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PMA long course 149 all repeated and important questions


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Compiled by: Izhar Ahmed 03333805191

PMA long course 149 all repeated and important questions

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Compiled by: Izhar Ahmed 03333805191

PMA long course 149 all repeated and important questions














Compiled by: Izhar Ahmed 03333805191

PMA long course 149 all repeated and important questions

Name Father’s name Mother’s name Khilafat time
Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) Usman Abu Kahafa Salma Uml Khair 632-634 A.D
Page | 4 Hazrat Umar Farooque (R.A) Khatab Bin Nofail Hantama Bint E Hasham 634-644 A.D
Hazrat Usman Bin Affan (R.A) Affan Bin Abial Arwa Bint Kuraiz 644-656 A.D
Hazrat Ali (R.A) Abu Talib Fatima Bint Asad 656-661 A.D
Ghazwa e Badar 17 Ramzan 2 Hijri 624 AD
Ghazwa E Uhd 7 Shawal 3 Hijri 625 AD
Ghazwa E Khandaqu Shawal 5 Hijri 627 AD
Ghazwa E Khaiber 7 Hijri 629 AD
Ghazwa E Hunain 8 Hijri 630 AD
Fatah E Makkah 10 or 20 Ramadan 8 Hijri 630 AD
Ghazwa E Tabuk Rajab 9 Hijri 630 AD
1) Last surah was reveled “surah e Nasar “.
2) Who is called Roh e Allah “Hazrat Esa (A.S)”.
3) Who is called Israel “Hazrat Yaquoob (A.S)”.
4) Who was called Abu Ammar “Hazrat Usman (R.A)”.
5) Title of Hazrat Dawood (A.S) was “Najeeb Ullah”.
6) Hazrat Umar Farooq was the first Ammeer Ul momneen.
7) Hazrat saffiya was the daughter of Jews and wife of holy prophet.
8) Jang yarmuk was fought in 636 A.D and 14 Hijri.
9) Tragedy of Karbala took place on 10 Oct 680 A.D.
10) Surah Maryam is in 16 parah.
11) Hijrat Hibsha took place in 615 A.D.
12) How many years Muslims ruled on Spain “1001 years”.
13) Eid prayer is Wajib.
14) Hazrat Ali died in 40 Hijri.
15) Hazrat Musa and Haroon were brothers.
16) Masjid Zarar was the mosque of hypocrites.
17) Hazrat Umar had four daughters.
18) Quraish means tribes live in Makkah.
19) Who is called Rul Ul Qudoos “Hazrat Jibraeel”.
20) Rustom was the opposition of was of Qudsia.
21) Old name of Quba was Taqwa.
22) Population of Muslim world is 1.8 billion.
23) 14 or 17 Muslims were martyred in Ghazwa Badar.
24) Literal meaning of Islam is “To submission will of Allah”.
25) Who took sword for jihad in Islam first “Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqas”.
26) Hudaibiya is a name of tree or a place.
27) How many tribes were in bani Israeel “12”?
28) When did hajj become compulsory (9 Hijri).

Compiled by: Izhar Ahmed 03333805191

PMA long course 149 all repeated and important questions

29) When did hijab wearing become compulsory (4 Hijri).

30) Hazrat Esa A.S had 5 miracles.
31) How many prophets came to Israeel (4).
32) Hazrat Umar Farooq Had 3 sons.
33) How many times the name of Jibraeel has been mentioned in holy Quran (4).
Page | 5 34) Quran revealed in 616 A.D 27 Ramadan.
35) 10 Sahifas were revealed to Hazrat Adam A.S.
36) How many Shaba’s grave in Afghanistan (99 or 72)
37) How many kafirs were killed in Ghazwa uhd (27).
38) Hazrat Mohammad’s second wife name (Hazrat Soda R.A)
39) Laat and laas are the name of idols.
40) First book of hadith was Shifa E sadiqa.
41) What was the Father’s name of Hazrat Ibrahim (Aazar).
42) Iran was first conquered by Hazrat sad bin Abi Waqas.
43) What was the mother name of Hazrat Ishaque (Sara).
44) Egypt was first conquered in the region of Hazrat Umar Farooq.
45) What is jihad for woman (Hijab and Fasting).
46) War of Qudsia was fought in 636 A.S.
47) Khusro Pervez was the king of Iran at the time of jang Qudsia.
48) Rustom was the Army commander of Iran at the time of jang Qudsia.
49) Abu sufiyan accepted Islam in 8 Hijri.
50) Spirit of Islam is a book written by Ameer Ali.
51) Masjid e Zarar Also called mosque of Oppositions.
52) Zakat was started in Pakistan in 1988.
53) Sulah e Hudaibiya Also known as Fatah Mubeen.
54) Nijashi was a Christian.
55) Saffa means hut.
56) Surah bakra is the largest surah of holy Quran which has (286 ayats).
57) Surah kausar is the smallest surah of holy Quran which has (3 ayats).
58) How many surah starts with Alamhamdu Lilah (5).
59) Now a days which Hijri is going on 1443 Hijri?
60) In which Ghazwa Muslim Women participated (Uhd).
61) Where is the tomb of Hazrat Ali Hijri (Lahore).
62) Who was the first darvesh (Hazrat Abu Zar Gaffari).
63) What was written on the holy prophet Mohammad (SAW) seal (Allah Rasool
64) Who was called Herodotus of Arabs (Abdul Hassan Ali).
65) There are 114 Surah’s in Holy Quran.
66) Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam.
67) There were 313 Muslims in Ghazwa e Badar.
68) Nimaz is the second pillar of Islam.
69) Zakat means to purify.
70) Masjid Nabwi is in Medina.
71) Ghazwa e Badar was fought in Ramadan.

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PMA long course 149 all repeated and important questions

72) The word Quran means to read.

73) Religion means to believe.
74) Kaleem Ullah is the title of Hazrat Musa (A.S).
75) Safi Ullah is the title of Hazrat Adam (A.S).
76) Hazrat Suleiman Farsi (R.A) gave the idea of digging trench in Ghazwa Ahzab or
Page | 6 trench.
77) Total Rukos 540, ayats 6666, and Sajdas are 14 in Holy Quran.
78) Surah Maryam was recited in the court of Nijashi.
79) Hazrat Adam had two daughter and three sons.
80) In Ghazwa e Khandaqu the trench was 10 kilometer long, 22 feet wide and 16 feet
81) Wine was declared haram in 8 Hijri.
82) There were 1000 Muslims in Ghazwa e Uhd.
83) Hazrat Idrees (A.S) could understand 72 languages.
84) Nimaz was made obligatory in 12th Nabwi.
85) Surah Bakra is the longest Surah of Holy Quran.
86) Surah Kausar is the shortest Surah of Holy Quran.
87) Surah Alq was the first Surah revealed to.
88) Turkey is the only Muslim country in NATO.
89) Holy Quran was revealed in 22 years 5 months and 22 days.
90) Makkah was conquered in 8th Hijri.
91) Hazrat Ismail (A.S) was the son of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S).
92) Ghazwa Uhd was fought in three Hijri.
93) In 6 Hijri Sulah Hudaibiya took Place.
94) Rab means Sustainer.
95) Hazrat Hamza (R.A) was the uncle of Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
96) Masjid Aqsa is the second name of Baitul Muqadas.
97) Mawakhat e Medina was settled between Muhajireen and Ansars.
98) Ansars literally means helper or supporters.
99) Hazrat Bilal (R.A) is the first Mouzin of Islam.
100) Masjid e Qiblatain is in Saudi Arabia.
101) Makki surah’s are in Quran 86.
102) Maddani Surahs in Quran 28.
103) Babul Rehan is the door of paradise for Fasting peoples.
104) Fasting was made obligatory in 2nd Hijri.
105) Qasas means blood is the revenge of blood.
106) Six surah starts with the name of prophets.
107) Holy Quran has 55 names.
108) Surah Fateh is also known as Bab-Ul-Quran.
109) Name of Hazrat Zaid bin Haris (RA)is mentioned in the Holy Quran.
110) First Hafiz Quran is Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A).
111) Aab e Zam Zam is 140 feet deep.
112) Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) migrated to Medina in 13 Nabwi.
113) Holy Quran was revealed in 616 AD.

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114) Hinda was the wife of Abu sufiyan.

115) Ghazwa Widan or Abwa was the first Ghazwa took place in 1 Hijri.
116) The second Ghazwa was Ghazwa e Badar took placed in 2nd Hijri.
117) Treaty of Hudaibiya and conquest of Khyber took place in 6 Hijri.
118) Battle of Hunain and conquest of Makkah took place in 8th Hijri.
Page | 7 119) Hajjat Ul Wida took place in 10 Hijri.
120) Tragedy of Karbala occurred in 61 Hijri.
121) Battle of Badar was fought on 17th Ramadan.
122) Uhd is the name of hill.
123) Yom Ul Furqan is also known as Youmul Badar.
124) Ahzab means allies.
125) Abu sufiyan led Qureshs in Ghazwa e Uhd.
126) Khyber was conquered in 20 days.
127) Battle of mauta was the first none Arab War.
128) Tabuk was the last Ghazwa of Islam.
129) Jihad means to strive or struggle.
130) Shah Jan mosque is at thatha.
131) Zakat and fasting were made obligatory in 2 Hijri.
132) Kitabul Hind is written by Al Bairuni.
133) Shah Wali Ullah was born in Delhi.
134) Abu jahl died in 624 AD in Ghazwa Badar.
135) Makkah was the maternal city of Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
136) Hazrat Abu Bakar was the first caliph of Islam.
137) Surah Yaseen is the heart of Holy Quran.
138) Namaz E Istaska is offered for rain.
139) Namaz E Kasoof is offered for Solar Eclipse.
140) Namaz Khasoof is offered for moon Eclipse.
141) Ramadan is the 9th month of Islamic calendar.
142) Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) had four daughters and three sons.
143) Risalat means to convey the message.
144) Surah Rahman is the Beauty of the Holly Quran.
145) Surah Ikhlas is the 112th surah of the holy Quran.
146) Subject of the Holy Quran is man.
147) Israeel is the title of Hazrat Yaquoob A.S.
148) 6 Surah start with the name of holy Prophets.
149) Sidrat Ul montaha means last tress of the eternity.
150) Hajj means to intend and was made obligatory in 9 Hijri.
151) There are three types of hajj.
152) Ark of Noah stopped at Judi Mountain, Turkey.
153) Abu al Bashar Sani is the tittle of Hazrat Noah (A.S).
154) Hazrat Adam (A.S) landed in Srilanka on Adam peak Mountain.
155) Hazrat Adam (A.S) is called Abu al Bashar.
156) Hazrat Usman is known as Jami Ul Quran.
157) Hazrat Ali is known as Asadullah.

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158) Hazrat Khalid Bin Walid embraced Islam in 6th Hijri.

159) Hazrat Ibrahim A.S had 2 sons.
160) Hazrat Khadija Embraced Islam first amongst the women.
161) Hazrat Ali embraced Islam first amongst the women.
162) Hazrat Abu Bakar embraced Islam first amongst the men.
Page | 8 163) In Ghazwa Badar Allah sent angels to help the Muslims.
164) 70 Hafiz Quran embraced martyred in jang e Yama.
165) First Hijrit took place in 5th Nabwi.
166) 2nd Hijrit took place in 6 Nabwi.
167) 3rd Hijrat took place in 13 Nabwi.
168) Hazrat Yousef A.S remained in well for 3 days.
169) Hazrat Halima was the foster mother of holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
170) There were 6 muhajirs and 8 Ansars martyred in Ghazwa e Badar.
171) There were seventy martyrs in Ghazwa e Uhd.
172) Battle of Mauta was the first non-Arab war fought in 8 Hijri.
173) There were 10000 army men with holy prophet in Ghazwa e Tabuk.
174) Ghazwa Tabuk was the last Ghazwa.
175) Hazrat Hamza was the first commander of Islamic Army.
176) Cave Hira is a cave in mountain Hira in Makkah where angel Jibraeel came for
the first time revealed the message of Allah to Holy Prophet Mohammad PBUH at
the age of forty.
177) Baitul Muqadas is the Qibla e Awal.
178) Tur E Sina is the place where Hazrat Musa A.S prophet received message of
179) Islam means complete submission of Almighty Allah.
180) Hazrat Abu Bakar R.A was the Imam behind whom Hazrat Mohammad PBUH
said his prayers.
181) Hazrat Bilal was the first Mouzin of Islam.
182) Ahel E Bait means family of Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
183) Rate Zakat is 2.5%.
184) Shah Wali Ullah was born in Delhi.
185) Surah Rahman is called Uroos UL Quran.
186) Surah al Hamd was reveled twice.
187) Shah Rafeeudeen Translated Holy Quran into Urdu.
188) First Wahi consist of 5 verses.
189) Yaum E Takbir is the name of Atomic test Day 28 may.
190) Tragedy of Karbala was placed on 61 Hijri.
191) Kaswa was the camel of Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
192) Home of the Hazrat Arqam was used for the secret preaching of Islam by Holy
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
193) Charter of Medina was issued on 1 Hijri and it has 53 articles.
194) 4 king accepted Islam when Holy prophet sent them letters.
195) Mosque of Zarar was destroyed by holy prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
196) Ume Salma was present at the time of battle of Khyber.

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197) Holy prophet Mohammad (PBUH) recited surah Fatah at the time of conquest
of Makkah.
198) Hazrat Abdul Mutalib was died in 579 A.D.
199) Holy prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Had 6 aunties and 11 uncles.
200) Holy Prophet (PBUH) was 15 years old at the time of Jang Fajjar.
Page | 9 201) Medina is 448 Km or 250 miles away from the Makkah.
202) Ambassador sent to non-Arab countries in 7th Hijri.
203) King of Iran tore away the message of holy prophet PBUH.
204) Badar is a name of village.
205) Hazrat Hajjira was the mother of Hazrat Ismail A.S.
206) Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was born on 571 AD 22 April.
207) Istlam is the kissing of HIjre Aswad.
208) Jang Yamama was fought between the forces of Hazrat Abu Bakar R.A and
Musaylima Kazzab (self-proclaimed prophet).
209) Tayyamym means dry ambulation.
210) Hazrat Ali established Bait Ul Mall.
211) The Battle of Khandaqu is also known as battle of Ahzab.
212) Conquest of Makkah took place on 20 or 10 Ramadan.
213) Saudi Arabia is a peninsula.
214) Israeel was the title of Hazrat Yaquoob A.S.
215) A Muslim male if coffined in 3 dressed sheets.
216) A Muslim female coffined in 5 dressed sheets.
217) The Real name of imam Bukhari was Mohammad bin Ismail.
218) Holy Quran contains 7 stages or Manzils.
219) 70 Hafiz Quran were martyred in Jang e Yama.
220) Ramadan is the 9th month of Islamic calendar.
221) Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) made Hazrat maaz bin Jabbal the Governor of
222) Kitab Ul Umm is written by Imam Shafi.
223) Masjid Kaif is located in mena.
224) Hazrat Khalid R.A was the last Commander of Islamic Army in Ghazwa e
225) The name of Holy prophet Mohammad (PBUH) had been mentioned in Holy
Quran for 5 times.
226) Qibla means anything in front.
227) Hazrat Umar embraced Islam in 616 A.D.
228) Khateeb UL Ambiya is the title of Hazrat Shoaib A.S.
229) Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam.
230) Niyyat is Obligatory before Namaz.
231) There are four Surahs which are named on the names of Animals.
Province name Governor Chief minister

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Baluchistan Lt general Riaz Hussain Atta Ullah Mengal

Sindh Sheikh Hidayat Ullah Ayoub Khan Khoro
KPK George Cannigham Abdul Qayom Khan
Punjab Sir Francis Moody Khan Iftikhar
Page | 10 Pakistan 796096
Baluchistan 347190
Punjab 205344
KPK 74251
Sindh 140914
Kashmir 13297
Islamabad 906
 Pakistan is in South Asian
 East Indian 3320 Km.
 North China 559 Km.
 North West Afghanistan 2252 Km.
 West Iran 960 Km.
 South Arabian Sea 1046 Km.
 Total length of Pakistani borders is 7307 km.
1. Pakistan joined SCO on 15 June, 2006.
2. Minto Marley reform was in 1909.
3. Chelmsford reform was in 1919.
4. Simon commission came to India in 1927.
5. Nehru report was presented in 1928.
6. Crips mission was in 1942 during world war two.
7. Kanpur desert is in Rahim Yar Khan District.
8. Sialkot is in Gujranwala division.
9. Sankiang Province of china joins Pakistan border.
10. Pakistan is located in South Asia.
11. Warsak dam is on Kabul River.
12. In 1979 first noble price for Pakistan got Dr. Abdul Salam.
13. In 1992 Pakistan won cricket world cup.
14. In 1994 Pakistan won hockey world cup.
15. In 2001 Pakistan joined SCO.
16. In 2017 Pakistan became permanent member of UNO.
17. In 2016 SAARC 12th conference in Islamabad.
18. Dr. Abdul Qadeer was born on 1st April 1936.
19. Dr. Abdul Qadeer was died on 10 Oct 2021.
20. Pakistan’s National anthem was first released on 13th August 1954.
21. Smallest district of Pakistan is Turghar which is in KPK.
22. 1962 constitution was dissolved by Yahya Khan on 25 th March 1969.
23. 1965 election was between Fatima Jinnah and Ayoub Khan.
24. When did Mumbai separate from Sindh? (1st April 1936).
25. Abdul Sattar Edhi lived in Multan.

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PMA long course 149 all repeated and important questions

26. According to 1956 constitution prime minister elects president.

27. Pakistan purchased Gawadar on 8 Sep 1958.
28. Pakistan joined SEATO in May 1954.
29. Pakistan joined CENTO in 1954.
30. General Musharraf dismissed Zafarullah.
Page | 11 31. Benazir Bhutto martyred on 27 Dec, 2007.
32. 2nd summit conference of OIC took place in 1976 in Lahore.
33. Quaid Azam joined congress in 1896.
34. Quaid Azam joined Muslim league in 1913.
35. Allama Iqbal joined Muslim league in 1924.
36. Liaquat Ali Khan joined Muslim League in 1908.
37. Fatima Jinnah joined Muslim league in 1938.
38. Quad e Azam resigned from congress in 1920.
39. Quad e Azam became the temporary president of Muslim league in 1919.
40. Quad e Azam became the permanent member of Muslim league in 1934.
41. Number of Pakistan according to are 34 or 36.
42. PTI was came into being on 25th April 1996.
43. PPP was came into being on 30th Nov 1967.
44. First ticket of Pakistan issued on 9th July 1948.
45. Tashkent Agreement 10th June 1966.
46. General Ayoub Khan was died on 19th April 1979.
47. Seats of national assembly (342).
48. The greatest civil award in Pakistan is Nishan Pakistan was first awarded on 19 th
march 1957.
49. Halal e Kashmir was awarded to Naik Saif Ali Janjoa.
50. National anthem committee of Pakistan was on 24th Feb 1949.
51. Nishan Haider was awarded to Major Tufail in 1958.
52. None Align moment was held in October 1961.
53. Tow nation theory represented in 1867.
54. Mohammad Mia Soomro replaced Shokat Aziz.
55. Rate of unemployment in Pakistan 5. 90 %.
56. When British entered in Sindh (in 1843).
57. Founder of Urdu defense association Muhsin-ul-Mulk.
58. Pakistan first glacier is Siachen glacier.
59. Pakistan second largest glacier is baltora glacier.
60. Which pass connect Pakistan and Khyber Pass.
61. Pakistan longitude 61 to 75 east.
62. Pakistan latitude is 23 to 39 north.
63. First head of ISI was Shahid Hameed.
64. Karakorum is the word of which language. (Turkish)
65. Which American president visit Pakistan first (D Wight Eisen Hower)
66. Who gave NRO (General Pervez Musharraf).
67. Who gave the Idea of SAARC (Zia UL Rahman).
68. Who established basic democracy? (Ayoub Khan).

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69. Who is the editor of Jang news?

LOC length is 740 kilo meter.
70. CPEC total budget is 62 US dollar.
71. Current Police IG of Baluchistan is Mohammad Tahir Rai.
72. How much budget passed in 2021 8400 billion PKR.
Page | 12 73. What is manila pact (sign in Philippines in 1954?)
74. There were 12 seats for FATA.
75. After the 1973 election in 1977 election became.
76. Current corps commander of Baluchistan is Safraz Ali.
77. In 2005 earthquake 86000 people were killed.
78. President of Azad Kashmir is Sultan Mehmood Chaudhry.
79. In 1943 Quad Azam visited Dehli.
80. Rani fort is located in Jamshoro Sindh.
81. The wives of Quad Azam (Rattan bai Jinnah, Emi bai Jinnah)
82. First Baluchistan women speaker was Raheela Khan Durrani)
83. Largest coal mine in Pakistan is in Tharparkar Sindh.
84. Sir Zafarullah Presented Pakistan in UNO.
85. Head of railway station is station master.
86. Kulk and Muztag pass connect Gilgit to China.
87. Khankum Pass connects Chitral to Wakkan corridor.
88. Shandur Pass connects Chitral and Gilgit.
89. Touchy pass connects China and Pakistan.
90. Mancher Lake is located in Dado Sindh.
91. There are 10 districts of Azad Kashmir.
92. Tajikistan held the meeting between Pakistan and India in 1966.
93. There are 7 rivers in Baluchistan.
94. First democratic election was in 1970.
95. Dehli proposal was presented by Quad Azam in 1927.
96. Mohammad Ali Bogra was the PM at the time of first constitution.
97. India constructed gliber dam on Chenab River.
98. When Quad Azam gave Dehli pact (in 1943).
99. Pir pur report in 1938.
100. Cabinet mission was in 1946.
101. Indus River in Gilgit started in the government of Yousif Raza Gilani.
102. Pakistan built textile with the help of china.
103. Pakistan built steel mill with the help of Russia.
104. General Ayoub signed Tashkent agreement.
105. General pact was in 1988.
106. First chairman senate Habib Ullah Khan.
107. Minto Marley reform also known as (Indian Act 1909)
108. Minar Pakistan inaugurated in 22 march 1968 general Ayoub Khan.
109. Longest tenser as a president of Pakistan is Ayoub Khan.
110. Longest tenser as a governor general of Pakistan is Ghulam Mohammad.
111. Longest tenser as a prime minister of Pakistan is Liaquat Ali Khan.

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112. Shortest tenser as a prime minister as a prime minister of Pakistan is Ayoub

113. Shortest tenser as a Governor General of Pakistan is Quad Azam Mohammad
Ali Jinnah.
114. Shortest tenser as a President of Pakistan Z.A Bhutto.
Page | 13 115. The CPEC route is from Gawadar to Kashgar.
116. One unit was established by Z.A Bhutto.
117. Bangladesh separated from Pakistan on 16 Dec, 1971.
118. Total seats of national assembly of Pakistan (342).
119. Number of Pakistan due to area is 34 or 36.
120. Number or India due to area in the world is 7.
121. Number of intelligence agency of Pakistan ISI is 1.
122. The Indian intelligence agency of India’s RAW is on 7 number.
123. Death of General Zia Ul Haque was on 17th August 1988.
124. Benazir Bhutto became prime minister on 2nd Dec 1988.
125. First prime minister of Azad Kashmir was Abdul Hamid Khan.
126. First president of Azad Kashmir was Sardar Ibrahim Khan.
127. First Museum of Pakistan was National museum Karachi in 1950.
128. First chief of election commissioner FM khan.
129. First lady federal minister was Waquran Nisa Noor.
130. The first barrage of Pakistan is sukkur barrage.
131. First secretary general of Pakistan is Chaudhry Mohammad Ali.
132. Minto Marley reform was in 1909.
133. Who was convicted in Rawalpindi conspiracy case Faiz Mohammad Faiz?
134. Minister of occupied Kashmir is Mehboba Mufti.
135. General election of 2013 was on 11 may.
136. Pakistan made chashma nuclear power plant with the help of China.
137. Who is the leader of the opposition? (Farooque Sattar)
138. Iran was the first country to recognize Pakistan.
139. Afghanistan opposed Pakistan’s membership in UNO.
140. Liaquat Ali khan was the first prime minister of Pakistan.
141. Islam Abad is the capital of Pakistan.
142. There are 10 receipt of Nishan E Haider Pakistan tested its Atomic Bomb in
143. Major Raja Aziz Bhatti is the maternal uncle of General Raheel Shareef.
144. Durand line is a boundary between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
145. LOC line of control is the boundary between Azad and Indian Hel Kashmir.
146. Redcliff Line is the boundary between Pakistan and India.
147. Quad E Azam was the first Governor General of Pakistan.
148. Mount Batten was the last viceroy of subcontinent and first governor general
of India.
149. Warsak Dam is built on Kabul River Urdu Hindi controversy took place in

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150. National anthem of Pakistan is written by Hafiz Jalandry and its duration is 80
151. Tarbela Dam is the largest Dam of Pakistan.
152. Grand Trunk Road was built by Sher shah Soori and it is from KPK to Karachi.
153. The wakkan Corridor is narrow strip of territory in Afghanistan that separates
Page | 14 Tajikistan from Pakistan.
154. Duration of national assembly is 5 years.
155. 1st martial law was imposed by Skinadar Mirza on 7 Oct 1957. The first chief
martial law administrative was general Ayoub Khan (Skinadar dissolved Government
on 7 Oct 1957 and general Ayoub became president on 27 Oct 1958).
156. 2nd martial was imposed by general Agha Mohammad Yahya on 25th march
157. 3rd martial law was imposed by General Zia UL Haque on July 5 1977.
158. On October 12, 1999 General Pervez Musharraf seized power in bloodless
coup while dismissing the elected government of Nawaz Sharif however no marital
law imposed.
159. Chaudhry Rehmat Ali suggested name of Pakistan in 1933.
160. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was born in 1817 and died in 1898.
161. Imam Muhammad Bin Hassan Shaybani is the writer of Kitab UL Asar.
162. Ghulam Mohammad was the 3rd Governor General of Pakistan.
163. Markhor is the national animal of Pakistan.
164. Zhob city is in Baluchistan.
165. India is in the east of Pakistan.
166. 1965 war continues for 17 days.
167. Pakistan purchased Gawadar from Oman for 3 million Dollars on 8 September
168. K2 is the second highest Mountain in the world. It is in Karakoram section of
the Himalayas between Pakistan and China. K2 is 8611 meter or 28251 feet tall. Its
second name is Godwin Austen Named for the man who first climbed it.
169. The people republic of china was established in 1949 after the nationalist
170. Upper house of parliament is called senate.
171. Lower House of parliament is called national Assembly.
172. Liaquat Ali Khan was assassinated on 16th October 1951.
173. Quad E Azam was born on 25 DEC 1876 and died on 11 SEP 1948.
174. Allama Iqbal was born on 9th NOV 1877 and died on 21 April 1938.
175. Muslim League was made in Dhaka in 1906.
176. Bengal partition was cancelled in 1911.
177. Allama Iqbal Gave the idea of Pakistan.
178. Cripps Mission was passed in subcontinent during WW2.
179. Five words can be made from Pakistan.
180. Asif Jahi was the Ruler of Hyderabad state at the time of independence.
181. Taftan border is border Between Pakistan and Iran.
182. Sheikh Mujeeb Ur Rahman was the first prime minister of Bangladesh.

Compiled by: Izhar Ahmed 03333805191

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183. Nehru Report was proposed in 1928.

184. Simon Commission was in 1927.
185. Shah Abdul Latif was the famous poet of Sindhi language.
186. Indian or Pakistani ambassador are also known as high commissioner.
187. Atomic Bomb was discovered in 1945.
Page | 15 188. MAO College was established in 1877.
189. President is the supreme commander of armed forces of Pakistan.
190. Admiral James Wilfred Jeffords was the first Naval Staff Chief.
191. H.Q of Navy is located in Islamabad.
192. H.Q of army is located in Rawalpindi.
193. H.Q of Air force is located in Peshawar.
194. Khilafat moment was started in 1919.
195. Government of Punjab banned the Pakistan movie “Malik”.
196. Halide barrage canal is the biggest canal of Pakistan.
197. After war of Freedom Sir Syed Ahmed took the responsibility of the Muslims
of India.
198. Aurangzaib Alamgir made Badshahi Mosque.
199. Ameer Udeen Kedwai designed the flag of Pakistan.
200. PIA was established in 1955.
201. Mohammad Bin Qasim defeated Raja Dahir.
202. Aligarh University was made in 1920.
203. Punjab University is the largest university of Pakistan.
204. In Pakistan one should be 18 years old to cast a vote.
205. Five rivers flow in Punjab Ravi, Sutlej, Chenab, Indus and bias.
206. Warsak Dam is on Kabul River.
207. Rawal Dam is on Kurand River.
208. Hub Dam is in Baluchistan.
209. Mangla dam is on Jhelum River.
210. Textile is in Punjab Shimla.
211. Skardu is called Little Tibet.
212. Jhat pat is the old name of Dera Allah Yar.
213. Sindh is called Babul Islam.
214. The coastal areas in Baluchistan are, Gawadar, Pasni, Jeewani, Ormara, and
215. Hina lack is the famous lake of Baluchistan it is in Quetta.
216. Pakistan has 6 international Airports.
217. Rowalt act was passed in 1919.
218. Kanpur Mosque incident took place in 1913.
219. Jallianwalla Bagh is in Amritsar. It was a place where a number of Indians
were killed by the English on 13th Nov 1919.
220. Kashmir day is celebrated on 5th Feb.
221. Defense day is celebrated on 6 Sep since 1966.
222. 1965 war was started on 6 Sep 1965.
223. Friends are not masters is written by Ayoub Khan.

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224. Agni and Pirthvi are missiles of India.

225. Kargal War was fought in 1999.
226. Sir Zafarullah was the 1st foreign minister of Pakistan.
227. Shimla Deputation consisted of 35 members.
228. Latest name of Bombay is Mumbai.
Page | 16 229. Longest railway line is from Karachi to Peshawar.
230. Abdul Hafiz Kardar was the first cricket captain of Pakistan.
231. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was the founder of constitution of 1973.
232. Sir Syed Ahmed khan gave the two nation theory.
233. Members of senate selects president.
234. RCD agreement was among Pakistan, Iran and Turkey.
235. Nishan Pakistan is the highest civil Award.
236. Pakistan joined SEATO in 1954.
237. Karachi Electric Supply Corporation is the biggest thermal power of Pakistan.
238. Harappa is in Punjab.
239. There are five deserts In Pakistan, Cholistan, Indus valley, Kharan, Thal, and
240. Shahra E Pakistan is the biggest road of Pakistan.
241. Chairman senate acts as a president in the absence of president.
242. Jawahir Lal Nehru was the 1st Prime minister of India.
243. Faisal Abad is the Manchester of Pakistan.
244. East to west is called longitude.
245. North to South is called latitude.
246. Kazakhstan is the largest Muslim country according to area.
247. League of Nations was founded after WW1 on 10 June 1920.
248. OPCW received Noble price in 2013.
249. Pakistan joined UNO on 30 Sep 1947.
250. 21st Sep is celebrated as world peace day.
251. Hot line is a direct telephone line between two head of states in case of
252. Dr. Abdul Salam is the 1st Pakistani who received noble prize.
253. RADAR is a device which helps in locating enemies’ aircraft through waves.
254. MAO stands for Muhammadan Anglo Oriental.
255. Security Council have 15 non-permanent members.
256. There has been 22 amendments in 1973 constitution.
257. Redcliff was the commission that was responsible for boundary line.
258. Total length of Pakistan is 796096 Sq. Km.
259. General frank Misery was the 1st commander in chief in Army.
260. Air vice Marshal Allan Perry Kane was the 1st commander in chief in Air force.
261. General Mohammad Sharif was the 1st Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff
262. Viceroy is the name given to the governor general in India After 1858. Lord
Mountbatten was the last British viceroy in India.

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263. The British Government conveyed 3 round tables in London from 1931 to
1933. First round table conference was in 1931, second round table conference was
in 1932 and third round table conference was in 1933.
264. Patna is a city in India.
265. Khilafat movement  it was launched by the Muslims of India in 1919 for the
Page | 17 protection of Turkish Empire it lasted till 1923.
266. Lahore resolution  Muslim league passed this resolution on 23rd march,
1940 league demanded the establishment of an independent state comprising of
Punjab, NWFP, Sindh and Baluchistan.
267. The first Viceroy of Subcontinent was lord Canning.
268. Warren Hasting was the first Governor General of Bengal.
269. Mehmood Ghaznawi invaded 17 times in India.
270. Pakistan joined non-aligned movement in 1979.
271. Mutiny of 1857 name given by British to the 1857 war of freedom.
272. Civil disobedience movement  this movement was launched by Gandhi
against British government in 1920 continued till 1922.
273. Pakistan Became an Islamic republic in 1956.
274. East India Company the British trading company which ruled India till 1857.
275. June 3rd Plan this plan comprised of the modalities about the partition of
subcontinent into India and Pakistan in 1947.
276. Two nation theory  according to this theory the Muslims and Hindus are
the two separates Nations with their own distinct Religion, languages, Art,
architecture, and customs and calendar the nation theory formed the basis of Lahore
resolution which was passed on 23rd march 1940.
277. PEMRA Pakistan electric media regulatory Authority.
278. Urdu Hindi Controversy started in 1867.
279. First constitution was enforced in 1956.
280. GDA stands for Gawadar Developing Authority.
281. Objective resolution was moved in 1949.
282. General Assembly is the largest institution of United Nations.
283. Motto of Pak army is Iman, Taqwa and Jihad or Faith, Piety, and struggle in
the way of Allah.
284. Motto of Pak Navy is Himmat ka Alam, Allah Ka Karam, Moju pe Qadam. Or a
silent force to be reckon with.
285. Motto of PAF is be it deserts, be it the rivers, all are under my wing.
286. Hilal E Istaqlal has been awarded to following cities: Lahore, Sialkot, and
287. Pakistan spends 9.5 million Dollars over military Budget.
288. India spends 51.3 million Dollars over military Budget.
289. 1962 constitution was bicameral.
290. Four letters are being repeated in the word constitution.
291. Shahwali Ullah was born in Dehli.
292. Scientific Society was established in 1863.
293. The word Karakorum is a Turkish word which means Crumbling Rock.

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294. The first census in the subcontinent took place in 1901.

295. Rome was defeated by Muslims in War of Yarmuk.
296. Karachi is the Pakistan’s Mega City.
297. Montague Chelmsford reforms were in 1919.
298. General Ayoub Khan imposed first Martial law On 7 October 1958.
Page | 18 299. Minto Marley reform were 1909.
300. Pakistan became nuclear power on 28, May 1998 in Chaghi Baluchistan.
301. Length of Pakistan’s Coastline is 1046 Km.
302. The first Book of Pashto was PataKhazana.
303. The first Punjabi Poet was Shah Hussain.
304. Constitution of 1956 was bicameral.
305. Maldives is in Indian Ocean.
306. Sialkot is famous for sports goods.
307. Palestine is known as land of Prophets.
308. Trick Meer is the famous peak of Hind Kush.
309. The Total length of GT road is 2500 Km.
310. Sheikh Mujeeb Ur Rahman was the founding leader of Bangladesh. He served
twice as the country president and belong to Awami league.
311. Pakistan first coin was issued on 3rd January 1948.
312. Dr. Shama Khalid is the first Governor of Gilgit Baltistan.
313. Karachi is also famous for seaport.
314. Pakistan’s means land of Pure peoples.
315. Zafarullah Khan was the first Foreign minister of Pakistan .


Year Winner Hosts
2007 Australia West indies
2011 India India, Srilanka and
2015 Australia New Zealand and Australia
2019 England England
2023 ========== India
FIFA world cups

Year Winner Hosts

2006 Italy Germany
2010 South Africa Spain
2014 Germany Brazil
2018 France Russia
2022 ================ Qatar Asia
1. Pakistan won cricket world cup on 25 march 1992 in Melbourne Australia.
2. Pakistan won champions trophy in 2017 in Oval London.
3. The 1987 cricket world cup Pakistan and India hosted jointly.
4. First Pakistani woman climb to Mount Everest is Samina Baig.
5. Jahangir won 555 squash matches.

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6. Pakistan won Olympic Gold medal in Hockey for the first time in 1960.
7. Younis Khan has most test runs as a Pakistani player in test matches.
8. 6 countries participate in common wealth games.
9. Length of cricket bat is 38 inches.
10. Pakistan won 4 hockey world cups.
Page | 19 11. Hassan Sardar is the player of Squash.
12. Pakistan won first hokey world cup in 1971.
13. ICC head quarter is in Dubai.
14. Pakistan won T20 world cup in 2009 in the captaincy of Shoaib Malik.
15. USA won 2013 Olympics.
16. Chess is the national game of Russia.
17. There are four player play in polo.
18. First football match was played in Scotland in 1872.
19. Olympic 2011 was held in Greece.
20. Jahangir was the best player of squash from Pakistan.
21. England invented cricket game.
22. Volley ball ground is rectangular.
23. Pakistani girl weight lifting champion was Robiya Shehzad in 2019.
24. Pakistani snooker champion in 1994 was Mohammad Yousef.
25. International ODI word cups

1. Babar is the founder of Mughal Empire.
2. Heer ranja is written by Syed Waris Ali Shah.
3. When British entered in Sindh.
4. Ahmed Shah Abdali Defeated Martahs.
5. War of freedom started from Calcutta India in April 1857.
6. Tpu Sultan was born on 10 Nov, 1750 and died in 1799.
7. The father’s name of Tpu sultan was Haider Ali Khan and the real name of Tpu Sultan was
Fatah Ali Khan.
8. First battle of Panipat was fought in 1526.
9. Second battle of Panipat was fought in 1556.
10. Third battle of Panipat was fought in 1761.
11. Battle of Palacy was fought in 1757.
12. Which old civilization is in Taxila (Gandhar Civilization).
13. Badshahi mosque was built in 1670.
14. Mohammad Qasim defeated Raja Dahir.

Note: must prepare English MCQs given in PMA book.

1. Verb shows an action state or property.

2. He is senior to me.
3. He is older than him.
4. Inaccuracy is the antonym of clarity.

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5. There was investigation on the fire.

6. You spend a lot of money.
7. I wish I were rich.
8. Alcohol is injurious to health.
9. We are accountable to god.
Page | 20 10. I am sick to heart.
11. You speech was relevant to the topic.
12. Meaning of mirth is laughter or amusement.
13.Future continuous tense cannot be changed into passive voice.


1. 20 degree is equal to 1200.
2. Determinants of matrix is = 2×2.
3. There are 9 faces in prisms.
4. Speed of sound is 343 M/S.
5. For Hyperbole (e>1).
6. For Parabola (e=1).
7. For circle is (e=0).
8. Right angle is = to 90 degree.
9. Cube root of 23 = 8
10. Ratio have no unit.
11. Semi-circle consist 180 degrees.
12. One prisms has 6 sides.
13. Cube root unit is one.


Sobriquets (also called nick names)
Nick name City/country
1. Britain of the east Japan
2. Land of rising sun Japan
3. Battle field of Europe Belgium
4. Britain of the south New Zealand
5. City of cycles Beijing
6. Cockpit of Europe Belgium
7. City of dreaming spires Oxford
8. City of sky scrappers New York
9. City of magnificent distances Washington
10. City of golden gate San Francisco
11. Empire city Ney York
12. City of seven hills Rome (Italy)
13. Eternal city Rome (Italy)
14. Copper continent Zambia (Africa)
15. Dark continent Africa
16. Emerald island Ireland

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17. Garden of England Kent

18. George cross island Malta
19. Granit city Aberdeen (Scotland)
20. Holy Land Palestine
21. Hermit Kingdom Korea
Page | 21 22. Land of morning calm Korea
23. Island of pearls Bahrain
24. Island of cloves Madagascar
25. Land of eagles Albania
26. Land of fleece Australia
27. Land of Lilies Canada
28. Land of maples Canada
29. Land of Golden pagoda Myanmar
30. Land of thousands lakes Finland
31. Land of midnight sun Norway
32. Land of lakes Scotland
33. Land of wind mils Nether land (Holland)
34. Land of tulips Nether land (Holland)
35. Land of white elephants Thailand
36. Land of thunder bolt Bhutan
37. Land of thousand elephants Laos
38. Manchester of the orient Osaka
39. Land of thunder dragon China
40. Nation of thousands hills Rwanda
41. Pearls of Arabia Bahrain
42. Sugar bowl of world Cuba
43. Pearl of Antilles Cuba
44. Pillars of Hercules Strait of Gibraltar
45. Queen of Adriatic Venice (Italy)
46. Land of rivers Venice (Italy)
47. Sorrow of china Hwang ho river
48. Turkey Sick man of Europe
49. Venice of south Stockholm (Sweden)
50. White city Belgrade
51. Windy city Chicago
52. Island of fire Iceland
53. World loneliest island Tristan da concha
54. The city that never sleep Cairo
55. Pawn of the horn of the Africa Djibouti
56. Horn of Africa Somalia
57. Land of blacks Sudan
58. Africa in miniature Cameroon
59. Hinge of Africa Cameroon
60. Gift of Nile Egypt
61. Sick man of Asia Philippines
62. Dead heart of Africa Chad
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63. Heart of Africa Burundi

64. Perfumed island Comoros
65. The rood of the world Pamir’s
66. Playground of Europe Switzerland
67. City of bazars. Cairo
Page | 22 68. City of roses and nightingales Iran
69. Flower garden of Europe Netherland
70. Gift of Nile Egypt
71. Land of golden fiber Bangladesh
72. Land of thousands lakes Indonesia
73. Pyramid city Cairo Egypt
74. Holy land Palestine
75. Father of waters Mississippi USA
76. City of Angels Bangkok
77. City of waters Venice city Italy
78. City of lilies Florence
79. City of mosques Dhaka Bangladesh
80. City of eagles Sargodha Pakistan
81. City of light Paris
82. City of Popes Rome Italy
83. City of palaces Calcutta India
The nick names of Pakistani cities
Nick name City name
1) Gate way of Pakistan Karachi
2) Valley of flowers Peshawar
3) The beauty of Himalaya Kaghan
4) The land of brave people KPK
5) The Manchester of Pakistan Faisal Abad
6) Brazil of Pakistan Islamabad
7) The city of fragrant Haiderabad
8) The city of lights Karachi
9) The city of saints Multan
10) The city of convivial people Lahore
Largest producers of the world

Product Country Product Country

Silver Mexico Gold China
Coal China Wheat China
Tea China Rice China
Tobacco China Iron Australia
Cotton China Coffee Brazil
Copper Chile Petroleum USA
Natural gas USA Rubber Thailand
Sugar cane Brazil Diamond Russia
Changed Geographical Names of countries

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Old name New name

Abyssinia Ethiopia
Afars and issas Djibouti
British Guyana Guyana
British Honduras Belize
Page | 23 Burma Myanmar
Byelorussia Belarus
Ceylon Sri Lanka
Dahomey Benin
Dutch east indies Indonesia
Dutch Guiana Suriname
East Pakistan Bangladesh
French Equatorial Africa Chad
French Sudan Mali
Germany (east and west) Germany
Cold cost Ghana
Helvetia Switzerland
Holland Netherland
India Bharat
Irish free state Ireland
Jabal-i-tariq Gibraltar
Kirghizia Kyrgyzstan
Magyarzag Hungary
Mesopotamia Iraq
Moldavia Moldova
Najd and Hejaz Saudi Arabia
New Granada Colombia
New Hebrides Vanuatu
Nippon Japan
Northern Rhodesia Zambia
North and south Vietnam Vietnam
Nyasaland Malawi
Persia Iran
Portuguese Guinea Guinea Bissau
Siam Thailand
Southern Rhodesia Zimbabwe
South eastern and north eastern new New Guinea
South west Africa Namibia
Soviet Union Russian federation
Spanish Guinea Equatorial Guinea
Tadzhikistan Tajikistan
Trans Jordan Jordan
Turkmenia Turkmenistan
United Arab Republic Egypt
Upper Volta Burkina Faso

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Urundi Burundi
Yemen (North & South) Yemen
Zaire Democratic republic of Congo
Bin Qasim Pirpri
Athens Athinia
Page | 24 Namibia South west Africa
Twian Formosa
Old name and new names of Pakistan’s cities
New names Old names
1. Quetta Kota/Sialkot
2. Mia Wali Mia Ali
3. Jhelum Jalham
4. Sialkot Salkot
5. Gujranwala Khan Pur
6. Jakub Abad Khan Garh
7. Faisalabad Lail Pur
8. Sakhar Sakr
9. Karachi Kalachi
10. Haider Abad Hindu Kot/ Neron Kot
11. Ziarat Ghoski
12. Jhang Jhagi Siyal
13. Gujrat Gujar Jat
14. Hazara Hozar
15. Sibi Sawi
16. Pakpattan Ajhodan
17. Peshawar Purshpur
18. Zhob Abayzai/ Fort Sundaymen
19. Muslim Bagh Hindu Bagh
20. Loralai Lorha Lai
21. Rawalpindi Gazni Pur
22. Sanjawi Samalan
23. Keach Makoran
24. Taxila Tekoshela
1. Pacific Ocean  separates Asia and Australia from North and South America.
2. Atlantic ocean  it separates Europe and Africa from North and South America.
3. Indian Ocean  it separates east Africa from Australia. It lies in south of Asia and India and
it is the world warmest ocean.
4. Southern Ocean  it is located in the southern part of the World.
5. Arctic Ocean  it is located in Northern part of the earth.


River Country Length in Km Length in miles
Nile North Arica 6650 km 4132 miles

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Amazon South America 6400 km 4000 miles

Yangtze China 6300 km 3917 miles
Organization Date of formation Head quarter city
Page | 25 SAARC 8 DEC 1985 Kathmandu (Nepal)
SCO 15 JUNE 2001
UNO 24 OCT 1945 New York USA
NATO 4 APRIL 1949 Brussels (Belgium)
SEATO 8 SEP 1954
CENTO 24 FEB 1955
INTERPOL 1956 Paris
OPEC 14 NOV 1960
OIC 25 SEP 1969 Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)
EU 1954
D8 JUNE 1997 Turkey
13 ASEAN 8 AUG 1967
G8 22 SEP 1975
1. First World War started on 28 July 1914 and ended on Nov 11 1918.
2. Deep Ocean of the world is Pacific Ocean.
3. Mina city is located in Nigeria.
4. Canada and USA border length is 8891 km.
5. NASA stands for (national aeronautics and space administration).
6. Boot shape country is Italy.
7. Congo River is famous for fishing and it is in Africa.
8. Parliament of japan is called “the nation diet”.
9. Land of rivers is called India.
10. Second most populated country in the world is India.
11. Iran is in Middle East.
12. First person on moon was Neel Armstrong.
13. Second person on moon was Buzz Aldrin.
14. Third person on moon was Michael Collins.
15. Oldest university of the world is Pologan.
16. Largest lake in the world is Lake Superior.
17. Expensive currency of the world is Dinar Qatar.
18. Lily is the national flower of Italy.
19. Vatican City and Palestine are not the member of UNO.
20. UNO was suggested by American president Franklin D Roosevelt.
21. SAARC was suggested by Zia Ur Rahman.
22. Trygive lie was the first president of UNO.
23. Land of fertilizer is called Srilanka.
24. Tenser of International court of justice is 9 years.
25. Which country has no capital (Nauru).
26. A place where weapon and ammunition is kept is called arsenal.
27. It most rains in Charaponji India in the world.

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28. Who gave the idea of SAARC (Zia Ur Rahman).

29. First industrial revolution came into UK.
30. Who started none cooperation movement (Gandhi).
31. LOC length is 740 KM.
32. Sadam Hussain was executed on Dec 30, 2006.
Page | 26 33. Last OIC conference was in 2017 in Kazakhstan.
34. Ottawa convention was in 1997 about environment.
35. Measurement of earth quake is Richter scale.
36. Pentagon is famous for USA defense office.
37. Official languages of UNO are 6.
38. Cabinet mission 1946.
39. Red sea is also known as Gulf of Arabia.
40. Asia and Africa are connected with Egypt.
41. Literacy rate of Pakistan is 59%.
42. Literacy rate of India is 74.04%.
43. Types of noble price (6).
44. Volga canal is located in Russia.
45. The charter of united nation is 111 articles and 19 chapters.
46. How many countries have no any written constitutions (5).
47. The UNO Security Council is the most powerful organ, and it is responsible for the
maintenance of international peace and security.
48. UNO has 195 members.
49. Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean of the world.
50. Nile River is the largest river of the world.
51. SAARC has 8 members.
52. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark.
53. H.Q of NATO is in Belgium.
54. Hockey game consist of 16 players.
55. Baku is the capital of Denmark.
56. CPEC China Pakistan economic corridor.
57. TAPI Tajikistan Afghanistan Pakistan India.
58. News stands for North, East, West, and South.
59. Washington DC is the capital of USA.
60. America, China, France, Russia, and England are 5 permanent members of Security
Councils and they hold VETO power.
61. Ceylon is the old name of Srilanka.
62. Peking was the old name of Beijing.
63. Francis Fukyama is the writer of End of History and the last man.
64. Thailand is called land of white elephants.
65. Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina.
66. Somalia is known as horn of Africa.
67. Ulan Bator is the capital of Mongolia.
68. Brazil is the largest producer of Quartz on commercial level.
69. Russia is located in both Asia and Europe.

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70. Nairobi is the Capital of Kenya.

71. WTO stands for world trade organizations.
72. Alexandria is the part of Egypt.
73. Victoria desert is in Australia.
74. Yasrub is the old name of Medina.
Page | 27 75. Iran is in the south west of Pakistan.
76. Africa is called Dark Continent.
77. Thimphu is the capital of Bhutan.
78. Lima is the capital of Peru.
79. First Olympic was held in Greece.
80. Malta country is in Mediterranean Sea.
81. America came into being in 1776.
82. Asia is the largest continent of the world.
83. D8 organization consist of 8 members.
84. Colombo is the capital of Srilanka.
85. Vatican City is not part of UNO.
86. Rupiah is the currency of Indonesia.
87. London is the capital of England.
88. George Washington is the first president of America.
89. Blue bird is known as international symbol of happiness.
90. Burj Khalifa is the tallest building of the world.
91. Sahara Desert is in Africa and it is the largest Desert of the World.
92. Term war on terror was used after the incident of 9/11.
93. Nelson Mandela was the first blackish president of South Africa.
94. Cholistan Desert is in Punjab Bahawalpur.
95. UNO general secretary is appointed for five years.
96. British highest Award is Victoria Cross.
97. Mustafa Kamal is known as the founder of Modern turkey.
98. Mustafa Kamal was born in 1881 and died in 1938.
99. The original Inhabitants of America are red Indians.
100. The republic of China was established in 1949 after the nationalist forces.
101. Panama Canal is in Central America.
102. Yellow sea is in China.
103. Atlantic Ocean is between America and Europe.
104. Lance Naik is Equal to the Air man of PAF.
105. British have no any written constitution.
106. India tested its nuclear explosion in Pokharan.
107. White Sea is in Russia.
108. Due to Ozone the sky is blue.
109. Red sea is in Saudi Arabia.
110. There are five stock exchange is Pakistan.
111. Russia is the largest country in term of area.
112. Japan is called land of Rising Sun.
113. Africa is known as Dark continent

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114. Atlantic Ocean lies between America and Africa.

115. Norway is known as land of sitting sun.
116. Israeel came into being in 1948.
117. Grand Canal is in China.
118. River tiger is in Iraq.
Page | 28 119. Football world cup is held after every four years.
120. Great was of china was completed in 204 BC.
121. Albania is in Europe.
122. Abyssinia is old name of Ethiopia.
123. Mesopotamia is the name of Iraq.
124. Constantinople is the old name of Istanbul
125. Persia is the old name of Iran.
126. Siam was the old name of Thailand.
127. Cairo is the capital of Egypt.
128. Alexandria is the port of Egypt.
129. WTC is stands of World trade center.
130. Tokyo is the cap9ital of Japan.
131. Linen was the president of Russia in WW1.
132. Australia is the smallest continent.
133. In 2006 USA president was George W Bush.
134. Largest River of Asia is Yangtze in China.
135. UNESCO stand for united nation’s educational scientific and cultural
136. Myanmar is the new name of Burma.
137. Zurich is an important city of Switzerland.
138. Security Council has 15 none permanent members.
139. The motto of Quad E Azam is Unity, Faith and discipline.
140. The ostrich is the largest bird of the world.
141. The humming bird Is the smallest bird of the world.
142. William Shakespear is the greatest English poet.
143. 21st June is the longest day of each year.
144. 22nd Dec is the shortest day of each year.
145. Nuclear Energy is obtained from Uranium.
146. USA is the largest arms Exporters in the world.
147. The world famous bridge golden gate is located in San Francisco.
148. The suri dynasty continued in India for 15 years.
149. France is the largest producer of silver.
150. The RCD is now replaced by ECO.
151. Japan is having three indurial areas.
152. General Assembly is the largest organ of United nations.
153. WTO was founded in 1995.
154. IMF HQ is in USA.
155. Panama is a country in Central America.

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156. Thomas Woodrow Wilson was the president of USA at the time of First World
157. The Iranian revolution also known as Islamic revolution took place in 1979.
158. MI5 is the secret Agency of UK.
159. We read Newspaper because we get knowledge from it.
Page | 29 160. Africa is the second largest continent of the world.
161. The old name of cento was Baghdad pact.
162. Henry Dunant from Switzerland and Frederic Passy from France are the 1 st
noble prize winner.
163. Bosnia took independence from Salvia.
164. Height of statue of Liberty is 151 feet.
165. Eiffel Tower is in France.
166. Rose is the national flower of USA.
167. Damascus is the old city of the world.
168. Africa is the largest producer of Gold.
169. Lily is the national flower of Italy.
170. Gobi Desert is located in Mongolia China.
171. Abraham Lincoln was the president of America assassinated in 1778 by
mental man.
172. Head Quarter of FIFA is located in Zurich city Switzerland.
173. River Amazon flow in Brazil and Peru.
174. Karachi is the Paris of Asia.
175. First Atomic bomb was made by USA.
176. Portuguese is spoken as the official language of Brazil.
177. The book pride and prejudice is Novel of manners is written by Jane Austin
and Published in 1813.
178. Treaty of Versailles was signed on 28th June 1919.
179. Jabir bin Hayyan is called father of Chemistry.
180. CIA is the secret Agency of America.
181. Indonesia is known as land of islands.
182. World Polio day is celebrated on 24th October.
183. Barak Obama was awarded noble prize in 2009.
184. Wellington is the capital of New Zealand.
185. After America Japan contributes in making peace.
186. RAW stands for (research and analysis wing).
187. Basel is the city of Switzerland.
188. Lowest part of the world is Dead Sea.
189. Kotly dam is in Azad Kashmir.
190. Caspian Sea is located in south Eastern Europe.
191. Longest river of Russia is Lena 4295 km.
192. First woman university of Pakistan is in Rawalpindi.
193. Where is the head quarter of IMF (Washington D.C).
194. The areas around the north and south poles with in the polar circles is called
“the frigid zone”.

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195. SFTA stands of south Asia free trade Agreement.

196. When America attacked Afghanistan (in 2011).
197. Which country will be the first to leave European Union “UK”.


Page | 30 1. Malaria is caused by Quinine.
2. Einstein’s Energy formula is Mc2
3. Hydel is the biggest source of electricity.
4. Scurvy is a disease due to lack of vitamin C.
5. People smoke because they get pleasure from it.
6. Mark Zuckerberg is the founder of Facebook.
7. Sunlight is composed of seven colors.
8. Vitamin C cannot be seven in Human body.
9. Black gold is also name of Petroleum.
10. Inflation means fall in Value.
11. Scurvy bleeding Gums is s disease caused by diffiency of vitamin C.
12. Tsetse fly is a poisonous fly found in Africa.
13. Stethoscope is an instrument used for the measurement of the heartbeat.
14. Tsunami is the Japanese language word.
15. There is 65% oxygen, 18% Carbon, 10% hydrogen and 2% Calcium.
16. Jupiter is the largest Planet.
17. Pluto is the smallest planet.
18. Venus is the brightest planet.
19. Neptune is the coldest planet.
20. Pluto is the farthest planet to earth.
21. The natural fats and oils are composed of Carbon, Hydrogen and oxygen.
22. The film part of camera is analogue to the retina in Human body.
23. Water has maximum density at 40 C.
24. The densest substance on the earth is Osmium.
25. Solid Carbon Dioxide is dry ice.
26. Caffeine is the most important stimulant in tea leaves.
27. Albert Einstein proposed the concept that all motion is relative.
28. Domestic foul has heterogametic female.
29. Copper is used in the production of electric wires.
30. X rays was discovered by Rontgen.
31. The deepest place in the earth is Mariana trench.
32. Carrot is the good source of vitamin A.
33. The instrument which is used to measure very high temperature is Pyrometer.
34. Chemical name of Vinegar is dilute acetic Acid.
35. The carbon dioxide in atmosphere by volume is 0.039%.
36. The nearest planet to the earth is Venus.
37. Malaria is a disease which effects on Spleen.
38. Abu Usman Aljahiz was a zoologist.

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Questions Answers
1 The world soil day is celebrated on? December 5
2 The world AIDS day is celebrated on? December 1
3 Albert Einstein was a? Physicist
4 Water is highly effective coolant for a car engine because? Water has very high
Page | 31 specific heat
5 Which is the outermost planet in the solar system? Neptune
6 Severe deficiency of vitamin D results in? Rickets
7 Milk contains water? 80%
8 The SI unit of charge is? Coulomb
9 Very high frequency (VHF) have ______ wavelengths? Shorter
10 Long-sight defect can be corrected by using? Concave lens
11 Short-sight defect can be corrected by using? Convex lens
12 Deficiency of vitamin A results in? Night blindness
13 The lifespan of red blood cells is? 120 days
14 A device which converts chemical energy into electrical Battery
energy is called?
15 The average of adult has a blood volume of about _____ 5 liters
16 The most abundant element in universe is? Hydrogen
17 The most abundant element in the earth’s crust is? Oxygen
18 Each day human body breathe in? 15000 to 20000
19 The SI unit of pressure is? Pascal
20 A camera uses a _______ to perform an image? Convex mirror
21 When white light is passed through a prism it splits into? 7 colors
22 A neno meter is =? 10-9 meter
23 Instrument used for measuring very high temperature is? Pyrometer
24 Sounds waves are _____________ waves? Electromagnetic
25 The lifespan of white blood cells is? 5-21 days
26 The fluid part of blood is known as? Plasma
27 During winter in cold countries the_____ is mixed to melt Salt
ice on the icy roads?
28 In a very low temperature what will freeze at last? Sea water
29 The nearest planet to the earth is? Venus
30 The planet that moves round the sun at the highest speed Mercury
31 GPS stands for? Global Positioning
32 Oxidation is a chemical reaction involving the Loss of electrons
34 Urine is produced in? Kidney
35 Blood is cleaned by? Kidney
36 The position of and element in the periodic table is Proton number
determined by its?

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37 The planet which is easily visible from the earth is? Venus
38 The great spot is on the planet? Jupiter
39 The bodyguard of the earth is______ that save the earth Jupiter
from many comets and asteroids?
40 The planets visible to us without using a telescope are? 5 planets
Page | 32 41 According to big bang theory, the universe began 10-20 billion years
about_______ billion years ago? ago
42 Biosensor is used to measure? Blood glucose level
43 The SI unit of electric current is? Ampere
45 What is dry ice? Solid carbon dioxide
46 Digestion of food is completed in the? Small intestine
47 Carrot is a good source of? Vitamin A
48 What is essential for the proper formation of the teeth? Fluorine
49 Deficiency of ______ causes loss of appetite and poor Zinc
50 “Metrology” is the study of? Atmosphere
51 The carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, by volume is? 0.039%
52 Diamond is an allotropic form of? Carbon
53 The SI unit of heat is? Joule
54 The good source of vitamin A is? Green leafy
55 The good source of vitamin B complex are? Seeds
56 The good source of vitamin C is? Fresh vegetables
and fruits
57 The gas commonly known as “laughing gas”? Nitrous Oxide
58 The source of oxygen in photosynthesis is? Water
59 The instrument used to measure wind speed is? Anemometer
60 The natural fats and oils are composed of? Carbon, Oxygen,
61 The energy value of food is measured in? Calories
62 Wind energy is the __________energy? Kinetic energy
63 Who is considered the founder of meteorology? Aristotle
64 Acid rain is mainly caused by emissions of ______ in the Sulfur Dioxide and
atmosphere? Nitrogen Oxide
65 The fourth state of meter is? Plasma
67 The device used to convert alternate current into direct Rectifier
current is called?
68 The power houses of cell are? Mitochondria
69 One of the countries through which equator passes is? Kenya
70 Copper can be converted into gold by? Artificial
71 Rectified spirit contains alcohol about? 95%
72 Which element is not present abundantly in earth’s crust? Radium
73 The famous book Al Qanoon was written by the Muslim Abu Ali Sina

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74 Basic metals can be converted into gold by? Artificial nuclear

75 One of the main function of earth’s Ozone layer is “filter out “filter out
ultra? ultraviolet rays”
76 Sensitive layer of eye is? Retina
Page | 33 77 Founder of modern astronomy was? Nicolas Copernicus
78 The study which deals with study of manners and customs Ethnology
of people is?
79 Chemical used to kill rats and mice are? Rodenticides
80 Chemical name of vinegar is? Dilute acetic acid
81 Which gas is used for decoration lights? Neon
82 Trachoma is a disease of? Eye
83 Leukemia is a disease of the? Blood
84 Myopia is a disease connected with Eyes
85 Medulla oblongata is a part of human Brain
86 Small pox is caused by Virus
87 Malaria is a disease which effects the Spleen
89 The average heartbeat per minute in a normal man is 70
90 ________ have maximum calorific value Fats
91 How many bones are there in a newly born infant 300
92 Which gland in the human body is called the master gland Pituitary gland
93 Which is the largest gland in the human body Liver
94 Which glands are called secret tears Lachrymal
95 The main constituent of hemoglobin is Iron
96 What is the main component of the bones and teeth Calcium phosphate
97 The largest part of human brain is Cerebrum
98 Monsoon is caused by Seasonal reversal
99 Which layers make radio transmission possible Ionosphere

Scientific studies
1 Study of blood Hematology
2 Study of liver Hepatology
3 Study of fungi Mycology
4 Study of virus Virology
5 Study of kidney Nephrology
6 Study of cancer Oncology
7 Study of universe Cosmology
8 Study of fruits Pomology
9 Study of birds Ornithology
10 Study of bones Osteology

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11 Study of egg Ology

12 Study of dream Oneirology
13 Study of hairs Trichology
14 Study of stars Astronomy
15 Study of muscles Myology
Page | 34 16 Study of joints Arthrology
17 Study of eyes Ophthalmology
18 Study of soil Pedology
19 Study of languages Philology
20 Study of brain Encephlology
21 Study of nails Cosmetology
22 Study of air Aerology
23 Study of earth Geology
24 Study of insects Entomology
25 Study of heart Cardiology
26 Study of skin Dermatology
27 Study of earth Geology
28 Study of languages Philology
29 Study of bees Apiology
30 Study of heart Cardio logy
31 Study of trees Dendrology
32 Study of religions Theology
34 Study of heredity Genetics
35 Study of coins Numismatics
36 Study of birds Ornithology
37 Study of insects Etymology
38 Study of problems of age Gerontology
39 Study of relation between organisms Ecology
and environment
40 Study of flying airplanes Aviation
41 Study of horses Hippo logy
42 Study of cancer Oncology
43 Study of eyes Ophthalmology
44 Study of bones Osteology
45 Study of rocks Petrology
46 Study of earth quake Seismology
Some important inventions and their inventors
Inventions Inventors
1. Air Plane Wilbur Wright Orville Wright
2. Air-Conditioners Willis Carrier
3. Autogiro Jaun De La Cierva
4. Ball-Point Pen Biro Brother (Hungry)
5. Barometer E Torricelli
6. Bath tub Benjamin Franklin
7. Bicycle Kirkpatrick Macmillan

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8. Bicycle Tyres (Pneumatic) J B Dunlop

9. Bifocal Lens Benjamin Franklin
10. Blood Groups Karl Landsteiner
11. Calculator Blaise Pascal
12. Car Karl Benz
Page | 35 13. Cell Phone Martin Cooper
14. Clock Christiaan Huygens
15. Computer Charles Babbage
16. DC motor Frank Julian Spargue
17. Diesel Engine Rudolf Diesel
18. DNA Watson And Crick
19. Dynamite Alfred Nobel (Sweden)
20. Dynamo Michal Faraday
21. Electric Generator Michal Farady
22. Electric Iron Henry Seeley
23. Electron J J Thompson
24. Elevator Elisha Otis
25. Fountain Pen L.E Water Man
26. Franklin stove Benjamin Franklin
27. Gramophone Thomas Alva Edison
28. Gun Powder Roger Bacon
29. Harmonium Benjamin Franklin
30. Helicopter Igor Sikorsky
31. Jet Engine Sir Frank Whittle
32. Lantern Benjamin Franklin
33. LASER Theodore Maiman
34. Light bulb Thomas Alva Edison
35. Medical Thermometer Thomas Albert
36. Micro Phone Sir Alexander Graham Bell
37. Microchip Jack Kilby And Robert Noyce
38. Microwave Oven Mercy L Spencer
39. Motor bike Gottlieb Daimler
40. Neutron Sir Chadwick
41. Paper China
42. Periodic Table Mendeleyev
43. Phono Graph Thomas Alva Edison
44. Pistol (Revolver) Samuel Colt
45. Polonium Marri Curie And Parie Curie (Poland)
46. Printing Press John Gutenberg
47. Proton Ruthor Ford
48. Radio Gugliemo Marconi
49. Radio Activity Henry Bacquerel
50. Radioactive Element Radium Marie Curie
51. Refrigerator James Horrison
52. Richter Scale Charles Richter
53. Roller skates James Joseph Merlin
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54. Rotary steam engine James Watt

55. Rubber (Vulcanized) Charles Good Year
56. Rubik’s cube Erno Rubik
57. Sewing Machine Elias How
58. Si unit of power James Watt
Page | 36 59. Steam Engine James Watt
60. Stethoscope Rene Laennec
61. Telephone Alexander Graham Bell
62. Telescope Hans Lippershey
63. Telescope Galileo
64. Television John Logie Baired
65. Theory of evolution Charles Darwin
66. Thermometer Ander Celsius
67. Train Richard Trevithick
68. Type writer Christopher Scholes
69. Vaccination Edward Jenner
70. Water proof rubber Machintosh
71. X-Rays William Roengen
72. Xylophone Benjamin Franklin


1) Shahi Killa is in Lahore.
2) There are three obligations of Hajj.
3) Indian prime minister Atal Bhari Vajpayee visited Pakistan in 1999.
4) Second name of Baitul Muqadas is Al Quds Masjid Aqsa.
5) Cholistan desert is in Bahawalpur.
6) Victoria Lake is in Africa.
7) National sports of Africa is Ice hockey.
8) Widest desert of the world is Antarctic.
9) Currency of Malaysia is Ringgit.
10) Name of bomb dropped on Nagasaki (Fat man).
11) Land between Peshawar and Rawalpindi is called Gandhar.
12) A Discipline divided is written by Gabriel Almond.
13) 2013 Olympic was in UK.
14) HQ of OPEC is in Vienna.
15) The biggest delta of the world is Sunder ban.
16) Chaghi Hills are in Northern Baluchistan.
17) The largest island in Indian Ocean is Madagascar.
18) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was born on 17 October 1817.
19) MAO school 1875.
20) Zulqarnain has been mentioned in Surah Kaif.
21) Old name of Islam was Deen E Hanif.
22) Masjid Hanif is in Mina.
23) Janat UL Mula is in Makkah.

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24) Danube River is in Europe.

25) The capital of Venezuela is Caracas.
26) First president of Muslim league is Sir Agha Khan.
27) Synonym of Extensive is extended.
28) Meaning of Tanzeel is Sending down.
Page | 37 29) Capital of Gilgit Baltistan is Gilgit City.
30) Pakistan has been divided into 5 physiographical divisions.
31) First Olympic was played on April 6, 1896.
32) Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) offered in 7th Hijri.
33) Hazrat bib Sara was the mother of Hazrat Ishaque A.S.
34) Farooque Abdullah said” Kashmir is a cap on head of Pakistan”.
35) The largest natural lake is Caspian Lake.
36) Tayyabia Mean’s purity.
37) Total rakats in Farz Prayers are 48.
38) Namaz E Istaska is offered for coming Hajjat.
39) Tayyamym was permitted in 4th Hijri.
40) Volga River is the largest river of Europe.
41) Smallest country of the world is Vatican City.
42) Red Cross founded in 1863.
43) Imam Abu Hanifa is the Imam Azam.
44) Lawarki Pass connect Chitral to Dir.
45) According to the holy Quran hypocrites will be in the bottom part of the hell.
46) Jahangir won Squash Cups for 6 times.
47) The largest fresh water sea in the world is Labrador Sea.
48) First census in Pakistan was in 1951.
49) Iron metal was not known to Harappa People.
50) President selects chief justice in Pakistan.
51) Synonym of indifferent in unconcerned.
52) The antonym of persistent is irresolute.
53) Danube River is in Germany.
54) World coldest place is Oymyakon Antarctic Ocean.
55) What is the literal meaning of Islam is Obedience of Allah.
56) Islam in History is written by Wahid Udeen.
57) Laws About inheritance revealed in 3rd Hijri.
58) South west Asia is called birth place of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.
59) Imam Shafi was a jurist.
60) 7 angels are mentioned in Holy Quran.
61) Merida is an old city of Spain was found by Romans.
62) Karbala took place on 10th October 680.
63) Study of diseases is called Pathology.
64) Custom of having many wives is called Polygamy.
65) Fortune Island Canary Island.
66) Atlantic Ocean is called Herring pond.
67) Opposite of wild is tamped.

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68) Quad E Azam fourteen points was delivered in March 1929.

69) 26 September is the world European languages.
70) National assembly selects the president according the 1962 constitution.
71) Scot land is called land of cakes.
72) Algeria is called land of fertile fields.
Page | 38 73) Baghdad is called land of Arabian nights.
74) London is called the modern baby lone.
75) Belgium is called cross road of Western Europe.
76) Denmark is called mother law of Europe.
77) Japan is called Great Britain of Pacific.
78) Khojak railway tunnel is the largest railway tunnel of Pakistan which is in Baluchistan
and its length is 2.43 miles.
79) Lowari road tunnel is the longest road tunnel of Pakistan its length is 5 miles.
80) Warsak is the longest water tunnel of Pakistan its length is 3.5 miles.
81) America Attacked Iraq on 19th March 2003.
82) Fakhar ibn E Malik was the forefather of Quraish Tribe.
83) There is Parliamentary government system in British.
84) The USSR left Afghanistan in 1989.
85) Tariq Bin Ziad conquered Spain.
86) There are 7 conditions to offer prayer.
87) Hazrat Soda was the second wife of Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
88) WHO was established on April 7th, 1948.
89) The eldest Daughter of Holy prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was Zainab bint
Mohammad (PBUH).
90) The distance between Earth and sun is 147.12.
91) There are around 1500 Rivers in China.
92) There are 12 players in Cabady.
93) There are 150 dams in Pakistan.
94) There are 5 largest rivers in Pakistan.
95) Molvi Samee Ullah Khan was the first President of All India Muhammadan
Educational institute.
96) Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ishaque were Father and son.
97) The capital city of Syria is Damascus.
98) The total Age of Hazrat Usman was 80-83 years.
99) The speed of light is 299792458 M/s.
100) The total age of Hazrat Khadija is 65 years.
101) 2018 Asian games held in Jakarta.
102) Iraq was the first Purchase of J-17 thunder.
103) Tahira Safdar was the first female chief justice of Pakistan.
104) Similar meaning of obligation is Duty, commitment.
105) Capital of Belarus is Minsk.
106) Carbajal is a goal keeper who played in five world cups.
107) Indus treaty was between General Ayoub khan and Lal Bahadur Shastri.
108) The synonyms of prevalent is widespread, frequent.

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109) Sir Agha Khan was the president of Delegation of 1906.

110) Nehru Report was presented on 30th August 1928.
111) Capital of Kirghizstan is Bishkek.
112) Badar means full moon.
113) The first book of Allama Iqbal was Asrar E Khudi.
Page | 39 114) First Pakistani Astronaut was Namira Saleem.
115) Hinda embraced Islam in 8th Hijri 630 AD.
116) The length of Siachen glaciers is 72.5 KM.
117) 7th largest mosque of the world is Grand Jamia Mosque.
118) Hazrat Zainab bint Khuzaima is called Umul Masakeen.
119) Total seats of National assembly are 342, 60 for woman and 10 for non-
120) Jamrud fort is located near Peshawar.
121) Syed Mehmood was the first Muslim who served as high court judge in British
122) The national finance commission date is 1951.
123) Ghayas Udeen was a king who used to say that he is the Nibe of Allah.
124) Intelligence Agency Mosad was established on 13th December 1949.
125) World population is 7.5 billion.
126) Manila pact was a sign in 1954 in Philippines.
127) Benazir Became prime minister on 2nd December 1988.
128) First democratic Election was in 1970.
129) Quite Movement was started by Gandhi on 9 August 1942.
130) Qissa Khawani Bazar is located in Peshawar.
131) The Indus Saghar Doab area is between River Indus and Jhelum.
132) Ganj Bar area is located between Ravi and Sutlej.
133) The second largest desert in the world is Arctic desert.
134) JIA is the news agency of USA.
135) Longest river of Afghanistan is Helmand River.
136) WTO was established on 1st January 1995.
137) OIC was made in Morocco Rabat.
138) The Kharan desert is in Washuk Tehsil Baluchistan.
139) Nursing profession was invented by Florence Nightingale.
140) There are 17 Farz in five prayers.
141) Hazrat Zaid bin Haris was the son in law of Holy Prophet Mohammad PBUH.
142) Capital of Albania is Tirana.
143) The coastal highway is from Gawadar to Makran.
144) The coldest desert of the world is Antarctic ice Sheet.
145) Formula of Natural gas is CH4.
146) Third law of motion is every action has its reaction.
147) Unit of work is joule.
148) PAF was established in Risalpur in 1947.
149) There are 57 member of SAARC.
150) One nibble is equal to 4 bits.

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151) Pound is the currency of Syria.

152) Height of Mount Everest 8848 meter.
153) Height of K2 8611 meter.
154) Height of Burj e Khalifa 828 meter.
155) Jang yarmuk was fought in 636 A.D and 19th Hijri.
Page | 40 156) Distance between Makkah and Medina 250 miles or 448 Km.


Country Capital Currency
Austria Vienna Euro
Bahrain Manama Dinar
Bhutan Thimphu Ngultrum
Bosnia Herzegovina Sarajevo Mark
Brazil Brasilia Real
Bulgaria Sofia Bulgarian
Cambodia Phnom Penh Riel
Chad N’djamena Franc
Congo Brazzaville Franc
Cuba Havana Peso
Ethiopia Addis Ababa Birr
Fiji Suva Dollar
Finland Helsinki Euro
France Paris Euro
Germany Berlin Euro
Ghana Accra Cedi
Greece Athens Euro
Ireland Dublin Euro
Hungary Budapest Forint
Israeel Jerusalem Sheqahim
Kazakhstan Akmola Tenge
Kenya Nairobi Shilling
North Korea Pyongyang Won
South Korea Seoul Won
Kuwait Kuwait city Dinar
Kyrgyzstan Bishkek Som
Lebanon Beirut Pound
Libya Tripoli Dinar
Malaysia Kula Lampur Ringgit
Maldives Male Rufiyaa
Malta Valletta Lira
Myanmar Rangoon Kyat
Mexico Mexico New Peso
Mongolia Ullan Bator Tugrik
Nepal Kathmandu Rupee
New Zealand Wellington Dollar
Nigeria Ahuja Naira
Norway Oslo Krone
Oman Muscat Riyal

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Poland Warsaw Zloty

Portugal Lisbon Euro
Qatar Doha Riyal
Somalia Mogadishu Shilling
South Africa Cape town Rand
Page | 41 Spain Madrid Euro
Sudan Khartoum Dinar
Switzerland Bern Franc
Syria Damascus Pound
Tajikistan Dushanbe Ruble
Thailand Bangkok Baht
Turkey Ankara Lira
Turkmenistan Ashkhabad Manat
Uganda Kampala Shilling
UAE Abu Dhabi Dirham
UK London Dollar
USA Washington Dollar
Uzbekistan Tashkent Som
Yemen Sana’a Riel
Zimbabwe Harare Dollar
Country President Country President
USA Joe Bidden France Emmanuel Macron
China Xi Jinping India Ram Nath Kovind
Bangladesh Abdul Hamid Russia Vladimir Putin
Iran Ibrahim Raisi Israeel Reuven Rivlin
Malaysia Ismail Sabri Yaquoob UK Boris Johnson
Country Prime minister Country Prime minister
Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina Australia Scott Morison
Japan Fumio Kishida Palatine Mohammad Shtayyeh
Afghanistan Mula Mohammad New Zealand Jacinda Ardern
Srilanka Mahinda Raja Paksa
Country Foreign minister Country Foreign minister
USA Antony J Blinken France Jean Yves Ledrian
China Wang Yi India Subrahmanyan Jai
Bangladesh Abul Kalam Japan Yoshimasa Hayashi
Russia Sergey Victorovich Turkey Melut Cavusoglu
Palestine Riyad UL Maliki Arabia Faisal bin Farhan al
 Current UNO secretory General is  Antonio Gutters from Portuguese.
 Current SAARC secretory general  is Esala Ruwan Weerakoon from Srilanka.
 Current OIC secretory general is  Yousif bin Ahmed All Othaimeen.

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 Prime minister  Imran Khan
 President  Arif Ulvi
 Speaker of National Assembly  Asad Kaiser
Page | 42  Chairman Senate  Sadique Sanjrani
 Chairman NAB  Justice Jawed Iqbal
 Chief Justice of Pakistan  Gulzar Ahmed
 Prime minister of Azad Kashmir  Abdul Qayom Khan
 President of Azad Kashmir  Sultan Mehmood Chaudhry

Baluchistan Syed Zahoor Ahmad Agha
Sindh Imran Ismail
Punjab Mohammad Sarwar
KPK Shah Farman
Gilgit Raja Jalal Hussain
Islamabad Mohammad Ahsan Younis
Punjab Rao Sardar Ali Khan
Motorway Police Inam Ghani
KPK Dr. Sana Ullah Abbasi
Sindh Mushtaq Ahmed Mehmood
Baluchistan Mohammad Tahir Rai
Azad Kashmir Sohail Habib Tajak
Punjab Chaudhry Parvez Ilahi
Baluchistan Jan Mohammad Jamali
Sindh Agha Siraj Durrani
KPK Mushtaq Ahmed Ghani
Gilgit Amjid Zaidi
Sindh Mumtaz Ali Shah
Punjab Kamran Ali Afzal
Baluchistan Niaz Rana
KPK Dr. Shehzad Khan
Balochistan Abdul Qudoos Bazinjo
Sindh Murad Ali Shah
Gilgit Khalid Murshid
Punjab Usman Buzdar
Economic Minister Omar Ayoub Khan

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Human rights Minister Dr. Shiri Mizari

Kashmir affairs Minister Ali Amin Khan
Planning and developing Minister Asad Umar
Communication Minister Murrad Saeed
Defense Minister Parvez Khatak
Page | 43 Energy Minister Hammad Azhar
Education Minister Shafkat Mehmood
Information and technology Minister Fawad Chaudhry
Law and justice Minister Farogh Naseem
Railway Minister Mohammad Azeem Swati
Water Resources Minister Monis Elahi
Science and Technology Minister Shibli Farazi

 Chief of Pakistan Army  General Qamar Jawed Bajwa

 DG ISPR  Major General Babar Iftikhar
 DG ISI  General Nadeem Ahmed Anjum
According to its charter the OIC aim is to preserve Islamic social and economic Values.
 To promote solidarity among the states.
 Increase cooperation in social, economic. Cultural, scientific and political areas.
 To uphold international peace and security.


 SAARC aims to promote economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the
south Asia region.
To maintain international peace and security.
 To create social and friendly relations among the nations.
 To work together for solving economic social and humanitarian issues.


Is an inland sea bordered on the north by Europe, the East by Asia and in the south by
Africa it is about 2300 miles in length. I it has major subdivisions sea, such as Adriatic Sea
etc. it is used for trade and commercial purposes.

It is located in Egypt and it is the first canal that joins red sea with the Mediterranean
Sea. Moreover it is used for commercial purposes. It is 102 miles or 164 kilometer it was
constructed in 1859.

It is located in East of Jordan and west of Israel. Aquatic life is not possible in it. It
consists of 33% salt and no living organism can survive as it is highly saltish. It works of

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the principal of Archimedes. It is 67 km long and 18 km wide. The Dead Sea has
unusually high concentration which people can easily float in the Dead Sea due to
natural buoyancy.

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It got freedom British on 6th August 1960. It is and island in eastern Mediterranean Sea,
and it is 40 Km away from Turkey and 200 Km from Greece. Moreover, it is divided into
two parts. The north and the south. The Northern part is called Turkish Republic or
Northern Cyprus while the southern part is called independent Republic of Cyprus or the
Greece Cyprus it is disputed between Turkey and Greece.


The term landlocked is used for countries which are surrounded by other countries and
they do not have their own seaport or any link with seas or oceans such as cars
Afghanistan Nepal Austria Serbia.


It was built by French sculptor Augusta Bartholdi. It is located in Upper Network Bay, it
represents Mutual desire for liberty and friendship. This was gifted to America by France
in 1886 to celebrate America’s 100 hundred years as a nation.


Lord Wavell started serving as a viceroy of India in 1943. When WW2 ended in August
1945, Lord Wavell decided to hold a political conference to which he incited Muslim
league and congress representatives Moreover it began in Shimla on 24th June, 1945 and
ended on 14th July 1945. This conference did not suit the Muslims interests so,
conference failed to achieve its Goals.

A delegation consisted of 35 members representing all parts of the country led by sir
Agha Khan, share they met Lord Minto presented the demands of Muslims Lord Minto
assured Muslim that soon their demand would be soon met their main demand were
Separate electorates
Appointments of Muslim Judges.
The Muslims may be given due representation in the imperial legislative council.


The Shimla Agreement signed by Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and Pakistani
President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto on 2nd June 1972 was a peace treaty between Pakistan and
India. After war of 1971 where India held (93000 Troops and Civilians of Pakistan as
prisoners). It aimed to withdraw the troops and Exchange of prisoners of Wars. On the

Compiled by: Izhar Ahmed 03333805191

PMA long course 149 all repeated and important questions

other hand India rephrased the title ceasefire in Kashmir into LOC and made it
acceptable to Pakistan.

It connects Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. It is 48 miles (77Km) long it was built to save trade
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ships from sailing all the way round past the southern tip of south America to get form
Atlantic ocean into pacific ocean and back again. The USA di8scovered the Panama canal
in 1904. It provides short cut between pacific and Atlantic ocean.


There are two America in the world (North America and south America) USA is located in
North America while south America Comprises Around 14 countries. There are two big
ocean on both sides of America. These both are connected by a long barrow strip and
around 6 countries lie on the strip. So, panama is located at the narrow strip that joins
North and South America.

It is in north of Turkey it is an inland sea located between southeastern Europe and far
western edge of the continent of Asia and Turkey. It is bordered by turkey, and Bulgaria,
Romaniaukaraine Russia and Georgia.

Due to the efforts of the Quad E Azam Muslim league congress party both agreed to a
political settlement in Dec 1916 which is called Lucknow pact according to this pact the
congress recognized the separate opposition of the Muslims and accepted the Muslims
demand for separate electorate.


The 2nd world war which started on 1st September 1939 and ended on 2nd September
1945 is regarded as the greatest war of the world. It was fought between the allied
powers USA, UK, USSR, France etc. and the Axis Powers Japan, Germany, Italy.


Adolf Hitler Germany, Benito Mussolini Italy, and Emperor Hirohito Japan acted as
supreme military commanders as well as dictators for their respective countries or
empires in WW2 on believes of Axis Powers.
Neville Chamberlain was replaced by Winston Churchill as Prime Minister of UK, Joseph
Stalin, dictator Russia, FD Roosevelt USA, and Harry Truman became the president of
USA in the end. They all were called Allied powers.
80000 people were killed instantly in Hiroshima japan on August 6 1945 when the first
ever Bomb was used in war. The code name of the Uranium Based Bomb was little boy.
Paul Tibbets was the name of Pilot who dropped Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima japan.

Compiled by: Izhar Ahmed 03333805191

PMA long course 149 all repeated and important questions

On August 9, 1945 an implosion model plutonium Bomb code named Fat man was
detonated over Nagasaki. More than 70000 people were killed instantly in Nagasaki by
the bomb. Charles Sweeney was the name of Pilot who dropped Atomic Bomb on
Nagasaki, Japan.


Scandinavia is a peninsula in Northwest Europe. Norway Sweden, Iceland, Denmark and
Finland are called Scandinavian countries. Moreover, they are bordered with each other
they have same currencies, Flags and Airlines they are highly developed states.

Those states which lie on the south east coast of Baltic Sea are called Baltic State. These
include Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. Moreover these states got freedom from USSR in
1991, and they are members of European Union and NATO and they are highly
developed states.


On Dec 7, 1941 Japanese fighter’s planes attacked the American naval base at Pearl
Harbor Honolulu, Hawaii. The Japanese managed to destroy nearly 20 American naval
vessels including eight big battleships and more than 300 airplanes around 2000
American soldiers and sailors died in the attack the day after the attack president
franklin D Roosevelt asked congress to declare War on Japan. Congress approves his
declaration tree days later Japanese allies Germany and Italy also declared war on the
United States and again congress reciprocated more than years into the conflict America
had finally joined WW2.


In 1960 according to the Indus basin treaty, three eastern rivers were given to India Ravi,
Sutlej and Biyas and three western Rivers Sindh Jhelum and Chenab were given to
Pakistan where World Bank worked as a mediator between two countries.
The noble peace prize 2012 was awarded to European Union for over six decades
contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation democracy and human
rights in Europe.
The Noble peace prize of 2013 was awarded to the Organization for the prohibition of
chemical weap9ons from their extensive work to eliminator chemical weapons.
The noble peace price 2014 was awarded jointly to Kailash from India and Malala Yousif
Zai from Pakistan.


It consisted of Russia and 14 other surroundi8gn countries. It was established on 26 Dec,
1922 and dissolved on 26 Dec, 1991. Moreover the union dissolved or collapsed into

Compiled by: Izhar Ahmed 03333805191

PMA long course 149 all repeated and important questions

fifteen independent countries in 1991. Three of them Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
declared their independence even before the demise of USSR in September.


It is Also known as middle Asia typically includes the countries of Kazakhstan,
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Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan , Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan these countries were
part of former USSR and now independent countries in central Asia.
Adolf Hitler was a German politician who was the leader of the Nazi Party and had been
a chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945. He initiated World War 2 in Europe with the
invasion of Poland in September 1939 and was a central figure of the holocaust. It is
believed that Hitler committed suicide on April 30. 1945.

There are 19 barrages in Pakistan some of them are:

Guddu Barrage
Kotri Barrage
Sukkur Barrage
Sindh Barrage
Tunsa Barrage

There are 5 deserts in Pakistan:

Thar, Thal, Cholistan, Kharan, Katpana.

Mountain ranges of Pakistan:

Karakorum Range
Himalaya range
Hindu Kash range
Hindu Rag range
Sofaid Koh Mountain range
Suleiman Mountain range
Kirther Mountain range
Salt Range
Margalla hills range
Toba Kakar Range

Aircrafts of Pakistan
JF7 thunder, F16, F7, Mirage, and Q5 fanton.

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PMA long course 149 all repeated and important questions

Tanks of Pakistan
Al Zaraz, Al Khalid, Type 88 and Type 69.

Helicopters of Pakistan
Page | 48 Sea King, MI8, MI 35, LYNX, AH I Cobra.

Ships of Pakistan Navy

PNS Tariqu, PNS Jalalat, PNS Nasar, PNS Shahjahan, PNS Moawin

You must know how to introduce yourself properly and practice it.
Prepare your some merits and demerits.
You must have knowledge about your tribe, district and your family
You should know everything about your hobby as well.
You should know meaning of your name, your father’s and mother’s name as
You must have an authentic answers of some negative questions as well like
About GF or BF.

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Initial essay writing before Interview

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1) The natural resources of Pakistan
2) Energy issues in Pakistan
3) Water Crisis in Pakistan
4) Corruption in Pakistan
5) Health Issues in Pakistan
6) Education Issues and it Solution
7) Poverty in Pakistan
8) Economy of Pakistan
9) Class decides the future of a Nation
10) Child marriage
11) Love marriage or arrange marriage merits and demerits.
12) Democracy
13) Importance of Money
14) Pak-afghan Relations history and background

Compiled by: Izhar Ahmed 03333805191

PMA long course 149 all repeated and important questions

15) Afghanistan issue

16) Kashmir Issue
17) Palestine Issue
18) Pak-China Relations
19) The CPEC (China Pakistan economic corridor)
Page | 50 20) Communication skills
21) Stress and Depression
22) Importance of teamwork
23) Drug Addiction
24) Growth population
25) Importance of time Management
26) Rule of Woman in our society
27) Freedom of speech
28) Sad event of my life
29) Happiest event of my life
30) Child memories
31) Terrorism
32) COVID 19
33) Importance of recycling
34) Co-education advantages and disadvantages
35) Leadership
36) Unemployment
37) Media and its role

Compiled by: Izhar Ahmed 03333805191

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