Constant Social Mediaconnection Makes One Feel Lonelier and Stressed

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In the past two years the usage of cell phone has increased by a high percentage. People are
addicted to social media and various kinds of internet sites. The youth cannot imagine their
existence without social media. Various applications like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter are
ruling over the minds of youth. People are posting whatever that is happening in their lives.
There are few good sides to this platform but anything in excess is never beneficial. Social
media provides a platform for the youth of our nation to express their opinions and views
but the major drawback is any rumour spreads like fire without any effort. This can be used
to spread various theories to defame someone. Today’s youth have a tendency to follow
whatever their friends are doing. Too much social media attraction can cause a degradation
in their mental health. Spending more time on social media makes one lonely. They lose
connection with their actual friends and end up feeling depressed. Being occupied by cell
phones for hours not only causes head aches but also stresses the mind thus, decreasing
one’s work productivity. Without close physical connections, shallow virtual friendships can
do little to alleviate emotional loneliness. Online spaces are often oriented to performance,
status, exaggerating favourable qualities on expressions of loneliness.
Controlled usage of social media can be implemented but today’s youth lack patience and
dedication. They tend to oversee social media and end up with various forms of mental
illness. It is the responsibility of the parents to control their kids and talk them through this.
Even adults need to control their social media attraction. The after effect of the lockdown is
still being felt as one is facing problems adjusting to the normal work environment. In the
lockdown children got badly addicted to social media. Slowly with patience and proper
guidance we need to overcome our challenges.

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