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Name : Rezky Amelia Riandini Rompis

NPM : 06212211025
Class : IV A



1. Most of these bullies believe that if they push
people around and make them do what you
want them to do, they will get noticed or in
other words become popular.
Function: to express a condition or state.

2. Bully is defined as a blustering, quarrelsome,
overbearing, person who habitually badgers
and intimidates smaller or weaker people.
3. As a result of bullying, people may lose their
ability to love and trust.
Function: to express cause and effect sentences.

4. There are many forms of bullying such as
making threats, spreading rumors.
5. Such as in public speaking or in sports.
Function: to show the result of an event.

6. They may become hesitant to participate in situations where he or she might be ridiculed.
Function: to indicate the location or scene.

Contrast concenssive:
7. Most of these bullies believe that if they push people around.
8. When a person is bullied it is more likely that their personalities will change.
9. Some people may consider mocking someone as funny even though it is anything but funny
to the victim.
10. Another effect of bullying is that it can change the personality of the victim.
Function: to express the contrast between two events that are contrary or not in line with
expectations, but one event occurs despite obstacles or conflicting circumstances.

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