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Vocabulary reference │ Unit 1

1.1 Family | Familia 1.6 Ask for and give personal information
aunt (n) /ɑːnt/ tía (subst.) | Preguntar e dar información persoal
brother (n) /ˈbrʌðə(r)/ irmán (subst.)
child (n) /tʃaɪld/ neno/a (subst.)
What’s your (first name) / surname / date of birth?
children (n) (pl) /ˈtʃɪldrən/ nenos/as (subst.) Cal é o teu (nome) / apelido / data de nacemento?
cousin (n) /ˈkʌzn/ curmán/curmá (subst.) How do you spell that, please?
dad (n) /dæd/ papá (subst.) Podes deletrear iso, por favor?
daughter (n) /ˈdɔːtə(r)/ filla (subst.) Can you repeat that, please?
father (n) /ˈfɑːðə(r)/ pai (subst.) Podes repetir iso, por favor?

grandad (n) /ˈɡrændæd/ avó (subst.) What’s your address / postcode / phone number / email
grandfather (n) /ˈɡrænfɑːðə(r)/ avó (subst.)
Cal é o teu enderezo / código postal / número de teléfono /
grandma (n) /ˈɡrænmɑː/ avoa (subst.) enderezo de correo electrónico?
grandmother (n) /ˈɡrænmʌðə(r)/ avoa (subst.) How old are you?
grandparents (n) (pl) /ˈɡrænpeərənts/ avós (subst.) (pl.) Cantos anos tes?
mother (n) /ˈmʌðə(r)/ mai/nai (subst.)
mum (n) /mʌm/ mamá (subst.)
It’s … (Grace / Ofori). / The (21st of August 2006) / I’m
parents (n) (pl) /ˈpeərənts/ pais (subst.) (pl.) (British).
sister (n) /ˈsɪstə(r)/ irmá (subst.) Chámome… (Grace / Ofori). / O (21 de agosto de 2006) /
Son (británica).
son (n) /sʌn/ fillo (subst.)
uncle (n) /ˈʌŋkl/ tío (subst.) É (G-R-A-C-E O-F-O-R-I).
Escríbese (G-R-A-C-E O-F-O-R-I).

1.4 Rooms and furniture | Cuartos e It’s (29 Hills Road, Nottingham, NG7 3PY / 07700 900
0851 /
mobles É (29 Hills Road, Nottingham, NG7 3PY / 07700 900 0851 /
bathroom (n) /ˈbɑːθruːm/ baño (subst.)
bedroom (n) /ˈbedruːm/ dormitorio (subst.) I’m 14 years old.
dining room (n) /ˈdaɪnɪŋ ruːm/ comedor (subst.) Teño 14 anos.
kitchen (n) /ˈkɪtʃɪn/ cociña (subst.)
living room (n) /ˈlɪvɪŋ ruːm/ sala de estar/salón (subst.)
armchair (n) /ˈɑːmtʃeə(r)/ cadeira de brazos (subst.)
bed (n) /bed/ cama (subst.)
bookcase (n) /ˈbʊkkeɪs/ biblioteca (subst.)
fridge (n) /frɪdʒ/ neveira (subst.)
lamp (n) /læmp/ lámpada (subst.)
picture (n) /ˈpɪktʃə(r)/ cadro (subst.)
shower (n) /ˈʃaʊə(r)/ ducha (subst.)
sofa (n) /ˈsəʊfə/ sofá (subst.)
table (n) /ˈteɪbl/ mesa (subst.)

Vocabulary reference │ Unit 2

2.1 Daily routines | Rutinas diarias 2.6 Make arrangements | Facer plans
do my homework (v) /ˌduː maɪ ˈhəʊmwɜːk/ facer os
deberes (v.) Interrogativa
get up (v) /ɡet ˈʌp/ erguerse (v.) Do you want to (go shopping) next week?
Gustaríache (ir de compras) a próxima semana?
go home (v) /ɡəʊ ˈhəʊm/ ir para á casa (v.)
How about (Thursday evening)?
go to bed (v) /ˌɡəʊ tə ˈbed/ ir á cama (v.)
Que tal che vai o (xoves pola tarde)?
go to school (v) /ˌɡəʊ tə ˈskuːl/ ir ao colexio (v.)
Are you free on (Friday afternoon)?
have breakfast (v) /həv ˈbrekfəst/ almorzar (v.) Estás libre o (venres pola tarde)?
have dinner (v) /həv ˈdɪnə(r)/ cear (v.) What do you do on (Saturdays)?
have lessons (v) /həv ˈlesnz/ ter aulas (v.) Que fas os (sábados)?
have lunch (v) /həv ˈlʌntʃ/ xantar (v.) What about (Saturday afternoon)?
have a shower (v) /ˌhəv ə ˈʃaʊə(r)/ ducharse (v.) Que opinas do (sábado pola tarde)?

2.4 Chores | Tarefas do fogar
That sounds good. / That’s a great idea.
dry the dishes (v) /ˌdraɪ ðə ˈdɪʃɪz/ secar os pratos (v.)
Iso soa ben. / É unha idea fantástica.
help with cooking (v) /ˌhelp wɪð ˈkʊkɪŋ/ axudar na cociña
I’m sorry. I’m busy.
Síntoo moito. Estou ocupado/a.
make my bed (v) /ˌmeɪk maɪ ˈbed/ facer a cama (v.)
I (play football) on (Saturdays).
hang out the clothes (v) /ˌhæŋ ˈaʊt ðə ˈkləʊðz/ colgar a (Xogo ao fútbol) os (sábados).
roupa (v.)
Yes, I’m free on (Saturday afternoon).
set the table (v) /ˌset ðə ˈteɪbl/ poñer a mesa (v.)
Si, estou libre o (sábado pola tarde).
take out the rubbish (v) /ˌteɪk ˈaʊt ðə ˈrʌbɪʃ/ sacar o lixo
Let’s meet at (4 p.m.).
Vexámonos ás (4 da tarde).
tidy my room (v) /ˌtaɪdi maɪ ˈruːm/ ordenar o cuarto (v.)
wash up (v) /wɒʃ ˈʌp/ lavar (v.)

Vocabulary reference │ Unit 3

3.1 Food and drink | Comida e bebida 3.6 Order food and drink | Pedir comida e
apples (n) (pl) /ˈæplz/ mazás (subst.) Camareiro
bread (n) /bred/ pan (subst.) Hello. What can I get you?
Ola. Que lle traio?
cheese (n) /tʃiːz/ queixo (subst.)
chips (n) (pl) /tʃɪps/ patacas fritas (subst.) (pl.) Would you like any sides with that?
Quere algunha gornición con iso?
eggs (n) (pl) /eɡz/ ovos (subst.) (pl.)
What would you like to drink?
fish (n) /fɪʃ/ peixe (subst.)
Que quere de beber?
meat (n) /miːt/ carne (subst.)
That’s (£4), please.
olives (n) (pl) /ˈɒlɪvz/ olivas (subst.) (pl.) Son (4 £), por favor.
pasta (n) /ˈpæstə/ pasta (subst.) Thank you. Enjoy!
rice (n) /raɪs/ arroz (subst.) Grazas. Que o desfrute!
salad (n) /ˈsæləd/ ensalada (subst.)
strawberries (n) (pl) /ˈstrɔːbəriz/ amorodos (subst.) (pl.)
Can / Could I have (a hot dog), please?
tomatoes (n) (pl) /təˈmɑːtəʊz/ tomates (subst.) (pl.) Podería traerme un (bocadillo de salchicha), por favor?

Bebida Yes, I’d like some (salad), please.

Si, gustaríame (unha ensalada).
juice (n) /dʒuːs/ zume (subst.)
milk (n) /mɪlk/ leite (subst.) I’d like a (water), please.
Quería unha botella de (auga), por favor.
water (n) /ˈwɔːtə(r)/ auga (subst.)
How much is that?
Canto é?
3.4 Healthy living | Vida saudable
Here you go.
be on time (v) /ˌbi ɒn ˈtaɪm/ chegar á hora / ser puntual (v.)
Aquí vai.
be late (v) /ˌbi ˈleɪt/ chegar tarde (v.)
do exercise (v) /ˌduː ˈeksəsaɪz/ facer exercicio (v.)
drink soft drinks (v) /ˌdrɪŋk ˌsɒft ˈdrɪŋks/ beber refrescos (v.)
eat fast food (v) /ˌiːt ˌfɑːst ˈfuːd/ comer comida rápida (v.)
eat healthy food (v) /ˌiːt ˌhelθi ˈfuːd/ comer comida
saudable (v.)
go to bed early (v) /ˌɡəʊ tə ˈbed ˈɜːli/ ir cedo á cama (v.)
go to bed late (v) /ˌɡəʊ tə ˈbed ˈleɪt/ ir tarde á cama (v.)
study for tests (v) /ˌstʌdi fə(r) ˈtests/ estudar para os
exames (v.)
watch TV all evening (v) /ˌwɒtʃ ˌtiː ˈviː ɔːl ˈiːvnɪŋ/ ver a
televisión toda a noite (v.)

Vocabulary reference │ Unit 4

4.1 Sports | Deportes 4.6 Make suggestions and give opinions |

athletics (n) /æθˈletɪks/ atletismo (subst.) Facer suxestións ou dar opinións
basketball (n) /ˈbɑːskɪtbɔːl/ baloncesto (subst.)
Facer suxestións
cycling (n) /ˈsaɪklɪŋ/ ciclismo (subst.)
I’m bored. What shall we do?
football (n) /ˈfʊtbɔːl/ fútbol (subst.) Estou aburrido/a. Que facemos?
gymnastics (n) /dʒɪmˈnæstɪks/ ximnasia (subst.) Shall we (go for a bike ride)?
jogging (n) /ˈdʒɒɡɪŋ/ correr (subst.) Imos dar (un paseo en bicicleta)?
karate (n) /kəˈrɑːti/ karate (subst.) How about (going to the cinema)?
sailing (n) /ˈseɪlɪŋ/ navegación (subst.) Que che parece (ir ao cine)?

skating (n) /ˈskeɪtɪŋ/ patinaxe (subst.) Let’s (make a video). What do you think?
Fagamos (un vídeo). Que che parece?
snowboarding (n) /ˈsnəʊbɔːdɪŋ/ snowboard (sust.)
surfing (n) /ˈsɜːfɪŋ/ surf (subst.) Dar opinións
volleyball (n) /ˈvɒlibɔːl/ voleibol (subst.) That sounds good, but (I haven’t got any money).
Soa ben, pero (non teño cartos).
4.4 Sports verbs | Verbos para os I don’t think that’s a good idea.
deportes Non creo que sexa unha boa idea.

catch /kætʃ/ coller I’m not sure about that. Why don’t we (play a board
hit /hɪt/ bater
Non estou moi seguro/a diso. Por que non (xogamos a un
jump /dʒʌmp/ saltar xogo de mesa)?
kick /kɪk/ dar unha patada I don’t want to do that.
lose /luːz/ perder Non quero facer iso.
ride /raɪd/ montar Great idea!
score /skɔː(r)/ marcar Boa idea!
shoot /ʃuːt/ lanzar
throw /θrəʊ/ tirar
win /wɪn/ gañar

Vocabulary reference │ Unit 5

5.1 Transport | Transporte 5.6 Ask for travel information | Pedir

bike (n) /baɪk/ bicicleta (subst.) información sobre viaxes
boat (n) /bəʊt/ barca (subst.)
Vendedor/a de billetes
bus (n) /bʌs/ autobús (subst.)
Can I help you?
car (n) /kɑː(r)/ coche (subst.) Podo axudarlle?
ferry (n) /ˈferi/ ferry (subst.) Single or return?
helicopter (n) /ˈhelɪkɒptə(r)/ helicóptero (subst.) De ida ou ida e volta?
motorbike (n) /ˈməʊtəbaɪk/ moto (subst.) A single is (£10) and a return is (£18).
plane (n) /pleɪn/ avión (subst.) O billete de ida custa (10 £) e o de ida e volta custa (18 £).

scooter (n) /ˈskuːtə(r)/ patinete (subst.) It takes (55) minutes.

Tarda (55) minutos.
ship (n) /ʃɪp/ barco (subst.)
Platform / Bay (7).
train (n) /treɪn/ tren (subst.)
Plataforma / Dársena (7).
tram (n) /træm/ tranvía (subst.)
Every (30) minutes.
underground (n) /ˌʌndəˈɡraʊnd/ metro (subst.) Cada (30) minutos.
The next train / bus is at (5.30 pm).
5.4 Travel: adjectives | Viaxe: adxectivos O próximo tren / autobús sae ás (5:30 da tarde).
beautiful /ˈbjuːtɪfl/ bonito/a
clean /kliːn/ limpo/a Cliente
comfortable /ˈkʌmftəbl/ cómodo/a I’d like a ticket for the next train / bus to (Manchester),
crowded /ˈkraʊdɪd/ concorrido/a
Quería un billete para o próximo tren / autobús a
historic /hɪˈstɒrɪk/ histórico/a (Mánchester), por favor.
modern /ˈmɒdn/ moderno/a How much is a ticket?
noisy /ˈnɔɪzi/ ruidoso/a Canto custa un billete?
quiet /ˈkwaɪət/ tranquilo/a Single / Return please. How long does the journey take?
traditional /trəˈdɪʃənl/ tradicional De ida / De ida e volta, por favor. Canto tempo dura a viaxe?

unusual /ʌnˈjuːʒuəl/ estraño/a Where does the train / bus leave from?
Desde onde sae o tren / autobús?
How often is there a train / bus to (Manchester)?
Con que frecuencia hai trens / autobuses cara (Mánchester)?
What time is the next train / bus to (Manchester)?
A que hora sae o próximo tren / autobús a (Mánchester)?

Vocabulary reference │ Unit 6

6.1 Describing people | Describir 6.6 Shop for shoes and clothes | Comprar
persoas zapatos e roupa
Altura Vendedor/a
short (adj) /ʃɔːt/ baixo/a (adx.) Can I help you?
tall (adj) /tɔːl/ alto/a (adx.) Podo axudarlle?
What size are you?
Cal é o seu talle?
afro (adj) /ˈæfrəʊ/ afro (adx.)
How about this / these?
curly (adj) /ˈkɜːli/ crespo/rizo (adx.)
Que lle parece(n) este(s)?
long (adj) /lɒŋ/ longo (adx.)
Does it / Do they fit?
medium-length (adj) /ˈmiːdiəm leŋkθ/ media melena (adx.) Quédalle ben?
short (adj) /ʃɔːt/ curto (adx.)
It’s / They’re £(12).
straight (adj) /streɪt/ liso (adx.) Custa(n) 12 £.
wavy (adj) /ˈweɪvi/ ondulado (adx.)
Cor de cabelo I’m looking for a (shirt) / some (joggers).
blonde (adj) /blɒnd/ louro (adx.) Estou buscando unha (camiseta) e uns (pantalóns deportivos).
dark (adj) /dɑːk/ escuro (adx.) I’m a (small / medium / large.)
red (adj) /red/ rubio (adx.) É un talle (pequeno / mediano / grande).
Have you got it / them in (medium)?
Características especiais
Teño(s) no talle (mediano)?
braces (n) (pl) /ˈbreɪsɪz/ aparello dental (subst.)
How much is it / are they?
beard (n) /bɪəd/ barba (subst.) Canto custa(n)?
glasses (n) (pl) /ˈɡlɑːsɪz/ gafas (subst.) (pl.)
Can I try it / them on?
Podo probalo/a(s)?
6.4 Clothes | Roupa
It’s / They’re too big / small.
boots (n) /buːts/ botas (subst.) É / Son demasiado grande(s) / pequeno/a(s).
cap (n) /kæp/ gorra (subst.)
Can I try a smaller / bigger size?
dress (n) /dres/ vestido (subst.) Podo probar un talle máis pequeno / grande?
jacket (n) /ˈdʒækɪt/ chaqueta (subst.) It’s / they’re perfect.
jeans (n) /dʒiːnz/ vaqueiros (subst.) (pl.) É / Son perfecto(s).
joggers (n) (pl) /ˈdʒɒɡə(r)z/ pantalóns deportivos (subst.)
jumper (n) /ˈdʒʌmpə(r)/ xersei (subst.)
shirt (n) /ʃɜːt/ camisa (subst.)
shoes (n) /ʃuːz/ zapatos (subst.)
shorts (n) (pl) /ʃɔːts/ pantalóns curtos (subst.) (pl.)
skirt (n) /skɜːt/ saia (subst.)
sweatshirt (n) /ˈswetʃɜːt/ suadoiro (subst.)
T-shirt (n) /ˈtiː ʃɜːt/ camiseta (subst.)
trainers (n) (pl) /ˈtreɪnə(r)z/ tenis (subst.) (pl.)
trousers (n) (pl) /ˈtraʊzəz/ pantalóns (subst.) (pl.)
Vocabulary reference │ Unit 7

7.1 Verbs: adventure | Verbos: aventura 7.6 Ask for and give directions | Pedir e
camp /kæmp/ acampar dar direccións
carry /ˈkæri/ levar
climb /klaɪm/ escalar
Excuse me. How do I get to (the post office), please?
escape /ɪˈskeɪp/ escapar Desculpe. Podería dicirme como chego ata (a oficina de
follow /ˈfɒləʊ/ seguir correos)?
help /help/ axudar Respostas
jump /dʒʌmp/ saltar Cross (the road / street).
look for /ˈlʊk fə(r)/ buscar Cruce (a estrada / a rúa).
pull /pʊl/ tirar/puxar Turn left / right and take the first / second / third left /
sail /seɪl/ navegar right.
Xire á dereita / esquerda e tome a primeira / segunda /
terceira á esquerda / dereita.
7.4 Verbs: life events | Verbos: sucesos da
Turn right / left at the (traffic lights / corner).
vida Xire á dereita / esquerda (no semáforo / na esquina).
be born /ˌbi ˈbɔːn/ nacer
Take the first / second / third left / right and then the first /
buy a house /ˌbaɪ ə ˈhaʊs/ comprar unha casa second / third left / right.
find a job /ˌfaɪnd ə ˈdʒɒb/ encontrar traballo Tome a primeira / segunda / terceira á esquerda / dereita e
get engaged /ˌɡet ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd/ comprometerse logo a primeira / segunda / terceira á esquerda / dereita.

get married /ˌɡet ˈmærid/ casar Go to the end of the street.

Continúe ata o final da rúa.
go to college /ˌɡəʊ tə ˈkɒlɪdʒ/ ir á universidade
Go straight on.
grow up /ɡrəʊ ˈʌp/ crecer
Siga recto.
have children /ˌhəv ˈtʃɪldrən/ ter fillos
It’s on the corner / at the end / on the left / right.
leave school /ˌliːv ˈskuːl/ rematar o colexio Está na esquina / ao final / á esquerda / á dereita.
retire /rɪˈtaɪə(r)/ xubilarse
start school /ˌstɑːt ˈskuːl/ comezar o colexio
take final exams /ˌteɪk ˈfaɪnl ɪɡˈzæmz/ facer os exames

Vocabulary reference │ Unit 8

8.1 Weekend activities | Actividades de 8.6 Talk about future plans | Falar sobre
fin de semana plans de futuro
go out to eat (v) /ˌɡəʊ ˈaʊt tə ˈiːt/ saír a comer (v.)
go shopping (v) /ˌɡəʊ ˈʃɒpɪŋ/ ir de compras (v.)
What are you doing in the summer holidays?
go to a football match /ˌɡəʊ tu ə ˈfʊtbɔːl mætʃ/ ir a un Que vas facer durante as vacacións de verán?
partido de fútbol (v.)
That’s nice! / Really? What are you doing in the second
go to an amusement park /ˌɡəʊ tu ən əˈmjuːzmənt pɑːk/ ir week?
a un parque de atraccións (v.) Iso é xenial! / De verdade? Que vas facer a segunda semana?
go to an exhibition /ˌɡəʊ tu ən ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn/ ir a unha
Who are you going with?
exposición (v.)
Con quen vas?
hang out with your friends /hæŋ ˈaʊt wɪð jɔː(r) ˈfrendz/
Are you going to the beach / the mountains?
pasar tempo cos amigos/as (v.)
Vas ir á praia / ás montañas?
have a barbecue (v) /ˌhəv ə ˈbɑːbɪkjuː/ preparar unha
grellada (v.) Sounds cool! / Never mind. What are you doing in the
third week?
have a party (v) /ˌhəv ə ˈpɑːti/ celebrar unha festa (v.) Soa moi ben! / Non importa. Que vas facer a terceira
have a sleepover (v) durmir na casa dos/as amigos/as semana?
visit relatives (v) /ˌvɪzɪt ˈrelətɪvz/ visitar a familia (v.)
In the first week, I’m (going camping).
8.4 Weather and seasons | Clima e A primeira semana, vou ir (de campamento).
estacións I’m (doing an English course).
Clima Farei (un curso de inglés).

cloudy (adj) /ˈklaʊdi/ nubrado/a (adx.) My cousins / friends / family.

Cos meus primos / amigos / familia.
cold (adj) /kəʊld/ frío/a (adx.)
foggy (adj) /ˈfɒɡi/ bretemoso/a (adx.) Definitely! / No, I’m not.
Claro! / Non, non vou ir.
hot (adj) /hɒt/ caloroso/a (adx.)
I’m (hanging out with friends).
icy (adj) /ˈaɪsi/ xeado/a (adx.)
Vou (saír cos meus amigos/as).
rainy (adj) /ˈreɪni/ chuvioso/a (adx.)
snowy (adj) /ˈsnəʊi/ nevado/a (adx.)
sunny (adj) /ˈsʌni/ soleado/a (adx.)
warm (adj) /wɔːm/ cálido/a (adx.)
windy (adj) /ˈwɪndi/ ventoso/a (adx.)

autumn (n) /ˈɔːtəm/ outono (subst.)
spring (n) /sprɪŋ/ primavera (subst.)
summer (n) /ˈsʌmə(r)/ verán (subst.)
winter (n) /ˈwɪntə(r)/ inverno (subst.)


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