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Practice Reading 6

1. Table 1
tranquility n I love the tranquility of the lakes.
diagonally n Đường chéo
Vertical n Đường dọc
Horizontal n Đường ngang
Parallel /ˈper.ə.lel/ adj Song song

used to describe an event or situation that happens

at the same time as and/or is similar to another one:
tương tự, tương đương
ex: Parallel experiments are being conducted in
Rome, Paris and London.
striking adj very unusual or easily noticed, and therefore
attracting a lot of attention: nổi bật, đáng chú ý, ấn
ex: I have a friend. There's always a striking
contrast between what she does and what she says
she does. She tells me that social media isn't
important to her but she has three Instagram
captivating adj holding your attention by being extremely
interesting, exciting, pleasant, or attractive:sự hấp
dẫn và sức lôi cuốn của một cái gì đó. (quyến rũ)
ex: The captivating beauty of the sunset over the
ocean left us all in awe.
intriguing adj very interesting because of being unusual or
mysterious: Hấp dẫn, gợi thích thú, kích thích sự tò

Ex: Even if you've crafted the most intriguing
message possible they'll likely just scan it.
She has a really intriguing personality.
Appraisal n Sự đánh giá; liên quan đến việc định giá bất động
Evaluate sản, giá trị của một cổ phiếu, hoặc một tài sản có
assess giá trị khác.
Ex: Many companies operate regular job appraisals,
often on an annual basis.

Assess: đánh giá rộng hơn evaluate.

competency n an important skill that is needed to do a job:

ex: Appraise(v) is used for assessing employees’
competency in their work or in an official setting to
set a value for something
resonante Nội Tạo ra tiếng vang
v Ex: It's still about reaching the audience and with
the creative that's going to resonate with that
The noise of the bell resonated through the
rewarding adj Bổ ích; thoả mãn (về một hoạt động..)
Đáng xem, đáng đọc (sách...); đáng làm (việc,
nhiệm vụ...)
Ex: What is the most rewarding aspect of your
It's always so rewarding to see leads coming in, to
see phone calls coming in.
intermission n lúc tạm nghỉ (biểu diễn); bài nhạc chơi trong lúc
tạm nghỉ biểu diễn
Intersection n Ngã tư
Our love is like an intersection without a traffic
Surpass v to do or be better than: Hơn, vượt, trội hơn
Ex: It will be hard to surpass this very high score.
His time for the 100 metres surpassed the previous
world record by one hundredth of a second(1 phần
100 giây).
Robust (strong, touch, STRONG is a word that is usually only used with
steady, sturdy, solid) the BODY.
But ROBUST can be used for ANYTHING
Ex: He looks robust and healthy enough. (cường
tráng và khỏe mạnh)

Tweak /twiːk/ v Véo, vặn, ngắt( to tweak a flower)

to change something slightly, especially in order to

make it more correct, effective, or suitable:
Ex: You just need to tweak the last paragraph and
then it's done.
Consequently = as a result adv Do đó
Ex: I spent most of my money in the first week and
consequently had very little to eat by the end of the
General store Cửa hàng tạp hóa

allocate v Phân phối, phân phát; chia phần; phân công; phân
bổ (chi phí, ngân sách)
Ex: The local council has decided not to allocate
funds for the project.
They allocated 3% of the advertising budget to
newspaper ads.
It is his job to decide how the responsibilities
should be allocated among the different
salespersons within the sales force.
illustrious adj Lừng lẫy, lừng danh
object V Phản đối, bác bỏ
Ex: They objected to a price increase.

Nội Ghét, không thích, bị khó chịu.

V Ex: I object to being treated like this.
Modest adj not large in size or amount, or not expensive: vừa
phải, mức độ bình thường, giản dị
ex: There was a modest rise in high-street spending
last month.

C1: not usually talking about or making obvious

your own abilities and achievements: khiêm tốn
Ex: He's very modest about his achievements.
So +adj/adv + that Đến nỗi mà
Ex: I'm so disappointed that I couldn't think about
something else.
Accreditation /əˌkred.ə v Công nhận, cấp phép.
ˈteɪ.ʃən/ Ex: The committee has established new procedures
for the accreditation of degrees.

2. Table 2
Merely adv used to emphasize that you mean exactly what
you are saying and nothing more: Chỉ là, chỉ đơn
thuần là.
Ex: That's not what I meant. I merely don't want
to start a relationship at the moment.
I wasn't complaining, I merely said that I was
I didn't say that you had to go - I merely suggested
that you might want to go.
Courtedious /ˈkɝː.t̬ i.əs/ adj polite and showing respect:
EX: Although she often disagreed with me, she
was always courtedious.
toward prep Hướng về
Ex: She stood up and walked toward him.

in relation to something or someone: đối với

Ex: They've always been very friendly toward me.
There has been a change in government policy
toward energy efficiency(hiệu quả).

near to, just before, or around a time or place:

ex: I often get hungry toward the middle of the
We're getting toward winter, and it's getting dark

for the purpose of buying or achieving

something:nhằm, với mục đích (góp…)
Ex: Would you like to make a contribution (= give
some money) toward a present for Linda?
sprinkler n vòi phun
nước, vòi
phun cứu

audition v Thử giọng

draw v B2: to attract attention or interest:
Ex: He's an excellent speaker who always draws a

C2: al to make or show a comparison between

things: phân biệt
Ex: It's sometimes very difficult to draw a clear
distinction between the meanings of different

Kéo ra, rút ra, nhổ ra

Fulfill /fʊlˈfɪl/ v to do something that is expected, hoped for, or

promised, or to cause it to happen: thực hiện, đáp
ứng nhu cầu
Ex: Zoos fulfill an important function in the
protection of rare species.
So did the program fulfill all your expectations?
Enforce v to make people obey a law, or to make a
particular situation happen or be accepted: thi
hành(luật lệ), ép buộc ai đó phải làm việc gì.
Ex: It is the job of the inspectors(thanh tra) to
enforce compliance with the regulations.
evacuation n the act of moving people from a dangerous place
to somewhere safe: sơ tán
Ex: The evacuation of civilians(dân thường)
remains out of the question while the fighting
landfill n Bãi rác/dumb
Curb v C2: to control or limit something that is not
wanted: kiềm chế, nén lại, hạn chế
Ex: You really need to curb your spending.
The government should act to curb tax evasion.
Fertilize Làm cho phì nhiêu, làm cho màu mỡ (đất), bón
phân cho đất.
Expedite v to make something happen more quickly:Thúc
Get faster đẩy
ex: Something needs to be done to expedite the
You pay more for expedited delivery.
Constant /ˈkɑːn.stənt/ adj Liên tục, liên tiếp, thường xuyên
Ex: He's in constant trouble with the police.
The hotel works with several distributors in the
region to ensure a constant supply of cleaning

C2: staying the same, or not getting less or more:

ổn định
Ex: The fridge keeps food at a constant
Portable adj light and small enough to be easily carried or
moved: nhẹ, có thể xách tay được
Ex: The laptop's ultra compact(cực kỳ nhỏ gọn)
design makes it extremely portable and practical.
attribute N a quality or characteristic that someone or
something has: 1 phẩm chất, 1 đức tính, tố chất
ex: She has the physical attributes to become a
championship swimmer.
Oganizational ability is an essential attribute for a
good manager.

v Cho là, quy cho, gán cho, cho rằng

Ex: It's the value consumers attribute to one
brand's offering when compared with similar
products from another brand.
Lena and Sas attribute this to their clients'
happiness level with the product.
Pertinent /ˈpɝː.tən.ənt/ adj relating directly to the subject being considered:
Phù hợp, có liên quan, thích hợp
Ex: The development of the session was adapted
to the subject's personal circumstance,
experiences and knowledge to focus on the most
pertinent and useful issues.

Sự liên quan trực tiếp, có ý nghĩa quan trọng đối

với vấn đề.
Ex: Imagine somebody steals from a shop.
“ Stealing is a crime” is a relevant sentences but “
The thief was wearing blue” is pertinent to the
current level.
Circulation n Sự lưu thông( máu,…), lưu hành (tiền tệ)
Ex: Police have warned that there are a lot of fake
£50 notes in circulation.
Exercise helps to improve circulation.
Sự phát hành (báo)
Ex: The paper has a circulation of 150,000.

amend v C2 to change the words of a text, especially a law

or a legal document: sửa đổi, cải thiện
Ex: MPs were urged to amend the law to prevent
another oil tanker disaster.
They were too hasty to amend or drop(loại bỏ)
initiatives that did not work immediately.
Surplus 'sə:pləs/ n Số dư. (adj: thừa, dư thừa)

3. Table 3
pinpoint v C2: to discover or describe the exact facts about
something: xác định, định vị(chính xác)
Ex: It is not possible to pinpoint precisely the time
of death.
By targeting key phrases you can pinpoint the
topic your target audience is searching for.
draw v B2: to attract attention or interest:
Ex: He's an excellent speaker who always draws a

C2: al to make or show a comparison between

things: phân biệt
Ex: It's sometimes very difficult to draw a clear
distinction between the meanings of different

Kéo ra, rút ra, nhổ ra

Ex: Holmes couldn't draw any conclusions, which
would be the bricks he mentioned without data, or
the clay.

Dần đi đến kết thúc: As my internship at Mix 92

Radio draws to a close, please know that working
here has been a wonderful experience for me.
wisdom n the ability to use your knowledge and experience
to make good decisions and judgments: sự từng
trải, thông thái, hiểu biết
ex: Before I went off to university my father gave
me a few words of wisdom.
He hosts a weekly radio programme in which he
dispenses(truyền đạt) wisdom (= gives his
opinions) on a variety of subjects.
They'll offer words of wisdom as well as tales of
their own experiences starting off on their career
uniformly adv Đồng đều, cùng dạng, cùng kiểu
EX: The streets were uniformly grey under the
white winter sky.
Expedite v to make something happen more quickly:Thúc
Get faster đẩy
ex: Something needs to be done to expedite the
You pay more for expedited delivery.
nature n Tính chất, bản chất, bản tính
Ex: Motor-racing is by nature a dangerous sport.
The SAS model emphasizes the cyclical nature of
their model by visualizing it as an infinity symbol.
( mô hình của SAS nhấn mạnh đến tính chất chu
kì của mô hình này bằng cách hình dung nó như
một biểu tượng vô cực).
cyclical adj Cyclical events happen in a particular order, one
following the other, and are often repeated: chu
Ex: Changes in the economy have followed a
cyclical pattern.
Potentially = possibly adv B2
Ex: This crisis is potentially the most serious in
the organization's history.
acquisition v the process of getting something: thu thập
ex: The acquisition of huge amounts of data has
helped our research enormously (extremely or
very much).

the process of gradually learning something or

gaining something such as a skill: tiếp thu
ex: Education is not merely about the acquisition
of knowledge.
Anxiety can interfere with the acquisition of new
claim v Sự đòi (bồi thường), sự yêu cầu
Ex: to put in a claim for damages.
to ask for something of value because you think it
belongs to you or because you think you have a
right to it: nhận là của mình, tự cho là
Ex: The police said that if no one claims the
watch, you can keep it.

apparently adv used to say you have read or been told something
although you are not certain it is true: hình như,
có vẻ như
Ex: Apparently it's going to rain today.

used when the real situation is different from what

you thought it was:
Ex: I thought they were married but apparently

Boast /boʊst/ to speak too proudly or happily about what you

have done or what you own: sự khoe khoang
Ex: He didn't talk about his exam results in case
people thought he was boasting.
Parents enjoy boasting about their children's

to have or own something to be proud of: niềm

kiêu hãnh, tự hào
ex: Ireland boasts beautiful beaches, great
restaurants, and friendly locals.
Net weight Khối lượng tịnh
Pouche Túi trà
Steep Ngâm vào nước
Ex: Pour in boiling water and let steep. Sweeten
to taste.
Disobey /ˌdɪs.əˈbeɪ/ v Không vâng lời, không tuân theo.
Ex: How dare you disobey me!
reception n Tiệc chiêu đãi

4. Table 4
exclusively adv Dành riêng cho, chỉ dành cho
Ex: Packaged exclusively for ABD Exports.
These products are exclusively designed for the
Stationery n Văn phòng phẩm
Print division Bộ phận in ấn
divison n one of the main separate parts that a company, or
group of companies, is divided into: bộ phận
Ex: Private Bank is a division of the Bank of
Boston that invests for wealthy individuals (cá
nhân giàu có).

Phần đoạn; (sinh vật học) nhóm

credit v Tin, cho là
Ex: Lena credits a portion of their company’s
success to the sharing of their designs on the
photo and video sharing platform, Instagram.
inception n the beginning of an organization or official
activity: sự khởi đầu, sự bắt đầu, sự thành lập
Ex: Since its inception in 1968, the company has
been at the forefront of computer development.

 Commence is verb.
commission n Nhiệm vụ, phận sự
Duty, mission, charge, obligation

Sự uỷ nhiệm, sự uỷ thác; công việc uỷ nhiệm,

công việc uỷ thác (v)
Ex: She's commissioned an artist to paint her

Hội đồng; uỷ ban

Ex: The government has set up/established a
commission to investigate the problem of inner
city violence.

Tiền hoa hồng

Ex: She gets a 15 percent commission on every
machine she sells.
assortment N a group of different types of something: sự sắp
xếp thành 1 loại, sự phối hợp, 1 loạt
Ex: Each box of Lane Permanent Markers
contains an assortment of surprising colors.
"That’s Dancing!" contains an assortment of
musical numbers from famous Hollywood films.
Cultivate /ˈkʌl.tə.veɪt/ v C1: to prepare land and grow crops on it, or to
grow a particular crop:canh tác
Ex: Most of the land there is too poor to cultivate.

C2: to try to develop and improve something:

nuôi dưỡng, xây dựng (mối quan hệ)
EX: If you cultivate a relationship, you make a
special effort to establish and develop it, because
you think it might be useful to you.
Grammar Cấu trúc: help sb do sth
Ex: A successful digital marketing campaign has
helped Fossler Electronics stabilize its profit
shortly Phó Trong thời gian ngắn; không lâu; sớm
từ Ex: Shortly after you left, a man came into the
office looking for you.
As it turned out I thought it would be sunny today, but as it turns
out, it's raining
To do so To do so trong câu đó nghĩa là “để làm như vậy”
hoặc “để làm điều đó” (chỉ một điều đã nhắc ở câu
phía trước).
Ex: Care for and maintain the data. This includes
determining how and where it is stored and the
tools used to do so.
elicit v (thường), (nghĩa bóng) khêu ra, gợi ra, moi
Ex: Have you managed to elicit a response from
them yet?

Suy ra, luận ra

elicit information:thu thập thông tin

The questionnaire was intended to elicit
information on eating habits.

elicit support: thu hút sự ủng hộ

They were able to elicit the support of the public.
mindful adj giving attention (to): Lưu tâm, để tâm, nhận ra,
nhận thấy
Ex: Mindful of the poor road conditions, she
reduced her speed to 30 mph
thoughfully adv (Có suy nghĩ) chín chắn, thận trọng
Ex: Brand voice elements differ for every
company, but they should be thoughtfully
considered and incorporated when creating
content for social media campaigns.

in a way that is kind and shows you are thinking

about other people's needs: chu đáo, ân cần
Ex: There were sandwiches, thoughtfully provided
by his wife.

Trầm ngâm, trầm tư

Ex: George stared thoughtfully at the floor.
Acquisition /ˌæk.wə v the process of getting something: thu thập
ˈzɪʃ.ən/ ex: The acquisition of huge amounts of data has
helped our research enormously (extremely or
very much).

the process of gradually learning something or

gaining something such as a skill: tiếp thu
ex: Education is not merely about the acquisition
of knowledge.
Anxiety can interfere with the acquisition of new
Sheer adj used to emphasize how very great, important, or
powerful a quality or feeling is; nothing except:
thật là, cực kỳ, khổng lồ(sheer volume)
Ex: It was a sheer chance to seize my dream job.
Set sth aside to save something, usually money or time, for a
special purpose: dành ra.
Ex: The Stanczyks plan for and set aside a certain
amount of time to address the collected feedback.
Duration n Khoảng thời gian mà một sự việc tồn tại
For the duration of this certificate program, you
will continue to learn about HubSpot and its
robust features.
Even so Dù vậy, ngay cả như vậy, mặc dù vậy
Ex: I had been on an oil rig(dàn khoan dầu)
before. Even so, my first real job on one came as a
Personable adj Cá tính, xinh đẹp, duyên dáng
Ex: She is an intelligent and personable young
Commence /kəˈmens/ v to begin something:
Ex: We will commence building work in August
of next year.
Shall we let the meeting commence?

Inception (n): the beginning of an organization or

official activity.
Installment /ɪnˈstɑːl.mənt/ n Trả góp, trả theo kỳ.
Ex: We paid for the car in monthly installments
over two years.
spot v to see or notice someone or something, usually
because you are looking hard: nhìn thấy, phát hiện
Ex: If you spot any mistakes in the article just
mark them with a pencil.
I soon spotted what was wrong with the printer.
upon prep Lúc, vào lúc, trong khoảng, trong lúc,khi
Ex: Upon hearing the good news, we all
congratulated Murphy.

Nhờ vào, bằng, nhờ

Ex: That depends upon the circumstances.

Ex: Upon her head she wore a black velvet hat.
course n C1:Tiến triển, quá trình, “hướng đi”, con
đường(nghĩa bóng)
Ex: What would be an appropriate course (of
action) in such a situation?

Cách cư xử, cách giải quyết

Sometimes, however, a reply isn’t the best course
of action.
If our rivals(đối thủ) are spending more on
advertising, we'll have to follow the same course.

With the course of time: gradually: dần dần

Ex: With the course of time, I've learned to live
with my disability.
5. Table 5
To take something to think that someone is offending you when they
personally are not: Đừng để bụng; đừng nghĩ tất cả là lỗi của

ex: She's always grumpy in the mornings, so don't

take it personally.
The more confident you are, the easier it is to
ignore a rude remark and not take it personally.

remark v Nhận xét, bình luận(1 vấn đề,…)

Ex: He remarked that she was looking thin.
The children made rude remarks about the old

If you remark on something, you notice it and say

something about it: chú ý, để ý, nhận ra, nhận thấy
Ex: All his friends remarked on the change in him.
As though = as if Như thể là
Ex: This also helps to write as though you were
speaking directly to each person.
It seems as though no one within the party agrees
with him.
As it turned out Hóa ra
Ex: I thought it would be sunny today, but as it
turns out, it's raining
What started as an idea turned out to be much
more than we expected.
To do so To do so trong câu đó nghĩa là “để làm như vậy”
hoặc “để làm điều đó” (chỉ một điều đã nhắc ở câu
phía trước).
Ex: Care for and maintain the data. This includes
determining how and where it is stored and the
tools used to do so.
bold adj Táo bạo, bạo dạn,liều lĩnh
Ex: Bold differentiates their brand from bland
flavors(hương vị nhạt nhẽo), but also represents
their bold representation as minority stakeholders
in the coffee industry.
sense n Giác quan/ tri giác, cảm giác
Ex: My cold is so bad I've lost my sense of
Did you get any sense of how they might react?

Ý thức
Ex: Perhaps losing his job like that will bring him
to his senses and make him understand that he
can't carry on like this.

Ý nghĩa
Ex: I've read the letter twice, but I can't make
(any) sense of it

C1: In a sense: ở 1 quan điểm, khía cạnh nào đó

Ex: In a sense, all of this is relevant.

In no sense: không hiểu sao, không có nghĩa là

Ex: We are in no sense obliged to agree to this.
In no sense has she chosen an easy option.

it's good to get a sense of what you want to do:

thật tốt khi biết được
underlying adj real but not immediately obvious: ẩn chứa, nằm
bên dưới, cơ sở
Ex: And what might be the underlying
significance of these supposedly random acts?
On the surface it's a very funny novel but it does
have a more serious underlying theme.
Due in part to 1 Phần nhờ do
thoughfully Có suy nghĩ chín chắn, thận trọng, suy nghĩ kỹ
Ex: Brand voice elements differ for every
company, but they should be thoughtfully
considered and incorporated when creating
content for social media campaigns.

in a way that is kind and shows you are thinking

about other people's needs: chu đáo, ân cần
Ex: There were sandwiches, thoughtfully provided
by his wife.

Trầm ngâm, trầm tư

Ex: George stared thoughtfully at the floor.
loan v Cho vay, cho mượn
grammar aim for sth to do sth (chủ động)
aim for sth to be done with sth (bị động)
aim at doing sth
cilentele n Nhóm khách hàng
Ex: He is a well-established(có uy tín) insurance
broker who serves a loyal clientele.

Broker: người môi giới

Delicacy /ˈdel.ə.kə.si/ n something especially rare or expensive that is
good to eat: món ăn ngon(hiếm)
Ex: In some parts of the world, sheep's eyes are
considered a great delicacy.

acting and speaking carefully so that no one is

offended, or the possibility of causing offence: sự
tế nhị
ex: He raised the matter with great delicacy.

the quality of being easy to damage or looking

very easy to damage: Sự yếu đuối, sự mỏng manh;
trạng thái mảnh khảnh, trạng thái mảnh dẻ.
Ex:Because of their great delicacy, the books
cannot be moved.
delicacy of health

Sự tinh vi, sự tinh xảo, sự tinh tế, sự khéo léo; sự

nhẹ nhàng; sự mềm mại

upon prep Lúc, vào lúc, trong khoảng, trong lúc,khi

Ex: Upon hearing the good news, we all
congratulated Murphy.

Nhờ vào, bằng, nhờ

Ex: That depends upon the circumstances.

Ex: Upon her head she wore a black velvet hat.
Neglect /nɪˈɡlekt/ n Sự xao nhãng, sự cẩu thả, bỏ bê, ko chú ý
Ex: She's been neglecting her studies this
Over the years the church has fallen into a state of

Sự thờ ơ, sự hờ hững, quên

V: to neglect
Use up Dùng hết
Make into Tạo thành
See to Đối phó với, giải quyết
enrich /ɪnˈrɪtʃ/ v to improve the quality of something by adding
something else: làm giàu thêm, làm phong phú
thêm, làm màu mỡ (cho đất)
Ex: These trips give students the opportunity to
enrich their independent studies in geography and
Fertilizer helps to enrich the soil.
Truthful /ˈtruːθ.fəl/ adj honest and not containing or telling any lies: chân
Ex: Are you being completely truthful with me?
rigorous adj Tính nghiêm ngặt (của quy trình đòi hỏi phải được
tuân thủ).
Ex: Mark is among a growing number of
corporate executives who have successfully
graduated from this rigorous course.
Proprietary adj Giữ độc quyền (về hàng hoá)
Hãng độc quyền sở hữu, hãng độc quyền sử dụng
(về tên nhãn hiệu)
Ex: The company focused too heavily proprietary
products as the source of competitive advantage.
proprietary content/data/information(thông tin độc

Thuộc chủ, thuộc quyền sở hữu

pleasing adj Mang lại niềm vui thích (cho ai/cái gì); dễ chịu
Ex: It was pleasing to know that the presentation
had gone so well.(thật vui khi biết rằng)

6. Table 6
clip N Cái kẹp, cái ghim,
Ex: The wires were fastened together with a
plastic clip.

the act of cutting something in order to make it

v tidy: cắt, xén
Ex: That hedge /hedʒ/ needs a clip.
The guard came to clip my train ticket.

rút ngắn, cô đọng lại

Fasten /ˈfæs.ən/ v Buộc chặt, trói chặt
Ex: Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened.

to fix one thing to another: dán

ex: I fastened the sticker to the windscreen.

( + on, upon) dán mắt nhìn; tập trung (suy nghĩ)

Ex: to fasten one's eyes on somebody (dán mắt
nhìn ai, nhìn ai chòng chọc)
to fasten one's thoughts on something(tập tung tư
tưởng vào cái gì)
Scratch /skrætʃ/ v Cào, gây ra vết xước, gãi.
Scratch Ex: I scratched some paint off the door as I was
Scratch getting out of the car.
Scratch The dog's scratching at the door – he wants to be
let in.

to decide not to do something you had planned to

do: hủy bỏ, dừng lại (STOP)
Ex: We had to scratch our plans when I lost my

Từ đầu, từ con số 0
Ex: A SQL query is like filling in a template. You
will find that if you are writing a SQL query from
as Liên Khi, lúc
từ Ex: I met him as he was stopping at red light.

Do, bởi vì
Ex: as Peter is late for school, his mother has to
apologize to his teacher.

Tuy, dù
Ex: elderly as he is, he likes to talk to young

in the same way: theo đúng cách, y như

Ex: As I was just saying, I think the proposal
needs further consideration.
As is often the case with children, Amy was
completely better by the time the doctor arrived.
relative Adj Tương đối, so sánh, so với
Ex: Since I got a job, I've been living in relative

C2: If something is relative to something else, it

changes according to the speed or level of the
other thing: có liên quan
Ex: The amount of petrol a car uses is relative to
its speed.
Are these documents relative to the discussion?

adv Relatively: tương đối

Ex: This examination is relatively easy. So I think
everyone can get over it.
void N a large hole or empty space: khoảng trống, khoảng
ex: Before Einstein, space was regarded as a
formless void.

Pháp lý: không có hiệu lực, không có giá trị, vi

phạm, vô hiệu
Adj Ex: The lawyers declared the contract void.
v The company announced legal action to void its
labour contracts as part of its reorganization.
draw v B2: to attract attention or interest:
Ex: He's an excellent speaker who always draws a

C2: al to make or show a comparison between

things: phân biệt
Ex: It's sometimes very difficult to draw a clear
distinction between the meanings of different

Kéo ra, rút ra(1 kết luận), nhổ ra

Ex: Correctly evaluating results and drawing
conclusions based on statistical data is important
for future social media campaigns and strategies.
Succinct /səkˈsɪŋkt/ adj said in a clear and short way; expressing what
needs to be said without unnecessary words: ngắn
gọn và rõ ràng
EX: Keep your letter succinct and to the point.
apparently adv used to say you have read or been told something
although you are not certain it is true: hình như,
có vẻ như
Ex: Apparently it's going to rain today.

used when the real situation is different from what

you thought it was:
Ex: I thought they were married but apparently

endorsement n Sự chứng thực, lời xác nhận, sự tán thành

Ex: He hoped to secure quick endorsement of the
plan from the president.
secure Adj Chắc chắn, bảo đảm
Ex: Her promotion(sự thăng tiến) has made her
position in the company more secure.

An toàn, kiên cố, vững chắc, được bảo vệ, an

Ex: That ladder doesn't look very secure to me.
Siết chặt, ráp chắc chắn, cố định
Ex: The gate won't stay open, so we'll have to
secure it to that post.
Insulated Cách nhiệt
Insulated bag
make the most out of sth Tận dụng tối đa lợi ích của sth
Ex: make the most out of their investments with
She decided to make the most out of her weekend
by exploring new places and trying adventurous
precaution n Sự phòng ngừa, sự đề phòng.
Ex: Many people have been stockpiling food as a
precaution against shortages.
immensely adv C1: extremely, vô cùng
Ex: She's an immensely talented young athlete.
medium n a method or way of expressing something:
Phương tiện truyền đạt (phát thanh, truyền hình,
ấn loát...
Ex: They told the story through the medium of
dance. (họ kể câu chuyện thông qua điệu nhảy)
the broadcasting/print medium

means of communication: phương tiện truyền

As far as The ✔ S + V + as far as + N: Chỉ giới hạn về địa
o điểm
như Ex: He walked as far as the gate.
Please turn left at the corner and keep on as far as
the church. (Làm ơn hãy rẽ trái ở góc kia và đi
tiếp đến nhà thờ.)

✔ As far as S + V, clause: Theo như

Ex: As far as I know, Music is a compulsory
subject at your school.

✔ As far as it goes: used to say that something

has good qualities but could be better
Ex: Your plan is a good one as far as it goes, but
there are several points you've forgotten to
detrimental adj causing harm or damage: có hại, gây thiệt hại
Ex: These chemicals have a detrimental
effect/impact on the environment.
remark v Nhận xét, bình luận(1 vấn đề,…)
Ex: He remarked that she was looking thin.
The children made rude remarks about the old

If you remark on something, you notice it and say

something about it: chú ý, để ý, nhận ra, nhận thấy
Ex: All his friends remarked on the change in him.
significance C1: importance
Ex: The discovery of the new drug is of great
significance for/to people suffering from heart

Tobe + of great significance to/for sth: có ý

nghĩa lớn
Tobe + of great importance to sth: có tầm quan
TO BE OF + cụm danh từ" = "TO BE + cụm
tính từ: it is of great economic and social

special meaning: ý nghĩa đặc biệt

And what might be the underlying significance of
these supposedly random acts?

1. What’s difference between

1. Grapsp / Grab / Seize
a. Grasp: It refers to holding something firmly or understanding something
intellectually. It implies a firm grip or comprehension. For example:
- "He grasped the handle tightly."
- "She quickly grasped the concept."

b. Grab: It means to take hold of something quickly or suddenly, often with a sense
of urgency or without much thought. It implies a swift or impulsive action (hành
động nhanh chóng hoặc bốc đồng). For example:
- "He grabbed the book from the shelf."
- "She grabbed her coat and ran out the door."

c. Seize: It implies taking hold of something forcefully(mạnh mẽ) or with

authority(có thẩm quyền), often in a sudden(đột ngột) or unexpected manner. It
can also mean to capture or take control of something. For example:
- "The police seized the stolen goods."
- "He seized the opportunity to present his idea."
2. Change / Alter / Modify / Vary
- Change đơn giản có nghĩa là “thay đổi” nói chung, tức là làm cho cái gì đó trở nên
- Alter ám chỉ sự thay đổi nhỏ hơn, còn change ám chỉ sự thay đổi hoàn toàn.
- Modify có nghĩa là “chỉnh sửa” cái gì đó, tức là thay đổi nhỏ để làm cho nó trở
nên phù hợp với một mục đích nhất định.
- Vary có nghĩa là “biến đổi”, tức là thay đổi tùy theo tình huống.
3. Comprise / Consist of / compose / include / encompass
- Comprise và Consist of tương tự như nhau nhưng Comprise không có of. Đều có
nghĩa là bao gồm(gồm tất cả những gì để tạo ra thứ đó)
Ex: The water molecule comprises two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of
- Compose đồng nghĩa với make up hoặc to make (làm, cấu thành) đề cập đến
những thành phần hợp thành cái toàn thể, sau compose là cái mà các thành phần
đã cấu tạo nên nó (ngược lại với comprise).
Ex: Two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen compose the water molecule.
- Include (bao gồm một số thứ tạo nên nó không cần toàn bộ)
Include còn có nghĩa là mang thêm, cộng thêm vào (make part of the whole).
- Encompass: Bao gồm nhiều loại khác nhau(những loại hoàn toàn khác nhau): The
festival is to encompass everything from music, theatre, and ballet to literature,
cinema, and the visual arts.
4. Judge / Assess / Evaluate / Review / Revise

2. ETS 2023 TEST 2

Amateur /ˈæm.ə.tʃɚ/ n someone who does not have much skill in what
they do: Nghiệp dư
Ex: He was an amateur singer until the age of 40,
when he turned professional.
Submission Sự trình, sự đệ trình; sự đưa ra xem xét (quyết
the submission of a plan
semiannual Nửa năm 1 lần
braces n Niềng răng
demolition v the act of destroying something such as a building:
Ex: Facing a potential demolition in the late 1970s.
The demolition of the stadium is already underway.
Brick-and-mortar existing as a physical building, especially a shop,
rather than doing business only on the internet.
crystal n Pha lê
centerpiece n the most important or attractive part or feature of
something: trung tâm, trọng tâm
Ex: The centrepiece of the shopping centre is a
giant fountain.
booth n

Barely adv Vừa đủ, hầu như không

Ex: They have barely to pay the rent this month.
The dark line of the mountains was barely
visible(hầu như không thể nhìn thấy) against the
night sky.
Barely moving:hầu như không di chuyển

1. TV
Mount /maʊnt/ Ngoại V 1. Đóng khung, lắp táp, cắm vào, dựng lên,
đặt, sắp đặt, dán vào, đóng vào.

Nội V 2. C2: Cưỡi (ngựa), trèo, leo

Ex: She mounted her horse and rode off.
3. C2: to gradually increase, rise, or get
bigger: tăng lên
Ex: The children's excitement is mounting as
Christmas gets nearer.

N 4. Khung, gọng, giá

Diagonally [daɪ n Đường chéo
Vertical n Đường dọc
Horizontal n Đường ngang
Tilt /tɪlt/ n Sự nghiêng, vị trí nghiêng; độ nghiêng; trạng
thái nghiêng, ngả
Ex: He tilted his chair backwards and put his
feet up on his desk.
Anna looked up at him with her head tilted to
one side.
Bend N 1. Chỗ uốn cong, chỗ rẽ
Curve: đường cong Ex: The road bends to the left after the traffic
Bend in multiple lights.
direction: cong theo nhiều The car came around the bend(đi vòng qua
hướng. v khúc cua) on the wrong side of the road.

2. Cúi xuống, làm cong

Ex: I bent down and picked up the coins lying
on the road.
Light rays(tia sáng) bend as they pass from air
to water.

3. Rẽ, hướng; hướng về, dồn về

Ex: the road bends to the left here

2. Puppet show
adaptation n the process of changing to suit different
conditions: sự thích nghi, sự sửa lại cho hợp
Ex: The documentary is about corruption(tham
nhũng), crime and human adaptation to difficult

Tài liệu viết phỏng theo, phóng tác

beloved Adj Loved very much: yêu dấu, yêu quý
Ex: She was forced to leave her beloved Paris
and return to Lyon.

n someone that you love and who you have a

romantic relationship with:
Ex: He's sending some flowers to his beloved.
Marionette /ˌmer.i.əˈnet/ n Con rối
thrill adj Làm rùng mình; cảm động, xúc động, hồi hộp,
ly kỳ
Ex: It gave me a real thrill(tôi thực sự rất cảm
động) to see her again after so many years.
puppet n Marionette is a puppet which is animated by
using wires(dây kim loại) or strings(dây được
Marionettes are often considered to be complex
than other types of puppets.
Moose: nai sừng tấm Poultry: gia cầm
Goose: ngỗng
Swan: thiên nga
Enthral /ɪnˈθrɑːl/ Say mê, mê hoặc
Ex: With those gorgeous eyes, she completely
enthralled me.
3. ETS YBM 2 Test 1
1. Glass container

Enact v to put something into action, especially to make

something law: ban hành(đạo luật)
Ex: The government is to enact a law aimed at
improving safety on construction sites.
disobey Không vâng lời, không tuân theo.
Ex: How dare you disobey me!
disproportionately Adv Không tương xứng, không cân đối.
Ex: These measures affect the poor
Discard more polite
Throw away

Neglect /nɪˈɡlekt/ n Sự xao nhãng, sự cẩu thả, bỏ bê, ko chú ý
Ex: She's been neglecting her studies this semester.
Over the years the church has fallen into a state of

Sự thờ ơ, sự hờ hững, quên

V: to neglect
accelerate v When a vehicle or its driver accelerates, the speed
of the vehicle increases: tăng tốc
Ex: I accelerated to overtake the bus.

to happen or make something happen sooner or

faster: đẩy nhanh tốc độ, tốc độ
Ex: They use special chemicals to accelerate the
growth of crops.
Meticulously /mə adv Tỉ mỉ, kỹ càng
ˈtɪk.jə.lə Ex: The entire project was meticulously planned.
The meticulously clean rooms are of medium size,
and nicely furnished.
One-of-a-kind Độc nhất vô nhị
ache n Sự đau, nói về sự đau đớn khó chịu có thể kéo dài
hơn là “pain”, đau âm ỉ.

cashmere Vải cashmere có nguồn gốc từ vương quốc

Kashmir (TCN) - Nay là một vùng đất của Ấn Độ,
được sản xuất từ lông của những chú dê Cashmere
sinh sống ở vùng núi Himalaya.
Absorption (absorb) hút, hấp thụ
Ex: Some poisonous gases can enter the body by
absorption through the skin.
sweat n Mồ hôi

Sweat is also effort or work: công việc vất vả, công

việc khó nhọc, đòi hỏi nhiều sự cố gắng
Ex: They lived off the sweat and toil(công sức) of

4. 2022 test 9

skyline n Đường chân trời

silhouette n a dark shape seen against a light surface: cái bóng
ex: The silhouette of the bare tree on the hill was
clear against(tương phản với) the winter sky.

Against: Đổi lấy

each USD is against VND20,886
fuss n a show of anger, worry, or excitement that is
unnecessary or greater than the situation deserves:
sự làm quá vấn đề, ồn ào
Ex: We tried to arrange a ceremony with as little
fuss as possible.
trademark n Nhãn hiệu
letterhead Letterhead (hay giấy tiêu đề) là một phần của bộ
nhận diện thương hiệu doanh nghiệp. Chúng chứa
đựng những thông tin về: tên công ty, địa chỉ,
thông tin liên hệ, logo và những yếu tố đặc thù
hoặc những thông tin có giá trị trong các hoạt động
của doanh nghiệp.


Cargo boat Tàu chở hàng, tàu chở container

conscious adj awake, thinking, and knowing what is
happening around you: biết rõ, nhận thức được
ex: He's still conscious but he's very badly

C2: determined and intentional:

Ex: It wasn't a conscious decision to lose
weight. It just happened.
preliminary n Các bước ban đầu, sơ bộ
sketche n Bản vẽ phác
Electrical outlets ổ cắm điện
dedicated Chuyên môn, chuyện dụng
Dedicated circuit: mạch chuyên dụng

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