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Adrenal Education and Protocol

Adrenal Facts
 Adrenal function is highly related to the circadian rhythms and naturally follows them
 Adrenal glands respond to stress by producing cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline
o Noradrenaline= Fight instinct (anger) Remedy to clear: shaking
o Adrenaline= Flight instinct (fear) Remedy to clear: running/leg movements
o Cortisol= Overwhelm. Remedy to clear: Create oxytocin (cuddle, sex, animals)
 Stress reactions are normal but a healthy pattern requires a regular return to baseline
 Cortisol turns proteins/ fats into sugar. Increases lead to increased insulin production
 Increased cortisol can lead to decreased thyroid function
 Estrogen dominance can cause or be caused by Adrenal Weakness
 Stress level, stress response, stress beliefs… are the main factor in adrenal burden. Stress
can be physical, environmental, nutritional, spiritual, mental or emotional

Adrenal characteristics
 The Adrenals appreciate routine and calm
 Thyroid (inter-related) appreciates rhythm and balance
 Adrenals have tremendous regenerative capacity
 Adrenals like the good life, the sacred mundane
 Adrenals may agree with wise ones who say ‘we are wired for a 15 hour work week’

Signs of adrenal Imbalance (Primarily: Dysregulated Internal Schedule)

 Tired in the morning, awake at night
 Hard to get to sleep, wake at night
 Pee more at night- because adrenaline suppresses aldosterone
 More variation in morning temps
 Caffeine or sugar cravings/addiction
 Daytime Fatigue
 Irregular digestion
 Anxiety/depression
 Low immune function
 Blood sugar issues
Sarah Bly, FAE, DEM |

Adrenal Remedies and support

 Create ritual, routine, rhythm and regularity.
o Light on your skin during the day. Total darkness at night
o Morning Ritual: Sun. Movement. Breakfast. (before caffeine or without it)
o Evening Ritual: slow down. Dim lights. Avoid/minimize screen time (use f.lux)
o Sleep Sanctuary and routine sleep hours
 Avoid adrenal Stressors (things that artificially altar the natural rhythms)
o Caffeine, sugar and Alcohol (especially no caffeine after noon)
o blood sugar ups and downs
o unhealthy relations that increase cortisol production
o intensive sports/exercise
o Scary movies and activation of the startle response
 Trauma
o Identify and work with traumas and trauma patterns with a professional
 Nurture the Stress Response
o Time and Energy management
o Shake, run, dance and cuddle regularly
o Study your relationship to and beliefs about stress
o Make room for a completion of stress cycles
o Aim for more para-sympathetic time daily
 Nourishment
o Keep blood sugar balanced with regular meals and snacks
o Quit or reduce sweets, limit fruits
o Eat plentiful fats, vegetables and proteins
o Eat a stellar breakfast with protein and fats included
 NOURISH and build
o B Vitamins
o Tincture Blend for Adrenal/thyroid/adaptogens
o Consider a glandular
Sarah Bly, FAE, DEM |

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