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Motion of a Projectile ps pte Gb AS al) le AEA Gye Projectile motion i sSial\ 3S jai Fnell y de ually Saul My GY) 4a) GY) gaa Gla shall 4S a Cokes Olah gti ABA ye tall DE Go The free-flight motion of a projectile is often studied in terms of its rectangular components. To illustrate the kinematic analysis, consider a projectile launched at point (xo, yo), with an initial velocity of vo, having components (Vo), and (Vq),, Fig. 12-20. When air resistance is neglected, the only force acting on the projectile is its weight, which causes the projectile to have a constant downward acceleration of approximately g = 9.81 m/s? or g = 32.2 ft/s2.* Fig. 12-20 Horizontal Motion. Since a, = 0, application of the constant acceleration equations, 12-4 to 12-6, yields (4) v=) tad b= Woe (+) X= Xo t Uo + ads x= x9 + Ooh (4s) P= v5 + Qae(x — x0); &% = We The first and last equations indicate that the horizontal component of velocity always remains constant during the motion. Vertical Motion. Since the positive y axis is directed upward, then a, = —g. Applying Eqs. 12-4 to 12-6, we get GD D= U9 + ad; dy = (Woy — gt Gh Y= Yo + Vol + dacs Yo + (Wot — 38° GD w = vH + 2aly — yo): (oe — 28(y — yo) 4 23/92 1s A sack slides off the ramp, shown in Fig, 12-21, with a horizontal velocity of 12 m/s. If the height of the ramp is 6 m from the floor, determine the time needed for the sack to strike the floor and the range R where sacks begin to pile up. Hig. 221 SOLUTION Coordinate System. The origin of coordinates is established at the beginning of the path, point A, Fig. 12-21. The initial velocity of a sack has components (v4), = 12 m/s and (v4), = 0. Also, between points A and B the acceleration isa, = —9.81 m/s”. Since (vg), = (¥4)y = 12 m/s, the three unknowns are (v),, R, and the time of flight 14. Here we do not need to determine (vp), Vertical Motion. The vertical distance from A to B is known, and therefore we can obtain a direct solution for ¢4, by using the equation ah Yo = Ya + Waytan + 24ctho -6m = 0+ 0 + (-9.81 m/s)Ap Fin ils Ans. Horizontal Motion. Since 4, has been calculated, R is determined as follows: (4) Xp = Xa + Wadetag R=0+ 12m/s(L1ls) R= 133m Ans. rabor 2d ‘The chipping machine is designed to eject wood chips at v9 = 25 ft/s as shown in Fig, 12-22. If the tube is oriented at 30° from the horizontal, determine how high, h, the chips strike the pile if at this instant they land on the pile 20 ft from the tube. Fig. 12-22 SOLUTION Coordinate System. When the motion is analyzed between points O and A, the three unknowns are the height h, time of flight to,, and vertical component of velocity (v4),. [Note that (v4); = (vo)s-] With the origin of coordinates at O, Fig. 12-22, the initial velocity of a chip has components of (¥@), = (25 cos 30°) ft/s = 21.65 ft/s> (oy = 25 sin 30°) ft/s = 12.5 ft/s? Also, (v4), = (Vo); = 21.65 ft/s and a, = —32.2 ft/s*. Since we do not need to determine (v4),, we have Horizontal Motion. ) Xa = Xo + Wo)stoa 20 ft = 0 + (21.65ft/s)to4 toa = 0.9238 s Vertical Motion. Relating fo, to the initial and final elevations of a chip, we have GD m= (h — 4f0 10 + o)ston + 24t04 0 + (12.5 ft/s)(0.9238 s) + 3(—32.2 ft/s”\(0.9238 s)? = 181 ft Ans. NOTE: We can determine (v4), by using (¥4)y = (Voy + aetoa- de Bathe ‘The track for this racing event was designed so that riders jump off the slope at 30°, from a height of 1 m. During a race it was observed that the rider shown in Fig. 12-23a remained in mid air for L5 s. Determine the speed at which he was traveling off the ramp, the horizontal distance he travels before striking the ground, and the maximum height he attains. Neglect the size of the bike and rider. Fig. 12-23 Vertical Motion. Since the time of flight and the vertical distance between the ends of the path are known, we can determine 0. Gh Ya = Yat Wadslan + date 1m = 0 + v4 sin 30°15 s) + 3(—9.81 m/s?\(1.5 87 Uq = 13.38 m/s = 13.4 m/s Ans. Horizontal Motion. The range R can now be determined. cs) Jp = 44 + (Oita R = 0 + 13.38 cos 30° m/s(I.5 s) = 114m Ans. (od; = (wa + 2aclye — Yall 0? = (13.38 sin 30° m/s)? + 2(—9.81 m/s?)[(i — 1 m) — 0] 3.28 m Ans. 4 26/92 4Jhe F12-21. The ball is kicked from point A with the initial velocity vu, = 10 m/s. Determine the maximum height h it reaches. F12-22. The ball is kicked from point A with the initial velocity vs = 10 m/s. Determine the range R, and the speed when the ball strikes the ground. FI2-21. (vp); = (ws + 2a(9 — Ya) © = 6 m/s) + 2(-9.81 m/s\(h — 0) A 127m Ans. FI2-22. ye = ya + Wahlac + 2 Gytic 0 =0+ Gm/s)uc + $(—9.81 m/srhc tyc = 1.01948 Woy = Way + tac (@oy = 5m/s + (—9.81 m/s?(1.0194 s) = —-Sm/s =5m/s J ve = Vue? + Woy = V(8.660 m/s)? + (5 m/s)* = 10m/s_ Ans. R = x4 + (%)stac = 0 + (8.660 m/s)(1.0194 s) =8.83m Ans. apex *12-88. Neglecting the size of the ball, determine the magnitude v4 of the basketball’s initial velocity and its velocity when it passes through the basket. 30°, Wa al 3m 10m SOLUTION Coordinate System. The origin of the x-y coordinate system will be set to coinside with point A as shown in Fig.a Horizontal Motion, Here (v4), = ¥4¢08 30°, (54); = Oand (sg), = 10 m— (3) Gade = Gade + (adet 10 = 0 + v4 c08 30°F 10, = 008 30° o Also, (3) (pe = ade = v4 08 30° Q) Vertical Motion. Here, (v4)y = v4 sin 30°F, (s4)y = 0, (sg)y = 3 — 2 = 1 mf and a, = 9.81 m/s? | i 2 (+1) (ay = Gay + Cady + 7a? 1=0 + vgsin30°r + Fe-ssnye 4.905? — 05v41+1=0 @) 6 28/92 (+1) @aly = Cady + apt (vp)y = va sin 30° + (~9.81)¢ (vp)y = 0.5 v4 — 9.81 (4) Solving Eq. (1) and (3) vq = 11.705 m/s = 11.7 m/s Ans. 1 = 0.9865 s Substitute these results into Eq. (2) and (4) (vs)x = 11.705 cos 30° = 10.14 m/s—> (vp)y = 0.5(11.705) — 9.81(0.9865) = —3.825 m/s = 3.825 m/s | “Thus, the magnitude of vp is vp = V(up)e + (vn)y = V10.14 + 3.825? = 10.83m/s = 10.8m/s Ans. And its direction is defined by 1 [ic] 6 = tan! | —* (ep). -t 7) = tae? oe nt ® qq) = 2067 = 20.7 Ans. 6 de The catapult is used to launch a ball such that it strikes the wall of the building at the maximum height of its trajectory. If it takes 15 s to travel from A to B, determine the velocity vy, at which it was launched, the angle of release @, and the height h. 7 29/92 SOLUTION (3) =v 18 = v4 cos (1.5) i) (41) 0 = of + 2a, (9 — 50) 0 = (vgsin 9)? + 2(—32.2)(h — 3.5) (41) v= a tag 0 = v4sing — 32.2(1.5) @ To solve, first divide Eq. (2) by Eq. (1) to get 6. Then 0 = 760° Ans. 04 = 498 ft/s Ans. h=30.7ft Ans. 7 Se The missile at A takes off from rest and rises vertically to B, where its fuel runs out in 8 s. If the acceleration varies with time as shown, determine the missile’s height h B and speed vp. If by internal controls the missile is then suddenly pointed 45° as shown, and allowed to travel in free flight, determine the maximum height attained, he, and the range R to where it crashes at D. \D SOLUTION 40 oats dv = adt fae f Sede O 0 v= 25P When f= 8s, vp = 2.5(8)? = 160 m/s Ans. =vdt ds fa [sea 0 0 25, (8)° = 426.67 = 427m Ans, 160 sin 45° = 113.14 m/s (ops (vp)y = 160 cos 45° = 113.14 m/s (+1) v = 08 + 2a, (5 — 5) O = (113.14)? + 2(-9.81) (5, — 426.67) A, = 1079.1 m = 1.08km Ans. (4) 5 = 50 + o90 R= 0+ 113.140 +t) s = + ot dae? 2 0 = 426.67 + 113.140 + F-9sne Solving for the positive root, ¢ = 26.36 s Then, R = 113.14 (26.36) = 2983.0 = 2.98 km Ans. aijer The snowmobile is traveling at 10 m/s when it leaves the embankment at A. Determine the time of flight from A to B and the range R of the trajectory. SOLUTION (5) sp=sat vat R=0 + 10cos 40°r Gt) sp=sat ot + tage? 2 -*(3) = 0+ 10sin 40% — pose Solving: R= 190m Ans, 1= 248s Ans, aoa

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