
and right. Shocking revelation after revelation had appeared. Everyone was at a loss on what
to do, with all they had just seen.

Because of the appearance of one woman-

Who claimed to be able to show the future

When she first appeared, trying to sell her practice to some smaller sects, she was met with
scorn and mockery. After all, who would have the miraculous power to see the future? Fate is
a fickle mistress, and destiny is never set in stone. Not only was it immensely difficult, but
fortune telling was also not a widely respected art either. There were only a few that could
claim some level of mastery in the field but even their predictions were shoddy and half-true
at best. But this woman claimed to know it all, with perfect accuracy.

They laughed in her face.

If such a person truly existed, wouldn’t the world have known about them sooner? Surely,
they would be some great, aloof immortal, not a nameless woman, spewing false claims.
Everyone agreed she was nothing more than a fraud trying to make quick money.

For the sake of getting a good laugh, some cultivators agreed to humor this crazed woman.

However, what they saw-

Was unbelievable, to say the least.

The woman did not just speak of the future, she showed it to them. In vivid images, where
even the finest hair of one’s scalp could be seen.

It was as though someone had taken a reflection of the world around them, and truly depicted
the whims of destiny, with an undeniable level of realism.

But it still was not enough for them to believe her. Some were displeased by what they had
been shown, and accused the woman of trickery and demonic arts, conjuring up wicked
And then-

They came to pass. Every event the woman showed, happened. Without fail. More and more
people flocked to her, to get their destiny read. Some she accepted, some she turned away, for
reasons unknown.
Her reputation grew larger and larger until it reached the ears of the Great Sects. They had all
heard of a mysterious woman who claimed to be able to show the future.

Even immortals cannot resist such a temptation, so a meeting was convened, and the woman
was summoned.

Cang Qiong Mountain Sect- the behemoth at the pinnacle of the cultivational world, Tian Yi
overlook- the masters of the Taoist world, Zhao Hua Temple- the detached monks on the peak
of Nirvana, and Huan Hua Palace- the opulent might that lead the charge against demon

The 4 great sects, accompanied by numerous smaller sects- almost the entirety of the
cultivational world, were gathering in the enormous halls of Huan Hua Palace, all for meeting
this mysterious woman.

The last time such a communion happened was nearly 12 years ago, in a battle that shook the
3 realms- The siege of the Tian-Lang Jun, the last heavenly demon, and demon emperor.

Numerous smaller sects had already arrived and were eagerly waiting in the hall, with hushed
excitement, not only for the arrival of Fortune-Teller but the Great Sects, that they had heard
so much about.

Huan Hua Palace, being the hosts, were the first to enter and take their place.
The Palace master walked in, commanding the respect of the entire hall. He was
accompanied by his daughter- an arrogant-looking girl, and 3 young disciples, who seemed to
be the little palace mistresses’ playmates.

“Oh, it’s the Palace Master!”

“And his daughter! She will surely grow up to be a fine woman!”

“Those girls accompanying her have the makings of illustrious cultivators”, said an older
woman, nodding in approval.

“Qin Wanrong and Qin Wanyue. Daughters of the Qin family.”, piped a young man.

“Who is that boy next to her? He’s quite adorable”, giggled a few teenage female cultivators.

“Gongyi Xiao, the favorite of the Old Palace master, and betrothed to the young mistress.
Quite a lucky young man. Exceptionally talented too, if I recall”, said a middle-aged minor
sect leader, looking at the Huan Hua delegation with an envious but approving glance.

The other 3 great sects were yet to arrive, and everyone was watching the doors in

A tall and powerful-looking man, wearing Huan Hua Palace robes, stood at the enormous,
gilded entrance, announcing everyone’s arrivals.

“Announcing the arrival of the Kang Lin clan- accompanied by sect leader Kang Bai and his
2 senior disciples.”
“Aiya, is that Kang Bai? The last time I saw him he was just a boy! He’s already a sect
leader! How time goes by!”

More and more prominent figures of the cultivation world arrived, and there was a festive
atmosphere in the hall, as friends reunited- and enemies bickered.
Aside from the Immortal Alliance Conferences, the rest of the sects never interacted on such
a large basis.

The guests chattered away, getting comfortable in their seats, and tended to by Huan Hua’s
numerous servants. Some had never experienced the luxury of a great sect and enviously
eyed the Palace Halls.
The seating was such that the smaller sects, were on the ground floor of the hall, while the
great sects had been provided private balconies overlooking the hall. Only the balcony for
Huan Hua had been filled, as the other great sects had not arrived yet, but were eagerly

“When will Cang Qiong arrive? I want to see that famous war god!”

“Zhao Hua temple’s Grandmaster will be attending right?”

“Announcing the arrival of Madam Mo Xieren, from the noble family of Mo, accompanied
by her son Mo Ziyuan, and 20 servants.”

“Mo Xieren? She’s not even a cultivator, why does she get such a grand entrance?”

“It’s money, it’s all money. She’s bathed in riches, and such a grand event, even Huan Hua
palace needs funds to organize. They invited her with such pomp and splendor to fuel her

“You’re right, look at that woman, she doesn’t even care to acknowledge any of the

Mo Xieren gave the Palace Master a half nod of respect and pompously took her place in one
of the numerous balconies reserved for the great sects. The old man’s lips momentarily curled
in displeasure seeing her conduct, but he quickly gave a gracious smile and went over to greet
her. After all, she had agreed to partially fund the grand event hosted by Huan Hua.
Accommodating so many people for an unknown span of time was no easy task, even for the
richest sect! Besides, this event was organized rather grandly, as Huan Hua did not want to
waste any chance to exhibit their wealth.

“Ahahaha, look at that, the little palace mistress is fuming! I bet she had never seen anyone
ignore her like that!”

Mo Ziyuan gave the cultivators in the hall an arrogant sneer as he sat by his mother.
He had tried to cultivate when he was younger but had failed miserably due to not only being
untalented, but lazy and lacking in discipline. His mother had gotten numerous teachers for
him, but they all declared him unfit and unwilling to learn. He had even been provided the
best pills and cultivational aids, but he simply did not have the will nor the mindset to be
capable. Not everyone could be a cultivator after all.
At first, he didn’t particularly care, glad to finally be free of the strenuous work cultivating
required, but as he grew older, a bitterness seeded into his heart when he saw how much
respect and admiration cultivators got. He grew unbearably envious because his arrogance
would not permit other people to be above him.
So what if these cultivators hunted demons and rose to immortality? He was still better than
them! They were low-borns, while he was the young master of the noble Mo family!

From his seat in the upper area, he scoffed at the cultivators, holding his head high, contempt
rising at the sight of them. At least he was given a seat of importance. With that thought
calming his ego, he settled into his seat and gave one last condescending glare.
His attitude had not gone unnoticed, but no one could voice their outrage in the face of the
Mo family’s power or in the presence of the Palace Master.

A few more non-cultivating and cultivating noble families arrived, all of them probably
sponsors of the event and with ties to the reigning Imperial family- to keep an eye on the
proceedings. They joined the Mo family in the upper seating area. None were as arrogant as
the Mo’s, but a sense of disdain was felt towards them, nonetheless.

“Announcing the arrival of Tian Yi Overlook, accompanied by Sect Leader Huang Lan and
20 disciples.”

At the mention of a great sect, the excitement increased, as everyone strained their necks to
get a glimpse of the esteemed cultivators, dressed in aqua blue Taoist robes.

“Oh my! It’s the Silent Cobra, Huang Lan! He looks even more regal in person!”

“The Silent Cobra”, was a nickname he had earned for being a man of few words, but very
deadly if the situation required it. The rumors said that he had taken down a group of trouble-
making demons, all without uttering a single word. He was said to be a stern, austere man, of
fair judgment, and good character.

“I heard he only ever talks through his martial sister- Lai Wei- that bright energetic lady
standing next to him.”

The said lady was currently laughing raucously with her fellow sect members, walking to
their seats, while Huang Lan walked to pay his respects to the Old Palace Master. The hem of
her blue robes was silver in color, indicating her rank among top authorities of the sect, 2nd
only to the Sect Master himself, whose robes had a gold hem.

Huang Lan bowed to the Palace Master, but his eyes were distracted, following Lai Wei and
his disciples, with the slightest hint of affection, before returning to a steel cold gaze.

Tian Yi Overlook was 3rd place in power, among all the sects of the cultivation world, hence
titled one of the 4 great sects. They were the leading Taoist Sect, known especially for their
special elixirs and medicines. Pills and potions refined at Tian Yi were in high demand all
over the cultivation world- while their only possible rival in the art of medicine was Qian Cao
Peak of Cang Qiong.
Before everyone could get over the excitement at the arrival of Tian Yi Overlook, the doors
opened again, and the noise elevated, indicating the arrival of another Great Sect.

“Announcing the arrival of Zhao Hua Temple- accompanied by Great Master Wu Chen,
Master Wu Wang, Master Wu Huan, and 10 senior disciples!”

A trio of older men dressed in white walked in, a placid expression on their faces, mirrored in
their younger disciples behind them. The oldest looking man with a long white beard and
lightly hunched back was Grand Master Wu Chen.

“Zhao Hua Temple is here as well!!”

“That makes it 3 out of the 4 great sects!”

“Ah, I’ve always wanted to meet Great Master Wu Chen! I have heard he is truly a
magnanimous man of great character!”, exclaimed an excited young cultivator, bobbing his
head to get a look at the old monk, who was greeting the other Sect Leaders.

“ Master Wu Wang is meant to be the Grandmaster’s successor right?”

“No, I think it’s Master Wu Huan, I heard Wu Wang’s temperament is not suitable!”,
whispered a young cultivator, eager to gossip.

“Speak with some respect, will you? These are venerable masters, who are you to judge

“And who are you to speak to my Shidi like that?”, shouted the man next to the young
cultivator, who looked abashed.

Before a fight could begin, Grand Master Wu Chen simply looked over at the bickering
cultivators and bowed his head in acknowledgment, a small smile on his kind-looking face.
At the sight of such humbleness, they couldn’t help but grow quiet, and slowly break apart,
resorting to just shooting dirty glares. After all, it was a well-known fact that Zhao Hua
temple was not fond of violence- to fight in front of them would be quite disrespectful.

Zhao Hua Temple was led by a council of old abbots, headed by the Grand Master Wu Chen.
They ranked 2nd among the 4 great sects and were known for their Buddhist philosophies,
and monastic nature. Most of the students of Zhao Hua temple were monks and were
exceptionally righteous. They could always be trusted for a fair and unbiased judgment and
virtuous character. Not to mention, it was one of the oldest sects and filled with ancient
records. The libraries of Zhao Hua temple were a treasure trove of knowledge.

Once again, after Zhao Hua Temple had arrived, the hall grew in energy, but even more
enthusiastic than before, because there was only one great sect yet to arrive- and they were
also the one that everyone was most excited to see.
They had heard many things about Cang Qiong and its 12 Peak Lords- from salacious rumors
to tales of heroism. Many of the minor sects and rogue cultivators had never seen members of
the Great Sects- so there was a certain excitement in meeting the leaders of the one said to be
the most powerful.
“When is Cang Qiong coming??”

“They are the number one cultivation sect, right?”

“Just because they are the most powerful doesn’t mean they can be late!”

“Ha, who would dare reprimand the most powerful sect for being late? Besides, it isn’t that
they’re late, we’re just early!”

A few minor sect leaders and the Old Palace master caught those words, and their
expressions turned sour.

“Are all the 12 Peak Lords coming?”

“No, I think only 6 or 7 of them are, the others are staying behind to take care of the Sect.”

“But Sect Master Yue is coming right!?”

“The thought of being in the presence of the Xuan Su sword is so exciting!”

“I heard this generation of Cang Qiong’s Peak Lords are the strongest yet!”

“Of course, they are, just look at Yue Qingyuan! As a senior disciple, he was able to deliver
the finishing blow to Tian Lang Jun!”

“And Liu Qingge! Bai Zhan Peak Lord is so young but he’s called the War God!”

“Ai they’re all quite young! They only ascended to the position of Peak Lord some 9 or 10
years ago.”

Hearing the copious amounts of praise Cang Qiong received made some of the other sect
leaders wallow in bitterness. There would always be those who envied the cultivational
world's unshakeable sun. Powerful, ever-present, out of reach, and unbeatable.

Suddenly the doors to the great hall opened, and a wave of muttering and shouts entered the

A large group of people stood at the doors, headed by a man in white, and ready to enter.

Xuan Su Sword, Yue Qingyuan!!

“Sect Master Yue is here!!”

“Finally! Cang Qiong Mountain Sect is here!”

The announcer spoke up, his voice even louder and booming to be heard over the enormous
din in the hall, caused by the entrance of Cang Qiong.
“Announcing the arrival of Cang Qiong Mountain Sect, accompanied by-

“Sect Master and Qiong Ding Peak Lord, Yue Qingyuan!”

A gentle and serenely handsome-looking man, with a kind smile, stood at the front of the
group, dressed in white and grey robes. Behind him, were a few of his disciples, stoic and
There were glances of awe and nods of admiration and respect, as they watched the most
powerful man in the cultivational world walk by. Xuan Su was sheathed at his side, but its
immense power could still be felt. The thought of it being drawn made some people dizzy.

What a powerful man. And he was so young as well! Sect Leader Yue was truly a once-in-a-
century prodigy.
A few sighs of longing and flirtatious grins could also be seen- after all, not only was Yue
Qingyuan the leader of the most powerful sect, but also a gracious, wonderful man, and
unbelievably handsome! He was truly a catch! Anyone would be lucky to marry him!

“Qing Jing Peak Lord, Shen Qingqiu!”

A haughty look painted the face of an indescribably elegant and beautiful man, as he
surveyed the hall, a harsh coldness fixed in his gaze. He was dressed in exquisite green robes,
reflecting the mesmerizing shade of his eyes. If Yue Qingyuan seemed humble and down to
earth, Shen Qingqiu appeared unbelievably aloof and distant from mortal matters. The Qing
Jing Peak Lord truly had the air of an immortal.
His disciples, also dressed in green, trailed behind him.

Whispers could be heard, both condemning and praising the most controversial Peak Lord.

“Shen Qingqiu… I didn’t think a man could be so beautiful!”

“Right? He looks so scholarly and refined!”, giggled a cultivator from the Kang Lin Sect.

“Ha, refined? Don’t make me laugh. I heard that he’s a pompous, spoiled young master that
can’t bear to be apart from his whores. “

Many people had heard of the rumors of the Qing Jing Peak Lord frequenting brothels, but
they didn’t know how true they were. Some couldn’t believe it at all, that a man of Shen
Qingqiu’s stature would even visit brothels, while others, eager to leap at any chance to mock
those they envied, wholeheartedly believed it.

“Shhh, don’t slander him!”

“What if he hears you!?”

“So what if he does? What will he do?”, laughed the man that had started the comments
against the Qing Jing Peak Lord.

A few good-hearted cultivators that held a lot of respect for Cang Qiong, turned to frown at
the man. He seemed to be the sect leader of the minor Ba Qi Sect.
“I also heard that he plays dirty tricks and cheated his way to the top! He doesn’t get along
with his martial siblings either! The only thing he has going for him is his face-”

Before the man could finish that vulgar sentence, a piercing glare was sent his way, intense
enough to instantly make him shut up, and cower in his seat. With such a high level of
cultivation, there was no way Shen Qingqiu’s heightened senses had not heard the man

Seeing that he who was saying such audacious, vile things stopped talking with just one
chilling gaze from the Peak Lord, the people around him could not help but laugh in
“He only dares to say such things behind his back, he’s too frightened to say it in front of
him”, giggled a group of female cultivators, watching the man with disdain.
He flushed and shrunk into his seat, seething in embarrassment.

Shen Qingqiu! You think you’re so great!? I’ll show you!

He had met the man once during a conference, back when they were both still disciples.
Remembering the humiliating memories from that time. made him grit his teeth in anger.

You haven’t changed at all! Still an arrogant bastard!

“Wan Jian Peak Lord, Wei Qingwei!”

A playful-looking man, with a mischievous glint and charming demeanor, winked at a few
female cultivators, causing them to blush.
Wei Qingwei was a famous weapons master and was known for forging some incredibly
powerful swords. Numerous cultivators had tried to place an order for a sword from Wan Jian
Peak, but only those of Cang Qiong Mountain Sect would receive the powerful, specially
forged swords. The swords available for purchase by outsiders were of good quality, but not
nearly as powerful as the ones wielded by the Peak Lords and head disciples of Cang Qiong.
It was incredibly beneficial to be able to manufacture their own weaponry- and it was part of
the reason why Cang Qiong was so strong. Each of the Peak their roles, and were
indispensable in the smooth running of the sect. In fact, an individual Peak had the same
power as a relatively medium-sized sect- Cang Qiong truly was a powerhouse without equal.

“Wasn’t Xuan Su forged on Wan Jian Peak?”

“That’s right! It was made by the Peak Lord of Wan Jian 5 generations ago. It was so
powerful, and would take no master all these years until Yue Qingyuan came along!”

“An Ding Peak Lord, Shang Qinghua!”

At the sound of his name, a nervous-looking man gave an awkward grin, adjusting the collar
of his robes. Although he had a much weaker presence and cultivation than the rest of his
martial siblings, he was still a Peak Lord of Cang Qiong and drew respect from those around
him. Many had heard of how efficient, organized, and hard-working the An Ding Peak Lord
was. To those that were accustomed doing all the grunt work, and then receiving minimal
appreciation, Shang Qinghua was someone that was deeply admired.

“Xian Shu Peak Lord, Qi Qingqi!”

A stunning yet fierce-looking woman glided in. At the sight of Qi Qingqi, the fairy of Cang
Qiong, most of the men turned a deep red and gaped at the beautiful woman making her way
through the hall. What was this goddess-like beauty? Her eyes were also so fierce and
powerful, that their hearts couldn’t help but flutter. Her very presence commanded attention
and respect.

She was accompanied by a few disciples. The one that stood out the most was the veiled girl
at the front of the group. Some people recognized her as the War God’s younger sister- Liu
Mingyan. Most had heard of the rumors about why she always wore a veil- because her face
was simply too beautiful to be seen without it. Those rumors seemed to be true because even
though only half of Liu Mingyan’s face was seen, it was more than enough to send people in
a frenzy.

Many female cultivators both envied and admired Qi Qinggi. They desired to be her, and at
the same time, wished to join her. A peak full of beautiful and powerful women; to enter
Xian Shu Peak was a dream and honor for many.

In fact, many cultivators from smaller sects had joined this event for the sake of possibly
getting recruited into one of the great sects.

“Bai Zhan Peak Lord, Liu Qingge- accompanied by Liu Zhihao, the matriarch of the Liu

At the sight of Liu Qingge, there were roars of appreciation from the men. There were
numerous tales of his valor and might- he was said to be the manliest of men! However, at his
appearance, many blinked in surprise. They had expected a gruff and muscly man, but
instead, the famed War God appeared rather…. beautiful? Pretty?

However, despite his soft appearance, he exuded power, Cheng Luan vibrating with energy at
his side. It was clear that he was truly one of the most powerful cultivators, 2nd to perhaps
only Yue Qingyuan, and worthy of his title as “War God”.
There were many dressed similarly to him, in white robes and a ponytail, eager to emulate
their idol- most of them teenage boys who longed to join Bai Zhan.

Liu Qingge’s appearance was truly striking, exceedingly handsome! He was a prodigious
cultivator, heir to an esteemed family, a Peak Lord of Cang Qiong, and most importantly…

Like with Yue Qingyuan, there were flirtatious grins, swoons of longing, and a few bold
comments. However, unlike Yue Qingyuan, who had simply smiled graciously to the
attention, Liu Qingge was growing increasingly redder and visibly awkward, his hand
twitching towards Cheng Luan, as though he wanted to cut down whatever was bothering
The Liu Matriarch was a stern and dignified looking woman, and showed the vestiges of
great beauty, that her children had clearly inherited. She placed a hand on her son’s shoulder,
and whispered something in his ear, causing him to tense up even further, and walk faster to
his seat.

She motioned his accompanying disciples to follow her, smirking as she watched her son
stalk off, recalling what she had just said.

Will I finally get a daughter-in-law now?

She chuckled to herself.

“Qian Cao Peak Lord, Mu Qingfang!”

A peaceful-looking man with a pleasant smile, dressed in green and white robes walked in.
Like his martial siblings, he too was quite good-looking, having a warm and amiable
appearance that could put one at ease. Mu Qingfang was considered one of the greatest
healers of their time, and Qian Cao Peak’s medicines were among the most sought after in the
cultivation world.

The Peak Lords paid their respect to the Palace Master, one by one, before settling down in
their seats in the balcony. Sect Master Yue sat in the center, and on his sides were Liu Qingge
and Shen Qingqiu (who seemed to sit only reluctantly after a few words from Yue Qingyuan).
Shang Qinghua, Mu Qingfang, and Wei Qingwei sat together, while Qi Qinggi accompanied
Liu Zhihao. Their disciples sat in the seats behind their Peak Lords.

Just as the excitement from the arrival of Cang Qiong had begun to die down, the doors
opened once more, and a hooded woman entered.
There was no shouting or excited murmuring this time, but rather a hushed silence, as the
famed Fortune Teller glided in.

She was tall and wore loose-fitting robes that swayed with her every movement. Her face,
was completely unseen, due to the large hood hanging over her head. She wore gauzy white
robes, plain yet elegant. Everyone’s eyes were fixated on the lone figure walking through the

There was silence for a few seconds, aside from the quiet and gradual footsteps from the
Fortune- Teller, until she stopped at the center of the hall.

When she slowly lifted her head, everyone scrambled to get a glance at her face.

There was a collective gasp- because she had no face!

But upon a second look, they realized that a flat white mask concealed her entire face, and
hid her features, even her eyes, and mouth, making her appear faceless.

For a little while, there were no words, as everyone, simply took in the mysterious presence
of the Fortune Teller.

The first to speak was the Huan Hua Palace Master, as the host.
“It is a great honor to have you in our presence, Madam-”

“MingYun”, said the woman, bowing low. Her voice was gravelly and deep, sending shivers
down everyone’s spine.

“Lao Gongzhu”, bowed the Fortune-Teller.

“For what purpose has this humble one been summoned for?”

Her speech was garbled and grating, difficult to listen to, but the audience still clung to her
every word in anticipation
The Huan Hua Palace Master stood in his seat, commanding the attention of the entire hall.

“12 years ago, we gained an immense victory against the Demon Realm, imprisoning their
Emperor TianLang-Jun who had plans to invade the human realm! Only the foresight gained
by my disciples allowed us to suppress the danger! Even now, the vile demons lurk
everywhere, terrorizing us! For the good of the whole cultivation world, we seek the
knowledge of our future! Knowledge that will allow us to fight and defend the human realm!
Learning of our future and obtaining this knowledge is not simply for our whims, no, this is
for the sake of righteousness!

There were thundering cheers of approval at the Old Palace Master’s words. The whole hall
was in an uproar, nodding along wildly, and voicing support. Liu Qingge sat quietly, simply
narrowing his eyes, while Yue Qingyuan politely clapped. Shen Qingqiu scoffed and frowned
into his fan, an uncomfortable light entering his eyes. He briefly looked at Yue Qingyuan,
conveying his doubts, but turning away before he could reply.

The Fortune-Teller let out a low sound- a rather ominous chuckle. Immediately, the hall
quieted down, as they followed her movements.

“Then see the future you shall.”, she nodded, pulling out a glowing scroll from within her

“But remember that it will come with a price- no one will be spared from the answers
provided. Once the process begins, it cannot be stopped. And you cannot leave, nor resort to
violence, no matter what you may see. Anyone who tries to break these rules should be…..
punished. Do you agree to these terms?”


“Punishment? You dare threaten us?”

“What sort of punishment?”

“You think you can set conditions for us??”

“Please calm down”, said a booming voice.

The cries of outrage started to quiet down, as all eyes turned to Grand Master Wu Chen.
“Madam MingYun is simply having our best interests in mind. Imagine if we gain some
information that enrages us, and we immediately try to take action, without seeing the whole
picture. To prevent such mistakes, I believe we shouldn't do anything until we have learned

The words of Grand Master Wu Chen seemed reasonable, but there were still a few who
wanted to complain. Before they could cause a ruckus, Yue Qingyuan stood up.

“I agree with Grandmaster Wu Chen. It is best that we do not take any individual, or brash
actions before seeing everything. We should not attack each other due to the things that we
see and opt for a fair discussion on the best course of action after we have received all the

The Tian Yi Overlook Master turned to his head disciple, to convey his thoughts. “Tian Yi
Overlook agrees with Sect Master Yue and Grandmaster Wu Chen. “

With 3 of the 4 great sects agreeing, any dissent that existed immediately died down.

“We also suggest that another condition be imposed. No one should be severely punished for
misdoings they commit in the future if they are not exhibiting the same intentions in the

“Agreed”, said Grandmaster Wu Chen, stroking his beard. Yue Qingyuan nodded as well.

“Excellent,” responded the Old Palace Master, rising from his seat. “We shall adhere to those
conditions. My disciples are setting up an array that will immediately immobilize anyone
who tries to act violently or attempts to leave partway.”

Lai Wei bowed towards the Old Palace Master. “Thanking Lao Gongzhu for his
understanding and preparations.”

Soon, a fiery purple array rose from all the corners of the room and covered the ceiling.

A few suspicious cultivators eyed the array, assessing it for any treachery, but found it to be
perfectly safe.

“Well then, Madam MingYun, you may start.”

The Fortune-Teller held out the scroll, which slowly began to unfurl itself, glowing characters
appearing on it. Suddenly it vanished, and in its place, a viewing portal appeared, at the
center of the room, growing larger and larger, until it was encompassing most of the hall.
There were a few impressed gasps, as they had never seen such an enormous viewing portal.

Is this really a good idea? , thought Yue Qingyuan faintly, looking at Shen Qingqiu, who still
seemed uncomfortable. He thought of the painful past they had shared, and the man Shen
Qingqiu had become because of it. Who knew what exactly this fortune teller would show
them anyway? Yue Qingyuan knew that nothing would devastate Shen Qingqiu more than his
carefully crafted image falling apart. They had crawled from the very bottom of society, to
stand at the very top.
If this Fortune-Teller somehow exposed any of that, in front of the whole cultivation

Shen Qingqiu had become pale and for a moment, he caught Yue Qingyuan’s eye, and his
breath faltered.

That nervous look in his eyes- it had been so long since he had seen such emotion from him.

“Xiao Jiu....”, murmured Yue Qingyuan, a wave of dread overwhelming him.

He began to stand up, ready to voice opposition-

But it was too late.

The room turned dark, and nothing but blackness could be seen in the viewing portal- before
it exploded into color, and an image appeared.

“The seeds of the present shall grow into the vast, branching tree that is the future”,
murmured the Fortune-Teller.

“Now, let it begin”

Chapter End Notes

Yue Qingyuan: Xiao Jiu dislikes me even more now *sobs*

Did I go out of my way to make Cang Qiong have the most dramatic entrance?
Yes. Yes, I did.

I love Shen Jiu, so expect to see some love for him, but also character development
because the man has some serious issues.

This is like half serious and half crack

I haven't really decided on an endgame ship, but there will be hints of BingJiu, QiJiu,
and LiuJiu, of varying levels! (Why is Shen Jiu so shippable?)

Please let me know what you think in the comments! And thanks for reading!
A strange deviation
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

A tall man wearing black was standing in front of the burning Cang Qiong Mountain
Sect. Rows of corpses could be seen, adorning the site of utter destruction.

Immediately there were loud gasps of shock. They all felt like they had been delivered a
heavy blow- and the viewing had just started!

That was Cang Qiong Mountain Sect! The most powerful sect! What force could be capable
of reducing it to such a state?? And if Cang Qiong Mountain Sect had been destroyed, then
what chance did the other smaller sects stand against this powerful unknown enemy??

Yue Qingyuan had turned pale but gave a reassuring smile to his fellow peak lords who
looked at him with worry.

“The point of this viewing was the give us this vital information about the future, so we can
change it. Rest assured, we won’t let this happen,”, he boldly stated.

At Sect Leader Yue’s words, the fear that had been gripping everyone’s hearts started to
vanish. After all, that was the whole point of this- to gather information on the future of the
cultivation world. Now that they had seen this scene of carnage, they would never let it

A woman wearing red sauntered up to the man in black, whose face was still unseen,
and draped herself over his arm.

“Disgusting demon woman”, sneered a cultivator from Huan Hua Palace. Most people looked
scandalized at how little clothing the woman wore. Some struggled to control the red heat
crawling up their neck and outwardly cursed at the damn demon. The monastic disciples of
Zhao Hua Temple looked particularly aggrieved by the indecent display.

”Junshang”, purred the demon woman. “Are you pleased with this?”. The man in black
didn’t respond and continued to stand unmovingly, staring at the destruction before
him. The demon woman stomped her foot, seemingly annoyed. “Why are you still here?
Let’s go back to the demon realm, there’s nothing left here. When we get back, let this
Sha Hualing please you”. She had whispered the last sentence in his ear, running her
hands all over the man.

“Sha Hualing? I think I have heard of her…. Isn’t she a demon saintess candidate? Daughter
of the Demon Lord Jiuzhong-Jun in the South “, said Grand Master Wu Chen, frowning.

“Forget her, didn’t you hear what she said? ‘Junshang!’ Does that mean that there would be
another Demon emperor in the future?? “, shouted a senior disciple from Tian Yi overlook.
At that, there was a flurry of panic. TianLang-Jun alone was only conquered 12 years ago-
and that took the might of the whole cultivation world. It was a battle that they still hadn’t
recovered from. The thought of another Demon Emperor so soon was terrifying.

“Another Demon Emperor??? “

“Could it be Tianlang-Jun returned for revenge??”

“This Emperor seems to be strong enough to destroy Cang Qiong!”

“What should we do?”

“Everyone, please calm down,”, Yue Qingyuan once again commanded, rising from his seat.
“We will not let this happen. Please, control yourselves, do not needlessly panic, it does not
help anyone.”

If it were anyone else who tried to placate the audience, they would be yelled at and booed.
But this was Yue Qingyuan, the man who delivered the finishing blow to Tian-Lang Jun.
There was no one better qualified to assess the threat, and boldly state that they wouldn’t let
such a thing happen. Hearing these words from him was both believable and reassuring.

Grandmaster Wu Chen nodded “Well said, Master Yue. And I do not think this new Demon
Emperor is Tianlang-Jun, that threat has been dealt with. The destruction of Cang Qiong…
perhaps it is not what it seems.”

There was still an air of fear, but it was slowly being replaced by indignation. Two venerated
masters assured that the situation might not be what it seemed. With their words, they began
to think about it a bit more and found the situation a bit absurd. After all, what demon would
dare to try and take on Cang Qiong? Besides, with this artifact, the foresight they gained
would ensure that the demon stood no chance in the future.

“Yes, the bastard must have gotten lucky!”, shouted a Qiong Ding disciple, emboldened by
his Shizun’s words.

“There’s no way Cang Qiong would be defeated without petty tricks from the demon scum!”

“The new demon emperor is probably a cocky upstart who believed he was worthy of ruling
the demons. His own kin will rip him to shreds for such arrogance, and the rest of the
cultivation world will not let him off easy.”, proclaimed a minor sect leader.

“That’s right. The heavenly demon bloodline is sealed off with TianLang-Jun, could any
other demon possibly hope to rule the demon realm and oppose the cultivation world?”

At that, reassurance flooded everyone’s faces, and the tension slowly dissipated. Whatever
this threat was, they would surely deal with it.

The face of the Huan Hua Palace master had blanched, but no one noticed. He was sure that
TianLang-Jun’s demon spawn had died before it had ever left its mother’s womb.

But if it hadn’t……..
Slowly, the man nodded, and began to laugh, maniacally. His voice was smooth and
deep but had a tone of cruelty. “Do you like what you see?”, said the man, starting to
turn around. However, before they got a glimpse of his face, the image suddenly
violently flickered and went black.

“Shit! What was that?? We almost saw his face! Make it go back!”

“And who was he talking to? We need to see that part again!”

MingYun slowly shook her head. “I do not control what is being shown, or the answers being
provided. I simply compel it to work. This artifact has a mind of its own, and it will show you
what it deems necessary, in whatever order it sees fit. Both the past and the future will

A few budding diviners from Tian Yi Overlook understood perfectly why it was so hard to
control, having studied the subject themselves. Knowledge of the future was always very
uncertain, unstable to investigate. There were numerous possibilities of events taking place.
Sometimes different possible outcomes or realities could even overlap.

Most of the Cultivators, even if they weren’t knowledgeable in the art of divinity, could
understand why the Fortune-Teller could not entirely control what was seen- divination was
extremely difficult to master after all. In fact, they were rather impressed by the existence of
such a powerful artifact, and some greedily eyed it.

But for those who didn’t cultivate, they could not understand.

“How useless”, sneered Mo Ziyuan from his seat. “What kind of Fortune-Teller are you?”

Even the few cultivators that were about to voice their discontent with Madam MingYun
immediately changed their minds after hearing the words of the Young Master Mo. They had
already decided that they didn’t like that man, so they would rather speak against him.

“How ignorant”, whispered a cultivator from a minor sect.

“He thinks he can judge the ways of the cultivation world without knowing a thing! How

“These nobles ah, they think the world revolves around them!”

Although Mo Ziyuan could not hear the whispers, he was sure that they were speaking about
him, and the vein in his forehead throbbed.

Suddenly, a man dressed in light green robes appeared, standing in front of a group of
disciples, and stiffened as though he had been hit by lightning.

“What- the image changed?”

“Is that Shen Qingqiu??”

“Yes, it is!”
“What is this trying to show us?”

“That’s Qing Jing Peak”, exclaimed Ming Fan, excited to be in the image. “And there’s

“Shizun, look it’s you! Ming-Shixiong is also there!”, shouted Ning Yingying.

Yue Qingyuan’s eyes widened. “Qingqiu-shidi… “

The fan covering Shen Qingqiu’s face never left, so his expression was unseen, but his grip
had tightened, and his eyes narrowed.

Why was he there?

Shen Qingqiu started shaking violently, and his eyes turned hazed, rolling backward.
He managed to choke out “Qi-”, before keeling over and shivering.

“Qingqiu-shidi!!!”, shouted Yue Qingyuan, his face taut with panic.

“Shizun!!”, cried the Qing Jing disciples.

“He seems to be experiencing a Qi deviation… quite a severe one too,” said Mu Qingfang,
addressing the hall, while his brows furrowed.

The rest of the Peak Lords weren’t surprised, it was a known fact their martial brother
underwent frequent Qi deviations due to his unstable cultivation. A trace of concern entered
their faces, as Shen Qingqiu was still their martial sibling, as unpleasant as he may be.
Besides, this one genuinely looked worrying, and awfully violent. However, their worry was
nothing compared to Yue Qingyuan, who was growing paler the longer he watched Shen
Qingqiu violently spasm.

“So even Peak Lords undergo Qi deviations”, murmured a few audience members.

“Are you stupid? Of course, they do.”

“This looks dreadful”, whispered a female cultivator, pity rising in her heart. “I’ve heard that
the more powerful you are, the more violent the backlash from a Qi deviation!”

Several audience members nodded in agreement.

“Is Shen Qingqiu going to die from this?”, some questioned.

“Sect Master Yue looks so worried!”

Shen Qingqiu, who was seated next to Yue Qingyuan, due to order of seniority, frowned.

“Calm down, I’m here right now. Don’t be a fool”, he hissed, before pulling Yue Qingyuan
back into his seat.
Shen Qingqiu collapsed on the ground, as his group of students quickly gathered
around him, shouting “Shizun”.

Ming Fan bellowed for some younger disciples to bring Peak Lord Mu, and Sect Leader
Yue, and once again the image went dark.

“Good work Ming Fan. Staying calm in the face of an emergency”, said Shen Qingqiu,
giving the boy an approving nod. Ming Fan immediately turned red, and his eyes began
shining. Shizun praised him! He couldn’t recall the last time that had happened, but whenever
it did, it was enough to make him happy for days.

Yue Qingyuan, who had also calmed down, nodded at the boy as well, and Ming Fan felt as
though he could ascend to heaven right there. A few of his fellow disciples gave him pats on
the back, proud of their Shixiong.

Shen Qingqiu could feel Yue Qingyuan shooting him worried glances, as though he wanted
to say something, but kept hesitating. Finally, he opened his mouth to speak.

“Qingqiu-shidi…. This is worrying-“

Expecting such annoying words, Shen Qingqiu rolled his eyes.

"Zhangmen-Shixiong's concern is unnecessary, perhaps he can save his pointless words for
something else."

“He’s just concerned about your health. Maybe if you had learned to cultivate properly, you
wouldn’t Qi deviate so frequently”

Those words had been muttered by Liu Qingge. who was glaring at Shen Qingqiu. As usual,
it was not uncommon for the two of them to frequently exchange unpleasant words, taking
any opportunity to insult the other. And especially since Shen Qingqiu had disrespected Yue
Qingyuan, which Liu Qingge had never been able to tolerate.

He didn’t understand how Shen Qingqiu could be so vitriolic to someone who was simply
concerned about him.

It was his fault that he took lazy shortcuts in cultivating and suffered these frequent Qi
deviations, worrying Zhangmen-Shixiong to no ends. Instead of being grateful for the
concern, he constantly threw snide remarks.

What an unpleasant person.

Shen Qingqiu scoffed, ready to spit some cutting words back, but Yue Qingyuan quickly
started putting up his hands to placate his bickering martial siblings.

The image shifted to Shen Qingqiu lying on a bed, and Yue Qingyuan sitting next to
him, fretting in anxiety. He was holding Shen Qingqiu’s wrist, and his face was weary
with panic.

”Qingqiu-shidi! Qingqiu-shidi! Can you hear me?”

Shen Qingqiu's eyes twitched, and he violently shuddered, before forcefully peeling
open his eyelids.

Most of the people present were surprised to see the level of concern Yue Qingyuan was
showing Shen Qingqiu. The panic in currently present Yue Qingyuan did not go unnoticed.
But didn’t the rumors say that Shen Qingqiu didn’t get along with any of his martial siblings?

Why did Yue Qingyuan seem to care so much then?

And Yue Qingyuan’s concern… it almost seemed to go above that of a normal martial sibling

“Sect Master Yue must be a very gentle soul”, concluded a female cultivator who had been
eyeing him.

Several cultivators nodded. With his kind heart, he must truly be empathetic and incredibly
caring to all his martial siblings, even the bitter Shen Qingqiu. After all, why else would he
put up with someone who was said to have a vicious temperament?

Hearing what the other cultivators were saying, the Peak Lords' eyebrows twitched, as they
suppressed the urge to shout- “No it’s just Shen Qingqiu that Yue Qingyuan was so
unbelievably concerned about. And the bastard was ungrateful for it too”

Shen Qingqiu glanced at his surroundings, looking extremely confused. Then, he

spotted the paper fan that lay next to the pillow, and immediately grasped it, rapidly
fanning himself with it.

Qi Qinggi couldn’t help but snort. Of course, he immediately went for the fan. It was an
incredibly rare occasion to ever see her Shixiong without some decorative fan to cover his
face, as though he wanted to hide away all his expressions.

Happiness flashed within Yue Qingyuan’s gaze, seeing Shen Qingqiu grab his fan and
he asked in a warm voice: “Xiao J-Shidi is finally awake! Is there any discomfort in
your body?”

Shen Qingqiu reservedly said, “There is nothing too bad.”, putting on a guarded

Shen Qingqiu glared and looked at Yue Qingyuan, as he heard the “Xiao Jiu” that had almost
exited his mouth. Yue Qingyuan only smiled apologetically.

Shen Qingqiu still looked a bit absent-minded, as he looked around the room. With a
weak voice, he asked-“I… Where is this?”

“What-“began Yue Qingyuan weakly.

“A severe Qi deviation such as the one we just saw Shen-Shixiong experience can often
affect one’s memories, and behavior”, soothed Mu Qingfang, diagnosing Shen Qingqiu to
everyone. “He’ll be alright, he’s woken up now, the worst is over.”
Despite Mu Qingfang’s words, Yue Qingyuan still looked worried.

Yue Qingyuan in the image also looked stunned and asked, “Did you sleep for so long
that you forgot that this is your Qing Jing Peak??”.

Shen Qingqiu still looked confused. “I… why did I sleep for so long?”

Shen Qingqiu concluded that he had most definitely lost some memories, seeing that lost and
clueless expression on his face. He was also starting to get an idea of which memories
exactly he had lost, considering how the last time he appeared so naïve was….

Better not to think about it.

On the other hand, all the Peak Lords gaped at the Shen Qingqiu in the image, not used to
seeing their normally vicious Shixiong look so vulnerable and confused. It was

Yue Qingyuan gave an affectionate chuckle and said, “I haven’t even asked you yet.
How did you suddenly get a fever and Qi deviation out of nowhere? I know the
Immortal Alliance Conference is drawing near so you’re teaching your disciples and
eager for success. But with our Cang Qiong Mountain’s history and fame, even if we
don’t dispatch someone to attend the conference, there wouldn’t necessarily be anyone
who would dare question us. There’s no need for you to concern yourself with those
false rumors.”

There were a few jealous glares sent towards Yue Qingyuan, but in their hearts, they all knew
it was true. Cang Qiong was the most powerful sect, who would dare to try and question

The Huan Hua Palace master also felt a wave of gnawing anger as he heard those words. If it
weren’t for Cang Qiong, they would be at the top! Sooner or later, he swore to bring them

Suddenly, everyone recalled what they had seen at the beginning of viewing- where Cang
Qiong Mountain Sect was in flames. A few of them couldn’t help but feel slightly pleased
that Cang Qiong had been brought so low, but there was an immense fear in them- because
how in the world would they take on whatever had done that?

Shen Qingqiu was still staring at Yue Qingyuan in a daze, as though he hadn’t
registered his words.

“Qingqiu-Shidi, are you listening?”

At that, Shen Qingqiu looked at Yue Qingyuan again, with a complicated expression,
before clutching his head in pain. Once again, Yue Qingyuan’s brows contracted with
worry, as he asked Shen Qingqiu if his head hurt.

Continuing to clutch his head, Shen Qingqiu slowly nodded, gritting his teeth. After a
few minutes, he calmly looked up and gazed around the room.
“Where is Luo Binghe?”

“Luo Binghe?”, Shen Qingqiu said frowning.

He looked at his disciples, who all shook their heads.

“I don’t have a disciple like that…. yet”, he realized. But why was he calling for this person
immediately after a Qi deviation? It seemed rather odd.

“Shen-Shixiong’s memories have definitely been affected”, assessed Mu Qingfang. “His head
seems to be in a perpetual pain, as though he is suppressing something.”

“Can it be healed??”, asked a fretting Yue Qingyuan.

“I am not sure yet, but first we will have to see how this memory loss affects him. He seems
to remember some things and forgotten others- we also need to consider what exactly he has

At those words, Shen Qingqiu’s hand that was batting his fan stiffened, before he continued
fanning himself, clenching his jaw.

Yue Qingyuan looked at him strangely and sighed, before saying: “Qingqiu-Shidi, don’t
be upset. I know that you are not fond of that child, but that child has already made a
sufficient amount of effort and hasn’t made any large mistake. There’s no need for you
to punish him again.”

“Just say it. Where is he?”

Yue Qingyuan was silent for a moment.

“After his punishments, isn’t he usually shut in the woodshed?”

“Woodshed???”, exclaimed a female cultivator. “How harsh!”

“Aiyah, these Peak Lords, they probably have a strict method of punishing their disciples to
make to them tougher.”, exclaimed a man standing next to her. “What would us smaller sects
know about the ways of the great sects?”

“Yes, disciples need to face this sort of treatment to toughen up ah! You expect Cang Qiong
to raise a bunch of weaklings?”, stated an older man that was a fervent supporter of Cang
Qiong Mountain Sect.

“But… still…. isn’t it harsh?”, said the woman, not wholly convinced. Soon a few other
people joined in on the conversation, some pointing out that as Peak Lords had the
jurisdiction to deal discipline as they see fit, while others said that it was still a bit too cruel.

Most of Shen Qingqiu’s disciples' faces turned green, hearing their Master being gossiped
about, while a few of them silently nodded in agreement, thinking that their Shizun was too
strict on them.
Shen Jiu could hear their conversation but acted as though he couldn’t. He knew that he was
quite harsh on his disciples, especially the promising male ones. He knew he was abusive, but
so what?

Abusive? Those pampered brats don’t know what real abuse is.

But still, being locked up in the woodshed after being whipped was excessive, he supposed,
but he had no qualms with it.

Vaguely, he recalled memories of being shut up in a dark shed when he was younger,
clutching his broken legs, before he shook his head, trying not to think of those painful

What did this Luo Binghe do?

Or rather, why did he despise Luo Binghe to that extent?

Of course, he already knew why he would hate Luo Binghe. The reason was always the same.
Luo Binghe was just unlucky to have him as his teacher.

Why was he now asking for this child? Usually, he would just have them sent back to their
quarters after the punishment, as there was no need for him to see their disgraceful
appearance. He guessed it may be because he wasn't done punishing Luo Binghe. He
wondered if he should be worried about what may be shown.

Yue Qingyuan simply sighed, knowing his Shidi’s disciples were often subjected to his
volatile temper and bad moods. He tried to calm him down at times, but usually, he seemed to
make it worse, so he chose to stay out of it.

But is that really alright?

The other Peak Lords weren’t surprised, they knew that Shen Qingqiu was hard on his
disciples. But they didn’t say anything, because these punishments were not uncommon. And
someone like Shen Qingqiu would be excessively harsh.

Was Shen Qingqiu being severe? Yes. But he also had the power to do so, and it was not
appropriate for them to question another Peak Lord’s teaching methods, even if some of them
didn’t approve of his ways. So they just ignored it.

Liu Qingge did not pay any heed to the whispers about Qing Jing’s teachings. After all, he
himself regularly sparred and beat up his disciples, and was usually wholly negligent- he
didn't particularly care how Shen Qingqiu decided to teach his disciples nor could he really
say anything. And besides, he hadn't seen anything too awful after all, so he didn't have any
reason to be outraged.

Shen Qingqiu suddenly turned faint again, causing Yue Qingyuan to fret. The subject of
Luo Binghe was dropped for a bit, and Shen Qingqiu focused on trying to move around,
with Yue Qingyuan’s copious assistance. After hovering over Shen Qingqiu for a little
while longer, Yue Qingyuan finally departed.
Watching Yue Qingyuan fuss over Shen Qingqiu made some cultivators stare at the man.
Really, why was the leader of the most powerful sect fussing over his Shidi like some…..
overbearing mother? Who knew Yue Qingyuan was caring to this extent?

Shen Jiu frowned watching himself be so cordial with Yue Qingyuan. Normally he would
have lost his temper 10 times overseeing such an overt display of affection. Yue Qingyuan
seemed to have noticed the strangeness too, looking at the scene, wide-eyed. With a jolt, they
both realized what memories the Shen Qingqiu in the future must have lost. That was the
only way to explain it.

"Qingqiu…..”, whispered Yue Qingyuan, unheard by all. While it was nice to see Shen
Qingqiu not lash out at him, the sting of him possibly forgetting their shared past still hurt.

Meanwhile, Shen Jiu had a complicated expression on his face. If he could be rid of the
painful memories of his past…...what kind of person would he be? Many times, he had
wondered what he would be like if he had never been sold to the Qius. Would he be less
bitter? Would he… be more likable? Was this his chance to see?

Shen Qingqiu slowly got up and started walking to the door, before clutching his head in
pain again. Breathing heavily, he slowly straightened up, before calling for his head

“Ming Fan!”

From outside, a boy of about 16 darted in. The boy was rather plain-looking but had an
aura of utmost respect.

“This disciple is here, what is Shifu’s command?”

“Go and bring Binghe here.”, ordered Shen Qingqiu, once again massaging his

Again, with this Luo Binghe? Shen Qingqiu wondered who the boy was, and why he would
call him right after a Qi deviation. Perhaps he had just remembered that “Luo Binghe” had
been locked in the woodshed for a bit too long. That made sense. He would have to free the
boy eventually; he couldn’t have him accidentally dying on his peak.

Ming Fan brightened up again, seeing himself in the images. He noted that he seemed to look
a bit older. Shen Qingqiu nodded at him, confirming his thoughts.

“You look to be around 16 in the images- meaning that these events are about 2 years into the
future”, he stated, for everyone to hear.

“Then this ‘Luo Binghe’ will probably enter the Sect during the Selection test that will be
held in 2 months”, realized Wei Qingwei.

“That means that the first scene that we saw takes place further than two years into the future-
but exactly when is the question.”, said Liu Qingge, frowning as he remembered the image of
Cang Qiong in flames.
Yue Qingyuan: “Perhaps in due time, it will all be revealed here.”

Shang Qinghua swallowed a nervous gulp and absentmindedly rubbed an intricate armband
that he was wearing. It was engraved with patterns of snowflakes.

F*CK, F*CK, F*CK, what is this new plot with the Fortune-Teller? What sort of plot
deviation is going on?? WTF is happening??

He had tried to contact his System, but for some reason, it was unresponsive and strangely
silent. Although Shang Qinghua was relieved to be rid of the system, it was too suspicious.

Nervously biting his collar, he thought about what they had witnessed so far.

The first scene was definitely Bing-ge getting his revenge…..

But I also don’t recall writing Shen Qingqiu having a Qi deviation and losing some

Oh well, it was thousands of chapters ago, I probably remember wrong....

Ming Fan looked a bit confused at the mention of Binghe, but nodded, and brought a
boy back with him a few minutes later.

The boy was covered in quite a few bruises, but had a sweet and beautiful face, with
shining eyes and a humble look.

In an instant, the Old Palace Master had been frozen stiff, as he stared at that oh-so-familiar
face, and doubt began to creep into his heart.

…. Did that child… somehow…. survive?

“What a cute looking boy!”, cooed a female cultivator. “I can already tell he has the makings
of a heart-breaker!”

“He will most certainly grow up to be a very handsome man!”, agreed a woman sitting next
to her.

The Little Palace Mistress, who had only been half paying attention, immediately zeroed in
on this good-looking boy, and her eyes shimmered with interest. Even Qin sisters, who had
been chatting, started paying attention, giggling and blushing. Ning YingYing also perked her
head up, taking an instant liking to this “Luo Binghe”.

“This child looks so lovely; the heavens certainly will smile down on him!”

Shang Qinghua tried not to cough as he heard the comments. The protagonist halo was
almost blinding. Without even saying a word, he had captured the hearts of so many. As
expected of his son! He couldn’t help but shed a few proud tears.

“Yes, he has a face and demeanor destined for greatness! He will be an upright cultivator of
great honor!”, proclaimed a man who had immediately taken a liking to Luo Binghe.
Shen Qingqiu tried to suppress the twitching in his face as he heard the praise that this future
student of his was receiving. He was starting to see why he didn’t like this boy.

“Look at those bruises! Shen Qingqiu, isn’t this a bit too much? “, gasped a particularly
empathetic woman wearing pink robes. A few other bold people agreed with her and voiced
their displeasure. Some that didn’t really care about the boy, but would not miss on any
opportunity to speak ill of Shen Qingqiu joined in.

Most, however, didn’t particularly care for the internal affairs of Qing Jing Peak- or the
welfare of one random disciple.

Shen Qingqiu scoffed at them, before sneering. “I haven’t even met this boy or taken him as
my student yet. What do you expect me to do right now? “

“Yes, but-“ began the woman, before being shushed by her friend.

“He’s a Peak Lord, what can we say against him? I don’t get why you’re making such a big
deal of this, it’s not like that boy is your disciple.”, she hissed.

The woman turned her head down, unable to say anything, but she couldn’t help but feel like
she should say something more.

Shen Qingqiu looked at the boy for a few seconds, his face twitching as he watched the
boy limp inside.
Seeing that the boy was struggling to kneel, Shen Qingqiu quickly said: “No need”.

A few more glares were sent toward Shen Qingqiu seeing the injured state of the boy, but he
paid them no mind.

Even if they thought he was scum, it didn’t matter, because it was something he already

Shen Qingqiu withdrew his hand into his sleeves and brought out a small bottle: “This
is medicine.”

He ended his words with a sarcastic tone: “Don’t let outsiders think that my Qing Jing
Peak abuses its disciples.”

Luo Binghe looked surprised for a moment, before giving a sincere smile.

“Thank you for the medicine, Shizun.”

Shen Qingqiu looked at the grateful boy for a few seconds, once again, an
incomprehensible look passing on his face, before nodding and looking away.

“That smile is so precious! What a sweet child”, gushed a female cultivator.

“Did you see how sincere he looked? What a gracious child. “

“See? I told you, Peak Lord Shen knows what he’s doing. If he truly wanted to hurt the boy,
would he had offered him that high-grade medicine? “, declared a fervent Cang Qiong

“Are you sure he isn’t just trying to save face?”, muttered a few others.

There were nods of both agreement and doubt, but no one voiced any more opinions.

Shen Qingqiu, on the other hand, furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he watched himself
in the image.

I also don’t know why I offered that little beast medicine! Did I have Ming Fan bring him to
me just so I could give him medicine? That ointment is one of Mu Qingfang’s best, what in the
world am I thinking? Why do I look so remorseful? Should I feel remorseful? Since when
have I felt remorseful in the first place?? Those injuries are nothing!

What the hell did that Qi deviation do to me?

Shen Qingqiu considered that perhaps the other-him simply forgot how high quality the
medicine he tossed at this Luo Binghe was. That made more sense.

He started to bite his lips in annoyance, wondering what other bizarre things he would do
because of the Qi deviation.

Mu Qingfang had also noticed the high-grade medicine, that was made especially for the
Peak Lords, only to be used in the case of extremely severe injuries. He gave a puzzled look
at his Shixiong, who was fervently avoiding eye contact. Perhaps the memory loss caused
him to forget the value of the medicine he tossed to the boy? Or…. did he really intend to
give such a treasured medicine so easily?

This lofty Shixiong of his had always been a bit of a mystery, but he thought he had gotten a
fairly good grasp of his character by now. But now he was more confused than ever.

Shen Qingqiu slowly sat down in the sandalwood chair, speaking in an aloof tone:
“Binghe, how is your progress in cultivation?”

Binghe appeared startled, before looking down shyly.

“This disciple is stupid, and…… missed the point.”

“Truly adorable”, gushed a female cultivator, clutching her friend as they watched the boy. “I
wish he was my disciple; I would pamper him to no ends!”

Ming Fan listened as the cultivators continued to praise this Luo Binghe. Even Ning
Yingying seemed taken with him, her eyes shining as she watched her future shidi. Silently,
he suppressed the bitter feeling welling up in his chest. He was already starting to dislike this
‘Luo Binghe’.

What a foolish-looking boy…, thought Shen Jiu. That naïve, trusting light in the boy’s eyes
was a bit too familiar and made him feel both uncomfortable and annoyed.
“Come to think of it, you’ve been apprenticed under me for quite some time. How old
are you this year?”

Luo Binghe obediently said: “This disciple is fourteen.”

Shen Qingqiu nodded thoughtfully; his face blank as he surveyed the boy for a little
while longer.

Ming Fan brought Shen Qingqiu a cup of tea, which he eagerly took, before he
dismissed both disciples, and sent them to train.

“14… which means the boy is 12 right now…. “, calculated Yue Qingyuan, wondering what
kind of person this future martial nephew of his was.

The Old Palace Master stiffened in his seat and gaped at Luo Binghe, an expression of
dawning realization forming on his face.

12 years…. 12 years ago… the timing also matches….

Which means….. this boy….. he’s Xiyan’s son…..

He’s alive… and he looks just like his mother

“I wonder where he is right now?”, asked Ning Yingying, excited to meet her Shidi.

“As do I”, whispered the Old Palace Master.

Shen Qingqiu felt an involuntary chill run down his spine, hearing the Old Palace Master.

No one else seemed to have noticed but him, who was all too familiar with that sort of
expression and tone.

Perverted old bastard.

Chapter End Notes


Everyone: Luo Binghe is such a cute, good boy! He will definitely grow up to become a
righteous cultivator, that will battle the demons with us!

Everyone when Luo Binghe is revealed as a heavenly demon:

🤡 Well now I just feel
Can you guess why Shen Qingqiu seems to be having a constant "headache"?
I did say there would be a LOT of misunderstandings.

I was actually really really nervous about posting this chapter..... I hope you all like it!!

It may not be what you expected, but I hope it's okay. Please leave a comment with your
thoughts! I love getting comments (But be nice please, I have a fragile heart)

They will be seeing SY's actions from an outsider's perspective, and they won't be
hearing his thoughts- because honestly, I didn't think I could handle writing a
transmigration reveal. There's too much to unpack there. And also, the in-universe
reason is that the system will never let itself be revealed.

I really hope you liked it! Thanks for reading!

Pendants and Pedantics
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

After the meeting with Luo Binghe, Shen Qingqiu began aimlessly wandering around
the Peak, occasionally greeting the disciples. More than a few times he got lost, and
confusion was visible on his face.

The other Peak Lords once again gaped at their Shixiong, appearing so….. so…..cute??

Wei Qingwei bit back his laughter. “Well, isn’t this refreshing?”, he muttered.

The surprise on the other Peak Lord’s faces did not go unnoticed, and Shen Jiu scowled,
suppressing the urge to somehow reach into the viewing portal and slap himself.

What are you doing looking so foolish?? Don’t you even know the way around your own Qing
Jing Peak??

Then he remembered that the other-him had undergone a Qi deviation and possibly lost some
memories. He looked at Mu Qingfang, who nodded before speaking.

“Shen-Shixiong’s memory… is definitely affected. He retained most of his basic mannerisms,

and he recognized Zhangmen-Shixiong and his disciples, so it is not a complete memory loss.
But he also seems to have forgotten simple and basic things like his sense of direction. I
suspect Shen-Shixiong’s brain was a bit…. addled…..”

Shen Qingqiu: *Glares*

Mu Qingfang politely coughed before continuing.

“Anyway, behavioral changes are also not uncommon after a severe Qi deviation. The
memory loss case… seems to be a bit complex here…”
“But can it be treated?”, fretted Yue Qingyuan.

Mu Qingfang shook his head. “It’s too soon to say”.

All of a sudden, a worry overtook Shen Qingqiu. “If my memory has been affected…then
my…. cultivation? “.

Mu Qingfang gave a sympathetic expression. “I am not sure yet. I suppose we’ll just have to
wait and see.”

Shen Qingqiu grit his teeth.

One of the biggest sources of his insecurity and paranoia was his unstable cultivation. Shen
Qingqiu was once someone that had the potential to become a genius, but after years of
abuse, being poisoned and then starting at an “unorthodox” age, of course, his cultivational
base would be crippled. It was a miracle that he made it to the level he was now, but it was
only a fraction of what he could have been.

If he lost even this meager, hard-earned, power……

He didn’t know what he would do.

The beauty of Qing Jing was stunning. It was not the tallest of the 12 peaks, but it
certainly was the greenest and more tranquil. The further Shen Qingqiu walked
through the peak, the calmer and more relaxed he became, as though he felt safe.

There was a collective dreamy sigh from the audience, as they observed the lush greenery
and peaceful atmosphere. This was the first time any of them were seeing one of the Peaks of
Cang Qiong. It was also abundant in spiritual energy- a perfect place to cultivate. The sound
of the qin or disciples reciting poetry was heard everywhere- it was truly the most wonderful
place for youths to indulge in the liberal arts.

“Imagine being able to study there”, whispered a low-ranking disciple from a minor sect. “It
seems so wonderful….”

“Oh, so our sect isn’t good enough ah?”, teased a female cultivator from the same sect.

“Ahhh Shijie! You know that’s not what I meant!”

Soon, Shen Qingqiu stepped deep into the forest without anyone noticing, and withdrew
Xiu Ya. The sword light gleamed brightly, glowing white.

He carelessly slashed the sword

The sword light shone so brightly that everyone was forced to close their eyes.

“What a powerful sword glare!!”

“As expected of a Peak Lord!!!”

“Xiu Ya is truly a magnificent sword!”

Why am I randomly slashing my sword???

However, Shen Jiu felt immensely relieved, seeing the intensity of the sword glare. It was just
as powerful as usual, meaning his cultivation had not been affected. Yue Qingyuan also
turned to smile at him, equally relieved.

Shen Qingqiu ignored it.

“It seems the other you wanted to test if their cultivation was affected by the Qi deviation.
Fortunately, it seems to be fine”, reassured Mu Qingfang, smiling warmly. “That means the
memory loss doesn’t extend to inherent knowledge that has been ingrained in the muscle
memory…. but is centered around experiences that fundamentally shape someone’s
Shen-Shixiong…. Just what did you forget….

Or rather… what lies in your past?

When everyone’s eyes opened once again, a deep ditch had been ravaged into the
ground. Shen Qingqiu allowed himself the slightest tint of a pleased smirk, before
reverting to being expressionless

Seeing the large ditch marring his beautiful forest, Shen Qingqiu’s eyes twitched, before he
took a breath to calm himself.

He tried to comfort himself with the thought that at least he could see that his cultivation
hadn’t been affected.

Liu Qingge scoffed at the size of the ditch, before smirking at Shen Qingqiu. His eyes
seemed to be saying “I bet I can make an even bigger ditch”.

Shen Qingqiu sneered and shot him a dirty look back, feeling his blood pressure rising again.

Stupid barbarian. Do you think I care about who is more capable at vandalizing property?

Liu Zhihao glanced at her son and Shen Qingqiu, who were glaring at each other. She had
long since noticed the tense atmosphere that was always between the two of them, as though
they would break out in a fight at any moment.

She had heard of this “Shen Qingqiu” before, both from her son and from outsider’s gossip.
Being the type of person that preferred to make their opinions on someone only after meeting
them, she had paid no heed to any of the wild rumors that were flying around Shen Qingqiu.

From what she had seen so far….. well she supposed he wasn’t too bad. Certainly, cold and
distant, but definitely not as bad as her son made him out to be, from his numerous rants.

Although, she had always wondered why he was so strangely fixated on Shen Qingqiu. The
only 2 things that ever seemed to rile up her son and bring strong emotions out of him were
either the prospect of a good battle or “that bastard Shen Qingqiu”.
When she has asked him about this, he had simply glowered at her and spat out that they
were bitter rivals.

Liu Zhihao lightly chuckled.

Suddenly, there was the sound of footsteps and branches breaking. Shen Qingqiu looked
at the deep ditch in the ground and slid his sword back into the scabbard, quickly
retreating into the forest, hiding within.

“A- Luo, A-Luo, look, there’s a very large ditch here in the ground!”

Following behind Luo Binghe, was Ning Yingying!

Upon seeing Luo Binghe again, a slow smile began to form on the Old Palace Master’s face.

Xiyan…. My dear… your child is just as lovely as you

He decided to overlook the fact that Luo Binghe was possibly a half-demon. What did such
things matter when it came to Su Xiyan’s child? He would find the child, and raise
him….lovingly, just like he did for the boy’s mother. Hopefully Luo Binghe would be more
grateful than she was.

“Ah, Shizun! Shizun, look it’s me! “, shouted Ning YingYing, excited to be seen in the
image. She smiled, looking at herself be so close with the Shidi she was already fond of. The
little Palace Mistress sent a frustrated glare at the other girl, unbearably jealous. Similarly,
Ming Fan scowled, seeing the closeness between Luo Binghe and Ning Yingying.

On the other hand, Shen Qingqiu had been frozen stiff.

A-Luo….. A-Luo…. A-Luo….

Qiu JianLuo….

The sound of that affectionate nickname sent a chill down his spine, and he shuddered. His
eyes turned slightly red, as he struggled to keep his face neutral, hoping no one would notice
how pale his face had become.

He looked at Luo Binghe with a fiery gaze, and dark feeling welled up in his heart.

Luo Binghe looked at the ditch but wasn’t interested, and only smiled warmly. Ning
Yingying wanted to keep his attention on her but had no words to say:

“Which martial brother do you think it was who cut this sword scar during practice?’

Luo Binghe held an axe and began to cut down a tree, said:

“It couldn't have been a Martial brother. Among the cultivators on Qing Jing Peak,
only Shizun is capable of this.”

“Clever kid”, acknowledged a cultivator from Huan Hua Palace.

“Ahhh aren’t those two so cute?”, giggled a few cultivators. “Is it young love?”

“The girl definitely seems to like him. How adorable”

The Little Palace Mistress glowered even more, and Ning Yingying flushed slightly.

Shang Qinghua heard these words and nodded in approval. Ning Yingying was a personal
favorite of his since she was the first love interest he had designed for the novel.

Go woo her, my son!

He noticed the Scum Villain hiding in the background, and once again, frowned in confusion.

Did I write about Shen Qingqiu secretly spying on the Protagonist’s date?

Since when was Shen Qingqiu a voyeur??

“By the way, why is Shizun hiding in the bushes?”, whispered a Qing Jing disciple, who was
also befuddled by Shen Qingqiu’s strange actions.

Shen Qingqiu, who has been in a daze, heard his disciple, and snapped out of it, narrowing
his eyes.

Why am I skulking around like some pervert, in my own Peak?

“Perhaps he’s watching to see if we do our work properly when we think no one is
watching!”, exclaimed Guo Yun, the 6th ranked disciple of Qing Jing Peak.

The Qing Jing disciples, especially the trouble-making ones, turned pale, realizing that their
Shizun might have been secretly observing them all this time to see if they behaved properly.
But they were also a bit touched that their Shizun cared for them to this extent!
Shen Qingqiu carefully listened to what his disciples were discussing, and his face turned
blank. He wanted to say that it wasn’t really true but….

Oh well, let them think what they like.

Disciples of the other Peaks looked at them with some sympathy, for having such a strict
Shizun, that was constantly monitoring them.
However, those from Bai Zhan felt envious that they had a Shizun who paid so much
attention to them, going as far as even hiding in the shrubs for them!

Ning Yingying lazed on a slanted stone slab and rested her head against a hand: “Oh.
Then that crevice must have been created from being struck by lightning.”

Luo Binghe wasn't paying to her anymore, focusing all his attention on his hands, and
continued to honestly cut down trees.

These tree trunks weren’t weak and thin. The axe was half-rusted, so cutting down the
trees was extremely tiring. It wasn’t long before his forehead was covered in sweat. Ning
Yingying was bored again and pestered him :

“A-Luo, A-Luo, come play with me!”

Ning Yingying was a bit abashed, seeing Luo Binghe earnestly do his work while she insisted
that he played with her. Her Shizun and martial siblings pampered her to no ends, so she had
turned out a bit spoiled. Normally she didn’t see anything wrong with the way she acted but
viewing herself from an external perspective allowed her to see her faults.

Ming Fan felt outraged seeing Luo Binghe ignore Ning Yingying and do his work. If it were
him, he would drop everything to do what she asked! How dare this brat act that way! He
also felt a bit relieved though, seeing that Luo Binghe didn’t seem very interested in Ning

“Ai, look at how rusted that axe is! How is he meant to chop trees with that??”

“Is this some form of endurance training?”

“Look at how determined he is!”

Even with a face full of sweat, Luo Binghe didn’t rub it off and continued to chop trees.
He said:

“It won’t do. Martial brother instructed me. After taking care of today’s firewood, I still
have some more chores to do. If I finish chopping wood faster, I’ll have time to practice
cultivation some more.”

Ning Yingying said: “The martial brothers are sure bad! It’s always you doing this and
that. The way I see it, they’re purposefully bullying you. Humph, I’ll go back and tell
Shizun about this; guaranteed to let them not dare to bully you again.”.

Bullying was not uncommon among martial siblings, as long as it did not go too far. It was to
build character and foster relationships. So, none were particularly surprised to see hear that
Luo Binghe was being “bullied”. They assumed it would be small things, like pushing chores
onto him or making him do some extra work. As the youngest Shidi, it was only natural he
would be pushed around a bit by his Shixiongs, while they also guided him. When a new
disciple joined, Luo Binghe would also get his chance to “bully”, his Shidi.

Perhaps as the only female disciple of Qing Jing Peak, Ning Yingying who had never been
treated badly, felt a bit sympathetic seeing the “bullying”, that Luo Binghe faced.

The Qing Jing disciples felt sour seeing their only beloved Shimei so besotted with this Luo
Binghe, but they decided that it didn’t matter as she seemed to be happy at least. Luo
Binghe…. didn’t seem too bad after all. Even their Shizun didn’t seem to despise him, so
why would they?

Towards Ning Yingying, Luo Binghe earnestly said:

“Please do not. I don’t want Shizun to be troubled over these small things. The martial
brothers don’t mean to be malicious and just see that my age is small. They’re just
giving me more opportunities to practice hard.”

A look of surprise passed over Shen Qingqiu’s face, before giving an approving nod,
looking at the boy thoughtfully. He looked slightly moved, even with that ever-cold face.

“He’s managed to impress his Shizun as well!”

“What a likable child!”

Shen Jiu felt a bit taken aback hearing Luo Binghe’s words that bore no ill will. He wondered
if it was an act, or if the boy was actually that sincere.

“Good kid”, grunted Liu Qingge, looking at Shen Qingqiu, who simply rolled his eyes.

The Qing Jing disciples looked surprised. If it were them in that position, they would most
certainly take the chance to bad-mouth their Shixiongs. They couldn’t help but feel goodwill
towards the earnest Luo Binghe. Many of them started to look forward to having Luo Binghe
as their Shidi.

Ming Fan was also impressed, and slowly, he started to gain a pleasant impression of this
new Shidi of his. He was of course, still bitter that Ning Yingying seemed to be so fond of
him, but he supposed he could overlook that.

There was the sound of many chaotic footsteps, and Shen Qingqiu sighed. But he still
did not move from where he was concealed, continuing to silently watch.

“Oh look! I think the rest of us are arriving!!”, shouted the Qing Jing disciples, excited to be
seen in the image.

Ming Fan brought had brought some disciples with him.

At the sight of Ning Yingying, he immediately went up to take her hand: “Little martial
sister! Little martial sister, I’ve been looking for you, you know. How come you never
want to drop by our place? This Shixiong has some fun stuff for you to see!”

He naturally saw the silent Luo Binghe and treated him as though he was air. Luo
Binghe however, opened his eyes to greet him as a martial brother.

Ming Fan slanted his eyes towards Luo Binghe and let out a "humph."

Ming Fan felt rather ashamed, seeing his haughty attitude towards Luo Binghe, who hadn’t
done him any wrong. He knew that he was jealous, but that didn’t mean he had to be so rude
to Luo Binghe.

“I see, the Head Disciple seems to have a little crush there”, giggled a female cultivator.

“Oh my, I think you may be right!”

Ming Fan blanched, hearing the audience. He avoided looking at Ning Yingying, who thus
far, was thankfully unaware of the whisperings. She was too focused on looking at herself
and Luo Binghe. However, it did not go unnoticed by the other disciples of the sect, who
began to smirk at him in contemptuous knowing. He flushed red, wishing he could hide
Ning Yingying was still only a little girl with a little girl’s heart, so she slanted her head
and asked: “What’s the fun thing that Shixiong has? Quick, take it out and let me see.”

Ming Fan’s face suddenly became all smiles and he untied a pure green jade pendant
from his belt, dangling it in front of him:

“Junior martial sister, this time I went to my native town to visit my relatives. They
gave me a lot of useful and interesting things. I thought this was particularly beautiful;
so I’m giving it to you!”

Ning Yingying took it in her hand, examining it.

Ming Fan warmly asked: “How is it? Do you like it or not?”

“Wow! That Jade Pendant looks expensive!!”

“Although the design and color is rather gaudy for something so expensive….. “

“I heard the Head Disciple of Qing Jing Peak is a young Master of a rich family.”

“No wonder he can afford such expensive gifts!”

At this point, Ming Fan was bright red, as the whisperings only grew louder. A few male
cultivators were sending him thumbs-ups and knowing looks, while others simply giggled.
Wei Qingwei clapped his shoulder and smirked at him in approval. “Not bad, Ming-Shizhi.
Come ask this Shishu if you need any advice.”

Even Shizun raised an eyebrow at him!! Fortunately, he didn’t say anything, or Ming Fan
would have crawled into a hole from shame.
Ning Yingying, by some miracle, was still blissfully unaware. She turned towards Ming Fan,
with a blinding smile: “Shixiong! Did you get that pendant for me?”

“Does Junior Martial sister like it?”, asked Ming Fan softly, ignoring the rising blush
creeping up his neck. He was willing to buy a hundred of them if she did!

Ning Yingying completely couldn’t tell its quality, and casually looked at it before
throwing the jade pendant back. Ming Fan’s smile stiffened on his face. Ning Yingying
wrinkled her nose and said:

“What thing, this color is ugly to death and not as good as the one A-Luo has.”

Ming Fan felt a bit hurt at hearing the Ning Yingying in the image call the Pendant he bought
ugly, so he carefully observed it, making sure he doesn’t buy such a design or color again.

This time, it was not only the color of Ming Fan’s face that was bad. Luo Binghe’s
determination to appear to be not here completely disappeared, his body jolting once,
and he opened his eyes.

Ming Fan let out a few words between his gritted teeth:
“……Martial brother has a jade pendant?”

Ming Fan froze. He knew that tone, and with a sinking feeling, he hoped this would not go
the way he thought it would. He couldn’t lose face for Shizun by misbehaving in front of so
many people!

“Oh my, he’s jealous isn’t he?”

“I don’t like where this is going……”

The Qing Jing disciples also grimaced seeing their Shixiong’s face, knowing this wasn’t
going to end well.

Luo Binghe hesitated and hadn’t answered yet when Ning Yingying hastily answered
before him:

“Of course, he has one. He always wears it around his neck. It’s his treasure, he doesn’t
even let me look at it.”

As calm as Luo Binghe was, his color also changed, and he clutched unconsciously at his

I wouldn’t try to steal your pendant! I… I’m not that hateful, am I ???, cried Ming Fan, in his

Ming Fan noticed that Ning Yingying had also winced slightly, seeing their actions, and his
heart sunk even lower.

A look of jealousy formed on Ming Fan’s face. He strode forward a step, snapped:

“Martial Brother Luo is very generous, even little martial sister Ning Yingying can’t
take a look at that jade pendant of yours. If this goes on, you won’t even give a hand to
your own fellow disciples when we’re facing against a strong enemy!”

Ning Yingying also didn’t think it would become like this, hurriedly calling:

“It’s fine if he doesn’t want to. Martial brother, don’t bully him!”

“How foolish.”, scoffed the Little Palace Mistress, a vindictive light in her eyes. “You incite
him, and then you try to fix your idiocy. Now A-Luo will pay the price. What a useless

The younger Qin sister- Qin Wanrong joined in on glaring at Ning Yingying, while the older
one- Qin Wanyue merely sighed and gave an apologetic look.

“Ai, Xiao Gongzhu, that’s a bit too far, isn’t it? She’s just a little girl, how is it her fault?”,
chided a monk from Zhao Hua Temple. “The fault is with her Shixiong, for behaving so
The Little Palace Mistress turned red at having been scolded, but before she could retort, the
calm-looking boy next to her- Gongyi Xiao, held her hand and shook his head. She looked
like she still wanted to protest but finally gave in.

Gongyi Xiao then turned towards Ning Yingying and Shen Qingqiu. “This one apologizes for
my Shimei’s harsh words.”

The Qing Jing disciples merely scowled, furious on Ning Yingying’s behalf.

Ning Yingying herself simply looked embarrassed and hurt. She wasn’t used to hearing such
harsh words, after all, but she couldn’t help but feel there was a bit of truth in them.

Is it really…. my fault?

Luo Binghe was no match for Ming Fan and his entourage, who held him down while
Ming Fan grabbed a beautiful Jade Guanyin that was hanging around Luo Binghe’s

Ming Fan lowered his head in shame, wishing he could be anywhere but here. There was a
growing number of disapproving looks being sent at him. He didn’t dare look at Shen
Qingqiu, or any of the Peak Lords, afraid of what he might see.

“How awful!!”

“Young man, this is not the way to treat your martial siblings!”

“Look at who his Master is, is it any surprise that he’s also like that?”, exclaimed a minor
Sect Leader that despised Shen Qingqiu. A few other people murmured in agreement, and the
man looked triumphant.

The Qing Jing disciples jolted, hearing their master being insulted, but they could only grit
their teeth and look down in remorse. Some of them started to protest, insisting they would
never do such things, to whoever would listen.

A few of the observers took a closer look at the Jade Pendant that was in Ming Fan’s hands
and exclaimed in surprise.

“Wait…that Jade Guanyin…. Isn’t it a fake?”

“That’s right, it is!”

“Oh, good that it's not worth much! It would be terrible if something expensive was stolen.”

There was a little bit of relief among the audience now, seeing that the Jade Pendant wasn’t
even a valuable piece of jewelry.

Looking at the Jade Guanyin, the Ming Fan in the image also appeared to have realized
it was a fake. He began laughing, while clutching the Jade Guanyin.

Ning Yingying asked curiously: “You…… why are you laughing?”

Ming Fan threw that beautiful jade Guanyin into Ning Yingying’s hands and
delightedly said:

“I thought it was a precious treasure for him to protect it so fiercely. Martial sister,
guess what? It’s Northwest goods, hahahaha……”

Ning Yingying said confusedly: “Northwest goods? Fake?”

Luo Binghe's fists slowly clenched, a deep current surging in the depths of his eyes. He
enunciated each word: “Give it back.”

Shen Qingqiu’s eyes also seemed to grow much colder watching the scene before him,
and the fingers holding his fan were clenched so tightly that the knuckles were white.

With a jolt, everyone recalled that Shen Qingqiu had been hiding in the bushes this entire

“I forgot Shen Qingqiu was there ah!”

“Why doesn’t he do something? He clearly looks angry!”

“Shen Qingqiu, what are you up to? Your disciples are bullying each other, and you just stand
there to watch. Shouldn’t you interfere?”, called the female cultivator in pink robes.

Shen Jiu himself had no clue what he was doing there.

Even if I don’t interfere, I’ll understand……

But why do I just stand there looking angry without doing anything??

All of a sudden, the image changed to a haggard-looking woman dressed in raggedy

robes. She was bargaining with a vendor.
“Is this a real Jade Guanyin Pendant?”, asked the woman, eyes opening wide. “How
much is it?”

There were some shouts of shock at the abrupt change in the scenario.

“What?? What happened??”

“The image changed…..what is this???”

“Is it the past? The Fortune-Teller said that all answers would be provided, whether it was the
past or the present!”

Grand Master Wu Chen stroked his beard. “Indeed. We must be seeing where Luo Binghe
had gotten his Jade Pendant from. What a fascinating artifact, showing even the past.”

“Why is this important?”, muttered a Huan Hua cultivator.

The woman in the image looked unbearably frail, as though she would collapse any minute.
In her hands was the same Jade Guanyin that Luo Binghe wore.

“This woman must be the one that gave Luo Binghe the pendant.”

“Perhaps it’s his mother?”

The vendor looked down callously at the woman and realized that she could not tell the
fake good apart from the real ones. Seeing an opportunity to make money, a wicked
smile formed on his lips.

“It’s a genuine jade Guanyin Pendant! It costs 10 silver pieces.”

Hearing the blatant lie about the price of the fake goods, the cultivator’s faces twisted with

“Look at that cheat!! That pendant isn’t worth more than 2 copper pieces!”

“How dare he!! If I ever run into that vendor after this ends, I’ll give him a piece of my

Hearing that the woman’s face turned crestfallen. “Ah what to do…. I’ve only saved 7
silver pieces….”

Seeing that the woman was about to walk away, the vendor quickly grabbed her arm.

“Don’t worry Madam, I’ll take 7 silver pieces if that’s all you have. Consider it an act of
goodwill from me”, proclaimed the vendor, a fake sincere look entering his eyes.

The woman’s eyes welled up, and she clutched the vendors' hands, repeatedly giving her

“Thank you, sir, truly, for this kindness. My A-Luo, my son, I’ve wanted to gift him
something for so long, I hope he likes this pendant, it’s truly beautiful.”

There was a collective fury burning amongst the viewers now, along with a strong wave of
sympathy for this poor woman. They realized that she was Luo Binghe’s mother, and the Jade
Guanyin had been a gift that had cost her far more than she could afford.

A female cultivator from Tian Yi Overlook, couldn’t help but choke up at the sight, thinking
of her own deceased mother. “A mother’s devotion…. is truly great. No wonder Luo Binghe
held so tightly onto that cheap Guanyin, it was a gift of love from his mother. She didn’t
know she was being fooled, all she wanted was for her son to have something precious.”

“What made it precious was the amount of love she put into buying it for him.”, added her
friend, similarly teary.

Ming Fan felt even worse seeing how Luo Binghe had gotten the Jade Pendant.

It was from his mother…. Why did I have to be such a rascal?

Shen Jiu watched the scene with a surprisingly cold expression.

So this is what it's like to have a mother……

Luo Binghe, how lucky you are to have someone who loves you so much…

So why do I need to love you too?

The vendor nodded and laughed along, until the woman turned and left, pleased with
herself. Immediately his face turned scornful, and he wiped the hands he used the touch
the woman.

He glanced at the 7 silver taels in his money box and snorted.

“What an idiotic woman, can’t even tell apart fake and real goods. At least I made some
extra money. This is why beggars shouldn’t be given money, what did she need a jade
pendant for? Looking at the state of her, she should have bought some food or clothes.”

Mo Ziyuan agreed with the vendor. If the woman had some brains, she would have spent the
money on food or clothes. Why did someone as poor as her think she could buy a Jade

A few others were thinking along a similar line, but they didn’t dare voice their thoughts,
seeing that most of the audience were infuriated by the vendor’s appalling behavior.

Yue Qingyuan recalled his childhood on the streets, where he and his beloved Xiao Jiu
struggled to survive every day. Once, they were desperate for food, and he had begged a stall
owner for some scraps. The stall owner had promised that he would give them a hot meal if
they worked for him for one day. Xiao Jiu had been suspicious of the stall owner, but they
had gone for too many days without food to refuse the offer.
So for one entire day, Yue Qi and Xiao Jiu worked hard, attracting customers, delivering
orders, and cleaning dishes.
They eagerly approached the stall owner at the end of the day, looking forward to the hot
meal they had been promised.

The stall owner claimed to not know who they were, thrashed them, and chased them away.
And so, they ran away, their small, exhausted bodies on the verge of starvation, and weak
from beatings.

Xiao Jiu had furiously cursed the man, but Yue Qi was too distressed to say anything. He
didn’t understand why the stall owner had tricked them. All they had asked for was a small
meal. Unlike Xiao Jiu, who had learned early on not to trust people, Yue Qi always tried to
believe in the best of others.

Seeing that street vendor reminded him of all the ugly things he had seen in his past. He had
escaped from that hell of human greed, but there were so many who hadn’t- just like Luo
Binghe’s mother.
As he was lost in his thoughts, he caught Xiao-no, Shen Qingqiu’s eye, and knew they were
both thinking of the past. He gave a sad smile, to which Shen Qingqiu simply looked away,
unable to say anything.

The image changed back to the present.

Ming Fan took back the jade pendant from Ning Yingying’s hands, twirling it in

“If you just want it back then I’ll give it. Don’t know from what kind of street vendor
this kind of cheap thing was bought; if it’s given to martial sister, I’m afraid it’ll dirty
her hands.”

Knowing the story behind the Jade Pendant made everyone grimace at those words.

Luo Binghe’s face was taut. Suddenly he raised his fists, hitting the disciples restraining
him. Ming Fan began to taunt him even more, and the disciples continued their assault.

Ning Yingying was stunned, then yelled:

“Senior martial brother! How can you do this! Quickly, tell them to stop, or…… or I’ll
never pay attention to you anymore!”
Ming Fan panicked:

“Martial sister, don’t be angry, I’ll tell them not to beat that guy ……” He hadn’t
finished his words before Luo Binghe threw off those grasping hands and feet and
leaped forward, punching Ming Fan right in the nose.

“Aiyo!” he cried loudly. Two bright red rivers of blood ran from Ming Fan’s nostrils.

Ning Yingying’s face was full of tears about to overflow but at this sight, she couldn’t
refrain from laughing.

Originally, Ming Fan was able to let go of Luo Binghe but now that he was disgraced in
front of his crush, there was no way for him to just forget about this!

He began beating Luo Binghe, who valiantly tried to fight back.

After hearing the Young Palace Mistresses’ words, Ning Yingying had blinked watching
herself. The longer she watched, the more embarrassed she felt by what she did. She clearly
didn’t think things through and made things difficult for Luo-Shidi! Why did she have to
boast about his pendant in front of Ming-Shixiong? Why did she laugh Why was Ming-
Shixiong being such a bully to A-Luo??

W-why was she so stupid!?

Shen Qingqiu noted the growing distress in his youngest and most beloved disciple, and his
icy heart softened. He gently patted her shoulder, trying to extend some comfort, but unsure
what to say.
“Shizun!”, cried out Ning Yingying, barreling into his arms. Shen Qingqiu looked stunned
and tried to extricate her, but she only clung harder. Finally, he gave up, and simply patted
her on the back.

“Shizun….why am I so foolish? So incompetent?”

Shen Qingqiu didn’t know what to say.

“I never know what’s going on around me, and because of that, the people around me get
hurt. I…..I’m so useless!!”

At that, Shen Qingqiu froze, and he thought of a distant figure in the past he had escaped

Qiu Haitang.

Shen Qingqiu had thought it was better than she remained blind and happy to the darkness of
the Qiu family. She was his friend, his only solace, in that awful place.

He wanted her to be sheltered, naïve, carefree, happy- everything he couldn’t be.

But he had failed.

And then he had met Ning Yingying. And in her, he saw the Young Mistress Qiu that he had
horribly wronged.

So, he did everything to make sure she felt protected and happy, as though he could somehow
make up for the past.

But seeing Ning Yingying now, he realized he had made a mistake, yet again.

Could he always be there for her? Could he always protect her?

If he had perhaps….. shown Qiu Haitang how disgusting her family was… if he had helped
her become stronger….. if he hadn’t hidden the truth from her…..

Would things have turned out different?

Shen Jiu knew there was no point dwelling on what could have been- but he couldn’t get it
out of his mind.

Slowly, he extricated Ning Yingying’s arms from his waist, and grasped her shoulder, looking
into her eyes.

“YingYing....This Master apologizes............”

He swallowed hard. Shen Jiu had never shied away from his mistakes, but this was one of the
rare times he was trying to fix them.
As difficult as it was, he supposed he at least had to try
For Qiu Haitang.
And for Ning Yingying.

“Shizun! Don’t say that-“

“Yingying…. When we get back, I will teach you whatever you desire. Martial arts,
literature, politics, instruments. I will teach you so well, that no one would dare call you
foolish, or incompetent. I will make sure that you become an upstanding young woman and a
righteous cultivator. Would that be alright?”

Ning Yingying looked surprised for a moment, before laughing. The tears that had been on
her face had dried, and she nodded.

“En! It’s a promise, Shizun! “

Shen Jiu looked at her with what could be considered a fraction of a smile and nodded.

A promise I’ll keep this time

Only Qi Qinggi had been listening in on the conversation between Master and Disciple.

There were so many rumors of her Shixiong being a lecherous man that frequented brothels.
Because of those rumors, she had limited his entry into Xian Shu Peak and even kept an eye
on his only female disciple. So when Qi Qinggi saw Ning Yingying suddenly grab Shen
Qingqiu, she had narrowed her eyes in suspicion and carefully listened.

But after hearing the two of them…. She felt like she had been too quick to believe those

Ming Fan had watched Ning Yingying’s outburst, but he didn’t dare to try and comfort her.
He didn’t dare to face his Shizun either.

Ming Fan continued beating the much smaller Luo Binghe who, despite being beaten,
clenched his teeth and did not utter a single sound.

“Disciple Ming Fan, this behavior is shameful!”

“Shen Qingqiu, shouldn’t you teach him better? In my sect, this warrants punishment-“

Shen Qingqiu who had just finished comforting Ning Yingying, strode forward, a cold
expression on his face.

“That’s right, I should teach him better. So why do you think you can discipline my student?
These are the affairs of Qing Jing Peak, why should you interfere? Besides, didn’t we agree
not to punish someone for a deed they haven’t done yet?”

“Y-yes, but-“

“Ming Fan”, barked Shen Qingqiu. “Will you bully your Shidi in the future?”
“No Shizun!! This one wouldn’t dare!! I know I was wrong!!”

“And there you have it. He expresses no intention of displaying the same shameful behavior
now or in the future, and he recognizes his mistakes. So why should I discipline or punish
him now?”, sneered Shen Qingqiu, snapping his fan close.

The man spluttered for a few minutes, before turning away, in resigned rage.

Ming Fan looked at Shen Qingqiu with emotion in his eyes, turning toward him, to grab his
Shen Qingqiu easily sidestepped Ming Fan and frowned at him.

Truth be told, he wasn’t particularly angry at Ming Fan’s behavior in the first place. After all,
he was sure that the boy was only acting that way because of Shen Qingqiu. There was no
point in blaming him.

“Shizun, I apolo-“

“Save your apologies, I am not the one that needs them”.

From behind Shen Qingqiu, Ning Yingying stepped out, giving Ming Fan a cold look.

“Ning-Shimei…. I am sorry. I was wrong- I shouldn’t have acted like that just because-”,
Ming Fan gulped, ”-I was jealous”.

Ning Yingying stared at him for a few seconds, before sighing. “As long as you swear to
never do that-“

“I won’t! I swear!”

“Then we can be friends again!”, Ning Yingying said, with a bright smile.

Shen Qingqiu seemed to have reached the end of his patience, frowning and moving
forward to act.

Shen Qingqiu plucked a leaf and imbued it with spiritual power. It immediately
disintegrated. Quickly, he grabbed another one, and threw it towards Ming Fan’s
direction, like a knife, who immediately screamed.


They had all wanted Shen Qingqiu to interfere and stop the fight-
But like this??

“Why doesn’t he just show up and stop them??”

“Maybe….he doesn’t want to let Luo Binghe see him helping him?”

“But why??”

The whole audience turned towards Shen Qingqiu, with a baffled expression.
But Shen Qingqiu was the most baffled of them all. He supposed he would have interfered
since Ning Yingying looked upset, but why couldn’t he just walk out and stop it? Why did he
have to use a special spiritual technique? Wasn’t he the Peak Lord? These were his disciples
ah, not demons!

Luo Binghe had been kicked and punched many times, seeing Ming Fan suddenly shout
and stop the beating, he looked up in surprise. There was blood on Ming Fan’s hands.

“You! How dare you use a knife!”

“No, no, A-Luo didn’t use a knife. He didn’t give you that injury!”, cried Ning

Luo Binghe also didn’t know what was going on, his lips pressed tight. He wiped away
the blood on his forehead. Fresh blood emerged from Ming Fan’s back, a cut that
looked like a sword had made it. He faced the other disciples and asked: “Did you see
clearly earlier? Did he hold a knife?”

The disciples all looked at each other. Some shook their heads, some nodded. Everyone
was confused.

“Heh, do you think Luo Binghe is as shameless as you? You bring 5 or 6 people to gang up
on a smaller boy, but he can’t have a knife?”, scolded a girl from Xian Shu Peak, who had
also grown fond of Luo Binghe.

There was still general disapproval towards Ming Fan, but after seeing that the boy genuinely
looked remorseful, most people could not bring themselves to berate him anymore. He was
also just a child after all.

Ming Fan now looked even more enraged and yelled to his lackeys-

“Beat him for me!”

Shen Qingqiu looked like he might vomit blood seeing this scene, and immediately
plucked dozens of leaves and sent them whirling into the air, attacking the disciples.

“Plucked Leaves Flying Flowers!!!”, shouted a Qing Jing disciple. It was a famous technique
of Cang Qiong of Mountain, that was rather difficult to master.

Ming Fan was shocked seeing Shizun use ‘Plucked Leaves Flying Flowers’, on them, but he
didn’t complain, knowing that he deserved it. Besides, he didn’t use his full power either.

There were exclaims of awe as they watched the rather beautiful sight- The Qing Jing Peak
Lord dressed in green, with those piercing green eyes, and hundreds of green leaves flying
around him, the wind from the technique ruffling his robes and hair. Simple, elegant, and

"I didn't think this technique could be powerful!"

"Me too, I thought it was simply for show!"

"As expected of Peak Lord Shen! How impressive!"

Shen Qingqiu seemed to be holding himself back as well, not unleashing the full power
of the technique, seeing as the bullies were still children themselves.

Overwhelmed by the leaves, Ming Fan and his entourage retreated as valiantly as they
could, covered in cuts and their robes in tatters.

“Couldn’t you just discipline them the normal way???”, asked a cultivator, stifling her
laughter, as she turned to Shen Qingqiu. She didn’t expect that he was such a strange person
and found it quite amusing. Shen Qingqiu’s face, however, was completely impassive.

“Ah but then how would it be a lesson for them to remember?”, giggled another woman.

“Now they wouldn’t dare to gang up on him again!”

“If he had shown up and admonished the other disciples, the animosity between them would
only increase….. so he decided it would be better that they were anonymously punished, to
avoid increasing their dislike of Luo Binghe. Also, if it was Shen Qingqiu himself who
showed up to stop them, that doesn’t mean the bullying would stop, they would just be more
careful to do it when Shen Qingqiu was not around. If some external unknown force punished
them, they would be warier, as they don’t know who or what did that, and when it would
happen again. Now he can handle the issues with their behavior more privately and delicately
when he has more time. Quite clever, Peak Lord Shen,”, analyzed a disciple from Zhao Hua
Temple, looking expectantly at Shen Qingqiu.

Shen Qingqiu: “………yes. That… was my plan.”

There were murmurs of understanding and admiration now. Shen Qingqiu was truly
insightful and wise!

The Qing Jing Disciples were moved, hearing how carefully their Shizun thought about his
actions, and how it affected them.

Left behind, Ning Yingying dazedly stood up and said: “A-Luo, were you the one who
beat them into running away earlier?”

Gloomily, Luo Binghe shook his head. He was barely able to stand upright but with a
tense expression, he bent his head and waist to look for something on the ground. Even
though his pants were all over mud, he continued to search diligently.

Ning Yingying didn’t speak, feeling guilty that she had caused Luo Binghe to get beat
up and lose his pendant. She also helped Luo Binghe search.

But they searched until the sky was getting dark and still there were no results.

The rest of the audience couldn’t see where the pendant was either, as they carefully observed
the scene through the viewing portal.
“Oh no…. is it lost?”

“That’s awful!”

“It’s bound to be there somewhere, I’m sure it will be found!”

Luo Binghe stood still and looked at the messy ground.They still hadn't found it. Ning
Yingying saw his distraction and was a little frightened. She pulled at his hand: “Ah
Luo, if we can’t find it then it can’t be found. I’m sorry, I’ll pay you back later, okay?”

Luo Binghe didn’t pay attention to her and slowly pulled his hand back. With his head
hanging low, he walked towards the path out of the forest. Ning Yingying quickly

Ning Yingying now realized that the Jade Guanyin wasn’t something that could be replaced.
She looked at the saddened Luo Binghe, and her heart hurt.

Shen Qingqiu had been silently watching the children search the entire evening, his
eyebrows raised higher the longer they stayed and searched. Finally, when they gave
and left, he emerged from the darkness and walked to the tree where the pendant hung.

Raising his head, he looked above. His foot tapped the ground, and he flew up, as lithe
as a swallow, and the jade pendant hanging above was easily picked up by him.

“Ah he found the Pendant!”

Ming Fan was beyond relieved seeing Shen Qingqiu retrieve the pendant.

Thank god it’s not lost….

He landed in the ground lightly, his robes billowing around him. Illuminated by the
moonlight, the Qing Jing Peak Lord looked otherworldly not as though he had been
hiding in the bushes for the past few hours.

“The Qing Jing Peak Lord….. he’s really beautiful, ah”, whispered a few people, to which
there were many nods. For all of his faults and bizarre behavior, the one thing they could all
agree on was that Shen Qingqiu was the definition of elegance and beauty.

Shen Qingqiu clutched the pendant and looked in the direction Luo Binghe had just
walked off, with an unreadable expression, before carefully tucking it into his sleeve.

Most of the audience was unbelievably confused at Shen Qingqiu’s actions. First, he simply
watches one of his disciples get bullied, and then he attacks the bullies with leaves, and then
he takes the Jade Pendant the disciple lost, and simply walks off?

Everyone: *looks at Shen Qingqiu*……………??

Shen Qingqiu:…………….!!!!??????
“Maybe he intends to return it later? Or else why would he go through all that trouble to
retrieve it?”

“He probably doesn’t want Luo Binghe to find out it was him that sent the leaves, in case he
tells the other students and causes them to despise him.”

That seemed like the most plausible reason. After all, why would a rich Peak Lord desire a
cheap, fake Jade Guanyin his disciple lost??

Mu Qingfang muttered something under his breath that sound suspiciously like “addled

Outside the forest and already exiting the back of the mountain, Luo Binghe slowly
opened his fist.

In the middle of his palm lay some green leaves. The edges of the leaves were sharp and
stained with blood.

“Shizun…..”, he murmured.

“He realized!!”, squealed a lady from a noble family, who was growing quite invested in
these people.

“Of course he did! Who else would be capable of using such a technique!”

“The other disciples didn’t”, muttered another cultivator.

As a few people discussed what they had just seen, others were growing impatient.

“I don’t understand, why are we watching this?”, said a cultivator from Huan Hua Palace, fed
up with seeing so much of Cang Qiong Mountain Sect. On one hand, they could gain useful
information about Cang Qiong, but on the other hand, it was infuriating that Cang Qiong was
in the spotlight, like always.

“That’s right, we gathered here to find the future of the cultivation world, why are we
watching such trivial things??”

“Yes, why are Shen Qingqiu and this ‘Luo Binghe’ being focused on??”

“There must be more important things we need to see!”

“We need to see what the demons are plotting!”

“Like that new Demon Emperor, we saw in the beginning!”

“Why are you wasting our time, showing us useless things like children bickering?”,
bellowed a pudgy man.

“Explain yourself!”, demanded a disciple of Tian Yi Overlook, turning towards the Fortune-
Teller for an explanation. The whole audience followed suit, looking expectantly at the
woman dressed in white.

Yue Qingyuan frowned at all the ruckus but also turned inquiringly at the Fortune-Teller, who
was silent for a few seconds, calmly running her gloved hands over the glowing talisman

Slowly, the Fortune-Teller moved her head up and faced the man from Tian Yi Overlook. He
shuddered lightly, seeing that blank mask looking in his direction.

Finally, that rasping, distorted voice started to speak.

“You asked to see the future of the cultivation world. To see the future, and understand its
events, there must be knowledge and understanding of the paths that lead to the major events
that you wish to witness. This path is simply the one that is most pertinent to forming the
future of the cultivational world.”

“And what does that mean??”

“I see.”, nodded Grand Master Wu Chen. Many people were still confused, so they looked to
him, with an imploring expression.
“Madam MingYun makes a very good point. If we were to simply see an event in the future,
such as the one we witnessed in the beginning, we would only know that such a thing would
take place, but not how or why it occurs. If we wish to truly make a change, we must first
understand the causal path that leads to a certain future.”

“Which means, the events we are witnessing right now….. play a role in determining the
future of the cultivational world.”, added Master Wu Huan.

“As for what role it plays…. I suppose we’ll have to keep watching to find out”, finished
Master Wu Wang.

After the Abbots finished speaking, there was silence for a few seconds, before all eyes
turned on Shen Qingqiu.

Most of the audience had been lightheartedly watching thus far, thinking that it wasn’t of any
importance yet, that the real events that mattered were yet to be shown.

But when they heard the words of the Abbots of Zhao Hua Temple, a sense of severity
formed. These events were no small matter. They were being shown this for a reason. A
reason that they would eventually be able to piece together.

Somehow, it would influence the future, heavily. And it all started here, on Qing Jing Peak,
with Shen Qingqiu. There was a tentative silence in the hall, as numerous people shot glances
at him.

His fellow Peak Lords were also looking at him with varying expressions of disbelief,
suspicion, and worry.

Shen Qingqiu was extremely uncomfortable with everyone’s gazes on him. His fan covered
almost the entirety of his face, masking everything but his eyes, which shone with distrust
and dread. His knuckles clutching his fan were white from his grip, and fingers shivered ever
so slightly.

The one thing he hadn’t wanted to happen was for him to be the focus of this viewing. For
anyone to see him as what he truly was. To go through that horrible, mortifying ordeal…. of
being known.

Now, he apparently didn’t have a choice.

Just what do I do to affect the future so much??

Chapter End Notes


Shen Qingqiu @ Ning Yingying: Oh my darling, oh precious dear, don't cry

Shen Qingqiu @ any male disciples: Shut up you damn donkeys

..... and so the misunderstandings increase lmao

I hope no one seems too OOC in this, I'm trying to stay somewhat close to their canon
personalities and motivations. Oh and just to clarify the ages right now, Ning Yingying
is 12, Ming Fan and Gongyi Xiao are 14, and the Palace Mistress is 13.
A Confusing Journey
Chapter Notes

Sorry, this chapter took so long! I got a bit caught up in assignments! I hope you enjoy it

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Shang Qinghua had been nervously gnawing on his nails, wondering what the f*ck was
happening to his plot. Other than the scum villain himself, no one had been more surprised to
see Shen Qingqiu suddenly defend Luo Binghe. According to his character settings, Shen
Qingqiu should have sent the leaves to assault Luo Binghe himself, not his bullies! And he
would have chucked that jade pendant off the nearest cliff!

Why was he acting ridiculously OOC?? This was Proud Immortal Demon Way, right? The
stallion novel that was meant to his greatest work, his magnum opus, until all his files got
deleted, and he ended being a spineless coward that gave in to his horny, terrifying readers,
writing 6000+ chapters of porn with plot.

Suddenly he paused, a revelation dawning upon him.

What if the world he was in wasn’t the PIDW he had been forced to publish, but the one that
he had envisioned?? The literary masterpiece he had planned out? He had been heavily
suspecting this for a while, seeing that many of his 1-dimensional characters, were a lot more
human than he had ever intended for them to be. After he had witnessed that whole debacle
with Ning Yingying and Shen Qingqiu, he was convinced of it. This wasn’t his trashy porn
novel, but a well-thought story he had originally intended for!!

But if this was the original plot he had planned, with all the backstories and relationships……

He shot a guilty look at Shen Qingqiu and Yue Qingyuan.

It made sense now, that a loss of memories would cause a drastic behavior change in the Shen
Qingqiu they were watching.
However, some things still didn’t add up. Even if this was his original idea, the plot wasn’t
meant to deviate like this. There was no fortune-telling plot point, or Qi deviation or anything
of the sort!

The longer he thought about it, the more he couldn’t make sense of it.

Distractedly glancing around the hall, he accidentally caught the gaze of the Fortune-Teller,
who seemed to be looking at him. Or rather, in his direction. He couldn’t really tell after all,
since she was wearing a mask. An unexplainable chill filled him when he met her gaze.
Unable to bear the nervousness he felt when he looked at her, he turned away and slinked into
his seat, eager to get out of her sight of view.
He tried once again to call for his system and figure out what the hell was going on.

System?? Uhhh UV003?? System? Are you there?


Silence again. Nothing but silence. The uneasy feeling that had been stewing within him
since he arrived, only grew even larger.

Never in his life did he think he’d actually miss the system.

He tried to settle himself and avoid looking as worried as he actually was.

The atmosphere in the hall was strife with tension.

“Well…..ehem”, coughed Grandmaster Wu Chen. “There’s no need to be so grim.”

The hall erupted in chaos after that.

“How can you say that??? Shen Qingqiu- apparently he does something to affect our entire
future, how can we be calm after that??”

“Yeah!! Shen Qingqiu! What are you up to??”

“Answer us!”

Shen Qingqiu sneered and stepped forward, but before he could open his mouth to angrily
retort, Yue Qingyuan pulled him back and moved forward himself. He couldn’t even splutter
in anger, being held in his seat by Liu Qingge in a steel-like grip. Seeing that Yue Qingyuan
intended to speak, the hall quieted down.

“Qingqiu-Shidi may heavily influence the events of the future, but we don’t know whether
that influence would be for the good or bad-“
“What about that image we saw in the beginning?? Where your Sect was destroyed?? What if
that was because of him?”

“……I would prefer not to make assumptions based on the little knowledge we have now.”,
Yue Qingyuan, frowning. Shen Qingqiu froze hearing him.

So you won’t deny it as a possibility?

Yue Qingyuan…. You…..

“Besides, the focus seems to be Qingqiu-Shidi for now, but it may shift later on. We can’t
assume everything is wholly dependent on him.”, he finished. No one could object to his
reasonable words.
Grand Master Wu Chen: “So, in conclusion, it is best that we watch with vigilance, but avoid
jumping to conclusions. Things are not always what they seem to be”.

The tension that had been building up, slowly vanished, and the people present began to ease
up. There was still an air of caution, but the atmosphere reverted to a relatively easy-going
one. There was no point wasting energy on throwing accusations and stressing on such a
trivial matter- all the answers would be revealed soon enough. They just needed to watch
carefully and patiently.

The blatant stares that had been sent towards Shen Qingqiu turned away, and a pleasant
commotion started, as the viewing portal began to shift.

“We all seem to be forgetting that there’s one more person that has been focused on.”,
murmured Qi Qinggi, heard only by her fellow Peak Lords.

“Luo…. Binghe.”

The viewing portal shifted to a new scene.

Ever since Shen Qingqiu had woken up from that fever, Yue Qingyuan had come to visit
him several times during his recuperation, despite being the leader of the number one
cultivation sect and being very busy.

Everyone:…….. Sect Master Yue, don’t you have other duties? Who visits their Shidi twice a
day to inquire about his health??
The other Peak Lords were used to Yue Qingyuan’s excessive care when it came to Shen
Qingqiu, but they still looked at the man in disbelief.

Yue Qingyuan merely gave a sheepish smile, while Shen Jiu’s eyes shone with annoyance.

At this point, a few were starting to speculate if Yue Qingyuan’s relationship with Shen
Qingqiu was something more than Martial siblings.
“Perhaps Yue Qingyuan owes Shen Qingqiu a life debt?”

“Maybe they’re related by blood?”

A young cultivator from the Mirror Lake sect suddenly gasped, widening his eyes. “Maybe…
Shen Qingqiu is an illegitimate son of Yue Qingyuan’s?? “

Everyone turned to the cultivator, with an expression that read “are you an idiot?”.

“They’re only a few years apart in age, how in the world could they be father and son??”

The young cultivator had realized how foolish he sounded, so he quickly muttered some
words about “How you never know with these immortals”, and slinked back into the crowd,
avoiding eye contact.

“Perhaps they could be brothers!”

There were a few murmurs of agreement at that.

“That makes sense! But they look nothing alike……”

“Except that they’re both really handsome”, giggled a female disciple of Tian Yi Overlook.

A small group of noble ladies had gathered in the upper balconies, listening to the cultivators
speculate the relationship between Yue Qingyuan and Shen Qingqiu.

Tan Cui, the young mistress of the Tan family, leaned over to her friends, and whispered, “Or
they could be secret lovers!”

Immediately, the group squealed and clutched each other, wondering if they were right.

“You could be right A-Tan! Sect Master Yue looks at Peak Lord Shen as if he is the most
precious thing in the world!”

“Do you really think they are….together!!??”

There were a few more silent screams from the group.

Yue Qingyuan carried a snowy white porcelain tea set, placing it on a table outside Shen
Qingqiu’s bamboo house. His eyes were filled with worry and affection.

“Qingqiu-Shidi, how are you recovering these days??”

Shen Qingqiu lightly waved his fan, seeming to be in a surprisingly good mood:

“Qingqiu has never had any problems. I’ve made Zhangmen-Shixiong worry again.”

Yue Qingyuan looked surprised for a moment, before giving an indulgent smile.

It was extremely jarring, seeing the two of them interact so peacefully. Most of their
conversations always ended with Shen Qingqiu on the verge of shouting, and Yue Qingyuan
walking away like a kicked puppy.

Shen Jiu sneered, seeing this scene. The Future Yue Qingyuan clearly couldn’t get enough of
a Shen Qingqiu that didn’t spew insults at him. Why else would he visit every single day? He
took advantage of his other self’s lost memory to quell his own guilt and achieve his desires,
putting on some pretense of closeness.

He glared at the Yue Qingyuan next to him, noticing that he looked just as amazed, with an
expression of yearning visible on his face. Shen Jiu felt his temper flare even more.

Do you wish that I too lost my memories? Do you want me to forget what you did to me?
Forget that you failed me? Left me behind? Do you want me to forget everything…. that
makes me who I am, because you too, despise what I have become?

Shen Jiu could feel his hands shaking as he struggled to calm himself, watching that
sickeningly harmonious scene play out before him. He swore he would never let such a thing
happen to him and Yue Qingyuan would never get what he wanted. He would never forget
the past; forget the betrayal.
Yue Qingyuan: “Then is Shidi ready to go down the mountain?"

The hand that was holding the fan wavered: “Down the mountain?”

Yue Qingyuan: “Did Qingqiu Shidi’s Qi deviation make you forget? You had told me
earlier that you would deal with the problem at Shuang Hu City and use it as an
opportunity for your disciples to gain experience.”

Suddenly, Shen Qingqiu once again winced and lightly touched his head.

Shen Qingqiu turned back towards Yue Qingyuan and said: “Ah yes, I just
remembered. I have been a bit tired these days and almost forgot about this matter. I’ll
depart soon.”

Yue Qingyuan wondered if it was a good idea to let Shen Qingqiu out so soon after a Qi
Deviation. He resisted the urge to bite his fingers, shake his other-self, and tell him to keep
Xiao Jiu safe, and away from danger. Now that he knew that Shen Qingqiu was for some
reason, was the current subject of the viewing, he couldn’t help but dread everything he
witnessed, as though danger awaited him on every corner.
If he had to witness something terrible happen to Xiao Jiu…. Yue Qingyuan wasn’t sure he
could take it.

“Memory loss extends to small matters as well.”, muttered Mu Qingfang, taking notes of all
the symptoms he was observing.

He was sure that Shen-Shixiong was suffering from the behaviour altering effects of a violent
Qi deviation. Because if he wasn’t, there was only one other alternative that could explain the
drastic changes…….


He shook his head, wondering if that was too drastic a conclusion. He decided not to bring up
those suspicions until he had further proof.

Yue Qingyuan nodded: “If it is inconvenient for you, there is no need. Getting your
disciples to gain experience doesn’t need to be rushed. Actually, you don’t even need to
supervise them yourself, I can send a senior disciple in your place if you’d like.” He
sounded all too eager to keep him in the Sect, and away from harm.

“Yue-Shixiong…….”, muttered Qi Qinggi. “You spoil him way too much.”

Yue Qingyuan merely smiled, silently approving of his other self’s protectiveness.

Liu Qingge snorted seeing this and gave Shen Qingqiu a side-eye. Since their disciple days,
he’d always been both confused and aggravated by how Yue Qingyuan treated Shen Qingqiu
like he was made of glass. Always acquiescing to him, putting up with his bad temper, and
pampering him with hairpins, tea sets, and decorative fans as though that surly bastard was
some spoiled young mistress.
Shen Jiu knew what his fellow Peak Lords were thinking, but he put on a front of
indifference. It wasn’t like he was asking to be treated this way, but saint Yue Qingyuan and
his damn guilt wouldn’t let him go.

Besides, he supposed it was the least Yue Qingyuan owed him after his betrayal.

But sometimes, he worried, just how far the fool would go. Just how far that guilt extended.
Just how much…. he was willing to sacrifice.

A calm expression appeared on Shen Qingqiu’s face, as he nodded in understanding.

“It is alright, I should go, I am their Shizun after all.”

The Qing Jing Disciples looked at Shen Qingqiu with moistened eyes, touched by their
Shizun’s care for them. How could they have ever thought that he didn’t care for them??

Shen Qingqiu silently wondered since when he had been so magnanimous when it came to
his students.

Yue Qingyuan tried to avoid groaning, seeing that Shen Qingqiu was going to leave. He
could only hope nothing too dangerous would happen.

After having finished drinking tea with Yue Qingyuan, Shen Qingqiu called for Ming
Fan, and told the boy to prepare for their journey the next day. There were still a few
cuts on his face from the leaves yesterday. Shen Qingqiu suppressed a snort and tossed a
vial of medicine at the boy.

Recalling the events with the Jade Guanyin, a few people snickered, seeing the state of Ming

Ming Fan himself wasn’t particularly bothered, he knew that he deserved it, he could only be
grateful that Shizun was kind enough to still give him medicine. Once again, he looked at
Shen Qingqiu with shimmering eyes. “Thanking Shizun for his generosity towards this one!”

Shen Qingqiu:……..Mm.

Despite being a bully, Ming Fan was quite efficient in his tasks, and soon everything was
set for the trip the next day.
Shen Qingqiu was dressed in white robes, with a blue waistband. Xiu Ya hung on his
shapely hip, and he clutched a brand-new fan in his right hand.

He was truly the picture of elegant and refined beauty. A few sighs, from both men and
women, could be heard, seeing him gracefully descend Qing Jing Peak.

Wei Qingwei smirked, seeing that lofty Shixiong of his. He was attracted to good looks, so
back when he was a disciple, he had tried to get close to the frigid beauty that was Shen
Qingqiu, but had been coldly rebuffed every time.

His walls were impenetrable, and his attitude intolerant- certainly not well suited for dealing
with someone like Wei Qingwei. Nor was he someone Wei Qingwei enjoyed being around-
except to intentionally anger and annoy him.

Naturally, he was intrigued by the prospect of learning more about Shen Qingqiu, since it
would be otherwise impossible to do so.

At the base of the mountain, leading out of the sect, there was a carriage for Shen
Qingqiu, and riding horses for his disciples.
Shen Qingqiu carefully entered the horse carriage. The carriage’s exterior was
luxurious, but not too ornate that it was gaudy. Inside it was spacious enough to lounge
comfortably, and in the corner, there was a little incense burner.

“Horses and a carriage? Don’t all cultivators travel by sword?”, questioned a curious non-
cultivating woman.

“The disciples are young and have yet to draw their spiritual sword from Wan Jian Peak yet,”
supplied a helpful senior disciple of Qiong Ding.

The younger disciples, that were still low in cultivation, sighed, wondering when they could
select their sword. Or rather, be selected by a sword. Although they all longed for a powerful
sword like Cheng Luan, Xiu Ya, or by heaven’s grace- Xuan Su, they could not wield such a
sword unless they were worthy of it. Most cultivators used spiritual weapons that were low in
power, and easy to control. Only those supremely talented ones had weapons of equal caliber.
After all, would it make sense to give someone who was blind a library full of ancient
knowledge and scrolls? The potential and power would be there, but it could never be utilized
to its fullest extent.

Wei Qingwei noticed the disciple’s sighs and winked; his voice playful.

“Don’t worry, you’ll get there eventually. It’s not like Wan Jian Peak will ever run out of

Luo Binghe had been put in charge of cleaning, maintaining the carriage, and loading
the luggage. After he finally finished loading the luggage, he raised his head and met
Shen Qingqiu’s complex gaze. He appeared surprised but still made sure to respectfully
greet: “Shizun.”

At the reappearance of Luo Binghe, there were a few smiles and squeals. Ning Yingying felt
guilty looking at him, like her Shixiongs, but she was delighted, nonetheless.

There was just something about him that she found so charming and endearing. Many of the
younger female cultivators, seemed to share that similar sentiment.

Shang Qinghua grinned to himself.

Ahhhh the protagonist halo truly works wonders

The Little Palace Mistress was particularly obvious with her thoughts on Luo Binghe, her
eyes shining with interest and admiration every time she looked at him. A few looked at
Gongyi Xiao in pity, for having been replaced by a boy that he hadn’t even met.
The injuries Luo Binghe received had just about healed, the bruises on his face gone.

He looked determined and meticulous, despite doing physically straining work.

A sigh of relief escaped the lips of Ming Fan, seeing that Luo Binghe was no longer injured.
His guilt was finally starting to abate.

Shen Qingqiu looked at him for a while, then said “Mm.’ He drew back his fan, and let
the curtains fall again.
The view shifted to outside the carriage, and the sound of snickering could be heard.
There were 10 disciples on this journey, but 9 horses. Only Luo Binghe had no horse.
The other disciples silently laughed and jeered at him, but they didn’t dare to touch
him. The injuries from the leaves were still visible on their faces.

Once again, there were cries of outrage, seeing Luo Binghe being bullied. However, after
Shen Qingqiu’s tirade last time, none of the anger was directed at the Qing Jing Disciples,
who were already hanging their head low in shame.

Instead, there were a few questioning glances sent towards Shen Qingqiu, but out of fear of
that frigid glance, nothing was voiced.

“Perhaps it’s a training exercise…..”, piped in an older cultivator. Quite a few people of his
generation nodded along, having been through similar harsh treatment from their teachers and

After all, why would an immortal like Shen Qingqiu allow Luo Binghe to be needlessly
bullied? What grudge could a Peak Lord possibly hold against a child?

“Looks like there’s a shortage of horses. My apologies, Shidi, we’ll have to

inconvenience you this time. But since your basic foundation is so lacking, consider it a
good opportunity for you to practice.”, sneered Ming Fan, looking down on Luo Binghe
from the brown stallion he sat upon.

Ming Fan could feel Ning Yingying’s disappointed stare, and he flushed. He quickly turned
towards her, desperate to fix the situation.

“Junior Martial Sister, I really didn’t mean it, I won’t actually do such things-“

Ning Yingying simply sighed and nodded. “I understand Ming-Shixiong. We don’t have any
control of what we’re seeing anyway, it’s not fair for me to judge you for things you haven’t
even done”.

Luo Binghe’s face darkened, and this was, of course, noticed by Ming Fan.

“What? What kind of expression is that? Are you unsatisfied? Have any complaints?”

Luo Binghe carefully replied: “ I don’t dare.”

Suddenly, there was laughter as Ning Yingying rode into view, upon a pure white horse.
She noticed the scene before her and said, “Shixiong, what are you talking about?”
Seeing Ning Yingying reappear, there was a sudden tenseness, as everyone recalled what had
happened to Luo Binghe the last time she was around.

“Will she make the situation worse again? “, muttered a cultivator from Huan Hua Palace.
The Little Palace Mistress narrowed her eyes, and sneered at Ning Yingying, ready to berate

Ning Yingying was tightly clutching her robes, her eyes fixated on the image, and trying to
ignore the whispers.

Hearing all the commotion outside, Shen Qingqiu raised his window curtain, seeing
what his disciples were up to. Ning Yingying was excitedly waving her hand: “A-Luo,
are there not enough horses? Come and ride with me!”

“Improper! Men and women should not be in such proximity!”, cried a cultivator of Zhao
Hua Temple.

“They’re just children, what’s the issue? Besides, Luo Binghe doesn’t have a horse, is he
supposed to walk on foot?”

“Well, then… he should ride with one of his martial brothers!”

“Do you think they would let him? They’re the reason he has no horse in the first place!”

“I think it’s rather cute,”, giggled an older woman. “Let them have their fun ah, don’t be such
a stickler for propriety. They’re only going to share a horse.”

Shang Qinghua internally cheered.

Well said, X-Jie Jie! Let the youths indulge in romance!

The Little Palace Mistresses’ face turned green, while the Old Palace Master frowned.

The moment he recognized Luo Binghe as Su Xiyan’s son, he intended to find the boy, and
have him engaged to his daughter. It was the best way to tie the boy to the Sect and to him.
His daughter was clearly fond of him as well, so he could use that as a reason to take the boy
in, without drawing suspicion.

There were clearly many young female cultivators that were enamored with Luo Binghe, but
none could oppose the Young Palace Mistresses’ status, and act on their feelings. Even if they
wanted their parents or Sect Masters to take in Luo Binghe, or get engaged to him, nothing
could be done if Huan Hua Palace laid their claims first. They wouldn’t dare oppose a major
Sect for such a trivial reason. Yue Qingyuan would also have no reason to claim a disciple
that they hadn’t even taken in, especially if the Luo Binghe would receive the great fortune of
being engaged to a Sect Heir!

But seeing Ning Yingying be so affectionate to the boy, the slightest sense of annoyance and
unease entered the Old Palace Master, wondering if she would ruin his plans. Peak Lord Shen
was known to dote on his youngest disciple, so although Shen Qingqiu himself didn’t seem
too attached to Luo Binghe, if his beloved disciple was, he might just insist on taking the boy
in. And unlike the smaller sects, Cang Qiong wasn’t afraid to oppose Huan Hua Palace.

The Old Palace Master gnashed his teeth and scowled at Shen Qingqiu.

Ming Fan’s face turned ugly hearing Ning Yingying, and he glared at Luo Binghe.
Sitting in the horse carriage, Shen Qingqiu also frowned and said: “Don’t be noisy, men
and women shouldn’t be in such close contact with each other. There should be a limit
to the affection between you and your Shidi. Ming Fan, why have you tarried so long?
Why haven’t we set out already?”

“See? Even Peak Lord Shen agrees!”, triumphantly crowed the Zhao Hua Temple Cultivator.

“Is the boy supposed to walk by foot then??”, indignantly cried a female cultivator.

“It’s clearly meant to be training exercise! Didn’t the Head disciple say it?”

“He was just trying to bully the boy! And Peak Lord Shen wasn’t stopping him!”

“Are you implying that Peak Lord Shen is inciting his disciples into bullying Luo Binghe?”

“Well-, began the woman, before abruptly cutting off, recalling Shen Qingqiu sending the
leaves towards the disciples bullying Luo Binghe. It didn’t make sense at all to her! At first,
she had been sure Shen Qingqiu despised the boy and abused him, but then she had witnessed
him defend the boy. Did he like the boy, or did he despise him?

She was utterly confused, wondering just what in the world was running through Shen
Qingqiu’s mind.

Unbeknownst to her, Shen Qingqiu was wondering the same thing.

Ming Fan smirked in joy, seeing that Luo Binghe wouldn’t sit together with Ning
Yingying and started the journey. Shen Qingqiu closed the curtains and scanned the
scroll on his lap, with the details of the mission.

The viewing portal closed in on the content of the scroll.

A series of murders has recently emerged, in a small, remote place called Shuang Hu City.
Nine people have already been killed in succession.

Every deceased person had a similarity: each one had all their skin perfectly removed,
from head to toe. Therefore, the murderer was called “The Skinner.”

The big families of the city held a meeting before finally deciding to invite Immortal
cultivators from Cang Qiong Mountain sect for help. Report to the Chen Family for
further information and start the investigation from there.

-An Ding Peak Lord, Shang Qinghua

Oh? It's the Skinner Arc? But I barely remember it ahhh I wrote it 6000 chapters ago!

There were cries of excitement and intrigue reading the mission details. Was this expedition
outside the Sect the first major incident involving the future of the cultivation world?

“Aha! It must be the work of demons!”

“Those despicable monsters!!”

A few cultivators from around Shuang Hu City watched very closely, eager to hear about a
demonic event in their area. They were finally starting to see the importance of this viewing.
If they discovered everything about this demon presence now, then they would be able to
easily prevent it from happening in the future!

“It might not be a demon….”

“What else would do something so vile and disgusting?? Of course, it’s a demon!”

“It could be a human murderer as well….”, debated a disciple of Tian Yi Overlook.

“Whatever it is, it needs to be taken down”, declared Liu Qingge, resting his hand on Cheng
Luan, as though he wanted to battle “The Skinner”, right in that instant. A few words from
the War God ended the debate about the nature of the murderer, and cheers of agreement
resounded in the hall.

“Skinning the victims?”, shuddered a noblewoman. “My, how awful.”

“It killed 9 people in such a short span of time as well!”

“Isn’t this rather dangerous!?”

“Heh, it’s nothing for a great Sect like Cang Qiong.”

Yue Qingyuan furrowed his brows in worry, meeting Mu Qingfang’s equally concerned gaze.
Shen Qingqiu had just suffered a Qi deviation and was also undergoing memory issues.
Would he really be able to handle it? He could be taken by surprise, or experience a moment
of weakness, and be grievously injured. However, he didn’t voice these concerns, knowing
that Shen Qingqiu would take it as him doubting his capabilities.

The sound of laughter caused Shen Qingqiu to open his curtains once more. Luo Binghe
walked alone at the end of the procession, where horses circled him, kicking up dirt at
him to make him dusty.

“Tsk, how awful.”, tutted the female cultivator in pink robes, her ire directed towards Shen

A few others disapproved of whatever was happening, even if it was “training”. They
watched the Shen Qingqiu in the image with curiosity and suspicion.
Ning Yingying tried to discourage the others to no avail. Anxious, she directed her horse
closer to the carriage and called: “Shizun! Look at senior martial brother and the rest!”

Shen Qingqiu’s face was unreadable. Without any expression, he said: “What about

Her voice carried a deep sense of grievance and anger when she said: “They’re bullying
people like this, but you aren’t telling them off!”

Ning Yingying looked cautiously at her Shizun, hoping that she hadn’t gone too far, even if
he did offer her a lot of liberties. What if Shizun decided to punish Luo Binghe for her bold
words? She watched nervously, wondering if she had foolishly messed up again.

Shen Qingqiu also watched with an air of intrigue, wondering how his other-self would react.
He usually tended to listen to Ning Yingying, especially when she looked so upset. Perhaps
he would make Ming Fan share his horse with the boy or let the boy ride on one of the horses
drawing the carriage.

Shen Qingqiu let out an “Oh,” and said one sentence: “Luo Binghe, you come over.”

Luo Binghe’s face was dull and he seemed accustomed to this treatment. He said a
single “Yes,” and approached.

There was a sharp intake of air from some nervous cultivators, wondering what Shen Qingqiu
would do to Luo Binghe. Would he punish him? Luo Binghe seemed to expect punishment,
after all. Or would he somehow force one of his martial brothers to share a horse with him?
Shen Qingqiu was wildly bizarre with his choices after all. Beating one minute, protecting
next. Who knew what was running through his mind?

Qin Wanrong and The Little Palace Mistress prepared to shoot some dirty glances at Ning
Yingying, if Luo Binghe got in trouble again.

Because Shen Qingqiu pulled open the door curtains, Luo Binghe proudly raised his
head and looked inside the carriage. He didn’t speak but his gesture spoke for itself.

Ning Yingying happily said: “Ah Luo, quickly get on the carriage, Shizun is letting you
ride with him!”


“He’s letting Luo Binghe ride in his carriage with him??”

To the rest of the audience, while it was unexpected, it wasn’t shocking. After all, Luo
Binghe was his disciple, of course, Shen Qingqiu would let the boy sit in his carriage,
especially since he had been shown to have some sort of strange level or concern for him. As
far as they had witnessed, Shen Qingqiu allowed the boy to get hurt and bullied, but he
always interfered before it went too far. It only served to convince others that it was all some
sort of test Shen Qingqiu was conducting on the boy, to bring out his potential.
But it was still bizarre to many others, as they wondered; Does Shen Qingqiu like Luo
Binghe, or does he despise him??

But the Peak Lords and the Qing Jing disciples who all knew Shen Qingqiu looked
astounded. Since when did Shen Qingqiu allow such liberties? Since when was he so

Hiding his face, behind his fan, Shen Qingqiu’s face an expression of equal surprise, and
confusion. Since Ning Yingying asked, he definitely would have made sure that Luo Binghe
wouldn’t have been bullied like that, but to go as far as letting the little beast into his personal

He was finding it harder and harder to understand some of the things that his other-self did.
In the back of his mind, a sneaking suspicion began to form, but he brushed it aside, too
scared to properly explore it.

Ming Fan and his entourage looked as though thunder had struck.

Luo Binghe was also completely stunned. But he reacted quickly and didn’t hesitate
long. He replied: “Many thanks, Shizun.” He leaped onto the carriage, honestly and
self-consciously huddling in a corner, his hands and feet tucked in as though afraid of
dirtying the carriage chamber.

The Qing Jing disciples were still in shock. Even Ning Yingying wasn’t allowed to ride on
the carriage anymore! Why was Luo Binghe allowed?

Although the Qing Jing disciples had grown somewhat fond of Luo Binghe, a small prick of
jealousy struck them. Their Shizun has always been cold and distant, no matter how hard
they had tried. He was harsh and unforgiving. They respected their Shizun, and they were
growing convinced that he too cared for them, but they wished to be closer to him.

So why did Luo Binghe get that chance first??

Luo Binghe avoided looking at his Shizun, who had been meditating quietly. Suddenly,
Shen Qingqiu let out a small laugh, and Luo Binghe couldn’t help but look over.

“Wait, why did he laugh? Did I miss something?” asked a puzzled cultivator in blue robes.

“No…. you didn’t miss anything… he just laughed….. out of nowhere.”

“……Maybe he thought of something funny….”, half-heartedly, replied another cultivator,

shooting a baffled glance at Shen Qingqiu. The other Peak Lords were giving him similar
looks, mixed with a bit of concern.

Mu Qingfang silently murmured to himself, and took notes, avoiding looking at Shen
Qingqiu in the eye.
Hearing himself suddenly laugh like a fool for no reason, Shen Qingqiu felt unbelievably

What is wrong with me?? First, I let that little brat onto my carriage, and now I laugh out of
nowhere?? I don’t laugh at all in the first place!! Could it be……. that my brain really is
addled, like Mu Qingfang said??

Luo Binghe was still warily looking at Shen Qingqiu, who has gone back to meditating
with his eyes closed, as though he expected him to suddenly punish him. However, Shen
Qingqiu did not do anything, and they traveled together quietly.

The boy was carefully watching his Shizun, taking in his elegance, and roving over his
master, as though he wanted to take this chance to look at him as much as possible.

“Even as a young boy he can tell how beautiful his Master is!”, cooed a noblewoman. Her
friend nodded along, giggling.

“He can’t look away from the Shizun he admires so much!”

Fortunately for the gossiping audience, Shen Qingqiu was too caught up in his worries about
the state of his brain to listen closely.

Shen Qingqiu opened his eyes and saw Luo Binghe observing him. Having been caught
in the act, Luo Binghe looked flustered and unsure of what to do.

But then, Shen Qingqiu gave a small, genuine smile

Did…..Shen Qingqiu… just smile??

Some audience members felt like they had been struck by an arrow to the heart seeing that
always impassive but lovely face blooming into the smallest of smiles. Even if it was a small
smile, it was still unbelievable!!

The members of Cang Qiong Mountain Sect were just as shocked. First laughing and then
Just what was going on with Shen Qingqiu??

Mu Qingfang looked more concerned than ever, Qi Qinggi coughed a few times, while Liu
Qingge shot a bewildered look at Shen Qingqiu.

The Qing Jing disciples seethed even more. When was the last time their Shizun had ever
smiled at them?

The answer was never!

The smile seemed to have been unconscious, as the moment Shen Qingqiu smiled, he
looked surprised with himself, instantly reverting to an expression of indifference, and
closing his eyes to meditate, as though nothing had happened.
Luo Binghe appeared mesmerized, as though he had been stunned by that smile, and
immediately looked away, his face going through a series of emotions.

Yue Qingyuan had a similar expression on his face, recalling the last time he had seen Shen
Qingqiu smile was back when they were children, and had no one but each other to rely on.
The older they had gotten, the rarer it was that he smiled, until he stopped altogether, as
though there was nothing in the world worth smiling for.

Shen Qingqiu had been just as stunned seeing that smile. One part of him rankled in
annoyance. Why did he need to smile for that brat Luo Binghe? Why did he smile at all in the
first place?

Another part of him wondered if losing his memories meant that he would be happier, and
unburdened by his disgraceful past. He certainly appeared more lighthearted and freer,
without the bitter shackles of resentment holding him down.

But in the back of his mind, the other terrifying suspicion that he had been trying to avoid,
slowly resurfaced. He hoped that this one wasn’t true, and he was just being excessively
Because if it was…..

The rest of the carriage trip progressed in silence. Shen Qingqiu seemed more guarded
than ever; his usual frown plastered onto his face. Finally, they reached Shuang Hu city.

The audience perked up now, attentively gathering as many clues and details as they could,
hoping to resolve the case of “The Skinner” before it even happened.

The city wasn’t large but was quite busy and lively. After entering, they visited the city’s
richest man, the Old Master Chen who had led the others in pleading for help from
Cang Qiong Mountain sect. 2 of Old Master Chen’s beloved concubines had already
died under the Skinner’s hands.
With Shen Qingqiu’s arrival, he was filled with hope.

He touched the white jade hands of the third beautiful concubine, tears dripping down
his face as he mournfully sighed.
“You cultivators must decide for us! I don’t dare let Butterfly leave my side for fear that
if she loses her way by even a single step, she will be killed by that unnatural creature
the very same day.”

There were sounds of disgust from some female cultivators, seeing such an old man grope a
young girl; in front of immortal cultivators no less!

The Young Palace Mistress looked repulsed as she watched. A creepy old man lusting after
someone that was almost the same age as her? Absolutely revolting. If she had to witness
such a thing, she would flay the man on the spot with her new spiritual whip.

Shen Qingqiu also curled his lip in disgust, all too familiar with old perverts. He glanced over
at the Old Palace Master, whose eyes had not left Luo Binghe even once, and a sickening
feeling welled up within. For the first time, he felt a tinge of protectiveness towards Luo
Binghe, akin to what he felt with Ning Yingying.

Seeing such an old man fondle a teenage girl, even the Shen Qingqiu in the image
couldn’t help but twitch at the sight.

He couldn’t seem to bear looking at such a thing for much longer, so he coldly turned
around and left, leaving Ming Fan behind to greet Old Master Chen

It was obvious that Shen Qingqiu held nothing but disdain towards Old Master Chen.
Fortunately, his naturally icy exterior made him unquestionable, although some of the older
generations tutted in disapproval at the subtle disrespect.

“Head Disciple Ming Fan is quite capable”, praised Yue Qingyuan, with a small smile. For
someone like Shen Qingqiu, it was a miracle that someone even managed to get along so well
with him, not to mention being so obedient and competent. Bullying tendencies aside, Ming
Fan was quite the model disciple-no wonder Shen Qingqiu somewhat approved of the boy.

Ming Fan turned red, and spluttered a few incoherent sentences, before rapidly bowing. Shen
Qingqiu merely sighed in exasperation and sent a glare at Yue Qingyuan for being nosy.

In the room Shen Qingqiu had retreated to, Ning Yingying knocked on the door and
entered. Sweetly, she said: “Shizun, Ying-er is going to going to go look around the
market. Shizun, do you want to come with me?”

Shen Qingqiu’s back faced her. There was still an aloof air around him, but it had
slightly softened. He lightly said: “If Ying-er wants to go to the market, find some
martial-brothers to accompany you. I still have some things to do before we face the
Ning Yingying nodded and bounced out of the room.

The Qing Jing disciples had an inkling of which martial-brother their beloved Shimei was
going to ask to accompany her, and their expressions soured. Not only does this bastard have
Ning Yingying’s affection, but Shizun’s kindness as well?

Ning Yingying felt a bit foolish, for asking to go have some fun while they had an important
mission on hand. She looked towards Shen Qingqiu, ready to apologize. He seemed to have
realized what must have been going through her mind and shook his head.

“It’s alright to enjoy yourself while you get familiarized with the surroundings. If I
disapproved of such a thing, I would not have allowed you to go.”

Despite his words, there was still a slight feeling of unease in Shen Qingqiu. This was clearly
a small mission, only meant to be a training exercise for his disciples. “The Skinner”, would
probably be no match for him, and his disciples wouldn’t be put in much danger.

Yet, as he watched Ning Yingying skip down to the market, he couldn’t help but worry just a
bit and hope that she would not be harmed.
After sunset, Ming Fan entered his room to report what he learned.

Shen Qingqiu immediately stood alert: “Did you visit the coroner?”

Ming Fan said: “Yes. This disciple interrogated the coroner and carefully inspected the
bodies.” Here, he stopped speaking. His expression was solemn as he offered something

Shen Qingqiu didn’t receive it in his hands. Examining closely, there were two stacks of
yellow paper written on with cinnabar. The surface of the papers had already become a
rotten black color.

He nodded and said: “You used these papers to test the evil energy of the deceased?”

Ming Fan said: “Shizun is insightful. These yellow papers were used by this disciple in
two places. The first place was in the dirt at the grave of a woman who had already been
buried. The second place was at the coroner’s among the deceased who hadn’t been
buried yet.”

“It’s definitely a demon then!!”, cried out some cultivators, feeling vindicated.

“Eh? How do you know it’s a demon?”, asked a befuddled non-cultivator.

“The papers used test for evil energy- see how black it is? Not to mention, if even a buried
corpse emanates evil energy strong enough to turn that paper that dark, then the murder was
most definitely the work of a demon!”

“My, how terrifying!”

“I hope no one gets hurt……”

“Don’t worry! They know what they’re doing, they are cultivators after all!”

Shen Qingqiu had also realized the culprit was a demon and scoffed coldly: “They dare
to intrude upon Cang Qiong Mountain sect’s hundreds of li span of territory, cruelly
harming and killing the common people. These puny demons hit our door so they can’t
blame me for sending my disciples up to punish them in Heaven’s place.”

Ming Fan looked at him with a face full of admiration: “Shizun is wise! If Shizun acts,
the monster will definitely be brought in for the common people’s justice!”

At Shen Qingqiu’s impressive words, there were cheers of agreement, and curses at the vile
demon race.

“Well said Peak Lord Shen!! That demon must be punished!”, cheered the leader of a minor

“Cang Qiong will enact justice for the common people!!”

The Qing Jing disciples looked just as impressed as Ming Fan, sending similar looks of
admiration at their Shizun.

“Bold words”, said Liu Qingge, raising an eyebrow. “Can you live up to them?”

Shen Qingqiu scoffed. “Why don’t you watch and see?”

“Descending the mountain this time is for the sake of gaining experience. This teacher
will not be able to help you. Ming Fan, as the head disciple, you will need to vigilantly
prepare so the demon won’t harm your fellow disciples.”

“Yes! This disciple has already laid out strategies. If the demon……”

Ming Fan hadn’t finished speaking when a person burst through the door and

Luo Binghe’s face was pale as he cried: “Shizun!”

Shen Qingqiu’s expression was cold and calm, as he spoke, “What matter has happened
for you to shout so loudly, or be in such a panic?”

Luo Binghe was almost on the verge of tears as he said: “Ning-Shijie and this disciple
went outside during the day to go to the city’s market. I urged her to come back but she
refused. I don’t know how, after turning around she disappeared. This disciple searched
the entire street but couldn’t find her, and so came back to ask for Shizun’s help.”

There was a flurry of panic and shouts. Ming Fan and Guo Yan had stood up in their seats,
pale in shock, while a blank look crossed the face of Ning Yingying.

Again… I’m always making trouble….

Only Shang Qinghua noticed the despondent look on her face since he wasn’t too worried
about whether Ning Yingying would survive- of course, she would, she was one of the main
female leads! Even if he didn’t remember the Skinner arc, he knew she would definitely live.
After all, wasn’t she the first love interest!? Luo Binghe would heroically save her and win
her eternal love!

He remembered the conversation Ning Yingying had with Shen Qingqiu about feeling
useless, and he felt a twinge of guilt.

Ahh it really isn’t your fault, it’s just the plot settings, where you need to be a naïve damsel in
distress for our protagonist.

“The girl has gone missing??”


“At such a critical time?”

“Rather than go missing, she must have been taken by the demon!”
“Will she die here??”

“No, Shen Qingqiu will definitely save her!”

“But……. what if it's too late?”

Shen Qingqiu’s face had gone completely white, and all he could think of was the fact that
Ning Yingying was missing in the middle of a mission involving a demon that liked to skin
its victims. If something happened to her-he really didn’t know what he would do. He
wouldn’t be able to bear seeing her mutilated corpse and know that he had failed to protect
her. He thought back to when Ning Yingying was a small child, how he had raised her. Now
that child could die right in front of him, and he would be powerless to stop it.

He gritted his teeth, and glared at Luo Binghe, a bubbling feeling of hatred forming within,
for allowing Ning Yingying to be in such danger.

Incompetent brat. Idiotic little beast. All you needed to do was keep an eye on her. How could
you let this happen?

But deep inside, he knew no one was to blame more than himself. How could he have
allowed Ning Yingying to go out? Especially when her cultivation is so weak?

And who’s fault is it that she is so weak? Shouldn’t I have taught her better? Now, because of
my failings as a teacher, she’s in danger…..

Ning Yingying noticed that Shen Qingqiu had turned stiff, and she grabbed at his sleeves,
trying to comfort him. He glanced at her with a complicated look, and at that moment there
was a level of understanding between them that didn’t need any words.

Ning Yingying didn’t blame Shen Qingqiu for anything, and vice-versa. Silently, they knew
that they would never let such a thing happen in real life.

To be missing at this critical moment, it wasn’t a joke. Ming Fan listened and somehow
restrained himself from leaping up: “Luo Binghe! You……”

Shen Qingqiu waved his sleeve, exploding the teacup sitting on the writing desk.

He looked angered, as he said: “Since things have already happened, more words are of
no use. Luo Binghe, come with me. Ming Fan, you bring along some disciples to ask the
Chen family for their assistance to go search Ning Yingying.”

The Qing Jing disciples glared at Luo Binghe, wanting to blame him for putting Ning
Yingying in danger. But the moment that anger formed, they immediately suppressed it,
feeling guilty. It wasn’t Luo Binghe’s fault, how could they resent him? Especially when they
were always so awful to him?

The Young Palace Mistress, who disliked Ning Yingying, initially wanted to taunt her again,
but seeing how concerned her martial siblings were, she paused, thinking of her own fellow
disciples. If something happened to them, wouldn’t she be really upset? The slightest bit of
understanding and pity sparked in her.
Just this once, she decided that she would back down.

Gongyi Xiao knew what was going through the Little Palace Mistresses’ mind, and he gave
her a gracious, and proud smile.

After responding, Ming Fan hurriedly rushed out. Luo Binghe’s head hung low, not
saying a single word. He looked like he expected to be punished, and lowered his head
even further. “This matter is all this disciple’s fault. If Shizun wants to punish, this
disciple will have no regrets and only wants to peacefully find Ning-Shijie.”

Shen Qingqiu wanted to punish Luo Binghe. He wanted to severely punish the idiot boy.

But somehow he had a feeling that his other-self wasn’t going to.

At least not yet. Finding Ning Yingying was the priority. He could deal with Luo Binghe

“Qingqiu-Shidi…. don’t worry…”, started Yue Qingyuan, sensing how tense he was. Shen
Qingqiu was too worried to even snipe at him, so he just nodded, focusing intently on the
viewing portal.

Shen Qingqiu did not punish Luo Binghe but only coldly said: “Come over here. Bring
me to where you last were before the disappearance.”

Luo Binghe brought him to the bustling market, where Ning Yingying had disappeared.

Shen Qingqiu stood there and closed his eyes, feeling for traces of evil energy. There was
a black strand of energy that appeared. He walked and followed that almost breaking
strand of evil energy to the end. When he opened his eyes again, Shen Qingqiu was
standing at the entrance of a rouge shop.

“A rouge shop?”

“What was that black strand??”

“Higher cultivator’s senses are attuned enough to detect and draw out evil energy even
without talismans or other spiritual tools.”, explained a disciple from Tian Yi Overlook.

“I see! So he just followed the path that the demon must have taken when it abducted Peak
Lord Shen’s youngest disciple!”
“I didn’t realize tracking demons could be so simple!”

“It’s not like everyone can do it”, chuckled a Huan Hua Palace Elder. “This sort of skill needs
a proficient level of cultivation. Of course, Peak Lord Shen could easily do it.”

But after entering the rouge shop, the thread of evil energy broke and completely

“Could it be that the murder isn’t hidden in the rouge shop but had only come here
before? Entering the rouge shop…… could the murderer be a woman?” Shen Qingqiu

“Good deduction”, nodded Grand Master Wu Chen. He and a few other experienced
cultivators were starting to get a faint idea as to who “The Skinner”, might be, but they would
need to see more to confirm their suspicions.

Shen Qingqiu had almost solved the case as well, the only matter left now was finding the
demon and destroying it.

All of a sudden, Shen Qingqiu stiffened and started moving again like he was tracking
something. After five hundred steps, the path deviated sharply from the city area and he
arrived at an abandoned and deserted house.

Yue Qingyuan didn’t like the look of the place, and that nagging feeling that something was
going to go wrong only increased. In a worried voice, he said, “Qingqiu… careful…..”

Shen Qingqiu snapped, “I know what I’m doing! I can handle it, I’ll be fine! Stop pestering

“Speak with some more respect to Zhangmen-Shixiong would you? Don’t take out your
stress about losing your disciple on him!”, cut in Liu Qingge.

“Enough!! Both of you! Now’s not the time for this!!”, shouted Qi Qinggi, silencing them.
“Right now, we need to focus on how Shen Qingqiu handles the Skinner and to see if his
disciple is okay. You can continue your fight later!”

Shen Qingqiu adjusted his expression, wincing and grabbing his head again. “Return to
the Chen estate. Contact Ming Fan and tell him to bring all the sutras and disciples to
come here together.”

Luo Binghe was about to open his mouth and reply when suddenly, his pupils shrank.
Shen Qingqiu saw him staring straight behind him.

Quickly, Shen Qingqiu turned around, but it was too late. A gust of demonic wind blew
and the front gates slammed open, a shadowy figure knocking Shen Qingqiu
unconscious. The image went black for a few seconds.

There were screams of worry and fright.

“Peak Lord Shen!”

“Shen Qingqiu!!”


“What was that???”

“Qingqiu-Shidi!!”, gasped Yue Qingyuan, bursting out of his seat, leaning over the edge of
the balcony, his hands tightly gripping the rails. He felt like his worst fears had just been
confirmed. Since the group had arrived in Shuang Hu City, he had been watching with
apprehension, worried that something like this would happen. And now it did. For all he
knew, he might see Shen Qingqiu’s..... corpse

“Yue-Shixiong, calm down, there’s no way he would die so easily”, comforted Mu QIngfang,
but to no avail.

Liu Qingge clenched his fists in worry. He despised Shen Qingqiu, but that didn’t mean he
wanted him to die. Besides, Zhangmen-Shixiong would never recover from it.

What? What happened? Did I get taken by surprise? Or did that strange headache strike
again, leaving me momentarily vulnerable? I kept clutching my head right before that

The image reappeared, to Shen Qingqiu and his disciples. Luo Binghe and Ning
Yingying were tied together in one corner.

There was a collective sigh of relief seeing that Ning Yingying and Luo Binghe were
unharmed. Shen Qingqiu breathed out slowly, hoping that he’d be able to rescue them,
despite having been sneak attacked by that black shadow. There’s no way he died from
something like that, and with his level of cultivation, he should be able to easily handle the

As the image slowly turned to show Shen Qingqiu………there was an outburst of chaos.

Shen Jiu was frozen in shock and humiliation- his eyes growing larger and face turning paler.

What the hell?? What the hell?? What the f*ck?

He almost swore out loud, forgetting his pristine image as a noble Peak Lord.

What pristine image?? I’m lying half-naked on the ground, in front of my disciples….. and
the whole Cultivation world!

“Oh my”, whispered Qi Qinggi, a wave of both sympathy and amusement washing through

Shen Qingqiu was unconscious, bound with immortal binding cables, and his top had
been stripped off. His upper body revealed two red fruits, and he was wearing only
pants and a pair of white boots, having his limbs tied tightly together and lying fallen on
the ground. His milky white chest starkly contrasted with the red immortal binding

Instantly there were flustered screams, as some ladies looked away, but many others
continued to watch, a lascivious light entering their eyes. A few whistles could be heard from
the more vulgar audience members, and Shen Qingqiu was starting to see red. He furiously
glared to wherever the sounds had come from.

“P-peak Lord Shen!”

“He’s been stripped!”

“And tied up!!”

“W-what kind of perverted demon is this??”

“What the hell is happening??”

“He’s…. strangely seductive.”, stammered a male cultivator, his mouth going dry as he
stared, wide-eyed. He wasn’t even interested in men, but the sight before him would be
tantalizing to anyone. The people next to him nodded, unable to tear their eyes away.

Some were gaping in open-mouthed shock, while others had the dignity to avert their eyes.
The Qing Jing disciples were glowering at everyone they could, trying to mentally threaten
them into not witnessing their Shizun in such an undignified state- all while desperately
looking away from the image of their Shizun.

” Shizun, Shizun, quickly wake up!”

Shen Qingqiu woke up.

After waking, he saw Luo Binghe’s anxious expression. He was tied to the opposite side.
Before, he seemed to have been staring at the sleeping Shen Qingqiu.

Seeing Shen Qingqiu wake up, Luo Binghe let out a breath in relief and his eyes
brightened. He called him Shizun again.

Ning Yingying was tied together with him and with a crying face, also called: “Shizun.”.

Shen Qingqiu looked dazed, but slowly he started to become alert again. Soon, there
was an expression of horrific realization on his face, when he noticed that he had been
stripped, bare.

Liu Qingge had been strangely still the whole time, like some stone pillar, until he caught
Shen Qingqiu’s angered gaze, and made an oddly strangled noise, stepping back as though he
had been burnt. Then, he started glaring at him and opened his mouth as though he wanted to
say something, but no words came.

Liu Zhihao merely sighed, struck the back of her son’s head before he said something stupid,
and sent a sympathetic look to the still furious Shen Qingqiu.

“Ay, what are you all screaming and making a scene for? He’s a man, not a woman, so what
if he’s been stripped??”

“Right, making a ruckus over such a small thing! We should be more concerned with where
that demon is!”

“How is he supposed to deal with it now that he’s tied up?”

“What’s going to happen now?”

“Where’s the demon anyway?”

“Speaking of which, is Shen Qingqiu so incompetent that he ends up in such an unseemly

state?”, jeered the leader of the Ba Qi Sect, smirking at Shen Qingqiu. Some like-minded
people started agreeing with him, having been given a chance to eagerly voice their derisive

Shen Qingqiu had gone rigid, his body trembling in shame and anger. There was a furious
flush rising up his neck and face, and the hand holding his fan was shaking violently. Apart
from the jibes at his competence, the whispers about his indignity were only growing.

Yue Qingyuan caught sight of his face, and felt like he had been struck, intaking a sharp
breath and murmuring “Xiao Jiu….”

Shen Qingqiu looked exceptionally wronged- tears of rage starting to well up, his lips curved
downwards in a distressed pout, and an expression of distress, donning his flushed face.

To anyone else who caught sight of Shen Qingqiu’s face, they would swear that they had seen
a man-eating devil with how frighteningly angry he appeared.

But to Yue Qingyuan, Shen Qingqiu looked unbelievably pitiful, to the extent that he
impulsively began moving his hand towards Xuan Su, to somehow silence the hall, and
destroy that damned viewing portal, with such a sight in it.

Before he could even make a move, there was a loud, resounding “CRACK”, that came from
Shen Qingqiu.

Slowly, the audience quieted down even more and turned towards the direction of the sound.

Shen Qingqiu had broken his fan, into numerous splinters, that he continued to bat, as though
nothing had happened.

Finally, he stopped using the broken fan and tucked the pieces into a Qiankun pouch that he
handed to Ming Fan.

Then, out of his robes, he pulled out another fan from within his robes and used it to cover
the potent rage lining his face.

There was silence for a few minutes.

“Well? Continue then. Go on. Keep speaking”, said Shen Qingqiu, his eyes flashing
dangerously. Behind him, stood Yue Qingyuan, with the most displeased expression they had
ever seen on that normally ever-smiling face.

Similarly, Grand Master Wu Chen and Sect Master Huan Lan looked quite disapproving.

No one spoke.
Or rather, no one could speak.

The Old Palace Master finally intervened, just as the pressure had become unbearable.
“I believe decorum… must be maintained…. during such occurrences. Unseemly or not,
Peak Lord Shen still deserves a certain level of respect. Huan Hua Palace, as the host,
requests that the audience keep this in mind, of course, depending on what we may see in the
future.”, he finished, sending a phony smile towards Shen Qingqiu.

On the surface, his message seemed to be one of goodwill, supporting Shen Qingqiu. But he
knew what the Old Palace Master really meant.

For now, you haven’t been shown doing anything worth vilifying you over, but the moment
that you do…. You won’t get off easy.

Chapter End Notes

Everyone: Why is Shen Qingqiu acting so strange? Was he always such an eccentric??
He’s so mysterious!! Who knows what lies in the brilliant mind of Cang Qiong’s

Shen Jiu: …… What the f*ck am I witnessing?

Shen Yuan: *Sneezes*

P.S. The reason Shen Qingqiu seems to have a headache all the time is because the
system is blaring in Shen Yuan's mind :)

The next chapter will conclude the Skinner Arc and start the LingXi caves part! Liu-
Shidi be ready XD

Thanks for reading!! Please leave a comment with your thoughts and whether you liked
the chapter, if you can, I love reading them!
Shen Qingqiu's guide to dealing with Demons and Qi deviations
Chapter Notes

Sorry for another very long wait! Here's the chapter! I hope you enjoy <3

CW: Huan Hua Palace Master being ick as usual, and the Skinner getting handsy with

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Shang Qinghua had sprayed a mouthful of wine on his head disciple when Shen Qingqiu
appeared on-screen half-naked and tied up.

What the f*ck???

He muttered a few words of apologies, to Teng Fen- his head disciple, and absentmindedly
handed him a handkerchief, not once tearing his eyes away from the bizarreness of what he
was witnessing.

A stripped Shen Qingqiu with Ning Yingying and Luo Binghe crying in the background? What
sort of scene was this??

As he watched in open-mouthed surprise, he felt some hostile intent stabbing his back.
Turning around, he noticed that there were quite a few glares sent at him from the Qing Jing
disciples for staring for too long.

Ahhhh I’m not lusting after your Shizun!! Don’t look at me like that!

Shang Qinghua was simply much too taken aback by this turn of events. Since when was the
scum villain being stripped and tied up meant to be so….so… alluring?

He supposed Shen Qingqiu was quite beautiful but wasn’t he a man?

And this…. this was a wife plot!!!

You can call Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky a miserable excuse of an author- messy
plots, phony characters, lazy worldbuilding, and an overall spineless coward with a weak
will- he won’t deny it- in fact, he’ll wholeheartedly agree with you. But if there was anything
that Airplane Juju could truly do – it was his ability to write porn and wife plots! For a virgin,
he was truly a master in the art of fictional papapa!!

He had reached a level of expertise almost unrivaled amongst the other stallion novel writers!
After all, how else would PIDW be so popular, despite its uncountable number of faults?
Most of his readers were only there for the papapa, what did they care about complex
backstories or 3-dimensional characters?

Of course, there were a few readers, like some Cucumber guy that would harshly critique his
admittedly poor writing choices and leave long rants about how shitty the plot was, or how he
left so many plot points undeveloped, and how much he hated the novel.

But even the Cucumber guy would agree that Airplane was the master- no- grandmaster of
writing porn-so how could he not recognize that this astonishing scene before his eyes was
designed like a wife plot??

He had written the very same thing in very popularly received Chapter 763 when wife #32’s
top was torn off after she and Luo Binghe fell into a pit of red devil vines. They were both
restrained by the vines, but of course, the ‘restraining’ was a lot more seductive on wife #32,
and Luo Binghe could only watch in amazement as she blushed in embarrassment as the
vines snaked around her and-

Ahem. Moving on. The point is, that this was clearly a wife plot! But the question was, who
in the world was this aimed at?

Who was trying to wife Shen Qingqiu???

Ning Yingying?? No way, don’t make him laugh.

Luo Binghe? Now, this was even more laughable.

His stallion protagonist possibly being attracted to his male scum Shizun? Preposterous.

The Skinner??? Absurd… but more likely than the other 2 options.

Was there some hidden pervert in the background of the scene meant to be enjoying the view
of Shen Qingqiu tied up and half-naked?

Moreover, why was Shen Qingqiu of all people the target of a wife plot in the first place??

And finally, where the f*ck was the system for all this??

With these questions in mind, Shang Qinghua massaged his aching head, wondering if he
should stop trying to think so hard, and just sit back and relax.

His head disciple handed him a new cup of wine and then sat a few seats away from Shang
Qinghua, resentfully clutching his now alcohol-drenched robes.

Shang Qinghua sent a sheepish smile towards Teng Fen and made a mental note to buy him a
new set of robes.

Screw the plot. The system wasn’t there to warn him or threaten him with punishment
anyway, who cared if the story deviated? It’s not like it would really affect him anyway.

With 4 of the major Sect Leaders disapproving of the callous gossip, there was no choice but
for the audience to quiet down. Some felt dissatisfied, wanting to indignantly question why
the great sects could police their actions, but decided that the hassle was too much. So, what
if they could not be outspoken with their taunts? It wasn’t something worth opposing
someone like Yue Qingyuan or Grandmaster Wu Chen. While it was difficult not to openly
comment, as they continued watching the stripped Shen Qingqiu gradually rouse from his
state of unconscious, they would just have to settle for quietly conversing within their seating
section, trying not to be heard by the upright and honorable cultivators. If surface-level
respect was what they wanted, they could grant that.

A few glances were sent at Shen Qingqiu, out of both sympathy and caution, trying to feel
out his current mood. His face was once again masked by a decorative fan, his eyes
impassive and cold as usual. It seemed his temper had subsided, leading to a collective sigh
of relief.

Of course, on the inside, Shen Jiu was anything but calm. He had cursed to the heavens and
back at least 3 times over. Knowing that he had an image to maintain was the only thing
keeping his temperament in check. He would not make a scene and draw even more attention
to himself.

It was an instinct that he had picked up during his stay at the Qiu Manor.

Shen Qingqiu’s face turned red and white, as he looked utterly humiliated and
confused. Luo Binghe had also looked away, embarrassed. He was tied to a pole,
stripped of his top, lightly shivering as a breeze brushed past him.

“It’s so cold”, he muttered.

Yue Qingyuan stiffened, thinking of their past on the streets, during the winter seasons, when
they would huddle together as closely as possible, desperately trying to keep warm in their
raggedy clothes.

It was ridiculous, how even such a simple statement from his Xiao Jiu ignited a wave of
tenderness, and an overwhelming urge to somehow cover him with his robes.

But he couldn’t. Just like how he couldn’t keep him warm back when they were small,
powerless children.

What had really changed about him? In front of Xiao Jiu, he was just as powerless as before,
no matter what he did.

He could never truly be there for him, regardless of how much he tried to.

And what did his struggles even matter, if, in the end, he failed him, nonetheless?
This was what he told himself every day when he recalled Shen Jiu’s betrayed gaze and
demands for an explanation- every day, when he bit his tongue, and remained mum, silently
taking Shen Jiu’s hatred.

He didn’t want to see how Shen Jiu’s face would fall, hearing what had truly happened.

He didn’t want Shen Jiu to feel guilty, pained, or loathe himself even more. But most of all,
what he feared was for Shen Jiu to realize how pathetic he was.

Because deep down, he was not only ashamed of himself, but terrified of what Shen Jiu
would say.

Shen Qingqiu frantically looked around the room, glaring at Luo Binghe whenever the
boy so much as turned his eyes towards him. He was understandably embarrassed
about being in such a state in front of his disciples.

Although the blatant gossiping had stopped, there were still whispers echoing around the hall.
No show of power would be able to stop people from making judgments within their minds-
and that was what Shen Jiu hated the most. Which was why he’d rather not trust people at all.
He knew better than anyone what it was like to put on a pretense of civility, but harbor
immorality and cruelty within.

Shen Qingqiu’s indifferent façade slowly crumbled, as his complexion turned paler by the
second, and he didn’t have the face to look at anyone.

He was utterly humiliated, in front of his disciples no less!

How could such a low-class demon bring me to such a pathetic state?

The fact that it was happening in front of Luo Binghe made him feel even more furious.

He despised the brat for being so naturally talented, brimming with potential, and destined for

A fit of irrational jealousy and fear festered in his heart, seeing Luo Binghe.

I too was once like you- full of talent, with the capability to reach the heavens. Now, I am
nothing but a hateful bastard, plagued by inner demons, and unbearably mediocre. How
could I bear to see you achieve everything I had always desired?

He wanted to bring the boy down to his level, make him suffer, suffer as he did, and see if he
could still become so great, unlike Shen Jiu whose potential was crippled.

Now that he had been humiliated like this in front of that little beast that already made him
feel so inferior and so small, his rage only rose.

He could imagine how Luo Binghe must be mocking him on the inside, just like everyone
around him was. He tried to control the trembling of his hand and quell the burning anger and
shame within.
No one dared to approach him, knowing from prior experience that it would be best to leave
him alone when he was in such a terrible mood. Yue Qingyuan wanted to comfort him, but he
knew that Shen Qingqiu would be especially vicious when he feels cornered and stressed like
this. Not wanting to draw even more attention to him, Yue Qingyuan remained mum, and
instead focused on ensuring that no members of Cang Qiong were making any unscrupulous

Shen Qingqiu struggled to get up, and sit upright, to maintain at least a little bit of his
dignity. Ning Yingying weepily said: “Shizun, you’ve finally woken up. Yingying is very

Luo Binghe tried to comfort her; “Shijie don’t worry! Shizun would most definitely
save us!!”

“What a calm boy and responsible boy.”, commented Liu Zhihao, glancing at her hot-
tempered son, sighing and shaking her head. Liu Qingge’s face turned dark, and he rolled his
eyes. He was still avoiding looking at the viewing portal, as though it were something

Ning Yingying didn’t know how to react, seeing her future self in such a dangerous situation.
She wasn’t concerned about herself, but rather, how Luo Binghe and Shizun had gotten hurt-
because of her. Shizun looked so upset, and Ning Yingying knew that she couldn’t do
anything about it- just like how she couldn’t do anything when she got captured by the

She flushed in embarrassment and clenched her fists in powerlessness. If only she hadn’t
slacked off on cultivation! If only she was a bit more serious, if only- Her thoughts stopped
when a warm hand rested on her shoulder.

She turned around, expecting it to be her Shizun. Surprisingly it wasn’t. It was Qi Qinggi.

“There is no shame in being afraid. And there is no shame in incompetence, as long as one
shows the attitude to learn.”, she lectured.

Qi Qinggi had noticed the girl looking rather despondent and felt a tinge of pity. Once, she
also knew what it was like to feel powerless and useless. Shen Qingqiu understandably had
other things to worry about; namely- his dignity, so she took it upon herself to offer some
comfort to the girl.

She had always kept an eye on her after all, ever since Shen Qingqiu had taken her in,
particularly with all the rumors about him being a lecherous man that frequented brothels.
Those rumors were also the reason that Qing Jing had only one female disciple- since Qi
Qinggi would take most of the girls before he could select them for his Peak, or right after
they joined.

Ning Yingying was the exception, as she had gotten too attached to Shen Qingqiu to leave
when Qi Qinggi came for her. Although she was slightly starting to doubt the credibility of
those rumors, she did care for Ning Yingying, and always had a place open for at Xian Shu,
should she ever want it.

Suddenly, the doors burst open, and the black shadow that knocked out Shen Qingqiu
slithered into the room.

“Shizun!! It’s the Skinner!!”, cried out Luo Binghe.

At that, there was a mad cackle of laughter from the shadow. A black silhouette
appeared from the darkness, circling throughout the room.

“HAHAHAAH! So Cang Qiong Mountain Sect’s lofty master isn’t anything so great
after all! I never expected the Xiu Ya sword to be defeated so easily!! Seems like the
human realm’s number one sect, Cang Qiong Mountain sect, is quite disappointing. The
Demon Realm’s rise is just around the corner.”

There was another burst of crazed laughter.

The sudden appearance of the demon was more than enough for the audience to completely
forget Shen Qingqiu’s undignified state. There were a few terrified screams, shouts of
surprise, and intrigued looks.

Instantly, the murmurings about Shen Qingqiu had stopped, as the focus shifted onto the

After all, this what really mattered- gaining future intel on the demon races misdeeds.

The disciples of Cang Qiong looked incensed that their Sect had been insulted- and by such a
low-level demon no less!

“You dare insult Cang Qiong Mountain Sect like this??”, shouted a Qiong Ding disciple, with
an indignant frown.

“Demon scum!!”, hissed Ji Jue, a disciple of Bai Zhan, gripping his sword.

The rest of the Bai Zhan disciples glared at the demon, as though wanted to fight it that
instant- just like their temperamental Shifu, that could tolerate no evil.

Shen Qingqiu squinted, “….The Skinner?”

“Hehe, even the famous Xiu Ya Sword has fallen into my hands, I’m delighted! Shen
Qingqiu, Shen Qingqiu, even if you break open your head you won’t be able to guess
who I am! I’ve fooled even the Qing Jing Peak Lord!”, crooned the demon.

There were multiple curious murmurs questioning the identity of the Skinner. Some had
already realized, while others were entirely clueless.

The cultivators began discussing amongst themselves, debating and exchanging ideas, eager
to see if they could solve it.
“Hmm… I think I have a good clue as to who it is… but I’m not sure…”, piped in a
cultivator in orange robes, from some distant corner of the hall.

“Isn’t it just some random demon?”.

“Who could it be?”

“I believe it is quite clear.”, chuckled Grandmaster Wu Chen, stroking his beard, and making
eye contact with Shen Qingqiu, who had also realized.

In fact, most of the more powerful cultivators had already concluded the identity of “The
Skinner”, only the younger and less experienced ones were still confused.

“Quick, tell me who you think it is?”, asked a female cultivator, taking the chance to test her

“What, you don’t know such an obvious thing?”, she scoffed, after receiving silence and
foolish stares.

“Pathetic. When we get back, you will each copy ‘An idiot’s guide to Demon Hunting’ 10

Her disciples immediately groaned and mumbled, lamenting that their Shizun took every
opportunity to discipline them.

They were only junior disciples, how were they supposed to know ah? Even the Qing Jing
Peak Lord’s esteemed disciples hadn’t figured it out, how could they?

Shen Qingqiu scoffed, and said: “Why wouldn’t I be able to guess? You really think I
don’t already know?”

The Skinner: “……”

Shen Qingqiu: “You are Butterfly.”

The Skinner: “……”

The black shadow which enveloped the Skinner suddenly vanished, and indeed it was
Butterfly there!

Butterfly: “Impossible! How could you guess!”

“As expected of Shen-Shixiong!! How could he not guess?”, winked Wei Qingwei, his
expression overly exaggerated, and a playful smile dancing on his lips.

Shen Qingqiu felt his blood pressure rise and resisted the urge to choke him with his fan. But
on the inside, he was somewhat glad that his other self had figured it out. Even if had lost his
memories and turned infuriatingly foolish, there was no way he could be that foolish to not
solve such a clear-cut case.
However, the same could not be said for the audience, where some people still hadn’t figured
out the identity of the Skinner.

There were some gasps of shocks, and “How could this be??”, mixed with a few triumphant
cries of “I knew it!”.

Grandmaster Wu Chen nodded. “Indeed, there was no one it could but Old Master Chen’s
beloved concubine.”

There were quite a few that were puzzled, and they turned towards Grand Master Wu Chen.

“Grandmaster Wu Chen, you are a renowned and experienced cultivator. Begging you to
enlighten this one on how Peak Lord Shen uncovered the identity of the Skinner!”, humbly
spoke a disciple of a minor sect.

The others that were confused eagerly nodded along, especially the non-cultivators, who
couldn’t get used to this sort of investigation.

“Wu Wang”, called out Grand Master Wu Chen.

Instantly, a severe-looking man with thick bushy eyebrows stepped forward and began

“Judging from the structural style of the room, it matches that of the Chen Family Manor,
meaning that the demon must have easy access in and out of the manor. If you observe
closely, a faint female silhouette can be noticed, suggesting the Skinner has taken the guise of
a woman. A woman with free access to the Chen Mansion, who else could it be but Butterfly,
the only remaining concubine? Not to mention, if the demon has been hiding amongst the
women of the Chen Family manor, it explains how it was able to target all the concubines and
leave almost no traces so easily. It is quite good at masking its demonic presence, or Peak
Lord Shen would have noticed the moment he saw it, in the guise of Butterfly. If even an
immortal cultivator could not detect it, how could a normal civilian do so?”

Hearing Master Wu Wang’s explanation, they couldn’t help but feel impressed!

Such thorough and detailed guesswork with so few clues!

“Cultivators are truly quite impressive hmm?”, whispered a noblewoman who had been
eagerly watching. She had lived a rather sheltered life, so this was the first time she was
seeing such things, and it fascinated her.

Shen Qingqiu, questioned by Butterfly, gave the same line of reasoning as Wu Wang.

Butterfly – or rather the Skinner, quickly readjusted herself. Her expression was
dangerously tender and proud as she smiled: “Not bad, it’s really me! Looks like you
aren’t Cang Qiong’s strategist for nothing.”

Shen Qingqiu straightened his body and shifted into a more comfortable position. He
continued to question the Skinner, and coax it into revealing its killing methods.
Luo Binghe was listening silently this entire time, a glint of anger simmering in his eyes,
hearing the Skinner’s brutal actions.

Those with a faint heart had turned pale, or green, hearing the gruesome words the Skinner
spoke. “How despicable”, spat out Liu Zhihao, her expression mirroring that of her son’s.
The people from the Liu family were all known to have an exceptional sense of righteousness
and justice. It was clear where Liu Qingge had inherited his upright values and nature that
could tolerate no wrongdoing.

“What kind of demon is this anyway? I’ve never heard of one that skins its victims to use as

“Does it matter? They’re all beasts that need to be purged!”

“The Skinner is a breed of demon that was quite common many years ago- demons that
skinned humans and wore their skins as a disguise while absorbing their victim’s essence for
sustenance. However, because the disguise was so well crafted and difficult to distinguish
from real humans, other demons inadvertently hunted down their own kind when attacking
us. From a combination of both demon and human cultivators targeting them, they eventually
dwindled in numbers, and haven’t been seen in years. This explains why no one was able to
figure out the culprit immediately- after all, it’s been decades since such cases were seen.”,
explained Grand Master Wu Chen, shaking his head.

“Meaning this Butterfly is one of the last of its kind….”. There was a slight tone of pity in the
voice of the Tian Yi Overlook disciple that had just spoken.

“But couldn’t they have communicated with the other demons, and come up with some way

“Not possible. Demons are not like humans. They have no sense of comradery or familial
ties. They do not care for their own kin and are inherently selfish and cruel. They were born
to wreak havoc.”, snapped a blue-robed woman.

Shen Jiu sneered to himself. As far as he had seen, humans, demons, what difference did it
make? They were all just as disgusting and immoral.

“Hah! Serves them right!! Let them all slaughter each other!!”

“Makes it easier for us if they just keep fighting amongst themselves!”

“This is precisely why the prospect of a Demon Emperor is a great threat to our entire realm.”

The Huan Hua Palace Master looked extremely grave, as he interjected into the discussion,
his voice quiet, yet resounding. He paused, waiting for the audience to simmer down, and
take in the weight of his statement.

When the last traces of mutterings and whispers faded away, he began speaking.

“Demons are born naturally more powerful than us. A demon child is capable of killing a few
grown men, while a human child of the same age, cannot even lift a sword. The only thing
preventing them from completely terrorizing and invading the human realm, is that they
cannot join forces. They are far too occupied warring with each other. With an Emperor
uniting them, nothing would hold them back from unleashing their hell everywhere.”

The only thing everyone could think of was the black-clothed fiend that had watched Cang
Qiong burn. A possible new demon emperor, capable of defeating the most powerful sect.

The quietness of the room only amplified the pervasive sense of dread they all felt at what
was to come.

An Elderly Sect Leader coughed. “Not just any demon can become Emperor either. They
must be unquestionably powerful. The only beings capable of it, are heavenly demons. The
last of which we have successfully suppressed under a mountain, where he will rot for an

The old man was trying to raise the mood, and it worked. At the reminder of the battle
against Tianlang-Jun, there was a sense of comradery and pride settling among those present.

There was still a persistent fear, but they were once again encouraged by the remembrance of
their heaven-shaking feat 12 years ago. Although many of the people that were responsible
for their victory weren’t present now, they still believed that they would be capable of
achieving such success again!

After all, didn’t they have a new generation of incredible talents?

“It’s all thanks to Lao Gongzhu, leading us into victory with his timely plans and strategies.
His foresight was truly remarkable. “, crowed the minor sect leader, joining in on the rising
mood, and bowing towards the Old Palace Master.

Many others followed suit, to which the Huan Hua Palace Master let out a pleased chuckle.

“No need, no need, you flatter me too much. It took the efforts of everyone to achieve such a

The Old Palace Master bowed in appreciation.

“Everything I do is for the sake of a peaceful world. I am merely doing my duty as an

honorable cultivator, dedicated towards righteousness.”

On the outside, he seemed illustrious, declaring his righteous intentions to the Cultivation
World. On the inside, only he knew what vile machinations he had in mind.

Luo Binghe could be a half- heavenly demon. The son of his beloved Xiyan and that demon
scoundrel. Most human and demon half-breeds were weak, and usually only retained the
characteristics of one parent. Either they were entirely demon, or entirely human. Judging by
how human Luo Binghe appeared, and how he gave off no demonic energy, he assumed that
the boy hadn’t inherited his father’s disgusting demonic nature. Even his appearance was
closer to his mother's. There was almost no trace of TianLang-Jun in his childish features.
Which made it much easier for the Old Palace Master to be ready to accept the boy.
Although his paternal lineage was…. distasteful, it was barely visible. The last heavenly
demon was vanquished. His son could barely qualify as a demon. He would be able to take
the boy in, especially if he revealed that his mother was his former disciple. After all, who
better to take care of Luo Binghe than his own Grandmaster?

There was also no one still around that knew of Su Xiyan’s affair with TianLang-Jun, and
even if they did, he would have to ensure they would remain silent.

In the back of his mind, he once again recalled the demon that had burned down Cang Qiong
Mountain Sect, but he refused to acknowledge it.

Not when he was so close to getting what he had longed for all those years. He was willing to
take the small chance that it wasn’t Luo Binghe, and even if it was, if he got his hands on the
boy now, he would have the chance to rehabilitate and prevent him from ever revealing the
demon lineage he may or may not have inherited.

He would kill 2 birds with one stone- eliminating a possible future threat and get Xiyan’s
child for himself.

It was all planned out flawlessly.

Now all he needed to do was find the boy, to set it all in motion.

Unfortunately, he didn’t have the faintest idea of where to start looking.

He would just have to bide his time and wait for the answers to be revealed.

He was quite good at being patient after all.

The Little Palace Mistress shot a look of admiration at her father, who sat silently in his seat,
seemingly in deep thought. She was proud to be the daughter of an upstanding, and well-
respected figure in the cultivational world.

Thinking over father’s honorable words, the more she considered it, the more frustrated she
became. Huan Hua Palace deserved to be at the top, not Cang Qiong Mountain Sect!

It was her father that planned the siege against the former demon emperor! She had often
heard her father, and some of the senior sect members discuss this, and she whole-heartedly

The Little Palace Mistress had always been haughty and arrogant. She took great pride in her
sect, so how could she bear to hear about Cang Qiong Mountain being lauded the best?

So her grudge towards Ning Yingying didn’t simply stem only from jealousy, it was much
more than that.

Shen Qingqiu: “Every once in a while, you must constantly change into a new skin; is it
simply for the novelty, or is there another reason?”

Butterfly coldly laughed and said: “Do you think I’ll tell you?”
“You’ve already told me so many things anyway.” Butterfly laughed at that, and looked
towards the bound Ning Yingying and Luo Binghe, walking towards them.

Luo Binghe was still as calm and composed as before, but Ning Yingying loudly cried:
“Demon! Stay away! Shizun, save me!”

Shen Qingqiu gripped his fan tighter; hearing Ning Yingying call out for help like that but
knowing that he was practically powerless. He could tell that he was distracting the demon
into making a mistake, but it wasn’t enough. What if it just lost patience and decided to kill
Ning Yingying?

Ming Fan and the other Qing Jing disciples look similarly frustrated, but with defeat in their
eyes, knowing that they could do nothing.

“Shizun must have a plan,”, muttered Ming Fan, comforting himself more than his fellow

“There’s no way he’d let Ning-Shimei get hurt…”

Ning Yingying lightly flushed, hearing herself cry out desperately like that, especially
compared to Luo Binghe, who was far calmer and more composed in the face of danger
despite being younger.

Most of the whispers in the audience were of concern and worry for her, but she could still
feel the Little Palace Mistress smirking at her and rolling her eyes in mockery. She knew that
there was no shame in being frightened as Qi-Shigu had told her, but she felt disconcerted
nonetheless and shot back a watery glare at the Little Palace Mistress.

Next to her, Liu Mingyan grasped her hand, her eyes looking at her kindly, and nodding in

At that, a warm feeling filled Ning Yingying’s heart. She was the only female disciple on
Qing Jing Peak, and while she loved all her Shixiongs, sometimes she thought having a Shijie
would be nice as well.

But although Qi-Shigu had offered her a place in Xian Shu Peak a few times, Ning Yingying
had always turned it down in favor of staying at Qing Jing.

In the past, Shizun had actually suggested that she spend a few months on Xian Shu, so she
could get along with girls her age, but Ning Yingying had been too attached to Shen Qingqiu
to leave- and so she threw a tantrum until he dropped the idea.

Looking back, she really was somewhat of a brat, wasn’t she?

But she vowed to change, to become upstanding, and someone Shizun could rely on, just like
she had relied on him all these years!

Butterfly laughed tauntingly: “Your Shizun is bound with Immortal Binding Cables,
and the spiritual power in his body can’t circulate. It’ll be difficult for him to save his
own life; how can he save you?”
“What are immortal binding cables?”, questioned a non-cultivator sitting in the upper areas.

“Precisely what it sounds like”, replied a Huan Hua disciple.

“They are special restraints designed to suppress one’s cultivation, leaving them no different
from an ordinary person. Of course, different levels of cultivation need different grades of
bindings. Peak Lord Shen’s cultivation is quite high, so those are some top-grade cables.”

“Where did a demon acquire such a thing…..?”, muttered Wei Qingwei.

Immortal Binding Cables were quite difficult to make, considering how powerful they were
when used. To reduce an immortal cultivator to a mere mortal was no easy task, after all.
Even the Great Sects had a limited supply of high-quality binding cables.

Which really did beg the question-where had the demon gotten it from?

Yue Qingyuan’s brows furrowed in deepening worry when he realized Shen Qingqiu’s
cultivation was sealed. But he also knew that if anyone could survive and escape in such a
situation without any spiritual powers- it would be Shen Qingqiu.

Butterfly slowly ran her fingers over Ning Yingying’s face, with an expression of envy.

Suddenly, she gripped her chin, and Ning Yingying whimpered, while Luo Binghe
glared at the demon, furiously struggling in his bindings.

“If my demonic powers hadn’t suffered damage, I wouldn’t need to keep switching
skins so often. This skin has also run through its usefulness. But I will get a new skin
soon.”, cackled Butterfly, leering at Ning Yingying.

“This little girl’s skin is tender and youthful. I can probably use her for quite a while.”

The Skinner turned to face Ning Yingying, a wicked smile on her face.

“After your essence is sucked dry by me, it’ll be your Shizun’s turn. To be able to use
the Xiu Ya Sword will count as a second life for me!”

“Shizun!!!!”, gasped Ning Yingying, echoed by her fellow disciples.

“This-This demon dares-“, spluttered Ming Fan too enraged to even form words.

“Use Shen-Shixiong and his disciple as… a new skin??”, murmured Mu Qingfang, looking
mildly horrified.

Just imagining the demon in the guise of Shen Qingqiu and traipsing around Cang Qiong, all
while the real Shen Qingqiu was long gone and they would have no clue- what a terrifying

Yue Qingyuan’s eyes had gone wide open, his hand clenching Xuan Su so tightly that his
knuckles turned white. He didn’t know what to say, or what to do, so he just stood there,
silently and stiffly, preparing himself for whatever he might have to witness.
“He’s not so weak that he’d let himself be skinned. And if it succeeds, we’d destroy it the
moment it set foot in Cang Qiong. There’s no way we wouldn’t recognize a demonic
possession.”, offered Liu Qingge, clearly trying to provide some blustering means of
comfort- but failing at it, because Yue Qingyuan looked even fainter, and Shen Qingqiu
scowled at him.

Although Liu Qingge’s words annoyed him, he was too worried about another matter he had
thrown to the back of his mind. An uncomfortable sensation that just resurfaced, after hearing
the Skinner’s plans.

What if the Shen Qingqiu in front of him wasn’t… him?

He knew it wasn’t likely- demonic possession wasn’t that hard to identify- but the longer he
watched his other self, the stranger he felt.

Could a loss of memories and Qi deviation really change him so much?

He didn’t want to consider such a possibility… but….. he could not help but be suspicious.

“Heh, to be at the mercy of such a low-class demon, Peak Lord Shen, isn’t this a little
embarrassing?”, taunted the Ba Qi Sect Leader, seeing another opportunity to belittle Shen

There were a few murmurs of agreement, with fragments of sentences being heard- “I
thought he’d have escaped by now”; “Isn’t he supposed to be powerful?”; “- Weaker than I

However, no one voiced these thoughts too loudly, in fear of another outburst like earlier. But
the damage was done, as that offhanded statement settled among the audience and the
whispers grew.

Shen Jiu gritted his teeth in frustration but continued holding his head up high, acting entirely
unbothered. He didn’t have the time nor the patience to snap at every taunt sent towards him.
He was entirely capable of scathingly replying, but it wasn’t worth it at that moment- not
when he had more important things to focus on.

The Qing Jing disciples looked similarly affronted and wanted to oppose the statements, but
they were unsure what to say.

“Don’t you always only target young and beautiful girls?”, questioned Shen Qingqiu.

“I never said I only choose to target young and beautiful women. If their skin is smooth
and exquisite, I’ll target them, regardless of gender or age. It’s just that most men don’t
have skin as good as a woman’s and an older person is all wrinkly.”

Suddenly, her eyes flashed, and an envious expression appeared on her face. She
stretched her crimson-painted hands and rubbed them over Shen Qingqiu’s upper
“However, an immortal cultivator is truly different. Even though you’re a man, you
have such smooth and delicate skin. It’s…… been a long time since I’ve used a man’s

Quite a few eyes had already once again turned towards Shen Qingqiu. The hand holding his
fan was shaking slightly once again, but other than that, there was no obvious reaction. Shen
Qingqiu was clearly still trying to remain indifferent, but this time, his anger was
understandably more prominent. In his mind, he violently cursed the demon.

“HOW DARE THAT FILTHY DEMON-“, bellowed Ming Fan, jumping out of his seat,
before being yanked back down by his Shidi, who hissed “Don’t make a scene, Shizun would
hate it if you drew even more attention.” Ming Fan knew the boy was right, so with great
difficulty, he remained quiet, and silently seethed with his fellow disciples, who were all
similarly struggling to remain calm.

How dare a demon lay its hands on their Shizun?? And talk about his… s-smooth and
delicate skin?? Outrageous!!!! They couldn’t help but be frustrated with their future selves,
for being absent when their Shizun and martial siblings were in such a precarious situation.

A dark look crossed Yue Qingyuan’s face as well, watching the demon take such liberties
with Shen Qingqiu, and once again his grip on Xuan Su tightened.

Shen Qingqiu broke out in goosebumps, and the disgust was evident on his face. Getting
touched here and there like this, Shen Qingqiu’s face revealed some embarrassment,
and he unconsciously shrank back slightly. There was a pink flush forming on his body,
and he looked terribly distraught.

There was a distinct red tone on some faces as they watched Shen Qingqiu be touched by the
Skinner, while many others spluttered in embarrassment and outrage and turned away.

All of a sudden, they had been reminded that Peak Lord Shen was stripped and bound by
this- this- lewd demon!

“With the way he’s reacting, you’d think he’s a virgin who despises the very idea of carnal
pleasure.”, whispered a cultivator in the lower area.

His whispers were not as quiet as he believed, and a few that heard him joined in on the

“Right, would a lecher be so shy? And l-like some p-pure maiden?”

“That can’t be true, I heard he frequents brothels regularly. There’s no way he hasn’t felt the
touch of a woman.”

“Then why does he look so affronted and disgusted here?”

“You idiot, isn’t that clearly because it’s a demon?? That isn’t Master Chen’s beautiful
concubine, it’s a demon in disguise! Who wouldn’t be disgusted, getting touched by a demon
like that?”
Wei Qingwei smirked slightly, sensing an opportunity to tease Shen Qingqiu.

It was refreshing, his Shixiong who had such a thin face, so flustered like this- how could he
not make use of this chance?

However, when he turned to face him, he was met with Shen Qingqiu’s murderous and dark

His expression seemed to be daring any of his martial siblings to comment.

Even Liu Qingge was entirely quiet, a weird expression on his face as he watched, and then
gaped at Shen Qingqiu, like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

To be fair, none of them could! Who knew there would be a day where they see Shen
Qingqiu of all people like this?

Wei Qingwei gulped. He decided to graciously remain silent. Just this once.

Blissfully unaware of the icy glares being sent at anyone whose gaze lingered, a few of the
noble ladies, including Tan Cui and her group struggled to control the licentious glint in their
eyes and giggled slightly.

“Oh yes….this is some good material…”, she murmured.

“Good material… for what?”, asked the man sitting a few seats away from her, not sure if he
wanted to know the answer.

“Oh! Nothing!”, she stammered, furiously shoving away the sheet she had been taking notes

Before she could hide away the whole thing, he caught a few words on the top of the sheet.

“Sect Master and Shidi: Romance at the Tian Gong Peaks”

There was a very hasty sketch of two people that looked suspiciously like Peak Lord Shen
and Sect Master Yue, locked in a passionate embrace.

The man’s face turned blank for a few seconds, before he nodded once, and walked a few
seats away, avoiding eye contact with Tan Cui, and lighting a candle in his heart for Yue
Qingyuan and Shen Qingqiu.

Shen Qingqiu took a shaky breath, steeling himself, and then suddenly smiled.

Butterfly guardedly said: “What are you smiling for?”

Shen Qingqiu said very slowly and leisurely: “I’m laughing at your bad judgment on
the important things. You failed to notice the one amongst us three, who is the best
choice for your new skin.”
Luo Binghe heard his words and his face changed, as Butterfly slowly turned her
hungry gaze towards him.

There was an immediate outburst of outraged cries from the audience, as they realized what
Shen Qingqiu suggested.


“He- he can’t seriously be suggesting that-“

“Shen Qingqiu how dare you!!”

“That is your disciple!!! What do you think you’re doing??”

“Saving his own skin, by sacrificing his student!”

“How… how awful!!”

Ning Yingying had also frozen for a second and slowly looked at her Shizun.

Surely he was just saying that? To distract the demon? There was no way he’d really let A-
Luo get hurt, right?

Shen Qingqiu was also wondering what the hell his other self was thinking! Even if he
despised the little beast, there was no way he could blatantly advocate for his murder, and in
front of Ning Yingying, of all people!!! She would never forgive him! He may be scum, but
even he wouldn’t so obviously have his disciple killed! Unless.. he had some sort of plan?
But what? Shen Qingqiu’s mind rapidly looked through the scene, looking for any clues or

There was no way he would be so unprepared!

Butterfly looked up and down at Luo Binghe. His appearance was calm, but inside, he
must have been terrified.

Butterfly said: “Even if you want to trick me, you should have used a better lie. How
can this young boy compare with that of a cultivator who has a mid-level golden core?

“Exactly! Shen Qingqiu, if you wanted to save your own life and throw away your disciple,
isn’t there a smarter way of doing so? Why would the Skinner choose a weak boy over an
immortal cultivator? How pathetic!”

“Look at the poor boy! He’s clearly so scared but he’s still put on a brave front!”

“How unlucky he is to have such a terrible Shizun!”, exclaimed a cultivator from Huan Hua
Palace, glaring at Shen Qingqiu.

Liu Qingge turned to Shen Qingqiu with a puzzled frown.

“You…. Are you such a coward that you would let your own disciple die like that?”
Liu Qingge actually wasn’t trying to insult Shen Qingqiu, but unfortunately, Peak Lord Liu
always had always been terrible at communication and he came off as patronizing and

One was blunt and straightforward, while the other was prickly and easily offended.

Neither was understanding or willing to give in, and both were obstinate and stubborn.

It was a combination for hatred and misunderstandings to form .

Shen Qingqiu glared at Liu Qingge, his eyes flashing with dislike.

He was already in a terrible mood on account of everything that had happened so far, and he
finally lashed out, finding release for his suppressed anger.

“Coward? So what if I am? At least I’m doing something. “. He snorted. “Please, tell me,
Peak Lord Liu-What would you do? Fight your way out of immortal binding cables? Without
even a sword? ”

He paused for a second and scoffed.

“On second thought, you’re such a mindless brute that you might actually try battling ropes-“

Liu Qingge wasn’t feeling particularly accommodating either, and his temper flared at Shen
Qingqiu’s words.

“I’d rather be a mindless brute than a pathetic coward like you.“

“Pathetic? Between the two of us, the only one that is pathetic is you-“

“I’m not the one that would send my disciple to death to save my own skin.”

“That’s right, you wouldn’t. Why would a demon need to beat your disciples when you do
that yourself?”

“Shen Qingqiu! What would you know? Bai Zhan is the Peak for war and combat- where the
disciples actually work hard to cultivate through strenous training- of course, such a thing
must be an unfamiliar concept to someone like you."

"Ha?! Liu Qingge, what would I know? What the hell would a brutish fool like you-"

“Enough.”, said Yue Qingyuan.

Both of them didn't back down, and only drew closer, the anger between them rising as their
hands twitched towards their swords.

Shen Qingqiu had lost every time whenever they engaged physically, but it never stopped
him from trying, doing everything possible to injure Liu Qingge in their bouts.
"Enough ", repeated Yue Qingyuan, this time gently pushing Liu Qingge back, and grabbing
Shen Qingqiu’s arm.

Normally, he tried not to intervene in their fights, but they couldn’t afford to make such a
scene right now.

Liu Qingge immediately obeyed and stood back, still, but emanating a fierce aura.

Shen Qingqiu snarled “Don't touch me” and wrenched his arm out of Yue Qingyuan’s grip.

However, he listened and moved back. As furious as he was, he still had to listen to the Sect

The two of them continued shooting daggers at each other from either side of Yue Qingyuan,
who looked at them helplessly.

Mu Qingfang expressed some understanding and sighed. The other Peak Lords had similar
faces of exasperation, as they all looked at the pair. They had witnessed countless fights
between the two, but they still couldn't get used to it.

One of these days… these two might actually kill each other.

Shen Qingqiu tilted his head and laughed: “With your judgment skills, no wonder your
cultivation is so weak. Haven’t you considered what sort of person that I, Shen Qingqiu,
am? If this child is only good on the surface, then why would I want to accept him as
one of my disciples? If I only wanted a disciple who looked good on the surface, there
are enough people wanting to enter Cang Qiong Mountain sect every year that they
almost reach the skies. Do you think there aren’t enough for me to choose from? What
mysterious process is used to choose from them naturally can’t be revealed to

Shen Qingqiu truly looked like he meant every word that came out of his mouth, and it was
almost believable that he held Luo Binghe in quite a high regard, barring the current
dilemma. In any other circumstance, hearing such high words of praise would have been a
delight to receive.

The Qing Jing disciples would have been unbearably envious hearing the high regard Shen
Qingqiu apparently had for Luo Binghe, while others would claim that they knew Shen
Qingqiu cared for Luo Binghe all along and was just testing him to uncover the boundless
potential he believed the boy had.

But under such a situation, the words which were meant to be admirable turned into a bitter
death sentence.

“There’s no way he would actually let Luo Binghe get hurt….”, started another cultivator,
who truly believed Shen Qingqiu was an upright man.

“Heh, you’re still trying to defend him? After he-“

“I… believe we shouldn’t… assume things.”, said a quiet voice, but loud enough to be heard
by most of the audience.

They turned to see the pink-robed female cultivator, who had been defending Luo Binghe

“Assume things? There’s nothing to assume, it’s clear what he’s doing!!”

“That’s not what I meant- Peak Lord Shen isn’t someone who is so careless and cruel-hearted
to send his disciple to death right in front of him! Besides…he- he does care for Luo Binghe!
In some strange, eccentric manner, but he cares for the boy! Didn’t we see him protect him
from his bullies, and even allow him onto his own horse carriage?”

“Yes, but before that, the boy was being abused! And now he finally sees an opportunity to
get rid of him-“

“No, no, she has a point! There’s no way Immortal Master Shen doesn’t have a plan! He is
the strategist of Cang Qiong after all! This must all be a part of his plot to take down the

“Hah, as if! He’s just-“ The audience continued bickering, while the Cang Qiong section was
almost completely silent.

The tension was thick enough to cut through with a sword. Liu Qingge and Shen Qingqiu
were at a standstill, coldly glaring while facing each other; the other Peak Lords were
watching with apprehension, and the disciples remained quiet to not add to the chaos.
Alhough in a show of support for their respective masters, the Bai Zhan disciples and Qing
Jing disciples were also glowering each other down.

Besides, the enmity between Bai Zhan and Qing Jing was basically a tradition of Cang Qiong
after all- a rivalry that had existed long before Liu Qingge and Shen Qingquu ascended to
their positions. Never before did the peak lords of these two peaks ever get along- although
the hostility between the peak lords of the Qing generation was especially vicious.

“Do you think he’s really trying to send his disciple to death?”, whispered a curious Liu
Zhihao, leaning closer to Qi Qinggi.

She had witnessed the outburst between her son and Shen Qingqiu earlier. She didn’t know
who was in the wrong, but she did realize that her son wasn’t joking when he called Shen
Qingqiu his worst enemy.

The hatred was palpable and ready to ignite at the smallest spark. They both obviously
thought the worst of each other. But she wasn’t her son, and his views weren’t hers. Their
rivalry had nothing to do with her. (unless- if one day, it went too far).

Her impression of Shen Qingqiu was neutral, but she couldn’t guess what he was thinking in
this scene.

It was better to ask someone that knew him better, so she questioned Qi Qinggi.
Qi Qinggi looked surprised that she had been suddenly asked a question. She contemplated
for a moment, before answering.

“Shen Qingqiu….He.. can certainly be spiteful and cruel, but he’s not…. careless. He...".

She sighed, unable to form words. If she had been asked earlier, without a doubt, she would
have believed that he could immoral enough to do such a thing. After all, what was one more
wrongdoing to someone who was already an unpleasant reprobate?

But now....

While her impression of him was still mostly negative, a hint of doubt crawled into her-
especially after seeing him interact with Ning Yingying, who he seemed to truly care for, like
an elder brother, or father. Would he want her to witness her Shidi die in front of her?

"I can't really say.", she finished.

"I see.", was all Liu Zhihao said in reply.

Butterfly tilted her head and was starting to look convinced, giving a Luo Binghe a
considering glance.

Shen Qingqiu : “If you’re skeptical, it’s easy to check. I’ll tell you something that’ll
prove my words are right. Go over and hit him on the top of his head and you’ll see that
I haven’t deceived you.”

Luo Binghe’s face went deathly white.

“A-LUO!”, screeched the Little Palace Mistress, clutching her whip.

“You- you- How could you be so wicked??”, she shouted, pointing at Shen Qingqiu.

“Peak Lord Shen this is too far!”, said the Old Palace Master, joining his outraged daughter,
with a disapproving expression on his face.

“Is this how Qing Jing treats its disciples? If this how Luo Binghe will be treated, perhaps it’s
better that he joins Huan Hua Palace….“

He trailed off, his eyes shining with disguised greed, and Shen Qingqiu tried not to gag from

Shen Jiu didn’t like Luo Binghe. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say he was beginning to despise
him. But the way the Old Palace Master looked at Luo Binghe…. There was something so
familiar about that horrible gaze, as it brought shivers of disgust down his rigid spine. He
didn’t like Luo Binghe, not one bit, but the notion of Luo Binghe suffering under the hands of
a pervert like the Old Palace Master made him uncomfortable. In Luo Binghe, sometimes, he
saw himself- weak, pathetic, and powerless. And in the Old Palace Master, he could see hints
of Qiu Jianluo, with every lingering look he cast at the boy.
He didn't like Luo Binghe, but he liked the idea of him with the Old Palace Master even

Sensing Shen Qingqiu’s anger at the suggestion of Luo Binghe going to Huan Hua Palace,
Yue Qingyuan was prepared to interject.

“With all due respect, I would like everyone to have some faith in my Shidi. He… he isn’t
someone who… who would set his disciple for slaughter like this. He must have his reasons.”

While Yue Qingyuan's words to inspire confidence in Shen Qingqiu were agreed on by most
of the people present, some did take it with a grain of salt- especially the ones who had
noticed how .....considerate.... the Sect Master had been shown to be to his Shidi- for reasons

He turned to face Shen Qingqiu after finishing, with a small smile of reassurance, and his
face the slightest bit expectant.

Shen Qingqiu rolled his eyes and looked away.

Although the way Shen Qingqiu treated some of his disciples was…. poor to say the least, he
had faith that he would not act so dishonorably. At least not in front of Ning Yingying.

Yue Qingyuan knew that he cared for the girl and would not upset her in such a manner by
having her witness her Shidi’s death.

Ning Yingying was scared to death: “Shi…… Shizun, you…… you aren’t saying this for
real, right?”

Shen Qingqiu ignored her and faced Butterfly, smiling slightly, saying: “Whether or not
it’s true, you’ll know once you try. It’s only striking a child’s head; even if I’m deceiving
you, you wouldn’t be at a loss right? Or is it that you are worried what I said is true, so
you’re afraid to hit and see?”

Luo Binghe looked terrified that Butterfly would listen to his Shizun’s words. He turned
stiffer and stiffer with each line.

“Oh no, I can’t watch this anymore”, said a faint-hearted non-cultivator, closing her eyes.

“Even if this is some plan of his, it must simply too cruel for Luo Binghe to hear these

“Sh-Shizun?!”, stuttered Ming Fan. His martial brothers looked similarly pale.

Luo Binghe may be the source of their jealousy, but he was still a future Shidi of theirs! He
was kind, and humble despite how much they bullied him. And they hadn’t even gotten a
chance to apologize or make it up to him! He- he couldn’t die here! While they still trusted
their Shizun, a hint of doubt crawled into their hearts.

Some of them thought back to their harsh punishments, and Shizun watching over with cold
eyes. At that time, while they respected him as their teacher, they were convinced he was
heartless and didn’t care for them at all. They had lamented joining Qing Jing Peak. Most of
them had come from affluent backgrounds and weren’t used to such difficult work. After
watching everything that had happened, and seeing his odd favor for Luo Binghe, they started
to think that perhaps the Shizun they admired so much, did care, and these painful tasks were
his way of training them and recognizing their potential.

Maybe he had been watching over them too, like he watched over Luo Binghe.

At least that was what they wanted to believe.

Shizun wouldn’t hurt them or Luo Binghe.

They didn’t want to think otherwise. So all they could do was have faith in him.

“He’ll be fine”, said Lian Tao, the 5th ranked disciple of Qing Jing Peak, a hopeful
determination in his voice. “Shizun won’t let anything happen to him.”

Butterfly snorted: “I really have to see what kind of thing you are talking about.” She
rapidly advanced towards Luo Binghe, raising her taloned hand high, and sent a palm
striking down!

Ning Yingying squealed in fear, as did many other cultivators.

She covered her face with her hands, not daring to see what happened.

Her fellow Cang Qiong disciples all flinched, cringing back from whatever would happen.
Would their future Shidi be pummeled into the ground? Or would he survive by some

Those that still dared to look, watched with bated breath, and eyes blown wide open, as
Butterfly’s strike descended upon Luo Binghe.

Even Shen Qingqiu had stopped batting his fan for a moment, unable to tear his eyes away
from what would happen.

Just when the palm was about to strike down, Shen Qingqiu’s eyes contracted and he
immediately straightened up; and suddenly, the ceiling broke down! That almost
entirely new ceiling beam smashed onto Butterfly, crushing her onto the ground, unable
to get up. It also brought down the pillar that Luo Binghe and Ning Yingying were tied

There was an outburst of surprised shouts and shrieks as they watched the ceiling collapse
out of nowhere! After a moment of tense silence as the dust cleared up, there were cries of

“A-Luo! He’s okay!!”.

The Little Palace Mistress and Ning Yingying made eye contact for a second, surprised they
had spoken at the same time, before turning away in mutual disdain.
“Oh, thank the heavens! Nothing happened!”

“I knew it! Shen Qingqiu, you rascal! Scaring us like that! I knew he had a plan!!”, raucously
laughed a paunchy cultivator. “See! The boy is fine!!”.

“You’re saying the ceiling falling was…. planned?”

“Who says it was a part of his plan? It could… just been a coincidence!!”

“Oh please! He was clearly trying to goad the demon to go near Luo Binghe so that the
ceiling beam would fall on it!”

“Well, how did the ceiling beam even fall in the first place? And why at that exact moment?
It’s not like he could have used spiritual energy with those cables! It’s too absurd to have
been planned!”

“No, it was too absurd to have been a coincidence! How can you not see the signs-“

The arguments went back and forth, gathering more and more voices. The person in question,
however, was completely ignored during the discussion! No one was brave enough to be the
first one to directly ask Shen Qingqiu what had happened. They were all waiting for some
poor fool to approach him instead. Shen Qingqiu seemed to be aware of the unquestionable
and frigid aura he had, as he watched the lively audience below with impassive eyes, as
though he was entirely uninvolved.

Shang Qinghua hadn't been worried at all, as he knew that there was no way that Luo Binghe
could hurt, but he was a bit impressed seeing the protagonist halo work right in front him.

Speaking of which......what the hell was Shen Qingqiu doing??? Did he somehow know about
the protagonist halo? Or did he have some other plan in mind?

Or was he really sending Luo Binghe to death?

Shang Qinghua supposed it was somewhat in character for Shen Qingqiu to send Luo Binghe
to death, but he kept thinking there was something strange about this Shen Qingqiu-
something besides the Qi deviation and memory loss.

Something that he couldn't quite put his finger on yet.

Ning Yingying had already been scared dizzy earlier. Luo Binghe struggled and the
bindings miraculously loosened. On the other hand, Shen Qingqiu was still bound by
the Binding Immortal Cable, watching Luo Binghe stand near the fallen Butterfly in

All of a sudden, Butterfly flipped the ceiling beam and sprang up. She was not dead yet!

She furiously said: “Shen Qingqiu! Cang Qiong Mountain sect’s people are truly base
and shameless, full of schemes! What kind of twisted method did you use to harm me
from behind?”
Shen Qingqiu merely smirked.

Butterfly: “So you were purposefully tricking me, trying to divert my attention and
sneak-attack. How else would a perfectly good ceiling beam like this fall down, and
right on top of me too?”

“See? Even the demon knows it wasn’t a coincidence!”

“Why does a demon’s opinion even matter-“

Suddenly, a senior disciple from Zhao Hua Temple suddenly stood up, his eyes wide.

It was the same man that had explained why Shen Qingqiu hadn’t interfered when Luo
Binghe was being bullied.

“I see…. I see….I understand now…”.

He turned towards Shen Qingqiu, who had been absentmindedly sitting, not caring to pay
attention to the incessant drabbles.

“Peak Lord Shen… truly, I must applaud your brilliance. This plan of yours was wonderfully
executed! To have such foresight…. You are certainly worthy of being the strategist of Cang

Shen Qingqiu: …..???

“Ha? What? What plan? Wasn’t it just a coincidence? You mean to say that-“

“Of course, he had a plan! Esteemed young master, please, go ahead and explain Peak Lord
Shen’s strategy!”

The arguments over whether what happened was simply by chance or a scheme by Shen
Qingqiu momentarily ceased, as they all turned attentively to the man.

The man cleared his throat and stroked his wispy beard a few times.

“Think about it. I suspect Peak Lord Shen knew from the very beginning that Butterfly was
indeed The Skinner-"

"That's ridiculous-"

"Silence. I want to hear him finish", ordered Master Wu Wang.

"Ahem, as I was saying- Peak Lord Shen figured out very early that the Skinner was
Butterfly- as many of us experienced cultivators here did. But he didn't say anything. Why?
Because this was meant to be a training exercise for his disciples! Would Peak Lord Shen, the
strategist of Cang Qiong be so careless? He already knew that the demon was in Chen's
mansion, and his disciples would eventually track it down! While chasing down the demon,
they might get hurt, or injured, so Peak Lord Shen prepared for that as well! He must have
placed protective talismans on each of his disciples so that if the demon was about to attack
them, they would be protected-"

"That must be why he incited that demon into attacking Luo Binghe! Because he knew that
would activate the talisman!", joined in another cultivator, his eyes opening wide.

The disciple from Zhao Hua Temple nodded furiously, seeing that people were beginning to

"Indeed! He also let his disciples wander freely because he knew that talisman would protect
them! There must be a tracking function too, for him to find the missing disciple Ning so

"Shizun....", sniffled a few disciples, moved to tears. Shizun really did care, didn't he? He just
never showed it! They had seen it when he was secretly watching them on Qing Jing Peak,
and now even attaching talismans to protect them? The viewing portal was clearly exposing
their Shizun for the caring teacher he really was!

"Wait- But is there even a talisman like that? That causes the ceiling to fall down?? This is
prepo-", interjected an indignant man.

"There is", confirmed the disciple of Zhao Hua Temple. "I checked with Grandmaster Wu
Chen before I confirmed my theory."

"Indeed, there is a talisman- an old one- where when a threat is detected, the dormant
spiritual energy of the user is induced to strikeout. It is useful for those who have untapped
potential but have not cultivated that energy yet. When the demon approached disciple Luo,
the talisman would have caused his spiritual energy to strike the ceiling and take down the
demon. I am surprised that Peak Lord Shen knew of such a talisman, and used it so well.
Truly, a peerless scholar.", smiled Grandmaster Wu Chen, bowing in respect.

More and more people murmured in amazement, looking at Shen Qingqiu with fascinated
gazes of admiration.

Shen Qingiu's expression turned more and more strained, as he bowed in thanks.

Why have I never heard of such a talisman before??

Butterfly laughed coldly: “You think something like this is enough to stop me? Dream
on. Unless it’s cut with an immortal treasure sword, Binding Immortal Cable won’t
break. Normal methods won’t open it."

Xiu Ya was on Butterfly’s waist, where Shen Qingqiu glared.

How dare that demon lay its filthy hands on my sword?

Shen Qingqiu glanced down to where Xiu Ya hung from his waist, unconsciously gripping it
Liu Qingge and Shen Qingqiu were still pointedly ignoring each other, but upon hearing the
Zhao Hua Temple disciple speak, he raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

The rest of the Peak Lords were also still looking at Shen Qingqiu incredulously, but overall,
they were convinced that he was indeed capable of such foresight. With all the time he spent
burrowed in his library, of course, he knew of such obscure and nifty talismans. The only
thing that was hard to believe was that he cared this much about his disciples, but he was a
Peak Lord after all- he had a responsibility to them.

"Qingqiu-Shidi, when we get back, c-could you perhaps...... lend these talismans to the other
peaks? Their usefulness will prove to help many of our younger members......", whispered
Yue Qingyuan, a cautious tone in his voice as he asked.

Shen Qingqiu gritted his teeth and forced out a "......Perhaps."

He would now have to scour Qing Jing's library for hours once they returned for such a

Butterfly glared furiously and clenched her fists: “This time no matter what you say, I
won’t listen anymore! Accept your death, Shen Qingqiu!”

Shen Qingqiu shouted: “Last word!”

For some reason, Butterfly stopped to listen: “What else did you want to say?”

Shen Qingqiu thought for a moment, and then smirked as he asked: “How’s the taste of
sleeping with an old man in his sixties?”

Damn it, how does Shen Qingqiu have such a cool dialogue? Wouldn’t make more sense for
the protagonist Luo Binghe to say it?

“Shizun!!”, shouted the Qing Jing disciples, their eyes shining in admiration.

They looked at him, with impressed smiles and shouts.

Shen Qingqiu silently approved of the snideness of remark.

While Butterfly’s face twisted, her entire body trembling, Luo Binghe suddenly
advanced from behind!

He divested Butterfly of the Xiu Ya sword hanging at her waist, drawing the sword and
illuminating the room with snow-white light.

A silver shadow passed and the Binding Immortal Cable on Shen Qingqiu was broken

“A-Luo!!” cheered Ning Yingying, the rest of her martial brothers joining her. The Little
Palace Mistress also could not help but grin seeing Luo Binghe move so swiftly, and her
admiration only grew. The Qin sisters smiled with her, and a dreamy expression appeared on
their faces.
“Say, that Luo Binghe is quite the capable boy isn’t he?? Staying calm even after being
captured and used as bait! And now cleverly attacking the demon from behind?"

"Peak Lord Shen really has quite the talent budding at his Peak!"

Shen Qingqiu pulled at his spiritual power, summoning it in his right hand and struck
out his palm, hitting Butterfly’s chest. The explosive impact caused Butterfly to fly out,
smashing threw the walls of multiple buildings, and landing several li away.

There were gasps of impressed shock from the weaker cultivators and non-cultivators as they
watched the Skinner go flying several li.

"What a powerful blow!!!"

"As expected of a Peak Lord of Cang Qiong!"

Yue Qingyuan finally breathed out a sigh of relief seeing that Shen Qingqiu defeated the
demon. The threat was gone. He gave him an appreciative smile, which was promptly

The other Peak Lords also relaxed, seeing that the two disciples came out unscathed, and
Shen Qingqiu was also fine. Nobody spoke, but a few nods were sent towards Shen Qingqiu,
who ignored that as well.

"That demon never stood a chance!!"

"Shizun is so strong!", exclaimed the disciples of Qing Jingm once again shooting looks of
admiration towards their master- who was simply grateful that he could finally slip his robes
back on and save what little face he had left.

A little life sprung back into the Cang Mountain Sect area, with the disciples of Qing Jing
and a few other peaks animatedly discussing how the Skinner had been beaten.

However the Bai Zhan disciples had not forgotten about the animosity between their masters,
and scoffed at the zealous disciples of Qing Jing.

"Our Shifu would have smashed that demon into dust in an instant. There's nothing
impressive about that.", sneered one boy, after ensuring that he would not heard by any of the
Peak Lords.

"Exactly. The demon only went flying a few li. If it was our Shifu, you wouldn't even be able
to see the boy anymore.", joined in another boy.

"Our Shifu is the strongest!"

The Qing Jing disciples were growing redder with every word spoken, anger overflowing
from their eyes.

"Shut your mouth! What do you know? Shizun is better than your Shifu any day!"
"As if! Peak Lord Shen has never defeated our Shifu in battle-"

"Spoken like a true barbarian! Not only brawn matters! When it comes to brains-"

The disciples were growing louder and louder, and Ming Fan watched nervously. He wasn't
participating in the argument, because he was a big fan of the War God too mature and level
headed to join his fellow peak brothers in such a petty discussion. He could only hiss at them
to be quieter, lest any of the Peak Lords caught wind of their bold words and arguments.

Shen Qingqiu looked at ‘Butterfly’s’ twisted limbs, a horrible sight as blood flowed
from all seven apertures, overly beaten. Luo Binghe’s childish face was mostly white.
Shen Qingqiu calmed himself and slowly stood up, gaining composure.

He turned to Luo Binghe: “Your first time seeing this ‘demon extermination defense,
are you scared stiff?”

Pausing, he continued: “If you want to ‘defend,’ you must ‘exterminate.'”

"Indeed Peak Lord Shen!! Well said!!"

"Demons must be exterminated for the safety of our world!"

The cultivators lauded the defeat of the Skinner, with copious congratulations and praise to
Shen Qingqiu- who blankly nodded in acknowledgment, unused to this much positive

It was quite heartening to them, to see a demon be taken down, with the looming threat of
what they had seen in the distant future.

Those that had questioned Shen Qinqiu's competence earlier shrunk back into their seat,
slightly abashed.

Some of the younger disciples, and non- cultivators, however, while they were impressed by
how Shen Qingqiu had beaten the Skinner, looked just as faint as Luo Binghe seeing all the
black blood, and the broken form of the Butterfly. They either had very little experience, or
no experience at all, so they were of course, a bit frightened by the sight.

Ning Yingying was among them, as she closed her eyes, and tried not to look at the defeated
Skinner. But after a few seconds, she forced them open, and made herself look, with red-
rimmed eyes. If she wanted to improve, she would have to get used to this. She couldn't be
sheltered by Shizun forever.

Shen Qingqiu noticed Ning Yingying doing this, and frowned, wanting to tell her to not push
herself, before deciding against it.

Luo Binghe gritted his teeth and blurted out: “Earlier……”

Shen Qingqiu said: “You want to ask what I planned to do if the ceiling beam hadn’t
suddenly fallen down earlier?”
Luo Binghe tentatively nodded.

“This can be counted as blaming this master?”

Luo Binghe shook his head and sincerely said: “No. If I can give up my life for Shizun,
it would be an honor for this disciple.”

At that, Shen Qingqiu looked a bit shocked.

The Qing Jing disciples looked similarly surprised.

Of course, they respected their Shizun to a great extent, and were willing to go far for him,
but to this extent?

Willing to give their life for their Shizun? How could they be jealous of Luo Binghe for
receiving Shizun’s favor if he was this filial and loyal? He really was a model disciple! Their
admiration for him grew, moved by his sincerity.

“What a loyal boy. Truly, Luo Binghe is an excellent disciple!”, praised one cultivator. “If
only my disciples were like this”, she added, giving a side glance at her students beside her,
who sighed and rolled their eyes.

Shang Qinghua wiped a tear from his eye.

As expected of my son. How moving! .

Liu Qingge appeared similarly moved. He was a person that valued loyalty and sincerity after
all. He looked at Luo Binghe with an approving glance, surprised at how he could be so filial
to someone as honourless and despicable as Shen Qingqiu.

He could also tell that the boy also had a great natural talent and wondered why he was in
Qing Jing Peak when he could be at Bai Zhan to cultivate that potential.

Immediately, the image of a surly, condescending face appeared in his mind, and he frowned,
realizing the possible reason.

Shen Qingqiu definitely must have used some underhanded method to make sure the boy
joined Qing Jing- probably just to spite Liu Qingge. He scowled at Shen Qingqiu, but who
thankfully- didn’t notice, or another fight would have only been inevitable.

With the two of them, even the smallest things lead to some sort of altercation.

Shen Qingqiu, fortunately, unaware of Liu Qingge’s glowering, was at that

moment….uncomfortable by what he had just heard from the little beast.

He didn’t know what to feel. No, rather, he had too many feelings about the boy’s words.

Shen Jiu was the type of person that held a grudge, no matter how small the slight. Even if he
didn’t always take revenge, he remembered every single injustice done to him.
That was why he was the scum he was right now- because he could not let go, no matter how
hard he tried. He knew he was nothing more than a foul-mouthed, despicable little slave boy,
parading as what he was not.

He was born to seethe in vindictiveness and fury. Hurting himself and everyone around him-
that was his inherent nature.

People like Liu Qingge, Yue Qingyuan, and Luo Binghe- they were the kind he hated the
most. Blessed by the heavens and born to shine under the sun.

How dare Luo Binghe look at him with such trust, even after all abuse he had probably

How dare Luo Binghe be so forgiving? So naïve? So devoted?

How dare he make Shen Jiu…. hate himself even more?

How dare he be everything that Shen Jiu could not?

He was disgusted with the boy’s naivety and wanted to rip it out, to see what kind of monster
he would end up making.

The boy claimed to be loyal. Who knew how true it was? Sooner or later, he would betray

There was nothing about him worth being loyal to anyway.

So he would just crush out such stupidity from the start.

Shen Qingqiu thought for a while, before speaking.

“Then this master will tell you. Even if something does happen, nothing will happen to
you.” His expression was calm and certain, unperturbed without the slightest false

His voice was sonorous as he said: “This fact is definitely not false.”

“Is he…. promising that he will always protect Luo Binghe?”

“.....It does sound like that…”

“Peak Lord Shen is secretly so caring and soft-hearted!”, whispered a cultivator who was a
fervent supporter of Cang Qiong Mountain Sect.

Once again, the disciples of Qing Jing Peak were pricked by envy towards Luo Binghe, their
Shidi that seemed to be held in such high regard by their Shizun.

“I told you, he’s actually very fond of Luo Binghe! He believes in his potential!”

“That’s what I’ve been saying all along!”

Shen Jiu wasn’t at all fond of Luo Binghe.

He hated the boy’s potential. He didn’t even understand why he said something so……

“Nothing will…. happen to you?”, he muttered.

Why would he say that? What did Luo Binghe need protecting from?

And why should he even care?

Besides no one can protect another. Only you can protect yourself.

That was the principle Shen Qingqiu lived by.

The more he thought about it, the more perplexed and annoyed he felt.

Once again that sneaking suspicion, that the person in front of him- wasn’t really him, snuck
up, and he felt suffocated.

Would I really change so much…. to say such a thing?

Luo Binghe listened to his words and lit up with new vitality. With both hands, he
raised the sword and respectfully offered it up to Shen Qingqiu: “Shizun. Your sword!”

He’s so easily satisfied with a few words from me. How pathetic. For some reason, he
couldn’t stand looking at that bright smile and childish face any longer, and he lowered his
eyes, angrily staring at the hem of his robes.

Shen Qingqiu and the Qing Jing disciples finished their work at Shuang He City and
traveled back to Cang Qiong Mountain Sect. The first task for them after returning was
to go to the sect’s main headquarters at Qiong Ding Peak and report to Yue Qingyuan.

Yue Qingyuan let out a sigh of relief seeing that the mission was over, and he was returning
safely back to the Sect. His heart rate finally returned to normal, and he eased into his seat. A
few others expressed similar relief, that it was all over, and that Peak Lord Shen and his
disciples returned unscathed. However, they knew that this was only the start, and there were
countless more such tense scenarios to come, so they could only steel their hearts in

Shen Qingqiu hadn’t even stepped into the lobby when Yue Qingyuan immediately
swept over with his Qiong Ding Peak disciples.

They had both just met when his right hand immediately took Shen Qingqiu’s pulse.

Shen Qingqiu was surprised, but then saw Yue Qingyuan hadn’t made any other moves
and his expression was entirely focused. Immersed in low-level spiritual power, he knew
that he was only inspecting his internal state and spiritual flow and calmed down.
After seeing that the circulation of his spiritual power was correct and uninjured, Yue
Qingyuan let out a breath and smiled.

At this point, although they were getting used to Sect Master Yue’s excessive care and worry
over Shen Qingqiu, some people still couldn’t help but give him incredulous looks.

“Is it normal for the Sect Master to personally check on the Peak Lords after they return from
a mission?”, muttered a cultivator sitting on the lower areas.

Even before he finished talking, he knew that it wasn’t at all normal, and it was just Sect
Master Yue’s strange indulgence for Shen Qingqiu. This did not go unheard by some of the
members of Cang Qiong as well.

Qi Qinggi and Wei Qingwei rolled their eyes, while Liu Qingge shook his head. Although
they were used to it, it never ceased to both mystify and annoy them.

Really, what was it about Shen Qingqiu that made the already kind and patient Yue Qingyuan
so forbearing?

Especially when Shen Qingqiu himself clearly didn’t care for him or his indulgence.

Tan Cui on the other hand, was delighted by what she was seeing, as she clutched her hands
together, and her eyes shimmered while she rapidly jotted down notes in her pile of papers.

“The moment he came back, Sect Master Yue checks on him, ensuring that he is safe! A
special concern he reserves solely for his white moonlight-“

“You might be reading too much into it, after all, Peak Lord Shen had a Qi deviation

Tan Cui shushed her friend and pouted. “Just let me dream alright?”.

Yue Qingyuan and Shen Qingqiu walked into the lobby, leisurely. Yue Qingyuan: “How
was their strength?” Shen Qingqiu: “Unsatisfactory.”

“Unsatisfactory? You were almost skinned!”

“Ah but remember, Peak Lord Shen planned all that out! The demon really was quite foolish,
and nothing above his expectations took place!”

“Yes, it was meant to be a training exercise for the disciples, but aside from Luo Binghe and
Ning Yingying, I don’t think any of them got any experience. So, it could be called quite

Meanwhile, some of the Qing Jing disciples were secretly glad they didn’t have to encounter
such a dangerous situation. A lot of them were only training to be cultivators for reputation
and prestige. On completing their tutelage, many of them intended to not stay in the Sect as
senior disciples but return back to their wealthy homes and prepare to join the family estate
or business. Usually, only the most talented ones, loyal ones, and those without any other
home stayed behind.
Yue Qingyuan said: “It doesn’t need to be rushed.”

Shen Qingqiu nodded and suddenly changed the subject: “Zhangmen-Shixiong, I want
to enter seclusion in Qiong Ding Peak’s spirit caves behind the mountain.”

“The LingXi caves? Qiong Ding Peak’s cultivational cave with exceptional spiritual energy
concentrations? Where you can improve your cultivation in leaps and bounds after just a few
months of meditation-“

“We know what it is, you don’t need to tell us.”, interrupted a disciple from Qiong Ding
Peak, shaking her head in amusement.

“I’m just excited to see the caves!”, exclaimed the overexcited disciple from An Ding Peak.
“After all, who knows how long it’ll take for me to cultivate high enough to be allowed in
there. This might be my only chance of seeing them!”

A few disciples from the other peaks snickered tauntingly from nearby.

“At least he knows he won’t ever be able to enter those caves. How could an An Ding Peak
disciple even think about such a thing?”

They mostly went unheard, although the disciples that did overhear, looked at the bullies

If Shen Qingqiu wanted to enter seclusion and cultivate in the spirit caves, of course,
Yue Qingyuan would accept. He asked: “This is to prepare for the Immortal Alliance
Conference?” Shen Qingqiu nodded.

Shen Jiu was finally approving of something this ridiculous future self of his was doing.
Going into the caves to increase his cultivation was something he had been planning for a
while, but he had been too busy to get a chance earlier.

A trace of excitement formed, as he looked forward to whatever improvement he was going

to make in his cultivation. Especially considering how he seemed to be a lot freer from the
inner demons that had always held him back and made his foundation unstable. Without
realizing it, a tiny smile of anticipation had graced his lips, mostly covered by his decorative
fan, but there, nonetheless.

Yue Qingyuan noticed this and chuckled fondly- but quietly.

A few days passed after Shen Qingqiu departed from Qiong Ding Peak. Luo Binghe was
practicing his cultivational forms in the bamboo forest, while Shen Qingqiu silently
watched from behind the trees, nodding in approval.

“Wow! Luo Binghe is quite exceptional, isn’t he?”

Shen Qingqiu’s lips immediately settled back into a thin, displeased line.

“His foundation is excellent, and he is brimming with potential. Mark my words, this boy
will shake the whole cultivation realm when he grows older.”
Many glanced at Shen Qingqiu with envy, for having gotten such a talent as a disciple. The
more talented the disciple, the better the name that the teacher would earn for themselves.
Judging by everything they had witnessed so far, Luo Binghe was most certainly a well-
mannered, prodigy in the making. He would achieve great things as a cultivator, and his
master’s name would be attached to his feats. So who wouldn’t want a capable disciple?

Luo Binghe suddenly tumbled whilst doing his sword forms.

Frowning, he picked up his manual and turned the pages.

“Why can’t I get this move right??”, he murmured.

He stood up to try again, working through the moves.

This time, instead of simply watching, Shen Qingqiu stepped forward.

“Lose your back and lower your crotch. Relax your wrist. Lead your strength to your
sword. Mind over body. Think before you strike. Strike with an explosive force. Forget
the sword. Empty the mind.”

Following Shen Qingqiu’s instructions, Luo Binghe moved more seamlessly than ever
and flawlessly executed the move.

“See! He only needed Peak Lord Shen to explain it to him once, and he’s already picked it
up! Truly a prodigy!”

The Qing Jing disciples were both impressed and envious, seeing how easily Luo Binghe
learned a sword form that some of them were struggling with for months. Qing Jing Peak was
scholarly, and not particularly inclined towards combat. So, most of the disciples were only
average when it came to swords forms and techniques.

Currently, the best of them was Ming Fan. And while he was certainly far above Luo Binghe
in terms of cultivation at that point, it was clear that Luo Binghe possessed far more potential
than any of them. With proper training and guidance, he’d easily overtake all of them.

There was a slightly bitter sting in their hearts, as they wondered if that was why the Shizun
of the future seemed to approve of Luo Binghe so much. Although many of them had never
been particularly dedicated or talented in cultivation, they still longed for Shen Qingqiu’s
acknowledgment and kindness. They were children, after all, eager for praise and care from a
person they respected.

Shen Qingqiu walked towards Luo Binghe, batting his fan.

Luo Binghe immediately bowed.

“Thank you for your guidance Shizun!”

“Take this.”, said Shen Qingqiu, holding out a manual.

Luo Binghe took it, furrowing his brows.

“This is… Shizun why do you give another manual to me?”

“Because your constitution is different from others. The usual manual won’t suit you.
So I’m giving you a new one. Practice hard when I meditate.”

“Thank you Shizun! I will bear your teachings in mind!”, cried out Luo Binghe,
watching Shen Qingqiu retreat.

He simply waved his fan in acknowledgment before heading for the spiritual caves.

Shang Qinghua spat out another mouthful of wine.

He replaced that faulty manual??? Wait… if he had lost memories, how did he still remember
something as small as this? Selective memory loss? A guilty conscience??

“He even took the time to find a special manual just for him!”

“He certainly has high expectations for Luo Binghe!”

The Peak Lords couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Shen Qingqiu, personally teaching
and assisting a disciple? And so… patiently? Giving advice without any cruel comments?
Just how much did Shen Qingqiu change??

“Luo-Shizi certainly is favored hmm?”, said Wei Qingwei, waggling his eyebrows.

Ming Fan wilted slightly at the words, but he tried not to let it show.

Shen Qingqiu didn’t care to hear whatever useless trash the insufferable Wei Qingwei
spouted, but the moment he got a brief glimpse of Luo Binghe’s previous manual, he
recognized it.

He couldn’t help but sardonically curl his lips.

Favored? He’s anything but favored.

In Luo Binghe’s hands, was the faulty cultivational manual he had once used.

When Shen Qingqiu had newly joined the Cang Qiong Peak, he was given this very manual.

Eager to cultivate, he earnestly studied and practiced from it, day and night.

But not only did he not make any progress, his already damaged spiritual root and meridians
only deteriorated even further! Only when he was finally spitting and choking on his blood,
did he realize how he had been fooled into self-destruction.

He didn’t know who was behind it.

Was it only the Shixiong who had given it to him, or were all his fellow disciples behind it?

Did his Shizun know as well?

In the end, he never told anyone.

He simply just stole a fellow disciple’s manual, and copied the whole thing for himself,
before replacing it, and practiced from his hastily written copy.

But he had kept the faulty one, all these years, as a constant reminder to never trust anyone.

And now he had given it to Luo Binghe.

And he knew exactly why.

He wanted to see Luo Binghe, so full of potential and talent, ruin himself, just like Shen Jiu

He wanted to see if Luo Binghe, could fare any better than him. If he was truly so blessed by
the heavens, if he could persevere through every ordeal Shen Jiu had been through.

Because if he could……if he could….. then where did that leave Shen Qingqiu?

Why could Luo Binghe flourish, when he could not?

And flourish the beast did.

Shen Qingqiu had driven himself into a Qi deviation within the first 2 months of using that
faulty manual.

Yet here was Luo Binghe, having been studying from this manual for at least 2 years. And he
was still as healthy, and still brimming with the promise of greatness.

Unaffected, and unbothered.

Shen Jiu wanted to laugh. He wanted to cry. He wanted to rage.

But in the end, as usual, he closed off his emotions, and hid them deep inside to fester, like a
sore that never healed. His face was betrayed nothing, and he watched his future self give
Luo Binghe a new manual with impassive eyes.

The Qi deviation had somehow led him into a change of heart, so he gave Luo Binghe a
different manual.

That damned Qi deviation.

That was somehow turning him into… someone entirely different.

Because Shen Jiu didn’t think he was capable of changing so much.

Towards the image of Shen Qingqiu’s back, Luo Binghe held the cultivation manual
close to his heart. He looked greatly moved and shaken. “This is a cultivation manual
that Shizun especially gave to me!”, he whispered, clutching it harder.
The Qing Jing disciples got a closer look at the manual and turned towards Shen Qingqiu in
surprise. “Shizun… that manual…. “

Shen Qingqiu had been so thrown off by the appearance of the faulty manual, that he didn’t
even notice what new manual he had given to Luo Binghe.

As he examined the title on the page, his eyes widened.

Not only did he give Luo Binghe a new manual……he gave him one of the best cultivation
manuals he had in his library!!

Maybe his future self-had felt remorse about the faulty manual, so he gave the brat a new

But to go out of his way to select the best one???

What was he thinking??

Even Shen Qingqiu himself hadn’t been able to touch that coveted manual in the Library until
he ascended to Peak Lord!

And now, here he was, giving it away to some scanty brat!

No wonder his disciples were giving him funny looks! Even Ning Yingying!

Ning Yingying liked both her Shizun and A-Luo, and she wanted them to get along.

While she had always been Shizun’s favorite, for all his favor, he had never expected a lot
from her.

Yet with Luo Binghe……

“Shizun…. You really are so fond of A-Luo….”, murmured Ning Yingying, her voice a bit

Shen Qingqiu didn’t say anything, unsure what to make of her rather odd tone. Was she tired
perhaps? Or hungry?

Shen Qingqiu headed towards the spirit caves, traveling through Qiong Ding Peak. He
reached a large rock formation and ventured inside.

The spirit caves were labyrinthine and deep, with hundreds of turning paths and routes.
There was a faint white light illuminating the interior, giving it a mystical feel.

Large and small limestone rocks emerged from the landscape, revealing many beds of
natural rock.

At the center, there was even a pool of clear reflective water that seemed to reveal
another world. The spiritual energy was abundant, bringing the atmosphere of the cave
alive. It was brimming with power and potential.
Yue Qingyuan’s ever-present smile turned slightly strained as he watched the LingXi caves
being displayed to the public.

It was meant to be a secretive place, with restricted access, available for use only by the top
cultivators of the Sect.

Not to mention, a certain area of caves….

He could only hope that Shen Qingqiu wouldn’t venture there.

“So this is Cang Qiong Mountain Sect’s famed LingXi Caves…..”, exclaimed a cultivator
from a minor sect, voice dripping with curiosity and envy.

“What a great place to cultivate… there’s so much spiritual energy….”

Not all Sects had an ideal place to cultivate in seclusion. Natural spiritual energy hotspots
were not that common, and most of them were already occupied by larger sects. For the
smaller and newer sects, finding good locations for advancing their cultivation was
exceptionally difficult. They often had to venture into the dangerous and unexplored regions,
that most cultivators avoided. With such a big obstacle in their way from the very start, how
could the smaller sects ever hope to grow? Most of them were left with no choice but to join
the larger sects, as an affiliated or subsidiary sect, just to have access to the resources they
could not obtain. Many of their talented cultivators were poached into larger sects, have a
chance to make a name for themselves. Thus, the larger sects grew more and more,
expanding their influence, while the smaller ones dwindled away.

So, it was with barely concealed jealousy and fascination that many looked at the LingXi
caves, taking in its mysterious beauty and power.

Shen Qingqiu finally settled on one cave and looked around it. Suddenly, he flinched
back, seeing the wall of the cave, covered with long gashes. It was as though someone
clawed at it, with such tremendous force, not caring even if their hands broke while
doing so.

Yue Qingyuan internally cursed, his normally genial expression faltering for a second, and
settling into a worried frown. This was noticed only by Shen Qingqiu and Mu Qingfang.

The 2 of them had been carefully observing Yue Qingyuan, who had appeared uncomfortable
ever since the LingXi caves were mentioned.

However, while Shen Qingqiu could only be confused by his reaction, Mu Qingfang sighed
in sympathy, a rush of complicated emotions running through him.

He still remembered that horrible day so many years ago, back when he was the head disciple
of Qian Cao Peak.

It had been storming for almost 7 nights then, with the rain showing no sign of letting up.
That day was darker than ever. So dark, that you couldn’t even tell whether it was morning or
He had been in the infirmary, resting after a busy day, and chatting with his Shifu, when the
previous Sect Leader burst into the room.

2 senior Qiong Ding disciples hauled in a violently shaking Yue Qingyuan, who was barely
breathing, and covered in blood from head to toe.

The entire path leading to the infirmary was a terrifying crimson trail, that leached into the
soil, and dyed the grassy fields red, even with torrents of water hitting it.

He recalled how Yue Qingyuan groaned and screamed as they tried to treat him.

How they just barely succeeded in somewhat stabilizing him, before the Sect Leader dragged
the spasming Yue Qingyuan towards the Lingxi Caves, threw him in, and sealed the entrance.

How the Sect Leader had sworn Mu Qingfang and his Shifu to secrecy, warning them to
never speak of the events of that day again.


How desperate Yue-Shixiong had been to leave.

So desperate, that his anguished cries and begging were too painful to hear.

So desperate, that each frantic blow that he landed on the tightly sealed wall, felt like Mu
Qingfang’s heart was the thing being clawed at, not the cave wall.

To this day, Mu QIngfang still had no idea why Yue Qingyuan was so desperate to leave, or
why he had been trapped in the first place.

He didn’t dare ask, nor did Yue-Shixiong ever speak of it again.

He wondered if he would find his answer now.

Shen Qingqiu looked down, and his eyes opened even wider.

“Is this… blood?”.

There were bloodstains all over the cave floor.

There was so much blood that if it had all come from one person, it was a miracle that
they were even alive.

“Who in the world suffered such a massive Qi deviation in here!??”, hissed Qi Qinggi,
clenching Wei Qingwei’s arm, digging her nails in.

Wei Qingwei did not even register the pain, and his usual playful smirk faded away.

“I’ve been to the caves a few times, but I’ve never seen this place before….”,

“How did this person even survive a Qi deviation of this magnitude?”, questioned Liu
Qingge, furrowing his brows as he studied the large bloodstains. His grimace only grew
deeper the longer he observed the dull red walls.

“Perhaps they didn’t….”, replied Shang Qinghua, earning a glare from the rest of his martial

He immediately raised up his hands in apology.

“I- I mean, it could be a possibility- that doesn’t mean I could be right- b-but-“ He rambled
for a few seconds, before realizing that no one was listening anymore, and let out a sigh of

I’m almost certain that must be Yue Qingyuan…. Fuck… looks like the backstories are
exactly the same. I thought there might be a chance that they were different since the plot is
deviating so much….

He glanced at Xuan Su and winced, sending a silent apology towards Yue Qingyuan.

He knelt down and touched it lightly. “Seems like it’s been here for quite a while.
Perhaps someone went mad while cultivating here…”, he murmured, shaking his head.
Shen Qingqiu walked away, deciding not to dwell on it, and sat on the stone bed,
beginning to cultivate.

There was a collective shudder among the audience, as they observed claw marks on the wall,
unable to look away from that frighteningly tragic scene. Just a moment ago, they had all
been admiring Cang Qiong’s famed LingXi caves. Now they find that a portion of it looked
like someone had gone insane or had been murdered in there! What kind of horror story
lurked within those eerie walls??

A few of the Cang Qiong disciples that had been looking forward to getting a chance to enter
the spirit caves flinched back, slightly scared by what they had just seen.

Shen Qingqiu had suffered many Qi deviations before, due to his unstable foundation and
inner demons, so he recognized that whoever had been in this cave had undergone a massive
Qi deviation as well, far more serious than any of his own previous cases. There was no way
this person had survived. But he had read through all the Sect records, and there was no
reported case of death due to Qi deviation inside the spirit caves. Not to mention, they would
have had to have been quite high-ranking and powerful to even enter the caves in the first
place. There were 2 possibilities then.

Either the person in question had somehow survived, or their death was covered up.

So which one was it?

The air was tranquil and peaceful. Shen Qingqiu looked utterly calm and relaxed, as he
let the abundant spiritual energy flow through him. However, he had barely begun
cultivating before there was a distant “BOOM”.

Shen Qingqiu snapped his eyes open in annoyance, but his expression gradually grew
into concern as the explosions grew louder and drew closer.
There was also the sound of someone wheezing painfully, and the spiritual energy of the
cave fluctuated violently. Shen Qingqiu was also affected, his inner energy trying to run
rampant and chaotic just like the unknown disturbance.

He tried to focus on meditating, and closed his eyes again, ignoring the disturbance.

The explosions brought Shen Qingqiu out of his ruminations behind the mystery of the
bloody cave walls, and he immediately tensed.

I just can’t get a moment of peace to improve my cultivation, can I?? What the hell is
happening now??

At that moment, everyone realized the same thing. Someone else was in the caves, and they
were Qi deviating as well!

The spirit caves were starting to look less and less appealing by the second.

Another Qi deviation happening, right after they had seen the violent remnants of a previous
Qi deviation. How ominous!!

“Judging by the intensity of those energy fluctuations and explosions, the person Qi deviating
is quite a powerful cultivator, which means…..”

Although Mu Qingfang trailed off, it was understood what he was implying.

The stronger the cultivator, the more violent the Qi deviation, and the less likely that they
would survive it- unless they got immediate medical assistance.

“Why doesn’t Shen Qingqiu go and help???”

Mu Qingfang shook his head, as did some other experienced healers, knowing instantly that
was the wrong course of action to take.

“It’s too dangerous. Shen-Shixiong himself is someone that is frequently subjected to Qi

Deviations. If he approaches this person and tries to assist them, there’s a chance that he
could also undergo a Qi deviation in the process. And it’s not safe to approach such a violent
Qi deviation alone. He needs assistance-“

But the moment he said that he knew that there wasn’t any time for Shen Qingqiu to get

For Shen Qingqiu to reach any of the other Peak Lords and make it back before this person
died, was next to impossible.

Yue Qingyuan looked at the meditating Shen Qingqiu and frowned.

He didn’t want Shen Qingqiu to get hurt, but he also couldn’t just let someone die in the
caves. He couldn’t predict what Shen Qingqiu would do, but he could only naively hope that
he would come out unscathed.
Seriously, what kind of luck did Shen Qingqiu have? First, encountering a demon that liked
to skin its victims, and then being in a cave with someone who was violently Qi Deviating?

What was next, getting affected by some incurable poison?

Yue Qingyuan might actually go bald from worry if things continued at this rate.

None of the Peak Lords expected Shen Qingqiu to go and help this person. But at the same
time, they knew that this person would most certainly die if no one interfered. Shen Qingqiu
was their best- no- only hope at survival.

“What a terrible situation to be stuck in….”, muttered Liu Qingge, feeling a wave of
sympathy for the person Qi deviating. To have to rely on Shen Qingqiu, of all people to save

Unable to take the explosions and wheezing anymore, Shen Qingqiu opened his eyes
again and decided to investigate. He followed the noise and the fluctuations in spiritual
power. Walking in that direction along seven turns and eight bends, the disruption grew
larger and larger. Finally, he entered another spiritual cave.

“Is…. anyone meditating here as well?”

The interior of the cave was filled with traces of spiritual power-filled sword slashes and
fresh blood. The sword responsible was strewn on the floor.

“……..No”, said Mu Qingfang, his voice quavering.

Yue Qingyuan sat straighter, and his face turned dark.

In an instant, Liu Qingge’s eyes also widened in shock, like all of his martial siblings who
recognized that sword.

“No way…there’s no way”, whispered Qi Qinggi, abruptly standing up.

Wei Qingwei’s usual lazy smile had been completely wiped off his face now, barely able to
realize what he was seeing.

No one could speak for a few seconds. All though they were all thinking the same thing, they
couldn’t say it out loud.

Finally, a stricken Bai Zhan disciple nervously whispered- “That’s- C-Cheng Luan…..But
what would Cheng Luan be doing there….?”

He knew the answer to his question, but he could not believe it until he saw it with his own

His fellow Bai Zhan disciples were also drowning in disbelief.

“Shifu… It can’t be….”

“There’s no way Shifu would Qi deviate! His cultivational foundation is too strong!”.

The Bai Zhan disciple sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than the others.
But this sentiment was shared by most members of Cang Qiong, that were convinced of that
same unshakeable idea- Liu Qingge was simply too strong to succumb to a Qi deviation!

He was the best of them, and the most talented! Surely, he would handle such an event with
ease, right? The idea of the War God of Cang Qiong being taken out by a Qi deviation, of all
things, seemed ridiculous.

But even the most powerful can fall to the most mundane of things. No one is owed a death
befitting their status or circumstance. In the eyes of death, everyone was equal. So what if Liu
Qingge was a legendary warrior, a “War God”, who had never lost a battle? Did that mean he
had to die a hero’s death on a battlefield? But it was simply just…. too hard to accept, that
someone like Liu Qingge could… possibly die from a Qi deviation.

And his only hope…. was Shen Qingqiu.

This realization only made the Peak Lords even more pale and uneasy.

Shen Qingqiu glanced at the sword fallen on the ground.

The sword was currently slim in shape, probably because its owner’s spiritual power
was running rampant.

Its whole body emitted a harsh silver light, a strange dark incantation, and engravings
inscribed along the blade.

“This sword is…..” He then noticed a white-clothed person, covered in blood, his
expression mad, and hair strewn about.

The man was shivering violently in a corner of the cave.

By now, the rest of the audience had realized that it was indeed Liu Qingge that was violently
Qi deviating.

Although some of them had recognized the sword like the members of Cang Qiong Mountain
Sect, they too held out a naive belief that it wasn't actually him, because it seemed too absurd.

There were gasps of shock and cries of worry from Liu Qingge’s numerous fans.

“Peak Lord Liu!”

“War God!!!”

“Oh heavens, that’s really him, isn’t it?? He’s suffering a massive Qi deviation!!”

“How could this be??”

“Look at that blood! Will…. he make it??”


“Liu Qingge!!!”

“Xiongzhang!”, cried out Liu Mingyan, tears filling her eyes seeing her brother like that.

She rushed to his side, and grabbed the lapels of his robe like she did when she was a young

Liu Qingge sighed, but before he could comfort her, he felt a shaky hand grab him.

It was his mother.


“MingJian….”, choked out Liu Zhihao, as she clutched her son’s hand fiercely enough to
leave red and blue welts.

She had already started to look faint when she noticed Cheng Luan, but seeing her son in
such a state caused her to collapse to her knees.

“Madam Liu!!”


Liu Qingge and Liu Mingyan grabbed either side of her arms and steadied her, while Mu
Qingfang checked her pulse.

Liu Mingyan looked at her brother, who was steadfastly avoiding glancing at the viewing

“Madam Liu, calm down. Your son is right here, right next to you. What you’re seeing isn’t
happening right now, it’s only in the future.”

At that, everyone paused. It was something so obvious, but somehow, they had all forgotten

Liu Qingge was perfectly healthy at the present, but he would have a terrible Qi deviation in
the future.

And now they knew about it, so they could prevent it from happening- or at least be ready for
it, instead of leaving his fate in the hands of Shen Qingqiu.

Madam Liu understood this as well, but her face was still pale. After all, even if her son was
fine, and brimming with life right now, she would still have to see her son suffer like this-
what mother could bear to see their child possibly die right before them?

She nodded towards Mu Qingfang and slowed her breathing. Her eyes roved around, not
willing to look at the scene before her.
She then noticed Shen Qingqiu standing on the side, watching everything play out with an
unreadable expression, and suddenly lunged forward, grabbing the hem of Shen Qingqiu’s

Shen Qingqiu’s eyes widened, and he took a few steps back in surprise.

“Mother, what are you doing??”, questioned Liu Qingge, tightening his grip on her hand.

“Peak Lord Shen…. I know… I know that you and my son despise each other… but please-"

Shen Qingqiu’s jaw clenched.

“I’m afraid that I have no control over what happens in the future-“

“I am aware of that- but I’m asking- if the Shen Qingqiu that we’re seeing in that viewing
portal right now- the one in that cave- would he….help my son? Or would he take advantage
of this chance and rid himself of his enemy? What… do you think he would do?”

Shen Qingqiu remained silent for a few moments.

“I… don’t see why my answer would matter-“

“Shen Qingqiu, of course, it matters! Or is it that you realize that the answer is something
we’ve all known for years? That you wouldn’t hesitate to kill Liu Qingge given the
chance!!”, shouted Qi Qinggi, shoving Wei Qingwei who was holding her back, unable to
remain silent any longer. Liu Mingyan slowly rose from her mother's side, shooting a
suspicious and teary glare at Shen Qingqiu.

Shen Qingqiu sneered. “Oh? Is that what you all think? That I would kill Liu Qingge?”, he
spat, barely concealing the derision in his voice.

No one answered.

Everyone in Cang Qiong Mountain Sect knew of the grudge that spanned for years between
the Qing Jing and Bai Zhan Peak Lords.

How many times had Shen Qingqiu sworn to one day kill Liu Qingge? How many times had
they seen the vicious glares of hatred Shen Qingqiu sent towards Liu Qingge?

Why wouldn't he take this chance to rid himself of a sworn enemy?

But somehow, no one would ever doubt Liu Qingge, if he were in the same position.

And Shen Qingqiu knew that, so he bitterly laughed, his eyes turning slightly wild.

“I see. I see. So you all agree. How wonderful. You wanted an answer? Here’s my answer-“

“Qingqiu, enough. You don’t need to say anything-”, started Yue Qingyuan.

Shen Qingqiu laughed again, but before he could say anything, Liu Qingge spoke. "Wait."
His gaze was fierce as he looked at the rest of his martial siblings.

"Regardless of whether or not Shen Qingqiu would kill me, if he could, isn't the one in
danger him? I am the one....... Qi deviating in a crazed state.", he said, with much difficulty.
He paused for a few seconds, meeting Shen Qingqiu's cold eyes.

"The one who might die..........isn't just me. It's him as well. I ..... could kill him.... and not
even realize.", he finished, closing his eyes, resignedly awaiting the debate to come.

Chapter End Notes

Airplane Bro: Who in the world would want to wife Shen Qingqiu!??

Yue Qingyuan: *eyes widen* Did you say Xiao Jiu was looking for a wife? Can I…

Liu Qingge: *blushes* Ridiculous! W-who’d want him? (Liu-Juju volunteers anyway)

Luo Binghe: ……………

Wifing Shen Qingqiu list:

1. Yue Qingyuan Luo Binghe

2. Liu Qingge Luo Binghe
3. Luo Binghe
4. Luo Binghe
2476. Luo Binghe

Luo Binghe: There. Now it’s perfect.

I wanted to do all of the LingXi caves in one go, but it was just getting way too long ;-;
The chapter would have been almost 25 to 30K, so I just decided to split it! This is
where the donghua episode ends, so I ended the chapter here as well! Sorry for the
cliffhanger and the super long wait!
I hope you enjoyed! And thanks for reading!

(unedited, will check later, too sleepy rn)

How to take care of your wild Shidi
Chapter Notes

We crossed 1000 kudos! I can’t believe it! Thank you guys so much <3<3<3
Here is the next chapter! Sorry again for the super long delay :(

See the end of the chapter for more notes

JinLan City

JinLan City has always been a popular place for cultivators to stop by. This was mainly
because of the abundance of cultivational good stores present, from flying sword rental
shops, to elixir and pill stalls- and most importantly, it was all cheap!

To buy from the larger sects would often cost too much, even if the goods were of higher
quality. For the average cultivator, especially those low-ranking disciples of sects, cheap
goods were better than no goods at all!

Because of the influx of cultivators in this eccentric marketplace, JinLan City became known
for something else- information. With so many cultivators passing by, compared to most
mortal cities that saw cultivators as those from a whole different world, the locals of JinLan
city were bizarrely familiar with the happenings of the cultivation world.

Not to mention, the locals were known to be gossipy, and no secret could be kept for long.
Even if you were some isolated rogue cultivator, who had spent years in seclusion, as long as
you came to JinLan City, you’d receive 20 years of knowledge and news about the cultivation

With this kind of blabbing atmosphere, the spectacle that they had all witnessed that morning
was all that could be heard in the marketplace!

Hundreds of cultivators traveling both alone and in groups flying over the city, or taking their
carriages, and heading towards Huan Hua Palace!

Within the bustling and vibrant markets of JinLan city, a hooded figure slowly moved through
the crowds. Their face was obscured, but their figure was light and small.

After wandering past a few people, the hooded figure finally came to stop at a fruit stall,
where a small group had gathered with a young sales boy in the center.

The boy was excitedly chattering with the market-goers.

“Did you hear what’s happening at Huan Hua Palace?”

“Who hasn’t?? The whole cultivational world gathered there for some mysterious event?”

“I saw so many carriages and flying swords today morning! All the cultivation sects in the
area sent some disciples to Huan Hua Palace!”

“It’s kind of exciting, isn’t it? What do you think they’re all doing?”

“I heard all the great Sects are there too!”

“Isn’t it an Immortal Alliance Conference? What’s so strange about that? You young ones get
excited about everything. This kind of thing isn’t uncommon among those cultivators, they
all meet every 4 or 5 years.”, scoffed an old farmer, who was purchasing some vegetables.

The sales boy laughed and leaned over, ushering the crowd closer.

“But that’s just the thing! It isn’t an Immortal Alliance Conference! Apparently, it’s
something else…”

The hooded figure paused, a single pale hand lingering on a peach, as they stood still,
seemingly listening to the chatter of the common folk.

The young man dropped his voice to a whisper.

“Do you remember the rumours of that mysterious woman who appeared a few months back?
The one who claimed that she could… tell the future?”

“You don’t think …..that those cultivators really believe that nonsense?”

“Who said it was nonsense? If even those high and powerful cultivators believe her, then
surely she must truly be a seer!”

“So what are they planning then? Summoning so many people to meet this Fortune Teller?
All the four great sects are there as well, I heard!”

A young girl in the crowd fiercely nodded along.

“Cang Qiong Mountain Sect, Tian Yi Overlook, Huan Hua Palace, and Zhao Hua Temple!!”,
she recited.

Although most regular people were distant from the world of cultivation, the 4 great Sects
were known by everyone, especially after the legendary battle against the Demon Emperor,

JinLan City was relatively close to the place where that battle that shook the heavens and
Earth had taken place, and even now, that frightful image of the torrents of lightning,
mountains being upheaved, and enormous arrays turning the sky blood red, was engraved in
each of their minds.

“Why should we even care? What do us regular folk have to do with the affairs of
cultivators?”, scowled the old farmer, growing bored of the discussion.
A few agreed with him and walked off to different stalls, but most stayed to continue

“Yes yes, but isn’t it exciting?? All these prominent figures gathered in one place?”, said the
boy, his eyes shining in starry-eyed wonder.

“War God Liu Qingge! Immortal Fairy Qi Qinggi! Even that recluse Shen Qingqiu!”

The hooded figure abruptly paused, and their hands trembled slightly, clenching into tight
fists before relaxing.


“Besides, there are a few non-cultivators there as well! You know the Zhang family? I heard
that their eldest son and his wife were invited!”

“If we go now, do you think they’d let us regular folk in as well?”

“Hah, keep dreaming! Who do you think you are, to be comparable to the Zhang family?
You’d have to be someone of noble birth or some cultivator to even approach them!”

Once again, at those words, the hooded figure flinched and a slight wistful sigh escaped from
their lips.

“You-”, said the boy, glaring at the girl. But he found that he could not truly get angry,
because although the words from the girl were biting, it was understood that she meant no
enmity. It was simply a fact that they all knew too well. How could they ever hope to be a
part of such a world without any connections or talent?

The sales boy sighed wistfully, wilting down to the ground and pouting.

“I wonder what it takes to become a cultivator… I’d give anything to get a chance-”

Suddenly, a broom hit the back of his head. There were a few gasps of surprise seeing the
sales boy choke on some dust, and wince in shock.

He turned around only to receive another strike in the face. A very displeased-looking old
woman had come up behind the sales boy and yanked his ear after hitting him with the

“You stupid brat. What are you doing? Did I put you in charge of the stall to work, or just
gossip and idle around?”

The sales boy turned pale and scrambled up from the ground.

“M-Mother! I was just-”

“I don’t want to hear any excuses! Look at how many customers we have waiting! Get back
to work! If I see you slacking off again-”
She smacked him with the broom a few more times for good measure, raised her finger in
warning, before storming off, while muttering about how her son was useless.

The salesboy sniffled and rubbed his nose, which was now bright red. The people that had
gathered to chat with him looked at him awkwardly, before dispersing into the crowd.

They all felt a bit sheepish, as they had witnessed such an embarrassing sight. After all, they
came here to gossip, not see the sales boy be scolded!

Only one figure remained behind, silently hovering in front of a bushel of apples now. It was
the hooded person that had not taken part in the gossip but was still not leaving either.

“Are you going to buy something, or are you just going to stand there?”, called out the boy,
his voice tinged with annoyance.

He was ashamed that someone that had witnessed his embarrassment was still lingering. He
glared at that sole person, his eyes communicating his frustration. The hooded figure didn’t
respond, and instead slowly walked towards the sales boy, who took a few steps back, the
slightest hint of fear in his eyes seeing that imposing aura.

“W-what? I didn’t say anything wrong- You can’t just linger there forever, you-”, the words
died in his throat as the person before him finally removed their hood.

A gentle, and beautiful face. Peach blossom eyes, that shimmered with naivete and kindness.
Full lips that were tilted slightly upward in a gentle smile. The lovely figure removed the
cloak completely, to reveal a soft purple robe, embroidered with haitangs on the sleeves.

The sales boy was at a loss for speech. The woman before him couldn’t be called an earth-
shaking beauty but was certainly eye-catchingly stunning. Definitely one of the most
beautiful people that the sales boy had ever seen in his life.

He gaped for a few seconds, unsure what to say until the woman’s gaze dimmed in remorse.

“I apologize for lingering-”, she began.

“No- no! No need for an apology!”, stammered the boy, unable to look away from the beauty
in front of him.

How could he accept seeing such a lovely maiden look so distraught? He was upset that he
had even lashed out at such a person in the first place!

The woman then laughed, seeing his fierce blush and the sales boy felt that he might ascend
to heaven right there.

“I…couldn’t help but overhear…. But what is that's happening at Huan Hua Palace…?”

“Uhh……” The boy trailed off, slightly fearful that his mother was still in the vicinity, and
glanced around.
He then noticed a sword hanging from the loop of her belt and felt his excitement grow even
more. Instantly forgetting all the warnings his mother gave him, he enthusiastically leaned
over to continue to gossip and chat.

“Oh! Miss, are you a cultivator??”

The woman nodded, smiling at the boy. He stared at her, waiting for her to continue.
Originally the woman had not planned on revealing anymore but seeing those expectant eyes,
she went on with her story- but leaving out some details.

“After I lost my family in a fire, I joined a small Sect. You might not have heard of it.
Unfortunately, I had to leave a few years ago, and I have been a rogue cultivator ever since.
Since I don’t have much contact with other cultivators, I am unaware of many events..”, she
said, her expression turning mournful again.

Seeing her sorrowful eyes, the sales boy felt a pang of pity and wondered what kind of
unfortunate past this beautiful woman had. He immediately felt bad for trying to pry and
decided not to ask her anything more.

She paused for a moment, seemingly in deep thought, and thinking of distant events, before
turning back to the boy with another gentle smile.

“So, kind sir, if you don’t mind, would you please tell me what’s going on at Huan Hua

Huan Hua Palace

"Regardless of whether or not Shen Qingqiu would kill me, if he could, isn't the one in
danger him? I am the one....... Qi deviating in a crazed state.", he said, with much difficulty.

He paused for a few seconds, meeting Shen Qingqiu's cold eyes.

"The one who might die..........isn't just me. It's him as well. I ..... could kill him.... and not
even realize."

At Liu Qingge’s words, all eyes turned to him, unsure what to make of it.

Liu Qingge swallowed and looked towards Shen Qingqiu, a complicated look in his eyes.
Most of the anger he held from their last argument had dissipated the moment he saw the two
of them in that cave. In an instant, all he had felt was shame- for himself- and worry- for
Shen Qingqiu.

He had prided himself on having an extremely stable cultivation base, yet there he was, going
mad in some cave.
And Shen Qingqiu….. For all that Liu Qingge despised him, he had never wanted to hurt him
seriously or kill him!

But would the same apply to Shen Qingqiu?

He didn’t know if Shen Qingqiu would really try to kill him if given the chance. Vaguely his
mind thought back to the time they had gone on a mission together, and Shen Qingqiu had
attacked him from behind.

That was the moment that their relationship had turned from dislike to pure hate.

But regardless of that….. Right now the one in danger was Shen Qingqiu, as the result of his

Liu Qingge was someone that recognized when he was at fault. If he knew that he had made a
mistake, he would do anything to make it up to the person he had wronged. And in this
situation….. He was clearly the one in the wrong.

The scowl on Shen Qingqiu’s face turned just a degree softer, as a trace of confusion entered
his expression, as he met Liu Qingge’s heated gaze.

He hated Liu QIngge. He despised everything that brute could do, everything he stood for,
and yet-when he had seen Liu Qingge Qi deviating like that……his heart stopped for a

He hated Liu Qingge, but he didn’t want him to die. He… couldn’t even think about him

And most of all- he did not want to be the one that had the burden of having to save Liu
Qingge. If he simply ran away, Liu Qingge would die from the Qi deviation.

If he stayed behind to try and help, he could either get killed or accidentally kill Liu QIngge
in the process. Shen Qingqiu knew that if Liu Qingge died in that cave right now, no matter
how he would not only be blamed for it by everyone once he left with the corpse.

It would be a regret that would haunt him for the rest of his life, added to his list of sins, and
never to be washed away.

No matter how Shen Qingqiu thought this through unless he had some sort of luck, it was a
trial he’d never overcome.

And when it comes to luck- Shen Qingqiu never had any.

Liu Qingqiu could not- must not die.

“Liu Qingge what-what do you mean?”, began Qi Qinggi, frowning, unsure of what he was
trying to say.

Her impression of Shen Qingqiu had improved just the tiniest bit, but all of that vanished the
moment she saw Liu Qingge in such a vulnerable state, alone with Shen Qingqiu of all
people, and there was a foreboding sensation in her.

She had personally witnessed how hateful their rivalry was, and the killing intent in their
every exchange. At first, she hadn’t cared about it, since it wasn’t her concern what the two
of them did.

But since taking in Liu Mingyan, she had grown to care more for Liu Qingge, seeing how
much she loved her brother. She would be devastated if anything happened to him. Not to
mention, Liu Qingge was known to be upright and honorable, as brash as he may be.

Qi Qinggi respected him, and held him in high regard, even if they were not particularly
close. She was always more inclined to side with him because of this good impression.

But Shen Qingqiu?

Well, all she knew about him was that he was lecherous, unpleasant to be around, and

No wonder she did not hold much respect or good feelings for him, and least of all- trust him.
Normally she tried not to show this disregard since there was a martial sibling hierarchy she
needed to follow, but seeing Shen Qingqiu hesitate to answer the question at that moment,
made something snap.

All she could see was that Liu Qingge was having a dangerous Qi deviation, and only Shen
Qingqiu was there with him- no witnesses or anyone to stop him from finally ridding himself
of his enemy.

And it wasn’t just her.

It was all of Cang Qiong Mountain Sect.

From the Senior disciples to the rest of the Peak Lords. Shen Qingqiu had always been a
questionable figure- would his true loyalties and intentions be revealed at this moment?

But as they began to think more rationally, Liu Qingge’s words seemed to make them pause,
and wait for him to continue.

Liu Qingge sighed, placing a comforting hand on his mother’s shoulder, who was still in a
dazed state. He started to explain himself.

“Shen Qingqiu has never bested me in combat, and in such a situation, he can never gain the
advantage. Even if he wanted to attack me, he couldn’t- not safely anyway. The real problem
is how he’ll defend himself. His cultivation base is already unstable-it might not be enough to
escape…..If he encounters me in such a crazed state-”

In an instant, any inkling of good feelings Shen Qingqiu was beginning to have dissipated.
He had inadvertently brought up one of Shen QIngqiu’s sorest points. Liu Qingge was clearly
just concerned about accidentally murdering Shen Qingqiu, but with his bad phrasing, their
volatile relationship, and Shen Qingqiu’s sensitive nature, it was immediately misinterpreted.
Shen Qingqiu has never been a match for me. He would never beat me. His cultivation is too
low. Take pity on him.

All Shen Qingqiu could perceive was that Liu Qingge was looking down on him. In a way, he
was, as Liu Qingge had always disdained his lower cultivation level, and had little confidence
in him. However it wasn’t coming out of pity, which Shen Qingqiu despised more than
anything, but genuine concern.

But Shen Qingqiu wouldn’t see that.

“Oh? You think I can’t defend myself?”, spat out Shen Qingqiu.

Liu Qingge frowned, hearing that. Once again that fierce temper of Shen Qingqiu was
beginning to unveil itself, only this time he didn’t know why. He certainly hadn’t done
anything to provoke him.

“No. I think you can defend yourself. You just can’t beat me. You’ve never been able to.
There's no reason that should be different now. And I’m clearly not even in the right mind
there, unlike our normal fights. ”, he said, as though stating the obvious.

To Liu Qingge, it was a simple fact, but to Shen Qingqiu, those words were what he despised
the most.

Again, that prickling wound in Shen Qingqiu’s heart tingled, and a dark feeling washed
through him.

“You can’t beat me. And you never will”

It…. was the truth.

But it still hurt to hear.

Every time the two of them clashed physically, Liu Qingge always got the upper hand. Even
if Shen Qingqiu resorted to some desperate underhanded tricks, Liu Qingge would still best
him, and then proceed to look at him with even more disgust, asking him if he wanted victory
so badly that he’d even be so unscrupulous. And every time Shen Qingqiu would spit out

What did he care that Liu Qingge was the genius cultivator that never lost a battle? He would
keep coming back and trying again until he won. He would never give in, and he wasn’t
below doing anything to get ahead.

Even now.

Shen Qingqiu chuckled derisively, a venomous hatred forming in his tongue, stemming from
the poison in his heart.

“Well, I thought you never got Qi deviations. But there you are, writhing in that cave, like
some wounded beast. What a pathetic ending for the War God of Cang Qiong.”, he sneered,
voice dripping with scorn.
A sick sense of satisfaction filled him, seeing Liu Qingge's eyes go wide. He raised his fan
and tried to control the trembling in his arms.

“Qingqiu-Shidi… That-”

Yue Qingyuan wanted to think Shen Qingqiu truly wouldn't try to kill Liu Qingge, but his
words and demeanor were not helping convince others of the same.

He sighed and tried to intervene, but Shen Qingqiu's face was warning him to stay away.

Almost instantly there were offended and outraged gasps. Liu Mingyan’s eyes narrowed, and
Liu Zhihao turned even paler.

Liu Qingge was still reeling back, before clenching his jaw tightly.

What did I even expect from this scum?

“Shen Qingqiu! Have you no empathy? You took this too far!”, shouted Qi Qinggi, glancing
at the wan Liu Mingyan.

Other senior disciples voiced their agreement and intensified their glare. Wei Qingwei bit his
lip, and looked down, wincing from the potent anger present in the air.

“Too far? How could it be too far for someone like me? After all, don’t all of you already
think I’m going to kill him? What do a few taunts like this before doing the deed even
matter?”, he snorted.

“You-you-”, stuttered Qi Qinggi, too enraged to even form words. The points that Liu Qingge
made were starting to come across, but hearing that audacious insult, any consideration she
was forming dissipated.

“Stop. Must we always fight like this?”, said Mu Qingfang, unable to take it anymore as he
looked at the fretting Zhangmen-Shixiong.

Cang Qiong Mountain Sect was meant to be known for their strong sense of comradery.

“They always defended their own”

Every generation before had strong ties between the Peak Lords. Even the constantly at odds
Bai Zhan Peak and Qing Jing Peak would stand by each other when needed.

But the current Qing generation?

Shen Qingqiu seemed like the only one singled out, the one that everyone had some sort of
grievance with, the one that they all collectively tried to avoid.

And while that was true, he wasn’t the sole issue among the Peak Lords. There was always a
sense of distance and disconnection among all of them.
That familial sense he’d always perceived in his Master’s interactions with his martial
siblings- just didn’t seem to exist anymore. He could only hope that would change with time.

“The only one who keeps picking a fight-”

“Enough. Please.” Mu Qingfang turned to Shen Qingqiu, some desperation on his face

“Shen-Shixiong, Liu-Shixiong was right. He didn’t mean any ill intent.”

Mu Qingfang turned to address the rest of his martial siblings.

“What Liu-Shixiong was trying to say is that the person that’s in danger the most right now is
Shen-Shixiong. The one that’s in a crazed state is Liu Qingge. Shen-Shixiong has no time to
even consider collecting his dues from their rivalry right now..”, he hesitated, before turning
to look at Shen Qingqiu again.

“And whatever Shen-Shixiong does….that is… if he attacks Liu-Shixiong... It will have to be

in self-defense. We can’t vilify him for that. And as I had already stated earlier- it’s too
dangerous for Shen-Shixiong to try and treat him. So even if he leaves him in such a state….
There was nothing he could do.”, he finished.

Mu Qingfang’s words were reasonable.

Painfully so.

Even if Shen Qingqiu had sworn to one day kill Liu Qingge… That didn’t mean he would
actually do it. Besides, even if he wanted to, it would be really difficult with the crazed state
Liu Qingge was in.

They knew that it was their impulsive thinking, given how tense the situation was, that led
them to immediately accuse Shen Qingqiu.

Not to mention, considering the spotty reputation of the person in question along with his
seemingly suspicious reactions.... they jumped to conclusions.

Looking at it rationally, Shen Qingqiu was indeed the one in more danger. He was the one
that was at risk of being severely hurt.

Yet because it was Shen Qingqiu, they assumed that he’d do the worst, even when he clearly
does not have the advantage.

However, there was still an underlying feeling in everyone that went unsaid- Shen Qingqiu
would off Liu Qingge given a proper chance. Or in this case- just leave him to suffer from his
Qi deviation, which was what the general view had now shifted to.

“He’ll probably leave him to die …..”, muttered a senior disciple of Qiong Ding Peak.

A disciple from Xian Shu agreed. “Exactly, he doesn’t need to go out of his way to attack
Peak Lord Liu, when he’ll die from the Qi deviation anyway.”
“So he’ll just watch him die? That’s too cold!”

“Do you all have rocks in your brain or what? Didn’t Peak Lord Mu say that it’s too
dangerous for him to try and help him?”, hissed a Qing Jing Peak disciple.

“Still… he could at least try….” mumbled another disciple.

“Right,” nodded a disciple from An Ding Peak, expressing his grievances.

“Shouldn’t there be a sense of brotherhood among martial siblings!? Save each other against
all the odds, stand by each other's sides forever!”

The disciple from Xian Shu snorted.

“What kind of bullshit have you been reading?”.

She once again glanced at the viewing portal and shivered.

“I don’t even blame Peak Lord Shen for running away though, look at how scary Peak Lord
Liu looks there… I’d run away too…..enemy or friend.”

They slowly became quiet, not able to refute that, and silently agreeing.

Liu Mingyan was still quiet, and unmoving. She understood what her brother and Peak Lord
Mu said, but there was still a bit of both doubt and hope in her heart. Seeing this, Ning
Yingying took her hand and tried to whisper some words of reassurement.

“Don’t worry… Shizun… he’ll try to help… I’m sure he will!”

Liu Mingyan didn’t seem like she believed that but gave Ning Yingying a small smile of
gratitude nonetheless.

Yue Qingyuan looked more uneasy and sick than ever, especially after sensing the current
hostile atmosphere. With the way the situation was, it seemed like only one of the two of
them would make it out alive. If Liu Qingge killed Shen Qingqiu…… Yue Qingyuan
wouldn’t fault him- but he didn’t know if he could take it. He wanted both of them to make it,
but in his heart, deep down, he knew a part of him would not be able to bear seeing Xiao Jiu

He had already made his choice- a choice that would never change.

Shen Qingqiu and Liu QIngge were still glaring at each other, but before an argument could
start, their attention was drawn to the viewing portal, where the crazed Liu Qingge seemed to
have noticed Shen Qingqiu entering the cave.

Immediately, there was silence among the audience, as they watched with bated breath.

Liu Qingge looked at Shen Qingqiu, and lunged at him, eyes shining with bloodlust and
Shen Qingqiu’s face registered surprise and just barely dodged a powerful blow that
was sent towards him.

The wall behind the spot where Shen Qingqiu stood a few seconds earlier had been
shattered by the force.

Shen Qingqiu flapped his sleeves and ran for it. It was far too dangerous for him to stay.

The Qing Jing disciples choked, seeing how close their Shizun had been from being
pummeled. It took all of Yue Qingyuan’s willpower to not just break the armrest of the chair
he was sitting on.

He tried not to let his frustration show, but clearly, he was failing at that, as Mu Qingfang
gave him a reassuring pat. He cast a glance at Shen Qingqiu, who had also winced from the
narrow escape.

Liu Qingge groaned and covered his face, after that close call.

The shame he felt from being in such a state only grew, and he found that he could barely
meet anyone’s eyes.

“…..Run”, he whispered.

“Run, Shen-Shixiong”, agreed Mu Qingfang, despite knowing his words were useless.
Although he would not say it out loud, he knew very clearly that Shen Qingqiu had never
been a match for Liu Qingge, and he was especially not suited for dealing with a crazy Liu

He might actually end up getting killed if he lingered.

But on the other hand…

“Would…Peak Lord Shen kill Peak Lord Liu, in self-defense?”, asked a sect leader from the
seats below.

By now the rest of the audience had noticed the weird tension within the Cang Qiong
Mountain Sect area. It was fairly obvious to guess what the issue might be, for they had the
same doubts.

“Oh, he’ll kill him alright, but not in self-defense”, murmured another man, scoffing harshly.

“Is he even capable of that? Peak Lord Liu is far too strong!”

“Right, how could he take on a wild War God? Even if he wanted to kill him, he doesn’t
stand a chance right now! Look at him running away!”

“My, what a terrible accident waiting to happen! How horrible!”

“Only one of these two is going to come out alive from this cave. My bet’s on Peak Lord
“I say Peak Lord Shen!”

“I say both. Peak Lord Liu is still Qi deviating! After he kills Peak Lord Shen, how would he
receive treatment? He’ll die from the Qi deviation!“

“That does make sense….”

“Unless Peak Lord Shen somehow manages to treat him?”

“Ha, how would that be possible? He’s only one man, up against the War God and he’s not
even a doctor!”

“But really…. For the War God of Bai Zhan to meet such an end…. What a pity. He’s far too

“Peak Lord Shen too…. He was just trying to meditate… and he got caught up in this…”,
added a female cultivator.

“I guess it’s really all up to him now….”

While some people expressed an amount of faith in Shen Qingqiu’s ability to mend the
situation, most look dubious. It wasn’t just that they all underestimated Shen Qingqiu, but the
circumstances were simply too difficult for anyone to face.

It was rather disturbing, seeing the audience so calmly discuss who would die, and who
would live. Liu Mingyan looked upset hearing them gossip so freely, but she found that he
couldn’t really say anything.

But then again, it’s not like they were actually dying- it was just a future event. So why did
they let it affect them so much? It wasn’t happening right now, and they had a chance to
change things. When they thought about it like that, didn’t they seem to go a bit overboard?

But could they really help it?

It was personal, and it concerned them after all. To everyone else, it was the affairs of other
people- but they were directly involved.

“This thing is really messing with my head”, murmured Wei Qingwei, shaking his head.

Qi Qinggi murmured in assent, still stunned from the violent attack Liu Qingge had thrown at
Shen Qingqiu. She looked at the Shen Qingqiu in the viewing portal, furrowing her
eyebrows, as an unknown feeling overcame her.

Yue Qingyuan sent them a feeble smile, long since given up on remaining calm and

Liu Qingge laid another blow onto the stone wall, stone shards flew everywhere.

Cheng Luan that was on the ground flew up and just happened to block Shen Qingqiu’s
route of retreat through the entrance.
Liu Qingge, who'd lost all reason, advanced rapidly. Liu Qingge’s handsome face was
covered with blood, his veins bulging and eyes red, a furious expression on his face as he
drew closer.

Liu Mingyan’s eyes widened, and she covered her mouth to hide her horror. She then looked
away, unable to bear what would come next.

Ning Yingying, too terrified to witness a possible gruesome picture that awaited, also closed
her eyes, and grabbed Ming Fan’s hand.

Ming Fan looked like he would pass out on the spot.

Whether it was because of Ning Yingying or his Shizun….. Well, even he didn’t know.

“He has no choice but to attack back right now….or….” Wei Qingwei trailed off, not
finishing that sentence.

But they all knew what he meant. However, even if he struck back, who was to say it would
be effective?

It might just be a last-ditch effort to defend himself but might not hinder the rampaging Liu
Qingge in the slightest.

Liu Zhihao, who had finally somewhat calmed down after the initial shock, sighed, and
gripped her son’s arm.

Was this the fate that awaited her son in the future?

To undergo such a horrible Qi deviation, and die alone in a cave, killing his martial brother in
the process?

“Liu MingJian, starting from today, you better take Qi stabilizing pills every week. And don’t
you dare cultivate alone like this again.”, she warned.

Liu Qingge knew it was pointless to try and argue with her when she was like this-
hardheadedness was a trait that he got from her after all.

So he could only resignedly say: “Yes, mother.”

Besides, he felt a sense of personal responsibility for what was happening.

He had always taken great care to cultivate carefully, putting a lot of hard work in ensuring
his mind and meridians were clear- just to avoid situations like this.

And yet- somewhere he got careless.

And where did that land him?

As a to-be murderer, committing the great sin of harming your own martial sibling. Shen
Qingqiu was many things to him- but he was never meant to be his victim.
He couldn’t hold back the overwhelming guilt he felt each time he looked at the future Shen
Qingqiu running away from him. He was convinced that it was only a matter of time before
he trapped him and did the unspeakable- without even being aware of what he had done.

A small part of him hoped that Shen Qingqiu would fight back, and somehow win- but he
really had never bested him in combat before. A fact that for once- Liu Qingge wished wasn’t
so unquestionably true.

The Old Palace Master watched curiously, wondering if Shen Qingqiu would manage to
escape, or end up killing Liu Qingge.

Either way, he would be pleased.

Both scenarios could be utilized against Shen Qingqiu.

As for why he was so vindictive towards him…. Before this whole viewing, the Old Palace
Master actually hadn’t really cared about Shen Qingqiu.

He held no feelings or grudges towards him- just the general disguised disdain he had for
everyone who was from Cang Qiong Mountain Sect.

But after seeing how his beloved Xiyan’s child was under the tutelage of that scum, his greed
and rage knew no bounds. Seeing someone else in the role that he so desperately wanted, was
simply far too much for him to take. Even if it hadn’t happened yet.

After all, Old Palace Master was the type of person that couldn’t bear seeing a male disciple
even glance at Xiyan. So how could he tolerate Xiyan’s child calling someone else “Master”,
and look up to him, the same way Xiyan once did to him?

From that moment on, he began to irrationally despise Shen Qingqiu. He could not publicly
lay claim on Luo Binghe that way he desired, and an unexpected obstacle appeared.

Of course, he would have to get rid of it, even before he had seen if Shen Qingqiu would be a
threat to him or not. It was how he had managed to besiege and trap a Demon Emperor.

Shen Qingqiu realized that it was too late to run away.

Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself for the upcoming fight.

He gathered spiritual power in his right hand, staking everything on one hit, and turned
around, slapping his palm onto Liu Qingge’s chest.

“He- hit him!” Liu Zhihao gasped, echoed by the rest of the audience.

None of them had expected that!

Shen Qingqiu actually managed to land not just any blow, but an extremely powerful one on
the rampaging Liu Qingge!
Liu Zhihao felt that impulsive concern take over her again, as she swept a heated stare at
Shen Qingqiu.

“Peak Lord Shen-“

“Mother, it’s fine. He was just defending himself.”, said Liu Qingge, a burst of relief washing
through him. Never did he think he would be so happy that Shen Qingqiu was beating him

He could only hope that the blow was enough to stop him and buy time to escape.

“But! He- You- “, she muttered, before quieting down, realizing that indeed there was
nothing she could hold against him.

It was a spur-of-the-moment decision- his life, or her sons.

She couldn’t fault him for taking a chance to protect himself.

The impact of the blow caused the mountain to shake, as spiritual energy ran rampant
from the 2 cultivators.

Liu Qingge was knocked away, flying three chi out while coughing up blood.

Shen Qingqiu looked at the hand he had just used to hit the person, with an expression
of wonder and surprise.

He then glanced towards Liu Qingge, who was wheezing blood while struggling to get

The impact of that blow was so profound that they could almost feel the hall shaking from its

There were a few whistles of appreciation, along with sharp gasps.

“Oh- Peak Lord Shen- He actually sent Peak Lord Liu flying???”

“So this is the effect of a strike where Peak Lord Shen uses almost his full power!”

“How terrifying!”

“But impressive! Did you see how the mountain shook?”

“He actually managed to stop the War God!”

“Will Peak Lord Liu be okay!??”

The rest of Cang Qiong Mountain Sect was wondering the same thing, as they nervously
looked at the collapsed Bai Zhan Peak Lord.

Wei Qingwei would have whistled appreciatively seeing such a blow, but since the recipient
was Liu Qingge, he could only wince in sympathy.
Liu Qingge had never in his life received such a powerful hit. He was usually too agile or too
strong for anyone- or anything to be able to land such a strike. Even when he sparred
Zhangmen-Shixiong, the only person who could beat him- he hadn't taken a blow like that.

While he had expected Shen Qingqiu to stop him, he certainly didn’t expect to go flying like
that. He blinked a few times, seeing himself wheezing from the impact, and glanced at Shen
Qingqiu, whose eyes had also grown a fraction wider, similarly surprised.

He was mostly worrying if he had accidentally just killed Liu Qingge, a small part of him
couldn’t help but be impressed with his moves just now! Who knew he was capable of such a

Both Liu Zhihao and Liu Mingyan had turned pale. Liu Mingyan looked at Shen Qingqiu
with a red-rimmed, watery gaze, but didn’t say anything knowing that no one could really be
faulted in this situation.

However, not everyone understood this.



The Qing Jing disciples cried out in relief, while the Bai Zhan disciples- in anxiety.

“You! If anything happens to Shifu, because of your Shizun…. We- we won’t let this slide!!”,
shouted the head disciple of Bai Zhan, expressing his hatred and anger.

“What?? It’s clearly your Shifu at fault! Look carefully, you brute! Our Shizun is the one
being attacked!”, spat back a disciple of Qing Jing.

“Who’s the one that just hit our Shifu??”

“That was to defend himself!”

“Why did he use so much force then??!”

“W-well there was no other way to stop him!”

The arguments exchanged seemed to have lit the spark of tension that had long since been
present among the disciples of the 2 peaks. Once again, a fierce verbal fight broke out, this
time, throwing away any regard for the face that they had before. It was an ugly, and
unceremonious sight- the Qing Jing and Bai Zhan disciples openly insulting each other and
the Peak Lords.

In the end, both Shen Qingqiu and Liu Qingge could no longer listen to shouting and sent
fierce looks at their respective disciples. While the enmity between Qing Jing and Bai Zhan
was something they had never cared to interfere in before, and even encouraged at times, this
was simply too disgraceful!
Only when Yue Qingyuan intervened to reprimand them did they quiet down, but continued
sending dirty looks at each other.

Mu Qingfang, who had been silently observing Liu Qingge, suddenly spoke up, glancing at
the Qing Jing and Bai Zhan disciples that now looked like kicked dogs.

“This blow from Shen-Shixiong…… might so bad..”

“How can it not be bad?? That kind of impact would have killed a person with lower
cultivation!”, cried out Qi Qinggi.

“That kind of sudden influx of spiritual power…. It’s exactly what he needed.”

A few healers from other Sects overheard Mu Qingfang, and nodded vigorously, as they were
thinking the same thing.

“Peak Lord Mu certainly has a point. While unconventional, treating a Qi deviation like this
is not unheard of.”

“Peak Lord Liu’s Qi is fluctuating rapidly and is very volatile. A sudden influx of an
immense amount of spiritual force will force his unstable Qi back into regularity. But… it is a
very tricky method, which is why it is rarely used. However, in urgent cases like this, I
believe it was the best course of action.”

“So you mean to say, that Qingqiu-Shidi… he wasn’t just defending himself, but also trying
to treat Qingge-Shidi?”

“Indeed. Peak Lord Shen has quite the foresight.”

“But why is Peak Lord Liu still convulsing and shaking like that!?"

“Only the first step has been taken. This blow of Qi is enough to bring Liu-Shixiong to his
senses temporarily. He is still in a very delicate state right now. Shen-Shixiong should take
care not to do or say anything that would set him off again.

"He still needs to infuse some spiritual energy in him to properly stabilize his meridians.”,
replied Mu Qingfang, his expression grave, as he could only hope Shen Qingqiu would be
able to pull this off.

Shen Qingqiu’s expression was indecipherable as he watched Liu Qingge painfully

move into a half-kneeling position on the ground.

He tried to forcefully stand up but could only fall onto his knees again.

Finally, Shen Qingqiu rolled his eyes and walked over, a slightly forced smile on his face.

“~Shidi~”, called out Shen Qingqiu, his voice unnaturally friendly.

“How are you?”

Liu Qingge looked dumbfounded and starting coughing up blood.

Both Shen Qingqiu and Liu Qingge froze.

Seeing the confusion on both the future and real life Liu Qingge's face, a few people started

"Why is he so stunned about being called Shidi? Is he not Shen Qingqiu's Shidi?"

"Ai, don't you know that the relationship between these two people has always been terrible,
with no mutual respect? The question is why Peak Lord Shen is suddenly calling him Shidi!"

Everyone who knew of the enmity between them, couldn't help but wonder the same thing.

Shang Qinghua had been nervously watching this whole sequence play out, ever since Shen
Qingqiu entered the Spirit Caves. He knew that the event that was about to happen was the
starting point of Shen Qingqiu's downfall. One of the very few regrets of his life.

But considering how much the plot was deviating, he wouldn't be surprised if this plot point
changed as well!

So when Shen Qingqiu seemed to be saving him, he internally cheered, glad that clearly the
Shen-Shixiong of the future had taken his advice and stayed calm.

But he was still on edge, just waiting for something to go wrong.

So when Shen Qingqiu suddenly called Liu Qingge "Shidi", he tsked loudly.


“Shen-Shixiong…….. didn’t Mu-Shidi just say to take care of what you say to him! And that
he’s in a very delicate state of mind? How could you call him Shidi all of a sudden? At this
rate, he might as well go into another Qi deviation, keel over, and die from shock!”, he
muttered, chewing his nails.

Unfortunately, Shen Qingqiu seemed to have overheard him, but before he could grab him by
the collar and throttle him, a low, confused voice came from behind him.

“……Shidi? Since when have you called me….. Shidi?” Liu Qingge shuddered violently,
trying to shake off the slimy feeling that came from that odd tone.

He had been called many things by Shen Qingqiu.

“Bastard”, “Idiotic Brute”, "Stupid Oaf".

But never Shidi. At least not in such a … friendly tone.

His suspicion arose, and he raised an eyebrow.

“Since never, you idiotic brute.”, spat out Shen Qingqiu, just as confused. He curled his lip in

“Then why-”

“He... could have been trying to shock you.”, intervened Mu Qingfang.

"Eh? What does that mean?"

"The blow from Shen-Shixiong just now, forced Liu-Shixiong's wild spiritual energy to
realign and stop fluctuating. While I said that a sudden shock could cause him to rampage
again, it could also have the opposite effect. He could be so stunned by something that it
would leave him momentarily powerless, so Shen-Shixiong can easily continue the rest of the

"So Peak Lord Shen suddenly saying 'Shidi'.... is to help save Peak Lord Liu's life?"

Imagining that always surly face suddenly smiling and calling out to him in a kind manner
sent shivers down Wei Qingwei's spine. Whether it was desire or dread, he didn't know, so he
just grimaced.

“Shen-Shixiong…… please never call me like that. Even if you’re trying to save my life.”

Mu Qingfang was too polite to say the same out loud, but silently he agreed.

As if I would, you bastards

"Saving his life huh? That makes sense, otherwise there's no way he'd ever call Liu Qingge
'Shidi' like that,", murmured Shang Qinghua, nodding in approval.

"Unless he was possessed or something.....:.", muttered Qi Qinggi, which got a few chuckles
from those that overheard.

However, Shen Qingqiu turned rigid at those words, and a cold feeling struck him.

Shen Qingqiu sighed, tsking as he moved close once again.

“I’ll make this clear. If I don’t save you now, it’ll be too late, but I’m not too familiar
with this move; if I accidentally kill you, don’t blame me.”

He raised his palm and struck Liu Qingge’s back, channeling spiritual energy. Some
time had passed. Shen Qingqiu felt the spiritual power inside Liu Qingge return to a
calm and natural state.

Only then did he finally stop looking so worried and retract his hand. The white-clothed
man’s head drooped down, not quite conscious yet.

There was complete silence.

Everyone glanced at each other, trying to figure out if Shen Qingqiu had actually succeeded.
“He- Did he … save him? Did he do it?”, questioned Liu Zhihao, gripping her son's arm.

Mu Qingfang’s eyes had gone wide, as he examined the unconscious Liu Qingge.

“He… did. Shen-Shixiong saved him from his Qi deviation. It worked.”

At that, Liu Zhihao almost collapsed from relief, and Liu Mingyan let out a cry of happiness.
The Old Palace Master tried not to let his disappointment show, and instead nodded

Shen Qingqiu stiffened, as hundreds of eyes now turned towards him.

Hearing Mu Qingfang, they didn’t know how to feel. Now that Liu Qingge was out of
danger, they could clearly think about what had just transpired.

Not only had Shen Qingqiu tried to harm Liu Qingge, he was even going out of his way to try
and save him.

And what had they thought?

Shen Qingqiu even if you don’t say it we know that you’d try and kill him!

He’ll leave him to die!

Shen Qingqiu, that traitorous scum!

They were sworn enemies, why wouldn’t he take this chance and get rid of him?

Shen Qingqiu was never someone who they’d feel that they had wronged.

But it was certainly shameful, to think that they had accused the man of something so
heinous, when he had just done the opposite.

Many of them tried to justify their misconceptions, thinking that it wasn’t their fault for
assuming Shen Qingqiu would try to murder Liu Qingge.

After all, wasn’t he the one that refused to answer when Madam Liu had asked him if he
would help? Wasn't he the one that showed no signs of concern? Hadn't he callously insulted
Liu Qingge?

Their misunderstanding hadn’t come out of nowhere! Why should they suddenly regret it?

But even if his words said one thing, his actions were what mattered. And for all his
animosity, hadn't he still saved Liu Qingge?

A few had the guilt to mutter “Peak Lord Shen… indeed we were wrong to assume that you
would harm Peak Lord Liu."

The Qing Jing disciples who had always had faith in their Shizun shot a smug look at the Bai
Zhan disciples, who were still shocked by this turn of events.
They were almost on the verge of tears from seeing that their Shifu was saved.

“Shizun really is the best.”

"Indeed, no one would have been able do such a thing!"

"We always had faith in him!"

Liu Qingge was quiet, until he finally glanced at the unmoving Shen Qingqiu.

“You…. you… saved me.”, he murmured, almost whispering.

There was an inexplicable emotion growing in him. The last thing he had expected was for
Shen Qingqiu to actually help him through a Qi deviation. In that moment, he had felt
something inside him change.

Shen Qingqiu had saved him.

Shen Qingqiu didn't want him dead.

Shen Qingqiu helped him.

“....No. I didn’t-”, began Shen Qingqiu, growing uncomfortable from all the attention, and
still caught up in that terrifying suspicion that had been plaguing his mind all this time.

Liu Qingge clicked his tongue in frustration.

"You know what I mean. In the future you did-"

"Precisely. In the future. I have done nothing of the sort right now-"

"You're still the same person aren't you? Are you telling me that you wouldn't do the same

Shen Qingqiu was quiet at that.

Was he the same person?

He really didn't know.

Was he really capable of becoming so different after a Qi deviation? Could he really save Liu
Qingge that easily, without facing any backlash to his own unstable cultivation?

Was that really.....him?

“Why? You… could have just left me to suffer. You didn't need to put your self in danger to
help me. Why?”, pressed Liu Qingge, restless to get an answer.

He had to know.

He needed to know.
What did Shen Qingqiu really think of him?

Why would Shen Qingqiu help him?

Didn't Shen Qingqiu despise him?

Hadn't he tried to sneak attack him all those years ago?

Hadn't he hated Liu Qingge from the bottom of his heart?

So why?

Shen Qingqiu turned away. “I don’t know.”, he said, voice obstinate.

He was far too distracted to even think straight, or register anything anyone was saying to

If that really was someone else in his body..... then where was he?

Why wasn't he showing any signs of possession?

Why didn't anyone notice?

Or did they simply not realize?

Liu Qingge felt his frustration grow.

Always. As always. Shen Qingqiu never explained things.

He never said what he was really thinking. For someone as straightforward as Liu Qingge,
who communicated all his thoughts so easily... a person like Shen Qingqiu was incompatible.

“Shen Qingqiu! Is it so hard for you to just give me a straight answer? Why- "

“Liu Qingge! Must I explain everything I do to you!?”, he spat back, growing even more

He glared at Liu Qingge, and both of them were locked in a tense gaze for a few seconds.

Suddenly, Shen Qingqiu looked away first, as his expression crumbled. His eyes were tinged
with red, and his lip quivered with hesitance.

“I…. for all that I hate you… I didn't want you… to die. I have never wished truly death upon
you!!", he choked out.

The words he thought he'd never be able to say before flowed out, and he couldn't help but be
surprised that he had actually managed to do it.

"Shen Qingqiu.... you....."

But before anyone could react to those words, Liu Qingge's eyes grew wide and jaw dropped
open as he glanced at the viewing portal.

Shen Qingqiu whipped his head to glance at what made him so speechless, only to drop his
fan in horror.


Shen Qingqiu looked at the unconscious man for a few seconds, and poked his cheek.

“Why are you so young and pretty?”, he muttered, prodding at Liu Qingge’s face.

Shen Qingqiu:……..

Liu Qingge:……….

Cang Qiong Mountain Sect:…….??????!!!!!!

Rest of the audience: ????????

Liu Zhihao: Oho?

Liu Mingyan: Mother???

For a second, no one said anything, wondering if they had heard right.

“M-maybe he’s just trying to shock him again…. So he doesn’t Qi deviate….”, said a disciple
from Zhao Hua Temple.

“No… that can’t be right…. Peak Lord Liu isn’t even awake to hear him….”, piped in
another audience member. Slowly they came to the realization.

“Which means that……..”

No one dared to say it, until Liu Qingge finally spoke first, stammering from surprise, and
sheer disbelief in his tone.

“…So you think I'm....pretty-“

“NO! No, absolutely not!”, he snapped, before he could even finish talking.

“But you just said-”

“Shut up. Just shut up.”, snarled Shen Qingqiu, bending down to pick up his fan, and refusing
to even look at Liu Qingge- or anyone for that matter.

Internally, he spewed hundreds of creative curses that would put even the worst of thugs to
shame. A red tint of humiliation was growing on his ears, and he instinctively raised his fan,
where a small crack was already beginning to form along its edges.
Not only had he shamefully cried out that he had never wished death upon Liu Qingge, this
future version of him even dared to say something so horrifying!

Liu Qingge? Pretty? Where?? Shen Qingqiu didn’t care how attractive or handsome a man
was - not when he despised men altogether! In his mind, when he looked at Liu Qingge, all
he saw was a hard-headed brute.

Normally Liu Qingge would spit back some retort if Shen Qingqiu told him to “Shut up”, but
he was a bit too dazed by what he was witnessing to even retaliate. He had been told he was
good-looking for most of his life, so such a statement never meant much to him.

He had never particularly cared about looks anyway, whether it was his or anyone else. Yet,
hearing it from Shen Qingqiu of all people…… All of sudden, the words that he had never
usually cared for, made him feel strange inside. One part was bewildered, but the other felt a
strange satisfaction that he couldn’t understand.

Not to mention Shen Qingqiu had just told him that he had never hated him to death.... Liu
Qingge could only struggle to keep calm, and steadfastly ignore the looks his mother was
sending him.

Yue Qingyuan coughed a few times, while Qi Qinggi and Wei Qingwei were openly gaping
at Shen Qingqiu, not even bothering to hide their bewilderment.

“Suddenly finds…. Liu Qingge……. attractive…”, murmured Mu Qingfang, continuing his

notes on the after-effects of Shen Qingqiu’s Qi deviation, shooting a strange look at Shen

Shen Qingqiu’s eyes turned bloodshot hearing that, but he couldn’t find the energy or the face
to protest like he wanted to.

He was possessed.

He was definitely, assuredly possessed. There was no other explanation.

Wei Qingwei, after having gotten over his initial shock, smirked, seeing an excellent

He sauntered forward and leaned towards Shen Qingqiu, who curled his lip in disgust.

“Could it be…. Could it be-”, he said, rubbing his chin.

“Could it be what?”, snapped Shen Qingqiu, dreading whatever bullshit he was going to

“Could it be…. That all this time…Shen-Shixiong was just jealous of Liu-Shidi’s handsome

Shen Qingqiu choked, and his face turned blue.

Liu Qingge spat out the soothing tea his mother had forced on him, looking at Wei Qingwei
with red eyes.

Wei Qingwei grinned and said, “Don’t worry, Shen-Shixiong, you’re pretty good looking

The more he spoke, the more the vein in Shen Qingqiu’s forehead throbbed until it looked
ready to burst.

To reduce the rivalry he and Liu Qingge shared for years, to a simple vanity contest! Only
that insufferable nuisance Wei Qingwei would do such a thing!

Wei Qingwei continued to laugh, unaware of the growing killing intent coming from next to

Although Wei Qingwei was clearly just joking, and no one was really taking him seriously,
the naive little Qing Jing disciples who overheard him, took him at his word.

Their poor Shizun thought he wasn’t handsome enough! No wonder he hated the War God so
much! Peak Lord Liu was certainly strikingly attractive, but it wasn’t like their Shizun was so
far behind!

Ning Yingying felt her heart grow softer, and she looked at Shen Qingqiu sincerely.

“Shizun! This disciple thinks that Shizun is the most beautiful person they’ve ever met!”

Shen Qingqiu:...........

Feeling emboldened, more and more Qing Jing disciples joined in, along with even a few of
the younger ones from the other Peaks.

“That’s right! Peak Lord Shen is really handsome!”

“A peerless beauty!”

A few Bai Zhan disciples offhandedly muttered that Liu Qingge was more handsome, but
when they recalled how Shen Qingqiu had just saved their Shifu, they could only keep mum.

“Very good looking!”

“Shizun’s beauty is like the moon on a clear night, or a flower that blooms on the highest
cliff- radiant, alluring, but unattainable!! ”

“A Qing Jing Peak disciple indeed! What a way with words!”, complimented a disciple from
Xian Shu, joining in on the fun, giggling with her martial sisters.

Shen Qingqiu had always been someone who seemed so distant and cold, but seeing his
strange antics in the viewing portal created this sense of familiarity and boldness that they
had never experienced before. And he had even saved Liu Qingge, and basically confessed to
not hating him that much, so they couldn’t help but gain a slightly better impression of him!
Pretty soon, most of the Cang Qiong disciples were chuckling in good humour.

Even Yue Qingyuan was stifling his laughter, avoiding Shen Qingqiu’s betrayed glare.

“.......Enough”, muttered Shen Qingqiu, covering his face with his hand, unable to take it

It was one thing when everyone disliked or feared him, but it was another when they
suddenly acted close and even poked fun.

A deep unsettlement started in his heart, but he couldn’t understand why.

“But Shizun-”

“Anyone who continues speaking will be punished with 50 laps around Qing Jing Peak, and
copying every book in the library 10 times.”, he barked, daring them to defy him.

Every disciple of Qing Jing knew instantly better than to oppose their Shizun when he got
like this and muffled any protests they had.


“So Peak Lord Shen thinks the War God is… pretty?”, whispered a bewildered woman from
the upper seating area.

“Well he isn’t wrong……”, giggled another, eyeing the still befuddled Liu Qingge with a
hungry glint. Liu Qingge shuddered, feeling a sudden chill.

“But …. don’t they despise each other??”


The woman shrugged.

“I mean, why would you compliment your enemy?”

“And save his life!!!”, piped in Tan Cui, overhearing the discussion, and growing excited.
Her eyes shone, and she grabbed another stack of papers from her bag and thrust aside the
previous one.

The same man that had seen her manuscript with Sect Leader Yue and Peak Lord Shen, felt a
foreboding sensation.

“Don’t be ridiculous! Can’t a martial brother simply compliment his fellow martial brother’s
looks? There’s no way they’re cutsleeves!”, he scolded.

However, he sounded extremely unsure even as he said that, and could only watch her
enthusiastically scribble on this new manuscript.

Within 5 minutes, she had drawn a rough sketch of 2 people.

One figure that looked like Peak Lord Liu lay in the arms of another figure that looked like
Peak Lord Shen. Both of their clothes were tattered, and Liu Qingge was blushing shyly
while Shen Qingqiu gripped his chin and smirked at him.

Shixiong’s Hidden Affections: Tryst at the Spirit Caves

Before the man could voice his disapproval, his attention was drawn back to the viewing

"Oh! Peak Lord Liu finally seems to be waking up!"

Liu Qingge slowly roused and finished vomiting some more blood before finally turning

Liu Qingge immediately saw Shen Qingqiu sitting nearby, looking busy. Tilting his
head, suspicion formed on his face.

His instincts ringing, he silently tried to sit up. However, he’d suffered an impact on his
internal organs and was still scrambled up inside.

Blood sprayed out again.

“Why is he still coughing up blood? Is he really okay?”, fretted Liu Zhihao, patting her sons
back, as though the Liu Qingge in front of her was vomiting blood.

“It’s alright Madam Liu, he’s just coughing up the bad blood. He’s out of any danger now,
just a few days of rest should have him back in good condition."

She sighed with relief, slumping back into her chair. A Huan Hua attendant was summoned,
bringing another cup of calming tea, which she shoved into Liu Qingge's hands.

"Mother, I -" "I don't want to hear any complaints. Did you not see just how narrowly you
escaped the brink of death? If it weren't for Peak Lord Shen-" She paused as though she had
recalled something, and turned to face Shen Qingqiu.

"I.... apologize for accusing you, for putting you in a spot like that. When I saw him like
that... I didn't think properly, but that was no reason for me to attack you.", she said, coming
closer, and suddenly clutching his hands.

"Peak Lord Shen.... I can't thank you enough for what you did for my son. Yes, yes I know, 'it
only happened in the future', but I know that you would do the same now. I believe that you
would try to help him.", she said, thinking of those words he choked out.

Her eyes conveyed her sincerity and emotions.

It had only been a matter of a few hours, but in light of such drastic happenings, her
perception towards him changed completely.

A mother's heart was a simple thing. When she had seen Shen Qingqiu and her son clash, she
of course had a bad impression of his intentions, but now that she had seen Shen Qingqiu
save her son, she held nothing but affection for him.

With Liu Zhihao's very vocal appreciation, many more members of the audience began to
laud Shen Qingqiu for a job well done.

"......No matter.", muttered Shen Qingqiu, waving off the gratitude, but still nodding in
respect as he gently removed his hands from hers.

He felt uncomfortable accepting any of the actions taken by his future self as his own- even if
he too would actually risk everything to save Liu Qingge.

Not when he wasn't even sure that was actually him.

But he still couldn't explain or understand why or how. Which was why he had still not
voiced any of these concerns to anyone else. But his worry was starting to show.

Yue Qingyuan sent a concerned eyebrow raise at him, before meeting Mu Qingfang and Wei
Qingwei's gaze while nodding.

How can you not notice how strange I'm acting in that viewing portal?

Do you really believe that a Qi deviation would make me change so much?

Do wish that I would change like that? Or is that you've noticed but just don't care?

Yue Qingyuan just what are you thinking?

Stepping forward, he placed a hand on Shen Qingqiu's shoulder, and gently squeezed.

"You did well, Qingqiu-Shidi."

"What makes you think I need your praise?.", he sneered, yet made no movement to shrug off
the hand on the shoulder.

Yue Qingyuan merely smiled and stepped back. It was a rare, rather peaceful interaction
between them, and he would enjoy whatever he got.

However, he too had a matter on his mind, not unlike the one in Shen Jiu's. He had already
communicated his worries to Mu Qingfang and Wei Qingwei, who were looking for more
signs of possession before stating it as a possibility out loud.

Nearby, Shen Qingqiu coolly said: “Ai, don’t be so excited. You’re still Bai Zhan Peak’s
Lord, how can you come to look so terrible. Do you have the face to look like this?
Come, come, wipe.”

As he spoke, he took out a handkerchief and dabbed at the blood on Liu Qingge’s lips.

There was a sound of glass shattering as Liu Qingge’s teacup was broken into a dozen pieces
from the strength of his grip.
“X-Xiongzhang-” said Liu Mingyan, as she picked up the porcelain shards.

"S-Shifu... Peak Lord Shen is......", stammered a Bai Zhan disciple, not sure whether he
should be upset or grateful.

On one hand he was tending to Liu Qingge’s injuries but on the other- wasn’t he being
excessively close?

He gritted his teeth and looked at Shen Qingqiu, who had a similar expression of horror,
visible from even behind the fan, which he hadn’t removed from his face even once now.

However, the hand holding the fan- which was white, with veins bulging, while shaking
furiously. The cracks on the fan grew even more.

Gently wiping Liu Qingge’s lips and coddling him like he was some undergrown brat?

What a disgrace!

Even worse was the people now actively misunderstanding the relationship between the two
of them! But with everything that had transpired between them, of course people would
misunderstand! After all, hadn't Shen Qingqiu just called Liu Qingge "pretty" just a while

“Aiyah, look at how caring Peak Lord Shen is. Softly wiping the blood from his mouth,
laying him on his lap, and then gently scolding him.”, murmured Tan Cui.

"Who in the world said these two were enemies? Look at how gentle Peak Lord Shen treats

"But we saw them fight before....."

"Shhhhh! Maybe-maybe Peak Lord Shen had a change of heart?"

Liu Zhihao felt exhilarated watching this, and her tenderness towards Shen Qingqiu grew
even more.

“So it’s like that….. I didn’t realize the two of you were actually so close after all,”, said Liu
Zhihao, smiling at her son and Shen Qingqiu.

“Thank you for your care, Peak Lord Shen-“

“What?? Close? Us? No! He- he’s just being strange! I don’t know why he’s acting like that!
Shen Qingqiu, what the hell are you doing??”, spluttered Liu Qingge, his face changing
through a series of colors.

He looked at Shen Qingqiu, expecting him to agree, and acknowledge how weird he was

No one was more horrified with this scene than Shen Qingqiu, but he was not above any level
of pettiness, or tactics if it meant inconveniencing Liu Qingge.
When it came to Liu Qingge, Shen Qingqiu was someone that always needed to oppose him.
If Liu Qingge said “left”, of course Shen Qingqiu would say “right”. If Liu Qingge said he
wanted pastries, of course Shen Qingqiu would want spicy food. Even if he hated spicy food.

Which was why when he saw Liu Qingge like this, he was even willing to even acknowledge
the strange behaviour of his future self.

“I saved your life, and continue to care for you, beyond what your pathetic self deserves, and
you act like this? Learn some gratitude, Liu Qingge.”


Liu Zhihao nodded in agreement with Shen Qingqiu and then glared at her son, warning him
not to say another word.

Facing that vicious stare, he could only resentfully remain silent.

Liu Qingge spoke as he vomited blood: “Shen Qingqiu…… what kind of thing are you
up to now……” Shen Qingqiu saw how much pain he was in and laid a palm on his

Originally, Liu Qingge clearly thought he wanted to harm him but tried to dodge; but
when the palm connected, he only felt a stream of clear and smooth spiritual power
channeling into him, straightening out his meridians and his spiritual power.

At this, Liu Qingge appeared even more aghast at Shen Qingqiu than he had been

“What are you doing??”, he asked, suspicion rampant in his fierce gaze.

“Healing your injuries….”, replied Mu Qingfang. “Shen-Shixiong… really is going to extra

trouble to help Liu-Shixiong.”

Hearing this, Liu Mingyan felt her heart grow heavy with guilt.

With a bit of coaxing from her mother, she cried out: “Thank you….. Peak Lord Shen, for
saving my big brother! I… I’m sorry! ”.

Thinking back on how she had accused Shen Qingqiu, she felt ashamed.

Especially when he had done the exact opposite of what he had been accused of.

Shen Qingqiu was someone that had so many rumours surrounding him, that Liu Mingyan
often didn’t know what to think of him. Most people who heard any of these rumours would
immediately think that this Shen Qingqiu was an unscrupulous person.

In Liu Mingyan’s case, not only was her brother Peak Lord Shen’s bitterest rival, her own
Shifu despised him, and banned him from her Peak. Not to mention, all the disciples of Xian
Shu believed that he was lecher, and would often bad mouth him.
With this sort of environment, it would be more surprising if she somehow had a good
impression of Shen Qingqiu!

She still didn’t know what to make of all the rumours, but at least she knew for sure Peak
Lord Shen wasn’t “the traitorous bastard”, he was said to be.

Shen Qingqiu merely nodded at her, but to Liu Mingyan, she felt as though a great weight
had been lifted off her chest.

Ning Yingying squeezed her hand and laughed.

“I told you that Shizun would help!”

“So it seems”, she smiled back.

“Mingyan… what-”, began Qi Qinggi, before pausing.

What are you doing apologizing to Shen Qingqiu?

That was what she was going to say. But suddenly she felt that was wrong.

Most of the members of Cang Qiong Mountain had chosen to forget the suspicions they had
held towards Shen Qingqiu. Either they got distracted by the bizarre turn of events, or simply
justified their previous thoughts, and made peace with themselves.

Only a few had even said it out loud, but even that simply seemed to be for the sake of it.

Acknowledging a mistake was a hard thing to do. And apologizing for it was even harder.

Shen Qingqiu was difficult to deal with. He was unpleasant to be around. He was not caring,
nor righteous.

But Shen Qingqiu had also gone out of his way to save Liu Qingge, against all expectations.

And yet, he was accused of trying to murder him, and attacked without even being given a

Even Shen Qingqiu could be wronged.

And when someone was wronged, you apologized to them.

No one had really bothered to do so, simply opting to ignore that it had ever happened. It was
just easier for them that way. Qi Qinggi had been one of them.

Shen Qingqiu hadn’t demanded anything from them anyway.

Did that mean he didn’t deserve it though?

Seeing how Liu Mingyan was able to say those words so easily, Qi Qinggi felt her throat dry.
She still didn’t like Shen Qingqiu, but that didn’t mean she should simply ignore a mistake on
her part.

“Shen- Shen-Shixiong…. I’m sorry as well. You… did well.”, she muttered, audible only to
the Peak Lords.

Shen Qingqiu looked at her for a few seconds, and nodded again.

It was a dry acknowledgement, barely anything- the sort of coldness she had always disliked
about Shen Qingqiu- but somehow, in that moment, she was simply glad he decided not to
say anymore.

Shen Qingqiu had a hand on his back while speaking to him: “Liu-Shidi, I’ve been
meditating recently and gained some insights. Thinking of past events, this Shixiong
feels a little ashamed of what he’s done.”

Liu Qingge seemed to vomit even more severely.

The Liu Qingge of the present looked like he was going to vomit too, hearing those sort of
words come from Shen Qingqiu’s mouth .

However, he shot a look of triumph at Shen Qingqiu, who had been smug ever since using
Liu Qingge’s mother against him. Shen Qingqiu had now turned green as well.

Ashamed? Regret? Ha! Those were words he’d never use!

Shen Qingqiu knew no remorse nor regret!

Gained insights???

What was he saying??

Who was this bizarre person spouting the kind of words you’d expect from some senile old

By now he was almost completely convinced of possession, and with each increasingly
strange scene that took place, he was sure Liu Qingge could be convinced of the same.

The cracks on his fan grew even larger from how tightly he gripped it.

Shen Qingqiu pondered: “People from the same clan shouldn’t hold grudges against
each other. How about we leave past events in the past. From now on, let’s join hands
together and be a pair of model martial brothers. What do you think, Liu-Shidi?”

Liu Qingge: “……Are you serious?”

Shen Qingqiu: “Serious. I cannot be more serious. Look at this Shixiong’s eyes, are you

As he spoke, he leaned in slightly, a playful expression on his normally cold face.

Seeing that playful expression on Shen Qingqiu’s normally surly and sneering face, everyone
felt their hairs stand up!

Just not long ago, they had seen Shen Qingqiu laugh and smile brilliantly, then call Liu
Qingge “pretty” out of nowhere, and now this?? Just what was going on?

But even more than the strange smarminess Shen Qingqiu was giving off, what was even
more shocking was the words he had spoken.

D-did Shen Qingqiu just offer to make peace with Liu Qingge and grow closer?

To anyone that was not from Cang Qiong Mountain Sect, those words weren’t anything too
strange. Of course they had heard of the bad relationship between Liu Qingge and Shen
Qingqiu, rumours were rumours bah!

Clearly, Shen Qingqiu simply wanted to reconcile with his Shidi, and as the older one, of
course he’d have to take the first step! He'd just found that perfect opportunity to do so, right
after saving Liu Qingge! Nothing too out of the ordinary! They were martial siblings after all,
shouldn't they get along?

So while everyone else discussed how heart warming this scene was, and whole-heartedly
lapped up everything this future Shen Qingqiu was saying about martial siblings getting
along- those from Cang Qiong Mountain were speechless.

They knew the enmity between these two. They had seen the extent of their hatred. Those 2
couldn't even be in the same room for more than a few minutes without breaking into an
argument. The costs of the property damage that the sect received from their fights was
something that made Shang Qinghua cry every week! Even after coming to Huan Hua Palace,
they had gotten into an argument no less then 5 times in the span of one day!

When it was put into this kind of perspective- their previous misconceptions- although biased
and wrong- could sort of be understood.

Now suddenly, Shen Qingqiu was offering to become- what was it- "model martial

Somehow, Shen Qingqiu rescuing him in the cave had become the most believable thing
about this whole interaction!

“You know… the future Peak Lord Shen did lose a bunch of memories… and went through
some personality changes… it’s likely that his enmity with Peak Lord Liu was affected as
well. He could have forgotten about it, or simply let it go. And so he.. uh.. wants to make
up.”, whispered a senior disciple of Qiong Ding.

Immediately, there were murmurs of assent.

"That... makes sense."

"Indeed, there's no other explanation!"

But still, just how serious was Shen Qingqiu's Qi deviation for him to propose such a thing!??

Liu Qingge was the one at the brunt though, receiving shocking blow after blow, and now
looked as though he had been struck by thunder.

To be honest, it wasn't as though Liu Qingge had never thought of this before. In fact, he
really had wanted to get along with him at first.

Shen Qingqiu was someone that Zhangmen-Shixiong- a person who he had immense respect
for- had brought in. Of course he would want to get along with this person. If Zhangmen-
Shixiong had brought him in, then he must be exceptionally talented, and righteous.

That was what he had thought.

And then they met.

He saw his arrogant attitude, and heard his cruel words.

He fought with with him, and Shen Qingqiu had used dirty tricks, to make up for his low

Shen Qingqiu never said anything kind, and constantly argued with him.

Shen Qingqiu went to brothels and engaged in debauchery. He fought with all the disciples.

Shen Qingqiu attacked Liu Qingge from behind.

Shen Qingqiu hated Liu Qingge, so Liu Qingge hated him.

Or was it the other way around?

Somewhere along the way, that desire he once had to be friends with Shen Qingqiu had
completely disappeared, and only hatred was left.

But now...

Shen Qingqiu saved him.

Shen Qingqiu called him pretty.

Shen Qingqiu healed him.

Shen Qingqiu told him that he wanted a good relationship with him.

He didn't know if the one right next to him even felt the same way.

And yet, hearing those words come from Shen Qingqiu, no matter where or when- reminded
him of that small desire he had once had.
" nice to see you take initiative.....", complimented Yue Qingyuan, although he
was still in disbelief.

Taking this chance to finally mend things between those two, he tried to take it to the next

"Perhaps you and Liu-Shidi can do the same now as well-"

He abruptly stopped, sensing an unsaid reluctance and sighed.

Perhaps another time

Liu Qingge’s face was ugly as he looked into Shen Qingqiu’s eyes for a moment.

Finally, he seemed to be driven beyond the limits of endurance and said: “You, walk
farther away. Stay away from me.”, shoving Shen Qingqiu.

Shen Qingqiu only somberly nodded and expressed understanding “We’ve been at each
other’s throats for so many years, it’s only natural that you don’t trust me.

Liu Qingge, who had been having one of the biggest internal conflicts in his life, was once
again, thrown off guard.

By none other than Shen Qingqiu, the source of all his confusion right now.

What the heck was this?

Didn’t this situation look too much like Liu Qingge acting like a spoiled Shidi throwing a fit
from shame, while Shen Qingqiu was some understanding and kind hearted Shixiong?

What absurdity!

In what world was Shen Qingqiu understanding, or gentle?

In no world!

Except for this bizarre future!

Liu Qingge’s mother had also noticed this, and looked at her son disapprovingly.

As someone who had no prior knowledge of Shen QIngqiu’s previous character, and hence
no bias, she had grown very fond of him, especially after seeing everything he had done.

“Really, how can you act like this, didn’t this good Shixiong of yours just save your life? He
even sincerely wants to get along with you! Peak Lord Shen, I apologize for my son’s
behaviour- this brat, he’s truly too unruly.”

“Mother!”, spluttered Liu Qingge.

Good Shixiong? What? Since when??

Shen Qingqiu:........”No need.”

As much as he enjoyed antagonizing Liu Qingge, he was simply too occupied with his
thoughts to do so.

Yue Qingyuan had once told Shen Qingqiu, that if you showed Liu Qingge even the smallest
kindness, he would be loyal for a lifetime.

He always reciprocated good intentions, and repaid his debts.

Despite knowing this, Shen Qingqiu hadn't cared. Because he could not spare even the
smallest kindness of Liu Qingge. Why should he debase himself, to explain everything he

Why should he have to be the one to be kind first?

The one time he had tried to help Liu Qingge, he was immediately misunderstood. His pride
wouldn't let him try to explain, and his ego held him back from ever doing anything of the
sort again.

Yet, there he was- trying to salvage whatever broken relationship the two of them had.

That was something he never had the humility nor intention to do.

What kind of spirit has the courage to dare say such things with my face while possessing

If he ever found out who was responsible for this.....

He nodded his head and headed toward the exit of the cave. “There’s no need to rush,
we can take our time.”

As he walked along, he waved back without turning his head and said: “If Liu-Shidi
encounters some trouble while practicing, there’s no need to be shy, you can call me to
come help. All us martial brothers are close and have to take care of each other.”

Liu Qingge seemed as though he was going to keel over and die if he had to listen to two
more words from him. His gaze was terrible. Shen Qingqiu shut his mouth and left. Liu
Qingge was left alone inside the spirit cave.

”Did that bastard…. really help me?”, muttered Liu Qingge, his expression turning
extremely ugly.

“Huh, isn’t Peak Lord Liu being a little too rude? Peak Lord Shen saved his life after all!”

“Right? He even cared for him so tenderly!”

“He also tried to get closer to him, and reconcile!”

“And in the end he gets shoved away? Tsk tsk”

"How could he call him bastard!?"

Hearing those comments, Liu Qingge turned even more red. He had never been the target of
public reprimand like this! But he had never cared for the words of outsiders- and especially
not now.

Liu Zhihao also glared at her son too, but under his heated frown, she didn’t scold him again.
Not when he already looked so troubled.

While the rest of the crowd could light-heartedly gossip and chatter, there was only a painful
silence between Liu Qingge and Shen Qingqiu.

Neither of them knew what to say, both equally distracted by the thoughts running through
their mind.

But it was Liu Qingge who had the most to say to Shen Qingqiu. The most to ask him.


Before he got even one word out, there was a resounding crack sound.

Shen Qingqiu’s fan had finally broken- again.

“Ming Fan.” he called out, gesturing for a new fan.

There was a clear imposing and unwilling aura around Shen Qingqiu now, and suddenly Liu
Qingge found that he could barely speak. The strange atmosphere between them had now
diffused to their surroundings, as it slowly became exceptionally quiet.

That just made it everything even more difficult. He could barely think in the silence.

“I- Shen-”, he paused again, not even sure how to start.

What should he say?

Would you be willing to try and get on better terms with me?

How come you didn’t hate me like you said you did?

Was I wrong to dislike you? And why did you dislike me?

How did we end up like this?

In the end, he didn’t say anything, and they just looked at each other, feeling uncomfortable,
but also making everyone around them uncomfortable.

Trying to ignore the palpable tension between Liu Qingge and Shen Qingqiu that was
suffocating the entire hall, a minor Sect Leader who looked quite young, and donned white
robes, finally cleared his throat, ready to speak out. In an instant, all the eyes turned on him,
eager to have a distraction and be reprieved from the painfully awkward atmosphere that
hung over the entire hall.

Shen Qingqiu also immediately faced away from Liu Qingge, similarly relieved to have an
excuse to not face him. Liu Qingge opened his mouth but promptly closed it, curling his fist,
seeing Shen Qingqiu turn away from him. He needed to talk to him.

But Shen Qingqiu, that insufferable bastard, that arrogant prick- that he had just seen save
him from certain death- wouldn’t even look at him.

“Ahem…. I apologize for the sudden intervention, but… there is an issue I’d like to point
out….“, began the white-robed man.

The Huan Hua Palace Master raised his eyebrows.

“Oh? An issue? Please do share.”

Huan Hua Palace had organized the event, so any issues or mistakes would be something to
be rectified on their part.

The Old Palace Master clearly didn’t like any of their mistakes being pointed out, but he had
to listen to it, and fix it nonetheless, as the host.

“I- I noticed that we’ve been in here for quite some time, a few hours perhaps. The night shall
be upon us soon.”

“And?”, said the Old Palace Master, clearly growing impatient and bored.

“Well- you see- not everyone present has cultivated inedia- that is- “, the young man trails
off, losing confidence.

“Excellent observation, Gongzi”, chimed in Grand Master Wu Chen, nodding in approval.

“This young man has a very good point. We do not know how long this viewing is going to
go on, and many of the people present haven’t cultivated to the point of not needing any

Inedia was a practice that only higher-level cultivators had attained. A state where they could
go on for months at a time without food, water, or sleep, sustained solely by their abundant
spiritual energy. Not only were there young and inexperienced disciples from the various
sects, but there were also some non-cultivators.

It was clear that quite a few people were growing weary so they wholeheartedly agreed with
the young man’s suggestion.

Yue Qingyuan spared one last concerned glance at Liu Qingge and Shen Qingqiu, before
joining in.

“Lao-Gongzhu, Madam Mingyun, is there any way for the viewing to be suspended
temporarily, once night falls? I’m sure Huan Hua Palace has prepared quarters for everyone
to retire.”

The Fortune-Teller, who had been so silent that entire time, that everyone forgot she was even
there- turned her blank mask in the direction of Yue Qingyuan.

“The viewing cannot be stopped once started…….”,

There were groans of exhaustion in the hall, hearing that.

“But…. It can be suspended, for an acceptable amount of time.”

A thoughtful expression appeared on the Old Palace Master’s face before he stood up and

“Very well then! Madam Mingyun, I shall trouble you to help us cease the event for now,
while the disciples of Huan Hua Palace will lead our guests to their quarters.”

The yellow-robed cultivators of Huan Hua Palace slowly began to release the array that was
keeping them in the hall, while the guests prepared to leave.

The chattering and discussion grew louder as everyone slowly made their way out.

"Ahhh it's over! I thought I was going to die having to sit still for so long!"

"Are you a child?? Besides, we'll have to come back tomorrow morning, what do you plan on
doing then?"

"Say, how do you think these rooms would be?"

"It's Huan Hua Palace, need I even say it? Of course they'll be high quality!"

"What a joke! Maybe for the Sect Leaders or any of the noble families! Us lowly disciples
will have to be crammed together in a room, or else how would there be enough space!"

"Shut up and leave the hall, you're blocking the exit!"

The Fortune-Teller rolled up the scroll she had used to show the future, and the viewing
portal grew smaller and smaller in size until it disappeared completely. She then bowed
deeply, and exited the hall, from an isolated door.

"Say, look at Peak Lord Liu and Peak Lord Shen!"

"Why are they ignoring each other?"

"No... isn't it just Peak Lord Shen ignoring Peak Lord Liu?"

"But why? Didn't the future Shen Qingqiu propose that they reconcile? Shouldn't be all
friendly instead?"

"Who knows? And who cares? Hurry up and move, I'm starving!"
As for why it was so awkward between Shen Qingqiu and Liu Qingge, even those from Cang
Qiong Mountain Sect that were seated next to them didn't dare ask why.

Just when it became almost unbearable to keep sitting there, Shen Qingqiu suddenly got up,
and walked out.

Almost as soon as he left, the rising tension collapsed, and they all let out a sigh of relief.

Liu Qingge stared at the door, where Shen Qingqiu had just left, dumbfounded.

Liu Zhihao rolled her eyes in annoyance, frustrated to no ends by her son's foolishness.

That boy! He was so talented when it came to certain aspects, yet he was hopeless in others!

"What are you doing just sitting here, staring like a fool? Go after him! Didn't you want to
ask him something?"



With Liu Zhihao practically shoving him out the door, he had no choice but to run after Shen

“Shen Qingqiu. Shen Qingqiu. SHEN QINGQIU!”, bellowed Liu Qingge, rapidly chasing
after him.

Each time he called his name, Shen Jiu only moved faster, avoiding Liu Qingge at any cost.
At one point, the two of them were practically running through the halls of Huan Hua Palace.
If anyone happened to pass by, they would see the bizarre sight of 2 distinguished Peak Lords
running like a pair of wild animals.

Unfortunately, Shen Qingqiu seemed to have realized how he must appear, and he cared a bit
too much about his image to run without abandon, so he tried to maintain some level of
elegance while moving, inevitably slowing down.

Because of this, Liu Qingge, who had no qualms about being caught running like some wild
stallion, and had always been faster due to his higher cultivation, easily caught up to Shen
Qingqiu and reached for his arm.

Before he could grab him, Shen Qingqiu abruptly stopped and whirled around to face him,
his fan covering his face, and not a single hair out of place.

“What does Peak Lord Liu want from this Master?,”he asked coolly, as though he hadn’t
been running away from Liu Qingge mere seconds ago.
Liu Qingge paused, blinking in surprise at this turn of events.

After Shen Qingqiu had avoided him all this time, the last thing he expected was for him to
surrender so easily. He also frowned, hearing Shen Qingqiu speak so formally, distancing
himself in another way, since he couldn’t run away.

“I…. want to ask- no talk-”, he began.

It was clear from his eyes that he didn’t want to be there. He seemed distracted, as though
something was occupying his mind. In fact, he wasn’t even looking at Liu Qingge, but rather
directing his gaze towards an open veranda a few metres from where they were standing. It
was a full moon, and a breezy night, as the trees outside slowly swayed.

Should I tell Yue Qingyuan that I might be possessed?

How do I even approach him? Would he believe me?

Would.... Liu Qingge believe me?

“Regarding what?”, scoffed Shen Qingqiu, his usual sneer forming.

Being asked this so suddenly, Liu Qingge was at a loss for words.

Once again, he didn’t know what to say.

Words had never come easy for him after all.

Seeing that Liu Qingge looked blank, Shen Qingqiu rolled his eyes and began walking away.

“I have other matters to attend to, so-”

Shen Qingqiu was walking away. Again. Like he always did. Without ever explaining
anything. Or answering his questions.

He had already lost him while they were in the hall, at least now he had to try and stop him!

“Wait-”, he said, reaching towards Shen Qingqiu again, who this time, struck him away with
spiritual power, and sent him flying back.

He just barely managed to stabilize himself before he collided with the wall. Liu Qingge felt
his temper flaring, and without thinking, he struck back, a blast of spiritual power hitting
Shen Qingqiu, who stumbled onto the ground.

Shen Qingqiu looked at him, his eyes turning red with anger as he started to get up.

Immediately Liu Qingge felt apologetic, and he approached Shen Qingqiu, extending his
hand out. He had come here to talk to Shen Qingqiu, yet somehow it was turning out almost
the same way all of their confrontations go- with them physically fighting.

“I didn’t mean to- here take my hand-”

Shen Qingqiu continued to stare at him with unhidden hate, but still reached out with a pale,
slender hand.

Before Liu Qingge could be bewildered( and suspicious) that the prideful Shen Qingqiu was
actually accepting his help, that pale hand suddenly grabbed his wrist in a claw-like grip.

Immediately after, he felt a rush of spiritual power, and a pulling sensation, as Shen Qingqiu
drew him in, and then thrusted him towards the open balcony they had been standing next to.

All of this happened in an instant, and even Liu Qingge was left stunned, too slow to react as
he fell forward. Shen Qingqiu was smirking in vindictive glee at him as he sent him flying,
his eyes clearly saying “Idiot, you actually fell for that ”

This was exactly the kind of petty trick that Liu Qingge despised the most about Shen

He gritted his teeth in anger, deciding that at least he would drag this bastard with him.

Before he was pushed back too far, he made sure to yank Shen Qingqiu’s collar, pulling him
into his momentum of hurtling towards the balcony. Shen Qingqiu’s gleeful sneer was
instantly replaced with horror.


Shen Qingqiu’s sputters of rage died in his throat as the two of them went sailing over the
balcony, falling from a height of at least 6 floors.

“Cheng Luan!”

“Xiu Ya!”

They both called for their swords, but quickly they realized they were too far from their
rooms, where their swords were taken to by the Huan Hua attendants, and there was no way
that their swords would reach them before they hit the ground.

As high-level cultivators, falling from this sort of height wouldn’t hurt them, but it wouldn’t
be pleasant either. Shen Qingqiu was clearly hurling all sorts of curses at him, from how red
his face was, but he could not hear any of it as they fell,with the wind whistling in their ears.

The two of them hit the ground with a “WHUMP”, falling into a large area of bushes.

Just before colliding, they had managed to push away from each other, so they didn't-
heaven’s forbid- land entangled with each other.

Liu Qingge spat out a mouthful of dirt, and Shen Qingqiu straightened out his robes,
groaning lightly, but still seething.

Just as he opened his mouth to continue his furious tirade, there was a rustling sound and an
alarmed squeak from right next to them, and he paused.
Shang Qinghua was huddled in the bushes, mere inches away from the spot where they had
just landed.

The An Ding Peak Lord’s already messy hair was entangled with leaves from crouching in
the shrubbery, and his eyes had gone wide in astonishment.

A similar shock was present in the expression of the other two, not expecting to find anyone-
or rather Shang Qinghua of all people hiding in some obscure shrubs of Huan Hua Palace.

The strange group of 3 people all looked at each other, without anyone speaking, all equally
dazed by the current situation.

Shang Qinghua coughed. “Shen-Shixiong, Liu-Shidi…. What a surprise.”

After a few seconds of confusion, the two of them finally processed the situation.

Liu Qingge wasted no time in getting straight to the point, scowling at him, as he asked,
“What- what the hell are you doing here???”

“Ahahaha, Liu-Shidi, I could ask you the same. You see, I was simply here, um.. Uh..
admiring the gardens of Huan Hua Palace, and suddenly you and Shen-Shixiong come falling
out of the sky? Just what were you two doing?”, he tutted loudly, and shook his head, trying
to remove the leaves in his hair.

He nervously laughed once again.

“Imagine how stunned I was, seeing my fellow Sect members-”

“Shang Qinghua, Stop lying and trying to avoid the question”, snarled Shen Qingqiu.

“Just what were you doing here? Give a proper answer now.”

The “or else” went unsaid, but it was clear nonetheless.

Shang Qinghua gulped, and tried not to look as nervous as he was.

Liu Qingge was one thing, but at least he wasn’t as scary as the scum villain, Shen Qingqiu!
Having both of them stare him down together was too much pressure for him to take.

But even then, he still couldn’t tell them the real reason he was there!
“Aahaha, S-Shen-Shixiong, You see- I’m not lying, I- uh, really did want to admire these
umm.. bushes-”. He took a few leaves in hand and pretended to sniff it, and then offered it to
Shen Qingqiu.

Shen Qingqiu looked enraged now, ready to interrogate that rat bastard Shang Qinghua by
force, until he noticed someone entering the gardens from the corner of his eye.

He instinctively crouched lower in the bushes, coming down to Shang Qinghua’s level.

“Why are you-”

Shang Qinghua pushed Liu Qingge back onto the ground, and murmured “Be quiet”.

The Huan Hua Palace Master was walking along the path leading to the gardens. From the
other side of the path, 2 black clothed attendants jogged out to meet him, and bowed

In an instant, Liu Qingge and Shen Qingqiu realized what Shang Qinghua was doing.

“Spying on the Old Palace Master? Shang Qinghua, have you gone mad?”, hissed Liu

He had always confronted situations head on, so something like spying or sneaking around
was something that he'd never approved of. Especially when the person being spied on was
the respected Palace Master of Huan Hua Palace!!

“Shhhh! Liu-Shidi, trust me, it’s all for a good reason!”, whispered Shang Qinghua, straining
his ear to hear the conversation.

Liu Qingge opened his mouth to protest, but before he could make a noise, Shen Qingqiu
shoved his face into the dirt, and muffled him.

“Have you found Luo Binghe yet?”, asked the Old Palace Master.

The three of them froze.

“No, not yet Lao-Gongzhu. Apologies for the delay. Because of this array, we cannot leave
the grounds without alerting the other Sects. Or else we would go ourselves.”

“I see. You’ve adjusted the array right?”

“Yes, Lao-Gongzhu. We didn’t change it too much, in case any of our guests notice. No one
can leave the array, but we’ve made sure that people can still enter.”

“We’ve sent the messages to some of the disciples stationed outside the Sect. They are still
searching for the boy. The moment they find him, they’ll bring him in.”

The Old Palace Master chuckled.

“Don’t worry, we have time. No one would suspect that we’ve made plans to take the boy

The attendant nodded, but there was a trace of puzzlement in his face.

“If this one may be so bold to ask- Lao Gongzhu, this...Luo Binghe, he is certainly talented
and has abundant potential, but to go through this much trouble…..”

“What are you trying to say?”, asked the Old Palace Master, still smiling gently, but his eyes
turned a shade darker.

“Must we go so far just to find Luo Binghe, right now? Can’t we… wait for everything to
end, or at least see a bit more of this boy’s future and then take him in, before Cang Qiong
Mountain Sect does?”

The Old Palace Master paused for a moment, still smiling at this bold attendant.


The three of them flinched, not expecting that.

The force of the backhanded slap sent the attendant tumbling to the ground. The young man
clutched his swollen face, and stammered his apologies.

The Old Palace Master chuckled, seeing the attendant scramble for forgiveness.

“Learn not to be so presumptuous. If your Master asks something of you, do not question it..
What made you think you could be so bold?”

With a flick of his robes, he turned around, to leave the garden. Before exiting, he looked
back one more time.

“Be cautious to not alert any other Sects. But I do expect to hear some good news soon.”

At that, he finally left, and shortly, his two attendants did as well. After making sure that they
were truly gone, and not in earshot, Shang Qinghua finally crawled out of the bushes.

Somehow, even though all three of them had been huddled in the same area, in the same
position, only Shang Qinghua’s robes were stained with mud and grass, while Shen Qingqiu
and Liu Qingge looked as spotless and graceful as ever.

Ahhh such is the fate of lowly cannon fodder

Liu Qingge immediately zeroed in on him with a suspicious glare.

“Feel like telling us why you were spying on the Old Palace Master?”

Shang Qinghua laughed nervously.

“Wasn’t it clear Liu-Shidi? It’s for our future shizi! You heard Lao-Gongzhu, didn’t you? He
plans to take Luo Binghe for himself!”

Liu Qingge frowned.

“So? It’s not like he’s joined Cang Qiong Mountain Sect yet. We can’t put a claim on him-”

“But we can’t let Huan Hua Palace do so either!”

“Luo Binghe is truly a talent, but does it really matter which Sect gets him, as long he’ll be
treated well?”

Shen Qingqiu snorted derisively, knowing what he was implying.

That he wouldn’t be treated well if he was Shen Qingqiu’s disciple at Qing Jing Peak. Liu
Qingge was right of course, which was why Shen Jiu didn’t bother trying to pick a fight with
him. Luo Binghe would only suffer under his hands.

Shang Qinghua looked helplessly between the two of them, both of whom were immoving
and uncaring about what they had just discovered.

The Old Palace Master was a respected figure in the cultivation world, known for his might
and crusade for righteousness.

Of course Liu Qingge had no reason to suspect him too much yet, or even consider that he
was in reality- a disgusting pervert. In fact, Liu Qingge seemed to think that joining Huan
Hua Palace would only benefit Luo Binghe.

Meanwhile, Shen Qingqiu definitely didn’t trust the Old Palace Master, but he doesn’t care
enough about Luo Binghe to interfere!

Why should he have any feelings or ties to a disciple he hadn’t even met? Clearly Luo
Binghe was nothing but a source of bitterness and jealousy for him. It would be better for the
both of them if they never met.

Shang Qinghua internally cried, wondering why he had to write the Old Palace Master as a
pervert that was obsessed with Luo Binghe's mother!

It was one thing for the Old Palace Master to meet Luo Binghe as an OP adult that already
had Xin Mo and was reaching the height of his powers- and it was another thing for him to be
a weak, powerless child that even random cannon fodder bullies could beat up!

So how could he leave him at the mercy of that degenerate!

To be honest it wasn't like he wouldn't suffer under Shen Qingqiu...

But between the Old Palace Master and Shen Qingqiu, the latter was the lesser evil when it
came to their intentions.
Besides, at least if Luo Binghe was at Cang Qiong, it would be easier to watch over him. Or
even ensure that things go according to the plot.

Liu Qingge, seeing that Shen Qingqiu, for once, seemed to be on the same side as him, felt a
bit more confident.

"Besides, the Old Palace Master is a venerated figure. Under his tutelage, someone as
naturally gifted as Luo Binghe will defintely grow to be exceptional. With his sort of talent,
he should be with a Master that can truly bring out the best in him-"

Shen Qingqiu, who had been silently agreeing all this time, with an apathetic expression,
suddenly clenched his fists, his usual sneer starting to form on his face.

The temperature seemed to drop a few degrees, and Shang Qinghua squeaked nervously.

Oh no. Liu-Shidi, you’ve said the wrong thing. You and your dumb mouth. How do you know
exactly how to set him off?

Shen Qingqiu had pulled out yet another fan from somewhere and was gently batting it, his
face once again calm, but eyes colder than ever.

“On further consideration, I think we should see what Shang-Shidi has planned. This master,
too, is of the opinion that we should bring in Luo Binghe before the Old Palace Master does.”

Oh wait! He's on my side now! … ..Thank god for Liu Qingge and his terrible communication

“I- What? Why? Shen Qingqiu, I thought we weren’t going to interfere-”

“I’ve changed my mind. Luo Binghe… is a future disciple of mine. I have grown to….. care
for him……”, he said, with much difficulty, looking away.

Both Shang Qinghua and Liu Qingge gaped at him.

Shen-Shixiong! Couldn’t you at least try and be a little more believable? Or give a better
reason? Those are not the eyes of someone who “cares” for Luo Binghe!

Before Liu Qingge could question him, Shang Qinghua butted in. Although Shen Qingqiu put
on the least convincing act ever, he’d just have to support him, if he wanted to protect his

“I understand Shen-Shixiong’s pain in losing this disciple-But more importantly- the Old
Palace Master can’t be trusted. He's trying to do something under all of our noses! He even
modified the array for his goals! Who knows what other plans he has? We saw how angry he
got when that attendant questioned him!"

Liu Qingge paused, considering this.

Although the Old Palace Master was meant to be a respected figure, he had also gotten a
strange feeling from him seeing him discuss on how to get Luo Binghe. Like Shang Qinghua
said, the man had even gone behind everyone's backs to modify the array to achieve his own
goals. Could someone like that really be trusted? It really was far too suspicious.

He finally looked convinced and nodded, while Shen Qingqiu was more indiscernible than

“Alright. So how are we supposed to find the boy?”

“I know what city he is in! I can just-”

“And how do you know that?”, questioned Shen Qingqiu, raising his eyebrows.

Shang Qinghua stuttered. “Ah?”

Shen Qingqiu, what are you doing!? Aren’t you on my side?

“Even Huan Hua Palace hasn’t found him, yet you say you know where he is?”

“Umm…..Well you see, Shen-Shixiong-”, He trailed off, not sure how to continue that.

Shen Qingqiu! The whole world is actually a trashy novel that I wrote, and all of you are just
characters!! You should all be kowtowing to me and calling me father! How could I not know
where Luo Binghe, my beloved son, is, when I spent 20 chapters writing about his grueling
childhood in the streets!

As much as he wanted to, Shang Qinghua obviously couldn’t say that.

Although the system wasn’t there to stop him…….

No, he’d be pummeled into the ground or sent to Qian Cao’s infirmary for suspected brain

After all, who would believe, or even want to hear something like that?

Perhaps at one point they were simply just characters to him. But right now, they are very
real, and very scary.

Best to just keep quiet.

“Well, you see Shen-Shixiong….. Ah! Do you remember when the viewing portal showed us
the vendor that cheated Luo Binghe’s mother? I recognized the city they were in! YunPing
City near the Luo River! It’s very likely that Luo Binghe is still there!”

Shen Qingqiu peered at him for a few seconds, while Shang Qinghua tried to look as calm
and dignified as possible, praying his lies wouldn't be exposed.

He could feel his ass sweating as Shen Qingqiu’s eyes got narrower and narrower.

Finally, Shen Qingqiu lowered his fan, and nodded, seemingly satisfied with the explanation.
There was still a degree of mistrust in his attitude, but he cast it aside for now.
Shang Qinghua almost collapsed from relief, and continued.

“I can contact some of the disciples on my Peak, and have them take him into the Sect-”

“No. If anything goes wrong, or if anything questionable about that brat is shown, he
shouldn’t be linked to Cang Qiong Mountain Sect in any way. And Huan Hua Palace
shouldn’t find out that we’ve also sent our disciples after the boy”

Shang Qinghua almost shivered from the inadvertent foreshadowing behind those words.
Although the plot had deviated so much that Shang Qinghua still wasn't sure whether Luo
Binghe would be revealed as a Heavenly Demon, it was still a ticking time bomb that could
backfire on them any second.

Considering this, he agreed, as did Liu Qingge, agreeing that this was meant to be a covert

“Then what do you suggest we do?”

“I…. know some people in that area. They aren’t associated with Cang Qiong Mountain Sect,
and can hide the boy away. No one would ever look there.”

“Where?”, demanded Liu Qingge.

“I can’t say. Just… me.”, he said, curling his lips.

If Shen Qingqiu had told him this any time before the events of today, Liu Qingge would
staunchly refuse to do so.

But after everything that had happened... he hesitated, before nodding.

" you.", he said.

It was simple, but more than enough.

That was all he'd wanted to say this whole time.

He didn't need to have a long drawn out discussion. He didn't need to keep chasing Shen
Qingqiu and grill him for answers now.

All he wanted was for Shen Qingqiu to know this.

In those few words, he finally conveyed everything he felt after seeing Shen Qingqiu save
him in the caves.

Shen Qingqiu had saved him. Shen Qingqiu didn't entirely despise him.

And for that.... he trusted Shen Qingqiu. He would believe in him. He would support him.

That was the kind of person Liu Qingge was after all.

If you showed him even the smallest kindness, he would repay it 10 fold.
Shen Qingqiu stared at him for a few seconds, and Liu Qingge wondered what he was

He then sighed as though he was making a difficult decision.

“Then I’ll tell them to go and find Luo Binghe.”

Shang Qinghua had no clue how he ended up working with Shen Qingqiu and Liu Qingge of
all people, but he would take whatever he got. Absentmindedly, he rubbed the silver bracelet
on his arm, with snowflakes engraved on it.

I should probably... contact him as well.......

Suppressing a grimace at that thought, he looked towards the moon, wondering what his
protagonist was doing right now.

Luo Binghe! Daddy’s coming!

Chapter End Notes


SY! Shen Qingqiu: Why is Liu Qingge so pretty looking?

Liu Qingge: *chokes* You- could it be- that you l-like me-

SJ! Shen Qingqiu: Don't you dare f*cking think about it Liu Qingge

Mama Liu: oHo but I am. * already browsing wedding robes*

Sometimes I just read this fic, and I’m like goddamn why is this person taking so long to
update and then I remember that I’m the author :)

I’m pretty sure all of you know who the hooded figure is, but for those who are still a
little lost- it’s Qiu Haitang. She’ll be showing up in a bit.

So the reactions in this chapter are less because it felt a bit awkward to start the next arc
when things are on such a weird note lol. Plus I needed to get ready for LBH’s entrance!
So the next chapter will be the demon invasion arc!

I hope you guys liked this chapter! Please let me know what you think in the comments!
Demon Invasion? Let this Master deal with it!
Chapter Notes

Haha so its been umm 4 months ;-;

*leaves 20K word chapter as offering*

And also, thank you guys so much for 2000 kudos! I can't believe it!

Content Warning: Discriminatory language and behavior, swearing, violence

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Huan Hua Palace- Later that Night

When Shen Qingqiu finally made it to his room, the halls of Huan Hua Palace were already
in the depths of the night.

It was utterly quiet.

Only the chirp of crickets echoed through the nightscape, as every other creature within the
confines of Huan Hua Palace was fast asleep.

Every other creature…. Except for Shen Qingqiu.

His soft pattering footsteps as he paced through his room, was incessant but rhythmic. Like
raindrops hitting the ground during light showers.

The moon hung low and bright and spilled over into the small but luxurious room Shen
Qingqiu had been given. An incense burner with a subtle fragrance burned in a corner of the
room and floated through the air. The scent was clean and medicinal like sandal, but
intoxicating like jasmine.

Shen Qingqiu slowly undressed, stripping off each robe carefully and gracefully. With each
layer that was removed, his figure appeared so much younger and slighter. Soon he was in
only his inner robes, with his long silky hair flowing freely down the sides of his face.

In his hand was an exquisite hand mirror, engraved with lotus patterns along the hilt and
embedded with jade. The elegant fingers that were curled around the hilt shook lightly, as
though he were hesitant.

However, in the end, his resolve solidified, and after taking a deep breath, he calmly
“Madam Wang”

In an instant, the image in the mirror changed from a reflection of Shen Qingqiu to the view
of an old woman sitting at a desk. A candle burnt in the corner, and the flickering flames
reflected warmly on her face.

For a moment, the woman didn’t notice him, and she continued writing something on a scroll
when suddenly she looked up.

“Master Shen!”, she exclaimed, gaping at him for a few seconds, before hurrying closer to
the circular mirror that hung on her wall. She brushed her finger across the surface of the
mirror and blinked heavily, as though to ascertain whether or not she was dreaming.

"It has been a while since you’ve contacted us. To what do I owe this honour?

Madam Wang was barely able to keep herself from smiling. Ever since Shen Qingqiu had
become a Peak Lord, he frequented the brothel a lot less. She knew what kind of rumours
about him had cropped up because of his visits, but she was powerless to do anything against
them, despite how much it hurt her to hear. She was just an old woman that ran a brothel and
cared for Shen Qingqiu, ever since he was a little slave boy in the Qiu Manor.

For him to contact her… he must truly need something.

“Madam Wang, I apologize for contacting you so late at night, but there is something I must
ask of you. “

She nodded fondly and smiled.

“You have done much for us all these years, and we are eager to pay you back, Master Shen.
My services are at your disposal", she paused, and looked around at the room she was in, and
snorted. "Although the services we provide are quite limited."

Shen Qingqiu showed no intention of having properly heard her and was seemingly deep in
thought, still contemplating whether or not he should go through with whatever it was that he

"What is it that ails you, my dear?", she asked, softening her voice. "This old lady will try
her best to achieve whatever it is that you ask for."

He peered at her, and his striking gaze locked with her warm one for a few seconds before
shaking his head.

"I need you to find someone. A boy by the name Luo Binghe. "

"Luo Binghe? Why-"

"I cannot tell you why. However, he is in Yunping City, and there are other people looking for
him. They cannot find him first."
Madam Wang nodded in understanding. "I'll find some people for this task, and bring them

"Good.", he said, finally relaxing his face slightly. "....Thank you."

Madam Wang didn't reply but smiled gently at him.

Huan Hua Palace- The Next Morning

In the morning, after everyone had rested well and gotten refreshed, they made their way
back into the hall. Shen Qingqiu was among the last to arrive. The other Peak Lords were
already there, and chatting amongst themselves.

Liu Qingge and Shang Qinghua shot Shen Qingqiu a meaningful look, to which he merely
nodded, indicating that he had people looking for Luo Binghe. Liu Qingge didn’t ask
anymore, but Shang Qinghua appeared like he wanted to know more.

What if Shen Qingqu’s method of “finding” Luo Binghe was sending bounty hunters or
assassins after him? And then what if he hid him in some damp, musty dungeon after having
him whipped??

Shen Qingqiu’s role was to make Luo Binghe suffer, but the suffering shouldn’t start this

However, despite his worries, he definitely didn’t have the guts to go and ask Shen Qingqiu
for details on how he was planning on finding Luo Binghe.

“Bai-Shidi and Zhang-Shidi are coming???”

Qi Qingqi’s sudden question drew the attention of both Shang Qinghua and Shen Qingqiu.

Bai Qingsheng was the Peak lord of Zui Xian Peak, and Zhang Qingxin was the Peak Lord of
Ku Xing Peak. The both of them initially opted to stay behind with the other Peak Lords and
agreed to take care of the Sect.


“This morning, Bai-Shidi contacted me and told me that both of them would be arriving later
today or tomorrow. He said there’s a lot of speculation about what’s happening in the walls of
Huan Hua Palace, and he didn’t want to…. Um….miss out on the fun.”, explained Mu
“That damn thrill-seeking drunkard,”, cursed Qi Qingqi. “Why is he dragging Zhang-Shidi
with him as well?”

“Zhang-Shidi doesn’t trust him to not cause any trouble along the way, so he’ll be
accompanying him.”

That was….. perfectly understandable.

Normally Bai Qingsheng was a sensible, upright man that didn’t tolerate any nonsensical
behavior. The wine produced and sold by his Peak was responsible for about a quarter of the
Sect’s funds, and it was a job he took very seriously. He had such an innate sense for trade
that the Peak’s revenues had doubled ever since he was appointed.

This serious, businesslike man was someone that Zhang Qingxin- an austere monk- got along
with very well.

However, this all changed the moment he got drunk.

Gone was the no-nonsense Bai Qingsheng, and in came the sloppy, careless, and brash
drunkard that had no regard for propriety. This Bai Qingsheng was someone that the carefree
Wei Qingwei could appreciate but was a nuisance to everyone else.

It was like he had split personalities, depending on his level of drunkenness!

For someone whose Peak was in charge of alcohol, Bai Qingsheng was simply too weak to it.
If he were to come here alone, who knows what sort of crazy trouble he’d get into?

“When they arrive, I’ll request Lao-Gongzhu to let them in.”

Mu Qingfang nodded at Yue Qingyuan, who then signaled to the Old Palace Master,
indicating that it was time to begin.

Madam Meiyin slowly unfurled the scroll yet again, and that enormous viewing portal
reappeared. The image was still showing Shen Qingqiu in the spiritual caves, frozen in time.

With the wave of her hand, the images began to flow, and the future was once more laid bare
to the hall.

After Shen Qingqiu left the recovering Liu Qingge, he walked back to another spirit
cave. There was a stone platform in the midst of a small pool of water, brimming with
spiritual energy.

Finally seeing a proper exquisite and beautiful spirit cave of Cang Qiong Mountain sect,
quite a few rogue cultivators and minor sect members sighed in longing and appreciation.

The younger members of Cang Qiong also nodded in approval seeing this reaction.
This was how it should be! With waterfalls and a tranquil atmosphere, brimming with
spiritual energy! It was utterly calming and peaceful- ideal for cultivating and meditation.

And most importantly, it was completely unlike the two horrific scenes they had seen earlier.
One cave filled with a terrifying amount of blood, and another one where a Peak Lord was
having a dangerous Qi deviation.

From those incidents, they couldn’t help but have a bad impression of those once-coveted
spirit caves. It seemed so unlucky! But now that they were getting to view this sort of
relaxing place, their misgivings gradually decreased, and once again were filled with
admiration- putting off the previous cases as simply Peak Lord Shen’s misfortune.

“I suppose Liu-Shixiong should be recovered then?”, murmured Ji Jue- a junior martial

brother of Bai Zhan Peak.

Mu Qingfang nodded in agreement.

“The actions taken by Shen-Shixiong were enough to stabilize his meridians. He should be in
a stable state.”

At that, everyone appeared greatly relieved.

Madam Liu squeezed her son’s hand and sent another dazzling smile towards Shen Qingqiu,
who blinked in bewilderment, wondering why she was focusing so much on him.

Although, he had always been rather favoured by older women- from the rich ladies that
would take pity on him on the streets, to the jiejies at the brothel- so he didn’t find it too

Shen Qingqiu sat cross-legged in the middle of the platform and started to meditate. He
slowly gathered Qi, letting the energy swirl around him before taking it in, and
gradually increasing his cultivation.

Shen Qingqiu straightened his back immediately, almost standing up. He was cultivating!

At last! He was doing something worthwhile!

After lurking around his own Peak like some crook, attacking his disciples with leaves for no
rhyme or reason, being stripped by a demon and humiliated, then saving that oaf Liu Qingge
in the strangest manner possible- Shen Qingqiu was finally, finally approving of something
that he was witnessing his future self do.

For a while, Shen Qingqiu had wanted to go and cultivate in the LingXi caves, but it seemed
like the only opportunity he would get was about 2 years into the future- and only after he
dealt with Liu Qingge’s Qi deviation.

At that, he curled his lip in displeasure, but he was still immensely pleased seeing the
progress he was making. He marveled at how smoothly the Qi flowed through him, and the
unperturbed state of his spiritual energy.
He appeared so… free.

So unburdened.

So…. calm.

If it were him now, he already would have been on the verge of yet another Qi deviation.

To cultivate, one must have a clear mind and a stable inner self.

Not only did Shen Qingqiu have a shaky foundation- he was plagued by heart demons that
lingered from his past.

No matter how hard he worked, with his ruined meridians and troubled soul, cultivating had
always been extremely strenuous on his mind and body.

But could he achieve it so easily if he just lost his memories?

Or rather- was this what the impostor was achieving with his body?

Shen Qingqiu’s good mood instantly dipped at the sore reminder of his suspicions.

“Speaking of which….if Peak Lord Shen is cultivating in seclusion… won’t we be watching

him do nothing for the next few years?”

Suddenly reminded of that, the audience murmured in assent.

“We can’t spend that much time watching nothing happen!”

“Agreed! We need information about the demon race!”

“Is there any way to….move ahead into the future?”, asked the Old Palace Master, looking
towards Madam Mingyun. “Where more eventful things are taking place?”

Madam Mingyun slowly nodded and raised her hands. “I cannot do this very often, without
damaging the artifact…. But..”

As she spoke, the viewing portal blurred and faded, before the image reappeared. It was still
Shen Qingqiu sitting in the cave and meditating, but there were small differences that showed
that time had passed- like the moss growing on the stone floor, which had become more

Madam Mingyun lowered her hands, and checked the scroll, before announcing.
“We have moved roughly 2 years into the future.”

Shang Qinghua watched this all with a keen fascination, mildly amused by it.

Huh… It’s kind of like a fast-forward function… How interesting…. How exactly does it

He then remembered that the system was offline, and silently lamented the chance to point
out such an observation to anyone that would understand him.

Ahhh the life of a transmigrator could indeed get quite lonely. If only there was someone just
like me- I would notice immediately!

Going forward to 2 years later, Shen Qingqiu was still meditating in the caves. His eyes
were closed, as he took in every last drop of spiritual power, and circulated it through
his body.

A few rogue cultivators watched closely, noting how a high-level cultivator like Shen
Qingqiu meditated and let the Qi circulate through his body.

Even the most inexperienced person in the audience could tell that Shen Qingqiu’s cultivation
foundation had improved greatly.

He had devoted himself to cultivating for several months and was now able to freely use the
spirit power in his body, even improving his cultivation foundation by another level.

There was a swirl of blue and orange energy emanating from him, that he released
outwards, before slamming a Qi-filled palm on the stone platform. Shen Qingqiu slowly
opened his eyes. They were glowing with spiritual power.

It was Mu Qingfang that spoke first, after observing Shen Qingqiu for a few seconds.

“Congratulations to Shen-Shixiong on completing the formation of his golden core. “, he

said, with a gentle smile.

Golden Core formation.

Till this day, among all his martial siblings, Shen Qingqiu was the only one that hadn’t
formed his core yet. Even that cowardly rat Shang Qinghua had done it.
It had been one of his greatest complexes, his greatest insecurities. Sharp, thorn covered
tendrils of envy and paranoia pricked in his chest, rendering him unable to see anything
outside of his own failures.

But… he had done it. He had truly done it. Even if it was 2 years in the future, the knowledge
that he could eventually do it, was far better than cultivating in a blind frenzy, and hoping it
would get him somewhere. It set his frantic mind at ease, and a relaxed demeanor settled
upon him.

Whether this was only possible because there was an impostor in his body, was something he
didn’t dare think about just yet.

He jumped from the stone platform, gracefully landing on the side. “I feel so much
lighter”, he mused, while walking out of the caves.

“Well, that is an effect of higher cultivation Shen-Shixiong”, Mu Qingfang chuckled, amused

by the sheer delight on the face of Shen Qingqiu in the viewing portal.

Yue Qingyuan also cracked a smile, seeing the delight in the future Shen Qingqiu- and as
hard as he attempted to hide it- the pleased expression on the one next to him.

He was happy for Xiao Jiu, for being able to witness something he had desired for so long.
Perhaps this would put his mind at ease, and he would be less rash when it came to
cultivating now, as it reassured him that he was indeed capable of forming his golden core.

However he didn’t dare voice his concerns nor appreciation out loud, lest it annoyed Shen

Unbeknownst to Yue Qingyuan, Shen Qingqiu had sent a quick glance of expectation, as
though just for a second, he was wondering what Yue Qingyuan felt about his advancing

Was he proud? Was he happy?

However this glance was so brief that it was entirely unnoticed.

In the end, both people remained silent, rejoicing in their own ways; but not together.

Right before he reached the exit, he paused. Turning back, he headed towards a passage
that led to the caves where Liu Qingge was. Spiritual energy could be seen dimly
coming from there.

“That’s Peak Lord Liu’s cave right?”, whispered a Xian Shu disciple.

“Why’s he going there?”

“Maybe he wants to check on him before he leaves?”

Madam Liu heard this, and couldn’t contain her joy.

What a caring young man!

Both Liu Qingge and Shen Qingqiu felt a sense of foreboding.

“What’s he going to do now?”, muttered Shen Jiu, his good mood slightly dampened by the
wariness of this ridiculous future version of himself.

After everything he had witnessed this “Shen Qingqiu” do thus far, he had every reason to
dread his approach towards Liu Qingge once again.

Clearing his throat, Shen Qingqiu said; “Shidi! How are you doing there? I’ll be leaving

There was clearly no reason for Shen Qingqiu to visit that brute after saving his life. His
work was done, why associate with him any longer? Especially to bid farewell?


Shen Qingqiu curled his lip in disdain.

On the other hand, Madam Liu looked incredibly moved seeing how considerate Shen
Qingqiu was.

"To think I thought they hated each other…..”

Madam Liu was so far in her misunderstandings, that Qi Qingqi didn’t have the heart to tell
her otherwise. The two people clearly were sworn enemies, but Madam Liu had never
witnessed the true extent of the animosity they had.

Seeing how peaceful they were in the future had marred her vision of the two with a pink hue
of friendliness.

There was no reply.

The stink-eye Madam Liu was sending towards Liu Qingge made him shudder in momentary
fear. She suppressed the urge to box his ears and mentally made a note to hammer some
etiquette lessons into him.

A few ladies gasped in offense.

“No reply! How rude! After everything Peak Lord Shen did!”

"I agree! Your Shixiong comes to inquire after your well being, and you ignore him? Tsk”
“Now, now- there’s a chance he might not have even heard-”

Liu Qingge’s eyebrow twitched a few times, and he rolled his eyes.

Shen Qingqiu finally left the cave, the strong wind under his feet carrying him out.

Yue Qingyuan let out a sigh of relief, seeing that Shen Qingqiu had finally left the caves.
Every moment they had to spend watching the caves, he felt as though his wounds were only
seconds away from being stripped bare and laid out for the world to see.

The pain he felt in looking at that place- an old ache that coursed through his meridians,
finally faded away along with the rest of the nervous energy he always felt when it comes to
the truth of Xuan Su.

It must always remain a secret- his greatest weakness, most painful experience, and worst

He sighed and closed his eyes, resting a slightly shaking palm on the hilt of Xuan Su.

The spirit caves were separated from the outside world. Inside the caves were peace and
quiet; the moment he exited the caves, he was met with Qiong Ding Peak set aflame.

All around were disciples in messy confusion, alarms ringing everywhere.

“What?? What’s happening??”

“The alarms! Intruders!”, cried a Qiong Ding disciple, looking at their burning Peak.

“An invasion? At this time?? Peak Lord Shen just left seclusion!”

“What shitty luck!”

Shen Qingqiu strongly agreed as he cursed under his breath.

He couldn’t get a moment of peace, could he??

“Hah, what are all of you panicking for?”, scoffed a rather haughty-looking young cultivator.
“It’s Sect Master Yue’s Peak, who would dare to stand a chance against the Xuan Su sword?”

“Right! If Sect Master Yue is there, then this invasion stands no chance!"

"But where is he…", murmured a few Qiong Ding disciples. If their Shifu was there, it
seemed unlikely that the invaders would have been able to cause this much damage.

The disciples in the viewing portal seemed to think the same and were running around
searching for Yue Qingyuan.
“Where’s Master!?”

“Let’s go and find him!”

The disciple that had spoken recognized himself in the viewing portal and perked up in
excitement, at appearing in front of everyone, but that excitement died down when he saw
that no one cared- they were too worried about the invasion.

Still, he watched himself move around with keen fascination. It wasn’t every day you got a
chance to see yourself 4 years in the future after all.

Meanwhile, Yue Qingyuan scanned over his peak, furrowing his brows slightly, wondering
where he was.

Qiong Ding Peak Disciples were running across the rainbow bridge, chased by a horde
of demons.

“Demons! ”, shouted the same young cultivator who had said no invasion would stand a
chance against Yue Qingyuan. “I should have known.”, he muttered, eyes darkening with

“D-demon invasion?!”, squeaked a mousy-looking man, looking at the people around him, all
of whom were seething in anger.

“Of course they’re demons! What else would invade a righteous sect like this? And be so
audacious to go to Qiong Ding Peak of all places?”

“No- that’s not what I meant- if it is a demon invasion- then… then…..”, the nervous man
trailed off, but everyone understood what he meant in an instant.

The image of Cang Qiong Mountain in flames, adorned with the corpses of its members.

All led by a new Demon Emperor.

“It- it can’t be! It’s too soon!”, cried a young woman.

“We have no idea when exactly that image of Cang Qiong burning took place. It could very
well be right now.”, muttered the Head disciple of Tian Yi Overlook, gritting her teeth.

“But that would mean this new Demon Emperor had somehow risen to power within the 2
years Peak Lord Shen was in seclusion….”

“Who knows what was happening in the outside world? 2 years, even 2 months! The Demon
Emperor ”

“But 2 years seems too less….”, the man muttered.

"Shidi, run!”

“Shixiong! Wait for me!”

All of a sudden, there was a new level of fear among the members of Cang Qiong, as they
watched the Qiong Ding disciples scurry about. There was a hushed silence of trepidation
and dread.

Was the moment when Cang Qiong fell? When it burned to ashes?

There was a huge, horned demon at the front that smashed the bridge, and destroyed
part of it.

The outraged shouts of the Cang Qiong disciples only sounded even louder in the silence of
the hall.

“These demons even dare to destroy the bridge!”

“It’s so that Qiong Ding Peak can’t get help from any of the other peaks! Those rotten

Isolated, overwhelmed, and in extreme danger.

The situation at Qiong Ding Peak was getting worse the longer they watched.

“Where is the Sect Master??”, cried a Qiong Ding disciple, for what seemed to be the 10th

From the entrance of the spirit caves, Shen Qingqiu watched this chaos, his expression

“Demons. They’ve come to provoke us, as expected.”

Although Yue Qingyuan was nowhere to be found, the disciples of Qiong Ding Peak
remembered that another Peak Lord was currently present and observing the chaos.

Shen Qingqiu.

That questionable figure who they had learnt more about in these 2 days than the years he had
been around them. Always taciturn, sneering, and cold.

Yet he was still a Peak Lord, and loyal to the Cang Qiong Mountain Sect, right?

They would have to rely on him to protect the Sect now.

Vaguely, a few others realized Liu Qingge would be there as well, but he was still deep inside
the LingXi caves. He wouldn’t notice the commotion outside, especially if he was in the
middle of a cultivation breakthrough.

Liu Qingge also realized this and cursed under his breath. Just yesterday he had decided to
become a more reliable martial sibling, but when the Sect needed him, he was stuck in a
From the side of the hill leading to the spirit caves, a group of panicked disciples was
running towards him. Among them were Ming Fan and Ning Yingying. Behind them
was a pack of demon assassins.

Shen Qingqiu’s eyes narrowed in displeasure, and he sent a momentary glance of concern
towards the Ning Yingying of the present, who was watching herself being chased by

“Ming-Shixiong??? Ning-Shimei??”, questioned a Qing Jing disciple, watching his martial

siblings being chased by the demons in horror. He knew that his Shizun was there to help
them, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t grow nervous.

“Why are they on Qiong Ding Peak??”

The Qing Jing disciples steadily grew more upset seeing their only beloved Shimei being
hunted by demons like that. They turned their worry towards Ming Fan, chiding him for
letting Ning Yingying be in danger.

Ming Fan felt a bit disgruntled at this.

Wasn’t he also being chased by demons? Where was the concern for him? What should he
do? It’s not like he could fight them off!

He would protect Ning Yingying, but it was just plain stupid to try and fight them off! He
wasn’t that strong!

He wasn’t a coward- he was just being practical- was how he reassured himself.


“Shen-Shishu! Shen-Shishu!”


The demon soldiers cackled as they chased after the disciples.

“You can’t escape!”

“Trying to run eh!?”

“Stop right there!!”

But before they could get any closer, Shen Qingqiu sent out a burst of energy from his
fingertips that immediately knocked them down, without hitting any of the disciples.

“HAH! You dared to try and hunt our Shimei in the presence of Shizun!”

The Qing Jing Peak disciples felt their pride inflate looking at how powerful their master

“Did you see that? He only used his fingers!”

“He took them down so quickly!”

Even the Qiong Ding disciples were begrudgingly impressed, especially since Shen Qingqiu
had just saved them.

Ning Yingying latched onto his waist again, looking up at him with starry eyes.

“I wasn’t worried at all, because Shizun was there!"

Shen Qingqiu didn't even bother to try and push her off this time and merely patted her head.
His tense expression relaxed, and the stress in his limbs seemed to drain away.

"Good. This Master will protect you."

Ming Fan and NingYingying ducked to avoid the dust created from the aftermath,
gratefully looking at Shen Qingqiu.

Ming Fan rushed forward first, bowing. “Congratulations to Shizun on completing his

Ming Fan looked expectantly at Shen Qingqiu, who struggled to not roll his eyes. Although
he normally enjoyed Ming Fan's incessant flattery and blatant brown-nosing, it clearly wasn't
the time for it.

Foolish boy, can't you see that there's a crisis going on?

Afterwards the boy was free to roll on the ground and turn over mountains to praise him, but
right now there were more important things to focus on.

The Qing Jing Peak disciples, who were extremely familiar with their Shixiong's penchant
for flattery, snickered lightly. Even when his life was in peril, their Ming-Shixiong wouldn’t
miss a chance, would he?

Continuing to compliment Shen Qingqiu, he said, “You’ve managed to reach a new level
of skill! It is indeed a blessing for us and means doom for the demon-”

Even some from the audience coughed lightly, amused by the extent of the boy’s talent for

“Disciple Ming Fan.. surely you could find a better time to ahem…..get points for
flattery…...”, coughed a disciple of Tian Yi Overlook.

Ming Fan wanted to sink low into the ground and never get up again.

It wasn’t like he was praising Shizun just for his favour! He genuinely had great respect for
him, and it didn’t hurt to express it sometimes!

….Even if they were being chased by demons.

Before he could finish, Ning Yingying shoved him aside and ran to Shen Qingqiu.
“At least Ning-Shimei knows her priorities,” giggled the 6th Shidi of Qing Jing Peak, and
Ming Fan felt his face grow even hotter.

“Shizun! Please save A-Luo! We were cornered by the demons, and he volunteered to be
our rear defense! He hasn’t caught up yet!”

“What?? Luo Binghe? Peak Lord Shen’s youngest disciple?”

“That one that fended off the Skinner?”


“He volunteered to fight back the demons?”

“That boy! He’s both talented, filial, and courageous! What a wonderful young man he’ll
grow to become!”

Shen Qingqiu’s hand clenched his fan tighter, but his face remained placid.

What a foolish boy. He thought he was capable of fighting demons at such a young age? If
everything went well, then maybe the boy would end up permanently crippling his cultivation
for daring to be so audacious.

But he knew that wasn’t likely- not when Luo Binghe had the potential to rise to the

Just like Yue Qingyuan.

He wished the boy was a gutter rat like him, instead of a brilliant phoenix-like Yue Qingyuan.
At least then he wouldn’t feel like he desperately needed to quash his brilliance and drag him
to the sewers with the heartless creature that was Shen Qingqiu.

Hearing how Luo Binghe was in danger, Shen Qingqiu took off immediately, heading to
the area where Ning Yingying had pointed.

Fuck do I really need to go and help that little idiot?

Shen Qingqiu supposed that it would be better though, especially since Ning Yingying and
the Qiong Ding disciples were watching- they would definitely go and blabber to Yue
Qingyuan if he just stood by.

And then Yue Qingyuan would show up like the incessant pest he was, and attempt to "teach"
him about helping out his martial family with his infuriatingly righteous attitude.

His lips curled in displeasure just thinking about it.

As if on cue, Yue Qingyuan glanced towards Shen Qingqiu, with his usual gentle smile.

Shen Qingqiu rolled his eyes and looked away.

4 or 5 demons were chasing Luo Binghe and attacking him on all sides. He barely
managed to dodge a sudden blow from a demon, quickly rolling away after parrying. 2
of them came at him at once, sending simultaneous attacks that Luo Binghe was
consistently fending off. However, he was losing ground as each attack sent him
stumbling back.

Ming Fan felt as though he had been slapped in the face with his incompetence, watching
Luo Binghe bravely try to fend off the demons.

Just now, hadn’t he said that it was crazy for him to try to fight off the demons? Yet Luo
Binghe, who was younger than him, voluntarily did this. From Ning Yingying’s affection to
Shizun’s regard, to the respect of all the cultivators present, he felt dwarfed by Luo Binghe’s

Even though he had sworn to never bully Luo Binghe, and to not be such a bastard to this
Shidi of his, that dark impulse was flooding through his bones. However, the moment that
thought crossed his mind, he felt like slapping himself. What was he thinking?

Everyone liked Luo Binghe, even Shizun. Luo Binghe wasn’t even that bad- how could he
dare to harbour such terrible intentions?

Liu Qingge straightened up in his seat, watching Luo Binghe fight, with an intense
expression. Madam Liu also peered closer in interest- after all, she was the reason for Liu
Qingge's craze for fighting- how could she not be drawn to those with talent?

Liu Qingge assessed every move the boy made and had a mental commentary running in his
mind. The War God of Bai Zhan was not only fond of fighting himself, but he always
appreciated the combat skills of others.

“Dodge…. No, not that form… legwork is wrong…”, he muttered to himself.

Luo Binghe truly had a lot of potential. If Liu Qingge wasn’t so uninterested in teaching
young brats, he would have taught the boy himself. He was definitely suited for Bai Zhan
Peak- yet he ended up on Qing Jing. But he had an inkling as to how that might have

“Kid from the Cang Qiong Mountain Sect! Let me send you to your death!”, shouted
the demon, sending a fatal strike towards Luo Binghe, who prepared himself for the

There were multiple cries of “A-Luo!!”, from the various young ladies who were watching.
The Little Palace Mistress and Ning Yingying simultaneously frowned at that.

Ning Yingying was disgruntled that the nickname she used for Luo Binghe was being used
by all the young female disciples, but it wasn’t like she could stop them from calling him
that. But she wished she was the only one that would call him that.
But before the demon’s blade could even get near Luo Binghe, a burst of spiritual
energy sent the demon flying back.

Behind Luo Binghe, was Shen Qingqiu, glaring down, his palms still glowing with Qi
from that attack.

“My Disciple is so talented. Death is for you, not for him.”

Shen Qingqiu muffled a strangled cry of indignation.

Talented? Alright, he could acknowledge that Luo Binghe was definitely gifted, but to say it
out loud?

He’d rather cut off his own tongue!

He quickly covered his displeasure with a fan, since a few more cultivators turned to
congratulate him for “saving his beloved disciple”.

With that, he also flung away the remaining demon soldiers.

What a pity they hadn't managed to injure a limb or two or Luo Binghe’s before he got rid of
them, Shen Qingqiu venomously thought.

“Shizun!”, cried out Luo Binghe

Shen Qingqiu huffed, his voice stern. “It’s been a while, but you haven’t improved

”Not improved much?? The last time we saw him 2 years ago, this boy had barely mastered
one sword form- and now he’s already mastered a manual of sword forms! For his age, he is
exceptionally ahead of his peers-”

The cultivator next to the one that was speaking laughed out loud.

“That’s just how Peak Lord Shen is I suppose. He expects a lot from Luo Binghe, which is
why he pushes him so hard!”

“But to not be satisfied with this much progress….”, the man muttered.

“Will a prodigy flourish if you coddle them? Peak Lord Shen knows what's right for his

That…..really isn’t the case….

Of course, Shen Qingqiu couldn’t say out loud that he simply wanted to torment the boy, out
of jealousy.
But somehow the misunderstanding where he became a “caring” yet stern master only filled
him with even more distaste.

He was so used to being perceived as perpetually terrible, that the opposite happening was

“Shizun…. That’s my mistake”, replied Luo Binghe, looking down abashedly.

Shen Qingqiu sighed and handed him back the sword he had dropped.

“Don’t lose it again”.

Although he still sounded cross, there was a hint of fondness in his eyes.

“Yes, I’ll bear it in mind!”. Luo Binghe looked at the sword Shen Qingqiu had given
back to him and smiled.

Shang Qinghua lifted his hands to shield his eyes from the dazzling view of the protagonist

So... So bright! He really does have the makings of a man fit to be a stallion protagonist!

Anyone would be charmed by that smile, seeing how most of the audience was already taken
in by Luo Binghe despite not knowing much about him.

Anyone……except for Shen Qingqiu, mused Shang Qinghua.

The one next to him was barely concealing his ire, but somehow the one in the viewing portal
held genuine affection for Luo Binghe in his eyes!

The contrast between the two was so stark, that Shang Qinghua would almost think that they
were entirely different people!

Shang Qinghua chortled to himself at that thought and munched a few peanuts. Who knew Qi
Deviations could cause such a drastic personality change? In fact, why didn’t he think of this

A sassy and mean-hearted sister turned gentle and loving to the protagonist after a Qi
deviation. The same lovely face that always spat out curses, suddenly uttering only kind
words. Whew! If only he had a chance to incorporate a wife plot like this! This character
would have for sure been a hit among the readers!

Ning Yingying and the others finally caught up with Shen Qingqiu, reaching the place
where Luo Binghe was left behind. She ran towards Luo Binghe and grabbed his arm.
Ning Yingying tried to ignore the scoffs she received mostly from the Huan Hua Palace side,
but a smug grin formed on her face.

There was a bit of childish possessiveness in her as she warmly looked towards herself and
Luo Binghe in the future.

Alright, she wasn't his Shijie yet, but she definitely would be! Meanwhile, the Little Palace
Mistress would just have to seethe in jealousy when Shizun brought A-Luo into the Peak.

The Little Palace Mistress muttered some unintelligible but definitely ill-intended words
under her breath. She rubbed the whip hanging from her hip, itching to beat that smug look
off of that Qing Jing Peak girl’s face!

The glaring match between Ning Yingying and the Little Palace Mistress was sending shivers
down the spine of Shang Qinghua. They were so young, yet already held so much animosity
towards each other! If it was already this bad now, then the future harem wars would be even
more terrifying! Even Luo Bing-ge wouldn’t dare to interfere!

Watching Ning Yingying clutch Luo Binghe so tightly, the disciples of Qing Jing had
resigned expressions on their faces. A few of them sent a look of pity towards Ming Fan, who
was trying very hard not to let on how upset he was. Shen Qingqiu pursed his lips tightly, his
eyes narrowing in disapproval, but he didn’t say anything just yet.

This fucking brat…. Being so clingy with Yingying…. I’ll make sure he never meets her.

“A-Luo! A-Luo! Are you alright!?”

“I’m fine. Thankfully, Shizun got here in time.”

More and more disciples gathered around Shen Qingqiu.

“Shen-Shishu! You’ve come out of seclusion! The demons are here at Qiongding Peak!”

“They’ve injured so many disciples!”

“Hey isn’t that Er-Shixiong?”

"And Mei-Shijie! She’s injured!”

“Even Da-Shixiong! These demon bastards!”

The Cang Qiong Mountain disciples had noticed their martial siblings among those injured in
the viewing portal, and their indignation only grew.

“Where is Sect Master Yue??”

As if on cue, Shen Qingqiu asked the same thing, lightly rubbing his head.
“Calm down. Where is the Sect Master?”
“He went down the mountain for some business! If it weren’t for that, would these
demon scum dare to attack us??”

"Zhangmen-Shixiong… isn’t there??”

It took a moment for the weight of that statement to sink in. Yue Qingyuan, the Sect Leader,
and the most powerful cultivator of the generation was not there.

And then the demons show up.

“What brilliant timing! These despicable demons take advantage of any situation”, spat the
head disciple of Qiong Ding Peak. The other disciples joined in, cussing heavily, and spitting

None of the Peak Lords responded to the angry rants of the Qiong Ding Disciples, as they all
focused on something else that had been thrust to the back of their mind.

The image of Cang Qiong in flames, and surrounded by demons.

Until now, they had been vehemently denying the possibility of that happening right now,
insisting that it was too soon. And how could the demons ever hope to take down Cang
Qiong Mountain Sect if Yue Qingyuan was there?

Except that he wasn’t there now.

Only Shen Qingqiu was.

Qi Qingqi swallowed heavily, and looked at her martial siblings, wondering if they were also
thinking the same thing.

Wei Qingwei appeared stony, while Liu Qingge was clutching his sword tightly. Mu
Qingfang played with the herbal pouch in his hands, and even Yue Qingyuan had furrowed
his brows in worry. Simultaneously, they all shot a furtive glance at the Shen Qingqiu next to

It's up to him now.

Shen Qingqiu was someone that was hard to like, and even harder to trust. It felt as though he
was constantly waiting for an opportunity to stab you in the back.

But he had also saved Liu Qingge, despite saying he would kill him so many times.

During this whole event, both in the viewing portal and out of the viewing portal, they were
finally getting a chance to look at Shen Qingqiu closely, without him hiding or avoiding

For the first time, they had begun to consider that perhaps Shen Qingqiu’s words did not
always match up to his actions.

He said harsh and biting things, but when things actually mattered, didn’t he do something
entirely different?

Of course, this may have been a result of his Qi deviation, severely affecting his behaviour.

But regardless, he was the only one the disciples of Qiong Ding could rely on now. They
would just have to count on his loyalty to the Sect being there, even if he had never shown it.

T he disciples in the viewing portal also ranted, and angrily joined in. “The demons are
really despicable! Not only did they attack us like that, but they’re also breaking the
Rainbow Bridge linking the Peaks so Qiong Ding Peak can’t get any support from the
other peaks!”

Ming Fan shouted in agreement. “These demons are too shameless!”

“Well said Ming-Shixiong! Shameless indeed!”

“The demon race has always been scum like that. Taking advantage, and using deceit to get

“All those bastards should be exterminated!”

“We even trapped their Emperor under a mountain, they still dare to go against the cultivation

The cultivators passionately expressed their hatred, taking any chance to curse the wretched
demon race. However, there was an underlying sense of superiority in the words of some

Cang Qiong Mountain Sect was always so arrogant, their Peak Lords high and mighty.
However even the great could suffer, and now the Sect was at the mercy of demons!

The Old Palace Master in particular felt a vindictive pleasure. How he longed to see Cang
Qiong Mountain torn from their lofty seat at the top of the Cultivation World.

Upon being reminded the Rainbow Bridge had been broken, the expression on the Peak
Lord’s turn even grimmer. It looked like Shen Qingqiu really was all by himself for this one.
Liu Qingge glanced in the direction of the LingXi caves, wondering if he would make it in
time. Or hoping that at least someone went to go and bring him.

Is that even safe though? What if I attack them?

He rubbed the hilt of Cheng Luan and tried not to let his frustration show.

Shen Qingqiu took all this information in and nodded. There was a rather heroic air
around him, as he took charge of all the disciples gathered next to him.

“Do not panic. These demons are no match for Cang Qiong Mountain Sect. Gather
together all the disciples you can find, and come with me to assemble at the main hall.”

“Yes, Shizun!”

“Yes, Shen-Shishu!”

Once he finished speaking, he rushed towards the hall. The disciples suddenly felt like
they’d found their backbones and followed behind Shen Qingqiu. As they headed to the
hall, more and more disciples joined in, until a large group was assembled.

There was a rather begrudging impressed look on the face of the other Peak Lords and some
of the older disciples of Cang Qiong- except for Yue Qingyuan of course, who was
boundlessly happy.

It looked like Shen Qingqiu could indeed step up to the challenge and take charge when it
was required. He was, after all, tactician of the Sect. Other than Liu Qingge and Yue
Qingyuan, he was the best Peak Lord to have present in such a situation.

In fact, none of them had been worrying about his capabilities, only his intentions. But they
started to feel a little bit abashed for doubting his loyalty. He was doing quite well, wasn’t
he? And there was clearly more to him than meets the eye.

“Shen-Shixiong is very reliable in the place of Zhangmen-Shixiong”, nodded Mu Qingfang.

Shen Qingqiu, who had been leisurely batting himself with his fan, suddenly froze, as though
he hadn’t been expecting that. He cleared his throat, and muttered: “....Mm”.

To anyone else, Shen Qingqiu’s reaction to receiving this praise was lukewarm, but only
Shang Qinghua knew that this guy was very much pleased on the inside.

He had always longed for acknowledgment, but he was too prideful and thin-faced to ever
admit it. Shang Qinghua knew that despite Shen Jiu being so bewildered and shocked at the
praise he had been getting all this time, he was actually quite happy.

He had wanted the respect of those around him, but he was resigned to only accepting the

Relationships were a two-way street, but Shen Qingqiu’s nature would never allow him to
walk down that street first.

The viewing portal shifted to the scene of Qiong Ding’s entrance gate. There was a small
group of disciples from various peaks, including Bai Zhan and Xian Shu, trying to
defend the gate, and fend off the invaders.

The Peak Lords recognized their disciples, standing at the gate, defending the Sect bravely,
even in the absence of their masters.

Qi Qingqi firmly patted a few of her disciples that were next to her, her eyes filled with

“You all did very well. It makes your master happy to see that her faith in all of you was not
unfounded. As disciples of Xian Shu Peak, you have proven yourselves very worthy.”

Even Liu Qingge nodded at the Bai Zhan disciples, who all turned bright red- ready to
convulse from joy.
S-Shufu acknowledged them!

“The demons really have gone too far”, glared a disciple of Qiong Ding, holding his
sword up. Currently, they were at a standstill. Neither group was able to attack and was
still testing the waters.

“The situation is quite fragile…..”, muttered the senior disciple of Zhao Hua Temple.

“How so? Wouldn’t it be fine if Peak Lord Shen showed up? He could just fight them all
off!”, asked a young woman, making whooshing noises and wildly flailing her limbs, as
though she were doing sword forms.

“It isn’t that simple,” he replied, shaking his head.

“There are too many demons for Peak Lord Shen to fight off all by himself safely. There are
many disciples also present there, under his protection. If they were to launch a full-scale
attack, although they stand a chance to drive off the demons, too many disciples would get

The woman made an “o” face and grimaced.

“Then what can be done?”

“We will just have to wait and see, I suppose..”

Shen Qingqiu overheard this conversation, and the corner of his mouth turned down.

It was clearly a disadvantageous situation for him to be in, and there were so many people
watching. If there was anything he hated, it was to be humiliated in front of an audience. This
entire viewing had been an embarrassment, but it was even worse if he were to fail to defend
the Sect right now.

He took a deep breath and calmly assessed the situation, his mind running with hundreds of

But it was pointless wasn’t it? For him to consider all this. He was powerless outside the
viewing portal, he just needed to hope that the future-him would act sensibly.

Considering everything that had happened so far, he found the likelihood of that very dismal.

The demons seemed to be gaining the edge, growing bolder as they laughed at the
disciples blocking the entrance.

“Stop playing tough! Hahahaha!”

The enormous, armored, and horned demon roared, waving his spiked mace. Seeing
something so monstrous, the disciples seemed to cringe back a bit but still held their

Ning Yingying flinched and clutched Shen Qingqiu’s arm. Her eyes fluttered like the wings
of a butterfly moving through a storm- but she still kept them open, not once looking away.

She was still scared of seeing such grotesque things, but she wouldn’t be the girl that always
hid behind her Shizun and martial brothers.

A light pat landed her head, fingers gentle like flowers raining on her.

Shen Qingqiu didn’t utter a word, but from his gesture, she knew he was saying “You’re
doing well.”
Next to the huge armored demon, a one-armed demon laughed.

“Disciples of Cang Qiong Mountain! You’re already surrounded! I’ll let you live- If you
hand over your plaque!”

Instantly, the disciples of Cang Qiong and most other major Sects spat in outrage.

“H-how could they? Even if Sect Master Yue isn’t there…. To ask for such a thing!”

“They have the nerve to say such a thing!!”

“And Peak Lord Shen is right there!”

Master Wu Wang shook his fist at the viewing portal, too angry to even speak. He wasn’t
even from Cang Qiong Mountain Sect, but the sheer audacity of the demons drove him into a

The Peak Lords were clenching their fists and clutching their swords. Liu Qingge looked as
though he wanted to cut off the tongue of the demon who dared to ask for their plaque.

While most of the cultivators spat blood in anger, the non-cultivators looked at this strong
reaction with a confused frown.

Tan Cui leaned over to the cultivator gentleman sitting nearby.

“Why is everyone so upset? It’s just a plaque isn’t it?”

Her fellow noble ladies nodded, and also leaned over, eager to hear the answer.
The cultivator looked at her as though she had grown a third eye.

“Young Lady, do you know what you’re saying?? The plaque of a cultivation Sect was
handwritten by the founder of the Sect. It represents the honour, dignity, and life of the Sect!
To easily hand over this plaque would be like allowing a stranger to spit in your house and
slap your mother! How could a Sect as renowned as Cang Qiong Mountain have the face to
ever stand up again in front of the cultivation world if they lose their plaque to the demons?”

Tan Cui held up her arms in apology. “Ah-I’m sorry, I didn’t know it mattered so much-”

“If you don’t know you shouldn’t boldly ask such things-”, sniffed the older cultivator, before
turning away in disdain.

It took 4 of her friends to stop her from pouncing on the gentleman, as she muttered under
her breath.

“It was just a question….damn old donkey”

The demons cheered at that, and started chanting “Hand over your plaque! Hand over
your plaque!”

From behind, there was a clear, resounding voice.

“Demon Scum! End this and surrender now!!”, shouted Shen Qingqiu, arriving with a
huge contingent of disciples.

Instantly, Tan Cui forgot her grudge and clutched her friends tightly, as they squealed.
“Peak Lord Shen!!”

“Peak Lord Shen is there!”

Quite a few young women (and some men) went wild over the appearance of Shen Qingqiu.
From watching all the events unfold, many had grown very invested, and the arrival of the
controversially popular but also only hope at this point- “Shen Qingqiu” was bound to cause
some tumultuous reactions.

The disciples of Cang Qiong were also very much among this overly-excited faction,
jumping with excitement, while the Peak Lords looked torn between embarrassment and

Shang Qinghua watched with amusement, thinking it was quite similar to how the audience
went wild when their idols showed up, or when the protagonist starts beating the bad guy in a
movie. Besides, he had to admit, Shen Qingqiu did have a very cool entrance, and all the
charisma of a movie star!

If only he had some popcorn to enjoy the show, but salted peanuts were an acceptable

Seeing the arrival of a Peak Lord, the disciples that had been guarding the gate felt
heartened, and started repeating “Surrender now! Surrender now!”

The enthusiasm was infectious, and the disciples both in and out of the viewing portal
shouted with fervor.

For most of the younger disciples, they had never faced such a large group of demons before.
Ever since the fall of TianLang-Jun, internal wars had broken out in the demon realm, and it
was rare for many of them to ever be united like this. At first they had been afraid, but now
that the tides were turning their way, it morphed into excitement.
Shen Qingqiu was completely taken aback by this support. Never had he been so liked

The demons were surrounded on both sides now, and they started to look unsure, as
though this was completely unexpected. The tides of the battle had now begun to shift
since Shen Qingqiu appeared.

“Cang Qiong Mountain Sect is such a big clan, with so many talents. Do you really
think we’d be afraid of you?”

The disciples once again cheered in assent and prepared for battle.

“Demons! My Shizun is already here, see you if you dare to be arrogant anymore!”

People gathered more and more, many hundreds of angry disciples in uniform circling
in formation and trapping the invaders in the hall.

“Heh. Cang Qiong Mountain Sect isn’t a place you can mess with so easily.”

“Maybe those demon bastards will learn their lesson now.”

Even the other Peak Lords were starting to look relieved now. They stood a very good chance
against the demons, even if only Shen Qingqiu was present.

“Seems like Qingqiu-Shidi is quite capable.”, murmured Yue Qingyuan, glancing at Shen
Qingqiu. There was a slight crinkle in his eyes as he cast a lingering look.

“Is Zhangmen-Shixiong implying that I’m not capable otherwise?”, sneered Shen Qingqiu,
batting his fan lightly.
“Qingqiu is always capable,”, he corrected, not once flinching from the vitriol he already
knew was coming.

Shen Qingqiu scoffed and looked away, annoyed yet again by Yue Qingyuan’s passivity.

Suddenly, there was the faint sound of tinkling bells, gradually growing louder. The
crowd of demons parted, and from within, a red-clothed figure strode out.

She had a full head of black hair combed into tiny braids, a white complexion, rich and
bold eye makeup, and bright crimson lips.

Because the day was hot, she wore light clothes that were practically just a few bolts of
red veils wrapped around her body. Around her wrists and ankles were silver rings,
every movement giving rise to the jingling of small bells. Her bare, snow-white feet
touched the ground.

For a second, all the ruckus in the hall died down, as a very familiar figure appeared in the
viewing portal.

The Huan Hua Palace Master, who had been whispering discreetly to his attendants, suddenly
went silent as well, and his eyes widened.

Madam Liu had been in the middle of lecturing Liu Qingge for the 5th time that day when
both Liu Mingyan and Qi Qingqi urgently tugged their arms.

“What is it?”, she sighed, turning around. “Liu Mingjian, we aren’t done yet, don’t think you
can escape just because your sister-”

She stopped talking, and only those bright red clothes reflected in her shocked gaze.
All the excitement in the audience dissipated in an instant, and no one said anything for a
moment as they recalled the last time they had seen this ominous persona.

A woman wearing red had sauntered up to the man in black, whose face was still unseen, and
draped herself over his arm.

”Junshang ', purred the demon woman.

“Are you pleased with this?”.

The man in black didn’t respond and continued to stand unmoving, staring at the destruction
before him. The demon woman stomped her foot, seemingly annoyed. “

Why are you still here? Let’s go back to the demon realm, there’s nothing left here. When we
get back, let this Sha Hualing please you”.

“Sha Hualing….. Sha Hualing??”

“The demon woman that was accompanying….. that man? ”

“It’s her! It’s definitely her!”

Wei Qingwei’s heart dropped, and he spoke with a shaky voice. “If...if she’s there… then
does that mean-”, he trailed off, unable to even finish the sentence.

But everyone knew what he meant.

It was as though the entire hall had been washed in pure dread and fear. The disciples of Cang
Qiong Mountain who had been watching this invasion with excitement, thinking that they
would see their Sect bravely defeat the demons only held pure apprehension now.

Based on the image that they saw, if Sha Hualing was present, then wouldn’t it be the other
way around, with them being defeated by the demons?

And not just defeated- the entire Sect would be burned down to the ground.

“Fuck! Fuck I knew it wasn’t too soon. That demon Emperor must be at the gates of Cang
Qiong right now!!”, shouted a disciple of Tian Yi Overlook.

“This is 4 years into the future right? We must start preparing now! Perhaps we can hunt
down the future Emperor before he even amasses his power!”

More and more disciples joined in on the panicked flurry, rapidly shouting ideas and cries of
worry. During this time, a few people glanced more closely at the viewing portal, as the red-
clothed figure sauntered through.

Grand Master Wu Chen and Yue Qingyuan looked again at Sha Hualing and then tilted their
heads in confusion.

“Her appearance….something is different.”, murmured a senior disciple of Zhao Hua


“You’re right… she-”


The panicked chatter grew louder and louder, and the few voices of reason were being
drowned out.
Unable to take such stupidity anymore, Shen Qingqiu snapped his fan shut, with a resounding

The hall went silent again, and all eyes turned towards Shen Qingqiu. The new fan he was
holding wasn’t broken yet, but a small crack had formed along its ridges.

“Cease your needless panic, and take a closer look at this Sha Hualing.”, he commanded.

“Closer look? What-”

“Qingqiu-Shidi is correct. Upon a close inspection, it is clear that this Sha Hualing looks far
younger than the one we saw in that image at the beginning,”

Great Master Wu Chen and the Sect Leader of Tian Yi Overlook- Huang Lan nodded. They
both gestured for Lai Wei to step forward and explain on their behalf.

“She may be leading the Demon invasion, but at this time, she’s only about 15 years or so.
Not much older than your daughter, Lao-Gongzhu.”, she stated, shaking her head towards the
Old Palace Master, who took it as a cue to rise and bring back order to the hall.

“This demoness….Sha Hualing…. She is indeed the one we saw accompanying the Demon
Emperor in the future. But she appeared to be much older in that image. As many others have
pointed out, she cannot be older than 15 or 16 right now. I request everyone to refrain from

At that, it was like all the tension accumulated in the air flowed out like a needle pricking a

“But her presence here surely means something,”, added Master Wu Wang, frowning.
“If this is set 4 years in the future, then Sha Hualing must be about 11 or 12 right now. We
can easily deal with her, if we act fast since we know she will take part in the burning of
Cang Qiong Mountain Sect many years later. This could be our clue into figuring out the
identity of that black-clothed man.”

The Huan Hua Palace Master nodded and continued.

“Sha Hualing was indeed a mistress of some sorts to the Demon Emperor. She certainly must
have a large role to play in his rapid succession to the throne.”

“I suspect it may have to do with her father, Jiuzhong-Jun. He is quite a powerful lord in the
southern regions of the demon realm. She could have rallied her father’s troops and territory.
A very powerful ally for the future Demon Emperor,”, said Wei Qingwei.

“An ally that we need to eliminate as soon as possible.”, glowered a buff-looking cultivator
from Huan Hua Palace.

“Whatever it is, she is someone that we must observe closely. The demon invasion we are
witnessing now is clearly a pivotal event, and a chance to gain many insights. Everyone,
watch carefully for any strange behaviour.”, said Great Master Wu Chen.

Shang Qinghua silently mused:

Everything is going exactly according to plot, but the only strange thing here is Shen

There was a hint of an amused smile on Shen Qingqiu’s lips, and his eyes momentarily
held an inexplicable sense of thrill, watching Sha Hualing walk through the crowd
before his expression once again became stony.

“Peak Lord Shen clearly despises her. ”, whispered a disciple of Huan Hua Palace.
“Eh? How can you tell Shijie? His face is always so blank, but he looked…sort of excited to
see her…….”, she said, shuddering momentarily.

“Excited? You fool! It’s clearly his blood lust showing through!”

“Bloodlust? Are you sure? He did appear quite thrilled…”

“Why would he be excited to see Sha Hualing? Other than to kill this demon wretch? It’s not
she’s someone that he knows! He’s only thrilled at the prospect of getting to kill the demons!

Of course, he can barely conceal that strange expression of his! It’s not excitement, it's killing

The junior of this passionate disciple nodded in agreement with her Shijie, now completely
convinced of Peak Lord Shen’s intense way of communicating his blood lust.

“All Hail the Demon Saintess!”, cried the demons, bowing to her as she strutted past

“A Demon Saintess….”, murmured Grand Master Wu Chen. “No wonder she had the guts to
stroll into Cang Qiong Mountain Sect like this.”

“JiuZhong-Jun’s daughter. Of course, she’d become a Demon Saintess. Must have been
newly appointed, and wanted to humiliate Cang Qiong for her first achievement. She really is
dreaming big. ”, sneered Master Wu Huan.

Shen Qingqiu cast a quick glance at Luo Binghe, before focusing his attention on Sha
Hua Ling again.

She smirked at the Cang Qiong contingent.

Addressing Shen Qingqiu, she said:

“I’m sure you must be the famous Xiu Ya sword, Shen Qingqiu.”

Putting her hands together, she paid her respects. “Senior Shen.”

The 5th Shidi of Qing Jing Peak made spitting noises and a snort of disgust.

“Who needs the respect of a vile demoness?”

Her eyes looked Shen Qingqiu up and down, and she walked closer. Her hand twirled a
strand of beaded her, and she tilted her eyebrows seductively.

“You look divine indeed. I finally get to meet you. I’ve waited so long for you”.

Was the demon woman… flirting with their Shizun??

She wasn’t wrong of course, Shizun did indeed look divine! The first time many of them saw
him, they felt he truly did give off the air an immortal, untouched and distant from worldly

But somehow those words coming from the mouth of that demon woman felt like an insult.

Ning Yingying glowered at the viewing portal, as did the Little Palace Mistress and Liu
Ning Yingying was offended on behalf of her Shizun, but even the Little Palace Mistress and
Liu Mingyan felt a strong dislike of Sha Hualing. Her attitude was too brazen and arrogant!

Shen Qingqiu seemed to pay no heed to her ambiguous phrasing, and had a calm smile,
batting his fan gently.

“Heh, Peak Lord Shen isn’t even fazed by this infuriating demon woman. As expected of the
Qing Jing Peak Lord! A calm and collected scholar even in the face of such threats!”, praised
a disciple of Tian Yi Overlook.

However, not everyone looked at it that way.

A few ill-intentioned cultivators whispered amongst each other, shooting Shen Qingqiu a
subtle disparaging look.

“He must be used to willful and haughty women since he frequents the Warm Red Pavilion.”

The group snickered lightly.

“The Warm Red Pavilion does have some of the most arrogant whores. Maybe having a
famous customer like Shen Qingqiu has gone to their head!”

“He’s so pretentious and egotistic himself, why wouldn’t he like his women that way?”

“Pity that Sha Hualing is a demon… she doesn’t seem too bad”, a broad and gruff-looking
man chuckled.

“Not too bad? She’s the most beautiful woman there!”

“Except the War God’s sister- but who knows, what if she’s actually ugly under that veil?”

“Be careful, Liu Qingge might hear you, and then no one would be able to save you.”

The group of cultivators laughed raucously and continued with their vile comments.

A few low-ranking cultivators that were nearby overheard and had disgusted expressions on
their face. They moved away from that group but didn’t dare interrupt out of fear of what
they would do in retaliation.

Ming Fan couldn’t seem to take Sha Hua Ling’s presumptuous behaviour, and leapt
forth shouting; “How dare you act so arrogantly in front of our Master?!”

“Ming Fan, will you fall for every provocation like this? Learn to rein your temper ”, drawled
Shen Qingqiu, perfectly aware of the hypocrisy of his own words.

Shen Qingqiu himself was someone that got offended easily and had a short fuse. But unlike
Ming Fan. he had at least mastered the art of pretension and appearing calm.

“Understood Shizun!”

Sha Hua Ling giggled.

“What are you talking about? We are not looking for a fight.”

She strode closer and closer, with an air of friendliness. All her arrogance from before
“We’ve heard so much about Cang Qiong Mountain Sect, and got curious! So we’re
simply here to learn from you through a duel!”, she finished, feigning innocence and

Shen Qingqiu, who had a placid expression on his face all this time, raised his eyebrow.

“Well said, well said. Though you explain your manner as seeking to exchange a duel
and gain pointers, why must you cut apart our Rainbow Bridge? What need is there to
wound so many of our sect’s disciples? I’ve never seen such a way to seek pointers.”, he
coldly said, snapping his fan shut.

“Oh My-”, murmured Qi Qingqi, chuckling lightly. Mu Qingfang also made a “heh” sound,
and exchanged a knowing glance with the other Peak Lords. Wei Qingwei whistled lightly,
and Liu Qingge rolled his eyes.

Shen Qingqiu’s words just now were straight to the point and although seemed polite on the
surface- was dripping with sarcasm and derision.

When Shen Qingqiu’s vicious tongue and harsh attitude wasn’t being directed towards them,
watching him verbally eviscerate others was extremely entertaining. He may be a bastard, but
at least he was an extremely cunning bastard.

It was one of the few things about him that they could claim they liked.

Sha HuaLing paused, biting her lips in mock apology, and her voice growing soft.

“This fight… It was just a misunderstanding. It was my fault for being inexperienced in
controlling my underlings well. I’m afraid they just hopped on the bridge a few times,
and it broke! We didn’t expect it to be so fragile, so we… accidentally broke it.”

“Nonsense! Demon woman, don’t pretend!”, shouted the Cang Qiong disciples, enraged
about what they were hearing.
“You attacked us first! How dare you act now!”

“Demon scum!”

Ming Fan was too enraged to even speak, so Ning Yingying cursed in his place, unbearably

“How fucking shameless! That demon bitch attacked us and now she acts like nothing
happened! Her parents must have-”

“Yingying!”, warned Shen Qingqiu, shocked by the words leaving her mouth. Similarly, the
disciples of Qing Jing Peak looked at her in shock.

Their beloved Shimei, the white moonlight of all their hearts, the flower that could do no
wrong- could she actually speak so foully?

Even the always apathetic Shen Qingqiu appeared like he had been struck by thunder for a
moment, before clearing his throat and settling on his usual placid expression.

“Ning Yingying, this Master understands your frustration…. But Qing Jing is the scholar’s
Peak, where we don’t use such a manner of speaking.”

Ning Yingying hung her head in apology. “Yingying is sorry Shizun….”

“As long as you understand….”, replied Shen Qingqiu, giving her a double-take. He had
always seen Ning Yingying as naive and soft- but ever since they had come here, he was
seeing all sorts of new sides from her.
But it wasn’t necessarily bad. He had always been extremely protective of Ning Yingying,
thinking that she was just like Qiu Haitang.

However, if Ning Yingying wanted to grow on her own terms, and become someone that
could rely on herself and have a strong will- Why would he ever deny that? He had assumed
that being sheltered on the Peak would be the best way for her to live a comfortable life, but
wouldn’t it be better for her to be able to stand up for herself?

Still, he couldn’t help feel a bit wistful, seeing her grow up so quickly. It had only been a day,
but she was already changing.

“This Ling-er is young and has failed to control her subordinates. If she has offended
you, may this immortal master be magnanimous and forgiving?”

To this, the bemused expression on Shen Qingqiu’s face grew slightly, as though he
knew it was all a farce.

" What great timing you have, to come when the Sect Leader is away.”, he sneered.

“Oh?”, said Sha HuaLing in feigned shock. “Sect Leader Yue is away?”

Putting her hands together, as if reaching an epiphany, she exclaimed; “However, I’ve
heard all the people from Cang Qiong Mountain Sect are…... talented. I’m sure you
don’t have to send your Sect Leader to confront us”.

“Speaking of which…. It is quite odd that the Demons showed up exactly when Sect Leader
Yue was not there.”, frowned the senior disciple of Zhao Hua Temple.

“I was thinking that as well! It’s almost as if they knew that no one was present on Qiong
Ding Peak!”

“Peak Lord Shen and Peak Lord Liu are there aren’t they?”

“Yes, but they were in seclusion! Who would have expected that Peak Lord Shen’s timing
would be so great that he would come out exactly when the demons invade?”
Mu Qingfang overheard this conversation and joined in.

“Zhangmen-Shixiong doesn’t leave the Sect that often, and only the most senior members of
Cang Qiong know his schedule. For the demons to appear exactly when he leaves….”

“It could be a coincidence….”, tried Wei Qingwei.

Because if it wasn’t a coincidence, then that meant…..

“There might be a traitor at Cang Qiong”, finished Shen Qingqiu, shooting a stony look at
Yue Qingyuan, waiting for his verdict.

Shang Qinghua could vaguely feel a stare stabbing at his back, and he gulped nervously.

Shen Qingqiu….. was truly too fucking scary! He had never forgotten his suspicions of Shang
Qinghua from all those years ago, and he brought it up the moment he got a chance!

Fortunately, a certain impervious wall known as Yue Qingyuan was right there. As expected,
the words that exited his mouth were passive and soothing.

“....Let’s not jump to conclusions… it might just be a coincidence like Wei-Shidi said….”

1 hit

“Are my suspicions meaningless to you then? I’ve told you since a long time ago that there
was a rat-”
2 hits

“ I didn’t mean it like that- I believe that it is better to not sow discord among our members
right now-”

“Weeding out a traitor isn’t sowing discord. Dragging out the trash-”

3 hits

“Qingqiu, let’s drop this for now. Whether there is a traitor or not, is an issue we will discuss
in the aftermath of this demon invasion.”,

4 hits

“Strong words for someone who left the Sect at such a convenient time and caused this
situation in the first place”, Shen Qingqiu said, his words cutting and cold.

Mu Qingfang sighed, and Liu Qingge frowned but didn’t interfere.

5 hits

Without giving Yue Qingyuan a chance to say anything more, he just flicked his robes and
walked to the other side of the viewing balcony.

Yue Qingyuan’s word was final, and he couldn't oppose much more- but he made his
displeasure very known.

As usual, within 5 sentences, the two of them were at odds once again.
Shang Qinghua was about to heave a sigh of relief, silently thanking Yue Qingyuan, but he
was suddenly very aware that Shen Qingqiu’s malicious gaze was still lingering on him.

Coupled with the events of last night, it was clear that Shen Qingqiu held no good feelings or
trust towards him. If he made even one more slip-up…….the scum villain would strike at
him like a snake swallowing a mouse whole.

Ah, fuck me! Why couldn’t Shen Qingqiu have been some 40 IQ cannon fodder villain instead
of the black-hearted overly intelligent villain that was after his ass right now?

The other Peak Lords looked uncomfortable at this display, despite it being a common

On one hand, having a traitor was an issue that needed to be addressed as soon as possible,
but on the other- wasn’t it still speculations? To accuse the members of the Sect without any
solid evidence would definitely cause issues of trust and loyalty.

It was better to just let the two of them argue amongst themselves rather than get involved in
that messy situation. And naturally, since Zhangmen-Shixiong’s word was final, none of them
pursued the point after he ended the conversation. Clearly, it was something he didn’t want to
discuss in that moment, and they agreed

Although Shen Qingqiu outwardly showed no reaction to Sha Hualing’s words, he

restlessly whispered to a Qiong Ding disciple next to him:

”Quickly bring Liu Qingge here- he’s in the Spirit Caves.”

Liu Qingge blinked a few times, not believing what he was hearing.

Shen Qingqiu was calling…. For his help?

As though he had read his mind, Shen Qingqiu said “Contrary to what you think, this master
is not stupid enough to try and handle this alone. Brute force is needed to push these demons
back. ”

Although he hated to admit it, he needed Liu Qingge if he was to resolve this situation.
Saying it out loud still put a sour taste in his mouth, and it rankled him, but it was a matter of
the Sect’s image, and grudges needed to be set aside. He needed to swallow his pride and ask
that brute’s help if he wanted to prevent Yue Qingyuan’s reputation from being-

He abruptly stopped that line of thought.

Liu Qingge nodded, and stared fiercely at the viewing portal, as though it would somehow
make him appear instantly.

What was the point of having the title of War God if he wasn’t there when the Sect needed

It was also a chance to just start paying Shen Qingqiu back for everything he had done for
him in the cave.

The disciples angrily continued to shout at the Demons, only stopping when Shen
Qingqiu raised his fan.

“Since you’ve had your duel, what do you think of the ability of Cang Qiong Mountain

Sha Hualing replied; “Although we are at a disadvantageous situation, we’re only losing
in terms of numbers. I don’t dare… make a judgement on your clan’s ability.”

“Oh? How can you get your judgement then?”

“I don’t have a good feeling about this….what kind of unreasonable thing will Sha Hualing
suggest?”, murmured Qi Qingqi.

“She’s clearly trying to avoid a proper confrontation since it’s not clear which side has the
full advantage.”


As though she had been waiting for him to ask this, Sha Hualing smiled with red lips
and shining teeth, offering a way that seemed fair and just.

“Why don’t we each choose three representatives and hold three battles here right now?
A bit of playful competition. Sounds good to you?”

“Fine. As you wish.”

At that, the disciples began murmuring in confusion.


“Why should we give them what they want now that Peak Lord Liu is coming?”

“That’s right! We’re being too easy on them!”

“No, this is the best course of action.”, said the senior disciple of Zhao Hua Temple.

“Indeed”, replied Grand Master Wu Chen, stroking his head. “As my disciple had said before,
this is quite a fragile situation. Right now, the disciples of Cang Qiong may outnumber the
demons, but in terms of skill, many of them are still in the foundation stage. Miss Hualing
has numerous demon elders with her.”

“Even if they were to fight, the victor is not clear. Besides, those demon soldiers are just
pawns in the eyes of Sha Hualing, while our disciple’s lives cannot be risked so easily. “,
reasoned Yue Qingyuan.

“It is best to stall until Liu-Shidi arrives. A fight is inevitable either way, but it would
certainly be easier if the War God of Bai Zhan was there.”

“In conclusion, the decision taken by Shen-Shixiong is correct.”, finished Mu Qingfang.

Shen Qingqiu was frankly astounded to have so many people speaking in his favour. He also
agreed that taking part in this trial was the best option, but generally he never received so
much support even if he was right.

What…. In the world has brought this on?

“This… is a good exercise for me after a long time of meditation. I’ll join the first
battle.”, declared Shen Qingqiu

Sha Hualing called out for a demon.

“Elder One-Arm. Are you up for the challenge?”

The single-armed elder was a purple-black color all over his body, silent. He listened to
Sha Hualing’s direction and walked forward to a spot of open ground.

“So when they call him Elder-One Arm…. they were being literal…”
“Demons really have no sense of naming, do they? Next thing you know we’ll see some
demon named ‘balls’,” joked a junior cultivator.

Shang Qinghua sneezed lightly.

“This demon is so massive and scary-looking…. Will Shizun be able to win?”

“Are you doubting the ability of Shizun? Of course, he will win! This sort of small fry is
nothing for him!”, boasted Ming Fan.

Shen Qingqiu’s own division disciples at the outskirts cheered him on, just like the ones
outside the viewing portal.

He gave a small smile.

“You only have one arm. Even if I win like this, it is still not an honest victory.”

Since when have I cared about honest victories??

Shen Qingqiu’s policy was to do whatever it took to win- especially when his life was being
threatened. He had grown up on the streets, where no one cared about “fighting fair”. In the
real world, what does honour matter? If “playing dirty” would give him the advantage, then
he would be a fool not to take it.

This was precisely one of the reasons Liu Qingge had despised him. Being from a noble
family, and being raised with a code of honour, he couldn’t stand Shen Qingqiu's low tricks
that he used to get ahead.

Which was why even Liu Qingge was gaping at him, his face clearly saying the same thing
that was on Shen Qingqiu’s mind.
Since when have you cared about honest victories??

For a while now, Liu Qingge truly felt like Shen Qingqiu had become an entirely different
person. From saving him the cave to exhibiting odd behaviours. He was so sure that he knew
Shen Qingqiu, and that this simply wasn’t him. (but did he really?)

He really would be the idiot that Shen Qingqiu always calls him to assume that all of this was
entirely because of a Qi deviation. (but was it? Or did he simply want it to be?)

But he also couldn’t believe that Shen Qingqiu was possessed because he wasn’t exhibiting
any signs of demonic possession.

However, wasn’t there a surefire way to check for possession?

Hong Jing

He turned towards Wei Qingwei and narrowed his eyes. At the same time, 2 other sets of eyes
all turned towards the Wan Jian Peak Lord, who felt a sudden sense of being watched.

“Oh? Then what do you want to do?

”Shen Qingqiu smiled slightly, spreading his fan open with a shake. He waved it twice.

“I won’t use both of my arms.”

Once these words were spoken, everyone was in an uproar. In the crowd, Luo Binghe
also appeared shocked.
“Only one arm?? Peak Lord Shen…you… are really sure of your skills-”

“Of course he is! Are you looking down on Shen-Shibo? You think he can’t beat that demon
with no arms?”

“Haha, of course not….. But it seems rather difficult….”

Indeed it was- drily thought Shen Qingqiu. Not particularly hard, but just slightly more

However, he could appreciate the good show that was being put on and the impressed looks
he was getting.

“My, what a brave and honorable man!”, exclaimed Madam Liu, suddenly appearing and
patting Shen Qingqiu’s back. “To give yourself such a handicap when facing those terrible
demons….This old lady is truly impressed.”

“Mother what are you doing?”, hissed Liu Qingge, to which she glared and waved him away.

Clearly, her idiot son wasn’t going to make any moves to try and get closer to Shen Qinqiu.
In that case, she would do it for him!!

Truly she believed the two of them were a good match. She wasn’t thinking of it in the
romantic sense, but simply as close allies. Shen Qingqiu was similar to her son in
temperament, but he had shown her that he had a good heart. It would be wonderful if he
could be even closer, as a sworn brother, instead of just a martial brother.

Shen Qingqiu abruptly froze, seeing Madam Liu coming closer to him, and nodded stiffly,
unsure what to do.
Sha Hualing snorted and clearly seemed to think that Shen Qingqiu was being
conceited, but at the same time looked happy.

“You really do have manners”, she giggled, as Shen Qingqiu intensified his glare.

Her face seemed to be saying; “How could he win so easily, so why not accept?”

She hurriedly said: “Since Elder Shen has said so, then let’s start!”

“So eager to take advantage! How shameless!”

The disciples of Cang Qiong loudly booed, just like their counterparts in the viewing portal.

“Peak Lord Shen was being so courteous, but she doesn’t have an ounce of respect or

Shen Qingqiu truly did not draw his sword and instead played with the paper fan in his
left hand, a small smile on his face as he faced the single-armed elder.

Elder One-arm picked up his ghost head knife and raised it towards Shen Qingqiu.

“Elder Shen! I’ve been waiting to fight you with my ghost knife! Please forgive my poor
skill!”, he jeered.

Shen Qingqiu batted his fan and scoffed. “I will.”

Qi Qingqi smiled and stifled a snort.

Ahh that poor demon doesn’t stand a chance against Shen Qingqiu

She didn’t realize when she had begun to look at him rather favourably, but yet found herself
there anyway.

Was it when he saved Liu Qingge?

Or was it when she saw how much he truly cared for Ning Yingying?

Or even all these ridiculous but somewhat believable explanations about the nature of his
strange actions?

The sense of amusement she got from watching Shen Qingqiu in the future had translated
into her current perpception as well. Somehow, he didn’t seem nearly as bad as before,
especially when there was a quite likable version set right in front of her. She could
appreciate even his bad qualities, which only seemed more endearing than hostile now.

The cheers of the Cang Qiong disciples and the demons grew louder and louder, as the
battle began.

Elder One-Arm charged immediately, but his blade passed, whistling through the air
without hitting his target. He turned around and saw Shen Qingqiu was already
standing at another location, shaking his fan and sneering at him.

“Did you see him move??”

“That was so fast!”

“A masterful demonstration of vanishing steps, Peak Lord Shen. The young generation can
learn much from watching your fight.”, bowed a woman from a minor sect. After this, she
sternly told her disciples to watch closely, and that she expected a 10-page report.

No matter how much they complained and moaned, she wouldn’t budge, and in the end, they
could only resentfully watch the fight with their eyes wide open.

Disciples that overheard shuddered and thanked the heavens that their master wasn’t so strict.

He lunged at him to attack again, but Shen Qingqiu easily dodged the continuous blows,
without even a hair out of place. He then leapt up and kicked him down from behind.
Until now, he hadn't moved his arms at all, only gently batting his fan.

“He doesn’t even look fazed!”

“It’s as though he’s just playing with him!”

“And buying some time until Peak Lord Liu shows up!”

Madam Liu kept nudging elbowing Liu Qingge, until he finally couldn’t bear it and grunted
out: “Not bad, your skills have improved.”

Shen Qingqiu was on the verge of replying in a snide manner, but he suddenly realized too
many people were watching him in admiration and awe. Not wanting to ruin that image, he
instead smiled falsely.

“You flatter this Master. Those mere tricks are nothing.”, he said, with an air of
easygoingness and humbleness.

Liu Qingge almost rolled his eyes, stopped only by his mother fiercely pinching his arm.
Shang Qinghua coughed lightly, watching this exchange.

Shen Qingqiu was truly a master of pretension! This guy was so fake! If only he was always
this fake all the time- then no one would ever have a problem with him.

This dodging and attacking play went on for a bit longer. A few Qiong Ding disciples
next to Ming Fan asked; “Why is he just dodging? “

“I agree! It’s been a few moves, why doesn’t he attack?”

Ming Fan made small, heh, looking at them with a “how can you not even know this”,
sort of face.

“You’re ignorant. Masters like my Shizun are good at destroying their opponents
mentally. Elder One-Arm will get more anxious as Shizun keeps dodging. And once he
gets anxious, his weakness will easily show and Shizun can defeat him in one fell move!”

Just like Ming Fan had said, the dodging went on, until Elder One-Arm appeared
exhausted, leaning on his sword for support. He mustered up the little energy he had
and tried to attack yet again.

“Not bad, Disciple Ming Fan! It truly is just like you said! You have a good understanding of
your Master’s tactics.”

“Well done, boy. You may have a knack for such things.”, complimented Master Wu Huan.

Ming Fan turned a light shade of pink and basked in the compliments.

His martial brothers slapped his back and grinned.

“Our Ming-Shixiong is so impressive isn’t he?”

In an instant, as Elder One-Arm charged, a snow-white light appeared, as Xiu Ya came

flying out of its scabbard. Elder One Arm barely managed to fend it off!

Seeing that familiar, infamous sword glare, there were screams of delight and recognition.

“Xiu Ya!”

The audience was engrossed in every move and every step taken by Shen Qingqiu, watching
his graceful swordplay with bated breath, and wide eyes.

Shen Qingqiu didn’t draw the sword with his hands, only secretly held his hand in a
sword seal to manipulate his Xiu Ya sword to fly through the air.

The snow-white sword light was painful and harmed the demon’s eyes, so he raised his
sword and increased his attacks!

The knife and sword clashed, ding dang sounds without end as sparks danced.

This competition was truly beautiful to see. Both parties were strong and skilled in the
martial arts which in itself was exciting to watch- but the gorgeous visual effect came
from Shen Qingqiu. He moved gracefully yet leisurely, batting his fan. Combined with
the swirls of spiritual energy as he controlled Xiu Ya, it was truly a display of elegant
and stunning combat.

“Ahhhh, I could watch Peak Lord Shen fight forever,” dreamily said one female cultivator.

“He’s just so elegant!”

“And so beautiful!”, sighed another.

“He makes it look so effortless and pleasing to the eye.”

Tan Cui nodded furiously in agreement to all these comments, as her hand rapidly moved,
trying to sketch the scene before her.

Fierce but stunning- Cold but graceful. Like a swan that drifted through an icy lake, unruffled
and pure.

It was hard for her to capture the essence of Peak Lord Shen into the novels she was writing,
and the accompanying pictures- but she would at least try!

The fight seemed to reach its crescendo, as Xiu Ya flew high up into the sky, glowing
while it accumulated energy. In a swift motion, Shen Qingqiu kicked the rampaging
demon into the path of the blade as it impacted heavily, sending swirls of dust into the

When the dust cleared, Elder One-Arm was lying unconscious in a crater in the ground,
being dragged out by his comrades.

The scene showed the disciples from Cang Qiong Mountain cheering wildly.

“Our Master won!”

“Master is the best!”

“All Hail Master!!”

The audience cheered in appreciation, and Shen Qingqiu smirked, preparing himself for the
wave of praise he would be getting. He was finally becoming accustomed to the positive
reactions he was receiving, and decided instead of dwelling on some…. disturbing
suspicions- he would at least enjoy this sort of regard and respect.

But before Shen Qingqiu even got a chance to properly revel in his victory and how heroic he
appeared, he was assaulted on the waist by half his Peak.

He almost stumbled onto the ground from the sudden momentum, only held steady by the
firm grip he had on the railing.

He turned to the brats clinging to his legs, ankles, and waist, ready to throw them all down
from the balcony for daring to come near him.

But instead, he was drowned in a sea of limbs and annoying voices chirping words of praise
just like in the viewing portal.

“Shizun is so powerful!”


“Shizun is so strong!”

“Ah- Let go-”

“Shizun teach us to be like you!”

“Ming Fan, drag these brats off-”

“Shizun you’re so amazing!”

“How dare you-”

“Shizun what was that last move called?”

Fuck Fuck Fuck! These damn brats just wouldn’t let go! It was as though something had
altered their brains, as they lost all common sense and fear of Shen Qingqiu, and they gained
octopus tentacles for arms!

Shen Qingqiu swore that the moment they made it back to Qing Jing Peak, every single one
of them would be whipped 50 times and locked in a shed for no food for days!

Even his own martial siblings and their disciples were laughing at him! Liu Qingge that
stupid brute, Yue Qingyuan that useless fool and Shang Qinghua that rotten rat.

He would never forget this indignity, and he would pay it back tenfold!

It was only when he sent a warning glare at Yue Qingyuan did the man actually do
something. He ordered the disciples away from Shen Qingqiu, and gently pried off the
particularly sticky ones.

The moment he was free, Shen Qingqiu got ready to reprimand the hell out of those
disrespectful little beasts, but Yue Qingyuan intercepted.

“You fought very well Shidi,”, he said, with a twinkle in his eye.

“Yes, Yes, I am well aware of my own skills. Now move-”

Yue Qingyuan was shoved away, only for Qi Qingqi to pop up in his place.
“Shen-Shixiong! You were very impressive, and inspired much awe-”

She was also moved out of the way, albeit in a slightly more gentle manner.

And in her place, was Wei Qingwei!

Like this, about 10 more people appeared out of nowhere to applaud him, and those stinking
disciples brats of his that dared to ambush him only became further away~

In the end, he could only give up, as a wave of enthusiastic Sect members blocked his path.

They dared to poke fun at him??

He endured the humiliation for now but swore he would make everyone pay, sooner or later.

While Shen Qingqiu fumed and seethed on the inside, thinking they were all out to get him,
in reality- they truly found him rather fun.

Sure Shen Qingqiu was prickly by nature, but that made him all the more amusing!

Before they never would have dared to do such a thing, but now….

It was only unfortunate that Shen Qingqiu was far too paranoid to take such things lightly.
They had done it in good humour, but for someone like him, it truly burned.

Neither side knew the other’s true intentions and feelings.

Among the group of disciples celebrating their first victory, was Luo Binghe who looked
especially awe-struck, like his heart was greatly moved. His eyes shone watching his

“Awwww! How adorable! He’s so captivated by his Shizun”

“He’s absolutely starry-eyed,”, cooed another woman.

“Ahhh I remember what it was like to whole-heartedly believe that your Shizun was simply
the coolest person, and admire them from the depths of your heart.”

“You mean have a little crush on your Shizun,” giggled a blue-robed teenage girl.

“Hush, don’t say such things, you know it’s taboo. Besides, he’ll grow out of this phase soon
enough when he sees the rest of the world.”

The man beside them nodded.

“He can’t run behind his Shizun forever.”, he said, with absolute resolution.

If only he knew that many days later, he would have to eat those words.

Shen Qingqiu reveled in his victory, as Sha Hualing watched with displeasure.

She leapt forward and landed gracefully in front of Shen Qingqiu.

“The next battle… will be fought by me. I will be the representative for my clan.”
The demons cheered wildly, praising their Saintess.

“Sha Hualing is coming out by herself now…. She must be really overconfident if she thinks
she can beat Shizun!”, exclaimed a disciple of Qing Jing, freshly extricated from Shen
Qingqiu’s legs.

A few disciples from Bai Zhan next to him nodded. Normally, they wouldn’t ever agree with
a disciple of Qing Jing Peak, but this was a matter that concerned the whole sect, so any
internal petty rivalries were forgotten.

Besides, the way Peak Lord Shen had taken down Elder-One Arm was just too fucking

He was obviously powerful, being a Peak Lord, but most had assumed he was the scholarly
type that wasn’t really suited for combat and holed up with his books and qin all day.

But from that display, it was clear that he was one of the strongest Peak Lords!

In fact, if you thought about it, losing to Liu Qingge all the time didn’t mean he was weak at
all- no one could beat Liu Qingge except for the Sect Master himself. The fact that he was
able to face Liu Qingge over and over again should have spoken volumes about his power!

Considering this, and how Shen Qingqiu had saved Liu Qingge’s life, he slowly began to
earn the respect of even the Bai Zhan Peak disciples, the unruly thugs, and ruffians of the

Sha Hualing looked at Shen Qingqiu, who was ready to face her, with a hint of fear in
her eyes. Then, she smiled slyly and said “This knowledge exchange will be pointless if
the same person fights again. Why don’t you… pick another opponent for me?”

For what seemed like the hundredth time, the audience cursed out Sha Hualing.
“She’s so annoying…”, mumbled Liu Mingyan, feeling her hatred grow from seeing such
unprincipled behaviour. The Liu Household was strict, and she had been raised with a code of
honour to follow. It was her first time seeing someone so outrageous, and a deep-set dislike
set in her bones. Madam Liu chuckled and ruffled her hair, sensing her annoyance.

“Demons are just like that Mingyan. Right now, there’s nothing you can do.”

“This shameless demoness! She knows she doesn't stand a chance against Master Shen so
she’s trying to get him to change her opponent!”

“Among that crowd of disciples, not one of them are at the level of a Demon Saintess, even if
she was newly appointed,” assessed Qi Qingqi, recognizing most of the disciples.

“Who cares if Sha Hualing asks for an opponent change? Why would Peak Lord Shen even
listen to her? He can just defeat her in a few moves and finish this whole ordeal quickly!”

“Right, there’s no way he’ll just give in to that demoness like that!”

However, barely a moment later……

Shen Qingqiu lazily said: “You all heard her words. Who is willing to take this

“What!? Peak Lord Shen-”

Before Shen Qingqiu could even defend his actions, or before anyone even got a chance to
question him, the Senior disciple of Zhao Hua Temple beat them to it.
“Isn’t it clear why? Peak Lord Shen is trying to buy time until Peak Lord Liu shows up! If he
were to refuse the demands of this demoness, wouldn’t they try to retaliate, and result in that
very brawl that Peak Lord Shen was trying to avoid?? This is the best way to protect the
disciples' lives! Only 2 disciples will be at risk, instead of the whole lot!”

Cang Qiong Mountain Sect:.........

Shen Qingqiu: ........

I don’t know who this man is but somehow he seems to understand the future version of me
even better than I do.

He himself was considering why he would do such a thing when the Senior disciple of Zhao
Hua Temple butted in with a logical explanation.

By now, everyone had taken notice of this disciple that was always so outspoken.

Yue Qingyuan coughed lightly and nodded in gratitude towards him.

“Many thanks for….. understanding my Shidi so well….Could you tell us your name?”

“This humble one is called Gao Mingyu!”

The disciples groaned as they all looked at each other, wondering who would volunteer.

However, Shen Qingqiu’s eyes were not on them, but on the area stuffed full of graceful
Xian Shu Peak disciples. There was someone wearing a veil that elegantly floated out,
and said with a clear voice:

“I volunteer.”
“Mingyan!”, shouted Liu Qingge and Madam Liu, at almost the same time.

Liu Mingyan flinched, but there was determination burning in her eyes.

“Mingyan, what are you thinking? Doing something so risky? Is this really necessary? ”

Liu Qingqiu nodded along with his mother, agreeing with every word. In the face of such
bravery, he would approve of anyone else, but this… this was his little sister!

This was the little girl that he had taken care of since birth, the apple of his family’s eyes, and
his dearest person. Madam Liu also couldn’t bear the thought of seeing her precious daughter
get hurt, and continued lecturing her.

“Couldn’t you have thought this through? Or at least waited for your brother to show up?
Who taught you to be so reckless?”

“Who else except Xiongzhang…”, she muttered.


“You always praise Xiongzhang for being so heroic and powerful. He even gained the title of
‘War God’ and became the Peak Lord of Bai Zhan at such a young age. How wonderful, how
amazing, but what about me? Will I always be known simply as Liu Qingge’s sister or some
mysterious veiled beauty?? Shouldn’t I also get a chance to make a name for myself? To
become famous for something other than having the surname Liu?? To make both of you

Liu Qingge widened his eyes, taken aback by Liu Mingyan’s outburst. She was always
collected and quiet, but now the visible part of her face was blazing with indignation.
“Mingyan…. Do you really think I’m not proud of you?”, whispered Madam Liu.

Liu Mingyan was red-eyed now. She loved her brother deeply, and he had always been her
hero. Hearing of his victories always made her gush with pride, but at the same time, she felt
a prick of envy. She too wanted to make a name for herself.

To be renowned for something- and it didn’t even have to be for cultivation- literature was
fine too! A name that the entire country would know!

Qi Qingqi watched all this with an understanding gaze, and finally decided to walk over. She
clutched Liu Mingyan’s shoulders and patted her back lightly.

“Madam Liu, Liu-Shidi, I understand you are concerned about your family member, but
Mingyan is the head disciple of Xian Shu Peak. I have personally watched her grow into the
fine young woman she is now. She has excellent potential and is a prodigy on her own terms.
To think that she can’t defend herself would be doing a disservice to her skills. Among all the
disciples present there, Mingyan is one of the strongest, and the best choice there.”, lectured
Qi Qingqi.

Her tone was kind, but stern. She knew that both of them only came from a place of worry,
but she wouldn’t stand by and let them underestimate her best disciple.

Madam Liu appeared shocked at the sudden reprimanding she received from a girl that was
decades younger than her- but she pursed her lips and nodded, without saying anything. It
wasn’t like Qi Qingqi was a random nobody either- this was her daughter’s master and her
son’s martial sister. Her words meant something.

During the time the Liu family discussed, Liu Mingyan had flown out to the battlefield.
She bowed to Shen Qingqiu and the rest of Sect.

“Protecting the clan is a responsibility of the disciples of Xian Shu Peak. Shen-Shishu.
Please allow me to fight.”

The disciples murmured to each other, recognizing Liu Mingyan. Even the Demon army
watched her with surprise and awe.

“That… isn’t that the War God’s little sister?”

“The mysterious veiled beauty of Xian Shu Peak?”

“I’m getting excited now! I wonder, is she as talented as her brother?”

“Haha, there’s no way, Liu Qingge is an unrivaled prodigy!”

“Still, as his sister, she’s bound to have some skill!”

The comments being made upon her presence were almost precisely the sort of thing Liu
Mingyan had just said she hated hearing. But once again, she had become the calm and
collected young woman she normally was and paid no heed to anyone.

However, her martial sisters of Xian Shu Peak approached her and murmured
hushed,soothing words of support.

“If anyone stands a chance against that Sha Hualing, it’s you, Shijie!”

“Show her what Xian She Peak is capable of!”

Among all the Peaks in Cang Qiong, the only ones that the ruffians of Bai Zhan truly held
any respect for was Xian Shu Peak. This was the only Peak never subjected to their attacks or
raids. However this was because Bai Zhan Peak, primarily composed of hot-blooded young
males- believed it was dishonorable to attack Xian Shu Peak, which was filled with women.
Not to mention, almost every disciple from Xian Shu was as beautiful was a fairy, and most
of them (like almost all the male disciples of Cang Qiong) were too shy to even go near them.

Xian Shu Peak did take full advantage of this reluctance of Bai Zhan Peak though- and
regularly beat them when they caught them bullying other Peak Disciples. Because of this,
Xian Shu Peak disciples were looked upon as saviour angels and highly respected.
Liu Mingyan was not only a Xian Shu Peak Disciple- she was also the sister of Liu Qingge!

So the Bai Zhan disciples all looked at their Shufu’s beloved younger sister enter the
battlefield, struggled to stay calm.

They looked at the Bai Zhan disciples in the viewing portal, and cursed them out, calling
them cowards for not volunteering in place of the goddess Liu Mingyan- despite the fact that
she was stronger than most of them.

“If even one hair on her head gets damaged…..”, glowered the head disciple of Bai Zhan.

“What? You’ll jump into the viewing portal and beat up Sha Hualing?”, snorted a disciple of
Xian Shu Peak.


Sha Hualing saw all the attention going to Liu Mingyan, and in frustration barked to
her demon army “Don’t look at her, look at me!”

“Jealous bitch. You think Mingyan-Shijie would lose to you?”, muttered Ning Yingying,
being very careful not to be heard by her Shizun.

Shen Qingqiu didn’t say anything to Liu Mingyan for a bit, before finally assenting to
the fight.

“You may go.”

Liu Qingge shot the slightest look of betrayal at Shen Qingqiu. He had hoped that he would
refuse her for some reason, but instead he had agreed!
He knew it was wrong for him to hope that his sister wouldn’t fight, but Sha Hualing was no
easy opponent, and if he had to see her get injured….

But when he had momentarily cursed Shen Qingqiu for not holding his sister back, he also
remembered that Shen Qingqiu was present.

Meaning he would definitely interfere or stop the fight if it seemed like Mingyan would get
seriously hurt.

To think the day would come where he would trust his sister’s safety with Shen Qingqiu of
all people….

The moment he agreed, Liu Mingyan gracefully lept into the battlefield, to face Sha

“Liu Mingyan, from Xian Shu Peak, looking forward to your… guidance.”

“Ho? Since your face is already covered, I don’t have to worry about accidentally
ruining your face."

By now, the Bai Zhan disciples were being restrained by the other Peaks.

“If that demoness fucking dares-”

Liu Mingyan however, was entirely composed and prepared herself to observe the following
fight with a calculated eye.

The fight between Liu Mingyan and Sha Hualing started. Both were beauties, but their
fighting styles were entirely different. Liu Mingyan had an elegant, and graceful
swordplay, like a swan moving through water, while Sha Hualing was wild and
“Ho, she is quite good isn’t she?”

“As expected of Peak Lord Liu’s sister!”

“Beautiful and skillful! How wonderful!”

As many others praised her maneuvers, Liu Qingge didn’t say a word.

However, this wasn’t because he was disappointed- in fact it was the opposite.

Mingyan… was exceptionally talented. Her foundation was strong, and her swordplay
masterful for her age.

Since when had she grown so strong?

With a twinge of regret, he realized that all this time he had still been viewing her as the
small little girl that still needed her big brother to protect her.

But now she was growing into someone that was far more capable than he had ever thought.

Unfortunately, he knew from the way the battle was progressing, that Liu Mingyan would not
win- but he also knew that she was more than capable of holding her own.

No matter the outcome, he was…..proud.

And he would make sure she knew it.

After a time equitable to the burning of a few sticks of incense, Liu Mingyan was finally
defeated. Her sword clattered to the ground, and she fell down.

The disciples of Bai Zhan were already crying tears of blood and hurling insults at Sha
Hualing, while they wailed over Liu Mingyan’s loss. The Xian Shu disciples tried to comfort
her and assured her that she had fought very well, to which she only nodded.

She froze for a moment, replaying the entire fight in her mind, and all she could see was how
much she was lacking.

Liu Mingyan hung her head low, upset by her loss. She had spoken such bold words to her
mother and brother, saying that she would prove herself, but in the end, she had lost!

How laughable!

Her shame grew, but a pat on her shoulder brought her out of her misery.

“Mingyan, don’t be too disheartened. Sha Hualing is a Demon Saintess, and you haven’t even
gotten a sword from Wan Jian Peak yet. The gap between the two of you is large, but you still
fought very well. With some more years of practice, she’ll be no match for you.”

Surprisingly, it wasn’t Qi Qingqi, but Liu Qingge that had spoken.

Qi Qingqi watched from the side, with an encouraging smile to show that she wasn’t
disappointed at all.

“Thank you Xiongzhang,”, she whispered, clutching his arm. Madam Liu also patted her
head in comfort

Suddenly her loss didn’t seem too bad at all. She instead promised herself that if the events
they were watching came to pass one day- she would not lose to Sha Hualing like she did this
The demons loudly cheered for their Saintess, while Liu Mingyan walked back to Shen

“This disciple has lost and disgraced the mission, I request that Shen-Shishu punish

Although no one had said any disparaging words to Liu Mingyan for her loss, who knew
what Shen Qingqiu would say?

He was known to be quite strict, so she braced herself for criticism.

But to her surprise….

Shen Qingqiu said comfortingly; ”It’s not easy to take this responsibility. Losing is
common, don’t take it to heart. You can win other battles in the future.”

“Thank you Shen-Shishu!”, she exclaimed, bowing to the one in present time.

“Ah? Of course,”, he offhandedly said, waving her off, not really caring about whether Liu
Qingge’s sister lost or won. It did set them back a bit, but there was still one more trial, and
this was the one that mattered the most.

“Aiyaya, A master indeed. Elder Shen is so forgiving! I admire you for considering
failure as something so common.”

Liu Mingyan may have gotten over her loss, but she certainly hadn’t gotten over her hatred
for Sha Hualing.

“Remember, Miss Sha, there is still one more round. You can admire me later.”, he said,
calmly batting his fan.

Sha Hualing acted as though she was frightened, and clapped her hands. She said:
“Which brave warrior volunteers for the third trial?”

In the middle of the numerous demons, a giant elder slowly walked out. He was
definitely over ten zhang high! A back like a tiger’s and a waist like a bear, his hair
loose and shaggy, from top to bottom wearing thorny armor, and dragging a fine iron
sledgehammer. With every step he took, the ground seemed to shake.

“Elder Hammer, we look forward to your performance!”

“Yes Madam”, he grunted, slamming his gigantic hammer onto the ground.
The jaws of almost every person in the audience dropped, in open-mouthed horror. Quite a
few people shivered in fright.

“Wh-What the fuck??”

“How fucking big is that demon??”

“It’s the largest demon I’ve seen in my life!”

‘Who in the world can fight such a beast? Which disciple would dare?”

“There’s no way any of them can face this demon and win!”

"Amitabha.....", murmured Great Master Wu Wang, clutching the beads in his hand tightly.

“Again with the stupidly obvious names….. Elder Hammer… carries a giant hammer.”

Shang Qinghua sneezed again.

Liu Qingge, seeing the size of the demon, swore, and scanned the entire area again,
wondering why he was taking so damn long to come.

If he didn’t arrive soon, then Shen Qingqiu would have to give some disciple to this
monstrous demon to shred to pieces!

The other Peak Lords also grimaced, seeing how the situation that had just seemed somewhat
favorable before, turned into something so hopeless. Not a single disciple present in the
viewing portal was capable of handling this demon- meaning that either Shen Qingqiu
needed to come up with an alternate plan, or a disciple got sacrificed to buy time, and protect
the rest.
Sha Hualing delightedly said: “I’ll give everyone here a warning first. The spikes on
Elder Hammer’s armor are covered in a strong demon poison. This kind of poison has
no effect on demons, but if a human is pierced, there is no antidote.”

“Not only is this demon enormous and monstrous, he also uses poison? How underhanded!”

“Despicable behavior!”

“No cure? Is she talking about that demon poison called ‘Without a Cure’?”

“Indeed she is.”, said Great Master Wu Chen, stroking his beard. “It’s been used for centuries
by the demon race to attack humans since it is lethal to us. This poison corrupts the spiritual
pathways, impairs one's cultivation, and then bodily organs, eventually leading to death. It is
without a cure, so once poisoned, it cannot be stopped."

Meaning that whatever poor disciple went up against this monster- even if they survived the
fight, they might die a short while later in horrible agony.

What a terrible fate!

"Such a horrible thing exists? And there's really no cure?"

Great Master Wu Chen paused, as though he recalled something.

"I believe... there has been one case in history where a human that contracted this poison was
cured....however I am not sure of the circumstances."

"I've brought a qiankun bag full of old records, I can check!", offered a disciple of Zhao Hua

"Ah yes, Please do. This information may prove to be useful."

“What a stupid name though……'Without a Cure' ”, murmured a few cultivators.

“I wonder what idiot came up with that name”, commented a few others.
Shang Qinghua felt quite offended and felt the urge to defend his naming choices. He had a
deadline for these chapters, he couldn’t waste time on coming up with names! Besides, in
such an enormous web novel with hundreds of poisons and cannon fodder demons- wasn’t it
best to have straightforward and easy-to-remember names like this? It was really literary
genius on his part!

The people on the sidelines were all enraged. “Stinking demon girl! Competing using
strong poison, what fairness is there!”

Sha Hualing retorted:”I’ve told you haven’t I? If you think it’s unfair, or you're afraid
to be poisoned, you can just surrender and give up the last battle. It’s normal for
humans to cherish their lives anyway.”

The demon soldiers behind her laughed and jeered, as Sha Hualing smirked at them.

Sha Hualing was radiant and coquettishly said: “This third trial will determine the
victory! This time, you had better choose carefully.”

The disciples of Cang Qiong and the audience were equally stunned. Against this gargantuan
monster, who stood a chance??

However, they couldn’t help but speculate amongst themselves.

“Who do you think Peak Lord Shen will choose??”

“Maybe Chen-Shixiong from Qiong Ding Peak!”

“Oh yes! I heard he’s got an exceptionally strong weapon from Wan Jian Peak!

“Or even Yin-Shijie from Xian Shu Peak!"

"How about Mei-Shidi from Bai Zhan?"

The ones surnamed Chen, Ying, and Mei all had dark faces watching the disciples speculate,
as they silently hoped that they wouldn't be called.

To fight for the Sect was a great honour.... but to go down in such a tragic way...

No thank you!

Shen Qingqiu supported himself with a hand and stood. He said with deep meaning:
“No need for Young Miss to trouble herself. This Master has a person in mind who he
can guarantee will not only win but will be your nemesis.”

“Who could he be talking about?”

“Could it be… Peak Lord Shen has some secret, super-strong disciple?”

“Maybe some sort of trick!”

“Or maybe he really will call Chen-Shixiong!”

“Whoever he calls forth will be someone that is capable, with years of cultivation, and
experience! I completely trust Peak Lord Shen’s judgement!”

The fellow cultivators nodded in agreement.

“Peak Lord Shen is wise, he will make the best choice in this situation.”

Shen Qingqiu turned around and pointed his fan firmly in someone’s direction.

“Luo Binghe, you come out.”

No one spoke, wondering if they had somehow heard wrong.

They had all assumed Peak Lord Shen had some secret ace up his sleeve, and a hidden
extremely powerful disciple that actually stood a chance.

Instead…. He called Luo Binghe.

Luo Binghe, who was by far the youngest and among the weakest disciples present.

Luo Binghe, who had struggled to fight off even those low-class demon assassins, and still
didn’t have a sword from Wan Jian Peak.

The boy held a lot of potential and talent, but none of it had come to fruition yet. It certainly
wouldn’t manifest fast enough for him to defeat this centuries-old Demon Elder!

So to put it in other words- wasn’t this basically a death sentence??

Those that believed that Shen Qingqiu was fond of this boy were even more confused. Why
would he subject him to such a fate then, if he truly liked him?

The only explanation any of them could come to was….

“Shen Qingqiu! Truly…. You’ve gone mad!!!”

Yunping City
“Luo Binghe… Luo Binghe….We’ve been searching for hours! Just where are we supposed
to find one small boy in such a big city!?”

A woman dressed in purple robes groaned and moaned loudly, rubbing her back and knees,
like an old man getting ready for bed. She was quite beautiful but in a gaudy manner. Her
makeup was bold and wild, and her very demeanor spoke of uncouthness.

A few strangers passing by threw dirty looks at the well-dressed woman who was behaving
so shamelessly in the middle of the street.

Another woman dressed in pink robes smiled gently next to her, with a bemused expression,
ignoring the stares they were getting. She wasn’t particularly attractive to look at but had
such a serene face that her appearance was rather calming. It was a face that was quite
forgettable but reassuring nonetheless. She slowly patted the back of the other woman, who
was now cracking her joints.

“We’ll find the child eventually, Song-Jie. We told Madam Wang that we could do it, didn’t

The woman known as “Song-Jie” snorted.

“You told Madam Wang and Master Shen that you could do it. I’m only here because I
wanted to stay away from that place when those arrogant noblemen show up.”

At first glance, the two women appeared to be ladies of some noble family. They were
wearing fine clothes, and held themselves with some stature. But upon taking a closer look,
things were not quite what they seemed.

For one, the perfume that they wore was extremely heavy- pungent almost. The scent of
powder, rouge, and wine was heavy around them.
Their hands were not one that were smooth and pale, but filled with callouses that spoke of
hardship. Even their speech- it was proper and elegant when you first heard it, but the longer
they spoke, the more it felt shoddy and unnatural. Like they were concealing their words and

With a deductive mind following this path of reasoning, it was clear that these women came
from a brothel.

Not just any brothel- they were from the Warm Red Pavilion- Yunping’s finest house of
courtesans- frequented by a number of distinguished figures, including one very elusive Qing
Jing Peak Lord- Shen Qingqiu.

“Qin-Mei, just tell me, how long should we do this for? We’ve walked over 15 li in search of
this Luo Binghe! This city has hundreds of street brats, how do we find just one?”

“Calm down, calm down,” tried to placate Qin Jiao. She grabbed her friend, and held her
back, preventing her from throwing a fit in public.

“Let’s just give up, huh? We’ll tell Master Shen that we tried our best, but the boy was simply
impossible to find. Please, let’s just go back.”, begged Song Yihan, slumping onto the side of
the road. She peeled off her shoes and massaged her feet right there.

“What are you looking at?”, she spat, as a burly man that passed by glanced at her.

Qin Jiao sighed, not knowing whether she should laugh or cry. “Master Shen has done so
much for us, we can’t let him down when he requests something from us. “

“It’s not like we take his kindness and give nothing in return. Did we not help him sleep
every night? Soothe him and hold him until drowsiness finally overtook him? He helps us out
for a reason. There is nothing that does not have a price.”
Qin Jiao frowned at those words but didn’t reply, knowing how cynical Song Yihan was. She
also knew that no matter how cold Song Yihan’s words were, she did care for Shen Qingqiu.
There was always a hint of concealed affection in those sharp eyes when he visited.

This was why when Song Yihan stood up a few minutes later, she wasn’t surprised and
merely smiled to herself. Qin Jiao started walking, waiting for Song Yihan to follow.

However, Song Yihan didn’t move.


“I can’t take another step, or my knees might really give out,”,she muttered. “Let's just stay
here and look.”

Qin Jiao was still smiling, but it was becoming more strained by the minute. Her face
twitched and she struggled to not roll her eyes. .

“Then how does Jiejie propose we find Luo Binghe without moving-”, she started, before
stopping in shock.

Song Yihan had stood up, and cupped her hands to her mouth, and shouting at the top of her


“Are you fucking insane??”, hissed Qin Jiao, muffling the hollering Song Yihan, and
dragging her back. She had dropped all pretenses, including her flowery speech- her words
were now coarse and harsh. No longer did she appear gentle and kind, but more like a thug.

Everyone on the street had already been giving them weird looks
“I knew you were fucking stupid, but this is madness! What the fuck happened to being
subtle, and not attracting attention like Master Shen said? Those yellow clothed disciples are
also after the boy-”

“Shut up! We could search for hours and we wouldn’t be any closer if we acted like scared
rats! Instead of us going to him, isn’t it better to bring him to us?”

The look of disbelief on Qin Jiao’s face was indescribable- she had almost no words to say.
Even for someone as gentle as her, she couldn’t hold back the urge to slap some sense into
Song Yihan on the spot.

“And your solution is to fucking scream in the middle of the road, thinking that somehow
that Luo- child will hear us? Even though we have no fucking clue where he is? Did you
really think this was a sane idea? Did you expect that somehow Luo Binghe would just walk
up to us, just because you called out-”


Qin Jiao stopped her rant as she felt a small tug in her robes.

A dirty, but small hand was lightly clutching the hem of her robes, and starry bright eyes
looked up at her.

“....My name is Luo Binghe…. “

The little boy looked nervous, and looked down, hesitating to speak.

Qin Jiao: ………

He was called and he really fucking came??

Song Yihan shoved aside Qin Jiao and scrambled to look at the boy.

He was rather small and grubby- appearing to be anywhere from 8 to 12 years old.

“Curly hair…..”

“Bright eyes….”

“Pathetic looking whelp….”

He exactly fit the description Master Shen had given them!

Although she wasn’t too sure about the “pathetic” part. He was pitiful of course, but calling
him pathetic seemed a bit too harsh.

In fact, ignoring the messiness of his appearance- he was quite a lovely child.

Inexplicably, both of their hearts warmed seeing such a small boy that had clearly suffered
quite a lot. Even the bitter Song Yihan had a soft spot for kids.

Song Yihan cleared her throat, and leaned down towards Luo Binghe, batting her lashes, and
putting on her most winning smile.

“Luo Binghe, is it?”

The boy nodded slowly, a hint of suspicion leaking into his face.

The sheer joy on Song Yihan’s was threatening to burst through. She shot a look of triumph
at Qin Jiao, before leaning in closer.

“These two jiejies want to take you someplace very special, so we can take good care of you
for our friend~”, she winked, extending her hand, not once dropping that smile which was
beginning to appear unsettling.

Luo Binghe stared at the two women for a few seconds, not saying a word. His face was
turning paler by the minute, and his eyes were as wide as the full moon. He looked them up
and down, in shock, and for some reason, Qin Jiao felt like he was misunderstanding

Without warning, he turned around and fled, running into the crowd, not once daring to look

What the fuck?

For a moment, both Qin Jiao and Song Yihan stood there in stunned shock, before Song
Yihan swore loudly. “Fuck don’t just stand there, run after him!”, she barked, hiking up her
robes and setting off.

Luo Binghe, just wait till we catch you!

Chapter End Notes

I'm sorry, I know I said I'll cover the entire demon invasion in one go, but I just got so
tired of writing this chapter ;-;
However, I've decided to go with shorter but more frequent updates, so the next part will
be out way sooner! (hopefully within a week or so?)

I hope you all liked this chapter! Thank you all for waiting patiently !
(not edited I got sleepy- if you spot a mistake, feel free to tell me in the comments, I'll
fix it!)

Extra 1:
SQQ: *staring at Sha Hualing intensely*

Everyone: OMG! Peak Lord Shen is hungry for battle! He will put this demoness in her
place! Look at that blood thirsty expression! What could he be thinking??

In reality:

SY!SQQ: *internally fanboying* Asaskbuhidbf ITS SHA HUALING!

Extra 2:
The Results for Number One SQQ defender will be out soon! Place your bets!

LQG: *grumbles* Isn’t it obviously Zhangmen-Shixiong?

QQQ: Yeah! He’s always covering for that jerk!

MQF: Sorry Zhangmen-Shixiong, but it’s true ;-;

Aaaand the winner is:

Senior Disciple of Zhao Hua Temple!

YQY: Aha…Haha..Hah…So.. It’s…. Not me…. Xiao Jiu…How nice…*strained smile*

Without A Cure- For Shen Qingqiu's headaches
Chapter Notes

Hi guys! I'm back! After forever! Sorry for taking so long, life just got really tough in
between;-; I can't promise I'll regularly update now, but at least I won't leave you
hanging for a year like before. I decided to go ahead with the shorter chapter format
from chapter 9 so it'll be easier for me.

Here's the chapter~

Thank you all for waiting so patiently, and Happy New Year <3

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Luo Binghe truly had a miserable life.

Bullied by the other children, chased by stray dogs, and beaten by the adults he begged for
food. The world was a harsh place, which was something he had learned early on

He went to bed hungry almost every day, covered in bruises, and utterly, truly, miserable.

Despite all this, he was not entirely unhappy.

Because he had a person who loved him more than anything in the world.

His beloved mother was the person that treated Luo Binghe the best and cared for him with
all her heart. But that beloved mother was diminishing, suffering, and dying right in front of
Luo Binghe’s eyes. She had been sick for days, lying in bed, feverish and weak.

He knew this illness was not fatal- after all, his mother contracted the sickness from the
Young Master of the family she washed clothes for. The Young Master had recovered in days,
and was healthy yet again, happily terrorizing his servants in celebration.

But that Young Master had been given the best treatment, with high-quality medicines, good
healers, and dozens of people attending to him.
Meanwhile, Luo Binghe’s mother had a child trying to nurse her with no medicines or proper
food to regain her strength.

How could she possibly recover?

It wasn’t the sickness that was killing her. It was poverty.

Luo Binghe had long since known that the world was unfair to people like him. That no
matter how he struggled, he would always be beaten and looked down on. Yet he went on
because he had someone to care for, someone that made life just a little bit easier.

If his mother was gone, then Luo Binghe would really have nothing.

He had been trying to find work and begging for food all morning when he heard two
wealthy-looking women yelling out his name.

Against his better judgment, he warily approached them, wondering if they could spare him
some coins.

But then one of them said that she wanted to take Luo Binghe somewhere “special”.

In that instant, he looked more closely at them, and realized that they weren’t dressed like
noblewomen…. But courtesans!

His mind finally arrived at the dreaded conclusion of their intentions, and he blanched.

These women…..they wanted to sell Luo Binghe to a brothel!

Without thinking, he turned around and ran for his life. He was far too young to work in a
brothel, how depraved were these women?

Mother had always warned him against going to such places and told him to be especially
careful of these kinds of human traffickers. Never did he think such a terrible encounter
would happen to him!

However, he heard a shrill “Luo Binghe!”, and to his horror- realized that the two women
were actually chasing after him!

Tears started flowing freely now, as he willed his tiny legs to move faster, praying that for
once he’d run into good fortune in this miserable life of his, and not be caught.

On the streets of JinLan City, there was a strange sight.

A young boy, no older than 10 wailed loudly as he ran through the streets, while 2 well-
dressed courtesans chased after him, hiking up their robes, leaping over stalls, and shouting
unintelligible sentences.

One passerby shook his head, muttering about how incompetent servants were these days,
assuming that Luo Binghe was some runaway young master.

Another older grandmother tsked loudly. “The young mothers these days….is it so hard to
watch one child?”

“That lady in the purple robes is terrifyingly fast!”

“Yet she still can’t catch the boy hahaha!”

“Little boy, stop running away from your mother! Don’t give her such a hard time!”, called
out a young maiden.

“Does anyone think they might be trying to kidnap the child? He’s crying quite a lot-”

“As if! He’s obviously just being a difficult brat! Oy! Young Man! Stop running!”

“Tell them to stop chasing him! The boy is obviously crying for a reason! What if they tried
to hurt him? Look at the poor thing!”

“Listen closely, what’s the woman shouting?”

“She’s saying his name…..of course, it must be his mother!”


“Luo…Binghe? Luo Binghe? Is that the boy’s name?” said an old man, handling a tea stall
that the group had just passed by.

“He must be named after the Luo River. Quite a unique name-”

Two burly, yellow-robed men that were standing next to the tea stall owner, spat out a
mouthful of hot, jasmine tea. The insignia of Huan Hua Palace stood out in the afternoon sun,
and the golden sheen of their swords glimmered.

“Old man, what did you just say? That boy’s name is Luo Binghe?”
On their faces was a terrifying expression, filled with a hungry light, like a predator that had
finally found its unsuspecting prey.

It felt like a dark cloud had suddenly surrounded the decrepit little tea stall.

The old man jumped in surprise, trying to stop himself from trembling, as the two men
suddenly cornered him. Their hands gripped a sword that hung at their waist, and he gulped
in fear.

“Y-yes. I’m sure of it. The two women were shouting ‘Luo Binghe’.”

The yellow-robed disciples glanced at each other, and promptly joined the chase, without
uttering another word.



Now there was one boy running down the street, chased by two women, who were being
chased by cultivators from the prestigious Huan Hua Palace.

The old man shook his head in dismay, finally feeling his legs stop shaking. He leaned on the
tea-stained table of his stall and sighed.

What the heck was happening today??

Huan Hua Palace

“Peak Lord Shen…. truly you have gone mad!”, exclaimed a cultivator, raising a shaking
finger at him.
To send out the youngest disciple of his Peak to fight a centuries-old Demon Elder- only a
madman would do such a thing!

Many other cultivators looked hesitant to agree with the man since the person he was
reprimanding was still a Cang Qiong Sect Peak Lord!

However, it was also no longer possible for them to not question what was going on in Shen
Qingqiu’s mind.

In fact, if they really thought about it…..

Until now, they had all believed that this Qi deviation had changed him for the better. Before
he had a terrible attitude and a bitter persona- but after losing his memories he appeared so
much more pleasant.

Of course, he had exhibited some bizarre actions and behavior after the Qi deviation, but they
all wrote it off as some endearing quirks he acquired and ignored it.

So what if he randomly talked to himself, or said strange things all the time? He was still the
Qing Jing Peak Lord, how could they doubt his sanity?

But that was a mistake! It finally made sense why he did so many odd things, and it was
clearer than ever!

Shen Qingqiu had gone fucking crazy!

“Favouring Luo Binghe? Ptoo! He's simply favoured him into death!”

“Only a madman would do such a thing!!”

“Luo Binghe is surely talented, but he’s only a boy! How could he possibly win?”

“Peak Lord Shen, what are you thinking??”

The resounding voices of displeasure grew louder and louder, as they hurled disapproval at
Shen Qingqiu, who had still not reacted.

Even Gao Mingyu, the senior disciple of Zhao Hua Temple was struggling to come up with a

“Wait- Peak Lord Shen- Maybe he- He must have a plan-”

The Qing Jing Peak disciples were suddenly in an uproar, as Shen Qingqiu declared
that Luo Binghe would fight.

The disciples of Qing Jing Peak appeared just as stunned as their counterparts in the viewing

“Shizun…. Luo-Shidi….”, hesitated a disciple of Qing Jing, quickly closing his mouth after
Shen Qingqiu shot him a poisonous look.

Many of them had grown somewhat fond of Luo Binghe, despite their jealousy- and felt a
wave of indignation on his part. Didn’t Shizun like Luo Binghe? Then why was he sending
him to such a horrible fate?

However, they didn’t dare to question him. No matter how familiar Shizun suddenly felt to
them, the memories of him as unyielding and stern were prominent. He may seem kinder
now, but that didn’t mean they could be so bold. Who knows what punishment would await
them if they dared to speak out?
In the end, they could only comfort themselves yet again with the unwavering trust they had
in him. He surely had a reason for sending Luo Binghe!

“Luo…Binghe… I’ve never heard his name?”, said a disciple of Qiong Ding Peak.

“Is he some genius from Qing Jing Peak?”

“He must be your Master’s top disciple!”, exclaimed another disciple, looking at Ming

“They really have far too much faith don’t they…”, muttered Qi Qingqi, thinking of how Luo
Binghe was far from being the top disciple of Qing Jing Peak.

“Rather than faith, it seems to be more a desperate hope”, whispered Mu Qingfang, his
eyebrows twitching as he thought of Luo Binghe fighting such an enormous demon.

Luo Binghe certainly was a genius disciple, but he definitely wasn’t qualified for such a
battle- that even a senior-most disciple with 10 years of cultivation experience would find

The Qiong Ding disciples recognized themselves in the viewing portal and felt the urge to
smack their heads. If only they knew that Luo Binghe was a mere 14-year-old, novice

They really were doomed, weren’t they……..

Ming Fan’s face was white as he replied to the other disciples, who believed Luo Binghe
was some expert.

Ning Yingying rushed in from the side, and clutched Luo Binghe’s arm, repeating “No,
no no! A-Luo will die!”

Ming Fan grasped Luo Binghe’s other arm, and stuttered:

“Shizun…… sending out this kid…… sending out Luo-Shidi onto the stage, perhaps
it’s not suitable?”

Even Ming Fan, the biggest bully of Luo Binghe, was concerned for him.

The real Ming Fan, who had been silently muttering with his fellow disciples, suddenly paled
as Shen Qingqiu’s gaze turned on him.

“Are you questioning my judgment, Ming Fan?”

His voice was not loud, nor did it hold the slightest bit of anger. However, that only terrified
Ming Fan even more, as he stammered a reply.

“What judgment? Of course, he would question it, Peak Lord Shen! Not only is Disciple Luo
Binghe at risk, the honour of your entire Peak is at stake!”, shouted a man from the audience,
unable to hold himself back.

“Do you really think I do not know that?”

The moment Shen Qingqiu spoke, once again, it turned quiet, as they waited for him to
finally share his thoughts and reasoning.
That single line from Shen Qingqiu was enough to once again send doubt into their hearts.

Perhaps he really was not crazy? And he actually had a plan?

However, before he could say anything more, everyone was distracted by the sound of crying
coming from the viewing portal.

Ning Yingying’s tears came out seeing how unrelenting her Shizun was, and she
shamelessly hugged Luo Binghe’s arm even tighter while stamping her foot and
shouting: “Don’t want, don’t want, don’t want!”

The Ning Yingying next to Shen Qingqiu had been furiously holding back her tears, but
seeing that her counterpart in the viewing portal was sobbing, she also sniffled in frustration.

“Shizun… A-Luo….”, she sniffed, rubbing her face and turning it a blotchy red.

As though a dam had been broken, many other young maidens started sniffling in sorrow.

Shang Qinghua “heh”ed lightly, marveling at the power of the protagonist's halo. Normally
no one would even bat an eye at the tragic fate of some random disciple- it was entirely
common in the cultivation world for lives to be lost during night hunts, quests, and even Qi
deviations. Perhaps they would lament for a few minutes, but they would quickly move on.

However, Luo Binghe had won the hearts of so many in so little time, that no one could see
him as an insignificant disciple.

Except for Shen Qingqiu, who still looked at Luo Binghe like he was a maggot. Truly, what a

In the eyes of so many maidens, Luo Binghe was like a flower blooming among a pile of
garbage- he was incredibly handsome, sincere, talented, and kind.
Where else would they find an upstanding young man like him?

The only other cultivator like him in their generation was Huan Hua Palace’s, Gongyi Xiao.
But who would dare covet the childhood sweetheart of the Little Palace Mistress?

Luo Binghe had also moved the hearts of many people in the very little time they had seen
him, and the thought of him having to suffer at the hands of a vile demon…

It was like an arrow that struck their hearts. To see such a wonderful person be hurt- anyone
who had a heart would feel pain!

The Little Palace Mistress was among the particularly outraged crowd, her hand thumbing
the barbed whip hanging from her waist.

“Shen….Peak Lord Shen….”, she muttered, with only Gongyi Xiao holding her down.

“Young Mistress.. Not now…”

She reluctantly put aside her whip, after a pleading glance from Gongyi Xiao. However, that
didn’t stop her from venomously glaring at Shen Qingqiu.

That vile old man! He was always making Luo Binghe suffer! If she wanted Luo Binghe,
wasn’t he the biggest obstacle in her path?

His annoying female disciple was only able to keep hanging around Luo Binghe and dare to
act so superior because of her Shizun.

If only Luo Binghe never joined Qing Jing Peak, if only Shen Qingqiu had never taken him
But wasn’t there the perfect opportunity to prevent him from even glancing at Cang Qiong
right now?

The cogs in her mind began turning, as she suddenly became quiet.

Shen Qingqiu raised his eyebrows and snapped: “I said to let him go up so he should go
up. Are you unsatisfied with this master’s judgment? Ying-er, let him go.”

Met with Shizun’s scowling face, Ning Yingying knew that nothing could be done. Luo
Binghe patted her comfortingly even though his face was shock white.

“He’s also scared….”, murmured a few voices.

“How pitiful…”

Liu Qingge tsked slightly and narrowed his eyes. He could certainly appreciate Luo Binghe’e
bravery and was only even more convinced that the boy should have been on Bai Zhan Peak.

The Qing Jing Peak disciples were especially shocked when Shen Qingqiu harshly
reprimanded Ning Yingying and didn’t give in to her demands.

Normally, their Shizun would always indulge her, no matter how unreasonable. But to rebuff
even her….. Why was he so serious about sending Luo Binghe?? Did he want him dead that

Ning Yingying was also stunned, witnessing Shizun get annoyed by her for the first time in
the years she had spent on Qing Jing Peak.
For him to be so stern about this matter….. Could it be that she was interfering in Shizun’s
plans by acting so stubbornly?

Or was it that he was just dead-set on ruining Luo Binghe?

Whatever it was, she could feel her anxiety rising with every second that passed.

He said firmly: “Ning-Shijie, don’t be worried. I won’t be of any serious use but since
Shizun has assigned me to go out, I will definitely use all my strength. Even if my life is
forfeit, I won’t lose our division’s face.”

Ning Yingying rubbed away her tears and let go of Luo Binghe’s arm. She couldn’t bear
seeing her sweetheart get hit by others and with a few footsteps, she had run away.

Ning Yingying’s heart clenched, looking at how scared Luo Binghe appeared. She knew he
was just putting on a brave front, but he was obviously terrified!

No wonder her other self ran away! She couldn’t bear to witness what would happen to A-
Luo. Even now, she was watching with her hands raised up, ready to cover her eyes should
the unspeakable happen.

Many other people were greatly moved by Luo Binghe’s attempt at bravado.

Luo Binghe walked over to Shen Qingqiu and bowed.

“Even after being condemned to death by this trash Master… he still bows in respect…,”
muttered an older cultivator.

“Truly a good seedling. The new generation of cultivators should all aspire to be like this
young man.”
Shen Qingqiu struggled not to roll his eyes, hearing all the praise Luo Binghe received. The
brat was really good at putting on a show, wasn’t he? He was sure that on the inside he must
be cursing his scum master in a hundred different ways.

After all, who in this world would still be filial to a master that was so obviously sending
them to a painful death?

The contrast between Luo Binghe and the Demon Elder was stark.

Luo Binghe had a good foundation and talent, but it was clear that his cultivation was
still shallow. He was slim, and still small due to his young age.

On the other hand, the Demon sect’s Elder had a sledgehammer and a build with a
tiger’s back and a bear’s waist. The demon’s armor glistened from the poison it was
coated by.

No matter where he stood, compared to Luo Binghe’s developing body, there was a
sense of oppression.

Black wisps of demonic energy exuded from all over the Elder’s body.

Seeing the two of them side by side… the feeling of ominous dread only magnified. The
demon was at least 3 times the size of Luo Binghe. The boy appeared unbearably weak,
destined to be torn into pieces.

Despite feeling nothing but boundless pity for Luo Binghe, the disciples of Cang Qiong
thanked the heavens that it wasn’t them having to fight such a terrible foe. Besides, now that
they knew such a demon invasion would happen in the future, they could prevent poor Luo-
Shidi from ever having to face such a fate.
This seemed to be the general consensus among the audience, but there were still many that
were furious at the man that had put Luo Binghe in such a situation in the first place.

“Would you like to explain yourself now, Peak Lord Shen?”

The person that had asked was a leader of a minor sect- who was glaring up at Shen Qingqiu.

Earlier they had dropped the subject due to the distraction caused by Ning Yingying’s tears-
but that doesn’t mean anyone had forgotten the person responsible for this situation.

The indignant questioning of this man, spurred the shouts of many others, as they asked what
exactly Shen Qingqiu was trying to achieve by sending Luo Binghe to face the demon.

“Are you trying to use the boy as a distraction to buy time? Couldn’t you have chosen
someone that would… have a better chance?”

“Why are you picking on your own disciple like this? There are some brave young cultivators
from Bai Zhan and Qiong Ding that would be far better qualified for this!”

“Isn’t this too much of a gamble…?”

“Do you really want this boy to die?”

Hearing the onslaught of questions being hurled at Shen Qingqiu, the other Peak Lords
shifted uncomfortably, unsure what to say.

As members of the same Sect, it was up to them to defend their martial sibling… but at the
same time, they really had no idea what he was thinking!
“I’m sure that… Shen-Shixiong is doing what he feels is the best decision….”, muttered Wei

Shang Qinghua coughed loudly, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

Qi Qingqi nodded uncommittedly next to him, while Liu Qingge gave a weak grunt.

Yue Qingyuan furrowed his eyebrows, and stepped forward, about to speak in defense of
Shen Qingqiu.

However, before he could open his mouth, someone else beat him to it.

It was Gao Mingyu, the head disciple of Zhao Hua Temple.

“Of course it’s him….,” sighed a few people, seeing him step forward.

“How could any of you doubt Peak Lord Shen? Of course, he has a plan! Would someone
like him try something as heinous as sabotaging his own disciple in such a manner?”

Yes, I would indeed do such a thing

“We can all clearly see that he cares deeply for Luo Binghe!”

Shen Qingqiu listened in an almost amused reverie, hearing these defenses. Shen Qingqiu
was starting to wonder if he had actually put some spell on Gao Mingyu and forgotten about
it. To be misunderstood in a positive light… it was the first time in his life he had ever
experienced such a thing.
“He’s only doing this because he wants Luo Binghe to learn from this! To have a chance to
spar an Elder Demon- even if Luo Binghe loses, his fame and his cultivation will increase in
leaps and bounds-”

“Disciple Gao, although you admire Peak Lord Shen, this is too much. You are making
baseless assumptions. All of what you said is true only if Luo Binghe manages to survive
such a fight!”

At this point, anything Gao Mingyu said was not to be trusted. The man clearly had some sort
of rose-tinted filter through which he was viewing the Peak Lord. It was best that they heard
the reasoning from the mouth of the accused himself!

Shen Qingqiu grimaced and finally moved forward to speak.

“As Disciple Gao stated, I care deeply about the wellbeing of Luo Binghe….”

Shang Qinghua coughed violently on his tea, earning a stink eye from Shen Qingqiu.

“The honour of the Sect is at stake, how could I dare to put so many people at risk just for the
sake of humiliating and harming one disciple?”

“Surely you don’t think Luo Binghe stands a chance? He would be destroyed in mere
seconds!”, rebutted another cultivator.

Shen Qingqiu swished around fiercely, robes flowing through the air.

“ His master is me- who are all of you to question me? If I say he will win, then he will win!”

His eyes pierced through the audience, face set in resolute determination, waiting for anyone
to dare say anything in rebuttal.
There were no words for a good few seconds.

“Well if Peak Lord Shen says so….”, muttered one man.

“I suppose we’ll have to just wait and see…..”

Shang Qinghua almost clapped outside of his mind.

Truly, an awe-inspiring performance! Shen Qingqiu, what a crafty bastard!

The determination in his eyes- even Shang Qinghua almost believed him. If only he didn’t
know this character so well.

Shen Qingqiu obviously knew that Luo Binghe had very little chance- but by saying he
believed that he did, all he had to do later was shed a few tears later, saying he never saw this
coming, and he should have trained him better and so on. Play the role of a grieving master
that expected too much from his precious disciple!

Besides all of that, there was perhaps a part of Shen Qingqiu that also truly thought Luo
Binghe would win. It wasn’t out of hope, but because Shen Qingqiu knew he had the shittiest
luck in the world.

If he hoped for a sunny day to bask in his garden, not only would there be thunderstorms for
the next month, but the torrents would destroy and uproot his plants.

Not once in his life had Shen Qingqiu gotten what he wanted.

He wanted nothing more than for Luo Binghe to miserably lose and be humiliated but thanks
to his bad luck, it was more likely that a mere junior disciple would win against a centuries-
old elder demon.

Shen Qingqiu gritted his teeth in frustration, glaring at Luo Binghe in the image.

The fight began, and the power difference was clearly visible!

“Peak Lord Shen really thinks he’ll win? What nonsense.”

Despite the words of Shen Qingqiu, many didn’t believe him. They had simply let it go
because there was nothing left to be said- only to wait and see the outcome.

After all, if Shen Qingqiu said that he thought Luo Binghe would win- who would dare to
question him? There were very few people with the authority to challenge him, how could
they assume the intentions of a distinguished Peak Lord?

“He’s just saying that to save his own skin…”

“As if Luo Binghe can win this fight.”

Luo Binghe didn't have an opportunity to make a single move. That Demon Elder had
matchless strength and a swing of his sledgehammer sent out a shockwave that kept
knocking back Luo Binghe.

The audience winced in pity, almost feeling the force of such a blow.

“By the Heavens! Look at those blows! He can’t even get close to the enemy!”

“Just keep dodging, just keep dodging”, muttered a few Qing Jing Peak Disciples.
Ning Yingying was watching through her fingers, and a loud gasp escaped from her every
time Luo Binghe was hit, until she finally turned away, unable to look anymore.

Qi Qingqi sighed, shaking her head. It was too bad- Luo Binghe had potential, but it seemed
he’d meet his end here. She could only hope Shen Qingqiu would intervene before the boy

Liu Mingyan had gotten his good graces in the last match- would Luo Binghe receive the

Even though Luo Binghe persisted in advancing and trying to find a chance to attack,
the sledgehammer continued to land on his body from time to time.

Not only was the Cang Qiong Mountain sect side dumbstruck, but the demon side was
also speechless: This was too tragic……

Someone spoke in a small voice: “Isn’t this a sure loss…… What is there to compete

“He said it. There’s no competition here, it's just a one-sided slaughter.”

Ji Jue spoke up, delivering the opinion of all the Bai Zhan disciples.

Even the normally unsympathetic battle monkeys from Bai Zhan couldn’t help but feel a bit
bad for Luo Binghe. They could at least respect someone that went down fighting for the
honor of his Sect.

Hopefully, Shifu would show up in time to spare his life.

Elder Tian Chui laughed loud and long towards the sky, his voice audible through the
entire area: “You’ve said it right! This little boy had better admit defeat soon and get off
the stage, this old man can still leave you a life.”

Although no one had faith in Luo Binghe, they couldn’t just take such insults.

“This damn demon!

Shen Qingqiu quietly said: “He will win.”

Yue Qingyuan looked at Shen Qingqiu startled.

It was one thing for Shen Qingqiu to say that he believed he would win right now when he
was cornered and everyone was demanding an answer.

And it was another thing for him to say it, unprompted, and not for anyone’s ears except Luo

Did he truly believe Luo Binghe stood a chance?

His voice was neither high nor low. However, it was just enough to carry into the center
stage where the competition was. Luo Binghe had suffered a direct frontal hit and
suppressed a few mouthfuls of blood in his chest. It was clear he had heard those words.

“He heard Peak Lord Shen….”

“What good does that do? Now instead of dying thinking his master despised him, he can die
thinking he disappointed his master.”, snickered a man.

A few others near him couldn’t help but laugh, and the group received dirty looks from those
who noticed.
The Qing Jing disciples looked at their shidi, suffering in the battle, and then looked at their

Shizun…. Was he trying to motivate Luo Binghe? To show him the faith he had in him?

Shizun couldn’t truly be so awful as to send their littlest Shidi to his death right?

Feeling heartened by their unwavering dedication to Shen Qingqiu’s judgment, the disciples
of Qing Jing looked at the fight more favorably, trying to hold the same belief as their
Shizun- Luo Binghe would win!

The demons all laughed loudly and booed. They clamored for him to quickly admit

However, Luo Binghe didn’t accede to their wishes. He was hit several times in
succession but instead calmed down and ignored the jeers.

His footsteps became increasingly lighter. Elder Tian Chui’s giant sledgehammer came
down nine times and nine times was not able to even hit his side. It was as though those
words had created a new sense of conviction in Luo Binghe.

“Is it just me…. Or is Luo Binghe suddenly fighting better?”

Liu Qingge moved closer to the balcony, narrowing his eyes. It was true- Luo Binghe was
somehow fighting better. There was more confidence in his movement, taking lighter, more
measured steps. What was initially the eyes of a boy desperate to survive had changed into
the killer gaze of someone determined to win.

The rest of the audience had also caught onto the improved performance of Luo Binghe and
murmured in confusion.
“Could it be… did Peak Lord Shen’s words suddenly change his mindset? Just like that??”

“All he said was a mere sentence…. Was that really enough to turn the battle around?”

“No way, don’t be ridiculous, it’s clear that the boy had the talent from the start, he was just
biding his time-”

But even as the man said that he realized what it meant.

“This means... Peak Lord Shen truly did know that the boy had the potential to win…”

“So he’s not insane…”

Many curious eyes turned toward Shen Qingqiu, wondering how he felt seeing his prized
disciple live up to his expectations.

But of course, the man’s face was as unreadable as ever!

What Shen Qingqiu was thinking- no one would know except for the man himself.

And perhaps the suspicious side character, watching the fight unfold with keen interest.

Shen Qingqiu…. The original goods must be seething right now

Although he hates the idea of his image being tarnished, he must hate that Luo Binghe
succeeded even more!
Shang Qinghua was spot-on with his analysis, as Shen Qingqiu struggled not to look at Luo
Binghe spitefullly.

That sledgehammer came whistling down once again. Luo Binghe’s pupils shrank. He
circulated power in his palm and it condensed into a technique.

He finally counterattacked, and after half an hour of persistence, the trial ended! An
Elder Tian Chui with several hundred years of cultivation and covered in poisonous
thorns was actually defeated by a fifteen-year-old boy!

The audience erupted into cheers that had been long-held with bated breaths. Ning Yingying,
who had been watching through her fingers grabbed Ming Fan and shook him with joy, while
the boy turned bright red.

He watched Luo Binghe with a mixture of jealousy and admiration. Despite being younger
than him, he was far more talented than Ming Fan- defeating an elder demon. But still he felt
a sense of pride, being able to call himself his Shixiong.

In that moment he swore- when he met Luo Binghe in real life, he wouldn’t bully him and
make sure to guide him like a proper senior.

Random cultivators began patting each other on the back, loudly shouting “I knew he could
do it!”

“I always believed in him! What a magnificent fight he put up!”

“The future of Cang Qiong Mountain Sect is bright, with budding talents like Luo Binghe!”

Some sect members took it as a teaching opportunity for their disciples, while mothers began
to compare their children to Luo Binghe.
“He’s only 15, and he managed to defeat an elder demon! And you? You can’t even master a
basic sword skill?”

“Luo Binghe should be an inspiration for all of you to work harder! How could you ever
hope to compete with this boy at the Immortal Allience Conference?”

While numerous older cultivators lauded the boy, the younger ones gritted their teeth at the
thought of a new contender in the future.

One such young man loudly complained; “Well his Shizun is the Qing Jing Peak Lord…
while mine is-”

“Don’t you dare finish that sentence boy !”

Liu Mingyan and Sha Hualing were now staring at the boy.

The Liu Mingyan of the present was also gaping at Luo Binghe, her eyes wide in both shock
and admiration.

With Liu Qingge as her brother, it was very rare for her to be impressed by any other
cultivator or man. After all, how could she accept someone mediocre, when she had grown
up with someone like the Bai Zhan War God?

Most of the Bai Zhan disciples had tried numerous times to win her attention, from sparring
with Liu Qingge (only to miserably lose), or hunting strange beasts. Not once had she been
the slightest bit moved or impressed.

But Luo Binghe……

Unlike most of the people in the hall, she wasn’t immediately taken in by his good looks. The
entire Liu family was filled with beautiful people, and her own brother was astoundingly
handsome- so she was used to being around such people.

What really moved her was the boy’s character. His bravery, determination, and loyalty. Even
when he thought he was facing a death sentence, he fought valiantly, and even won!

The longer she watched Luo Binghe, the warmer she felt, and a faint blush made its way onto
her cheeks.

Fortunately, the veil she was wearing would conceal everything- but not from her mother,
who smiled slyly seeing her daughter’s interest in Luo Binghe.

And not from Shang Qinghua either, who nodded in approval.

Sha Hualing held back for a long while before finally squeezing out: “The Central
Plains people of the Human Realm have talents as expected, for such a young hero to
come out. Ling-er really admires.”

“Ha ha, she’s furious! I bet she didn’t expect that they would lose!”

The disciples of Cang Qiong snickered, seeing the rage on Sha Hualing’s face.

Now that Luo Binghe had won, the atmosphere had become easygoing yet again. There was
nothing worse that could happen- they had won the challenge and the demons were left with
no choice but to go back in the shame of defeat..

Shen Qingqiu said: “Well said, well said. Since the competition has a result, may Miss
withdraw her family? Forgive Cang Qiong Mountain sect for being unable to receive
guests; as you can see we are quite busy. ”
Sha Hualing was angry but had nowhere to vent. Her fingers twisted in the red veil on
her body and she suddenly exploded. Her hand reached out and suddenly slapped Elder
Tian Chui’s face quickly and viciously.

She angrily shouted: “To lose to such a young disciple under Peak Lord Shen in a fight
and in such an ugly manner, you’ve lost face for all demons!”

Even after being hit, he was submissive and didn’t dare resist. He only dared to say,
unsatisfied: “This one is incompetent, asking the Saintess to punish!”

“Tsk… How pitiful…. That Sha Hualing has a terrible temper”

“Taking out her anger on Elder Tian Chui eh? Typical of the demonkind”

“Although it is quite humiliating isn’t it? To lose to such a young disciple?”, snarked the
Little Palace Mistress, still reveling at Luo Binghe’s victory.

“Elder Tian Chui fighting and losing to Elder Shen is a matter of course. For you to
also lose a trial, you don’t need me to say. You can see to yourself.”

“Ha?? Is she suggesting he attack them??”

Liu Qingge sighed in exasperation, while Shen Qingqiu gritted his teeth, both of them
knowing what was about to come next.

“Those demons… they didn’t expect such a situation at all. They can’t afford to lose face and
return to the demon realm like this. Demons play dirty, our rules mean nothing to them”, spat
out Wei Qingwei.

“Then what was the point of the trials?? If those damned demons were planning to attack
whether they won or lost?”
“They aren’t necessarily going to attack, not when a Peak Lord is present, but they aren’t
going to simply go away quietly. Something bad is about to happen.“, muttered Qi Qingqi.

“As for the trials… it was suggested by the demon side to humiliate Cang Qiong without
having to lose too many men. Peak Lord Shen of course, had no choice to accept for the
safety of the disciples while buying some time.”

“Buy some time? Why-”

“For the War God of Cang Qiong Mountain to appear of course! If Liu Qingge was there the
demons would have already fled!”

Shang Qinghua laughed nervously as he watched people talk about Liu Qingge, eyeing Shen
Qingqiu, who’s eyebrow was beginning to twitch uncontrollably.

Having to hear people praise Liu Qingge in front him and speak of his capabilities….Shang
Qinghua shuddered slightly, thinking of Shen Qingqiu’s internal thoughts.

Shen Qingqiu knew that this situation wasn’t something he could handle on his own, not
without losing a few disciples. But still, acknowledeging that he needed Liu Qingge’s help
put a sour taste in his mouth.

Tian Chui did not dare make a move on Shen Qingqiu.

Shen Qingqiu paid attention to the demons’ every action and emotion. Tian Chui’s eyes
flashing with evil light was not missed, of course. But the demons were really an
unrestrained race.

Suddenly, he raised his sledgehammer and started running! Not towards Shen Qingqiu,
but towards Luo Binghe!
Elder Tian Chui’s build was large and he approached quickly, just like a mountain of
metal flying over. Luo Binghe’s hands were not light and quick; he was slow and his
eyes watched as he was going to be smashed.

There was a resoundant cry of “A-Luo” among the young maidens, much to Ning Yingying’s

“Vile demon! Can’t take on the Master so he goes after the disciple!”

“And after Luo Binghe already defeated him! Honourless demon scum!”

But he heard Shen Qingqiu scoff coldly, suddenly appearing before him, his paper fan
hitting Elder Tian Chui behind the knees. Elder Tian Chui knelt on the spot. He really
knelt! His whole body crashed on the ground, unconscious.

Shen Qingqiu immediately threw it far away and said: “Losing the competition and you
want to kill? My division’s disciple isn’t for you to bully!”

“Well said, Peak Lord Shen! How awe-inspiring!”

The rounds of applause at that cringey line was enough to make even Shang Qinghua
speechless. While Shen Qingqiu was definitely a pretentious sort of guy, he wouldn’t utter
such cliche words.

“It’s over now, isn’t it?”, asked Ning Yingying, hoping she would no longer have to watch
through her fingers.

“It should be… but for some reason I have a bad feeling”, murmured a fellow Qing Jing Peak
Shen Qingqiu turned his head around and glanced at him: “Nothing wrong?”

Luo Binghe slowly said: “This disciple is all right! Many thanks to Shizun for saving

Shen Qingqiu rolled his eyes.

Don’t get used to it brat.

Towards Sha Hualing: “Miss Sha, you should discipline your own followers. If you can’t
afford defeat, then why did you have to set three trials?”

“Because she didn’t expect her followers would lose. What now, demoness?”, snorted Qi

The Elder Tian Chui who was lying dead and unmoving on the ground suddenly
jumped up and rushed towards Luo Binghe again! His arms were wide open, as though
he was tring to embrace Luo Binghe.

“Again?? This demon is so persistent! He doesn’t even have his hammer anymore, is he
planning to crush Luo Binghe to death?”

“No…No…”, muttered Liu Qingge, as he, Shen Qingqiu and Yue Qingyuan arrived at the
same conclusion.

“The armor… the demon said it was laced with poison- Without-A-Cure! A single stab from
that and Luo Binghe could die!”
“Fuck! ” shouted Wei Qingwei, glancing at the Luo Binghe in the image, who was

The Shen Qingqiu in the image looked at Elder Tian Chui, and as though lightning had
struck, he also realized what the demon was planning.

Suddenly, a horrible premonition came to him.

Shen Qingqiu moved over to block again. The Xiu Ya sword exited its scabbard and the
snow-white sword light pierced Elder Tian Chui and gave him a critical injury.

But Tian Chui relied on his brute force and viciousness to move forward, unwilling to
retreat even if a hole was bored through him. Instead, he was overjoyed and charged
forward, letting the Xiu Ya sword pierce out through his back.

“This fucking demon, even a stab from Xiu Ya isn’t enough to slow him down?”, cursed Ji

“Peak Lord Shen, move out of the way!”, some cultivators shouted, as though the image
could hear them.

A grim smile stretched across his face as he changed his direction towards Shen
Qingqiu. Shen Qingqiu promptly made a decision and let go, but it was already too late.
His right hand felt the pain of getting pierced.


A shrill screech exited the mouth of Ming Fan, while Ning Yingying went white with shock,
too stunned for words.

“Peak Lord Shen!”

“Shen Qingqiu!”

Amidst all the shouting, Shen Qingqiu himself had gone still, as though he still didn’t register
what happened. A cold feeling washed over him as he watched his other self be pierced by
the poison coated spikes.

“Calm down, calm down. Whatever the poison is, it can’t be something that would affect a
high level cultivator like Peak Lord Shen too much! The different between Luo Binghe and
Peak Lord Shen is quite high, he won’t succumb too easily!”, shouted Lai Wei, head disciple
of Tian Yi Overlook.

Shang Qinghua had almost fallen off the balcony in shock when Shen Qingqiu took the blow.

What?? Why did the plot keep derailing?

Shang Qinghua had been able to ignore minor deviations before, assuming that perhaps he
didn’t remember the story well enough.

But something like Shen Qingqiu nobley sacrificing himself for Luo Binghe of all people?

What the fuck is this story?

Because Shang Qinghua certainly didn’t write this.

Tian Chui collapsed on the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood.

He laughed crazily: “Shen Qingqiu was made by me into funerary goods, hahahaha.
Worth! Worth it!”
“Funerary goods?”, murmured Ning Yingying.

“Don’t think too much about it Ning-Shizhi. The demon is just trying to taunt him.”,
comforted Mu Qingfang. However, despite his own words, there was a hint of worry in his

“Shizun!” Luo Binghe suddenly caught Shen Qingqiu’s right hand. His eyes were red:
“Shizun, you…… were pierced by the spike?!”

Shen Qingqiu opened his hand and said: “It’s nothing. I didn’t get pierced. Don’t listen
to him exaggerate just to alarm people.” As he spoke, he glanced down.

From the back of his hand to his arm, there were rows of small pinholes! They were
already starting to turn red! Luo Binghe whose face turned completely white after
seeing it.

“A poison that won’t affect Peak Lord Shen?? Then why does his arm look like that?”

One girl turned green, the sight of the poison spreading through the arm sending shivers
down her spine.

As everyone debated on the nature of the poison, Yue Qingyuan approached Shen Qingqiu,
who had been watching wordlessly.

“Qingqiu-Shidi.. I’m sure it’s nothing too serious-”

“Zhangmen-Shixiong, I don’t need your empty words for comfort. It’s clear that this poison
isn’t something normal based on how that demon is laughing.”
As if on cue-

Elder Tian Chui wasn’t depressed anymore and happily said: “This old man never says
things just to alarm people. If I say this poison has no cure then there is no cure. Peak
Lord Shen, peacefully wait for death!”

Sword light flashed. Luo Binghe drew the Xiu Ya sword and held it against Tian Chui’s
neck, his movement so quick and smooth that Shen Qingqiu almost didn’t see it. It was
as though Luo Binghe had become another person.

Angrily, he said: “Impossible! There must be a way, only you’re unwilling to give out
the cure.”

Ning Yingying nodded fervently with Luo Binghe.

“There must be a cure!”

However, the more the demons laughed, the less hope everyone else had.

Sha Hualing suddenly said: “Tian Chui truly didn’t lie to this young gentleman. This
poison is called ‘Without A Cure.’ Towards humans, it truly is without cure. He is
already going to die, how can he be afraid of you using his death to bargain with him?”

“Without-A-Cure….Without-A-Cure….”, mused an alchemist from Huan Hua Palace?

“Have you heard of this poison?”, asked Yue Qingyuan, his thick eyebrows deeply furrowed.
Although Sha Hualing had mentioned it, this poison was not well known among the human

“I have had a few cases of humans that had contracted this poison, and turned to me for
“As have I”, joined in Mu Qingfang.

“And what happened to the humans that were poisoned?”

“.....They all died.”

“....But Qingqiu is a cultivator. Wouldn’t he stand a better chance of battling the effects of the

Before Mu Qingfang could reply, he was distracted by the events unfolding in the viewing

Light flashed in Sha Hualing’s gaze, as she seemed to realize she was in the advantage

Shen Qingqiu still appeared relaxed though, with a small smile on his lips.

“Saying words like these isn’t bad. But Miss Sha, have you forgotten how many years I
have? Does Middle Stage Core Formation still count as mortal?”

“.....Perhaps the poison didn’t really affect Shen-Shixiong??”

Without-A-Cure was a potent poison, deadly to humans, and harmful to lower-level demons.
However, it was also rare in the demon realm, so it wasn’t used very frequently while battling
cultivators. The demon race also didn’t prefer to resort to tricky things like poison, and would
rather kill their enemies with their own hands.

Because of this, the few cases where Mu Qingfang had encountered Without-A-Cure were
mostly from non-cultivators, that had the misfortune of coming into contact with poisoned
objects. Cultivators would know better than to touch or handle such things.

Seeing how Shen Qingqiu looked entirely relaxed made him wonder if the poison really
didn’t affect him.

Many others felt the same way, letting out a nervous laugh as they watched.

“See? How could such a small thing like poison take out the Qing Jing Peak Lord? He looks
fine! All of you overreacted! Sha Hualing was exaggerating!”

“He may look fine…but he isn’t”, muttered Liu Qingge, though no one heard him.

As someone that had faced Shen Qingqiu in battle over a hundred times, he could tell when
Shen Qingiqu was exhausted.

Right now.. Shen Qingqiu… he was acting like he was alright, but Liu Qingge could see his
hand tremble and the weariness lining his eyes.

Shen Qingqiu… he wasn’t going to last much longer.

What the fuck am I still doing in that cave??

Sha Hualing’s expression changed, but then she quickly calmed down and laughed:
“Whether or not you’re mortal, I don’t know. However, I know a way to prove whether
Elder Shen is really poisoned. If someone has been affected by ‘Without A Cure’:
starting from the wound, their spiritual power circulation will be interrupted; slowly it
will spread to the entire body; finally, not only spiritual power but even blood will
stagnate and cause the person to die. I Invite Elder Shen to use his right hand to try a
strong spiritual power attack. You will be able to see the outcome.”

“.....She must be lying. She’s just trying to get under his skin!”
“Peak Lord Shen, blast that demoness with a spiritual power attack! Show her that their petty
demon tricks have no effect on a righteous cultivator!”

However, even as a few seconds passed, there was no signs that Shen Qingqiu was planning
to attack.

“Peak Lord Shen….?”

“His arm, look at his arm!”, cried out one young woman.

The arm that rested behind his back, obscured from the view of the demons, was trembling
slightly. A faint glow pulsed in the palm of his hand briefly, before fading away.

“Shen-Shixiong… he can’t gather enough Qi to create a spiritual attack!”

“Then what Sha Hualing said was true??”

“Then why did Peak Lord Shen act like everything was alright?”

“It appears as though his meridians are blocked… it might just be a temporary effect.”

“Temporary or not, if Sha Hualing realises that he’s powerless….”

“So Shizun needs to pretend that everything is okay?”, asked Ning Yingying, her voice

The Qing Jing disciples felt a wave of respect for their Shizun, seeing him put on a brave face
for the sake of sect.
However all the high spirits formed after Luo Binghe’s win had dissipated away- taken by the
dangerous prospects that awaited.

To the side, ignoring the lamenting of the audience- Shen Qingqiu was shaking silently in

Years of cultivation, decades of grueling dedication and work- gone.

For what?

That little beast, Luo Binghe??

So what if that brat died, so what if he was gone?

Just who was Luo Binghe, for this “ Shen Qingqiu ”, to risk his cultivation for?

He was even more convinced that it wasn’t him now.

And if he had disliked Luo Binghe before… it had now elevated to pure, unadulterated

Luo Binghe heard the description of ‘Without A Cure’ and his lips trembled.

Do you feel guilty brat? Or are you secretly rejoicing that this scum has been damaged so

You must be so happy right?

Shen Qingqiu was almost shaking with rage, unable to reconcile the fact that his cultivation
might be lost.

No one else seemed to blame the brat, and instead felt sympathy seeing the fake concern on
that devil’s face.

Shen Qingqiu saw his expression change and readily touched his head: “No need to

Die, Die, Die, Just Die Luo Binghe!!

Raising his eyes, Shen Qingqiu laughed eccentrically: “It won’t hurt to give it a try. But
this matter can’t be tried without anything in return. Miss Sha, you entered and created
chaos in Qiong Ding Peak and this Shen always kept his forbearance. Now I’ve changed
my mind; you can’t just come and go as you please. How can I let my Cang Qiong
Mountain sect be laughed at by others? Why don’t we compare a few attacks and make
it a life-and-death match; if there are any injuries we have only ourselves to blame.
Whatever happens next, no one will pursue. How is it?

“Shen-Shixiong… is really impressive.”

Shen Qingqiu, was suddenly brought out of his silent seething, shocked to hear such words
from the mouth of his venomous Shi-mei, Qi Qingqi.

Qi Qingqi had never held a good opinion about him, yet now she was praising him?

“Despite having such a grievous injury… Shen-Shixiong doesn’t show weakness, acting as a
reliable figure for all the disciples in times of crisis. For that… you are quite impressive.”
She stopped talking abruptly, as though she had given too much praise than capable for her
strict image.

Slowly, Liu Qingge, Wei Qingwei, and Mu Qingfang murmured in agreement- not sure what
else to say. .

All this time, none of them had believed that Shen Qingqiu was worthy of being the 2nd in
command of Cang Qiong Mountain Sect- thinking he was conniving, selfish and

Yet, here he was- risking his life for the Sect.

After this, who could doubt his loyalty and bravery?

Sha Hualing bit her lips and felt tangled.

“She’s trying to tell if he’s bluffing or not…”

“Hopefully she falls for it!”

Luo Binghe pulled at his sleeve and said in a low voice: “Shizun, this disciple is willing
to receive the attack in your stead.” Shen Qingqiu’s expression didn’t change as he
pulled back his sleeve and said: “Since when is there the reasoning that a disciple should
stand in the stead of the shifu?”

Well said Luo Binghe! Well said! Next time, I’ll be sure to see that you get a direct hit!

Luo Binghe said: “Shizun was injured because of this disciple……” Shen Qingqiu
glared at him: “Since you know this injury is because of you, you should properly
protect your own life!” Luo Binghe’s mouth opened but he couldn’t speak.
His eyes became even redder in sorrow.

What a farce…as if you actually feel hurt.

Even if Luo Binghe had truly felt bad about Shen Qingqiu getting poisoned, that would just
enrage him even more. He’d rather have Luo Binghe’s ire than pity.

Yet seeing Luo Binghe almost choke up in tears over guilty…. The tiniest bit of anger he held
softened ever so slightly. .

In the end, Sha Hualing gritted her teeth: “Then Elder Shen, please forgive Ling-er for
being rude!”

Shen Qingqiu said: “I won’t be merciful.” Sha Hualing’s heart beat rapidly and didn’t
even dare to speak back. A shadow of red flame rose with her snow-white hand,
accompanied by overbearing demonic energy. She attacked! With one foot, Shen
Qingqiu kicked Luo Binghe clear.

Preparation done, he was willing to use his fleshly body to meet this palm!

“He’s doing it! Oh heavens!”

Ning Yingying once again, dove behind Ming Fan, unwilling to watch.


However, Shen Qingqiu had neither been sent flying by this strike of Sha Hualing’s nor
had vomited a burst of blood and died. A palm on his back sent spiritual energy
coursing through Shen Qingqiu.
“What was that-”

Full of killing aura, Cheng Luan exited the scabbard and the Bai Zhan Peak’s lord
dissolved Sha Hualing’s attack without moving a finger.

“Martial Uncle Liu!”

“Martial Uncle Liu exited seclusion!”

“Bai Zhan Peak’s War God has exited seclusion, see if you demons dare to be arrogant


“It’s the War God of Cang Qiong Mountain Sect!”

“Bai Zhan Peak Lord is here!”

A wave of deafening screams and cheers broke through the hall, that had been held in

The Bai Zhan Peak disciples were among the loudest, shouting until their voices went hoarse,
almost ripping their robes off from exhilaration. Liu Mingyan smiled in pride, seeing her big

The young men in the audience had gone wild, with the long awaited appearance of their
Some young maidens clutched their hearts, seeing the strikingly handsome face of Liu
Qingge yet again.

Wei Qingwei lamented in frustration. “All those lovely women… and Liu Qingge is
completely unmoved. Couldn’t they cheer for me instead? Why go after someone as brick-
faces as him?”

Qi Qingqi laughed and clapped his back.

“Chase away a mountain of demons and maybe they’ll flounder around you as well.”

Liu Qingge’s ears had turned slightly red from embarrassment, but this was only noticeable
to his mother. To everyone else, he seemed to be cold, and unaffected by the cheers he

Shen Qingqiu scoffed and rolled his eyes at the raucous crowd.

Really, was Liu Qingge’s appearance such a big thing?

Shen Qingqiu had always compared himself to the other, so seeing such a tumultuous
reaction to the Bai Zhan Peak Lord brought a sense of inferiority.

Hadn’t he also tried his best to handle the situation? Yet as usual, Liu Qingge showed up at
the end to finish the job, and received most of the praise.

He knew he needed the assistance, but that didn’t mean he had to like it.

After Sha Hualing’s attack was mitigated, in addition to a soft scream, the red veils that
originally covered her body broke into pieces.
She used a beautiful posture to tumble and buffer the attack, rolling up with a palm to
the ground. As expected, demons really had a bold and unrestrained demeanor.

Almost her entire body was exposed, but she still wasn’t shy and only viciously pulled
over a subordinate’s cloak. She carelessly said: “Everyone, today was my
miscalculation. There will be time for goodbyes in the future! Let’s go!”

“Shameless, Shameless!”

Automatically, Ming Fan covered Ning Yingying’s eyes and barked at the rest of the disciples
to do the same.

“Trying to run away? Don’t even dream of it!”

Liu Qingge laughed coldly: “Coming and going as you, please. What big face you

Once he reached back and the Cheng Luan sword behind his back flew into the sky,
hundreds upon hundreds of bright tangible sword energies arrayed in the sky. They
rained down like hail and pierced down on the demons.

Sha Hualing had to lead and take care of her subordinates as she ran while at the same
time making the red veil in her hand into a piece of red cloud and launching it into the
sky. However, it completely couldn’t block the spiritual swords and quickly the red veil
was pierced full of holes all over.

Additionally, Cang Qiong Mountain sect’s disciples blocked their way and a good half
of the demons died, were injured, or taken prisoner. They could only closely follow Sha
Hualing’s faithful subordinates, killing a bloody path to escape down the mountain.

The moment Liu Qingge turned up, the tides had been turned in minutes. His mere presence
was enough to win a battle that seemed hopeless, and inspire the rest of the disciples to fight.
Shen Qingqiu was envious, envious beyond words. But what he hated even more was within
that envy, was a deep seated admiration.

Although he expressed nothing but hatred on the surface, behind all the duels and fights,
there was a desire to be acknowledged.

To be acknowledged as a worthy opponent, by someone with a power he admired.

The audience was still screaming in reverie, impressed even more by the display of power he
used to chase the demons away.

Shen Qingqiu cast a bitter smile at Liu Qingge.

“Thanking Liu-Shidi for his timely assistance.”

The words still dripped with contention and sarcasm, but for some reason Liu Qingge didn’t
feel like arguing back.

He nodded briefly, before saying-

“The poison… don’t worry too much. Mu Qingfang will find a solution.”

“Who’s worrying? My cultivation isn’t so low for me to die like a mortal.”

Sensing a somewhat civil atmosphere, Yue Qingyuan hovered between the two of them, like
an anxious mother eager for her two children to get along.
He decided this harmonious mood was ideal for him to join into.

“Liu-Shidi, Qingqiu-Shidi, both of you have done remarkably well in fending of the demons.
It makes me relieved to know Cang Qiong will be safe even without my presence.Thank you
for defending Qiong Ding Peak, and the honour of our Sect.”

“Did you think we weren’t capable-”

“Thank you, Zhangmen-Shixiong”, said Liu Qingge, cutting off Shen Qingqiu’s usual
passive-aggressive response.

However, instead of getting upset, Shen Qingqiu resorted to just a dirty look before turning

Yue Qingyuan would considered this as a win in his books.

Liu Qingge returned his sword to its scabbard, scowling as he turned around and
searched Shen Qingqiu’s hand for the wound with his gaze. Qing Jing Peak disciples
also surrounded them. Tens of faces were all pale and tense.

“How am I?”

Liu Qingge snorted: “You won’t die for now.”

Though he’d carelessly said those words, his left hand sent spiritual power into Shen
Qingqiu’s body without ceasing and his expression turned serious.

He specially clarified: “What I owe you back in the spirit caves, I’ll return to you! Die
proudly! “
“Mingjian! You little bastard! Is it so hard for you to use nice words?”

Liu Qingge’s mother boxed his ear, and hit him on the head.

“Peak Lord Shen saved you from a Qi Deviation and this is how you repay him? Listen, you
owe him for the next 3 lifetimes!”

“Mother! Enough!”

Luo Binghe suddenly said: “Liu-Shishu, this strong poison ‘Without A Cure,’ is it truly
without a cure?”

Liu Qingge glanced at him and hadn’t yet replied when Shen Qingqiu’s knees suddenly
softened and he kneeled down.

Fortunately, Luo Binghe was supporting him.

“Shizun!”, gasped Ning Yingying.

“It’s alright, calm down.”

Fuck… how humiliating. Collapsing like that in front of so many people…

However, Shen Qingqiu really couldn’t stand any longer. He gestured with his hand and
said: “Let me lie down…… let me lie down for a while.”

Luo Binghe had never seen Shen Qingqiu appear so weak. His eyes red, he knelt at Shen
Qingqiu’s side and couldn’t speak.
He could only choke back his misery and call out: “Shizun.” Shen Qingqiu raised an
arm with great difficulty and rubbed his head.

“Since when did Shizun give headpats?”, muttered the 6th Shidi of Qing Jing under his

“Shut up! Shizun is so weak right now and that’s all you can think about?”

“How about you defeat a centuries old demon first??”

Ignoring the bickering of the Qing Jing Peak Disciples, Ming Fan looked closely at Shizun’s
tender gaze towards Luo Binghe, feeling a sense of loss.

Not once had Shizun looked at him like that.

“I knew…… you would definitely win.”

Hearing these words, Luo Binghe’s entire body startled.

“I’m so touched…Peak Lord Shen, any disciple would be blessed to have you as their

Another woman nodded along. “He always had faith in him… and he even took a poisoned
spike for him. Truly, masters like him are a rarity nowadays.”

Shang Qinghua was also greatly moved like the others, like he was watching a tear-jerking
scene in a heart-wrenching drama.
From scum to benevolent master…. He didn’t know what this script change was, but he
couldn’t deny that he was entertained.

Nothing to do but to see where this goes I suppose. Especially since the System has been
offline since this viewing started.

Shen Qingqiu’s eyes slowly closed, as he slumped down in Liu Qingge’s arms. He patted
Luo Binghe’s cheek lightly.

There were tears welling up in Luo Binghe’s eyes as he watched his Shizun lose

“Did-did Peak Lord Shen die??”, squeaked a disciple from a minor sect. Instantly he was met
with hundreds of fierce glares, but the most terrifying was not from Shen Qingqiu, but from
Sect Master Yue Qingyuan!

However, he must have imagined that Sect Master Yue had glared at him because when he
blinked his eyes, he could only see that placid and calm expression Yue Qingyuan always

“Idiot, of course, he’s not dead! He just fainted!”, scolded a senior from the same Sect as

“But he’s been poisoned by Without A Cure! He already has one foot in the grave now!”

A few others nodded in agreement.

“Peak Lord Shen is as good as dead now, how unfortunate….”

There was a slight furrow in Yue Qingyuan’s brows as he heard all the offhanded lines. Ning
Yingying looked at Shen Qingqiu in worry, as did all the other Qing Jing disciples.
“Mu-Shidi…what exactly will Without A Cure do to Qingqiu-Shidi?”

Master Wu Wang sighed deeply and frowned, looking at Mu Qingfang, who was wincing in
pity and replied in his stead.

“As the demoness Sha Hualing said- To be poisoned by Without A Cure…..his meridians will
slowly wither away and drain his life force. His cultivation will be degraded little by little
until he is a mere mortal, wracked in excruciating pain as the poison makes its way to his
heart….Truly… there’s no hope-”

“Now, now wait Master Wang. I have heard of this poison, and there is an old tale that speaks
of a cure…if I could request my disciple Gao Mingyu to look through my scrolls….”

“I have them with me, Grandmaster Wu!”

Gao Mingyu rushed forward, pulling scrolls out of a qiankun bag.

“If I could request you to search for the section on demon poisons-”

“Found it!”

Gao Mingyu excitedly waved the scroll in the air, for everyone to see it.

“Oh… well if you could pass it on to me, I may narrate the tale for all.”

He quickly handed the scroll over to Grandmaster Wu Chen who loudly cleared his throat, as
he glanced through the contents.
The audience eagerly turned their attention to him, especially Shen Qingqiu, who’s
cultivation depended on what they could gather from this folk tale.

With a deep, soothing voice, the old man began to narrate.

“The tale speaks of the story of a maiden from a noble family, in the region of Lin’An. She
was the 7th daughter of the family, born of a maid. Her existence in the household was barely
noticed, often looked down upon as a servant by the rest of her family. Tired of having to live
such a life, the girl sneaked out of her courtyard almost every night.She would wander for
hours at night, dreaming of a miracle that would take her away.

One night, she wandered further than she had ever been before. She walked and walked and
walked, trying to get as far as possible from that household. She walked until the sky changed
from inky black to a light purple, as the first rays of sunlight began to peak over the horizon.
She walked until the land went from bright meadows and green forests to desolate, cracked
sand, the colour of blood.

Lost in her despair, the young maiden had somehow entered into the demon realm, where
unspeakable horrors awaited. The air of the demon realm was a poisonous miasma, the
waters acidic, and the plants poisonous. It was not a place befitting a mere human.

Exhausted from her journey, the maiden collapsed into the sands, desperate for something to
fill her empty stomach.

Right in front of her, was a unique plant that grew only in the demon realm. A red flower, with
luscious blackberries on the inside. Not stopping to think about the consequences, the maiden
desperately grabbed the fruit and stuffed it into her mouth.

Immediately, she was stuck by a soul-wrenching pain, as the fruit she had consumed was the
source of the infamous demon poison “Without A Cure!” ‘

Shen Qingqiu’s eyes narrowed, as he listened even more attentively. Although the story was
mostly fictional, the account of the effects of Without A Cure was likely to be true.
“ Without A Cure was known to be harmless to higher-level demons, and was even harvested
as an elixir to improve their demonic cultivation. The plant was rarely found in the demon
realm itself and was difficult to grow. A human consuming this plant meant that they would
suffer a quick, but painful death and the plant had gone to waste.

However, there was one way to both cure the human and reap the benefits of Without A Cure,
with a hundred times more potency than merely consuming it.

As the young maiden writhed in pain, a young demon prince, descended from the illustrious
heavenly demon bloodline, was in the vicinity.

The heavenly demons were the most powerful race in the demon realm, due to their divine
blood. They ruled over the realm, unchallenged- except by their own.

The demon prince had been searching for the plant for days now, to improve his cultivation,
and defeat his siblings for the throne, only to find that a human had consumed it before him.

The demon prince at first was terribly annoyed with the young maiden before he recalled that
other method of obtaining Without A Cure, and extracting it from the human”

This was it! The revealing moment!

Mu Qingfang had a brush ready to jot down whatever formula was mentioned, while Yue
Qingyuan held the balcony railing with anxiety.

Whatever the cure was, hopefully, it was something that was obtainable, and easy to handle.

Shen Qingqiu himself had a slightly desperate look in his eyes, vowing to himself he would
do whatever it took to repair his cultivation. Whether it was 20 years in seclusion, or eating
the heart of some rare beast.
He gripped his bamboo fan in anticipation, waiting for Grandmaster Wu Chen to continue

However, there were no more words.

Everyone looked at the Grandmaster, to see that he had gone slightly pale, as he read through
the rest of the scroll, before snapping it shut.

He coughed a few times, before saying “I was mistaken… this tale is of no use. It does not
contain any answers-”

“But it mentions the poison, and a method to extract it-” interjected Mu Qingfang.

“It is all false, this story is worthless and perverse, there is no point in continuing-”

“Grandmaster Wu Chen, I think it is best if we make that judgment ourselves… it is my

Shidi’s life at stake here. Please, we must hear the ending of the tale”

Shen Qingqiu himself didn’t say anything, but it was clear that he was expecting an answer.

Grandmaster Wu Chen was turning huffier and huffier by the minute, but in the end, he
finally relented after dozens more requested that they hear about the cure.

“We may continue… but I refuse to read this section. One of my disciples-”

“I’ll do it!”

To no one’s surprise, the person that had volunteered was Gao Mingyu
Grandmaster Wu Chen reluctantly handed over the scroll to Gao Mingyu, as he prepared to

“Ahem… Where were we… ah yes”

“The demon prince recalled another method of obtaining Without A Cure, and extracting it
from the human. He approached the young maiden, and asked her a question. ‘Do you want
to live?’

The young maiden nodded furiously, with tears streaming down her face. As miserable as her
life was, it was still a life filled hopes and dreams. ‘Please…. Help me…. I’ll do anything…’

And so, the demon prince smiled gently, as he told her what needed to be done.

To remove the poison of Without A Cure……. the human m–must d-dual cultivate with a
descendant of the heavenly demon bloodline, as only the extraordinary healing power present
in all their b-body fluids, is capable of absorbing the poison from a human victim- “

There was the sound of glass shattering and wood breaking. Once again Shen Qingqiu’s fan
was smashed into pieces, his face black with rage.

Gao Mingyu stopped narrating, almost covering his face with shame. The hall was entirely
speechless, as no one knew what to say.

Ning Yingying looked at her Shizun, and Sect Master Yue, wondering why they looked so

“Shizun….. What is dual cultivation?”

Outside Huan Hua Palace

“Miss, we are not permitted to let anyone enter the premises of the Sect now-”

“Please! Just this once- let me in?”

A woman dressed in light purple robes embroidered with haitangs was arguing with the
guards in front of an enormous golden gate. It was exquisitely sculpted, with various
gemstones of an immeasurable price embedded within, and an eye-catching pair of dragons
circling around the pillars. Truly, it was the picture of opulence and wealth.

At the top of the gate, engraved in beautiful calligraphy, was “Huan Hua Palace.”

The guards sighed in exasperation, clearly growing frustrated at this persistent woman who
would not take no for an answer.

Trying one more time, the older-looking of the duo spoke with barely concealed ire.

“The Palace Master has given strict orders not to let anyone in or out of the Sect during this
time. If you seek the services of Huan Hua Palace, you’ll have to wait-”

“I’m a cultivator!! The entirety of the Jianghu is present, can’t you just make a small

“No exceptions, unless you have a special invitation. Which Sect do you come from?”

“I- I’m a rogue cultivator-”

“Which family then?”

There was no answer, and the silence stagnated for a few seconds.

The 2 yellow-clothed guards sneered at her, seeing how she couldn’t say anything.

Who was this woman, to come and ask so blasely for entry into one of the greatest sects of
the Jianghu? She couldn’t even say which Sect she came from, or what her family name was,
and she certainly wasn’t a renowned or talented rogue cultivator.

They didn’t say anything, but their contempt was made clear with their eyes- and Qiu
Haitang could tell.

She had thought that after all these years of receiving scorn and condescension, she could no
longer feel shame. If she felt shame, then how could she have possibly made it this far?

Yet embarrassment still burned within her, like the rage that had fueled her all these years.

All because of that damned slave.

An older man, with a wispy beard and squinty eyes arrived, seeing all the commotion.

“Disciple Yan greeting Elder Han!”

“What’s going on here?”

“This woman here insists that she wants to enter the hall, but she has no proper invitation or

“We don't have time to deal with people like that. Drag this bitch out of here. If she comes
back again……”, the man paused and gave her a lingering stare, and licked his lips.

The two guards reached for Qiu Haitang and started to drag her away. She struggled furiously
in their iron-clad grips, but it was to no avail.

She was so close!

It had been almost 14 years- 14 years of suffering, 14 years of wandering, 14 years of spite,
14 years of waiting for a chance.

She couldn’t miss this opportunity. A chance to come to face the entire Jianghu, to tell them
her story, to seek the justice her family deserved- it was right in front of her!

That traitorous slave named Shen Jiu- he had to be alive.

There’s no way a devil like that would die so easily. He needed to be alive, so she could
finally feel at peace- her family’s spirits would be at peace- having enacted righteous
vengeance on him.

“Let go! Please! Let me inside! It’s important-”

“Ah fuck, she won’t stay still or shut up! Stop wailing, unless you want to lose your tongue!”

“You think Huan Hua Palace is a place you can just enter so easily? Who do you think you
“No, who do you think you are?”, said a frigid voice, booming from behind Qiu Haitang.

“How dare you treat a lady like this? Is this how Huan Hua Palace trains its disciples? To
drag a young maiden out and insult her?

“Ha? Who-”

“Peak Lord Zhang! Peak Lord Bai!”, squeaked the old man. He gestured for the two guards
to let go of Qiu Haitang, and she went stumbling forward.

The title “Peak Lord”, was more than enough for them to realize that the two men were from
Cang Qiong Mountain Sect. Instantly, they bowed in respect.

The old man rushed forward to greet them, laughing nervously, and dabbing the sweat from
his greasy forehead.

“Ha ha…. We didn’t think you would arrive so soon-”

“And be witness such despicable behaviour?”, interjected Peak Lord Zhang.

“....Peak Lord Zhang…. This woman… she was being a nuisance- we told her many times
that she cannot enter, but she insisted on staying. Surely, you must understand why we had to
resort to force…”

“That’s right, she couldn’t be reasoned with at all!”, complained one of the guards.

Qiu Haitang collapsed on the ground, shivering and massaging the marks made on her arms
from being dragged away. Bai Qingsheng took a deep long look at this sight, clearly still
disapproving of the actions taken by the guards.
Both of these men were gentlemen to the core.

Bai Qingsheng rubbed his eyebrows, sighing deeply.

“The cause of the issue….is that this maiden does not have an invitation to enter?”

“She’s also not affiliated with any of the Sects present today.”.

“In that case, she may accompany us inside. Is that permitted?”

“Y-yes… but-”


Facing two Peak Lords from Cang Qiong Mountain Sect, what could mere outer disciples

They gave one last glare at Qiu Haitang, before opening the gates and allowing the trio in.

Qiu Haitang bowed in gratitude.

“Thank you for your assistance, Peak Lord Bai, Peak Lord Zhang.”

“It’s our duty. How could we let a young woman be treated in such a way?”

“Not just for that… but for helping me come inside.”

“You looked quite desperate, I assume you have a very important reason for coming here

Peak Lord Bai peered at her, smiling gently.

Qiu Haitang furiously grinned back, unable to believe she was so close to her goal.

“Important? I suppose it is.”

Shen Jiu…. Shen Jiu…..

I hope you haven’t died yet

Because you deserve the fate I have planned for you

With that thought, she stepped through the gates of Huan Hua Palace, into the gathering hall.

Chapter End Notes


YQY: So the cure for Without-A-Cure is.... dual cultivation?"

MQF: With a heavenly demon-

YQY: Dual cultivation? With Xiao Jiu?

MQF: Zhangmen Shixiong, it's not just dual-

YQY: I volunteer.

MQF: .....I give up. Not like we have any heavenly demons around anyway
LBH (In some distant universe): (. ͡❛ ‿‿ ͡❛.)

I hope this update was a nice start to everyone's new year!

Also, side note, how many of you guys are also waiting for Haoyixing this year?
Please drop by the Archive and comment to let the creator know if you enjoyed their work!

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