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19. 20. Biology Section B (Subjective Type Questions) Ifa plants releasing carbon dioxide and taking in oxygen during the day, does it mean that there is no photosynthesis occurring? Justify your answer. af ag chu Raat & atere order srgaitrags ots Ter B OAR ait STE, A a FAT Aeros IE fae gener deatoor igh haere? BT tas ar she eT FEL Why and how does water enter continuously into the root xylem? aig angers H oratt errae at ae AS ae LATE? Does the occurrence of diversity of animals on earth suggest their diverse ancestry also? Discuss this point in the light of evolution. agar gat we fat ara re 5 ear a iT et #2 Pre aT HT fag ae act atl Evolution has exhibited a greater stability of molecular structure when compared with morphological structures. Comment on the statement and justify your opinion. zener cert ae Perera sn ira lew Fee a wee Pea | requ aafare atk ae aa A ae ATT (Cana plant flowering in Mumbai be pollinated by pollen grains of the same species growing in New Delhi? Provide explanation to your answer. a oe Beh ae A wy eH a TT aT HM va eH 8a PREAH Soe 8? aR sat aT FETT Sl (ii) Draw the diagram of 2 pistil where pollination has ‘successfully occurred. Lebel the parts involved in reaching the male gamets to its desired destination. “sar GREE ar PO age ret TIT HTML GT a aeAT a Se GLO ATS TH ark erat a Pe ET 16 14. Which of the following statement is incorrect? (2) A person of ’0’ blood group has anti ‘A’ anti ‘B’ antibodies in his blood plasma (b) A person of 8 blood group cannot donate blood to a person of A blood group (c) blood group case designated on the basis for the presence of antibodies in the blood plasma (4) A person of AB blood group is universal recipient faeafafte aa ata aren mart (a) 0 cas gas cata & cas conga AA’ CET 8! eras aa (b) Beas qa ar catia A cos yr a cuit a aes Ste ae AT TE () Saar BYR oT UAT Tera COT SAT A ETM ST hy Sa e & serene ae aie PT sree (aya cre ag ar cars ert Ber areca 15. Consider about excretion in animals. 1. Reptile has very small glomeruli to conserve water they release uric acid 2. Dogfish is a ammonotelic 3. Amphibian has large size glomeruli excrete dilute urea 4, Mammals has moderate size glomerulus and long loop of henle release hypertonic urine Sian F seas hae F faa FT 1, Rear after wits atest are ore as eieawor a Fae aga ore wate aE 2, Sfather war areata t 3, UPpiaeer a ad arene an Tale CHAE Tera APTS 4, Saartnital a ata ara Hr zeilsteae ela 8 sit Hed Retr creel ies Aa aT aT ET Brae (a) 1,2 and 3 are correct (b) 1.2 and 4 are correct (c) 1,3 and 4 are correct (a) 2,3 and 4 are correct 15 1. 2. ere car Bree sites ar Reamer aenaceen PAitaeer a A ara Ta 3. Aleta cftetter A avert 50,000 otter 4. Ginter cw dae & ph Aton & Sled Heat AS cet Ber F (a) Two. (b) Three (b) Four. {d) One In how many steps dehydrogenation or oxidation occurs in krebs cycle? Spee con A fereet ae fetstetencor ar sifaefenzer alat @? (a) Two (b) Three (e) Four (a) Five . A farmer grows cucumber plant in his field. He wants to increase the number of female 2B. flowers in them.Which plant growth regulator can be applied to achieve this? wer feet Hoe Va A Has ar cher Soar A) ag See Tet Gelt FY Geet aera gat $1 g8 oa wre & feu ais faare farses AY aT oy Peer aT wee BP (a) Auxin/Cytokinin/Ethylene (b) Gibberellin/Cytokinin/ethylene (c) Auxin/Gibberellin/Ethylene (d) Gibberellin/Cytokinin/Abscisic acid During the process of blood clotting considered the following. 1, fibrinogen is a high molecular weight globulin protein produced by liver 2. Fibrin monomer or have a tendency to undergo polymerization to form long fibres 3. Fibrin stabilising factor mainly released by platelets. 4, Prothrombin is also called clotting factor IV wa & oad art & sfrar & chest Preafefea we fra fear 1, Organ ow Seu ant ae water vite Fat Rae carer Pat ear 2. Gagiver Reta or aa gat aaret & Ae ctatrasoeet A aoret A agi F 3, Fer es a Acdew cant ant wigiea eeftergtsier GreT 4, steer at acter trace wat ar Sere (a) 1,2 and 3 are correct (b) 1,2 and 4 are correct (c) 1,3 and 4 are correct (d) 2,3 and 4 are correct 14 10. Fae ah orat wet RAE HTS, SE (a) P and Q (b) Qand R (c) Rands (d)Pands ‘A student was asked to observe and identify the various parts of an embryo of a red kidney bean seed. He identified the parts and listed them as under: L-Tegmen Il.Testa Ill. Cotyledon IV.Radicle V.Plumule ‘The correctly identified parts amongst these are’ Wem Ts aT are FeRAM Alar Toa eH ayUT He faster Feet ar eaklateT eet Site Tree & Pere eT aren em Sea tt rer Bt ate sek sega ahaa Pr: Landa eer Laefeea iter Vga aA a ey eee HE STB: (a) |, Wand ti (b)1, Hand iv (c)l, 1V, andv (¢) i tl, Vand v Which of the following statement is/ are true 1. Uneven thickening of cell wall is characteristic of sclerenchyma 2. Periblem forms the cortex of the stem and the root 3. Tracheids are the chief water transporting elements in gymnosperm 4. Companion cells is devoid of nucleus at maturity 5. The commercial chork is obtained from quercus suber farafefaa #8 ater or et eT Se a.det Stare a arent ter Gian EReeagAT AY PROSCT S 2.8Reaw eH HH Be & alése eater F 3.2fmew Rrstent 4 qe oa feet act 4. ere aR Reser Bs ever after a eke ate s.ataRiee at at aT Yee A oes fra ota (a) Land 4 only (b) 2and 3 only (c) 3and 4only (d) 2,3. and 5 only Read the following four statement 1, In transcription Adinosine pairs with uracil 2. Regulation of lac operon by repressor referred to as positive regulation 3. The human genome had approximately 50,000 genes 4, Haemophilia is a sex linked recessive disease ‘ How many of the above statements are right farafefae oN Fert oS 2. atte & are serra Adinosine StS 3 ‘Shenre felt enter By ate aeaTaet wt F athe argelcase A easier 4. DNA copies are synthesized inside the cytoplasm and migrate into nucleus ‘drome ofa aigehearsat & sia aaa etch & site citer a eer ata {a} 1, 2and3 are correct (b) 2, 3and 4 are correct (c) Land 2 are correct (d) 2 and 3 are correct Consider the following regarding reproduction wore Baers Preaifetaa we Pea aT 1. female gamete is large germ-cell and stores food Pata Gara aS nia ear ge Bat Alaa HA ART 2. male gamete is smaller and likely to be motile Baw ttre wer ate were ea A TET 3. In simple organisms two germ cells are exactly similar to their parents sees et eh oro an Ree aise area ay eee wT E 4. Sexual reproduction is a cause of variation but not of evolution ‘cufdeare sates fBresar a areere, Sea Pear ar ae {a) 1,2 and 3 are correct (b) 2,3 and 4 are correct {c) 1,3 and 4 are correct (d) 1,2 and 4 are correct . If the vas deferens in the male is blocked then. cafe qeaat are feta sraecer et staré at 1. sperm transfer will be prevented but sperm production will continue FTO] wecTTOT aha STTTIT AARbeT ITU] Sey TNT eT 2. sperm transfer will be prevented and sperm production stopped FIO eeHTTOT eT TCA BN AHO SeuTE ae he RUT 3. sperm transfer will be prevented but semen transfer will continue eae cheers a ham Tea Sat a cere oe CT 4. sperm transfer and semen transfer will be prevented eae shares atte ah giereee wy apr SMT BAST (a) Land 2 are correct (b) 1 and 3 are correct {c) 2 and 3 are correct (d) 2 and 4 are correct . Four students P, Q, R and S differently reported the following set of organs to be analogous. aR GAT, a, 3H BT Ta STOTT STAT Sia apCRTA a aiepRH av A eT A P—Fore limb of frog and fore limb of a Lizard Fee #1 31 3407 3h foeoeelh ar 30a ST Q—Fore limb of Bird and fore limb of a Human ae 3a Sit HN Ars HT 3 PT R— Wings of Parrot and wings of a Butterfly ate & ta tk wen each er S~ Wings of Bird and wings of a Bat feiea site a8 sity fairer site uae ‘The two students who have reported correctly are 2 BIOLOGY Section A This section contains 15 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), () and (D) out of which ONE or MORE THAN ONE may be correct. Marking scheme: for each correct answer +4 marks will be awarded and for each wrong answer -1 mark will be awarded 1. People living at sea level have around 5 million RBCs per mm” of their blood where as those living at an altitude of 5400 meters have around 8 million . This is because at high altitude: Ba A TEE aT A By ae Se TT aT THT 5 He IAAT aT HAY, TBE 5400 tec Sens OR ee areit A car aaTaHTT 8 TAA BY Setar aT ae BP Fas (a) People eat more nutritive food, therefore more RBCs are formed ‘iter after Ghee aitsret are &, serferT Hikes aHTeANH aera E {b) People get pollution free air to breath and more oxygen is available abeib at wie BY H Fore VaMOT AA ar PHI & site afer stir reich {c) Atmospheric o level isless and hence more RBCs are needed to absorb the required amount of 02 to survive arts tt 2 EHH he gave AT ww TE a2 A SARE TAT HY Te HTT a fare aftr arte A gure ae (a) There is more UV radiation which enhance RBCs production aftter ceraeh FafeaUr 8 sit aredleht Searaat wt aT 2. Seminal plasma in humans is rich in eer Sibert Case a ag (2) Fructose, calcium and certain enzymes (6) Fructose and calcium but no enzymes (c) Glucose and certain enzymes but has no calcium (a) Fructose and certain enzymes but poor in calcium 3. How many types of gametes will be produced in f, generation of a monohybrid cross of Mendel? Hao & ua Ataters has wie AY fy ME A Perera TERR Brae a Score Pea TTT? {a}3 (b) 4 as (a) 16 4, The statements are correct about DNA Sivary & at A era Here 1, The DNA in the cell nucleus is the information source for making protein aebfaterr aittes & Steere tear aay ar aaa wht 2. If the information is changed. different proteins will be made cafe revert acre A rah &, at aARiest weler gare STAT DNA copies are synthesized inside the nucleus and migrate into cytoplasm a 15, ¢. Aqueous solution of NaHCO: turns red litmus blue NaHCO, aT Steftar eiter citer fereare ar aren ae ea & d. Aqueous solution of NaHCO; turns blue litmus red NaHCO, @I SS tet Ate Fereare t aie a Sate Mark the correct statement{s) regarding electron affinity. saaget yet Hae H wer peril at Patera Ft a. electron affinity decreases top to bottom in a group. ue mer & sor Fatt ow saagia ater Tech S] b. electron affinity of Cl< F electron affinity of F < Cl d. electron affinity of 0.<$ Chemistry Section B (Subjective Type Questions) 16. 18 19 20, Explain with examples how the values of pH changes when acid, base or salts are dissolved in neutral water. SeTRTOT BART TTGTIG FSF HFT, ATL AT aaUT wT serahter Set A Sloe Ge pH wT HT a sete @ What is isomerism? What are the main reasons for isomerism? How many isomers of hexane are there? mre Fe ange? Bary aye aT a? eat Fae aoa? ‘What is the periodic law for modern long periodic table and why? Explain any three periodic properties, amare at aed arco ar aad fear ar & atte ait? feed ter anak quit AY carcar afar) What is the method of extraction of active metals at the top of the activity series Explain with reason? ‘aitearen Aut a sat Seay Fear erepit a fereantor Fa Fara are & aero eet aT? Write the equation of haloform reaction and tell which compound the yellow precipitate belongs to. ‘What kind of compounds takes part in this reaction? aatete atefaser ar aatercor fae sem Star arate Pere ates are aarge Pee ave & alias sat efatfaven Haart aa 8? 10 10. Mark the correct statement(s) regarding Hydrolysis of Ester reaction Tex % ergatieiea dau Fae Seat wt fatead at a.Itis acid catalyzed 4g ara seats tar & b. Its base catalyzed ag ae Seater tat & ¢. Hydrolysis of Ester is reversible in presence of base catalyst ae Janay Fy safeaia a weet ar oggiietr vita & 4. Hydrolysis of Ester is reversible in presence of acid catalyst Hr Sane A suet & weet aT oeatatta seat & 11. Mark the correct statement(s) regarding acidic strength of carboxylic acids araffeafass Ute Sy archer ara at A wet aut Ft faint at a, Acetic acid is more acidic than formic acid WARE URRs wider vfs gaa at ae sestia dhat & b. formic acid is more acidic than acetic acid wifes wfas cfeea us Ft gaan H aiftre sea & . acetic acid is more acidic than H2COs UfAfea UPR H.CO, 41 qo a sift areca & G. acetic acid is less acidic than NaHCO; UfAfe# URIS NaHCO, Ht Aare Ht wpe sees F 12. Mark the correct statement(s) regarding Hydrogenation of alkenes and alkynes Hea 3itt aiebiger 3 grggharcfraor & der at we we at Aas et a. Hydrogenation of Alkynes is faster as compared with Alkenes. 31 & HRT qua # HOFSA SH eTegtareE LOT AST eat Fe b. Hydrogenation of Alkynes is slower as compared with Alkenes. Ufa &t grat 2 ‘Teanga HT gtggtaretiereor thar eta & €. During Hydrogenation catalyst Ni is oxidized, grestaeftarcor a eteet TAR Ni Siege eta 81 4. During Hydrogenation catalyst Niis reduced. @rgghsetareor 3 aire Seer ni er areeaer eta B1 13. In chlor alkali process eatt-21¢ GSAT a. chlorine is produced at cathode watts att eitsax ara eat & b. hydrogen is produced at anode srggtsta ata tals oe asa eft t ©. hydrogen is produced at cathode grgsarer ha ayuts ax ar alt & 4. NaOH will be obtained at cathode atfBaer eregrraIgs ahs core aT e 14. Mark the correct statement(s) regarding NaHCO; #@ att ay fag wt a. NaHCOs is acidic salt NaHCO. acre Sao & b. NaHCOs is basic salt aredrer sar & Which one isfare correct regarding extraction of copper? aa & feastor aes Hat ar asl BY EP (a) Main ore of copper is concentrated by gravity separation af& apex are at aprcarantor gerweneor carer dae rar sre (b) Main ore of copper is concentrated by froth flotation method ia a HEU SRTER GT SAT fate gare dare Phar oar (©) Cu,S heated in presence of oxygen to convert it to Cu,0, Cu,0 will automaticelly reduce to Copper hence itis called setf reduction method. cu,S a aie A seu A ad ee CuO H oRtafea Rar TAT, Cu,0 aT ea: eT Hi araascor BY see gear a ea aT PATE aT TTL (2) Cu,S partially roasted to Cuz0 then it will automatically reduce to Copper. Cu,S #1 afte er & Cu,0 & arshr rar rar & Roe eae: rate A. Srrncer eh TET ‘The salt whose aqueous solution tums blue Litmus to Red is Bree fSrerant ates eter sitet Ferra ara areas (a) Ammonium sulfate (b) Sodium acetate {c) Sodium Chloride (d) Potassium Carbonate When Cu is added to dil. HCl solution (Cut SIBRIE HCl Hieeret H erate IT] (a) CuCl will form [Cucl asa (b} CuCl, will form [Cucl, YT] (c) H2gas will be librated (H, #at fetareram] (d) None 9, Mark the correct statement(s) #@Y aeiet 3f&het BT a On burning in air saturated hydrocarbons give a clean flame while unsaturated carbon compounds give yellow flame Be A ay ape ATR SRT ae TT a Ta esi a ATR MT aT A at aaa Saturated hydrocarbons give addition reaction while unsaturated carbon compounds. give substitution reaction, Bie erent toner SPR BnaT Be seal reife ae a ew wee HARTA a Unsaturated hydrocarbon decolorizes bromine water args egstarde atta ot at mG axe eS Unsaturated hydrocarbon decolorizes Alkaline Potassium Permanganate sigan ergsterdat arta sietran wwlante a iaigla sat CHEMISTRY Section A This section contains 15 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONE or MORE THAN ONE may be correct. Marking scheme: for each correct answer +4 marks will be awarded and for each wrong answer -1 mark will be awarded + Itis given pH cf a solution is 68 em BUT wy pH er eSS (a) Solution is acidic Hegre 3rFara & (b) Solution is basic wept ore (©) pH decrease with decrease in temperature area # aah & are pH eat B) (@) Anything acidic, basic or neutral ape aft ware areca, ondtar ar sareor ‘Acid base reaction is exothermic in nature. Arrange in the decreasing order of heat evolved during reaction ‘eft dar wfatioar sepia a Seah BI ar as ha Peete eth ee we A ewe 1, HBr+ NaOH 2, NaOH + CHsCOOH 3, NH,OH + CH;COOH fa) 291 (b) 12293 (c) D123 (9) 22301 Electronegativty of elements A, B, C, D and E are 1, 2, 3, 35 and 0.82 respectively art A, 8, C.0 str E B RecarrayTeHTReT HAN: 1, 2,3, 9.534 0.02% (a) Bond between A and E will be covelent A ate E & dhe ater aaicharw ghar (0) Bond between A and C willbe ionic A 3 C & ater eter areas ahr (c) Bond between C and D will be ionic © SiO & ter dere weaiataar eta (d) Bond between B and D will be pure ionic E at A & ats dtr eet aerafetar ete Statement(s} true regarding co-ordinate Bond S4-aeeath ae & wae a wert TEE (a) transfer of electrons takes place goa giett at FerretietwoT ate & (0) sharing of electrons takes place secrete aren eat {c) itis having ionic nature ag Hraferen Spier are F (d) itis having covalent nature za ereeensras septa & (One of the reasons for large number of carbon compound is Isomerism, Carbon compound show Isomerism because carbon serdar ance rar ahitas eh ep aeott Aa & eTerT ser fa a TETST gaara i {a} shows Catenation Property #250 {b) forms Covalent Bond again ae (c) can combine with other elements easily satel & teu acal & are dts ae Bad F (4) (is tetravalent ere sate 16. The magnitude of electric charge Prager Ader ai Her (a) depends on the observer. wear oy fentz era &] (b)has a constant ratio with its mass. 3 eure are we aaa eT A eee | (c) has diferent ratio with mass for different observers aaar-araor wéeret & fBke qe UT ew: feat aque A eat F | (d) may or may not have mass. gewerareftet ar rewarrater Bt era 1 Physics Section B (Subjective Type Questions) 16. 17, 18, 18. 20. Explain with reactions the working of Daniell Cell, Also expiain how to prevent polarization. Baas ae & srivorat a cerafae aftirast aftr aAgTgC! ae at sat AH QdhweeT at ay oe ar Explain in detail how energy is produced in fission reaction; Support your answer with appropriate nuclear reactions. faaear aire A sot SO scan adh & fran @ HEMET, aA sek aT wey afar aah aftiearsit gant API Explain in detail the principle and working of D.C. motor. D.C atex & fauia ate wrdiale at fara g areMET ‘A bulb is situated at a depth of h below the free surface of water of absolute refractive index n what {fraction of ight emitted by the spherical bulb will go out in the atmosphere? ww aca n fate arracatieg & OTA A asa Tere & AT h AT ARTS Te Re BI aaTAN wea aa sear wera arf er ares arg TET? Explain how marine animal remain alive in frozen lakes in extreme winter. wang fr areaitras wah H sate sree sot ge sitet ah dat shifter wea EL 10. 1. 22 13. 14. (b) 20m/s #1 {c) independent of the position of the fish. Hee r feufa & eada8| {d) given by none of the above. suites 3 H waft Panes wet ae eI In nuclear fission process moderators are used to slow down the neutrons because eae] Raiser war a ager at ctor wet a Fare vistors saat Par Gra E aie (2) high velocity neutrons cannot cause fission. Sea dor ard regia Raise ag ae S| (b) high velocity neutrons can produce high energy sea an are Agia Sea Soh Scot aK THT E (c) controlled energy. (d) none of the above sutra & & aga anew wet at B1 Proton-proton cycle is the reaction that Sieie-Welat aa ag fefar & at (a) takes place in a nucleus. vas anita 4 eta &] (b) takes place ina cell. wa Hat H eat 2] (c) cannot be controlled. faite at Ft ar wa BI (d) is used to explain fusion reaction in the Sun. a eet are Herat aefRfaar AY career aett | Wavelength of micro waves has the range gar cial agente) At arisr Beh AY ear ete BI (a) 400nm to 750nm (b)mm-1m () 1am —0.1 nm (d) none of the above. Back emf is produced in da EMF 3caeet ett (2) D.C. motor. (b) A.C. motor. (c) AC. generator. (d) none of the above {A vertical object AB of height 0.5 m is stancing perpendicular on the principal Axis CB of a concave rmirtor of radius of curvature 1 metre. A ray starting from point A of the object and parallel to the principal axis passes through a point Q on the axis after reflection. The distance of Q from the pole ofthe miroris 05 shex Seng A we state aay ABT Mex A apa Roar & sera aor $F FRET aT CB & cane Raa 1 fig A @ ond ond ee que ae Gene Peon sas are oT om Rea fig O & ae omit adore A Fad a (@) 0.5 metre, 0.5 Hex 81 (b) 0.42 metre. 0.42 aftex #1 (6) 0.4 metre. 0.4 He 1 (@) None of the above is correct. Suita HB aS a wet et & (6) This work is equal to the work done by the external agent. amg are aTgh wie gar Fe ae art ear (d) All of the above are correct. sadteat wait wet &] Radioactive decay tater era {@) 's a spontaneous emission of charged particles to more stable nucleus, alter Feat afar fre are sot at ea: Soa {b) spontaneous emission of Alpha, Beta and Gamma to preduce more stable nucleus. 2iftar FE aie ar rr arco Fe are, ter sik re an eae: sear BI {©) is dependent on the size ofthe radioactive nucleus, Baht arta th are oz Prake Ta (d) 's independent ofthe size of the nucleus, Marat akan ay arene se Hake ag aT Temperature of a body Is the measurement Arar ay ay aTIETET ATE (a) of degree of hotness or coldness of a body, Pratt seq A araige aT Se HATE {©) motion ofthe particles in the body. aq & ste a aot sr af {6} motion of all the particles of the body in the reference frame of the earth twat aiaat doar eg aiee aah wort Ha {(d) all above are comrect. SoRteer wat HE fh Two concave mirrors are facing each other along a common principal axis. The distance between them so that a single image of an object placed on the principal axis is formed, is, @ saat ator sreet srry & ae atat Fr Wer ster wa ef Vl Sa Ata ate Ft aT freeit of Brad ae oer a Tah ng Pet aeq aT ue sfaaes a (a) 2f (b) F (cf (d) all of the above are correct. The transverse magnification due to a convex lens can be numerically equal to one when distance of the object from the optical centre is sae de & wanitter do eg A at Bech A dw aan sees aati deaeRs EF BU aT (a) 2F (b) Zero (oF (4) all of the above. Aish is at a depth of h below the free surface of water. It sees a bird diving directly towards it ata speed v = 15m/s, Refractive index of water is 4/3, The speed of the bird observed by the fish is a we Aodt eh ft wae & a naeUs oe Eee B1 ae AE ww seh at heh arth BAR v= 15m/s 8 aed Fa Sah S| teh sr arvetetias 4/381 AG wT vette ay arch gett &t arr (a) 25 m/s] PHYSICS Section A This section contains 15 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONE or MORE THAN ONE may be correct. Marking scheme: for each correct answer +4 marks will be awarded and for each wrong answer -1 mark will be awarded 1 To an observer inside water the inside surface of water seems lke a ore Siar ce eektarer & fee, are hr afer A Bee TATE (2) perfectly eflecting miror. tag & wR PRR eT] (b) perfectly reflecting mirtor wth a hole. wae & aren ght axe & saat zor (©) perfectly reflecting mirror with a hole whose radius increases with depth below the water surface, War Be a are Get ae S FARR ator Preheat Ar are ah att seers aT agate (@) transparent surface. Trae Fae] When a réal object moves towards a convex mirror, Ha ag area ay Serr ext aie ag, (a) its image moves away from the mirror. gra ars axior Bax Tar STAT BI {b) its image moves towards the mirror. seam Wfaftea efor ft ate fe sear BI {c) average velocity of the object and image with respect to the miror are same. 7] 7a sfatars ar ste aor ator artar ware gar él (qd) average velocities of the object and the image are the same, aeq 34 afetara 2 atte ar wart ta Electromagnetic induction in a circuit may take place when there is wfthe # Pree qeaehte dor &t aaase (a) change in magnetic field through the circuit. Tike & sear & acta ata dt aftactor (b) change in area of the circuit. atthe a atarmer # afer | (c) movement ofthe arms of the circuit. fire apart A afer | (d) rotation of the circuit. wfihe ar Mere eT | Electric potential difference is the work done in moving a unit positive charge from one point to another point. Mark the correct option(s). age Rana oa gang crararrn ander at ow Rig @ ge Rig a Te A Pear ter ak BI ae aes at Fata wt (2) This work is done by the electric field ae are Paar aka gaat Fra Sa (0) This work is done by an extemal agent. =e aTEITAT ZART Pa HA

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