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Detailed Lesson Plan in Technology and Livelihood Education

Industrial Arts- Automotive Servicing

Prepared by: Meshabel Sandayan

I. Objectives:

At the end of the two (2) hours period, the students are expected to:

a. Label the parts of carburetors in automotive servicing works:

b. cite the importance of the carburetors in automotive servicing; and
c. locate the parts of carburetor in automotive servicing.

II. Subject Matter: Automotive Servicing

Topic: Parts of Carburetor
References: Crouse, W.H. Automotive Mechanics. Chapter 7, pp. 70
Materials: Pentel pen, laptop, printed pictures
Skills: Remembering, Understanding
Values Integration: Demonstration, Participation

A. Preliminary Activities
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Let us pray, Bernardo please led the (One student will lead the prayer)
Our Father, holy be thy name, thy
kingdom come, thy will be done, on
earth as it is in heaven, give us today
our daily bread and forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who have sinned
against us. This we ask in Jesus’ name,

“Good morning class!!”

“Good morning, Ma’am”

Classroom Management

“Please arrange your chairs according (Students arrange their chairs)

to your rows and columns.”

“You may now take your seat.” “Thank you, Ma’am!”

Checking of attendance

“As I call your name say “present” Okay maam.

Valdez “Present”
Padilla “Present”
Bernardo ‘Present”

“Very good no one is absent”

Recalling of Classroom Rules

(One students will give the classroom
“Who can recall our agreed classroom rules)
rules?” “Our agreed classroom rules;
Please excuse yourself if you want to go
Cheating is highly prohibited
Raise your right hand if you want to
Treat people with respect”

Okay very good!

B. Review

“Who can recall our previous topic?”

(One students answer the question)

“Our previous topic is about “ Different

types of striking tools in automotive
servicing works”.

(One students answer the question)

What are the different striking tools?
Ball peen, rawhide-faced, plastic tip,
brass, dead blow and rubber.

“Very good class”

C. Motivation

“Okay class, before we proceed.

I have here a short video presentation.
And all you have to do is to write down
of what you observe with the video. (Students will watch the shot video
Okay? presentation)
(Insert video clip)
“Okay ma’am

“What have you observed?”

“It’s all about parts of carburetors”

“Okay very good!

D. Lesson Proper
Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities
“And now, what do you think our topic for
“Our topic for today is about, Parts of
carburetors in automotive works”.

“Very good!
Before we proceed, let us read our
objectives for us to be guided.” (All students read the objectives)
At the end of the two (2) hours
period, the students are expected to:
a. Label the parts of carburetors
in automotive servicing works:
b. cite the importance of the
carburetors in automotive
servicing; and
c. locate the parts of carburetor
in automotive servicing.


“Okay, let us proceed to our activity. Base

on the assigned color paper under your
table, Group yellow will be the group 1
while color blue will be the group 2

“The group 1 will stay at the right side and

group 2 will stay at the left side
Please go to your group now and kindly
form a circle.”
I have here an activity sheet for you to be
You have 10 minutes to do the task.
You will be graded through the given
And choose one representative to present Group 1 YELLOW ACTIVITY
your output in front. SHEET
Instructions: Label the parts of
carburetors by pasting the given
And you will be graded through these word and elaborate the given
criteria. purpose of each parts.
Excell Good Margin
ent 10 8 al Cold start device
5 throttle slide
All the All the Inform slide cutaway
inform informa ation spray nozzle
ation tion are are Needle jet
are comple incomp Jet needle
clearly te. lete. Pilot jet
compl Float
ete Float chamber
and Main jet
All the All Some
memb membe of the
ers are rs are membe
clearly particip rs are
partici ating. not
pating particip
to ating.
group. What is the importance of the
parts of carburetors in automotive
“And class I will give you 10 minutes to do works?
the task, Okay?
You can start now!” Group 2 BLUE ACTIVITY SHEET
Instructions: Label the parts of
carburetors by pasting the given
word and elaborate the given
purpose of each parts.

Cold start device

throttle slide
slide cutaway
spray nozzle
Needle jet
Jet needle
Pilot jet
Float chamber
Main jet

What is the importance of the parts

of carburetors in automotive

(Group 1 students will present their

“Time is up!
Please, present your output in front, will
starts with the group 1, then group 2”.
Instructions: Label the parts of
carburetors by pasting the given
word and elaborate the given
purpose of each parts.

Cold start device use in an internal

combustion engine which supplies starting
liquid such as oil to the air intake system
between a choke valve and a throttle valve of
the engine before cranking of the engine in
order to assist in starting the engine in winter,
by increasing engine compression.
throttle slide - controls how much air is
allowed to flow through the venturi of the
slide cutaway - the carburetor circuit
which controls the air/fuel ratio from one-eighth
to one-quarter throttle opening on slide type
spray nozzle - spray nozzle for use in
carburetors and the like and the primary object is
the provision of a. nozzle Which Will be very
simple in construction, which Will be extremely
efficient and operate to give a very satisfactory
Very good group 1, Next group 2 dispersion and even flow of fuel.
Needle jet/ needle jet- located in
between the main jet and the carburetors
venturi. Fuel comes through the main jet
and into the needle jet.
Pilot jet - controls carburetor fuel/air
mixture between Idle and 1/4 throttle.
Float- The floating needle regulates the
amount of fuel entering the float chamber.
Float chamber- a device for
automatically regulating the supply of a
liquid to a system
Main jet - provides the fuel at 80 percent
to wide-open throttle.

What is the importance of the parts

of carburetors in automotive
works? In general, a car carburetor
is useful for adjusting the amount
of fuel and air mixture that enters
the engine cylinder. Air bleeder is
one of the parts in a carburetor that
is used as a place for mixing fuel
with air so that it can produce a
smooth mist.

(Group 2 students will present their



Instructions: Label the parts of
carburetors by pasting the given
word and elaborate the given
purpose of each parts.
Cold start device use in an internal
combustion engine which supplies starting
liquid such as oil to the air intake system
between a choke valve and a throttle valve of
the engine before cranking of the engine in
order to assist in starting the engine in winter,
by increasing engine compression.
throttle slide - controls how much air is
allowed to flow through the venturi of the
slide cutaway - the carburetor circuit
which controls the air/fuel ratio from one-eighth
to one-quarter throttle opening on slide type
spray nozzle - spray nozzle for use in
carburetors and the like and the primary object is
the provision of a. nozzle Which Will be very
simple in construction, which Will be extremely
efficient and operate to give a very satisfactory
dispersion and even flow of fuel.
Needle jet/ needle jet- located in
between the main jet and the carburetors
venturi. Fuel comes through the main jet
and into the needle jet.
Pilot jet - controls carburetor fuel/air
mixture between Idle and 1/4 throttle.
Float- The floating needle regulates the
amount of fuel entering the float chamber.
Float chamber- a device for
automatically regulating the supply of a
liquid to a system
Main jet - provides the fuel at 80 percent
to wide-open throttle.

What is the importance of the parts

of carburetors in automotive
works? In general, a car carburetor
is useful for adjusting the amount
of fuel and air mixture that enters
the engine cylinder. Air bleeder is
one of the parts in a carburetor that
is used as a place for mixing fuel
with air so that it can produce a
smooth mist.
Very good group, group 2
None ma’am

“Good Job, everyone! Let us give a round

of applause for everyone!” you’ve all got
perfect score

Do you have any clarifications?

E. Application
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Okay, class let us have another activity with the
same group.

Now, you are going to show us and locate the

parts of the carburetor.
The materials that you will used are already
You will be graded through this criterion; Okay, ma’am


T 10 5

Presentation It perfectly Well shows Some of the

of the parts clear and and skillful parts are
of carburetor shows in locating shows poor
parts. ; the in locating
presentation parts
enough in is good.

Neatness The work is The work is The work is

and presented in presented in presented in
explanation. a neat, a neat and an
clear, organized organized
organized that is but may be
that is easy usually easy hard to
to to understand.
understand. understand.

Collaboratio All the All the Some of the

n members members of group
are clearly the group members
are clearly are clearly
participating participating
and helping and ; and still
to build the collaborates encourages
presentation . everyone to
. collaborate

I will give you 10 minutes for preparation.

(Students are preparing)

Time is up!
Let us start with the yellow group then blue

Yellow Group is presenting

Blue Group is presenting

Okay, very good class! Around of applause for

everyone for a job well done! Since you already
familiar the parts of carburetor.

F. Generalization
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
(The teacher will call a random student
to answer the question)

To sum up the lesson,

What are the parts of carburetor? (Random students will answer the

Ma’am we have, throttle slide, cold start

device, slide cutaway, spray nozzle,
needle jet, pilot jet, float, float chamber,
main jet

Okay good!

What is the importance of the different Ma’am, In general, a car carburetor is

types of striking tools? useful for adjusting the amount of fuel
and air mixture that enters the engine
cylinder. Air bleeder is one of the parts
in a carburetor that is used as a place
for mixing fuel with air so that it can
produce a smooth mist.

Okay very good!

Is there any further question?
clarification? None ma’am

G. Evaluation
Teacher’s activity Student’s activity

Get 1/2 sheet of paper and answer the Directions: Choose and write the
following. I will give you 10 minutes to correct answer.

Okay time is up! Please pass all your

paper in front, late papers will not be

H. Assignment
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“For your assignment”

Make a 3-minute video presentation
showing the parts of carburetor. To be
pass on Monday through flash drive.
Okay ma’am

Do you have any questions? None ma’am.

Okay, let’s call it a day please stand. Good Bye ma’am.

Goodbye, Class

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