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Volkswagen Car-Net

Guide & Inform

Service description, Edition 11.2018

Volkswagen Car-Net
Guide & Inform
Print status: 01.11.2018
English: 2018.11
Description of symbols
Refers to a section that contains important information and safety notes that should al-
ways be observed.

NAV Buttons with blue lettering in upper case letters refer to printed Infotainment buttons or
sensor fields that are visible on the Infotainment system.

Indicates the end of a section.

* Indicates services, functions, equipment and devices that will be either added at a later
date, are optionally available or can be used in addition. Furthermore it indicates model- or
country-specific equipment.

The symbol indicates a registered trademark. However, the absence of this symbol does
not constitute a waiver of the rights concerning any term.

→ Symbols like these refer you to warnings within the same section or on a given page. They
→ draw your attention to possible risks of accident or injury and explain how they can be
→ avoided.

→ Cross reference to potential risks of damage to property in the same section or on the page

Texts with this symbol indicate dangerous situations which will lead to fatal or severe injuries if you do not
observe the warning.

Texts with this symbol indicate dangerous situations which could lead to fatal or severe injuries if you do
not observe the warning.

Texts with this symbol indicate dangerous situations which could lead to slight or medium injuries if you do
not observe the warning.

Texts with this symbol indicate situations which could cause vehicle damage if you do not observe the warn-

Texts with this symbol contain additional information on the protection of the environment. Volkswagen AG works continuously to develop and able to inform you about variations in different
further improve all services and functions. Please countries. Subject to alteration and amendment. No
understand that we must therefore reserve the right legal commitment may be inferred from the infor-
Texts with this symbol contain additional information. to alter any part of the scope of delivery and its mation, illustrations or descriptions in this manual.
equipment or technical specifications at any time.
No part of this manual may be reprinted, reproduced
The data in this service description correspond to or translated without the written permission of
the information available at the time of going to Volkswagen AG.
print. Some of the services and functions described
All rights under the laws of copyright are expressly
might not yet be available or may be available only
reserved by Volkswagen AG. Subject to alteration
in certain countries.
and amendment.
The vehicle illustrated on the cover may have certain
Printed in Germany.
items of optional equipment which are only availa-
ble at extra cost, or which are only available in cer- © 2018 Volkswagen AG
tain markets. Your Volkswagen dealership will be
Thank you for choosing Volkswagen
Thank you for choosing a Volkswagen with Car-Net.

Read and observe the information in this manual before using

the Volkswagen Car-Net services. This will allow you to quickly
become familiar with the services and functions and ensure that
you can recognise and avoid potential hazards for yourself and

If you have any further questions about Volkswagen Car-Net or

your vehicle, or you think that this manual has not covered ev-
erything, please get in touch with your Volkswagen dealership or
with Volkswagen customer support in your country. They will al-
ways be happy to deal with your questions, suggestions, praise
or problems.

We hope you enjoy driving your new vehicle. Happy motoring.

Volkswagen AG
Table of Contents
Getting started Index 57
— About this manual 3
— For your safety 4
— Login data 8
— Volkswagen Car-Net 11
— The Car-Net portal 14
— The Volkswagen Car-Net app 16
— 19

Registering, logging in
— Prerequisites 20
— Login and registration page 21
— Registering in the Car-Net portal 22
— Registering in the Car-Net app 25
— Registering in the Infotainment system 27
— Logging in and out 28

Guide & Inform services

— Vehicle Health Report 30
— Time Manager 32
— Parking Position 33
— News (RSS feeds) 34
— My Points of Interest (PPOI) 35
— Weather 36
— Parking Spaces 37
— Satellite maps 37
— Google Earth™ 38
— Google Street View™ 38
— Petrol stations 39
— Online Gracenote 40
— Online Map Update 41
— Online Route Calculation 41
— Online POI search (voice control) 42
— Online POI Search (text) 43
— Online Traffic Information 44
— Online Destination and Route Import 46
— Hybrid Radio 49
— Internet radio 49
— 3D City Maps 49
Managing user accounts
— Changing user and login data 50
— Vehicle administration 51
— Data and contract 53

— Accessing Help on the Internet 55
— Restoring the factory settings of the
Infotainment system 55

List of abbreviations 56

2 Table of Contents
Getting started If your vehicle can also use the “e-Remote” or “Se-
curity & Service” portfolio in addition to Guide & In-
form services, please also observe the corresponding
About this manual service descriptions.

Expected level of knowledge
This manual applies to all vehicles from the Volks- We recommend that you acquire the following
wagen Passenger Cars brand with Guide & Inform knowledge and skills if you don’t already have them:
services in Europe and Japan. It is valid until a new
edition is published, but at the latest until the end of — Basic computer skills and familiarity with the op-
July 2019, depending on what comes first. erating system installed on your computer.
— Basic knowledge of how to use mobile devices
This manual also contains descriptions of services
and apps.
and functions that will be introduced at a later time
or are country-specific. — Familiarity with the content of the relevant litera-
Compatibility Please contact your Volkswagen dealership if you
Guide & Inform services and functions undergo con- have any questions about this.
tinuous development and details are improved,
modified and fine-tuned. Therefore, if you are using
a vehicle that was manufactured prior to May 2017,
some services and functions listed in this service de-
scription may not be available or may work differ-
ently in some cases.

Illustrations help with orientation and should be re-
garded as a general guide.
The descriptions for the Car-Net app are valid for iOS
and Android, unless otherwise specified. If only an
iOS screen is shown, the Android screen will have a
similar layout.

Information status
This manual will be updated from time to time.
Please always use the latest version. You will find
this on the Car-Net portal in the Help section
→ page 55. In addition, keep your Car-Net app up-
to-the-minute using the updates.

Valid documents
Observe the following documents and information:
— Owner's manual for your vehicle.
— Infotainment system manual.
— This service description.
— Terms of use at
— Operating manual for computer that you are us-
ing to access the Car-Net portal.
— Operating manual for the mobile device on which
you install the Car-Net app.

About this manual 3

For your safety bile devices, please also observe the informa-
tion on handling and creation of a secure pass-
word for accessing the Car-Net portal.
Safety notes
Before running the Guide & Inform services, please The following conditions can make it impossible to
read and observe the following safety notes so that make an emergency call, make a telephone call,
you are aware of dangers to yourself and others and run a service or transfer data:
of how these dangers can be avoided:
· If your current location is in an area with no or
WARNING insufficient mobile communications and GPS re-
ception. This can also include tunnels, streets
Using and running Guide & Inform services while with tall buildings, garages, underpasses, moun-
driving can distract you from what is happening on tains and valleys.
the road. Accidents and injuries can occur if the
driver is distracted. · If you are in an area with sufficient mobile com-
munications and GPS reception but the tele-
· Always drive carefully and responsibly. communications provider's mobile network is
out of order or is not available.
· If the components in the vehicle required for
Always take care when running the Guide & Inform emergency calls, telephone calls, running serv-
services. Failing to do so could lead to accidents ices or data transfers are damaged, not working
and serious injuries. or do not have sufficient electrical power.

· If the rechargeable battery in the mobile device
is flat or has insufficient charge level.
Driving when the fuel level is low can lead to the
vehicle coming to a standstill in traffic, potentially WARNING
causing accidents and serious injuries. In some countries and mobile networks, a help call
· Always drive with a sufficient fuel level. or emergency call can only be made via the mobile
device if the SIM card is “unlocked” and has suffi-
· Refill the tank in good time.
cient credit.
The information displayed on the Infotainment
Ensure that your speed and driving style are al-
system, on the Car-Net portal and on the mobile
ways appropriate for the current visibility, weather
device may distract you from actions required for
and road/traffic conditions.
safe driving. This can cause breakdowns in traffic,
accidents and serious injuries.
· Always drive carefully and responsibly.
Displayed traffic information and navigation rec-
· React to displayed information according to the ommendations for the suggested walking or driv-
situation. ing route may not be compatible with the current
· Observe text messages and lit up warning and walking or traffic situations.
indicator lamps in the vehicle.
· Road signs, signalling systems, traffic regula-
tions and local circumstances should be priori-
WARNING tised over navigation recommendations for the
Using computers and mobile devices in public or walking or driving routes recommended on the
non-secured LAN and Wi-Fi networks can lead to a Car-Net portal, in the Infotainment system and
loss of control over your Volkswagen Car-Net serv- on the mobile device.
ices. · Certain circumstances can make the originally
· In addition to the usual precautionary measures planned driving time and route to the destina-
to be taken when using the Internet, you should tion considerably longer or make navigation
protect your computer and mobile device with there impossible, e.g. due a road being closed.
suitable anti-virus software and regularly up-
date its signatures.
· In addition to the generally recognised rules and
information on the use of computers and mo-

4 Getting started
WARNING · Your mobile device must always be switched off
in areas where special regulations apply and when
Set the volume on the Infotainment system so that the use of mobile devices is forbidden.
noises outside the vehicle (e.g. emergency service
sirens) can be easily heard at all times.
· Setting the volume too high may damage your
Notes on use
hearing. This is the case even if you are only ex-
posed to high volumes for short periods.
— Please read through this service description care-
WARNING fully.
When refuelling the tank, always switch off the — Always use the latest edition of the respective
mobile device or any other wireless equipment. service description for each individual Volkswagen
Electromagnetic radiation can generate sparks Car-Net service portfolio.
which can in turn start a fire. — Always use the latest version of the Volkswagen
Car-Net app and keep the app up-to-date by the
WARNING updates provided.
Mobile devices and other objects that are placed — The login data you specify protect your user ac-
loose or incorrectly in the vehicle or are not prop- count from unauthorised access. Therefore please
erly secured could be flung though the interior and ensure that you always keep the user account de-
cause injuries during a sudden driving or braking tails up-to-date. Update your email address on
manoeuvre, or in the event of an accident. the Car-Net portal as soon as this changes. Please
observe that the changes to the password and the
· Always stow your mobile devices and other ob-
email address will be valid for both Volkswagen
jects safely in the vehicle.
WARNING — To prevent misuse, do not disclose your login da-
ta, your password or registration code to others
Failing to observe the information in the manuals and ensure that they cannot be accessed or
for the vehicle can lead to the vehicle coming to a viewed by others. Change the password at regular
standstill in traffic, potentially causing accidents intervals.
and serious injuries.
— To avoid creating incorrect timestamps, for exam-
· Before you perform activities on the vehicle for ple in the Vehicle Health Report, the date and
the services and functions described here, al- time in the vehicle and on the computer or mobile
ways read and observe the corresponding infor- device should be set correctly.
mation and safety notes in the manuals for your
vehicle. — You can transfer usage rights for Car-Net services
to other people once you complete registration
NOTICE → page 53.
— You are responsible for transferring usage rights
Failure to observe illuminated warning and indicator
and adding secondary users to your user account.
lamps and text messages in the vehicle can lead to
your vehicle being damaged. — Some of the Volkswagen Car-Net services provi-
ded by Volkswagen AG can contain links to web-
· Check the status of the warning and indicator
sites that belong to third parties. Volkswagen AG
lamps multiple times during each journey, and
does not assume ownership of the third-party
check whether there are any text notifications.
websites that are reached via links and is not re-
Only carry out these checks in situations where
sponsible for their content.
you will not be distracted from what is happening
on the road. — Some Volkswagen Car-Net services contain exter-
nal information that originates from third parties,
· Respond to the notifications by taking appropri-
e.g. maps. Volkswagen AG is not responsible for
ate measures.
external information being correct, up-to-date
and complete, or for any infringement of third-
NOTICE party rights.
The radiation produced by the mobile device when — Please read and observe the operating manual for
switched on may interfere with sensitive technical the computer and mobile device that you are us-
and medical equipment, possibly resulting in mal- ing to run the services.
function or damage to the equipment.

For your safety 5

— Protect your computer and your mobile device data transmission from the Volkswagen Car-Net app
from misuse, theft, damage and loss. to the Infotainment system. The following can be al-
— Protect both the access to your router via the op- ternatively used for data transmission:
erating system with a secure password and also — Suitable mobile phone interface and mobile de-
your network at home against unauthorised ac- vice with remote SIM Access Profile (rSAP).
cess with the appropriate settings in the router.
— Or: a SIM card for data transmission via the facto-
Always keep your router's operating system up to
ry-fitted SIM card reader with telephone and data
date and change your password on a regular ba-
— Or: a suitable CarStick* (functions only in combi-
nation with Discover Media).

In the case of compatible iOS devices, the data

Legal requirements connection can only be set up via a Wi-Fi hot-
Some Car-Net services require vehicle data to deter-
mine whether the vehicle is moving within currently Technical prerequisites
set speed thresholds, where the vehicle is parked The following requirements need to be met before
and whether it is moving inside or outside geo- you can use the services correctly and to their full
graphically defined areas. This information is dis- extent:
played on the Car-Net portal and in the Car-Net app.
— The “Car-Net” equipment must be ordered with
Ask all users of your vehicle (drivers and passengers) your vehicle and have been installed at the facto-
whether they consent to the activated service. If an ry.
occupant does not give their consent, deactivate the
service (if possible) or exclude the user from using — Your vehicle needs to be factory-equipped with a
the vehicle. If you fail to do so, you will be infringing Car-Net-capable Infotainment system to run the
the user’s personal rights. services.
— Neither the entire service package nor individual
Identification services may be deactivated or decommissioned.
— External information from third-party providers
(e.g. map views) needs to be available, correct, up
to date and complete.
— Your location and that of your vehicle allow relia-
ble mobile communications and GPS reception.
— You and your vehicle are within the area covered
by the services.
— Vehicle, computer, mobile device and service pro-
vider technology must be functioning fully and
Fig. 1 Tracking.
— The 12-volt vehicle battery must be sufficiently
In vehicles with Car-Net services which transmit da- charged.
ta regarding the vehicle’s current position and Once you have created the user account or added a
speed, a tracking symbol (→ Fig. 1) may be located vehicle, you will have to drive a few kilometres in
either physically on the roof console or digitally on your assigned vehicle before individual services can
the screen of the Infotainment system. start to generate and send correct data or notifica-
tions (e.g. “Vehicle Health Report”).
Even if this symbol → Fig. 1 (e.g. in older vehicles) is
not present, it is still possible that the control unit Since the scope and running of the services
transmits the current vehicle position and speed. has continuously been expanded, it cannot be
ensured that future services are compatible with
your vehicle, computer or mobile device.
Requirements for using the services Organisational requirements
— A valid contract for use of the services exists be-
Using services via the Volkswagen Car-Net app
tween you and Volkswagen.
You require a mobile device (e.g. smartphone) that is
capable of functioning as a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot for

6 Getting started
— You are located in a country where services are
offered and available from the factory.

Influencing factors
The function and running speed of all services es-
sentially depend on the available bandwidth of your
Internet connection and the hardware used.
Even if a certain bandwidth is theoretically available,
the following factors can contribute to reduced up-
load and download speeds:
— Areas with insufficient mobile and GPS reception.
— Maintenance, repairs, software updates and tech-
nical changes to your service provider’s telecom-
munication networks and databases or those of
third parties.
— Areas with sufficient mobile communications and
GPS reception where the telecommunications
provider's mobile network is out of order or is not
— Change in the mobile telecommunications stand-
ard for transmission of mobile data by the tele-
communications providers, e.g. from UMTS to
— An existing mobile telecommunications standard
has been shut down by the telecommunications
— Impairment or interruption to mobile and GPS re-
ception, for instance due to high speeds, weather,
landscape, tunnels, garages, car parks, underpass-
es, interfering devices or intensive use of the mo-
bile network in the relevant radio cells.

Data option
Running services via the Volkswagen Car-Net app
will use the data volume of a possible data option. If
you have a contract without data flatrate, for exam-
ple, the transfer rate will be significantly reduced
when you exceed the data volume allowance guar-
anteed by your contract. This can lead to delays in
running services or make it impossible to run the

For your safety 7

Login data — Change your password at regular intervals.
— Use a secure password with at least eight charac-
ters. Secure passwords contain the following ele-
Introduction to the topic ments:

You may also need to complete a so-called — At least one upper-case letter.
“Captcha” security check. This checks whether the — At least one lower-case letter.
data input was performed by people or machines. — At least one special character.
You have to enter the digits from the image into the
adjacent text field. — At least one number.

Forgotten password
If you have forgotten your password, you can create
The login data related to Volkswagen Car-Net in- a new one on the Car-Net portal.
clude in particular the email address, password,
user name, S-PIN and Volkswagen ID. 1. Click Forgotten password? in the login window.
2. Enter the email address with which you are reg-
· Protect your login data from misuse and access
istered in the input window.
by third parties.
3. Click Send.
— You will receive an email with a link for verifi-
Password cation that is valid for 24 hours.
4. Check your emails.
Please refer to and on page 4 and at the — The email may also have arrived in the spam
start of the chapter on page 8. or junk mail folders.

Creating a password 5. Click the link in the email.

The password protects your user account from un- 6. Follow the instructions and create a new pass-
authorised access. word.

Observe the following points to protect your user — The old password is no longer valid.
account from misuse:
Forgotten email address
— Do not keep your password in public places. Register again with a new email address.

8 Getting started
Proof of identity (Volkswagen Ident)
Please refer to and on page 4 and at the start of the chapter on page 8.

Fig. 2 User account: selecting Volkswagen Ident process.

3. Find a quiet location with sufficient mobile net-

1 Function button if the proof of identity is to
work coverage.
take place immediately via the Car-Net app on
your mobile device. 4. Select the identification option in the Car-Net
2 Function button if proof of identity is to take app under “Vehicle properties”.
place later at the Volkswagen dealership. 5. Start the video chat.
Volkswagen Ident as proof of identity is necessary to — A customer support agent will then guide you
run security-relevant* services. “Lock & Unlock” can- through the verification process.
not be performed without proof of identity, for ex-
6. After completing the Volkswagen Ident process,
log into the Car-Net portal again so that all data
Proof of identity can be provided in two ways: are updated.
— Personally, at your Volkswagen dealership. Costs may be incurred due to data exchange
— Via video chat together with identity documents during the video chat. The extent of these
in the Volkswagen Car-Net app. costs depends on tariffs and contracts that you con-
Links with information on carrying out the Volkswa- cluded with third-party providers (telephone or mo-
gen Ident process may be available in the user ac- bile phone providers).
count under Settings User account Personal details.
Volkswagen Ident process at the Volkswagen deal-
Volkswagen Ident process via the Car-Net app ership
The menu option “Vehicle properties” is displayed in 1. Visit a Volkswagen dealership.
the Car-Net app only if your vehicle supports securi- 2. Ask this Volkswagen dealership to carry out ver-
ty-relevant functions. ification on the Group Retail portal (service
1. Have a machine-readable identity document portlet).
ready (driving licence, ID card or passport). 3. State your email address for identification.
2. Download the latest version of the Car-Net app
to your mobile device free of charge from the
App Store or the Google Play Store.

Login data 9
4. Present an identity document (driving licence, 5. After completing the Volkswagen Ident process,
ID card or passport). This should be machine- log into the Car-Net portal again so that all data
readable if possible. are updated.

10 Getting started
Volkswagen Car-Net An internet connection connects the vehicle to the
computer or mobile device.
The Car-Net service portfolio includes:
Introduction to the topic — e-Remote.

Various Car-Net service portfolios that provide you — Guide & Inform
with additional functions for your vehicle are com- — Security & Service
bined under Volkswagen Car-Net. These services can — App-Connect.
be performed on a computer at home, for example,
or on a mobile device (smartphone, tablet) while you
are out and about.

Overview of Guide & Inform services

Depending on vehicle model and market, the num-
ber of available services may differ from this list. Not
all services are available in every vehicle.

Guide & Inform services Function

page 30, Vehicle Health Report Provides information about the current status of the vehicle
and lists any active warning messages and due service
page 32, Time Manager Displays commuter routes (only via the Car-Net app).
page 33, Parking Position Displays parking position of your vehicle (only via the Car-Net
page 34, News (RSS feeds) Select news stations and import them from the Car-Net por-
page 35, My Points of Interest (PPOI) Imports your points of interest before the start of your jour-
ney and manages these.
page 36, Weather Informs you about the weather conditions at your current lo-
cation, at your destination and in other predefined locations.
page 37, Parking Spaces Provides information about free parking spaces/car parks in
your area including prices, opening times and distance away.
page 37, Satellite maps Permits orientation and provides additional information
through realistic satellite images or satellite maps.
page 38, Google Earth™ Permits orientation and provides additional information
through realistic satellite images (only for existing vehicles).
page 38, Google Street View™ Enables you to take a virtual tour of many locations through-
out the world.
page 39, Petrol stations Search for petrol stations (only in the Infotainment system).
page 40, Online Gracenote Provides information about the music you are currently lis-
tening to.
page 41, Online Map Update Updates navigation data via the Infotainment system
page 41, Online Route Calculation Use routes created on a mobile device or computer in your
page 42, Online POI search (voice control) Displays points of interest in the area as requested by you via
voice command.
page 43, Online POI Search (text) Displays points of interest in the area as requested by you via
text input.
page 44, Online Traffic Information Provides up-to-the-minute information on traffic conditions.
page 46, Online Destination and Route Im- Sends individual points of interest (POIs) for navigation to the
port Infotainment system before the start of the journey.
All Guide & Inform services are subject to the terms of use in their current version – see

Volkswagen Car-Net 11
Guide & Inform services Function
page 49, Hybrid Radio Listen to your local favourite station everywhere by automat-
ic switching to the online stream.
page 49, Internet radio Listen to a large number of national and international radio
stations and podcasts and discover new ones.
page 49, 3D City Maps Three-dimensional (3D) views of selected cities.
All Guide & Inform services are subject to the terms of use in their current version – see

Function Symbol, meaning

Grey globe + Wi-Fi: “Guide & Inform” is not
In order to communicate with the server, vehicles available with established connectivity,
with the Volkswagen Car-Net portfolio Guide & In- tracking services1) are inactive.
form require a mobile device that is connected with Grey globe, white key: private mode is ac-
the Infotainment system. In this service description, tive. All purchased Volkswagen Car-Net
a “mobile device” refers to a mobile telephone, service packages have been deactivated by
smartphone or tablet with a data option and the op- the user.
tion to connect to the internet and install apps. In White globe, white key + LTE: personalised
order to transfer data, you need a mobile device that private mode is active. A Volkswagen Car-
has the capability to work as a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot. Net service package has been deactivated
Alternatively, with the Business mobile phone inter- by the user, tracking services1) are inactive.
face 1), you can use a mobile device with remote SIM White globe, white vehicle + LTE: “Guide &
Access Profile (rSAP) or a SIM card2) with telephone Inform” and/or “Security & Service” are
and data option or a suitable CarStick3) for data available, tracking services1) are active.
transfer. In the case of compatible iOS devices, the Grey globe, white vehicle: “Guide & Inform”
data connection can only be set up via a Wi-Fi hot- is not available or not activated, tracking
spot. services1) are active.
1) Relates to the following services: area notification, speed notifica-

tion, parking position, online theft warning system.

Car-Net status display

A symbol on the screen of your Infotainment system Overview of symbols
shows you the current status of your Car-Net serv-
ices. The symbol is located in the upper status bar. This overview shows the meaning of general sym-
bols that may be used on the Volkswagen Car-Net
The symbols may be marked with Wi-Fi, 2G, 3G or LTE,
portal and also in the Volkswagen Car-Net app in
for example, and indicate the connectivity type.
some cases.
The current Volkswagen Car-Net status is displayed
on the Infotainment screen as follows: General symbols, meaning

Symbol, meaning Change or edit editable data fields.

White globe + Wi-Fi: “Guide & Inform” is Drop-down list for selection of entries or
available. values.
Grey globe: “Guide & Inform” and/or “Se- Close view, pop-up window, tab or website.
curity & Service” are not available or not ac-
tivated, tracking services1) are inactive. Delete data, values, settings or entries.
1)Relates to the following services: area notification, speed notifica-
tion, parking position, online theft warning system. Checkbox. Entry is not activated.

1) Formerly Premium. Designation was changed in week 22/2015.

2) Data transfer via the factory-fitted SIM card reader.
3) Works only in conjunction with Discover Media.

12 Getting started
General symbols, meaning Furthermore additional costs may be incurred when
you run services (roaming fees).
Checkbox. Entry is selected or activated.
Any extension of your Car-Net contract is also usual-
ly subject to a fee.
Slider for (continuous) adjustment of values.

Slider for (continuous) adjustment of values.

Create new setting, enlarge view or increase
Reduce view or decrease value.

Mark individual service tiles as favourites.

Service tile is marked as favourite.

Refresh view.
Browse back in a website or go back to pre-
vious view or website.
Browse forward in a website.

Go back to previous view or website.

Jump to top of website.

Displays additional information.

Log out.

Opens a help page on the respective topic.

Download a file.

Not all services are available in all countries. There-
fore check which services will be available before
driving aboard.
Security-relevant services can be run only if you
have previously provided proof of identity → page 9,
Proof of identity (Volkswagen Ident).

It is possible that individual services are avail-

able in countries even though this is not inten-
ded. In these cases, there is no claim to the provision
of services from Volkswagen AG.

Exchanging data between the vehicle and computer
or vehicle and mobile device via the Internet can in-
cur costs. The extent of these costs depends on tar-
iffs and contracts that you concluded with third-par-
ty providers (telephone or mobile phone providers).

Volkswagen Car-Net 13
The Car-Net portal Requirements for using the Car-Net
Introduction to the topic
— You have a computer with operating system and
The Car-Net portal allows you to access the majority browser.
of the services described in this manual from your — A functioning Internet connection is available so
computer. You need an Internet connection and a that data can be transferred.
browser to do this. A few of the services are only
— You have successfully created a user account and
available via the Car-Net app.
assigned your vehicle.

Start page of Car-Net portal

Fig. 3 Example illustration of the start page in the Car-Net portal.

1 Navigation bar. If a Car-Net contract for one of your vehicles has ex-
Vehicle status at the time of the last data trans- pired, a pop-up window will appear reminding you
fer (e.g. name of vehicle, total mileage, electric to extend the contract. You can also access the ad-
range, number of passengers or secondary ministration of your contracts from here by clicking
users). the Renew contract function button.
3 Selection bar with various content (depending In addition, a pop-up window will appear offering
on services available). you a short introductory tour of Car-Net.
4 More details on the individual services.
The available content varies according to vehi-
5 Overview of available services.
cle type. Please observe the requirements for
Once you have logged in and selected the desired using the Car-Net portal → page 14.
vehicle (if you have several vehicles), you will see the
Car-Net portal start page.

14 Getting started
Managing notifications
Read or delete notifications
1. Click Notifications in the navigation bar.
2. Select vehicle.
3. Select the service for which you want to receive
— The table shows current information and no-
tifications if available.
4. To display further notifications, click More notifica-

The 20 most recent notifications are dis-

played. After clicking More notifications, older noti-
fications are also displayed.

Set notification channels

1. In the navigation bar, click Settings Notification set-
2. Select vehicle.
3. Activate the checkbox of the corresponding
service to automatically receive notifications.
4. Click Save.

The Car-Net portal 15

The Volkswagen Car-Net app In order to also use the Volkswagen Car-Net
app optimally on the road, Volkswagen recom-
mends concluding a separate mobile contract with
What is the purpose of the data option.
Volkswagen Car-Net app?
The Volkswagen Car-Net app enables you to run the Preparing usage of Car-Net app
majority of the services described in this manual us-
ing a mobile device (e.g. smartphone or tablet).
What you need to do
Some services are only available via the Car-Net por-
tal. You need to make the following preparations in or-
der to run services via a mobile device:
You will need an internet connection for this among
other things. 1. Check whether your mobile device is compatible
Several minutes may elapse between sending a
command via the Car-Net app and the correspond- 2. Register on the Car-Net portal → page 22.
ing feedback. 3. Install the Car-Net app → page 16.

The Volkswagen Car-Net app will be replaced

by the Volkswagen We Connect app during
the course of 2019. Installing Car-Net app
Operating system
Requirements for using the The Car-Net app is available for mobile devices with
the following operating systems:
Volkswagen Car-Net app
— iOS.
— You own a compatible mobile device. You can Download via Apple App Store
check the compatibility at
car-net. — Android.

— The Volkswagen Car-Net app has been installed Download via Google Play Store
on your mobile device. Sufficient free memory
space is available.
Please observe the operating manual for your mobile
— A functioning Internet connection is available so
device. You will find out there how to install, unin-
that data can be transferred.
stall and completely close apps.

16 Getting started
Start page of Car-Net app

Fig. 4 Left: start page; right: overview of services.

1 Press the function button to access the over- To reach the start page, you must log in using your
view of services (right-hand view). login details from the Car-Net portal and select the
2 Change vehicle. desired vehicle (you can optionally select multiple
Your current location on the map. vehicles).
4 “Time Manager”: access route information and Instead of the function buttons for the “Air condi-
generate route guidance. tioning”, “Window heating” and “Charge battery”
5 Displays your current location on the map using services, the “Auxiliary heater” function button is
GPS. available for vehicles with a combustion engine.
6 Sends the destination currently displayed on the
map to the vehicle. Symbol Explanation
7 Overview of vehicle status (doors open or Vehicle locked.
closed, lights on or off, fuel level, charge level of
high-voltage battery), see table below for ex- Central locking open.
planation of symbols.
8 Overview of available services (additional serv- Activate “Horn & Turn Signals”.
ices are shown when you swipe from bottom to
top). Activate “Turn Signals”.
After installing the Car-Net app on your mobile de-
vice, you will see the start page as described below.

The Volkswagen Car-Net app 17

Settings in the Car-Net app
You can make the following settings in the Settings
— Set map view.
— Set units for temperature, distance and consump-
— Delete search history for destinations.

Opening the Settings menu

1. Launch the Car-Net app and log in.
2. Swipe upwards on the screen to see more func-
3. Select desired vehicle.
4. Touch Settings.
5. Adjust settings.

Performing update
If a new version of the Car-Net app is available, you
can download it from the download portal for your
operating system (iOS: Apple App Store; Android:
Google Play Store) and install it.

Please observe the operating manual for your

mobile device.

Differences between iOS and

In the Car-Net pp, the submenus and settings op-
tions are virtually identical for iOS and Android mo-
bile devices. For this reason, only one example of a
user interface is depicted for each service (either iOS
or Android).

18 Getting started
The central location for Volkswagen Car-Net is the
After you enter the URL in the internet browser, the
corresponding website opens. This is always divided
into several areas:
— An area with the navigation bar.
— An area where apps are made available for down-
— Areas with information relating to Volkswagen
— Areas with Volkswagen Car-Net-specific informa-

Fig. 5 Extract from the website: navigation bar.

1 Link for accessing further Car-Net information.

2 Link to the overview of all Volkswagen Car-Net
services and portfolios.
3 Link for opening the login and registration page
→ page 21.
4 Function button for browsing forward or back in
an area.
5 Link for opening the help page → page 55.

Registering, logging in — Ensure that the 12-volt vehicle battery is charged.
— Ensure that there is good mobile and GPS recep-
tion at the vehicle location.
Prerequisites — Keep the following hardware and data ready; they
are required to create the user account and add
You must register in order to be able to use Volks- the vehicle:
wagen Car-Net services. — Registration on the portal: a computer with in-
If you are already registered with a digital service ternet browser.
from Volkswagen such as “”, you can Or registration in the app: a mobile device with
log in to Car-Net with this login data without having installed Car-Net app.
to register again.
Or registration in the Infotainment system: in-
Select one of the three possible registration meth- ternet connection via CarStick* or paired mo-
ods: bile device.
— page 22, Registering in the Car-Net portal
— A good Internet connection.
— page 25, Registering in the Car-Net app
— Your email address (this is also your user name)
— page 27, Registering in the Infotainment system
— A password that you have created and that ful-
By registering, you generate a Volkswagen ID fils the password criteria → page 8, Password.
with which you can log on to Car-Net and oth- — The vehicle identification number (VIN) of the
er Volkswagen systems. vehicle to be added.

Preparations — An alias for your vehicle (if desired).

Carry out the following steps to prepare for registra- You may be requested to provide proof of
tion: identity during the registration process
— Make sure that the technical and organisational → page 9, Proof of identity (Volkswagen Ident). The
prerequisites are met → page 6, Requirements for proof of identity is required if security-relevant serv-
using the services. ices are to be performed in the vehicle.

— Ensure that the vehicle being registered is not

driven during the whole registration process.

20 Registering, logging in
Login and registration page

Fig. 6 Excerpt from the login and registration page.

1 Links to Car-Net information. 4 Function button for logging into user account.
2 Link for setting or changing the country or lan- 5 Function button for accessing Help page
guage. → page 55, Help.
3 Function button for accessing registration 6 Function button for opening the login and regis-
→ page 22, Registering in the Car-Net portal. tration page.

Login and registration page 21

Registering in the Car-Net 3. Log in on the computer and open the internet
portal 4. Enter the following URL in the address line of
your Internet browser:
Introduction to the topic car-net.
5. Click Log in on the navigation bar → page 19.
If possible, follow the registration process (phase 1 At this point you may be asked to select your
to phase 4) described below to create your user ac- language the first time you visit the Car-Net
count on the Car-Net portal and thus become ac- website. Select the desired language. If you log
count owner in one step and without interruption. in again later, this language selection is no lon-
1. Check whether registration is necessary ger necessary.
→ page 20. 6. Click Register (→ page 21, Login and registration
2. Ensure that the criteria for using the services page) to create a new user account.
are fulfilled → page 6.

Phase 1: registration process

Please refer to and on page 4.

Fig. 7 Website for creating the user account.

Fill in at least all mandatory fields (marked with *): 7 Link to the site notice.
Input field for your email address. 8 Link to legal texts.
Input field for your password. 9 Text field for creating a password.
3 Function button for showing or hiding the en- Follow the instructions on the website when com-
tered password. pleting the input fields.
4 Link to the current privacy policy. — Fill in all relevant input fields.
5 Drop-down list for country selection. — Select the correct entry from the drop-down me-
6 Function button for continuing registration nus.
(phase 2).

22 Registering, logging in
— After completing the inputs on the website, click You must then log in with the user data that you en-
on the corresponding function button to contin- tered previously.
ue, e.g. Next, Activate or Register.

Interrupting input
If you interrupt the registration, e.g. after creating
the user account, you can continue at a later time.

Phase 2: adding vehicle — You have concluded a binding contract for

the use of Volkswagen Car-Net services with
the vehicle whose vehicle identification num-
Please refer to and on page 4. ber you entered during the registration proc-
ess. Please observe the message on the
Once you have created your user account, you need
to add the vehicle you are assigning. Have the 17-
character vehicle identification number (VIN) ready You will receive an order confirmation email
for the vehicle you want to add. via the email address you specified for your
user account. It contains the acceptance of
1. Open the Car-Net portal and log in if necessary.
your offer by Volkswagen AG and the con-
2. Click Add vehicle. tract with Volkswagen AG covering Volkswa-
3. Transfer the vehicle identification number (VIN) gen Car-Net services will come into force. A
to the input field. In some cases, the first three web page opens showing a system-gener-
letters will already be displayed. ated registration code to verify the data you
have entered.
— The counter indicates how many characters
from the vehicle identification number have
already been entered.
4. Confirm the entries. Phase 4: activating Car-Net
— The vehicle has been added and in the next
phase you need to make a binding order for Please refer to and on page 4.
Car-Net services.
Once you complete the third phase of registration,
you will then have to verify the data you have en-
tered. Depending on your vehicle model, you may be
Phase 3: ordering Car-Net asked to provide the exact mileage of your vehicle or
to enter the automatically generated registration
code into the factory-installed Infotainment system
Please refer to and on page 4.
of the vehicle being assigned.
Once you have added your vehicle, you need to com- The registration code is valid for 14 days. After this
plete the order process to assign the Volkswagen period has elapsed, you will need to request a new
Car-Net services to your vehicle. registration code on the website.
1. Observe the information on the website and 1. Note the registration code.
scroll downwards.
— If necessary, you can print out the registra-
2. Open the terms of use by clicking the Terms and tion code together with instructions or check
Conditions link and read them carefully. whether the vehicle has been correctly as-
— If you do not agree to the terms of use, you signed.
will not be able to continue the order process 2. Take the registration code and vehicle key to
and the registration. It will then not be possi- the vehicle whose vehicle identification number
ble to use the services. has been registered in the Car-Net portal.
3. 3. Unlock the vehicle.
Click to agree to the terms of use.
4. Switch on the ignition and leave it switched on
— until activation is completed.
appears, the entry is activated.
5. Switch on the Infotainment system.
4. Click Conclude Car-Net contract .

Registering in the Car-Net portal 23

6. Press the Menu button or function button on
the Infotainment system.
7. Select Settings.
8. Touch Car-Net (online services).
9. Touch Registration.
— A number keypad is normally displayed so
you can enter the registration code. If the nu-
merical keypad is not displayed on the screen
despite the mobile device being paired, then
your mobile device currently does not sup-
port the required data connection type, e.g.
rSAP. Cancel the process and follow the in-
structions in your Infotainment system man-
ual to establish a data connection. Set up a
hotspot if necessary.
10. If the registration code has not already been en-
tered by the control unit, enter the registration
11. Touch Save or OK.
— The registration code will be transferred from
the Infotainment system via your paired mo-
bile device to the processing server.
12. Wait until the login is confirmed on the Info-
tainment system. This can take several minutes.
13. Switch off the Infotainment system and igni-
14. Lock the vehicle.
15. On the computer in step 4, click the Refresh page
button to check whether the vehicle has been
assigned correctly.
— The vehicle is normally assigned immediately.
Depending on how reliable the mobile tele-
phone and GPS reception are and on the
quality of the signals between the vehicle,
server and computer, assignment of the vehi-
cle may be delayed and occur later on.
16. Click Confirm.
If you want to assign more than one vehicle, repeat
the registration for each other vehicle from phase 1.

24 Registering, logging in
Registering in the Car-Net app Interrupting input
If you interrupt the registration process, e.g. after
creating the user account, you can continue at a lat-
Introduction to the topic er time.
You must then log in with the user data that you en-
If possible, follow the registration process (phase 1
tered previously.
to phase 4) described below to create your user ac-
count on the Car-Net portal and thus become ac-
count owner in one step and without interruption.
Phase 2: adding vehicle
Carrying out registration while the vehicle is in Please refer to and on page 4 and at the
motion can distract you from the road. Accidents start of the chapter on page 25.
and injuries can occur if the driver is distracted.
Once you have created your user account, you need
· Always drive carefully and responsibly.
to add the vehicle you are assigning. Have the 17-
· Never carry out registration for the Volkswagen character vehicle identification number (VIN) ready
Car-Net app when driving. for the vehicle you want to add.
1. Check whether registration is necessary 1. Launch the Car-Net app if necessary and touch
→ page 20. Login.
2. Ensure that the criteria for using the services 2. Touch Add vehicle.
are fulfilled → page 6. 3. Transfer the vehicle identification number (VIN)
3. Start the mobile device. to the input field. In some cases, the first three
4. Install the Volkswagen Car-Net app on your mo- letters will already be displayed.
bile device or update if necessary. — The counter indicates how many characters
5. Launch the Volkswagen Car-Net app after com- from the vehicle identification number have
pleting installation or the update. already been entered.
6. Touch Login + Add account Register (→ page 21, 4. Touch Check VIN.
Login and registration page) to create a new 5. Compare the entered VIN and confirm your in-
user account. put.
— The vehicle has been added and in the next
phase you need to make a binding order for
Car-Net services.
Phase 1: registration process
In the event of a change of vehicle owner, you
Please refer to and on page 4 and at the will be asked to confirm the transfer of per-
start of the chapter on page 25. manent use to another owner.

Follow the instructions in the app when completing

the input fields.
— Fill in all relevant input fields. Phase 3: ordering Car-Net
— Mandatory fields are marked with *. Please refer to and on page 4 and at the
— Select the correct entry from the drop-down me- start of the chapter on page 25.
— After completing the inputs in the app, click on Once you have added your vehicle, you need to com-
the corresponding button to continue, e.g. Next, Ac- plete the order process to assign the Volkswagen
tivate or Register. Car-Net services to your vehicle.
1. Confirm the order of the displayed service pack-
During the registration process, an email with ages.
a confirmation link will be sent to the email
address that you have entered. The confirmation link 2. Observe the information on the website and
is time-limited. The email may also have arrived in scroll downwards if necessary.
the spam or junk mail folders. 3. Open the terms of use by clicking the Terms and
Conditions link and read them carefully.

Registering in the Car-Net app 25

4. 7. Select Settings.
Click the function to agree to the terms of
8. Touch Car-Net (online services).
9. Touch Registration.

appears, the entry is activated. — A number keypad is normally displayed so
5. Click Finish. you can enter the registration code. If the nu-
merical keypad is not displayed on the screen
— If you do not agree to the terms of use, you despite the mobile device being paired, then
will not be able to continue the order process your mobile device currently does not sup-
and the registration. It will then not be possi- port the required data connection type, e.g.
ble to use the services. rSAP. Abort the process and follow the in-
You have concluded a binding contract for structions in your Infotainment system man-
the use of Volkswagen Car-Net services with ual to establish a data connection. Set up a
the vehicle whose vehicle identification num- hotspot if necessary.
ber you entered during the registration proc- If the numerical keypad is not displayed on
ess. Please observe the message on the the screen despite the mobile device being
screen. paired, then your mobile device currently
You will receive an order confirmation email does not support the required data connec-
via the email address you specified for your tion type, e.g. rSAP. Abort the process and
user account. It contains the acceptance of follow the instructions in your Infotainment
your offer by Volkswagen AG and the con- system manual to establish a data connec-
tract with Volkswagen AG covering Volkswa- tion. Set up a hotspot if necessary.
gen Car-Net services will come into force. A 10. If the registration code has not already been en-
web page opens showing a system-gener- tered by the control unit, enter the registration
ated registration code to verify the data you code.
have entered.
11. Touch Save or OK.
— The registration code will be transferred from
the Infotainment system via your paired mo-
Phase 4: activating Car-Net bile device to the processing server.
12. Wait until the login is confirmed on the Info-
Please refer to and on page 4 and at the tainment system. This can take several minutes.
start of the chapter on page 25. 13. Switch off the Infotainment system and igni-
Once you complete the third phase of registration,
you will then have to verify the data you have en- 14. Lock the vehicle.
tered. Depending on your vehicle model, you may be 15. On the computer in step 4, click on the Update
asked to provide the exact mileage (km) of your ve- page button to check whether the vehicle has
hicle or to enter the automatically generated regis- been assigned correctly.
tration code into the factory-installed Infotainment
— The vehicle is normally assigned immediately.
system of the vehicle being assigned.
Depending on how reliable the mobile tele-
The registration code is valid for 14 days. After this phone and GPS reception are and on the
period has elapsed, you will need to request a new quality of the signals between the vehicle,
registration code on the website. server and computer, assignment of the vehi-
1. Make a note of the registration code or print it cle may be delayed and occur later on.
out with instructions if necessary. 16. Click Confirm.
2. Take the registration code and vehicle key to If you want to assign more than one vehicle, repeat
the vehicle whose vehicle identification number the registration for each other vehicle from phase 1.
has been registered in the Car-Net portal.
3. Unlock the vehicle.
4. Switch on the ignition and leave it switched on
until activation is completed.
5. Switch on the Infotainment system.
6. Press the Menu button or function button on
the Infotainment system

26 Registering, logging in
Registering in the 7. During the registration process, an email with a
confirmation link will be sent to the email ad-
Infotainment system dress that you have entered. The confirmation
link is time-limited. Click on the link in the email
to complete registration.
Introduction to the topic
— The email may also have arrived in the spam
The Infotainment system must be online during the or junk mail folders.
registration process. You can find the details in your 8. Complete the relevant input fields and follow
Infotainment system manual. any instructions displayed.
To create your user account in the Infotainment sys- 9. Select the correct entry from the drop-down
tem and thus become the account owner, you menus.
should ideally follow the registration process descri- 10. After completing the inputs, click on the corre-
bed below in one step and without interruption. sponding function button to continue, e.g. Next,
Activate or Register.
If you do not agree with the terms of use or
Carrying out registration while the vehicle is in
do not make entries in the mandatory fields,
motion can distract you from the road. Accidents
you will not be able to continue and complete regis-
and injuries can occur if the driver is distracted.
· Always drive carefully and responsibly.
· Never carry out registration in the Infotainment
system when driving.

1. Check whether registration is necessary

→ page 20.
2. Ensure that the criteria for using the services
are fulfilled → page 6.

Carrying out registration

Please refer to and on page 4 and at the
start of the chapter on page 27.

1. Unlock the vehicle and switch on the ignition.

2. Switch on the Infotainment system.
3. Touch Car-Net on the Infotainment system.
— The online configuration wizard will be star-
4. Establish internet connection via CarStick*, Wi-
Fi or SIM card.
— The internet connection must not be inter-
rupted for the duration of registration.
5. If you do not yet have a user account: touch Reg-
If you already have a user account: touch Activate.
6. Enter user data and email address to create the
user account.
— You can view legal information by touching
the function button (terms of use, privacy
policy, terms and conditions and legal notice).

Registering in the Infotainment system 27

Logging in and out Logging into and out of the Car-Net
Logging into and out of the Car-Net
portal You must be registered in order to log into the Car-
Net app.
You need to be registered in order to log into the If you are registered, keep your login data ready.
Car-Net portal.
By registering, you generate a Volkswagen ID
If you are registered, keep your login data ready. with which you can log on to Car-Net and oth-
er Volkswagen systems. If you are already registered
By registering, you generate a Volkswagen ID
with a digital service from Volkswagen such as “Mei-
with which you can log on to Car-Net and oth-”, you can log in to Car-Net with this login
er Volkswagen systems. If you are already registered
data without having to register again.
with a digital service from Volkswagen such as “Mei-”, you can log in to Car-Net with this login Logging in
data without having to register again.
1. Start the Car-Net app.
Logging in 2. Touch Login.
1. Log in on the computer and open the internet 3. Touch Add account.
4. Enter your valid login data and touch Log in.
2. Enter the following URL in the address line of
5. Select vehicle.
your Internet browser:
car-net. If you enter your password incorrectly three
3. Click Log in on the navigation bar → page 19. times in succession, your user account will be
temporarily locked for security reasons.
— The web page for login and registration
opens. Logging out
4. Click Log in → page 21. Always log out when you do not want to make any
further entries. This protects your user account
5. Enter your valid login data and click Log in. against misuse.
— The page for your vehicle opens immediately. 1. Touch the symbol for the current vehicle.
If you have registered several vehicles, you
will be taken to the vehicle last used on the 2. Touch Log out.
Car-Net portal. 3. Close the Car-Net app.
4. Exit the Car-Net app completely so that it does
Logging out
not remain active in the background.
Always log out when you do not want to make any
further entries. This protects your user account — Please refer to the operating manual for your
against misuse. mobile device about this.

You will be logged out automatically for security

reasons if you do not make any entries for several
You can also log yourself out at any time:
— Click Log out in the navigation bar on the left-hand
side on the screen.
— You will be logged out and taken to the Car-
Net portal start page.

28 Registering, logging in
Guide & Inform services

Logging in and out 29

Vehicle Health Report Deleting vehicle health reports
1. Click Archive.
Introduction to the topic 2. Mark the corresponding vehicle health report

and click .
Vehicle health reports are managed on the Car-Net
portal. You can request a report manually there. If
your vehicle supports this function, you can also
configure automatic report generation. This allows
you to set specific periods or distance intervals for
Requesting a vehicle health report
which you want a report to be created. You can re- in the Car-Net app
quest the vehicle health report manually using the
current version of the Car-Net app. Please refer to and on page 4.
If your vehicle supports this function, old vehicle
1. Launch the Car-Net app and log in.
health reports are automatically stored in an archive
on the Car-Net portal. This gives you access to up to 2. Select vehicle if several vehicles are registered.
150 vehicle health reports from the last 24 months. 3. Touch the function button or swipe from left-
Older reports are automatically deleted from the ar- hand edge of the screen to the right into the
chive. If you still need these reports, download them image.
in good time as a PDF file.
4. Swipe upwards on the screen to see more func-
The vehicle equipment determines whether tions if necessary.
the vehicle can archive the reports. For vehi- 5. Touch Vehicle properties Request vehicle health report.
cles that do not have the archiving function, a vehi-
6. Touch Request to confirm or Cancel to exit this
cle health report is automatically sent to the Car-Net
portal each time the engine is switched off. The ar-
chive function will still be available in existing that — The vehicle health report can be accessed on
were produced before this feature was introduced. the Car-Net portal as soon as there is an in-
ternet connection to the vehicle.

Managing vehicle health reports

What can cause problems
Please refer to and on page 4.
Please refer to and on page 4.
Manually requesting vehicle health report
1. Open the Car-Net portal and log in. The following factors can mean that it is not possi-
ble to run the “Vehicle Health Report” service, or
2. Select vehicle in the navigation bar. that the service functions incorrectly:
3. In the overview of services, select Vehicle Health Re-
— The requirements have not been fulfilled
port Request report.
→ page 6, Requirements for using the services.
— The vehicle health report is generated and — The vehicle has not yet driven 300 kilometres
will be available after your next login. since registration.
Viewing and downloading vehicle health reports — It can take a few minutes after the ignition is
switched off before the current vehicle data are
1. In the overview of services, click Vehicle Health Re-
available in the Car-Net portal.
port More or Display report.
— The date and time are incorrect in the vehicle
— The latest vehicle health report is displayed and/or on the computer. This means that the
including the results. wrong timestamps are generated in the vehicle
2. Select Archive to view automatically generated health report. You should therefore check the
vehicle health reports and set how often and at time and date settings before requesting the ve-
what times you want to receive these. hicle health report and correct them if necessary.
Click next to a vehicle health report to
download the vehicle health report.

30 Guide & Inform services

Vehicle Health Report 31
Time Manager — Set “Home” address.

The appointments in the calendar need to

Introduction to the topic contain an address for driving routes to their
The “Time Manager” service informs you when you The route is calculated starting from the vehicle’s
should set out in order to make appointments and last recorded parking position. If you select an ap-
reach preferred addresses on time. The service uses pointment from the list, the driving route and the
information from the following sources for this pur- estimated driving time according to the current traf-
pose: fic situation is displayed. The “Time Manager” serv-
— Device calendar. ice is only available in the Car-Net app.
— Set “Work” address.

Displaying and setting Time Manager

Please refer to and on page 4.

Fig. 8 Left: start page; right: central user interface of Time Manager.

1 Function button opens user interface. 5 Provides information on appointments. Route

Generate route guidance from your current lo- guidance can be displayed for any upcoming ap-
cation to the vehicle. pointments.
Jump to a map view where you can set your 6 Adds appointments from a previously selected
home address. calendar.
Jump to a map view where you can set your 7 Return to start page.
work address. By defining addresses (home, work, appointment)
and appointment times, you can generate route

32 Guide & Inform services

guidance between individual appointments and for- an appointment in time, the system will notify you
ward this to the vehicle. If it is not possible to reach of this.

Parking Position Displaying the parking position in

the Car-Net app
Introduction to the topic
Please refer to and on page 4.
After you have parked your vehicle and removed the
key from the ignition lock (or switched the ignition This symbol shows the parking position of
off for keyless functions), your current parking posi- the selected vehicle.
tion is calculated using GPS coordinates and stored
automatically on the service server.
This parking position can be viewed using the “Park-
ing Position” service. In addition to the parking posi-
tion of your vehicle, you can also display your cur-
rent location on the map and access the route de-
scription to your vehicle.

If the position of your vehicle changes without

the ignition being switched on (e.g. if it is
towed away), the new parking position cannot be

Displaying the parking position in

the Car-Net portal
Please refer to and on page 4.

Displaying parking position

1. Open the Car-Net portal and log in.
2. Click My Vehicles in the navigation bar.
— An overview of all vehicles for which you are
registered is displayed.
3. Select vehicle in the navigation bar.
4. Select the Parking position screen area via All services
in the navigation bar.
5. To view details, click More at the top right of the
— The parking position of the selected vehicle is
indicated by the symbol.
— You can also have a route to your vehicle cal-
culated here.
As a starting point, either enter an address,
mark a point on the map or use your current
location by clicking on the blue function button.

To move the map section, press and hold the left
mouse button and move the mouse or press and
hold the CTRL key and move the mouse wheel.

Parking Position 33
News (RSS feeds) RSS feed will be available to you on your next jour-

Introduction to the topic Deleting from the vehicle

You can delete an RSS feed if it is no longer required
The “News” service enables you to manage RSS in the vehicle.
feeds in the Car-Net portal and display them in your 1. Touch the “Remove” symbol.
Infotainment system. RSS feeds are information
channels from news or newspaper agencies, for ex- 2. Confirm the confirmation query.
ample, which are used to transmit current reports The RSS feed is no longer available in the vehicle but
and articles. remains in the list of saved RSS feeds on the Car-Net
Once an RSS feed has been set up, updates (new in-
formation) are automatically sent to the Infotain- Deleting from the Car-Net portal
ment system, where you can view them and access
With the exception of the preset AFP news feed,
further information if needed.
subscribed RSS feeds can be deleted from the list of
The preset RSS feeds and those you set up RSS feeds stored in the Car-Net portal.
yourself may contain links to websites that are 1. Click the RSS feed you want to delete.
operated by third parties. Volkswagen AG is not re-
sponsible for the content of these websites. 2. Click the function button.
3. Confirm the confirmation query with Delete.
You can subscribe to a maximum of ten RSS feeds
per vehicle. If you have more than one vehicle, the
feeds you subscribe to will not automatically be- Accessing RSS feeds in the vehicle.
come available in all vehicles.
Please refer to and on page 4.

Once you have subscribed to an RSS feed, you will

Subscribing to RSS feeds be able to access it in the vehicle.
1. Switch on the Infotainment system.
Please refer to and on page 4.
2. Press the Menu button on the Infotainment sys-
Adding tem.
1. Open the Car-Net portal and log in → page 28. 3. Touch Car-Net and News.
2. In the overview of services, select News. 4. Select news from the subject area of your
Access the overview by selecting Manage RSS feeds or
More. If you do not have a SIM card installed in your
You can subscribe to new news feeds by selecting vehicle, you will need to connect to the Inter-
Add RSS feeds. net via your smartphone.

The feed “AFP news” is subscribed to as

standard. This feed cannot be deleted.

1. Find the URL of your chosen RSS feed online,
copy and enter it in the input line (starting with
“http://” or “https://”).
2. To add the RSS feed to the list of RSS feeds
stored in the Car-Net portal, click Next.
3. The RSS feed found is displayed. To subscribe to
the RSS feed and transfer it to the Infotainment
system, click Save.
You are now subscribed to the RSS feed and it has
been added to the list of feeds for the vehicle. The

34 Guide & Inform services

My Points of Interest (PPOI) — .gpx
— .kml/.kmz
Introduction to the topic
This service enables you to import your existing POIs Creating personal POI lists in the
into the vehicle's Infotainment system before start-
ing your journey.
Car-Net portal
POIs always contain geocoordinates, categories, Please refer to and on page 4.
names and addresses. POIs can also include addi-
tional information, e.g. images, opening times, tele- Creating a new personal POI list
phone numbers and email addresses. This additional
information cannot be displayed on Discover Media. 1. Open the Car-Net portal and log in → page 28.
2. Select vehicle.
The number of personal points of interest (PPOIs)
that can be imported into the vehicle is limited. A 3. In the overview of services, click My points of inter-
maximum of 50 POI lists can be managed and stored est Manage lists or More.
on the Car-Net portal. 4. Click Add new list.
Even if you have assigned several vehicles to 5. Click Select file.
your user account, you need to import the 6. Select a file with a POI list and confirm.
points of interest individually for each vehicle. It is
7. Enter new list name.
currently not possible to import existing points of
interest for all assigned vehicles at once. 8. Select image for the list or click Upload own image to
use an image saved on your computer.
In some cases, not all of the points of interest
9. Click Save & send to confirm that you want to cre-
that you have imported will be displayed in
ate the list.
the vehicle.
Instructions on creating POI lists can be found
You cannot send points of interest from the
in the Help section. To access this, click Help.
Infotainment system to the Car-Net portal or
mobile device. Only the following file formats are possible for
the preview pictures: .gif, .jpg, .png and .bmp.
The respective picture size is limited.
What is a POI? When you save a POI list, it is automatically
forwarded to your vehicle, where you can ac-
Please refer to and on page 4. cess it via the Infotainment system provided you
have an active Internet connection.
A POI (point of interest) is a generic term for a spe-
cial destination. A point of interest can be a restau-
rant, a street, a sight, a car park, a city or other loca-
tion, for example. If you compile individual destina- Retrieving a POI list in the vehicle
tions (e.g. restaurants in Hamburg or sights in Paris),
this is known as a list. The list is normally a file that Please refer to and on page 4.
you can import into the Car-Net portal in a specific
file format. Importing personalises the compiled Importing POIs to the Infotainment system
destinations. Therefore we use the abbreviation Requirement: you have already saved the created
PPOI (personal point of interest) in this service. points of interest lists in the Car-Net portal.

File format for POI lists 1. Press the Menu button or function button.
Not all file formats are supported for the import and 2. Touch Car-Net.
processing of your personal POIs on the Car-Net 3. Touch the corresponding function button:
portal. Therefore please observe that your point of
interest lists can only be processed in the following — Discover Pro: POIs.
file formats: — Discover Media: Download.
— .asc 4. Touch Import online destinations.
— .csv The saved routes and destinations are now in the
POI memory and can be used for navigation.

My Points of Interest 35
Weather — The weather data for the coming 48 hours
are split between two views (tomorrow and
the day after tomorrow) and displayed at
Introduction to the topic two-hour intervals. The changeover between
day and night (sunrise and sunset) and the
This service can display the latest weather informa- temperature are shown as a line.
tion for your current location, for your destination or 7. Touch Today to return to today’s weather.
for other specified locations taking the estimated
time of arrival on the Infotainment system display
into consideration.
The request for weather information is processed
using the latest data from the service provider. The
search only delivers results for regions or countries
in which the service is available.
The following weather information can be displayed:
— Current temperature in °C.
— Highest and lowest temperature in °C.
— Wind speed in km/h.
— Wind direction.
— Cloud cover depicted by clouds and sun.
— Probability of rain in %.
— Rainfall in mm.

Ensure that your speed and driving style are al-
ways appropriate for the current visibility, weather
and road/traffic conditions.

Starting a weather query

Please refer to and on page 4 and at the
start of the chapter on page 36.

1. Switch on the Infotainment system.

2. Press the Menu button or function button.
3. Touch Car-Net Weather.
4. Touch one of the three function buttons to dis-
play the latest weather data and forecast for the
following locations:
— Local: weather data for your location.
— Destination: weather data for the destination
(only with active route guidance).
— Map: weather data and forecast for a specific
location on the navigation maps.
5. Touch Update to refresh the weather data.
6. Touch Forecast to receive a weather forecast cov-
ering the next three days at your selected loca-

36 Guide & Inform services

Parking Spaces
Introduction to the topic
This service helps you locate suitable (multi-storey)
car parks in the vicinity of your current vehicle loca-
tion and can show their prices and opening times.
Car parks are shown in the Infotainment system map
view. You can then start route guidance directly to
these locations.
Your search query is processed using the latest data
from the service provider. The search only delivers
results for regions or countries in which the service
is available.

Starting car park search

Please refer to and on page 4.

1. Switch on the Infotainment system.

2. Press the NAV button.
3. Touch Car-Net and Parking.
4. Touch Destination to search for a car park at your
destination, or Here to find a car park in your im-
mediate vicinity (only when using route guid-
ance). Any available car parks are listed, along
with the distances to them.
5. Touch Map to view a selected car park on the
6. Optional: touch Save button to save the selected
car park.
7. Optional: touch Details to view further informa-
tion about a car park.
8. Touch Start to start route guidance to the car
park. The car park can be set as a stopover or as
a new destination.

Satellite maps
You experience the navigation display on the bases
of satellite images. This representation of your sur-
roundings can assist orientation in many situations
and allow you to discover new places:
— Photorealistic display of surroundings.
— Loaded satellite images can be stored on the inte-
grated hard disk of the Infotainment system and
can therefore also be used without an active data

Parking Spaces 37
Google Earth™ 4. Touch Google Earth™.
Google Earth™ has been discontinued in some coun- Touch the symbol or zoom in on the map to
tries for technical reasons and can now only be used switch to Google Street View™.
in vehicles that were manufactured before week 22
Navigation in Google Street View™
of 2017.
You can navigate in Google Street View™ with the
Google Earth™ can be used until the end of the ex- following gestures:
isting licence period, but no later than 31.12.2020.
Swipe across display Rotate view.
Google Earth™ creates its map view by receiving da- Touch arrow symbol Change to next position.
ta packets from the internet in the form of realistic
satellite images. Ending Google Street View™ and returning to Goo-
There is limited storage space available on the Dis- gle Earth™
cover Pro hard disk for temporarily storing received To return to Google Earth™, perform one of the fol-
map and navigation data. lowing actions:
You can use the downloaded satellite images of — Zoom out fully.
route guidance without an active data connection — Touch “World map”.
while they are stored on the Discover Pro hard disk.
— Press the NAV button.
The previously-used zoom factor will be stored as
the default for the next session.
The symbol in the map view indicates the
The satellite images are provided based on the most
availability of Google Street View™ data in the rele-
up-to-date data available to the service provider.
vant area (crosshair). If the symbol is grey, no Google
Satellite images are only available for the areas,
Street View™ data are available.
countries or regions for which data exists.

Activating and deactivating

— Switch on the Infotainment system.
— Press the NAV button.
— Open the map view.
— Activate or deactivate Google Earth™.

Google Street View™

You can use Google Street View™ to virtually explore
many places in the world from the perspective of a
pedestrian. Data are provided based on the most up-
to-date information from the service provider. Goo-
gle Street View™ only works in regions or countries
for which data is available. For safety reasons, this
service is only possible when the vehicle is station-
ary. To use Google Street View™, Google Earth™
→ page 38 must be installed and activated.
Google Street View™ has been discontinued in some
countries for technical reasons and can now only be
used in vehicles that were manufactured before
week 22 of 2017.

Opening Google Street View™

1. Switch on the Infotainment system.
2. Press the NAV button.
3. Open the map view.

38 Guide & Inform services

Petrol stations
Introduction to the topic
You can use this service to search for petrol stations
and charging stations near your vehicle’s current lo-
cation. As well as showing you the location of petrol
or charging stations, the search result also includes
information about fuel and electricity prices and
opening times.
If you select a petrol or charging station from the
displayed list, the location data will be used as a
navigation destination. The fuel prices and opening
times are provided based on the latest data available
to the service provider.

The charging station search function is not

available for all vehicle models.

Starting search
Please refer to and on page 4.

Start the search on the Infotainment system:

1. Switch on the Infotainment system.
2. Press the NAV button.
3. Touch the Car-Net function button.
4. Touch the Petrol stations function button (for fuel)
or Charging stations (for electric power).
5. Select the desired function.
— After running the service, the petrol stations
will be available in the Infotainment system
as a navigation destination.

Petrol stations 39
Online Gracenote
Introduction to the topic
Online Gracenote automatically provides the album
cover for the music track you are currently playing.
The covers are automatically stored in your Infotain-
ment system and are then also available offline.
The Online Gracenote service is available only for the
Discover Pro system.

Functional description
Please refer to and on page 4.

If you listen to music from a CD, DVD, SD card or a

USB stick via the Infotainment system, the corre-
sponding picture of the music album (cover) will be
displayed on the Infotainment system screen. For
this to happen, readable meta information for the
songs and the respective cover need to be available
in the Infotainment system memory. The memory
comes equipped with a large number of album cov-
Above all album covers that are not yet available in
the Infotainment system can be accessed online in a
third-party database.
Album covers can only be accessed and stored in the
Infotainment system if they are also available in the
third-party database. The storage space for the pic-
tures of the music albums in the Infotainment is
limited. If you add a new picture when the memory
is full, the oldest pictures will be overwritten.
If you have already manually assigned a cover to
your songs, this cover will be displayed and not re-
placed by the original cover. If an original cover can-
not be displayed, a general placeholder will be dis-
played in its place.

Audio and video files stored on data media are

normally subject to national and international
copyright laws. Observe the legal requirements.

40 Guide & Inform services

Online Map Update cancel an update manually, data that have already
been downloaded will be deleted.
Any number of updates are possible over the life of
Introduction to the topic the Infotainment system. It is still possible to update
the navigation data with an SD card. The update will
Always up-to-date: the “Online Map Update” service permanently overwrite existing navigation data for
allows you to easily and conveniently download new the respective region. In the event that an online
navigation data from the internet to the Infotain- map update downloads corrupt data, updating with
ment system in your Volkswagen. As soon as upda- an SD card can rectify the problem.
ted maps are available, you will be informed about
the data usage and required memory space. The se- Depending on your mobile phone contract,
lected updates will then be downloaded and instal- downloading large amounts of data from the
led on your Infotainment system. internet can incur additional costs, particularly when
abroad (e.g. roaming charges). Due to the volume of
The Online Map Update service is available only for
data, we recommend agreeing on a data flatrate
the Discover Pro system.
with your mobile telecommunications provider.

Functional description
Online Route Calculation
Please refer to and on page 4.
Online Route Calculation takes into account the cur-
rent traffic situation and continuously evaluates
With the aid of the “Online Map Update” function,
forecasts about how this will develop from the start
you can update the navigation data in the Infotain-
of the journey onwards.
ment system in the vehicle, rather than having to
visit a Volkswagen dealership or perform an update It is possible to change to conventional navigation at
via a computer and SD card. any time, e.g. if the service is not available.
New navigation data is provided approximately Online Route Calculation is not available for all vehi-
twice a year on the Volkswagen server. cles.
If you are making a journey with the aid of route
guidance, you will be informed about any updates
along the route before starting the journey.
As soon as new navigation data (update) are availa-
ble, you will be informed once on the Infotainment
system via a pop-up menu. After confirming the
pop-up menu, you will be taken to the download
manager. In the download manager, you can individ-
ually select available updates from a list. The down-
load manager shows favourites in case you don’t
know which updates are relevant for you. Here, fa-
vourites are regions that you have travelled through
at least 30 times with the vehicle. After selecting
and confirming the installation of the updates, the
selected updates will be sent to the Infotainment
system in a data package and installed.
Reliable telecommunications and GPS signals need
to be available at the current location of your vehicle
and a connection needs to be in place for the dura-
tion of the online map update.
If an update is not transferred completely by the
system, a corresponding message will appear on the
Infotainment system. The Infotainment system can
access updated navigation data only once the data
has been transferred and installed completely. If you

Online Map Update 41

Online POI search (voice steering wheel. Voice control activation is indi-
cated by a rising signal tone.
control) 3. Speak voice commands once all signal tones and
voice guidance have ended and the symbol
Introduction to the topic appears on the screen. The search results are
displayed, if necessary as a list.
Please read and observe the further information on 4. Touch your POI. The navigation to the POI be-
voice control in the operating instructions for the In- gins.
fotainment system, which you will find in the vehicle

The speech or search recognition technology

for Volkswagen Car-Net will not return search
results for all words. For example, Google speech
recognition includes a “Safe Search” feature that
prevents the display of search results if vulgar terms
are detected (also accidentally).

Please refer to and on page 4.

Ensuring that voice control works properly

— Avoid background noise, such as conversations in
the vehicle. Keep all windows, doors and the slid-
ing roof closed.
— Do not point the airflow from the vents towards
the vehicle roof.
— Only speak voice commands once all signal tones
and voice guidance are ended and the symbol is
shown on the screen.
— If possible, speak clearly and at a normal speed.
Words and numbers that are unclear will not be
recognised by the system.
— Speak at a normal volume without exaggeration
or long pauses. It may be necessary to speak
slightly louder when the vehicle is travelling at
higher speeds.
— Telephone numbers can be given as individual
digits or in blocks from 1 to 999.
The voice control system adapts to each user once
the first few voice commands have been given, after
which voice control recognition improves.

Starting voice search

Please refer to and on page 4.

1. Switch on the Infotainment system.

2. Press the VOICE button on the Infotainment
system or the button on the multifunction

42 Guide & Inform services

Online POI Search (text)
Online POI Search (text)
This service makes use of currently available online
databases to enhance the process of finding your re-
quired POI.
Your search query is processed using the latest data
from the service provider. The search only delivers
results for regions or countries in which the service
is available.

Using Online POI search (text)

Please refer to and on page 4.

1. Switch on the Infotainment system.

2. Press the NAV button.
— To search for names, touch POI by name.
— To search online, touch Online.
— To search on the SD card, touch NAV SD Card.
— Touch Map to view a selected POI on the map.
— Touch Store to save a POI.
— Touch Details to view further information
about a POI.
— Touch Start to navigate to a POI.

POI search in cities

Touch City to search for a POI around a certain city, or
Near dest. to search in the vicinity of your ultimate
destination, or Here to look for POIs in close proximity
to your current location.

You can use a selected POI as a stopover des-

tination or as a new ultimate destination for
your navigation route. To do this, select Stopover or
New dest..

Online POI Search 43

Online Traffic Information Function description (Europe)

Online Traffic Information Please refer to and on page 4.

Starting traffic flow display

Online Traffic Information (Europe)
This service displays an overview of current traffic 1. Switch on the Infotainment system.
conditions in a certain area, helping you select the 2. Press the NAV button twice.
best route. 3. Touch Extra Traffic situation.
The “Traffic Flow” function gives you a summary of When you have selected the category, a correspond-
current traffic disruptions, potentially helping you ing map showing traffic information will be dis-
optimise the time taken to drive to your destination. played if available.
In certain countries, this service may only be availa-
ble for motorways and selected main and country You can choose between various categories
roads. depending on your location. Categories in-
Some roads may be highlighted in different colours clude urban dual carriageways, busy urban main
and show road signs. roads, motorways around the city and certain dis-
tricts within the city.
— Green roads: no traffic disruptions have been re-
ported for this section of the route. Selecting traffic situations for repeated display
— Yellow roads: high levels of traffic and congestion Traffic displays for certain junctions in your area can
on this section of the route. be saved for automatic display next time. To use this
— Red roads: severe traffic disruptions with station- function, you need to switch on the hotspot in the
ary traffic on this section of the route. online service settings. The traffic situation will be
automatically displayed for a short period whenever
— Dashed roads: access to this section of the road is you approach the relevant junction.
limited due to e.g. road works, lane closures.
1. Switch on the Infotainment system.
Online Traffic Information (Japan) 2. Press the NAV button.
Symbol for traffic information in Japan. 3. Touch Car-Net services.
4. Touch Traffic situation hotspot to activate.
This service supplies three kinds of traffic informa-
— Traffic news in text form (level 1).
— Traffic information on mini traffic maps (level 2).
Function description (Japan)
— Online traffic information on the navigation map Please refer to and on page 4.
(level 3)
The traffic information comes from a variety of Traffic announcements as text display (level 1)
sources, which may vary in terms of the type and You can configure whether you want text messages
quality of traffic information supplied. The content to be displayed on the Infotainment system auto-
of the displayed notification can therefore vary. matically or manually.
This service displays a text or graphic overview of A text message can be a maximum of 30 Japanese
current traffic conditions in a certain area, helping characters long.
you select the best route. This provides information
on current traffic disruptions, potentially helping The text information supplied could include the ex-
you optimise the time taken to drive to your desti- pected delay and any traffic restrictions, for exam-
nation. ple.

Some traffic information is only available in larger Traffic information on mini traffic maps (level 2)
cities and in this case also only for certain types of The mini traffic maps can include traffic information
road such as main roads, expressways and also toll for the vehicle’s current reception area. The traffic
roads. information on the mini maps includes in particular
traffic jams at exits and traffic information in a de-
fined area.

44 Guide & Inform services

On all mini map displays, some roads may be high-
lighted in different colours and show road signs:
— Green roads: no traffic disruptions have been re-
ported for this section of the route.
— Yellow roads: high levels of traffic and congestion
on this section of the route.
— Red roads: high levels of traffic and congestion on
this section of the route.

Online traffic information on navigation maps (level

The navigation maps may contain online traffic in-
formation about urban main roads, dual carriage-
ways and toll roads that are in the immediate recep-
tion range of the vehicle.
The online traffic information on the navigation
maps includes in particular traffic congestion at ex-
its, building sites, closed exits, driving times and re-
strictions in a defined area.
Some roads may be coloured on the navigation map:
— Green roads: no traffic disruptions have been re-
ported for this section of the route.
— Yellow roads: high levels of traffic and congestion
on this section of the route.
— Red roads: high levels of traffic and congestion on
this section of the route.
In addition, red and yellow symbols for traffic dis-
ruptions and traffic restrictions can be shown on the
navigation map display.
Red symbols for the following traffic disruptions:
— Accidents and broken-down vehicles.
— Blocked roads and speed restrictions.
— Blocked exits or exits with limited access.
— Roads closed to traffic
Yellow symbols for the following traffic disruptions:
— Road works and traffic disruptions.
— Icy or slippery roads and narrow lanes.
— Contraflows and two-way traffic

Online Traffic Information 45

Online Destination and Route ment system the next time you start the vehicle. Al-
ternatively, you can retrieve new destinations by re-
Import freshing whilst the Infotainment system is in opera-
Introduction to the topic Managing destinations
1. In the overview of services, select Online Destination
Using the “Online Destination and Route Import”
and Route Import and More or Manage destinations. An in-
service, you can create routes from the comfort of
put screen opens.
your own home and import these to the vehicle In-
fotainment system before starting your journey. You 2. Touch the function button next to your desired
can also receive new routes whilst on the road (e.g. destination.
from control centres). A route must have a start and 3. Run the function:
an end point and can have up to eight stopovers.
— Edit: edit the destination.
Please note that destinations within a route — Delete: delete the destination.
can only be used once.
— Send to vehicle: send destination to vehicle.

To delete all destinations in the list, click Delete

all destinations.
Creating destinations on the portal
and sending them to the vehicle Editing
1. Enter the name in the lower of the two lines
Please refer to and on page 4. with the destination address. A maximum of 40
characters can be entered.
Finding and sending a destination
2. Click Save & send. The destination is sent to the ve-
1. Open the Car-Net portal and log in → page 28. hicle.
2. Select vehicle in the navigation bar. The status is displayed below the address in the des-
3. In the overview of services, select Online Destination tination list:
and Route Import More or Manage destinations. — Sent to vehicle.
— An input screen opens. If you have not yet — Retrieving.
saved a destination, you will see a map and a
— Transfer failed.
search bar. If you have already saved a desti-
nation, you will see a map, the saved destina- — Not sent to the vehicle yet.
tions and the function buttons Destinations,
If sending of the destination has failed, you
Routes, Add new destination and Delete all destinations.
can resend it.
Select Add new destination to access the map with
a search bar.
4. Enter search terms relevant to your destination
into the search bar. Creating a route in the Car-Net
— A selection of search results are marked on portal and forwarding it to the
the map and displayed as a list on the left- vehicle
hand side of the screen.
5. Touch the correct search result on the map or in Please refer to and on page 4.
the list.
6. Click Select destination. 1. Open the Car-Net portal and log in.

7. Click Save & send. The destination is sent to the ve- 2. Select vehicle in the navigation bar.
hicle. 3. In the overview of services, select “Online Desti-
nation and Route Import”, “More” or “Manage
You can send your own location to the vehicle destinations”.
by touching the crosshair at the top right of
the map and following the menu prompts. — The “Destinations” user interface then opens.
4. Click Routes to switch to the “Routes” user inter-
Your destinations will be automatically sent to face.
the vehicle when you save. The forwarded
destinations will then be retrieved by the Infotain-

46 Guide & Inform services

5. Enter at least two destinations (start and end — It is not possible to send routes from the Infotain-
points). ment system to the Car-Net portal.
— You can enter up to ten destinations. — Creating routes does not depend on where the
vehicle is currently located.
— You can also add a destination by clicking on
the map with the mouse pointer and then The current vehicle position is generally the start
clicking Select destination. point of the respective route, and not the start
— You can change the position of already added point set in the route, only when a route is used in
destinations at a later stage by either chang- the Infotainment system for route guidance.
ing the address in the input line of the re-
spective destination or by dragging the desti-
nation symbol on the map to another point
on the map. Sending destinations to the vehicle
— You can change the order of destinations in the Car-Net app
within a route by clicking and holding the
destination symbol in the route list and drag- Please refer to and on page 4.
ging it to another location in the list.
Entering destinations via the search bar or map and
6. Enter route name.
— A maximum of 40 characters can be entered.
1. Launch the Car-Net app and log in → page 28.
7. Click Save & send.
2. Select vehicle.
— Your routes will be automatically forwarded 3. Enter a place, contact or appointment into the
to the vehicle when you save. These forwar- search bar. Alternatively, you can touch your de-
ded routes will then be displayed in the Info- sired destination on the map.
tainment system the next time you start your
vehicle and can be imported manually. 4. In the information field, check whether the ad-
dress matches the destination you searched for.
— Please note: the values displayed help you to
plan your route. The route that you actually 5. Touch the function button at the bottom right.
drive may differ from the values calculated by An input screen opens.
the system due to the current traffic situa- 6. Enter the name of the destination.
tion. 7. Touch the Send function button. The destination
8. Your route will now be displayed on the user in- is forwarded to the vehicle.
terface and also shown on the map.
Use the list symbol to open the result list of
— You can create up to five routes by clicking + the current search. You can delete your search
Create new route (0/5). history in the settings.
9. Click the function button next to the desired
Pull up the edge of the information field to
route to display and extended selection. Click
view further information about the destina-
the “Edit” symbol to edit or delete a route or to
send it to the vehicle.
The forwarded destinations will be retrieved
by the Infotainment system the next time you
start the vehicle. Alternatively, you can retrieve new
Restrictions destinations whilst the Infotainment system is run-
ning using the “Update” function.
Please refer to and on page 4.

Please note the following restrictions:

Importing destinations and routes
— The destination must be included in the map ma-
terial of the Infotainment system. to the Infotainment system
— A maximum of 5 routes can be created and trans-
ferred to the vehicle. Please refer to and on page 4.

— The route may have a maximum of ten destina- Option 1: importing saved destinations and routes
tions. from a data medium:
— Each destination can only be used once per route.

Online Destination and Route Import 47

1. Insert the data medium containing the online
destinations or connect it to the Infotainment
2. Press the Menu button or function button.
3. Touch Settings System information Update software.
4. Touch OK to confirm the import.
— The saved routes and destinations are now in
the POI memory and can be used for naviga-
Option 2: importing the destinations and routes sent
to the Infotainment system:
1. Press the Menu button or function button.
2. Touch Car-Net.
3. Touch the corresponding function button:
— Discover Pro: POIs.
— Discover Media: Download.
4. Touch Import online destinations to import.
— The saved routes and destinations are now in
the POI memory and can be used for naviga-

48 Guide & Inform services

Hybrid Radio
The Hybrid Radio service eliminates the boundaries
between conventional radio and internet radio.
When you leave the broadcasting area of your fa-
vourite local station, you can continue listening to
this station thanks to automatic switchover to the
online stream.

The Hybrid Radio service is not available for all

vehicle models.

Internet radio
No matter where you are, internet radio means that
you no longer have to miss out on your favourite ra-
dio stations and podcasts.
— Listen to a large number of national and interna-
tional radio stations and podcasts and discover
new ones.
— Simple search in the stream database
— Cost control by means of optional data packages.
— Optional data packages can be purchased in the
Car-Net Shop for use of the service.

The internet radio service is not available for

all vehicle models.

3D City Maps
Three-dimensional (3D) city maps of the surrounding
area make it easier for you to navigate in selected
cities and provide realistic impressions of points of
interest and roads.
— New inner-city navigation experience thanks to
detailed representation.
— Relevant city models are automatically loaded to
the navigation system in the background.
— Intelligent cloud memory management.
— Currently available only in a few cities at the mo-
ment, number of cities is being continuously ex-

The 3D city maps are not available for all vehi-

cle models and are available only for a limited
number of cities.

Hybrid Radio 49
Managing user accounts Changing email address

Changing user and login data You will need to enter your password to confirm the
changes to your email address.

Introduction to the topic If you edit your email address or password,

your “My Car” login data will also be modified.
You can change your user and login data via the Car- 1. In the account settings, click Change email address.
Net portal. It is not possible to change them via the
Car-Net app. The user and login data include: — You will be forwarded to the WVP page to
change your email address.
— Personal data such as name and address.
2. Change email address as required.
— Account settings such as email address, password
and language. 3. Click Save.
— Contract data. — An email containing a confirmation link will
be sent to the new email address. You can
Please observe that changes to the login data (email
continue using your old email address for
address and password) also apply to the Volkswagen
login until the final confirmation.
“My Car” portal at the same time.
4. Click Next.
We recommend working step by step when
changing several items of data and not mak- — You will now be redirected to the login page
ing all changes in one step. Wait for a change to be of the portal and have to log in there again.
confirmed before you make the next change. You can also delete your Car-Net user account
1. Open the Car-Net portal and log in. in the account settings. Please note that your
data will be permanently deleted.
2. Click Settings on the left in the navigation bar.
3. Select one of the following tabs to make
changes to your user account:
Changing language
— Personal data.
— Account settings. Changing the language in the Car-Net portal
— Vehicle administration. You can change the language of the Car-Net portal
via the user and login data → page 50. This option is
In addition, you will find information on only available in countries with more than one offi-
whether your user account is verified under cial language, e.g. Belgium.
Personal details Personal information.
Changing the language in the Car-Net app
If you change the language in your mobile device,
Changing personal details the language of the Car-Net app will automatically
also be adapted. You cannot change the language
directly in the Car-Net app.
1. Click Change data.
2. Change the name, birthday, address, time zone
and other data as required.
3. Click Save changes.

Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk.

You can also specify whether and how you

would like to be contacted by Volkswagen for
the purpose of personalised advertising and market
research. Select the checkboxes for this.

50 Managing user accounts

Vehicle administration You can cancel the procedure at any time.

If you sell the vehicle or lend it (for a long pe-

Introduction to the topic riod), you should transfer the service functions
to the buyer or vehicle user and reset the Infotain-
Under vehicle administration, you can add and re- ment system in the vehicle to the factory settings.
move vehicles, complete the activation of Car-Net, Please refer to the relevant information in the oper-
extend contracts and manage secondary users. ating manual for the Infotainment system.
The use of the services for new vehicles is generally
free of charge for the duration of the first period
(varies according to country).
Managing secondary users
If you do not perform the registration (user account
not yet created) or do not add the new vehicle with-
Secondary users are persons to whom you as the ac-
in 90 days after receiving the vehicle (first order
count holder grant limited use of the services in re-
deadline), the period will be shortened by the num-
lation to the vehicle. Secondary users do not have
ber of days that are between the end of the first or-
access to contractual data, for example, and are per-
der deadline and the registration or addition of the
mitted to use only “Online Auxiliary Heater and Ven-
new vehicle.
tilation” from the services that are protected by S-
PIN. Secondary users cannot add additional secon-
dary users and cannot use the “Lock & Unlock”,
Adding and removing a vehicle “Speed Alert” and “Area Alert” services.
Inform the secondary user about the content of this
Adding a vehicle service description before they use the functions
You can add vehicles to your user account in the ve- provided on the Car-Net portal so that they are also
hicle administration area of the Car-Net portal. You aware of dangers to themselves and others and of
can also remove vehicles from your account that how these dangers can be avoided.
have already been activated, e.g. if you have sold the Secondary users can only be managed on the Car-
vehicle. Net portal.
Removing a vehicle Adding secondary users
You can remove vehicles from your user account if, You can add up to five secondary users.
for example, you have sold the vehicle and want to
transfer use of the services to the buyer. Each secondary user needs to have their own Car-
Net account for this. To add a secondary user, you
Only one vehicle can be removed at a time. If you are required to enter the email address associated
want to remove several assigned vehicles, you will with the new user’s Car-Net account and confirm
need to remove each vehicle individually. this with an S-PIN.
1. Open the Car-Net portal and log in.
Deleting secondary users
2. Open Settings Vehicle management.
Secondary users can be deleted either by the pri-
— All assigned vehicles are displayed. mary user or by the secondary user in question in
3. Click Remove next to the vehicle to be deleted. the vehicle administration area.
4. Check before confirming whether you have se- Activating secondary users
lected the correct vehicle.
If a secondary user resets their S-PIN, they will use
5. Confirm by clicking Yes, remove. their secondary user rights and the secondary user
— The vehicle is then deleted from your user ac- will be shown as inactive in the vehicle administra-
count. No further functions can be performed tion area. The primary user can reactivate the secon-
or data displayed for the deleted vehicle – dary user in the vehicle administration area.
not even for authorised drivers. If you remove
a vehicle, this will not have any effect on your
user account – it will remain even if no more
vehicles are assigned. You can add a vehicle
Defining an authorised workshop
to your user account again at any time.
You need to select a personal authorised workshop
in order to use the “Service Scheduling” service. If

Vehicle administration 51
your vehicle is due to visit the workshop, the author-
ised workshop will contact you automatically via the
communication channel you specified (email or tele-
If you have multiple vehicles, you may have to select
multiple service partners, especially if you own both
a Volkswagen commercial vehicle and a Volkswagen
passenger car.
The communication channel applies to all vehicles
assigned to your user account. Authorised work-
shops without a service offer cannot be selected.

There may be several days between the serv-

ice event occurring and you being contacted
by the authorised workshop in some cases.

1. Open the Car-Net portal and log in.

2. Click Settings Your authorised workshop.
3. Enter the name, city or post code in the input
4. Click Search.
5. Set one or more filters to restrict the search re-
sults when necessary. Activated filters are high-
6. Select an authorised workshop.
7. Activate Service Scheduling.
8. Select your preferred communication channel.

Deleting authorised workshops

You can delete the selected authorised workshop

again by selecting .

52 Managing user accounts

Data and contract — Inform the authorised user about the content of
this service description before passing on the log-
in data or transferring usage so that they are also
Transferring services aware of dangers to themselves and others and of
how these dangers can be avoided.
There are various ways of transferring Car-Net serv-
ices. Secondary users
Secondary users are persons who you as the account
Main user change holder allow to use the services to a limited extent.
The following events are triggered by a successful The secondary user needs to have their own Car-Net
main user change: account for this. Secondary users can only be man-
aged on the Car-Net portal under “Vehicle adminis-
— As the previous owner, you receive an email in-
tration” → page 51.
forming you of the change of main user.
— The assignment between the vehicle and the pre-
vious owner is cancelled. The vehicle is removed
from your garage in the Car-Net portal. Saving services as favourites
— The Car-Net services are transferred to the new
main user. You can designate services that you use frequently
or that you want to access quickly as favourites. Fa-
— The new main user’s data is validated. vourites are displayed in the selection bar on the
— Confirmation of the completed main user change start page. Creating and accessing favourites is only
will appear on the Infotainment system display. possible on the Car-Net portal.
The new main user must register the vehicle with
their Car-Net account. To do this, they must do as Assigning
follows: —
Click .
1. Open the Car-Net portal and log in or create a
new user account. —
, the service is selected as a favourite.
— When entering the vehicle identification
number, a message may appear that the ve- Favourites can be accessed via the selection
hicle is still assigned to the previous owner. bar on the Car-Net portal → page 14.
2. If the main user change is legal and should be
Cancelling assignments
performed, click OK and follow the further steps
if necessary. — To cancel the assignment to the favourites again,
— The vehicle is assigned to the new main us- click again.
er’s Car-Net account.

We also recommend resetting the Infotain-

ment system to the factory settings. Please
refer to the Infotainment system manual about how Deleting Car-Net data
to do this.
You can delete your Car-Net data if you no longer
Authorised users want to use Volkswagen Car-Net.
Authorised users are persons to whom you disclose 1. Open the Car-Net portal and log in.
your login data as account owner and thus give per-
2. Select Settings Account Settings.
mission to use the services in their full scope via
your user account. As account owner, therefore 3. Click Delete Car-Net data.
please observe the following information: 4. Click Delete Car-Net data to confirm the confirma-
— It is essential that you allow only people you trust tion query.
to access the Car-Net services in your user ac- Your Volkswagen user account will continue to exist
count. after your Car-Net data has been deleted. This
— An authorised user can generally execute all serv- means that you can continue to use any other Volks-
ices and functions described in this manual, in wagen applications you may have.
particular also changing the login data, running When changing the primary user of your vehi-
security-related functions or deleting the user ac- cle, please remember to reset the Infotain-

Data and contract 53

ment system to its factory settings in order to en- — Follow the instructions on the screen.
sure that the personal data is also deleted in the ve-

Extending contract
Contracts that will expire in the near future can be
extended by going to Extend contract in the vehicle
overview. If your contract has only just begun or still
has a long period to run, this function button will
not be visible.
If you have not yet completed the activation process
for a vehicle, the vehicle will be greyed-out and lis-
ted under Non-activated vehicles. Click Complete activation to
activate the vehicle or Remove to delete the vehicle
from your user account.

Please observe any instructions that are dis-

played on this web page.
1. In the Car-Net portal: click My vehicles Vehicle ad-
ministration Extend contract.
— The corresponding web page then opens.
2. Select the service portfolio to be extended on
the Item selection tab.
— If only one service portfolio is available or
possible, it will automatically be placed in the
shopping basket.
3. Click Open shopping basket.
4. Specify or change the period of the respective
service portfolio in the shopping basket.
5. Click Next.
— The next tab Invoice address opens.
6. Check the data and change them if necessary.
7. Click Next.
— The next tab Payment method opens.
8. Specify the desired payment method and either
enter the corresponding data or follow the in-
9. Click Next.
— Your contract has been successfully exten-

Deleting the user account

If you also want to delete your Volkswagen user ac-
count, you must first delete your Car-Net data.
— After deleting your Car-Net data, click Go to Volkswa-
gen user account.

54 Managing user accounts

Help — Press the Menu button or function button on the
Infotainment system.
— Touch Settings Factory settings.
Accessing Help on the Internet — Confirm your input.
— The Infotainment system will be reset.
Help page
Extensive Help functions are available on the Car-
Net portal.
Click Help in the navigation bar.
— The Help page will open with information on reg-
istration, instructions for the individual services, a
FAQ page and the current version of the service

Short Help texts

In addition, you can display a brief help text in many
screen sections and windows on the portal.

Click the corresponding function button .

In addition, you can open video guides for var-

ious service functions.

Restoring the factory settings

of the Infotainment system
If you reset the Infotainment system to factory set-
tings in a registered vehicle, the vehicle will be auto-
matically disabled in the Car-Net portal and all stor-
ed data will be deleted, for example the “Driving Da-
In this case, you will no longer be able to use the
“Security & Service” and “e-Remote” services and
will need to “unblock” the vehicle first (assign it
again). You will need to enter the registration code
stored on the Car-Net portal into the Infotainment
system again to unblock the vehicle.
When you reset the system to the factory settings, a
pop-up menu appears asking whether you also want
to reset the owner of the user account (primary
user). Carrying out this function will delete the link
between the primary user and the Car-Net services
in the vehicle in question.
Resetting the Infotainment system to the factory
settings (delivered state) permanently deletes en-
tries, settings and the stored data according to the
selection you make.

If you sell your vehicle or transfer the services

to another user, you should reset the Infotain-
ment system to the factory settings. This will also
delete the service-specific data that are stored in
the vehicle.

Accessing Help on the Internet 55

List of abbreviations
Abbreviation Definition
EDGE Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution: technology for enhancing conventional GSM and
GPRS mobile networks.
GPRS General Packet Radio Service: packet-based service for data transmission in GSM networks.
GPS Global Positioning System: global navigation satellite system for position determination.
SIM Subscriber Identity Module. Subscriber Identity Module.
Terms of use Terms of use
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunication System: technical system that permits internet access
and other multimedia functions.
URL Uniform Resource Locator. Standardised method for specific referencing of websites.
Wi-Fi Wi-Fi: Wireless Local Area Network.
rSAP remote SIM Access Profile. Bluetooth data transmission protocol.

56 List of abbreviations
Adding a vehicle 51 Main user change 53
App 16 Managing secondary users 51
Authorised users 53 Managing user accounts 50
My Points of Interest (PPOI) 35
Car-Net app 16 N
Sending destinations 47 Navigation map update 41
Car-Net portal 14 Navigation system
Car-Net status display 12 Selecting and sending destinations 46
Changing login data 50 News 34
Changing user data 50 Deleting RSS feeds 34
Customer portal 14 Subscribing to RSS feeds 34
Using in the vehicle 34
Deleting Car-Net data 53 O
Deleting data 53 Online Destination and Route Import 46
Description of services 29 Online Gracenote 40
Destination import 46 Online Map Update 41
Destinations Online POI search
Importing 47 Text 43
Sending 47 Voice control 42
Displaying commuter routes 32 Online Route Calculation 41
Online Traffic Information 44
E Other applicable documents 3
Email address Overview of symbols 12
Forgotten 8
Extending contract 54 P
Parking Position 33
F Parking Spaces 37
FAQ 55 Password 8
Finding petrol stations 39 Creating 8
POI search 42, 43
G Proof of identity 9
Google Earth™ 38
Google Street View™ 38 R
Gracenote 40 Registering 20
H Car-Net app 25
Car-Net portal 22
Help 55
In the Infotainment system 27
Hybrid Radio 49
Phase 1 22
Phase 2 23, 25
I Phase 3 23, 25
Influencing factors 7 Phase 4 23, 26
Infotainment system Removing a vehicle 51
Accessing RSS feeds 34 Route import 46
Internet radio 49 RSS feeds 34
Deleting 34
L Subscribing to 34
Logging in 20 Using in the vehicle 34
Login data 8

Index 57
Safety notes 4
Saving services as favourites 53
Secondary users 53
Selecting and sending destinations 46
Service description 29
Status display
Volkswagen Car-Net 12

Time Manager 32
Traffic information 44
Transferring services 53
Authorised users 53
Main user change 53
Secondary users 53

Valid documents 3
Validity 3
Vehicle 3
Vehicle administration 51
Vehicle Health Report 30
Volkswagen Car-Net
Status display 12
Volkswagen Car-Net app 16
Volkswagen Ident 9

Warnings 4
Weather 36

58 Index

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