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FORC.TA. USE ONLY GRIEVANCE BLANK __ rorarusoouse ony Amalgamated Transit Union - Local 308 11204 8. Western Ave. - Chicsgo tL. 60643 312782-4665 No. . Froodom Through Organization Dae of PresertafontoConsany ite ct Pecrtson onion DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE pate, May 2, 2022 Badge Class action grievance drafted on behalf of phone #: 779-456-6460 Local 308 members by Eric Basir, Local 308. "i it il Kocal 208 mer’ Email; City: _ State:___Zip Code: Employment Date Classification: Terminal: Suspended Sick Oischarged Resigned Oty check One: —X__* starting with the Dato of Occurrence: State briefly ‘and play: What happen When and Where - REMEDY REQUESTED and f applicable, submt copies of ary documents that wal support your case. We, the following members of ATU Local 308 insist that ourselves and all others in the “Apprentice Program” be made whole for the following grievance, regarding the enclosed Attachment “O” in the Collective Bargaining Agreement from on or around March 20, 2022 through April 29, 2022—and going forward. 1. Paragraph S clearly states “Car Servicer Apprentices shall be assigned to clean CTA rail cars at rail stations at the direction of management.” The use of harsh chemicals and cleaning the exterior of rail cars is not part of Attachment “O”. Restrictions on the use of harsh chemicals is also inferred in paragraph 9: “Car Servicer Apprentices may not perform graffiti removal from the exterior of rail cars.” 2. Remedy: The CTA must abide by paragraph 5 and reassign all Rail Car Servicer Apprentices from “Exterior Wash Crew” and/or use of harsh chemicals to rail car cleaning at CTA rail stations with no retaliation or discrimination. Remedy: The CTA must compensate the employees below—and all other Rail Car Servicer Apprentices who were assigned “Exterior Wash Crew” and/or use of harsh chemicals at the Full-Time Permanent Rail Car Servicer rate—until the issue is resolved. NAME, BADGE DATE WORKED TIME Mark Lozano. 65800 4/25 - 4/29 2100-0530, Brandon Rogers 64626 3/20 - 4/29 2100-0530, Signature Y Ll Ah Use other side ifneeded Date May 2, 2022 a aol

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