Midterm Exam Case 624 Feedback

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Question #1: How does the HR management function system follow up in the

rapid development of the enterprise? What is the process of HR development

of the enterprise in the case?

HR Management Function System and HR Development Process:

In the rapid development of an enterprise like Golden Brick Finance, the HR management function system
needs to adapt and evolve to support the changing needs of the organization. This involves several key

Strategic Alignment: The HR department must align its strategies with the overall business goals of the
company. This includes understanding the company's growth plans, target markets, and expansion

Talent Identification and Development: HR should focus on identifying and nurturing talent to meet the
company's evolving demands. This involves identifying key roles and competencies required for the
company's growth and then developing training and development programs to enhance the skills of

Performance Management: HR needs to establish an effective performance management system that not
only measures individual performance but also considers the broader contributions of employees to the
company's growth. This could involve setting clear performance metrics and objectives.

Succession Planning: Given the brain-drain rate and the need for stable leadership, HR should implement
succession planning strategies. This involves identifying potential leaders within the organization and
grooming them for future leadership roles.

Career Path Development: To retain employees, HR should work on designing clear and attractive career
paths for employees. This includes providing opportunities for growth, advancement, and skill development.

Adapting to Change: As the company expands and diversifies, HR should be flexible and adaptable in its
approach. It may involve restructuring teams, introducing new job roles, and developing HR policies that
cater to the changing needs of the workforce.

Question #2: What is the competency model? What role does the competency
model play in the optimization of HR management of the enterprise in the case?

The competency model is an important theory in the field of HR management. It describes the collection
of qualities and abilities that an individual needs to have to achieve performance. It ensures that candidates
possess the necessary cognitive skills and attributes to excel in their roles. Like Decision Making, Problem
Solving and critical thinking. The competency model is a quality and ability assessment to the that can
effectively distinguish employees with excellent performance from those with ordinary performance. From the
perspective of strategic HR management the competency model embodies the requirements for strategic
landing and implementation of organizational capabilities in each position and individual, and it promotes
the tendency of organizational resources to recruit, cultivate, and retain individually that meet these
requirements of quality and ability.

The competency model plays an important role in the optimization of HR management of the enterprise in the
case. First, when the HR management function of Golden Brick Company lags behind development of the
enterprise, the construction of the competency model further strengthens the strategic HR management
function, and it provides a tool for building high-quality human capital for strategic Alignment. Second, the
competency model can effectively help Golden Brick Company to identify key employees. In an internal
and external environment with diversified businesses and complex form, the competency model can better
and comprehensively identify, settle, and allot the company’s middle-management backbone personnel.
Third, the competency model further optimizes the existing training system. The traditional performance
evaluation system of conduct, ability, attitude, achievements, and integrity has some limitations for application
in the state-owned enterprises. Especially when it comes to performance evaluation of different levels and
positions, it cannot effectively judge, while the evaluation system based on the competency model can better
express the quality requirements for employees, so as to better serve the company’s performance evaluation
system. Fourth, the competency model further consummates the corporate training system. On the basis
of the competency model, the HR department can more clearly grasp the training needs of different levels.
Finally, the competency model helps to open up career development channels for employees and with the
requirements for the post quality and ability clarified, the development of the employee’s job level and career
will be clearer.

Question #3: How to use the competency model to transform the performance
evaluation system of conduct,
ability, attitude, achievements, and integrity of the enterprise in the case?

During construction and application, the competency model did not abandon the basic frameworkof the
existing performance evaluation system of conduct, ability, attitude, achievements, and integrity for state-
owned enterprises, but it upgraded and optimized it. Specifically, the following points are reflected:
1- First, the competency model enriches the connotation of the performance evaluation system of conduct,
ability, attitude, achievements, and integrity. The competency model clearly depicts the expressions of
different dimensions of behavior. For example, in the connotation of the dimension of conduct,
organizational loyalty, mission awareness, and word and deed consistency are all important representation
behaviors for understanding the dimension of conduct.
2-The competency model improves the application of the performance evaluation system of conduct,
ability, attitude, achievements, and integrity. Through the representation of the quality and ability of different
levels and positions, the competency model well avoids the “one-size-fits-all” evaluation error of the
existing evaluation, enables different connotations for different positions and different levels, and therefore
provides better contrast.

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