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Pháp luật đại cương

Phạm Thảo Linh

Buổi 2: Origin of law
When did the law appear?
Who makes the law?
Why does the law appear?
What is the law?
Primitive community: Customs and useage => Class society => State => Law (The state will
pass the law)

What is the law? - Laws are legally enforceable rules made by authorities within a society
legally enforceable – If we break the law, the polices, the military will have the right to
punish or charge us
The law will mostly apply to the country’s citizen

Law Normal rules

are legally enforceable If you break it, you don’t have to face charge

Who makes the law in Vietnam?? – Luật và bộ luật do Quốc hội ban hành (National
Assembly of Vietnam)

Not all the rules are laws but all laws are rules
Legal rules differ from non-legal rules in that legal rules apply to the community
as a whole
Non-legal rules vs Legal rules (= Law)
Non-legal rules Laws
Family household rules Road transportatuon rules – It is reinforced
Class rules by authorities and it is applied to everyone.
Game rules Marriage rules –
Soccer rules Contract rules – Apply to all the people in the
market share, it’s about the rights of parties and
if you break the contract you may have to pay
the damages

Law’sessence - Laws are wills of ruling classes and determined by material conditions of a
society -> Different economy, education …. Lead to difference in policy
Criteria Marxism and Leninism Natural Law Theory Positive Law Theory
When? Slave possession Feudal period The earliest of all theories Appears when a state is
(state/ Capitalist period created
Who? Upper class (slave owners, land – God/ nature (not by human Human beings (the sovereign
(make owners, bougeoisie) beings) body of the state)

Why? Conflict between classes: Slave To equally enforce people on To combat misbehavior
(states/ owners vs slaves Land-owners vc the subjects and the kings. (disobedience, crime…) and
laws farmers/ peasants to maintain and stabilize
exist) Bougeoisie vs workers/ proletariat social order.
The rich vs the poor
What? The state is essentially a special Natural law is defined as “the Rules made by the sovereign
(state/ organization of political power, an principles of natural justice if are laws irrespective of any
law apparatus specializing in coercion we use the term justice in its other considerations (no
is…) and performing special widest sense to include all need to use reason, morality
(essence management functions in order to forms of rightfull actions” or justice to determine the
is…) maintain social order and fulfill (individual’s right to equally, validity of law)
the purpose of protecting status of life, liberty and securiry…)
the ruling class in society.

1. Is the law static or dynamic?

 Law adapts to social and economic changes
 Any changes in the material conditions may be followed by changes in law
 Therefore, law is not static, it is dynamic.
2. Are changes in law predictable and explainable?
 Changes in law are based on judges’ policy preferences – their decisions are certainly
3. To which is the law development attributed?
 People’s own benefits, social justice…
Buổi 3: Styles, forms and function of states

Titles: Cộng hòa liên bang Đức, Liên Bang Nga,

Japan: Ruling form – Monarchy – They have emperor
- Title: Quốc Đảng Nhật Bản -> Nhật Bản thuộc nhóm Monarchy
- Unitary state – Nhà nước đơn nhất -> không có các bang nhỏ
- Federatuon – Có các bang nhỏ, mỗi bang có hệ thống ctri riêng – Hệ
thống liên bang
Úc: Không có emperor
- Federation: Has 6 states
AUS + NEW ZEALAND + CANADA + UK thuộc Monarchy

 Nhìn vào hiến pháp để biết title của từng đất nước

1. Styles of states
What is the style of states? – Denoting groups of states with the same class-conscious face
How many? – 4
• Slave-possession style of states
• Feudal style of states – Chế độ phong kiến
• Capitalist style of states – Chủ nghĩa tư bản
• Socialist style of states – Chủ nghĩa xã hội
2. Forms of states
What? - Forms in which state powers are allocated/designated
Types? – Ruling and structural form
 Head of state in Vietnam or China: Minister? It’s not really called president

- Level of governments
+ Federal: Federal level + state level
+ Unitary: Cấp trung ương + địa phương
- No. of legal system:
+ Federal: No. of legal system at federal level + state level
+ Uniatry: 1
- No. of nationalities of citizns
+ Federal + Unitary: 1
3. Functions of states
- Internal function

- External function homework/78601777?
Buổi 4: Styles, forms and fuctions of laws
1. Styles of laws
What? - Denoting a group of laws of the same essence
How many? – 4
• Slave possession style of law
• Feudal style of law
• Capitalist style of law
• Socialist style of law

Execise 1

What link between state styles and law styles?

– The style of a state informs the style of its law
– A state of a certain style has its law of the corresponding style

2. Forms of law
- Answering the question of “Where to find to the law?”
- So-called “sources of law”
How many?
- Customary law

- Statutory law

- Case law

3. Case law
Buổi 7: Types of law
BTVN: 8+9+10
Session 10&11: Civil Legal Relations

 Legal relations

- Social relations + Legal norms = Legal relations

- Elements of legal relations: parties (-> Capacity), objects (Things, conducts, non-conducts:
không hành động. Ví dụ: 2 nhà xây sát nhau, 1 nhà thường xuyên mở cửa sổ => ảnh hưởng
tới nhà hàng xóm => có thể thỏa thuận với nhau, nếu anh không mở cửa sổ nữa thì tôi sẽ trả
anh 1 khoản tiền), contents (quyền và nghĩa vụ của các bên)
Lưu ý: Parties: Độ tuổi và có đủ năng lực hành vi (>18) mới có thể tham gia giao dịch dân
sự mà pháp luật cho phép
- The grounds to raise, modify or terminate legal relations: Legal events – sự kiện pháp lý
+ Kí hợp đồng, ông A tự dưng qua đời => Hợp đồng chấm dứt (trừ trường hợp nhượng lại
cho ng nào đó…)
+ Các bên đã ký hợp đồng nma cả 2 bên vẫn đồng ý thay đổi hợp đồng…

 Civil legal relation

- Social relation + civil law

- Civil relation + civil law

- Objects of regulation of civil law: Relation established on the basis of:

+ Equality
+ Freedom of will
+ Independence of property
+ Self - determination
- How is it different from legal relations? Civil law is a part of the legal norms (legal rules)
Quan hệ pháp luật dân sự chỉ được điều chỉnh bởi pháp luật dân sự
Dissimilarities: Quan hệ được điểu chỉnh bởi luật pháp… => legal relation; quan hệ pháp luật
mà chỉ được… điều chỉnh => civil legal relation (Đều là quan hệ xã hội và được điều chỉnh bởi
xã hội, được phát sinh/chấm dứt khi có legal events xảy ra)

 Civil legal relations: Elements

1. Subjects: Individuals/ natural persons, organizations, state => capacity ( năng luật)
- Năng lực pháp luật dân sự/ năng lực hành vi dân sự
Capacity = Civil Legal Capacity + Civil Act Capacity
- Điều 16 bộ luật hình sự (phân tích quy định, giả định, chế tài, …)
1. Are you entitled to get married now? Why (not)
2. Are you entitled to conclude a labour contract now? Why (not)
3. Can you buy some textbooks for your own courses at the university? Does it matter whether
or not you can afford it? Why (not)
Yes and no

2. Objects
3. Content
Session 12: Ownership relations
Q1: Ownership relations = legal relations?
- OR is LR but

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