Final Timetable

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CELTA TP Upper Intermediate & Pre-Intermediate Timing : 2.15 4.

15 40 minute lessons

40 min Lesson type: Skills

MONDAY 28/11/11

40 min

TUESDAY 29/11/11

Time-tabling Notes: 1. Create a timetable for Teaching Practice 7 and 8. 2. Dont worry about who will teach which lesson the trainers will allocate each lesson. 3. Timetabling is a team effort and all members of

Lesson type: Language Main Aim : To revise vocabulary connected with events and celebrations using extreme adjectives and intensifiers Sub aim : To provide freer spoken practice of the vocabulary

Main Aim: To develop the Skill of reading for gist and detail in the context of worst case scenarios Sub aim : To clarify vocabulary in the same context Materials : SB 62-62

the TP group need to contribute. 4. Timetabling is not time for you to plan for your afternoon TP.

Materials : SB 72-73 WB 50-57 (B) (A) Lesson type: Function Main Aim : To create awareness of the function of giving advice and making suggestions Lesson type: Functions Main Aim : To create awareness of the function of responding to awkward social situations

5. Think about your students interest and ability when you plan: Schedule a mix of language and skills lesson for each day: 6. You can adapt, supplement or modify the

Sub aim: Developing Oral Fluency by having the Ss give and suggest advice Materials : SB 64-65 & WB 49 (F) Lesson type: Language Main Aim : To clarify the use and non-use of articles Sub aim : To provide controlled written and freer spoken practice Materials : SB 66-67 (C)

Sub aim : To develop listening for gist and detail in the same context

material you use, but keep lesson aims intact. 7. Think of warmers and interactive games you can use with each lesson. 8. Please give us your completed timetable before 9.00 AM tomorrow.

Materials : SB 81 WB 57 (E)
Lesson type: Language Main Aim : To review future forms in the context of getting together. Sub aim : To provide oral fluency in same context Materials : SB 108-109 WB 73 (D)
he British Council, Spring Gardens 2011

The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

CELTA TP Upper Intermediate & Pre-Intermediate Timing : 2.15 4.15 40 minute lessons

40 min

WEDNESDAY 30/11/11

40 min Lesson type: Language

THURSDAY 01/12/11

Friday TP Party

Lesson type: Language Main Aim : To clarify the use of Modals and related verbs in the context of mysteries, problems and oddities Sub aim : To provide oral practice n the same context Materials : SB 98-99 (C) Lesson type: Function Main Aim : : To clarify the vocabulary used in the context of getting together. Sub aim : To provide oral fluency practice in the same context. Materials : SB 106-107 (F)

Main Aim : To clarify the use of reported speech in the context of reporting peoples exact words Sub aim: To provide written practice in the same context Materials : SB 128-129 WB 88 (E) Lesson type: Skills Main Aim: To develop written fluency by having Ss write a formal letter in the context of complaints. Sub aim : To develop the skill of reading for gist and detail in the same context (D)

TP Party

Lesson type: Skills Main Aim : To create awareness of agreeing and explaining and discussing in the context of who is coming for dinner Sub aim : To develop oral fluency by having Ss explain agree and discuss in the same context

Lesson type: Skill Main Aim : To develop written fluency by having students write a formal letter Sub aim : To provide written practice in the same context Materials : SB 46 TP Party

Materials : SB 110-111 (B)

he British Council, Spring Gardens 2011 The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

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