Alhamdulillah Acc 1

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1.1. Background

Literary works are more often in the form of poetry, novels, short stories, dramas

etc. Their development is also followed by the development of language styles, themes

and writing techniques from time to time, which are usually influenced by cultural, political

and economic factors at that time. From time to time, from ancient times to the era of

modernism and the present, the development of literary works has never lagged far

behind other developments. In its development, literature always presents many works

from famous writers who began to appear in every era.

The writers of that era created various literary works ranging from prose, short

stories, poetry to novels. The writing of literary works itself often raises the theme of life

that is often experienced by people in that era. The themes raised are not only centered

on that many are also often used by writers in writing their works. Many great writers are

competing to create great works with various genres and pour their characteristics into

the work to make it more familiar to people about the author's work, not many writers also

want to voice their opinions through the works they write, of course without leaving the

characteristics of literary works that are neatly arranged to become an amazing work at

that time and even today. The era of modernism is one of the eras of literary development

in England that gave birth to many great writers of their time.

Nemesis is a work written by Agatha Cristie and first published in the UK by Collins

Crime Club in November 1971. This novel can be said to be one of the works present in

the Modernism Era at that time.

This novel tells the story of a detective named Miss Marple. Unlike other detectives

that we often read in a story, this detective created by Agatha Cristie is an old woman

who in the story she has a health condition that has declined due to her age, but behind

that she has the ability to think well, Miss Marple gets a letter from her friend to solve a

murder case that she is not even told about who the person she should investigate is.

She then followed a tourist trip that ended in the death of one of the tourists on the tour,

and from there one by one Miss Marple's questions began to be answered, starting from

who the person she would investigate, how the story of the case, even people who knew

the victim and his client. It is told that she must investigate the death of a girl named Verity

Hunt who lives with her mother's best friend because both parents have died. Verity is

related to Michael Rafiel who is the son of J.B Rafiel, an old friend of Miss Marple.

Close to the wedding day Verity disappeared and a few days later she was found

dead in a ditch with a smashed face, the police arrested her lover Michael because he

was previously rumored to be notorious for being depraved, playing with women and other

crimes such as being accused of killing a girl named Nora. Clothilde, who was her

mother's best friend from the beginning, did not agree with their relationship. Miss Marple

with all her ingenuity began to speculate that the real murderer was not Michael Rafiel

but someone close to the girl, she even suspected that the girl found in the ditch was not

the real body of Verity but the body of Nora.

This novel contains a lot of exciting plots and makes readers unable to predict what will

happen next in the story. Miss Marple's character is different from other detective stories.

1.2. Problems of Statement

Based on the brief description of the background above, the author formulates a

problem that will be the main discussion in this writing. The formulation of the problem is

as follows:

1. What are the Characteristics of the Modernism Era Reflected in the novel?

2. What is the Instrinsic Element in the novel?

1.3. Objective of the Research

As for the purpose of the research conducted, the research objectives are as follows:

1. To analyze Characteristic of Moderni Era in the novel.

2. To find out the Instrinsic Elements in the novel.


2.1. The Characteristics of the Modernism Era Reflected in the Novel

Agatha Cristie's Nemesis reflects some of the characteristics that were common

at the time of modernism. In the novel, Agatha Cristie presents characters and

backgrounds that are so complex and describe various internal conflicts that are so deep

that readers can easily recognize how the writing structure at that time.

In addition, the novel also explores themes that are characteristic of the modernist

era, one of which is uncertainty. The characters in the novel often feel alienated from their

surroundings or society which makes them face uncertainty about their own identity. In

addition to the above, the use of non-linear narration and complex story structure, he also

creates puzzles in the story that are confusing and complicated so that readers are not

easily bored, reflecting the influence of the modernism era, especially in the writing style

that was common in literary works at that time.

2.2. The Intrinsic Elements in the novel

Many writers have different opinions about the number and types of intrinsic

elements in literary novels. In general, the most commonly mentioned elements in literary

writing include Plot, Character, Setting, Theme, and Writing Style. But there are also

those who add other elements in each literary work depending on each individual and

different literary genres such as narrative, conflict, language style and others.

1. Plot

The plot in every novel refers to the arrangement of events described in a novel,

in other words, the plot that organizes the storyline of a story in a novel. Agatha Cristie's

Nemesis is full of intrigue and puzzles. The plot follows the character of Miss Marple in

her quest to solve a murder mystery that involves unknown people and a message left by

her old friend Clien.

2. Characters

The characters are complex and filled with various other characters that make the

story more interesting. Miss Marple as a character created by Agatha Cristie who later

became the main character in the novel is a female detective who is described as old but

has a broad mind, wise and amateurish who will lead the reader through her journey of

investigation to solve the problem.

3. Settings

The changing settings in the novel take the reader to various locations, including

London and the Isle of Wright, often taking the reader to small, remote places in England

which then gives a distinctive atmosphere to each novel by Agatha Cristie.

4. Theme

In every novel by Agatha Cristie, many of which are in the Crime genre, including

this Nemesis Novel. The themes used in this novel include justice, karma, and psychology

or human behavior. Agatha Cristie often uses her novels as a platform to explore the

moral and psychological aspects of humans living in that era.

5. Language Style

Agatha Cristie's language style in each of her novels is clear, concise and full of

dialog, which allows her novels to maintain an element of suspense and surprise in each


With the elements combined above, Agatha Cristie manages to create interesting

novels in each of her works that are full of puzzles and interesting storylines, including in

this Nemesis novel.


3.1 Conclusion

Agatha Cristie created novels that reflect some of the characteristics of the modernist

era, one of her novels is "Nemesis" published in 1971. The themes used in the novel

explore themes that are characteristic of the modernist era, one of which is uncertainty.

The characters in the story often feel alienated from society which makes them feel

uncertain about their own identity. Each novel also has instrinsic elements which,

according to each literary genre, have a different number of elements. Elements that are

commonly used in every literary work such as Plot, Character, Setting, Theme, and

Language Style.

3.2 Suggestion

The writer hopes that the journal about this nemesis novel will be more widely

available on official websites so that it is easily accessible to students as reference

material for making assignments or papers, the writer also hopes that this paper can be

accepted by lecturers teaching Modern British English courses.


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