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Dr. Mohamed El-Dahan OL Biology NSING! eicusiimcemsanenianrannensncccenees BONOONS csncenannccnimmensaascammaprenrraiapemcs Assigned Assistant Mark: /69 Grade: Percentage: 1 Fig. 1.1 shows a spongy mesophyll cell from the leaf of a plant. The arrows show the net direction of movement of carbon dioxide molecules during dayiight. 0.01 mm, Fig. 1.4 (a) The scale bar in Fig. 1.1 represents 0.01 mm. Convert 0.01mm to micrometres. om [1] (b) Table 4.1 shows: + the functions of some of the structures in plant cells ‘+ some of the names of the structures where these functions occur + some of the letters that label these structures in Fig. 1.1 ‘Complete Table 1.1 Table 1.1 function structure letter in Fig. 1.1 nucleus chloroplast aerobic respiration contains cell sap and stores water A 5) (c) Carbon dioxide is a raw material for photosynthesis. (i) State the process by which carbon dioxide travels into the leaf from the air. iO) (i) Describe the pathway taken by a molecule of carbon dioxide, from the air outside a leaf toa spongy mesophyl cell 2) () Low concentrations of carbon dioxide in the air may restrict the rate of photosynthesis in plants ())_ State the term given to something present in the environment in such short supply that it restricts life processes. (1) State one other feature of the environment that may also restrict the rate of photosynthesis. (1) (e) Researchers have devised a process of artificial photosynthesis. They use gold nanoparticles 8 a catalyst to utilise green light to convert carbon dioxide to fuels, such as propane. ‘Suggest the advantages to the environment of using artificial photosynthesis on a large scale 1) [Total: 13] [Turn over ‘Two identical potted plants were used to investigate plant responses. Plant A was placed on a clinostat that continually rotated. Plant B was not rotated. Both plants were then placed on their sides and kept in the dark Fig. 4.1 shows the two plants at the start of the experiment and after seven days. at the start box to exclude ight after seven days plant A plant B Fig. 4.4 (a) State the name of the response shown by the shoot of plant B. 1) (b) Explain the reason for constantly rotating piant A. @ (c) (i) State the name of the plant hormone that causes the response of the shoot of plant B. 1 (ii) Explain how the plant hormone causes the response of plant B. (3) (d)_ Seeds germinate in the soil. The seedlings that grow from seeds show the same response as shown by plant B in Fig. 4.1 Explain the advantages of this response to the survival of seediings and mature piants. sc ieeoltracircsen macare| ES] [Total: 10] [Turn over 3. (a) Tissue plasminogen activators (TPAs) are human proteins that are used as drugs to break down blood clots. ‘PAs break down blood ciots by activating plasminogen. Plasminogen is a protein that is always present in the blood, When activated, plasminogen forms a protease that breaks down fibrin molecules. (Plasminogen is found in the plasma State what is meant by the term plasma m1 State the products of the action of protease on the protein fibrin. m1 PAs can be produced by genetically-engineered bacteria, Fig. 5.1 shows some of the stages involved in genetically engineering a bacterium to make a TPA. O ¢ x DNA removed TPA gene from a human as q “ DNA removed from a bacterial cell oO ; €@ NO CO} (@ ge not to scale Fig. 5.1 {b) (i) State the name of structure A in Fig. 5.1. t (li) In the flow chart, X represents the action of an enzyme on a molecule of DNA. State the name of this enzyme. 11) ‘The TPA gene is inserted into structure A. Explain how the gene is inserted into structure A to form structure B as shown in Fig. 5.1. 8 (iv) Before TPA was made by genetically-engineered bacteria it was only available from blood donated by people. Suggest one advantage of producing TPA by genetically-engineered bacteria. (1) (otal: 8} [Turn over 4 (a) A scientist investigated the effect of temperature on the mass of leaves picked from a tea plant, Camellia sinensis. + Three samples of leaves were picked and the mass of each sample of leaves was recorded, + Each sample of leaves was kept at a different temperature for four hours. * After four hours, the mass of each sample of leaves was measured and recorded again. + The scientist then calculated the final mass as a percentage of the initial mass for each sample, Fig. 3.1 shows the results 100 final mass asa 90: percentage of the initial mass 80: 70: 0 10 20 30 40 temperature at which the leaves were kept/°C Fig. 3.4 (Explain the results shown in Fig. 3.1. (5) (li) State one factor, other than temperature, that would affect the loss of mass from the leaves of a plant. (1) {b) Fig. 3.2 is a photomicrograph of the tissue that transports water and mineral ions in a plant. Fig. 3.2 ())_ State the name of the tissue shown in Fig. 3.2. "1 (ii) Describe how the tissue shown in Fig. 3.2 is adapted for its functions in the plant. 8 [Turn over (c)_ Explain how mineral ions enter a plant, (3) [otal: 13] 5 (a) Some students were studying the activity of yeast. They made a factfile, as shown in Fig. 1.1 Organism: yeast Scientific name: Saccharomyces cerevisiae Structure: single cells Main cell structures: cell wall, cell membrane, vacuole, nucleus, mitochondria, rough endopiasmic reticulum Main energy source: sugars ig 1.4 i) State the process that occurs in mitochondria to provide energy for yeast cells. 1) {b) Yeast cells make the enzyme sucrase. Sucrase catalyses the breakdown of sucrose to glucose and fructose. Enzymes are made of protein. Explain how the shape of a sucrase molecule is related to its function. (2) (©) The students made an extract of sucrase from yeast cells, They investigated the activity of the sucrase extract at different pH values. They determined the rate of reaction at each pH. ‘They then calculated the rate of each reaction as a percentage of the fastest reaction, to give the percentage activity of sucrase, The results ofthis investigation are shown in Fig. 1.2. 100: 90 80 70 60 percentage activity of 50: sucrase 40 30 20 10: 7S f 6 6 F 8 8 1 ‘2 Fig. 1.2 Describe and expiain the effect of pH on the activity of sucrase shown in Fig. 1.2. - (6) Total: 9] [Turn over © (a) Fig. 3.1 shows some apparatus that was used to investigate water loss from a leafy shoot. oil layer burette ——_} water leafy shoot jar. cut end }-—— water balance Fig. 3.4 (State the name of the process by which leafy shoots lose water. 1) (ii) Before the leafy shoot is inserted into the jar shown in Fig. 3.1, it must be recut under water. ‘Suggest why the end of the leafy shoot was cut under water. 1] State the purpose of the oil layer on top of the water in the burette. 11) (iv) Using the information in Fig. 3.1, describe one method that can be used to determine how much water is lost from the leafy shoot. (1) [Turn over {b) The apparatus shown in Fig. 3.1 was used to investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of water loss in a species of plant. The results are shown in Fig. 3.2. 0.60: 0.50: 0.40. rate of water loss from leaves 0.30: Igperm? pers 0.20: 0.10. 0.00. 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 temperature/*C Fig. 3.2 (i) Using the information in Fig. 3.2, calculate how much water would be lost from 1m? of leaves in 12 hours if the plants were kept at 35°C. Include the unit. 8) Using the information in Fig. 3.2, describe and expiain the effect of increasing temperature ‘on the rate of water loss in this species of plant. - (©) The apparatus shown in Fig. 3.1 can also be used to investigate the effects of changing humidity on water joss in piants. ()) Suggest why the mass of water in the apparatus does not change when the leafy shoot is kept at 100% relative humidity. @ (ii) Even at extremely low relative humidities the leafy shoot did not wit. Expiain why the leafy shoot shown in Fig. 3.1 did not wit. 1) The investigation on the effect of temperature was done at a relative humidity of 20%. The investigation was repeated at a relative humidity of 80% and all other conditions were kept the same. Predict how the water loss will differ from the trend shown in Fig. 3.2. Sketch your prediction on Fig. 3.2. (1) [otal: 16] [Turn over

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