Xii Maths Activity File (Term-1) 2024-25 CRPF School, Rohini, Delhi

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(1) To identify whether the given function is many-one or
one-one , into or onto by considering domains and
(2) To draw the graph of arcsin (inverse of sine function) ,
using the graph of sinx and demonstrate the concept of
mirror reflection (about the line y = x).
(3) To find analytically the limit of a given function f(x) at
given point x = c and also check
the continuity of the given function at that point.
(4) To understand the concept of increasing and
decreasing functions.
(5) To find the time when the area of a rectangle of given
dimensions become maximum
if the length is decreasing and breadth is increasing at
given rates.
(Based on One-One & Onto Function) Term-1
Activity 1(a)


To demonstrate a function which is Cardboard, nails, strings, adhesive
not one-one but is onto. and plastic strips.

1. Paste a plastic strip on the left hand side of the cardboard and fix three nails
on it as shown in the Fig.1a.1. Name the nails on the strip as 1, 2 and 3.
2. Paste another strip on the right hand side of the cardboard and fix two nails in
the plastic strip as shown in Fig.1a.2. Name the nails on the strip as a and b.
3. Join nails on the left strip to the nails on the right strip as shown in Fig. 1a.3.

Fig 1a.1 Fig 1a.2 Fig 1a.3

1. Take the set X = {1, 2, 3}
2. Take the set Y = {a, b}
3. Join (correspondence) elements of X to the elements of Y as shown in Fig. 1a.3
1. The image of the element 1 of X in Y is __________.
The image of the element 2 of X in Y is __________.
The image of the element 3 of X in Y is __________.
So, Fig. 1a.3 represents a __________ .
2. Every element in X has a _________ image in Y. So, the function is
_________(one-one/not one-one).
(c) Mathematics Department, CRPF Public School, Rohini, Delhi Page 1
Activity 1(b)
To demonstrate a function which is Cardboard, nails, strings, adhesive
one-one but not onto. and plastic strips.

1. Paste a plastic strip on the left hand side of the cardboard and fix two nails in it
as shown in the Fig. 1b.1. Name the nails as a and b.
2. Paste another strip on the right hand side of the cardboard and fix three
nails on it as shown in the Fig. 1b.2. Name the nails on the right strip as 1,
2 and 3.
3. Join nails on the left strip to the nails on the right strip as shown in the Fig. 1b.3.

Fig 1b.1 Fig 1b.2 Fig 1b.3

1. Take the set X = {a, b}
2. Take the set Y = {1, 2, 3}.
3. Join elements of X to the elements of Y as shown in Fig. 1b.3.
1. The image of the element a of X in Y is ______________.

The image of the element b of X in Y is ______________.

So, the Fig. 1b.3 represents a _____________________.

2. Every element in X has a _________ image in Y. So, the function is
_____________ (one-one/not one-one).
(c) Mathematics Department, CRPF Public School, Rohini, Delhi Page 2


1(i) ______________________________ 1(ii) ____________________________

1(iii) _____________________________ 1(iv) ____________________________

1(v) _____________________________ 1(vi) ____________________________

1(vii) ____________________________ 1(viii) ___________________________

(c) Mathematics Department, CRPF Public School, Rohini, Delhi Page 3
02 n

Objective of the Activity

To draw the graph of Sin–1x using the graph of Sin x and demonstrate the concept of
mirror reflexion (about the line y = x)

Pre-requisite Knowledge
❖ Knowledge about trigonometric functions and inverse trigonometric function and their
properties. Difference between trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions.

Materials Required
✧ A cardboard of suitable size
✧ White chart papers
✧ Ruler
✧ Coloured pens
✧ Adhesive
✧ Pencil
✧ Eraser
✧ Board pins
✧ Paper pins
✧ Wires

Logical Steps of the Activity

1. Take a cardboard of suitable size and a white sheet paste on it with the help of pins.

2. With the help of wires draw two perpendicular lines XoX‘ and YoY‘, XoX‘ says x-axis and
YoY‘ says y-axis.

3. Now mark some points on y-axis like 1, 1/2, 0, –1/2, –1 etc.

(c) Mathematics Department, CRPF Public School, Rohini, Delhi Page 4

4. Sketch the graph of inverse trigonometric function y = Sin–1 x with the help of the following
table. This table will help to draw the exact graph of the inverse trigonometric function y =
Sin­–1 x.

π π π π
X 0
6 4 3 2
1 1 3
Sin x 0 = .5 = .71 = .81 1
2 2 2

π 
5. Now fix the paper pins to locate the coordinate which is represent the points say P1  , 0.5
6 
 π   π  π 
, p2  , 0.71 , P3  , 0.87  , P4  , 1 as shown in the figure.
4  3  2 
6. Now we will repeat the same process for the other side of the x-axis. Mark the points with
the help of the following table.

π π π π
X − − − −
6 4 3 2
1 1 3
Sin x − = − .5 − = − .71 − = − .87 –1
2 2 2

π π
7. With the help of paper pins we represent the points say P11  − , − .5 , P21  − , − .71 ,
 6   4 
 π   π 
P31  − , − .87  , P41  − , − 1 and fix a paper pin at point O which represents the origin of
 3   2 
the graph.

8. Join the pins with the help of wires on both the sides of x-axis. Here we have a curve which
π π
is a graph of Sin x from − to . Now plot the points (1, 1) (2, 2) (3, 3) (4, 4) ..... etc. on the
2 2
cartesian plane to draw the graph of line y = x.

9. From the marked point P1, P2, P3 and P4 draw perpendiculars on the line y = x and construct
lines such that length of perpendicular on both the sides of the line y = x are equal. Mark
these points as Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 and fix the paper pin on them.

10. Repeat the same process on the other side of x-axis and fix the paper pins on the points Q11,
Q21, Q31, Q41.

11. Now join the pins on both the sides of the line y = x by a wire tightly to obtain the graph of
y = sin–1x.

12. Now place a mirror on the line y = x. The mirror image of the graph of y = sin x represents
the graph of y = sin–1x which shows that sin–1x is a reflexion of sin x about the line y = x.

(c) Mathematics Department, CRPF Public School, Rohini, Delhi Page 5

1. We observe that the image of point P1 in the mirror (through the line y = x) is Q1.
2. The image of point P2 in the mirror (through the line y = x) is Q2.
3. The image of point P3 in the mirror (through the line y = x) is Q3.
4. The image of point P4 in the mirror (through the line y = x) is Q4.
5. The image of point P11 in the mirror (through the line y = x) is Q11.
6. The image of point P21 in the mirror (through the line y = x) is Q21.
7. The image of point P31 in the mirror (through the line y = x) is Q31.
8. The image of point P41 in the mirror (through the line y = x) is Q41.

From the above discussion the mirror image of the graph of y = sin x about the line y = x is the
graph of y = sin–1x and mirror image of y = sin–1x through y = x is the graph of sin x.

(c) Mathematics Department, CRPF Public School, Rohini, Delhi Page 6

03 XII Maths Activity No. 3
(Continuity of a function) Term-1

Objective of the Activity

To find analytically the limit of a given function f(x) at given point x = c and also check
the continuity of the given function at that point.

Pre-requisite Knowledge
❖ Knowledge of the concepts of limit and continuity of a function at given point.

Materials Required
✧ A drawing board
✧ A white paper sheet
✧ Board pins, pencil and calculator

Logical Steps of the Activity

 x2 − 9

1. Let the given function be f(x)  x − 3 if x ≠ 3
 6 if x = 3

2. Take some points or value of x on left side of 3, very close to 4 and find the value of f(x)

x 2 − 9 ( x + 3) ( x − 3)
⇒ f ( x) = = = x + 3 ⇒ ( x ≠ 3)
x−3 ( x − 3)
3. Find the corresponding values of f(x) for given values of x with the help of calculator.

4. The values of x and f(x) may be tabulated as below:

x 2.9 2.99 2.999 2.9999 2.99999 2.999999 2.9999999

f(x) 5.9 5.99 5.999 5.9999 5.99999 5.999999 5.9999999

5. Now take some values of x or points on the right side of (x = 3) which are very close to c.

(c) Mathematics Department, CRPF Public School, Rohini, Delhi Page 7

6. Find the corresponding values of f(x) for the given value of x with the help of calculator.

7. The value of f(x) are tabulated as below:

x 3.1 3.01 3.001 3.0001 3.00001 3.000001 3.0000001

f(x) 6.1 6.01 6.001 6.0001 6.00001 6.000001 6.0000001

1. The values of f(x) is approaching to 6 when x → 3 from the left.

2. The values of f(x) is approaching to 6 when x → 3 from the right.

3. So we can say lim f ( x ) = 6 ( L.H .L.) and lim f ( x ) = 6 ( R.H .L.) L.H.L. → stands for
x → 3− x → 3+ Left Hand Limit
4. Therefore lim f ( x ) = 6 , f(3) = 6 R.H.L. → stands for
x→3 Right Hand Limit
 f ( x ) Value of the function
Thus lim f ( x ) = f (3) 
x→3 at given point.
Since lim f ( x ) = lim f ( x ) = f (3) = 6 {L.H.L. = R.H.L., f(x)}
x → 3− x → 3+
So the given function is continuous function at x = 3.

With the help of above activity, we conclude the limit of a function f(x) at given point c analytically
and checked whether the function is continuous or not.

(c) Mathematics Department, CRPF Public School, Rohini, Delhi Page 8

04 e

Objective of the Activity

To understand the concepts of decreasing and increasing functions.

Materials Required
✧ Piece of plywood of suitable size
✧ Piece of wire of different lengths
✧ White paper sheet
✧ Adhesive
✧ Geometry box
✧ Trigonometric tables

Logical Steps of the Activity

1. Take a piece of plywood of a convenient size and paste a white paper on it.

2. Take two wires of convenient size. With the help of wires draw two perpendicular lines
XOX‘ and YOY‘ which will bisect perpendicularly at point O. Now XOX‘ will represent
x-axis and YOY‘ represent y-axis.

3. Take two more pieces of wire of suitable lengths and make its shape of curves representing
two functions and fix them on the paper sheet as shown in the figure.

4. Take two or three wires of suitable lengths for the tangents to the curves at different points
on the curves.

5. Take the straight wire and place it on the curve in (L.H.S.) such that it is tangent to the
curve at the point say A1 and making an angle Q1 with x-axis in the positive direction.

6. Take another two points say A2 and A3 on the same curve and make tangents using the
same wire at A2 and A3 making angles Q2 and Q3 respectively with x-axis in the positive

(c) Mathematics Department, CRPF Public School, Rohini, Delhi Page 9

7. Now take three points B1, B2 and B2 on the curve (R.H.S.) and using another wires forms
tangents to each of these points which makes angles f1, f2, f3 respectively with x-axis in the
positive direction.

1. With the above figure we have Q1 = 110º is an obtuse angle so tan Q1 is –ve.

2. Again we Sec. Q2 = 120 and Q3 = 125º are obtuse angles and therefore shapes of the tangents
tan Q2 and tan Q3 both are –ve.

3. tan Q1 = tan 110 = − 5.6712 

tan Q2 = tan 120 = − 2.7474 These are − ve values
tan Q3 = tan 125 = − 1 

4. Thus we can say that the given function in (L.H.S) is a decreasing function.

5. In R.H.S. on measuring f1, f2 and f3 the angles which makes by the tangents are f3 = 65º,
f3 = 75º, f1 = 0º.

(c) Mathematics Department, CRPF Public School, Rohini, Delhi Page 10

⇒ tan B1 = tan 80° = + 5.6112
tan B2 = tan 75° =  These are +ve values
tan B3 = tan 65° = 

Thus we can say that the given function in (R.H.S.) is a increasing function.

From the above activity it is verified that a function f(x) is increasing when f‘(x) ≥ 0 and decreasing
when f‘(x) ≤ 0 (where X ∈ domain of f)

(c) Mathematics Department, CRPF Public School, Rohini, Delhi Page 11

05 XII Maths Activity No. 5
(Based on Application of Derivatives) Term-1

Objective of the Activity

To find the time when the area of a rectangle of given dimensions become maximum
if the length is decreasing and breadth is increasing at given rates.

Pre-requisite Knowledge
❖ Knowledge of rectangles and the area of rectangles.

Materials Required
✧ Card board
✧ Chart paper of white colours
✧ Cutter
✧ Glue Sticks
✧ Scale

Logical Steps of Activity

1. We take a rectangle R1 of dimentions 18 cm × 9 cm.

2. Let the length of the rectangle is decreasing at the rate of 1 cm/sec. and breadth is increasing
at the rate of 2 cm/sec.

(c) Mathematics Department, CRPF Public School, Rohini, Delhi Page 12

3. Now we cut other rectangles R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, of the dimensions 17 cm × 11 cm,
16 cm × 13 cm, 15 cm × 15 cm, 14 cm × 17 cm, 13 cm × 19 cm, 12 cm × 21 cm, 11 cm × 23 cm,
10 cm × 25 cm respectively as shown in the figure.
4. Now fix these rectangle on the white sheet and then card board.

(c) Mathematics Department, CRPF Public School, Rohini, Delhi Page 13

1. Here we observe that the length of the rectangle is decreasing at the rate of 1 cm/sec. and
breadth is increasing at the rate of 2 cm/sec.
2. Area of Rectangle R1 = 18 cm × 9 cm = 162 cm2
3. Area of Rectangle R2 = 17 cm × 11 cm = 187 cm2
4. Area of Rectangle R3 = 16 cm × 13 cm = 208 cm2
5. Area of Rectangle R4 = 15 cm × 15 cm = 225 cm2
6. Area of Rectangle R5 = 14 cm × 17 cm = 238 cm2
7. Area of Rectangle R6 = 13 cm × 19 cm = 247 cm2
8. Area of Rectangle R7 = 12 cm × 21 cm = 252 cm2
9. Area of Rectangle R8 = 11 cm × 23 cm = 253 cm2
10. Area of Rectangle R9 = 10 cm × 25 cm = 250 cm2
12. Now we observe that the area of rectangle is maximum after 8 seconds. It is 253 cm2.
13. Hence the maximum area of rectangle is 253 cm2.

From the above activity we conclude that the time when the area of rectangle of given dimensions
becomes maximum if the length is decreasing and breadth is increasing at the given rates.

(c) Mathematics Department, CRPF Public School, Rohini, Delhi Page 14

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