Essay Translation Widya PBI

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Widya Nadia Safitri

PBI Semester 4

1. Translation has a very big role in the progress of a nation. Translation enables the transfer
of knowledge and culture. However, the question arises among language teachers
whether translation can be a valid and effective tool in foreign language learning. Even
though translation is currently favored by the language teaching community, there are
those who argue that translation activities are only suitable as professional activities, and
are less suitable when applied in language pursuits (Brown, 2002). The reason is because
translation is often considered as a kind of mechanical linguistic transfer of meaning from
one language to another. There are those who ignore the fact that translation can be a
useful language learning tool because there are communicative activities in the teaching
process and translation activities.
In recent decades there has been increasing interest in the practice of teaching translation
in foreign language classrooms. Recently foreign language teachers have revived the use
of translation for various learning purposes. It is observed that translation activities can
be used for pedagogical purposes along with traditional language teaching activities. As
stated by McDonough (2002), reading, grammar practice, writing, can be conductive
activities for learning in translation teaching. Apart from that, translated material can
enrich students' insight into various fields or materials being studied. This becomes even
more useful when the translation material is tailored to their major.
Schaffner (1998) acknowledged that translation and related exercises can be beneficial in
foreign language learning. In line with Schaffner, many theorists, linguists, teachers agree
on the importance of using translation in foreign language classes. Some reasons include:
a. To improve verbal fluency. b. To increase student vocabulary in foreign languages
(L2). c. To develop their style. d. To improve their understanding of how language works.
e. To consolidate the L2 structure for active use. f. Monitor and improve understanding of
foreign languages. Today, translation is considered a process of language learning
through “pedagogical translation”, and is seen as an effective tool in language learning
and evaluated as a way to enrich learners' competencies. Students taught using
pedagogical translation are encouraged to practice reading, writing, vocabulary, grammar,
speaking. One of the main goals of foreign language teaching is to develop students'
ability to communicate in the target language. Ross (2000) suggests that translation is
recognized as the fifth skill and the most important social skill because it promotes
communication and understanding. As a form of communication, translation involves
interaction and cooperation between people, which makes it a very useful tool in foreign
language teaching.

2. As a foreign language, English is something new for children, especially a group of

children who do not use English in their family environment or who rarely have contact
with English. Teaching translation to children at this age level requires a creative
approach and is oriented towards activities that are fun and easy to understand. For
example, by reading picture story books in a foreign language and their mother tongue.
Invite children to compare pictures with words in both languages, and explain their
meaning simply. Sing and chant, use simple songs in a foreign language to familiarize
children with the intonation and sounds of the language. Songs that involve body
movements can also help in remembering the words.
For teenagers, it requires a more structured and directed approach, but also pays attention
to their needs and interests. An effective method, for example, is by playing roles,
teenagers as characters in situations of daily activities, using words in a foreign language.
For example, pretend to be a customer and a salesperson in a toy store, using a foreign
language to communicate.
Teaching translation to adults requires a different approach compared to teaching to
children or teenagers. There are many methods used such as text-based learning, focusing
on actual texts that are relevant to their interests and learning needs, such as news articles
or academic articles. Utilize technology by using translation tools such as Google
Translate and you can also use a dictionary for the manual.
When teaching translation to various age groups, whether children, teenagers or adults,
an approach is needed that is adapted to the characteristics and learning needs of each
group. Such as the use of relevant material, interesting and varied activities, a
communication-based approach, and using technology wisely. By using an appropriate
approach and paying attention to the learning needs of each age group, teaching
translation can be more effective and enjoyable for participants.

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