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Circulation, Cardiovascular

ECG shows an overall 45% improvement in 6 months
CARDIOVASCULAR PATIENTS (30days) Granular bags

40 38.1 36.8 38.1

130 patients
30 26.6
Index of thromblastrogram
Red blood cell aggregation

Blood viscosity

15 Main Ingredients: Salvia, Ligusticum,


Carthamus, Paeoniae
Dosage: 1 granule bag (equals 3 capsules), 2-3
times per day after meals.
Journal of West China University of Medical Sciences. 1999;30:64. LD50 = 12 g/kg
  Na+K+ATPase  Adjusts heart contractions THE EFFECTIVENESS (%) OF
and central nervous system VEIN LITE ON 300 PATIENTS
 Improves blood flow:  blood thickness, after 2 weeks after 8 weeks
 fibrinogen,  platelet clotting factors HEADACHE 38.5% 69.2%
DIZZINESS 40.0% 65.0%
 Lowers TXB2 (Thrombosis) HEART 57.1% 71.4%
 Increases pulmonary and coronary circulation PALPITATIONS
 Increases EEG activity (in those with symptoms COLD HANDS/FEET 12.5% 37.5%
of senility) LIMB NUMBNESS 11.1% 50.0%
 Improves cerebral function and restores STUDY FROM THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT OF JAPAN REPORT IN 1991

cognitive functions after a stroke

 Improves neck and spinal disc herniation
Vein Lite reduces Blood Pressure
Take Vein Lite with OxyPower and Before After 6 months
Systolic Pressure 153.9 133.4
Asparagus Extract for synergistic effects Diastolic Pressure 93.3 82.6  Email:  Call: (888) 775-7689

Copyright © 2008. Chi Research. Neither the entire flyer nor any part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the proprietary company at the risk of legal action.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any diseases.
Vei n Li t e f or Fi br i n ol ysi s
One of the underlying causes of fibromyalgia is the hindrance of oxygen
and nutrient transport within the blood vessels due to fibrin deposition.
t-PA Vein Lite functions as an oral fibrinolytic agent like t-PA, urokinase,
VEIN Urokinase streptokinase (intravenous) and kinin. It effectively blocks the
LITE Streptokinase
precipitation of fibrin on the blood vessels, enabling normal oxygen and
PLASMIN nutrient exchange in cells. When this happens, blood circulation increases,
toxins that were trapped in the cells are released into the bloodstream and
then excreted through the kidneys. As a result, energy increases and pain
Insoluble Soluble associated with fibromyalgia diminishes. For fibromyalgia, use Vein Lite
with Bathdetox and Myosteo for even better results.

Neck and Spinal Disc Herniation (82 patients)

Vein Lite on 315 cases of Cardiovascular, 92.6% effective in 6 months
Pulmonary and Cerebral Conditions Vein Lite reduces pressure on central nervous system

34.6 Glaucoma (116 patients)
30.7 >50% effective in 6 months
Effective Rate (%)

25 26.9
20 Vein Lite reduces ocular blood pressure and improves eye circulation
10 Diabetic Neuropathy Chronic Kidney
5 7.8 (37 patients) Problems (48 patients)
Completely Effective Improved No Change
78% effective in 2 months 40% effective in 2 months
Effective Vein Lite improves peripheral Vein Lite improves blood flow to the
circulation kidneys

Study conducted by the China Western Medical School and

Beijing College of TCM (1992) followed 315 patients for
4-12 weeks: High blood pressure (38 cases)  Cerebral Six-month study on 32 PD patients: Vein Lite increased the
vascular conditions (24 cases)  COPD (60 cases)  Senility effectiveness of Medopa, a drug used for Parkinson’s disease.
caused by cerebral vascular accidents (21 cases) 
Take Vein Lite with Asparagus Extract, which is rich in organic
Coronary heart disease (angina) and Hyperlipidemia (172
cases) folic acid, for better results. Studies have shown folic acid can
decrease the risk for Parkinson’s disease (Neurology.
Case Reports:
E. Williams, DC from TN, shared with us that a few years ago, tests showed he had arterial blockage and high cholesterol and was
told he may need an angioplasty. Then he started taking Vein Lite tea. About 3 months later, the blockage completely cleared. He said
that without Vein Lite, he would probably be dead by now.
Barber, DC from AK, has the following reports:
• A patient had a cholesterol level of 292 and took Vein Lite and Wine Extract. A few months later, cholesterol reduced to 187.
• A 60-year-old male patient had very poor leg circulation. After 5 months on Vein Lite, he experienced a 55% improvement in
circulation as measured by the Doppler Instrument.
D. Dornfeld, DO, and N. Rosen, DO, from NJ, used Vein Lite for angina pectoris patients and pain was eliminated. Patients
undergoing EDTA/DMPS chelation also took Vein Lite with excellent results.
W. Smith, DC from CA, has a 55-year-old female patient who had difficulty concentrating, slurred speech and numbness in the
limbs. She relates that taking Vein Lite helps circulate the blood throughout the body. Her focus is much better. She no longer has
numbness and slurred speech.
E. Cole, MD from AK, has several patients who suffer from numbness of the limbs, to whom neurologists had suggested surgery.
Patients took Vein Lite and the limbs returned to normal due to improved blood circulation.
R. Kunin, MD from CA, reports on a 54-year-old female patient with poor liver functions. A.T. had experienced intense headaches
continuously and vomiting for over 10 years. After recommending a wide variety of therapies, Dr. Kunin finally suggested Vein Lite.
The patient noticed improvement in her health condition immediately. She stopped vomiting completely and had no headaches.
P. Lynn, MD from CA, has a 67-year-old female patient with hypertension. Her blood pressure was in the range of 150/92 to 160/94.
After one year on Vein Lite and Asparagus Ext, her blood pressure has maintained around 140-144/84 without any of her prescription
drugs. Tests indicate that her blood chemistry panel is perfect, there is no plaque in her chest and her C-reactive protein has reduced
from 19 mg/dL to the normal level (< 10 mg/dL).

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