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Chief Product Officer, ElderFIT


According to recent research, 5000+ Indians are retiring from work (after reaching the age of 60) every day. This number is expected to go to 30,000+ by

Once retired from work, senior citizens face a lack of physical activity due to which they start facing mobility issues. In many cases, after a certain age, lack
of fitness becomes a cause of mortality. Usually, family members (mainly their children) are also busy these days. They are only there when it comes to
taking their elderly parents to hospital or physiotherapy.

You’ve joined as a CPO at ElderFIT , a start-up which aims to solve the problem of fitness for the elderly.

You have to envision a Product (think of a physical device + app) which helps the elderly workout at home and track their fitness journey on an app. Your
device should be easy to carry and use.

Market research
Features for the physical device (all in 1 home solution)
Features for the app
Empathy map
Wireframing for the Exercise management app
Compact Design of the physical device
RICE Analysis

08 FEATURE - 2






07 FEATURE - 1
Market Size (2021-2022): The Indian fitness equipment market was valued at approximately USD 1.1 billion in
2021. This includes all types of fitness equipment, ranging from cardiovascular to strength training devices.

Projected Growth: The market is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of around 8% to
10% from 2022 to 2027, which suggests a promising expansion trajectory influenced by increasing health
awareness, rising disposable incomes, and greater access to fitness facilities and home-based equipment

Drivers of Growth:
Urbanization and Lifestyle Changes: Increasing urbanization and lifestyle shifts towards health
Technological Advancements: Incorporation of technology in fitness equipment, such as integration with
apps and wearables.
Government Initiatives: Programs like Fit India Movement, which promote physical activities.

Elderly Demographic Projections: By 2025, India’s elderly population (aged 60 and over) is expected to
constitute over 10% of the total population, translating into a significant increase in market demand
specifically for elder-friendly fitness solutions.[1]

Potential Market Value Estimation: Assuming the elderly-specific segment captures about 10-20% of the
broader fitness equipment market due to targeted needs and increasing health awareness:
Low Estimate: 10% of USD 821.1 million = USD 82.11 million
High Estimate: 20% of USD 821.1 million = USD 164.22 million

Competitor Product/Service Key Features Market Presence Strengths

- High durability- - Broad variety

Grand Slam Fitness Treadmills, Bikes, Ellipticals Pan India
- Wide range of products - Established brand

- Smart features like - Innovative technology

Propel Fitness Home Fitness Equipment Bluetooth connectivity Major cities in India integration
- Sturdy designs - Extensive service network

- Advanced ergonomics - High-tech features

Performance Bikes,
Nautilus, Inc. - Customizable workout Global (Including India) - Strong international
options brand

- Price accessibility
Decathlon Various Fitness Equipment - Affordable Pan India
- Wide availability

- Cost-effective
- Integrated app support
Fitkit Treadmills, Fitness Bikes Online & Pan India - Good technology

Persona: Dr. Rajiv Luthra Mr. Arjun Mehta Mrs. Savita Krishnan
Gender: Non-Binary Gender: Male Gender: Female
Age: 62 Age: 65 Age: 68
Location: New Delhi, Urban Area Location: Mumbai, Urban Area Location: Bangalore, Urban Area
Marital Status: Married Marital Status: Married Marital Status: Widow
Occupation: Retired University Professor Occupation: Retired Bank Manager Occupation: Retired School Teacher
Health Concerns: Early signs of Parkinson’s, General Health Concerns: Arthritis, High Blood Pressure Health Concerns: Osteoporosis, Mild Diabetes
Aging Concerns Hobbies/Interests: Gardening, Reading, Playing Hobbies/Interests: Cooking, Volunteering, Yoga
Hobbies/Interests: Writing, Travel, Learning New Chess Technology Proficiency: Intermediate (Uses
Languages Technology Proficiency: Basic (Uses smartphone for smartphone and tablet for social media, email, and
Technology Proficiency: Advanced (Uses a wide calls, WhatsApp, and news) browsing)
range of digital devices and applications) Fitness Goal: To maintain mobility, manage arthritis Fitness Goal: To strengthen bones, manage
Fitness Goal: To improve balance and coordination, pain, and improve cardiovascular health. diabetes, and stay active.
maintain mental sharpness. Pain Points: Pain Points:
Pain Points: Struggles with the complexity of modern fitness Difficulty finding fitness equipment that feels
Most fitness solutions do not cater to equipment. safe and is easy to use.
neurological conditions like Parkinson’s. Concerns about injury while exercising. Needs guidance on exercises that are safe for
Requires exercises that are low-risk but effective Lack of motivation to exercise alone. osteoporosis.
for maintaining balance and coordination. Feels isolated, lacking a support system for

Images does not represent real characters


Think & Feel: Friends discussing their physical limitations
Concerns about maintaining independence. or successful experiences with similar apps.
Fear of falling or injuring themselves. Doctors recommending more physical
Excited about staying active and healthy. activity.
Overwhelmed by complex technologies. Family urging them to take better care of
their health.

See: Say & Do

Other seniors engaging with technology Express frustrations over hard-to-use apps
successfully. and devices ("Everything is so tiny and
Advertisements and stories that promote complicated").
active aging. Seek solutions that fit their lifestyle and
Intuitive and straightforward interfaces physical capabilities ("I need something that
designed for seniors in other apps and doesn’t require going to a gym").
devices. Prefer to interact with devices that require
minimal setup and maintenance.

Compact and Portable: Functionality:

1. Size: Rolls up to the size of a standard yoga 1. Adjustable Resistance Bands: Built-in

Generated using DALL-E

mat for easy storage and portability. resistance bands that users can pull out to
2. Weight: Lightweight design (under 5 lbs) various lengths to accommodate a range of
ensures it is easy to carry and set up exercises from light stretches to more
anywhere. strenuous pulls.
2. Balance Pads: Fixed on the surface to
Material and Construction: enhance exercises that improve balance
1. Eco-Friendly Material: Constructed from and core strength.
high-density, eco-friendly foam that 3. Vibration Platform: Incorporated in a
provides durability while gentle on the section of the mat to stimulate muscles
body. and improve circulation through gentle
2. Smart Sensors: Embedded sensors to track vibrations.
and provide feedback on the user's
movements, ensuring exercises are done

Technological Integration:
1. Connectivity: Equipped with Bluetooth Low Energy for a seamless connection to the Vital Move
2. Interactive Feedback: Real-time data collection and feedback through the app help correct
postures and intensify workouts as needed.

User Safety:
1. Anti-Slip Features: The mat surface has anti-slip properties and edge guards to prevent accidents
during workouts.
2. Automated Setup: Features an automatic unfolding mechanism that sets up with a single push of
a button, avoiding the complexity and physical strain of manual setup.

Generated using DALL-E

User Interface: Fitness Tracking:
1. Personalized Profiles: Users can 1. Library of Workouts: Includes a
input personal data (age, weight, variety of elderly-friendly workout
fitness level, health conditions) to routines, which are demonstrated
customize workouts and health through detailed animations and
tracking. guided instructions.
2. Ease of Use: Designed with a simple, 2. Progress Monitoring: Tracks workout
intuitive interface featuring large frequency, types of exercises,
buttons and voice-over instructions durations, calories burned, and
to assist users with visual or physical provides insights through simple,
impairments. visual representations like graphs
and lists.
Interactive Guidance and Adaptation:
Multilingual Support in Vital Move: To
1. Real-Time Feedback: Uses data from
ensure accessibility and user convenience,
the Vital Move Trainer’s sensors to offer
Vital Move incorporates multilingual
live feedback and adjust workouts in
support, enabling users to interact with the
real-time to suit the user’s capabilities
app in their preferred language. This
and goals.
feature is designed to foster an inclusive
2. Adaptive Workouts: The app adapts the
environment where language is not a
difficulty and intensity of exercises
barrier to accessing fitness and health
based on the user's ongoing
resources. Detects Local
performance and any physical
limitations noted.
Fe ature#1 - Voice-Prompted User Onb oard ing a nd
Re gi stratio n
About Feature

It allows users to register and complete their profiles using simple voice commands. Upon
initiating the registration, the app prompts users verbally to provide necessary information
such as their first name, last name, email, and password. For further profile completion, it
requests additional details like gender, date of birth, weight, and height, all through an
interactive voice dialogue.

How Does It Work?

Users are greeted by a friendly voice that invites them to begin the registration process.
The app listens and responds to the user's voice inputs, filling in each field accurately.
For privacy-sensitive fields such as passwords, users can speak or use a traditional
keyboard input, accompanied by voice guidance.
As the user speaks their information, visual cues and spoken confirmations assist in
verifying that the data entered is correct.

Inclusivity and Accessibility. This feature supports the principle of inclusivity, ensuring
that everyone, regardless of their physical capabilities, can easily access and enjoy the
benefits of Vital Move.

Reduced Cognitive Load: Older users or those with cognitive impairments may find
Success Metrices
navigating through traditional registration forms to be complex and frustrating. Voice-
1. User Adoption Rate=(Total Number of New Users/Number of Users Opting for
based onboarding simplifies the process, reducing the cognitive effort required to input
information correctly. Voice Onboarding​) ×100
2. Completion Rate=(Number of Voice Onboarding Attempts/Number of
Safety and Comfort: By allowing users to set up their profiles through voice, Vital Move Completed Voice Onboardings​) ×100
minimizes the risk of input errors which can arise from tapping on small touch-screen 3. Error Rate=(Total Number of Voice Input Fields/Total Number of Errors during
interfaces, thereby improving the overall safety and comfort of the user experience. Voice Onboarding​) ×100
Feature #2 - Cu st om Worko ut Plan w ith Voice a nd PM SCHOOL CHALLENGE

Audio -G uided Tu torials

About Feature

It is specifically designed to assist users who are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with starting
exercises on their own. This feature offers voice and audio-guided tutorials that walk users
through each workout step-by-step, explaining the movements, range of motion, and
proper techniques.

How Does It Work?

Upon selecting their fitness goal, users can initiate a custom workout plan that is
tailored to their selected level—be it "Beginner," "Intermediate," or specialized programs
such as "Yoga."
The audio guidance begins with simple instructions on how to get into the starting
position and continues to provide step-by-step instructions throughout the exercise
Voice commands allow users to pause, resume, or skip parts of the workout as needed,
Interactive Video &
offering flexibility and control over their workout pace.
Visual aids are presented in sync with the audio guidance to ensure users have a Audio Tour
reference point if they need visual confirmation of the exercise being performed.

Rationale Success Metrices

Engagement Rate=(Total Number of Workout Sessions/Number of Voice-Guided
Autonomy in Exercise: By enabling users to initiate and control workouts with their Sessions Initiated)​× 100
voice, the app empowers them to exercise independently without the need for a
personal trainer or assistant. User Satisfaction Rating=Average Satisfaction Score on Post-Workout Survey
Safety and Accuracy: Audio tutorials ensure that exercises are performed correctly,
reducing the risk of injury and increasing the effectiveness of the workout. Adherence Rate=(Number of Unique Users/Number of Repeat Voice-Guided
Convenience and Accessibility: Users with visual impairments or limited reading ability Workouts by Users​)
can benefit from the audio descriptions, making the app more accessible.
Progression Rate=(Total Number of Users in Previous Level/Number of Users
Advancing to Next Level)​× 100
Feature #3 - A I- Power ed Vit a Co ach for C ustom
Workout Plan s
Connects with
About Feature Success Metrics Physical Device
The Vital Move app dashboard, when paired with the Vital Move physical device, provides
Workout Variation=Number of
users with a dynamic and intelligent workout assistant named Vita Coach. This AI-based
Different Workouts Suggested
feature analyzes the user's workout history and vital health parameters to suggest daily
Over a Set Period
personalized exercise routines, thus enhancing the workout planning process and ensuring
that the user's fitness goals are met efficiently.
Adherence Rate=(Number of
How Does It Work? Vita Coach Workouts
Suggested/Number of
Completed Vita Coach
The dashboard showcases a comprehensive view of the user's fitness journey, including
Workouts)​× 100
vital stats like heart rate, water intake, sleep, and calorie count.
Using historical data and health indicators like BMI, the Vita Coach crafts a daily workout
plan that aligns with the user's progress and targets. Adherence Rate=Number of
The feature takes into account recent activity levels, recovery status, and personal Unique Users/Number of
preferences to tailor each session, promoting balanced and sustainable fitness routines. Repeat Voice-Guided Workouts
Guided sessions offered by the Vita Coach are both visual and audio-based, by Users​
accommodating different learning and interaction preferences.
The dashboard is designed to give real-time updates, fostering a sense of progress and Progression Rate=(Total
immediate feedback on workout adherence and health metrics. Number of Users in Previous
Level/Number of Users
Rationale Advancing to Next Level)​× 100

Personalization: The AI-based Vita Coach delivers a highly personalized workout Support Ticket Rate=(Total
experience, adapting to the unique fitness needs and progress of each user, which is Number of Support
crucial for maintaining motivation and achieving long-term fitness goals. Tickets/Number of Support Access Vita Coach
Adaptive Learning: By considering the user’s past activities, the Vita Coach continuously Tickets Related to Audio which can help in
learns and refines its recommendations, ensuring that the workouts remain effective and Guidance)​× 100
designing the
engaging over time.
Holistic Health Approach: Incorporating vital health parameters into the workout
planning allows for a more holistic approach to fitness, addressing not just exercise but workout plans
also critical aspects of wellness such as hydration, sleep, and nutrition.
Feature #4 - Vita Co ach 's Custo miza b le Voice-
Gui ded W orkout S ess ion s
About Feature
Vital Move introduces a personalized workout assistant, Vital Coach, which curates custom workout Success Metrics Visual
plans based on the user's exercise history. It provides detailed, step-by-step voice guidance representations
complemented by visual illustrations for each exercise, ensuring the user performs each movement Engagement Rate=(Total
correctly and safely.
Number of Workouts/Number
of Voice-Guided Workouts
How Does It Work?
Initiated)​× 100

The feature analyzes the user’s past workout performances and preferences to suggest exercises
Completion Rate=(Number of
that suit their fitness level and goals.
Started Voice-Guided
For each exercise, such as the Isometric Movments, Vita Coach offers a breakdown of steps, each
Workouts/Number of
described in simple terms, and displayed with accompanying visuals.
Completed Voice-Guided
The user can interact with the feature using voice commands to start, pause, or get more
Workouts)​× 100
information about each step.
Visual cues on the screen coincide with audio descriptions to cater to various learning styles and to
User Satisfaction
assist those with hearing or visual impairments.
Customization options allow the user to set the number of repetitions and the workout's intensity Rating=Average of Post-
level, which Vita Coach then uses to track calories burned and overall progress. Workout Satisfaction Scores

Progress Tracking=Percentage
of Users Meeting or Exceeding
Fitness Targets
Accessibility and Convenience: Combining audio instructions with visual aids makes the workouts
accessible to all users, regardless of their familiarity with exercise or sensory limitations. Adaptive Audio
Personalized Experience: By using the individual's workout history, Vita Coach ensures the exercise Guide
regimen is not only tailored to the user's fitness level but also to their progress, promoting a sense of
achievement and continuity.
Engagement and Interactivity: Voice command functionality encourages interaction, making the
user an active participant in their fitness journey and providing a more engaging workout

Reach (per Effort (person-

Feature Impact (1-3) Confidence (%) RICE Score
month) months)

Voice-Based User
1000 1.5 90% 2 675

AI-Powered Vita
1200 3 70% 4 630

Custom Workout
Plan with Voice
800 2 80% 3 426.67
and Audio-
Guided Tutorials

Reach estimates the number of people the feature will affect within a certain period.
Impact judges how much the feature will contribute to the company's goal (typically on a scale of 0.25 to 3).
Confidence is how sure we are about Reach, Impact, and Effort (usually as a percentage).
Effort is the estimated amount of work required to build the feature (often in person-months).
The RICE score is calculated as follows: RICE Score=(Reach×Impact×Confidence)/Effort

The feature with the highest RICE score, "Voice-Based User Onboarding," should be prioritized first, followed by "AI-Powered Vita Coach," "Custom Workout Plan with
Voice and Audio-Guided Tutorials," and finally "Voice-Guided Workout Sessions Based on History." The scores provide a data-driven approach to prioritize feature
development based on their potential impact and the resources required to implement them.

Phase 1: Product Finalization and Initial Phase 2: Building Awareness and Engagement Phase 3: Launch Preparation Phase 4: Official Launch
Testing Teaser Campaign: Launch a teaser campaign Press Release: Distribute a press release detailing Launch Event: Host a virtual launch event to
Product Refinement: Finalize product to build curiosity and interest around the the innovation and benefits of the VitaMove system. unveil the product to the market.
design and features based on beta product. Influencer Partnerships: Partner with fitness and Advertising: Roll out targeted advertising
testing feedback. Content Marketing: Begin educational and eldercare influencers to showcase the product’s use campaigns across various channels, focusing
Beta Testing: Conduct extensive testing engaging content marketing through blogs, and benefits. on the benefits and differentiating factors of
with a small, diverse group of the target social media, and partnerships with health Retail Partnerships: Establish partnerships with the product.
demographic to gather initial feedback influencers and senior-focused communities. retailers for in-store demonstrations and sales. In-Store Promotions: Coordinate with retail
and identify any issues. Pre-Order Campaign: Start a pre-order Customer Service Training: Train customer service partners for in-store promotions and setup
Pricing Strategy: Develop a pricing campaign with early bird discounts to gauge teams to understand the product thoroughly and kiosks for live demonstrations.
model that balances profitability with initial interest and build a customer base. provide excellent support.
accessibility for the target market.
Legal and Compliance: Ensure the
product meets all legal and health
compliance standards.

Phase 5: Post-Launch and Growth Phase 6: Expansion and Scaling Phase 7: Long-term Sustainment and Evolution
Collect Feedback: Actively collect customer Data Analysis: Use collected data to analyze Sustainability Practices: Implement
feedback through surveys, social media, and market trends, user engagement, and feature sustainability in product manufacturing and
direct communication. popularity. packaging.
Iterate Product: Use feedback to make iterative New Features and Updates: Roll out new R&D for Future Products: Invest in research and
improvements to both the physical device and features and updates to keep the product fresh development for next-generation products.
app. and engaging. Loyalty Programs: Introduce loyalty programs to
Referral Programs: Implement a referral Market Expansion: Expand to new markets retain customers and maintain market presence.
program to leverage word-of-mouth marketing. based on demand and user demographics.
Community Building: Strengthen the VitaMove Strategic Partnerships: Form partnerships with
community by creating online forums and healthcare providers and senior living facilities.
organizing local events for users to share
E mail : c he t a ny aved@gmail.c om

L in k e d in : ht t ps :// edin. com/in/ chetan ya- ved/

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