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IOPS311 Assignment / IOPS311 Werkopdrag

6 March 2024 / 6 Maart 2024


• Assignment opens on 5 March at 07:00 and closes on 6 March at 23:00 / Opdrag maak
oop op 5 Maart om 07:00 en sluit op 6 Maart om 23:00

• Assignment must be typed (use a new Word document) / Opdrag moet getik word (gebruik
‘n nuwe Word document.

• Turn-it-in will be used to check for plagiarism and AI / Turn-it-in sal gebruik word om
plagiaat en KI op te spoor.

• No extensions or sick opportunities / Geen verlenging van tyd of siektegeleentheid nie

• Submit only on eFundi assignments / Handig slegs in op eFundi assignments.

PART 1 (4 Marks) / DEEL 1 (4 Punte)

The case and some of the questions were taken (and or adapted) from the lecturer resources
provided by Oxford for the Moerdyk et al. (2020). Organisational Behaviour). (2nd ed.) textbook

In March 2020, Moody’s rating agency downgraded South Africa’s investment status to sub-
investment or junk status. As a result, the rand plunged to record lows. Moody’s downgrading
was in line with that of two other international rating agencies who similarly announced that
they no longer believed that South Africa was worth investing in.

Identify four long-term strategies that South African business leaders are going to have to
employ (from an organisational behaviour point of view) to change the status and downward
trajectory of the country’s economic outlook. /

In Maart 2020 het Moody’s-graderingsagentskap Suid-Afrika se beleggingstatus afgegradeer

na sub-belegging of rommelstatus. Gevolglik het die rand tot rekordlaagtepunte gedaal.
Moody’s se afgradering was in ooreenstemming met dié van twee ander internasionale
graderingsagentskappe wat insgelyks aangekondig het dat hulle nie meer glo dat Suid-Afrika
die moeite werd is om in te belê nie.
Identifiseer vier langtermynstrategieë wat Suid-Afrikaanse sakeleiers gaan moet gebruik
(vanuit ‘n organisasiegedrag perspektief) om die status en afwaartse trajek van die land se
ekonomiese vooruitsigte te verander.
PART 2 (14 Marks) / DEEL 2 (14 Punte)
You can find the following on p.44 of your textbook under the heading, “Reflection”:

“Applying Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner’s model

How would you apply this model to an actual organisation? Watch the YouTube videos: A day
in the Life at Google ( and What’s it like
to work at Google? ( Where would you
place Google along each of Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner’s seven dimensions?
Motivate your response in each instance.” (Taken from: Moerdyk et al. (2020). Organisational
Behaviour. (2nd ed.) page 44)

• Ensure that you apply all seven dimensions of the model.

• Ensure that you motivate each application in your own words.

(NOTE: Use headings to separate the seven dimensions from one another in your answer)

Jy kan die volgende op bl.44 van jou handboek vind onder die opskrif, “Reflection”:

Toepassing van die Trompenaar en Hampden-Turner model

Hoe sal jy hierdie model toepas in ‘n werklike organisasie? Kyk die YouTube videos: “A day in
the Life at Google” ( en “What’s it like to
work at Google?” ( Waar sal jy Google
plaas langs elk van Trompenaar en Hampden-Turner se sewe dimensies? Motiveer jou
antwoord vir elk. (Geneem en vertaal vanuit: Moerdyk et al. (2020). Organisational Behaviour.
(2de Uitgawe). Bladsy 44).

• Maak seker dat jy al sewe dimensies van die model toepas.

• Maak seker dat jy elke toepassing in jou eie woorde motiveer.

(NOTA: Gebruik opskrifte om die sewe dimensies van mekaar te skei in jou antwoord)
PART 3 (7 Marks) / DEEL 3 (7 Punte)
The case and some of the questions were taken (and or adapted) from the lecturer resources
provided by Oxford for the Moerdyk et al. (2020). Organisational Behaviour). (2nd ed.) textbook

Thabo is a coach at a kiddie's play gym that is in a dilapidated building. It is poorly signposted,
so new customers often struggle to find it. The equipment is old and broken, there is limited
floor space and there is no internal ventilation. Although Thabo has a qualification in exercise
science, he is not allowed to suggest his own activities for the children but must follow a
prescribed programme that the owner, who lives in Belarus, developed 15 years ago. Thabo
has frequently complained to the owner about conditions, but he never received a response.

a. Identify two motivators and two hygiene factors in Herzberg’s two-factor theory of
motivation, that would affect Thabo’s motivation and job satisfaction. (2)

b. Using the case study above, what are the four conceivable combinations between the
hygiene and motivation factors? (4)

c. Which one of the above combinations is the most applicable to the case study and how
will you manage it? (1)

Thabo is 'n afrigter by 'n kinderspeelgimnasium wat in 'n vervalle gebou is. Dit is swak gemerk,
so nuwe kliënte sukkel dikwels om dit te vind. Die toerusting is oud en stukkend, daar is
beperkte vloerspasie en daar is nie interne ventilasie nie. Alhoewel Thabo 'n kwalifikasie in
oefenkunde het, mag hy nie sy eie aktiwiteite vir die kinders voorstel nie, maar moet 'n
voorgeskrewe program volg wat die eienaar, wat in Belarus woon, 15 jaar gelede ontwikkel
het. Thabo het gereeld by die eienaar gekla oor toestande, maar hy kry nooit reaksie nie.

a. Identifiseer twee motiveerders en twee higiëne faktore in Herzberg se twee-faktor teorie

van motivering, wat Thabo se motivering en werksbevrediging sal beïnvloed. (2)

b. Deur die gevallestudie hierbo te gebruik, wat is die vier denkbare kombinasies tussen die
higiëne- en motiveringsfaktore? (4)

c. Watter een van die bogenoemde kombinasies is die mees van toepassing op die
gevallestudie en hoe sal jy dit bestuur? (1)


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