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1 Performance review benefits

Why do companies give performance reviews? Complete the reasons below with the following words.

A performance review is designed to ...

expect feedback get to know increase reward work

1. give employees on their performance

2. let employees know which areas they need to on
3. communicate decisions such as a salary or a promotion
4. remind workers what their managers of them
5. employees who exceed expectations
6. help managers to the employee better

2 Describing performance
Describe each worker’s performance with the adjectives below.

excellent good poor satisfactory

1. Joe is often late for work and never achieves his sales targets:
2. Kate is very thorough but this often means that her work is a little slow:
3. Daniel always does what his manager expects of him:
4. Charlie always exceeds his sales targets. He often stays in the office later than everyone else:

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3 Listening
You are going to listen to a performance review between Tony, a customer service agent, and his
manager. Which of the benefits in Ex1 did you notice?

4 Checking understanding

Listen again and choose the best answer for each question below.

1. How does Tony’s manager feel about his performance overall?

a. poor b. satisfactory c. excellent

2. What area does Tony need to work on?

a. quality of work b. efficiency c. building relationships

3. How many calls was Tony handling last year?

a. 7 b. 9 c. 11

4. How many calls is Tony handling this year?

a. 7 b. 9 c. 11

5. What is the increase in customer service costs this year?

a. 7% b. 13% c. 30%

6. What salary increase does Tony’s manager offer?

a. 7% b. 13% c. 30%

7. How does Tony feel about his performance review?

a. very unhappy b. a little disappointed c. very happy

5 Useful expressions

Complete the expressions from the dialogue.

1. We really a....... your .....

2. O......, your performance this year has been ......., and I am ....... about that.
3. The only ........ is ..... the efficiency of your work.
4. There are some ...... that could be ........
5. When it ........ keep.... our customers happy, your work is excellent.
6. OK, that s.... f.....
7. To be ......., I ......ed a little more.
8. I think you have a lot of p........

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Now put the expressions into the categories below:

1. Giving positive feedback:

2. Giving negative feedback:

3. Accepting a decision:

4. Expressing disappointment:

6 Role play

Work in pairs. Student A, you are the manager; Student B, you are the employee. Practise a performance
review. Student A, you are happy with some areas of Student B’s work, but you are not so happy with
other areas. Student B, respond to Student A’s feedback. Change roles and repeat the dialogue. Use
expressions from this lesson.

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3. Listening

Manager: Hello, Tony. Please have a seat. How are you today?

Tony: To be honest, a little nervous.

Manager: That’s normal. Everybody is a little nervous before their review. So, Tony, you’ve been
with us for 5 years now and we really appreciate your work. You have good relationships
with our customers and with your colleagues here in the office.

Tony: Thank you.

Manager: Overall, your performance this year has been satisfactory, and I am pleased about that.
In fact, some areas of your performance are excellent . . . but there are some areas that
could be improved.

Tony: Satisfactory? Hmm... well, all the customer surveys show that customers are very happy
with my service!

Manager: Yes, that’s true. Our customers are very happy with the service you are giving them. The
only problem is with the efficiency of your work. This year, you’re spending more time
on the phone with individual customers. Last year, you were handling around 11 calls per
hour but this year it’s around 7 calls. Because of that, we’ve had to hire more workers to
answer all the extra calls we are getting.

Tony: I understand, but my job is to keep customers happy, and they are happy.

Manager: Yes, I understand what you are saying. But as a manager, I have to think about costs.
And this year we are spending around 30% more on customer service. So, you should try
to improve the quantity of calls that you are able to handle. This is the only thing you
need to work on. Like I said, when it comes to keeping our customers happy, your work
is excellent. So, if you like, I’d be happy to sit down with you and discuss how you can
improve efficiency and continue to deliver excellent customer service at the same time.

Tony: OK, that sounds fair. Will I get a salary increase this time?

Manager: Yes, we’re going to increase your salary by 7 percent.

Tony: To be honest, I expected a little more, but ...

Manager: Tony, I think you have a lot of potential. If we can find a way to increase the quantity of
your calls and keep the same level of quality, we’ll be able to offer you more next time.

Tony: OK, that sounds fair. I think.

Manager: Thank you, Tony. So, let’s arrange a meeting to discuss the situation further.

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1. Performance review benefits

1. feedback 2. work 3. increase 4. expect 5. reward 6. get to know

2. Describing performance

1. poor 2. satisfactory 3. good 4. excellent

3. Listening

Pre-teach any unfamiliar vocabulary, e.g. ‘customer survey’, ‘handle calls’, ‘hire workers’, ‘quantity’, ‘quality’, ‘deliver
excellent customer service’, etc.
Students can check and discuss their answers in pairs. Benefits 1-4 are mentioned in the dialogue.
1. Give employees feedback: throughout the dialogue, Tony’s manager gives him both positive and negative
2. let employees know which areas they need to work on: in the dialogue, the manager says Tony needs to work
on efficiency.
3. communicate decisions such as a salary increase: Tony’s manager offers him a 7% salary increase.
4. remind workers what their managers expect: Tony’s manager clearly communicates to Tony that he expects
him to handle more customer service calls.

4. Checking understanding

1. b 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. c 6. a 7. b

5. Useful expressions

Either play the dialogue again or hand out the transcript.

1. We really appreciate your work

2. Overall, your performance this year has been satisfactory, and I am pleased about that.
3. The only problem is with the efficiency of your work.
4. There are some areas that could be improved.
5. When it comes to keeping our customers happy, your work is excellent.
6. OK, that sounds fair.
7. To be honest, I expected a little more.
8. I think you have a lot of potential.

Giving positive feedback: We really appreciate your work; Overall, your performance this year has been
satisfactory, and I am pleased about that; When it comes to keeping our customers happy, your work is excellent;
I think you have a lot of potential.
Giving negative feedback: The only problem is with the efficiency of your work; There are some areas that could
be improved.
Accepting a decision: OK, that sounds fair.
Expressing disappointment: To be honest, I expected a little more.

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6. Role play

Students practise the role play in pairs.

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