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Ninety Days, Where the investigation relates to an offencepunishable with

Death, Imprisonment for life or imprisonmentfor a term of not less than ten

years; and

2. Sixty Days, Where the investigation relates to any other


Section 173(1) of Cr. PC - This Section requires the poiceofficer to complete the

investigation "without unnecessary delay"and forward the report to magistrate "as

soon as the investigation iscompleted".

Section 208- Requires that where, in case instituted otherwisethan on a police report, it

appears to magistrate issuing process undersection 204, that the Magistrate shall without

Delay finish to theaccessed tree of cost a copy by statements and confession if anyseconded

under section 200, 202, 161, 164 or any Documentsproduced before the magistrate on which

the prosecution proposes torely.

All above mentioned provisions of Cr. P.C pertain to the stageof investigation into an offence.

There provision Besides layingdown in Broad terms certain limits subject to which

investigation isto the carried out, also put limits upon Detention pending


Section 468 Cr. P.C-Section 468 of Cr. PC also in a wayimpose a time limit for

completion of investigation as it Debarscourts from taking cognizance of

investigation as it Debars courtfrom taking cognizance of certain minor offences

after the expiry ofcertain period of limitation.

Section 309 of Cr. P.C²-Section 309 of Cr. PC mandatesexpeditions conduct of trial in

particulars, it requires that when theexamination of witness has once Begin, same

shall be contemnedfrom Day to Day until all the witness in attendance have

beenexamined, unless the court finds the adjournment of the proceedingsBeyond the

follow ring day to day to be necessary for reaction to the


Though the court recogniszes power of the court to adjourn theproceedings from time

to time after the cognizance of the offence ittaken or after commencement of the trial

after recording reasons fordoing so, yet it provides that when the witnesses are

present in thecourt. no adjournment post postponement shall the granted

withoutexamining them except for special reasons to the Recorded inWriting.

Section 353³-This section provides that the judgement shall be

provinces in open court by the presiding officer immediate after thetermination

of the trial as at some. Subsequent time of which noticeshall be given to the

parties or there pleaders. Thus the provisionsclearly required the judgement to

the pronouncement soon after thecompletion of the trial so that there is no

Delay in the

pronouncement of the same.

The Persual of these provisions enshrined in the Criminalprocedure code thus indicates

that the code has given dueimportance to the speedy completion of criminal trials so

that theconstitutional guarantee of providing speedy justice to the peoplecan be

achieved in its Realistic Sense.

• Under Civil Procedure Code - (CPC)

All the civil suits those are of civil nature are governed by the

code of civil procedure 1908 the code of civil procedure is the Basiccode of

procedure governing civil actions in our country. There aremany provisions in the

code of civil procedure dealing with speedyDisposal of cases. These provisions

are as follows.
Provisions under Civil procedure code






Order VI-There is a provision in the code of civil procedure

under VI, having in some way the object of reducing Delay in thetrial of a case. It

provides that the court may at any stage of theproceedings allow either party to alter or

to amend his pleading insuch manner and on such terms as may be just or all

suchamendments shall be made as may be necessary for the purpose ofdetermining the

real questions in controversy betwen the parties Byway of amendment a Rider has been

imposed on the amendments ofpleadings which provides that no application for

amendment shall beallowed after the trial has commenced unless, the court comes to

theconclusion that inspite of Diligence the party could not have raisedthe matter before

the commenced of trial so, new the parties cannotapply for amendments of their

pleadings after the commencement of

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