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The first bar chart below provides information about the price increase of various consumer

products from 2007 to 2014, while the second bar chart illustrates the changes in purchases
of the same products from 2007-2012. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting
the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
(Write at least 150 words.)

Retail price increase by food group (2007—2014, UK)

Change in food purchases in low-income families (2007-2012, UK)

The media is frequently criticised for sensationalising the news with dramatic and often misleading
language to sell stories, rather than reporting the facts.
Some people argue that this practice makes news reports accessible and more engaging to the
public, while others think that it generates false impressions at the expense of accuracy.
How far do you agree with either of these views?

1/ Many people in the world have to work to earn a living. However, many people work only for
the financial gain that it involves, and not for other rewards that a job can offer. What do you
think the main considerations when deciding what job to take should be?
It is true that financial rewards assume a crucial role to whether or not a person could lead an
enjoyable life these days. Many people consequently have the predominant aim of earning as
much money as possible while working. However, among others, passion or other rewards are
more fundamental. Ideally, I do believe that a balance between material and personal rewards is
to be prioritized.

That lucrative jobs foster enormous benefits is entirely comprehensible. With the monetary
rewards achieved through working hours, individuals could re-invest them into what appeals to
them. Travelling to another country or luxuriating in the first-class stuffs are altogether
affordable as long as ones’ jobs are well-paid. If ones are concerned about voluntary work,
financial contributions could also be made to charitable projects. More wisely, the huge amount
of money gained at work should be saved and considerations of early retirement could be made.
By so doing, these people would have larger fund of time for the affairs of their heart.

It is, however, also worth considering other rewards before taking a job. Of crucial importance
before making a decision about your career is passion. It is scientifically proven that if ones do
not love what they do, their performance would hardly be efficient as they stay longer at that job.
More seriously, with such poor productivity, recognition and respect from the co-workers seem
highly unattainable. Grave threats from stress or even depression, as a consequence, become
imminent. In case your jobs offer little chance of promotion or making progress, opting for them
would be a sheer waste of time as sooner or later, ones may feel unbearably demotivated and
leave them in the midway.

To summarize, although it is obvious that financial benefits are the catalyst for a comfortable life
of every individual, personal rewards are not to be neglected while deciding a career. In the end,
it is widely believed that the jobs that ones like well enough to help them meet the basic needs of
life are ideal jobs.

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